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阿卡那瑟德(arachnathid) 赛特斯(Satyr) 半人马(Centeur) 黑暗巨魔(Dark Troll) 恶魔守卫(Demons Guard) 龙卵看护人(Blue Dragonspawn) 飞龙(Dragon) 达拉内尔人(Draenei) 无面巨兽(Faceless One) 豪猪(Quillboar) 地狱火战车(Infernal machine) 元素(Elemental) 艾瑞达人(Eredar) 地狱长角兽(feldemons) 尖毛兽(Razormane) 丛林漫步者(Jungle Stalker) 熊怪(Furbolg) 恶魔守卫(Felguard) 树林巨魔(forestTroll) 海幽魂(Revenant) 兽人骷髅(Skeletal Orc) 豺狼(Gnoll) 鸟身女妖(Harpy) 马格纳托(Magnataur) 火蜥蜴(Salamander) 蜘蛛螃蟹(Spider Crab) 傀儡(Golem) 异教徒(Heretics) 马库拉大虾(Makrura) 不死亡魂(Undead) 风暴撕裂者(stormreaver) 猛犸(Mammoth) 九头蛇怪(Hydra) 海洋怪鱼(Murgul) 淤泥怪(Sludge) 地狱女恶魔(Succubi) 食人魔(Ogre) 冰雪巨魔(icetroll) 两栖怪鱼(Murloc) 无敌怪(Unbroken) 雪原熊怪(PolarFurbolg) 白熊(Polar Bear) 狗头人(Kobold) 地穴恶魔(Nerubian) 虚无行者(Voidwalker) 大脚野人(Sasquatch) 强盗(Bandit) 电能蜥蜴(Lizard) 非龙(Nether Dragon) 巫师(Wizard) 图司卡尔(Tuskarr) 海巨人(seagiants) 海龟(Sea Turtle) 盔甲傀儡(WarGolem) 迅猛兽(Wildkin) 蜘蛛(Spider) 树人(Treant) 雪怪(Wendigo)

"小鬼" 这个词用英语怎么说谢谢


how i spend mg spare time 谁能帮我写一个80字的作文 谢谢了


My spare time英语作文,八十词左右,谢谢

It is very important for us to know how to use the free time. In my spare time, I often go on line. I usually get information for my lessons, so I can get more knowledge. I often read novels on the computer. I like music. Sometimes I download music and enjoy it. At the weekend I visit my website and write some articles in my blog.Besides computer, I do sports every day to make me healthy and strong.I"m fond of travel. Because it is good for my health. In the course of my journey, I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and social custom of the different places.In a word , we should make good use of our free time.

how do you spend your spare time?如题 谢谢了

In my spare time,I can read some books that I am interested in as well as watch some TV programmes. If the weather is good, I would like to go out to do sports such as:tennis, pingpong basketball ang so on.Also sometimes I will go shopping with my mother or visit some places with my family.If I feel tired,I will just sleep in bed all day long! 查看原帖>>满意请采纳

as+形容词或副词的原级+as。。。。什么叫副词的原级啊?麻烦解释一下,再多举一点as as的词语,谢谢啦

就是不能用比较级和最高级,例如as long as,as tall as.


Annissa: charming, graciousCarmelita: a garden of orchardElaine: from the old French form of HelenEkaterina: PureKarissa: Love, graceKaroline: A free personKiona: brown hillsFrederica: a peaceful rulerLarissa: cheerful, light-heartedLystra: FreeJaimie: love Jessie: wealthyStephanie: a garland or crownValentina: strong and healthyVevina: Sweet ladyZabrina: a lengendary character


Leanne LieslLioraLoreleiLindseyLyricLeatriceLeah/LiaLeslieLieselotteLilithLaylaLarissaLaurelLavenderLiliannaLilianLibbyLoriLisetteLegacyLindleyLyndie

导演蒂姆.希尔(Tim HIill)的太空木偶历险记的英文名是什么?基本信息?谢谢了

英文名: Muppets from Space 中文名: 太空木偶历险记 导 演: ( 蒂姆·希尔 Tim Hill ) 主 演: ( Dave Goelz) ( Steve Whitmire) ( Bill Barretta) ( Jerry Nelson) ( Brian Henson) ( Kevin Clash) 上 映: 1999年07月14日 美国 详细上映地区 地 区: 美国 更多详细拍摄地 对 白: 英语 IMDb评分6.1/10 ( 4821票 ) 详细 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: 杜比数码环绕声(Dolby Digital) SDDS 时 长: 87 类 型: 家庭 喜剧 科幻 冒险 分 级: 冰岛:L 阿根廷:Atp 澳大利亚:G 法国:U 新西兰:G 瑞典:Btl 英国:U 美国:G 德国:o.Al. 剧情介绍 冈佐因为自己与别人不同而感到孤寂,终于有一天,外星人主动与他联络,他才知道自己是外星人,但他也处在了前后两难的地步,他是否能与家人相聚呢。


儿童女孩英文名:leslie、audrey、grace、bridget、lucia、lillie、mae、lori、lucinda、leilani、luciana、alison、larissa、joy、lilliana。英文女孩名字要怎么起,其实英文女孩名字,并不像中国女孩名字的使用率那么的高,常常有人为给孩子起一个中文名字而想破脑筋,但是没有听说过为起一个外国女孩名字而伤脑筋的吧!一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


  1. 朱成燕(jamie)胡建(james), 这个作为首选,因为选项二用的人太多了,也好听些。   2. 朱成燕(jane)胡建(john), jane的音跟燕还是有点相似的了。   jamie对应的男性英文名是james, jane对应的男性英文名是john, 所以如果你们是朋友的话,用这样的名字会很有意义的。只是不知道楼主是个什么意思?   另外,根据你的姓,朱(zhu),你也可以叫jone, june, joy …… 选择多多的啦。看楼主喜欢。  成燕,这两个字谐音的名字都是男英文名,所以想不出来适合女孩子的呢,暂时。   至于你朋友,建, j开头的名字就太多啦, jack, jacob, jackson, johny, jacky ……   chane – 读起来是chain的音,意思是香奈儿。   chane zhu 就好了   jan – 读起来就是jian的音,意思是god is gracious,也有一月的意思。   jan hu 这样。   根据中文名字的谐音取英文名   中文名 温妮   名字含义   白色的,浅色的,winifred的暱称   名字** 凯尔特语   名字类别 女生英文名   或wendy[‘wendi]   中文名 温迪   名字含义 白眉毛的,朋友   名字** 英语   名字类别 女生英文名   与wupiao谐音的没有,你是男的吗?这个怎样:wilson[‘wilsn]   中文名 威尔森   名字含义 威尔之子   名字** 德语   名字类别 男生英文名   流行度使用英文名wilson的名人   edward wilson 爱德华?威尔逊:   (1929~),美国生物学家,生物研究学者,理论家,1990年获世界自然**会金奖。   woodrow wilson 伍德罗?威尔逊:   (1856~1924),美国第二十八任**(1913~1921), 因倡议创立国际联盟获1919诺贝尔和平奖。   如果你是女孩:winnie[‘wini:]   中文名 温妮   名字含义 白色的,浅色的,winifred的暱称   名字** 凯尔特语   名字类别 女生英文名   或wendy[‘wendi]   中文名 温迪   名字含义 白眉毛的,朋友   名字** 英语   名字类别 女生英文名   ken是ken结尾的字的简称,ken被描绘绘成高挑英俊的金发男人,受欢迎,又风趣   (抱歉,只有名字开头的谐音“柯”)   你名字有l和j   ,应该挑以这两个字母开头的,以j开头最好,通常有l:lee李英国   草地的居民;庇护所   leila   莉拉 ***   黑发的美女子;夜晚出生的   lena   莉娜拉丁   寄宿;寓所   leona   李奥娜拉丁   狮lesley   雷思丽盖尔   来自老的保垒   letitia   莉蒂西雅   拉丁,西班牙   快乐的;欣喜的   lilith   莉莉斯希伯来   属于晚上的   lillian   丽莲希腊   一朵百合花,代表纯洁;上帝的誓约   linda   琳达西班牙   美丽的人   lindsay   琳赛条顿   来自海边的菩提树   lisa   丽莎希伯来   对神奉献   liz莉斯   希伯来上帝就是誓约   j:judith   朱蒂斯希伯来   赞美;文静之女子   judy   朱蒂希伯来   赞美julia   朱丽亚拉丁   头发柔软的;年轻   julie   朱莉希腊   有张柔和平静脸庞的   juliet   朱丽叶拉丁   头发柔软的;年轻的   june   朱恩拉丁六月   根据中文名发音 谐音取英文名   首先:1 王 在百家姓的英文中为wong   所有百家姓 英文 可参照   blog.csdn.***/windinstray/archive/2005/11/07/524282x   楼上的乱来。joy是女孩名,为什么被推荐?管理员昏头了?   troy 在古法语里是步兵的意思。如果楼主不满意,我建议下面几个:   cheney或cheyney **于古法语,意思是橡树沟来的人。美国前副**钱尼就是这个名字。   trenus **于拉丁语,意思是旅行者。   trevor **于威尔士语,意思是谨慎。   joy wang   joy:欢乐、喜悦、快乐   发音是“卓异”,与春宇谐音,卓异也有杰出之人之意。   总体来说,立意很好   其次,troy 也很好听,外国人也多用此名   其实,你的这个yu,在英语的男子名中是可以查得到的,意思是宇宙如果非要个英语的,yuma,这个是印第安人的名字意思是:酋长之子   音:玉马   含你的宇音   troy   特罗伊(男子名) 也就是特洛伊战场,这名字有种古典英雄气息,比较豪放大气,而且非常特别。   发音为 绰毅,与春宇谐音。   chale 强壮有男人味 男性 西班牙   chenyee   yankie   yansa   根据中文名取英文名?   英文名:deacon 迪安寇   作为男孩的名字发音为dee-ken。这是希腊语的起源,而deacon的意思是“尘土飞扬的一个,仆人,信使”。执事是**教会的部长助理。   足球运动员迪肯琼斯。 从职业名deacon或直接从词汇词deacon,指**教会的牧师(最终从希腊语διακονο?(diakonos)意思“仆人”)。   1、emma 艾玛。   2、larissa 兰瑞莎。   3、edith 伊迪斯。   4、sophia 索菲娅。   5、joyce 乔伊斯。   6、ashley 阿瑟妮。   7、may 梅。   8、ivy 艾维。   9、hailey 海蕾。   10、stella 斯特拉。   11、gloria 格洛里亚。   12、amy 艾米。   13、jessie 杰西。   14、lucy 露西。   15、amanda 阿曼达。   16、jennifer 珍妮弗。   17、abby 阿比。   18、chelsea 切尔西。   19、lorraine 洛兰。   20、marian 玛丽安。   蔡旸朋友你好!   根据你的中文名取英文名是:cai yang.   cai yang 的英文名是由中文名的汉语拼音转换而来,读音相同,在书写格式方面,掌握“姓”和“名”的第一个字母要“大写”,“姓”与“名”之间要留有“间隔”就可以了。   祝你快乐,谢谢!   根据中文取英文名时,可根据谐音或名字中一个或两个字的意思来取,如张玫,英文名可取rose   winnie   (威尔斯)”美好”的意思。有点小可爱的感觉。   vanessa   对大部份人来说是个美女的名字,纤细,有吸引力的女人。聪明,有财有势,有点高傲。有些人甚至会将vanessa和**联想在一起。   vicky   victoria的简写。人们心中的vicky是娇小,纯朴的顽皮女孩。   vivian   源为拉丁字vivianus,意为有活力的。充满活力?可不是吗!人们说vivian是活力四射,有教养,风趣,友善,又好动   wanda   叫起来干脆利落   其实你叫的vangie也很好啊很特别   大家给的答案都好mediocre,其实我觉得vangie这个名字很in   andunique,right?   我觉得你能想到vangie真的很绝妙,很有特色,老外一下就能记住你,我很多朋友英文名很特别,但人也很特别,我还记得project   runway里一个叫sweet   p,我有一同学叫cream,老外也没觉得有什么不对劲,挺活泼的一个人   vangie   这个很不错了   个性也最接近你的中文名,而且签名的时候v开头的肯定比w开头的好看很多哦!   念语-nianyu(   汉语拼音)   谐音安妮   annie   (英文名   )您感觉如何?   jacklyn   女杰克琳   jaclyn   女杰克琳   jacquelin   女杰奎琳   jacqueline   女杰奎琳   jacquelyn   女杰奎琳   jaela女杰拉   jaelene女杰琳   jaelyn   女jaila女杰拉   jailyn女杰琳   anjel   女安琪儿   anjelica   女安佳丽卡   danaja   女丹娜佳   elijah   女以利亚   enjoli   女恩乔丽   eunji女恩吉   galja   女盖尔佳   ilja   女伊尔佳   jacalyn   女杰克琳   sibel   译名:思贝尔。   解释:女神   女王。起源:   希腊语;   英语。shelbe   译名:斯尔贝   解释:柳树   农场。起源:英语。   注:yoyo,   pansybey,   bettey并不是正式的英语名字,叫暱称还可。   另外,sharpay可能是sharay的误拼。   sharpay   跟歌舞青春里很红的那个女生一样哦!满好听的   大气!可以去看看这部电影哦!!!   金牛座女性最适合的英文名:barbara,helen,katharine,lee,ann,diana,fiona   意思:barbara-陌生人;外乡人   helen-光亮的;光彩照人的女孩   lee-草原上的居民   katharine-纯洁的人   ann-优美的   diana-光亮似白昼;月亮   fiona-美貌的tammy   泰米teresa,theresa   特里萨(   暱称:tess,terri,terry)   taise苔丝   thelma   塞尔玛tiffany   蒂芙妮tina   蒂娜toni   冬妮tracy   特蕾西tapsa   塔帕莎tress特蕾丝   [english   name=>中文音译(名字的寓意)]   jade=>洁德(玉)→接近   ”瑜”的中文字义   ※以eu、u、y为字首,内含接近”瑜(ㄩˊ)”发音的英文名字~eugenia=>尤洁妮亚(出身高贵的)   eulalia=>尤拉莉亚(美好的话语)   eunice/unice=>尤妮思(幸运的胜利;真正的胜利)euphemia=>尤菲蜜亚(好名声的,美名传杨的;众神为之倾倒的)euphie=>尤菲(为euphemia暱称)eustacia=>尤思塔希亚(五谷丰登的)unice=>尤妮思(真正的胜利)   uriella=>尤芮拉(上帝是我的明灯)yolande=>约兰德(紫罗兰)   yolanda=>约兰妲(紫罗兰)   yuliana=>尤莉安娜(毛茸茸的面孔–年轻的)yulianne=>尤莉安(毛茸茸的面孔–年轻的)yuna=>尤娜(貌美的;渴望)   yula=>优拉(由ula[乌拉]衍生而来。小雌熊;教堂内的圣坛,祭坛)   yulisa/yulissa=>尤莉莎(由julissa[茱莉莎]衍生而来,julissa是julie与alyssa的合成字。毛茸茸的面孔–年轻的;贵族,尊贵的)   谁能帮我根据我的中文名取英文名,谁能帮我根据我的中文名取英文名5 怎样取和中文名读音相近的英文名,求帮忙取一个与中文名发音相近的英文名 中文名叫梁静玲,取什么英文名好,中文名叫蔷薇,应该是取什么英文名比较好30



若有心住,则为非住 通俗点是什么意思?哪位高师帮下忙 谢谢了!



求ninepercent所有歌曲,谢谢 专辑 限定的记忆:01. 梦 02. 为你绽放 03. Umbrealla 04. 挣脱 05. Like a Star 06. Hi Buddy(一路同行) 07. Lovelab 08. 热气球 09. Maybe Someday专辑 TO THE NINES:01. 创新者 02. I Need A Doctor 03. Good Things 04. 了不起的9% 05. Ei喔Ei喔 06. 一起跳舞吧 07. 离不开望采纳 谢谢


路 过


你可以去淘宝看下 谢谢



求翻译! 西恩, 这两个字译成英文,该怎么译才好 呢? 不要在线!谢谢!sean这个不通!求高手!!




请我把ne reviens pas 这首歌翻译成中文 谢谢了


be there 是什么意思?小学英语题!谢谢


申请 申请人 英文拼写,谢谢!





凭此卡可以直接在国外使用关爱积分银通卡介绍中银通支付卡的背景中银通支付商务有限公司(简称“中银通支付”)于2009年9月在上海正式成立,注册资本4.5亿元人民币,分别由中国银行、中国银联和中银信用卡公司共同组建。公司的经营范围包括电子支付产品的发行和结算业务;电子支付系统的开发和应用;同时顺应电子化支付的发展需求,提供预付费卡服务。目前对外发行的中银通支付卡是以磁条为介质的储值消费卡,持卡人可在所有带有银联标志的特约商户(含境外)进行持卡消费,该卡不记名、不挂失、不计息、不可透支。普通中银通支付卡具有固定面值(200/500/1000/2000元等)。关爱积分银通卡的背景“关爱积分银通卡”由中银通支付公司和中智上海公司联名发行。该卡将中智上海公司的关爱通“关爱积分”账户与“关爱积分银通卡”账户进行绑定,从而在普通中银通卡的基础上增加了更多的功能。这些功能有:1) 支持挂失。丢失“关爱积分银通卡”后通过拨打中银通服务热线进行挂失操作,申领新卡后,原卡内金额即可转入新卡中。2) 支持反复充值,长期使用,因此特别适合企业单位长期实施各项员工福利政策。3) 支持任意金额充值,单张卡内最高余额可存10万。4) 单一关爱积分账户支持绑定多张“关爱积分银通卡”。注:中智上海公司系国资委直属的中央企业“中国智力技术合作公司”下属的最大子公司。“关爱通”系由中智上海公司推出的基于SAAS模式、针对企业员工非现金福利整体解决方案的关爱积分网络平台。关爱积分银通卡的应用购买关爱积分银通卡,中智上海公司可根据客户意愿灵活开具10种发票类型:积分费、福利费、咨询费、培训费、会务费、资料费、体检服务费、旅游服务费、健身服务费和EAP服务费。企业单位可以通过“关爱积分银通卡”开展以下应用:uf073 整合公司福利项目,特别是可以解决企业统一全国福利标准,提高组织管理效率;uf073 替代由员工用发票来报销饭补、车贴等福利的繁琐流程操作,减轻财务工作负担;uf073 实现组织合理的财务需求、以及作为馈赠客户的商务礼品等。关爱积分银通卡收费机制向“关爱积分银通卡”内充值,中智上海公司将根据中银通支付公司规定代为收取管理手续费。具体收费标准如下:1) 年度购买关爱积分累计额度在0~50万,按5%收取手续费;2) 年度购买关爱积分累计额度在50万~200万,按4%收取手续费;3) 年度购买关爱积分累计额度在200万以上,按3%收取手续费;附:中银通支付-关爱积分卡使用指南指南说明详见“关爱积分银通卡”的外包装黑色三折套。




Let"s Go Shopping The Labor"s Day is coming and lots of goods in the shop are on sales. So it is better for us to go shopping at this time. Just now ,I have heard that the Xiya supermarket and almost all the shops in the Nanjing Street have started to attract customers by discount. Would you like to go there with me and buy something we need now and store some everyday use in advance. We can"t miss the chance. Do you think so ? No more stalling, Let"s go!


改过的We always believe that success isthe result of hard working. However, nowadays, some people have pointed out another opinion about success, "Luck is an indispensable factor of success." In my opinion, luck also plays an important role in an individual"s achievement, of course, based on hard-work.In many cases, working hard is essential to a person"s accomplishment. Almost all of us, except those who are bring up in an noble family or whose parents are millionaires, need to pay great attention in studying. Entrepreneurs, for instance, cannot run any business without working hard or keeping learning. Politicians, as well, must study to have advantages to compete against his contenders. Take we students as example, if we don"t study hard, we are not able to learn about the world, we will fail in exams, and finally, without enough knowledge, we may also fail in the society. However, luck does play an important role in a person"s accomplishment. Sometimes what we have done are good enough. With knowledge of almost all sorts in world , knowing enough about the world and our society that help us to survive and launch a business, we just need a chance. Mostly, luck acts as something like catalyst in one"s success. For instance, Nicholas, one of my neighbors, is just such a person. After graduated from university, he is keen on building his own enterprise. However, we all agreed that he is lack of money and experience, none of us believe he can get achievement in the future described by himself. And, no one was willing to lend money to him. Then, Nicholas was favored by luck. My neighbor, coming into a big fortune at his aunt"s death, finally established his own company., his company is very successful now unexpectedly. what is more, Luck sometimes can save a person. There are so many people in world live in poor conditions and cannot get primary education. However, there are some individuals with rare genius among them. They just need a chance, to help them out from the environment that not fits them well. Take my classmate Cathy as example. She was brought up in a poor western area of China, which is so backward that each of her family members can only have a shower once a month. If she did not get the endowment from a philanthropist, she will repeat the constant life as her parents do. Only after her entering our university, we eventually realized that she is a promising person with great potential. She does well in almost all classes and is admired by all of us. That"s how luck change a person entirely.All in all, luck does work in an individual"s achievement. It is very superficial to say that luck has nothing to do with success.






customs head office

洋葱电影的劫匪的英文台词谁有 麻烦高人指点谢谢

-Nobody move,unless you want your head blown off!You!-Please,please don"t shoot me.I"ll give you however much you want.-Whoa,whoa,whoa.You think I want money?You think that"s what this is about?A big,angry black man comes walking in waving a gun...and you assume he"s robbing the place?I ain"t looking for no goddamn handout.I"m looking for a motherfucking job,bitch!-Excuse me?-You heard me!A motherfucking job!Don"t you see?If you give me money,that"ll help me in the short-term.But a job,that"ll help me develop valuable job skills and experince.It"s like teaching a man how to fish.So quit stalling,gat your bitch ass back there and give me a 40-hour week position with vacation pay benefits.You piece of shit motherfucker!And don"t make me ask twice.Back that ass up.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-Let"s go.Let"s go.I can help the next motherfuckin" person in line.You in that apricot sweater suit,get your bitch ass on over here now!How can I help you today?-I"d like to deposit this check,please,into my savings account,and then I need to withdraw...-Yeah,yeah,yeah.Just shut the fuck up for a minute...What the fuck you doin",Liz Anne?You callin" the cops?-No.-If that"s the goddamned cops...-No,no,I swear.I was just on with an account holder.I was advising him about...-I"m gonna kill you,bitch!...Who the fuck"s this?You a cop?Mm-Hmm.Well,what I recommend is that you keep at least 500 in your checking to just avoid the minimum balance fee,and put the rest in our money market which will earn you an additional 2% interest.Right.You have a nice day,sir.My pleasure.Un...Liz Anne,uh,sorry.My bad.-that"s okay.Honest mistake.-Armed gunman,I"ve been watching you,and I must say,I"m impressed.How"d you like to be our new customer services supervisor?-Mr.P.,it"d be my motherfuckin" honor.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-Outstanding.Yeah,we"re gonna get you an annuity for 12 years on that one.I"ll get you 8% on that one.-Everybody down now!Get the fuck down,evertbody!Give me all the money!Hurry up!Hurry the fuck up!What you doing?You playing back there?Load the bag up with money,and nobody else fucking move.You hurry up!Hurry the fuck up!Load the bag!Load the bag...-You sicken me.Asking for a handout...instead of raising yourself up out of your situation through hard work.Why don"t you get a job like the rest of us?结束。。。我没找着英文剧本,就对着中英字幕的片子给你敲上去了~~希望你满意。

J.Reyez: There For You 求歌词翻译及歌曲的MP3格式 谢谢

just when I thought love was a liethen you showed up in my lifeyou believe in what I dobut I need your trust that we"re gonna pull through(chorus)I"ll be I"ll be there for youI"ll be I"ll be I"ll be there for youI"ll be I"ll be I"ll be there for youI"ll be I"ll be I"ll be there for youthe world won"t see itbut between you and me, it"s perfectlove in one word is your namebaby to me, you"re worth it(verse 1)it"s getting kinda difficult, adjusting to this lifestyleno one here to hear me out, so I just write downsince the last one, I promised not to love againbroken hearted, it was even hard to trust a friendso I just pretend like life is going goodnever put a smile on, even though I know I shouldyou got the world, the people in it getting in between uswhy can"t we just agree, like shit it ain"t a damn prenupthat night to remember, I felt like you"re the oneI didn"t wanna tell you, I was never good at speaking up I want you to be happy, happy that you"re with meI got your back, don"t even worry bout supporting memy visions getting blurry and life"s getting distortedI"m always in the studio, work and recordingdon"t need to prove it, I need you to take carewondering if you think you"re too good to stay here(verse 2)when I look at you I see a different kind of beautyeven though you did pursue me but you didn"t see right through meI"m not a perfect person but you see me perfectlyand I ain"t gotta worry bout you ever hurting mebuild up your confidence, I"ll help you take a standI got your back, you and I, that"s my greatest planI"m who I am today and I got no regretsand what we built for us is something that I won"t forgetin this world, if there was more love I would give moreI"m glad you weren"t the type to judge what I live forevery show I go to, gotta deal with the assumptionof what the ppl perceive, try to brush it off like it"s nothingI look forward to every trip, and I do it for the musicbut when I"m gone, my excuse is that I"m coming home to you quickbut let me do my thing with this dream I"m gonna pursueI would hate to ever hurt you and patience is a virtue就在我以为爱是一个谎言那么你在我生命中出现了你相信我做什么但我需要你的信任,我们透过要去拉(合唱)我会,我会在那里等你我会我会,我会在那里等你我会我会,我会在那里等你我会我会,我会在那里等你世界上不会看到它但你和我之间,它是完美的爱一个字是你的名字宝贝我,你是值得的(第1节)它变得有点困难,适应这种生活方式没有人在这里听我说完,所以我只是写下来因为是最后一个,我答应不要再爱心碎,有人甚至很难相信朋友所以我只是假装喜欢的生活会好从来没有把一个笑容,尽管我知道我应该你得到了世界,人们在它获得在我们之间为什么我们不能只是认同,像狗屎它不是一个该死的婚前协议那天晚上要记住,我感觉你是一个我本来不想告诉你,我从不擅长讲起来我希望你能快乐,高兴,你和我在一起我得到了你的背部,甚至不担心回合支持我我的梦想越来越模糊和生活的人曲解我总是在片场,工作和记录不需要证明这一点,我需要你照顾如果你认为你是好得留在这儿琢磨(2节)当我看着你,我看到了别样的美丽即使你没有追求我,但你没有看穿我我不是一个完美的人,但你完全看我我是不是得担心回合你曾经伤害了我建立你的信心,我会帮你采取的立场我得到了你的背部,你和我,这是我最大的计划我今天我是谁,我没有遗憾而我们为我们建造的东西,我不会忘记在这个世界上,如果有更多的爱,我会给予更多的我很高兴你没有判断什么我住的类型每场演出我去,总得处理的假设什么样的脂肪酶感知,试图将其刷掉喜欢它的什么我期待着每一次旅行,而我做的音乐但是当我走了,我的借口是,我回家给你快速但让我做我的事与这个梦想我要去追求我不想伤害过你,耐心是一种美德我给你链接吧-http://mp3skull.com/mp3/there_for_you_j_reyez.htm

在MFC编程中有个概念叫“设备上下文”,究竟什么才算是设备上下文呢? 请高手帮忙,谢谢了

设备上下文 =Device ContextDevice 就是关联的设备. 编程时和硬件或软件环境交互必须的对象. 获取他,访问他,修改他,就等于操作了硬件或软件.


1.The penny: any copper coin will work.任何一种铜硬币都可以发挥作用。article.yeeyan.org

和夜魔单挑...用的是兽王...4000+出门...一直被杀....咋办 还有一开始咋出装呢? 帮帮忙.谢谢




麻烦亲 把所有的应援歌词发下 谢谢

sorry sorry完整口号**口号 = []*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]바라보는 눈빛속에 눈빛속에 나는마치 나는마치 뭐에홀린놈 (이젠 벗어나지도 못해)걸어오는 너의모습 너의모습 너는마치 내심장을 밟고왔나봐 (이젠 벗어나지도 못해)어딜가나 당당하게 웃는 너는 [매력적]착한여자 一色이란 생각들은 [보편적]도도하게 거침없게 정말 너는 [환상적]돌이킬수 없을만큼 네게 빠져 [버렸어]*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 (네게 반해버렸어 baby)딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라(Hey, girl) gir, gir, gir, gir, gir, girl, i 눈만 뜨면 니 생각(Hey, girl) 자나깨나 사실 너 하나밖에 안보여[말해봐] 맘에 내가 [말해봐] 자리 잡았는지 [말해줘] 내게 말해줘 (나는 바보 [바보 바보])주변사람들은 말해 내가 너무 [적극적]이 세상에 그런 사람 어디 한둘[이냐고]그걸 몰라, 그녈 몰라 시기하며 [하는 말]내가 부럽다면 그건 그대들이 [지는 거]*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 (네게 반해버렸어 baby)딴딴 딴따다 따 따라라라, 딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라Let"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance dance dance dance danceHey 이제 그만 내게 와줄래. 정말 미칠 것만 같아 yeah난 너만 사랑하고 싶어. 절대 다시 한눈 팔 생각 없어 [hey]애인이라기보다 친구 같은 내가 [되고 싶어]너의 모든 고민, 슬픔, 함께 간직[하고파]다시없을 만큼 만큼 너를 너무 [사랑해]내가 바란 사람. 니가 바로 그 that [that that girl].*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]Dance Dance Dance DanceDigidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry]UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry]SORRY~~[So!rry! So!rry!슈!퍼!주니!어! Shaw!ty! Shaw!ty! 슈!퍼!주니!어!]一巡的供参考twins(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-01)2.rock this house (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-02)3.Don"t don(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-03)Don"t don时,基范在云梯上大喊时,我们在下面整齐喊他的名字:金基范!(韩文)http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=44210464.渴(a man in love) (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-04)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PZxsj-t6pC4/5.镜子 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-05)1.在成员集体问候时,当成员喊完,我们是SUPERJUNIOR O R YO时,我们就喊??? ?? CHINA ??~ WULI NEN E.L.F CHINA E YO~(韩文的!)(提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹- ELF CHINA YE YO应援版)2.在成员自我介绍时,第一个成员介绍完,就喊1,第二个介绍完,就喊2,以此类退!(数字用中文喊)最后一个介绍完后集体喊个:YAO SANG MIENG, YONG WO NI(永远13名)(提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹-13名 永远)当希澈说完时,我们就喊个:数字+bangsang,这里纯属调戏一下我们的希大Bangsang不会读的妖精可以参考DVD版本在成员集体问候时的视频。6.she"s gone(爱已离开)(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-06)7.You"re My Endless Love (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-07)8. Dancing Out (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-08)9.the night chicago died (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-09)10.my everything (东海)(提供应援音频原唱音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-10)应援方式:刚开始时,有节奏的一起大喊:李东海 我爱你 (韩文)。可参考HF喊的:李东海,李东海。副歌部分与他一起唱出:you"re my everything, nothing your love won"t bring.[你(们)是我的全部,你(们)的爱可以带来一切。] 该部分歌词会重复两遍。在线地址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/DglOhpQk5HA/11. 一如初见之感 (厉旭, 圭贤) (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-11)圭贤和丽旭SOLO《最初的感觉》一起喊:曺圭贤 我爱你, 金丽旭 我爱你(韩文)12.人偶(李特 艺声)(提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-12)李特和艺声SOLO《人偶》时大家一起喊 :朴正洙 我爱你, 金钟云 我爱你(韩文)13.停下脚步 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-13)14.Pink Spider(希澈、始源、晟敏)希澈SOLO一起喊:金希澈,我爱你15. 卢森堡 (利特,强仁,神童) (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-14)强仁 神童 李特 SOLO 《卢森堡》时,大家一起跟着茄子的节奏一起大合唱!在线地址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Y9Qz8Vd6pmI/20.来过倒 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-20)在SJT表演来过倒时,希澈唱完第一句时,就是要到神童唱时,跟着希澈喊“神童”的名字(韩文)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2UUtH657Teo/(SUPERSHOW来过倒现场)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/YUtRzfNvvFo/(来过倒现场)在24秒这个部分,喊神童的名字!21.首班车 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-21)22. 没有像我这样的人 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-22)23. H.I.T (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-23)24. One love 恩赫+KRY (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-24)赫宰+KRY SOLO 《ONE LOVE》时,RAP部分,大J家齐喊:李赫宰,我爱你! (韩文)KRY部分跟着大合唱25. 恨(hate u love u)(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-25)这首温柔的歌,大家也可以一起大合唱!26.marry u (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-26)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3SXc4AqQatU/这首歌不用说,大家都明白的了,一定要背的非常熟,是唱歌哥哥们听的!!27. Y.M.C.A (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-27)这首歌,大家就跟着我们的抽抽们学做公主舞吧,高吼:YMCA!28.wonder boy (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-28)29. dance Performance (银赫, 东海, 神童, 韩庚) (提供原唱音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-29)30. 初雪来了 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-30)31. U (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-32)32.幸福(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-33)33. Way For Love (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-34)34. Believe (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-35)35. Miracle (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-36)36.the girl is mine(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹)安可SONG -----FOR MY LOVE 【提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹- FOR MY LOVE (安可部分版本)】是视频《世界上最悲伤的爱》的配曲,SJ们也听过,李特曾经在KTR唱过,这个视频李特也在半夜看过,相信SJ们也都有看过。李特还对此写了日记鼓励我们!所以我们只截取了一分钟版本(原唱的第二段)的作为安可SONG,安可的时候大合唱,一分钟比较容易学,而且歌曲充分表达了我们和SJ之间的感情!一分钟版本歌词:虽然我们分隔很远的地方 风会帮我传话告诉你在一起好长的时间 你呼吸的声音节奏我都记得我还爱著你啊不让你离开我身边Don"t say goodbye my love如果我们有相同的心的话我相信我们还会是一体的唱完以后,大喊一句“永远13名!”(YO SAN MING , YONG WO NI)然后一直大喊:“擦浪嘿哟,13名!安可SONG+擦浪嘿哟,13名,可重复喊!一直喊到他们出来为止!

奢侈品包包有哪些 谁告诉我下,谢谢了?










It is和this is的用法以及区别。谢谢

this is 是口头表达出:this is a ……it is属于书面一点的,并且it为不定代词你这里应该选用it,有的时候是可以通用


街区大作战-插曲Sound Of Da Police 街区大作战-插曲Richie Spice-Youth Dem Cold街区大作战-插曲-Get That Snitch

it is convenient to you是否能够与it is convenient for you通用 谢谢

对于人可以通用.it is convenient for/to sb.但是在下面句型中介词只能用for. It is convenient (+for sb.) to do sth.(对某人来说做...方便)记住两个复合结构的不定式:for/of sb. to do sth.(仅此两种)for本身无意义,其后的名词或代词是不定式的逻辑主语,这种结构的不定式可在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语和状语.(eg.)It is very important for us to learn English well.I don"t think it impossible for him to be absent without leave.This is for you to decide.There are a lot of difficulties for them to overcome.I stepped aside for her to pass.后者这种复合结构(of sb.)只在句中作状语,句子的谓语一定是形容词,而且这形容词是表示不定式逻辑主语的性质或特征.It is very foolish of you to believehim.=You are very foolish because you believe him.




Member login free registration on the desktopSoftware description:Status: excellent coursewareAbstract: document properties: 4MB PPTJournal of membership: gkstkfxh (authorized)Examination: the national general examination questions base areaClassification: History courseware new curriculum resources in 2011Time: 2011-11-10 upload | 2013-12-23 auditComplete: 2012 the history of new courseware: (PEP compulsory 1)Tags: 2012 historical new coursewareInteractive: immediate submission report errors to join the discussionPreview the document support free preview.Share: 096.88% 31.3.13% 1.The following 2012 historical new courseware: the establishment of 3.8 American federal (PEP compulsory 1) text content, for a complete resource download.4 (2010 Xuzhou high detection) has scholars said: "American revolution is not only with the separation of British colonial rule, but also is the separation of nationalism and the old world tyranny." After a "separation" mainly refers to the (A.) federal system B. set up a federal court C. to universal suffrage D. adhere to the balance of power [] a. D analysis. Subject examines materials analytical ability. "And" separation of British colonial rule refers to America war of independence. "Separation" principle and the old world tyranny refers to the establishment ofthe republic. A is a structure form countries, excluding. B, C two and it does not match, so D. The 5 letter of credence refers to the inter state or mutually agreed instrument, also refers to a country to send or recall of the ambassador, minister, signed by the heads of state of the submitted to the heads of state of instruments in. This judge, in March 29, 2010, Ambassador Zhang Yesui America Chinese ambassador to make credentials ([])analysis A. Subject examines analysis ability. Formal credentials should give a heads of state. In USA, the president is the head of state. Therefore, Ambassador Zhang Yesui should be the official text credentials to USAPresident Obama. 6 van loon in "American history" in say: "it is a theory of government rule file. It has great changes in the last 140 years. Even in 1927, it is still like (it) that is full of vitality." This document is the bill of rights "(A.)" B. "articles of Confederation" C. "Federal Constitution" D. "the constitution of 1875" [] a. C analysis.Subject examines analysis ability. 1927 minus 140 is 1787, obviously refers to USA 1787 the Federal Constitution,so C. A appeared in 1689, B appeared in the USA independence, D appeared in 1875, were not with. 7 (2010 Zhongshan high detection) regulations America constitution of 1787: "the Supreme Court and lower court judgessuch as loyalty, get tenure." The direct purpose of this provision is () A. guarantee judge"s judicial independenceC. realization of the separation of the three powers "separation of powers" D. embodies the principle of analytic][B B. to ensure safety. Subject examines materials analytical ability. "From the material such as loyalty, get tenure"and other information, the purpose of this provision is to make the judge"s position without external interference,to ensure the independence of the judiciary, the B. A and independent of the material, C, D two is not a direct purpose. 8 the following cartoon vividly embodies the one big characteristic American political system. This feature is (A.) against the ruling parties, alternating B. essentially the same, no differences in C. centralization,decentralization of D. separation of the three powers, checks and balances [analysis] A. When I understand abilityanalysis. From the picture we can vividly see the America democracy, Republic of two parties are pitted against each other, to the ruling, the result is two not regularly alternated in power. The democratic, Republican although in essence is the same, but from the two against the situation can be seen without disagreement is wrong. C, Dtwo and the material it doesn"t matter. 9 (2010 Taizhou academic level) read the following material: material of 1without the consent of Parliament to the king"s authority, suspending the laws or the execution of laws forassuming power, illegal power....... 4 Whoever without parliamentary approval, excuse the king privileges, and the collection of the king, or for a king and the collection of money, beyond the time limit parliament granted ormethods, are illegal....... The 8 Parliament elections should be free. The 9 parliament speech freedom, the freedom of debates or proceedings, shall not in any court or any place outside parliament, impeached or ask. --(English) "bill of rights" (1689 two) material in the constitution of the United States (1787) (excerpt) the first the first legislation to the constitutional rights, all belong to the United States by the Senate and house of representatives of congress....... Seventh all the tax bill by the house of Representatives, but the Senate maypropose or agreement, amendment of the bill with other bill....... Second first executive power belongs to theUnited States president. The term president for four years, and served as vice president and vice versa, the president and the vice president, shall be in accordance with the following procedures of election....... The secondpresident of the United States Navy as Grand Marshal, and in the state militia is intrinsic to the service of the United States over the state militia....... The Senate"s advice and consent, and 2/3 of the Senators present concur,the president has the power to conclude treaties. The president should put forward candidates by the advice andconsent of Congress appointed ambassador, minister, consul, Supreme Court justices and other officials of the government of the United states....... Article third the first United States jurisdiction, which belongs to the Supreme Court and Congress to develop and set up a lower court. Judge of the Supreme Court and lower court no Tianvocational punctuality, get tenure, to


Separation of powers is a political doctrine under which the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are kept distinct, to prevent abuse of power. This US form of separation of powers is widely known as "checks and balances."The principle of separation of powers traces its origins at least as far back as Aristotle"s time. During the Age of Enlightenment, several philosophers, such as John Locke and James Harrington, advocated the principle in their writings, whereas others such as Thomas Hobbes strongly opposed it. Montesquieu was one of the foremost supporters of separating the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. His writings considerably influenced the opinions of the framers of the United States Constitution. Some charge, however, that the Framers misinterpreted Montesquieu. According to Isaac Rice (a nineteenth century political scientist), Montesquieu opposed concentrating power in a single person, rather than a single source. It was Montesquieu himself who developed the idea of establishing a form of separation of power in government. The United States borrowed some of the philosophies of Montesquieu to create the system of checks and balances that is present in the United States government today. Rice therefore suggested that a parliamentary system—which would not comply with the strict doctrine of separation of powers—would nevertheless be consistent with Montesquieu"s philosophy.Strict separation of powers did not operate in Britain, a country whose political structure served in most instances as a model for the government created by the US Constitution. In the UK, the King-in-Parliament (the King acting with the consent of the House of Lords and House of Commons) was the supreme lawmaking authority. The executive branch acted in the name of the King - it was known as "His Majesty"s Government" - as did the judiciary. The King"s Ministers were in most cases members of one of the two Houses of Parliament, and the Government needed to sustain a majority in the House of Commons. One minister, the Lord Chancellor, was at the same time the sole judge in the Court of Chancery and the presiding officer in the House of Lords. Thus, one may conclude that the three branches of British government often violated the strict principle of separation of powers, even though there were many occasions when the different branches of the government disagreed with each other.Some US states did not observe a strict separation of powers in the 18th century. In New Jersey, the Governor also functioned as a member of the state"s highest court and as the presiding officer of one house of the Legislature. The President of Delaware was a member of the Court of Appeals; the presiding officers of the two houses of the state legislature also served in the executive department as Vice Presidents. In both Delaware and Pennsylvania, members of the executive council served at the same time as judges. On the other hand, many southern states explicitly required separation of powers. Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia all kept the branches of government "separate and distinct."




1. I adore homemade loaf bread using brown flour and nuts.2. He"s so conservative that he"s in favour of the constitution which grants only a little rights to the immigrant voters.3. When the leader of the opera chorus reached the retirement age, they threw him a dinner party.4. The media plays an important role in shaping the public opinion.5. Don"t bother to take off those decorations since the Christmas celebration isn"t over yet.6. Because the regulations are very tight on cloning animals, he"s unable to continue his experiments.7. Don"t bother yourself about cloning my cat because I no longer want to bring it back to life.8. The victims of the flooded ares owe their thanks to the People"s Liberation Army"s help.


图片看不清楚哦,不然去 绿丹茹时尚女装 店铺看看吧。

求一首日文歌,2000年+左右的,高潮部分为英文,this is day for you,求高人解答,谢谢

this is for you

请问这是什么意思?谢谢。sort of want

sort of 有点的意思,合起来应该是 有点想。。

a second和the second的区别:怎么翻译,例子呢,谢谢

Secondadj.第二次,此等的,再一个的 (the second) (有特指,用the)eg.Her beautiful roses won the second prize at the flower show. 她那些美丽的玫瑰在花展上得了二等奖。 n.第二 (the second)eg. The second round was a complete massacre. 第二个回合是十足的惨败。 n.片刻,秒(a second)eg. The train will leave in a second. 列车马上要开了。 adv.第二,其次(second)eg. Second, smoking is harmful also to your family members. 第二,吸烟也会给你的家人带来危害。 vt.支持,赞成,附和eg. I second his motion that we should set up a special board to examine the problem. 他提议成立一个特别委员会来研究这个问题,我赞成。 建议LZ去研究下 a, an , the用法会比较有帮助

staff 是可数名词吗?谢谢。


have some sort of crisis请问这里sort of是什么意思?是有某种危机,还是稍微有点危机?谢谢.

have some sort of crisis-------有某种危机some sort of--------某种,仿佛,多少有些a sort of--------一种sort of=kind of有点(有几分);稍稍

all sort of all kind of all kinds of 的区别,谢谢

应是all kinds of 与all sorts of,都意为各种各样的,前者较正式,后者较口语,后者多指人kinds of表示很多种类,如:I have all/different kinds of science books.我又所有/不同种类的科学书籍。而kind of表示的意思是“有点儿”,如:I"m kind of tired.我有点儿累。(kind of=sort of都是“有点儿”的意思).而且kind of还经常被写作kinda,广泛运用于口语当中表示“有一点儿”的意思。但如果你要说“一种东西”的时候,如:一种感觉,a/one kind of feeling;这种事情this kind of thing.


Got a secret有一个秘密 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守这个秘密的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你那么我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我所说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Why do you smile你为什么笑呢 Like you have told a secret似乎你已经说出了秘密 now you"re telling lie现在你在说谎 Cause you"re the one to keep it因为你是要保守秘密的那个人啊 But no one keeps a secret但是没有人能够保守秘密 No one keeps a secret没有人能够保守秘密 Why when we do our darkest deeds do we tell为什么 当我们做些不光彩的事情时 我们会说出去吗 They burn in our brains给我们留下不可磨灭的印象 Become a living hell让其变成了一个人间地狱 Cause everybody tells因为每个人都说 everybody tells每个人都说的 Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save发誓你会保守这个秘密的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Look into my eyes看着我的眼睛 Now you"re getting sleepy现在你感到困了吧 Are you hypnotized by secrets that you"re keeping?你被你要保守的秘密弄得恍惚了吗? I know what you"re keeping我知道你在保守什么秘密 I know what you"re keeping我知道你保守的秘密 Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Allison? 艾莉森? Yes, Catherine.嗯, 凯瑟琳 I have something I want to tell you我有些事情想告诉你 But you have to promise to never tell anyone.但是你一定要答应不告诉任何人 I promise我保证 Do you swear on your life? 你可以以你的生命发誓吗? I swear on my life我以我的生命发誓 You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...(X3)除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Yes two can keep a secret是的 想要两个人保守这一个秘密 If one of us is Dead……(X2)除非我们其中一个已不在世上

somewhat与kind of和sort of表示“有点儿…”有区别吗?望高手详解!谢谢!

somewhat 是书面用语,一般我们论文中会使用。kind of 和 sort of 则用于口语,正式的文章中不予适用。它们可以交替使用。



大家帮忙啊!先谢谢啦。NBA球星中都有谁参加过扣篮大赛 ? 还有就是从2001到2007年都有谁参加了?成绩如何


求山田菜菜的みんな 大好き罗马音歌词,谢谢

みんな、大好き作词:秋元康作曲:井上トモノリ歌:山田菜々(NMB48)自分で决めたことなのにjibun de kimeta koto nanoni涙が溢れ出て止まらなくなるnamida ga afure dete tomaranaku naru私のこんなわがままwatashi no konna wagamamaとても优しい目で闻いてくれたtotemo yasashii me de kiite kureta今 最後のステージが终わりima saigo no sute^ji ga owari思い出を一人下りるomoide wo hitori oriruみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayoずっと ずっとzutto zutto今も昔もこれから先だってima mo mukashi mo kore kara saki datteみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayoそう忘れないsou wasurenai睑( まぶた) 闭じればmabuta tojireba辉いた日々よkagayaita hibiyo顽张って行かなきゃ 甘えてしまうからganbatte ikanakya amaete shimau kara勇気くれたことyuuki kureta kotoありがとうarigatou何度も引き止められてnando mo hiki tomerareteそれでも泣きながら前に歩き出すsore demo naki nagara mae ni aruki dasuそばで心配してくれるsoba de shinpai shite kureru仲间の存在が支えなんだnakama no sonzai ga sasae nandaそう いつもと変わらないようにsou itsumo to kawaranai youni聴こえるよ カーテンコールkikoeruyo ka^tenko^ruみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayo离れたくないhanaretakunai一人ぼっちはホントに不安だよhitori bocchi wa honto ni fuan dayoみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayoねえ いつの日かnee itsuno hika梦を叶えてyume wo kanaeteきっと逢えるよねkitto aeruyoneそう私自身が强くなれるようにsou watashi jishin ga tsuyoku nareru youni爱をくれたことai wo kureta kotoありがとうarigatouみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayoずっと ずっとzutto zutto今も昔もこれから先だってima mo mukashi mo kore kara saki datteみんな 大好きだよminna daisuki dayoそう ここにいるsou koko ni iru一人一人とhitori hitori to出逢えてよかったdeaete yokatta今ふいにここからいなくなる自分にima fui ni koko kara inaku naru jibun ni胸が热くなるmune ga atsuku naruサヨナラsayonara



He came late ____ work.用to还是for?谢谢

He came late (for) work.be late for:迟到于


Friend 罗马音:kizutsuite kure shi teitamou ichido dake nanimo naiano hi no youni warai kakegao mottedaremo inai basho deitsuka aida ni ano toko madekaze ga fuite yukumouichido datteminna tomo ni narousayonara dake ienai mamakiminokage no nakaniimamenamidaga ochite yukutsumetaku naruyubi ka miko efutari kurashite kitakaorisaega kiete yukumou Friendkokorokara Friendmitsumetemo Friend kanashiku naruomoide niwa dekinai karayumegasameteimodaa yumemouichido dattekitto hontou no kyou nokurui hana ga nobotte ikudeatte imahodo minna nozomedesuhontouhou no tomodachi no kyou mo arusayonara dake ienai mamakiminokage no nakaniimamenamidaga ochite yukutsumetaku naruyubi ka miko efutari kurashite kitakaorisaega kiete yukumou Friendkokorokara Friendmitsumetemo Friend kanashiku naruomoide niwa dekinai karayumegasameteimodaa yume




放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made释放吧 从你的内心深处刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nuke nai oto ni nare化为仿佛能刺穿一切的声音いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate一直坚定不移的 相信着 去放手一搏吧仆である为 boku de aru tame为自己存在而为雨上がり水たまりを飞び越えて ame agari mizu tamari wo tobi koete雨后初晴 从水洼上轻跃跳过映る世界を覗き込んだ utsuru sekai wo nozoki konda窥视着倒映的世界揺れる空に见とれた yureru sora ni mitoreta入目即为摇曳的天空気付けば目に见えない何かに kizukeba meni mienai nani kani回过神注意到时 已被什么无法被看到的东西押し溃されそうになるけれど oshi tsubu sare souni naru keredo压得快要崩溃振り返ると闻こえた huri kaeru to kikoeta当我回首时却听到胸を张れ背中押す声 mune wo hare senaka osu koe你鼓励我挺起胸膛的声音放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made释放吧 铭记在内心深处刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nukenai oto ni nare让那透彻的声音穿透心底いつまでも色あせずに itsu mademo iro asezu ni它永不褪色强く鸣り响け tsuyoku nari hibike强烈回响在心间流れ过ぎ去ってく今を nagare sugi satteku ima wo将不断流逝的现在掴んで离さないでいて tsukande hansa naide ite紧握于手中绝不放手いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate永远地 相信着 去放手一搏仆である为 boku dearu tame为我的存在而为なにもない仆になにができるだろ nani mo nai boku ni nani ga dekiru daro一无所有的我到底能做到什么呢塞ぎ込んでた仆をよそに husagi kondeta boku wo yosoni闷闷不乐的我这样想着君は変わらず笑った kimi wa kawarazu waratta你一如既往的笑了何度も救われた nando mo suku wareta无数次被你拯救ごめんなありがと gomenna arigato对不起但是谢谢你立ち上がれたのは tachi agareta nowa让我重新翻身站起的君がいたから kimi ga itakara就是你一直的不离不弃高い空见上げた takai sora miageta抬头仰望高远的天空込み上げた涙の訳は komi ageta namida no wake wa它是我泪水盈满眼眶的借口叫べ强くなれなくても sakebe tsuyoku nare naku temo呐喊吧 就算现在还不够强大涙拭って歩いてゆけ namida nugutte aruite yuke也要擦干泪水大步向前谁か照らす光に dareka terasu hikari ni去成为照耀着某人的光芒いつかなれるように itsuka nareru youni终有一日 我就是你数え切れない日々の果て kazoe kire nai hibi no hate度过数不尽的日复一日あの日の音は闻こえるかい ano hino oto wa kikoeru kai耳边还能浮现那天的弦音吗いつだって怖くて不安です itsu datte kowakute huan desu就算一直恐惧着 不安着失くしたくない naku shitaku nai也不会丧失本心谁かに必要とされたいと dareka ni hitsu you to sare taito想成为某个人必要的存在思うならここにいちゃダメでしょ omou nara kokoni icya dame desyo这样的想法是不被允许的吗叹き悲しみ泣くだけならば nageki kana shimi naku dake naraba如果就一味悲叹哭泣自怨自艾そんな仆は必要ないんだ sonna boku wa hitsu you nain da那样的我没有存在的必要信じるモノは仆が决めるよ shin jiru mono wa boku ga kimeru yo我已经决定好了要去相信的事物目には见えないモノもあるんでしょ meniwa mienai mono mo arun desyo即使它无法用眼睛看到也是存在的对吧答えは仆が决める kotae wa boku ga kimeru既然已经决定好了答案さあ届け君の中まで saa todoke kimi no naka made直到把它传达到你的内心为止我都不会放弃放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made就这样释放吧 把我内心最深处的声音刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nuke nai oto ni nare化为利箭破空而出いつまでも色あせずに itsu made mo iro asezu ni让那永不褪色的弦音强く鸣り响け tsuyoku nari hibike强有力地回响在我们心间流れ过ぎ去ってく今を nagare sugi satteku ima wo将不断流逝的现在掴んで离さないでいて tsukande hanasa naide ite紧握于掌心绝不松手いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate一直这样地坚信着 射出这一箭仆である为 boku de aru tame仅为我而为


中文:倘若能在这个时间里一直停留而被需要就不再需要明天了能够处在幸福当中虽说是夸大但能活到迄今说著 真好呢其实真的是这麼想已习惯这样的心情我是否真的是幸福想铭刻在心中与你在一起的瞬间现在才忆起的曾经被你爱著时光你是从什麼时後开始微笑啊 是这样的表情想看见 觉得好高兴变得更想你了每天只要感到快乐这样便已足够了虽然是这样想 但日复一日会再变得想见到你想与你一起度过的心情是变得更加强烈了回忆又逐渐强烈些微变得感到恐惧了比你更好的人一定不会再遇见了因为形式不曾留下因此不管好几次都想好好去确认想铭刻在心中与你在一起的瞬间现在才忆起的曾经被你爱著时光没有想要的东西你的心情能传达给我的话就没有比这个瞬间还要更幸福的东西了与你刻下此生永不消散的时光岁月==========================日文+罗马音:この时间の中にずっとkono jikanno nakani zuttoいられたらiraretara明日なんかいらないashita nankai ranaiこんな 幸せがあったなんてkonna shiawasega attanante大げさだけどねooge sadake done今まで生きてきてimamade ikitekiteよかったな なんてyokattana nante本当に 思ったのhontouni omottanoこんな気持ちになれたことがkonna kimochini nareta kotoga私の幸せなのwatashino shiawasenano心に刻み込みたいkokoroni kizami komitaiあなたとの瞬间anatato no shunkan今覚えておきたいのima oboete okitainoあなたに 爱されたことanatani aisareta kotoいつからかあなたが 笑ってitsukaraka anataga waratteあぁこの颜akono kao见ていたい 嬉しいなってmiteitai ureshiinatte思うようになってたよomouyouni nattetayo毎日が 楽しくてそれでmainichiga tanoshikute sorede十分だってjuubun datte思ってたのに 日に日にomottetanoni hini hiniまた会いたくなるmata aitakunaru一绪に过ごすほどにisshoni sugosu hodoni気持ちは 强くなるんだねkimochiwa tsuyoku narundane思い出が増えるほどにomoidega fueru hodoni少し恐くなるsukoshi kowaku naruあなた以上の人などanata ijouno hito nadoきっともう出会えないからkittomou deaenai kara形には 残らないものだからkatachiniwa nokoranai monodakaraだから 何度もdakara nandomo确かめたくなるのかなtashika metaku naru nokana心に刻み込みたいkokoroni kizami komitaiあなたとの瞬间anatatono shunkan今覚えておきたいのima oboeteokitainoあなたに 爱されたことanatani  aisaretakoto欲しいものなんてないよhoshiimo no nantenaiyoあなたの気持ちがanatano kimochiga伝わってくるtsutawattekuruこの 瞬间よりもkono shunkanyorimo幸せなものなどないのshiawasena monona donaino生涯消えない时をshougai kienai tokioあなたと刻んでいるよanatato kizandeiruyo===================

fail的用法 词组 全面的 谢谢

fail [feil]vi.失败, 不及格, 忘记vt.使失望, 舍弃, 辜负, 不及格n.不及格, 不及格者;必定,总是fail in 在...上失败,变弱fail in doing sth 表示做什么事失败了fail to do sth 表示没能做成什么事过去式:failed过去分词:failed现在分词:failing名词:failure(失败)1.Several banks failed during the depression.有几家银行在不景气时期倒闭了。2.He never fails to write to his mother every week.他从来没有忘记每周给母亲写信。3.He got a fail in history and passes in other subjects.他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。4.I fail to see why you find it so amusing.我不明白你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。5.I tried to fix the equipment but I failed.我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。6.He failed in business.他经商失败。7.He failed in everything he tried.他想的一切办法都没成功。


fail in (v.+prep.)1.在…方面失败了 (cause to) be unsuccessful in2.缺乏…,在…方面不足 lack sth ▲fail in sthdon"t fail to务必, 一定never fail to(do)必定, 从未忘记...without fail必定, 务必fail of缺乏...能力; 不能达到fail to没有(做某事); 疏忽; 忘记(做某事)

请问你的格式工厂出现fail to convert 是怎么解决的?谢谢!


求一个wow地精 time is money my friend (时间就是金钱我的朋友)的铃声 发到835349708@qq.com 谢谢

time is money my friend



帮译下这几个关于money的谚语 最好是英语的啊 下周二要考的啊 谢谢谢谢啦~


请翻译藤ミリヤ这首【Time is Money】的日语歌,不要用机翻,谢谢。

没有润色修饰,将就看看快要忘却的冲动 /不敢碰触的情感 /茫然的望着天 /明明想做些什么却一动不动徒劳的挣扎 /灼热的阳光下只剩下电视在不停的歌唱今日的我只觉得伤感/像人偶一样动弹不得 /静候着指令 /一味的认真是无趣的讨厌懒惰的自己 /可是什么也不愿去思考 /再见了,这一天/I"m Gonna Disappear /无所事事的现在可不可以让我就这样睡去 /在睡梦中我才能得到安宁/发呆的时候时间会转瞬即逝明明有堆积如山的事情 /可我只呆呆的让时光远去 /年轻的我何必匆匆忙忙美味的果实在不知不觉中成熟 /过去都已过去/只留下我,每一天都在后悔讨厌要改变的悲怆感,和装作忙碌的样子 /可我宁愿变成这样 /每天每天装作人气明星般周旋/Give me求你/Giveme one more chance /忙碌的我不会感到寂寞了/不停奔走每一天都是短暂的 /每一年都是一瞬间想哭 /时间流逝,悲伤也在不知不觉中消退

请问你的格式工厂出现fail to convert 是怎么解决的?谢谢!


很会德语的帮我翻译下吧 不要谷歌或其他什么翻译机 也希望是很会的帮帮我,谢谢 -祝我自己生日快乐


谁有《YOU ARE A PART OF ME》歌词的中文翻译?拜托了各位 谢谢

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