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沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。




english中文翻译n.英文;英语;英国人adj.英语的;英国人的;英国的单词音标英式:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]美式:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]单词例句用作名词 (n.)He spares no efforts to study English. 他不辞劳苦地学习英语。It is important for us to learn English. 学习英语对我们来讲是很重要的。The English are often regarded as being cold and reserved. 人们往往认为英国人冷漠且保守。用作形容词 (adj.)Hunting foxes is a peculiarly English sport. 猎狐是英国人特有的运动。The English countryside looks at its best in spring. 英国的乡村在春天景色最美。扩展学习englishesn.英语;英国人adj.英语的;英国人的;英国的englishmann.英国人englishmenn.英国人名词Englishman的复数.englishwomann.英国女人englishwomenn.英国女人










这个算初三水平不?~这些单词我初三都学过了~Bruce Lee (27 November 1940 – 20 July 1973) was an American-born martial artist, philosopher, instructor, martial arts actor and the founder of the Jeet Kune Do combat form. He was widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the twentieth century and a cultural icon. He was also the father of actor Brandon Lee and of actress Shannon Lee.Lee was born in San Francisco, California, and raised in Hong Kong. His Hong Kong and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and sparked the first major surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West. The direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in Hong Kong and the rest of the world as well. Lee became an iconic figure particularly to the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies. He primarily practiced Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu).答案补充李小龙(英语: Bruce Lee,1940年11月27日-1973年7月20日),原名李振藩,乳名为细凤,出生於美国加州三藩市,祖籍中国广东省佛山市顺德区均安镇,身高173公分,体重64公斤,一拳力量达到355磅。李小龙,伟大的武术技击家、武术哲学家、著名武打电影演员、世界武道改革先驱者,也是截拳道武道哲学的创立者。李小龙的父亲李海泉为粤剧四大名丑之一,母亲何爱榆为富商何甘棠(何东爵士胞弟)千金,是文学家兼收藏家。李小龙有两姊(秋源、秋凤)一兄(忠琛)及一弟(振辉)。妻子琳达(Linda Lee Cadwell)为其诞下儿子李国豪和女儿李香凝。


Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese internal martial art system, which combines profound principles, theories and martial art techniques. The slow, soft and continuously flowing movements appear mysterious on the surface. However, it is the cultivation of one"s internal energy, mind and the physical body that make it so unique and challenging. To generate relaxation, Tai Chi practice requires a deep level of concentration and a focused mind, thus allowing the mind to lead and guide the body"s energy. Tai Chi is not only a martial art, but has also been widely acknowledged as being an effective health exercise. Whether Tai Chi is practiced for health, as athletic sport or martial art it takes time, patience and qualitative practice to develop Tai Chi"s internal properties. To achieve a high standard in Tai Chi training is a highly complex process.


骂人的英语如下:1. Enough is enough! 够了够了!2. Don"t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!3. Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。4. It"s unfair. 太不公平了。5. I"m very disappointed. 真让我失望。6. I don"t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!7. What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?8. Don"t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!9. You asked for it. 你自找的。10. Nonsense! 鬼话!11. You"re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) Don"t bother me. 别烦我。13. Knock it off. 少来这一套。14. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!15. Leave me alone. 走开。16. Get lost.滚开!17. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。18. You piss me off. 你气死我了。19. It"s none of your business. 关你屁事!20. What"s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?


功夫( Kung Fu )是中国武术( martial arts )的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。 分句解析: 第1句:功夫( Kung Fu )是中国武术( martial arts )的俗称。 1.句型:简单句,主系表结构;“中国武术的”是 “俗称”的定语,用“of”结构处理。 2.单词:俗称:common name, folk saying Kung Fu is the commonname of Chinese martial arts. 第二句:中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。 1.句型:并列结构,三者并列在最后一个名词结构前用and连接。 2.单词:追溯:trace back,被动语态:be traced back to; 自卫:self-defense;狩猎活动:hunting;军事训练:military training The origin of ChineseKung Fu can be traced back to the needs of self-defense, hunting and ancientChinese military training. 第三句:它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。 1.句型:复合句,主句be one of +名词复数;从句对主句的补充,非限制性定语从句。 2.单词:老年人:senior people,oldpeople It is one of thetraditional Chinese sports, which is practiced by both young and senior people. 第四句:它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。 1.句型:简单句 2.单词:逐渐:gradually;独特元素:a unique element It has gradually becomea unique element in Chinese culture. 第五句:作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。 1.句型:复合句,“作为...”状语部分,”功夫有....,“是主句, ”是世界...“此分句对主干补充说明,用非限制性定语从句。 2.单词:国宝:national treasure; 练得最多的:most practiced As a national treasure of China, Kung Fu hashundreds of styles, which is the most practiced martial arts form around theworld. 第六句:有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。 1.句型:并列句,用“and”连接. 2.单词:模仿:imitate,learn;哲学思想:philosophical thought;神话:myth;传说:legend,tale;受...启发:be enlightened by , be inspired by Some features imitatethe animal actions and others are enlightened by Chinese philosophicalthoughts, myths and legends. 参考译文:Kung Fu isthe common name of Chinese martial arts. The origin of Chinese Kung Fu can betraced back to the needs of self-defense, hunting and ancient Chinese militarytraining. It is one of the traditional Chinese sports which is practiced byboth young and senior people. It has gradually become a unique element inChinese culture. As a national treasure of China, Kung Fu has hundreds ofstyles, which is the most practiced martial arts form around the world. Somefeatures imitate the animal actions and others are enlightened by Chinesephilosophical thoughts, myths and legends.


又称综合武术,英文“Mixed Martial Arts”,简称MMA。 是一种集观赏性、娱乐性、竞技性于一体的优秀运动项目,现已成为国际武术搏击比赛的主要项目。它的主要技战术可以分为两大部分:站立对抗技术和地面绞杀技术。它包含并吸取各门派功夫的精华,各种拳法、腿法、膝、肘、掌、擒拿、关节技、柔术、摔跤等技术方法。MMA运动是拳击、kickboxing、柔道和摔跤等运动的完美结合,可以说是搏击运动的十项全能。MMA比赛是体育比赛规则上的一个突破,它可以让所有的参赛者都采用MMA的规则,对所有的武技一视同仁,不同武术流派的练习者可以在统一的规则下同场竞技。MMA运动的赛规可以让各方高手在一个公开且公平的环境下进行较量,是真实也最公平的一种竞赛方式。在比赛中允许使用击打、抱摔、关节技等各种技术,并在选手倒地时继续进行比赛。踢、打、摔、拿等各种武技都可以得到完美的展示。   综合格斗技 MMA它包扩了: 拳击 散打 泰拳 摔跤 柔道 柔术 桑博 擒拿 等世界各国武术门派的精髓,加上自己本身独有的地面打击技巧 以成为当今世界上最流行最丰富全面的格斗技术 综合格斗MMA在所有搏击对抗项目中,最接近于街头实战,综合格斗学员可以很轻松的面对其它任何一种武术项目.因为综合格斗MMA学员本身就已经学习和具备了各种技击能力. 瞬间强大攻击力足以使你有能力应付任何突发事件.以一敌多不再是你遥远的梦想.!   MMA可使用动作及技巧同其它竞技项目比较表:   拳 肘 踢 膝 锁臂 锁喉 锁腿 抱摔 倒地   摔跤* + +   柔道* + + + +   俄罗斯式摔跤 + + + +   拳击* +   跆拳道* + + +   泰拳 + + + +   散打 + = + + +   MMA + + + + + + + + +   + 表示可使用动作   = 表示新允许使用的动作   * 表示现在的奥林匹克项目


沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。


1. This will please_______.Please the eye 是个习语,意思是“饱眼福、使悦目”2. Hainan Procince has _____.Summer 有可数和不可数两种词性,前者是夏天后者是温暖的气候。如果选择C,应该是 a long summer;B指温暖的气候。3. man enough 和enough man 有什么区别?我们老师说都可以。。老师说比较好的说法是enough of a man .Enough 既可以是形容词,也可以是副词,还可以是不定代词; enough man 就是形容词修饰名词man,表示“充足的人手”;man enough中的man变成动词,意思是“配备人手”,enough是副词,指的是 “足够地配备人手”;enough of a man显而易见又成了不定代词,4. 限定词中有前位、中位、后位。前位中也有what ,中位也有what.限定词包括多种类别:不定代词、数词(基数、序数、分数)、物主代词、指示代词、疑问代词、名词所有格等,它们的排列有一定的要求,具体如下:前位:all/both/half、twice/… times (倍)、分数词, what(多么)/ such (a),many,中位:冠词、指示代词、物主代词、所有格、any, each, either, enough, every, no, some, what(怎么), which, whose;后位:基数词、序数词、next, last, little, many/much, another, other, several, such前位或中位列出来的限定词是相互排斥的,不能同时有两个出现,后位则不然,但是排列顺序不能改变。5. He did it in _____time it took me. (注意:这里的time是可数名词“倍数”,表示“多少倍”的结构是“数词 + a time”)A. the one-third: 分数词是名词性和副词性的,不可以直接用作time的定语,只能说 one-third a time B. half a:是副词与不定冠词构成的组合形容词,C. the double:double同half的用法一致,应该讲double a time D. one-third the :用法同B和C,one third a time。6.They want at least _____salaries.A their double B.double their C.enough their D.their enough为什么选B7. ________boys were in the classroom.这又是一个限定词的排列顺序问题,参见第四题。A. All five other:前位 + (中位缺) + 后位 + 后位B. other all: 后位 + 前位,顺序颠倒C. All the were:were是个畸形词 D. All the other five:前位all + 中位the + 后位five + 后位other,后位顺序不对,应该是All the five other boys 8. a great many of 是不是of 要去掉是固定搭配?Many可以是形容词也可以是代词,加上of是代词,去掉是形容词,意思有所区别,a great many of指的是“某中的许多”,而a great many却是“许多某”。9.Any nonsense he talked, he fondly hoped we would believe it .为什么要把any 改成whatwhat nonsense he talked是个感叹句式,talked 的宾语nonsense是名词,要用what修饰。 10. The third sister of his is such a spitfire. the为什么要改成that?大概还有上下文吧,仅此一句话说不清楚。11. Linguistics is a scientific study of the language.为什么要把the 去掉?这里的language不是指任何确定的语言,而是泛指所有的语言,所以不用定冠词。12.Would you like any more soup? 疑问句不是用any的。为什么要改成some提议别人喝汤,用some表示真心实意的建议,would you…其实是祈使句的委婉用法;如果用any,就有点杀鸡问客了。13.On __side of the street there were assembled a lot of solidiers.为什么不填each 而是neither街道的两旁有三种讲法:each side of the street, either side of the street, both sides of the street; neither side of the street成了两旁都没有。14.north china 华北 south africa 北非 (都应该大写)China和 Africa 都是独一无二的专有名词,前面不用定冠词;the middle east和the near east是普通名词组成的专有名词,必须用冠词。


Have you ever seen the film "Hero"? I think you have. You may like the people in the film. But I don"t think they are the real heroes. In my heart, the Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei is the real hero. He was the first to get to the moon in our country. And the trip to the moon was successfully made by him, though there were quite a few difficulties. Also, he brought us the courage as well as the knowledge. As an astronaut, Yang woks very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly. So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one. We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero. 写杨利伟的.


沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。



成龙 英语作文 英语翻译一下

Cheng Long is an actor, the producer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiduously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first.


wilfully make trouble


Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese internal martial art system, which combines profound principles, theories and martial art techniques. The slow, soft and continuously flowing movements appear mysterious on the surface. However, it is the cultivation of one"s internal energy, mind and the physical body that make it so unique and challenging. To generate relaxation, Tai Chi practice requires a deep level of concentration and a focused mind, thus allowing the mind to lead and guide the body"s energy. Tai Chi is not only a martial art, but has also been widely acknowledged as being an effective health exercise. Whether Tai Chi is practiced for health, as athletic sport or martial art it takes time, patience and qualitative practice to develop Tai Chi"s internal properties. To achieve a high standard in Tai Chi training is a highly complex process. 另外除了用 Tai Chi 表示太极拳,也可以用shadowboxing

升降杆 有多少种英语说法

lifting pokerlifting poker




问题一:武术用英语怎么说 martial arts包含各式各样的武术,包括中国的,日本的,韩国的各个分支,中国武术-Chinese martial art. 问题二:“武术”用英文怎么说 martial arts 是没有错的 我在国外。 问题三:中国功夫用英语怎么说 chinese kung fu chinese martial arts 问题四:中国功夫 用英文 怎么说 中国功夫 用英文 Chinese Kungfu 问题五:中国武术用英语怎么说 中国武术 [词典] Chinese martial arts; Kung Fu; [例句]而且很多人从功夫电影中也了解到了许多中国武术的元素。 Also, many people have learned a lot of elements of Chinese martial arts from the Kungfu movies. 问题六:中国武术英语怎么说 中国武术---Chinese Martial Art。呵呵,我室友的毕业论文写的就是这个。 问题七:请问德语好学么??相对与日语或者英语来讲? 德语和英语是有共性的,很多词在拼揣上是很相似的,只是德语需要死记硬背的东西太多了,只要你记性好,还是可是尝试的. 很多语言是越学越容易,听说日语是越学越难的! 问题八:武术学校用英语单词怎么说 武术学校 [体]Wushu school 双语例句 1 后来,他在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市办了一所武术学校。 Later he opened a school to teach Kung Fu in Oakland, California. 2 后来他成了在日本开办武术学校的首位西方人。 Afterwards, he became the first Westerner to open a martial arts school in Japan. 问题九:练功夫用英语怎么说 play kungfu


中国的英语China,读音:[tarne]。中国的英文是China,读音:英[tarne];n.中国;adj.中国的;中国制造的;n.china;词组短语:in china在中国。造句:1、China is utterly different.2、She got out the best china.3、He toyed with the idea of going to China.4、They continued to get their silks from China.5、She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China.6、China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years.7、Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.8、The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.9、Judy collects blue and white china.10、Do you ever want to go back to China?


salad dressing; mayonnaise; salad dressings; Salad Sauce





“搬起石头砸自己的脚” 英语如何说







这里的to是介词(basic to 是连在一起的)



英语口语 胡说,怎么说



中国的英语China,读音:[tarne]。中国的英文是China,读音:英[tarne];n.中国;adj.中国的;中国制造的;n.china;词组短语:in china在中国。造句:1、China is utterly different.2、She got out the best china.3、He toyed with the idea of going to China.4、They continued to get their silks from China.5、She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China.6、China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years.7、Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.8、The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.9、Judy collects blue and white china.10、Do you ever want to go back to China?

buy that nonsense怎么翻译?(2005考研英语第二篇阅读理解第一段最后一句)

首先,须了解“buy”这个词的用法.也有“相信”的意思. 例如: I don"t buy that nonsense.我才不信那套胡言.


fruit salda


lifting:v. 举起,抬起;解除(法令等);使(情绪)高涨;掘出,挖出 (lift 的现在分词)cancel:vt. 取消;删去vi. 取消,撤销;相互抵消n. 取消,撤销n. (Cancel)(法)康塞尔(人名)第三人称单数 cancels; 现在分词 cancelling 或 canceling;过去式 cancelled 或 canceled;过去分词 cancelled或canceled


m the second story, tailors crept out into t


问题一:武术用英语怎么说 martial arts包含各式各样的武术,包括中国的,日本的,韩国的各个分支,中国武术-Chinese martial art. 问题二:“武术”用英文怎么说 martial arts 是没有错的 我在国外。 问题三:中国功夫用英语怎么说 chinese kung fu chinese martial arts 问题四:中国功夫 用英文 怎么说 中国功夫 用英文 Chinese Kungfu 问题五:中国武术用英语怎么说 中国武术 [词典] Chinese martial arts; Kung Fu; [例句]而且很多人从功夫电影中也了解到了许多中国武术的元素。 Also, many people have learned a lot of elements of Chinese martial arts from the Kungfu movies. 问题六:中国武术英语怎么说 中国武术---Chinese Martial Art。呵呵,我室友的毕业论文写的就是这个。 问题七:请问德语好学么??相对与日语或者英语来讲? 德语和英语是有共性的,很多词在拼揣上是很相似的,只是德语需要死记硬背的东西太多了,只要你记性好,还是可是尝试的. 很多语言是越学越容易,听说日语是越学越难的! 问题八:武术学校用英语单词怎么说 武术学校 [体]Wushu school 双语例句 1 后来,他在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市办了一所武术学校。 Later he opened a school to teach Kung Fu in Oakland, California. 2 后来他成了在日本开办武术学校的首位西方人。 Afterwards, he became the first Westerner to open a martial arts school in Japan. 问题九:练功夫用英语怎么说 play kungfu

Reset是什么意思中文 英语Reset是什么意思

1、RESET的意思:调整;重新设置;重新安置;将…恢复原位2、短语:(1)reset circuit 复位电路;重接电路(2)hard reset 硬复位,硬重置(3)reset all 全部重设;还原预设值3、示例:She was careful to reset the alarm before she left the office.在离开办公室之前,她小心翼翼地重设了警报器。


too much nonsense






machine英语的读法是[mu0259"u0283iu02d0n]。machine时机械、机器或者机构的意思,也形容机械般工作的人。还可以表示时用机器制造的。也是人名马基内的意思。machine的复数形式是machines,第三人称单数形式是machines,过去式形式是machined,过去分词形式是machined。可造句子如下:1、Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。2、Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。3、The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.对哈夫纳机器的修理即将结束。4、Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。

英语口语 ,胡说,怎么说

Bullshit 口语



英语:martialarts 是什么意思啊

that"s it!


Don"t talk nonsense



英语中,turn on,turn off,turn down ,turn up 区别

turn on 有启动的意思,turn on the TV turn off是turn off的反义词,关闭的意思,turn off the tv turn down--关小,turn down the volume关小音量 turn up--开大,turn up the vulume


no haver


问题一:狗屁英语怎么说 bullshit 美["b?l??t] 胡说 屁话――最常用 屁话 shit,talk nonsense,rubbish bologna 胡说(俚语)原意大香肠 放屁(Bullshitting), fart,break wind 没找到类似“巴西up”发音的这个词。 问题二:我不知道你在放什么狗屁用英文怎么说 You can mouth base point Mody what *** ing girlfriends who have powerwalk with who you are not by my dog to you. Calculate I stood behind 问题三:狗屁的英文是什么? 狗屁 gǒupì [rubbish;horseshit] 指所说所写的一无是处――一般认为是粗俗语 放狗屁 狗屁文章 问题四:狗屁用英语怎么写 英汉汉语更多 狗屁 [gǒu pì] 释义用例词组更多 nonsense rubbish bosh bullshit 参考释义 狗屁[gǒu pì] - [骂] horseshit; rubbish; non 英汉汉语更多 狗屁 [gǒu pì] 释义用例词组更多 nonsense rubbish bosh bullshit 参考释义 狗屁[gǒu pì] - [骂] horseshit; rubbish; nonsense 问题五:狗屁英语是什么! 您看看是否合适: rubbish ["r?bi?] n.垃圾, 废弃搐;无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道 vt.〈英澳u30fb非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损… nonsense ["n?ns?ns] n.胡说; 废话;愚蠢的行为; 无聊的事物 问题六:放你的狗屁,你英文不好,装~逼听英文,装什么洋胆。看英文电影基本都是走马观花的看,根本听不懂,费脑子 是到是事实,但是你想表达什么 问题七:求高手帮忙翻译为英语 1 I am honored to hear from you. Enclosed is my manuscript as your demand 2 自己结婚前就有的,男性大一辈的,除了爸爸都是uncle,女性大一辈的除了妈妈都是aunt,自己平辈一律是cousin,结婚后有的长辈是father/mother/uncle/aunt in law, 平辈除了老公/老婆, 男的一律是 brother in law, 女的一律是sister in law


talk nonsense; talk through one"s hat; jibber jabberI believe all of these works




yes, nonsense is right

胡说八道 用英语怎么说


英语 完形填空 l wsa walking in my school campus

完形填空I was walking in my school campus from my office to my car at about 9pm. On the way, I ran into a fellow who was __21__ lost. He asked me for directions, saying he needed to get to East Palo Alto. But the ____22__ was that he was walking in the complete opposite direction!I _____23____ him in the correct direction, but warned him it was a long way off. He didnt speak English very well, and generally seemed without sense of _24__. I quickly felt like helping him. __25___ he was a big guy, I got the __26__ that he was harmless.I sent him on his way, and I walked away towards my car. Just as he was going out of a short way, something __27__ me clicked, and I offered him a __28___. He gratefully accepted, and he offered to show me his ID. I declined, but __29__ my hand and introduced myself. He said his name was Mario.Mario followed me to my car. When I unlocked the passenger door for him, he didnt get in __30__ I assured him it was fine. As we sat in the car together, I suddenly got __31___. “If this guy wanted, he could hurt me and take my car”, I _32_ calling my brother as a safety precaution (预防措施), but then I felt determined not to feel scared.Mario and I got into some _33_. He told me about his family in Mexico, how he works __34_ doesnt ever earn enough, how he used to live near Fresno and work on the farms but now __35__ more in the Bay Area. It was good talking to him, though I couldnt shake the nervousness completely. I kept asking him questions that would give me clues as to __36__he was being truthful.When we got into East Palo Alto, I pulled into a gas station and told him it was as far as I could take him. He quickly got out and __37___ me several times, saying he __38____ find his way home from there.Thinking back on it, I am glad to give a ride to Mario. Although it was risky, I think such things should be done without __39__, or not at all. I wouldnt say Id ___40__ a hitchhiker(搭车人)again, but I know that if I did, I would make sure I could offer more love and less fear.21. A. eventually B. obviously C. naturally D. casually22. A. problem B. chance C. cause D. effect23. A. approved B. expressed C. pointed D. announced24. A. humour B. direction C. responsibility D. safety25. A. Though B. Since C. As D. When26. A. impression B. colleague C. fact D. choice27. A. in B. over C. about D. through28. A. greeting B. present C. suggestion D. ride29. A. put up B. turned out C. looked up D. held out30. A. when B. after C. until D. since31. A. nervous B. generous C. distant D. familiar32. A. suggested B. imagined C. considered D. appreciated33. A. friendship B. conversations C. instructions D. cooperation34. A. and B. or C. but D. so35. A. earns B. devotes C. supports D. sponsors36. A. why B. how C. what D. whether37. A. praised B. encouraged C. warned D. thanked38. A. must B. needed C. could D. dared39. A. pride B. fear C. trust D. courage40. A. turn against B. leave out C. pick up D. believe in答案:21. B22. A23. C24. B25. A26. A 27. A28. B29. D30. C31. A32. C33. B34. C35. A36. D 37. D 38. C39. B40. C

英语TuP 怎么读

tup英 [tʌp] 美 [tʌp] n.锤头;公羊;动力锤的头部;冲面





warned have been


沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。

无意义的 用英语怎么说

insignificant meaningless nonsensical purportless unmeaning






  废话,即对于部分听众而言,意义很小的话。指的是一段在当时情况下对事情发展没有任何正面作用的发言,又或者逻辑上矛盾的话。另外,亦指以文字或符号组成但不具备任何意义的声音或句子。那么你知道废话用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    废话英语说法1:   nonsense    废话英语说法2:   rubbish    废话英语说法3:   a pile of shit    废话的英语例句:   他常常听那些废话。   He` s used to hearin` that bullshit.   我从来没听过像这样的长篇废话。   I"ve never heard such a rigmarole.   他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈,像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话。   There he goes, blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual.   我对这些废话烦透了,叫他直说吧!   I"m tired of this nonsense. Make him talk turkey.   胡说,废话愚蠢的,鲁莽的言谈,胡说   Foolish, insolent talk; nonsense.   他们认为他在废话胡说,直到他们到达了那条船。   They thought what he said was nonsense until they arrived at the ship.   他不曾对我说过一句废话。   Not once did he speak an unnecessary word to me.   他把时间花在酒吧里没完没了地说废话。   He spent his time gabbling away in bars.   这个主管真是废话连篇。   The manager is such a windbag.   新来的经理什么都不做,只会说废话。   The new manager does nothing but talk trash.   我才不信那些废话呢。   I"m not buying any of that nonsense.   跟往常一样,他一直在讲废话。   As usual, he was talking complete rubbish.   我个人认为这纯粹是废话。   I personally think this is complete garbage.   别废话了,快点到我这儿来。   Stop bullshitting and just come over to my house.   我说的也可能是废话,不过还是请你再考虑考虑。   What I said may seem superfluous, but I do hope you"ll give it a little more thought.   多年以来,人们写的关于打手势的废话,比演讲的任何其它方面的都要多。   Over the years, more nonsense has been written about gesturing than about any other aspect of speech delivery.   别管这些误导你的废话,你将顺利走上实现梦想的道路。   Disregard these misguided bits of nonsense and you " ll be well on your way to fulfilling your dreams.


mst有着不同的意思:* 山区标准时间 (Mountain Standard Time)* 教学法硕士 (Master of Science in Teaching * 最短跨树 (Minimal Spanning Tree)* 单石系统技术 (Monolithic System Technology)* 平均服务时间 (Mean Service Time)* 记忆体系统测试器 (Memory System Tester)也可以是:* Mathematic Science and Technology* Mystery Science Theater* Multi Systematic Therapy* Maintenance Support Tool* Measurement* Master


学期结束时,我们的伦理学教授给我们做了一个测试,他告诉我们要做一个测试,并警告我们它将被列入最后一个年级。重点词汇释义At the end of在…结尾,在…末端term术语; 期限; 学期; 条款; 把…称为; 把…叫做ethics伦理学; 道德规范; 伦理学著作; 道德规范( ethic的名词复数 ); 道德体系; 行为准则professor教授; 讲师,教员; 自称者,宣称者gave交给; 给予,赠送( give的过去式 ); 供给expect期望; 预料; 要求; 认为会发生; 期待; 预期; 怀胎; 怀孕warned提醒; 告诫; 警告( warn的过去式和过去分词 ); 预先通知included被包括的; 内藏的; 两交叉直线所夹的; 包含; 列入; 包括( include的过去式和过去分词); 包住final最后的,最终的; 决定性的; 不可更改的; 决赛; 结局; 期末考试; 〈口〉末版grade等级; 年级; 职别; 成绩等级; 评分; 安排; 依序

nonsense 这个英语单词怎么读!! 来个谐音呗

nonsense 英[u02c8nu0252nsns] 美[u02c8nɑu02d0nsens] n. 谬论; 胡扯; 胡言乱语; 愚蠢的行为; 冒失; 不可接受的行为; 毫无意义的话; 没有意义的文章; 你最好跟着音标念,在词典里点语音。谐音:囊 司一an 斯中英在囊,这个发第一声司一an要连读,这个an的读音你应该知道斯就是一个气流的读音,想象下高压锅的琪琪琪琪就是那种气流的感觉




问题一:英语跨文化交流的重要性 munication is an important mean of expressing yourself because it exists different ways of expression and so different kind of munication depending on the culture you belong to . The way of municating will not be the same as other countries and it is important to know some values of other cultures and so of other ways of municating for, first of all, avoiding some misunderstandings and then knowing better some aspects of different cultures . That is why cross-cultural munication is an essential exercise to do; a person who e from a certain country does not necessarily get the same ideas about time, death, identity, as an other one from a different country because each person has its own identity . First, a national identity, defned by a surname, a first name, citizenship, and a personal identity perceived as what are your activities, your opinions about issues or your experience in life . Sometimes, your own identity can be modified or influenced by different factors, for example religion, your environment, your family. The latter example seems to be a paradox because you can get your own opinions about something but you can be influenced by your familial surrounding or the society where you live(especially some notions that parents and even society teach you when you are a child, as patrioti *** or nationali *** ) . This influence can replace your previous vision of life and changing your way of expressing yourself and so your way of ......>> 问题二:跨文化交流的重要性和意义 “跨文化交际 ”的英语名称是“cross-cultural munication(或inter-cultural munication)”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。 跨文化交际作为一门新兴的边缘科学,是在经济全球化的时代背景下产生的,这个领域的研究无疑是为了适应这样一个日益发达的跨文化国际交往和人际交往的需要应运而生的。因为这门学科必顶研究不同文化背景形成的价值取向、思维方式的差异,必须研究不同社会结构导致的角色关系、行为规范的差异,必须研究不同民族习俗所积淀的文化符号、代码系统的差异,必须研究不同交际情景制约的语言规则、交际方式的差异。所有这些研究不但要进行深入的理论探究,还要注重实际的应用研究,这样才能使这门学科更科学、更完善、更丰满,从而更好地为这个时代服务。 跨文化沟通的意义: 1、发展共感,消除文化中心主义。 共感就是设身处地地体味他人的苦乐和际遇,从而产生情感上的共鸣。不同文化归属的人之所以不容易沟通,往往是由于对具体文化现象的理解不同。在跨文化沟通中,如果缺乏共感,不能正确理解和评价他人的价值观,缺乏共同的背景,缺乏对于我们所拥有的特定世界观和价值观标准不同的文化背景的宽容的态度,是导致沟通失败的主要原因之一。发展共感,首先要承认不同文化之间的差异,唯此才能为发展共感找到方向和切入点。其次,要有一种“换位”意识,排除对异质文化的各种成见的干扰,设身处地地站在他人的角度去理解文化现象。正确地认识自己,消除民族中心主义的偏见,消除自我与环境相分离的状态。第三,必须站在信息接收者的立场看待问题,从信息接受者的角度设想问题。要摆脱文化中心主义的偏见,不可歧视或贬损其他文化。只有客观、公正、全而地认识和理解异质文化,才能消除跨文化沟通过程中的种种文化因素障碍。 2、发展双向沟通,沟通是一个循环的相互影响的过程,这个过程包括信息发出者、接受者和信息本身。 沟通实际上就是信息的编码、解码和诊释的过程。由于文化差异的存在,使来自不同文化背景的人把各自不同的价值观念、信仰和风俗习惯带到沟通过程中,他们在诊释从另一种文化中传来的信息时总是按自己的文化背景以及由此决定的解码方式加以理解,从而导致对对方信息理解的不准确,进而做出错误的判断和决策。因此双向沟通有助于对来自不同文化背景的信息的诊释。双向沟通的特点是:沟通的双方均参与编码与解码的过程,双向沟通结果所得到的反馈可以帮助进一步阐述双方的意图。通过双向沟通和反馈,进一步 *** 跨文化沟通的积极性,拓宽沟通渠道,及时总结沟通中好的经验并加以推广,并对沟通中出现的问题及时纠偏。在第一轮沟通中出现的含糊不清的意图可以在第二轮沟通中得到解决。尽管双向沟通会受到许多因素的干扰,但是与单向沟通相比却是一种较有效的沟通方法。 3、进行跨文化培训,提高跨文化沟通能力。 培训也是发展有效跨文化沟通的一项基本手段。当前我国跨国经营企业中,绝大多数都偏重对员工的纯技术培训,却忽视了对员工尤其是管理人员的跨文化培训。跨文化培训恰恰是解决文化差异、发展有效跨文化沟通的一项基本手段。跨文化培训的主要内容应包括对双方民族文化的认识和了解、文化的敏感性、适应性的培训、语言培训、冲突处理能力的培训、地区环境模拟等等,其目的是减轻可能的文化冲突,促进东道国员工对企业经营理念及习惯做法的理解;维持组织内良好稳定的人际关系,保持企业内信息流的畅通及决策过程的效率,加强团队协作精神与企业凝聚力。这种培训一般可以由企业内部的培训部门进行,也可以......>> 问题三:英语跨文化交流的重要性 社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的地位。 改革开放以来,我国的英语教育规模不断扩大,教育教学取得了显著的成就。然而,英语教育的现状尚不能适应我国经济建设和社会发展的需要,与时代发展的要求还存在差距。此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣。生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。 学生若能学得一种外语能力,就能帮他打开进入另一个世界的学习之门,最后达成多元学习与价值的目标。为培养具有国际视野的现代化国家国民 问题四:跨文化交流的英语对话,急急急急 这些是一些精选的对话,整理出来的,希望可以帮到你 (1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 People in the United States don"t always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands. 1.A: Mary, this is Joe"s brother David. B; I"m very glad to meet you. C: It"s a pleasure to meet you. B: How do you like Texas so far? C: It"s really different from what I expected. B: Don"t worry. You"ll get used to it in no time. 2.A: Mrs. Smith, I"d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do? C: Hello. B: What"s your impression of the United States? C: Well, I can"t get over how different the weather is here. B: Oh, you"ll get used to it soon! 3.A: Wendy, I"d like you to meet my brother Sam. B: Hi. C: Nice to meet you. B: What do you think of Dallas? C: Well, I"m still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. B: You"re bound to feel that way at first, I guess. (2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候 There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year"s Day(Jan.), Washington"s Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran"s Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays. 1. A: Merry Christmas! B: The same to you! A: Are you doing anyting spec......>> 问题五:英语在跨文化交际中的作用及其影响 5分 在跨文化交际中, 英语作为一种语言,起到的是桥梁作用。 可以往这方面探究

Yvnone Yainy Vanilla sarah 这几个英文名 翻译成中文是什么意思 在英语中有什么意义呢 怎么读呢



当然选B啦。原因如下:warn 是警告的意思,有两种固定搭配,warn to do something ,warn of doing。这里就是第一种不定时啦。警告不要做就是warn not to do 咯,不过这里变成被动语态了所以是be warned not to do。

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-“提醒你”怎么用 warn

《高中英语语法-“提醒你”怎么用 warn》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 “提醒你”怎么用 warn 及物动词 warn 意为“警告;告诫;提醒”。其后面的宾语比较复杂,看了下面的小文档,也许会帮你更好地掌握 warn 的用法。 1 . warn 后直接跟名词或代词。如: They warned her. warn 后常跟 of/about 短语,即:“ warn sb. (名词或代数) +of/about u2026”,意思是“警告某人有(提防)u2026”。 of/about 后接表示“(有u2026u2026的)危险”的词或短语。如: She warned me about dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully. I warned them of danger. 2 . warn 后跟 against 短语, against 后常跟动名词,也可跟名词或代词。“ warn sb. against u2026”表示“别u2026u2026”或“提防u2026u2026”。如: I warned you against buying that old car. 3 . warn 后常跟不定式的复合结构,即:“ warn sb. to do sth. ”,意为“告诫 / 提醒某人做某事”。否定形式为:“ warn sb. not to do sth. ”。如: The teacher warned her not to be late again. 4 . warn 后也可接 that 引导的宾语从句。如: I am here to warn you that you have a chance. The doctors had to warn her that she must be prepared for the worst. 5 . warn 后跟不定式的复合结构与跟 against 短语表达的意思相同。如: We warned him against standing under the tree when there was a thunderstorm.=We warned him not to stand under the tree when there was a thunderstorm. 《高中英语语法-“提醒你”怎么用 warn》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/


在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我为大家整理的关于团队精神的高二英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 We are living in a globalized world and the cross—cultural communications are increasing nowadays. In other words,we have never been so closely connected with each other in the human histories. As a philosopher has pointed out,nobody is an isolated island. If we want to have a bright future,we need more cooperation for the development. Therefore,team spirit is very important. It is an bility that people can understand each other and cooperate with each other for the successful completion of some important tasks. We need such kind of ability in particular during the globalization for several reasons. First of all,team spirit offers us a platform where we can operate our collective talent to work out thebest. Only when we work effectively together can we have the best chance to get the success. Taking the 2008 Beijing Olympics for example,I think the success of the event first goes to the superb team spirit of the organizers and millions of volunteers. So many people work hard and cooperate well for the single aim and the solitary goal:an exceptional Olympics for the whole world. A lot of student volunteers in Beijing are committed and work tirelessly during the hot summer. History has witnessed their brilliant teamwork and valuable contributions. What is more,team spirit is quite useful for personal career. As young students,we must learn the core and sharpen our skills in the team. If you work in a company,most of the time you have to finish or design a huge project with your colleagues. Each person can contribute their wisdom to the completion of the task. You cannot do it so well single—handedly. When we watchthe Olympic Games on TV,we are so amazed by the excellent performances of the players. If they want to win the gold medals,they must compete as one person and exercise their own part well for the whole success. So we can say the team spirit is the secret of success. Finally,team spirit is the symbol of national power and strength. As we all know, the Chinese delegationhas won the most medals during the 2008 Olympics and all Chinese people are so proud of our country. Another example is the touching power of the team spirit in the Sichuan earthquake. We were moved by the perseverance and persistence of the rescue workers,who were eager to help their compatriots. In conclusion,team spirit is an important ability and skill in the 21th century because we are all facedwith the globalization and the question of how to live better. Therefore,we must learn to work well in the team and let the team spirit guide us to success. 我们生活在全球化的世界中,跨文化交流越来越常见。换句话说,在人类历史中,我们还没有如此紧密地链接在一起。就如一位哲学家所说的`,没有人与外界孤立。如果我们想拥有广阔的未来,我们需要合作。所以,团队的精神非常重要。为了重大目标的完成,我们需要互相协作。在全球化的背景下,我们需要某种特殊的能力。 首先,团队精神提供了我们一个平台,这个平台能够集聚所有人的力量。只有我们努力协作,我们才有可能成功。就拿2008年北京奥运会为例,我认为事件的成功来源于上百万志愿者的协作和团队精神。所以,许多人为了单一目标而协作努力:为全世界奉献了精彩的奥运会。在炎热的夏天,许多志愿者努力工作。历史见证了他们的团队合作,以及卓越贡献。更重要的是,团队精神对于个人的发展也是有意义的。 作为一名年轻学生,我们必须学会在团队中锻炼自己的能力。如果你在一家公司工作,那么绝大部分的时间你都必须与其他同事完成重要的设计任务。每个人都为这一目标献出了自己的智慧。你不可能单枪匹马。当我在电视机前观看奥运会比赛时,我们对运动员的出色表现而惊叹不已。如果他们想夺取金牌,为了目标,他们必须通力合作。所以,团队精神是成功的秘诀。 最后,团队精神是国家富强和力量的象征。众所周知,中国代表团在2008年奥运会上奖牌总数第一,中国人无不为此而骄傲。另一个体现团队精神的例子是四川地震。我们被救援人员的坚韧和顽强品质所感染,他们不惜生命的代价抢救伤员。 总结,团队精神是21世纪最重要的能力和技能,因为我们都处在全球化的大背景之下,我们的问题时如何生活得更好。所以,我们必须通力协作,只有团队精神才能让我们取得成功。

患者利益至上 团队协作精神能用英语翻译成一句话

患者利益至上 团队协作精神Patient interest first team cooperation spirit


The delivery time would be changed ahead of 3rd this month

一个英语词组 变成是turn to be还是turn to

turn to




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