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这样说Airport Stacked Chair






A,We are having an issue with a certain item ( xxxxx ) . They are stacked 5 high and are loaded in the nose of the trailer . Dock stockers can"t lift them and when the sit down lift is used…..it gets lite in the back . We are using the extended add-ons but they are not long enough . It takes a long time to drag it off due to the extended forks not lifting the front of the load off of the floor of the trailer . Not sure what can be done……but if they could cut the number of units stacked ( see pics ) it would help or if it could be loaded on the back of the trailer in order to keep from having to drag them the full length of the trailer ….. it would help . Our lifts are not rated to handle that much weight safely .Please see email below concerning item# xxxxx This item weighs 664lbs each and when stacked 5 high that puts the total weight to over 3300lbs. Would it be possible to load these on the tail of the container to aid in the unloading process?B,Thanks for your information, please see the 8D report for this issue.


Gates:gate的复数,“门”的意思。Quality Gates:质量检验关Employee Cafeteria:员工食堂Plant Manager:生产经理;生产总监Stacked Cassette:字面意思是“堆叠的暗盒/片闸“,具体意思还是要联系你们行业才能知道。Material:物料(供参考)


翻译:他们意识到报销体系有多不利于初级维护。deck n.层面,可以理解为体系、制度against prep.逆,反(对),违反;对...不利stack against vt. 使不利于


hehe,here are some frequently used.hot bodysexy body

英语Show windows stacked怎么翻译?

Show windows stacked显示窗口堆叠

Rough怎么读英语 Rough的意思

1、rough的读音:英[ru028cf],美[ru028cf]。 2、rough,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、形容词、副词、名词,作及物动词时意为“使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟”,作不及物动词时意为“举止粗野”,作形容词时意为“粗糙的;粗略的;粗野的;艰苦的;未经加工的”,作副词时意为“粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地”,作名词时意为“艰苦;高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分,人名;(英)拉夫”。


你好!rough 英[ru028cf] 美[ru028cf] adj. 粗糙的,崎岖不平的; 粗鲁的; 狂暴的,汹涌的; 未经加工的; vt. 粗暴地对待; 使粗糙; 草拟; n. 粗糙的部分; 艰难,苦难; (高尔夫球场的) 深草区; [例句]His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice由于多年练习空手道,他的双手粗糙不平,布满老茧。


or的英语单词有:doctor、operator、sailor、actor、visitor、sorry、bore、storm、horse、corn、engine、path、departure、arrival、entrance、exit、hotel、restaurant、corridor、policecar、fireengine、taxi、bus、train、airplane等。1、doctor(医生):指医学专业从事疾病诊断、治疗和预防的专业人士。例如,“I"m going to see the doctor tomorrow for my check-up.”(我明天要去看医生做体检。)。2、operator(操作者):指进行特定操作或业务的人。例如,在工业生产中,操作者是指控制和运行设备的人。3、sailor(水手):指在商船、海军或其他船舶上工作或服役的人。水手执行各种职责,如掌舵、操作船上设备、进行维护和修理等。4、actor(演员):指在戏剧、电影、电视或其他表演艺术形式中扮演角色的人。演员通过表演技巧来塑造、诠释和传达角色的情感和故事。5、visitor(访客):指到某人的家、办公室或其他场所进行拜访、见面或聚会的人。or的英语单词造句1、I will have to choose between the red shirt or the blue one. (表示在两个选项之间做出选择)。2、He couldn"t decide whether to stay at home or go out with his friends. (表示在两个行动之间犹豫不决)。3、Are you going to study for the test or watch TV all day? (表示选择两种不同的活动)。4、We need to determine if it"s a bird or a plane. (表示需要确定两个可能性中的一个)。


My Chinese teacher is a beautiful and charming teacher, she has a long black hair, beautiful melon seed face


问题一:瓜子脸用英语怎么说? The oval mold of *** "face 或者 oval shaped 问题二:“圆脸”、“瓜子脸”的英文怎么说? She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant. 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。 Having a round face. 长有圆脸的 She had large eyes and a round face. 她大眼睛,圆脸盘。 the boy had a rounded face and fat cheeks. 这个男孩有一张圆脸和胖脸颊。 large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia. 北美洲和欧亚大陆西部的大型圆脸猫头鹰。 A representation of a *** all angel, portrayed as a child with a chubby, rosy face. 小天使被描绘成有红润圆脸的孩子样的小天使画像 With his fat, round face, the mayor was fair game for the cartoonists. 市长因长有一张肥胖的圆脸成了漫画家描绘、夸张的对象。 a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles. 截面都是椭圆或圆的表面。 Her hairstyle exaggerates the roundness of her face. 她的发式使她的脸形显得更圆。 The polished surface 顶winned his face and chest in reverse. 光亮的表面反过来使他的脸和胸膛成对? He has gained weight and his face seems to have rounded out in the last few years. 近年来,他体重增加,脸也变圆了。 问题三:广州话瓜子脸怎么说 瓜[gwaa1] 子[zi2] 脸[lim5] 音标中的5字代表声调 问题四:老婆说我只会嘴上说的好听。。。 你应该在生活中的小细节中多多关心你的爱人,让她感觉到更温暖,有人郸,比如一句不起眼的话,早晨看天气有变,一句多拿件衣服;生活中遇到麻烦,先想到的是她,也就会不由自主地关心她,其实在生活中,光有实际行动还不够,但是说实在的,实际行动是很主要的,是必不可少的,还要多和你的爱人谈谈心,告诉他你爱她,和她分担你的烦恼,共享你的快乐,好啦!快去买花,求她的原谅吧! 问题五:她有一头乌黑亮丽的长发,一双大眼睛还有一张瓜子脸怎么用英语写 懂得回答请不要坑我英语一点都不会 100分 您好,翻译为 She has long black hair,a pair of big eyes and a oval face 希望帮助你 问题六:鹅蛋脸型英语怎么说 鹅蛋脸 egg-shaped face 另外,中国人习惯说的“瓜子脸”,在英文中就用“oval face” 阀形脸 = square face shape 或 Square-Shape Face



selenium怎么读 英语selenium怎么读

1、selenium英[su0259u02c8liu02d0niu0259m]美[su0259u02c8liu02d0niu0259m],n.硒(化学元素,用于制造电气设备和有色玻璃,人体缺此元素可致抑郁等病)。 2、[例句]Low levels of selenium have been linked to increased risk of developing more severe flu.缺硒与重感冒有关。


请问,新东方英语学校的英文名称是什么 New Oriental 是新东方英语学校的英文名称 XDF 这个是新东方的商标 ^_^ 关键词:Oriental [地]东洋界; [地名] [墨西互] 奥连塔尔; [地名] [美国] 奥连特尔


看门狗house dogwatchdogbig dog


oval是椭圆形。The oval office has gotten a makeover .美国总统的椭圆形办公室现在已面貌一新。Such is the fate of those who occupy the oval office .这些人决定了椭圆形办公室里那些人的命运。Obama puts a basket for phones outside of the oval office .奥巴马在椭圆形办公室的外面专门留了个篮子来放电话。An oval with a stick does the job of a pointing hand .画一个椭圆形插着个棍就认为是手。I took her upstairs to the oval mirror and switched on the light .我带着莫尼卡来到楼上的椭圆形镜子前并打开了灯。


  NewOriental是新东方英语学校的英文名称  XDF这个是新东方的商标  ^_^  关键词:  Oriental  [地]东洋界;  [地名][墨西哥]奥连塔尔;  [地名][美国]奥连特尔



tissue怎么读 英语tissue怎么读

1、tissue英[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0]美[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0]n.(人、动植物细胞的)组织; (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸; (用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸。 2、[例句]All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。


sailor音标:英[u02c8seu026alu0259(r)]美[u02c8seu026alu0259r]n. 水手; 海员; 驾船人;[例句]The sailor"s wife had a foreboding that he would not return.那海员的妻子预感到他将一去不复返。

literate;tissue ; fertile;fertilizer;这几个英语怎么读?







pockets 是pocket的复数意思是 口袋What"s in your pockets?

kira可以英语发音成kilei 吗,话说日语中漂亮发音是kire--吗,如果是两者有关系吗?


英语幽默小故事带翻译:Pig or Witch

Pig or Witch 猪还是女巫 A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "PIG!!" The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "WITCH(女巫)!!" They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen. 译文1:一个男人在一条陡峭狭窄的山路上驾车,一个女人相向驾车而来。他们相遇时,那个女的从窗中伸出头来叫到:“猪!!”那个男的立即从窗中伸出头来回敬道:“女巫!!”他们继续前行。这个男的在下一个路口转弯时,撞上了路中间的一头猪。要是这个男的能听懂那个女人的意思就好了。 英语生单词讲解: 1. steep adj 陡峭的,峻峭的,险峻的 n.(山的)陡峭地;陡坡,悬崖峭壁 steep slope 陡坡,急坡;高倾斜 steep hill 陡坡;斜坡;陡峭的山坡 steep rise 急升 steep dip 陡倾;急倾斜 steep incline 陡坡 steep grade 急倾斜;陡坡;爬坡车道 The road passes over a steep mountain. 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。 Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff? 这么陡的峭壁, 谁知他竟爬上去了。 2. leans out of 身体探出 Monica and Rachel "s Balcony , Rachel is taking down the Christmas lights . Monica sees her, so she leans out of the small side window . 莫妮卡和瑞秋住处阳台, 瑞秋正在取下悬挂着的圣诞灯。 莫妮卡看着她, 她身体斜出了窗处。


生良【きら】【kira】 1. 【日本地名】绮罗【きら】【kira】① 【名词】1. 绫罗,美丽服装。(美しい衣服。罗绮。)绮罗を饰る。/满身绫罗。2. 美丽,华丽,荣华。(外见が华やかなこと。また、うわべを装い饰ること。)绮罗を张る。/炫耀华丽。



英语中 witch 用法怎么理解?

应该是which。关系代词which的用法 在非限定性定语从句中,只宜用which, 不宜用that. Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a very beautiful city. 在限定性定语从句中which和that在指代物的时候常常可以通用,但是有时只宜用which 而不用that i. 关系代词前面有介词的时候 This is the hotel in which you will stay. ii. 如果有两个定语从句,其中的一句的关系词是that, 另一句宜用which. Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 3. 关系代词与介词,关系代词的省略 a) 关系代词和介词 介词放在关系代词的前面时,介词短语只能用which代物,和用whom代人 This is the hero of whom we are proud. I want to find the very pen with which I wrote that letter. 当介词放在句子的末尾时,可用that/which代物,that/whom/who来作为介词的宾语, 且这个做介词宾语的关系代词往往忽略 This is the hero that (who/whom/忽略) we are proud of.E智网为您解答,希望可以帮助到你!


英音[w?t?] 美音[w?t?]英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。


witch spell on me


I choose A


v.(动词)vi. 艰苦跋涉,徒步旅行 travel difficultly,especially on foot 名词: trekker过去式: trekked过去分词: trekked现在分词: trekking第三人称单数: treks 基本介绍 外文名 :trek 英式音标 :trek 美式音标 :trek 词性 :动词和名词 名词意思 :长途跋涉 不及物动词 :艰苦跋涉 详细释义,英英释义,双语例句,近反义词,经典引文, 详细释义 n.(名词) 旅行 集体移居 牛车旅行 集体迁移 牛车一段旅程 步行 长途跋涉 远距离行走 艰难的旅程 艰苦跋涉 牛拉车旅行 移居 短程旅行 v.(动词) 艰苦跋涉 旅行 缓慢地行进 移居 离开 拉车 拖负重荷 搬运 迁移 拉货车 艰苦行军 拉 拉(车) 长途跋涉 远足 徒步旅行 游山玩水 牛拉车 乘牛车迁徙 离去 艰苦跋涉(行军) 英英释义 Noun: a journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a group of settlers) any long and difficult trip Verb: journey on foot, especially in the mountains; "We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas" make a long and difficult journey; "They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis" 双语例句 用作不及物动词 (vi.) It took us a week totrekto the foot of the mountain. 我们花了一星期才跋涉到山脚。 I hate having totrekup that hill with all the groceries. 我很不愿意得带着这么多吃用杂物爬上那个山头。 Theytrekkedfor three days along the banks of the Zambezi. 他们沿着赞比西河河岸跋涉了三天。 用作名词 (n.) Thetrekis especially difficult for us. 我们走起来更加艰难。 My boots were punished by our longtrekin the mountains. 我的靴子因为我们在山中漫长的徒步而受损。 We set off on another four-hourtrekthrough the swamps. 我们开始了穿过沼泽地的又一个四小时的长途跋涉。 近反义词 【近义词】 journey旅程 travel旅行 voyage航行 migration移民 hike徒步旅行 walk步行 ramble漫步 march行军 tramp徒步 trudge缓慢或吃力地走... trail踪迹 slog艰难行进 wander漫步 trip旅行 expedition远征 pilgrimage朝圣之旅 airing公开发表 outgoing外向的 passage通过 经典引文 Every time we wanted water it was a trek. 出自:S. Eldred It would mean trekking down to the kitchen again. 出自:C. McCullough


问题一:把...借给...英语怎么说 lend sth to *** 把XX借给XX人 borrow sth from *** 从XX借XX东西 问题二:借英语怎么说 lend英 [lend]美 [l?nd]vt. 贷;增添,提供;把……借给vi. 贷款 问题三:把某物借给某人 用英语怎么说 答案:【lend *** sth 】 翻译;把某物借给某人 【●速度回答,不懂追问●O(∩_∩)O~】 【亲!!!你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】 问题四:借用英语怎么说有些用英语怎么说 borrow ? some use 问题五:借,借给的英文,借,借给的翻译,怎么用英语翻译借 借给别人 lend sth to *** 问题六:“借”的英文怎么说? borrow 问题七:借给我一本书 用英语怎么说 (2种) lend me a book lend a book to me 问题八:我借你英语怎么说 I will lend you 问题九:我借给你和你借给我。用英语翻译后有什么区别? i lend to you / you borrow from me you lend to me / i borrow from you 问题十:把......保存在电脑上 用英语怎么说 把......保互在电脑上 save it in the puter 向某人借某物 borrow sth. from *** . 把某物借给某人 lend sth to ***




powder puff for BB Cream


Space exploration for decades has greatly promoted the human technology in weather forecasting, computer, medical, etc., such as medical scanners, fetal heart monitors, insulin pumps, each associated with replacement of these advanced spacecraft development-related instruments.In fact, space science and technology and our daily lives. According to the results of a list of NASA, space exploration made in a total of more than 700 used in people"s daily lives.Aerospace technology applications in modern medicine impressive: laser angiography, a new generation of pacemakers, infrared thermometers, thermal sensing video instrument (without surgery can determine lesions in the human body), blood analyzers. Now, the world"s major hospitals have intensive care unit, which is one of the most important applications of space science and technology. ICU in a variety of devices, in the 1960s when mining is used to monitor the physical condition of the astronauts in space travel in.Aerospace Science and Technology of the technological revolution is our indispensable today. Laptop is one of them. Then the implementation of the US mission to the moon, a need for a small, portable computer systems to monitor space travel, portable computer prototype was born. Perhaps, even if humans do not work hard on the moon, all kinds of high technology including information technology will be developed, but now a lot slower than the pace of development. Although the United States and other countries for the development of space science and technology put a lot of manpower and material and financial resources, but highly developed computer technology which triggered enough to return the cost of inputs.Although many of the original goals of space science and technology in order to apply the new technology is not on Earth, but they finally have become a means for the benefit of mankind. Consequences such as the study of human exposure to the intense radiation conditions, seeking to avoid the radiation on the astronauts" blood harm the ways in which people find the means to treat leukemia, anemia and other blood diseases.Space technology to bring people around the world a wealth of knowledge, the impact is far-reaching, the aerospace science and technology into industrial productivity can be implemented into commercial civilian technology can and should be a common goal of mankind.


1. He is a qualified mechanic, but he later came up firms now offer international trade. 2. His spare time enroll in basic computer knowledge and training, but failed to persist in the end. 3. Principals interviewed, select a few outstanding college graduates in teaching. 4. This contract is very important to our company, so write specific as possible. I would like to talk to my good colleagues. 5. The little boy with leukemia converted a serious, we must go to big hospitals for further treatment. 6. When she learned that his father"s school has been closed down, the tears rolled down his cheek.


Wang xin, a good-hearted oak, love singing, the young singer. He was born in 1989 January 18, he has the sense of responsibility, good humor. The dolphins are beautiful. His favorite movie was brave heart "favorite singer Eason Chan is Vitas and. He has a fan, she is called XiaoHui leukemia sufferer, in order to XiaoHui dream: look at the king"s personal concert, oak king oak xin attended the shout 100 should, completed 5000 people challenges. I really like and respect him, in my heart forever, is the best singer!


泡芙的英语如下:泡芙的英文:puff;读音:英 [pu028cf];美 [pu028cf]释义:n.一阵(气味,烟雾等);粉扑;酥皮点心;夸奖,吹嘘;vt.喷出;膨胀;吹捧;得意vi.喷出;膨胀;夸张变形:复数:puffs过去式:puffed过去分词:puffed现在分词:puffing第三人称单数:puffs短语:huff and puff蒸汽吞吐;powder puff粉扑;puff out吹灭;膨胀;气喘吁吁地说puff up使肿胀;puff on(一口一口地)抽(烟斗、香烟等)例句:1.Don"t puff cigarette smoke in my face.不要向我脸上喷烟。2.He managed to puff out a few words.他喘息着说出几句话。3.Such lost souls puff themselves up into grand monsters.这些迷失的灵魂将自己膨胀成大怪物。


Ne是氖的元素符号,neon的缩写。如果NE,则是north-east(东北)的缩写。 氖(neon)(旧译作氝,讹作氞),是一种化学元素,它的化学符号是Ne,它的原子序数是10,是一种无色的稀有气体,把它放电时呈橙红色。氖最常用在霓虹灯之中。空气中含有少量氖。属零族元素,化学性质极不活泼,为稀有气体的成员之一。 英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。它是由德国人(Angles)命名的,该部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语系语言的重大影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。

my dream of winning a nobel prize. 英语作文

Mo Yan sets a good example,literature,physiology or medicine:Nobel Prize is part of the heritage of Alfred Bernhard Nobel,chemistry,who won the Nobel Prize recently.Nobel Prize contains five awards.He put 31000000 SEK as the fund to establish the prize.The first award set in 1901您好.He is the pride of our Chinese,who is a Swedish chemist and dynamite inventor,and peace prize,which are physical.It was a feather in one"s cap to win the Nobel Prize.They awarded the people who make great contributions year in the world in these areas last past depending on the annual interest of the fund or investment income


高考英语阅读理解题及答案解析   能正确的掌握英语文章信息是我们学习英语的目的之一,也是高考英语重点考察项目之一。为了帮助大家提高自己的阅读理解能力,我整理了一些高考英语阅读理解,以供大家练习,希望能对大家有所帮助!   photograph   Are all your photographs good?Be honest with yourself. Aren"t some of your pictures too dark, and others too light?How many times have you thrown away a photo?We, the Fine Photograph Club, can help you. We meet every Wednesday in our comfortable club room in Bridge Street. At 7:30 p.m. a   member of the club or a visitor would give a talk, and then we have coffee. Our members will advise you on all the latest cameras and films. They will help you to develop your films or enlarge your pictures. What does it all cost?Only 5 pounds a year.   Photography is now a big business. Do you know, for instance, that there are 15 million cameras in our country?And that 700 million photographs are taken a year, more than one-third of them in color?Think of the amount of photography in television, the cinema, newspapers, books, advertisements and so on. In modern life people learn a lot from pictures, so photography is more and more important. It is also more complicated and more expensive than it used to be. You may only want to take good photographs of faces and places. If so, we can help you to get better results. You needn"t waste any more money. If you want to learn more about photography and how it is used, join the club please. You won"t be disappointed. Write now to the Secretary, Fine Photograph Club. Bridge Street. 31. The purpose of passage is to _____.   A. show people how to take fine pictures   B. tell people photography is now a big business   C. tell people the club can do many things for you   D. encourage people to join the photograph club   答案为D。此句为测试作者的写作目的。“呼吁人们都来加入到摄影俱乐部!”这是本文的主要目的。本文的.最后部分也是对全文内容的重点回应。 32. If you want to join the club, you _____.   A. must be good at photography   B. must know about the latest cameras and films   C. must pay a little money a year   D. must be honest with yourself   答案为C。此句为细节题。从短文第一段的最后一句话:five pounds a year中得出答案。   33. You are able to be honest so that you can_____.   A. say if your photos are good or bad   B. tell how much money you waste   C. help the Fine Photograph Club   D. know the latest development in cameras   答案为A。此句为细节推理题。将第一段内容进行综合分析,可以知道:这是Fine Photograph club所做的宣传广告,让人们知道他们是为了帮助人们提高摄影技术,避免出现浪费现象,而且费用低廉。因此选项A符合短文的内容。   34. The club can give the following service except _____.   A. coffee B. amusement C. advice D. information   答案为B。此句为细节推理题。从短文内容上看,文章中出现了:and then we have coffee(选项A的内容),will advise you on all the latest(选项C的内容)和if you want to learnit is used(选项D的内容),这样只有选项B的内容在短文中没有出现了。   35.Which statement of the following is true?   A. If you are a member of Fine Photograph Club, it will cost you only 5 pounds to buy a camera.   B. All the members of Fine Photograph Club can take free photographs of faces and places.   C. More than a third of 700 million color photographs are taken a year.   D. If you write to the photograph club, you will be very good at photographing.   答案为C。细节题。在短文And that 700 million photographs are taken a year,more than one-third Of them in color?中给出了答案。其中的them就是700 million photographs。   business   Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives. His companies even made and sold weapons. Isn"t this something that surprises you? The man who made money from weapons should set up the Peace Prize?   Though Alfred Nobel had a lot of money from weapons, he hated war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. He was one of the richest in Europe. When he died in 1896, he left behind him a lot of money and his famous will. According to his will, most of his money was placed in a fund. He wanted the interest from the fund to be used as prizes every year. We know them as the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prizes are international. Alfred Nobel wanted the winners to be chosen for their work, not the country they came from.   Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work and to the benefits of mankind. He made money all by his own efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the world for ever.   36. Alfred"s business was _____.   A. making and selling explosives B. not making and selling weapons   C. making explosives and selling weapons D. making weapons and selling explosives   答案为A。细节题。将这两句话His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives.合并在一起理解.就是:他的企业是制造并贩卖炸药的。   37. Nobel wanted to set up the Nobel Peace Prize because _____.   A. he made enough money   B. he hated war   C. he wanted to get more interest from the fund   D. he liked to live in a peaceful world   答案为B。此句为细节推理题。从he hated war.He hoped that there would be no war in the world.这里可以看出Nobel讨厌战争,因此希望以后不再有战争。   38. Nobel Prizes come from _____.   A. all Nobel"s money in the fund   B. all Nobel"s money in his company   C. all the interest from the fund   D. some of the interest in the fund   答案为C。此句为细节推理题。Nobel Prizes的来源在本文中是指:“He wanted the interest from the fund to be used as prizes every year.”也就是他基金中每年的利息。   39. Nobel was a (an) _____ person in the world.   A. interesting B. unselfish C. kind-hearted D. richest   答案为B。此句为细节推理题。从短文最后一段的内容看,Nobel的无私奉献为世界人民做出了贡献。因此应该说他是一个无私的人。   40. Which statement of the following is Right according to the passage?   A. Nobel set up his company to sell clothes. B. Most of Nobel"s money was used for the world Wars.   C. Nobel Prizes are only for some people from some special countries.   D. Nobel worked hard in his life and saved lots of money for the world to share. 答案为D。此句为细节推理题。在He made money all by his own efforts.But he left the world share his wealth.这句话中,我们可以看出Nobel将所挣的钱全部留给世界人民去分享(share)。 ;


What is the most important quality for college students? Almost everyone has an unforgetable memory of college life. we have studied and lived in campus for four years. If be asked what should reflect the quality of the college studdents, I think it is honesty and faithfulness, the spirit of teamwork and the ability of self-study. Firstly, the honest and faithfullness is benefit from our tearcher and parents. The communication should be based on honesty,no matter with friends or tearchers. As long as we treat people honestly, they would give us enough trust and an acceptence of our charater.So honest and faith is the benchmark of human beling and the basic quality of conlege students should have. Secondly, the spirit of teamwork should be advocated and popularized in college students. Univestify is not only an educational instuition, but alos a small "society".College students should also learn how to communicate with different people and work with his teamwork so as to fulfill the academic tasks. It would be helpful for us when we step into the real society. Also the spirit of teamwork would cultivate people"s sense of collective honor. Finally, self-study ability is also a very important personal quality. The method of learning in university is not different from the way in junior or high school, it depends mostly on ourselves to learn or reaserch. To put forward a queston and then find the answer by ourselves ,or exchange different opinions with students in the terms of discussion way.It is really a good way to practice student"s learning ability. Therefore, the honesty , teamwork spirit and self-ability is very important and cannt be ignored for the college students. We should cultivate more students with these important qualities in order to promote the comprehensive quality of chinese college students


无论你在职场中身处何位,与他人共同合作来完成目标的情况必不可少,尤其有的时候还要直接和整个一个团队一起合作。如果在团体工作中有人缺少团结的意识(without a real sense of unity in your work-group progress),那目标也不可能达成。在这种情况下就要把团队建设付诸实践(By putting into practice certain team building),帮助团队各位成员之间产生亲近感(help foster a feeling of connectedness),进而一起实现最终目标。方法一:建立团队(Building Your Team)1、成员一起讨论团队合作——在你们组成一组共同工作之前,整个团队都应该了解团队合作所带来的利益(makeaware of the benefits),因为每个人并不是作为个体在工作(work as a unit)。对团队利益作出解释可以让每位成员改变想法,从而组建出一个更加强大的队伍:“Ask people to write down positive and negative ideas they have about teamwork”——让大家写出一些关于团队合作的正反面。“Work together to address negative concerns or attitudes.”——大家一起工作来解决消极的想法或态度。如果有人认为团队合作会影响个人表达观点,那在回答疑问的时候就把团队赋予个人的权力(empower an individuals)作为重点进行解释。2、了解团队成员的风格——每个团队里都有多种风格需要发掘。这些风格会体现出团队中每个人的做事方式,由此就可以知道他们最适合的角色是什么,从而有助于组成一支平衡的队伍(create a well balanced team)。团队成员的风格主要有下列四种:参与者(Contributors)——关注团队的具体任务。协作者(Collaborators)——关注整个团队和项目。“Communicators strive to create open, positive, and constructive communication amongst the team”——沟通者——力图在团队中形成开放,积极,有意义的沟通。挑战者(Challengers)——喜欢关注难题,将团队的工作质量和表现推向一个新高度。3、实施有效的领导力(practice effective leadership)——根据多个研究来看,一些不正确的领导方式可能会导致团队成员的消极表现。如果你正在带领一支队伍,可以试着表现出(embody)以下几种领导方式:变革型领导(transformational leader)——通过树立和分享自己对团队使命的愿景(creating and sharing a vision for the teams mission)来激励团队成员。这一类型的领导常常鼓励团队成员挑战常规(challenge standards),跳脱固有思想(think outside the box)来取得目标。赋予权力型领导(empowering leader)——鼓励团队成员采取自我领导(take on self-leadership)的方式,让他们通过自己的选择来引领团队的方向。方法二:设定结构(Setting Structure)1、创建一支人数适当的团队:提到团队合作,就不得不说团队成员的人数问题。队员人数决定了相互之间是否能够轻松地沟通,如何分配角色和职责。要保证团队人数适当才能确保有效的合作。理想的团队人数在2到5名之间。5到10名成员的团队也是可行的,但可能会比较难管理。任何多于10名成员的团队都可能被分成一些小的分支队伍(be divided into smaller sub-teams)。2、为团队的目标设定一个具体的截止日期(set concrete due dates)——虽然整个项目可能已经有了一个最终的截止时间(an ultimate deadline),但仍然可以把最终目标分成多个小目标,再为每个小目标设定截止日期,这样可以让整个团队感觉一直向着目标在前进:制定一个阶段性计划(a planning phase),指出团队在哪个特定的时间需要作出哪些行动。每个阶段的截止日期都要是连贯的(a sequential due date),直至最终项目完成。“Breaking goals down can help the team keep track of their progress”——把目标分成多个有助于团队跟踪进展。3、为团队互动制定协议(establish protocols for team interaction)——制定适当的协议和规定内部团队职责(inter-team responsibilities)可以促进工作顺利进行:为何时回复邮件设置规定时间。“Make attendance to meetings mandatory”——把出席会议作为一项指令。可以把团队规定做成文书让成员签字,确保每个人认真地读过而且遵守这些规定(committed to the team policies)。4、每一位成员都应该明确自己的目标——一个优秀团队中的每一位成员都应该有明确的(clear cut)角色和职责。这种分配工作(delegating work)的方法不仅可以帮助成员把精力集中在具体的任务上,同时还可以了解其它人都在做什么,无论作为个体还是团队的一员都可以有效地进行工作。“Without clear goals team members may overlap and perform redundant tasks”——缺少明确目标的团队成员可能会重复执行多余的任务。如果每一位成员都能目标明确,那么整个团队的效率就可以提高。客观目标(objective goals)不仅可以帮助个人衡量和提高自己的工作表现,同时对整个团队也十分有效。方法三:形成最佳的人际关系(Fostering The Best Relationships)1、体现合作的价值——如果团队成员们不相信团队合作是一个明智的选择(a wise choice),那么整个团队可能会面临失败。无论如何组成团队,每一位成员必须坚信合作的力量,并且能够投入合作直到达到最终目标。任何不信任团队合作的成员都有可能对整个团队造成损失。确保每一位成员都准备好全力以赴共同冲向同一个目标。2、分享团队成员们的优势(share team members strengths)—— 每位成员可能已经知道自己在团队里需要扮演的角色和发挥的技能,但同时还要做到知己知彼,了解其它团队成员的强项,这样大家才能相互配合高效地完成任务。3、有效地处理冲突——在一起工作的好处就是可以分享每个人的想法和观点, 让整个团队从中找出最好的解决方法。但无法避免的是,团队合作也会因想法不合(ideas clash)而引发冲突(cause conflict to arise)。“Conflict can cause team effectiveness to fail”——冲突会导致团队的有效性降低。“Try to resolve conflict before it grows into a more serious issues”——试着在矛盾扩大成严重问题之前解决。4、在团队内部培养情绪意识(cultivate emotional awareness)——有些情绪会有助于形成一个积极向上的健康团队,而有的情绪则会对团队的凝聚力造成威胁(pose a threat to the cohesion of the group)。通过对团队成员情商方面的(in matters of emotional intelligence)培训可以避免伤害团队合作(injure the team effort)的一切情绪突发问题。形成情绪意识的第一步首先要学会控制自己的情感。在团队里发挥主观能动性(self motivation)对整体成就来说是至关重要的(is critical to the overall effort)。留意其它人的情绪状态(being aware of others emotional states)。


问题一:白血病的英文怎么说 白血病 [词典] leukaemia; leuk(a)emia; leukocythemia; leucemiz; leucocythemia; [例句]所有募集到的资金都将用于“白血病患儿”组织。 All funds raised will be used by Children With Leukaemia问题二:白血病的英语翻译 白血病用英语怎么说 白血病的英语翻译 Leukemia in English问题三:白血病的英文 白血病 : l攻ukemia 其它相关解释:例句与用法: 他因患白血病正在接受类固醇治疗. He"s being treated with steroids for leukaemia.问题四:关于白血病的英语作文120字左右 白血病(血癌)是一种癌症,即骨髓产生大量的异常白血球,而正常白血球、红血球和血小板生成减少。辅助稀牌破壁灵芝孢子粉对于增强骨髓造血功能,使血红蛋白、血小板及白细胞明显升高 问题五:血癌的英文简称是什么 leukemia [lju:"ki:mi??] n.malignant neopla *** of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer 血癌 白血病问题六:白血病的励志例子英文版 你好,请问你具体的情况是什么呢,能否把具体的病情以及相关的检查提供详细一些呢,我们只有了解详细的 病情资料后 才能 进行 分析,以便给你提供一些帮助也建议。 问题七:8年级英语作文写一个患有白血病的人 听力课堂初二英语作文栏目,为您搜集了大量的初二英语作文范文,内容丰富精彩,帮您轻轻松松的打好英语作文写作基础,提高您的英语写作水平。听力课堂网初二英语作文栏目让您

NEON 服装英语怎么理解

neon 大写首字母表示氖元素,其词源来自希腊语 newo,也就是英语里new,新的意思genesis 是创世纪的意思evangelion 这个英语里面没有这个词,可能是希腊词语"εναγγελισ"的转写evangel是福音的意思evangelion就是带来福音的人直接翻译就是 新世纪来临带来福音的人合起来按照剧情就可以翻译为 新世纪福音战士,

急求一篇以teamwork spirit 为题的英语作文!!!!

With drastic competitions in society,teamwork spirit is getting more and more important, which can be summarized as follows: First, teamwork spirit can ensure harmonious relationship. If you have teamwork spirit, you will find out more friends.Second, cooperation of the team has more advantage to win in competitions, and cooperation need teamwork spirit . Third, teamwork spirit produces feeling of security.If all of your colleagues have teamwork spirit ,you will be confident to the future of yourself and your group. In conclusion, teamwork spirit is very important to every one and every group, it need be educated continually.






I prefer team-work than individual work.As a member of a team,I can communicate with mycolleagues.As a team,we have a common objective and in most of time,it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone.If there is a team to work with,we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part.This will increase the efficiency of the work.When you work alone,it is unavoidable to meet some problems,then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet.However,things will be changed if there is a team,as a member of team,you can ask your colleagues about the problems,maybe some of them know the way to solve the problem,that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself.More important,we can share our experience and ideas by each other,during the team working you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.

跪求关于Team work的英语演讲稿,谢谢,高手来!!演讲三分钟~~~

Teamwork in Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityGood afternoon everyone,Thanks for coming and I am going to talk about the teamwork in Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.Do you remember the first EAP Lecture? Our ELC Director Steve told us there would be a lot of teamwork this semester and a large percentage of our marks would be based on our group assignments. First time I heard this, I was really confused, “Why shall we have so much teamwork?”But I had no choice. In the first week, I got a group task and spent hours of time finishing it. In week2, 3 and 4, I always had to work in a group. But I found that when we were in group discussion, all the group members tried to share ideas with each other and I also wanted to contribute good ideas to my group. And gradually, I found the power of teamwork. It can solve a big problem which cannot be solved by a single one and I can also learn a lot from other team members.Last time I had a good experience of teamwork because I was in a “good” team. But actually, you can not say a team is good or bad. The only difference between different teams, I think, is the responsibility of each team member. In EAP Lab2, we had to give a presentation about nonverbal communication. In my group, all the members had high responsibility to finish the task successfully. We worked together, exchanged ideas and tried our best to do our individual work. So our teamwork was efficient and we did a good presentation.Teamwork is important not only in our study at university, but also is the key to success in many other kinds of work. Let me give you some examples:Many of us like playing basketball or football. We all know that they are played as a team. If one team wants to win, all the members should work together and have a good cooperation. Yao Ming is a super star of NBA and he has excellent skills of playing basketball. But he said that the game is for five people, he cannot have a good performance without the assistance of his team members. This is also the case in business. Bill Gates once said that, “the success of Microsoft is because Microsoft has a professional team to research and explore new products.” So teamwork is really important to all of us. We need to work with people in the real world and in our future job. Life itself is like teamwork, whether we like it or not. In this university, we get a lot of practice to learn the skill of teamwork, which prepares us for our future life. Teamwork is a skill which we can use all the time. Keep thinking about teamwork, I have changed my attitude towards it. At first, I was really confused about having so much teamwork, but now I am strongly convinced of the benefits of teamwork. So why not work hard to learn the skill? Don"t be afraid of teamwork, but be more active taking part in it! Thank you!Lei Jin13th May, 2007你把那学校和日期改一下就可以了


足球需要团队合作用英语翻译为:Football requires teamwork。一、teamwork:合作、协同工作。二、词汇搭配:1、up and back teamwork:双打中前后活动的配合。2、rotation teamwork:双打轮转战术的配合。三、近义词:1、cooperation:合作。2、concert:音乐会。3、collaboration:合作。4、solidarity:团结。5、communication:交流。6、coordination:协调。例句:1、They showed ever exceptionally good teamwork.他们配合得非常之好。2、Only teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time.只有团结一致,我们才能按时完成这项工作。3、In football teamwork is even more important than individual skill.在橄榄球比赛中,全队的配合比个人技术甚至更加重要。4、Good teamwork means that you can get more done during work time.良好的团队精神意味着高度的工作效率。5、Teamwork, for many of us,is a big switch from how we"re accustomed to functioning.对我们中的许多人来说,团队工作极大的改变了我们习惯的工作模式。

On teamwork_团队合作高中英语作文300字

On teamwork_团队合作高中英语作文300字 In China,there is an old saying:Unity is strength,showing the importance of teamwork. As time goes by,there is no doubt that teamwork is more and more significant for us in many parts.No matter what you are doing,such as you are playing basketball or other games,you are participating in the debate competition, you are dealing in class affairs and so forth.It is universally acknowledged that all of these may not be finished better if without teamwork.What"s more, whether you possess a good team spirit or not, which is the general situation as heavy,the spirit of devotion.No matter what we do,I think the thing will be much better if we keep a better teamwork spirit up.There is no denying that not only can greatly improve our work efficiency but also can get true friendship among colleagues in future work through intensifying our teamwork awareness. Therefore how to create a good team?Personally speaking,firstly,we think out clearing team goals.Secondly, we may as well elect a good team leader,who is essential.In this way,he will lead us to struggle and progress much better together.Finally,we should be tolerant and understand when we have a disagreement with each other on the team,in which each of us should hold the spirit of devotion.Most importantly, I believe that as long as making joint efforts,we can create a good team, completing the task more perfect.


Teamwork is a joint action by two or more people or a group, in which each person contributes with different skills and Express his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve common goals.This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal.In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.The forming-storming-norming-performing model takes the team through four stages of team development and maps quite well on to many project management life cycle models, such as initiation - definition - planning - realisation.As teams grow larger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressed freely. Managers must use these to create or maintain a spirit of teamwork change. The intimacy of a small group is lost, and the opportunity for misinformation and disruptive rumors grows.

以teamwork为主题的英语作文 差不多80到100词

teamwork is a normal way of studying, researching, and working in a school or company. sometimes, it can be very effective. people in a team can share work with each other to save time and provide different perspective for resolving the problem. However, this is not the case usually. Most of time, team work can be time-comsuming and disastrous. For example, is this scene familiar to you that the lazy kids doodle around while smart kids doing all the work, but have to share credit with all others. If people have the ability to do something alone, it is better to summon all their confidence and courage to think and work alone.

以teamwork为主题的英语作文 差不多80到100词

teamwork is a normal way of studying,researching,and working in a school or company.sometimes,it can be very effective.people in a team can share work with each other to save time and provide different perspective for resolving the problem.However,this is not the case usually.Most of time,team work can be time-comsuming and disastrous.For example,is this scene familiar to you that the lazy kids doodle around while smart kids doing all the work,but have to share credit with all others.If people have the ability to do something alone,it is better to summon all their confidence and courage to think and work alone.

以The Importance of Teamwork为题写一篇英语作文 怎么写?

某企业本月(7月份)发生如下业务 (1)销售产品5000元,货款存入银行。 (2)销售产品10000元,货款尚未收到。 (3)付7-12月份的租金3000元。 (4)收到6月份应收的销货款80000元。 (5)本月应付水电费400元,下月支付。(6)收到购货单位预付货款4000元。根据权责发生制和首付实现制,分别确定本月收入与费用,并分别计算两种方法下利润各是多少?

英语翻译 anang sikai qoxka hittay 这是神马意思?

这不是新疆话,这是维语,a nang si gei,qiao xi ga hei te lei.应该是这样的,逗号前是骂人的,R N M的意思,反正整句话不是什么好话,都是在骂人.


went Before sit were beside uncle Where house thought back


I prefer team-work than individual work. As a member of a team, I can communicate with mycolleagues. As a team, we have a common objective and in most of time, it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone. If there is a team to work with, we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part. This will increase the efficiency of the work. When you work alone, it is unavoidable to meet some problems, then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet. However, things will be changed if there is a team, as a member of team, you can ask your colleagues about the your problems, maybe some of them know the metheds to solve the problem, that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself. and also we can share our experience and ideas with each other, if you work together happily and coherently.you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.


I prefer team-work than individual work. As a member of a team, I can communicate with mycolleagues. As a team, we have a common objective and in most of time, it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone. If there is a team to work with, we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part. This will increase the efficiency of the work. When you work alone, it is unavoidable to meet some problems, then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet. However, things will be changed if there is a team, as a member of team, you can ask your colleagues about the problems, maybe some of them know the way to solve the problem, that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself. More important, we can share our experience and ideas by each other, during the team working you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.

【英语】【翻译】用Of course回答是去还是不去?



cooperation, responsibility, efforts, ambition, honesty, dedication

求几条有关TeamWork的英语谚语和短句 谢谢了!

In football teamwork is even more important than individual skill. 在橄榄球比赛中,全队的配合比个人技术甚至更加重要。Teamwork creates value and success Working togther hard work 团结互助,艰苦奋斗 Teamwork is power teamwork is win 团结就是力量,团结就是胜利


TeamworkI do not like teamwork in most time. Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise. But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork.Last week we had a play competition. Because of some reasons, we had not decided the play two days before the competition. Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together. Then they think about every plot together. To my surprise, it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea. They gave up their weekend to practice the play. Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition.Teamwork is really powerful. No matter learning in school or working in the future, we have to work in a team sometimes. So, try to establish the spirit of teamwork. It will surely help you achieve success


Unity and cooperation among the price is higherUnity is strength, in all aspects need unity. Our family need more united to blossom a more flowery glorious, unity of unavoidable have cooperation.Dazzle beautiful and colorful life, walks in the cooperation is endless. Therefore, we should take the importance of cooperating with the correct knowledge, let the unity cooperation enrich our life, cooperation in all trades and professions is indispensable.In all production department, is through the division and cooperation, its to several large enterprise cooperation. This also is commonplace, no wonder. Such as production a car, a worker can achieve alone? No, but not absolutely denying it. Because more people is through collaboration, you production shell, I production parts, he assembly, and after many person"s cooperation, can better and faster produced in a car.China"s manned spacecraft launch, made China a few count can launch of manned spacecraft countries, Yang liwei"s success. How many people behind solidarity and cooperation, behind success is covered with much failure. Maybe, along with China"s space sector has failed so many. But we still unremitting ground wrestling bottom go to, through cooperation, finally succeeded. If on launch a little mistake, I"m afraid we have welcomed and failure. Visible, cooperation is necessary.Now the world, without cooperation, cooperation became successful springboard. Life has the cooperation will be successful, success is the embodiment of the cooperation. National management, need people"s cooperation, a factory of normal operation also needs the workers cooperation.The dazzle beautiful and colorful, colorful world, everywhere cooperation, once the success of the operation, need doctors and nurses cooperation. The second world war, China, Britain, the United States, Russia and other countries together against Japan, Germany embodies the cooperation of the importance of war.In real life, some surprising thing, some ingrious, need in the life, all impossible oneself production. Therefore, humans live in unity and cooperation in the life, human undoubtedly is happy, but human cooperation have false cooperation.Not only human learning to be cooperative, even the little ants, in found food hind, can cooperate. Put the food move "home" they small figure, could put more than their own many times things handling. Embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation.In life, we must learn to understand the importance of cooperation, cooperation. Make cooperation with us. Today"s China need to work tomorrow"s China need more to cooperation, let us work together to build a bright motherland.Above composition from baidu spaceThe following composition from outstanding composition netsUnity power"Many hands make light work", "unity is strength", "both together do best of all," sufficiently indicated that unity prospers, unity is the reds long march victory crystallization, is to realize the grand goal of the source.Someone once asked: "how philosopher a drop won"t do?" Philosopher replied: "put it on the ocean." This sentence brief words reveals a profound truth: personal leave collective, only solidarity of collective will have boundless strength, whereas if no solidarity, even if there is another big strength will dry up.People all envy stars, star in a team in the role of a large yi! But if leave united team, they will again how? American big-name "basketball giants" rate "bulls" four took the finals champion. People say "flyers" Jordan creates the bulls, Jordan said: "is the bulls player regiment was made for me." Yeah, left the basketball team solidarity, star not only personal ineffective, and even players cannot make.Throughout prodect, any one"s success is inseparable from the collective unity strength. Thirdly, if not trust in the ZhangLiang liu bang, sheet relies on the lone can realize the ambition to assassinate the grand plan? Left cartesian inspiration and doppler rhys bazant common research of scientific and technological achievements, Newton can put forward "Newton"s first law"?Only by a beautiful flowers, dress out beautiful spring, personal only into unity of collective can realize the grand goal.Therefore, a country, a nationality only solidarity, to support oneself forest of to the world, can seek improvement and development. Especially we these as the new century"s successor of teenagers more should learn to unite, such ability based on society. Inherit and develop the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, but also we as descendants obligatory responsibility.



怎么写有关 Teamwork 初中中考英语作文

there is no I in team.

英语单词 teamwork team work 那种写法对?

两种写法都是对的,team work 是一个词组 但是teamwork是一个名词 作为一个整体.


Teamwork I do not like teamwork in most time.Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise.But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork. Last week we had a play competition.Because of some reasons,we had not decided the play two days before the competition.Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together.Then they think about every plot together.To my surprise,it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea.They gave up their weekend to practice the play.Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition. Teamwork is really powerful.No matter learning in school or working in the future,we have to work in a team sometimes.So,try to establish the spirit of teamwork.It will surely help you achieve success

teamwork怎么读 英语teamwork怎么读

1、teamwork英[u02c8tiu02d0mwu025cu02d0k]美[u02c8tiu02d0mwu025cu02d0rk],n.团队合作; 配合; 协同工作。 2、[例句]Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。


  皇后简称为后,是世界历史上帝国最高统治者——皇帝正配的称号。下面我为大家带来皇后的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   皇后的英语意思   queen   皇后的英语例句   法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。   Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.   皇后是个非常聪明的女人。   The queen was a very clever woman.   我看见皇后和小公主在阳台上。   I saw the empress and her young princess on the balcony.   你知道的,象徵仁慈的红心皇后一直都是你的王牌。   You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.   你就是国际象棋皇后。   You are the chess queen dujour.   皇后不久失宠。被处死了。   Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.   我看见皇后和小公主在阳台上。   I saw the empress and hre young princess on the balcony.   到香港不久你就成了模特,并成了选美皇后。   And you became a model and a beauty queen quite soon after arriving.   但是很快地,他发现皇后每晚都去墓园。   But soon he found that his queen went to the churchyard every night.   皇后的双语例句   1. I don"t want to be treated like a cosseted movie queen.   我不愿意被人当作是个娇纵惯了的电影皇后。   2. The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens.   社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。   3. Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.   索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。   4. Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.   皇后不久失宠.被处死了.   5. Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean.   雅典时常被人称为爱琴海上的皇后.   6. The queen was resplendent with jewels.   那皇后浑身上下珠光宝气.   7. In keeping with tradition, the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony.   按照传统,皇帝和皇后未参加该仪式。   8. I veered away from the set menu and went for the day"s special of queen scallops.   我没有点套餐,而是要了当日的特供菜——皇后海扇贝。   9. It wasn"t exactly exciting either to have the empress as your mother - in - law .   没劲,认皇后作 丈母娘,这姑爷准不好当.   10. His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens, New York City.   他的遗体被从纽约市皇后区的墓地里挖了出来。   11. Queen Latifah and Jay Leno round out this all - star cast.   皇后?拉蒂法以及杰?雷诺的加入使这份明星卡司声势更为浩大.   12. The expectant crowds waited for the king and his queen to pass.   期待的人群等候国王和皇后经过.   13. The court went into mourning for the Queen"s uncle.   朝庭为皇后亡叔服丧.   14. Young wives naturally prefer to be undisputed queen of their own establishment.   年轻的妻子当然更喜欢做她自己宫殿里的无可争议的皇后.   15. He has made several crossings on the Atlantic aboard S . S . Queen Mary.   他好几次乘玛丽皇后号轮船横渡大西洋.




  特长指特别擅长的专门的技艺或兴趣、研究领域;从字面理解,即特别的长处。或一种事物显著区别于其他事物的风格和形式,是由事物赖以产生和发展的特定的具体的环境因素所决定的,是其所属事物独有的。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   特长的英语说法1:   speciality    特长的英语说法2:   special skill   特长的英语说法3:   one"s strong suit   特长的相关短语:   我们特长 Our Advantage   没有特长 No special skill ; There is no feature ; No specialty   特长权 expert power   额外特长 Extra Tag   特长技术 advantage techniques ; the special features technique ; specialty technology   特长桩 long pile ; longer pile ; much longer pile   兴趣特长 Interests and special skills    特长的英语例句:   1. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.   他们完全是凭体育特长才获得了大学奖学金。   2. His forte is after - dinner speeches.   他的特长是饭后演说.   3. Swimming is not her strong point.   游泳不是她的特长.   4. They also cite OMB"s expertise in sophisticated policy *** ysis techniques.   他们还引证了管理和预算办公室在复杂的政策分析方面的特长作为例子.   5. To negotiate with our buyers is my forte.   与买方谈判是我的特长。   6. He obtained his position more by favour than by merit or ability.   他因得宠而获此地位,并非有何特长或本事.   7. Painting isn"t her strong point.   绘画非她的特长.   8. Administration was not his strong point.   经营管理并非他的特长.   9. Foreign affairs are his strong point.   外交事务是他的特长.   10. Reacting with initiative to the unexpected is not a specialty of Soviet diplomats.   苏联外交官没有那种临机应变、主动作出反应的特长.   11. Brain drains may represent a substantial reduction in some labor force skills and specialties.   智力外流可能表示某种劳动力技能和特长大量减少.   12. Do you have any special skills?   你有什么特长 吗 ?   13. Ellen said to herself that Diana was prettier than Kate.   艾伦暗想戴安娜比凯特长得漂亮.   14. Her special abilities fit her well for the job.   她的特长使她很适合做这项工作.   15. They invited her in and questioned her as to her ability.   他们请她进去,问她有什么特长.


mouse和rat都可译作老鼠,但两者间却是有很大区别的,英文中moues与rat都翻译为汉语的老鼠,它们都是啮齿动物。区别如下: 1、通常以大小来区分二者,rat比mouse要大。翻译成汉语并不单独命名,仅在老鼠之前冠以大或小加以形容。 2、重要差别存在于文化中。西方往往将rat与负面意义联系在一起。例如rat在英语中可以代替很多粗俗的感叹语,这与rat的生物学特性或者行为无关,与历史上的黑死病有关系。 3、rat被看做是邪恶的、不洁的、寄生的动物,盗取食物并传播疾病。在英语中,rat也指告密者,to rat on someone指背叛某人并向政府检举其罪行。说某人rat意思是他不招人喜欢、可疑。mouse则经常成为宠物,被看做好玩、可爱或容易侍弄,经典形象是小巧、鬼鬼祟祟的动物,藏在墙壁内,偷取奶酪。也是卡通形象中经常使用的,米老鼠就叫Mickey Mouse。


mice的音标是[mau026as]。含有mice的双语例句1、The house was completely overrun with mice.这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。2、The stores were overrun with rats and mice.仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。3、Our cat is hopeless at catching mice.我们的猫绝对捉不到老鼠。4、The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。5、The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.由于老鼠泛滥成灾,该旅馆被勒令关闭。6、Those two little mice were naked and blind.那两只小老鼠还没长毛,眼睛也尚未睁开。


stack vt. 使堆叠;把…堆积起来wad vt. 使成一团;填塞;使成卷pile vt. 累积;打桩于类似纸张的整齐叠放,带有明显层次的用stack;胡乱攒成一团的用wadpile就类似于慢慢积累成一团,偏重于强调过程了
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