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windows 7 idt high definition audio codec声卡如何设置?

2023-06-28 19:23:54






不建议您删除,这2个图标分别代表不同功能的。 AMD High Definition Audio Device:为hdmi接口的声卡驱动,如果卸载此声卡驱动的话,您机器hdmi接口只能传输视频数据,无法传输音频信息,即连接外置设备,可以有图像,但是没有声音。 IDT High Definition Audio CODEC:是你机器的声卡驱动,如果卸载此驱动的话,您的机器是无法发出声音的。
2023-06-28 15:42:302


2023-06-28 15:42:395

IDT High Definition Audio CODEC无法启动(代码10)高分悬赏!!!!!

(1)首先,很多老的板载声卡的芯片标准是AC97的,这是我们非常熟悉的,由于他的诞生时间早于WINXP,所以微软在生产其产品WINXP时,在其默认驱动包里是有对于其的驱动的,这也就是为什么我们在用老主板的电脑上安装XP后,往往不用安装驱动就有声音了,不是XP多么神奇,而是归功于现代化生产的产业标准。 (2)现在,很多新的板载声卡的芯片标准是High Definition High Definition Audio CODEC的,这是新的声音芯片标准,但我们用的仍是老版的WINXP安装盘,而且还是盗版的,很难获得再线的更新服务。要知道XP出来的时候,这小子还没生出来呢。 (3)电脑是很苯的,苯到你无法想象。所以,在你的新主板上,我们有了新标准的High Definition Audio声音芯片,但是你安装的是在这个家伙之前诞生的XP操作系统,等你进入界面之后,XP会努力地在自己的默认驱动包中搜索,但无论他多努力,他也识别不了这块声音芯片,因为他是新出的,所以XP无法找到适合你这新标准的声卡驱动。 (4)但最关键的问题是,你运行厂家的驱动安装程序,还是不行,报错,这是为什么呢?对此,我只能猜测原因。但你首先要明白所谓驱动的大概原理。首先,主板上存在一个硬件接口,就是说存在这个芯片的物理连接,然后我们需要在操作系统上的软件接口,既然我们大多情况下使用的是WINDOWS,所以我们需要WINDOWS对此芯片的软件接口。所以我们需要打一个补丁,此补丁的名称为High Definition Audio Driver Package-KB835221(补丁号,你可以上微软的网站下载此补丁) 至此,打完这个补丁,你就可以运行厂家的驱动程序正常驱动了。需要指出的是,有些做的比较好的厂商所出的驱动程序是附带这个补丁的,他会先检查是否有这个补丁,没有的话会先为你安装补丁。 现在新的笔记本电脑的声卡大都需要安装HDAudio补丁,即微软的kb835221和KB888111补丁。不过奇怪的是微软官方并不提供下载链接;也有很多朋友问,这两个补丁有何不同,其实 kb835221是针对Microsoft Windows Server 2003/ Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) / Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)系统的,而KB888111是它的升级版,已支持到针对Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)/ Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) / Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)的系统。 Microsoft UAA总线驱动 Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture高清晰音频(HD Audio)驱动程序是微软对以Intel为首推广的新一代AC97音频标准HD Audio总线的系统级支持驱动,也是Microsoft Windows首次发布的通用音频架构(UAA)高清晰度音频类驱动程序。 解决声卡没声音方法就是: 1、安装High Definition Audio高清晰度驱动补丁 KB835221 & KB888111。 2、重启电脑系统; 3、重新安装声卡驱动程序,(程序会自动重新开启HD AUDIO总线程序)后面再安装那个对应版本的补丁程序,就完全正常了,自此,HD AUDIO问题彻底解决! 顺序不要错了,错了还是一样没声音 KB888111补丁包下载地址:<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (经查该连接包括2k SP4 / XP SP1 / XP SP2多国语言版补丁,简体中文版在chs目录下) 简体中文版官方说明: <a href=" " target="_blank"></a >;zh-cn;835221 (kb835221) <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (KB888111) 适用于 Windows Server 2003、Windows XP 以及 Window 2000 的通用音频结构 (UAA) 高清晰度音频类驱动程序 本文介绍了为 Microsoft Windows 首次发布的通用音频结构 (UAA) 高清晰度音频类驱动程序。此驱动程序适用于以下版本的 Windows: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 / Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1(SP1) Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1)/ Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 呵呵:补充一下,虽然微软不把它收录为系统的补丁,但在Intel的官方网站上还是看到了这个程序,(KB888111)提供一下地址: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
2023-06-28 15:42:561

本人声卡不能用 电脑型号HpCQ45-203TX 声卡idt high definition audio codec请各位大师帮忙解决

2023-06-28 15:43:043

idt high definition audio codec出现黄色感叹号!

2023-06-28 15:43:243


IDT High Definition Audio CODEC
2023-06-28 15:43:392

idt high definition audio codec安装出现问题,电脑没有声音,没有小喇叭图标,用驱动人生,和万能声卡驱

2023-06-28 15:43:471

ATI High Definition Audio Device是什么声卡啊?怎么没立体声了?

ATI High Definition Audio Device 这个是显卡带的 你换成 IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 就好了 点开控制面板 点击声音和音频设备 点击音频把声音播放选择成 IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 就可以听到声音了
2023-06-28 15:43:551

我的音量合成器idt high definition audio codec在每次有qq消息的时候,我的qq音乐音量就会下降,为什么?

2023-06-28 15:44:061

求idt high-definition audio codec声卡驱动安装方法,要详细!

2023-06-28 15:44:554

HP 8540W 用win7x64自带声卡驱动喇叭无声音,但是耳机接入后有声音

2023-06-28 15:45:271

系统没有声音,但是停止Microsoft 用于 High Definition Audio 的 UAA 总线驱动程序然后在开启就

2023-06-28 15:45:402


2023-06-28 15:45:514

电脑声卡驱动有黄叹号 扬声器出现红叉 电脑没有声音

2023-06-28 15:45:594


2023-06-28 15:46:082

我的笔记本戴尔N5110 玩游戏卡顿,请问具体是什么原因

2023-06-28 15:46:164

戴尔 Vostro 1440 笔记本电脑能升级硬盘和内存吗?

2023-06-28 15:46:303

NVIDIA控制面板 管理3D设置 怎么设置好才呢 !win7旗舰版戴尔笔记本 非转载!

2023-06-28 15:46:382

电脑型号 惠普 HP Pavilion m6 Notebook PC 笔记本电脑

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。1、请问您是指设备管理中没有找到内置摄像头设备吗?如果是,请您点击“通用串行总线控制器”前的三角号,卸载通用串行总线控制器下面USB Root Hub设备和Unknown Device,然后您再点击设备管理器上方的“扫描检测硬件改动”,重装USB驱动,看是否会多出摄像头设备。2、WIN7系统安装时内置摄像头驱动会自动安装上,不需要单独安装的。请您回忆一下之前是否进行过某些特殊操作后才找不到摄像头设备的呢?3、请您查看电脑中是否安装了优化软件(例如金山毒霸或QQ管家等软件),如果是,请您查看软件保护设置中是否禁用了摄像头,如果是,请将它开启试试。4、您可以保存数据后将BIOS恢复默认值试试,方法:您开机时连续点击F10进入BIOS,选择Exit选项,选择loadsetup defaults--yes.再选择Exit--exit saving changes—yes,就可以保存后退出了。5、您也可以对笔记本释放静电试试,方法:您关机后,将电池和电源适配器及其它外接设备(例USB鼠标)全部拿下,静置笔记本一小时后,再插上电池或电源适配器来开机试试。6、如果不能解决,这个情况很可能是系统有问题造成的,建议您可以保存数据后,重新安装系统或者恢复系统试试。欢迎您通过追问功能反馈您的操作结果或疑问,以便继续跟进解决您的问题,祝您一切顺利!
2023-06-28 15:46:471

电脑没声音,设备管理器在IDT High Definition Audio CODEC有黄色叹号,怎么办?

黄色感叹号说明 声卡 没用驱动上啊!你可以用电脑自带的光盘 或是 下载 驱动精灵 安装下驱动就好使了!
2023-06-28 15:47:072

急急急~IDT High Definition Audio CODEC声卡问题求高手大侠帮忙 400分答谢~~
2023-06-28 15:47:142

YY讲话没有声音了,看了一下我的声卡是idt high definition audio codec

你先看看麦克风本身是不是有开关,那个是不是关闭着呢,如果不是这个原因就右击任务栏上的小喇叭图标打开音量控制,选项-高级控制 选择录音 看看麦克风是否为你使用的麦克风,然后把麦克风音量调到最大,再试试,希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O~
2023-06-28 15:47:211

IDT High Definition Audio CODEC声卡驱动哪儿有好使的,附带方法

2023-06-28 15:47:281

IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 提示感叹号,我用USB接口的音箱有声音,我插上耳麦就没声音

二、是否正确安装声卡驱动 1.右击 “ 我的电脑 ” - 属性 ” --- “ 声音、视频和游戏控制器 ” 看前面有没有黄色的感叹号,如果有,说明缺
2023-06-28 15:48:051

IDT high definition audio CODEC 我电脑声卡显示正常,但是qq视频就是没声音!跪求高人指点!!!

重启如果系统提示要安装声音驱动 你就点驱动人生一键更新安装该驱动就装好了。主要驱动不合适.如果清理更新没解决 就多换几个驱动试。..打开驱动人生5 点驱动-驱动管理 - 驱动更新 - 声音驱动-里面有不同日期版本的驱动可选 自己多试几个,总会有合适自己电脑的如果还不行应该是比较麻烦,要看到你电脑才知道,点《驱动人生5》 -修电脑-有专人远程安装 维修
2023-06-28 15:48:121

电脑没有声音,idt high definition audio codec 前面有黄感叹号,右下角小喇叭也没有了,怎么回事?

2023-06-28 15:48:441

关于IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 问题

2023-06-28 15:48:511

IDT High Definition Audio CODEC 无法启动怎么办

2023-06-28 15:48:581

idt high definition audio codec声卡在哪里下载啊?

2023-06-28 15:49:061

此声卡IDT 92HD73C1 @ Intel 82801IB ICH9 - High Definition Audio Controller 的驱动~
2023-06-28 15:49:143

“IDt High Definition Audio CODEC”这个有一个感叹号,

还用说么 声卡驱动没装好
2023-06-28 15:49:222


2023-06-28 15:47:413

谁能给我《he say she say》的歌词

He Say, She Say</DT> [a.g.]He say, she say, brothers be yappingRunning they mouths and don"t even know what happenedJust for conversation you run your lipAnd now my man"s got problems, so now he"s got to flipHis girl is heated, and she"s leaving tooBecause you ran your mouth, what you said wasn"t even trueSee my man"s name is victorHis brother mike is boning shante, that"s eric"s sisterMike had a girl, but shante knewBut on the downlow a little rendevousOne day upstairs the two were chillingHis girl popped up, yep yep, she started illingMike said that"s victor"s undercover loverSo victor caught on and had to cover for his brotherWalked shante home, and said so longBut somebody saw the two and thought they had something going onIt got around like a hula hoopAnd you made it your business, victor"s girl knew the scoopKnow she"s beefing, flipping and cryingDidn"t believe when he said that they were lyingIt"s over, the relationship is doneVictor was a loyal brother if i ever knew oneYou say he"s wrong, but that"s not a factSee if you don"t know the story then you shouldn"t say jackWell it"s over anyway, huhAnd victor is the victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)Losing a girl is one thing, but there"s another sideOf he say she say, a lot of brothers diedAll the gossip don"t belong in the streets>from another brother talking now you got major beefTwo kids had a beef, one was your manThey went out like troopers, and they went out with their handsYour man took a loss, but he left it at thatBut you made it your business to say he was coming backThe other kid wouldn"t have itSo he ran to his car, yeah he packed the automaticAnd you knew he wasn"t jokingSo you called up your man, "yo yo, we gotta smoke em"Came downstairs with the nine and the vestLittle did you know he didn"t aim for the chestCaught him in the head, now your man is deadRest in peace chief, cause of something that you saidTell it to his family on his funeral dayAnd your man is a victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)Somebody told my man that the giant is deadHe went out like a trooper and took two to the headSomebody said to me that i"m not a.g.Because the giant is dark-skinned and 6"3"Somebody told show that a.g. can"t flowThat witch is crazy, because you know i"m good to go(ayo i heard showbiz is making money off the crack)He doesn"t have to jack, because he"s making fat tracksYou don"t even know and that"s upsetting meAnd i won"t be a victim, so don"t put me in jeopardyThe ones who yapped this goes outAlways putting other words in other people"s mouthI"m a end it on this note, okay?Don"t let em make you a victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)
2023-06-28 15:47:461


2023-06-28 15:47:532

Navras (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Navras (Album Version)歌手:Juno Reactor Vs. Don Davis专辑:Matrix Revolutions: The Motion Picture Soundtrackasato ma sad gamayaasato ma sad gamayatamaso ma jyotir gamayamrtyor mamrtam gamayaasato ma sad gamayaasato ma sad gamayatamaso ma jyotir gamayamrtyor mamrtam gamayanarayanaya vidmahe vasudavaya dhimahitanno vishnu prachoyatnarayanaya vidmahe vasudevayatanno vishnu prachoyatnarayanaya vidmahe vasudevayatanno vishnu prachoyatom shante shante shanteom shante shante shanteom shante shante adityaya nahamom adityaya nahamom adityaya nahamasato ma sad gamayaasato ma sad gamayatamaso ma jyotir gamayanarayanaya vidmahe vasudavaya dhimahitanno vishnu prachoyatnarayanaya vidmahe vasudevayatanno vishnu prachoyatom shante shante shanteom shante shante shanteom shante shante shanteom...jnanani manasa sahabuddhis ca na vicestatetam ahuh paramam gatimYa ya ya ya yada yadayaYa ya ya ya yada yada yada yadaYada yada yada yada yada
2023-06-28 15:47:531

clearly divided

which修饰前面的color fields. because是对前面句子的解释.
2023-06-28 15:47:591


2023-06-28 15:48:012


2023-06-28 15:48:024

闪灵 男主角砸厕所的门的时候为什么说‘here is Johnny’?

这应该是说:是Johnny吗?或 里面是Johnny吗?闪灵没看过
2023-06-28 15:48:056


. A choise between love and duty 范文一 Love and duty, according to my own viewpoint, are equally important and mutually promoting. Duty mainly refers to the professional obligation and social responsibility. The value of a person is achieved through his duty fulfillment. Only by diligently executing duty can one get rewarded to be a breadwinner in love. In other words, love separated from duty can"t survive for a single while. However, duty can"t go totally without love, either, partly because duty isolated from love tends to lead one to nothing but a boring lifestyle and even emotional dysfunction. Therefore, love and duty, if well balanced, may spawn an ideal effect. Although it is likely to occupy some energy and time, love can serve as miracle mental encouragement to duty. One"s splendid performance on duty surely enhances the stability and harmony of his love. Besides, the depression or dissatisfaction in work would be fairly relieved with the comfort from who you love. In sum, love and duty are reciprocally conducive rather than mutually exclusive, if managed tactfully. The younger generation, particularly those born after 1980, should be fully aware of the significance of carrying out their duties, alertly restricting love from going excessively and impractically romantic.范文二 This is the topic on last English corner, some people shared their opinions about it. A teacher from Australia, a women nearly 50 years old, shared her story. She came alone to china for teaching, she left her family, her beloved, her children in Australia, does she love her family? Yes, it"s for sure, she loves her family very much, but she still came to China to do what she wants to. In her opinion, love is free, if you have love, you really need to love yourself, it"s not selfish, everyone around you gives you respects on the decision you make, you are happy, and you, too, make those who are around you happy. Another teacher from America, more than 40 years old, thinks that the point is love, not duty. Parents give the lives of their children, take care of the children, feed them up, all of these are based on love, not duty. When the children grow up, they, in turn, take care of their parents who are old already, it"s also about love, not duty. Don"t think about duty and duty, making it your burden, all the good we do to our families is because of our love to them. Some Chinese students expressed their thoughts on the topic. They think the duty is first, then comes the love. The parents have duty to their babies and their parents, when you are in loved with someone, you have duty to him/her. One word, we always have a strong sense of responsibilities. duty is with love, love is with duty, they are always together and can not be divided. I agree with the students, when I asked my France friend, she thinks in the same way as the American teacher. Everyone may be right, they just emphasize different points. This is the difference in mind between westerners and easterners. That"s it. And how do you think about it? welcome to joining us if you like
2023-06-28 15:48:071


1. White Lines (Don"t Do It) - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2. Walk This Way - Run DMC & Aerosmith 3. Rappers Delight - Sugar Hill Gang 4. Fight The Power - Public Enemy 5. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys 6. Gangsta"s Paradise - Coolio 7. Planet Rock - Afrika Bambatta 8. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 9. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees 10. Stan - Eminem 11. I"ll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy 12. California Love - 2Pac 13. Cop Killa - Ice T 14. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) - Missy Elliott 15. I Need Love - LL Cool J 16. Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill 17. Push It - Salt-N-Pepa 18. Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J 19. Ms. Jackson - Outkast 20. Work It - Missy Elliott 21. Nuthin But A "G" Thang. Dr. Dre 22. People Everyday - Arrested Development 23. 99 Problems - Jay Z 24. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 25. Mo Money Mo Problems - Notorious B.I.G. 26. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 27. Country Grammer - Nelly 28. Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre 29. In Da Club - 50 Cent 30. Stop The Violence Movement - Self Destruction 31. Hey Ya - Outkast 32. Everything Is Everything - Lauryn Hill 33. Mind"s Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys 34. Looking For The Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambatta 35. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys 36. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G. 37. U-N-I-T-Y. Queen Latifah 38. It"s Tricky - Run DMC 39. I used to love h.e.r. - Common 40. Gettin Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith 41. Excursion - A Tribe Called Quest 42. Black Steel In the Hour of Chaos - Public Enemy 43. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot 44. Real Love - Mary J. Blige 45. The Magic Number - De La Soul 46. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z 47. Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A. 48. Bridge is Over - Boogie Down Productions 49. On and On - Erykah Badu 50. The Way I Am - Eminem 51. Rock Box - Run DMC 52. New Jack Hustler - Ice-T 53. One Minute Man - Missy Elliott 54. Me, Myself and I - De La Soul 55. We"re All In The Same Gang - West Coast Rap All-Stars 56. Hot In Herre - Nelly 57. My Adidas - Run DMC 58. Roxannes Revenge - Roxanne Shante 59. AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted - Ice Cube 60. Say No Go - De La Soul 61. Just A Friend - Biz Markie 62. One More Chance - Notorious B.I.G. 63. Funkee Ko Medina - Tone Loc 64. Rebel Without A Pause - Public Enemy 65. Love of My Life - Erykah Badu 66. Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa & En Vogue 67. I Know You Got Soul - Eric B. & Rakim 68. Creep - TLC 69. Childrens Story - Slick Rick 70. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer 71. Brown Skin Lady - Mos Def 72. Welcome to the Terrordome - Public Enemy 73. Dear Mama - 2Pac 74. Woo-Ha!! Got You All In Check - Busta Rhymes 75. Big Pimpin" - Jay-Z 76. Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest 77. No More Drama - Mary J. Blige 78. Ready or Not - The Fugees 79. Jesus Walks - Kanye West 80. Love Is Blind - Eve 81. Lyte As A Rock - MC Lyte 82. Eye Know - De La Soul 83. Raw - Big Daddy Kane 84. It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube 85. Parents Just Don"t Understand - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 86. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest 87. To Beat Ya"ll - Lady B 88. I"m Still Number One - Boogie Down Productions 89. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See - Busta Rhymes 90. Bust A Move - Young MC 91. Don"t Sweat The Technique - Eric B. & Rakim 92. Freaks Come Out At Night - Whodini 93. Wild Thing - Tone Loc 94. The Real Slim Shady - Eminem 95. How Ya Like Me Now - Kool Moe Dee 96. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan 97. Boyz-N-The Hood. Eazy E 98. Vapors - Biz Markie 99. The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground 100. Express Yourself - N.W.A.有些歌不好找。。。总有一个你能用的。。。
2023-06-28 15:48:081


英语中有很多种不同的称呼,像母亲的英语mother,母亲和孩子关系好就叫mom,一般人名后缀加ny或y ,就便是很好的人之间才会这样!
2023-06-28 15:47:332

HDCITY HD86 91HD CMCT等国内PT站的邀请各需要花多少积分购买?

2023-06-28 15:47:322


5个音节,E I O A Y.
2023-06-28 15:47:321

歌词the country say he coming

He Say, She Say</DT> [a.g.]He say, she say, brothers be yappingRunning they mouths and don"t even know what happenedJust for conversation you run your lipAnd now my man"s got problems, so now he"s got to flipHis girl is heated, and she"s leaving tooBecause you ran your mouth, what you said wasn"t even trueSee my man"s name is victorHis brother mike is boning shante, that"s eric"s sisterMike had a girl, but shante knewBut on the downlow a little rendevousOne day upstairs the two were chillingHis girl popped up, yep yep, she started illingMike said that"s victor"s undercover loverSo victor caught on and had to cover for his brotherWalked shante home, and said so longBut somebody saw the two and thought they had something going onIt got around like a hula hoopAnd you made it your business, victor"s girl knew the scoopKnow she"s beefing, flipping and cryingDidn"t believe when he said that they were lyingIt"s over, the relationship is doneVictor was a loyal brother if i ever knew oneYou say he"s wrong, but that"s not a factSee if you don"t know the story then you shouldn"t say jackWell it"s over anyway, huhAnd victor is the victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)Losing a girl is one thing, but there"s another sideOf he say she say, a lot of brothers diedAll the gossip don"t belong in the streets>from another brother talking now you got major beefTwo kids had a beef, one was your manThey went out like troopers, and they went out with their handsYour man took a loss, but he left it at thatBut you made it your business to say he was coming backThe other kid wouldn"t have itSo he ran to his car, yeah he packed the automaticAnd you knew he wasn"t jokingSo you called up your man, "yo yo, we gotta smoke em"Came downstairs with the nine and the vestLittle did you know he didn"t aim for the chestCaught him in the head, now your man is deadRest in peace chief, cause of something that you saidTell it to his family on his funeral dayAnd your man is a victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)Somebody told my man that the giant is deadHe went out like a trooper and took two to the headSomebody said to me that i"m not a.g.Because the giant is dark-skinned and 6"3"Somebody told show that a.g. can"t flowThat witch is crazy, because you know i"m good to go(ayo i heard showbiz is making money off the crack)He doesn"t have to jack, because he"s making fat tracksYou don"t even know and that"s upsetting meAnd i won"t be a victim, so don"t put me in jeopardyThe ones who yapped this goes outAlways putting other words in other people"s mouthI"m a end it on this note, okay?Don"t let em make you a victim of he say, she say("he say, she say, i heard it throught the grapevine" - greg nice) (repeat 4x)
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2023-06-28 15:47:251


2023-06-28 15:47:187

Henry’s proposal was so out of date that _____ none of us agreed with him.

2023-06-28 15:47:161


2023-06-28 15:47:131

Henry’s proposal was so out of date that _____ none of us agreed with him.

2023-06-28 15:47:091