Abuse can be defined as “to treat wrongfully or harmfully”.

小蔷QQ2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Abuse can be defined as “to treat wrongfully or harmfully”. There are different categories of abuse that have been recognized and within our case study there appear to be two distinct forms of abuse, family abuse and child abuse. These can be subdivided into terms of physical abuse and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is the intentional physical injury or harm or deliberately not preventing harm occurring. The minimum physical signs seen in our study of James are bruises but they might feel more painful to his heart than the more serious invisible injuries. Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs. Emotional development is prevented and well-being harmed. The emotional signs in our case study can be seen in James by his actions of being withdrawn and non-communicative. The behavioural sign to abuse taking place to James is his aggressive behaviour.
The short term effect of physical abuse on James is physical pain. In the long term, injuries that often happen can result in secondary illness and complications, permanent scars or even disabilities. His emotional effects in the short term are a fear of people, withdrawal, and poor relationship with others. The long term emotional effects could be low self-respect, depression, inability to form relationships.
Abuse can arise for many reasons and there are a number of theoretical views which may be useful in clarifying why the abuse has taken place. The female view believes that sex and family roles give approval to a culture of abuse. Considering the historical and fixed ideas, men have power and control. In James’ case he lives in a re-constructed family with the father being rude and a heavy drinker. From a psychological angle, alcohol misuse can bring mental health problems which may increase aggression in the person and so James is more at risk from abuse by his stepfather. The relationship between the mother and James involves a dependency of James on his mother. With other problems in James’ mother’s life, this leads to increasing stress and the inability of his mother to cope with and manage a family with four children borne by two mothers. The attachment theory states that significant separations of a child from the carer in the early years can have an effect on their emotional development and can lead to psychological and social difficulties in later life. The loss of both his father and his half sister’s father with whom he lives may have contributed to his behaviour.
Abusive behaviour can sometimes be the result of mental health problems, brain damage or being abused themselves. By becoming the abuser they believe they are taking control; some even believe that they are not doing anything wrong and cannot stop themselves. When working with individuals who have abused, it is important to be aware that they may go on to abuse again and there is a need to protect the community from the abuser.
小题1:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “bruises” in Paragraph 1?
A.Slight injury B.Deep Cut C.Body disability D.Inner wound
小题2:According to the writer’s case study, which of the following cases can be defined as abuse?
A.A father scolds his son because he doesn’t pass the exam in school.
B.A car knocks down a woman but the driver doesn’t take her to hospital.
C.A father never talks to his daughter and shows no interest in what she does.
D.A husband is angry with his wife when she stays out late into the night.
小题3:From the passage we can infer that ______________.
A.James’ step father doesn’t show any concern for his mother
B.James’ mother gave birth to a girl in the re-constructed family
C.James’ stepfather is rude to all the children in the family
D.James’ mother loves her husband more than her own son
小题4:Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? zxxk
A.Categories of Abuse B.How to Prevent Abuse
C.Abuse and Its Causes D.Effects Caused by Abuse


tianxiawyb 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%

小题1:词义理解题。结合该句中的the minimum physical signs 的minimum(最小的,最少的,最低的)可断定bruises可能指轻微的受伤。
小题2:细节理解题。结合Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs.可知C项父亲不关注女儿是对女儿感情上的虐待。
小题3:推理判断题。结合James is more at risk from abuse by his stepfather可知答案。


我写了一个js函数,总是提示ReferenceError:isProperty is not defined,是怎么回事
我写了一个js函数,总是提示ReferenceError:isProperty is not defined,是怎么回事?
function Box(){
x09x09x09this.name ="rekken";
x09x09Box.prototype.name ="jason";
x09x09Box.prototype.age = 22;
x09x09Box.prototype.run = function(){
x09x09x09return this.name + this.age +"运行中...";
x09x09var box1 = new Box();
bihaiyuntian 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

function isProperty(object, property) { //判断原型中是否存在属性
   return !object.hasOwnProperty(property) (property in object);

英语翻译The factorial of n,write ,is defined by =1×2×3...×n.For
The factorial of n,write ,is defined by =1×2×3...×n.For how many positive integer values of K less than 50 is it impossible to find a value of n such that ends in exactly K zeros?
A 0
B 5
C 8
D 9
E 10
包雪飞 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
positive integer values 是正整数值
1楼如果0!=0 的话 这题就没答案啦
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lingo运行出现model is ill defined



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Where,in addition to the terms already defined,
Dp=pitch diameter of the pinion
vp=Poisson’s ratio for the pinion material
Vg=Poisson’s ratio for the gear material
Ep=modulus of elasticity for the pinion material
Eg=modulus of elasticity for the gear material
Mg=gear ratio=Ng/Np
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Where,in addition to the terms already defined,
Dp=pitch diameter of the pinion
vp=Poisson’s ratio for the pinion material
Vg=Poisson’s ratio for the gear material
Ep=modulus of elasticity for the pinion material
Eg=modulus of elasticity for the gear material
Mg=gear ratio=Ng/Np
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跪求高手帮助解答一下英语题33.Oceanography has been defined as “The applic
33.Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”. Before the nineteen century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work.
For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that question “What is at the bottom of the oceans?” had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile (起伏形状) of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured.
It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings (测声) were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea.
The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.
Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition (考察), which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.
51.The proposal to lay a telegraph cable from Europe to America made oceanographic studies take on ________.
A.an academic aspect B.a military aspect
C.a business aspect D.an international aspect
52.It was ________ that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies.
A.the American Navy
B.some early intercontinental travelers
C.those who earned a living from the sea
D.the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable
53.The aim of the voyages Maury was responsible for in the 1840s was ________.
A.to make some sounding experiments in the oceans
B.to collect samples of sea plants and animals
C.to estimate the length of cable that was needed
D.to measure the depths of the two oceans
54.“Defied” in the 5th paragraph probably means “________”.
A.doubted B.gave proof to C.challenged D.agreed to
55.This passage is mainly about ________.
A.the beginnings of oceanography
B.the laying of the first undersea cable
C.the investigation of ocean depths
D.the early intercontinental communications
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luoa 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
A relationship is defined as a state of connectedness betwee
A relationship is defined as a state of connectedness between people. Although in today’s society with its crazy rhythm of everyday life, when people tend to live in thickly populated cities, spending most of their time in the office and hardly knowing their neighbor’s name, we still find ourselves in some kinds of relationships-with friends, family, or colleagues.
Family relationships are the first relationships people enter. Parents and relatives influence our emotional development by creating a model that we are sometimes bound to follow all our lives, often subconsciously (潜意识地). In day-care, at school, then in the office we spend a lot of time among fellow students and co-workers. We learn to keep business relationships, to work in a team environment, then form smaller groups of like-minded people and finally select some of them as our friends.
What is a true friendship? How does it start? Are we destined to become friends with certain people or can we actually plan whom to be friends with?
“Everybody‘s friend is nobody’s.” said Arthur Schopenhauer. Unlike a companionship based on belonging to the same team or group, friendship is a very personal and selective type of relationship. It calls for trust, sincerity, and emotional bonds.
Sociologists believe that most people are looking for similarities in views, social status, and interests when choosing friends. No wonder that our friends are often people of the same age, sex, and education. Another important factor is joint activity and solidarity. This is the reason why many of us befriend our colleagues and other people who work in the same field.
Most people would agree that a friend is someone who always listens and understands. Understanding in this context implies a lot of meanings-compassion, sympathy, and emotional closeness. It’s a process in which your friend reads your emotional state, shares your feelings, identifies himself or herself with you.
小题1:What is the best title of this passage?_______
A.Family and Relationships
B.How to Make Friends with Colleagues
C.What is a True Friendship
D.People and Relationship
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following affects us most when choosing friends?
A.Kindergarten. B.Family. C.School. D.Office.
小题3: Why are our friends usually of the same age,sex,and education?
A.Because they are clever and well-behaved.
B.Because most of us are looking for similarities in views,social status, and interests when choosing friends.
C.Because they help us with our work and share our happiness and sorrow.
D.Because they cooperate with us well.
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.A companionship is based on belonging to the same team or group.
B.Friendship needs trust, sincerity, and emotional bonds.
C.Relationships are friendships between people.
D.Understanding is a process in which the friend reads our emotional state, shares our feelings, identifies himself / herself with us.
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and why please give your formula and explain.
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yyh7 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
2)in the 1940's 和 in the 1940s都表示“在20世纪40年代”的意思.in the 1940 ;in 1940's ;in 1940s都为错误表达;而in 1940就是“在1940年”的意思.
英语翻译the units per ml were defined as the inverse of thedilut
the units per ml were defined as the inverse of the
dilution to give 0.4 or 0.5 mg/ml of reducing sugar as
glucose with 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose as the
substrate in first a 1 h and later a 30 min assay.
果果bo 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
the units per ml were defined as the inverse of the
dilution to give 0.4 or 0.5 mg/ml of reducing sugar as
glucose with 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose as the
substrate in first a 1 h and later a 30 min assay.
的意思是:单位被定义为每毫升的逆thedilution给0.4或0.5毫克/毫升的还原糖asglucose 0.5%羧甲基纤维素作为thesubstrate在第一1 h和后一个30分钟测定.
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mayer et al. [21] defined trust as ‘‘the willingness of a *** to be vulnerable to the actions of another *** based on the expectation that the other *** will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other ***’’.
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迈尔等人.[ 21 ]定义的信任,愿意''的任何一方受到行动的另一方当事人基于期望,另一方将进行特别行动的重要委托人,不论能力,监测或控制,其他党''
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有关GDP的定义GDP is defined as the market value of all final good
GDP is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced
a.x05by the citizens of a country,regardless of where they live,in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total income.
b.x05by the citizens of a country,regardless of where they live,in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total expenditure.
c.x05within a country in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total income.
d.x05within a country in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total expenditure.
novela 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
Scarcity can best be defined as a situation in which? 跪求解答,要
Scarcity can best be defined as a situation in which? 跪求解答,要能说明原因.
A) there are no buyers willing to
purchase what sellers have produced. B) there are not enough goods to satisfy all of the buyers' demand.
C) the resources we use to produce
goods and services are limited. D)
there is more than enough money to satisfy consumers' wants.
骑着单车起看帖 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Scarcity can best be defined as a situation in which?B) there are not enough goods to satisfy all of the buyers' demand.
the Company(as hereinafter defined)
the Company(as hereinafter defined)
hereby acknowledge receipt for and on behalf of the Customer (as hereinafter defined)the packages or other shipping units said to contain the Goods(as hereinafter defined),
in apparent external good order and condition unless otherewise stated,the customer and all others having an interest in the goods are advised,and by delivering the goods and accepting this Cargo Receipt,agree that the receipt custody consolidation and forwarding of the Goods,by the Company on behalf of the Customer are subject to all the terms and conditions set forth on this side and the reverse hereof,whether written,stamped,or printed.This CARGO RECEIPT is not a document of title and is not negotiable
bdk_j 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
在此确认收据,并代表客户(定义见下文)包件或其他航运单位表示,以控制货物(定义见下文) ,
在明显的外部良好的秩序和条件,除非otherewise指出,客户和所有其他有兴趣的货物宜,并通过提供商品和接受这项货物收据,同意在收到羁押巩固和转发的货物,由公司代表客户受到的所有条款及条件提出的这一边和逆向网站www.***.com ,不管是书面的,盖章,或printed.this货物收据,是不是一个文件的标题和是不可谈判的.
英语翻译The structure of granules or agglomerates is defined as
The structure of granules or agglomerates is defined as the spatial
arrangement of its basic components [18].The basic components are
primary particles,binder or liquid components and intra particle
porosity.The quantification of granule structure is crucial for setting
up processing maps and input data for simulations such as DEM and
computational modelling.The used technique should capture at least
the amounts of the basic components.This is especially the porosity of
granules.At a more detailed level,size of the spatial phases is of
interest.Last but not least the distribution through the granule
volume defines its homogeneity and its composite behaviour.
Recently a number of investigators have characterised the internal
granule structure by acquiring internal structure images and analyzing
them by image analysis techniques [15,18–22].
The spatial distribution of elements inside a granule has been
described as the correlation between two points of the same or
different phases in 2D [18].The amount of the constituents,their size
and arrangement quantify the granule structure.These can be
measured by using chord length distribution and covariance function.
The volumetric pore size distribution of a granule inferred from X-ray
images has been estimated by the Faber et al.[19],using an algorithm
described by Russ and Dehoff [23].Kosek et al.[20] used a phase
function,defined by Adler [24] to represent the internal structure of
porous/multiphase media and spatial distribution of phases that form
the medium.By definition,only one phase can be present at any point.
The representation of a structure by means of the phase functions has
several advantages:(i) the phase functions can be obtained from
images of real structures by adjusting the threshold level; (ii) they
bear full information about the spatial distribution of all distinguishable
phases inside the structure; and (iii) they serve as input data for
the evaluation of structure descriptors; (iv) encoding by the phase
functions makes it easy to carry out further simulations of physical
processes that modify the structure,such as drying [25],solidification
[21] or dissolution [15].
A radial grey intensity profile of granules obtained by X-ray has
been presented by Barrera-Medrano et al.[22] as an indication of the
internal structure of granules in 2D space.Barrot et al.[26] have
presented a new method whereby shape descriptors for granular
particles in 3D could be obtained from 2D images,based on the
development of an automated 3D particle shape and structure
synthesis algorithm using a tomographic reconstruction technique.
文cc 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
团聚的颗粒或结构定义为空间布局的基本组成部分[18]. 基本组件是初级粒子,粘结剂或液体成分和内部粒子的孔隙率. 颗粒结构的量化设置,如数字高程模型和计算模型模拟加工图和输入数据的关键. 所用的技术应该捕获的基本组成部分至少数额. 这是特别是颗粒的孔隙率. 在更详细的级别,分阶段的空间大小的兴趣. 最后但并非最不重要的,通过定义其颗粒体积分布均匀性及其复合材料的行为. 最近一个调查数字有特点的内部结构图像的获取和分析这些图像分析技术[15,18-22]内部团粒结构. 该元素的空间内颗粒分布已被描述为两个相同或不同阶段分在2D [18]的相关性. 该成分的数量,其规模和安排量化团粒结构. 这些可以测量采用弦长分布与协方差函数. 孔隙的体积从X射线图像推断一粒度分布,估计由费伯等人. [19],使用由Russ和德霍夫[23]中描述的算法. Kosek等. [20]利用相位函数,由阿德勒[24]定义为代表的多孔/多相介质和阶段,形成了中等的空间分布的内部结构. 根据定义,只有一个阶段可以在任何时候存在. 一个由相位函数意味着结构表示有几个优点:(一)相位函数可以从实际结构图像通过调整阈值水平;(ii)他们承担大约区分阶段的所有空间分布的全部信息内部结构;及(iii)他们充当评价的结构描述的输入数据;(四)由相位函数编码可以很容易地进行物理过程的模拟,进一步修改,如干燥[25]结构, ,凝固[21]或解散[15]. 径向灰用X射线得到颗粒强度的个人资料已提交巴雷拉-梅德拉诺等. [22]作为在二维空间颗粒的内部结构的指示. 巴罗等人. [26]提出了一种新方法的基础上,自动3D粒子形状和结构化综合算法开发利用层析重建技术,使颗粒的三维形状描述粒子可以从获得的二维图像.
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Unless the context otherwise defined,the following terms shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them.
ll雪乡 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
unless = if .not
英译汉 一句话A critical process step is defined as one that cannot
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If f is the function defined for all k by f(k) = k^5/16,what
If f is the function defined for all k by f(k) = k^5/16,what is f(2k) in terms of f(k)?
A.1/8 f(k)
B.5/8 f(k)
C.2 f(k)
D.10 f(k)
E.32 f(k)
另外一道,If an integer n is to be chosen at random from the integers 1 to 96,inclusive,what is the probability that n(n + 1)(n + 2) will be divisible by
heq0699 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
n(n + 1)(n + 2)=2k(2k+1)(2k+2)= 4k(k+1)(2k+1),
n(n + 1)(n + 2)=(2k+1)(2k+2)(2k+3)=2(k+1)(2k+1)(2k+3)=2(k+1)n(n+2)
其中4的倍数有:4,8,12...48 一共是48/4=12个
ansys 运行错误 进行加载计算时老是弹出there are no nodes defined
ansys 运行错误 进行加载计算时老是弹出there are no nodes defined
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英语语言学S_________ is defined as the study of meaning.
S_________ is defined as the study of meaning.
huxun0405 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
semantics [简明英汉词典]

yujinxiang_001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
The function f is defined by f(x)=x / lx-4l-2.What are all v
The function f is defined by f(x)=x / lx-4l-2.What are all values of x for which f(x) is NOT defined?
A x=0 and x=2
B x=0 and x=4
C x=2 and x=4
D x=2 and x=6
E x=4 and x=6
求这句话地道的翻译What are all values of x for which f(x) is NOT defined?
枪-与-玫-瑰 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
What are all values of x for which f(x) is NOT defined,就是说不在定义域中,所谓的定义域就是使式子有意义的自变量的取值,比如说,分母不能为0,D选项中带进去都会使分母为0,所以他们不能在定义域中.
翻译 Poet William Stafford once said that we are defined more
翻译 Poet William Stafford once said that we are defined more by the detours(绕行路)in life that by the narrow road toward goals.I like this image.But I as quite by accident that I discovered the deep meaning of his words.
  For years we made the long drive from our home in Seattle to my parents’ home in Boise in nine hours.We traveled the way most people do:the fastest,shortest easiest road,especially when ai was alone with four noisy,restless kids who hates confinement(限制)and have strong opinions about everything.
  Road trips felt risky,so I would drive fast,stopping only when I had to.We would stick to the freeways and arrive tired.
  But then Banner,our lamb was born.He……高考题
teekee 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Natual selection is defined as the process____the course of
Natual selection is defined as the process____the course of evolution by preserving those traits best adapted for an organism's survival.A direct it ,B to which direct ,C of which directs it ,D that directs.并给予句子解析,
唐老鼠米老鸭 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
矩阵数学求大神Carry小弟有一题死活做不出Let A be the 3*3 matrix defined by A=[
Let A be the 3*3 matrix defined by A=[x^2 x 1]
[1 1 0]
[0 -2 1]
where x is a real number.
(a) Find det(A) and hence find all real numbers x for which the matrix A is not invertible.
(b) Find the matrix of cofactors of A and hence find adj(A).
翻译过来就是A为3*3 矩阵 A=| x^2 x 1 |
|1 1 0 |
| 0 -2 1 |
(a) 求det(A)并找出所有使矩阵A为不可逆矩阵的x的实数解
(b) 求出矩阵A的余因子和adj(A)
马可不卖波罗 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
看不懂的句子One's character is always defined by the way in which
One's character is always defined by the way in which the rules
are carried out in one's behavior.
什么叫in one's behavior
再重复名字我就闹 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
in one's behavior 某人的行为上
the rules是只行为上的规则,规律
后面的are carried out in one's behavior就是修饰它的
{ x^3,x≤0let f(x) be the function defined by f(x) { x,x>0 wh
{ x^3,x≤0
let f(x) be the function defined by f(x) { x,x>0
which of the following statements about f(x) is true?
A.f is an odd function
B.f is discontinuous at x=0
C.f has a relative maximum
D.f ' (0)=0
E.f ' (x)>o for x≠0
大括号里包含的是:x^3,x≤0 和 x,x>0
二楼你说是f ’ (x),不是f(x).问题问的是f(x),B是不对的
wmzyzbp 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
B,不对,可以计算 在0点的左极限=右极限=f(0)=0,所以是连续的
哪位机械高手能帮我翻译这句:die-dependent (defined by the customer) sequen
哪位机械高手能帮我翻译这句:die-dependent (defined by the customer) sequence
vbvn 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
顺便讲下语法 The synthetic device interface is defined to be virtu
The synthetic device interface is defined to be virtualization-friendly to enable efficient virtualization compared to the overhead associated with I/O emulation.
enable efficient virtualization 翻译为实现虚拟化?
compared to 的主语是谁?associated with 的主语又是谁?
遇到长句我就晕 膜拜~
强人看女王 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
Overhead意为 离地面的; 头顶上的; 上空的,架空的
2enable efficient virtualization 翻译为使得虚拟化更加有效
3compared to 的主语是毫无疑问就是The synthetic device interface,他就是被compared to(被比较)的对象
4associated with 的主语是前面的the overhead
5 compared to the overhead associated with I/O emulation.
enable efficient virtualization是一个介词短语作比较状语,在这里它后置增加了难度
主句是The synthetic device interface is defined to be virtualization-friendly to enable efficient virtualization
The synthetic device interface是主语
is defined to be是谓语,这里is是系动词,因此是一个系表结构,virtualization-friendly是一个合成词作表语,
to enable efficient virtualization是be friendly to 的一个搭配,是不定式表目的
one or more multiply defined symbols found
冲上天空找月亮 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
one or more multiply defined symbols found
fatal error LNK1169:one or more multiply defined symbols found;
1)one or more multiply defined symbols 是主语,而one or more multiply 的词义为:一个或多个的,其中multiply的词义(adj.) 多层的;多样的;defined symbols :定义符号
2) found(v.)发现,找到;在原句中充当谓语;
gre let the "drop" of square be defined as the perimeter of
let the "drop" of square be defined as the perimeter of the square minus the length of one side.
the drop of a square with area 25 和 20比大小
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
急求此句名言的意思Thereis no well-defined boundary between honesty an
Thereis no well-defined boundary between honesty and dishonesty.The frontiersof one blend with the outside limits of the other,and he who attempts to treadthis dangerous ground may be sometimes in one domain and sometimes in the other
gx_3 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
i'm flattered to be defined () a friend of yours
i'm flattered to be defined () a friend of yours
beforerain73 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
翻译是; 我很荣幸被你定义为你的一个朋友.
此处可以用as 也没啥语法错误!
求英文翻译!you have reached your defined space limit reserved em
you have reached your defined space limit reserved em backup storage,you may increase the maximum storage space or cancel this backup .
西山蝴蝶 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译We focused on interpersonal spin,defined as the degree o
We focused on interpersonal spin,defined as the degree of dispersion in a person’s interpersonal behaviors around the interpersonal circumplex across situations and over time
cceme 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
focused on集中于
spin n.旋转的行为;快速的旋运动;眩晕;疾驰
interpersonal spin人际关系变化
interpersonal circumplex 交际圈
interpersonal behaviors人际行为,交际行为
over time
If defined replaces the build in add function什么意思?
xiayutian9 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
100分+100分4.If y is a function defined as y=√(2x+1),use diffe
4.If y is a function defined as y=√(2x+1),use differentiation to approximate the change in y when x changes from 2 to 2.5
btwmh 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
4.If y is a function defined as y=√(2x+1), use differentiation to approximate the change in y when x changes from 2 to 2.5
设 y 为函数,其函数定义为 y=√(2x+1),用微分法求 x 从2到2.5时 y 的变量.
the public type HsTank must be defined in its own file?
AngelaPrincess 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
SAT数学题求讲解For all real numbers v,the operation v * is defined
For all real numbers v,the operation v * is defined by the equation v*= v-3.If (v*)*=8,then v =
A 15 B 18 C 21 D 24 E 27
lucklin268 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
原题应为“…… by the equation v*= v-v/3.If (v*)*=8……”
∵v*= v-v/3
∴v*= 2/3 v
∵ (v*)*=8
∴(v*)*=2/3 v*=2/3 (2/3 v)=4/9 v=8
请达人帮我翻中文,Semivariance:defined as the average squared devisti
Semivariance:defined as the average squared devistion below the mean.Semideviation is the positive square root of semivariance.
笨鹅7413 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
英语翻译Lessons learned is defined as input of FMEA.没前面的I
丰之宇 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
FMEA--->Failure mode and effects analysis