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2023-06-24 19:41:19


prorance water drop佛罗伦丝水分BB霜35ml

三重功能 紫外线隔离 改善皱纹 美白效果



主要成分:维他命E 灵芝提取物 钛氧化物 咪唑啉磷酰胺 表皮细胞生长因子 EGF等






显卡的好坏取决于它的核心,它的带宽,建议到AGP 6600GT 如果你买显卡玩游戏的最有效和最经济的卡是6600GT,支持DX9.0和SM3。 0效果 160元可能其他的AGP显卡48W功耗会为160元以内,不买
2023-06-24 12:59:312


2023-06-24 12:59:414


2023-06-24 12:59:503


2023-06-24 12:59:571


这是一款来自韩国的古龙水,(古龙水就是淡香,译名EAU DE TOILETTE))香水名叫弗罗伦斯,一共有五款。你这款是男香,又名“光男”。配料有:前调:佛手柑,柠檬,姜,豆蔻中调:玫瑰,兰花,小苍兰,百合基调:麝香,檀香,雪松,琥珀一般都是30ml瓶装,按当地零售价折算为100人民币左右,不会超过100,进口零售价不清楚。
2023-06-24 13:00:061


亲爱的,应该是佛洛伦丝Prorance 吧? 目录 第一课:学习一些商家常用的名词是什么含义 (正品、水货、港货、行货的区别) 第二课:想在网上购真货护肤、化妆品的MM要注意的几点 第三课:真假护肤化妆品公开大对决!(分成国产、日产、韩产、欧美分别讲解)第三课主要讲国产的 玉兰油、雅倩真假识别法 第四课:日系护肤化妆品识别大法(资生堂、嘉娜宝、KOSE、SKII真假识别法) 第五课 韩国护肤化妆品识别大比拼(VOV、爱丽、兰芝 真假识别法) 第六课、欧美护肤化妆品识别大比拼(h2o、兰蔻、欧珀莱、倩碧、CD ) 第七课 世界著名化妆护肤品官方网站大全(算是收罗的比较全面了,你用的这里可能都有好大一串啊!还有台湾版的网站我也贴出来了,方便不识英文的MM们) 第一课:学习一些商家常用的名词是什么含义 正品:正品可能水货也可能是行货,说法没有统一,但一定是真货。 水货:水货其实也是真货,只是渠道不正规,没有经过关税,没有中文说明书。比如说你到美国专柜买到的碧欧泉,带回来以后卖掉,这种没有经过关税,自己带回来的,就是水货,但是绝对是真货。而且价格比正规渠道的便宜。 仿货:仿货有很多种,分超A货、A货、B货、C货等,服装、皮包、化妆品等一般都是这样分的,服装、皮包是仿货到是无所谓,反正便宜,我们喜欢的只是款式,但是化妆品?!也就是假货啦。做的比较好的仿货化妆品不会伤皮肤,可能也有些效果,但是效果不及正品的10%。 行货:正规渠道的真货,经过关税、国家检验、有中文说明书。 港货:港货分两种,一种是指从香港正规商场带回来的,也就是水货;还有一种所谓港产的,也叫港货,但是你要看这种化妆品,在香港有没有生产过啊。比如说兰蔻,只在台湾和法国有厂,那么所谓的港产兰蔻就是仿的很真的假货啦,反正我是没有听过香港有兰蔻的厂子,不过用上去效果也不会很差,就是没有真货好:)。 怎样识别是否香港带回来的货?小样和比较便宜的化妆品告诉大家一个最简单有效的办法:直接看看有没有透明薄膜包装和贴过标签的痕迹!一般香港的莎莎和卓悦等一些化妆品连锁超市出售的东东都会有透明薄膜包装的,而且都会在上面打上自己logo的标价签,而带来大陆以后为了价格的保密,往往个人都会撕去标价签。但是大多都不大好撕,这样就会在货品上留下痕迹。 佛罗浪丝Prorance保湿隔离:特性: 1.内含的吸油粉粒能吸收多余的油脂,防水,防汗,呈现自然而美丽的肌肤,以柔和的使用感和密贴感,提高彩妆效果。 2.高保湿成分,提供肌肤充分的水分,令肌肤无紧绷感,始终保持肌肤的滋润状态。 3.含丰富的维他命成分,令肌肤永远保持健康状态。
2023-06-24 13:00:151


香奈儿的好用。 脸上的东西,不要怕花钱呀
2023-06-24 13:00:3215


韩国 佛罗伦丝PRORANCE隔离霜100RMB左右吧剩下的就不用我告诉了,各种网均有售。
2023-06-24 13:00:561


欧莱雅 ZA
2023-06-24 13:01:056


2023-06-24 13:01:402


2023-06-24 13:01:4911


2023-06-24 13:02:1213


腮红颜色的选择——  白皙肌肤——浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。  黄色肌肤——亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。  健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。  晦暗肌肤——大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colourzone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon雅芳新炫粉颊彩1.8g市场价:¥39.00ETUDE爱丽三色腮红市场价:¥68.00ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g市场价:¥68.00AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合市场价:¥150.00VOV单(双)腮红市场价:¥60.00ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g市场价:¥300.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝双色腮红市场价:¥126.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝单色腮红市场价:¥115.00雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒市场价:¥130.00EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套(黄包)市场价:¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:02:391


腮红颜色的选择—— 白皙肌肤—— 浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。 黄色肌肤—— 亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。 健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。 晦暗肌肤—— 大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colour zone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon 雅芳新炫粉颊彩 1.8g 市场价: ¥39.00 ETUDE爱丽三色腮红 市场价: ¥68.00 ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g 市场价: ¥68.00 AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合 市场价: ¥150.00 VOV 单(双)腮红 市场价: ¥60.00 ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g 市场价: ¥300.00 PRORANCE 佛罗浪丝双色腮红 市场价: ¥126.00 PRORANCE 佛罗浪丝单色腮红 市场价: ¥115.00 雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒 市场价: ¥130.00 EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套 (黄包) 市场价: ¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:02:474


2023-06-24 13:03:201


腮红颜色的选择——  白皙肌肤——浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。  黄色肌肤——亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。  健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。  晦暗肌肤——大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colourzone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon雅芳新炫粉颊彩1.8g市场价:¥39.00ETUDE爱丽三色腮红市场价:¥68.00ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g市场价:¥68.00AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合市场价:¥150.00VOV单(双)腮红市场价:¥60.00ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g市场价:¥300.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝双色腮红市场价:¥126.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝单色腮红市场价:¥115.00雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒市场价:¥130.00EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套(黄包)市场价:¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:03:311

Ghetto Blues这首歌的翻译AKON唱的谢谢

[第一段] 这些街道让我想起了流沙 当你踏上你就会不断陷下 没有东西能让你依靠(hold on是抓住的意思,我觉得不雅,脑子里又没词,就先这么翻) 也没有人会将你拯救 你继续陷下 也没有人能听到你的呼喊 所以你以自灭告终 在角落束紧腰带只不过是为了消磨时光 我的背上留下大狗的齿印 在这里只有黑暗回忆没有阳光 因为他们说我没有想象 (我记忆犹新) 坚信上帝的赐予 [合唱] 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。(我把有碍阅读的ghetto全移走了) [第二段] 不用珍惜奢侈品(因为所有东西都如过眼云烟) 甚至你拥有的生命都是借来的(因为不能确定明天是否还活着) 所以你生活着,看到的每一个人都将是见你最后一面的人 一旦你向前,你就永远不能回头 最好为你过去的消逝做好准备 因为你会愿意去祈祷 是的,将会有一个更好的方法 因为你会愿意去祈祷 是的,将会有一个更好的一天不知是谁说这部戏剧今天就会落幕 许多黑人或死或离开 少女在艾滋中成长 [合唱] 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。 [连接] 在贫民区每晚都有枪响 坏条子每天都见 每天都是壮烈的战场 一帮小孩需要扶养 贩卖可乐和烟草 每天都有人死亡 [合唱] 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。 因为那是我们在贫民区的生活, 在贫民区吃,在贫民区睡。
2023-06-24 13:00:251


DIGI GHETTO 是2020年几个怀揣梦想的Rapper在成都的一家火锅店拍板成立的,六位主要成员分别是:Mac ova Seas、Thomeboydontkill、Asen、Mula Sakee、Kiv、Toyoki。1、Mac Ova Seas,本名陈卓,1997年出生于四川重庆市江油,Mac扎根于音乐气息浓厚的川渝地区,Auto-tune和Melody是他的武器。Mac Ova Seas这个名字来源于Snoop Dogg 和Wiz Khalifa主演的电影《Mac & Devin Go to High School》,Snoop在剧里饰演Mac,Wiz则是自称Over Street。2、THOMEBOYDONTKILL,原名罗亦凡,1999年生于成都。他是个音乐天才,能在多种风格之间熟练的转换,让他的每首作品都能给你不一样的听觉享受。生于音乐世家的Thome从小备受熏陶,中学时代就开始学习音乐制作,还去参加了《中国好声音》的海选,并且在城市赛成功晋级。3、太子KIV,原名王翰元,1998年出生于广东珠海,带点玩儿少的慵懒腔调和独特的粤语说唱让KIV从众多说唱歌手中脱颖而出。KIV从小就接受系统的音乐教育,还取得了萨克斯9级证书。在初中时期Kiv接触到Eminem和顽童MJ116的音乐,逐渐喜欢上了说唱,曾在一次歌唱比赛中翻唱阿姆的歌获奖。团队创立:他们早在19年就一直在网上保持联系,正式见面之后才将DIGI GHETTO这个名字定下来,以团体的形式出现在大众面前,因为他们相识于网络,且都来自于街头,Digital(数字的、网络的)和Ghetto(街头)是最适合这个团体的词语,于是DIGI GHETTO就这么横空出世了。
2023-06-24 13:00:321


2023-06-24 13:00:321


2023-06-24 13:00:424


1.副词修饰形容词2.death 是名词,是动词,died是die的过去时,即用于过去时态.dead是形容词,意思为"死的".本题需要一个名词.即:他父亲的去世(死)使他很伤心".3.副词修饰动词,succefully是副词,finish是动词.4.对,是副词修饰形容词5.description 这里需要一个名词
2023-06-24 13:00:502


discover,invent   这两个词都是动词,都指人们首先见到的新鲜事物而言,但涵义有异。   Discover指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的事物(to find out something existing but not yet known),故作“发现”解。如:   Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent.   哥伦布发现了美洲,可是他没有去探索这个新大陆。   Modern astronomers have discovered a million such galaxies.   现代的天文学家已发现了一百万类似的星群。   The circulation of blood was discovered by Harvey.   血液循环是哈维发现的。   Invent是指创造前所未有的事物(to create or design some thing not existing before),故作“发明”解。例:   Edison invented the electric light bulb.   爱迪生发明了电灯泡。   A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.   新型的听诊器有待发明。   有时候,invent还可作“捏造”解。例:   Don"t you know a lie is always invented?   谎言总是捏造出来的,难道你不知道吗?   We must invent an excuse for being late.   我们必须编造一个迟到的理由。   Discover的名词是 discovery;invent的名词是invention.“发现者”是 discoverer:“发明家”是inventor.   下面是discovery和invention的例句,从中可以看出,它们之间的涵义区别和动词相同:   Columbus"s discovery was at first misunderstood.   The invention of calculating machines led to the invention of computers.
2023-06-24 13:00:511


2023-06-24 13:00:556

使用windows pe怎么安装操作?如果把pe系统安装在U盘上,那我该怎么做?可以告诉我具体的做法?
2023-06-24 13:00:582


2023-06-24 13:00:581


"invent"的意思是"发明、创造","grain-free tortillas"是指"不含谷物的玉米饼"。因此,"invent grain-free tortillas"的意思就是"发明不含谷物的玉米饼"。
2023-06-24 13:00:581

福州至永安市走高速在哪下高速?有多远的距离?以及所需要的时间?急求! 全程大约280公里 估计4小时 你去上面我给你网址看看 安全的!
2023-06-24 13:01:051

不好喝 用英文怎么拼

drink terriblely
2023-06-24 13:01:063


最精准的是容量瓶 用的时候很讲究的其次就是量筒了
2023-06-24 13:01:153


2023-06-24 13:01:184

The porridge smells ______(terrible).

terrible 主+系+表 结构
2023-06-24 13:01:223

韩国歌手 coed school 《男女共学》为什么解散了呢,原因???

2023-06-24 13:01:232

ghetto superstar 歌词

歌曲名:ghetto superstar歌手:MyaMan, look at the skyAll the stars man, the stars is beautiful tonightLook at "emGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhSome got, hopes and dreamsWe got, ways and meanThe supreme dream team always up with the schemeFrom hub caps to selling" raps, name your themeMy rise to the top, floating" on this creamWho than hell want to stop me, I hated those who doubt meA million refugees with unlimited warrantiesBlack Caeser, dating" top divasDiplomatic legalese, no time for a visaI just begun, I"m shoot them one by oneGot five sides to me something" like a pentagonStrike with the forces of King SolomonLetting" bygone be bygone and so on and so onI"m teach these cats, how to live in the ghettoKeeping" it retro-specie from the get goLay low; let my mind shine like a haloP-p-politic with ghetto senators on the d-lowGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhOne, two, and it don"t stop yoMy eyes is sore, been" the senatorBehind closed doors hitting" truths to the seafloorThe rich don"t know, ignore, this tug of warWhile the kids are poor open new and better drug storesSo I became hardcore, couldn"t take it no moreI"m reveal everything" change the lawI find myself, walking" the streetsTrying" to find what"s really going" on in these streetsNow every dog got his day, needless to sayWhen the chief away, that"s when them cats want to playI told you, messing" around you fools like Cassius ClayStretch my heater make you do pass de boursesKick your balls like Pele, pick em doing" balletPeak like Dante, broader than BroadwayGet applaud like a matador , crowd yelling" oleWho than hell want to see me, from B.K. to Cali?Ghetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhJust when you thought it was safe in a common placeShowcase you"re finest is losing fast in the horse raceTwo face, getting" defaced out, like Scar faceThrow your roll money let me put on my screw faceAnd I"m paranoid at the things I sayWondering" what"s the penalty from day to dayI"m hanging" out, partying with girls that never dieSee I was picking" on the small fries, my campaign telling liesI was just spreading" my love didn"t know my loveWas the one holding" the gun and the gloveBut it"s all good as long as it"s understoodLet"s all together now, in the hoodGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhAll starsGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huh
2023-06-24 13:01:261

iphone7和iphone7 plus的home键(具有指纹识别)能不能按压下去?

iPhone 7 的更新,其中采用了 Taptic Engine 的全新 Home 键。新 Home 键没有了键程,不能按下去,而是采用根据不同的按压力度,来实现不同的启动功能。从观感上,它仍然是凹陷于机身的,无论你怎么看,都会觉得这就是一枚物理按键,直到你按上去才发现“被pian了”。这枚轻触按键绝对颠覆以往的使用体验,比如解锁,在锁屏状态下要先按一下让屏幕点亮(或者翻转手机也可点亮屏幕),然后再短按一下解锁,按时间长了就是语音助手了。这个短按、长按之间的区格,不像物理按键那么清晰,绝对需要适应一下。苹果7的home按键跟上一代并没大改变,依然有一圈金属环,只是把原来的实体物理按压Home键,改成了触控式按压,压下去就得送修了,该键集成按键功能、支付、指纹识别等功能,使用Force Touch触摸操作,按压会在力度上进行反馈。
2023-06-24 13:00:221


terrible:adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的adv. 很,非常terriblely写法是错的,terribly是对的,可以有极度的意思。You sing terriblely as my sister (does). 跟读你歌唱得与我姊姊一样动听。
2023-06-24 13:00:213


invent 或 discover
2023-06-24 13:00:1513

Ghetto Ghetto 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Ghetto歌手:will.i.am专辑:#willpowerGhetto Ghettowill.i.amGhetto, ghetto,I"ve been praying for youHallelujah.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Little kids growing up without no education,Mom"s on drugs, cause that"s her only medication.Nobody"s home, but they ain"t on a vacation,But they left the kids alone watching the TV station.What"s wrong with the picture, please, someone give me the answersThey be wondering why the girls grow up to be dancersThen we wonder why the boys grow up to be dealersAnd they be angry at the whole world ready to kill us.After we start to resolve the whole problemsHow we let our little children destroying the goblinWhy we got them all killing and stealing and robbingWe need to plan a little seed to prevent the mobbingWhy don"t we teach them that science to reach for the stars?Cause they can beat the fire with the future worst than oddsDon"t want them looking in the past and covering scarsThey need a path out the ghetto, hello.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Little boy had a dream of being a ball playerCause little homie wanna grow to be a rhyme slayer,Little missy wanna grow to be a modelWhile the momma at home just drinking out the bottle.How come little one to grow and be a councilman?Sitting in a governer, a mayor politicianman.Probably cause the politicians keep tricking "emPromise that they fixing it but they ain"t really fixing it.That"s why they want to be like meLike giga like B and Nicky and ReeEvery day in the ghetto is an emergencyBut the power that be don"t emerge in see.That"s why you see killing, that"s why you see crimes,That"s why you see homies in the prison doing timeThat"s why you see crack, that"s why you see blackstrapBut no access out the ghetto, ghetto.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Ghetto, ghetto,I"ve been praying for youHallelujah.
2023-06-24 13:00:061


2023-06-24 13:00:051


主动语态和被动语态不一样。及物动词的被动语态构成: be+ done(过去分词)He invented the first electric clock.他发明了第一个电动钟。改为被动语态如下:The first electric clock was invented by him.第一个电动钟由他发明。
2023-06-24 12:59:582

Ghetto (Album Version) 歌词

歌名:Ghetto(贫民窟)演唱:幼稚园杀手●●街头让我联想到流沙,只会让人不断深陷没人会拉你一把,一直在坠落也没有人能听见你的求救停止自我毁灭,在角落里准备好武器我背部被狗咬过残留着牙齿的痕迹记载着那些没有阳光的阴暗的回忆他们说我永远不能够,我坚信上帝赐给我的所有没有必要珍惜,因为一切都来去匆匆甚至是生命就好象是出租,因为明天没有保障所以把每一天都当作是自己的末日踏出去就再也不能后悔,最好准备好忘记你的过去我祈祷着有一条更好的路更好的一天无论谁说今天挣扎将会过去数不清的人死去,被关进监狱女孩们的成长伴随着各种病菌每晚都有争斗,燃烧着怒火,罪恶的警察每天都是一顿毒打,还有孩子要养大,贩卖毒品每天都会有人死在血泊这就是贫民窟的生活,生活在街头的结果需要一次重生的机会可是没人能够借我以上歌词是Akon对他的Ghetto Life的描述真正的Hip-Hop属于底层无论是在哪国,回到中国贫民窟的孩子们根本没有机会接触什么饶舌文化每天都是一场恶梦,饥饿伴随着寒冷父母在城市的角落贩卖着各种小商品非法交易,或者乞讨,或者捡垃圾,或者偷盗看来天生注定没机会再回到学校没有城市户口,各种歧视,被人们认为影响市容市貌滋生肮脏和危险,犯罪,吸毒,卖淫.家庭暴力,社会的阴暗面都和贫民联系在了一起城市管理者们都想消除破烂的贫民窟,许多人将会失去梦想的阶梯这并不是平衡的前提Real Rap Lyrics是被Real Society Life的灵魂附体Cos that"s the life when ur living in the ghettoAnd eating in the ghetto,or sleeping in the ghetto幼稚园杀手,一半充足一半贫穷上天让我体验不同的生活,在Hip-Hop中寻找真实的自我sleeping in the ghetto幼稚园杀手﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏
2023-06-24 12:59:571


2023-06-24 12:59:545

iPhone7/Plus Home键失灵怎么办

2023-06-24 12:59:543


前者是 “创造”的意思后者是 “发明”的意思
2023-06-24 12:59:513


ghetto, ghetto, ghetto, ghetto we livinthese streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)when your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down)and there"s noone to hold on tooand there"s noone to pull you outyou keep on fallin (falling)and noone can here you callinso you end up self destructingon the corner with the tuli on the waist tightjust got outta the bing doin stay timeteeth marks on my back from the caninedark memories of when there was no sunshinecause they said that i wouldn"t make it(i remember like yesterday)holdin on to what god gave mecause thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)andeating in the (ghetto)orsleeping in the (ghetto)(ghetto)cause thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)andeating in the (ghetto)orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)no need to cherish luxuries(cause everythin" come and go)even the life that you have is borrowed(cause your not promised tomorrow)so live your life as if everydays" gon be your lastonce you move forward can"t go backbest prepare to remove your pastcause ya gotta be willin to prayyea there gotta be (there gotta be) a better way ohyea ya gotta be willing to praycause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay)whoever said that this drama would stop todaya lot of niggers dead or locked awayteenage women growing up with aidscause thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto) oheating in the (ghetto) orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto)thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)oheating in the (ghetto) orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)gun shots every night in the (ghetto)crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)every day is a fight in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh)(ghetto)got kids to feed in the (ghetto)selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh)(ghetto)thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto)ohliving by the (ghetto)oheating in the (ghetto, ghetto)thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto)ohsleeping in the (ghetto)living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)
2023-06-24 12:59:503


名词:invention;发明家:inventor; invent v.发明;创造;编造;捏造;虚构; 第三人称单数: invents; 现在分词: inventing; 过去式: invented; 过去分词: invented 扩展资料   The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.   发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。   What excuse did he invent this time?   他这次编了什么借口?   Many children invent an imaginary friend.   很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。
2023-06-24 12:59:431

iPhone7/Plus Home键失灵怎么办

2023-06-24 12:59:433


Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto we livin [verse one] These streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand) When your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down) And there"s noone to hold on too And there"s noone to pull you out You keep on fallin (falling) And noone can here you callin So you end up self destructing time Teeth marks on my back from the canine Dark Memories of when there was no sunshine Cause they said that I wouldn"t make it (I remember like yesterday) Holdin on to what god gave me [chorus] Cause thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)and Eating in the (ghetto)or Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto) Cause thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)and Eating in the (ghetto)or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) [verse two] No need to cherish luxuries (cause everythin" come and go) Even the life that you have is borrowed (Cause your not promised tomorrow) So life your life as if everydays" gon be your last Once you move forward can"t go back Best prepare to remove your past Cause ya gotta be willin to pray Yea There gotta be (there gotta be) a better way oh Yea ya gotta be willing to pray Cause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay) Whoever said that this drama would stop today A lot of niggers dead or locked away Teenage Women growing up with aids [chorus] Cause thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto) oh Eating in the (ghetto) or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto) Thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)oh Eating in the (ghetto) or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) [bridge] Gun shots every night in the (ghetto) Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto) Every day is a fight in the (ghetto) (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto) Got kids to feed in the (ghetto) Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto) Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto) (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto) [chorus] Thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto)oh Living by the (ghetto)oh Eating in the (ghetto, ghetto) Thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto)oh Sleeping in the (ghetto) Living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) (wooohhoohh)这些街道上提醒我,流沙(流沙) 当您对您会继续走下来(走下来) 而且也没有一举行就太 而且也没有一拉你出去 你一直就fallin (下降) 没有人可以在这里,您callin 所以你最后的自我破坏 时间 牙印,我回从犬 黑暗的回忆,当时有没有阳光 原因,他们说我不会使 (我记得像昨天) holdin对什么上帝给了我 [合唱团] 造成这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)和 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(聚居区) (聚居区) 造成这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)和 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) [诗二] 没有必要珍惜奢侈品(事业everythin "来来去去) 甚至生命,你是借来的 (原因:您不答应,明天) 因此,生活你的生活如everydays "坤是您的最后 一旦你向前迈进,不能回去 最好的准备,以消除您的过去 事业亚的宝贝,被willin祈祷 有雅的宝贝,被(有宝贝而定)更好的方法哦 雅亚的宝贝,愿意祈祷 原因有被奥谢(有宝贝而定)更好的一天(分) 谁说,这话剧将停止今天 很多niggers死亡或锁 十几岁的妇女成长与艾滋病 [合唱团] 造成这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,犹太人区) 这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) [桥] 枪枪每晚在(聚居区) 弯曲的警察就在视线(聚居区) 每一天是一个打击,在(聚居区) (哦噢哦噢哦) (聚居区) 得到孩子饲料中(聚居区) 销售焦煤及杂草,在(聚居区) 每天有人流血,在(聚居区) (哦噢哦噢哦) (聚居区) [合唱团] 这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 生活所(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区,犹太人区) 这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 睡在(聚居区) 居住在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) ( w )
2023-06-24 12:59:421


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 分别怎么使用? 解析: invent 是动词 发明 invention是名词 发明 就比如电视电灯都属于发明 inventor 也是名词 是发明者的意思。
2023-06-24 12:59:361

Akon的《Ghetto》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto歌手:Akon专辑:Trouble Deluxe EditionGhettoAkonGhetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto we livinThese streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)When your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down)And there"s noone to hold on tooAnd there"s noone to pull you outYou keep on fallin (falling)And noone can here you callinSo you end up self destructingOn the corner with the tuli on the waist tightjust got outta the bing doin stay timeTeeth marks on my back from the canineDark Memories of when there was no sunshineCause they said that I wouldn"t make it(I remember like yesterday)Holdin on to what god gave meCause thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)andEating in the (ghetto)orSleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)Cause thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)andEating in the (ghetto)orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)No need to cherish luxuries(cause everythin" come and go)Even the life that you have is borrowed(Cause your not promised tomorrow)So live your life as if everydays" gon be your lastOnce you move forward can"t go backBest prepare to remove your pastCause ya gotta be willin to prayYea There gotta be (there gotta be) a better way ohYea ya gotta be willing to prayCause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay)Whoever said that this drama would stop todayA lot of niggers dead or locked awayTeenage Women growing up with aidsCause thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto) ohEating in the (ghetto) orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto)Thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)ohEating in the (ghetto) orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)Every day is a fight in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)Thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto)ohLiving by the (ghetto)ohEating in the (ghetto, ghetto)Thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto)ohSleeping in the (ghetto)Living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)(wooohhoohh)
2023-06-24 12:59:351


2023-06-24 12:59:341