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The annual teachers will come,I prepared many words to say to the teacher.Dear teacher,I want to say to you,thank you,teacher!Are you give us knowledge,teach us,let us to accept the edification of the communist party.We grew up,and your hair is increased,you are on the whole blood upon us,why can"t I thank you?Dear teacher,I want to say to you,you guileless vivid language and lit our WenXueMeng.Dear teacher,I want to say to you,and your words,like dew nourishing our hearts.Dear teacher,I want to say to you,in the Chinese,you like a command an army strategist,calm,Like a magnet to students of intangible attract the attention of the past; Yang Yang,explaining and simple ways.Dear teacher,you like a candle,burns,lit up,Teacher,you seem to students as spitting silkworm last silk.But I say,the teacher is a fire,extending down will be lit a fire,The teacher is gardeners,nurturing million trees grow seedlings.Teacher,I want to say to you,there will be no school on that day,and all the teachers and students have gone,I feel boring,in the home of playing in the school,the school of thought no one can go to our classroom door,see you is a teacher in our homework,do you give no sweat constantly to obscene,fall on us,you use the book silent language to express your efforts,we.Teacher,I want to say to you.In your first 20 teacher approaching,I sincerely wish you a happy holiday!In my heart,you are great,and your willingness to our work,it is also not cause lawsuit.Whenever we get good grades,your face with smile,Whenever we fail,you will continue to encourage us to the next,and achieve better grades.Just when the school,you to let us build emotions,between you as soon as possible after class,familiar,you gave up the rest of the time,and we play games together,play happy,from a position on the playground we laughter.Now,we are your nurturing grew up,you although has not,but the young heart never change.Students often say:the teacher you much like the gardener,thinning out water,meticulous,earnest.Yeah,you much like the hard every day,the gardener,cultivation of careful we grew up waiting for us.I often think:the teacher you much like a candle,into ashes,also regrets,GanShouQing tears two.The teacher,my dear teacher,I want to say to you:you are always our pride,you are our permanent dignity and strength!At the same time,we also give you blessing:teacher,wish your festival happiness,teacher,I wish you good health.英译汉:一年一度的教师节将要来临了,我准备了许多话要向老师说.  亲爱的老师,我想对您说,老师!是你给予我们丰富的知识,教我们做人的道理,让我们接受共产党的熏陶.我们长大了,而您的白发却增多了,您把全部心血都浇灌在我们身上,我怎么不谢谢你呢?  亲爱的老师,我想对您说,您朴实生动的语言,点燃了我们的文学梦.  亲爱的老师,我想对您说,您的肺腑之言,像甘露滋润了我们的心田.  亲爱的老师,我想对您说,上语文课的时候,你像一个指挥千军万马的战略家,镇定自若;又好像一个无形的磁铁把同学的注意力吸引过去;讲解深入浅出,仰扬顿挫道来.  亲爱的老师,您好象蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人;老师,您好象春蚕,为学生吐尽最后一根丝.可我要说,老师是一个火种,播撒下去便会燃起燎原之火;老师是园艺师,哺育千万棵幼苗茁壮成长.  老师,我想对您说,那天,学校放假,全校师生都走了,我在家里感到无聊,就想到学校里玩,本以为学校里没有一人,可走到我们教室的门前,看到的是老师您在里面给我们号作业,您的汗水不停的向下流,落到我们的本子上,您用无声的语言表达了您对我们心血.  老师,我想对您说.  在教师节到来之际,衷心祝愿您节日快乐!  在我心中,您是伟大的,您日夜为我们操劳,任劳任怨,是诉也诉不完的.每当我们取得优异的成绩时,您的脸上就会露出满意的笑容;每当我们失败时,您就鼓励我们继续努力,争取下次取得更好的成绩.  刚上学的时候,您为了让我们之间建立起感情,尽快熟悉您,下了课,您放弃了休息的时间,和我们一起做游戏,玩得可开心了,操场上传出我们一阵阵地欢笑声.  现在,我们在您的培育下渐渐长大,您虽然已青春不再,但年轻的心却从未改变.  学生常说:老师您多像园丁,间苗浇水,无微不至,语重心长.是啊,您多像那辛勤的园丁,每天细心的培养着我们,等着我们长大成才.可我常想:老师您又多像蜡烛,变成灰了,也无怨无悔,甘守清泪两行.  老师,我最亲爱的老师,我想对您说:您是我们永远的骄傲和自豪,您是我们永恒的尊严和力量!  同时,我们也为您献出深深的祝福:老师,祝您节日快乐,老师,祝您身体健康.


  英语作文不止依靠练习,还要靠平时的阅读量。下面是我给大家整理的创新英语大赛范文,供大家参阅!   创新英语大赛范文篇1:Run! Animals, Run!   Scientists have long tried to find ways to municate with other species and have had very limited success with primates, such as chimpanzees and gorillas. But what if we found a way to greatly improve munication, what might we discover?   Write an essay with no less than 300 words about the species you would like to municate with and what you would say to them. You can add a title by yourself.   Run! Animals, Run!   Announcing they are on top of the food chain, human beings have been being more and more savage to their best friends —— animals. It"s extremely heartbroken every time I see the bloody scenes on the TV, however, I can do nothing but close my eyes and cross my fingers, praying for them desperately. Had I the superpower to speak to animals, the first word would be —— RUN!   Run! Whales and dolphins, run! As the marine animals with superb wisdom, do you know that you are the biggest target that people are tracing? The Creator gave you the most beautiful curves and edges, the fanciest way of living and the kindest mind, whereas he didn"t warn you to stay away from people. The polluted water is taking away your habitat and the harpoons are awaiting you to e out of water. For   the sake of safety, please go as deep as deep as you can!   Run! Sheep and cattle, run!Do you feel fortable because you have adequate food and enjoy the greatest care? Then you are wrong, my friend! People are doing all this just for keeping your meat in a high quality to make more money. Just tonight, please leap over the fence and run to the prairie that you are supposed to belong to! Run! Minks and foxes, run!I know you are born to be aggressive, which is not your fault. However, people are using your nature to kill you and peel off your skin cruelly but clamming that they"re doing good for human. Please stay away from people"s life and go to the nature! Believe me, real nature can meet all your demands for living. Run! My friends, run away till human can never find you! Don"t let them get interfered with your life and rebel your liberty!   Sadly, ing back to the reality, as a senior school student, all I could do is to write down this passage appealing to all of you to stop killing. Please bear in mind that “When the buying stops, the killing can, too.”   创新英语大赛范文篇2:A Letter to White-Flag Dolphin   —Mankind and Animals Living in Great Harmony Dear Mr. Dolphin:   Thanks for your rescuing us from drowning or sharks, keeping us safe from harm. You have made so much contributions to bailing out   people.And you are the only animals, besides humans, which show true altrui *** . As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, you are our true friend.   It is you that help us human beings out of the predicament. However, wehumans did nothing as payback. We pollute the environment you live in, and we even hunt you for money.   With the development of technology, our lives bee much more convenient. However, at the same time, lots of harmful chemicals are produced by factories. And toxic wastes flow into the ocean and set foot in the atmosphere. In the circumstance, you and most of oceanic   animals are in imminent danger. No matter for you or for us, there is no suspicion that this case will result in a big catacly *** , which is hard to imagine.   I"m sure thatit must be a kind of torture to be surrounded by polluted water. Frankly speaking, I"ve thought over this problem, but there is not a lot you can do to help yourself out of the dilemma — you can"t tangle with us, because you have no chance to win.   Humankind should always live in great harmony with animals. Saving you is also saving ourselves, so we have the responsibilities to avert your species from extinction. Although some greedy busines *** en escape from their responsibilities and just care about money. However, there are still lots of passionate people taking actions for you.China have recognized the precarious state of the river dolphin, and the government have outlawed deliberate killing, restricted fishing, and established nature reserves. In addition, several attempts have been made to capture dolphins and relocate them to a reserve.   I do hope you can live in sanitary conditions, drink transparent water and live a blissful life.   Yours cordially,   Dereck   创新英语大赛范文篇3:Laziness or lack of ambitio   Laziness or lack of ambition has a new name called ‘stinking mind" by American ph ... It could be a forced behavtour , avoidame or too much rely on one certain consumption.Seemingly stinking mind has no bad effect on us.however it creates a illusion that everything is all right;which confines our excution numb our perception   our original goal.   There is no denying that we all have a stinking mind to a varying degree. One main reason contributing to this state of mind is that we are hurt having a hole on our heart needing to be filled with love. As a result,we search for happiness so sperately, stimulating the neural certer that controls the feeling of happiness. When me has gone, we can"t give it up and get addicted to it.   Also,the outside world is quite annoying most of the time so we want to run away.For example,on the cold winter morning,thinking of that we will spend another hard day,we aren"t willing to get up but stay in bed for many ‘another five minutes" instead.   In order to get rid of this mind,we must find a big push.   However, it is not others push us but we push ourselves.Just imagine there is someone forcing you to plete a task over and over again.Isn"t it quite annoying and letting you down?This force can"t last for a long time.   According to my experience,endless guitt is my permanent and sets us away from   motivation.sitting in front of the TV or being last for school makes me guilty.As long as I blame myself.I"ll give up the wrong behavtour and do the right thing at once.   I have been over strict with myself since senior school.Even if others admire my achievement and praise me from time to time,I always crititize myself,remind me to keep consctous every moment.   Honestly it"s rather hard to feel guilty to oneself.Most of us are so likely to be cheated by the success but ignore the remaining problems. What"s more,we are too proud to admit our mistakes.   Meanwhile,I am lucky that I have the ability to being guilty and cherish every minute I have to do so many meaningful things as I can.   This is exactly when we ought to fight.Only stupid guys would rather be lazy at such a valuable time.   创新英语大赛范文篇4   the excellent job and the friendly people we will meet. Unknown as they are, we firmly believe that they are always there, appearing sooner or later and helping us live a perfect live. With this sweet expectation about the future, we have grown up day by day, but only to find the huge difference beyond our expectation. We make mistakes and live an unhappy live.   Why there is such huge difference between fact and expectation? Teens are unwilling and positive to accept the fact. Couldn"t they change this situation? Personally, too much help from the parents constantly cause a lack of teens" self-reliance and independence. On the other hand, teens" lack of confidence and courage narrows themselves down to accept the mistakes they have made.   To be honest, parents play an important part in children"s lives because the power of examples is always much stronger than any words. Parents" action will influence children"s behaviors unconsciously and easily. Did the parents accept ample outside help when they were teens? Most never . It"s their self-reliance and independence that encouraged themselves to carry on when they make mistakes even failed. It"s the never say-die attitude from the depth of their hearts that drove them to try again, Therefore, parents must be strict with teens, encourage them to try again and help them build a independent character. Just let them go and experience failure and success. If they make mistakes, let them make. Maybe the children would be hurt, but only experiencing the mistakes and correcting them will make their children more independent. What"s worth mentioning is that example is the most powerful thing rather than money and too much help.   As for teens, when we make mistakes, should we stop attempting? Should we give up our dreams because of such one mistake? Clearly the answer is no. Life is an endless way with mistakes and the process of correcting mistakes. Every coin has two sides. We may lose something and bee desperate when we make mistakes. However, making the lessons we learn from it inside our heart, we will be powerful enough to face the next new problem ahead of us. Greatly approved of this view, we should realize that mistakes are a part of our lives. Try to live with ourselves and don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Face them, experience them, love them and overe them. If we lack confidence of face mistakes, stop going ahead and give up our beginning goal easily, how hopeless our world will be? Youth is the best gift god gives us. There is no reason to fear of making mistakes. All of us are able to correct mistakes, to experience our own lives, to control the fate of our own and beyond ourselves.   Objectively, parents shouldn"t offer too much help to children. Subjectively, teens are supposed to aware of the significance of mistakes. When take both two sides into reality, one man can live a real perfect life.   创新英语大赛范文篇5   Parents: Call us when you are in trouble and we"ll spare no effects to help you.   Boy: No, mom and dad, I will make it by myself.   Parents: But you"ll make mistakes and be hurt.   Boy: Don"t worry, Mom and Dad. I promise to only make mistakes you never made.   Don" be Afraid of Mistakes   For a long time, we teenagers are looking forward to the outside world. We always think about


Hello ,everybody ,I"m your new English teacherLet me introduce myself,你就自己介绍吧 介绍完就算算你上课的要求,就这样可以了

