barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-25 06:57:26





slowly 动词后要加副词

owners owner of 。。。的所属人

gently 动词后要加副词


1.slowly 2.ownner 3.gentlely


宾语和状语能连用吗 你会就告诉我答案

sure, u can.e.g.fuck me hard me is the object,and hard is the adverbial.
2023-06-25 01:54:112


2023-06-25 01:54:205


2023-06-25 01:54:498


2023-06-25 01:55:151


one door was pushed out.but nothingness.the feeling of being occupied,soak the lines of my palm slowly.the door will never shut,the rusted lock,rotten handle and bended axis.since can not shut anything,shut yourself.just as quilt folded in good order,gentlely,I close the door of my heart.the cold feeling was hided deeply in the dense fog.and the yellow and disconsolate haze.carried with the dreamed and trembling kiss.regret about had ever come arcoss the world.
2023-06-25 01:55:242


1 You both are not willing to work, and is not willing to study, how then you future will make a livingu30022 Early in the morning we will set out tomorrow for week-long sea voyage, we for excited not alreadyu30023 Again do not hesitate, again did not move the opportunity not to haveu30024 After the rain appears the rainbow is the natural phenomenonu30025 Puts on the clothes when to the baby, the movement must be gentleu3002
2023-06-25 01:55:464


1.用英语写出关于游泳的词 swimming pool 游泳池 swimming suit 游泳衣 swimming trunks 游泳裤 swimming cap 游泳帽 rubber float 橡皮浮圈 kick 打水 stroke 划水 treading water 踩水 freestyle 自由泳 crawl 爬泳 frog style 蛙泳 breast stroke 俯泳 back stroke 仰泳 dog paddle 狗爬式 butterfly stroke 蝶泳 diving 跳水 2.写一篇关于介绍游泳的英文 My hometown is near the sea. My father tought me to swim when I was seven years old.I spent o months on learning swimming. I like swimming very much.I always go swimming in summer holiday. So,I like summer best of all the seasons.I often swim in the swimming pool and sometimes I swim in the sea with my parents. Swimming can make me strong and happy.Now I am thirteen .I"m 171cm height and 55kg weight.while I was swimming, I felt cool and wonderful. when I saw somebody who older than me didn"t swim, I was thinking I"m lucky.Because I have a good father. 我的家乡在海边。我7岁时,我爸爸就教我游泳。我花了2个月学会游泳。我非常喜欢游泳。在暑假,我几乎天天去游泳。所以我最喜欢夏天。我常常在游泳池游泳,有时也和父母去海里游泳。游泳使我强壮和快乐。我现在13岁,身高171cm,体重55kg。我在游泳时,感到凉爽和舒服。每当看见比我年长的人还不会游泳,我就感到幸运。因为我有一个好爸爸。 3.形容夏天的英语单词 summer 夏天 summer begins 立夏 summer solstice 夏至 air-conditional 空调 ice 冰 cool drink 冷饮 typhoon/tropical storm/hurricane 台风/热带风暴/飓风 refrigerator 冰箱 summer vacation 暑假 sandals 凉鞋 sunshade 遮阳伞 shades 太阳镜 hot 炎热 boiling 炎热的 scorching 酷热的 searing 炽热的 sweltering 闷热的 stifling 令人窒息的 roasting 燥热的 heat wave 热浪 heat stroke 中暑 sun burn 晒伤 sun tanning 晒黑 sun bathing 日光浴 sun cream 防晒霜 4.形容夏天的英语作文 Summer is ing. The tree have new,green leaver. Flowers is very lovely.It"s hot in summer.We wear shorts ,T-shirt and sandals.In summer,I like swimming in the swimming pool,I wear a swimsuit and glasses.I like summer. 夏天来了 树有了新的绿叶子。花儿们很可爱。夏天很热,我们穿着短裤/t衫和凉鞋。在夏天,我喜欢在游泳池里游泳,我穿着游泳衣和游泳镜。我喜欢夏天。 5.关于夏天的60词英语作文(带翻译) When it es to summer, my favourite thing to do is just hanging out at the beach. Let the breeze goes through my hair, my clothes and every inch of my skin. Let the sun shines onto my whole body and gives me warmth. I like to play beach volleyball with my friends. It doesn"t matter whether I lose or win, but whether we enjoy ourselves or not. Summer is such a great time in the year! 在夏天,我最喜欢的事情就是在海边闲逛。 让微风穿过我的头发,我的衣服和我的每一寸肌肤。 让太阳照耀到我的全身,给我温暖。 我喜欢和我的朋友打沙滩排球。不管我是否输或赢,但我们是否玩得很开心。 今年夏天是一个美好的时光! 6.英语作文 游泳 Today is Sunday. This morning, I went to the swimming pool with my mum.I decided to learn swimming today. At first, I could not swim at all. My mother was very patient. She taught me how to swim.Three hours later, I could swim by myself. Although I couldn"t swim very well, I was very happy. 7.英语作文 夏天游泳应该注意什么 Summer swimming safety can not be ignored(标题) 以下正文; More hot days, the public swimming pool has bee a favored place, leisure Xiaoshu, we can feel good fitness. A pool of blue water, has a lovely, but there is also potential danger. When launched, it is necessary to strengthen self-protection, can not be taken lightly. Children can not be launched personal, leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters, and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents, not in shallow water , The water in the region, "Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous. Special needs to be emphasized is that alcoholics do not swim. Because people in the consumption of wine, after dinner, more blood will flow of movement of ans and skin, which will make brain blood supply shortage. And alcoholics in the water to breathe, his head constantly about swing and the head, bow, coupled with wave Dangyangguanru ears, the brain will be to stimulate the vestibular an, causing dizziness and loss of balance, are dangerous. 望采纳,谢谢~ 8.描写夏天的英语短文 Now it is summer ,we have the beautiful trees with green leaves shining in the sunshine. Everything turns on its new look ,we can have a summer with happy and joy. It was a sunny day, I went out with my best friend Selina to the beach. The beach in the summer is more beautiful than ever before. The water in the sea is clear blue with cute waves. The wind on the beach is blowing gentlely as if wele us. My friend and I were moved by the spectecular sea ,we went swimming beside the beach. It was cool and both of us enjoy ourselves. After that ,we had some icecreams,then we spent our time in feeling the beautiful scenary on the beach .The wind on the beach gives us a piece of cool and fort. We enjoy our trip to the beach very much. It is a very special trip. We both relaxed ourselves and had a good time. 写得有点多了,不知道楼主是否满意,您可以从中挑选。 9.描写夏天的英语句子有哪些 1. It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.夏天的下午,湛蓝的天空云雀在飞舞。 2. Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers. 夏天就是当太阳照耀的时候,蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞。3. Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and tran *** ission, on the ground sparkling spot.初夏的阳光从茂密的树叶透射出来,在地上闪闪发光。 4. Summer is the second season in a year. it is beeen spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest.夏季是一年中的第二个季节。它在春天和秋天之间。 夏天的太阳是最热的;夏天的水是最暖的。5. Summer is sultry. that"s the reason why i don"t like it.夏天很闷热,这就是我不喜欢它的原因。 6. Stray birds of summer e to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,然后飞走了。 7. summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.夏季是各种冷食和多汁水果的好季节。 8. I love summer very much. In summer, it"s hot, and sometimes it"s rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.我非常喜欢夏天。夏天很热,有时会下雨。 人们可以穿T恤衫、短裤和太阳镜。女孩喜欢穿裙子和裙子。 9. I love *** imming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it"s not very hot.我爱在夏天游泳。所以我总是和我的父母一起去海里游泳。 有时候,如果天气不是很热,我喜欢和我的朋友在操场上打篮球。10. In summer,children can go boating and play many kinds of games.People who like swimming like this season so much.在夏季,孩子们能出去划船和做各种各样的游戏。 喜欢游泳的人们尤其喜爱这个季节。11. I love summer because it is full of life and hope.我爱夏季是因为它充满了生机和希望。 12. Summer is a lovely season.In summer the sun is shining brightly in the sky and the trees and crops are growing fast.夏天是一个可爱的季节。夏天艳阳高照,树木和庄稼迅速生长。 13. summer although said is very hot, but may hear “the insect sonata” in the evening, heartily the pleasure which feels Ningxia to bring.夏天虽然说很热,但晚上可能会听到“昆虫奏鸣曲”,尽情感受宁夏带来的乐趣。14. I like summer,although it is hot. 我喜欢夏天,尽管它很热。 15. The summer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to sweat.夏天的太阳像个大火炉,把大地烤得发烫,就连空气也是热烘烘的,人一动就浑身冒汗。 10.英语作文夏天游泳应该注意什么 More hot days,the public swimming pool has bee a favored place,leisure Xiaoshu,we can feel good fitness.A pool of blue water,has a lovely,but there is also potential danger.When launched,it is necessary to strengthen self-protection,can not be taken lightly. Children can not be launched personal,leisure areas and should have his or her parents; swimming beginners should be 1.4 meters below the shallow waters,and not alone in the pool practicing "Bieqi" so as not to choke water accidents,not in shallow water ,The water in the region,"Zha Mengzi" to prevent head impact the bottom or wall are dangerous.
2023-06-25 01:55:541


【 #演讲稿# 导语】演讲者根据几条原则性的提纲进行演讲,比较灵活,便于临场发挥,真实感强,又具有照读式演讲和背诵式演讲的长处。以下是 为大家整理的英语演讲稿范文【五篇】,希望对您有所帮助。 【篇一】英语演讲稿范文   good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.   psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .   statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress . while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents"s greater expectations on us than we could reach . later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we"ve learned at college in our future job .   the chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .people usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress . it"s unwelcome ! yes , however , very necessary . just image a world where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way . but is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? without stress , they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things . too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of the society . no stress , no development . so a certain amount of stress is good . it can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .   and our answer to stress is another vital problem . how to do with ourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag and admit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicide as to put an end to everything … of cause not . the principle is to tackle with stress gentlely and harmoniously. we should try our best to release ourselves . such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music or classical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges .it"s no use crying over spilt milk . only to accept what has happened can solve the problem .   ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am here and have finished my speech . here is the last thing i want to add to my topic ,face to it and overcome it ,stress is also a piece of cake. 【篇二】英语演讲稿范文   istinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:   Hello, everyone! My name is cheng xiang yan , I am a junior student come from life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech‘Flying youth, master our future!"   Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life in the pace of young, facing new situations, dealing with different problems.....   However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? A belief?An attitude to life? Or anything else? actually, everyone has his ownunderstanding of young, it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, only after you have experienced the sour , sweet ,bitter and salty, can you really become a person of significance.   Just like A famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ,youth is a meaningful book, you"ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life.   As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it .Don"t let the limited time pass by, grasping the young will means a better time is waiting for you in the near future.   So,It"s necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to come. having a view on those great men in the history of hunman being, they all made full use of their youth time to do things that are useful to society, to the whole mankind, and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations, admired by everyone. so do something in the time of young, although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole world, just for youeself, for those around! So, what should we do when we are young? Here,I"ll point out some tips to help equip ourselves.   First of all,think of what you"d like to be some day. A teacher ? A doctor ? A writer? Don"t afraid of dreaming of big and great .Since you are young , you can dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future. What"s more , never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it"ll broaden your horizon.   Last but not the least , stick to your dream. It easier said than done. After all, future is not all roses. young is just like blooming flowers, they are so beautiful when blooming, which make people feel happy, but with time passing by, after they withers ,most people think they are ugly. and so it is the same with young, we are enthusiastic when we are young, then we may lose our passion when getting older and older. So we should have enough courage and determination to overcome all the difficulties in struggling on the road.   I firmly believe one sentence that‘If you think you can, of course you can!"Just believe we can make it! Keep on walking towards our dream. Flying youth , master our future. From today, from now on , are you Ready ? That"s all. Thank you so much for your attention ! 【篇三】英语演讲稿范文   Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!   I"m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it, and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.   First I want to ask you some questions:   1、Do you know what is youth? 2、How do you master your youth?   Youth   Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .   Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.   Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.   Whether 60 of 16, there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there"s a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .   When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.   Thank you! 【篇四】英语演讲稿范文   Honorable Judges, fellow students:   Good afternoon!   Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?   The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time s to supplement our pocket money.   The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.   As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future. 【篇五】英语演讲稿范文   ladies and gentlemen,   i have had a lot of teachers in my school who have given me much help in my study. for their help i will never forget them. but today i am going to talk about a special teacher of mine. this teacher is not a human being and its name is“computer”. it has been teaching me a lot of knowledge and i appreciate it very much.   with the development of modern science and technology, computers are widely used in every teritories including education. how can a computer be my teacher? how does a computer teach me? multimedia(多媒体)helps a lot in this aspect in recent years, and computer-based training (cbt) has become a popular educational medium (手段). even before the multimedia come up, many different learning systems appeared, using the components and techniques we now associate with the term “multimedia”. multimedia components, such as graphics (动画) , animations , sound and video, make the learning process easier through visualization. animations can present many complex subjects dynamically, but human teachers can not do this on blackboards. multimedia makes our study more lively and interesting. for example, a cd-rom disk named “encarta encyclopedia” contains 650 mb information including images, graphics, music clips, video clips, animations , texts, hotwords, and database search functions. fields involved includes physical   sciences, performance arts, social sciences, politics, military, education and so on. when pressing a button, i can hear american president clinton"s speech clip. i may enjoy playing all kinds of musical instruments in the world. i can also see the animation of many physical phenomena. this makes physical concept to be understood deeply. the audio features of multimedia can greatly help me learning foreign languages. with its speech output capabilities, i"m no longer dependent on an instructor for proper pronunciation.   how can i interact with a computer? there are many ways, including keyboard, mouse pointer, and touch screen. i often use a keyboard. when i press right keys, i can see and hear whatever i want. information world is at my fingertip. i wish that true speech input-output system would be invented one day.   as teachers, computers have a lot of virtues: they are positive, they have good memories and never lose any information stored in them. they have much knowledge in every field. they can let out all kinds of sounds, and can also improve the efficiency of our study. for example, if i want to, i can skip some chapters so that i can study at my own pace.   although computers will never take the place of human teachers, they are welcomed by more and more learners. computers will continue to evolve(发展)with the aid of modern technologies. computers are so powerful, helpful and important that everybody needs it, especially in the future! i love my computer teacher!   thank you.
2023-06-25 01:56:121


that was a sunday,mum told me to take my little brother to play in the downtown.she asked me to take good care of him.we walked on the road and saw the beautiful sunshine,felt the blowing wind,it seemed that the birds were singing on the tree.all i could say was it was queit beatiful.then we felt we decided to return home.when we arrived,we just saw mun was standing near the door and waiting for us .
2023-06-25 01:56:203


忠犬八公的英文观后感范文 看完一部作品以后,想必你有不少可以分享的东西,为此需要好好认真地写观后感。那么我们如何去写观后感呢?下面是我精心整理的忠犬八公的英文观后感范文,欢迎阅读与收藏。   忠犬八公的英文观后感1 Parker was a college professor. He worked at the neighboring town by train. One day, he encountered an stray dog at the station. When seeing its innocent eyes, he felt something sympathetic springing up in his heart. So he took it home. At first, his wife strongly opposed his behivor, But she saw that her hu *** and and daughter loved the dog very much. Finally she decided to accept the dog as a part of the family. They called it " Hachi." Gradually Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger one. Every day , Hachi acpanied Parker to go to the station on time. At 5:00 in the dusk, it punctually appeared at the station exit to wait for Parker. That was the tacit agreement beeen them! Around the station, the hot-dog vendor and the store proprietress always saw an impressive scene that once Parker came out from the station and called “Hachi”, the dog excitedly rushed forward, scratched his trousers, licked his face and groaned with pleasure. In his free time, Parker wanted to teach Hachi to pick a ball with its mouth, even lying on the ground and picked the ball with his mouth to set an example for Hachi, but gradually he felt it difficult to teach Hachi to do it. But one day, Parker went to the station as usual, suddenly he felt Hachi bitting his trousers. When turning back, he found that Hachi should pick the ball, Parker was very happy. But he still leaved. At that time, Hachi had a premonition that it would never see Parker again. In fact, it was the last precious recollections beeen them. Because on that day, Parker suddenly collapsed in the classroom, he died of the heart disease. He never returned to the station. But Hachi didn"t realize it. Afterward, Hachi still waited for the professor at 5:00 pm every day. The leaves became green and yellow, the snow fell and began to melt. Year after year, ten years slid past unconsciously. Hachi still waited and waited until it died. The moment Hachi died, it seemed to see Parker ing out from the station exit again, and called it “Hachi” gentlely. Hachi wanted to stand by him, but it couldn"t. It groaned weakly as if it wanted to say “I miss you very much!” Finally, they stayed together in the other world. As I watched the film, my eyes filled with tears.I was moved by the emotion beeen them, especially the loyalty of Hachi. Hachi devoted the whole life to waiting for Parker. Nowadays, few people can love someone to this extent. Yes, We can"t! What we could learn from Hachi are that what the true love is and how to love. By the way, the film was based on a true story happened in Japan in 1935.   忠犬八公的英文观后感2 In recent years, the film “Hachiko—A Dog"s Story” has been very popular. It mainly shows an impressive story beeen a loyal dog and a professor. As far I am concerned, there are many things we can learn from the film. To begin with, I believe that most people who have watched this film were moved by the dog"s loyalty. The dog has waited for his owner for a lifetime and hid loyal behavior has taught us never fet anyone we loved—the meaning of loyalty. We can learn that we should try to get along with each other with true affection and never betray in an intimated relationship so that we can strengthen our relationship and understand each other better. And we should believe that there is still a true affection in the world. Another thing we can learn from the film is to value what we have. In other words, we should learn to count our fortunes. What we own is always unique and cannot be replaced by others, so we have to value what we have. As the saying goes, “Tree prefers calm while wind not subsides; Son chooses filial while parents died”. We should never be regretful until losing. Finally, we should learn to treat our pets well because they are also our friends and even our family members. 标签: 观后感 忠犬八公
2023-06-25 01:56:271


暑假作文素材1   “丁零零,丁零零”,这代表着一学期的结束,也代表着一个新的暑假的开始。“耶!”我发出一声欢呼,终于放署假啦!我开心地蹦了起来。这个暑假,我要开开心心地度过。   首先,我回了老家。回到老家,我心想;放了暑假,我该到哪去玩呢?对了!哥哥家。我收好行李,就向着哥哥家“进军”了。   到了哥哥家,一见到哥哥,我就扑进他的怀里,说:“哎呀!老哥,这几天你都在干什么呀!我给你打电话也不接?”哥哥笑了笑,说:“肯定是在做作业了呀!”我差异地说:“放暑假了,你还做作业,先痛痛快快玩几天吧!”他想了一会,点点头说:“嗯!也是,恰好妹妹和你都来了,就痛痛快快玩几天吧!”我惊讶地说:“妹妹也来了?”哥哥看着电视机说:“妹妹别躲了,出来吧!”说完,妹妹垂头丧气地从电视机后钻了出来,说:“哎呀,哥哥,我准备吓浩宇哥哥一下,给他一个惊喜,全被你搅和了。”我说:“好呀!你个吴俊梅,竟敢吓我是吧,我今天就让你尝尝“挠痒痒神功”的厉害。说完,我就追赶着妹妹,她大叫一声:“呀!”转身就跑,我们就这样“疯”了起来。   这几天,我们在哥哥家看电视,扑蝉、钓鱼……快活极了,也闹出了许多笑话。   有一天,我和哥哥在屋外玩,妹妹在屋内看电视。我和哥哥在外面互相追赶着,我跑上一个土堆,没想到哪有个土坑,我摔了进去,幸好那土坑没有多深,哥哥才把我拉了上来,我生气地说:“如果这个土坑再深一点儿,我就成了泥人了,哼!”哥哥听了,对我说:我们如果把这个土坑再挖深一点,再把妹妹骗上来,嗯 …… ”哥哥阴险地笑了,说干就干,我和哥哥拿起锄头,两人使劲地挖呀挖,把挖出来的土抛在一边,这个坑越来越深,终于,差不多容得下妹妹了。我们爬上来,两人都已满头大汗了。我们又找来一块布,蒙在上面,一切安排妥当之后,我们把妹妹喊了出来,把她带到小土坑哪,问:“你敢不敢从这上面走过去?”她自信地说:“谁不敢呀!”说完,她走上去,从上面一跨,居然跨过了小坑,我们又叫她走,她每次都一跨,又跨过去了,我们觉得没意思,就没管她的啦!过了几天妹妹追着哥哥家的狗,小狗跑到小土堆上,往小土坑上一纵,踩到小土坑上,就掉下去了,那只小狗吓得“汪汪,汪汪”直叫,妹妹紧随其后,也掉了下去,她大叫一声:“救命呀”我和哥哥听见了,哈哈大笑,笑得在地上只打滚。妹妹从下面爬上来了。她生气地说:“看我怎么收拾你们!”说完,追着我们跑,我们一边笑一边跑,妹妹在后面喊:“站住,站住!”   这是一个多么有趣的暑假呀!我真喜欢过暑假呀!因为暑假是我们最天真无邪、快乐的时候! 暑假作文素材2   已经过了一个月的暑假,仍然是赤日炎炎,我的作业早已经写完,天天无聊的呆在家,于是,我最最最亲爱外加英明的老妈让我去我的双胞胎姐姐家去玩一个礼拜。   凌晨五点,我妈妈把我载到姐姐家,蹭蹭蹭,跑到楼上,按下门铃,开了门,也打开了我的暑假趣事的来源。   第一天,我和姐姐们(有三个姐姐,一个是冬怡姐姐,还有两个姐姐就是双胞胎姐姐,一个叫胡琳琳,另一个叫范双双)就闹出了不少趣事和笑话。   “吃早饭啦!”还没睡醒,双双姐姐就用她那七分倍的声音给吓了起来,呜呜呜,我可怜的耳朵,要被震聋了啦。而另一边,同样是受到了牵连,一边捂着耳朵一边迅速的穿衣,这办事效率,可真不是吹的。   “范双双,那么大声干嘛,我们都在睡哎!”琳琳姐姐的河东狮吼也爆发了!可怜我们一群人呐,这下可真要聋了吧。   好不容易熬过了早饭时间,松了一口气之后,一声尖叫划破安静的家……   “啊!蟑螂啊!”听到这一声尖叫,一群女孩子吓得魂飞魄散的。瞬间,有人拿着苍蝇拍,有人躲在房间里,我就拿着毛巾。不会吧,这蟑螂,还飞起来了,好怕啊,我拿着毛巾的手不停地发抖。“啪”苍蝇拍顺利的拍死了蟑螂,好恶心啊。原本以为就这样过去了,没想到……   热热闹闹的白天过去了,我们商量好说,晚上一起看鬼片“咒怨”。到了晚上……   一开始,我们毫无反应,到了一只猫突然变成一个脸色惨白的小男孩时,三位姐姐捂着脸,不愿意看了,就我一个人在那边津津有味地看,还顺便提醒她们过去了。到了第二个恐怖环节:一个女子在公司发生了许多恐怖的事情,回到家把被子盖在身上仰躺着看电视,突然,电视女主持人的脸扭曲了,变成人不像人,鬼不像鬼的不明生物,女子都不能关掉电视,在看到之前,就我一个人看着,其他人吓得不敢再看下去了都,才刚刚过去,突然,从女子的被窝里钻出一个女鬼,披头散发,眼睛突出,脸色苍白,吓死我身边的那些老姐了。到了第三个最恐怖的环节:那个小男孩一下子出现在女主角的身边,还有对面的床头也出现了个女鬼,妈妈咪呀,连我都吓了一跳,我们立马关掉了窗口,尖叫着跑到空调间,我都吓得半死不活了。这一天,可真是吓得我的小心肝儿扑通扑通跳啊。   第二天。那天,胡冬怡老姐正在玩电脑,我和双双姐姐密谋了一番,准备吓吓老姐,于是,我跟着姐姐来到电脑房,无声无息的走到她后面,瞬间,一声尖叫便震动了整座房子,没想到,过了一会儿,这座房子又震动了两下。   “哈哈哈……啊哈哈哈哈。”我笑得喘不过气来了要,同样的方法居然让姐姐吓了三次,我和两个姐姐笑的可谓是没心没肺,幸灾乐祸,姐姐冒出一句:“这个笨蛋,吓了一次就应该有所防备了,还居然被吓了三次,啊哈哈哈哈!”而另一边的蹲在地上画圈圈,身上散发着怨妇的气质……   暑假趣事不断,敬请关注你们的暑假哦。 暑假作文素材3   令人期盼已久的暑假终于来临,严热的温度与欢快的气氛代替了我整天紧张的复习。在暑假的第二天,婆婆决定带我们全家开展一次广东之旅   。盼星星盼月亮我们终于如愿以偿的坐上了开往梅洲的汽车,一路上激动与喜悦难以言表,我们在群山的怀抱中左钻右钻了一个多小时终于到了梅洲市五洲城车站。一下车我们就被拉上了三轮摩的,坐在车上的我们好像坐在了马车上:一会儿上一会下。细细“品味”也别有一番风趣。   转眼间我们来到了一家饭店,一股浓浓的广东风味迎面扑来,广东菜与四川菜恰恰成了一对反义词:四川菜讲究辣而广东菜却讲究咸、酸。白斩鸡、菠萝炒排骨这可都是广东的代表菜。饱餐一顿后的我们赶紧坐车到了一个亲戚家,这才算安顿了下来。夜晚群星璀璨,我们一行人漫步在梅洲市黑夜如昼的大街上:优美的音乐,川流不息的汽车,仿佛向人展示着梅洲这座古老之城、活力之城不朽的`魅力。我们接着参观了秀兰大桥:这座桥,桥长1000多米,桥上桥下的霓虹灯闪烁着,炫丽多彩,湖水与大桥交相辉映,尤如一幅天然而又美丽的风景画。我们走过秀兰大桥便又回到了住处,对旅程画上了一个小小的逗号。   次日经我们强烈要求又来到了梅洲桥头公园。一眼望去一座座大型游乐设施布满整个公园。我和哥妹像哥伦布发现新大陆一下朝游乐园内狂奔。在园内我们玩了许多娱乐项目,最有趣最刺激的还要算“海盗船”了,我们迫不及待的奔上去完全不去思考后面发生的事,上了船找好一个位置坐下,由于太兴奋了在我还没来得及系好安全带时船便开动了。手忙脚乱的我急的象热锅上的蚂蚁。可是机器还是照样我行我素,继续加大马力。我的心不知怎么了跳的异常的快,由于船摆得越来越大,我索性把头使劲往铁护栏里钻,嘴里不停地念叨:“快停呀,快停呀!”好不容易船慢慢的停了,我带着发白的嘴发白的脸缓缓的走了下来,然后便坐着三轮自行车回到了住处。   第二天早上,我们还在梦乡时大人们便轻轻的把我们叫醒:今天去兴宁了!听说又要出发,我们马上三下两下洗涮完毕,踏上了兴宁的班车。嘟……嘟,不到一小时的路程美丽的兴宁便呈现在眼前。下了车后吃了一碗家乡面,它好像一碗仙丹吃完过后旅途的劳累便灰之烟灭了。来到兴宁目的可不是吃,而是去看望我们的亲戚。我们的第一个目标便是去看七八年没见面的太姨婆太:一进屋一个两眼深凹、头发花白的老太太出现在眼前,她便是我公公的爸爸的妹妹。别看她已经87高龄了,可是身体还很硬朗。家里家外收拾得很干净。然后我们又来到了叔公太家,他的辈份很高,是我公公的叔叔,他最大的特点就是好客,我们一到他家,他便用手鼓掌热情大喊:欢迎,欢迎!大姨婆则是不停的笑,可能是因为一个人长时间太寂寞一下那么多人来了太激动了吧!所谓有朋自远方来不亦乐乎!   时间过的真快转眼就到了傍晚,我们脱去一身的疲惫躺在舒服的床上睡着了,就这样为我们的旅行划上了一个完美的句号。   人们都说:一次旅行是一本书,总能在旅行中收获许多。虽然是一身是疲惫,可当我们想到梅洲美丽的风景,兴宁慈祥的老人,心里便悄悄多了几分美丽几分甜蜜! 暑假作文素材4   我过了一个十分愉快的暑假。放暑假,我回到了我的老家,我到了爷爷的住宿那里去玩耍。   我爷爷虽然上了年纪,但是他是一个十分勤劳的人,也是一个很有文采的人。我们过年时,就是爷爷亲手帮我们写的对联呢!爷爷他种了各种各种样花,有红的、有白的、有紫的,也有黄的,哇!五彩缤纷真是迷人啊!虽然我不知道它们的名字,但是我看见它们朵朵灿烂,就知道它们的名字一定很美。爷爷还种了一些蔬菜、玉米等,我们最喜欢吃那长长的、嫩嫩的、绿得发光的菜豆啦,爷爷把它们放在锅里一炒,真是鲜美娇嫩、脆甜爽口啊!   最令人惊讶的是,爷爷那里的鱼儿十分可爱,有白色的、金色的、黑色的……真是数也数不清呀。它们游在水里还会吐泡泡,一串一串的泡泡就像圆圆的小皮球,真可爱。有的在追着妈妈,像是要妈妈把甜美的乳汁送到它的嘴里,让它填饱肚子……   有一天,我带着爷爷亲手做的鱼杆到鱼塘去钓鱼。但我想起了我不会钓鱼,可是我想起了爷爷曾经教育过我,做任何事都不能够轻意放弃,还没有试就说不行,只是一种愚蠢的做法。所以,我就十分有信心的钓起来。首先,我在鱼钩上放了一些蚯蚓;然后,我就把鱼线扔下水去;最后,我就蹲在草地上专心致致地等待着鱼来上钩。终于,那块浮上来的泡沫向下沉了。我立刻把鱼杆向上拉,结果,鱼从鱼钩里甩了一下尾巴,就跳到了水里。鱼钩从那边飞过来刺在我的脚上,鲜血从脚里流了出来。大伙都劝我休息一下,别跑了。但我有上进心,我要做得更好,我就连包扎也没有,就蹲下业继续钓,鲜血染红了不我的脚,我依然不在乎。   皇天不负有心人,经过我一次又一次不断地努力,鱼儿终于上钩了。我像一只飞翔在天空的鸟,自由自在,心里像吃了蜜糖一样甜;感觉又好像踏上了成功的路,我要铺一段路,已经铺好了十分之一的,剩下的路我相信我会利用最短的时间来铺好它。   后来,我爷爷把钩到的鱼煮给大伙们吃。我突然间,我感到这些鱼是甜甜的了。我心里想起了一句话:世上无难事;只怕有心人。只要大家努力,我相信做任何事都会成功的。 暑假作文素材5   在暑假里,我到了云南的野生动物园。   中午,太阳火辣辣地照着大地。进了动物园。先来到“望狮台”在高墙里的狮子们静静地坐在那里,十分严肃、庄重。它们蓬松的毛在阳光下闪闪发光,富有光泽。它们走路的样子是有节拍的。从它们的眼睛里可以看出“森林之王”的尊严。在“望狮台”,还可以“钓狮子”。花几十元就能得到一根特殊的“钓鱼竿”。诱耳是一大块生肉。一位游客买了一个“钓鱼竿”。他先放下去逗狮子,把肉放在狮子面前晃来晃去,可狮子绝对不是好惹的。它大吼了一声,跳起来,一口就把肉吃了。   在“望虎台”里的老虎好像对狮子的吼声有意见,生气地走来走去。   老虎的邻居是住在“望狼台”的大灰狼。它们的家像真的大森林,里面种了许多松树。狼和狼狗差不多,只是,狼的尾部像一把大扫把似的拖在地上,眼睛里透出狡猾、凶恶。一些游客老是逗狼,狼吃不到肉,装作生气了,扭头走了,游客放松了警惕,狼一头转扑过来就把肉吃了。   我们又坐着电瓶车,来到了“食草区”。在里面只觉得像走在林间小路上。里面的动物都是放养的,很自由(但不是哪里都能去的哟)那里有:马鹿、梅花鹿、小羊羔、剑羊……唯独野牛被关在圈里。   旁边还有动物表演场。这里有老虎跳圈、山羊走钢丝、老熊滑旱冰……最后,还可以和老虎亲密接触(和老虎照相),我也去过了一下瘾,好爽呀!(害得我吓一身冷汗)。   这真是快乐而刺激的一天,欢迎大家也来云南亲身体会一下! 暑假作文素材6   这个暑假趣事很多,其中一件是捉蝴蝶。   那天,我和姐姐拿着网子和盒子,伴着微微的清风,披着金色的阳光,信步走在村外的小路上,一路上说着笑着,就好像出笼的小鸟。碧蓝的天空飘着几朵悠悠的白云,空气中弥漫着诱人的清香。   一会儿,我们来到一个美丽的山坡上。只见如茵的小草绿光融融,像星星一样的野花点缀其间,随风翩翩起舞真是个捉蝴蝶的好地方。   姐姐,姐姐!怎么没有人回答?我四下一看,原来姐姐已经盯上了一只黑白色的蝴蝶。哼,有什么了不起,今天我一定要捕一只最漂亮的蝴蝶让你瞧瞧!我举着捕蝶网,睁大眼睛四处搜索。忽然,眼前飞过一只花蝴蝶,它穿着金黄的衣服,翅膀上长着黑色的斑点,像是故意显示自己,在我面前尽情地翩翩起舞,时高时低,时左时右,时快时慢。我想捉住它制成标本,那才漂亮呢!我正准备用网子去扣那只大蝴蝶,突然想起姐姐说过,捕蝴蝶要有耐心,等它停下来后,出其不意,才能扣住它。想到这儿,我生怕惊吓它,一动不动地埋伏在草丛中。   也许是飞得太累,想歇息歇息,它慢慢地落在一朵淡紫色的野花上,双翅轻轻地颤动着。机会终于来了!我屏住气,抑制着心跳,慢慢靠近它,伸出捕蝶网,看准位置,刷地一罩。逮住了,逮住了!我兴奋地叫喊起来,然后小心翼翼地把它从网里取出,放在预先准备的盒子里。   火辣辣的太阳热情得让人受不了,在蝉姑娘不停的鸣叫中,我和姐姐携带着战利品,恋恋不舍地离开了充满情趣的小山坡。   捉蝴蝶真有趣。 暑假作文素材7   Winter   After the fall, winter gentlely comes to us, with the temperature goes down step by step, and we will put on the clothes little by little. But to someone, the much-awaited winter finally comes, with the clean and beautiful snow falling down. Children shout and hurry to the outside to enjoy the snowy day. They will make a snowman and maybe give him a scarf, a chrestams hat.Stones are his eyes, carrot becomes his nose, branches from the tree are his arms and their coat is made by the snowy-drapery and stone-buttons. They will also get a smile face with the help of the stones. And other children may have a snowball fight. They devided into two parts and round their balls to throw to the other part"s little soiders and try to occupy the other part"s base under the enermy"s heavy fire of snowball. And when the day gets dark, children will go back to their own families, breathe on the window and draw some masterpieces. Night comes, with children go to bed, the snow slowly and quietly pour down, quilt over the ground, and everything in the earth becomes silent and clean then. 暑假作文素材8   真是太怀念暑假里的时光了,不是因为我爱玩,而是我想见一见老家的母鸡……   这些鸡中我最喜欢一只白色的母鸡,它长着一身雪白的羽毛,摸上去柔顺极了。一张尖尖的嘴,经常在地上磨来磨去,我常常想:它的嘴不会断吗?   最让我念念不忘的是它在啄食时的身影。我抓了一把稻谷,轻轻放在地上。一声呼唤,它就被这里的食物吸引了,便飞奔过来。我细细地观察着:它正用那尖尖的嘴啄稻谷,速度快极了。我傻傻地看着,脑子在想它是怎样用嘴吃食物的。由于我一直不知道母鸡是怎样吃食物的,所以它每次吃食物时,我就会去看,去研究。因为我相信:只要坚持观察,就一定能找到答案。   有时没有事,我还会追着母鸡玩。当鸡在喝水时,或是站在那里不动时,我就会偷偷地走过去。等发现时,我才跑起来。当鸡从地面腾空飞起时,地上的叶子就会漫天飞舞。它边飞边鸣,不时发出下蛋后的叫声,好像在说:“你干什么追我?!啊?!”   写到这里,我还笑了。如果放狗去追鸡会怎样呢?算了,为了不伤害白鸡,我就不写了。 暑假作文素材9   暑假里,爸爸妈妈和我去深圳看海!   我们经过一个多钟头的奔波,终于来到了东涌!在路上,我们经过了东部华侨城,那里面有好多人呐!我们还经过了一个核电站,核电站就是用核发电,这样和环保也很节约。来到沙滩上,我迫不及待地脱下运动鞋,穿上拖鞋,来到离海浪最近的地方,我赶忙走上去,迎着凉飕飕的风,踏在金黄色的沙滩上。我慢慢地靠近海水,不禁大叫:“啊,好冰啊!早知道就不下来了!”过了一会儿,我慢慢的习惯了这冰凉的海水,觉得一点也不冰。差不多,上午十点,太阳慢慢地露出了笑脸,这时,气温也升高了!我突然发现,沙滩上有许多海白菜,爷爷还在海水里捞起了海带,我摸了摸海带,这海带特别嫩,特别滑!我拿着爷爷给我的海带跑到妈妈那里,并拉着妈妈来到离海水较近的地方。爸爸提议说:“魏柯薇,我们俩来比赛跑步吧,怎么样?”我高兴得回答道:“OK啊,没问题!”随着妈妈的叫声,比赛开始了!开始,我和爸爸在同一起跑线上,可没跑多久,爸爸的体力渐渐不支了!我趁着这个机会冲了上去,我赢得了这个比赛的冠军!过了一会儿,我和妈妈一起往前走,边走还编起了诗:“蓝蓝的大海啊,大海;金黄的沙滩啊,沙滩!我们赤着脚走在沙滩上,欣赏着美丽的风景,吹着凉凉的风,晒着热热的太阳,不禁陶醉在这美妙的风景里!”我和妈妈不知不觉地来到了沙滩的最边缘,那里的风特别大,浪也特别响!在沙滩上玩了一会儿,我们离开了东涌!   这次深圳之行结束了,如果还有下次机会,我一定会再来,这美丽的大海,还会来这漂亮的深圳! 暑假作文素材10   假期虽然已经过去了,但那一件件令人发笑的事情仿佛就发生在昨天,尤其是那件发生在北京的事,让人一想起来就忍俊不禁。   那是八月份的一天,爸爸妈妈带着我去北京海洋馆游玩。我们欣赏了美丽的海底世界,不知不觉到了黄昏,应该回宾馆了。可是还没到地铁站,我就走不动了。爸爸只好带着我们进了一家酒店。爸爸给我和妈妈点了杯雪碧。自己则点了杯白酒。白酒先上来。   当时我实在是太渴了,端起杯子“咕咚咕咚”地喝了几大口。不一会儿,我迷迷糊糊地睡着了。我做了个可怕的梦,梦见我喝酒的地方突然来了许多怪物,我害怕极了,呆呆地站在那儿,不知所措。等我回过神来,撒腿就跑,跑着跑着,我就飞了起来,不一会儿就飞回了宾馆。   第二天早上,我一起来就伸伸懒腰,问爸爸:“爸爸,我昨天是飞回来的,你们是怎么回来的?”爸爸听了大笑起来,说:“你个小鬼,昨天把我的白酒喝了几大口,还害我背你回来。”“什么?我是爸爸背回来的?我记得我是飞回来的呀。”我惊奇地说。尽管妈妈也点头强调我是爸爸背回来的,但我心里还是充满了疑问……   现在,每当我想起这件事,我总会偷偷地笑。
2023-06-25 01:56:341


问题一:一点用英语怎么说 有一点 a little, somewhat, rather, a bit, some 用手轻轻一点你的脑门 touch (点在,点中), point at (指指点点) 一点油门 step/click on the gas (gentlely, firmly) 一点就通 least clue/hint (needed in order to understand) 现在一点了 1:00am 夜里1点,1:00pm 下午1点, one o"clock普通的一点。 脑袋一点一点的 nod 问题二:一点儿 一点儿用英语怎么说 little by little 问题三:一点点用英语怎么说 a few a little a bit 问题四:一点儿,少许,用英语怎么说 a little; a few; a modicum; crumb 1. 例句: 但也有少许人痛恨这个方法。 But a few people hate it a lot 问题五:我会一点点用英语怎么说 I can speak a little English. 问题六:英语我只会说一点点,用英文怎么说 英文原文: I can only speak a little English 英式音标: [a?] [k?n] [???nl?] [spiu02d0k] [?; e?] [?l?t(?)l] [???l??] 美式音标: [a?] [k?n] [?onli] [spik] [e] [?l?tl] [???l??] 问题七:我仅会一点点英语,用英文怎么说? 作为一种语言,会“一点”不行,一定需要基本掌握才算是“会”,所以,从此句的意思看,是说仅仅可以“说”一点英文,所以应该翻译成: I can say a little English only. 中文有些句子,需要换成英文的表述习惯才能再翻译,有的时候如果直译,即使语法正确,老外也不明白,因为语言的背后还有文化和习俗以及习惯。 问题八:英语中,第一点,第二点,第三点,怎么说?急用! first......second.... third..... 或in the first another.......what"s more......
2023-06-25 01:56:531


问题一:重点 用英文怎么说 重点 emphasisstress focal point key point keynote 问题二:快一点用英语怎么说 亏科技 quickly 问题三:"你们"用英文怎么说?具体点.谢谢! you [ju:, ju] pron. 你, 你们 you [ju:, ju] pron. [sing., pl.][人称代词第二人称, 主(格), 宾(格)] 你, 您, 你们, 诸位 (泛指)一个人, 任何人 (用以引起他人注意)喂! (招呼不知其名的人) you n. 与你无异的人 你的性格 the real you 真正的你; 你的真正性格 In everything, she is another you. 她从各方面看来与你毫无区别。 【说明】you 在一般写作中常用作不定代词, 比用 one 更亲切; 如: It"s a good story book, if you like detective stories. 如果您喜欢看侦探小说, 这本书是一本很好的书。 you-all [5ju:C:l, 5ju:l] pron. (美南部)[卑]你, 你们 you"d [ju:d, jJd] =①you had ②you would you"ll [ju:l, 弱jul]=①you will ②you shall After you! 请您先走! all of you 你们全体 between you and me 咱俩私下说; 不向外人讲 That"s ... for you ! [口](常用作贬义)这就是...的问题所在; 这就是...的特点 There"s ...for you ! [口]你瞧多么...! (用来引起对方注意, 多作反语表示讽刺) There"s gratitude for you! 瞧! 人家多么感激你呀! (实际含义要根据上下文而定, 既可能是正面的, 也可能是反面的) You ain"t seen nothing yet. [美俚]精彩[厉害]的还在后面呢。(好戏在后头哪!) You and me both. [美俚]咱俩情况一样; 我十分同意你的话。 you and yours 你与你的家属(或财产) You are on it [美俚]就这么办了; 这事就这样定了。 You bet ! [美俚]当然?; 一定是那样。 You said it. [美俚]知道了。(对别人所说的话表示十分赞同的一种感叹用语)我完全同意。(“That sure was a good show.“You said it.“那的确是一场好的表演。“我完全同意) You tell them. [美俚]我也不反对。(赞同或鼓励某人说下去) you [ju:, ju] pron. [sing., pl.][人称代词第二人称, 主(格), 宾(格)] 你, 您, 你们, 诸位 (泛指)一个人, 任何人 (用以引起他人注意)喂! (招呼不知其名的人) you n. 与你无异的人 你的性格 the real you 真正的你; 你的真正性格 In everything, she is another you. 她从各方面看来与你毫无区别。 【说明】you 在一般写作中常用作不定代词, 比用 one 更亲切; 如: It"s a good story book, if you like detective stories. 如果您喜欢看侦探小说, 这本书是一本很好的书。 you-all [5ju:C:l, 5ju:l] pron. (美南部)[卑]你, 你们 you"d [ju:d, jJd] =①you ha......>> 问题四:10点20用英语怎么说 英语中时间的表示方法一般有下列两种情况: 1. 数字并列法:ten twenty; 2. past, to说法:twenty past ten 问题五:一点用英语怎么说 有一点 a little, somewhat, rather, a bit, some 用手轻轻一点你的脑门 touch (点在,点中), point at (指指点点) 一点油门 step/click on the gas (gentlely, firmly) 一点就通 least clue/hint (needed in order to understand) 现在一点了 1:00am 夜里1点,1:00pm 下午1点, one o"clock普通的一点。 脑袋一点一点的 nod
2023-06-25 01:57:001


问题一:"圆”用英语怎么说 名词:circle 圆,圆形物,圆圈 形容词:round 圆的 问题二:原点的英语翻译 原点用英语怎么说 原点 [数] origin;original point更多释义>> [网络短语] 原点 origin;Origin;Point of Origin 复制原点 Origin of replication;origin of replication;replication origin 坐标原点 origin of coordinates;zero;true origin 问题三:用英语说多少点到多少点怎么说 多少点到多少点_ 翻译结果: How many to many 问题四:一点用英语怎么说 有一点 a little, somewhat, rather, a bit, some 用手轻轻一点你的脑门 touch (点在,点中), point at (指指点点) 一点油门 step/click on the gas (gentlely, firmly) 一点就通 least clue/hint (needed in order to understand) 现在一点了 1:00am 夜里1点,1:00pm 下午1点, one o"clock普通的一点。 脑袋一点一点的 nod
2023-06-25 01:57:081


Today is a fine day.The sun is shining and the wind is blowing gentlely.There is a lot of white cloud in the sky.The temperature is comfortable,so im in a good mood.I hope the weather will be good tomorrow.
2023-06-25 01:57:271

单词适当形式填空:1.She__(should) eat before bed. You__(must) brush your

2023-06-25 01:57:362


she walks gentlely
2023-06-25 01:57:431


2023-06-25 01:57:514


哇 这样都可以啊 这是小学吗 我只能告诉你III-CBBA 要好好学习啊都是英语基础的啊 时态 单复数
2023-06-25 01:57:594


2023-06-25 01:58:286


Queue forest dangerous wind thin, look very sorrowful,the dark sky.伫倚危楼风细细,望极春愁,黯黯生天际。 Light grass smoke sunset glow, the silent who would Pinglan italy.草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭阑意。 I"d rather pretend to be a giddy eccentric looking to get tipsy, when there is wine, singing follows, yet bland is such imposed recreation.拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒当歌,强乐还无味。 Becomingloose are my clothes yet I regret not, for her I languish and suffer willingly.衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。
2023-06-25 01:58:423


  演讲,就是边演边讲,讲的时候加以动作,下面就为大家整理的英文演讲稿3分钟ppt范文,希望大家喜欢。   英文演讲稿3分钟ppt 篇1   We Are The World ,We Are The Future   Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.   I don"t know who wrote these words, but I"ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.   We are all in the position of the farmers.   If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest.   If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   We are young.   “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question.   To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it"s a state of mind.   It"s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees.   It"s the matter of the will.   It"s the freshness of the deep spring of life.   A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.   Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture.   I learnt a lot there.   I"d like to share it with all of you.   Let"s show our right palms.   We can see three lines that show how our and life is.   I have a short line of life.   What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way.   Well, let"s make a fist.   Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands.   It is held in ourselves.   We all want the future to be better than the past.   But the future can go better itself.   Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.   From the past, we"ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher.   We"ve learnt that we can"t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it.   Failure doesn"t mean you don"t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.   Failure doesn"t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.   As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.   The past has gone.   Nothing we do will change it.   But the future is in front of us.   Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us.   And from today on, let"s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.”   英文演讲稿3分钟ppt 篇2   good evening , ladies and gentlemen .   i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stre, yes , just the topic you see on the screen.   psychologist tell us that streis a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .   statistics show that strecomes from every detail in our life .   financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the strethat most adults now suffering .   as students in the university , we are also under our special stre.   while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us .   and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents"s greater expectations on us than we could reach .   later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us .   i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we"ve learned at college in our future job .   the chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stre.people usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stre.   it"s unwelcome ! yes , however , very necessary .   just image a world where stredoes not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way .   but is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? without stre, they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things .   too much result in nothing except a countermarch of the society .   no stre, no development .   so a certain amount of streis good .   it can stimulate us and increase our level of alertne.   and our answer to streis another vital problem .   how to do with ourselves when stresuddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag and admit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicide as to put an end to everything … of cause not .   the principle is to tackle with stregentlely and harmoniously.   we should try our best to release ourselves .   such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music or classical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges .it"s no use crying over spilt milk .   only to accept what has happened can solve the problem .   ok , i think i was under large stre3 minutes before , but now i am here and have finished my speech .   here is the last thing i want to add to my topic ,face to it and overcome it ,streis also a piece of cake.   英文演讲稿3分钟ppt 篇3   Weve all been taught that we should help people.   It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others.   It may even win us favors in return.   However, we must be realistic.   We cant say yes to every request.   If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure.   Sometimes we simply dont have the time to help.   In this case, we must know how to say no politely.   When we need to say no, here is one method we can try.   First, we should tell the truth.   If we really cant do something, we should just say so.   Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely.   We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic.   A true friend will understand.   Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no.   Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do.   It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble.   In short, we cannot please everyone all the time.   Refusing favors is a part of life.   英文演讲稿3分钟ppt 篇4   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!   I"m honored to share my feelings with you about Beijing Olympic games. The title of the speech is: A Scene to look forward I would like to begin with a story.   There was an elder who traveled all around the world to introduce China for bidding Olympic games. That special hard experience had rooted in his mind. After hearing the good news that China succeeded in the bid for hosting the 29th Olympic Games, he was so excited that he could not stop shedding tears, saying I had been waiting for the day since 1993, the happiest thing finally happened to China. The man is Mr. HeZhenliang, who has devoted his rest life to Chinese Olympic Games. It is with his spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of patriotism to China that we are taking our next step into the world.   Ladies and gentlemen, now I have a question for all of you who are sitting here. Do you still remember that memorable scene? Yes or no? Please put out your hands, let me see how many? Wow, a lot of people. The unforgettable moment is still lingering in your mind clearly.   At 10:08 P.M. on July 13th, 20XX, Mr. Samaranch, the former President of the International Olympic Committee, announced in Moscow that the sponsoring city of the 29th Olympiad will be the city of Beijing. Just at the same time in China, the excitement rippled through the Olympic conference room into Beijing, into the city and into the whole nation. The Chinese, abroad or at home, celebrated the successful great moment in various ways, like hugging each other, jumping, yelling, crying, drinking, singing, dancing and parading on the streets in the midnight. Modern China, a product of 5000 years of civilization and history, with her spirit of hard work and perseverance, finally shook hands with the Olympic games, fulfilling the long expected dream.   Now many Chinese are trying their best to do what they can do for the upcoming games. They learn English to communicate with foreigners. They get rid of bad habits to protect environments. They are eager to be volunteers to serve the Olympic Games. They introduce great Chinese tradition, culture and civilization to the world people. They apply for the torchbearers to carry on the message “share the peace, share the Olympics”.   At the moment when one-year countdown has marked, our Chinese people are getting ready for this big event. The Beijing Olympic committee organization is keeping the promise made in the bid. Under the guidance of the concept of the green Olympic, the tech-Olympic and the people"s Olympic, the 29th Olympic games will strengthen the communication, enhance the cooperation, and shorten the distance between China and the world.   Once again, I want to emphasize one point “national participation”. Like us, a common citizen, we strongly realize the responsibility of our own: planting more trees to cover the space, driving less to relieve the traffic jam, making full use of energy to reduce the pollution and so on. All these actions will not only improve our living environments, but also benefit our coming generation.   Next year in August 8th, Beijing will witness the world"s greatest sporting event, will bring Olympic values to one-fifth of the world"s population, will be one of the most exciting projects in Olympic history. Beijing, a main attraction to tourists, will stretch hands to give the world people a warm welcome, and all the guests will be impressed deeply by China"s state-of-the-art venues, comfortable city environments, enthusiastic volunteers and overwhelming public interest.   No matter who we are, what we do, where we go, in our mind, there"s always a scene to look forward, a scene worth our effort to wait for.   Thank you very much!   英文演讲稿3分钟ppt 篇5   Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!   I"m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges.   First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”   Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.   Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I"m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?   I"ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”   For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 2008 Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.   At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.   I thank you!
2023-06-25 01:59:001


  在平凡的`学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我为大家收集的小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇1   Hello,everyone!   My name is xxx,at 20xx years Joined the xx School of InformationManagement Department of economic information study,and in 200 x years x monthsbefore graduation.   Succeeded under eat bitter,I e out from the rural areas,have realizedthat the school career is not easy. In school,systematic study of the economicinformation management knowledge,while taking advantage of spare time out to dopart-time. He was a clerk and the two panies did business and so on.   Accumulated some experience in social practice,to 200 x years x months xmonths,has been YISHION clothing store clerk and business sales and so on. Workin six months time,I have made some achievements,the pany pleted the sale ofthe development tasks,in addition to the other branch colleagues to help sellsome clothes.   In my work,I had successes and failures,but regardless of success orfailure,all of my accumulated experience and lessons,work through these sixmonths,I not only personal ability,professional knowledge had improved,he haslearned team spirit,the importance of team spirit. I believe that with sixmonths work experience,I more clearly what they have to,what to do,whatto do,how to do a good job. I believe that this experience will be my next life,agood start.   Thank you! 小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇2   Honorable Judges,fellow students:   Good afternoon!   Recently,ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students arethe beneficiaries of a rare privilege,who receive exceptional education atextraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and supportourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Willwe be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of ourcountry?   The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation,whichwould cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The collegestudents I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We helpeach other clean the dormitory,go shopping and bargain together,and take parttime jobs to supplement our pocket money.   The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect theneed for character cultivation. But again,the cynics are wrong. We care deeplyfor each other,we cherish freedom,we treasure justice,and we seek truth. Lastweek,thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order tomake a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.   As college students,we are adolescents at the critical turning point inour lives. We all face a fundamental choice:cynicism or faith,each willprofoundly impact our future,or even the future of our country. I believe inall my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a littlebit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challengeand take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume newresponsibilities and tasks,and to use the education we have received to makeour world a better place. I believe in our future.   thank you! 小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇3   istinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:   Hello, everyone! My name is cheng xiang yan , I am a junior student comefrom life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and sharewith you my most sincere speech‘Flying youth, master our future!"   Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step intoanother important time of life in the pace of young, facing new situations,dealing with different problems.....   However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? Abelief?An attitude to life? Or anything else? actually, everyone has hisownunderstanding of young, it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, onlyafter you have experienced the sour , sweet ,bitter and salty, can you reallybecome a person of significance.   Just like A famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing isimpossible ,youth is a meaningful book, you"ll be never bored of it ;youth is arapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it showsyou different kinds of tastes in your life.   As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it .Don"t let thelimited time pass by, grasping the young will means a better time is waiting foryou in the near future.   So,It"s necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to come.having a view on those great men in the history of hunman being, they all madefull use of their youth time to do things that are useful to society, to thewhole mankind, and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.   so do something in the time of young, although you may notget achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole world, just foryoueself, for those around! So, what should we do when we are young? Here,I"llpoint out some tips to help equip ourselves.   First of all,think of what you"d like to be some day. A teacher ? A doctor? A writer? Don"t afraid of dreaming of big and great .Since you are young , youcan dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future. What"s more ,never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For onething, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it"ll broaden yourhorizon.   Last but not the least , stick to your dream. It easier said than done.After all, future is not all roses. young is just like blooming flowers, theyare so beautiful when blooming, which make people feel happy, but with timepassing by, after they withers ,most people think they are ugly. and so it isthe same with young, we are enthusiastic when we are young, then we may lose ourpassion when getting older and older. So we should have enough courage anddetermination to overcome all the difficulties in struggling on the road.   I firmly believe one sentence that‘If you think you can, of course youcan!"Just believe we can make it! Keep on walking towards our dream. Flyingyouth , master our future. From today, from now on , are you Ready ? That"s all.Thank you so much for your attention ! 小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇4   as we know,you have to learn how to fly much more independently instead ofunder your parents" considerate protection when you get into college,which alsomeans you will e across enormous questions that should be solved by yourself.from my point of view,those main problems can fall into three parts.   first of all,the plicated relationship. for one thing,you have to knowhow cultural differences function in your relationship and respect them. inaddition,college students spend less time studying together owing to differentcourses" choosing,which requires us to devote more energy to buildingrelationship. for the other thing,it is also vital to municate with yourparents often by using mobile phones or other tools.   secondly,the temptations. the college serves us a more relaxed environmentmixed with other temptations such as the internet,alcohols and so on. what"smore,the college teachers won"t pel you to study like before,you doze off orplay cell phone in class,and you flee up the morning class because you get uptoo late. such too frequent behaviors will cripple your passion and enthusiasmtowards life,so it is essential for us to resist these temptations and insistpursuing our own goals.   thirdly,the balance between study and work. most of us will choose to takea part time job to earn the extra money or just to exercise ourselves. but it issignificant to keep a relatively balanced relationship between them since ialways regard the study as our main task,so my principle is adjusting work tofollow the schedule of study.   in conclusion,whatever issues we meet or miseries we suffer from,confrontthe hash reality head on,what we can do is remembering the past,living in thepresent and looking forward to the future. 小学六年级英文演讲稿作文5篇5   good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you aspeech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.   psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problemof living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , andquickened pace of life .   statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . financialproblems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults nowsuffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress. while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against adeadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressedmay be our parents"s greater expectations on us than we could reach .   later ,when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . ithink we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and howwe can best use what we"ve learned at college in our future job .   the chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .peopleusually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress . it"sunwelcome ! yes , however , very necessary . just image a world where stressdoes not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way . but isthis kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? without stress , they mayfeel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover newthings . too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of thesociety . no stress , no development . so a certain amount of stress is good .it can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .   and our answer to stress is another vital problem . how to do withourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag andadmit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicideas to put an end to everything … of cause not . the principle is to tackle withstress gentlely and harmoniously. we should try our best to release ourselves .such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music orclassical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life aschallenges .it"s no use crying over spilt milk . only to accept what hashappened can solve the problem .   ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am hereand have finished my speech . here is the last thing i want to add to my topic,face to it and overcome it ,stress is also a piece of cake.
2023-06-25 01:59:071

几个英语填空 初二

careless gentlely pleased married development
2023-06-25 01:59:262


The sun rises just for you. You took my heart away when you passed by gently. My love is only for you.: )
2023-06-25 01:59:529


您的泪花闪耀,系带以柔并且损害阴森可怕的新月形月亮电话介意过去凉快的夜太长期转向由绝望在顶楼结冰的霜? 雨鼓在vermeil窗口我的命运在纸轻微被写振翼在风… 作梦到目前为止,上升象单行incenseDispersed与风,菊花充分退色的您残破的图象,下落的悲伤您的微笑地面踪影在一个染黄的纸卷您的心脏现在空,我的想法安静地休息? ? 北风混乱,长的夜路破晓您的阴影明白和关闭…留给我单独徒然,由被反映的那个陪同在消失的湖菊花,荣耀盛开的不堪忍受的灾难在一个破坏的世界艰苦横渡距离,分开的悲伤在二心脏没什么害怕,但您的生活在土地现在是充分的痛苦的漂移的命运在充分的装甲在微明下嗒嗒声,嗥叫世界轻率一声的轻柔叹气。充分的长的夜菊花您的忧郁在一个染黄的纸卷充分退色,下落的悲伤您的微笑地面踪影… 您的心脏现在空,我的想法安静地休息? ? 北风混乱,长的夜路破晓您的阴影明白和关闭…留给我单独徒然,由被反映的那个陪同在湖菊花退色,下落的悲伤充分您的微笑地面踪影在一个染黄的纸卷… 您的心脏现在空,我的想法安静地休息? ? 北风混乱,长的夜路破晓您的阴影明白和关闭… 留给我单独徒然,由被反映的那个陪同在湖边
2023-06-25 02:00:204


2023-06-25 02:00:272


2023-06-25 02:00:396


呼啦 这个是VIP网站的图最小说上发布了`天一果然很帅
2023-06-25 01:55:084


2023-06-25 01:55:081

求matlab 2012 64位 下载地址

2023-06-25 01:55:091


0.在《蜡笔小新》中也有一辑连载漫画以达斯·维德为原型、想抢占蒜头星座的蒜头精而蜡笔小新以及妹妹小葵最终击败了恶势力 。⒈ 在美国,达斯·维德已成为大众文化里无可取代的反派角色。他有力却有点低沉的嗓音,配上深沉的呼吸声令人印象深刻。美国影艺学院票选的电影百年百大反派角色里他位居第三,仅低于《沉默的羔羊》的汉尼伯·莱特(Hannibal Lecter)和《惊魂记》的诺曼·贝兹(Norman Bates)。他也被科幻喜剧电影《太空球》(Spaceballs)改编成“黑色哈姆雷特”的形象,被电玩游戏兔宝宝大冒险(Tiny Toon Adventures)改成“维德鸭”以及被超级马里奥改编成“达斯·库巴”。⒉ 此外,达斯·维德也成为邪恶的代名词:比如说,著名政治操盘手李·艾华特(Lee Atwater)常被称作“共和党的达斯·维德”。⒊ 在好莱坞电影里,经常引用星球大战第五集里,达斯·维德对天行者卢克说的话:“I am your father! ”(我是你的父亲!)使该场景几乎成为星球大战中最著名的一幕。如王牌大贱谍、玩具总动员2等电影中,更是直接在剧情里模仿这段场景,使其成为恶搞文化里经常取材的对象之一。⒋ 而在日本这拥有众多星战迷的国家,达斯·维德与其一身黑色冷酷的装扮常被引用在当地漫画之中。此最著名者当属哆啦A梦短篇〈天花板上的宇宙大战〉中模仿帝国军队追捕莱娅公主的桥段,而令人莞尔的是里头明显影射帝国歼星舰的战舰最后是被一记全垒打击落的。5.在《高斯·奥特曼》的第13集和第14集中,外星生命体引用了他的头盔。6.在美国动画连续剧《南方公园》第十季第一集结尾,死亡的Chef被超级冒险俱乐部复活,复活后的形象恶搞了达斯·维德。7.在电影《博物馆奇妙夜2》中达斯·维德也想加入邪恶阵营,却因为法老王讨厌他的呼吸声而只出场了一小段。时间大约在本片一小时之前。8.在《爱情公寓3》的第8~9集《凌晨两点半》中,在两点半俱乐部的门口出现,让企图瞒过保安强行进入两点半俱乐部的吕子乔计划流产。9.《魔兽世界》的巫妖王阿尔萨斯借鉴了达斯·维德的外形和人生经历。10.达斯·维德(Darth Vader)现在一直受人们喜欢,而且乐高也出品了他的乐高人仔。
2023-06-25 01:55:101


2023-06-25 01:55:152


["hכbi] (谐音:hao bei)n. 业余爱好
2023-06-25 01:55:173


tfboys王源在生日会上翻唱了哪几首歌曲? 第一首是my sunshine 第二首是燕尾服 第三首是原创的 因为遇见你 王心凌翻唱了岛谷瞳几首歌曲啊 月光-亜麻色の髪の乙女 打起精神来-元气を出して 岛谷瞳至今所有142首歌根本就没有楼上几位所说的太阳万岁-太阳の公园 Village Singer"s(乡村合唱团) 亜麻色の髪の乙女原唱 Village Singer"s是60代年后半开始备受触目的一个男子组合。 虽然「亜麻色の髪の乙女」是1968年发售的作品,却是以1966年 青山ミチ小姐 的一首歌「风吹く丘で」为基础制作的,可以说,岛谷瞳的「亜麻色の髪の乙女」是翻唱中的翻唱。当年这首歌只是在花王的一个电视广告中被使用,并没有发行的计划,但后来受到观众的一致好评、反响巨大,所以才发售了。 竹内まりや 元气を出して原唱 「元気を出して」在曰本曾三度被翻唱, 分别是1984年由当时红极一时的实力派偶像药师丸博子(薬师丸ひろ子)首唱,一发行立刻打入TOP 10,之后1987年由原创人竹内玛丽亚亲自诠释 专辑空降排行榜冠军!2003年再由岛谷瞳翻唱成舞曲版也是一发行即刻进入排行榜前十名! STOKIS到底翻唱了哪几首歌 翻唱作品歌曲名字: 聂晶晶_<爱.氧气> 原唱melody 杨梓松-<方向感> 张俊希-<悲梦之歌> 原唱幸田未来 黄立行在nokia跨年度演唱会上唱了哪几首歌曲 最后只好躺下来` 还有2首不知道` tfboys王源2015生日会几点播 11.08,2:30,爱奇艺直播 王栎鑫1.18的生日会上唱了哪些歌? Apologize Life is a struggle 圣诞结 北京一夜 好久不见 背叛 YOU AND ME 恋爱ing 小情歌 自由 新不了情 You raise me up 一首原创的自弹自唱 祝我生日快乐 (顺序未分先后哦) metallica(金属乐队)在交响乐演唱会上都翻唱了哪几首歌曲,原唱都分别是谁 交响上没有翻唱别人的歌! 下面发的是那个现场的歌 引号里是演的歌 旁边是谁做的 再旁边是歌曲时间 Disc one 1. "The Ecstasy of Gold" Ennio Morricone 2:31 2. "The Call of Ktulu" Dave Mustaine, Hetfield, Cliff Burton,Ulrich 9:34 3. "Master of Puppets" Kirk Hammett, Hetfield, Burton, Ulrich 8:55 4. "Of Wolf and Man" Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich 4:19 5. "The Thing That Should Not Be" Hammett, Hetfield, Burton, Ulrich 7:27 6. "Fuel" Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich 4:36 7. "The Memory Remains" Hetfield, Ulrich 4:42 8. "No Leaf Clover" (previously unreleased) Hetfield, Ulrich 5:43 9. "Hero of the Day" Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich 4:45 10. "Devil"s Dance" Hetfield, Ulrich 5:26 11. "Bleeding Me" Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich 9:02 Disc o 1. "Nothing Else Matters" Hetfield, Ulrich 6:47 2. "Until It Sleeps" Hetfield, Ulrich 4:30 3. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" Hetfield, Burton, Ulrich 4:52 4. "- Human" (previously unreleased) Hetfield, Ulrich 4:20 5. "Wherever I May Roam" Hetfield, Ulrich 7:02 6. "Outlaw Torn" Hetfield, Ulrich 9:59 7. "Sad But True" Hetfield, Ulrich 5:46 8. "One" Hetfield, Ulrich 7:53 9. "Enter Sandman" Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich 7:39 10. "Battery" Hetfield, Ulrich 7:25 TFBOYS一共唱了哪几首歌 青春修炼手册,大梦想家,宠爱,信仰之名,剩下的盛夏,样。。。。。。。等 周笔畅在{大牌生日会}里唱了几首歌都是什么? 鱼罐头 单面镜 和刘惜君合唱的是笔笔第一首单曲 多么的想你 和叶一茜合唱的是 朋友 陈伟霆生日会翻唱的哪首歌 他除了自己的歌,还唱了一首yellow,不知道你指的是不是这首~ 要么就是《今天终于知道错》,这首歌有个英文的歌,名字是best of me,William改编成中文的了~
2023-06-25 01:55:221


金牌制作人 The Producers (2005年)吸血鬼也疯狂 Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995年)罗宾汉也疯狂 Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993年)The Vagrant (1992年)伦敦查林十字街84号 84 Charing Cross Road (1987年)太空炮弹 Spaceballs (1987年)Solarbabies (1986年)医生与恶魔 The Doctor and the Devils (1985年)你逃我也逃 To Be or Not to Be (1983年)弗兰西斯 Frances (1982年)我的好年华 My Favourite Year (1982年)帝国时代 History of the World: Part I (1981年)象人 The Elephant Man (1980年) .紧张大师 High Anxiety (1977年)
2023-06-25 01:55:231


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2023-06-25 01:55:284


小四是老板 《小时代2.0虚铜时代》 [2009.9] 《小时代1.0折纸时代》 《幻城》 《悲伤逆流成河》 《N世界》等女作家有:一姐落落 《须臾》 《不朽》 《尘埃星球》等 笛安(是才女啊) 《东霓》 《西决》等 爱礼丝 (就是阿亮啦)《灵壳》《恋爱习题》《假面舞会》等 苏小懒 (苏珊珊)《全世爱》《全世爱·丝婚四年》 《他们的肥皂剧》《我们的最终曲》等 消失宾妮 (俗称二奶作家)《四重音》《妄言之半》 七堇年 《被窝是青春的坟墓》《大地之灯》 《少年残像》《澜本嫁衣》等 猫某人 《大梦》 王小立 《任凭这空虚沸腾》《你我交汇在遥远行星》 自由鸟 《羽翼·深蓝》 《光月道重生美丽》《魅惑·法埃东》 蒲宫音 《回声》 项斯微 《不许时光倒流》 喵喵 《假如换来不止黑暗》 林汐 《迷失界限的旅途》 卢丽莉 《直到最后一句》 还有暂时还没出书的萧凯茵、孙梦洁、玻璃洋葱、野象小姐等等 男作家有 小四 不用说了吧 安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》 叶阐 [TN选手,加油加油!] 《当我们混在上海》 陈晨 《浮世德》 肖以默 《白色群像》 林培源 《薄暮》 朱古力 《绝密组合之千夜纪》 知名不具 《梦延年》 还没有出书的雷文科、陈龙、简宇等等 制作团队 美术:胡小西、年年、陌一飞、王浣、meiyou等 编辑:痕痕、阿亮、阿敏、苏珊珊 文编助理:庆庆、卡卡 美术编辑:Kim Fredie.L yelie 、Ryogi等 主编助理:小叶和小青
2023-06-25 01:55:301


你说的是1987年出品的美国科幻喜剧《太空炮弹》英文名《spaceballs》剧情简介 · · · · · ·   在很久以前的遥远星系中,“炮弹一族”因其领袖的愚蠢,耗尽了自己星球的大气,于是计划夺取邻近的朱迪亚星球的纯净空气。在朱迪亚星球维斯帕公主(达芙妮u2022祖尼加 Daphne Zuniga 饰)婚礼前夕,炮弹族总统斯古(梅尔u2022布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks 饰)派出黑帽子大人率领巨型战舰绑架维斯帕,以威胁朱迪亚方面就范。维斯帕拒绝没有爱情的婚姻选择逃婚,却陷入了炮弹族巨舰的追击,这时,因为欠高利贷在太空中奔逃的太空牛仔“孤星”(比尔u2022普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)与半人半狗的搭档巴夫受朱迪亚国王所托,出面将维斯帕救走。炮弹族岂肯善罢甘休,正邪势力在太空上演了又一场激战…… 本片是恶搞星球大战的作品,在片尾处,心灰意冷的男主要了一块幸运饼干,发现自己的身份竟然是王子,所以赶快跑回去结婚了。你一说饼干这电影就好找了。
2023-06-25 01:55:031


。。。一般来说SK是瑞典一个有名的站队DOTA里面沙王的缩写 不过LZ的这个....好象是有点象杂志的模特队~全名是叫STOKIS 最小说都是用他们当模特~~ 昨天无意中看到的 看到有步迷就很开心~
2023-06-25 01:55:001


fcc(面心立方晶格);设fcc晶格参数为 a, 那么有:a^2 + a^2 = (4R)^2a=2R sqrt(2) 八面体间隙(直径)=2R sqrt(2)- 2R = 2R(sqrt(2)-1)= 0.828R四面体间隙(直径)=2sqrt[(a/4)^2 +(a/4)^2 +(a/4)^2]-R =2(Rsqrt(3/2)- R) = 2R[sqrt(3/2)-1]= 0.45Rbcc(体心立方晶格)只有八面体间隙。设bcc晶格参数为 a, 那么有:a^2 + a^2 + a^2 = (4R)^2a=2.31R八面体间隙(直径)= a-2R = 2.31R -2R =0。31R
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摄影师有星泽 暴暴蓝 stokis Gabrielle Fredie.L win.tam等等啦 至于插画师有 陌一飞 年年 王浣 小皇 千靥 echo 云籽 等等 当然还有我最喜欢的花寻 觉得她的画超有感觉的 嗯嗯 还有新出现的林莹 申琳 席滢 在最漫画上都有连载的
2023-06-25 01:54:092