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2023-06-27 01:26:59








求S开头的英文名 女生的

Sabina 莎碧娜 拉丁 出身高贵的人。 Sally 莎莉 希伯来 公主。 Sabrina 莎柏琳娜 拉丁 从边界来的人。 Salome 莎洛姆 希伯来 和平的,宁静的。 Samantha 莎曼撤 阿拉姆 专心聆听教诲的人。 Sandra 珊朵拉 希腊 人类的保卫者。 Sandy 仙蒂 希腊 人类的保卫者。 Sara 莎拉 希伯来 公主。 Sarah 赛拉 希伯来 公主。 Sebastiane 莎芭丝提安 希腊 受尊重的或受尊崇的。 Selena 萨琳娜 拉丁 月亮,月光。 Sharon 雪伦 盖尔 很美的公主;平原。 Sheila 希拉 爱尔兰 少女;年轻女人;盲目的。 Sherry 雪莉 英国 来自草地的。 Shirley 雪丽 英国 来自草地的。 Sibyl 希贝儿 希腊 女预言家。 Sigrid 西格莉德 斯堪的那维亚 最被喜爱的人;胜利的。 Simona 席梦娜 希伯来 被听到。 Sophia 苏菲亚 希腊 智能的人。 Spring 丝柏凌 英国 春天。 Stacey 史黛丝 希腊 会再度振作起来之人。 Stella 丝特勒 西班牙 星星。 Stephanie 丝特芬妮 希腊 王冠;花环;荣誉的标志。 Susan 苏珊 希伯来 一朵小百合。 Susanna 苏珊娜 希伯来 百合花。 Susie 苏西 希伯来 百合花。 Suzanne 苏珊 希伯来 一朵小百合。 Sylvia 西维亚 拉丁 森林少女。这个网站都有,忽略它标题
2023-06-27 01:01:097


2023-06-27 01:01:282


2023-06-27 01:01:341

帮我取一个英文名 要S开头的女生名字

2023-06-27 01:01:455


是这一部:Amazons and Gladiators (2001)
2023-06-27 01:02:002

syran 和 season 哪个更适合作为思芸的英文名?本人女

2023-06-27 01:02:082


2023-06-27 01:02:172


海肽生物科技(上海)有限公司是2012-07-23在上海市注册成立的有限责任公司(外国法人独资),注册地址位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区张东路1158号2幢102室。海肽生物科技(上海)有限公司的统一社会信用代码/注册号是91310115599752777P,企业法人SEVERINA MARIA,目前企业处于开业状态。海肽生物科技(上海)有限公司的经营范围是:抗原抗体等生物试剂的研究,开发(除人体干细胞、基因诊断与治疗技术开发和应用),自有技术转让,提供技术咨询和技术服务,以及上述产品(除药品)的批发、进出口、佣金代理(拍卖除外),并提供相关配套服务(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、许可证管理商品的,按照国家有关规定办理申请)。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】。在上海市,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为3234471万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 和 1000-5000万 规模的企业中,共1049家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。通过百度企业信用查看海肽生物科技(上海)有限公司更多信息和资讯。
2023-06-27 01:02:351


作者 | 网络大数据 来源 | Lilia Severina的演讲 1、停电导致的业务中断迫使政府和企业采取行动 IT化程度越高表明对基础设施的依赖程度越高,因而由于断电导致的业务中断影响就越大。在一项针对企业数据中心最近或较大的一次停机事故的调查中,约33%的受访人表示导致事故主要原因为供配电故障。 用户被断电后业务不能快速恢复的难题所困扰。世界各地的监管单位开始对断电后的快速回复能力提出要求,并出台断电的惩罚措施。 2、互联网应用向边缘化发展 下一波互联网的建设正在进行中,建设将更多集中在边缘。带宽、成本和时延是边缘数据中心需求的原因之一。大区域数据中心可满足多种需求,支撑数千个微型数据中心(亿级设备)。 3、数据中心的能源利用不断攀升 2020年,数据中心能源使用将继续稳步上升,使地区电网紧张。《关于过去五年数据中心行业能源使用和二氧化碳影响》的专题报告显示:2014年欧洲数据中心能耗大约是104 TWh,到2017年已经增长为130 TWh,增长25%;2018年,中国数据中心能耗为160 TWh,至2023年可达266.79 TWh。 5G催生出的新业务、视频、区块链等也是驱动力之一。 4、现金流促进数据中心市场发展 一波新投资者正在涌入活跃的数据中心市场。新投资者可能有更长的投资时间线和更低的投资回报率阈值。企业运营者可能发现其客户对数据中心有浓厚的兴趣,特别是在城市或者城市边缘。 5、数据越多,自动化数据中心将越多 DCIM和云驱动的人工智能为数据中心的自动化提供可能。运营者将自动化运用于制冷优化、低利用率服务器、智能供电等领域。成熟的数据中心管理模型可以分为基础、被动反应、主动响应、优化、自动优化五个层级。软件将在整个数据中心广泛运用。 6、成本的大幅下降为数据中心锂电储能创造了极大的机会 根据彭博社的数据,从2010年到2018年,锂离子电池的成本(每千瓦时美元)下降了85%。大多数分析师预计,在未来五年中,跟着大规模生产的出现,价格将继续稳步下降,这为在数据中心以锂电的储能方式创造了很大的机会。 7、“即付即用”模式扩展到关键基础设施。 越来越多的业务和运营者希望采用“服务即付即用”的模式,包括基本设施。运营商希望转移过时、地利用了、不合规或需求不断变化的风险。提供管理工具、关键电力和微型数据中心服务。 8、微型数据中心需求激增 微型数据中心建设需求正越来越多,且2020年后会越来越强。许多厂商以创新的设计进入市场,并针对特定需求进行了优化。电信公司将是较大需求者,零售和制造业需求也很强劲。 9、专业人才普遍短缺,而且正在恶化 对数据中心的人才需求持续大于供应。人力短缺将带来许多后果,推高成本,在某些情况下增加风险。业主、培训人员等需花几年时间以适应不断增加的人力需求。 10、气候环境变化促使数据中心法规立法 国家、城市两级立法者都希望数据中心更加环境友好。这些策略包括:设定较大允许PUE,禁用化石燃料备用电源,鼓励热能再利用。气候危机使下一代领导人加强数据中心控制。
2023-06-27 01:02:531

2023-06-27 01:01:005


oh shit
2023-06-27 01:01:052


2023-06-27 01:01:072


  国 籍: 美国  Iggy Pop  出生时间: 1947  风格类型:  Album Rock(专辑摇滚)  Detroit Rock(底特率摇滚)  Hard Rock(硬摇滚)  Proto-Punk(原型朋克)  1947年4月21日,在美国密歇根州底特律市的一个小镇上,“朋克之父”——Iggy Pop(伊基·波普,原名是詹姆斯·朱厄尔·奥尔斯德伯格)出生了,他的父亲是一名英国移民,母亲则是一个本地人。在The Doors乐队的影响下,Iggy与来自Chosen Few乐队的Ron Asheton共同成立了名为Psychedelic Stooges的乐队。Iggy做新乐队的吉他手和主唱,Asheton出任贝斯手,不久后Asheton的兄弟Scott成为了乐队的鼓手。1967年的万圣节期间,Psychedelic Stooges乐队推出了他们首张专辑。70年代末期兴起的朋克浪潮吸引了Iggy Pop,1977年,Bowie和The Stooges来到柏林录制了专辑《The Idiot》以及《Lust For Life》,而Bowie则出任乐队的键盘手。其中歌曲“Nightclubbing”、 “The Passenger”以及“China Girl”被誉为The Stooges的柏林三部曲。这两张颇具流行特色的专辑意外地成为了他事业最辉煌的顶点,《The Idiot》最终排名美国排行榜第27位,而莱蒙斯最好的成绩也不过才40多名。  不久,他开始改做硬摇滚,而此时朋克摇滚才刚刚红火起来,1978年的现场专辑《TV Eye》虽然成绩平平,却使他成为最早涉足硬摇滚的朋克之一。Iggy Pop一直致力于发展自己的事业,虽然没有固定的乐队,但他还是执著地坚持了一贯的朋克精神。这段时间,他共推出了数张专辑,无一不是1979年硬摇滚专辑《New Values》的标准翻版,这段时间是Iggy Pop历史上最多产的阶段,尤以1982年专辑《Zombie》为最,他几乎包括了Iggy Pop单飞后所有的重要作品。专辑发行后,Iggy Pop淡出摇滚界,在离开的这段时间内,Iggy戒除了毒瘾而且结婚了。1985年Iggy出山,与Steve Jones乐队合作发行了一系列专辑。直到1986年才迟迟推出专辑《Blah Blah Blah》。这张硬摇滚专辑虽然没有什么作为,但是他再次开始了Iggy Pop事业,确保了Iggy Pop1990年专辑《Brick By Brick》的巨大成功。《Brick By Brick》成为他事业上最成功的作品,不仅诞生了他第一支Top40单曲“Candy”,而且取得了巨大的商业成绩。  进入90年代后,Iggy Pop开始走下坡路,1993年和1996年,他先后完成朋克硬摇滚专辑《American Caesar》和《Naughty Little Doggy》,成绩一般。1999年,最新专辑《Avenue B》上市,这张专辑一改一贯尖锐的朋克态度,以民谣的面孔出现在世人面前。或许,他真的老了70年代末期Iggy与Arista唱片签约,与Glen Matlock以及Ivan Kral乐队合作发行了系列专辑。1982Iggy离开摇滚乐坛,开始着手编写自传。  尽管Iggy Pop以及The Stooges已经老去,但我们永远不能忘记他们对现在以至将来摇滚乐的深远影响。  网 址:  http://www.iggypop-virginreco  发表专辑:  Penetration(2005)  The Best of Iggy Pop(2005)  Ultimate Live(2004)  Skull Ring(2003)  Stooges(2002)  Beat "Em Up(2001)  Soldier(2000)  New Values(2000)  Live In Nyc(2000)  Heritage Collection(2000)  Sister Midnight(1999)  Search & Destroy(1999)  Metallic K.O.(1999)  Avenue B(1999)  Studio Sessions(1998)  Live In L.A.(1998)  California Bleeding(1997)  Year Of The Iguana(1997)  Kbfh Presents Iggy Pop(1997)  Head On(1997)  Naughty Little Doggie(1996)  Best Of-Nude & Rude(1996)  I"m Sick Of You!(1996)  Rough Power(1995)  American Caesar(1993)  Brick By Brick(1990)  Open Up & Bleed(1988)  I Got A Right(1987)  Zombie Birdhouse(1982)  Party(1981)  T.V. Eye(1978)  Lust For Life(1977)  Kill City(1977)  Jesus Loves The Stooges(1977)  Idiot(1977)  Raw Power(1973)  Fun House(1970)  Stooges(1969)
2023-06-27 01:01:101


Ever since ancient times, human beings have always been curious about the unknown. ""Does God really exist""? This question has been raised numerous times since hundreds of thousands of years ago. Atheists does not think that God exist, but only hallucinations. But there are also numerous people who think that they themelves feel Lord"s mercy. More and more people have such beliefs. In Moody"s book, David always advocates the existence of God and its importance. Whereas his rival Oscar tries by all means to challenge David so as to prove God"s inexistence. Amongst all of this, Sophie maintains her neutral position, neither believing in, nor going against anyone. In the book, Moody took a step by step approch to show to people that God is the ultimate source of everything, the omnipotent Creator, and so on. Even though no one has ever witnessed the prescence of God with his own eyes, but for hundreds of thousands of years, people have kept sending such an message through their own personal experience with God: God"s existence is indeed real.
2023-06-27 01:01:122


MARKLESS品牌男装是海盐县南圣服饰有限责任公司旗下男装品牌,主要产品系列包括:休闲、运动、羽绒、滑雪服等 梦幻西游没有绝山,只有华山
2023-06-27 01:01:162


  COUNTER:意为“反击”,俗称“红字”。一般来说是是指成功将对手的攻击截击,明显一点说,即是在对手作出招准备动作或攻击判定时之时,我方成功做出攻击拦截,COUNTER虽有反击的含义,但其实都是指我方的截击动作。  CRITICAL:俗称“绿字”,某些必杀或超杀中随机出现的攻击判定,如真吾的所有必杀或超杀,拉而夫的4蓄6B等。CRITICAL不仅可以使这些必杀或超杀攻击力大增,也能使对手受创硬直时间变长,从而使得平时无法成立的连招成为可能。  FRAME:中文意为“帧”。在KOF里,帧可以有两种解释:其一,一帧指一幅静态画面,就像普通电影里1秒钟由24帧画面组成。其二,时间帧,一个时间帧指显示刚才所说的一幅静态帧所持续的时间。在KOF98和02里,每局对战有60秒,而每秒基本上由50个帧组成。通常,我们指的是后者。  CANCEL:意思是取消了招式的收招动作而使出另一招。  BUG: 由于程序不够完善,从而使得玩家在某些特殊情况下遇到所控制的角色出现非正常的反应。  TASK OVER:任务中止。由于程序存在的BUG,导致系统资源耗尽,停止响应,表现为屏幕出现“TASK OVER”字样并死机。  互动:形容时间的词语,意思是我方和对手都能在同时行动;通常都会用来形容收招的时间。  指令:基本动作,意思是招式的输入步骤。  硬直:是指角色完全不接受任何输入(包括挡格)的时间。  防御不能:指对某些招式不能作出防御,但是要留意的是防御不能不等于必定击中,只不过是被攻击不能挡格罢了,简而言之,防御不能技都是可以回避的。  GUARD CRUSH:防御崩溃,意思是不能防守的不受控状况,通常都是防守者过分依赖挡格才会出现的的特殊系统。  眩晕:又叫气绝,意思是角色出现一段不受控制之硬直时间。有一些特殊的招式是立即令对手出现气绝的,如良的max天地霸皇拳。  强制:意思是计算机指定的特殊动作,很少做单一使用的词语。例如“强制挡格”,即使没有输入挡格的指令,计算机应会为玩家判别为挡格;“强制CANCEL”既是本身不能作出CANCEL连接的招式却可以利用某一特定的方法将招式作出CANCEL;“强制转身”,利用系统的转向设定在空中强制对手背对自己造成逆向。  追加输入:由于很多招式是由一连串的输入组成的,所以出现了这个[追加]的词语,意思是招式成功使出之后的复数输入。追加一词亦可用做其它的指代,例如“追加攻击”。  攻击判定:角色使出招式时,能够攻击对方的有效范围距离,而此范围便会称为攻击判定,一般情况下也会包括投技的有效范围。  相杀:意思既是双方同时作出攻击并同时击中对方。  无敌:不会受到任何攻击的形容,通常都是配合不同的词语使用的,例如“无敌时间、无敌判定”。  上/中/下段:意思是攻击判定的属性,中段是必须站立防守的,下段是必须下蹲防守的,上段是站立或下蹲均可防守或回避。  DOWN:主要是形容角色状况的形容词,意思是角色受到攻击并倒地,一般情况下都是用作连接其它词语使用的。例如“DOWN回避”“DOWN攻击”等等。  FLOAT: 浮空,有2种含义:1、己方将对方打至飘起,并存在被攻击判定;2、KOF系列一直存在的传统(或称bug),己方通过特殊的指令动作可以“浮”在空中,此时没有被投判定,且用普通技攻击对手己方不会后退。  吹飞:将对手击中后打至飞离。一般来说是指一些特殊的攻击,令我方和对手分开一段距离。防御吹飞是指己方在有能量的情况下防住对手进攻后立即施以CD反击对手。  目押:一般是指普通攻击(或者是特殊技)与普通攻击(或者是特殊技)的衔接而构成的连续技。通常我们谈论的的目押定义,是指轻攻击接重攻击,如Ryo的2B.2C、红丸的2A.D等;还有就是连续的轻攻击次数较多,如Heavy D与Mary的5A狂点。还有一种大家经常谈论的软目押,如Ralf的2C.2D,Chris的3B.2C等,这通常发生在对手落地瞬间、起身瞬间或紧急回避动作结束瞬间,目押者的第一招收招时击中对手,然后再接以后面的普通攻击。  掴技:投技的一种,当成功捕捉对手后可以做连打以增加攻击力。大部分的掴技都是接受攻击者的输入故被攻击者之连打输入将会影响争脱的快或慢,此技例如陈国汗的D投。  受身:在角色被击中后出现的硬直时间中作出指定的输入,在KOF里为AB,成功的话角色便最快地回复作战状态。  起上:角色被打至倒下时,恢复正常作战状态的过程。  空振:又叫挥空,使出招式完全不接触到对手。  投技:其本投技词语,一般来说是不能以挡格来防御的捕捉系攻击,一般情况下均是有指定的攻击力,而且不会手修正值的影响。  指令投:主要是形容以特定指令输入的投技,而这个词语出现是因为通常指令投会有通常投技所没有的优势,故这个词语是用作分野两者使用。  连续技:意思是攻击者的连续攻击。而”连续技“的定义可以说是被攻击者会在强制的情况下完全被击中反过来说,对方挡格时被计算机判定为强制挡格的亦可称得上是连续技。  连携技:虽然字面上有连续的意思,但其实“连携技”一词是指连续使出的攻击技组合,而对手是能够在当中作出防守的回避。具体一点说是使出者的连续攻势,但其实组合中应存在着空隙,可以理解为我们通常所说的“伪连”。  通常技:是指单以按钮使出招式,当然也包括了蹲下、跳跃的简单方向杆操作。  特殊技:是指方向+按钮的招式,和必杀技的分别是特殊技通常是以“方向杆单一输入”+“按钮”,而必杀技是需要较复杂的输入。  必杀技:须以复数输入才能使出的攻击技;而必杀技的特点是技属性会较通常技、特殊技为多。  飞行道具:俗称“波”、“气功”、“镖”,意思是移动的攻击判定,部分格斗游戏之飞行道具会带有被攻击判定;但是飞行道具的共通点是飞行道具受到攻击后并不会影响到角色。  返技:也叫“当身技”,如Mary的214B/D、99香橙的超杀“心眼葛落”等,在招式使出后没有主动攻击判定,在一定时间内受到普通技、特殊技或打击性的必杀、超杀的攻击会自动中断对手招式反击对手。除超杀类返技外,一般返技都有稍微不同的段位限定,如Mary的214B只能返上中段,214D只能返上段和下段。大门的返技236B/D比较特殊,只能返掉地面上的普通技。  打防技:使出后若对手攻击己方则表现为类似于挡身技的反击效果,若对手不攻击己方则表现为一般的必杀技。  裸杀:超杀不是用于连续技中,而是单独使出。如97Iori用八稚女对空。  KO:英文Knock Out的缩写,意为“击倒对手”。本来是拳击术语,引入到格斗游戏中来同样指将对手击败。  格斗技术术语  牵制:通过普通技和一系列的组合技巧以打乱对手预想的进攻节奏和手段。  二择:让对手二中选一(进行防御)的意思,例如打击或投技、中段或下段便是最佳的二择例子。  N择:也称多择,上述二择的扩充。一般指击倒对手后,在多种需要对手作出不同反应对策的进攻方式中择其一而为之。比较典型的例子是Clark在指令投后对手起身前的多种攻击方式。  先读:也称“预读”,意思是预测对手下一步的行动,并做出相应的对策。如预测对手会跳起进攻,从而提前发出升龙来“先读”对手。  高级技术术语进阶:  暗示: 实战斑竹“独孤八神”原创。指通过自己不断重复的做某个相同动作,是对手认为做另外一种动作是危险的,从而达到“暗示”对手不做某个动作的目的,以期掌握实战的主动权。例子:02的Billy在中远距离空放几个214A,可以暗示对手:你不要跳,跳则必被我截击下来,从而逼的对手被迫只能采用地面战。  抢招: 应该是Syo的原创。指利用已方出招判定产生快的招式来瓦解对手几乎可以同时出招的招式。如8Kim在28B被对手防住后,再次以28B同急于反击的对手来抢先出招。  关厕所: 我国台湾省的同胞原创。意为将对手逼入版边,然后使用包括牵制在内的各种手段进攻对手,务使对手无法逃脱直至被KO的一种战术。当然需要施术者具有较多的经验和较好的心理揣度水平。  防御切换:在己方角色因防守住对手的攻击作出防御动作后,立即有节奏地将摇杆不断地在下防与蹲防之间来回切换(即1P位时,不断地414141……)以保持防御动作不消失。防御切换可以使对手投技(包括指令投和普通投技)攻击无效。  确认:confirm,一个相当高深的技巧,首先需要玩家有极快的反映速度。指在普通技之后立即输入可以接驳的普通技、特殊技,或必杀或超杀(以超杀居多和华丽)的方向部分,然后视情况而动:若对手防前面的普通技,则不采用任何行动;若对手没有防住前面的普通技,则立刻使出接驳的必杀或超杀的按键部分,从而同前面的方向部分构成一个完整的指令,给对手致以最大的伤害。确认可以分为多hit确认和单hit确认两种。前者较为简单,可以给玩家以足够的时间来判断,例如Heavy D,可以在2B/2A后再多点几下2B/2A来判断是否击中对手,从而有较多的时间来判断是否接超杀;后者是我们通常意义上的确认,难度也大很多,如02Whip前冲2B>2426,如果2B命中,则立刻按A追加一个超杀,否则绝对不出。再给一个单hit确认的例子:Mature远A牵制,若命中,则要求立刻接驳24C*3,否则什么都不出。
2023-06-27 01:01:161

歌词有get family是什么英文歌

应该是这首歌名:Go Hard Or Go Home[1] 歌手:Iggy Azalea / Wiz Khalifa所属专辑:Furious 7 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)[Hook: Wiz Khalifa]  I feel like the sky is falling down  Ain"t nobody here to play around  Push it to the edge, I won"t back down  Cause it"s time to go hard or go home  One way up, no way out  I give it all, all for the family  We stay up, no bail outs  Give it all, all for the family  [Verse 1: Wiz Khalifa]  Five, four, three, two, I got one shot  You lose the love and respect, that"s where the trust stop  New work, top dropI roll up every fifteen minutes like a bus stop  And you can smell just how I"m smokin" when I burn out  And you can catch me ridin" dirty, but my car not  It"s love and loyalty until my heart lock  Never turn your back, won"t know how it turned out  I said it once, I"ll do it again  I"m playin" the game, I do it to win  With you and your friend, that"s thick and thin  That"s me and my team, you know we gon" win  You know we gon" ball, you know we gon" ride "til the wheels fall offYou know we gon" stick to the course, we ain"t thinkin" "bout y"all  [Hook]  [Verse 2: Iggy Azalea]  M-O-N-E-Y, what I go hard for  Swingin" on the green like I"m tryna get a par four  You ain"t sittin" at my table, hope you starve  Ho, don"t be pushin" my buttons "less you startin" up my car  Pressure make a diamond, that pressure make me a star  Got a method to my madness, to bring me down by the bar  People always askin" me how I got this far  My response is just to keep it honest and be who you are  Now they call me Mrs. Money like I"m married to the mula  Just to measure my success I need at least a hundred rulers  Glory, hallelujah, I"ma take that ass to church  I"ma finish like I started, Iggy still got that work  [Hook] (x2)
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问题一:说唱的英文名叫什么 中文Rap它p舞曲起源于60年代,BPM约在100-110拍,中文翻译成:“说唱、饶舌”。Rap是流行于当时于黑人青年当中的音乐种类,它是一种很奇怪的音乐类型:它以人声的吟唱来代替音乐中旋律的部分,加上鼓的清晰浓郁节奏;朗朗上口的通俗歌词,Rap一下子成为了年轻人的最爱。Rap有一段时期只是黑人歌手的专长,但不久一些白人乐团也加入了Rap的行列当中。Rap舞曲从60年代流行至今,令许多舞曲作品均整合进了一些Rap的元素。Rap的出现是非常了不起的。 问题二:说唱英文怎么说 Rap。。。。。 问题三:这首英文说唱歌曲叫什么呀? 不知道你找的是不是这首。歌名:Born to Do 歌手:Steven Cooper 问题四:什么歌是前面是英文后面是说唱 lighters love the way you lie(两个版本都是先唱后说唱) beauty and a beat black widow fancy starship problem 等等等等上面几首是毕竟好听的 其实你去搜索Iggy 妮琪米娜 或者阿姆的歌 他们和别人合作的歌就大多数是前英文后说唱 问题五:欧美说唱的一种歌曲是什么 说唱英文单词 Rap Talk 或 Raps 。 望采纳。 满意请采纳 问题六:不知道名字的说唱英文歌 5分 Bye Bye - Mariah Carey This is for my peoples 送给 Who just lost somebody 失去朋友的人们 Your best friend your baby 你最好的朋友 Your man or your lady 你的爱人 Put your hand way up high 高举你的手 We will never say bye 我们永不说再见 No no no 不 不 不 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈 爸爸 姐妹 兄弟 Friends and cousins 朋友和远亲 This is for my peoples 送给 Who lost their grandmothers 失去祖母的人们 Lift your head to the sky 仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永不说再见 As a child there were them times 童年应有他们陪伴 I didn"t get it 我没有得到, But you kept me in line 但你让我拥有 I didn"t know why 我不知道为什么 You didn"t show up sometimes 星期天早上你会有时不在 On Sunday mornings and I missed you 我想念你 But I"m glad we talked through 但是我很高兴与你通话 All them grown folk things 他们变成普通人 Separation brings 终会分离 You never let me know it 你从没让我知道 You never let it show 从没表现出来 Because you loved me and obviously 因为你爱我 如此显然 There"s so much more left to say 还有很多话要说 If you were with me today 如果今天你在我身边 Face to face 面对面倾谈 I never knew I could hurt like this 从没发现我会如此受伤 And everyday life goes on I wish 生活继续 I could talk to you for a while 我希望我可以与你聊天 Miss you but I try not to cry 想念你 我努力不哭泣 As time goes by 就像时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve 我知道 Reached a better place 你到了天堂 Still I"d give the world to see your face 但我仍然愿意放弃这个世界只为再次见到你 And be right here next to you 守在你身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon 但是好象你快要离开 Now the hardest thing to do is say 最艰难的就是 Bye bye 说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye 再见 再见 再见 再见 再见 再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye 再见 再见 再见 再见 再见 再见 B......>> 问题七:求一首英文说唱名字 阿姆的好多都不错。 给你推荐两个。Stan . loes yourself . Love the way you lay 问题八:fade英文说唱的是什么歌 For A Better Day - Avicii Hurt On a caution wind Meet the bleeding sky I called your name There was no one there And in the cold and snow I saw your face And we sang a song for the little thing Magic call but the joy you bring Running it down the line Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing Magic call from a pretty thing Maybe it might be time For a better day For a better day For a better day Straight from the path of love In the road of life I tumble forward But going on I"mma keep it strong I saw your face And we sang a song for the little thing Magic call but the joy you bring Running it down the line Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing Magic call from a pretty thing Maybe it might be time For a better day For a better day For a better day For a better day For a better day For a better day And we sang a song for the little thing Magic call but the joy you bring Running it down the line Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing Magic call from a pretty thing Maybe it might be time For a better day 问题九:感觉自己萌萌哒后面说唱英文歌是什么名字 Braveheart - Neon Jungle I"m on that late night e and get I"m on that ripped jeans cigarette And the whole world stops, it"s turning As the love fills up our lungs I"m on that club ground battle scars I"m on that 3am bizare And the whole world stops, it"s turning As the love fills up our lungs These sweet dreams in motion Feelings take over Memories wide open Summer keeps calling Braveheart Show me what you got Gotta show me when the beat drops Braveheart Show me what you got Gotta show me when the beat drops Ichi, ni, san, kaesu Breathe me in I"ll take you higher Eat me up like wild fire And the whole world stops, it"s turning As the love fills up our lungs These sweet dreams in motion Feelings take over Memories wide open Summer keeps calling Braveheart Show me what you got Gotta show me when the beat drops Braveheart Show me what you got Gotta show me when the beat drops Show me what you got Show me, show me Beat drops Show me what you got Show me, show me Beat drops Talkin" bout fresh We talkin" bout lettuce All the things That the lifestyle get us Stacking cheddar Chopping feta If you see my ex Tell the b*tch Don"t sweat us How many girls you know Rock lettuce like this LV on my back Chanel on my wrist Js on my feet What"s a bouji, b*tch? Hipster chick I ain"t with that sh*t Stone cold rosetta OG go-getter Kick game at me Do you one better If your girl wanna roll I just mi......>> 问题十:说唱的英文名叫什么 中文Rap它p舞曲起源于60年代,BPM约在100-110拍,中文翻译成:“说唱、饶舌”。Rap是流行于当时于黑人青年当中的音乐种类,它是一种很奇怪的音乐类型:它以人声的吟唱来代替音乐中旋律的部分,加上鼓的清晰浓郁节奏;朗朗上口的通俗歌词,Rap一下子成为了年轻人的最爱。Rap有一段时期只是黑人歌手的专长,但不久一些白人乐团也加入了Rap的行列当中。Rap舞曲从60年代流行至今,令许多舞曲作品均整合进了一些Rap的元素。Rap的出现是非常了不起的。
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2023-06-27 01:01:364


2023-06-27 01:01:371


Problem - Ariana GrandeBaby, even though I hate yaI wanna love yaI want youAnd even though I can"t forgive yaI really want toI want youTell me, tell me babyWhy did you leave meCause even though I shouldn"t want itI gotta have itI want youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemI know you"re never gonna wake upI gotta give upBut it"s youI Know I shouldn"t never call backOr let you come backBut it"s youEvery time you touch meAnd say you love meI get a little bit breathlessI shouldn"t want itBut it"s youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemIt"s Iggy IzWhat you got?Smart money bettin" I"ll be better off without youIn no time I"ll be forgettin" all about youYou sayin" that you knowBut I really really doubt youUnderstand my life is easyWhen I ain"t around youIggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressing"I"m thinkin" I love the thought of youMore than I love your presenceAnd the best thing nowIs probably for you to exitI let you goLet you backI finally learned my lessonNo half-steppingEither you want it or you just playin"I"m listening to you knowingI can"t believe what you"re sayin"There"s a million you"s baby boySo don"t be dumbI got 99 problemsBut you won"t be oneLike WhatOne less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problem
2023-06-27 01:01:421


2023-06-27 01:01:459


2023-06-27 01:01:455


Problem - Ariana GrandeBaby, even though I hate yaI wanna love yaI want youAnd even though I can"t forgive yaI really want toI want youTell me, tell me babyWhy did you leave meCause even though I shouldn"t want itI gotta have itI want youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemI know you"re never gonna wake upI gotta give upBut it"s youI Know I shouldn"t never call backOr let you come backBut it"s youEvery time you touch meAnd say you love meI get a little bit breathlessI shouldn"t want itBut it"s youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemIt"s Iggy IzWhat you got?Smart money bettin" I"ll be better off without youIn no time I"ll be forgettin" all about youYou sayin" that you knowBut I really really doubt youUnderstand my life is easyWhen I ain"t around youIggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressing"I"m thinkin" I love the thought of youMore than I love your presenceAnd the best thing nowIs probably for you to exitI let you goLet you backI finally learned my lessonNo half-steppingEither you want it or you just playin"I"m listening to you knowingI can"t believe what you"re sayin"There"s a million you"s baby boySo don"t be dumbI got 99 problemsBut you won"t be oneLike WhatOne less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problem
2023-06-27 01:01:491

求Ariana Grande / Iggy Azalea的 Problem (Noodles & Devastator Remix)MP3下载

2023-06-27 01:01:561


03的人物新人队:ash,deyuoron,shen"u饿狼队:MOTW 特瑞,东丈,griffon面具韩国队:KIM,chang,Jhun女人格队:Mary,King,舞Athena队:Athena,四条,MARIN(是ATHENA的歌迷)新日本队:红丸,真吾,大门非法队:比莉,山崎,牙刀龙虎队:ryo,robert,yuri怒队:拉尔夫,Clark,利昂娜新反nest队:K"、Maxima,whip单独出场:京、庵三神器队是:草薙 京 、八神 庵 、神月 千鹤
2023-06-27 01:02:011

mark less 是什么牌子

2023-06-27 01:02:012

Nightclubbing 歌词

歌曲名:Nightclubbing歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:EssentialNightclubbingIggy PopNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re what"s happeningNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re an ice machineWe see people brand new peopleThey"re something to seeNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingOh isn"t it wild ?Nightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe"re walking through townNightclubbing we"re nightclubbingWe walk like a ghostWe learn dances brand new dancesLike the nuclear bombwe"re nightclubbingBright-white clubbingOh isn"t it wild ?
2023-06-27 01:02:031

Dear editor: Dear editor: I have just read the inviting pulic comment on the newspaper. I f

Dear editor, I am a senior 1 student。In the beginning of this termafter myself. However, I have (加入my) own idea. Staying at home in
2023-06-27 01:00:562


2023-06-27 01:00:501

didn t exist的同义词是什么

2023-06-27 01:00:492

arianagrande problem歌词

Problem - Ariana Grande Iggy AzaleaBaby, even though I hate yaI wanna love yaI want youAnd even though I can"t forgive yaI really want toI want youTell me, tell me babyWhy did you leave meCause even though I shouldn"t want itI gotta have itI want youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemI know you"re never gonna wake upI gotta give upBut it"s youI Know I shouldn"t never call backOr let you come backBut it"s youEvery time you touch meAnd say you love meI get a little bit breathlessI shouldn"t want itBut it"s youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemIt"s Iggy IzWhat you got?Smart money bettin" I"ll be better off without youIn no time I"ll be forgettin" all about youYou sayin" that you knowBut I really really doubt youUnderstand my life is easyWhen I ain"t around youIggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressing"I"m thinkin" I love the thought of youMore than I love your presenceAnd the best thing nowIs probably for you to exitI let you goLet you backI finally learned my lessonNo half-steppingEither you want it or you just playin"I"m listening to you knowingI can"t believe what you"re sayin"There"s a million you"s baby boySo don"t be dumbI got 99 problemsBut you won"t be oneLike WhatOne less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I"ve gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problem采纳呗采纳呗
2023-06-27 01:00:481


2023-06-27 01:00:441

Iggy Pop的《Bang Bang》 歌词

歌曲名:Bang Bang歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:Pop MusicBang Bang - K"naanShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bang Get out the way yoAhh there she goes againThe girl is EthiopianIn other words she came through explodinIn the podium dynamiteNapoleon like sodium mixed with petroleumSlowly but surely she was walking toward meCut the convo short cause she had to wake up earlyBut continuing the storyDon"t worry she gave me digits for her BlackberryYou"re very handsome is what she saidAnd the way she looked in my eyes said Put me to bedOh my oh my I should have known when she said to me on the phoneYou do not know me very well but I would never hurt a flyThen she aimed at my chest with love in her eyeI said she aimed at my chest with love in her eyeShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bangShe"s so hot she"s a scorchianKilling me softlyLauryn or KevorkianCouldn"t tell if she"s coo coo or corky whenI asked her her name she said Call me TenTesting testingThings just got more interestingShe"s dressed in a vest pin double breasted holsterA very Western toasterShe ain"t nothing KosherAh she lets me closerHotter than a pepper crusted SamosaWhile I try to keep my composureShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bangAm I wrongBut what is love without the pain to go alongAnd what is pain if not the reason for me to sing this songAnd this song is for the weak and for the strongCause I was strong and stillShe got me she got meBang bang she got meShe got me she got meShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot me
2023-06-27 01:00:411


望远山乔纳森·谢尔1 1945年8月9日,一颗原子弹投向长崎。当天,在日军中服役的摄影师山端庸介被派遣到这座已遭毁灭的城市。他第二天拍摄的百来张照片可谓现存最完整的核毁灭威力的影像记录。此前3天也遭遇毁灭的广岛在轰炸的第一天基本没被相机拍摄下来。山端碰巧有条不紊地用伟大而简洁的艺术手法记录下了核武器爆炸后仅仅数小时对人类的影响。山端的部分照片展示了被核火球以其独特的方式烧焦了的尸体。他们是被光烧焦的——用专业术语来说,他们是被“热脉冲”烧焦的——尸体通常都烙上了衣服的图案,因为不同的颜色吸光程度不同。一张照片拍下了一匹身形扭曲的马儿蜷缩在它拉的大车下面。另一张显示了一堆悬挂在突出物上面伸进沟渠的东西,看得出这也是一个人的遗骸。第3张照片中有个小女孩站在防空洞入口处,不知何故她虽经历劫难却毫发无伤。她脸上露出诡异的笑容,令人震撼。如果不是这张照片,在我们现在见证的场景中,原先的日常生活已一去不返。大片茫茫的废墟瓦砾一直伸向远方,残火零落其间,而这片景象的背景则是绵延的大山。我们能遥望远山,正因为整个城市已化为焦土。城市的灰飞烟灭比断壁残垣更能说明问题的核心本质。这一事件的真正效应不在于城市还剩下什么,而在于消失的一切。2 美国使用世界上第2颗原子弹将长崎夷为平地仅仅用了几秒钟,然而,山端拍摄这一事件的照片从长崎辗转回到美国却用了50年之久。照片第一次在美国展出是在1995年,展出地点是纽约国际摄影中心。迟到了半个世纪,这些照片仍然带有新闻效应。这些照片展示的是单个城市的命运,但却带有普遍意义,因为在我们这个核武器时代,发生在长崎身上的灾难也可能在转瞬之间发生在世界任何一个城市身上。通过这些照片,长崎为自己正名。它一直存在于广岛的阴影中,因为似乎人类的想象力到达广岛这第一个被毁灭的城市的废墟之后便裹足不前、消失殆尽了,以至于连长崎的边缘都到达不了。然而,长崎的灭顶之灾在某些方面恰恰是笼罩在我们头顶上的核威胁阴云的更有力的象征。它证明人类一旦大开核武器杀戒,就会重蹈覆辙。它带来了系列破坏的概念,就是说,有成千上万的核武器持续存在,我们每个人都有可能受到威胁。(第2颗原子弹原定是投向小仓的,只是后来因为天气恶劣,空中视线不佳,这才使小仓免遭长崎的厄运。这说明了核武器系列性威胁捉摸不定、难以预测的性质。)因此,与其说每张照片似乎记录了半个世纪之前发生的景象,还不如说它是嵌在摄影中心墙上的一扇窗户,透过它人们能看到也许很快就会轻而易举地发生在纽约的事情。而且,无论这些展品到达何方,这些“视窗”展示的遭受威胁的未来景象都大致准确,因为尽管每个完好无损的城市和其他城市都大不相同,任何遭遇核毁灭打击的城市面貌都将相差无几。3 山端的照片使人们对世界末日可以管中窥豹。然而,在这个时代,我们的挑战不仅是认识核威胁的存在,还要抓住这个天赐良机彻底消灭核威胁。所以,除了这些照片,我们还需要其他照片来抵消遭受毁灭的长崎带来的负面感受;我们需要的照片所展示的不是我们通过失败会失去的事物,而是通过成功我们能得到的东西。但是,这该是什么样的照片?你如何展示和世界末日截然相反的另一面?是长崎在投弹前完好无缺、生机勃勃的照片吗?抑或是逃过一劫的小仓?或者是一个儿童,还是一位母亲和她的孩子,抑或是地球本身?没有一张能充分达到目的。原因是我们如何能以有限之形式来展现现在和将来气象万千的全人类生机无限的一个个鲜活生命?面对世界末日或世界未来,想象力的确力不从心。只有行动能令人满意。4 过去,新生代降临人世乃自然而然之事。现在,他们只有依靠今人充满信仰的行动和集体意志才能到来,我们必须保障他们存在的权利。当今世人最重大的责任就是采取这样的行动。时间的礼物永远是生命的礼物,前提是我们必须懂得如何接受这样的礼物。原文A View of MountainsJonathan Schell1.On August 9, 1945, the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Yosuke Yamahata, aphotographer serving in the Japanese army, was dispatched to the destroyed city. The hundred or so pictures he took the next day constitute the fullest photographic record of nuclear destruction inexistence. Hiroshima, destroyed three days earlier, had largely escaped the camera"s lens in the first day after the bombing. It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically -and, as ithappens, with a great and simple artistry – the effects on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after it had been used. Some of Yamahata"s pictures show corpses charred in the peculiar way in which a nuclear fireball chars its victims. They have been burned by light – technicallyspeaking, by the “thermal pulse” -and their bodies are often branded with the patterns of theirclothes, whose colors absorb light in different degrees. One photograph shows a horse twisted under the cart it had been pulling. Another shows a heap of something that once had been a human being hanging over a ledge into a ditch. A third shows a girl who has somehow survived unwoundedstanding in the open mouth of a bomb shelter and smiling an unearthly smile, shocking us with the sight of ordinary life, which otherwise seems to have been left behind for good in the scenes we are witnessing. Stretching into the distance on all sides are fields of rubble dotted with fires, and, in the background, a view of mountains. We can see the mountains because the city is gone. That absence, even more than wreckage, contains the heart of the matter. The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.2.It took a few seconds for the United States to destroy Nagasaki with the wo rld"s second atomicbomb, but it took fifty years for Yamahata"s pictures of the event to make the journey back fromNagasaki to the United States. They were shown for the first time in this country in 1995, at theInternational Center for Photography in New York. Arriving a half-century late, they are still news.The photographs display the fate of a single city, but their meaning is universal, since, in our age of nuclear arms, what happened to Nagasaki can, in a flash, happen to any city in the world. In thephotographs, Nagasaki comes into its own. Nagasaki has always been in the shadow of Hiroshima, as if the human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in the wreckage of the first ruined city without reaching even the outskirts of the second. Yet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us. It is proof that, having once used nuclearweapons, we can use them again. It introduces the idea of a series -the series that, with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons remaining in existence, continues to threaten everyone. (The unpredictable, open-ended character of the series is suggested by the fact that the second bomb originally was to be dropped on the city of Kokura, which was spared Nagasak i"s fate only because bad weather protected it from view.) Each picture therefore seemed not so much an image of something that happened a half-century ago as a window cut into the wall of the photography center showing what soon could easily happen to New York. Wherever the exhibit might travel, moreover, the view of threatened future from these “windows” would be roughly accurate, since, although every intact city is different from every other, all cities that suffer nuclear destruction will look much the same.3.Yamahata"s pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day, when the challenge is not just to apprehend the nuclear peril but to seize a God-given opportunity to dispel it once and for all, we seem to need, in addition, some other picture to counterpoise against ruined Nagasaki -one showing not what we would lose through our failure but what we would gain by our success. What might that picture be, though? How do you show the opposite of the end of the world? Should it be Nagasaki, intact and alive, before the bomb was dropped -or perhaps the spared city of Kokura?Should it be a child, or a mother and child, or perhaps the Earth itself? None seems adequate, for how can we give a definite form to that which can assume infinite forms, namely, the lives of all human beings, now and in the future? Imagination, faced with either the end of the world or its continuation, must remain incomplete. Only action can satisfy.4.Once, the arrival in the world of new generations took care of itself. Now, they can come into existence only if, through an act of faith and collective will, we ensure their right to exist. Performing that act is the greatest of the responsibilities of the generations now alive. The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.
2023-06-27 01:00:351

在化妆品中 warm undertone是什么意思?

我认为是指粉底的颜色,冷色 自然色 和暖色 不是指肤质
2023-06-27 01:00:354


2023-06-27 01:00:341

谁介绍下有哪些09动漫新番比较好看的 顺便加上剧情简介

2023-06-27 01:00:334


草薙(tì)京(KYO KUSANAGI)格斗技:草剃流古武术+我流拳法外式·轰斧阳→+B外式·奈落落(跳跃中)↓+C八拾八式↘+D百式·鬼燃烧→↓↘·A或CR.E.D.Kick(七百七式·独乐屠)←↓↙·B或D贰百拾贰式·琴月阳→↘↓↙←·B或D七拾五式改↓↘→·B·B或D·D百拾四式·荒咬↓↘→·A百贰拾八式·九伤荒咬动作中↓↘→·A或C百贰拾七式·八锖荒咬动作中→↘↓↙←A或C荒咬→九伤动作中A或C百贰拾五式·七濑荒咬→九伤动作中B或D外式·砌穿荒咬→八锖动作中A或C百拾五式·毒咬↓↘→·C四百壹式·罪咏毒咬动作中→↘↓↙←A或C四百贰式·罚咏罪咏动作中→A或C九百拾式·鹤摘(外式·虎伏/龙射)↓↙←A或C秘奥义里百八式·大蛇剃↓↙←↙↓↘→·A或C最终决战奥义“无式”(三神技之一)↓↘→↓↘→·A或C二阶堂红丸(BENIMARU NIKAIDO)国籍:日本(日美混血儿)声优 Monster前冢(前冢后志)格斗技:雷电操纵+我流拳法旋转膝落↑以外·C或D杰克小刀踢→+B飞之技巧(跳跃中)↓+D雷韧拳↓↘→·A或C空中雷韧拳(跳跃中)↓↘→·A或C真空片手驹↓↙←·A或C超级闪电踢→↓↘·B或D居合蹴↓↘→·B或D反动三段蹴→↘↓↙←·B或D红丸投(近身)→↘↓↙←→·A或C雷光拳↓↘→↓↘→·A或C大发电者(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←·A或C大门五郎(GORO DAIMON)国籍:日本声优:臼井雅基格斗流派 柔道+我流格斗术玉溃→+A头上拂↘+C地雷震→↓↘·A或C超受身↓↙←·B或D出云投←↙↓↘→·A切株返←↙↓↘→·C天地返(近身)→↘↓↙←→·A或C超大外割(近身)→↓↘·B或D根返↓↘→·B或D里投→↘↓↙←→·B或D地狱极乐落(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←·A或C岚之山(近身)←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→·B或D续·切株返岚之山中←↙↓↘→·B或D二阶堂红丸根拔里投(正常态)续·切株返中→↓↘·B或D续·天地返(最大能量态)续·切株返中→↓↘·B或D 安迪·伯格(ANDY BOGARD)国籍:美国声优:桥本润格斗技:骨法上鳄→+B上面↘+A斩影拳↙→·A或C我弹幸斩影拳击中后↓↘→·A或C飞翔拳↓↙←·A或C升龙拳→↓↘·A或C空破弹←↙↓↘→·B或D击臂背水掌(近身)←↙↓↘→·A或C幻影不知火(跳跃中)↓↘→·B或D幻影不知火(下颚)幻影不知火着地中→·A或C幻影不知火(上颚)幻影不知火着地中→·B或D超裂破弹↓↙←↙↓↘→·B或D飞翔流星拳↓↘→↓↘→·A或C东丈(JOE HIGASHI)国籍:泰国声优:桧山修之格斗技:泰拳低踢→+B滑步↘+B旋风拳←↙↓↘→·A或C爆烈拳A或C连按爆烈拳终结爆烈拳中↓↘→·A或C虎破脚→↓↘·B或D电光踢←↙↓↘→·B或D黄金之踵落↓↙←·B或D死亡龙卷风↓↘→↓↘→·A或C爆烈飓风猛虎踢↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C特瑞·伯格(TERRY BOGARD)国籍:美国声优:桥本松志格斗技:武术+我流喧哗杀法后打→+A步步高↘+C火焰冲拳↓↙←·A或C能量波↓↘→·A或C碎石踢↓↙←·B或D倒跃踢→↓↘·A或C灌篮强击→↓↘·B或D能量补充←↙↓↘→·B或D能量喷泉↓↙←↓↘→·A或C高轨喷泉↓↘→↓↘→·B或D 坂崎良(RYO SAKAZAKI)国籍:日本声优:臼井雅基格斗技:极限空流手冰柱割→+A虎煌拳↓↘→·A或C虎炮→↓↘·A或C猛虎雷神刚跳跃中→↓↘·A或C飞燕疾风脚→↘↓↙←·B或D极限流连舞拳(近身)←↙↓↘→·A或C猛虎雷神刚↓↙←·A或C猛虎雷神刹↓↘→·B或D龙虎乱舞↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C霸王翔吼拳→←↙↓↘→·A或C天地霸王拳↓↘→↓↘→·A或C罗伯特·加西亚(ROBORT GARCIA)国籍:意大利声优:小市慢太郎格斗技:极限空流手龙翻蹴→+B姣龙降脚蹴→+A龙击拳↓↘→·A或C龙牙→↓↘·A或C飞燕旋风脚→↘↓↙←·B或D极限流连舞脚←↙↓↘→·A或C龙斩翔→↓↘·B或D飞燕龙神脚(跳跃中)↓↙←·B或D龙虎乱舞↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C霸王翔吼拳→←↙↓↘→·A或C无影疾风重段脚↓↘→↓↘→·B或D坂崎由莉(YURI SAKAZAKI)国籍:日本声优:堀江香格斗技:极限空流手+自创流派燕落↑以外·C或D燕翼→+B虎煌拳↓↘→·A或C空牙→↓↘·A或C里空牙空牙着地时→↓↘·A或C雷煌拳↓↘→·B或D百烈掌击→↘↓↙←·A或C飞燕疾风拳↓↙←·B或D飞燕旋风脚↓↙←·A或C霸王翔吼拳→←↙↓↘→·A或C飞燕凤凰脚↓↘→↘↓↙←·B或D飞燕烈孔↓↘→↓↘→·A或C 拉尔夫·琼斯(RALF JONES)国籍:美国声优:Monster前冢(前冢后志)格斗技:军用武术+哈迪伦暗杀术机炮拳A或C连打格林机关炮←(蓄)→·A或C急降下爆弹↓(蓄)↑·A或C(跳跃中)↓↘→·A或C超级阿根廷攻击(近身)←↙↓↘→·B或D拉尔夫踢←(蓄)→·B或D超级机炮拳↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C乘马机炮拳↓↙←↙↓↘→·B或D宇宙幻影↓↘→↓↘→·A或C莉安娜·哈迪兰(LEONA HEIDERN )国籍:巴西声优:弓雅枝格斗技:军用武术+哈迪兰暗杀术黑登摔↑以外·C或D打击→+B月光锯↓(蓄)↑·A或C威武军刀←(蓄)→·B或D粉碎者重威武军刀中→+DX口径炮↓(蓄)↑·B或D涡旋发射器←(蓄)→·A或C眼之斩↓↙←·A或C耳环爆弹↓↙←·B或DV字金锯(跳跃中)↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C旋转的火花↓↙←↙↓↘→·B或D重力风暴↓↘→↓↘→·A或C克拉克·斯特尔 (CLAKR STEEL)国籍:美国声优:岛吉法格斗技:军用武术+哈迪伦暗杀跳入死亡湖↑以外·C或D断踢→+B机炮拳A或C连打凝固汽油弹(投)→↓↘·A或C旋转摇篮(投)←↙↓↘→·C超级阿拉伯拉力赛阻止者(投)←↙↓↘→·A弗兰肯必杀投(投)→↓↘·B或D超级阿根廷阻挠者(投)(近身)←↙↓↘→·B或D烈火闪光肘(指令投中)↓↘→·A或C终结阿根廷攻击(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←·A或C奔袭投掷↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→·B或D 镇元斋(CHIN GENTSAI)国籍:中国声优:西村寿一格斗技:中国拳法(主要为醉拳)醉步飘箪袭→+A瓢箪袭↓↙←·A或C柳磷蓬莱→↓↘·A或C回转的空突拳←↙↓↘→·B或D醉管卷翁中→·B或D望月醉中→·B或D醉管卷翁↓↓·A或C蝶袭鲑鱼醉管卷翁中→·A或C望月醉↓↓·B或D龙蛇反蹦望月醉中↑B鲤鱼反蹦望月醉中↑D鬼醉酒↓↘→·A或C轰栏炎炮↓↘→↓↘→·A或C轰栏招来↓↘→↘↓↙←·A或C椎拳崇(SIE KENSOU)国籍:中国声优:矢野荣治格斗技:超能力+中国拳法虎扑手→+A后旋腿→+B超球弹↓↙←·A或C龙颚碎←↓↙·B或D龙连牙·地龙←↙↓↘→·A龙连牙·天龙←↙↓↘→·C龙爪袭(跳跃中)↓↙←·A或C龙连打(近身)→↓↘·A或C连按神龙凄煌裂脚↓↘→↘↓↙←·B神龙天舞脚↓↘→↘↓↙←·D仙气发动(近身)↓↘→↓↘→·A或C食肉馒↓↙←↓↙←·A或C麻宫雅典娜(ATHENA ASAMIYA)国籍:日本声优:池泽春菜格斗技:超能力+中国拳法精神射击↑以外·C或D连环腿→+B凤凰弹(跳跃中)↓+B精神力球↓↙←·A或C凤凰箭(跳跃中)↓↙←·A或C精神力反射波→↘↓↙←·B伽玛精神反射→↘↓↙←·D划空光剑→↓↘·A或C空中光剑(跳跃中)→↓↘·A或C心灵传送术↓↘→·B或D超级精神穿透(近身)←↙↓↘→·C闪光水晶波←→↘↓↙←·A或C水晶超射闪光水晶波中↓↙←·A或C空中闪光水晶波(跳跃中)←→↘↓↙←·A或C空中水晶超射空中闪光水晶波中↓↙←·A或C凤凰FANG箭(跳跃中)↓↘→↓↘→·A或C 京(KING)国籍:法国声优:生驹治美格斗技:泰拳+腿功滑步踢↘+D毒蛇击↓↘→·B或D双毒蛇击↓↘→↓↘→·B或D落地击→↓↘·B或D龙卷踢→↘↓↙←·B或D惊异玫瑰→↓↘·A或C????:←↙↓↘→+B或D幻想之舞↓↘→↘↓↙←·B或D沉默闪光↓↙←↓↙←·B或D神乐千鹤(CHIZURU KAGURA )国籍:日本声优:齐藤亚纪子格斗技:神乐流古武术除活·铮铮→+A除活·瑜瑜→+B除活·淙淙↘+B百活·天神之理→↓↘·A或C贰百式贰活·神速之祝词→↘↓↙←·A或C或B或D贰百式贰活·神速之祝词·天瑞神速之祝词动作中↓↙←·A或C或B或D百八活·玉响之瑟音←↙↓↘→·A或C贰百拾贰活乙式顶门之一针↓↓·任一键里面八拾伍活零技之楚↓↙←↙↓↘→·A或C里而壹活三籁之布阵↓↘→↓↘→·B或D不知火舞(MAI SHIRANUI )国籍:日本声优:曾木亚古弥格斗技:不知火流忍术梦樱:(空投)↑以外+C或D红鹤之舞:↘+B花蝶扇:↓↘→+A或C龙炎舞:↓↙←+A或C飞翔龙炎舞:→↓↘+B或D必杀忍蜂:←↙↓↘→+B或D飞鼠之舞:↓(蓄)↑+A或C(按住不放)飞鼠之舞:(跳跃中)↓↙←+A或C白鹭之舞:→↓↘+A或C*超必杀忍蜂:↓↙←↙↓↘→+B或D*凤凰之舞:↓↙←↓↙←+A或C*水鸟之舞:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C 金家藩(KIM KAPHWAN)国籍:韩国声优:桥本聪格斗技:跆拳道多拉打击:→+A定位打击:→+B飞燕斩:↓(蓄)↑+B或D(接↓B或D)半月斩:↓↙←+B或D飞翔脚:(跳跃中)↓↘→+B或D流星落:←(蓄)→+B或D空砂尘:↓(蓄)↑+A或C*凤凰脚:↓↙←↙→+B或D(跳跃中可)*凤凰天舞脚:(跳跃中)↓↘→↘↓↙←+B或D蔡宝健(CHOL BOUNGE)国籍:韩国声优:MONSTER 前冢(前冢后志)格斗技:跆拳道+速度型攻击二段斩→+A通魔蹴:→+B龙卷疾风斩:↓(蓄)↑+A或C飞翔空裂斩:↓(蓄)↑+B或D(按住不放)旋风飞燕刺突:←(蓄)→+B或D方向转换:飞翔空裂斩、旋风飞燕刺突中方向键加攻击键飞翔脚:(跳跃中)↓↘→+B或D疾走飞翔斩:←(蓄)→+A或C*真!超绝龙卷疾风斩:→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+A或C*凤凰斩:↓↘→↘↓↙←+B或D陈可汗(CHANG KOEHAN)国籍:韩国声优:有田洋之格斗技:跆拳道+力量型攻击轮逃:↘+A铁球粉碎击:←(蓄)→+A或C铁球大回转:A或C连打铁球飞燕斩:↓(蓄)↑+B或D大破坏投掷:(近身)→↘↓↙←→+A或C*铁球大暴走:↓↘→↘↓↙←+A或C*铁球大压杀:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C 七枷社(YASHIRO NANAKESE )国籍:日本声优:栗根源格斗技:打击技滑步踢:→+B飞弹强力锤:→↘↓↙←+A或C升龙决斗:→↓↘+A或C敲大锤:↓↙←+A或C喷气反击:←↙↓↘→+A或C*百万大锤蒸汽:↓↙←↙↓↘→+A或C*最终冲击:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C ……乖乖地安睡吧!夏尔米(SHERMIE)国籍:法国声优:西川叶月格斗技:投技夏尔米站立:→+B夏尔米螺旋打:(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C夏尔米重炮:←↙↓↘→+B或D夏尔米旋转踢:↓↙←+B或D夏尔米叠加:→↓↘+B或D*夏尔米大闪耀:(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+A或C*夏尔米狂欢:(近身)←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→+A或C克里斯(CHRIS)国籍:瑞典声优:绪方惠美格斗技:速度攻击针刺:→+A滑触:↓↘→+A或C猎杀的空气:→↓↘+B或D射杀舞者之突刺:→↘↓↙←+A或C射杀舞者之舞步:→↘↓↙←+B或D舞者之章:(跳跃中)↓↘→+B或D*滑行者的踩踏:↓↙←↓↙←+B或D*连续滑触:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C 山崎龙二(RYUJI YAMASAKI)国籍:日本声优:石井康嗣格斗技:我流喧哗杀法打刺:→+A蛇使·上段:↓↙←+A(可蓄)蛇使·中段:↓↙←+B(可蓄)蛇使·下段:↓↙←+C(可蓄)蛇使取消:蛇拳蓄劲中D施虐:←↙↓↘→+B或D倍返:↓↘→+A或C制裁之首:→↓↘+A或C爆弹:(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C踢砂:→↓↘+B或D*断头台:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C*射杀:(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+A或C(A+C连打蓄力)布鲁·玛丽(BLUE MARY)国籍:美国声优:生驹治美格斗技:关节技大锤击:→+A上升之箭:↘+B旋转下落:↓↘→+B或D玛丽蜘蛛固:↓↘→+A或C指天回旋脚:←(蓄)→+B或D俱乐部飞标:指天回旋脚击中后↓↘→+B或D垂直之箭:→↓↘+B或D玛丽攫夺:垂直之箭击中后→↓↘+B或D玛丽翻脸:↓↙←+B头部飞弹:↓↙←+D回身真落:(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C*玛丽台风:(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+B或D*玛丽野玫瑰:↓↘→↘↓↙←+A或C*动感闪光:↓↘→↓↘→+B或D比利·凯恩(BILLY KANE)国籍:美国声优:山西敦格斗技:棒术大回转蹴:→+A棒高跳蹴:→+B三节棍中段打:←↙↓↘→+A或C火炎三节棍中段打:三节棍中段打中↓↘→+A或C旋风棍:A键连打集点连破棍:C键连打强袭飞翔棍:→↓↘+B或D火龙追击棍:↓↙←+B水龙追击棍:↓↙←+D旋元杀棍:→↓↘+A或C*超火炎旋风棍:↓↘→↘↓↙←+A或C*大旋风:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C 国籍:日本声优:安井邦彦格斗技:八神流古武术+本能{暴走八神(按住开始键不放输入←→←→←→+A+C}……马上就把你解决! }外式·影舞·梦弹:→+A+A外式·轰斧阴·死神:→+B外式·百合折:(跳跃中)←+B百式·鬼燃烧:→↓↘+A或C二百十二式·琴月阴:→↘↓↙←+B或D百二十七式·葵花:↓↙←+A或C(可三回连续输入)屑风:(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C百八式·暗勾手:↓↘→+A或C*禁千二百十一式·八稚女:↓↘→↘↓↙←+A或C ……哭吧,叫吧,然后就死吧!*里百八式·八酒杯:↓↙←↙↓↘→+A或C……每逢看到月亮就会想起我! 国籍:日本声优:子安武人格斗技:草雉京亲传草雉流古武术 (未完成)外式·轰斧造型:→+B百式·鬼燃烧未完成:→↓↘+A或C百十四式·荒咬未完成:↓↘→A百十五式·毒咬未完成:↓↘→C百一式·胧车未完成:↓↙←+B或D真吾踢:←↙↓↘→+B或D*外式·凤鳞:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C*燃烧真吾:↓↙←↙↓↘→+A或C 大蛇克里丝(CHRIS)格斗技: 蓝色火焰攻击针刺:→+A射太阳之炎:↓↘→+A或C摘月之炎:→↓↘+A或C屠镜之炎:↓↙←+A或C咬四肢之炎:(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C*暗黑大蛇雉:↓↙←↙↓↘→+A或C*拂大地之禁果:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C大蛇夏尔米 (SHERMIE)格斗技:暗黑雷电攻击夏尔米站立:→+B无云之雷电←↙↓↘→+A或C或B或D雷神之鞭↓↙←+A或C雷神之杖(跳跃中)↓↘→+B或D(不明)↓↙←+B或D*暗黑雷光拳↓↘→↓↘→+A或C*(不明)↓↙←↙↓↘→+B或D……这就是你的命运…请安息吧……大蛇七枷社 (YASHIRO NANAKESE )格斗技:大地投掷攻击滑步踢:→+B(不明):←↙↓↘→+B或D(不明):(近身)→↘↓↙←→+A或C(不明):(近身)←↙↓↘→+A或C挫大地:↓↙←+A或C吼大地:↓↘→↓↘→+A或C(可蓄力)*荒大地:(近身)←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→+A或C ……乖乖地安睡吧!因为你马上就要完结了!*暗黑地狱极乐落:(近身)→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+A或C ……(MAX完结时)你认命吧!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------大蛇 (OROCHI)国籍:远古大地声优:绪方惠美格斗技:大蛇之力(KOF中的强者。SS版的大蛇选法:在练习模式中先选出上述5名隐藏角色,把光标移到普通克里斯处同时按下L、R、Y、Z、B五键一秒即可……有些街机经过修改也能直接选“大蛇”等人!)注:PS版的有大改动“黑粒子”:↓↘→A“神指”:↓↘→B或C“反弹盾”:↓↘→D{吸收(飞行道具)并反击,也可用于狂加能量、硬直取消}“灵气柱”:→↘↓↙←任一键*“掏魂”:→↓↘A或C*“阳光普照”:↓↙←A或C ……一切都归于『无』吧!(一击必杀:远距↓↘→A》冲跳B》(↓)B》↓↙←A简单的一招)
2023-06-27 01:00:311


2023-06-27 01:00:281

Iggy Pop的《Tonight》 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:EssentialI saw my babyShe was turning blueOh, I knew that soon, herYoung life was throughAnd so I got down on my kneesDown by her bedAnd these are the wordsTo her I saidEverything will be allright, TonightNo one movesNo one talksNo one thinksNo one walks, TonightEveryone will be allright, TonightNo one movesNo one talksNo one thinksNo one walks, Tonight, TonightI am gonna love herto the endI will love her "til I dieI will see her in thesky...Tonightq421654485
2023-06-27 01:00:281

有一首英文歌词是any dj any one

Rain Over Me(Prod. By Redone)专辑:暂无歌手:Pitbull&Marc AnthonyGirl my body don"t lie女孩 我的身体不会说谎I"m outta my mind我已神魂颠倒Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我I"m rising so high我飘飘欲仙Out of my mind忘乎所以So let it rain over me所以快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Always a new million十亿是高富帅们的新标准Always a new vodkavoli是伏特加的新品牌Forty is the new 3040岁看起来想30岁Baby you"re a rockstar宝贝你就是摇滚巨星Dale veterana" que tu sabe把你知道的Mas de la cuenta" no te hagas都教给我Teach me or better yet"教我 宝贝儿 我会更棒Freak me baby" yes" yes挑逗我 宝贝儿 就这样 就这样I"m freaky" I"mma make sure我是个怪咖 宝贝儿that your peach feels peachy baby我肯定 你的心应该是桃红色的 宝贝儿No bull**** rods" I like my women sexy classy sassy绝不是胡说 我喜欢我的女人性感 优雅 活泼Powerful yes" they love to get the middle" nasty ow千真万确 她们喜欢有点坏得男人This ain"t a game you"ll see"你将明白这不是游戏you can put the blame on me你可以抱怨我Dale munequita ahora ahi" and let it rain over medale mulequita 快让甘雨降临我Girl my body don"t lie女孩 我的身体不会说谎I"m outta my mind我已神魂颠倒Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我I"m rising so high我飘飘欲仙Out of my mind忘乎所以So let it rain over me所以快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Always a new million十亿是高富帅们的新标准Always a new vodkavoli是伏特加的新品牌Light is the new majority" ya tu sabe拉丁是新的主流Next step la casa blance下一步该平衡No hay carro" no vamo en balsa我们没有车没有救生筏Mami you know the drill" they will know女孩 你知道这诀窍what I got "til they read the will在她们察觉前 她们不知道我早已得手I ain"t try" I ain"t trying to keep it real我不想 不想动真情I"m trying to keep wealthy that"s for real我一直想有钱 这倒是实话Pero mira que tu estas buena" y mira que tu estas dura但是看到你的好 我确定了Baby no me hables mas" y tiramelo mami chula宝贝把它给我亲爱的妈妈不用问我No games you"ll see" can you put the blame on me你将明白这不是游戏 你可以抱怨我Dale munequita ahora ahi" and let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Girl my body don"t lie女孩 我的身体不会说谎I"m outta my mind我已神魂颠倒Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我I"m rising so high我飘飘欲仙Out of my mind忘乎所以So let it rain over me所以快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Mr worldwide" Marc Anthony" tu sabe全球先生 马克 安东尼I was playing with her" she was playing with me我和他玩 她和我耍Next thing you know" we were playing with three接着你知道 我们曾一起玩3POh oh oh oh oh oh哦哦哦哦哦哦I was playing with her" she was playing with me我和他玩 她和我耍Next thing you know" we were playing with three接着你知道 我们曾一起玩3POh oh oh oh oh oh" rain over me哦哦哦哦哦哦 快让甘雨降临我Girl my body don"t lie女孩 我的身体不会说谎I"m outta my mind我飘飘欲仙Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我I"m rising so high我飘飘欲仙Out of my mind忘乎所以So let it rain over me所以快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我Ay ay ay ay ay ay哎呀呀Let it rain over me快让甘雨降临我
2023-06-27 01:00:251


LS的放P劳资就很喜欢 单质料去百度网叶搜
2023-06-27 01:00:243

猜火车插曲 所有出现过的都说一下 英文歌名 谢谢了

1.u300aLust For Lifeu300b——Iggy Pop 2.u300aDeep Blue Dayu300b——Brian Eno 3.u300aTranspottingu300b——Primal Scream 4uff0eu300aAtomicu300b——Sleeper5.u300aTemptationu300b——New Order 6.u300aNightclubbingu300b——Iggy Pop 7.u300aSingu300b——Blur 8.u300aPerfect Dayu300b——Lou Reed 9.u300aMile Endu300b——Pulp 10.u300a2-1u300b——Elastica 11.u300aA Final Hitu300b 12.u300aBorn Slippyu300b——Underground
2023-06-27 01:00:212


2023-06-27 01:00:165


Iggy SZN - Iggy AzaleaHey hey, wait, could you hold on,Everywhere I go they sayit"s Iggy Season"Til I get what I want,baby I ain"t leavin"Everytime I go outeverybody wanna show outI just see a girl in the mirror,told her: you the reasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonI ain"t worried "bout shit,it"s Iggy SeasonBad bitches screamYAAAAAASSSSSSSSIt"s Iggy SeasonEvery man needs some AzaleaYou want it,you do what I tell yaYou play on my teamand get a ring backYou don"t,you gon" end up a failureI look like a fantasy,your wifey mad at meJust cause hubby is a fan of me,you understandin" me?So skip the talkin" baby,we too busy ballin" babyPedal to the metaland my engine never stallin" babyBitches gon" hate,while the critics critiqueI pay them no mindwhenever they speakWhat they make a year,I can make in a weekI know you can"t stand it,just get you a seatSee the sky be the limitwhen you dealin" with meI"m stuntin" this hard,and I ain"t even reached my peakI just get money to spend it,let the cycle repeatI"m feelin" like I got this worldon my feetHm, IggzEverywhere I go they sayit"s Iggy Season"Til I get what I want,baby I ain"t leavin"Everytime I go outeverybody wanna show outI just see a girl in the mirror,told her: you the reasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonI ain"t worried "bout shit,it"s Iggy SeasonBad bitches screamYAAAAAASSSSSSSSIt"s Iggy SeasonGo Iggy, go IggyGo Iggy, go IggyGoYou ain"t down to make a purchase,tell me what"s your purpose?Go out and play somewhere,the grown folks busy workin"Iggy independent with it,they know that for certainYou be on the internet,thirsty, prolly worse in personDown payment for a car,I dropped that on a BirkinYou don"t sit in VIPcause you ain"t no important personMoney wrapped around my mindlike a turbanIggy got them pop tittiesbut that ass on that urbanGo IggyIf I told you what I"m worth,you would throw upGo IggySo have my money on time"fore I show upGo IggyI"m drinking PJ on a PJ in my PJsThinking money 25/8, no free daysGo IggyIf your girl dumb body,I recruit themThey ask me who you do it for,me say they youth demDamn right,I like the life I liveWho else you knowthat slay like IggzYou little bitchEverywhere I go they sayit"s Iggy Season"Til I get what I want,baby I ain"t leavin"Everytime I go outeverybody wanna show outI just see a girl in the mirror,told her: you the reasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonI ain"t worried "bout shit,it"s Iggy SeasonBad bitches screamYAAAAAASSSSSSSSIt"s Iggy SeasonDrop down on "em,bring "em back upIggy Igg in the building,call for backupSee I don"t want nothingbut them stacksSo if you see a bad bitch,point her out,where she at doe?Now clap, clap, clap,clap it on "emNow clap, clap, clap,clap it on "emSo we don"t wanna never turn downSo go aheadand get ratchet onEverywhere I go they sayit"s Iggy Season"Til I get what I want,baby I ain"t leavin"Everytime I go outeverybody wanna show outI just see a girl in the mirror,told her: you the reasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonSimmer down bitch,it"s Iggy SeasonI ain"t worried "bout shit,it"s Iggy SeasonBad bitches screamYAAAAAASSSSSSSSIt"s Iggy Season
2023-06-27 01:00:141

Red mean good luck.What colour is red?

2023-06-27 01:00:115

最近一首男生假声唱的歌词有why here,why now?什么的英文歌,求告知?

sugar - maroon 5
2023-06-27 01:00:072