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次卧的英文翻译:Second lie. 例句:次卧、厨房和设备区位于长廊后面的位置。 Secondary bedrooms, kitchen, and service zones are positioned behind this promenade. 扩展资料   围绕着住宅的中间有起居室、厨房,厨房连着主卧和对于朋友以及其他家人来说很理想的两个次卧。   A central volume houses the living area and kitchen, attached to which is the master bedroom and two guest rooms, ideal for friends or family members.   而且不要忘了还有网球明星玛蒂娜·纳芙拉蒂诺娃,六次蝉联铁人冠军的戴夫·斯考特,四次获得环球先生的比尔·珀尔,卧推的世界纪录保持者斯坦·普里斯。   And let"s not forget about tennis star Martina Navratilova, six-time Ironman winner Dave Scott, four-time Mr. Universe Bill Pearl, or Stan Price, the world-record holder in bench press.   我云云那般睹告她,她没有但是起了床,具体便是跳起去拥抱卧冬婚后第一次她目击了我饮泣的.样子样子。   When I told her. she didn"t just get out of base. she catapulted out and hugged my. or perhaps the first time in our married life she saw me cry.   一个场景的更迭啊没有遗憾啊一次偶尔的一瞥啊欣赏着孤单的间隔啊这种觉得依然占据着卧冬固然你忘了。   A change of scene, with no regrets, a chance to watch, admire the distance, Still occupied, though you forget.


你好!手指u2022东北亚定位的每侧上臂/ Z-bar机器,安装在一个共同的马车和低惯性轴承运行在线性幻灯片。u2022东北亚由一个200毫米中风气缸与手工流动控制来推动鼓清洁费高达5毫米的过去的焊缝位置、速度开始与相应的线性焊接速度,以确保最佳的焊接质量临界焊起步位置。手指u2022东北亚弹簧复位过程中允许推头链转移接下来的鼓。只供参考:


one day

105句 励志佳句 求英文翻译 (下)

51. Only unusual talent but with unusual perseverance of the people all can access. - Buxton 52. Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein 53. The most agile and may not win the contest: the most powerful not necessarily to win the war: Time and opportunity are the masters. - Solomon 54. To be adequate when full contented self-sufficiency. Day free for leisure Ho break it free. - New New Year Sentence 55. There must be a way. - Han光武帝 56. Great strength is greater than material force; that spirit can overe the ideological and material can rule the world. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 57. Prime no longer e no longer on the 1st morning; a timely manner when the encouragement time is not on our side. - Tao Yuan-ming"s "Miscellaneous Poems" 58. Every person no matter how *** all in their own eyes all have their own weight. - Homebush 59. Experience is mentor but expensive tuition fees. - Western saying 60. The only thing we need fear that things are fear itself. - Roosevelt 61. Death is the last sleep? No it is the last end of awareness. - Shakespeare 62. Only to pay a price you can choose. - Lyon 63. Thank are the first step of love. - Western saying 64. Young people have a calm older persons the elderly should have the spirit of young people. - Ernest Hemingway 65. Happiness and Life is the best panion. - English Proverbs 66. Appearance is often inconsistent with the facts themselves people are easily deceived by the surface decoration. - Shakespeare 67. Overe their anger they can overe the most powerful enemy. - Dirk 68. Money is a bottomless hole sense of shame conscience truth will be indulged in here. - High Silei 69. Happiness *** ile is to maintain healthy lives and the only Healing Stone the value of tens of millions but do not spend one penny. - Nai *** itt 2009-02-13 17:33:52 补充: 太多 补不到 不如你给你的e-mail给我 我send给你吧!


供您参考:I always think too little of anything.不必纠结于中文的“简单”,硬翻simple就成了Chinglish嘞


1、楼道走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 The corridor does not play, students play and keep order. 2、楼梯走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Stairway corridor does not run, safety first is really good. 3、上下楼梯靠右行,千万不能滑下梯。 Go up and down the stairs on the right. Never slide down the stairs. 4、课间活动要文明,不可追逐和打闹。 Class activities should be civilized and not pursued or disturbed. 5、营造校园安全氛围,创造温馨学习环境。 Create a safe campus atmosphere and a warm learning environment. 6、上下楼梯靠右行,严禁拥挤保安全。 Go up and down the stairs on the right. Crowding is strictly prohibited. 7、轻声慢步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk gently and slowly without disturbance. Walk up and down stairs well. 8、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs to keep order and enter the classroom without noise. 9、若以追跑为开心,将以后悔而伤心。 If you are happy to chase, you will regret and be sad. 10、人多行走不拥挤,安全永远伴我行。 Many people do not walk crowded, safety will always acpany me. 11、前面混乱我看见,不要走过去添乱。 I see the confusion ahead. Don"t go over and add to the confusion. 12、上下楼梯能互让,通道自然就宽敞。 Upstairs and downstairs can give way to each other, so the passage is naturally spacious. 13、安全关系你我他,校园安全靠大家。 Security concerns you, me and him, and campus security depends on everyone. 14、教室走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Classroom corridors do not play, students play in order. 15、上下楼梯靠右行,不推不挤步步稳。 Go up and down the stairs to the right without pushing or squeezing. 16、课间游戏要安全,上下楼梯不打闹。 The game should be safe during the break, and there should be no disturbance when going up and down stairs. 17、教室楼道不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 The classroom corridor does not run, safety first is really good. 18、上下楼梯靠右行,轻声慢步讲文明。 Walk up and down the stairs to the right and speak civilized in a quiet, slow step. 19、轻声漫步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk quietly, walk up and down stairs well. 20、幸灾乐祸笑哈哈,自己出事没人拉。 Happy laughter, no one pulled his own accident. 21、老师就像我妈妈,安全知识要听她。 Teachers are like my mother. Safety knowledge should be listened to by her. 22、高高兴兴上学来,平平安安回到家。 Happy to e to school and return home safely. 23、结伴同行不打闹,单独行走不抢行。 Peers do not fight, walk alone and do not rush. 24、玩耍嬉戏要当心,安全警钟常在心。 Be careful when playing and playing. Always be aware of the safety alarm. 25、安全在我心中,生命在我手中。 Safety is in my heart, life is in my hands. 26、走廊楼道不跑跳,脚步要轻慢慢行。 The corridor corridor corridor should not run and jump, but walk slowly. 27、自己摔倒不要慌,大喊呼救叫帮忙。 Don"t panic when you fall, shout for help. 28、不要推不要挤,关心别人爱自己。 Don"t push, don"t push, care about others and love yourself. 29、同学摔倒楼梯上,自己伸手快帮忙。 The clas *** ate fell down the stairs and helped himself quickly. 30、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。 Safety es from long-term vigilance, and accidents e from instantaneous paralysis. 31、课间活动有秩序,校园文明争第一。 Class activities are orderly, and campus civilization is the first. 32、走廊内不奔跑,不追逐不打闹。 No running, no chasing, no fighting in the corridor. 33、上下楼梯不打闹,安全对你很重要。 Safety is very important for you to go up and down stairs without disturbance. 34、不伤害自已,不伤害他人,不被他人伤害。 Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, do not be hurt by others. 35、上下楼梯靠右走,你追我赶危险多。 Walk up and down the stairs to the right. You are more dangerous to catch up with me. 36、上下楼梯靠右走,你谦我让脚步轻。 Walk up and down the stairs to the right, you humble me to let your feet light. 37、与其事后痛苦流涕,不如事前争章守纪。 It"s better to be disciplined beforehand than to be miserable afterwards. 38、不要跑,不要跳,不要打闹向右靠。 Don"t run, don"t jump, don"t fight to the right. 39、上下楼梯慢慢行,楼梯上下不蹦跨。 Go up and down the stairs slowly, and don"t jump up and down the stairs. 40、楼梯走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Stairway corridor is not fun, students play and keep order. 41、上下楼不要推不要挤,关心别人关爱自己。 Don"t push or crowd upstairs or downstairs. Take care of others and take care of yourself. 42、不挤不拥不打闹,怀文校园更美好。 No crowding, no noise, Huaiwen Campus is better. 43、楼道走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 It"s good that the corridor doesn"t run. Safety es first. 44、集体行动列队走,安全两字记在心。 The word "safety" should be remembered when collective action goes in procession. 45、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 Life is paramount and safety responsibility is heaven. 46、快快乐乐上学,平平安安回家。 Happy to go to school and go home safely. 47、上下楼梯不拥挤,集体活动守纪律。 The stairs are not crowded and the collective activities are disciplined. 48、上下楼道靠右行,你谦我让脚步轻。 Downstairs and downstairs on the right, you humble, let me walk lightly. 49、学生就要爱学校,上楼下楼不打闹。 Students should love the school and go upstairs and downstairs without disturbance. 50、下课之后请慢走,追逐打闹不安全。 Walk slowly after class. It"s not safe to chase and fight. 51、课余时间不疯狂,损坏公物易受伤。 After-school time is not crazy, damage to public property is vulnerable to injury. 52、上下楼梯靠右走,以免摔倒碰破头。 Go up and down the stairs to the right so as not to fall and hit your head. 53、不挤不拥不打闹,文明校园更美好。 No crowding, no crowding, no fighting, civilized campus is better. 54、上楼下楼靠右走,遇到混乱手牵手。 Walk upstairs and downstairs on the right, hand in hand in confusion. 55、危险地方我不去,学会保护我自己。 I don"t go to dangerous places and learn to protect myself. 56、安全是朵幸福花,大家浇灌美如画。 Safety is a happy flower, everyone watered beautiful. 57、课间休息轻场细语,做一个优雅的人。 Take a break and whisper. Be an elegant person. 58、上下楼梯靠右走,安全意识时时有。 Walk up and down stairs to the right. Safety awareness is frequent. 59、上下楼梯靠右行,安全意识时时有。 Go up and down the stairs on the right. Safety awareness is always there.


reception centren.接待处, 招待所reception deskn.(旅馆, 饭店的)接待处antechambern.接待室anteroomn.接待室, 前厅如果是作为指示路标或门牌或单独部门名称,Reception可以直接表示"接待部"


At the welcome reception, the represent of the students" made a speech on the stage.


What"s the weather like in Japan? Is it cold? China is very cold now.


Which city in China do you like most?


I don"t know. 够简单吧


老外没有清茶这个专有名词,一般用Green Tea表示什么都不加的中国茶叶,如果你想要强调“清”那就是Chinese tea without anything


纽约证券交易所印证了历史,也充满了传奇色彩的。它诞生于1792年的梧桐树协定,在随后的两个多世纪里,它变换的命运和 战争与和平,繁荣与萧条息息相关



求老歌《blue moon》英文翻译~


瀚海 英文翻译

不知道你有没有装office 2003 中的word文档,那翻译功能真的很强大啊,包你以后不必悬赏你的问题了!


姿势的英文是pose〈名〉posture;pose;gesture[例句]摆姿势make a pose


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春天古诗词的英文翻译   俗话说得好,一年之计在于春。新的一年,不如一起来做些有品位的事情,比如:读诗~~大师不愧是大师,翻译出来的英文译文语言优美又简单易懂,而且还神还原了原诗词的押韵!赶快来和我一起膜拜吧。   春日,宜赏景   说起春天相关的古诗词,大家在脑海中都会浮现出“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”(许老译:Two golden orioles sing amid the willows green; A flock of white egrets fly into the blue sky)等耳熟能详的诗句来。   那么,下面这些描绘秀丽春景的诗词,你是否都能一口气把它背出来呢?   基础版   春晓   A Spring Morning   孟浩然   By Meng Haoran   春眠不觉晓,   This spring morning in bed Iu2019m lying,   处处闻啼鸟。   Not to awake till birds are crying.   夜来风雨声,   After one night of wind and showers,   花落知多少。   How many are the fallen flowers!   江南春   Spring on the Southern Rivershore   杜牧   By Du Mu   千里莺啼绿映红,   Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees;   水村山郭酒旗风。   By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze.   南朝四百八十寺,   Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain;   多少楼台烟雨中。   Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and rain.   进阶版   春雪   Spring Snow   韩愈   By Han Yu   新年都未有芳华,   On vernal day no flowers were in bloom, alas!   二月初惊见草芽。   In second moon Iu2019m glad to see the budding grass.   白雪却嫌春色晚,   But White snow dislikes the late coming vernal breeze,   故穿庭树作飞花。   In plays the parting flowers flying through the trees.   玉楼春   Spring in Jade Pavilion   宋祁   By Song Qi   东城渐觉风光好,   The Scenery is getting fine east of the town;   縠皱波纹迎客棹。   The rippling water greets boats rowing up and down.   绿杨烟外晓寒轻,   Beyond green willows morning chill is growing mild;   红杏枝头春意闹。   On pink apricot branches spring is running wild.   浮生长恨欢娱少,   In our floating life scarce are pleasures we seek after.   肯爱千金轻一笑。   How can we value gold above a hearty laughter?   为君持酒劝斜阳,   I raise wine cup to ask the slanting sun to stay   且向花间留晚照。   And leave among the flowers its departing ray.   春日,宜会友   在这大好的"春光中,不光适合出门踏青赏景,更适合约上三五好友相聚喔~就连诗风一贯沉郁顿挫的诗圣u2022杜甫,也在春天邀上好友小聚,诗中更是少见的轻快。而位高权重的欧阳修也在春日里和旧友故地重游,抒发感怀~   客至   Receiving a Guest   杜甫   By Du Fu   舍南舍北皆春水,   To the south and north of my cottage thereu2019re spring waters   但见群鸥日日来。   The groups of gulls only are my daily visitors.   花径不曾缘客扫,   The floral path hasnu2019t been swept as no one happens   蓬门今始为君开。   To come, but now for you the wicket door opens.   盘飧市远无兼味,   Far from the market, on frugal meal to dine,   樽酒家贫只旧醅。   A needy household can offer but home-brewed wine.   肯与邻翁相对饮,   Would you care to drink with my venerable neighbor,   隔篱呼取尽余杯。   Toasting the last cups, across the fence of bamboo?   浪淘沙   Sand-Sifting Waves   欧阳修   By Ouyang Xiu   把酒祝东风   Wine cup in hand, I drink to the eastern breeze:   且共从容,   Let us enjoy with ease!   垂杨紫陌洛城东   On the violet pathways   Green with willows east of the capital,   总是当时携手处,   We used to stroll hand in hand in bygone days,   游遍芳丛。   Rambling past flower shrubs one and all.   聚散苦匆匆,   In haste to meet and part.   此恨无穷。   Would ever break the heart.   今年花胜去年红,   Flowers this year   Redder than last appear.   可惜明年花更好,   Next year more beautiful theyu2019ll be.   知与谁同?   But who will enjoy them with me?   春日,宜深情   著名作家胡兰成曾在他的散文集《今生今世》中写道:   “古人定立春是春天初来到的日子,草还是黄的,却不知如何竟有了青意了。水色更难辨,可是水面风来,已是不同,这仿佛《红楼梦》里贾宝玉问林黛玉的话:“是几时接了梁鸿案?”也仿佛是我与一枝的事,是几时起的爱意?如此分明而难辨。”   爱情,似乎也是春日里常提起的主题~   春思   A Faithful Wife Longing For Her Husband in Spring   李白   By Li Bai   燕草如碧丝,   Northern grass looks like green silk thread;   秦桑低绿枝。   Western mulberries bend their head.   当君怀归日,   When you think of your home on your part,   是妾断肠时。   Already broken is my heart.   春风不相识,   Vernal wind, intruder unseen,   何事入罗帏?   O how dare you part my bed screen!   减字木兰花   Shortened form of Magnolia Flower   王安国   By Wang Anguo   画桥流水,   Beneath the painted bridge water flows by;   雨湿落红飞不起。   No fallen flowers wet with rain can ever fly.   月破黄昏,   At dust the moon is seen;   帘里余香马上闻。   On horse I still smell the fragrance behind the screen.   徘徊不语,   Silently lingering around,   今夜梦魂何处去?   Where will my dreaming soul tonight be found?   不似垂杨,   Unlike the weeping willow,   有解飞花入洞房。   Whose down will fly into her room and on her pillow. ;


溶液输入定义的所有解决方案都迈上了,现在正好1公斤(约55.5摩尔)的水,除非水标识符使用。要集中力量解决了20倍,有必要消除水约52.8摩尔(55.5 x 0.95)。选定的模拟结果列于表18。 20浓度的因素是合理的,一为在中央俄克拉荷马(帕克赫斯特等人,1996年)蒸散工艺水平衡方面。该模型假定这种形式的蒸发和蒸散具有相同的效果,而且不会对蒸散离子比例的影响。这些假设都没有得到证实,可能不正确。蒸发后,模拟解决方案的组成方面仍然undersaturated方解石,白云石和石膏。正如预期,从1公斤大规模降雨水(溶液1)约0.05千克我的水减少n解决方案二是由水后反应删除。一般来说,水反应后剩余的金额大约是因为水可以饮用或水解反应产生均匀,表面络合反应,溶解和析出纯。对氯摩尔数(摩尔)是不受影响的水去除,但是,氯离子浓度(摩尔/蛙泳选手)增加,因为水的数量减少。第二混合仿真增加了水体,并以20倍的氯痣。因此,氯的痣增加,但氯离子浓度是相同的前(方法二),后(溶液3)混合仿真,因为水的质量比例增加。一个关于均匀氧化还原反应重要的一点是说明在这些模拟(表18)的结果。间歇反应计算(计算和运输)总是为每一个元素的氧化还原水平衡。雨水中的分析为铵和硝酸盐的数据,但无氮溶解。该雨水体育没有对物种分布的影响的初步解决方案,因为所有(碳,氮,和S)的氧化还原指定的个别元素的氧化还原状态的浓度。虽然硝酸盐和铵不应共存的热力学平衡,氧化还原的形态计算可以接受的不平衡和两个氮是由输入数据定义的氧化还原态的浓度,无论热力学平衡。在批次反应(蒸发)的步骤,氧化还原平衡,是实现对水相,这将导致被氧化铵和硝酸盐会有所减少,产生溶解氮[氮气(aq)的,或N(0这种形式的符号])。第一批反应溶液(溶液2)包含氮平衡分配,其中包括硝酸盐氮和溶解,但没有铵(表18)。


Homogeneous linear equations has only zero solution

求擅长英文翻译人士帮忙翻译两句话 出自《The Pursuit of Happiness》的最后一个章节 万分感谢

由于我公司的成长,我的梦想实现,给我这个机会,以机构养老基金和资产数十亿美元的调整和培育经济增长和喜欢我的顶级客户端,全国教育协会组织的财政健康,其以百万计的成员,我住,让旅游和看世界的其他梦想。 由于工作繁忙,因为我,无论我,我尝试走出去,走到大街上,检查裂缝的人行道,记得我来多远,欣赏宝宝的每一个步骤,愣住欢乐的追求永远不会结束。


根据(中华人民共和国土地管理法),(中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法)、(上海市房地产登记条例)等有关法律、法规的规定,为保护土地使用权人、房屋所有权人的合法权益,对权利人申请登记的土地、房屋及其他附着物,经调查审核,准予登记,发给此证。本证是出让、转让使用权土地上的房地产权利凭证上海市房屋土地资源管理局(The People"s Republic of China Land Management Law), (the Shanghai Municipal Real Estate Registration Law) and other relevant laws and regulations, in order to protect the land use right, the owner of the legitimate rights and interests of the right The right person to apply for registration of land, houses and other attachments, the investigation and approval, to register, issued to the card.This card is to sell, transfer the right to use the land on the real estate rights certificateShanghai Housing and Land Resources Administration

合同Attachments 英文翻译 英--中



Introduction to international trade, international trade practice, international finance, international settlement, international business documents, international marketing, international trade law, international business correspondence, international freight forwarding, international cargo transportation, insurance, International Business English, English, logistics management basis, customs practices, e-commerce


楼上的好暴力 这就是传说中的暴力破解 ?

广告用英文翻译中文,希望帮帮手 !

凑广告热 The sun never sets on Luftha territory (Air service) 日光之下德航永不落 *借用谚语"日光之下无新事"前段 Silent revolution under the hood. (Car) 静静「未揭」 的革命 *"未揭"的是"车头冚" Another fashionable way to say "hello" (Tele) 「硬」「新」「潮」的问好。 *"硬"谐音"Another"的"An" "Another"有"新一个"之意 "潮"是"潮流" CombiNations Savings Account ... Multiple foreign currencies in a single saving account 「咁便利」「福 」 币储蓄户口 *"咁便利"谐音"Combinations"的"Combinat" "福"和"复"谐音 取意头 The Language of Success. (Newspaper) 「 文」 成「 利」 就 *辧报纸"Success"(成就)和"利"关系密切 2012-03-03 07:41:04 补充: 「硬」「新」「潮」的问好。-" 硬"也借用"硬道理"的说法 意absolute绝对。 The sun never dets on Luftha territory (Air service) 德航之下无日落。 Silent revolution under the hood. (Car) 车盖下宁静的革命。 Another fashionable way to say "hello" (Tele) 最新潮的问好。 CombiNations Savings Account ... Multiple foreign currencies in a Single saving account 多货币综合储蓄户口。 The Language of Success. (Newspaper) 成功的语言。 参考: me The sun never sets. The sun never dets on Luftha territory (Air service) 德航之下无日落。 Silent revolution under the hood. (Car) 车盖下宁静的革命。 Another fashionable way to say "hello" (Tele) 最新潮的问好。 CombiNations Savings Account ... Multiple foreign currencies in a single saving account 多货币综合储蓄户口 The Language of Success. (Newspaper) 成功的声音。 2012-03-03 09:58:42 补充: 对我来说,Newspaper 那个最难,本来想放弃,但一想这里高手如云,不妨抛砖引玉,愿有志者,盍兴乎来。




Jiuzhaigou九寨沟Chengde Mountain Resort承德避暑山庄Three Gorges长江三峡Zhoukoudian Peking Man site 周口店北京人遗址Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes敦煌莫高窟Dujiangyan都江堰


products submitted for inspection.


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The power semiconductor device and the micro electron power semiconductor device is in the semiconductor device important link, it and the micro electron component relations is close, because the micro electron component required power semiconductor device forms a complete set provides its power source and the execution system.If develops rapidly computer, when CPU from 286,486, to gallops I, II, III, IV…When development, to took the power source the power semiconductor request increasingly is also harsh.For example the present is developing the voltage to be smaller than 1 volt, on the electric current hundred amperes power sources, this must develop the newest MOSFET component to be able to meet the needs.In order to achieve these renew unceasingly the performance index, the power semiconductor device must use the micro electron component similar fine craft.This will also be this article is detailed narrates. The power semiconductor device and the integrated circuit close union, in the one has arranged in order four aspects in the chart: Namely 1) power and micro electron component in chip manufacture craft already day by day close: The power MOS component in order to achieve a better performance, for example requests to pass condition the resistance lowly, its craft already from 20 year ago several microns technologies rapidly to submicron even deep submicron development.This and the micro electron component development is consistent. 2) the MOS component seal technology is also approaching to the integrated circuit.These for years, the power MOS component has used has inverted (Flip) likely, ball grid array (BGA) and packing forms and so on multi-chip module (MCM).These all are the quite new integrated circuit packing forms. 3) looked from the component structure that, makes the power MOS component and the integrated circuit in the identical chip perhaps the identical packing, is one of recent development directions.Therefore the power semiconductor device equates simply for established separately the component no longer to be appropriate.Take the IR Corporation product as the example, the power integrated circuit, perhaps and IC does in the same place power component, as well as the special advanced component, held its product one above the half. 4) the comprehensive solution (Total Solution) is each kind of component finally conceives.Seeks the component the function integrity, in the solution application all questions is the component manufacturer"s ideal.Had the integrated circuit to enter the power semiconductor device, this kind of comprehensive solution plan was easier to realize.Not only to the low power direction is so, even the high efficiency direction is also pursuing a greater integration rate and the comprehensive solution.Certainly, contains all functions by a component not necessarily forever is the preferred plan.For example must consider the rate of finished products the loss, but also must pay attention to the protection customer to develop the electric circuit on own initiative the enthusiasm.


Outline of power semiconductor devices With above those of the general concept of development, to introduce the following power semiconductor devices included in the content. Figure III gives the general picture of power semiconductor devices. It can be divided into three parts, namely, bipolar devices traditional power semiconductor devices, MOSFET and the IC in a modern power semiconductor devices, and the first developed on the basis of two large power devices. This article focuses on modern power semiconductor devices in this part of the changes in these elements is very fast. First of all, from the MOS-type devices, it has been to the two directions: A) the traditional direction of power semiconductors, that is, I hope the device will have a higher voltage, but there is still a lower internal resistance or pressure drop. The most typical, such as insulated gate bipolar transistors IGBT, its structure and the MOSFET is very similar. It has insulated gate MOS devices and the ability to quickly switch. But its power rating is the same as in the thyristor. So was the original staff do appreciate the power of electronic technology for power semiconductor devices of the new platform. From the IGBT chip, the speed of replacement soon, as the fifth-generation IR FZ silicon material used in the structure of non-penetrating (NPT), because of their greater durability (ruggedness) and is conducive to high - industrial applications. On this basis the past few years and the termination of the development of the field (Field Stop) structure could be further thinning IGBT chips, such as 1200 volts as long as the use of the FS IGBT silicon thickness of 120 microns, thereby further reducing the pressure drop and dynamic losses. IGBT in fact there are three directions, 1) make plastic devices, it has been used extensively for the development of home appliances. 2) make module form, or together with the protection circuit, trigger circuit into intelligent power module (IPM), which used a lot in the air-conditioning equipment. In recent years, IR is the development of a series of modules called iNTERO. As shown in Figure IV. The so-called intero, in Italian, which is equivalent to the English in the entire, that is, the meaning of all. It contains a set from a simple to more complex range of modules. Only power devices, such as from the main circuit of the power module integrated PIM / BBI (Power Integrated Module / Bridge, Brake, Inverter) started the development of the Intelligent Power Module IPM, to I2PM (the inner surface of insulation Intelligent Power Module), has been to up-to-date program-controlled intelligent power module insulation PI-IPM (Programmable Isolated-IPM). In the PI-IPM is divided into two types, that is written into the software or the software has not yet been written into the two. Another is the development of a Simple direct plug-in modules, known as "Plug & Drive", can be used in smaller air-conditioning and other power appliances. 3) In regard to extraordinary power, IGBT has become an important member of one, for example, to achieve 6500 V IGBT, can be used to replace the traditional GTO. In this regard, a number of European and Japanese companies have a larger development. Add: In the direction of higher pressure, MOSFET is also made many improvements. For example, the structure of super-node. It broke through the limits of the traditional MOSFET theory, the prospect of moving display. B) MOSFET more dominant direction is the direction to the development of very low internal resistance. The most typical is the application of the computer. Figure 5 shows the resistance (RxA) and its excellent value switch (RxQswitch) trend of rapid improvement in performance. To achieve this performance, it requires more from each MOSFET of the MOSFET small-cell component. This requires the process to sub-micron precision direction.我自己翻译的。呵呵 。你看着怎么样。


FAREWELL TO VICE-PREFECT DU SETTING OUT FOR HIS OFFICIAL POST IN SHUBy this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts,Through a mist that makes five rivers one,We bid each other a sad farewell,We two officials going opposite ways……And yet, while China holds our friendship,And heaven remains our neighbourhood,Why should you linger at the fork of the road,Wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child?


I heard that you like me But I want is just plain love Because I think I will not love you Sorry


东一区 Eastern Time Zone +1时区 time zone

coordinate 英文翻译成中文



Power industry in China has a pivotal position. Businesses, residents can not do without electricity. Establishment of large-scale power station is the only way for the development of power industry. Energy use has penetrated into the social, economic, all areas of life, and in the power structure of the capacity of the total installed capacity of thermal power equipment for 75%.This article is equipped with 4 sets of 2 sets of 50MW and 300MW thermal power generator in a large part of the preliminary design, mainly to complete the electrical main wiring design. Including electrical wiring in the form of the main comparison of choice; generator, main transformer, start / standby transformer and high voltage auxiliary transformer capacity calculation, the number and types of choice sets; short-circuit current calculation and the circuit breaker, disconnecting switch selection and validation; Current transformer, voltage transformer selection and validation; and made a transformer. u2022 Key words: power; generator; supply and distribution; main connection.


The Shanghe power supply bureau power transformation overhaul work area, the Shanghe power supply bureau power transformation movement work area, the Shanghe power supply bureau line work area, the Shanghe power supply bureau dispatch the message center, the Shanghe power supply bureau customer services center. What needs to explain: These units belong to under a Shanghe city power supply bureau"s Basic unit, the power transformation overhaul work area are responsible for the transformer substation equipment (for example transformer, isolator and so on) carry on the overhaul installment and the obviate defect, the power transformation movement work area are responsible to the transformer substation equipment carry on the daily running status the inspection, to patrol with the surveillance, the equipment cleaning work, the line work area are responsible to the transmission line erect, the transformation and the daily running status inspection patrol the work, dispatches the message center to be responsible to the jurisdiction district power equipment and the line throws transports, suspends shipment and so on to carry on the dispatch, the monitor and the safeguard dispatch instruction smooth issuing correspondence, message channel"s maintenance, the support work, the customer center adopts 95598 national electric powersThe guest takes the telephone to be responsible to receive, processing to use electricity the customer to use electricity the consultation, the breakdown to request repairs with services and so on processing, suit




Solar energy lamp, a former charging LED lamp, price is higher, LED to lower costs, use the trouble and expense to buy batteries, more convenient, want to use and then use:1 using LED lamp, the light is downy and bright pure white, lighting (regional concentration, reduce the influence of peripheral filcker, eye protection, long service life, and LED tube could reach 50,000 hours.2 fast to lighten the lamp, fluorescent not black.3 multi-purpose design: computer lighting, learning the lamp, small night lights.4 many solar battery power supply mode: computer power transformer, NOKIA cellular phone chargers and power supply (optional), etc5. Built-in lithium battery capacity, long life, no memory effect, need not worry is the common lead-acid battery leakage problem, the energy conservation environmental protection acid.Use camping lamp, table lamp, learning power emergency voltage (V) 3.7 VRated power 0.4 (W) light type LED-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -LED lamp, solar battery, use cost price is higher, low trouble and expense of buy batteries, more convenient, want to use and then use the power, the more suitable illumination, also can be in remote areas, the mountain orchard:1 star LED by 20 bulbs, downy light bright pure white, lighting (regional concentration, reduce the influence of peripheral filcker, eye protection, long service life, and LED tube could reach 50,000 hours.2 fast to lighten the lamp, fluorescent not black.3 multi-purpose lamp, learning design: camping lamp, small night lights.4 many solar battery, power supply, electricity supply, transformer computer (optional), etc5. Built-in capacity for lithium battery and energy control circuit, applicable to the sun, intermittent long life, no memory effect, need not worry is the common lead-acid battery leakage problem, the energy conservation environmental protection acid-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Long lighting rechargeable flashlight,Using high strength, convenient, small shell water fall,Built-in capacity of lithium battery, long life, no memory,Three high brightness LED light bulb, big change worry,Nokia, the mobile phone straight and used car charger of charging ways,The driver friend close-fitting baby, in the car, and with the filling with emergency, small light intensity. Product size only 10.3 3.2 * * for 2.5 (cm)Main USES lighting, working at night, emergency, Tourism, mountaineering, Driving emergency work voltage 3.7 V (V),Power source form led battery form-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -The new generation of rechargeable flashlight, aluminum alloy enclosure, wear-resisting metal oxide, exquisite luxurious color, small convenient, waterproof, long time: a lighting electric lighting 22 hours continuously,1. Built-in capacity of lithium battery, long life, no memory,2. Power, high brightness LED light bulb, change the trouble,3. Nokia, the mobile phone straight and used car charger, solar charger of charging ways; etc.4. The driver friend close-fitting baby, in the car, and with the filling with emergency, small light intensity.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -






Beautiful Life 歌手:Ace of Base You can do what you want Just seize the day What you"re doing tomorrow"s Gonna come your way Don"t you ever consider giving up You will find...oh-oh It"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-oh It"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-oh It"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-oh I just wanna be here beside you And stay until the break of dawn Take a walk in the park when you feel down There"s so many things there That"s gonna lift you up See the nature in bloom a laughing child Such a dream...oh-oh I just wanna be here beside you Oh, yeah, alright I just wanna be here beside you And stay until the break of dawn You"re looking for somewhere to belong You"re standing all alone For someone to guide you on your way Now and forever... I just wanna be anybody We"re living in different ways It"s a beautiful life I"m gonna take you to the place I"ve never been before Oh, yeah It"s a beautiful life I"m gonna take you in my arms and fly away with you tonight Oh, yeah, alright It"s a beautiful life Yeah, alright It"s a beautiful life It"s a beautiful life It"s a beautiful life抓紧每一天做你想做的事明天总是会来临永远不容退缩放弃你会发现生活是多么美丽我只想陪在你身边等待明天的黎明当你感到沮丧就去散散步世间有许多美丽会让你感动鲜花盛开的大地和孩子们的欢笑你会发现生活是多么美丽你在寻找你的归宿孤独中希望有人为你指路我想跟着那个人他带你飞向未来噢美丽的生活PS:希望你满意哦!!


会计上好像都用fixed assets



谁有justin bieber 的let me love you 的歌词翻译,就是把英文翻译成中文







1. 关于中秋节的诗句英文翻译(中秋节英语的诗句) 关于中秋节的诗句英文翻译(中秋节英语的诗句) 1.中秋节英语的诗句 From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 Till, raising my cup , I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three. 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 Alas, the moon was unable to drink and my shadow tagged me vacantly; 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 But still for a while I had these friends to cheer me through the end of spring. 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 As long as I knew , we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the river of stars. 八月十五夜月 In August fifteen the moon 杜甫 Du Fu 满月飞明镜,归心折大刀。 The full moon fly der, centering fold. 转蓬行地远,攀桂仰天高。 Clothes line far, climbing, sky high. 水路疑霜雪,林栖见羽毛。 Waterway suspected frost, arboreal see feather. 此时瞻白兔,直欲数秋毫。 Now look white, straight to number of autumn hair. 十五夜望月 Fifteen nights moon 王建 Wang Jian 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 Atrium white arboreal crow, wet cold silent dew fragrans. 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家! The moon tonight as the hope, not yearning falls whose home! 南斋玩月 South Zhai moon 王昌龄 Wang Changling 高卧南斋时,开帷月初吐。 Lying on a high seat in the South study, we have lifted the curtain-and we see the rising moon. 清辉澹水木,演漾在窗户。 Clear and Mizuki, acting overflow in windows. 荏苒几盈虚,澄澄变今古。 How few Yingxu, Rachel variable heritage. 美人清江畔,是夜越吟苦。 Our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river. Singing, perhaps, a plaintive Eastern song. 千里共如何,微风吹兰杜。 Common how thousands of miles, breeze blows Lan Du. 中秋月 Autumn Moon 苏轼 Su Shi 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。 Evening clouds withdrawn, pure cold air floods the sky; the river of stars mute, a jade plate turns on high. 此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。 How oft can we enjoy a fine mid-autumn night? Where shall we view next year silver moon so bright.。 2.有关中秋节的诗词并有英语翻译 《中秋》 (唐)李朴 皓魄当空宝镜升,云间仙籁寂无声;平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明;狡兔空从弦外落,妖蟆休向眼前生;灵槎拟约同携手,更待银河彻底清。 《八月十五夜玩月》 (唐)刘禹锡 天将今夜月,一遍洗寰瀛。暑退九霄净,秋澄万景清。 星辰让光彩,风露发晶英。能变人间世,攸然是玉京。 《水调歌头》 (宋)苏东坡 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦。大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 中秋月 (宋)苏轼 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘,此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。《太常引》 (宋)辛弃疾 一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。 把酒问姮娥:被白发欺人奈何!乘风好去,长空万里,直下看山河。斫去桂婆娑。 人道是清光更多。台湾民谣:《中秋旅思》 孤影看分雁,千金念弊貂;故乡秋忆月,异国夜惊潮。 手未攀丹桂,以犹卷缘蕉;登楼悲作赋,西望海天遥。《月夜思乡》星稀月冷逸银河,万籁无声自啸歌;何处关山家万里,夜来枨触客愁多。 《煎熬》夜深沉,明月高挂天正中,寂无声;睡眼朦胧,恍若梦中;生卧徘徊以不宁,故国家园萦脑中;苦煎熬,归去成空,如焚王衷。 "Mid-Autumn Festival" (Tang) Lee Park When air Bao Hao sent up clouds of pipe Death cents silent; In terms of a full, long Pan Yun Qu Li Ming; Xiaochan string alighting from the air, monster frog to take immediate health; Ling fell to about the same work, to be more thorough-Galaxy. "August 15 night moon" (Tang) Liu Yuxi Days Tonight, again washing atlanto-ying. Net platform summer retreat, Qiu Cheng King-10000. Stars to honor the wind Lu Jing Ying. The world can change the world, yes-Youran Beijing. "Prelude" (SONG) Su Dongpo Bing-chen Zhongqiu, Potion of Dan. Staggered, when the make, and of the Wye. Moon? Wine Q blue sky. I wonder if the sky palace,象what years? I go back to Feng, Qionglouyuyu fear, Glory! Dance Show understand, how in the world like? To Zhu Ge, low-chi households, as without sleep. There should be no hate, what happens when another round of the? Everyday people, on a circular course of missing, the whole matter of difficulty. So, Trinidad total Chan. The Moon (SONG) Sushi Jia Yi tasks to do, Yin silent to the plate, This is not long for this night, to see where the bright moon next year. "Now primer" (SONG) Xin Qiji A video autumn to Jinbo, and re-mirror grinding. Wine Q Heng-e: The hair deceptive regrettable! Good to Feng, the sky Wanli, Occurring Directly Beneath Big see mountains and rivers. To use GUI theater. Yes-more-humane. Taiwan folk songs: "Mid-Autumn brigade thinking" Hier of the wild, daughter read Inspector General; Qiu Yi hometown, the influx of foreign hostility. Hand did not pan osmanthus, Utah Vol margin banana; Fu went to grief, remote west sea and the sky. "Moonlight homesickness" Lean on Star Plaza Galaxy cold, silent since Wan Lai Xiao Song; Commissioner Hill home where Wanli, colors and more practical touch off sorrows. "Torments" Deep, Mingyue hoisted Tengen, Silent Death; Obscurity sleepy, Back dream; Lying to the restless wandering, subdued home ying brain; Suffering from, go back into space, the co-incineration。 3.关于中秋节的谚语 诗句 (英文) 关于中秋节的谚语 诗句有: 【1】People on every occasion, especially on Mid-Autumn festival particularly bright. 【2】 Several strike stay long, xiao wind Mid-Autumn festival. 【3】To better half clear autumn, window containing the moon is round 起源 关于中秋节的起源,说法较多。中秋一词,最早见于《周礼》,《礼记·月令》上说:“仲秋之月养衰老,行糜粥饮食。” 一说它起源于古代帝王的祭祀活动。《礼记》上记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月”,夕月就是祭月亮,说明早在春秋时代,帝王就已开始祭月、拜月了。后来贵族官吏和文人学士也相继仿效,逐步传到民间。 二是中秋节的起源和农业生产有关。秋天是收获的季节。“秋”字的解释是:“庄稼成熟曰秋”。八月中秋,农作物和各种果品陆续成熟,农民为了庆祝丰收,表达喜悦的心情,就以“中秋”这天作为节日。“中秋”就是秋天中间的意思,农历的八月是秋季中间的一个月,十五日又是这个月中间的一天,所以中秋节可能是古人“秋报”遗传下来的习俗。 也有历史学家研究指出,中秋节起源应为隋末唐军于大业十三年八月十五日,唐军裴寂以圆月作为构思,成功发明月饼,并广发军中作为军饷,成功解决因大量吸收反隋义军而衍生之军粮问题。 4.有关中秋节的诗词并有英语翻译 《中秋》 (唐)李朴皓魄当空宝镜升,云间仙籁寂无声;平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明;狡兔空从弦外落,妖蟆休向眼前生;灵槎拟约同携手,更待银河彻底清。 《八月十五夜玩月》 (唐)刘禹锡天将今夜月,一遍洗寰瀛。暑退九霄净,秋澄万景清。 星辰让光彩,风露发晶英。能变人间世,攸然是玉京。 《水调歌头》 (宋)苏东坡丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦。大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 中秋月(宋)苏轼暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘,此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。《太常引》 (宋)辛弃疾一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。 把酒问姮娥:被白发欺人奈何!乘风好去,长空万里,直下看山河。斫去桂婆娑。 人道是清光更多。台湾民谣:《中秋旅思》 孤影看分雁,千金念弊貂;故乡秋忆月,异国夜惊潮。 手未攀丹桂,以犹卷缘蕉;登楼悲作赋,西望海天遥。《月夜思乡》星稀月冷逸银河,万籁无声自啸歌;何处关山家万里,夜来枨触客愁多。 《煎熬》夜深沉,明月高挂天正中,寂无声;睡眼朦胧,恍若梦中;生卧徘徊以不宁,故国家园萦脑中;苦煎熬,归去成空,如焚王衷。 "Mid-Autumn Festival" (Tang) Lee Park When air Bao Hao sent up clouds of pipe Death cents silent; In terms of a full, long Pan Yun Qu Li Ming; Xiaochan string alighting from the air, monster frog to take immediate health; Ling fell to about the same work, to be more thorough-Galaxy. "August 15 night moon" (Tang) Liu Yuxi Days Tonight, again washing atlanto-ying. Net platform summer retreat, Qiu Cheng King-10000. Stars to honor the wind Lu Jing Ying. The world can change the world, yes-Youran Beijing. "Prelude" (SONG) Su Dongpo Bing-chen Zhongqiu, Potion of Dan. Staggered, when the make, and of the Wye. Moon? Wine Q blue sky. I wonder if the sky palace,象what years? I go back to Feng, Qionglouyuyu fear, Glory! Dance Show understand, how in the world like? To Zhu Ge, low-chi households, as without sleep. There should be no hate, what happens when another round of the? Everyday people, on a circular course of missing, the whole matter of difficulty. So, Trinidad total Chan. The Moon (SONG) Sushi Jia Yi tasks to do, Yin silent to the plate, This is not long for this night, to see where the bright moon next year. "Now primer" (SONG) Xin Qiji A video autumn to Jinbo, and re-mirror grinding. Wine Q Heng-e: The hair deceptive regrettable! Good to Feng, the sky Wanli, Occurring Directly Beneath Big see mountains and rivers. To use GUI theater. Yes-more-humane. Taiwan folk songs: "Mid-Autumn brigade thinking" Hier of the wild, daughter read Inspector General; Qiu Yi hometown, the influx of foreign hostility. Hand did not pan osmanthus, Utah Vol margin banana; Fu went to grief, remote west sea and the sky. "Moonlight homesickness" Lean on Star Plaza Galaxy cold, silent since Wan Lai Xiao Song; Commissioner Hill home where Wanli, colors and more practical touch off sorrows. "Torments" Deep, Mingyue hoisted Tengen, Silent Death; Obscurity sleepy, Back dream; Lying to the restless wandering, subdued home ying brain; Suffering from, go back into space, the co-incineration。 5.要五个有关于中秋节的英语句子 1 Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty. 没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。 2 East or west, home is best. 金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。 3 The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains. 月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存 4 Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. 家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。 5 When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy. 如果我们在一起 ,天上的月亮也会嫉妒的。 6 My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so. 在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗? 7 To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream. 今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。 8 Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you! 还记得儿时我们共度的那个中秋吗? 祝你节日快乐。 9 Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight? 今晚能邀你一同赏月吗? 10 Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day. 在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。 你好,望采纳。 6.关于中秋节的英文诗.要有翻译.自己写的也行 《水调歌头》 (宋)苏东坡 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆? 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 翻译∶ "Thinking of You" When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don"t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I"d like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow It does not seem like the human world The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane This has been going on since the beginning of time May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.






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你若不离不弃 我必生死相依 的英文翻译

If you never leave me, I will be with you till death do us apart



leave me along英文翻译~


三伏天英文怎么说 三伏天的英文翻译

导读:2020年三伏天有40天,这个一上热搜就成了大家广泛关注的对象,现今仍有很多人不知道三伏天是什么,更别说三伏天英文怎么说了,今日就给大家普及下三伏天的知识,以下是我带来的三伏天的英文翻译,一起来瞧瞧吧。 三伏天英文是Dog days 来源:古罗马人认为每年7月、8月的酷热天气,是太阳加上天狼星(the Dog Star)造成的,后来就一直沿用了这一说法。网友把这个翻译直译为:“ 热成狗”。 三伏天英文翻译的由来 其实这个有趣的译文与天狼星(Sirius)有关。天狼星(Sirius)俗称“狗星”(the Dog Star),天文学家很早就发现,在暑热蒸腾的7~9月,这颗闪耀的星星会在日出前停留在天际,太阳升起后,它也随之消失。古罗马人曾迷信地认为,炎热夏天的“狗星”与太阳如此靠近,是造成世间干旱和疾病的元凶,因此,每到盛夏他们总要宰狗祭神。还有另外一种说法是,天热的时候,狗会伸长舌头喘气,所以这种能把狗都热的喘气的天气,就叫做dog days,即夏天的酷热时期。 所以三伏天可以说 dog days 或者 canicular days。 三伏天日常表达: 1. Dog days are here! 夏天(大热天)到了! 2. I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days. 我在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。 和“dog”相关语句 Every dog has its days. 每个人都有时来运转的一天。 Dog eat dog 残酷、竞争激烈 Love me,love my dog 三伏天温度最高有多少 由于不同的地区,气候环境不同,通常情况下,三伏天气时我国南方地区气温一般为35-38℃之间,有的甚至于高达40℃,而纬度较高的北方地区,三伏天时日平均温度也会有30℃左右,最低温度也不会低于20℃,因此,三伏天的温度要以身处地域的实际温度为准。 三伏一共有哪三伏 三伏分有初伏、中伏、末伏。 初伏:初伏一般指是即将进入三伏天的那段时间称之为初伏,这时候是温度开始缓步上升。 中伏:初伏之后就开始进入中伏,中伏的时间不固定,有的年份有10天,有的年份有20天。 末伏:末伏是三伏天的尾声,到了末伏气候会逐渐转凉一些,末伏期一般已经入秋,此时正温度逐转凉。



英文翻译:热爱生活,积极向上。组织协调能力强,善于 沟通,勤学好问,做事踏实认真,为人忠厚善良。

Love life and be positive. Organization and coordination ability, good at communication, hard work, earnest, honest and good.


三伏天英文怎么说 三伏天的英文翻译 三伏天英文是Dog days 来源:古罗马人认为每年7月、8月的酷热天气,是太阳加上天狼星(the Dog Star)造成的,后来就一直沿用了这一说法。网友把这个翻译直译为:“ 热成狗”。 三伏天英文翻译的由来 其实这个有趣的译文与天狼星(Sirius)有关。天狼星(Sirius)俗称“狗星”(the Dog Star),天文学家很早就发现,在暑热蒸腾的7——9月,这颗闪耀的星星会在日出前停留在天际,太阳升起后,它也随之消失。古罗马人曾迷信地认为,炎热夏天的“狗星”与太阳如此靠近,是造成世间干旱和疾病的元凶,因此,每到盛夏他们总要宰狗祭神。还有另外一种说法是,天热的时候,狗会伸长舌头喘气,所以这种能把狗都热的喘气的天气,就叫做dog days,即夏天的酷热时期。 所以三伏天可以说 dog days 或者 canicular days。 三伏天日常表达: 1. Dog days are here! 夏天(大热天)到了! 2. I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days. 我在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。 和“dog”相关语句 Every dog has its days. 每个人都有时来运转的一天。 Dog eat dog 残酷、竞争激烈 Love me,love my dog 三伏天温度最高有多少 由于不同的地区,气候环境不同,通常情况下,三伏天气时我国南方地区气温一般为35-38℃之间,有的甚至于高达40℃,而纬度较高的北方地区,三伏天时日平均温度也会有30℃左右,最低温度也不会低于20℃,因此,三伏天的温度要以身处地域的实际温度为准。 三伏一共有哪三伏 三伏分有初伏、中伏、末伏。 初伏:初伏一般指是即将进入三伏天的那段时间称之为初伏,这时候是温度开始缓步上升。 中伏:初伏之后就开始进入中伏,中伏的时间不固定,有的年份有10天,有的年份有20天。 末伏:末伏是三伏天的尾声,到了末伏气候会逐渐转凉一些,末伏期一般已经入秋,此时正温度逐转凉。



英文翻译 高分献上



Qingdao, this stands in the Jiaozhou Bay and a beautiful city, due to favorable geographical location, coupled with a good depth of ice-free harbor, so that she was in modern Chinese history to make the world and the people become the focus of attention. Qingdao, China"s modern history in this epic city, because of her plump and beautiful in its past years of jealousy and coveted by the world powers. As the powers of plunder and looting, to make this the history of civilization several thousand years of land has been forgotten, and indifferent, leaving only a few have a hundred years of history full of colonial Gothic building was the people talked about, even if it is Jin-Jin Yue Road hundred years ago, also from the history of humiliation began. 54 Plaza, Qingdao, China"s modern history because of the great 54 Movement named after the fuse is intended to promote the patriotic spirit of encouraging people to go all out 54, to greet the new century. AD 1897, when the German invaders in the gunboats, supported by iron heel foot piece of muscle, Qingdao, emollient America the land accompanied by humiliation on her, and that timidity of the Qing Dynasty Manchu soldiers and corrupt-down Government by history forever to nail a shame. China hot-blooded young people with their own body and blood of the Northern to the corrupt cowardly government declared war to those who ignore the interests of China declared war on the world"s powers to declare war Huaizhuo wild ambition of Japan. May the wind over the land of China, the situation passionate angry young students running around shouting, without fear of rape, they used their own blood and action to safeguard the national sovereignty and integrity of China, they used the young body to defend the interests of our Chinese nation , and for our new Chinese nation, the seeds of prairie fires of the future for our modern history of China, under a heavy sum of the book. Great red whirlwind is in Qingdao today, people, in order to commemorate those people for her today to free, beautiful, tranquility, harmony and dedication of the people to build, and it is people who Qingdao unified in order to land the pioneers of the greatest praise, this is known as "May the wind" of the building devoted descendants of the pioneers of their thoughts, embodies the spirit of the pioneers of the blood and then leapt up like a torch of the cyclone, Sihuo put has demonstrated a new advance of the Chinese youth direction, the use of steel shaped wind blown seeds of the city of dreams to a more warm the ground. 54 Plaza, according to the Qingdao Municipal Government Office Building, the south Fushan Bay, with a total area of 10 hectares. Place the two parts of the north or south, distributed in the central axis of the municipal government office building, implicit fountain, fountain lattice, "May the Wind" sculpture, fountains and other rhythmic sea 100 meters to show solemn, solid, vigorous magnificent scenery, a large area in the backdrop of the forest landscape is more vibrant and full of modern flavor. Plaza was built in 1997, the north, Qingdao municipal government office building, the south Fushan Bay, located in the eastern New District, south of City Hall, there is a large lawn, musical fountain, as well as the iconic sculpture "May the wind" in order to spiral increase in the wind shape and red color, fully embodies the "May 4th Movement" anti-imperialist tone of patriotism and assertive licking the air and national strength. Across the sea, there can be sprayed water 100 meters high fountain, the whole scenic area appeared quiet and elegant atmosphere, comfortable and peaceful. This place has become a symbol of the new century, Qingdao is one of the landscape. General picture: 54 Square Road, Qingdao City, eastern symbol - the East China Sea Road, the main park, covers an area of thousands of square meters, as commemoration of Qingdao as the "May 4th Movement" named after the fuse. Square from City Hall Square, the central square, waterfront park consists of three parts, during which meta-sculptures and fountains spit jade, verdant and luxuriant pines and cypresses, flowers Tucui, magnificent, elegant and sublime, highly Qingdao characteristics and spirit of the times, set memorial, assembly, leisure, entertainment, tours, sightseeing in one, becoming a symbol of Qingdao City Square. Place the main sculpture "May the wind" high 30 meters, 27 meters in diameter, using steel-reinforced spiral upward combination with a simple shape elements of permutations and combinations Xilian rotation licking the air as the "wind" in shape, fully embodies the 54 The patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism and assertive tone licking the air and the national forces. With the wind spiral shape and red color, fully embodies the "May 4th Movement" anti-imperialist tone of patriotism and assertive licking the air and national strength. Across the sea, there can be sprayed water 100 meters high fountain, the whole scenic area appeared quiet and elegant atmosphere, comfortable and peaceful. This place has become a symbol of the new century, Qingdao is one of the landscape. Works with the surrounding natural environment as well as the sea and the sky serene and elegant parks, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere of organically integrated to form a magnificent landscape for the park Wei. ~ Or with English introduced in May of wind sculptures can also be


Journey to the West Journey to the West is a household legend and myth throughout East Asia, especially China, and among Chinese throughout the world. It is based on the real life monk Xuan Zang"s (also known as Tripitaka or Tang San Zang) pilgrimage to India, to fetch back some Buddhist scriptures. Nonetheless, this fictional retelling focuses on San Zang"s first disciple, the monkey king, Sun Wu Kong, who captured readers" hearts and imagination with his bold, daring, and mischievous personality. He was also very rebellious. As a matter of fact, Wu Cheng En wrote Journey to the West to criticize China"s political system and society. Basically, Journey to the West is about Tang San Zang"s journey to the west (duh) and the difficulties he and his disciples face in between. It is overflowing with magic, demons, gods, immortals, and scrumptious action and adventure! It has lots of humor and some angst as well. Wu Kong and the other disciples, a pig demon Zhu Ba Jie and the river demon Sha Wu Jing, have to battle hordes of demons, who all want their master because his flesh will give immortality to anyone who eats it. This epic story is a captivating read, with the pilgrims getting into trouble in the most unexpected places, fighting through not only outright confrontation and abduction but also lies and disguises while using trickery of their own. Sun Wu Kong is especially good at this, having mastered the way of transforming himself into anything he likes, including a fly, tree, or a beautiful girl. Xi You Ji spans over a huge area, taking readers for a wild ride to the Heavens, volcanoes, seas, wide rivers, mountain peaks, demon-filled caves, right down to the pits of Hell. The plot is imaginative and full of conflict, either with external enemies or between the pilgrims themselves. The characters are well developed, with distinct, three-dimensional personalities. Well, most of them, at least. There are also underlying spiritual and religious themes. This masterpiece is frequently underestimated as it also portrays a realistic view of the political and social scenarios during the Ming Dynasty. In short, Xi You Ji is definitely worth your time. Grab the chance to experience one of the greatest classics of ancient China!


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1、Winter is coming.凛冬将至。2、宣判死刑之人理应亲自动手。——奈德·史塔克The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.-Lord Eddard Stark3、永远不要忘记自己是怎么样的人,因为这个世界不会忘记。用它来武装自己,那样就没有人可以用它伤害你了。Never forget what you are,for the rest of the world will not,wear it like armor,and it can never be used to hurt you.4、死亡过于绝对了,而活着,则充满无限可能。——提利昂·兰尼斯特Death is so final,while life is full of possibilities .-Tyrion Lannister 5、一个人在"但是”之前说的话都不算数。Nothing someone says before "but " really counts. 6、——你知道吗?我不会有什么进步的。——但也不会更差了。I am not going to get any better, you know. You can"t get any worse. 7、世上只有一个神,他的名字是死亡,我们要对死神说的,也只有一句话:死也不是今天。There is only one God ,and his name is Death. And there is one thing we say to Death:Not today.8、在权利的游戏之中,成王败寇,没有中间地带。When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground9、守夜人的宣誓词Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night"s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come。 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。我将尽忠职守,生死于斯。我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。我将生命与荣耀献于守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。10、权力在于民心。Power resides where man believe it resides.


1 a clean and tidy environment, and starts from me.2 every day, as long as further certain success on the way.3 more communication, less complain, more understanding, less dispute.4 do small things, achievement great things.5 loyal faithful person, steadfast reality.6 change old ideas, welcomed the new progress.7 the method for success, the failure to find excuses.8 to save resources, and reduce the cost, improve the competition power.9 for a customer is not easy, lose a customer is very simple.10 will and will proposed, discussion and will never, never and will line, line and will fruit.11 space use good, goods, the high quality quick, safeguard.12 security to do, fire moistureproof and security.13 storage to abide by the principle, advanced


然后有后开挖任务。这些包括统计摘要和科学分析发现仍然。他们也是在做了科学的考古工作的一部分,是有关保护和巩固一个易腐物品的工作状态。共同所有这些程序是解释学的线程,这是在解释元素,如理解,即认为一些重要的项目,和相关性,并拒绝为无关紧要的人。形式搜集到的数据转换成活动,但它是分类,物质文化是必然的研究课题。 的考古活动关注的是人与人之间的互动和工件。尤其重要的是他们作为文物出土情况。因为虽然不是唯一的开挖任务,考古学家参与,正是这种行动的发掘,揭示,揭露和考古学已抓获的想象,虽然同样的门外汉和学者。福柯,例如,雇用的考古挖掘的概念作为锚他对考古学的知识智力工程。最近,由于信息被纳入到了我们的日常生活中,这个想法也发现,在信息系统设计共振织物叠加日益复杂的层。在本研究范围内,对考古知识的兴趣是基于这个想法,考古学,作为一门学科,这也是大量的文物参与研究,可以揭示了人们日常的生活文化。这尤其被认为是在Mulli现场情况。据报道,这是少数几个时期之一,在芬兰考古学家已能研究后期铁器时代的日常生活使用解决方案(而不是陪葬)依然存在。 此次与考古学家在该项目的设计师参与发生在创建一个多媒体项目,该项目使用了网站上的Mulli文物的传播有关的物质文化和历史信息的区域范围内。高度集中的看法点不意味着排除的是,除了挖掘,考古学家在一个广泛的地形,其中包括一个多元化经营的任务。事实上,考古学家参与了许多知识,如生产方面:人种学研究,认知研究,地质,档案与史学和科学,等等。


Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.






Happy birthday



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You will be better .我觉得这样就可以。
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