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美国队长2 队长为阻止发射做的广播演讲台词 谁能发出来呢?

双语对话如下:神盾局全体特工请注意Attention all S.H.I E.L.D. agents,我是史蒂夫 罗杰斯this is Steve Rogers.这几天你们听说了我不少事You"ve heard a lot about me over the last few days.有些人还奉命追捕我Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down.现在你们该知道真相了But I think it"s time you know the truth.神盾局已经变了S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was.它被九头蛇接管了It"s been taken over by HYDRA.亚历山大·皮尔斯就是他们的头儿Alexander Pierce is their leader.特战队和洞察计划团队也是The S.T.R.I.K.E. and Insight crew are HYDRA as well.我不知道还有谁是I don"t know how many more,但他们就在这楼里but I know they"re in the building.可能就站在你身边They could be standing right next to you.他们就快要得逞了They almost have what they want.获得绝对掌控Absolute control.他们刺杀了尼克·弗瑞They shot Nick Fury.事情并没有到此结束And it won"t end there.如果你们今天发射了那些天空母舰If you launch those helicarriers today,九头蛇就能杀掉任何阻碍他们的人HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way.除非我们阻止他们Unless we stop them.我知道这很难I know I"m asking a lot.但自由的代价是高昂的 一向如此But the price of freedom is high. It always has been.我愿意付出这个代价And it"s a price I"m willing to pay.如果我是唯一一个 那也没关系And if I"m the only one, then so be it.但我相信不会只有我一个But I"m willing to bet I"m not.以上为《美国队长:冬日战士》里史蒂夫所发表的宣言,中文翻译因人而异可能不合你口味但英文为原文。还有疑问?