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2023-06-24 08:36:22









2023-06-24 05:35:181


2023-06-24 05:35:251


平时注意眼部的清洁,可以适当增加去质的次数。去专业美容的地方帮你挑, 挑好以后注意皮肤的保养。还能天天做眼保健操。维e油,黄色透明颗粒,如黄豆大小,先用琉璜皂彻底清洁脸部,用针刺破维e后把油往眼睛周围抹上去.
2023-06-24 05:35:322


不管是乳还是霜 有红血丝的皮最重要的一不能太厚重 二不能有刺激 三别用太多杂七杂八的东西 查看原帖>>
2023-06-24 05:35:446


夏洛特 Challot
2023-06-24 05:36:183


flu=flow 如fluence,fluent,fluid.
2023-06-24 05:36:013


看不懂问题,难道六人行中有两个 JOEY?
2023-06-24 05:36:012


由于侵权,被关闭了。 你可以暂时访问这个站点 www.ucbug.com希望采纳
2023-06-24 05:36:041


可以穿。83公斤适合穿亚瑟士,该款鞋子的适应性还是比较好的。鞋面采用了编织鞋面,透气性方面完全没问题,中底采用SPEVA中底科技,提升鞋子的软弹感,前后掌GEL缓震胶,进一步增加鞋子的稳定性,中底配有TRUSSTIC中底稳定片,加上大底的GUIDANCE LINE重心系统,进一步增加鞋子的稳定性和抗扭。鞋子的缓震对于83公斤足够,平时跑步3公里以内完全没问题,鞋底的抓地力不错,但是耐磨一般性,鞋面的网布强度一般,日常休闲跑步完全没问题,尺码方面偏小,建议买大半码。
2023-06-24 05:36:081

跪求::帮我翻译 谢谢了 我急需

翻译:每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今日。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱情在哪里今天。 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 我一直在喊了这么久, 战斗眼泪刚刚进行, 但现在,而现在,它的消失。 嘿女孩为什么你们不能进行下去, 是"事业,你就像你的母亲, 有些紧,想捉弄娱乐休闲, 以及你在哪里也不会捉弄没有别的, 在哪里,你的爱人一样。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 热爱今天,热爱今天。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 女孩在槽与大萧条, 大萧条,大萧条。 等到你的母亲和你爹的走了, 爹的经历妈妈,爸爸,休克让我感到吃惊, 震惊让我感到吃惊,休克休克。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今天我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 南卡罗来纳州位于1995 , 给她一元她会令你的微笑。 妓女,预订宴席 ,走开! 女童连衣裙像一个小孩玩, 舔她的嘴唇像他们其他的东西, 试图告诉你的生活才刚刚开始, 但你知道,她的得到其他比爱她的母亲每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 热爱今天,热爱今天每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 女孩在槽与大萧条, 大萧条,大萧条。 等到你的母亲和你爹的走了, 爹的经历妈妈 ,爸爸,休克让我感到吃惊, 震惊让我感到吃惊,休克休克。 我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今天我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 末日大大迪大迪...
2023-06-24 05:36:093

吉开头的英文名 女生

2023-06-24 05:36:098


低压断路器整定:1、躲过线路正常电流,当发生故障电流时分断断路器以保护线路或负载2、上下级断路器间实现选择性配合二、方法1、固定动作定值断路器:选择不同额定电流的断路器2、可调动作定值断路器:选择合适额定电流的断路器,调整断路器脱扣器上动作电流值、动作时间值三、原则答1、保证可靠保护:⑴低压断路器过流脱扣器额定电流的选择低压断路器过流脱扣器的额定电流IN.OR不小于线路的计算电流I30,即IN.OR≥I30。⑵低压断路器过流脱扣器动作电流的整定①瞬时过电流脱扣器动作电流的整定。低压断路器所保护的对象中,有某些电器设备,这些电器设备在启动过程中,会在短时间内产生数倍于其额定电流的高峰值电流,从而使低压断路器在短时间内承受较大的尖峰电流。瞬时过电流脱扣器的动作电流Iop o 必须躲过线路的尖峰电流Ipk,即Iop o ≥Krel??Ipk,式中Krel为可靠系数。在选用断路器时,应注意使低压断路器的瞬时过电流脱扣器的整定电流躲过尖峰电流,以免引起低压断路器的误动作;②短延时过流脱扣器动作电流和动作时间的整定。短延时过流脱扣器的动作电流Iop s ,也应躲过线路的尖峰电流Ipk,即Iop s ≥Krel??Ipk,式中Krel为可靠系数。短延时过流脱扣器的动作时间一般分0.2S、0.4S和0.6S三种,按前后保护装置的保护选择性来确定,应使前一级保护的动作时间比后一级保护的动作时间长一个时间级差;③长延时过流脱扣器动作电流和动作时间的整定。长延时过流脱扣器主要是用来保护过负荷,因此其动作电流Iop l 只需要躲过线路的最大负荷电流即计算电流I30,即Iop l ≥Krel.I30,式中Krel为可靠系数。长延时过流脱扣器的动作时间应躲过允许短时过负荷的持续时间,以免引起低压断路器的误动作④过流脱扣器的动作电流与被保护线路的配合要求。为了不致线路因出现过负荷或短路引起绝缘线缆过热受损甚至失火,而其低压断路器不跳闸事故的发生,低压断路器过流脱扣器的动作电流Iop应符合公式的要求,Iop≤Kol.Ial,式中Ial—绝缘线缆的允许载流量;Kol—绝缘线缆的允许短时过负荷系数,对瞬时和短延时过流脱扣器,一般取4.5;对长延时过流脱扣器,做短路保护时取1.1,只做过负荷保护时取1。2、保证选择性⑴无论下一级是选择性断路器还是非选择性断路器,上一级断路器的瞬时过电流脱扣器整定电流一般不得小于下一级断路器出线端的最大三相短路电流的1.1倍;⑵如果下一级是非选择性断路器,为防止在下一级断路器所保护回路发生短路电流时,因这一级瞬时动作灵敏度不够,而使上一级短延时过电流脱扣器首先动作,使其失去选择性。一般上一级断路器的短延时过电流脱扣器的整定电流不小于下一级瞬时过电流脱扣器的1.2倍;⑶如果下一级也是选择性断路器,为保证选择性,上一级断路器的短延时动作时间至少比下一级断路器的短延时动作时间长0.1S。
2023-06-24 05:36:111


2023-06-24 05:36:193


开始--运行输入:slmgr.vbs -ipk 新密匙,确认。
2023-06-24 05:36:211

美剧《don‘t lie to me》的中文名是什么?剧情简介

应该是lie to me, 翻译成《别对我撒谎》是一部描述心理学的美国电视剧,于2009年1月21日首播于福克斯电视网。卡尔·莱曼博士(Tim Roth饰演)和吉莉安·福斯特博士(Kelli Williams饰演)利用脸部动作编码系统(Facial Action Coding System)分析被观察者的肢体语言和微表情,进而向他们的客户(包括FBI等美国执法机构或联邦机构)提供被观测者是否撒谎等分析报告。片中的主要故事情节来自美国心理学专家保罗·艾克曼博士,其主要研究方向为人类面部表情的辨识、情绪分析与人际欺骗等。还不错
2023-06-24 05:36:264

urban,outskirt,suburb ,rural有何区别

2023-06-24 05:36:261


2023-06-24 05:36:2710


2023-06-24 05:36:354


2023-06-24 05:36:361


首先要设定工作频率,从而决定Ct的值(频率一般取75KHz,Ct=360pF)。设定输出电流,如果大于500mA,外加扩流管,根据公式算出 Ipk,(Ipk大于1500mA的,一定要外加扩流)Rsc=0.33/Ipk, 得带限流电阻值,实际可以小以点阻值。扩展资料:这是当开关断开(三极管截止)时的等效电路。当开关断开(三极管截止)时,由于电感的电流 保持特性,流经电感的电流不会马上变为0,而是缓慢的由充电完毕时的值变为0。而原来的电路已断开,于是电感只能通过新电路放电,即电感开始给电容充电, 电容两端电压升高,此时电压已经高于输入电压了。升压完毕。说起来升压过程就是一个电感的能量传递过程。充电时,电感吸收能量,放电时电感放出能量。如果电感量足够大,那么在输出端就可以在放电过程中保持一个持续的电流。如果这个通断的过程不断重复,就可以在电容两端得到高于输入电压的电压。参考资料来源:百度百科-自举电路
2023-06-24 05:36:421


2023-06-24 05:36:451


2023-06-24 05:36:451


它比较适合大体重的人来穿,鞋底偏韧,不像zoom boost那么软,缓震方面后跟的Gel胶提供了充足保证。
2023-06-24 05:36:522

摇滚乐先驱查克·贝里去世 曾发明经典“鸭子步”

摇滚乐先驱查克·贝里 摇滚乐先驱查克·贝里去世 曾发明经典“鸭子步”:3月19日报道 据国外媒体报道,美国摇滚乐先驱查克-贝里(Chuck Berry)已于当地时间周六下午去世,享年九十岁。 贝里的吉他演奏方式和创作风格直接定义了摇滚乐,摇滚舞台上后来被频繁模仿的经典“鸭子步”就是由查克-贝里所发明, 他的代表作品包括《Johnny B. Goode》,《Roll Over Beethoven》,《Memphis》,《My Ding-a-Ling》以及《Sweet Little Sixteen》等等。截至目前,贝里的具体死因并未公布。 贝里活跃在乐坛约六十年,在1986年,他成为第一批入围美国摇滚名人堂的音乐人。1985年,贝里首先成为了布鲁斯名人堂的成员,同年,他还拿到了美国唱片工业学院办法的格莱美终身成就奖。在滚石杂志评选出的“史上100位最伟大的吉他手”评选中,查克-贝里名列第六位。 披头士乐队(The Beatles)已故的主唱约翰-列侬(John Lennon)曾经说过:“如果你想要给摇滚起另外一个名字的话,你可以叫它‘查克-贝里"。” 在摇滚乐这种音乐形式在主流社会获得成功之前,查克-贝里已经为后来的滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones),披头士乐队,沙滩男孩,The Band,吉米-亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix), 大卫-鲍伊(David Bowie),埃里克-克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)和杰瑞-李-刘易斯(Jerry Lee Lewis)等伟大的名字铺平了道路,这些伟大音乐人多少都有查克-贝里的影子。 贝里的偶像是马迪-沃特斯(Muddy Waters),这也是他主要的影响来源。在沃特斯的建议下,查克-贝里与Chess厂牌的老板莱昂纳德-切斯(Leonard Chess)取得了联系,Chess厂牌旗下当时拥有Howlin" Wolf,Bo Diddley,吉米-里德(Jimmy Reed)和约翰-李-胡克(John Lee Hooker)等多位杰出的布鲁斯音乐人。 1955年,Chess厂牌正式签下了查克-贝里并为他签下了第一首正式单曲《Maybellene》。这首单曲一共售出了超过一百万张,在公告牌R&B单曲榜和公告牌流行单曲榜中,这首歌分别获得了冠军和第五名的成绩。 这首歌为查克-贝里在乐迷群中打下了良好的基础,他的乐迷不仅仅只有喜欢R&B的听众。 查克-贝里的作品主题覆盖广泛,他曾说过:“每次我创作的歌曲并不只是关于我个人,我更多考虑的是大家。”他总能写出让人有共鸣的作品,除了那段被“隔离”的日子。 1926年10月18日,查克-贝里出生,他原名叫查尔斯-爱德华-安德森(Charles Edward Anderson),是家中六个孩子里排行第四。贝里在圣路易斯的一个中产阶级家庭中长大,父亲亨利是承包商,母亲马塔是小学校长。 1948年,贝里和塞梅拉-萨格斯(Themetta Suggs)结婚,两人一共生育了四个孩子。贝里最初依靠在工厂做工养家。在音乐的道路上,贝里最初加入到了钢琴手约翰尼-约翰逊(Johnnie Johnson)的Sir John‘s Trio,后来,这个组合成了查克-贝里的伴奏乐队。 查克-贝里首张正式专辑《After School Session》由Chess厂牌制作发行,参与这张唱片录制的音乐人包括约翰尼-约翰逊,艾比-哈迪(Ebby Hardy),吉米-罗杰斯(Jimmy Rogers)和威利-迪克逊(Willie Dixon)等。 这张唱片受到当时无数年轻人的喜爱,查克-贝里独特的吉他演奏技巧使得其中的《School Days》,《Too Much Monkey Business》,《Wee Wee Hours》和《Roll Over Beethoven》等歌曲都成为了日后的经典。 滚石乐队吉他手凯西-理查兹(Keith Richards)是查克-贝里的铁杆乐迷,他说:“查克-贝里是布鲁斯节奏、演奏以及摇滚乐表演的标杆。他的音乐美丽而不知疲倦。他是对节奏掌控最好的人,我很早之前就开始从他身上学习一些东西,直到现在我还在学习他。” 1972年,查克-贝里的唱片《The London Chuck Berry Sessions》在发行不到一个月之内销量就超过了五十万张。 查克-贝里传奇一生中也有过一些污点,他在中学时期曾因盗窃汽车和抢劫便利店而被捕,被释放的时候只有二十一岁。在六十年代初,他因与未成年人发生新关系被判入狱。 1979年,贝里又因为税务问题再次入狱。贝里在监狱中还继续创作,写出了《Thirty Days》,《Nadine》和《No Particular Place to Go》等歌曲。 滚石乐队,沙滩男孩和披头士等大牌乐队当年都翻唱过查克-贝里的作品,这使得暂别音乐圈的查克-贝里得以持续在乐迷群中传播。六十年代中期贝里和Mercury厂牌签约,他在这里一共推出了五张专辑,并举行了不少巡回演出。 蓝领摇滚教父布鲁斯-斯普林斯汀曾有幸与贝里一同演出,在摇滚名人堂的加冕仪式上,贝里的伴奏乐团正式斯普林斯汀和他的E大街乐队。 1986年,为了庆祝查克-贝里的六十大寿,导演泰勒-哈克福德(Taylor Hackford)为他拍摄了纪录片《Hail! Hail! Rock ‘n" Roll》。在滚石杂志评出的史上最伟大的500张唱片中,贝里的精选集《The Great Twenty-Eight》排在第21位。 而在滚石评出的“史上最伟大的500首歌曲”排行榜上,贝里一共有六首歌曲入选,成绩最好的是《Johnny B。 Goode》,名列第七位。 2012年,查克-贝里公开称,“我唱歌的时代已经过去了,我的歌声已经不再,嗓子已经坏了。”即便如此,他在前几年依然还在演出。 凯西-理查兹在2011年出版的自传中曾这么评价查克-贝里,他说:“有关查克-贝里,最美好的事情是他的音乐永远在不知疲倦的摇摆,一切都非常纯粹,不停的摇摆,像一只狮子。”
2023-06-24 05:36:541


2023-06-24 05:37:003


2023-06-24 05:37:001


S.G.Lucas(New Mexico Museum of Natural History,1801 Mountain Road N.W.,Albuquerque,New Mexico 87104,USA)摘要 研究哺乳动物的古生物学家长期以来一直试图把老第三系各统间的界线与全北极区哺乳动物大的世代交替事件联系起来。然而,我们目前对全北极区内老第三纪哺乳动物的生物地层及演化方面的了解表明,老第三系各统间的界线与哺乳动物大的交替难以对应。关键词 老第三系 哺乳动物化石 欧洲 北美 亚洲 统1 引言哺乳动物化石在非海相老第三纪地层对比上起着很重要的作用。这一点对北方大陆来说尤为重要,因为在老第三纪的大部分时间内,北美、欧洲和亚洲在北部相连形成一个单一的全北极大陆。哺乳动物化石的对比主要依靠那些建立在区域生物年代中的陆生哺乳动物“期”(LMA)(表1)。LMA首先是在北美命名的,它与当地动物群(组合带)的时间段相当[14,29]。LMA之间的界线通常对应于哺乳动物演化中的起源、绝灭和(或)迁移事件。表1 北美、欧洲和亚洲老第三系LMA的对比许多年来,就老第三系各统间的界线——特别是古新统/始新统界线和始新统/渐新统界线——是否与哺乳动物演化过程中的大的交替事件相一致这个问题,一些研究哺乳动物的古生物学家一直争论不休[11,15,16,18]。或者,也可以反过来这样说,一些古生物学家对于哺乳动物演化过程中的重大交替事件是否可用来确定老第三系各统间的界线这一问题一直存在争论。这里,我反对这种观点,并以在全北极区内哺乳动物的重大交替事件与老第三系各统间的界线并不一致来证明我的看法。2 上白垩统/古新统界线在亚洲和欧洲,穿越上白垩统/古新统界线的全北极区哺乳动物化石记录很不完全[7]。仅在北美有足够的在生物地层上有价值的记录。80年代以前,此界线与Lancian期和Puer-can期的LMA界线对比过[30,31]。那个界线之所以与所发现的哺乳动物的重大演变事件一致,主要是因为Lancian期哺乳动物实际上在时间上早于白垩纪末期,而典型的Puercan期哺乳动物群则处于白垩纪/老第三纪界线之后,在哺乳动物分布上留下了一个大约2Ma的间断[21]。在70年代晚期和80年代,通过详细收集在美国蒙大拿州东北部穿越白垩系—老第三系的有关化石资料,这个大约2Ma的间断被接上了,并且提出了一个经过修改的、穿越白垩系/老第三系界线的四个生物地层分带建议(图1)。然而,两个新的LMA——Bugcreekian期[1]和Mantuan期[39]——后来认为在生物地层上并不是很明显,不足以被定为LMA,因此,它们被降到了带的位置或降为次级陆生哺乳动物“期”(SLMA)。图1 蒙大拿州东北部穿越上白垩统/古新统界线的哺乳动物属的地层分布范围星号(*)表示在Puercan阶的属可能来自于对早白垩世地层的再沉积研究Archibald和Lofgren[2]和Lofgren[19]最近分析了蒙大拿州东北部穿越上白垩统/古新统界线的哺乳动物化石记录,在所得的哺乳动物28个属中,有14个穿越了Lancian期与Puercan期的界线,仅有4个在Puercan阶底部有它们的最低出现处(LO),10个在Puercan阶内有其LO。显然,Puercan阶底界与哺乳动物演化过程中的一个大的演化交替期没有对应。大量明显的演化交替事件与较年轻的Puercan-Torrejonian界线相一致,此界线属于古新世早期[42]。因此哺乳动物在判定上白垩统/古新统界线上并不能提供一个有力的生物地层依据。然而,这儿要提一下Lofgren[19]。他指出,由于再沉积,发现有10个处于Lancian阶到Puercan阶下部的哺乳动物的属在Puercan阶内也有记录。如果是这样的话(其已被讨论过但仍不确定),那么这10个属应在白垩纪/老第三纪界线处或之前消失,表示一次更重要的交替事件。3 古新统/始新统界线在西欧、北美和亚洲的非海相地层中,哺乳动物在生物地层上提供了穿越古新统/始新统界线的可靠的对比[22]。这些对比(图2)与磁性地层、放射性同位素测年以及化学地层是相一致的。古新统/始新统界线(也就是伊普里斯阶的底界)在欧洲的Neustrian阶(即Sparna-cian阶)LMA之内,在北美处在Wasatchian LMA的Graybullian阶时间段内,在亚洲则处在Nongshanian LMA的较年轻的段内(图2)。在欧洲和北美,在Neustrian阶底界和Wasatchian阶LMA记录了哺乳动物演化过程中的一次大的演变事件,它的时间在古新统/始新统界线之前。在亚洲,相似的交替事件却处在古新统/始新统界线之后,但这可能是由于亚洲的记录不完整所致。图2 穿越古新统/始新统界线的全北极区LMA和SLMA的对比Wasatchian LMA的底界代表了哺乳动物演化过程中的一次大的动物群世代交替事件[15]。在Wasatchian底部首次出现的重要种属包括:奇蹄目、偶蹄目、euprimates、hyaen-odontid、creodonts、didymocods、didelphinine marsupisls、食肉目中的几个属、小古猫类Miacid和啮齿类Microparamys。这次交替使许多研究哺乳动物的古生物学家认识到,古新统/始新统界线的确是在Wasatchian阶底界之上的。在西欧剖面中最显著的动物群交替事件发生在RL MP6与RL MP7之间以及RLMP8/9与RL MP10之间(RL指参考层位)。这两次动物群交替事件足以确定Neusteian的LMA。在RL MA6和RL MA7的界线处,出现了perissodactyls、artiodactyls、chiropterans、啮齿和冠齿兽类pantodonts,multituberculates、condylarths和plexiadapiforms的分异度降低了。然而需要注意的是,这个“界线”是Cernay(RL MP6)动物群(在Thanetian时期是一个单个的点)和RL MP7组合之间的一个间断面;这个间断面与北美记录相比,在表观上肯定过于夸大了演化交替事件。在RL MP8/9与RL MP10的界线处,pantodonts和multitu-berculates消失了,在化石组合上以大量的lophiodonts动物为主。在亚洲,Bumbanian LMA的底界相当于出现奇蹄目、omimyid灵长目、啮齿类及Hyopsodus属的化石[9,37]。经确认,始新世的底界也就是伊普里斯期的底界。然而,古新统/始新统界线GSSP仍未建立。该GSSP可能位于与伊普里斯阶底界相一致的位置,或者相当于超微浮游生物NP9/NP10带的界线,或是浮游有孔虫的P5/P6带的界线和碳同位素偏移处。这些界线都比哺乳动物的交替的年代要新,是GSSP的有利候选者[3]。当古新统/始新统界线的GSSP建立时,这界线将应在Neustrian、Wasatchian和Nongshanian的LMA之内。4 始新统/渐新统界线在80年代,按照国际地质科学联合会下属的国际地层委员会(ICS)的规定和指导方针,国际地质对比计划174找到了一个适当的始新统/渐新统界线层型。他们选择了意大利Massignano剖面中19m处的层位作为始新统/渐新统界线的GSSP,ICS批准了这一决定[25,26]。此GSSP位于深海海相灰岩中,且界线层型点与浮游有孔虫Hantkenina及Han-tkeninidae科的其他成员的消失相一致。比此层型点稍低的火山灰层的放射性同位素年龄稍大于34Ma,且此层型点落入磁极倒转C13rl中。以前被广泛接受的始新统/渐新统界线的估计年龄为36Ma以上[5],新的GSSP将此界线移动了一下,故它比以前估计的要年轻2Ma。含哺乳动物化石的地层与可能被用来确定始新统/渐新统界线位置的含有hantkenined有孔虫或其他海相化石的海相地层之间,还没有进行过直接的生物地层横向对比。取而代之的是把哺乳动物的生物年代同主要依靠放射性同位素测年和磁性年代来确定的始新统/渐新统界线进行对比。在北美西部的记录可提供精确的对比。以前,始新统/渐新统界线被置于Chadromian LMA的下部(图3),此位置的年龄是用K-Ar法测定怀俄明州的Flagstaff凝灰岩得来的,并且与磁性年代明显一致[27]。现在,来自同一凝灰岩新的Ar-Ar年龄以及怀俄明州其他地方、内布拉斯加州和得克萨斯州西部的凝灰岩的新的Ar-Ar年龄值,和重新标定过的磁性年代,表明Chadronian结束的年龄大约为34Ma。这与始新统/渐新统界线相一致[28]。这意味着在过去的一些年里,北美西部的始新统/渐新统界线的位置被移动了超过2Ma和两个磁性年代单位(图3)。图3 北美和亚洲穿越始新统/渐新统界线的新(1992年以后)、老(1992年以前)方案的LMA对比RL—参考层位的缩写在亚洲陆相地层中,目前用于对比始新统/渐新统界线的最精确方法是把Chadronian-Orellan的LMA界线与在蒙古和中国境内的陆地哺乳动物化石记录相对比。许多年以来,俄罗斯和蒙古的古脊椎动物学家们认为蒙古Ergilin-Dzo组的哺乳动物化石组合是早渐新世所特有的[45]。他们得出此结论的依据是已被广泛承认的Ergilin-Dzo哺乳动物与Chadro-nian期的哺乳动物的对比。然而,Chadronian期哺乳动物现在被认为是始新世晚期的产物,在亚洲可与之对比的哺乳动物,像Ergilin-Dzo组的哺乳动物组合,也是如此。亚洲最古老的渐新世哺乳动物组合以Hsanda Gol组底部的组合为最好的代表,此哺乳动物组合在时间上紧随蒙古的Ergilin-Dzo哺乳动物组合。始新统/渐新统界线的重新定位还没有被中国、蒙古和俄罗斯的古脊椎动物学家所承认[11,32,41],但在西方却已被广泛接受[4,12,13],本文也同意这一定位。在北美和亚洲,始新统/渐新统界线对应于相当LMA界线的哺乳动物的演化交替事件。然而,这一演变交替事件是从始新世晚期持续到渐新世中期的一次哺乳动物种群长期变动的一部分[4,11,12,40]。同样,长期的变动也发生在穿越始新统/渐新统界线的欧洲哺乳动物群中[17]。事实上,Stehlin[33]所谓的“Ia Grande Coupure”(大间断)——一次设想的引人注目的穿越始新统/渐新统界线的欧洲陆生哺乳动物的大变动——实际上是由于分散滞后而造成的一个假象[44]。5 渐新统/中新统界线表2 穿越渐新统/中新统界线的全北极区LMA的对比据我所知,人们并没有力图把渐新统/中新统界线与一次哺乳动物的交替事件等同起来。中新世的底界也就是阿启坦阶的底界。在欧洲,一个连续的标有MN1到MN17[6,24]的“中新世”哺乳动物参考层位(RL)实际上横穿了渐新统/中新统界线——RL MN1,并且至少RL MN2的底部处于渐新世晚期(表2)。可与阿启坦阶层型直接对比的最古老的哺乳动物位于RL MN2中[34]。这意味着渐新统/中新统界线处于Aegenian LMA内(表2),并不与欧洲哺乳动物群的一次显著的演化交替相一致。在北美,哺乳动物组合与渐新统/中新统界线的对比有磁性地层和放射性同位素定年来实现。此界线对应为Arikareean的LMA内部,接近于White River动物群的终止这一交替事件,并属于小的迁移事件类[35,36]。因此,没有大的哺乳动物演化交替事件与渐新统/中新统界线相关。在亚洲,渐新统/中新统界线的位置与塔本布拉克阶和谢家阶的LMA界线相一致[20,29,38],然而,这是建立在RL MN1的底界与阿启坦阶的底界相当这一错误概念基础上的错误对比。如果谢家阶下部的LMA与RL MN1的对比正确的话[20,23],那么渐新统/中新统界线将与谢家阶LMA之内的一个层型点相对比,而不与亚洲哺乳动物群的一次大的演化交替相一致。致谢 1992年以来,国家地理协会一直资助我对亚洲老第三纪哺乳动物的研究。本文的许多观点受到M.P.Aubry、W.A.Berggren、 Bruijin和R.J.Emry等学者的启发和影响,在此一并表示感谢。(聂浩刚译,余青校)参考文献[1]J.D.Archibald.Latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary mammalian biochronology/biostratigraphy in the Western Interior.Geol.Soc.Amer.Abs.Prog.,1987,19,258.[2]J.D.Archibald and D.L.Lofgren.Mammalian zonation near the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.Geol.Soc.Amer.Spec.Pap.,1990,243,31~50.[3]W.A.Berggren and 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2023-06-24 05:37:031


阿SA 香港人,出生于加拿大,祖籍是广东东莞阿GILL 香港人,曾经区澳洲留学过
2023-06-24 05:37:0515


outskirts和suburbs的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同outskirtsn. 郊区。名词outskirt的复数suburbsn. 郊外。名词suburb的复数形式二、用法不同outskirtsoutskirts,超出边缘、边缘以外,意思是城市、城镇的边缘地区——郊区、市郊。The hotel is situated in the outskirts of the city.这个酒店位于城市的郊区。suburbssuburb专指某一个地方的郊区,suburbs指一个比较大的范围,没有特定的。Do you know where I can take a bus to the suburbs?您知道我在哪里可以坐公车到郊外去吗?三、侧重点不同outskirts作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,outskirts在现代英语中只用这个复数形式,通常指市区以外的地方。suburbs作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,suburbs侧重指与市区相接或相邻的居住区。
2023-06-24 05:36:001

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gillian okiee吉莉安okiee.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-06-24 05:36:002

怎么把apk文件转换成ipk文件求大神帮助 PG工房有很多下载IPK格式的漫画。。满意请采纳
2023-06-24 05:35:561


sparkle ["spɑ:kl] n.火花,闪耀v.闪耀,冒火花 flux [fl05ks] n.涨潮,流出,变迁,助熔剂,流量vt.使熔化,使泻,涨vi.熔化习惯用语 be in flux 不断变动 be in a state of flux 不断变动 remain in flux 不断变动 remain in a state of flux 不断变动 flux and reflux 潮涨潮落; [喻]不断消长, 不断变化
2023-06-24 05:35:521


中文姓名: 钟欣桐 中文原名: 钟嘉励 英文姓名: Gillian Chung 花名: 呀娇,呀Gill 出生日期: 1月21日 身高: 5"3 体重: 98 lbs 星座: 水瓶座 言语: 广东话、英语及普通话 嗜好: 唱歌、逛街及看戏 最喜爱食物: 饼乾 最喜爱颜色: 黑色 最喜爱卡通人物 米奇 最喜爱人物: 曾志伟 最喜爱音乐类型: POP 擅长乐器: Cello 最喜爱电影: 与龙共舞 最喜爱歌星: 郭富城 最喜爱演员: 鲍方 最喜爱动物 : 狗 最喜爱的国家 : 美国及日本 最喜爱季节 : 秋天 最喜爱运动 : 羽毛球
2023-06-24 05:35:455


郊区的英文是outskirts。英 ["au028atsku025cu02d0ts]   美 ["au028atsku025cu02d0rts]    n. 郊区名词outskirt的复数例句:The hotel is situated in the outskirts of the city.翻译:这个酒店位于城市的郊区。近义词periphery 英 [pu0259"ru026afu0259ri]   美 [pu0259"ru026afu0259ri]    n. 周边;边缘;外围例句:The US cordons China"s periphery.翻译:美国在中国周边都画上了警戒线。短语:periphery beam 圈梁
2023-06-24 05:35:441


这个是汤姆·克鲁斯早期的经典电影,他演一个律师,在庭上交锋的过程排得很棒义海雄风/军官与魔鬼/好人寥寥 A Few Good Men(1992) 剧情简介: 关塔娜摩美军基地,士兵道森和唐尼被指控杀害了另一名士兵圣地亚哥。军队的律师丹尼尔.卡菲中尉为被告辨护。据杰塞普上校说,死者曾告发过道森,之后曾请调工作,以逃避“红色法规”——士兵自行做出的惩罚的报复。但卡菲对此怀疑,上校有可能窜改记录,谎称没有飞机离开基地,致使圣地亚哥惨遭毒手。 经过讯问,被告称是遵照上司肯德里克中尉的命令对圣地亚哥施行“红色法规”的;机场的地勤人员也作证说上校撒了谎;再加上马金森中校因参与作伪证畏罪自杀,杰塞普只得承认,是他让肯德里克尉下令执行“红色法规”的。上校被捕,两名被告无罪释放。 导 演: 罗伯·雷恩 Rob Reiner 主 演: 凯文·培根 Kevin Bacon 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 戴米·摩尔 Demi Moore 杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 库巴·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 吉弗·莎瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland J.T. Walsh 克里斯多弗·盖斯特 Christopher Guest 上 映: 1992年12月11日 ( 西班牙 )更多地区 地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 ) 对 白: 英语 评 分: 7.5/10( 21908票 ) 详细 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: Dolby SR 时 长: 138 分钟 类 型: 剧情 惊秫 分 级: 英国:15 西班牙:13 阿根廷:13 芬兰:K-8 德国:12 智利:TE 澳大利亚:M 瑞典:11 挪威:15 美国:R参考资料:
2023-06-24 05:35:423

忠奸人 gillian是谁

2023-06-24 05:35:371

openwrt 软件包放在哪

如果是.ipk文件的话放在/tmp,然后用opkg install *.ipk安装就可以了,安装完ipk就可以删掉了 如果是可执行文件,放在/usr/bin
2023-06-24 05:35:361

继电器flux tight中是什么意思

2023-06-24 05:35:343


2023-06-24 05:35:304


如果你开启了SSH,可以尝试以下方法安装插件: 第1种安装方法ssh连接路由命令安装:或者用ssh软件PuTTY连接路由器;需要用到软件:PuTTY 自行下载这个软件;输入自己的路由IP,选择SSH,因为是利用命令安装,点击打开;输入用户名,然后点击回车;输入密码,点击回车;进入路由,进行下一步命令;输入opkg update然后回车(这个命令代表更新,注意带空格的)再输入安装的命令opkg install 软件包网址.ipk(这个命令代表安装,注意带空格的opkg空格install空格软件包网址.ipk回车)再或者opkg install XXX(这个命令代表安装,注意带空格的.XXX是软件的名称,注意;)在线联网安装有个好处就是,有一些软件需要依赖包的,你安装软件同时也安装了依赖包第2种安装方法离线安装:用winscp连接路由 然后上传包到/tmp/下需要软件:winscp自行下载;登陆,把已经下载好的软件包,放到/tmp这里;例如我安装这个软件,已经下载好了,放到/TMP这里了。接着再安装第2步的软件,打开,一样登陆路由;输入命令opkg install /tmp/xxx.ipk回车(这个命令代表安装,注意带空格的.XXX是您的软件名)或者输入命令opkg install /tmp/xxx.ipk --force-depends回车(这个命令 --force-depends代表强制安装,注意强制安装是对于一些安装不了,或是安装错误,才使用,强制安装有可能会引起软件不匹配或者不稳定,或者不能用,但是也有好处,有的安装不了,用强制安装命令来安装,安装完成,全部正常)
2023-06-24 05:35:281


鱼叉:harpoon 鱼饵:bait 鱼钩:barb/fishhook 渔船:fisher/hooker/trawler 渔网:fishing net/flue
2023-06-24 05:35:251


2023-06-24 05:35:251

关于lie to me 中的人物 Gillian 分析

2023-06-24 05:35:221

Openwrt 编译ipk出错,如下错误,怎么解决? denghuinow@Ubuntu:

2023-06-24 05:35:194


(1)Charles Robert Darwin ( 1809 - 1882 ) Charles Robert Darwin was born at The Mount ,Shrewbury ,England , on 12 February 1809. He was the son of Dr. Charles Waring Darwin and the grandson of Dr. Erasmus Darwin, a naturalist whose speculations were to have a profound influence on the younger family scion. Young Charles was educated at the grammer school at Shrewsbury , thence he went to Edinburgh (1825) and afterward to Cambridge .He din not excel in school., however. He was, in fact, considered rather below the common standard in intellect.He became a pupil of Professors Henslow and Sedgewicke at Cambridge,and under their guidance his consuming interest in botany began to bear fruit. He received his degree at Cambridge in 1831 and shortly thereafter , at the age of twentytwo , joined a hydrographical survey as an unpaid naturalist on H. M.S Beagle. For five years he served aboard the Beagle , studying the flora, fauna , and geology of numerous temperate, subtropical , and tropical districts sorrounding South America. This historic round-the -world voyage which Darwin later referred to as " by far the most important event in my life," laid the foundations for the remainder of his life"s work, placing him among the foremost of rising natuaralists . The results of his services were given in his Journal of Researches into the geology and natural history of the countries visite. Darwin was not a robust man even in his young manhood but he was a zealous naturalist who refused to be shackled by illness; on his return to England he began to write and experiment extensively ,despite poor health, exploring all the sciences of earth, life, and man. Thus he rose to renown.Few were privileged to know him on a close personal level, however, for owing to his always feeble health and retiring nature, he seldom entered into social functions or close personal relationships . Instead he labored diligently and introspectively in the pursuit of scientific study. By his work at the Geological Society ,and by his numerous papers on coral reefs , the natural history of the cirrhipeds,and many other biological researches he gained fame as an authority. In 1838 he accepted the appointment as secretary of the Geological Society and was elected to the Royal Society the following year. Meanwhile ,he had married his cousin , Emma wedgwood , and settled in Down,kent , shortly thereafter . Years of study and writing followed . Darwin held that no higher plant could fertilize itself for a perpetuity of generations without the intercession of being cross-fertilized with some other individual . This theory he published in 1859 in his work entitled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection . This work brought him controversial fame as it called down upon him a shower of blame and abuse for propounding such a theory without providing absolute proof. Native terrestrial orchids grew in abundance near Darwin"s home and , because they were the " most singular and modified forms in the vegetable kingdom, " he began an extensive study of their reproduction in order to prove his theory of cross-fertilization aganist that of self-fertilization . With his son and his friends often assisting him in his observations , he spent unnumbered hours in the garden and fields making notes on the number of flowers that set seed; setting up controls by the use of nets and bell jars; catching bees and moths and examining the showy markings and structures of species which were consistent in attracting natural pollinators . Early in his reserches he noted the pollination of Orchis pyramidalis by a particular moth, and studied such unusual adaptations as the " flinging " of pollen onto the pollinator in the genus Catasetum and the pollination of Ophrys by pseudo-copulation. The studies were of such interest to Darwin that he shortly initiated a copious correspondence with Sir Joseph Hooker (then assistant director at Kew), and a letter to Hooker in October 1861 he stated ," I never was more interested in any subject in my life than this of Orchids." As his interest in the order became intensified , he began to study the pollinating devices of tropical orchids: the shooting mechanism of Catasetum species , the " bucket" lip of Coryanthes , and many others. Observing the remarkably lengthy nectary of Angraecum sesquipedale, he predicted that it must be necessary for some certain moth with a footlong tongue to be the pollinating agent for this remarkable species . Finally gathering sufficient evidence to uphold his theories , in 1862 Darwin published his classic work, on the Fertilisation of Orchids by insects. This work put forth the results of his reservations and not only removed all doubt regarding the function of the pollinia , but drew the attention of naturalists to the complex symbiosis existing between flowering plants and food-seeking insects. The introduction of this book states his purpose : .......... In my volume " On the Origin of Species " I gave only general reasons for the belief that it is an almost universal law of nature that the higher organic being require an occasional cross with another individual ; or ,which is the same thing ,that no hermaphrodite fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations . Having been blamed for propounding this doctrine without giving ample facts , for which I had not sufficient space in that work , I wish here to show that I have not spoken without having gone into details. I have been led to publish this little treatise separately, as it is too large to be incorporated with any other subject . As Orchids are universally acknoledge to rank amongst the most singular and most modified forms in the vegetable kingdom , I have thought that the facts to be given might lead some observers to look more curiously into the habits of our several native species....... This treatise affords me also an opportunity of attempting to show that the study of organic beings may be as interesting to an observer who is fully convinced that the structure of each is due to secondary laws ,as to one who views every trifflinf detail of structure as the result of the direct interposition of the Creator . As the facts were brought together to bear on Darwin"s theory ,the tide of feeling among naturalists turned in his favor . Known for his honesty ,his persistent study habits, and his unprejudiced devotion to truth , he gained immediate support from such men as Sir Joseph Hooker , Professor Huxley ,Mr. George Bentham , and others. Their " conversions" to a belief in evolution were remarkably rapid, and even the educated minority of the population at large soon grasped evolutionary concepts. For the remainder of his life Darwin studied ,reserched , and made many important contributions to geology, zoological geography , taxonomy ,ecology , and animal breeding . He died on 19 April 1882, at the age of seventy-three. Other of his important works in the various fields of science include The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs ,The Descent of Man , Geological Observations in South America, Insectivorous Plants , Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom, Formation of Vegetable Mold ,Emotions im Man and Animals , Principles of Variation Under Domestication, adn The Power of Movement in Plants . Darwin"s orchid studies become the basis of a number of later works by succeeding naturalists and botanists , but while his contributions to orchidology were therefore unprecedented in pollination studies , their importance is equally shared in science as a breakthrough which resulted in theories that changed the whole foundation of scientific knowledge .(2)Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an an English naturalist whose theory of evolution is one of the greatest contributions ever made to science. Darwin stated this theory in his book The Origin of Species (1859). In another book called The Descent of Man (1871 ) he applied his theory to the evolution of man from a primitive monkey-like animal. Both books aroused world-wide controversy. Many considered them to be offensive, atheistic, blasphemous and Darwin"s caricatures were published in magazines. Although later research has modified or disproved some of Darwin"s findings, scientists still accept his basic ideas.Darwin was born in Shrewsbury and his father was a physician. As a youth Darwin was interested in all living things. He read all the books on geology and biology he could find and collected plant and animal specimens, including fossils. In 1825 he began medical studies at the University of Edinburgh but gave them up after two years. In 1828 he entered Cambridge University to study theology getting a degree in 1831. He eventually obtained a post as unpaid naturalist aboard the surveying ship H.M.S. Beagle.In 1831 the Beagle left on a five-year voyage to South American and Australian waters. During this time Darwin observed and studied in many remote regions of the world. He collected great numbers of plant and animal specimens. From detailed notes of his observations he began to develop the theory that was to make him famous. When he returned to England Darwin began studying and investigating nature. In 1844 Darwin began to compile his greatest contribution, Origin of Species, in which he proposed his theory of natural selection. All life, he said, is a continuous struggle in which only the fittest can survive. In this period Darwin discovered that the idea of natural selection was not exclusively his. Alfred Russel Wallace ( 1823-1913 ), a young naturalist, had developed similar ideas in an essay called "On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Independently from the Original Type." Wallace sent this paper to Darwin for an opinion. Darwin took Wallace"s manuscript to a friend, Sir Charles Lyell, who decided that both Wallace"s and Darwin"s ideas should be presented at the same time. On July 1,1858, both papers were read at a meeting of the Linnaean Society of London.After publication of Origin of Species in 1859, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. (3)Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882), British scientist, who laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with his concept of the development of all forms of life through the slow-working process of natural selection. His work was of major influence on the life and earth sciences and on modern thought in general.Born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, on February 12, 1809, Darwin was the fifth child of a wealthy and sophisticated English family. His maternal grandfather was the successful china and pottery entrepreneur Josiah Wedgwood; his paternal grandfather was the well-known 18th-century physician and savant Erasmus Darwin. After graduating from the elite school at Shrewsbury in 1825, young Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. In 1827 he dropped out of medical school and entered the University of Cambridge, in preparation for becoming a clergyman of the Church of England. There he met two stellar figures: Adam Sedgwick, a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow not only helped build Darwin"s self-confidence but also taught his student to be a meticulous and painstaking observer of natural phenomena and collector of specimens. After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, the 22-year-old Darwin was taken aboard the English survey ship HMS Beagle, largely on Henslow"s recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific expedition around the world.Voyage of the BeagleDarwin"s job as naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportunity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and living organisms. In his geological observations, Darwin was most impressed with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth"s surface.At the time, most geologists adhered to the so-called catastrophist theory that the earth had experienced a succession of creations of animal and plant life, and that each creation had been destroyed by a sudden catastrophe, such as an upheaval or convulsion of the earth"s surface (see GEOLOGY: HISTORY OF GEOLOGICAL THOUGHT: 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES). According to this theory, the most recent catastrophe, Noah"s flood, wiped away all life except those forms taken into the ark. The rest were visible only in the form of fossils. In the view of the catastrophists, species were individually created and immutable, that is, unchangeable for all time.The catastrophist viewpoint (but not the immutability of species) was challenged by the English geologist Sir Charles Lyell in his two-volume work Principles of Geology (1830-33). Lyell maintained that the earth"s surface is undergoing constant change, the result of natural forces operating uniformly over long periods.Aboard the Beagle, Darwin found himself fitting many of his observations into Lyell"s general uniformitarian view. Beyond that, however, he realized that some of his own observations of fossils and living plants and animals cast doubt on the Lyell-supported view that species were specially created. He noted, for example, that certain fossils of supposedly extinct species closely resembled living species in the same geographical area. In the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador, he also observed that each island supported its own form of tortoise, mockingbird, and finch; the various forms were closely related but differed in structure and eating habits from island to island. Both observations raised the question, for Darwin, of possible links bet
2023-06-24 05:35:181


2023-06-24 05:35:172

求 半条命2的控制台命令。要全的~~~

NPC名称列表 npc_create npc_alyx 艾力克斯 npc_create npc_antlion 蚁狮 npc_create npc_antlionguard 蚁狮守卫 npc_create npc_barnacle 藤壶 npc_create npc_barney 巴尼 npc_create npc_breen 布林博士 npc_create npc_citizen 友军、平民 npc_create npc_combine_s 联合军 npc_create npc_combinedropship 运输机 npc_create npc_combinegunship 武装直升机 npc_create npc_crow 乌鸦 npc_create npc_cscanner 侦查机 npc_create npc_dog 啊狗 npc_create npc_eli 艾力克斯的爸爸(伊崃) npc_create npc_fastzombie 快僵尸 npc_create npc_gman 神秘人物 npc_create npc_headcrab 猎头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_black 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_fast 快头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_poison 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_helicopter 直升机 npc_create npc_ichthyosaur 鱼龙 npc_create npc_kleiner 卡莱纳博士 npc_create npc_manhack 飞锯 npc_create npc_metropolice 国民护卫队 npc_create npc_monk 神父 npc_create npc_mossman 默斯曼博士 npc_create npc_pigeon 白鸽 npc_create npc_poisonzombie 黑僵尸 npc_create npc_rollermine 滚雷 npc_create npc_seagull 海鸥 npc_create npc_stalker 幽灵 npc_create npc_strider 三脚机甲 npc_create npc_turret_ceiling 摄像头 npc_create npc_turret_floor 炮塔(combine turret) npc_create npc_vortigaunt 弗地岗人 npc_create npc_zombie 僵尸 npc_create npc_zombie_torso 半僵尸 列出可以可能分配的武器: npc_create_equipment weapon_pistol 手枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun 散弹枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 机关枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_cubemap ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_cguard ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_physgun ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_ml ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_hmg1 ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_immolator ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_irifle ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_sniperrifle ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_crowbar 铁钩 npc_create_equipment weapon_extinguisher ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_frag 手榴弹 npc_create_equipment weapon_rollerwand ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_slam ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_brickbat ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_gauss ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_binoculars ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_alyxgun 艾里克斯的枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_hopwire ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_Molotov ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_physcannon 重力枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2 来复枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_bugbait 蚁狮心 npc_create_equipment weapon_ar1 ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg 火箭炮 npc_create_equipment weapon_smg2 手榴弹 npc_create_equipment weapon_stickylauncher ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_stunstick 电棒(护卫队) npc_create_equipment weapon_thumper ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_iceaxe ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_annabelle 神父的枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_357 左轮枪 physcannon_mega_enabled 1重力枪(1=蓝2=红)还有一个god 无敌模式(主机/服务器有效) noclip 穿墙模式(主机/服务器有效) mat_depthbias_normal 1 透视模式 impulse 101 得到所有武器 impulse 82 得到一吉普车 impulse 83 汽艇 notarget 隐形模式 map [map name] 载入指定的地图 give [item name] 制造指定物品 buddha 伤血 hurtme # 伤血(#为数字) maps 地图列表 cl_ragdoll_collide 1 该参数使得构成身体的各个模块相互紧密接触 从而避免互相嵌入的情况 这样使得游戏中的身体接触看起来好很多 developer [0-2] 开发者模式; 2是详细 picker 踢人模式 cl_drawhud [0 or 1] 显示HUD cl_enablehud [0 or 1] 显示HUD cl_showfps [0 or 1] 帧 +mlook 启用鼠标外观 hud_quickhelp/text? 1 显示准星 viewmodel_fov # 设置武器大小; 默认54 exec [filename] 执行脚本文件 npc_create [name] 召唤对应NPC npc_create_aimed 召唤一个NPC setpos 坐标 传送 sv_cheats 1 Setang [value] 不详 sv_cheats 1 sv_gravity # 设置重力值 sv_stopspeed # 设置最低停止速度 sv_friction # 设置摩擦 sv_bounce # 模拟物体的碰撞? sv_maxvelocity # 设置移动物体的最高速度 sv_waterdist # ? cl_phys_timescale [0.00-1.00] 设置时间; 默认是1 air_density # 改变空气密度 dsp_explosion_effect_duration # 设置爆炸混乱的长度 prop_debug 进入淍试模式 mat_numtextureunits # 限制单元纹理 mat_wireframe1 网络模型 vcollide_wireframe 1 线框物体的物理影响 mat_fastnobump [0 or 1] 凹凸映射 impulse 200 在屏幕上没有武器模型 impulse 203 删除针对物体或人 showtriggers_toggle 显示游戏触发 mat_normalmaps 1 显示普通地图 mat_normals 1 显示表面材料 mat_yuv 1 黑白屏幕 npc_create npc_alyx 艾力克斯(ceiling turret) npc_create npc_antlion 蚁狮 npc_create npc_antlionguard 蚁狮守卫 npc_create npc_barnacle 藤壶 npc_create npc_barney 巴尼 npc_create npc_breen 布林博士 npc_create npc_citizen 友军、平民 npc_create npc_combine_s 联合军 npc_create npc_combinedropship 运输机 npc_create npc_combinegunship 武装直升机 npc_create npc_crow 乌鸦 npc_create npc_cscanner 侦查机 npc_create npc_dog 啊狗 npc_create npc_eli 艾力克斯的爸爸(伊崃) npc_create npc_fastzombie 快僵尸 npc_create npc_gman 神秘人物 npc_create npc_headcrab 猎头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_black 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_fast 快头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_poison 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_helicopter 直升机 npc_create npc_ichthyosaur 鱼龙 npc_create npc_kleiner 卡莱纳博士 npc_create npc_launcher ?? npc_create npc_manhack 飞锯 npc_create npc_metropolice 国民护卫队 npc_create npc_monk 神父 npc_create npc_mossman 莫斯曼博士 npc_create npc_pigeon 白鸽 npc_create npc_poisonzombie 黑僵尸 npc_create npc_rollermine 滚雷 npc_create npc_seagull 海鸥 npc_create npc_stalker 幽灵 npc_create npc_strider 三脚机甲 npc_create npc_turret_ceiling 摄像头?? npc_create npc_turret_floor 炮塔(combine turret) npc_create npc_vortigaunt 弗地岗人 npc_create npc_zombie 僵尸 npc_create npc_zombie_torso 半僵尸 npc_create npc_alyx 艾力克斯(ceiling turret) npc_create npc_antlion 蚁狮 npc_create npc_antlionguard 蚁狮守卫 npc_create npc_barnacle 藤壶 npc_create npc_barney 巴尼 npc_create npc_breen 布林博士 npc_create npc_citizen 友军、平民 npc_create npc_combine_s 联合军 npc_create npc_combinedropship 运输机 npc_create npc_combinegunship 武装直升机 npc_create npc_crow 乌鸦 npc_create npc_cscanner 侦查机 npc_create npc_dog 啊狗 npc_create npc_eli 艾力克斯的爸爸(伊崃) npc_create npc_fastzombie 快僵尸 npc_create npc_gman 神秘人物G-MANnpc_create npc_headcrab 猎头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_black 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_fast 快头蟹 npc_create npc_headcrab_poison 黑头蟹 npc_create npc_helicopter 直升机 npc_create npc_ichthyosaur 鱼龙 npc_create npc_kleiner 卡莱纳博士 npc_create npc_launcher ?? npc_create npc_manhack 飞锯 npc_create npc_metropolice 国民护卫队 npc_create_equipment weapon_pistol 手枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun 散弹枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 机关枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_cubemap ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_cguard ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_physgun ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_ml ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_hmg1 ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_immolator ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_irifle ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_sniperrifle ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_crowbar 铁钩 npc_create_equipment weapon_extinguisher ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_frag 手榴弹 npc_create_equipment weapon_rollerwand ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_slam ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_brickbat ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_gauss ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_binoculars ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_alyxgun 艾里克斯的枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_hopwire ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_Molotov ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_physcannon 重力枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2 来复枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_bugbait 蚁狮心 npc_create_equipment weapon_ar1 ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg 火箭炮 npc_create_equipment weapon_smg2 手榴弹 npc_create_equipment weapon_stickylauncher ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_stunstick 电棒(护卫队) npc_create_equipment weapon_thumper ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_iceaxe ?? npc_create_equipment weapon_annabelle 神父的枪 npc_create_equipment weapon_357 左轮枪 give item_ar2_grenade 榴弹 give item_ammo_smg1_grenade 榴弹 give item_box_buckshot 散弹枪子弹 give item_box_lrounds 来复枪子弹 give item_ammo_ar2 来复枪子弹 give item_ammo_ar2_large 来复枪子弹 give item_large_box_lrounds 来复枪子弹 give item_ammo_ar2_altfire 离子球 give item_box_mrounds 机关枪子弹 give item_ammo_smg1_large 机关枪子弹 give item_large_box_mrounds 机关枪子弹 give item_ammo_smg1 机关枪子弹 give item_box_srounds 手枪子弹 give item_ammo_pistol 手枪子弹 give item_ammo_pistol_large 手枪子弹 give item_large_box_srounds 手枪子弹 give item_healthkit 急救包 give item_battery 充电器 give item_ml_grenade 炮弹 give item_rpg_round 炮弹 give item_suit ? give item_healthvial 小急救包 give item_ammo_357 左轮枪子弹 give item_ammo_357_large 左轮枪子弹 give item_ammo_crossbow 弓箭 give weapon_rpg give weapon_smg1 give weapon_357 give weapon_pistol give weapon_crossbow give weapon_shotgun give weapon_frag give weapon_ar2
2023-06-24 05:35:153


编译的时候以下为网友遇到的问题Package helloworld is missing dependencies for the following libraries:缺少类库,然后其实我发现我的类库在系统里是存在的:locate结果:/lib/i386-linux-gnu/但是我的应用程序用到了 Libpthread,所以提示 少了2个依赖库。
2023-06-24 05:35:111


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2023-06-24 05:35:101


问题一:请问一句汽车的各个种类用英语怎么说,比如什么面包车,轿车,越野车, 1.limousine 豪华轿车 2.roadster敞篷跑车 (美作:convertible,德作:cabriolet) car 赛车 4.saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan) 5.notchback 客货两用车 6.four-wheel drive 四轮驱动 7.front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 8.trailer 拖车 9.station wagon 小旅行车 10.lorry 卡车(美作:truck) 11pact car 小型汽车 12.light-van 小型货车 13.garbage truck 垃圾车 14.automobile carrier 货运卡车 15.wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车 engine 消防车 17.ambulance 救护车 出租车, 计程车 19.sports car 跑车 20.formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车 21.mail car 邮政车 1/2页 吉普车 23.bloodmobile 捐血车 血浆车 24.bumper car 碰碰汽车 25.camper 露营车 26.police car 警车 27.wrecker 清障车 28.ambulance急救车 小型汽车 engine 消防车 31.police car 警车 32.rooter挖土机 33.SUV = Sports Utility Vehicle 越野车 34.Sedan轿车 van 旅行车 36.container truck 货柜车 37.RV =Recreation Vehicle 休闲车 38.bus 公共汽车 39.bicycle = bike =自行车 40.motorbike摩托车 41.van有篷货车 42.MPV=Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途汽车 问题二:面包车的英语怎么说 minibus 英 [?m?nib?s] 美 [?m?ni?b?s] n.小型公共汽车,小巴 复数: minibuses 双语例句 He was then taken by minibus to the military base. 他随后被一辆中巴车带到了军事基地。 问题三:面包车用英语怎么说 min-bus 问题四:面包车用英文怎么说? van 问题五:面包车的英文怎么拼 10分 minibuses 问题六:面包车英语怎么写 有几个 Minibus,microbus,van 问题七:各种车的名称用英语怎么说啊 小汽车:car 卡车:truck 吉普车:jeep 摩托车:motorcycle 自行车:bicycle bike 火车:train 面包车:microbus 公共汽车:bus 跑车:roadster 丹sports car 拖拉机:tractor 问题八:面包车的英语怎么说 minibus 英 [?m?nib?s] 美 [?m?ni?b?s] n.小型公共汽车,小巴 复数: minibuses 双语例句 He was then taken by minibus to the military base. 他随后被一辆中巴车带到了军事基地。 问题九:请问一句汽车的各个种类用英语怎么说,比如什么面包车,轿车,越野车, 1.limousine 豪华轿车 2.roadster敞篷跑车 (美作:convertible,德作:cabriolet) car 赛车 4.saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan) 5.notchback 客货两用车 6.four-wheel drive 四轮驱动 7.front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 8.trailer 拖车 9.station wagon 小旅行车 10.lorry 卡车(美作:truck) 11pact car 小型汽车 12.light-van 小型货车 13.garbage truck 垃圾车 14.automobile carrier 货运卡车 15.wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车 engine 消防车 17.ambulance 救护车 出租车, 计程车 19.sports car 跑车 20.formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车 21.mail car 邮政车 1/2页 吉普车 23.bloodmobile 捐血车 血浆车 24.bumper car 碰碰汽车 25.camper 露营车 26.police car 警车 27.wrecker 清障车 28.ambulance急救车 小型汽车 engine 消防车 31.police car 警车 32.rooter挖土机 33.SUV = Sports Utility Vehicle 越野车 34.Sedan轿车 van 旅行车 36.container truck 货柜车 37.RV =Recreation Vehicle 休闲车 38.bus 公共汽车 39.bicycle = bike =自行车 40.motorbike摩托车 41.van有篷货车 42.MPV=Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途汽车 问题十:面包车用英语怎么说 min-bus
2023-06-24 05:35:061