barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-27 00:41:59






在西语人眼中这是源自英语的外来词汇而英语的读法又是取自粤语“杂碎”的发音广东话原本的表达是“chau tsap sui”省略掉炒这个动作(chau或者chow)同时简化了“杂碎”的发音一传十,十传百“杂碎”便作为经典中餐走出了广东,走向了世界也成为如今西语国家人士眼中颇具代表的中国菜但作为土生土长的中国人许多人一眼看到“Chop Suey”很难将其与风靡数百年的中华美食联系起来除此之外还有“Dim Sum”“Char Siu”等经典中餐在西语国家普遍十分流行
2023-06-26 14:58:041


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2023-06-26 14:59:001


除了 long time no see ,来自汉语的英语词确实太多了,下面只能提供一些:食品饮食---ginseng(人参)、tofu(豆腐)、bokchoy(白菜)、chaomein (炒面)、lomein(捞面)、chopsuey(杂碎)、dim sum(点心)、hargao(粤语虾饺)、ketchup(粤语茄汁)、kumquat(粤语柑橘)、 longan(龙眼)、lychee(荔枝)、maotai(茅台)、mushu(木须)、oolong (乌龙茶)、siu mai(粤语烧卖)、tofu(豆腐)、wok(粤语镬)、wonton(云吞/混沌)……宗教文化---China (中国)、fengshui(风水)、guanxi (关系)、kungfu(功夫)、mahjong(麻将)、chi(气)、confucius(孔子)、laotzu(老子)、kowtow(磕头)、pinyin (拼音)、Shih Tzu (狮子狗)、taichi(太极或太极拳)、tao(道教)、taoteching(道德经)、yin yang(阴阳)、tycoon(大官)、paper tiger(纸老虎)、brain washing(洗脑)、rickshaw(人力车)、trishaw(三轮车)、Shaolin (少林)、snakehead(蛇头)、running dog(走狗)、 lose face(丢面子)、save face(有面子)、mandate of heaven(天命)、grassroots (草根) ……日常生活---bonsai (盆栽 )、coolie(苦力/小工)、sampan(舢板)、 silk(丝绸)、cheongsam(粤语旗袍)typhoon(台风)、sifu(师傅)、taipan(大班)、barefoot doctor(赤脚医生)、no can do (办不到)、gungho(热情高涨)……等等,等等。满意请采纳,谢。
2023-06-26 14:59:091


2023-06-26 14:59:171

韩语的40个字母发音 下面注的是中文

元音部分:基本元音:ㅏ = father里面a的发音ㅓ = polite里面o的发音ㅗ = go里面o的发音ㅜ = do里面o的发音ㅡ = put里面u的发音(比起ㅜ,嘴唇要放松)ㅣ = see里面ee的发音Y元音:ㅑ = ㅣ音和ㅏ音连读ㅕ = ㅣ音和ㅓ音连读ㅛ = ㅣ音和ㅗ音连读ㅠ = ㅣ音和ㅜ音连读混合元音:ㅐ = bag里面a的发音ㅔ = net里面e的发音ㅒ = ㅣ音和ㅐ音连读ㅖ = ㅣ音和ㅔ音连读ㅘ = ㅗ音和ㅏ音连读ㅙ = ㅗ音和ㅐ音连读ㅝ = ㅜ音和ㅓ音连读ㅞ = ㅜ音和ㅔ音连读ㅟ = ㅜ音和ㅣ音连读ㅚ = no entry里面oe的连读音ㅢ = chop suey里面ue的发音辅音部分:不变音辅音:ㄴ = nature里面n的发音ㅁ = marry里面m的发音送气辅音:ㅋ = king里面k的发音ㅌ = talk里面t的发音ㅍ = pig里面p的发音<br>ㅊ = change里面ch的发音ㅎ = happy里面h的发音ㅅ = sad里面s的发音不送气辅音:作头音 作中音 作尾音ㄱ k- -g- -kㄷ t- -d- -tㅂ p- -b- -pㅈ ch- -j- -tㄹ r/l- -r- -l重辅音:作头音 作中音 作尾音ㄲ g- -kk- -kㄸ d- -tt- -ㅃ b- -pp- -ㅆ ss- -ss- -t<br>ㅉ j- -tch- -合成辅音:后面跟元音开头的字 后面跟辅音开头的字 后面不跟任何字ㅄ -ps -p -pㄵ -nj -n -nㄺ -lg -l -kㄶ -n -n -nㄳ -gs -k -kㄻ -rm -m -mㄼ -rb -p -p<br>ㄽ -rs -l -lㄾ -rt -l -lㄿ -rp -p -pㅀ -r -l -l
2023-06-26 14:59:251


2023-06-26 15:00:1015


30岁男子来讲10万 20年期 终身寿险 年缴 2970 每多1万寿险 多297元29岁男子来讲10万 20年期 终身寿险年缴 2910 每多1万寿险 多291元10万寿险来说 平均每多1岁 同样的寿险会多6元有其他问题可以问我我是三商Albert我的Mail imnotchopsuey@outlook.com我的Line biozard3
2023-06-26 15:01:071


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2023-06-26 15:02:322


地名珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰)布达拉宫日喀则日喀则阳卓雍措延多鲁克湖杨静扬巴詹扎伦布塔什伦普大昭寺的大昭寺甘丹寺gaden/甘丹Golumd Golumd拉卜楞,布楞寺八廓街薛酒店吉凯瑞酒店边塞_望咖啡馆纳木措Chusi tsupu桑耶寺直体健身操那曲那曲当则当贡博齐凯拉什阿里图林察帕朗南姆切巴瓦波密波密食物虫草属西藏萝卜炖羊肉酥油茶西藏酥油茶酸奶原味酸奶白咖喱鸡糖醋土豆咖喱土豆芝士蛋糕masala kulcha牛肉面牦牛图帕Chopsuey杂碎藏红花牛舌藏红花炖牦牛舌拉萨鱼拉萨鱼牛奶馒头芝士馍馍咕噜糖醋肉马塞姆马木曾Tsampa(烤大麦)配黄油和奶酪马萨拉玛莎拉茶脆皮羊肉香肠,脆皮羊肉香肠
2023-06-26 15:03:031


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2023-06-26 15:03:261


实况足球8片头CG背景音乐: Carrickfergus 主唱:Declan Galbraith WECG WE9 2.0 final 中文版界面音乐 对应界面 超越梦想(杨竹箐、汪正正) Credits Screen 制作人员介面 FIFA入场音乐 Pitch Entrance 进场音乐1 Anthem Orchestral Pitch Entrance 进场音乐2 DJ Jurgen - Aida 2000 Demo Game / Highlights 1 Demo进球回放音乐1 Rendez-Vous PS Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐2 没有荣誉或人性的战争-杀死比尔 Demo Game / Highlights 3 比赛进球回放音乐3 crazy frog-axel f(club_mix) Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐4 We Are The Champions(Queen) Cups Ceremony Ending 普通联赛、杯赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐
2023-06-26 15:03:342


2023-06-26 15:03:411


可以考虑网上买哦 还有配套的讲解视频 不比培训班差 而且还便宜实惠韩语本身是发音体,所以学会音标和一些音变规则后就会读韩文了只是不知道意思所以后续就要累积词汇量和语法。 平时可以多听韩文歌,跟着唱,这样口语也会上口了。记单词方面也是可以看韩剧或歌曲。当然在看韩剧轻松的同时也可以掌握一些语感。期间你会听到一些你学过的词汇。这样会加深记忆。听韩文歌我是建议中文的翻译会背,然后是看着韩语歌词跟着唱。久而久之你就会上口,而且一看这个词就会知道是什么意思!需要快速学韩文的话我是建议你学新标准韩国语这套教材培训班的费用还是比较高,而且受时间限制。你可以上淘宝搜索“韩语自学服务站”就有你要的零基础直达的教材教程-------------------------------------------------------对你有帮助
2023-06-26 15:03:481


2023-06-26 15:04:071


你自己看下吧.这都是实况的音乐 1.Incomplete 2.JustWantYouToKnow 3.CrawlingBackToYou 4.WeirdWorld 5.IStill... 6.PosterGirl 7.LoseItAll 8.ClimbingtheWalls 9.MyBeautifulWoman 10.SafestPlacetoHide 11.Siberia 12.NeverGone 中场休息及完成比赛菜单音乐(八首) 1GoldenSkyBYSmile 2CaliforniaBYSavageGarden 3BetterManBYRobbieWillams 4LifeGotColdBYGirlsAloud 5DarUnderEstiBYO-Zone 6TheseKidsBYJoelTurner&TheModernDayPoets 7,8未知,不过也非常好听。 二球员进场音乐(三首) 1FIFAANTHEN(国际足联球员进场专用音乐) 2BattleWithoutHonourorHumanityBYTomoyasuHotei 3英超比赛进场音乐 三中场精彩回放音乐(四首) 1HaveNiceDayBYBonJovi 2Don tPushMeBYSweetbox 3BabyOneMoreTimeBYBritneySpears 4SaneaMonicaBYSavageGarden 四夺冠音乐(两首) 1SINGUPFORTEHCHAMPIONS曼联三冠王音乐 2CelebrateTheDayBYHerbertGroenemeyer 五主菜单音乐(八首) 1Break!Go!BYMVP情人 2HipsDon tLieBYShakirafeat&WyclefJean 3ChopSueyBYSystemofADown 4YearBYUsherfeLil Jon&Ludacris 5ColdHandsWarmHeartBYBrendanBenson 6FixYouBYColdplay 7BecausILoveYouBYShakinStevens 8ComeBackToMeBYVanessaHudgens 六大师联赛主菜单音乐(一首) 1OneWayOrAnotherBYBlondie 七联赛、杯赛主菜单音乐(一首) 1未知,很好听 八编辑模式菜单音乐(一首) 1DasLiebesliedBYAnnettLouisan 九设置选项,浏览球场音乐(一首) 1EnDagTilbageBYNik&Jay 十训练模式菜单音乐(两首) 1PrettyBoyBYM2M 2ChristmasinMyHeartBYSarahConnor 十一阵容设置菜单音乐(两首) 1WithoutMeBYNicholasTse 2UHLALALA 十二博物馆进球回放音乐(一首) 1BeautifulOnesBYSuede 十三联网模式音乐(七首) 1GodisAGirlBYGrooveCoverage 2Fallingstar 3AllRiseBYBlue 4Don tTurnOfftheLightBYEnriqueIglesias 5FreeLoopBYDanielPowter 6,7未知 十四征战世界杯模式主菜单音乐 1JerkitOutBYCaesarsPalace 十五征战世界杯模式阵容设定音乐 1Baishi-kle(童年英文版) 2NuurElAb 1.closetoyou 2.groovecoverage 3.ifeveryonecarednickelbackalltheright 4.leaveoutalltherest onetwothreefourfive的名字叫《fiveday》训练模式下的歌 lalala...的名字叫《LaLaLoveonMyMind》主菜单的那个。。实况10背景音乐-Icouldbetheone 实况10背景音乐-GetThisPartyStarted 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-SaneaMonica 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-BabyOneMoreTime 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-Don tPushMe 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-HaveANiceDay 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-TheseKids 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-LifeGotCold 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-BetterMan 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-California 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-GoldenSky 实况10音乐-LaLaLoveOnMymind 实况足球10音乐-IAmGonnaGetchaGood 实况足球10音乐-HereIam 实况足球10音乐-燃烧的英雄 实况足球10音乐-风信子 实况足球10音乐-slowjam 实况足球10音乐-Attraction 实况足球10音乐-FOXSports 实况足球10音乐-deceplangchitarele 实况足球10音乐-TangledUpInMe 实况足球10音乐-LOVEYOUINASPECIALWAY 实况足球10音乐-One,Two,Three 实况足球10音乐-GirlCrazy 实况足球10音乐-myway 实况足球10音乐-clubfoot 实况足球10音乐-ifeveryonecared 实况足球10音乐-Itsovernow 实况足球10音乐-Deutschland 实况足球10音乐-despretine 实况足球10音乐-alwayssomewhere 实况足球10音乐-WeAreTheChampions 实况足球10音乐-Fire 实况足球10音乐-darundeesti 实况足球10音乐-SAYHELLO 实况足球10音乐-STRAIGHTAHEAD 实况足球10音乐-冠军杯入场音乐 实况足球10音乐-FIFA入场音乐 实况足球10音乐-IWillComeToYou 实况足球10音乐-Celebratetheday 实况足球10音乐-dragosteadintei 实况足球10音乐-HipsDon"tLie-Bamboo 实况足球10音乐-TheCupOfLife 实况足球10音乐-TopOfTheWorld 实况足球10音乐-It sMyLife 实况足球10音乐-wetwetwet 实况足球10音乐-BeatIt
2023-06-26 15:04:177


自行车的通行规定: Bicycle traffic regulations: 1、自行车与机动车一样实行右侧通行; 1, bicycle and motor vehicle as the implementation of the right of passage; 2、道路划分有机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机动车、非机动车、行人实行分道通行,即:各行其道. 2, the division of motor vehicles Road, road non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, motor vehicles, non motor vehicles, pedestrians shall respectively for them, namely: the ways of. 3、有自行车道的,应当在自行车道内行驶; 3, a bicycle lane, should drive the bike lanes; 4、没有自行车道的,应当靠行车道的右侧(距右边1.5米内)行驶; 4, no bike lane carriageway, should depend on the right (from the right side of 1.5 meters running); 5、有自行车道但被占用无法通行的,可借用相邻的机动车道通行,并在驶过被占用路段后迅速驶回自行车道; 5, a bicycle lane but occupied impassable, driveways can use adjacent pass, and in the past the occupied sections of the rapid ride back to the bike lane; 6、自行车不得进入高速公路行驶. 6, bicycles are not allowed to enter the highway. 市区道路,左边为机动车主道,中间为机动车辅道,右边为行人、非机动车道. The urban road, the main road on the left for the vehicle, the middle for the vehicle auxiliary road, on the right side for pedestrians, non motor lane. 行人/非机动车道上,左边为非机动车道,右边为行人道. Pedestrian / non motor lane, on the left is the non motor vehicle lanes, on the right side for pedestrians. 混合道——机动车、非机动车、行人均有路权,一般的大型立交桥下都设有混合道. Motor vehicles, non motor vehicles -- mixing channel, pedestrians have right of way, mixing channel is equipped with a large overpass in general. 自行车横过机动车道的规定: The provisions of motor bicycle across the lane: 1、在未设置非机动车信号灯和人行横道信号灯的路口,自行车和行人应当按照机动车信号灯的表示通行; 1, in the non motor vehicle signal lamp and a pedestrian crosswalk signal lamp is not set intersection, bicycles and pedestrians should be in accordance with the motor vehicle signal lamp said traffic; 2、应当下车推行通过; 2, should get off and push through; 3、有人行横道或行人过街设施的,应当从人行横道或行人过街设施通过; 3, there are crosswalks or pedestrian crossing facilities, shall pass from the pedestrian crossings or pedestrian crossing facilities; 4、没有人行横道、没有行人过街设施的或者不便使用行人过街设施的,在确认安全后直行通过. 4, no pedestrian crossing, no pedestrian crossing facilities or inconvenience of pedestrian crossing facilities inuse, to confirm the safety of straight through. 5、立交桥下的混合隧道(机动车、非机动车、行人可通行) 5, mixed tunnel under the overpass (motor vehicles, non motor vehicles, pedestrians can access) 6、人行天桥——单车可推行通过 6, the pedestrian bridge -- bicycle can be pushed through 自行车其他规定: Other provisions of the bicycle: 1、自行车载货:高不得超过离地1.5米,宽左右不得超车把0.15米,长前端不得超出车轮、后不得超出车身0.3米. 1, the bicycle carrying: High shall not be more than 1.5 meters from the ground, about 0.15 meters wide are not allowed to overtake the front wheels, length shall not exceed 0.3 meters, shall not exceed the body. 2、不得载人(12岁以下儿童例外). 2, shall not be manned (with the exception of children below 12 years old). 3、独轮自行车或2人以上骑行的自行车不得上路. 3, single wheel bicycle or above 2 people riding bicycles are not allowed on the streets. 4、未满12周岁不得独自骑行上路. 4, under 12 years of age shall not be riding alone on the road. 5、不得醉酒驾驶. 5, not drunk driving. 6、不得牵引、攀扶其他车辆,不得扶身并行、双手离把骑行. 6, not the traction, clinging to other vehicles, and may not help the body, both hands off the ride parallel. 7、不得加装动力装置 7, no installation of power device
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2023-06-26 15:01:491


1.I and my son had a narrow escape from car accident.或I and my son had a near miss from a car accident.2.Be cautious and careful in anything and at any time.Never leave things to chances and try your luck!
2023-06-26 15:01:542

ikon上过的全部综艺节目 分别是哪期谢谢

2023-06-26 15:01:571

hesitate over sth和hesitate about sth有什么区别?

用法:hesitate about / over / at / in doing sth; hesitate to do sth运用:1) to tell 2) I didn"t hesitate about taking the job. / I took a job without a moment"s hesitation. / I had no hesitation in taking the job. 3) She hesitated about whether to accept the invitation.
2023-06-26 15:02:003


   我们来看看交通安全用英语怎么读!   1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;   2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo ply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street;   3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail;   4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car;   5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there *** s lead;
2023-06-26 15:02:011


2023-06-26 15:02:065

法语版 perhaps perhaps perhaps是谁翻唱的啊?歌名是什么?

歌名 : Quizas Quizas Quizas 歌手 : Andrea bocelli
2023-06-26 15:02:061


hoverlingerloiterwanderpace up and downrovehesitate
2023-06-26 15:02:099

英语作文 5条出行的交通安全常识

1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car;5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead;
2023-06-26 15:02:091


主题曲:《差一刹的地老天荒》 罗嘉良英文插曲:《O Come O Come Emmanuel》Born Rich 主题曲full TV version 2.罗嘉良 - 差一刹的地老天荒Live Version3.差一刹的地老天荒_钢琴版4.谢安琪 - 两生关 (Moov CD Version)5.Born Rich 插曲(full DJ verison)6.两生关Live Version7.两生关_钢琴版8.Born Rich 第1集配乐9.Born Rich 第1集配乐10.Born Rich 第10集插曲TV Version11.How deep is your loveTV Version12.Kowloon Hong Kong13.O Come, O Come Emmanuel14.Quizas Quizas Quizas_Nat King Cole
2023-06-26 15:02:131

初一英语作文 交通安全注意事项

of pedestrians and passengers note making pedestrians shouldfollow:1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car; 5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead;6 through a railway crossing: in case of crossing gate (gate) close,sounder alarm,The red light or the guards motioned stop, must stop at the stop line;there is no stop line, stop at a distance of 5 meters outside the stockrails; ② through the crossing when unguarded, must stop watch, to confirm the safety of traffic, Fang Zhun; and in case of crossing signaltwo red lights flashing alternately or red light light, not through, white lights, allow through; red and white light is extinguished, under the provisions of the preceding paragraph by
2023-06-26 15:02:191


了解不多westlife的when you"re looking like that 有西班牙语版本可以搜到的 Alex Ubago的Aunque No Te Pueda Ver
2023-06-26 15:01:364

hesitate doing和hesitate to do到底哪个对

没有,固定搭配是hesitate to do sth。
2023-06-26 15:01:342


2023-06-26 15:01:284


Hugo的Para SiempreLa Oreja de Ven Gogh的La Rosajeanette的porque te vasChristina Aguilera的Contigo En La Distancia Nat King Cole 的Quizas Quizas Quizas Sarah Brightman的Amigos para siempre
2023-06-26 15:01:283


immediately straight away without hesitation
2023-06-26 15:01:251


A pedestrian crossing or crosswalk is a place designated for pedestrians to cross a road. Crosswalks are designed to keep pedestrians together where they can be seen by motorists, and where they can cross most safely across the flow of vehicular traffic.Marked pedestrian crossings are often found at intersections, but may also be at other points on busy roads that would otherwise be too unsafe to cross without assistance due to vehicle numbers, speed or road widths. They are also commonly installed where large numbers of pedestrians are attempting to cross (such as in shopping areas) or where vulnerable road users (such as school children) regularly cross. Rules govern usage of the pedestrian crossings to ensure safety; for example, in some areas, the pedestrian must be more than halfway across the crosswalk before the driver proceeds.Signalised pedestrian crossings clearly separate when each type of traffic (pedestrians or road vehicles) can use the crossing. Unsignalized crossings generally assist pedestrians, and usually prioritise pedestrians, depending on the locality. What appear to be just pedestrian crossings can also be created largely as a traffic calming technique, especially when combined with other features like pedestrian priority, refuge islands, or raised surfaces.
2023-06-26 15:01:241


争议蛮大的应该是这首《I MISS YOU SO BAD》作曲:G-Dragon,DEE.P作词:G-Dragon,B.I,BOBBY其实出道前也有过一首,《LONG TIME NO SEE》作曲:B.I,Choice37,Lydia,太阳作词:B.I,BOBBY这首对iKON和粉丝都很有意义吧,歌词写得很深刻,特别欣慰的是这么美的歌永裴也出了份力,可以看看MIX MATCH,当时永裴和志龙在台下(饭拍也很好玩的 俩人笑个不停
2023-06-26 15:01:201


Yumejis Theme原声大碟中名字叫 Yumeji"s Theme(shigeru Umebayashi) 主题音乐“Yumeji""s Theme”源自铃木清顺的电影音乐“梦二”,由梅林茂作曲,伴随着男女主角周慕云(梁朝伟饰)、苏丽珍(张曼玉饰)的邂逅反复出现。诱人的华尔兹和弦乐的整体处理,象征着两性激情与守旧相冲突的矛盾。
2023-06-26 15:01:202

hesitate about doing sth和hesitate to do sth的区别?

hesitate about/at/in/over doing sth 表示已经发生了,犹豫过要不要做某事、 hesitate to do sth 还没发生,正在犹豫要不要做,6,第一个是正在做,1,不客气,0,
2023-06-26 15:01:181


不是的哦。IKON的MY TYPE(取向狙击)是由部分成员和YG公司的制作人写的,权志龙是为他的小师弟们IKON写过歌,但是其歌名叫做I MISS YOU SO BAD,收录在IKON第二张专辑里面。满意请采纳哦
2023-06-26 15:01:131

犹豫 的英语是什么?

hesitatebe irresolutebogglepoisescruplestick atsticklevacillatewaver
2023-06-26 15:01:114

我听广播听到一首英文歌不知道什么名字歌词也不清高潮部大概《同音:ki sa ki sa---no喂i love 求歌名??

歌名:Quizas Quizas Quizas歌手: 纳特 金 科尔(Nat King Cole) 专辑: Canta Espanol 26 Grandes Exitos When you raise your eyes and make believe,All the stars come out and paint a world of blue.There"s my heart right up your sleeveWaiting all for you.When you smile on me, the world is mine,And the dreams I dream, I know will all come true.Every care becomes divineWaiting all for you.My heart is beating to the old refrainWhen I"m alone with you.My heart"s repeating, "I"m in love again"Can"t we hold a rendez-vous?You"re the dreams I dream, the song I singYou"re the stars and moon and nearly everything.Life would be a symphony,Waiting all for you.~interlude~My heart is beating to the old refrainWhen I"m alone with you.My heart"s repeating, "I"m in love again"Can"t we hold a rendez-vous?You"re the dreams I dream, the song I singYou"re the stars and moon and nearly everything.Life would be a symphony,Living all for you.
2023-06-26 15:01:101


2023-06-26 15:01:052