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1. This documentary film had demonstrated to us the 1990s China"s appearance 2 present many young people already adapted life condition 3 me who maintains bustles about to want to know whether he can share joys and sorrows with the great friends 4 passes he rather alone to withstand the worry not to be willing with the human to exchange 5 here to be too noisy, I am unable the total involvement investment study. 6 when I return to the office, they said that has my telephone


1. In terms of ability, I am sure that he is competent for this job.2. I aked her several times, but she refused to answer my questions.3. In the west, people often buy things by mail, because it can save a lot of time.4. I am sorry. Since time is limited, I suggest that we jump to the last chapter.




large demandbig demand


large demandbig demand


We may win



求love is color blind 英文翻译。







You are buying underwear products, please confirm the size and color, no quality problems are not returned




tonight, I feel very close to you.


1. bring forth new ideas2. blaze new trails




1. A brief self-introduction, says: (2) afternoon! Thank you for inviting me to participate in the interview. First of all, I introduce themselves to. My name is XXX, 24-year-old, who lives XXX, XXX graduated from the University of time in 2006, the accounting profession. I have XXX in the company cashier, financial assistant manager, network administrators, drivers and other duties. I prudent character, work conscientiously strict, principled, strong sense of team, love the financial work. A high level of computer, able to skillfully use the windows as well as word, excel office software, will use financial software, and a 2-year cars Jialing, a business trip. 2. Candidates departments: the Ministry of Finance professional candidates: professional accounting The basic personal situation photos Name Sex date of birth Health status of health height (cm) 178 ethnic Han Members of the current political landscape duties without expectations of 2-4 million annual salary Hunfou account whether the location of origin ID cards are leaving work, Type of talent, social talents, participate in the working hours of two years work experience, 2006 Current place of residence, Zip code 102200 E-mail, mobile phone, fixed telephone The highest education, tertiary, the maximum degree, no, professional, accounting, file location, Shunyi Graduate institutions, title, no English Language, English, grade level, one, typing speed, "the level of computer Description and grading of "proficient Professional learning and work experience (from low to high fill) "Learning experience" start and end time graduate professional degree institutions No 2000-2004 financial accounting No Accounting 2004-2006 "Work experience" beginning and end of time the name main duties 2006.6-2006.10 Beijing-Shanghai Express Services Limited in charge of financial, accounting, network management Tai Fung Industrial 2006.11-2007.3 Accounting Services Limited Field accounting, finance assistant, network management 2007.3-2008.4 Shunxinnongye Pengcheng Food Branch (Florida Pengcheng) cash, accounting, assistant manager, the driver Information construction project planning, network management Family members and major social relations Name relations work units work in the political landscape Workshop director of the masses Masses of workers Training and Certification Beginning and end of time training certificate name names training institutions 2003.3-2003.10 truck driving Beijing Beijing North Jiajiao driver"s license (B) 2004.11 accounting and the quality of economic management school accounting business card 2005.9-2005.11 Abacus Abacus five technical Shunyi TVU Certificate Self-evaluation (500 characters)


1 because the price for the raw materials at present is rising.2 our unit price changed3 sorry for the inconvenience to you.4 please modify the unit price.5 lead time 50days

在线等待求助 英文翻译

阿水净化,然后点设置在最近的适当使用ROWPUs净化水,运来的波塞干供水点使用分配资产,主要是半挂车装面料坦克(SMFT)源。各单位(不轻步兵连)必须使用他们的有机配水设备,捡起批准的水点水。该单位必须派遣一个有机的主要推动者和400加仑的水拖车,160加仑枕头坦克或250可折叠鼓BSA的供水点。由于有限的水资源分布在LIB车辆流动性工作,是由单位分配。 水是向前推进的波塞到LIB水科提出地区供水点的供水系统,转移到一六○加仑供应的营列车运行枕头坦克。水将被带到着公司和排。单位要接载营分销点的水源补给。供水单位只提供lib中。在轻步兵师使用的供应点分布的所有其他单位。 在军队的库存设备已经开发出来,支持这个原则,并在大多数情况下也适合执行这项任务。净水设备由每小时六零零加仑ROWPU 3000每小时ROPWU是目前装备和每小时1500加仑战术水净化系统和每小时125加仑净水器,重量轻,这是准备进入生产加仑。 这些系统可以迅速净化任何水源,包括河流,湖泊和海洋,生产量,以满足旅,师,军和运行要求的剧种。分配是使用半拖车式布背心(SMFT)或(转发区供水点供电系统),批量发行和400加仑的拖车,二百五十零加仑可折叠桶和160加仑零售枕头坦克FAWPSS。一个2000加仑的油箱机架,可能在一个负载处理系统(左边刻度)或拖车运输,以取代SMFT解决的重大绘制未能运输SMFT部分后卫正在开发中。自从小河马和骆驼正在发展,增加400加仑的水的单位拖车容量900加仑。


我是一个好孩子,听话。我长大后在中国,国家的教育是每个儿童中心的生活和品位低于百分之八十五被认为是失败的。等级意味着更给我们一个母亲的微笑,超过杂音的希望挥之不去的生日蜡烛。我曾在午餐功课,数学和语文课一天两次。有惩罚没有注意。我被殴打的统治者。我学会了做任何事情,才能获得好成绩。我相信,在工作地点,但相信配备牺牲。所取得的成就我配备了成本。我记得小学一年级,红色的围巾在风中飘动,超过任何想成为第一个穿上它,即责任的象征,卓越和忠诚度。首先,一闪想到当我把它是多么高兴我的家人会,多么自豪祖国将儿童它承担以及如何看我的成绩将在学院的申请。我所有的骄傲,爱,自尊-他们融入义务。有次我想扔掉一切,但责任和义务总是有困扰我,让我强烈。我想:我的父母和祖父母给我带来了,我的国家给我的住房,我的老师花了这么多时间建设的基础不仅仅是我有我把它全部消失?否,我不能这样做!我必须偿还所有的,他们这样做。 “我必须” , “我应该” , “我必须” ,所有这些小词组管理我的生活和许多人的生活,我的同学。我们的斗争,因为责任提醒我们,在等待成功不仅是对我们来说。这是对我们的家庭,我们的遗产和我们的国家。我曾经想成为一名园丁。我喜欢从事户外和坚韧的感觉污垢更是超过了许多有形的站不住脚的话串成。但我永远不能成长为一名园丁。一切我迄今所做点的方向成为一名律师。这是一个工作全心全意地支持我的家人。有没有其他选择的人谁在被带到了这样一个严格的制度,谁也有人野心。在美国,有将近压力,按照你的梦想。我不想让更多的梦想-梦想是幻想。而且为时已晚,我又努力的未来,让我建立基金会去废墟。我相信的力量,有责任推动。只有义务将提供我一些真实的,有价值的东西,我的努力和支持我的家人和国家。责任可以给我一个更大的成就,是比我。



为天地立心, 为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学, 为万世开太平的英文翻译

For the heart of the natureFor the sake of the creatureFor the continuity of the cultureFor the world"s peace and human"s endless prosperous future

求这些口译句子的英文翻译 跪谢了

1 People"s Republic of China is located in the eastern part of Asia, the Pacific West Coast. 9.6 million square kilometers of land area equivalent to the entire European continent. The land border country as long as 20,000 kilometers, the mainland coastline of 18,000 km. The vast waters of 5 has more than 000 islands, the largest is Taiwan, followed by the Hainan Island. Are the southernmost islands in the South China Sea. 2. International Tourism is to promote mutual understanding among peoples of the effective way. Has five thousand years history of Chinese civilization, the people are longing for the countries of destination. Chinese people have created splendid unparalleled world culture, places of interest abound, such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum in Beijing, Hangzhou"s West Lake, the scenery of Guilin. 3. Mount Tai to the natural landscape and cultural landscape for the perfect blend together, the mountain has countless stones, money waterfall, Gusong, bridges, temples, pavilions, ancient, temple. Numerous places of interest, especially the ancient literati calligrapher inscription stone left, giving the tourists an dizzying Lumpur. 4.2004 years June 8-9 1 History will remember this moment forever. Olympic flame with a human peace, friendship, civilization and progress of the pursuit, the people of Greece with the friendship of the Chinese people came to the vast land of China. From Olympia to the Great Wall, the Olympic torch burning, the great Olympic spirit to Beijing, Chinese people into the people"s hope for peace, the desire to participate in the Olympic spirit of respect. 5. Extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture, has a long history. Early in 2000 many years ago, the question arises as represented by Confucius and Mencius in the Confucian doctrine, and the Taoist Zhuangzi theory represented, as well as many other Chinese thought is the history of the doctrine and school status. This is the famous "100 thinkers."我是英语老师,估计准确


概览对于读者, 30,000英尺鉴于金融投资领域的公司,投资者,经纪人,人员和管理人员-股市-如下。分数开办小企业,作为一个或两个人的企业;与持续增长的成功发展成为一个伙伴关系,并在适当的时候正式的公司诞生了。公司需要短期资金,以维持库存和资本进入,他们做到这一点的通常直接从银行借款。当一个公司需要长期融资,资金可以通过出售部分业务的形式,共同或优先股。同样,这些股票吸引投资者,谁相信他们的款项往往大型证券公司或经销商谁专注于投资。期望的是,工作的专业人士的公司将负责处理投资者的钱好,具有多年的专业知识指导自己的决定。股市的交易领域的交流世界各地。

急求 英文翻译 《饭局》 - 各国饭局的特色

Chinese people pay too much attention on table manners. There"s no other country can be compared with.From table position to the order of dishes,from who start eating with chopsticks first to when could call for a end, there are rules which fully defines China the country of etiquette.On dinner table, Chinese usually save the central place for the person who is the most respectale. Dishes are provided as to the order-cool comes first and warm latter,simple served before main dishes. After the people sitting in the center begins eatting, the dinner starts. No wine, no dinner , tradition of Chinese table manner becomes the special part on table.When the dinner begins,the host usually have a little talk and propose a drink. In order to persuade people drink, the drink proposer will make up various of reasons. If the guest cannot defend himself,he has to drink.Another unique persuading drink way is penalty drinking, The reason could be various, the most commonly for example, being late could result in drinking three glasses as penalty.After dinner, people don"t just go back home, they always have some talk to maintain the relations. When the most respectale person express dismissing, people shall leave.

求 春天的故事 歌词的英文翻译(大意即可) 一九七九年那是一个春天 有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈

一九七九年那是一个春天 in the spring of 1979th有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈 an old man drew a circle by the South Sea of China神话般地崛起座座城 coming out cities and treasures fabulously奇迹般聚起座座金山春雷啊唤醒了长天内外 China woke up with spring thunder and became warmer and warmer春辉啊暖透了大江两岸啊,中国,中国oh China 你迈开了气壮山河的新步伐 you stepped and stepped你迈开了气壮山河的新步伐走进万象更新的春天 come to a new time 一九九二年又是一个春天 it"s in the spring of 1992ed有一位老人在中国的南海边写下诗篇an old man wrote a poetry by the South Sea of China天地间荡起滚滚春潮 waves and waves...........= =征途上扬起浩浩风帆 more and more sails appear春风啊吹绿了东方神州 the spring brearh greened China 春雨啊滋润了华夏故园 the spring rain moist China啊,中国,中国oh china 你展开了一幅百年的新画卷 you "ve come to a new day 你展开了一幅百年的新画卷捧出万紫千红的春天 come to a colorful spring渣翻译 见谅

撒切尔夫人的一段简介 英文翻译

Make the world admire the "Iron Lady"The first female prime minister in British historyEuropean history is also the first female prime ministerCommandeered the political arena for 11 years, remarkable achievements during the Prime Minister officeHistory in the UK, I am afraid there is no Margaret Thatcher than to create a more first.She is a British Conservative Party, this "man"s world" where the first female leader, she was the first female prime minister in British history, but also created a reelection third term 11-year-old girl records Prime Minister. Britain since the early 19th century, Lord Liverpool, 15 years after the third re-election, then there is no prime minister had a bit of power so long time. She is the first in British history to its implementation of a policy has been dubbed the "isms" and "revolution" of the Prime Minister, is also the 20th century, one of the best prime minister.She will be strong for its style of work determination, perseverance, tough on the Soviet Union was the "iron woman," said.She came from the civilian population, there is no prominent men of the shelter, and no husband to your wife glorious fall back, relying on continued efforts to pursue and tenacious struggle, and finally the heavy door in the UK first, one traditional country where being seen as " Men"s Territory "in the whirlpool and rapids in the political struggle, step by step climb up the ladder of success, to reach the summit of power. She led her Government in England staged a called the "Thatcher"s Cyclone," the drama, so the decline since the war has been sluggish in the United Kingdom, the emergence of the "Boom" of the situation. She is a ringed group of London"s politicians, so many men"s admiration, shame.

在外交政策方面政治家主要听取专家们的意见英文翻译用as to

"在外交政策方面政治家主要听取专家们的意见"翻译为:As to foreign policy, politicians mainly listen to the opinions of experts。


Thus, knowledge acquisition, sincerity, hearts, slim, family, nation, world peace


包边胶 tie-in strip保留生产轮胎 reserved old series of tyre层级 ply rating层数 number of plies常压轮胎 atomospheric pressure tyre超低断面轮胎 super low section tyre充气轮胎 pneumatic tyre带束层 belt导电实心轮胎 conductive solid tyre低断面轮胎 low section tyre调压轮胎 adjustable inflation tyre定向花纹 directional tread pattern断面高度 section height断面宽度 section width防擦线 kerbing rib非粘结式实心轮胎 pressed on solid tyre封口胶 sealing rubber钢丝包胶 wire covering钢丝圈 bead ring高负荷实心轮胎 high load capacity solid tyre高宽比(H/S) aspect ratio(H/S)隔离胶 insulation rubber公路花纹 highway tread pattern拱形轮胎 arch tyre骨架材料 framework material光胎面 smooth tread海棉轮胎 foam filled tyre横向花纹 transverse pattern花纹沟 groove花纹加强盘 tie-bar of pattern花纹角度 pattern angle花纹块 pattern block花纹条 pattern rib花纹纹深度 pattern depth花纹细缝 pattern sipe花纹展开图 pattern plan缓冲层 breaker缓冲胶片 breaker strip混合花纹 dual purpose tread pattern活胎面轮胎 removable tread tyre浇注轮胎 cast tyre抗静电实心轮胎 anti-static solid tyre可选择的胎圈座轮廓 bead seat optional contours宽基轮胎 wide base tyre帘 面层 cord ply轮胎 tyre (tire)轮胎标志 tyre marking轮胎规格 tyre size轮胎系列 tyre series内衬层 inside liner内胎 inner tube内胎胎身 tube body内支撑轮胎 internal supporter tyre耐油实心轮胎 oil-resistance solid tyre平峰型 flat hump(FH)普通断面轮胎 conventional section tyre气密层 innerliner屈挠区 flexing area三角胶 apex沙漠轮胎 sand tyre实心轮胎 solid tyre水胎 curing bag速度符号 speed symbol胎侧 sidewall胎侧胶 sidewall rubber胎冠 crown胎肩 shoulder胎肩垫胶 shoulder wedge胎肩区 shoulder area胎里 tyre cavity胎面 tread胎面过渡胶 transition rubber of tread胎面花纹 tread pattern胎面基部 tread base胎面基部胶 tread slab base胎面磨耗标志 tread wear indicator胎面行驶面 tread cap胎圈 bead胎圈包布 chafer胎圈补强带 bead reinforcing strip胎圈底部 bead base胎圈外护胶 bead filler rubber胎圈芯 bead core胎圈座 bead seat胎圈座角度 beat seat angle胎圈座宽度 bead seat width胎圈座圆角半径 bead seat radius胎体 carcass胎趾 bead toe胎踵 bead heel特殊座架 special ledge(SL)凸峰型 round hump(RH)椭圆形轮胎 elliptical tyre外胎 cover外直径 overall diameter完带层 cap ply无内胎轮胎 tubeless tyre斜底实心轮胎 conical base solid tyre斜交轮胎 diagonal tyre新胎 new tyre雪泥花纹 mud and snow pattern有内胎轮胎 tubed tyre圆柱实心轮胎 cylindrical base solid tyre越野花纹 cross-country tread pattern越野轮胎 cross-country tyre粘结式实心轮胎 cured on solid tyre胀大轮胎 grown tyre装配线 fitting line装饰胎侧 decorative sidewall装饰线 decorative rib




all-round warrior/soldier

我有几分喜欢他(用sort of造句) 英文翻译

I sort of love him.

他总是上学迟到 英文翻译 两种写法?

He is always for school.

Justin bieber新歌lolly的中英文翻译,能读通顺的

Bei Maejor Ft. Juicy J & Justin Bieber – Lolly 歌词/Lyrics[Hook: Maejor Ali]She say she love my lollyShe wanna make it popShe say she love my lollyShe wanna kiss the topShe say she love my lollyShe love my lollipopShe say she love my lollyShe say she love my lolly[Verse 1: Maejor Ali]She say she love to party, girl, I love your bodyWhy you on the table? Cause you know I"m watchingShe say she love my molly, so we can leave this partyAnd go back to my hotel, and don"t stop for HibachiDon"t stop in the lobby, I hope you massage meI hope you can take it when I make you call me PapiClub about to close, club about to closeI"m about to give you what you asking for[Bridge: Maejor Ali]Order what you want girl, it ain"t no problemI"mma tell the waitress that my baby need a bottleOrder what you want, said it ain"t no problemGot a piece of candy and it"s all for you[Hook](Girl I love them heels, and yeah I love that dressI wanna take you home and show you I"m the best)[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]Going Al Pacino, like I"m at a casinoI"m all fancy, yeah I"m popping PellegrinoI"m in the El Camino when I pull up on scene thoughYou know I"m a real OG and baby I aint from the TOI"m messing with the clique though, meet me on the sixth floorKnow you ain"t a model, you should let me take some pics thoughWindows down, speakers loud, look down at my sneakers nowGot so many features, tell the creatures just to beat it nowFifty for the necklace, look down at my set listGot your girlfriend at my crib watching NetflixLet"s just admit that I"m the bestestGuess this, you ain"t ever on the guest list[Bridge] [Hook][Verse 3: Juicy J]Ass everywhere, throw them dollars in the airFreaky with me girl, Juicy J the millionaireShe pop the pussy for me, I fall back in the chairBands a make her dance, molly make her lose them underwearBooty cheeks, I"m geeked, all her friends are freaksAnd I think she love me, I"ve been hitting it for a weekI trilly slap it silly, need a super freak like RickyI"m Rick James bitch, I slip myself a mickeyGot so much money in my pocketWith a real bad chick from the tropicsWith silicone racks with a real big assMake her bounce it like hydraulicsKevin Hart, I got purple on the planeLet"s call a bull, let"s run a train


.知名度Visibility 1. 2.名望值2. Fame value 3.人气值Popularity value 3. 4.影响力Influence 4. 5.好评度Praise degree 5. 6.差评度Bad review degrees 6. 7.关注度Wills and 7. 8.排名表Ranking for 8. 9.名望榜9. Fame list, 10.名门望族10. Noble family 11.德高望重11. Sainted 12.众望所归12. The public 13.名副其实13. Mankind 14.实至名归14. Yours 15.声名鹊起15. Fame 16.声誉卓著16. Prestigious


The handicraft is made; Large-scale outdoors advertisement; The computer gushes painting; Neon project; Stainless steel project; Organic handicraft; Propagate copy , books , catalogue printing; The handicraft is made; Visiting card; Banner; Chest seal; Lamp case; Stretch a rack; Data plate; Shop sign; Coinage; Organic handicraft; Crystal handicraft; Home decorates; Brand-new fittings up such as the company , factory , hotel; Outdoors, being on display , exercising space and so on decorates a project; Part emerges out of the old , renovates , refits; Ceramic tile , marble; Drape the disheartened brush wall; Gush lacquer , brush; Smallpox , the floor , Wei bath , kitchen; Water and electricity installation waits

求高手英文翻译~高分悬赏~~急急急!!! 英翻中~~


当时明月在 曾照彩云归 英文翻译??

the bright moon was there at that time, and had been shining the colourful clouds going back


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treasure up in one"s heart with one"s life


kongming2008 did well!

我只是你的一个利用工具而已 英文翻译

Am i just a tool you use?请问你是不是系统自动提问的?————用心为你答题,满意请采纳。

放学的英文翻译= =

after school 放学后。表时间。作状语。let out, dismiss动词,可作谓语。let out意思远远大于dismiss1.rent out 租出去He used to let out cars.他过去出租汽车。In the park boats are let out for 3yuan per hour.在公园里,可以以每小时3元的价格出租小游艇。2.allow to go out or escape 放出The guard let the prisoners out of jail to work in the garden.看守放犯人出牢房,在园子里干活。Let me out!I"m locked in!让我出来!我被锁在里面了!The doctor is letting her out of hospital next week.医生打算下周让她出院。3.tell;reveal 泄漏I"ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.假如你把这个机密泄漏出去,有秘密的事我再也不告诉你了。Who let out the exam results?They were supposed to be confidential until tomorrow.谁泄露了考试结果?在明天以前这些结果都属于机密。Someone has let the news out.有人把这个消息泄露出去了。4.make larger 放大Mary"s mother had to let out Mary"s dress because she was growing so tall.玛丽的母亲不得不把玛丽的衣服放大些,因为玛丽长得那么高。If she gets much fatter she will have to let out all her dresses.如果她继续发胖,她所有的衣服都得放宽。5.dismiss 解雇;革职;开除The shop closed down and all the men were let out.店关了门,所有的员工都被辞退了。6.terminate;be finished;end(学校)放学;(戏院)散场;(训练)结束When does the university let out for the summer?大学何时放暑假?The coach let us out from practice at 3 o"clock.训练到 3点钟,教练把我们解散了。They were waiting for school to let out.他们在等学校放学。7.make(a sound)come out of the mouth;utter 自口中发出(声音)A bee stung Charles.He let out a yell and ran home.一只蜜蜂咬了查理,他大叫一声跑回家了。He let out a cry of pain as the nail went into his foot.钉子扎进他的脚时,他痛苦地大喊了一声。8.release from further responsibility;release from an obligation 免除进一步的责任;免除义务I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair,and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.我高兴的是我从那件讨厌的事情中解脱了,已让另外一个更有经验的人去处理。My flu let me out of attending the meeting.由于患了流感;我参加不了那个会了。The regular teacher is back,that let me out.正式的老师回来了,我可以解脱了。9.release from restraint;allow to gather speed 使放开速度;让…加速前进He turned into an express way and let the car out.他把车子转入高速公路,然后加速前进。The rider let out his horse to try to beat the one ahead of him.骑士放马快跑想追上领先的那匹马。


一些sloths 停留在同样树几年来。 他们巨大的被钩的爪和长的胳膊给他们花费大多数他们时间垂悬上部从树。 因为他们有慢新陈代谢, 他们需要很少食物。 他们哺养在果子, 叶子, 芽, 并且年轻枝杈。 Sloths 并且睡觉上部18 个小时一次。 母亲并且诞生婴孩上部。 婴孩紧贴对他们的母亲直到他们能照顾他们自己。 Sloths 是极端哺乳动物被发现在中美洲和南美洲雨林机盖。 有sloths 的二个种类:二用脚尖踢和三用脚尖踢。 多数sloths 是关于一条小狗的大小并且他们有短, 平的平的头。 他们的头发是灰色褐色但, 他们时常看起来灰色绿色在颜色因为他们那么慢慢地搬走微小的伪装的海藻增长到处他们的外套。 Sloths 是夜和睡眠卷曲以他们的头被安置在胳膊和脚之间一起得出紧密。 这假装他们作为树一部分以便它的敌人象jaguar 没看见他们。 Sloths 上升下来从树, 很少可能居住30 年。 毒物箭头青蛙是关于一个人的指图(少于一英寸的) 大小。 微小的青蛙下他们的蛋在叶子。 当tadpole 孵化, 它继续父母的当中一个回到父母喂养它小昆虫的bromeliad, 蚂蚁, 蜘蛛, 甲壳纲, 并且微小的水动物。 母亲青蛙也许并且下瘠薄蛋作为食物为tadpoles 。 毒物箭头青蛙是社会青蛙被发现在中美洲和南美洲。 他们由警告其它动物的他们明亮的颜色为人所知他们是毒的。 它的毒物是一个最强有力知道和可能导致麻痹或死亡。 它很有力, 百万分之一分之一一盎司比一粒盐可能杀害人可能杀害狗和数额小。 一只青蛙运载足够的毒物杀害大约100 个人。 当地猎人使用它在他们的箭头要诀是怎么青蛙得到了它的名字。 毒物箭头青蛙是美丽的看。 他们的颜色变化从红色对黄色对蓝色。 他们遇到的敌人是也许跨步在他们的大动物(包括人) 。 虽然毒物箭头青蛙运载一种致命的毒物, 他们通常是无害的如果单独留下




FingerprintWe become a pair of almost fatePretend friends less talent.Calm and not everyone canWe form with through the innocentNot a naive selection aloneThe thought mature need not sincereYou also don"t admit that he might be imbalanceProfound fingerprintAt each lovedHeart warmingLove some hate roundsLove some hate roundsThe closer the more painHow long can the youth.But hate others to forget about one"s ownBut hate others to forget about one"s ownRotary rounds into ourProfound fingerprintAt each lovedHeart warmingLove some hate roundsThe closer the more painHow long can the youth.But hate others to forget about one"s own




1、学生就要爱学校,上楼下楼不打闹。 Students should love the school, upstairs, downstairs, not slapstick. 2、上下楼梯靠右走,以免摔倒碰破头。 Up and down the stairs right away, so as not to fall Pengpo head. 3、课间活动要文明,不可追逐和打闹。 Activities should be civilized, not chase and slapstick. 4、前面混乱我看见,不要走过去添乱。 I don"t see the chaos in front of, go up. 5、与其事后痛苦流涕,不如事前争章守纪。 And after suffering runny nose, it is better to fight so. 6、不挤不拥不打闹,文明校园更美好。 No crowded, no fight, civilized campus better. 7、扔下的是废纸,捡起的是品质。 The waste paper was dropped and the quality was picked up. 8、下课不疯跑,小心被摔倒。 Don"t run crazy after class, be careful to fall. 9、幸福是棵树,安全是沃土。 Happiness is a tree, and safety is the soil. 10、人生美好,步步小心。 Life is good, step by step, careful. 11、教室走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Classroom corridors do not play, students play, keep order. 12、上下楼梯能互让,通道自然就宽敞。 The stairs can naturally spacious accommodation, channel. 13、安全是朵幸福花,大家浇灌美如画。 Security is a happy flower watering, everyone is. 14、轻声漫步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk softly, don"t fight, walk up and down the stairs. 15、不要跑,不要跳,不要打闹向右靠。 Do not run, do not jump, do not rough, lean to the right. 16、课间游戏要安全,上下楼梯不打闹。 Break the game to be safe, up and down the stairs, no slapstick. 17、上下楼梯靠右走,你追我赶危险多。 Up and down the stairs right away, race each other more dangerous. 18、伤害别人,等于伤害自己。 He who injures others is equal to himself. 19、走廊内不奔跑,不追逐不打闹。 Corridors do not run, do not chase, do not fight. 20、走楼梯上下楼梯,请靠右行。 Take the stairs, keep right. 21、轻声慢步,倡导文明好风尚。 Walk softly, advocate civilized morality. 22、上下楼梯靠右行,严禁拥挤保安全。 Keep to The Right, crowded security is strictly prohibited. 23、若以追跑为开心,将以后悔而伤心。 If the chase for fun, will regret and sad. 24、同学摔倒楼梯上,自己伸手快帮忙。 When students fall on the stairs, they help themselves. 25、上下楼梯不拥挤,集体活动守纪律。 The stairs are not crowded, and the collective activities are disciplined. 26、上下楼梯不打闹,安全对你很重要。 Safety is important to you when you walk up and down stairs. 27、不伤害自已,不伤害他人,不被他人伤害。 Don"t hurt yourself, don"t hurt others, don"t be hurt by others. 28、楼道走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Corridor corridor does not play, students play, keep order. 29、自己摔倒不要慌,大喊呼救叫帮忙。 Don"t panic when you fall, shout for help and call for help. 30、上下楼梯靠右行,安全意识时时有。 Keep to The Right, have a sense of safety. 31、快快乐乐上学,平平安安回家。 Go to school happily, go home safe and sound. 32、脚步轻轻,勿扰他人。 Softly and others. 33、走廊楼道不跑跳,脚步要轻慢慢行。 Corridor corridor does not run, jump, the pace should be light, slow. 34、上下楼梯靠右走,你谦我让脚步轻。 Up and down the stairs right away, I will let you first light footsteps. 35、楼道走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Corridor corridor does not run, safety first, really good. 36、安全在我心中,生命在我手中。 Safety is in my heart, life is in my hands. 37、结伴同行不打闹,单独行走不抢行。 Go together without a fight, walk alone, do not rob. 38、多看一眼,安全保险;多防一步,少出事故。 Take a look at the safety insurance, Pvent one step, less accidents. 39、上下楼梯靠右行,千万不能滑下梯。 Keep to The Right, do not slide down the ladder. 40、讲究卫生,保持清洁。 Pay attention to hygiene and keep clean. 41、请轻轻的走路,悄悄的说话。 Please walk softly and speak quietly. 42、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 Life is suPme, security is duty. 43、危险地方我不去,学会保护我自己。 I won"t go where I"m in danger, and learn to protect myself. 44、脚步轻轻,靠右慢行。上下楼梯,相互礼让。 Softly, right slow. Walk up and down the stairs and show courtesy to each other. 45、集体行动列队走,安全两字记在心。 Collective action parade, safe word in mind. 46、课间休息轻场细语,做一个优雅的人。 Break the interval, talk softly, and be a graceful person. 47、幸灾乐祸笑哈哈,自己出事没人拉。 Gloat, laugh, and no one pulled his own accident. 48、课间活动有秩序,校园文明争第一。 During the break, the activities are orderly, and the campus civilization is the first. 49、轻声慢步,文明上下楼。 Quietly walk down the stairs, civilization. 50、营造校园安全氛围,创造温馨学习环境。 Create a campus safety atmosphere and create a warm learning environment. 51、人多行走不拥挤,安全永远伴我行。 Many people walk, not crowded, safe with me forever. 52、上下楼梯,请靠右行。 Up and down the stairs, keep right. 53、玩耍嬉戏要当心,安全警钟常在心。 Be careful when you play and play, and your safety alarm is always on your mind. 54、上楼下楼靠右走,遇到混乱手牵手。 Up and down the stairs on the right hand, encountered confusion. 55、安全关系你我他,校园安全靠大家。 Security concerns you, me, him, campus security depends on everyone. 56、上下楼不要推不要挤,关心别人关爱自己。 Go upstairs, don"t push, don"t push, care about others, love yourself. 57、上下楼梯慢慢行,楼梯上下不蹦跨。 Go up and down the stairs slowly, the stairs do not jump up and down. 58、守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Keep order and enter the classroom without making noise. 59、上下楼道靠右行,你谦我让脚步轻。 On the corridor on the right side, I let you modest light footsteps. 60、上下楼道,文明谦让,让出安全,让出和谐。 Up and down the corridor, civilized humility, make up for safety, make harmony. 61、楼梯非跑道,上下勿奔跑。 The stairs are off the track, don"t run up and down. 62、轻声慢步不打闹,上下楼梯要走好。 Walk softly not slapstick, up and down the stairs to go. 63、上下楼梯靠右行,轻声慢步讲文明。 Keep to The Right, quietly walk civilization. 64、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。 Safety comes from long-term vigilance, accidents from momentary paralysis. 65、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs, keep order, and get into the classroom without making noise. 66、上下楼梯靠右走,安全意识时时有。 Up and down the stairs right away, a sense of safety. 67、上下楼梯靠右行,不推不挤步步稳。 Keep to The Right, not able to squeeze. 68、下课之后请慢走,追逐打闹不安全。 After class I"m chasing is not safe. 69、维护校园安全,营造和谐环境。 Maintain campus safety and create a harmonious environment. 70、不挤不拥不打闹,怀文校园更美好。 Do not squeeze hold not slapstick, Huaiwen campus more beautiful. 71、教室楼道不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Classroom corridor does not run, safety first, really good. 72、脚步轻轻,靠右慢行。 Softly, right slow. 73、课余时间不疯狂,损坏公物易受伤。 Spare time is not crazy, damage to public property is easy to hurt. 74、轻声漫步,同学玩乐守秩序。 Walk softly, students play, keep order. 75、不挤不急,安全第一。 No rush, safety first. 76、楼梯走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Stairs, corridors do not play, students play, keep order. 77、不要推不要挤,关心别人爱自己。 Don"t push, don"t push, care about others, love yourself. 78、高高兴兴上学来,平平安安回到家。 Come to school cheerfully, and return home safe and sound. 79、楼梯走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Stair corridor does not run, safety first is really good. 80、老师就像我妈妈,安全知识要听她。 The teacher is like my mother, and the safety knowledge must be heard by her. ;






I recently and our Creative Director is a bit contradictory, his temper is very strange that companies do not like him, so I didn"t browse the Web at company, so the recent bad efficiency.


英文表示:novel coronavirus重点词汇:coronavirus英[ku0259'ru0259u028anu0259vau026aru0259s]释义:n.冠状病毒;日冕形病毒[复数:coronaviruses]短语:Canine Coronavirus Enteritis犬冠状病毒肠炎词语辨析:new,fresh,novel,original,innovative这些形容词均含“新的”之意。1、new普通用词,与old相对,指最近的或创新的。2、fresh指新鲜的、新做的,侧重创新。3、novel侧重新事物的新奇和独特。4、original强调独创性。5、innovative强调富有创新和革新精神。


英文表示:novel coronavirus重点词汇:coronavirus英[ku0259'ru0259u028anu0259vau026aru0259s]释义:n.冠状病毒;日冕形病毒[复数:coronaviruses]短语:Canine Coronavirus Enteritis犬冠状病毒肠炎词语辨析:new,fresh,novel,original,innovative这些形容词均含“新的”之意。1、new普通用词,与old相对,指最近的或创新的。2、fresh指新鲜的、新做的,侧重创新。3、novel侧重新事物的新奇和独特。4、original强调独创性。5、innovative强调富有创新和革新精神。

高分跪求英文翻译 关于电影《金刚》的一段影评 急用!!!



去公园怎么样? how about go to park?我爸爸通过电视学习英语.my father study English through television .银行在邮电局附近Bank is near the post office我期待见到我的父母亲I am looking forward to see my parents让我们周五去看电影吧Let"s go to see movie on Friday.你想去看足球比赛吗. Do you want to see football match?今天是星期几?What day is today?托尼总是喜欢生日晚会.Tony always like birthday party.老虎吃肉吗?Does tiger eat meat?


英文翻译如下COVID-19 epidemic situation重点词汇释义situation情况;状况;形势;例句In this situation time is of the essence.在这种情况下,时间是至关重要的。


百达翡丽 Patek Philippe 江诗丹顿 vacheron Constantin 爱彼 Audemars Piguet 劳力士 ROLEX芝柏 GIRARD-PERREGAUX伯爵 Piaget 浪琴 Longine


介绍些:国粹<京剧脸谱>,后面还有中文意思:)~ 京剧脸谱以“象征性”和“夸张性”著称。它通过运用夸张和变形的图形来展示角色的性格特征。 京剧脸谱(Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas) 简介(Introduction): Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of a national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask. Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas are based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors. Red has expressed his Warriors of strong types of facial makeup in operas such as Guan Yu, concubines Victoria, regular book; Black said the types of facial makeup in operas ming criticized people, integrity, bravery and even reckless, such as Zheng and Zhang Fei, Li; Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality, such as Yu Chengdu, and Dian Wei. Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable, such as Dou Ambassador, Ma Wu; General treacherous court official said the types of facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Cao Cao, Zhao higher. Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas of color painting methods, basically divided into three categories : rub face, face towel, different faces. Types of facial makeup in operas initial role is exaggerated her role with striking places and face the veins, using exaggerated by the performance of dramatis personae of personality, psychological and physiological characteristics, and using this to the entire drama circumstances, but Later types of facial makeup in operas by Kan to complex, from rough to the small, Youbiaojili, from shallow to deep, itself becoming a nation of characteristics, to the facial expression means for the pictorial arts. 中文对照:)~ 京剧脸谱,是具有民族特色的一种特殊的化妆方法。由于每个历史人物或某一种类型的人物都有一种大概的谱式,就像唱歌、奏乐都要按照乐谱一样,所以称为“脸谱”。关于脸谱的来源,一般的说法是来自假面具。 京剧脸谱,是根据某种性格、性情或某种特殊类型的人物为采用某些色彩的。红色有脸谱表示忠勇士义烈,如关羽、姜维、常遇春;黑色的脸谱表示刚烈、正直、勇猛甚至鲁莽,如包拯、张飞、李逵等;黄色的脸谱表示凶狠残暴,如宇文成都、典韦。蓝色或绿色的脸谱表示一些粗豪暴躁的人物,如窦尔敦、马武等;白色的脸谱一般表示奸臣、坏人,如曹操、赵高等。 京剧脸谱的色画方法,基本上分为三类:揉脸、抹脸、勾脸。脸谱最初的作用,只是夸大剧中角色的五官部位和面部的纹理,用夸张的手法表现剧中人的性格、心理和生理上的特征,以此来为整个戏剧的情节服务,可是发展到后来,脸谱由简到繁、由粗到细、由表及里、由浅到深,本身就逐渐成为一种具有民族特色的、以人的面部为表现手段的图案艺术了。




1.人们通常认为学习英语,有足够大的单词量和语法规则就足够了。一个人的语法越系统,单词量越大,他的能力等级就越高。2.当一个人(学英语)驾轻就熟并能真正读懂英语文章的时候,跨文化的意识对于他来说,将变得尤为重要。3.研究表明,世界上对文化的定义大约有200中之多。4.学习语言和学习文化是截然不同的两个概念。同时两者又相互依赖......语言系统也是社会功能系统的一部分,两者相依相存。 ----M.A.K.韩礼德5.我们真的不需要那么多的原子弹和氢弹,因为我们自身作为文化的参与者,本身就具备专业的知识。纯手动翻译,以后有翻译上的难题可以再百度上给我留言。


accordion; waltz

求英文翻译 发到邮箱 huqing@gmobis.com

工作原理:电源供电的电池,电压为12 V和24 V,点火线圈和破碎的电器生产高压共10000 V以上。初级回路和次极分电路。点火线圈实际上是一个变压器,主要由初级绕组,蜿蜒流淌的和核心的时间。损坏的设备是一个凸轮操纵的开关。损坏的设备凸轮驱动引擎与天然气、以相同的速度旋转,即每一个转曲轴齿轮
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