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2023-05-19 15:19:48


TAG: 英文
哈利·波特之魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone (2001)
Caretaker Argus Filch: A pity they let the old punishment die... Was a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons... God, I miss the screaming.
Caretaker Argus Filch: For God"s sake, pull yourself together man. You"re going into the Forest after all. Got to have your wits about you eh?
Caretaker Argus Filch: Oh, there"s more than werewolves in those trees, you can be sure of that. Nighty night.
Draco Malfoy: ...werewolves.
Draco Malfoy: OK. Then I get Fang!
Draco Malfoy: So it"s true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.
Draco Malfoy: The Forest? I thought that was a joke. We can"t go in there. Students aren"t allowed. And there are...
Draco Malfoy: Think my name"s funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair... and a hand-me-down robe... you must be a Weasley.
Draco Malfoy: You"ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don"t want to go making friends with the wrong sort.
Draco Malfoy: [picks up Neville"s Rememberall] Did you see his face? Maybe if that fat lump had given this a squeeze, he"d have remembered to fall on his fat ass.
Draco Malfoy: [smirk suddenly fades and steps up] Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us.
Dudley Dursley: 36! But last year-Last year I had 37!
Dudley Dursley: Daddy"s gone mad hasn"t he?
Dudley Dursley: How many are they?
Dudley Dursley: I don"t care how big they are!
Dumbledore: ...Hmm, alas, earwax.
Dumbledore: And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death.
Dumbledore: Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Soon, you and your schoolmates will join us here, and your education in the magical arts will begin.
Dumbledore: I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I have rather lost my liking for them. But, I think I could be safe with a nice toffee.
Dumbledore: I"m afraid so, Professor. The good... and the bad.
Dumbledore: It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.
Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
Dumbledore: It was one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me, that is saying something.
Dumbledore: What happened in the dungeon between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so naturally, the whole school knows.
Fred Weasley: Brutal, but no one died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally, but they always turn up in a month or two!
Fred Weasley: Honestly woman, And you call yourself our mother.
Fred Weasley: I was only joking. I am Fred.
Fred Weasley: Well done, Harry. Wood just told us.
George Weasley: He"s not Fred, I am!
George Weasley: Our job is to make sure you don"t get bloodied up too bad. Can"t make any promises, though. Rough game, Quidditch.
Hagrid: Dry up Dursley, you great prune!
Hagrid: Fine. Just so you know, he"s a bloody coward.
Hagrid: I know that, but your cousin don"t, do he?
Hagrid: I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the...
Hagrid: I shouldn"t have told you that. No more questions, don"t ask anymore questions!
Hagrid: If that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gets up to any mischief, you could always threaten him with a nice pair of ears, to go with that tail.
Hagrid: Isn"t he beautiful? Oh, bless him! Look! He knows his mummy! "alo Norbert!
Hagrid: Nah. Can"t spell it.
Hagrid: Not all wizards are good.
Hagrid: Oh, and I suppose a great muggle like yourself is gonna stop him, are ya?
Hagrid: What are you lookin" at?
Hagrid: who told you "bout Fluffy?
Hagrid: Yeah, well, he"s gotta have a name, don"t he?
Hagrid: you just play a bit of music and he"ll fall right to sleep... I shouldn"t have told you that!
Hagrid: You"re a wizard, Harry!
Hagrid: You"re the boy who lived.
Hagrid: [Calmly] Sorry "bout that
Harry: 50?
Harry: A little.
Harry: Anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin.
Harry: Apparently not.
Harry: But, Hagrid, we,re not allowed to do magic outside Hoqwarts.
Harry: Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 and 3 quarters?
Harry: I can"t be a wizard. I"m just Harry, just Harry.
Harry: I swear I don"t know. One second the glass was there and the next it was gone. It was like magic.
Harry: I think I can pick out the wrong sorts thank you.
Harry: I think if he had the chance, he would have killed me tonight.
Harry: I think she heard you.
Harry: I think we"re going to need another feather over here, professor.
Harry: I"m a what?
Harry: I"m Harry. Harry Potter.
Harry: Lucky Hermione pays attention in herbology.
Harry: Norbert?
Harry: Not as good as you.
Harry: Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin.
Harry: Say, Percy, who"s that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?
Harry: Sorry.
Harry: The what?
Harry: We got lost.
Harry: What happened?
Harry: What"s he teach?
Harry: What"s Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?
Harry: Who doesn"t?
Harry: Yes?
Harry: [looking at Hagrid] I"m not going home, not really.
Harry: [on how Hagrid is refusing to say Voldemort"s name] Maybe if you wrote it down...
Hermione: Harry, no way! You heard what Madame Hooch said, besides, you don"t even know how to fly!
Hermione: He"s not relaxing, is he?
Hermione: Honestly, don"t you two read?
Hermione: I remember reading about this in Herbology... Devil"s Snare, Devil"s Snare..."It"s deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun" that"s it! Devil"s Snare hates sunlight! Luna Solem!
Hermione: It means you"ll never die.
Hermione: It seems strange to be going home, doesn"t it?
Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. And Harry, just be careful.
Hermione: Now, if you two don"t mind, I"m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.
Hermione: Ron, you don"t suppose this is going to be like . . real wizard"s chess, do you?
Hermione: Sorry.
Hermione: Stop moving, both of you. This is devil"s snare! You have to relax. If you don"t, it"ll only kill you faster!
Hermione: Stop, stop stop! You"re going to take someone"s eye out. Besides, you"re saying it wrong. It"s Levi-o-sa, not Levio-sar
Hermione: That thing has a name?
Hermione: That"s totally barbaric!
Hermione: What an idiot!
Hermione: You don"t use your eyes, do you? Didn"t you see what it was standing on?
Hermione: You"ll be okay, Harry. You"re a great wizard. You really are.
Hermione: [leaning closer] Not in the restricted section, you haven"t.
Hermione: [putting a large book on the table] I got this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.
Molly Weasley: Fred, you next.
Molly Weasley: I"m sorry, George.
Mr. Ollivander: I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you.
Mr. Ollivander: It"s curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.
Mr. Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It"s not always clear why.
Mr. Ollivander: We can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes! But great!
Nearly Headless Nick: Hello, how are you? Welcome to Gryffindor!
Neville Longbottom: The only problem is I can"t remember what I"ve forgotten.
Oliver Wood: Er, I don"t really remember. I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later.
Oliver Wood: It"s all right. I felt the same way before my first game.
Oliver Wood: Nasty little buggers.
Oliver Wood: Scared, Harry?
Percy Weasley: And keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.
Percy Weasley: Potions. But everyone knows it"s the Dark Arts he fancies. He"s been after Quirrell"s job for YEARS.
Percy Weasley: That"s Professor Snape, head of Slytherin House.
Professor McGonagall: ...for sheer dumb luck.
Professor McGonagall: And to ensure it doesn"t happen again... all four of you will receive detention.
Professor McGonagall: Are the rumors true, Albus?
Professor McGonagall: Each.
Professor McGonagall: No, you heard me correctly. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours... You will join your classmates in detention.
Professor McGonagall: Nothing, I repeat, nothing... gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken.
Professor McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don"t need one to find your seats.
Professor McGonagall: This boy will be famous. There won"t be a child in our world who doesn"t know his name.
Professor McGonagall: Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time.
Professor McGonagall: [on Harry and Ron beating the Mountain Troll] Five points will be awarded to each of you...
Professor Quirrel: Thought you ought to know.
Professor Quirrel: Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!
Professor Quirrel: Yes, he does seem the type, doesn"t he? Why, next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, st-st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?
Professor Severus Snape: I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.
Ron: (sigh) Lucky we didn"t panic.
Ron: And to think, I"ve been worrying about my potions final.
Ron: Fluffy?
Ron: Fred and George are on the team, too. Beaters.
Ron: I look good!
Ron: I think we"ve had a bad influence on her.
Ron: I wasn"t looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads... or maybe you didn"t notice? There were three!
Ron: I"m Ron by the way, Ron Weasley.
Ron: Immortal?
Ron: It"s for your own good, you know.
Ron: It"s spooky! She knows more about you than you do!
Ron: It"s you that has to go on, Harry. I know it. Not me. Not Hermione. You!
Ron: Kill us faster? Oh, now I can relax!
Ron: Mental that one, I"m telling you.
Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities.
Ron: So... so it"s true! I mean, do you really have the... the...
Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!
Ron: That was bloody brilliant!
Ron: That"s wizard"s chess.
Ron: This is light?
Ron: Turn it into rum. He managed a weak tea yesterday before...
Ron: What do they think they"re doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?
Ron: Wicked!
Ron: Wingardium leviosa!
Ron: Yes Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard"s chess.
Ron: You"re a little scary sometimes, you know that. Brilliant. But scary.
Ron: [angry] I know what it means!
Ron: [in a hushed tone] The scar?
Ron: [looking for information about Nicholas Flamell] We must have looked a hundred times.
Ron: [mimicking Hermione] "It"s Levi-o-sa not Leviosar." She"s a nightmare, honestly. It"s no wonder she hasn"t got any friends!
Seamus Finnigan: Eye of rabbit, heartstring hum, turn this water into rum.
Seamus Finnigan: I"m half and half. Dad"s a muggle, Mam"s a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.
Seamus: [in Charms class] Wingard Leviosa. Wingard Levi...
Sorting Hat: Ah! Another Weasly. I know just what to do with you.
Sorting Hat: Better make it... GRYFFINDOR!
Sorting Hat: Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There"s talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?
Sorting Hat: Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It"s all here in your head. And Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness, there"s no doubt about that. No?
Sorting Hat: Then, better be... GRYFFINDOR!
Station Guard: 9 and 3 quarters? Think you"re being funny do ya?
Uncle Vernon: 36, counted them myself.
Uncle Vernon: He"ll not be going!
Uncle Vernon: There is no such thing as magic!
Uncle Vernon: Yes,Yes, but some of them are quite bigger than lasts years.
Vordermont: There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it...
[a howling noise is heard]
[about Every Flavor Beans]
[about the Bludgers]
[After being in the Dark Forest]
[after Harry mentions Fluffy to Hagrid]
[After Harry, Ron, and Hermoine fail to provide an answer]
[after Hermione and Harry sink in the Devil"s Snare, Ron is still panicking]
[After seeing Ron"s queen destroy Harry"s knight]
[Dudley"s birthday]
[eats it]
[Fred moves forward]
[Hagrid has just very aggressively knocked down the door where the Dursleys are staying]
[Hagrid"s sad about Norbert being taken away]
[Harry ignores Hermione, giving Malfoy an evil look, he flies up. The class stare up at him]
[Harry shows him the scar on his forehead]
[Harry"s mouth drops open]
[Harry"s suspicious that Snape was stealing the Philosopher"s Stone]
[he checks the goblet, then tries again]
[in King"s Cross]
[in th
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Harry: Lumos Maxima.

Marge: Harry, Harry.

Vernon: Harry, open the door.

Harry: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.

Vernon: What is it?

Harry: Nothing, school stuff.

Vernon: Later perhaps, if you behave.

Harry: I will if she does.

Marge: Oh, you"re still here, are you?

Harry: Yes.

Marge: Don"t say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up.

Vernon: Take Marge"s suitcase upstairs.

Harry: Okay.

Marge: Finish that off for Mommy. Good boy, Nippy-pooh.

Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?

Marge: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. Just a bit more. That is a boy. You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at?


Marge: Where did you send the boy, Vernon?

Vernon: St Brutus"s. It"s a fine institution for hopeless cases.

Marge: Do they use a cane at St Brutus"s, boy?

Harry: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I"ve been beaten loads of times.

Marge: Excellent. I won"t have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn"t blame yourself about how this one turned out. It"s all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy"s father did, Petunia?

Petunia: Nothing. He didn"t work. He was unemployed.

Marge: And a drunk too, no doubt?

Harry: That"s a lie.

Marge: What did you say?

Harry: My dad wasn"t a drunk.

Marge: Don"t worry. Don"t fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip.

Vernon: I think it"s time you went to bed.

Marge: Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up. Actually, it"s nothing to do with the father. It"s all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If something"s wrong with the *****, then something"s wrong with the pup.

Harry: Shut up! Shut up!

Marge: Right, let me tell you… Vernon, Vernon, do something!(Screaming.)

Vernon: Stop! I"ve got you, Marge! I"ve got you!

Marge: Hold on! Hold on!

Vernon: Get off!

Marge: Don"t you dare!

Vernon: Sorry!

Petunia: Oh, Vernon! Oh god!

Vernon: Marge!

Vernon: You bring her back! You bring her back now! You put her right!

Harry: No! She deserved what she got! Keep away from me!

Vernon: You can"t do magic outside school!

Harry: Yeah? Try me!

Vernon: They won"t let you back now. You"ve nowhere to go.

Harry: I don"t care. Anywhere is better than here.

Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. What"re you doing down there?

Harry: I fell over.

Stan: What do you fell over for?

Harry: I didn"t do it on purpose.

Stan: Oh, come on, then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. What are you looking at?

Harry: Nothing.

Stan: Well, come on, then. In. No, no, no. I"ll get this. You get in.

Harry: Come on.

Stan: Come on, move on, move on, move on.

A: Take her away, Ern.

B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie. It"s going to be a bumpy ride.

Stan: What did you say your name was again?

Harry: I didn"t.

Stan: Whereabouts are you headed?

Harry: The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.

Stan: You hear that “The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.”

B: The Leaky Cauldron. If you have a pea soup make sure you eat it before it eats you.

Harry: But the muggles, can"t they see us?

Stan: Muggles? They don"t see anything, do they?

B: No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel. Ernie, little old lady at 12 o"clock. Ten, nine, eight…seven, six, five…four, three, three and a half, two, one and three quarters…Yes!

Harry: Who is that? That man?

Stan: Who is that? Who is? That is Sirius Black, that is. Don"t tell me you"ve never been hearing of Sirius Black. He"s a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.

Harry: How did he escape?

Stan: Well, that"s the question, isn"t it? He"s the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of…You-Know-Who. I reckon you"ve heard of him.

Harry: Yeah. Him I"ve heard of.

B: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o"clock. They are getting closer, Ernie. They are right on top of us. Mind your head. Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces? Yeah, yeah. Nearly there, nearly there.

Stan: The Leaky Cauldron. Next stop, Knockturn Alley.

Waiter: Oh, Mr. Potter, at last.

A: Take her away, Ern.

B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie.

Waiter: Room 11.

Harry: Hedwig.

Waiter: Right smart bird you got there, Mr. Potter. He arrived here just 5 minutes before yourself.

Fudge: As the minister of magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter. Earlier this evening, your uncle"s sister was located…a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So that"s that…and no harm done. Pea soup?

Harry: No, thank you.Minister?

Fudge: Yes?

Harry: I don"t understand.

Fudge: Understand?

Harry: I broke the low. Underage wizards can"t use magic outside home.

Fudge: Come now, Harry. The ministry doesn"t send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts. On the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things was very, very irresponsible.

Harry: “The state of things”, sir?

Fudge: We have a killer on the loose.

Harry: Sirius Black, you mean? But what"s he got to do with me?

Fudge: Nothing, of course. You are safe, and that"s what matters. And tomorrow you will be on your way back to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought here. Now Tom will show you to your room.

Harry: Hedwig.

Fudge: Oh, by the way, Harry. Whilst you"re here, it would be best if you didn"t wander.







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pippy 英["pɪpɪ]美["pɪpɪ]adj. 多种子的;Italian 英[ɪ"tælɪən]美[ɪˈtæljən]n. 意大利语; 意大利人; 意大利国民;
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萍萍 取个什么英文名字比较好

2023-01-02 02:50:172


《吴都赋》:“鸟则鹍鸡鸀鳿,鹴鹄鹭鸿。鶢鶋避风,候雁造江。”注:鹍:kūn 鹴:shuāng 鹄:hú 鶢:yuán 鶋:jū《集韵》殊玉切,音蜀。《尔雅·释鸟》鸀,山乌。 《郭注》似乌而小,赤觜,穴乳。出西方。《广韵》《集韵》$直角切,音浊。义同。《唐韵》《集韵》$徒谷切,音独。《广韵》鸀,ꂹ鸟。《集韵》枢玉切,音触。《山海经》海外互人之国有靑鸟,身黄,赤足,六首,名曰鸀。此与山乌别一种。《广韵》之欲切《集韵》《类篇》朱欲切,$音烛。《广韵》鸀鳿鸟。軰藏器曰:鸀鳿,状如鸭而大,长项,赤目,斑觜,毛觜绀色。一名鸑鷟。《本草》江中有鸑鷟,似凫而大,赤目。盖鸀鳿乃鸑鷟声转耳。又与竹通。《扬雄·蜀都赋》独竹孤鶬。《注》竹属通,属玉鶬,皆水鸟。本作属玉。俗加鸟。又属玉,观名。《前汉·宣帝纪》帝幸属玉观。《音义》属玉,水鸟也。似鵁鶄,於观上作之,因以为名。《班固·西都赋》天子登属玉之馆。考证:〔《尔雅·释鸟》鸀,山乌。《郭注》似鸟而小。〕 谨照原文似鸟改似乌鸑鷟yuè zhuó古书上指一种水鸟。鸑鷟是这样一种鸟。它们总是雌雄双飞,比鸳鸯更恩爱。当它们中有一只死去时,另一只就会悲鸣三个日夜。最后热血冷了,血液干了,它也就相从于九泉了。凤凰是鸑鷟 鸑鷟在古书上指的是一种水鸟,似凫而大赤目。人们之所以把鸑鷟与凤凰等同起来,是因为许慎在《说文解字》中把鸑鷟解释为凤凰的一种。更有甚者,陕西的凤县就是由于其境内的鸑鷟山而得名,并且以凤为城标。鸑鷟,古书上指的是一种水鸟,似凫而大赤目。《国语.周语上》:周之兴也,鸑鷟鸣于岐山。鸑鷟 :1.凤凰。2.鸀鳿的别名。鸑鷟象征着较为坚贞不群的品质。据说鸑鷟是恩爱的生物,配偶去世后会为之哭泣至死。古时,由于鸑鷟多被认为是为一种瑞鸟,故常见于在许多古籍或诗词中,有时也会出现于小说中。“鸑”“鷟”二字有时也会被分开使用,但仍表示凤属神鸟,如“凤鷟”“鸾鷟”“鹓鸑”,仍多象征明臣贤士。 鸑鷟作为一般水鸟的意义,有时也会出现于古代诗词中。游戏制作方:Youth-Bloom制作组游戏类型:文字AVG测试版发布:2008冬官网地址:建设中【Staff】策划:心胜于物脚本:樱树下的尸体人物设定·原画:灼眼の悠二背景:心胜于物作曲:王少则MIDI混音:Shine 王少则 大肥兔子程序:Darkcross007影像:夜桜协力:Popippy总监督:灼眼の悠二【剧情概述】:“我不会理会这个世界是如何的存在,更不会在意所谓真实是何种羁绊,我只相信我的感觉 还有我眼中的你,但是为何 相隔如山 一水之寒…… ”“你不会懂得命运的轮回是多么残酷,更不会明白所谓真实是何等无奈,我同样相信我的感觉 还有我眼中的你,所以唯有 但求君忆 殒身相依…… ”一切就发生在一个普普通通的高中校园中,但围绕着男主人公邵晓风,却发生了一系列并不普通的故事,伴随着转校而来的女主人公戴子玲,降临了邵晓风的身边,转校生的真实身份。邵晓风和妹妹小雅的身世之谜。上一代被强迫遗忘了的苦恋。以及人类所不曾了解的事实一切的一切抽丝剥茧镜花水月之下又是怎样的世界于此,我们带您领略我们这个“熟悉”世界的另一面……也许,唯有梦境,才是最真实的吧……【人物简介】:1.邵晓风:千千万万劳苦中学生中的一员,是个对身边的人比较照顾的老好人。有着一个在小学便结识的热血死党——翟田。当然,他也有着特别一面的,关于他的身世。据母亲所言,父亲早在他出生后不满两岁便因事故去世了,而母亲的身体也愈发的每况愈下,同时,晓风还有着一个温柔乖巧的妹妹。瞒着妹妹和母亲,私下里邵晓风对于抛下他们母子而“去”的父亲,有着复杂的心情。而突然转学而来的戴子玲,更是彻底改变了他看似平凡的生活。2. 戴子玲:周围人眼中充满神秘色彩的谜样转学生,似乎是来自于某遥远的北欧国家、某没落贵族的后裔。金发碧眼,有着异于常人的惊艳外表。看似文静有礼的外表下似乎隐藏着什么。并且不知出于何种原因,她对邵晓风似乎有着“浓厚”的兴趣。更多情况未知。3. 小雅:邵晓风的妹妹,清新天然的外表下有着同样温柔可人的心,各项成绩优异的小雅正在备战中考中,目标是哥哥的学校。最在意的人是妈妈和哥哥,因为母亲住院的缘故,平日里打点家事的都是小雅,更做得一手好菜。对于晓风似乎有着不同于兄妹之情的另一种模糊的感情。4. 班长:邵晓风所在班级的班长,品学兼优,有着不错的相貌和身材,极富正义感,该出手时就出手(对翟田?)。在班中有着极高的威信,很多情况下,统驭力更是凌驾于老师之上。出于一系列的事件,对邵晓风有着别样的关注。5.翟田:邵晓风初中时代的密友+死党。被邵晓风昵称为“智障同学”。性格“活泼开朗”,富有“生命力”,对一切美好的事物或者说是“实物”都充满了“遐想”。家中经营着一家咖啡店,家庭条件还算优越。6.母亲:邵晓风和小雅的母亲,对于儿女的心理和言行有着敏感的感应能力和温柔而强大的操作能力。但是出于某些不知名的原因,有一段记忆是模糊不清的。原是某大学历史系的高才生毕业后留校,但是身体状况却在怀上晓风之后每况愈下,最终不得不辞去了大学的工作。如今身体更是恶化到了只能住院接受治疗的地步。7. 翟大叔:翟田的父亲,有爱的大叔,咖啡店的BOSS,貌似以前还是地区警界影响力不小的人物,有着一颗与外表并不相称的“童心”,不愧为有其子必有其父。平日生活中很照顾晓风和小雅兄妹,也时常邀请他们来自己的店里打工。8.橘红。(为正式体验版新增人物)高一(1)班的生活委员。性格温柔内向,爱好涉猎广泛,自认为是位艺术家。平时看起来像个乖乖女,不喜欢做出风头的事情。但是一遇到自己喜欢的事情却会变得意外的执着,甚至钻牛角尖。翟田评价:“比较贤惠。【游戏部分测试画面】:
2023-01-02 02:50:251


《私家法医 》理查德·谢帕德执导,Morris Lamont Chestnut、Jaina Lee Ortiz、Gabrielle Dennis等主演的电视剧,于2015年下半年播出 。来见见私人病理学家中的「贝多芬」 ——聪明的 Beaumont Rosewood.Jr.医生(Morris Chestnut)是迈阿密最出色的私人病理学家,他拥有一家在美国国内技术最先进的的解剖实验室。他最擅长寻找尸体上的秘密,特别是那些迈阿密警署通常会忽视的秘密……只要你肯花钱雇他。尽管他一辈子都在和死亡打交道,但他更痴迷于生命本身。他自己身上有某种疾病,因此他决心抓住一切机会尽情享受——正所谓「人生得意须尽欢」。他的乐观精神让他的新搭档、愤世嫉俗的迈阿密警署侦探 (Jaina Lee Ortiz)感到不爽。虽然Karissa讨厌他永远玩世不恭的样子,但她无法否认Rosewood的天赋,他独特的观点总能为破案指明正确的方向。Gabrielle Dennis扮演Rosewood的妹妹、实验室助手、「毒理学女王」Pippy; 扮演DNA专家Tara Milly Izikoff,绰号TMI(Too Much Information,万事通,知道许多别人并不想知道的事情),她同时是Pippy的(同性恋)未婚妻。Maggie Elizabeth Jones扮演Rosewood的邻居Millie,是一个很有前途的厨师。她经常和Rosewood在一起,虽然Rosewood年纪比她大很多,但她反过来给Rosewood提供了不少「人生哲理」。越来越多的高调试映集使用黑人演员扮演头号角色,这也是今年新剧开发过程中最明显的特点——感谢《嘻哈帝国》、《丑闻》和《逍遥法外》,好莱坞终于意识到当今这个年代「种族多样性」高于一切。
2023-01-02 02:50:351


你说的那是一个人吧这是她的资料吉丽Lily Ji,女,演员,模特,歌手,毕业于澳大利亚国家戏剧学院表演系本科。曾参演《蝶之恋》、《最后的刺客》等作品。2013年参加《变形金刚4》 中国区演员选拔赛进入全国3强 。中文名吉丽外文名Lily国 籍中国身 高172厘米体 重55 kg出生地云南昆明职 业模特,演员,歌手毕业院校澳大利亚国家戏剧学院代表作品《蝶之恋》、《最后的刺客》、《变形金刚4》[1] 目录1个人档案▪ 个人荣誉▪ 作品列表▪ 电视广告▪ 平面演出▪ 舞台话剧▪ 音乐MTV▪ 形象代言▪ 样片模特▪ 杂志报刊类▪ 品牌走秀▪ 婚纱走秀▪ 展览/发布会▪ 车展演出▪ 其他汽车品牌演出2参加比赛3成就荣誉1个人档案编辑中文名:吉 丽英文名:Lily昵称(Nick Name):小黑 or 吉小丽学历:澳大利亚国家戏剧学院表演系本科,National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)Bachelor of Performing Arts in ActingNIDA是与英国皇家戏剧学院和俄罗斯圣彼得堡戏剧学院成为世界三大表演大学,吉丽荣幸的成为了首位也是唯一一位中国籍毕业生,校友有巴兹鲁赫曼、凯特布兰奇、梅尔吉普森、雨果维文等国际影星。籍贯:云南昆明身高:172厘米体重:55 kg三围:88、66、90职业:演员,模特,歌手,舞者,主持人学历:本科语言:中文、英语、基本日文和韩文吉丽(11张)特长:表演; 模特; 声乐:现代和美声; 舞蹈:中国民间舞,现代舞,中国古典舞,西方舞; 乐器:钢琴,葫芦 丝; 主持;绘画;太极;书法;运动:游泳,篮球,排球,高尔夫。对自己的评价(Appraise):阳光、开朗、活泼大方、有点小小男孩子气还有点傻傻的孩子。座右铭(Motto): I don"t believe in failure. It"s not failure if you enjoyed the process. Oprah WinfreyI am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. Carl Jung.个人荣誉TVB悉尼华裔小姐选美大赛2012艺术/表演总导演2008年 获香港TVB国际华裔小姐及最佳微笑小姐[2] 作品列表电影电视拍摄2014年 《酒战Wine War》[2] 饰:Mille美丽(女二) 导演:黎明 合作演员:张涵予、杜鹃2014年 《变形金刚4》[1] 饰:记者 导演:迈克贝尔 合作演员:李冰冰、韩庚2013年 《Burrow》(探索) -- 宁(女一) 微电影 导演:Natalie James (澳大利亚)2013年 《蝶之恋》 --丁小茹(女一) 数字电影 导演:刘苗苗吉丽(7张)2013年 《On The Darkside》 --母亲(女一) 院线电影 导演:Wan Suriyaphon (澳大利亚)2012年 《Rabbit Trap》 --Julie(女一) 院线电影 导演: Melissa Anastasi (澳大利亚)2012年 《种爱》 -- 妻子(女一) 微电影 导演:张瑷签2010年 《最后的刺客》 --Angeline(女一) 微电影 导演:Di Drew (澳大利亚)2009年《海归派》 -- Cecilia(女一) 微电影 导演:Bryan Bai(澳大利亚)电视广告ARIEL POWDER碧浪洗衣粉 2011 全球播放SKITTLES-BREAK THE RAINBOW CCTV6 等 2009彩虹糖-图书馆篇(澳洲拍摄)PURE MINERAL TVSN Channel 2008澳大利亚Channel 7—TVSN电视广告 Pure Mineral(澳洲拍摄)MEI MEI CHANG YNTV, KMTV 2008吉丽(4张)洱宝食品-mm尝HERO SCOOTER YNTV 2007豪杰电动车POWER DEKOR YNTV 2006圣象地板KANGWANG SHAMPOO KMTV 2005康王洗发水广告平面演出澳大利亚拍摄:HERMES 2012CHRISTIANDIOR 2012BULGARY 2012PRADA 2012MIUMIU 2012SALVOTOREFERRAGAMO 2012GIORGIOARMANI 2012植村秀圣诞王家卫版限量彩妆 2012意大利SANPELLEGRINO 2011中国拍摄:吉丽(7张)法拉利 2011保时捷卡宴泰赫雅特 2011ESCADA 2009凯迪拉克XLR 2008舞台话剧THE FARM(农场) Natasha NIDA 2012IN BLOOM Iris NIDA 2012ROOKERY NOOK Pippy Dickey NIDA 2012THE IDIOT (白痴) Mrs. Yepanchi (Elizaveta) NIDA 2011RICHARD III (理查王三世) Queen Margaret NIDA 2011THE AMERICAN CLOCK(美国时钟) Mrs. Taylor /Isabel/Eddie NIDA 2011TOO YOUNG FOR GHOST Ruth NIDA 2010吉丽(8张)FLIGHT(逃亡) Various NIDA 2010THREE SISTERS(三姐妹) Natasha NIDA 2010THE SEAGULL(海鸥) Nina & Masha NIDA 2010HAPPY NOW? Kitty NIDA 2010DEAD WHITE MALE Angela NIDA 2010MACBETH (麦克白) Various Sidetrack Theatre 2009THE MERCHANT OF VENICE(威尼斯商人)Salarino TomMan Theatre 2009EYES TO THE FLOOR Gwen Sidetrack Theatre 2009FORBIDDEN FORGOTTEN HIDDEN Showgirl Newtown Theatre 2009HAMLET(哈姆雷特) Ophelia China 2007音乐MTVWHO KNOWS The Chinese girl Director: Renato Fabretti 2011形象代言昆明卡丽亚那婚纱 形象代言吉丽(5张)昆明港鑫汽车有限公司吉利汽车 形象代言云南大理洱宝食品有限公司 形象代言样片模特Q!Image 时尚摄影特约样片模特新格时尚摄影特约样片模特本色摄影特约样片模特新视觉摄影特约样片模特女人坊摄影特约样片模特卡地亚那婚纱特约样片模特奥斯卡婚纱特约样片模特杂志报刊类《喂喂杂志澳大利亚》奢侈品版特约模特《时尚澳洲》奢侈品版特约模特《车与人》改版首期特约平面广告模特《大观周刊》NIKE-361平面插页《加油周刊》西山别墅平面插页吉丽(4张)<中国人像摄影><车与人>改版首期特约模特<加油周刊>封面及专访<汽车时尚报>特约模特<车时尚>特约模特<云南信息报>专访<都市时报>风尚专版封面及专访东方航空机上读物《香巴拉》杂志封面及专访<她时代>杂志封面及专访<大观周刊>杂志封面及专访<旅游资讯MAP>2006.06.第三期封面品牌走秀中国建设银行建行金发布会 2012鄂尔多斯冬装新品发布 2012七色麻 2011周大生珠宝 2008ADIDAS 08秋冬新品订货会 2008AUPRE SUPERE欧博莱-思魅系列 2008Dior 后台妆容系列2008 2008资生堂SHESHIDO08新品发布 2008NOVO 2008LEVIS 2008吉丽(6张)MISS SIXTY 2008Calvin Klein Jeans 2007ESPRITE 08春夏新品发布 2007EDC 08春夏新品发布 2007YISELIE内衣07秋冬新品发布会 2007才子佳人07秋冬发布会 2007迪菲娜07 秋冬发布会 2007E-XUN08春夏新品发布 2007朵以08春夏预定会 2007布布为盈服饰08春夏新品发布 2007韩国ECA服饰08春夏新品发布 2007婚纱走秀卡丽亚那婚纱天长地久婚纱奥斯卡婚纱展览/发布会2011 俊发地产2010搜浩NEW.88 BAR春城新闻发布会云南信息报2008摩登周刊春季时尚发布会特邀嘉宾07年昆明国际车展07年昆明汽车文化节09年昆明国际车展美的电器昆明发布会金立手机昆明发布会LEGRAND中国区昆明推广会中策装饰新闻发布会特约模特曲靖房地产交易会金鳞湾高尔夫昆明房地产交易会华都地产中国红河车队征战2008达喀尔签约仪式中天国际地产车展演出2007昆明国际车展特约邀请车模德国大众甲壳虫特约模特lily(5张)吉利汽车特约车模雪铁龙特约车模其他汽车品牌演出CADILLAC凯迪拉克XLR系列TECHART保时捷4S店开业暨新车发布仪式奥迪Q7发布会上海大众JEEP指南者新车发布仪式吉利长城2参加比赛编辑2013年8月1日,《变形金刚4》中国演员招募40强进12培训及选拔已经进入第4天,部分选手们已经开始了录《变形金刚4》中国演员招募的比赛[3]制参赛选片的环节。8月1日上午,张超、柯念萱,周孝安、吉丽,林路迪、付然三对选手参加了电影《体热》的片段录制。《体热》是劳伦斯·卡斯丹在1981年执导的电影,影片讲述了一位名媛与一位风流律师的婚外情,几位女选手将饰演这个心计颇重的性感人妻,当天,柯念萱、吉丽、付然都选择了比较性感的穿着。[3] 随着《变形金刚4》在华各大城市取景的海量新闻报道,在“《变形金刚4》中国演员招募活动”中胜出的中国演员也现身片场、陆续出镜。日前,变4剧组转战北京盘古大观拍摄取景,选拔期间被称为“性感女神”组三甲之一的吉丽最终得以饰演一名来自新浪网的记者。更让吉丽兴奋的是,这个角色在电影中不仅有台词,在拍摄环节更是有导演迈克尔 贝亲自说戏,这让初探演艺圈、第一次尝试好莱坞大片的吉丽受益匪浅。吉丽是首位从澳大利亚国家戏剧学院毕业的中国学生,学习表演的她,有包括巴兹鲁赫曼、凯特布兰奇、梅尔吉普森、雨果维文在内的诸多国际知名巨星为校友。她本人和雨果维文的儿子还是好哥们。此次参演《变形金刚4》,无疑会为吉丽的演艺生涯铺就一个好的开端。对于《变形金刚4》拍摄的相关细节,吉丽不愿过多透露,她会有怎样的表现,还是让我们自己在明年的暑期档一探究竟吧![1] 3成就荣誉编辑TVB悉尼华裔小姐选美大赛2012艺术/表演总导演2008香港tvb国际华裔小姐(国际中华小姐)及最佳微笑小姐第十二届“美在花城”广告新星大赛广州全国总决赛“最佳上镜奖”第十二届“美在花城”广告新星大赛云南赛区冠军2007云南民族之花大赛汉族冠军及总决赛最上镜奖第二届昆明电脑节IT形象大使冠军十一岁时参加国家统战部主办的第五届“大陆和平小天使”到台湾访问演出;1997年参加“香港回归”云南省大型文艺演出;2004作为文化使者,代表广州市政府,重走海上丝绸之路,到印尼、瑞典、丹麦、挪威等国拍外景,并与当地文化界举行了交流演出满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-01-02 02:50:441


2023-01-02 02:50:498


2023-01-02 02:51:186


Connor domi,璐比,慕斯,,YY,,,蛋挞,饭团,果冻米团,卡奇 ,柠檬,抹茶,西柚,麦芒. Dora Tammy IvyAmeimolly 莫妮卡 米拉米多Abby SAKUR cherry giner sukara baby 蒙西西 萨朗 尤利 娜美 奶糖 Nuby 珈菲 Pippy 依依 西米露 爱米 honey 小夕TWINS Timor LILIYA nora水灵儿 慕思 慕斯 蜜语 coffey(可菲)沐芙 浅紫 这些不错 我觉得比那些吃的什么花卷果果朵朵好听多了。。。主要是特别
2023-01-02 02:51:4411


2023-01-02 02:52:253


一、下载pip并安装# wget --no-check-certificate tar -zxf pip-1.4.tar.gz# cd pip-1.4# python install二、添加到环境变量PATH中:可用 export 命令查看PATH值[root]# exportdeclare -x CVS_RSH="ssh"declare -x DISPLAY=":0.0"declare -x G_BROKEN_FILENAMES="1"declare -x HISTSIZE="1000"declare -x HOME="/root"declare -x HOSTNAME="localhost"declare -x INPUTRC="/etc/inputrc"declare -x LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"declare -x LESSOPEN="|/usr/bin/ %s"declare -x LOGNAME="root"declare -x LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:"declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/root"declare -x OLDPWD="/root"declare -x PATH="/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"declare -x PWD="/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sources/u-boot/u-boot-sh4"declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"declare -x SHLVL="1"declare -x SSH_ASKPASS="/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass"declare -x TERM="xterm"declare -x USER="root"declare -x XAUTHORITY="/root/.xauthkSzH7b"单独查看PATH环境变量,可用:[root]#echo $PATH/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin第一种方法:添加PATH环境变量,可用:[root]#export PATH=/usr/local/python2.7.3/bin:$PATH再次查看:[root]# echo $PATH/usr/local/python2.7.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin说明添加PATH成功。上述方法的PATH 在终端关闭 后就会消失。所以还是建议通过编辑/etc/profile来改PATH,也可以改家目录下的.bashrc(即:~/.bashrc)。 第二种方法:# vim /etc/profile在文档最后,添加:export PATH="/usr/local/python2.7.3/bin:$PATH"保存,退出,然后运行:#source /etc/profile不报错则成功。
2023-01-02 02:52:388


2023-01-02 02:53:092

英语绕口令 翻译

Bobby Bippy 买了一只蝙蝠Bobby Bippy 买了一个球bob用球重击蝙蝠击向墙bobby大胆的击向了他击破了橡皮球"boo!"bobby哭了坏运气球坏运气bobby, 坏运气球现在他在很多麻烦里bobby pippy"s 在抓破泡泡(貌似有点错..)
2023-01-02 02:53:184


名称:鸑鷟:镜花水月圣诞测试版发布:2008冬正式测试版(橘子传)发布:2009年4月25日于CAC正式测试版(橘子传)Full Voice版发布:2010年5月14日于CAC 策划:心胜于物脚本:樱树下的尸体人物设定·原画:灼眼の悠二(现名雪降,下同)背景:心胜于物作曲:王少则 RickyMIDI混音:Shine 王少则 大肥兔子程序:Darkcross007影像:Popippy客服:剑影飘摇(常驻百度贴吧与官坛,ID同名)协力:夜桜总监督:灼眼の悠二 一切就发生在一个普普通通的高中校园中,但围绕着男主人公邵晓风,却发生了一系列并不普通的故事,伴随着转校而来的女主人公戴子玲,降临了邵晓风的身边,转校生的真实身份。邵晓风和妹妹小雅的身世之谜。上一代被强迫遗忘了的苦恋。以及人类所不曾了解的事实一切的一切抽丝剥茧镜花水月之下又是怎样的世界于此,我们带您领略我们这个“熟悉”世界的另一面……也许,唯有梦境,才是最真实的吧……
2023-01-02 02:53:331


发行时间:1989年7月27日(JPN)2003年6月20日(JPN复刻)美版取消发售平台:FCGBA(复刻)广告语:不到结局不落泪(No crying until the end.)(其实比较经典的是那句“名作保证”XD) 1900年代的亚美利加/America(为了和现实世界中的美国区分开,以下都将America称为亚美利加),天空中飘过一朵黑云,一对年轻夫妇也随之失踪...过了几年,丈夫乔治(ジョージ/George)突然回到了自己的家,开始一些稀奇古怪的研究,而他的妻子玛丽亚(マリア/Maria)则再也没有出现。过了80多年,1988年的亚美利加,乔治夫妇的曾孙子主角林顿/肯的屋子里突然家具都动了起来,爸爸鼓励他去探究事情的真相,于是主角踏上了一条不归路(误)...踏上了一条寻找真相的道路。在冒险中要收集8首旋律,帮助玛丽女王找寻失去的记忆,找到记忆后就能揭开本作的幕后黑手... 林顿/肯(ニンテン/ケン/Ninten/Ken)(首先说明一下,他实际上是没有真正的官方名称的...在游戏中必须自己取名。Ninten这个名字是官方手办上的名称,而Ken则是小说中的名字。)本作的主角,12岁,擅长回复系PSI,武器是棒球棒。皮皮(ピッピ/Pippy)母亲节镇的小孩,被僵尸抓走,后被林顿/肯救回。阿娜(アナ/Ana)本作的女主角,12岁,拥有攻击系PSI等,因为母亲失踪和主角踏上旅程,武器是平底锅。罗伊迪(ロイド/Lloyd/Loid)闪闪星小学的学生,11岁,可以使用炸弹、火箭等一系列攻击性道具,武器是枪。泰迪(テディ/Teddy)在情人节市当地BB团(Black Blood团)首领,因为父母在圣罗里山被杀害所以与主角一行一起去寻找真相,武器是刀与剑类。 幕后黑手——外星人为了侵略地球,所以抓走了许多人,把他们放在圣罗里山的洞穴内。由于外星人能够运用他们的特殊力量所以家里的家具、乃至无人的汽车能够动起来,而动物和某些人也会受到影响而变得狂暴。当年乔治和玛丽亚被外星人抓走,在那里他们领养了一个外星人孤儿——基格(ギーグ/Gyiyg/Giegue/Giygas)。后来乔治窃取了外星人的超能力也就是PSI技术逃回地球,所以他被他的外星人养子狠狠地鄙视了...而基格后来成为了外星人的首脑,带领众星人前往地球攻打...也就是MOTHER的剧情。八旋律之曲游戏中收集的八个旋律最后可以串成一首曲子,唱给玛丽女王听,恢复记忆后她会说出她真正的身份——玛丽亚。她还提到了这首曲子是她以前唱给基格听的摇篮曲...最终Boss就是基格,唱出八旋律之曲感化他吧!最后他听完后内心崩溃,丢下一句“我还会再回来的!”就仓皇而逃。
2023-01-02 02:53:421

hannah montana中扮演Lily的那个演员,她的新单曲MV中涉及到一部电影,那部电影叫什么名字?

2023-01-02 02:53:512


Marge: Don"t say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up. Marge: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. Just a bit more. That is a boy. You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at? Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. What"re you doing down there? Harry: I fell over. Stan: What do you fell over for? Harry: I didn"t do it on purpose. Stan: Oh, come on, then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. What are you looking at? Harry: Nothing. Stan: Well, come on, then. In. No, no, no. I"ll get this. You get in. Harry: Come on. 够了吗
2023-01-02 02:54:002


pippy英 ["pɪpɪ]   美 ["pɪpɪ]  adj.多种子的
2023-01-02 02:54:081


pippy[英]["pɪpɪ][美]["pɪpɪ]adj.多种子的; 双语例句1Using pippy for handheld app development用pippy开发用于手持设备的应用程序2Using stored programs with pippyPippy使用存储的程序
2023-01-02 02:54:171


Harry: Lumos Maxima.Marge: Harry, Harry.Vernon: Harry, open the door.Harry: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.Vernon: What is it?Harry: Nothing, school stuff.Vernon: Later perhaps, if you behave.Harry: I will if she does.Marge: Oh, you"re still here, are you?Harry: Yes.Marge: Don"t say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He"d have been straight to an orphanage if he"d been dumped on my doorstep. Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss. Come on. Up, up.Vernon: Take Marge"s suitcase upstairs.Harry: Okay.Marge: Finish that off for Mommy. Good boy, Nippy-pooh.Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?Marge: Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually just a fry-up for me, what with 12 dogs. Just a bit more. That is a boy. You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh? What are you smirking at?Harry:(Nothing)Marge: Where did you send the boy, Vernon?Vernon: St Brutus"s. It"s a fine institution for hopeless cases.Marge: Do they use a cane at St Brutus"s, boy?Harry: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I"ve been beaten loads of times.Marge: Excellent. I won"t have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn"t blame yourself about how this one turned out. It"s all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy"s father did, Petunia?Petunia: Nothing. He didn"t work. He was unemployed.Marge: And a drunk too, no doubt?Harry: That"s a lie.Marge: What did you say?Harry: My dad wasn"t a drunk.Marge: Don"t worry. Don"t fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip.Vernon: I think it"s time you went to bed.Marge: Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up. Actually, it"s nothing to do with the father. It"s all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If something"s wrong with the *****, then something"s wrong with the pup.Harry: Shut up! Shut up!Marge: Right, let me tell you… Vernon, Vernon, do something! (Screaming.)Vernon: Stop! I"ve got you, Marge! I"ve got you!Marge: Hold on! Hold on!Vernon: Get off!Marge: Don"t you dare!Vernon: Sorry!Petunia: Oh, Vernon! Oh god!Vernon: Marge!Vernon: You bring her back! You bring her back now! You put her right!Harry: No! She deserved what she got! Keep away from me!Vernon: You can"t do magic outside school!Harry: Yeah? Try me!Vernon: They won"t let you back now. You"ve nowhere to go.Harry: I don"t care. Anywhere is better than here.Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening. What"re you doing down there?Harry: I fell over.Stan: What do you fell over for?Harry: I didn"t do it on purpose.Stan: Oh, come on, then. Let"s not wait for the grass to grow. What are you looking at?Harry: Nothing.Stan: Well, come on, then. In. No, no, no. I"ll get this. You get in.Harry: Come on.Stan: Come on, move on, move on, move on.A: Take her away, Ern.B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie. It"s going to be a bumpy ride.Stan: What did you say your name was again?Harry: I didn"t.Stan: Whereabouts are you headed?Harry: The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.Stan: You hear that “The Leaky Cauldron. That"s in London.”B: The Leaky Cauldron. If you have a pea soup make sure you eat it before it eats you.Harry: But the muggles, can"t they see us?A: Muggles? They don"t see anything, do they?B: No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel. Ernie, little old lady at 12 o"clock. Ten, nine, eight…seven, six, five…four, three, three and a half, two, one and three quarters…Yes!Harry: Who is that? That man?Stan: Who is that? Who is? That is Sirius Black, that is. Don"t tell me you"ve never been hearing of Sirius Black. He"s a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.Harry: How did he escape?Stan: Well, that"s the question, isn"t it? He"s the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of…You-Know-Who. I reckon you"ve heard of him.Harry: Yeah. Him I"ve heard of.B: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o"clock. They are getting closer, Ernie. They are right on top of us. Mind your head. Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces? Yeah, yeah. Nearly there, nearly there.Stan: The Leaky Cauldron. Next stop, Knockturn Alley.Waiter: Oh, Mr. Potter, at last.A: Take her away, Ern.B: Yeah, take it away, Ernie.Waiter: Room 11.Harry: Hedwig.Waiter: Right smart bird you got there, Mr. Potter. He arrived here just 5 minutes before yourself.Fudge: As the minister of magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter. Earlier this evening, your uncle"s sister was located…a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So that"s that…and no harm done. Pea soup?Harry: No, thank you. Minister?Fudge: Yes?Harry: I don"t understand.Fudge: Understand?Harry: I broke the low. Underage wizards can"t use magic outside home.Fudge: Come now, Harry. The ministry doesn"t send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts. On the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things was very, very irresponsible.Harry: “The state of things”, sir?Fudge: We have a killer on the loose.Harry: Sirius Black, you mean? But what"s he got to do with me?Fudge: Nothing, of course. You are safe, and that"s what matters. And tomorrow you will be on your way back to Hogwarts. These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty of having them brought here. Now Tom will show you to your room.Harry: Hedwig.Fudge: Oh, by the way, Harry. Whilst you"re here, it would be best if you didn"t wander.Someone: Housekeeping. I"ll come back later.Ron: I"m warning you, Hermione. Keep that beast away from Scabbers, or I"ll turn it into a tea cozy.Hermione: It"s a cat, Ronald. What do you expect? It"s in his nature.Ron: A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks like a pig with hair.Hermione: That"s rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy.太多了,剩下的去
2023-01-02 02:54:291


nineteen eightyeightnineteen eightyninenineteen ninetynineteen ninetyonenineteen ninetytwonineteen nintythreenineteen ninetyfournineteen ninetyfivenineteen ninetysixnineteen ninetyseven
2023-01-02 02:54:372


2023-01-02 02:54:403


军字笔顺:丶  乛  一  ㄥ  一  丨 。详细释义:表示用车子打包围圈的意思。古代打仗主要靠车战,驻扎时,用战车围起来形成营垒,以防敌人袭击。本义:围成营垒) 同本义 军,圜围也。——《说文》 军,围也。——《广雅》 军于庐柳。——《国语·晋语》 注:“犹屯兵粮储也。” 疏而不可蹙,数而不可军者,在于慎。——《银雀山汉墓竹简》 攻杀 凡盗贼军,乡邑及家人,杀之无罪。——《周礼》 指挥作战 祝聃射中王肩,王亦能军。——《左传·桓公五年》 建德不能军,以百余骑走 饶阳。 饶阳无备,因取之。——《新唐书》 驻扎 。 如:军屯(指驻屯的军队) 从军 越国女,尚耍白猿,教俺替爷军。—— 明· 徐渭《雌木兰》 〈名〉 军队 击破沛公军。——《史记·项羽本纪》 虽入军无忿争之心。——《韩非子·解老》 亮身率诸军攻 祁山。——《三国志·诸葛亮传》 两军人马杂遝。——清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》 英法联军。—— 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》 敌军已近寨。 军中发枪之号。 又如:军变(军队哗变);军流(充军流放);军律(军法,军纪);军门(军中长官、总督、将帅等;营门;衙署) 军队的编制单位 。古代以军为军队中最大的编制单位。春秋时各大国多设上、中、下三军,历代沿用其名,人数多少不一 五旅为师,五师为军。——《周礼·小司徒》 万有二千五百人为军。——《周礼·夏官·序官》 万人为一军。——《国语·齐语》。注:“齐制也。” 
2023-01-02 02:54:431


一个 mid-curve曲线偏移的内在界线。定义尘垢 建立的公差范围是由k + outtol…(intol)。 当k = 0.5,mid-curve分的公差范围 做事不可半途而废。这主要是由于它能够有效运用 精密机械加工补偿。最初的刀具 P1cl点,P2cl。。.Picl,产生了迭代 算法,从检查地点的螺旋分 (定义在极坐标各0.25的开始 角度)。如果任何点的曲率半径的超过一个 外部曲线或者是不到球的半径内曲线的 新的迭代步会启动。如果所有的点之间 内部和外部的曲线和最小距离 曲线是少于假定精度、迭代等方法治疗 成功,就会一直持续到明年的计算任务。通常, 3-5迭代步都必须达到的假设 结果的准确性。精度取决于的一小部分 (intol公差范围…),例如outtol + intol…。)(+ outtol)。
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这是一个经典的贝叶斯案例,也是很反直觉的,很多解释认为这个反直觉是因为我们的日常错误的思维习惯,但我觉得可能恰恰相反,下面我们先回顾一下这个案例,然后再进一步讨论。 对所有人来说某种癌症的患病率为5%,医生使用某设备为你做了检查,此设备检查的准确率为80%,检查结果显示你患有此病(阳性)。请问你真实患有此病的概率是多少? 首先我们要理解5%和80%这两个概率是什么意思。 患病率为5%,也就是说100个普通人里面有5个人生病,如图中红色。 设备的准确率为80%,也就是说有20%会搞错,95个真实无病的人来做检查,也会有95x0.2=19个人被查出病来,同样5个有病的也只查出4个来 。 这么算的话,总共有4+19=23个人被查出有病,你是其中之一。而实际上真有病的可能是4/23大约是17%,所以你可以稍微放宽心一些,因为 你真的患了这种癌症的可能性还不足五分之一 ,这就是常见解答给出的结论。 上面的解说看似科学完美,而且结果足够的乐观,但是不要高兴的太早。 你的乐观完全建立在对“检查准确率80%”这个说法的理解之上的,如果我把它解释成 检查出100个有病,那么80个就真实有病 ,你还会乐观起来吗? 这简直就是纯粹文字游戏而已。 “检查准确率80%”到底怎么解?为100个人做检查,最终结果(无论真有病或真无病)有80%是正确的吗?真这么解释的话就不用买设备了,直接来问我吧,100个人来问我,我说100个人无病,那么我的准确率岂不是95%?(因为我对95个人的判断是正确的)。 在上面的常规解答中认为,80%的解释是: 对真有病和真无病的分辨能力可以控制在同一水平,是不是太巧合了?这就好像说如果100个男人中你可能错误认为其中20个是女人,那么你就一定也会把100个女人中的20个误认为是男人一样不靠谱。 假设某种疾病,只要某个血液指标k超过500就可以断定患有这种病,真实患病者中一半的患者都k>500,而k<500的普通人中也有1/4的人可能患病,这批人占病患总数的另一半。 某设备就是根据k值进行检查的,只要k>500就判断有病,k<500就判断健康。 普通人中这种病的发病率是40%,那么100人来检查,20个被正确检查为有病,另外80人中的1/4也就是20个病患没有检测出来,60个没病的被正确判断,那么设备的“准确率”是80%。 如果这个设备也检查你并判断有病,那么你真实患病可能是多少?100%!和30%、80%完全无关。 所以,如果你已经被检查出有病,那么真实的患病可能性只和设备对于真实病患的识别能力有关,换句话说,它查出100个有病结果中实际多少人真的有病。 为了搞明白这个问题,我们要首先明确几个词语的定义,否则讨论是没有意义的。 对于设备检查病情这个事情,无外乎四种情况: 如下图所示,False开头的红色FP、FN都是误诊。 打的准和打的对是两回事,你枪枪爆头固然是打得准,但如果杀得都是自己人那就不是打的对。 直接从公式上可以看出它们的不同含义。 精确率Precision也叫查准率,或PPV(positive predictive value阳性预测值) ,就是你不管你从多少人中查出100个有病的,其中实际多少人真的有病,即真阳病患数TP除以所有阳性报告数量TP+FP。 准确度Accuracy 就是你总共就查了100个人出了100份报告,其中有多少报告被你写对了,既包含真有病你写的也是阳性,也包含真没病你也写的是阴性,就是所有真阳和真阴TP+TN的数量占所有报告总数的比例,也就是1减误诊率。 准确度Accuracy有些时候没卵用,比如类似上面刚才举过的例子,某普通人患病率0.01%的癌症,随便弄台机器检查谁都说没病,这机器的Acc都能达到99.99%,Acc对于这种有病没病的数量比例严重失调的情况可以说毫无意义。 所以后来又发明出了平衡准确度Balanced Accuracy。 在这里, TPR是指真阳率true positive rate,也叫Recall召回率或者hit rate命中率、sensitivity敏感度 ,即查出的真患病人数占实际所有病患人数的比例;TNR是真阴率true negative rate,即查出的真没病人数占实际所有没病人数的比例;平衡准确度Balanced Accuracy是这两个比例的平均数。 从上面看,对于重病检查的案例,我们知道的如果是准确度Accuracy,其实没啥用。我们要的是精确率Precision,就是你查出100个有病,其中多少人实际会中招。 再看一下上面我们在Balanceed Accuracy中提到的 TPR,Recall召回率,它也叫做查全率 ,它表示全部生病的人里面你能查出多少个来,比如开始例子中,5个人生病,如果只查出4个,那么这个设备的召回率就是4/5等于80%。 对比下图可以帮助我们理解精确率Precision和召回率Recall的关系: Recall查准率和Precision查全率往往有此消彼长的关系。比如开始的案例,如果我们把100人都检查为有病,那么查全率就是100%,一个不漏,但这样导致查准率变为5/100等于5%,低的可怜。反之,我们只查出5个人中的1个有病,那么查准率就是100%,查全率却只有1/5等于20%,也是低的可怜。最好的情况是查准率和查全率都是100%,5个有病的都查出来,一个不多一个也不少。 从上面我们也看出,单用查全率或者查准率都不全面,于是就出现了将两者糅合在一起的F值F-measure: 就是查准率Precision和查全率Recall的调和平均数,两数积2倍除以两数和。 由于Precision又叫PPV(positive predictive value阳性预测值),Recall又叫做 TPR(true positive rate真阳性率),所以有: F值就是2倍真阳除以2倍真阳、假阳与假阴的和,它的分母部分看起来像这样: 另外,如果认为查准率或者查全率更重要的话,F值还可以为Precision和Recall使用不同的权重,得到更多变体。此外也有很多其他用于评估类似设备或算法质量的方法,大家有兴趣可以多关注一些。 假阳率FPR(false positive rate)也叫fall-out,是误诊为有病的数量除以真实无病的数量(假阳性加真阴性): 最初我们的案例的下图中,由于设定了假阳率FPR也是80%,查全率Recall是80%,所以设备的查准率Precision是4/23大约是17%,F1值是(2x5)/(2x5+1+19)大约等于28%,都还是蛮低的。 总之,如果一个查准率只有17%的设备检查你患了绝症,你还是可以坚强一些再看看进一步情况,但如果一个查准率有80%的设备检查你患了绝症,那么你很可能遇到了大麻烦。 END
2023-01-02 02:54:491

宝迪 (baodi) 功放是哪里的牌子?

2023-01-02 02:54:501


2023-01-02 02:54:519

relative accuracy是什么意思

2023-01-02 02:54:543


2023-01-02 02:54:564


2023-01-02 02:54:5611


2023-01-02 02:55:011


有2所,天津市宝坻区第一中学、天津市宝坻区第二中学。天津市宝坻区第一中学始建于1920年,原名宝蓟中学,2001年更名为天津市宝坻区第一中学。是天津市首批重点中学之一,天津市示范性高中,天津市新课程改革样板校。学校坚持“以人为本,为学生终身发展奠基”的办学理念,师资力量雄厚,教育教学设备一流。2009 年被中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部、中华人民共和国教育部授予“ 全国教育系统先进集体” 荣誉称号。一流的教育教学设备为师生提供了丰富的教学资源。学校现有教学楼三栋,实验楼一栋,艺术楼一栋,活动楼一栋,综合楼一栋,师生餐厅(生活服务中心)一栋,学生宿舍楼六栋,并建有高标准400米塑胶跑道的运动场一个;有理化生实验室24个,信息技术教室6个,教师电子备课室9个,装备先进的多媒体教室72个。以上内容参考百度百科——天津市宝坻区第一中学
2023-01-02 02:55:086


1930s的英语:nineteen thirties。重点词汇:1、nineteen英 [ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]   美 [ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]  num.十九。2、Thirties英 [ˈθɜːtɪz]   美 [ˈθɜrtiz]  三十多岁;而立之年。例句:The downturn is bad, but it would have to get much worse to compare to the nineteen thirties. 经济衰退的形势很糟糕,但是这可能比上世纪三十年代的情况还要糟。扩展资料:世纪:①用“定冠词+序数词+century”表示例:在十七世纪 写作:in the 17th century,读作:in the seventeenth century②用“定冠词+百位进数+s”表示例:在十七世纪 写作:in the 1600s,读作:in the sixteen hundreds注意:这种情况下,实际表达的世纪数是阿拉伯数字本身加一。年代:用“定冠词+(世纪百位进数+十位年代数)+s”表示例:在二十世纪三十年代 写作:in the 1930s,读作:in the thirties of the twentieth century或 in the nineteen thirties表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠词后添加early, mid-和late例如:在二十世纪二十年代早期 in the early 1920s;在二十世纪五十年代中期 in the mid-1950s
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2023-01-02 02:54:314


十九的英语单词怎么写:nineteen 意思为十九,十九岁。 例句: 十九是我最喜欢的数字。 Pay attention to article nineteen. 扩展资料   注意第十九条。   It"s nineteen-thirty now.   现在是十九点三十分。   Ten plus nine is nineteen.   十加九等于十九。   There are nineteen students in my class.   我班里有十九个学生。   Pay attention to article nineteen.   注意第十九条。   She was coming at nineteen-thirty.   她会在十九点三十来。   The little wretch is only nineteen.   那个小坏蛋还只有十九岁。   Her tongue goes nineteen to the dozen.   她喋喋不休说个没完。   Attendant : it is now nineteen minutes past eight.   服务员:现在是八点十九分。   She was shy two months of her nineteen birthday.   她差两个月就是十九岁的生日。   Her appearance had not changed in nineteen years.   她的`面容在十九年里没有怎么变。   Yes , it is nineteen stories.   是的,它有十九层。
2023-01-02 02:54:291


军的笔顺是:总笔画:6笔,1. 丶(点)、2. 乛(横撇/横钩)、3. 一(横)、4. ㄥ(撇折)、5. 一(横)、6. 丨(竖)。军,现代汉语规范一级字(常用字),普通话读音为jūn,最早见于春秋晚期金文,在六书中属会意字。军字的本义为围成营垒;引申含义为武装部队,如:军威、军功;也指军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级;又泛指有组织的集体,如:劳动大军。在现代汉语中,军字常用作名词,如:陆军、海军。组词如下:军事、军师、军事法庭、军事基地、军事科学、军事训练、军属、军团、军委、军务、军衔、军饷、军校、军械、军心、军需、军训、军医。造句如下:刚入学新生觉得,军训就该按军人的标准去做。没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切。养军千日,用在一朝。我自一出生便与军队结下了不解之缘,军字情节仿佛融入了我的血脉。我最爱听的声音是军号。这个军队有一往无前的精神。军队没有严明的纪律和令行禁止的作风是不行的。
2023-01-02 02:54:291


2023-01-02 02:54:291

top 5 accuracy 是什么意思深度学习

这个好像是用于分类问题中的,如果有10个类,那网络最终会给出10个值,分别代表样例是对应类的几率,最终将几率按从大到小排序。我们一般认为,样例对应的类的几率最大,则认为网络对该样例的分类是正确的,而top 5 accuracy则放宽了要求,如果 网络对该样例的分类是排在前5个几率之内,就认为分类是正确的再接合 而accuracy = 被正确分类的样例个数 / 总样例个数 * 100% 就可以计算出 top 5 accuracy 了
2023-01-02 02:54:261


19的英文是nineteen。19的英文是nineteen。名词意思是十九个;十九岁;十九号。复数是nineteens。双语例句1、There are exactly nineteen apples in the fruit basket.果篮里正好有十九个苹果。2、The champion is only nineteen years old.这位冠军今年才十九岁。3、I think the answer to this question should be nineteen.我认为这道题的答案应该是十九。4、It"s nineteen miles to the nearest town.离最近的市镇有十九英里远5、Kate is nineteen years old. Her brother is eleven.Kate十九岁了。她弟弟十一岁。6、They have nineteen days to make up their minds.他们有十九天的时间来做出决定。7、How old are you? I am nineteen.你多大了?我十九岁了。8、Is nineteen more than eighteen?十九比十八多吗?
2023-01-02 02:54:221


2023-01-02 02:54:202

accuracy distribution是什么意思及反义词

中文释义: 精度分配相似短语accuracy distribution 精度分配accuracy jump 定点跳伞accidental accuracy 随机精度accuracy constraint 精度约束accuracy control 精度控制,精确度控制
2023-01-02 02:54:201


军的笔顺:点、横撇/横钩、横、撇折、横、竖。军读音:jūn    部首:冖笔画数:6结构:上下结构字义:1、武装部队。2、军队的编制单位。由来:在“军”字出现之前,商朝和西周的武装力量称为“师”。《易经·师卦》讲的就是与军事有关的内容。《说文解字》中说“两千五百人为师”,而“军”是比“师”更高一级的军事编制单位。《周礼》中说“五师为军”,所以一军合一万两千五百人。据《周礼》记载,周天子直接统辖的兵力有六军,大的诸侯国有三军,小的诸侯国有二军,更小的有一军。“军”字的出现,说明了春秋时期战争规模扩大、兵力增强的历史现象,从此“军”也代指国防力量,后世沿用至今。
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2023-01-02 02:54:122


英语年份的读法规则:如果是三位数,先读第一位,再把后两个数合起来读。如:984年可读为nine eighty-four,757年读成seven fifty-seven。“千”年的读法:像2000年一般读成two thousand,2001年则读成two thousand and one,以此类推,2004年应读成two thousand and four。 January 12th,1993读成January the twelfth, nineteen ninety-three。第3个数字为"0"的读法:第三个数字为“零”(其他数字不是“零”)的年份的读法应当将该“零”读为O[u]。举例:读作“X hundred and Y”,可省略hundred and:1997=nineteen hundred and ninety-seven 或 nineteen ninety-seven1811=eighteen eleven1908=nineteen hundred and eight 或 nineteen oh eight
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2023-01-02 02:54:024