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黑暗里我照耀着你们, 战斗开始时, 我奋勇当先 走在队伍的最前列。 我周围倒着 我的战友的尸体, 可是我们得到了胜利。 我们得到了胜利, 可是周围倒着 我的战友的尸体。 在欢呼胜利的凯歌里 响着追悼会严肃的歌声。 但我们没有时间欢乐, 也没有时间哀悼。 喇叭重新吹起, 又开始新的战斗。 我是剑,我是火焰。 ——海涅 海涅主要作品及介绍 海涅出生在莱茵河畔杜塞尔多夫一个破落的犹太商人家庭。1795年,拿破仑的军队曾开进莱茵河流域,对德国的封建制度进行了一些民主改革。正如恩格斯所指出,拿破仑“在德国是革命的代表,是革命原理的传播者,是旧的封建社会的摧残人”。法军的这些改革,使备受歧视的犹太人的社会地位得到改善,因此海涅从童年起就接受了法国资产阶级革命思想的影响。 1819至1823年,海涅先后在波恩大学和柏林大学学习法律和哲学,他听过浪漫主义作家奥古斯特·威廉和唯心主义哲学家黑格尔的讲课。海涅早在20岁时就开始了文学创作,他的早期诗作:《青春的苦恼》、《抒情插曲》、《还乡集》、《北海集》等组诗,多以个人遭遇和爱情苦恼为主题,反映了封建专制下个性所受到的压抑以及找不到出路的苦恼。 “我跟一些人一样,在德国感到同样的痛苦,说出那些最坏的苦痛,也就说出我的痛苦。”(《每逢我在清晨》)这些诗句中所抒发的个人感受,具有一定的社会意义。这些诗作于1827年收集出版时,题名为《诗歌集》。它们表现了鲜明的浪漫主义风格,感情淳朴真挚,民歌色彩浓郁,受到广大读者欢迎,其中不少诗歌被作曲家谱上乐曲,在德国广为流传,是德国抒情诗中的上乘之作。 从1824年到1828年间,海涅游历了祖国的许多地方,并到英国、意大利等国旅行。由于他广泛接触社会,加深了对现实社会的理解,写了四部散文旅行札记。 在第一部 《哈尔茨山游记》里, 海涅以幽默活泼的笔调描绘了20年代令人窒息的德国现状,讽刺嘲笑了封建的反动统治者、陈腐的大学、庸俗的市侩、反动的民族主义者、消极的浪漫主义者;以浓郁的抒情笔调描绘了祖国壮丽的自然景色,同时又以深厚的同情,描绘了山区矿工的劳动生活。 在第二部《观念——勒·格朗特文集》里,海涅描绘了法国军队进入故乡的情景,刻画了拿破仑的形象,表现了作者对法国革命的向往和对德国封建统治的憎恶。 在第三部《从慕尼黑到热那亚的旅行》等意大利游记里,描绘了意大利的风光和社会生活,揭露了贵族天主教的反动性,同时对贵族作家脱离现实的倾向进行了批判。 在第四部《英国片段》里,作家描绘了富豪的贵族和资产阶级与劳动人民的尖锐对立,揭露了大资产阶级的贪婪和掠夺。 这四部札记的主要倾向是抨击德国的封建反动统治,期望德国能爆发一场比较彻底的资产阶级革命,这四部旅行札记的创作表明,海涅在思想上已成长为一个革命民主主义者,在艺术上,海涅已从青年时代对个人遭遇与感情的描写,转向对社会现实的探讨,走向现实主义道路。 海涅晚年思想上的矛盾与怀疑突出的表现在他对共产主义的信念与理解上,他思想上的矛盾是那个时代的产物,正如列宁在纪念赫尔岑时所说,“是资产阶级民主派的革命性已在消亡,而社会主义无产阶级的革命性尚未成熟这样一个具有世界历史意义的时代的产物和反映”。同时,也反映了海涅本身资产阶级世界观的局限。1856年2月27日,海涅逝世。

come what way 这首歌的中英文翻译~

自己翻的,希望能帮到你~满意的话请采纳哦,我很有诚意的呵呵~~~~ 从来不知道我能感觉到这样的就像我从来没有见过天空之前要消失在你的吻里每天我爱你越来越多听我的心你能听到它唱告诉我给你的一切时间可能会从冬季改变到春季但是,我爱你,直到时间结束 今后可能今后可能我会爱你,直到我死去一天 突然间,世界似乎是这样一个完美的地方突然移动这样一个完美的宽限期突然,我的生活似乎并没有像个废物这一切都围绕着你 没有山太高没有河太宽唱出这首歌我会在你那边风云会聚集并可能碰撞星际但是,我爱你,直到时间结束 今后可能今后可能我会爱你,直到我死去那一天 今后可能今后可能我会爱你,直到我死去那一天 突然间,世界似乎这样一个完美的地方 今后可能今后可能我会爱你,直到我死去那一天

我想学Daniel Powter的《Bad day》,大哥们大姐们请给我《Bad day》中英文翻译,和用汉字写出歌曲怎么唱的

Where is the moment when needed the mostYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostThey tell me your blue skies fade to greyThey tell me your passion"s gone awayAnd I don"t need no carryin" on当你最需要好运的时候 它在哪里?你无耐地踢起了地上的落叶 所有的魔力都消失了他们告诉我 你蔚蓝的天空渐渐变灰他们告诉我 你热情的抱负渐渐冷淡Hey 朋友! 我不想看到你就这样半途而废*You stand in the line just ahead of the lawYou"re faking a smile with the coffee you goYou tell me your life"s been way off lineYou"re falling to pieces everytimeAnd I don"t need no carryin" on你站在危险沮丧的边缘你带著伪装的笑容 拿著咖啡 从我面前走过你告诉我 你的人生彷佛像电脑断线般 没有了动力每一次 你都跌的粉身碎骨Hey 朋友! 我不希望你就这样放弃Cause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lie*You work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad dayYou had a bad day你只是一时地不顺遂你只是刚好意志消沉你只是唱了一首悲伤的歌转个身 一切就雨过天晴你说 你很茫然你告诉我 别再伪装了Hey 朋友! 那就带著微笑 兜兜风去吧你只是一时的低潮照相机拍出你的沮丧但这只是短暂的一切不顺心 都将消失不见你根本也不会去再乎它因为这只是一时的不顺遂一切都会雨过天晴Well you need a blue sky holidayThe point is they laugh at what you sayAnd I don"t need no carryin" on朋友 你只需要一个充满蓝天的假期不用去管身边的人说什麼 不用去管身边的人如何嘲笑Hey 朋友! 我希望看见你努力坚持下去(Oh.. Holiday..) Oh~ 一个美好的假期Sometimes the system goes on the brinkAnd the whole thing turns out wrongYou might not make it back and you know*That you could be well oh that strongAnd I"m not wrong人生难免会遇到许多瓶颈你总会遇到一些的是是非非你无法去挽救但你可以坚强的去扭转颓势Hey 朋友! 我说的没错吧!!So where is the passion when you need it the mostOh you and IYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lost当你我需要热情的时候 它在哪里你无耐地踢散那一地的落叶时 所有的好运瞬间消失Cause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lie*You work at a smile and you go for a ride你只是一时地不顺遂你只是刚好意志消沉你只是唱了一首悲伤的歌转个身 一切就雨过天晴你说 你很茫然你告诉我 别再伪装了Hey 朋友! 那就带著微笑 兜兜风去吧You had a bad dayYou"ve seen what you likeAnd how does it feel for one more timeYou had a bad dayYou had a bad day你只是一时地低潮你会看见你所想要的如果再次遇到困难 你将会有勇气去挑战Had a bad dayHad a bad day因为这只是一时的不顺遂一切都将雨过天晴P.S.其实我觉得吧,这翻译还是不错滴。。。但是至于你说得那用汉字写出单词的发音,,额,,对不住了啊。。我真是无能为力了。。。其实多听听就会了~~真的~~



迈克尔·杰克逊 - Get out of my mind的中英文翻译


killing me softly with his song英语歌的中英文翻译

Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack   73年全美流行单曲榜5周冠军曲   演唱:Roberta Flack   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I heard he sang a good song.   I heard he had a style.   And so I come to see him   To listen for a while.   And there he was, this young boy   A stranger to my eyes.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   I felt I flushed with fever,   Embarrassed by the crowd.   I felt he found my letters   And read each one out loud.   I loved that he would finish.   But he just kept right on.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   He sang as if he knew me,   In all my dark despair.   And then he looked right through me   As if I wasn‘t there.   And he just kept on singing,   Singing clear and strong.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words.   Killing me softly with his song.   He was strumming my pain,   He‘s singing my life,   La, La, La...   Killing me softly with his song.   Strumming my pain with his fingers,   Singing my life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song,   Killing me softly with his song,   Telling my whole life with his words,   Killing me softly with his song.   【参考译文】   轻歌销魂   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   听他唱了一首好歌,   听他有一种风格,   于是我来看他,   要听他唱会儿歌。   他就在那儿,这少年   我一点也不认识。   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   我感到我满脸羞红,   在人群前窘迫。   感到他发现了我的信,   大声地朗读每一封,   但愿他快停止,   但他一直往下读。   用手弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   他唱得仿佛他认识我,   知道我所有绝望,   之后他看透我的心,   又仿佛我不存在。   他只是不停地唱,   唱得清晰而激昂。   用手指弹奏出我的苦楚,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。   他在弹奏出我的苦痛,   他在唱说我的生活,   啦,啦,啦……   用轻歌他销我的魂。   用手指弹奏出我的苦痛,   用歌词唱出我的生活,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用轻歌他销我的魂,   用歌词唱说我整个一生,   用轻歌他销我的魂。

killing me softly with his song英语歌的中英文翻译



DIY " do it yourself"paper-cut.(scissor-cut)

中英文翻译 特急啊,帮帮忙哦!

Designers : XXX instructor : XXX Abstract : The ring highway design section is 107 State Line Road in Hubei Province of sections at K141+600. K143+000 limited to a total length of 1,400 meters, the roadbed width of 26 meters, four two-way lanes, Design speed for the automobile, the design of roads humid and rainy, along with Clay-based, which is rich in sand and gravel materials. According to the design requirements, the reference design specifications and related information, for a road and drainage design and construction of major projects of note. In the design process, the road design good use of the road HPDS2003 aided design software, and the rest have adopted comprehensive highway Hard2004 aided design software, will not only improve the efficiency of design, ensuring that the design accuracy. In addition, using the budget toone software project budget, through CAD drawings. Keywords : beltway highway design, computer-aided design, construction technology 加分!!!

莎士比亚文学翻译 中英文翻译都可,谢达人指教

lz没有说错。莎士比亚文学=Shakespearean literature

野人花园的Truly Madly Deeply歌词中英文翻译

truly madly deeplTruely,真诚的.疯狂的.深刻的--野人花园唱的:)~ 英文歌词,后面是中文大意歌词:)~ i"ll be your dream, i"ll be your wish i"ll be your fantasy. i"ll be your hope, i"ll be your love be everything that you need. i love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do.. i will be strong i will be faithful "cause i"m counting on a new beginning. a reason for living. a deeper meaning. i want to stand with you on a mountain. i want to bathe with you in the sea. i want to lay like this forever. until the sky falls down on me... and when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky, i"ll make a wish send it to heaven then make you want to cry.. the tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty. that we"re surrounded by the comfort and protection of.. the highest power. in lonely hours. the tears devour you.. i want to stand with you on a mountain, i want to bathe with you in the sea. i want to lay like this forever, until the sky falls down on me... oh can"t you see it baby? you don"t have to close your eyes "cause it"s standing right before you. all that you need will surely come... i"ll be your dream i"ll be your wish i"ll be your fantasy. i"ll be your hope i"ll be your love be everything that you need. i"ll love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do... 中文歌词 我要成为你的梦想,你的期盼,你的爱; 成为你的幻想,你的希望, 成为你想要的一切的一切。 伴随着每一次呼吸,我对你的爱都会更加真实, 更加疯狂,更加深刻。 我会为你而更加强大,对你忠贞不渝, 因为你是我唯一的依靠, 一个崭新的开始,一个活下去的理由, 还有更深层的含义 ....... 我想和你一同站在那高高的山上, 想和你一起投入大海的怀抱, 我愿永远象这样和你无忧无虑的 躺在一起直到天荒地老、海枯石烂。 当点点繁星在丝绒般的天空中闪烁时, 我都向上帝虔诚的为你祈祷; 你终于被感动了, 喜悦的泪水为坚定的爱而流淌。 在这无言的时刻, 我们被至高无尚的爱的力量保护着, 泪水淹没了所有的一切。 哦,宝贝,你能看到它吗? 不必闭上你的眼睛, 因为这一切就在你的眼前。 你所希望的一定都会来到!


Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.


公司名称翻译成英文 Ningbo Hightech Zone Zhongxin Network Technology Co.,Ltd 首先我们要搞清楚一个概念,工商局是没法给你的公司起英文名字的,如果你不是出口企业,怎么起都没影响,也不是合法的名字,但是如果你的公司是要从事出口业务,就要到各省的外经委备案这个英文名字才行(一般都是设在各省首府) 建议 high-tech 不要横杠,不然下次老外给你汇款是容易写错 ,虽然银行可能不会太过计较, 但如果计较的话,公司名字 hightech 或high-tech, 又或者 high_tech对不上,银行都有理由退款回去。 我也赞成高新区不加上去,中文虽然挺霸气的,不过在英文中名字太长了不好记啊,可以翻译成 Ningbo Zhongxin Network Technology Co.,Ltd 公司名称及地址翻译成英文 东莞市利春回实业有限公司 Dongguan Lichunhui Industry Co., Ltd. Lichunhui(Dongguan) Industry Co., Ltd. Lichunhui Industry Co., Ltd. of Dongguan (City可要可不要) 大陆企业一般上述3种表述,任选 中国广东省东莞市谢岗镇大厚村银湖工业区2路9号 No. 9, 2nd Road/Street(看当地习惯选用), Yinhu Industrial Park, Dahou Village, Xiegang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, PRC 供参 公司名称翻译成英文 100分 Shenzhen deep ocean some ceramic supply chain management co., LTD. Shenzhen before the sea port zone, the former bay, no. 1 all the way, A building, room 201 business secretary co., LTD (in shenzhen sea before) 帮我把一个公司名称 翻译成英语 Guangzhou SAN DE he hosiery manufacturing machinery co., LTD 公司名字怎么用英文翻译 北京新侨盛世劳务派追有限公司 Beijing Xinqiao Shengshi Labor Service Recovery Co., Ltd. Xinqiao Shengshi(Beijing) Labor Service Recovery Co., Ltd. Xinqiao Shengshi Labor Service Recovery Co., Ltd. of Beijing 大陆企业名称英译一般上述3种,任选 中国北京市顺义区仁和地区仓上街2号AMB大厦B座6层 6/F, Block B, AMB Mansion, No. 3, Cangshang Street/Road(看当地习惯选用), Renhe Town, Shunyi District, Beijing Municipality, PRC 供参 求公司名称英文翻译 按照国人习惯这样翻译: 北京点豆互联科技有限公司:Beijing point bean interconnection technology co., LTD 点豆(山东)网络技术有限公司:Some beans (shandong) network technology co., LTD 国际上一般这样翻译: 北京点豆互联科技有限公司:Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Point beans 点豆(山东)网络技术有限公司:Point beans (Shandong) Network Technology Co., Ltd. 其中的符号一个也不能少,Co. ,Ltd是有限公司 的英文缩写! 求公司名称和地址的英文翻译 山东百业星矿产能源有限公司 Shandong Baiyexing Mineral & Energy Co., Ltd 山东日照上海路909号中盛国际商务港1915室 Room 1915,Zhongsheng In骇ernational Business Port, No.909, Shanghai Road, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China 公司名称英文翻译 成都泽远企业管理顾问有限公司: Chengdu Ze Yuan Enterprise Management Consultants Ltd. 四川泽远商标事务所有限公司: Sich场an Ze Yuan Trademark Office Co. Ltd. 英语翻译! 公司名称变更说明 Rename Announcement (更名声明。。。标题)手翻 手打有点慢。。。正在打,稍后 Due to business development,since 这里写上日期比如November 1,2014,原公司名 has been renamed to新公司名。 Besides renaming,other business information remains the same,such as office address,pany bank accout numbers,tax registration numbers, organization codes,etc. 出更名外,公司地址。联系方式,银行账户等均未变更。这里最好把日常账户啥的也写上,免得让人误解。 最后要跟客户说一下更名造成的不便要谅解 We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. The updated pany information is listed: pany name: Office address: .......重新说明一下,一目了然。


丝网:wire mesh玻璃纤维网(网格布):fiber-glass-mesh 电焊网:welded wire mesh 六角网:hexagonal wire mesh 窗纱:window screening 轧花网:crimped wire mesh 勾花网:chain link mesh 石笼网(格宾网):gabion mesh黄铜丝网:Brass Wire Cloth荷兰编织网:Dutch Woven Wire金属板网(扩张金属网):Expanded Metal Cloth镀锌铁丝网:Galvanized Iron Wire六角网:Hexagonal Wire Cloth镍丝网:Nickel Wire Cloth尼龙网:Nylon Wire Cloth塑料平网:Plastic Flat Mesh聚酯纤维网:Polyester Wire ClothPVC涂塑网:PVC Coated Wire Mesh不锈钢丝布:Stainless Steel Wire Cloth不锈钢丝:Stainless Steel Wire窗纱:Window Screen 窗纱丝径:wire diameter BWG SWG 经丝:line wire/ warp wire 纬丝:weft wire /cross wire 孔径(网孔大小):aperture材质:material 不锈钢:stainless steel/SS 抗腐蚀:rust-resistance 涂层:coated用途:End Usages 抗化学品能力:Chemical Resistance 镀铝(硅)钢片 – 日工标准(JIS G3314):Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JIS G 3314 镀铝(硅)钢片 – 美材试标准(ASTM A-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能:Mechanical Properties of JIS G 3314 Hot-Dip Aluminum-coated Sheets and Coils 公差:Size Tolerance 镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较:Comparsion of various resistance of aluminized steel & other kinds of steel 镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程:Aluminum Steel Sheet, Production Flow Chart 焊接能力:Weldability 镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片) :Tips on welding of Aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel strip 钢板:Steel Plate 钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准:Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards 钢板生产流程:Production Flow Chart 钢板订货需知:Ordering of Steel Plate 不锈钢:Stainless Steel 不锈钢的定义:Definition of Stainless Steel 不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性:Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel 铁铬系不锈钢片:Chrome Stainless Steel 马氏体不锈钢:Martensite Stainless Steel 低碳马氏体不锈钢:Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel 含铁体不锈钢:Ferrite Stainless Steel 镍铬系不锈钢:Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel 释出硬化不锈钢:Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel 铁锰铝不锈钢:Fe / Mn / Al / Stainless Steel 不锈钢的磁性:Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel 不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类:Classification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickness 表面保护胶纸:Surface protection film 不锈钢片材常用代号:Designation of SUS Steel Special Use Stainless 表面处理:Surface finish 薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)机械性能:Mechanical Properties of Thin Stainless Steel(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm) – strip/sheet 不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP):Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel 不锈钢 – 种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及 主要用途:Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel 不锈钢薄片用途例:End Usage of Thinner Gauge 不锈钢片、板用途例:Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate 不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解:General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips 耐热不锈钢:Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel 镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度:Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel 铬系耐热钢:Chrome Heat Resistance Steel 镍铬耐热钢:Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel 超耐热钢:Special Heat Resistance Steel 抗热超级合金:Heat Resistance Super Alloy 耐热不锈钢比重表:Specific Gravity of Heat – resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel 不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表:Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels 发条片:Power Spring Strip发条的分类及材料:Power Spring Strip Classification and Materials 上链发条:Wind-up Spring 倒后擦发条:Pull Back Power Spring 圆面("卜竹")发条:Convex Spring Strip 拉尺发条:Measure Tape 魔术手环:Magic Tape 魔术手环尺寸图:Drawing of Magic Tap 定型发条:Constant Torque Spring 定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力:Spring Force of Constant Torque Spring and Wing-up Spring 定型发条的形状及翻动过程:Shape and Spring Back of Constant Torque Spring 定型发条驱动力公式及代号:The Formula and Symbol of Constant Torque Spring 边缘处理:Edge Finish 硬度:Hardness 高碳钢化学成份及用途:High Carbon Tool Steel, Chemical Composition and Usage 每公斤发条的长度简易公式:The Length of 1 Kg of Spring Steel Strip SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤长的重量/公斤(阔100-200公厘) Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 100-200mm) SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔100-200公厘) Length per one kg (Width 100-200mm) SK-5 & AISI-301 每公尺长的重量/公斤(阔2.0-10公厘):Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 2.0-10mm) SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔2.0-10公厘):Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm) 高碳钢片:High Carbon Steel Strip 分类:Classification 用组织结构分类:Classification According to Grain Structure 用含碳量分类 – 即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢:Classification According to Carbon Contains 弹簧用碳钢片:CarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use 冷轧状态:Cold Rolled Strip 回火状态:Annealed Strip 淬火及回火状态:Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip 贝氏体钢片:Bainite Steel Strip 弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理:Edge Finished 淬火剂:Quenching Media 碳钢回火:Tempering 回火有低温回火及高温回火:Low & High Temperature Tempering 高温回火:High Temperature Tempering 退火:Annealing 完全退火:Full Annealing 扩散退火:Diffusion Annealing 低温退火:Low Temperature Annealing 中途退火:Process Annealing 球化退火:Spheroidizing Annealing 光辉退火:Bright Annealing 淬火:Quenching 时间淬火:Time Quenching 奥氏铁孻回火:Austempering 马氏铁体淬火:Marquenching 高碳钢片用途:End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip 冷轧高碳钢 – 日本工业标准:Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311 电镀金属钢片:Plate Metal Strip 简介:General 电镀金属捆片的优点:Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip 金属捆片电镀层:Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip 镀镍:Nickel Plated 镀铬:Chrome Plated 镀黄铜:Brass Plated 基层金属:Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip 低碳钢或铁基层金属:Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal 不锈钢基层金属:Stainless Steel as Base Metal 铜基层金属:Copper as Base Metal河北安平德瑞克围栏安全设施有限公司0318-7660087 13613180523 刘先生

Marry me的歌词中英文翻译

Forever can never be long enough for me对我而言,说永远也不算长久  Feel like I"ve had long enough with you   感觉你我曾相知相伴很久  Forget the world now we won"t let them see   如今忘掉一切凡尘俗事,我们不会让他们知晓  But there"s one thing left to do   但只剩下一件事必须去做  Now that the weight has lifted   如今重担已经挑起  Love has surely shifted my way   真爱确实已改变了我  Marry Me   嫁给我吧  Today and every day   从今往后,朝夕相伴  Marry Me   嫁给我吧  If I ever get the nerve to say Hello in this cafe   虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm   嗯  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm   嗯  Together can never be close enough for me   对我来说,说相依相偎也不够亲密  Feel like I am close enough to you   感觉我与你两心相印亲密无间  You wear white and I"ll wear out the words I love   你身着洁白婚纱,我对你的爱无以言表  And you"re beautiful   你美丽动人   Now that the wait is over   如今犹豫徘徊已经结束  And love has finally shown her my way   我最终以自己的方式向她表明了真爱  Marry me   嫁给我吧  Today and every day   从今往后,朝夕相伴  Marry me   嫁给我吧  If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe   虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm   嗯  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm   嗯  Promise me   请给答应我  You"ll always be Happy by my side   在我身边你将永远幸福快乐  I promise to Sing to you   我答应为你歌唱  When all the music dies   当一切音乐都消逝了的时候  And marry me   嫁给我吧  Today and everyday   从今往后,一生一世  Marry me   嫁给我吧  If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe   虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Mm-hmm   嗯  Say you will   说你愿意吧  Marry me   嫁给我吧  Mm-hmm  嗯

求BLUE 的 ONE LOVE 中英文翻译歌词

One Love 歌手:Blue It"s kinda funnyHow life can changeCan flip 180 in a matter of daysSometimes love works inMysterious waysOne day U wake upGone without a traceI refuse to give upI refuse to give inYou"re my everythin"I don"t wanna give upI don"t wanna give inSo everybody singOne love for the mother"s prideOne love for the times we criedOne love gotta stay alive...I will surviveOne love for the city streetsOne love for the hip hop beatsOne love oh I do believeOne love is all we needLate at night I"m still wide awakeFeelin" this is one more than I can takeI thought my heart couldNever breakNow I know that"s one big mistakeI refuse to give upI refuse to give inYou"re my everythin"I don"t wanna give upI don"t wanna give inEverybody singOne love for the mother"s prideOne love for the times we criedOne love gotta stay alive...I will surviveOne love for the city streetsOne love for the hip hop beatsOne love oh I do believeOne love is all we needBaby just love me love me love meBaby just hold me hold me hold meOoooh love me love me love meOh yeah..one loveBaby just love me love me love meBaby just hold me hold me hold meOoooh love me love me love meOne love for the mother"s prideOne love for the times we criedOne love gotta stay alive...I will surviveOne love for the city streetsOne love for the hip hop beatsOne love oh I do believeOne love is all we needOne love for the mother"s prideOne love for the times we criedOne love gotta stay alive...I will surviveOne love for the city streetsOne love for the hip hop beatsOne love oh I do believeOne love is all we need

求文档: 剪板机液压系统设计中英文翻译

1) Swaying Hydraulic Cutter液压剪板机2) hydraulic CNC shear计算机数控液压剪板机3) hydraulic液压1.Constructional and Technical Features of Hydraulic Nine-roller Hot Plate Leveler in Shaogang;韶钢全液压九辊热矫直机的结构和技术特点2.Improving of the Hydraulic System for Ladle Turntable;钢包回转台液压系统改造3.The leak of the machine tool hydraulic system and solutions of it;机床液压系统的泄漏与解决办法4) hydraulic pressure液压1.GK400N mixer hydraulic pressure and lubrication system analysis;GK400N密炼机液压和润滑系统分析2.Y3180H gear-hobbing machine hydraulic pressure principle of work and fault analysis;Y3180H型滚齿机液压工作原理和故障分析3.Design of round wood non-center peeling machine based on thickness detecting and hydraulic pressure;基于测厚控制与液压的无卡轴旋切机设计5) hydraulic system液压1.Study on the Arm Structure and Hydraulic System of Intelligent Bridge_detection Vehicle;智能桥梁检测车臂架结构及液压系统的研究2.The design means of the hydraulic system and the circuitry were introduced .文章给出了旋转升降舞台总体设计思路,详细介绍了液压系统、电气控制系统设计方案,以及该液压系统的一例典型故障的诊断与维修过程。3.This paper analyzes the working processes of hydraulic and mechanical driving systems in caterpillar combines and focuses on the configuration method of the hydraulic driving system, the selection of the hydraulic components, the specification of the hydraulic system, the calculation and testing of the performance of the hydraulic system in some combines.液压行走系统因其结构简单、操纵方便、转向灵活等特点已广泛在联合收割机中采用。6) hydraulic transmission液压1.Method In ordinary traction beds designed by mechanical- electrical- microprocessor controlling method,this paper put a new method useing hydraulic transmission.方法应用液压传动技术、采用计算机专家系统控制的方法。1) Shearing machine剪板机1.Design of hydraulic system of high-speed shearing machine;快速剪板机液压系统设计2.In this paper, we use the PLC, which is wildly used in prognssive process control in industry,to controI the shearing machine.以工业用剪板机为对象,采用了工业顺序控制过程中广泛使用的可编程控制器(PLC)对之进行控制,先后给出电气传动部分设计方案和采用PLC控制的状态转移图及步进梯形图。2) Plate Shearing Machine剪板机1.Function Models Exploitation of the Control System for Plate Shearing Machine;剪板机多轴控制系统的功能模块开发3) Cutting plate Machine剪板机1.Application of PLC to the control system of cutting plate machine;PLC在剪板机控制系统中的应用4) shear剪板机1.Factors considered in designing rotary plate shear carrier;摆式剪板机刀架设计中应考虑的因素2.Shear Gap and back angle can vary in process of rotary shear running after adopted simple manufacturing technology for blade fixing surface.摆式剪板机剪切力计算大多是依据刀架作直线运动剪板机剪切力算式进行的。5) guillotion shears,plate shears, plate shearing machine,veneer guillutine剪板机(机)6) Hardware自动剪板机1) shear 剪板机1.Factors considered in designing rotary plate shear carrier;摆式剪板机刀架设计中应考虑的因素2.Shear Gap and back angle can vary in process of rotary shear running after adopted simple manufacturing technology for blade fixing surface.摆式剪板机剪切力计算大多是依据刀架作直线运动剪板机剪切力算式进行的。2) Plate Shearing Machine 剪板机1.Function Models Exploitation of the Control System for Plate Shearing Machine;剪板机多轴控制系统的功能模块开发3) Cutting plate Machine 剪板机1.Application of PLC to the control system of cutting plate machine;PLC在剪板机控制系统中的应用4) Shearing machine 剪板机1.Design of hydraulic system of high-speed shearing machine;快速剪板机液压系统设计2.In this paper, we use the PLC, which is wildly used in prognssive process control in industry,to controI the shearing machine.以工业用剪板机为对象,采用了工业顺序控制过程中广泛使用的可编程控制器(PLC)对之进行控制,先后给出电气传动部分设计方案和采用PLC控制的状态转移图及步进梯形图。5) Clipboard 裁剪板1.Using two examples, this paper describes the characteristic of Clipboard of Windows and the programming method of Clipboard under Windows.文章通过两个函数实例讲述Windows系统的裁剪板特性和基本的编程方6) guillotion shears,plate shears, plate shearing machine,veneer guillutine


  对话中英文翻译1   我能照顾自己 I Can Take Care of Myself   Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldn"t cook for me, they asked me to live with my grandparents. Thinking about staying at home alone, I felt excited, I told them I could take care of myself. When the darkness came, I felt hungry, I cooked the simple dinner, what"s more, I washed the dishes. I can take care of myself.   昨晚,我的父母告诉我他们晚上需要外出工作,因此他们无法给我煮晚餐,叫我去和外公外婆一起住。一想到能够独自在家呆着,我就很兴奋,我告诉他们我能自己照顾自己。夜晚来临了,我很饿,煮了一顿简单的晚饭,而且,我也洗了碗碟。我也能照顾自己。   我想要糖果 I Want Candy   I love to eat candy so much, I like the sweet flavor and its colorful appearance. I always ask my mother to buy me all kinds of candy, but she refuses all the time, she says eating too much candy is not good for my health. What she says is true, my teeth ache when I eat too much candy, so I learn the lesson and won"t eat candy all the time.   我和喜欢吃糖果,我喜欢甜甜的味道和它的五颜六色的外形。我总是叫我妈妈给我买各种各样的糖果,但是她总是拒绝,她说吃太多的糖果对健康不好。她说的确实是对的,在我吃过多糖果的时候,我的牙齿就会疼,因此我学到了教训,再也不会多吃糖果了。   我能行 I Can   I am not a confident girl, when I meet difficult, the first reaction is to find my parents, they will do all the things for me. Now I have grown up, I know I must learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulty myself. I should be confident, I believe I can make it. I should trust myself, that is the first step, then all the things can be solved.   我是一个不自信的女生,当遇到困难的时候,第一反应就是找父母,他们会为我做所有的事情。如今我也长大了,我知道要学着去变得独立,因此我需要独自面对困难。我应该自信,相信自己能行。我要相信自己,这是踏出的第一步,其后所有的事情都可以解决。   成长的代价 The Price of Growing Up   Sometimes I want to grow up quickly, so I can be an adult and enjoy their moment, but my parents tell me that being mature needs to pay some price. I sometimes will make my parents angry, because I make the mistake. They tell me that it is the price of growing up. Being mature means I have to learn from the mistake.   有时候我会想要快速长大,这样我就能成为一名大人,享受他们的时刻,但是我的父母告诉我成熟是需要代价的。有时候我会让我的父母生气,因为我犯了错误。他们告诉我这就是成长的代价。变得成熟意味着我不得不从这些错误中学习。   Skype的用途 The Function of Skype   I started to learn English three years ago, I want to make friends with foreign people, but I don"t know how. One day, my friend asks me to use the communication tool, it named Skype. So I start to learn to use it, I can communicate to foreign friends, my English improves quickly. Now I can speak English well, I know the newest words.   三年前,我开始学英语,我想要和外国人交朋友,但是我不知道怎么去交朋友。一天,我的朋友叫我去使用交流工具,那就是Skype。因此我开始学着去使用,我可以喝外国朋友交流,我的英语快速提高。现在我能把英语讲得很好,我了解最新的单词。   从容Take your Time   Nowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to work all day. When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy life, now it is the time to take your time and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you.   如今,人们忙于他们的工作,很少有时间来休息。大部分人早上起得很早,然后工作一整天。当他们工作回家后,他们觉得很累,很快就睡觉了。人们让他们自己整天忙碌,没有时间来享受生活,现在是时候放慢脚步,享受你身边美丽的风景。   对话中英文翻译2   咱们的车出了点“小问题”   Honey, We"ve got a little car trouble   咱们的车出了点“小问题”   A wrfe said to her husband, "We"ve got trouble with the car;it has water in the carburstor . "The husband exclaimed, "Water in the carburetor ? That"s ridiculous!"The wife repeated, "I tell you, the car has water in the carburetor. The husband said, "But you don"t even know what a carburetor is Where"s the car? And the wife replied, "ln the swimming pooll"   有位太太对先生说:“我们的车子出问题了!化油器进水了。”先生说:“化油器进水?真是荒谬!”太太重复道:“我告诉你,车子的化油墨进水了!”先生说:“可是你连化油器是什么都搞不清楚啊l车子在哪儿?”太太回答:“游泳池里!”   双语笑话 同样的服务   The same service   同样的服务   A man who had been married for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor.   有位结婚十年的男人,正向婚姻顾问请教。   "When I was first married, I was very happy. l"d come home from a hard day down at the shop,and my little dog would race around barking,and my wife would bring me my slippers. Now everything"s changed. When I come home, my dog brings me my slippers,and my wife barks at me."   "新婚时我非常幸福。在市区的`商店里累了一天,回到家里,小狗围着我又跑又叫,妻子忙给我拿来拖鞋。现在一切都变了。小狗给我叼来拖鞋,妻子对我又喊又叫。”   "I don"t know what you"re complaining about ,"said the counselor, "You"re still getting the same service."   “我不知道你有什么可抱怨的,”顾问说,“你得到的服务还是同样的嘛。”   英语幽默笑话:出什么问题了   英语幽默笑话:出什么问题了   What was wrong ?   出什么问题了?   When I moved to California, I was a nervous wreck about earthquakes. MY friend Lisa, who was born and raised there, was completely blase. I remember once when we pulled up to a light, her Honda began to shake.She looked worried untill stammered,"I think that we-re having anearth quake.”"Thank goodrx}ss,"Linda said.I thought something was wrong with my car."   当我刚搬到加州住的时候,我对地震极为紧张。而我那位在加州土生土长的朋友丽莎却对此完全无动于衷.我记得有一次我们在等红灯的时候,她的本田车开始抖动起来。她看起来很担心,直到我结结巴巴地说:“我想我们是碰到地震了。“她立刻松了一口气说道,“谢天谢地,我还以为是我的车出问题了。”   英语幽默笑话:肉食部   英语幽默笑话:肉食部   The meat department   肉食部   My office is in a building remodeled from a former supermarket.   我的办公室设在由超市改装过的一座大厦里。   One day I overheard the receptionist gI、 ting directions over the phone. "Remember the old grocery store?n she asked thecaller. "You‘¨find us in the meat dopartment.“   有一天,我听见前台秘书在电话里描述我们的位置。她说:“记得老杂货店吗?你能在肉食部找到我们。”   单词&词组   direction light 向灯   optimist 乐观主义者   perimist 悲观主义者   brag about 对…自夸:吹嘘…   observe 观察:研究   outfit 全套装备,全套工具   remodel 比重建   department 部,部门   知道不知道   汽车部件名词术语   引擎盖-bonnet:hood   后备箱- boot;trunk   挡泥板-mudflap   轮胎- tyre:tire   后视镜(车内中央,矩形的)- rearview mirror   方向盘-steering wheel   安全带-seat belt   变速杆(排挡)-gear shift,shift lever   手刹车-hand-brake lever   脚刹车(踏板)-brake pedal   油门(踏板)-accelerator pedal   离合器(踏板)-clutch pedal   英语幽默笑话故事:百万富翁   那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事   Millionaire   百万富翁   CEO: "My wife made a millionaire out of me."   CEO:我妻子使我成为百万富翁。   Assistant: "What were you before?“   助手:以前你是什么?   CEO:”a multimillionaire.“   CEO:千万宣翁。   英语笑话故事:心不在焉的丈夫   英语笑话故事:心不在焉的丈夫   An absent-minded husband   心不在焉的丈夫   I was accompanying my husband on a business trip. He carried his portable computer with him, and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case. It was locked, and the man waited patiently as my embarrassed spouse struggled to remember the combination. At last he succeeded.   我陪丈夫一起出差,他带着他的笔记本电脑。到了机场出口处时, 有位检查员要他打开包。但是包锁上了,机场工作人员耐心地等着我那窘迫的丈夫设法回想起暗锁的密码。最后他终于想起来了。   “Why are you so nervous?"I asked him.   ”你为什么那么紧张呢?“我问他。   "The numbers are the date of our annivorsary.my husband confessed.   “密码是我们的结婚纪念日。”他承认道”   对话中英文翻译3   You"re out to dinner. The food was delicious and the service was fine. You decide to leave a big fat tip - why? The answer may not be as simple as you think.   当你在外面吃饭的时候,食物可口,服务周到,于是你决定留下一笔丰盛的小费--这是为什么呢?答案也许不像你想得那么简单。   Tipping, psychologists have found, is rarely just about service. Instead, studies have shown tipping can be influenced by psychological reactions to an array of factors ranging from the waiter"s choice of words to how they carry themselves while taking orders to the bill"s total. Even how much waiters remind customers of themselves can determine how much change they pocket by the end of the night.   心理学家发现,给小费不仅仅是因为服务。研究表明人们给小费会受到对一系列因素产生的心理反应所影响。这些因素包括从服务员的措辞到结账时他们的举止。甚至连服务员能在多大程度上让顾客想到自己也决定了他一天下来能够拿到多少小费。   "Previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker," wrote Rick van Baaren, a social psychology professor at the University of Nikmegen in the Netherlands, in a recent study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. "These studies indicate that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimics them."   荷兰Nikmegen大学的社会心理学教授里克?范?巴伦在《实验社会心理学》杂志上最近发表的一项研究中写到:"以前的研究已经表明模仿能够增加人们对模仿者的好感。这些研究表明被模仿者对模仿自己的人更慷慨大方。"   To detect the benefit of copying the customer, van Baaren and his colleagues surveyed staff in American-styled restaurants in southern Holland. Among a group of 59 waitstaff, van Baaren requested that half respond to diner"s meal orders with a positive phrase such as, "Coming up!"   为了弄清模仿消费者的好处,范?巴伦和他的同事们对荷兰南部美国风味餐馆的员工们进行了调查。在一组总共59名服务员中,范?巴伦要求他们中的一半跟点餐者说"就来!"等明确的答复。   Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers. Van Baaren then compared their take-home. The results were clear -it pays to imitate your customer. The copycat waiters earned almost double the amount of tip than the other group.   另一半服务员则被要求把顾客点的餐和喜好重复一遍。范?巴伦随后比较了他们所得的小费,结果很清楚--模仿顾客对服务员有好处。模仿顾客的服务员获得的小费差不多是另一组服务员所得的两倍。   Leonard Green and Joel Myerson, psychologists at Washington University in St. Louis, found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by their bill. After compiling data from nearly 1,000 tips left for waiters, cab drivers and hair stylists, they found that tip percentages in all three areas dropped as customers" bills went up.   圣路易斯华盛顿大学的心理学家莱昂纳德和乔尔?迈尔森发现,给小费者人是否慷慨可能会受到帐单金额的影响。通过汇总服务员、出租车司机和发型师收到的近1000份小费的数据,他们发现这三个领域中小费的比例都随着顾客帐单金额的上升而下降。

求《Fly me to the moon》宇多田光版的歌词中英文翻译?

poets often use many words【诗人往往用纷繁复杂的语言】to say a simple thing【去述说一个简单的故事】it takes thought and time and rhyme【其中需要多少时间和韵律的思量】to make a poem sing【才能诗成一首】with music and words i"ve been playing【随着播放着的音乐与歌词】for you i have written a song【我为你写下了这首歌】to be sure that you know what i"m saying【为了让你明白我的心意】i"ll translate as i go along【离别前我将会为你精心译唱】fly me to the moon【带我飞向月球吧】and let me play among the stars【让我在浩繁星空中流连忘返】won"t you let me see【你一定会带我去欣赏】what spring is like on jupiter and mars【木星与火星的春天】in other words: hold my hand【换句话说:请握紧我的手】in other words: darlng, kiss me【换句话说:亲爱的请吻我】fill my heart with songs【让我心中充满悦耳的歌声吧】and let me sing forever more【让我把它们传唱到永远】cause you"re all i long for【我这一切都是为了】all i worship and adore【对你不灭的敬仰与热爱】in other words: please be true【换句话说:请真心对我】in other words: i love you【换句话说:我爱你】


You looks very spirit with this suit You look perfect in this suit. You wear this suit looks very spirit You are prunky when you

Justin bieber新歌lolly的中英文翻译,能读通顺的

Bei Maejor Ft. Juicy J & Justin Bieber – Lolly 歌词/Lyrics[Hook: Maejor Ali]She say she love my lollyShe wanna make it popShe say she love my lollyShe wanna kiss the topShe say she love my lollyShe love my lollipopShe say she love my lollyShe say she love my lolly[Verse 1: Maejor Ali]She say she love to party, girl, I love your bodyWhy you on the table? Cause you know I"m watchingShe say she love my molly, so we can leave this partyAnd go back to my hotel, and don"t stop for HibachiDon"t stop in the lobby, I hope you massage meI hope you can take it when I make you call me PapiClub about to close, club about to closeI"m about to give you what you asking for[Bridge: Maejor Ali]Order what you want girl, it ain"t no problemI"mma tell the waitress that my baby need a bottleOrder what you want, said it ain"t no problemGot a piece of candy and it"s all for you[Hook](Girl I love them heels, and yeah I love that dressI wanna take you home and show you I"m the best)[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]Going Al Pacino, like I"m at a casinoI"m all fancy, yeah I"m popping PellegrinoI"m in the El Camino when I pull up on scene thoughYou know I"m a real OG and baby I aint from the TOI"m messing with the clique though, meet me on the sixth floorKnow you ain"t a model, you should let me take some pics thoughWindows down, speakers loud, look down at my sneakers nowGot so many features, tell the creatures just to beat it nowFifty for the necklace, look down at my set listGot your girlfriend at my crib watching NetflixLet"s just admit that I"m the bestestGuess this, you ain"t ever on the guest list[Bridge] [Hook][Verse 3: Juicy J]Ass everywhere, throw them dollars in the airFreaky with me girl, Juicy J the millionaireShe pop the pussy for me, I fall back in the chairBands a make her dance, molly make her lose them underwearBooty cheeks, I"m geeked, all her friends are freaksAnd I think she love me, I"ve been hitting it for a weekI trilly slap it silly, need a super freak like RickyI"m Rick James bitch, I slip myself a mickeyGot so much money in my pocketWith a real bad chick from the tropicsWith silicone racks with a real big assMake her bounce it like hydraulicsKevin Hart, I got purple on the planeLet"s call a bull, let"s run a train
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