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2023-06-29 07:58:38
TAG: aro


  (一) 概述:




  (二) 巴赫:(1685—1750)             作品欣赏  《歌德堡变奏曲咏叹调》

  约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sabasitian Bach),德国作曲家。1685年3月21日出生于爱森纳赫市的一个音乐世家,其家族相继出现了数十位音乐家,以约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的成就最为显著。巴赫自幼便显示出非凡的音乐才能,父亲是他的启蒙老师,教他乐器,双亲去世后(8岁),随其兄约翰·克里斯朵夫·巴赫学习管风琴,15岁开始独立谋生,18岁任阿恩斯塔教堂管风琴师,开始创作大合唱曲和古钢琴曲。1708---1717年任魏玛宫廷管风琴师和宫廷乐团合奏长,其间创作大量管风琴曲。1717---1723年任科顿宫廷乐长期间,创作了《平均律钢琴曲集》第一卷,这是世界上最早将十二平均律系统的应用于创作实践的作品,被后人称作“钢琴音乐的《旧约全书》”。1723---1750年在莱比西圣托马斯教堂及其附属唱歌学校任乐长兼全城音乐生活总监。这期间虽然工作繁重,但他仍创作了大量的作品。创作体裁包括宗教康塔塔,经文歌,弥撒曲,受难乐,清唱剧等。1750年7月28日,巴赫在莱比西逝世。巴赫一生有20多个子女,但大量夭折,其中有的成为“前古典世代”的著名音乐家。












  第二个段落篇幅较大,情绪起落较第一段更为显著。旋律舒畅、饱满。  第三曲《加伏特》。加伏特原为法国一种古老的民间舞曲,18世纪常用于组曲的第一个乐章。本曲采用三部曲式,2∕2拍,主题旋律采用大跳进行,活泼而有力。  第四曲《布列》。布列原为法国的一种古老的民间舞曲,18世纪用于古典组曲的一个乐章。本曲采用二部曲式结构,2∕2拍。乐曲简捷,流畅,明快而有个性。





  第一乐章为快板,由两个主题交替发展而成。第一主题在高声部进行,情绪热烈、活泼,音响丰满、华丽,由长笛、双簧管、小提琴与协奏组的小提琴演奏。  第二主题由独奏组的小提琴演奏,音乐纤巧细腻。


第二乐章为行板,是独奏乐器中的长笛、双簧管、小提琴与协奏组中的大提琴、拨弦古钢琴结合而成的合奏。3件独奏乐器在合奏组缓缓流动的低音背景上分别呈示主要主题。曲调清澈、纯净,是一首悦耳的抒情诗。  这个主题首先由小提琴奏出,接着双簧管、长笛依次进入,3件乐器的对答构成卡农式温柔的“三重奏”。音乐流畅舒展,连绵不断,从d小调开始,几经转调,最后在明亮的D大调上结束。




 第三部分完全再现赋格段的主题,与乐章的开始相互呼应,最后完满结束。(三) 亨德尔:(1685----1759)

  格瑞奇 费雷德赫 亨德尔(Georg Friedrich Handle),英籍德国作曲家。1685年2月23日出生于德国的哈雷。幼年时的亨德尔就已显示出非凡的音乐天赋,10岁时就写出了一首三重奏鸣曲。1702年,入哈雷大学专修法律,同时被当地改革派教堂聘为见习管风琴师及艺术指导。1703年前往汉堡,在汉堡歌剧院任第二小提琴手。汉堡是当时德国的经济文化中心,也是当时唯一有民族歌剧的德国城市。亨德尔在这里开阔了眼界,提高了音乐创作能力。1706---1710年应意大利贵族迪多亲王之邀,前往佛罗沦萨专门从事创作。谱写了近百首世俗康塔塔、清唱剧和歌剧等。同时钻研当代大师的作品,从中获得许多教益。意大利之行对亨德尔的一生起到决定性作用,使他从一个不成熟的感情音乐天才,成长为一位理性的,具有完善技巧的作曲家。




  亨德尔的器乐作品兼有将德国的复调与和声、意大利的主调风格、法国的节奏和装饰音以及英国的朴素气质融为一体的特点。而他创作的的歌剧以意大利歌剧为主,虽然音乐宏伟、深刻,高于同时代的其他做曲家,但由于题材内容大多为千篇一律的古代神话,且脱离英国民族欣赏习惯,故屡遭失败。无奈之下,他转向清唱剧的创作。虽然题材大多取材于《圣经》,但其创作却不同于一般的教堂音乐,而是气势宏伟、富于戏剧性而有不失抒情色彩的大型音乐作品。这些清唱剧普遍汲取和继承了德国复调音乐技巧、意大利的流畅旋律和英国圣咏音乐的优良传统,在西方音乐史上享有很高的声誉。 水上音乐











欧洲代表圣洁的女孩名字,寓意永生圣洁英文名字,共计查找到51个英文名,每个英文名都注释了中文意思,而且发音大气,都是比较好听的英文名,给人一种真心诚意好动的印象,很多家长想给孩子起个好听英文名字,有很多同学跟我咨询关于英文名的事情,比如Elizabeth(伊丽莎白)、Sabas(萨巴斯)、Silas(赛拉斯)、Agatha(阿加莎)、Pauline(葆琳)等等,希望大家在阅读之后都能有所收获,一起聊一下寓意永生圣洁英文名字!世界的活跃,没有一个常见的英文名怎么也说不过去,在取英文名的时候往往会遇到很多困扰,很多英文名很容易成了别人眼中的狗蛋和翠花,曾经那些起的比较草率的英文名大多显得有些不合时宜,相信很多的都有自己的自己的英文名字,那么建议你看看下面的常见冷门的的英文名字大全!代表圣洁的英文名字①英文+中文译名及品牌寓意,阿伊雅娜源自美股原住民,寓意为永不凋零的鲜花,感觉读出来好好听,是个很小众独特的名字哦。1. Elizabeth(伊丽莎白,伊莉莎白)elizabeth音标为[u026a"lu026azu0259bu0259θ],该名看起来很成熟,听起来也很好看,这样给女生子起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女生子妙语连珠,理想、刻苦,在各个方面有所成就!elizabeth在国外评论中,认为这个人是有趣、自信的,这个名字在国外超级流行。伊丽莎白历史寓意是。伊丽莎白是永恒的,皇室的,圣洁的/经文的,文学的,
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美剧The Reign(风中的女王)第二季饰演纳西斯Narcisse,反派美剧Spartacus:Blood and Sand(斯巴达克斯:血与沙)中饰演罗马将军Claudius Glaber,反派。新西兰正在播出的电视剧Diplomatic Immunity (外交豁免权),饰演被流放的外交官Leighton Mills,主角。地下世界3: Rise of the Lycans,2009年1月上映,饰演一个狼人小头目Sabas美剧《探索者传说》Legend of the Seeker,饰演反一号黑暗魔王Darken Rahl短岛街Shortland Street,饰 Guy Warner(58 集, 1993-2008)Weekend Lovers (2006) .... Matt Power RangersS.P.D. .... Narrator (1 episode, 2005)Power Rangers Ninja Storm .... Motodrone / ...(10 episodes, 2003)魔戒3《王者归来》中为半兽人、戒灵等不明生物配音(戒灵的叫声是Craig Parker的尖叫加导演老婆手指刮黑板,还有A叔几个从船上跳下来前那个头上顶着骷髅头的“又迟到了,你们这些鼠辈”的半兽人是CP配的音,其他还有,暂时记不住了)魔戒2:双塔(2002).... HaldirMercy Peak .... Alistair Kingsley (23 episodes, 2001-2002)魔戒1:护戒使者 (2001) .... HaldirNo One Can Hear You (2001) .... Henley西娜-武士公主Xena: Warrior Princess .... Bellerophon / ... (3 episodes, 1997-2001)A Twist in the Tale .... Larry Sharpe (1 episode, 1999)Young Hercules .... Lucius(2 episodes, 1998) 2007 The Pillowman (Katurian ) 2006 Glide Time (John)2005 Serial Killers (Matt)
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该品牌较为小众,基本只做香水,可以归类为沙龙品牌。是一个美国品牌。最早的香水是于2013年推出,而在2017年该品牌推出了它的最新的香水。 Commodity 香水是合作而成的结果,调香师有 Donna Ramanauskas, Stephen Nilsen, Rodrigo Flores-Roux, Guillaume Flavigny 和 Caroline Sabas.截至目前,已经推出香水25款。瓶身主打极简设计,白色为女香,黑色为男香。它不像中东品牌(amouage之类)主要在香材上下功夫,也不是欧洲品牌那种玩提取技巧(蒸馏、萃取之类),以类似Fitting Kit来作为主打。混搭,类似Jo malone的噱头。价格中上,胜在小众和设计感。
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黑夜传说演员: 比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy   凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale   斯科特·斯比德曼 Scott Speedman   麦克·辛 Michael Sheen  索非亚·迈尔斯 Sophia Myles   文特沃斯·米勒 Wentworth Miller  山恩·布罗利 Shane Brolly 黑夜传说前传之狼族再起演员 Actor:  罗拉·迈特拉 Rhona Mitra ....Sonja  麦克·辛 Michael Sheen ....Lucian  比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy ....Viktor  山恩·布罗利 Shane Brolly ....Kraven  斯蒂文·麦金托什 Steven Mackintosh ....Andreas Tanis  克雷格·帕克 Craig Parker ....SabasKevin   Grevioux ....Raze  Tania Nolan ....Luka女主角是同一个人,不过狼人不是同一个人主演的,我觉得前传里面那个男的比较帅,O(∩_∩)O~
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很多长辈在小男孩出生的时候首选都会先给男孩取一个中文名字,因为作为中国人,中文名字才有资格作为我们的本名,取好中文名字之后等小孩上了小学父母就得给他们取一个英文名字,因为现在大多数的学校都是双语学校,那么为了小孩能更好的融入其中给小男孩取一个英文名是很有必要的,就算是没有双语学校,随着现在社会的国际化发展,英文使用越来越广泛,给小孩取英文名已经是一个不可或缺的事情。但是想要给男孩取好一个英文名并不是那么简单的,如果做为长辈的您正好需要给自己或孩子起一个好听的男孩英文名字,不妨从下面我分享的男孩英文名字中挑选一个? 字母A开头极好听英文名男 Autumn、Arnie、Archie、Allen、Ana、Albrecht、Alvin、Aman、Angy、Alyn、Albert、Alicia、Alonzo、Aldo、Austen 字母B开头极好听英文名男 Beck、Barsabas、Britta、Bryce、Baxter、Bel、Brett、Burl、Birch、Bea、Bud、Baruch、Barak、Brit、Bela 字母C开头极好听英文名男 Cornelius、Cal、Clyde、Chaim、Clement、Claudius、Clay、Clarence、Carlie、Cian、Clifton、Chrissy、Cody、Canute、Chuck 字母D开头极好听英文名男 Donald、Delano、Darius、Denna、Dulcie、Devi、Denzel、Douglas、Dominick、Daron、Dustin、Daibhidh、Darrin、Dana、Dorset
2023-06-29 03:47:461

小众香水|欧美明星自创品牌|詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 香水合集

如果说国内的明星创业喜欢开餐厅和做潮牌的话 欧美圈的女明星明显更喜欢创立属于自己的美妆品牌 接下来会分三期给大家介绍一下著名好莱坞女演员詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)名下同名品牌的30款香水 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 故我 Jennifer Lopez Still, 2003 香调:花香调 前调:胡椒 橘子 大米 苹果 茶叶 中调:忍冬 橙花 小苍兰 茉莉 铃兰 玫瑰 后调:鸢尾花 檀香木 琥珀 麝香 胡椒 属性:女香 调香师:Michel Girard 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 闪亮之星 Jennifer Lopez Glow, 2002 香调:花香调 前调:葡萄柚 橙花油 橙花 中调:晚香玉 茉莉 玫瑰 后调:檀香木 琥珀 麝香 香草 鸢尾根 属性:女香 调香师:Louise Turner, Catherine Walsh 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 珍爱安可 Jennifer Lopez Live Luxe, 2006 香调:花香果香调 前调:香瓜 桃子 梨 中调:忍冬 小苍兰 铃兰 后调:檀香木 琥珀 麝香 香草 属性:女香 调香师:Claudette Belnavis 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 迈阿密限量版 Jennifer Lopez Miami Glow, 2005 香调:花香果香调 前调:百香果 椰子 葡萄柚 中调:仙客来 橙花 天芥菜 后调:琥珀 麝香 香草 属性:女香 调香师:Caroline Sabas 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 珍爱 Jennifer Lopez Live, 2005 香调:花香果香调 前调:菠萝 橙子 柠檬 中调:牡丹 红醋栗 紫罗兰 后调:檀香木 零陵香豆 焦糖 香草 属性:女香 调香师:Dominique Ropion 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 爱的魔力(爱与魅力) Jennifer Lopez Love & Glamour, 2010 前调:橘子 番石榴 油桃 中调:茉莉 橙花 睡莲 兰花 后调:麝香 檀香木 琥珀 属性:女香 调香师:Harry Fremont, Honorine Blanc 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 午夜派对 Jennifer Lopez Glow after Dark, 2006 香调:花香果香调 前调:百香果 橘子 黄樱桃 中调:牡丹 橙花 茉莉 玫瑰 后调:麝香 广藿香 木质香 橡木苔 属性:女香 调香师:Gabriela Chelariu 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 天使爱 Jennifer Lopez My Glow, 2009 香调:东方花香调 前调:薰衣草 睡莲 小苍兰 中调:玫瑰 绿叶 牡丹 百合 后调:麝香 檀香木 木质香 天芥菜 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 定情石 Jennifer Lopez Deseo Forever, 2008 香调:木质花香调 属性:女香詹妮弗·洛佩兹 定情石金色限量 Jennifer Lopez Deseo, 2008 香调:木质花香调 前调:竹子 日本柚子 小苍兰 香柠檬 中调:橙花 老鹳草 含羞草 茉莉 后调:檀香木 琥珀 广藿香 麝香 雪松 橡木苔 属性:女香 调香师:Jim Krivda, Ellen Molner 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 阳光之吻 Jennifer Lopez Sunkissed Glow, 2009 香调:花香果香调 气味:橙花 百合 西番莲 开司米木 琥珀 麝香 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 一见钟情 Jennifer Lopez Love at First Glow, 2005 香调:花香果香调 前调:桃子 橙花油 香柠檬 中调:小苍兰 茉莉 玫瑰 后调:麝香 香草 木质香 属性:女香 调香师:Steve Demercado 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 璀璨之星 Jennifer Lopez Glowing, 2012 香调:木质花香调 前调:香柠檬 橘子 柏树 中调:橙花 醋栗叶 铃兰 紫罗兰 后调:香根草 麝香 檀香木 广藿香 琥珀 香草 属性:女香 调香师:Calice Becker, Caroline Sabas 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 天使之城 Jennifer Lopez L.A. Glow, 2010 香调:花香果香调 前调:黑莓 李子 樱桃 中调:茉莉 木兰 牡丹 后调:麝香 琥珀 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 定情石男士 Jennifer Lopez Deseo for Men, 2008 香调:木质馥奇香调 前调:日本柚子 雪松 红浆果 柠檬 中调:烟草 鸢尾根 愈创木 后调:檀香木 琥珀 广藿香 香草 属性:男香 调香师:Jim Krivda, Ellen Molner 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 蓝色之光 Jennifer Lopez Blue Glow by JLO, 2010 香调:花香果香调 前调:山竹 橙子 中调:睡莲 玫瑰 兰花 水 后调:檀香木 橡木苔 雪松 桃花心木 零陵香豆 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 天使爱淡香水 Jennifer Lopez Eau de Glow, 2012 香调:花香调 前调:橙花 葡萄柚 中调:鸢尾花 茉莉 香草 玫瑰 后调:麝香 檀香木 琥珀 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 珍尼弗白金真爱 Jennifer Lopez Live Platinum, 2008 香调:花香果香调 前调:杏仁糕 葡萄柚 李子 中调:玫瑰 天芥菜 橙花 后调:香草 琥珀 麝香 雪松 属性:女香 调香师:Shyamala Maisondieu詹妮弗·洛佩兹 爱与光 Jennifer Lopez Love and Light, 2011 香调:木质花香调 前调:橘子 红醋栗 石榴 中调:茉莉 玫瑰 杏 后调:麝香 广藿香 果仁糖 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 永远闪耀 Jennifer Lopez Forever Glowing, 2013 香调:花香甘苔调 前调:藏红花 胡椒 蜂蜜 中调:橙花油 茉莉 绒面革 后调:广藿香 鸢尾花 太妃糖 香草 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 奢华 Jennifer Lopez JLuxe, 2015 香调:花香果香调 前调:香柠檬 树莓 菠萝 中调:紫罗兰 玫瑰 鸢尾根 依兰 后调:琥珀 雪松 麝香 属性:女香 调香师:Veronica Casanova 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 J爱 Jennifer Lopez JLove, 2013 香调:花香果香调 前调:树莓 葡萄柚 菠萝 蜜橘 中调:兰花 睡莲 提亚蕾花 椰子 后调:香草 木质香 麝香 雪芭冰激凌 属性:女香 调香师:Honorine Blanc 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 里约之耀 Jennifer Lopez Rio Glow, 2013 香调:花香果香调 前调:绿叶 苹果 梨 桃子 中调:李子 橙花 天芥菜 后调:麝香 琥珀 香草 雪松 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 狂野闪亮之星 Jennifer Lopez Wild Glow, 2014 香调:花香果香调 前调:橘子 黑加仑 热带水果 中调:茉莉 天芥菜 铃兰 后调:檀香木 麝香 香草 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 狂恋洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez JLust, 2015 香调:花香果香调 前调:橘子 苹果花 草莓 中调:茉莉 桃子 兰花 后调:妥鲁香脂 零陵香豆 麝香 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 火辣女神 Jennifer Lopez Glowing Goddess, 2014 香调:木质花香调 前调:梨 橘子 中调:橙花 茉莉 后调:麝香 香草 檀香木 雪松 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 光辉普照 Jennifer Lopez Enduring Glow, 2018 香调:花香果香调 前调:香柠檬 荔枝 梨 中调:木兰 牡丹 紫罗兰叶 后调:檀香木 麝香 琥珀 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 承诺 Jennifer Lopez Promise, 2019 香调:木质花香调 前调:蜜橘 粉红胡椒 中调:鸢尾根 茉莉 忍冬 后调:琥珀 檀香木 开司米木 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 闪亮之星微光限量版 Jennifer Lopez Glow Shimmer Limited Edition, 2007 香调:花香调 前调:葡萄柚 橘子 橙花油 中调:茉莉 玫瑰 苹果花 后调:琥珀 麝香 檀香木 香草 属性:女香 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 午夜派对微光限量版 Jennifer Lopez Glow After Dark Shimmer Limited Edition 香调:花香果香调 前调:荔枝 香瓜 百香果 橘子 中调:黄樱桃 茉莉 玫瑰 牡丹 橙花 后调:广藿香 麝香 橡木苔 属性:女香 碎碎念:排名不分先后,由于每个人对香水的评价都太主观性了,后续不一定会有香评更新。风再大的香水,在买正装之前,也请务必先去专柜或者买小样试香避免踩雷哦。
2023-06-29 03:48:041


HARDY Love Kills Slowly艾哈德粉骷髅女香水EDP100ML 香调 : 花果香调前调:苹果、芒果、野生草莓、红色葡萄柚中调:鸢尾花花瓣、水润的铃兰、盛开的菩提后调:温暖的琥珀、麝香、冬瓜籽、香草布丁世界知名调香公司Givaudan的Carolina Sabas 女士称Ed Hardy女用香水为“被纹身的花果香”。而设计这款明快而性感的香水灵感则来源于时尚迷人的Ed Hardy纹身艺术。热带芒果、野生草莓和红色葡萄柚带来水果的明快芬芳,并同时结合了一抹摇滚风味十足的黑色鸢尾香调。这种鲜明的对比又逐渐融化在温暖的麝香和琥珀的基调中,带给人十足的美味感和诱惑感。
2023-06-29 03:48:121


2023-06-29 03:48:322


听到的心经大部分是梵音版本的 ...如是我闻,一时世尊在王舍城纠风山中与...在佛会中,而此菩萨摩诃萨已能修行甚深般若波罗蜜多,观自五蕴自性皆空。...
2023-06-29 03:48:402


2023-06-29 03:48:485


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 03-07 09:24 动作片 [推荐]-> 【飞鸟影视BT组】【09美国恐怖动作大片】【黑夜传说前传:狼族再起】【R5-R】【听译中字】 [相关讨论] [相同] 译 名 黑夜传说前传:狼族再起/妖夜寻狼前传之狼神诞生(港)/决战异世界前传:鬼哭狼嚎(台)/黑夜传说3◎片 名 Underworld Rise Of The Lycans◎年 代 2009◎国 家 美国/新西兰◎类 别 动作/恐怖/惊悚/幻想◎语 言 英语◎字 幕 中文◎IMDB评分 6.8/10 (8,271 votes)◎IMDB链接 http://www.i**.com/title/tt0834001◎文件格式 R5-RMVB◎视频尺寸 640 x 272◎文件大小 1CD ◎片 长 92 Mins◎导 演 帕特里克·塔特普洛斯 Patrick Tatopoulos◎主 演 麦克·辛 Michael Sheen ....Lucian 罗娜·迈特拉 Rhona Mitra ....Sonja 比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy ....Viktor 斯蒂文·麦金托什 Steven Mackintosh ....Andreas Tanis 克雷格·帕克 Craig Parker ....Sabas 凯文·纪留克斯 Kevin Grevioux ....Raze Tania Nolan ....Luka Jared Turner ....Xristo Dale Pavinski ....Lycan Battle Leader (uncredited) David Ashton ....Coloman Geraldine Brophy ....Nobleman"s Wife Leighton Cardno ....Fearful Lycan Alex Carroll ....Young Lucian (as Alexander Carroll) 伊丽莎白·霍桑 Elizabeth Hawthorne ....Orsova Jason Hood ....Death Dealer Mark Mitchinson ....Nobleman Timothy Raby ....Janosh Larry Rew ....Kosta Peter Tait ....Gyorg Olivia Taylforth ....Young Sonja Eleanor Williams ....Teenage Girl Edwin Wright ....Death Dealer Captain Brian Steele ....Big Lycan / Creature Performer 凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale ....Selene 山恩·布罗利 Shane Brolly ....Kraven Kurt Carley ....Creature Performer Richard Knowles ....Creature Performer◎简 介 旷日持久的“吸血鬼-狼人”之战依然持续着,在这黑暗的年代里,一个叫卢西恩的年轻狼人逐渐凸显出他的领导才能,他要率领狼人们反抗奴役他们多年的残酷吸血鬼君王维克多。卢西恩的秘密情人索尼娅也加入了他们的队伍,一起为自由而战。 吸血鬼族与狼人族数个世纪的恩怨,随着吸血鬼族女战士“月之女神”西丽妮与狼人的决战而尘埃落定。狼人与吸血鬼在血腥的嘶咬和拼杀中嚎叫、死去,而提及这份延续了无数个世纪的仇恨根源,就不得不回到遥远的上古世纪去揭开谜底……在遥远的黑暗时代,吸血鬼和狼人各占一方,虽然不时有大大小小的摩擦,可总也算是相安无事,彼此之间也保留着互不侵犯的底线。 在狼人当中,统治者尤(比尔·奈伊饰)是狼人一族的首领,拥有着至高无上的权利。尤暴虐成性,也常常放纵狼人去吸血鬼的聚集地挑衅生事,由此引发了不少摩擦,虽然许多狼人向尤进谏,但尤却一意孤行。终于,狼人一族中一位名叫卢西安(麦克·辛饰)揭竿而起,率领其他不服尤统治的狼人开始反抗尤的暴政。而尤的帝国军队也不是好惹的料,几场大战下来,卢西安率领的反抗军节节败退。 狼人一族内乱正在热火朝天之际,吸血鬼一族也坐不住了。吸血鬼一族的国王也带着一干吸血鬼踏进了狼人的土地,美名其曰帮助狼人维持和平,实际却步步蚕食着狼人的国土。而在吸血鬼中,一名叫索尼娅(罗拉·迈特拉饰)爱上了狼人反抗军的首领卢西安,两人虽然为各自的种族而战,但却都想尽快结束这场战争。狼人一族为了反抗吸血鬼的进犯而联合起来,抵抗吸血鬼的进攻;而索尼娅和卢西安,在这场战争中也重新明白了自由的含义……www.b*****.net 能下
2023-06-29 03:49:2413


上面很全.``是不是 漏掉 骇客-马里昂
2023-06-29 03:49:5515


2023-06-29 03:50:213


过去式有两种一种是未完成式另一种是完成式未完成式 完成式entendía entendí celebraban cerebraronpreocupabamos preocupamosusabas usasteconocía conocistepasabamos pasamosmandaba mandérecibías recibiste
2023-06-29 03:50:465


总的来说是雪糕甜味 价格200到400也有呵呵,我有布兰妮的fantasy。我觉得真的很好闻。 因为是雪糕甜甜的味道,让你宛如蜜果~ BRITNEY 出钱研制的香水,真的好好闻,香水真的有她的感觉,SO SEXY 很适合年青的女孩子哦 觉得不好闻,就是平时开始如果你闻瓶口,会觉得味道有点过。但喷在身上真的很有感觉。布兰妮也自己用自己的香水的,你可以知道布布的身体是什么香味~~ 介绍: 渴望女香迷人而清透的香气让人无法抗拒,前味一开始兴奋的白花香颂扬着来自Britney的家乡路易西安纳州的木兰花,加上暗示调情的金梨和水露莲花诱惑着感官。中味赞颂着新鲜的天然花朵使人充满期望,阳光亲吻过的毛茉莉衬出了清晨时的晚香玉,生意盎然的粉红仙客来花带来意外的惊喜。当刺激的挑战展开来时,洋溢着满足与喜悦的后味,裹着香草味的麝香也呈现出来,散发使人上瘾的气氛,浓郁的檀香和闪耀的金木包围着令人无法忘怀的感性麝香!2004年,Britney Spears布兰妮·斯皮尔斯开始推出她的首款香水——Curious Britney Spears小甜甜布兰妮渴望香水。至今, Britney Spears布兰妮·斯皮尔斯已推出了很多款香水。与Britney Spears布兰妮·斯皮尔斯香水合作过的调香师包括了Claude Dir、James Krivda、Rodrigo Flores-Roux和Caroline Sabas。旗下产品:Britney Spears Believe布兰妮·斯皮尔斯信仰女性香水Britney Spears Circus Fantasy 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯马戏团幻想女性香水Britney Spears Curious Heart 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯心奇女性香水Britney Spears Fantasy布兰妮·斯皮尔斯梦幻女性香水Britney Spears Curious Britney Spears布兰妮·斯皮尔斯渴望女性香水Britney Spears Hidden Fantasy布兰妮·斯皮尔斯幻多奇秘密奇境女性香水Britney Spears In Control Curious布兰妮·斯皮尔斯控制渴望女性香水Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy布兰妮·斯皮尔斯幻多奇深夜女性香水Britney Spears布兰妮·斯皮尔斯Radiance光辉女性香水
2023-06-29 03:51:011

般若波罗蜜多心经 完整歌词

阿利亚哇罗吉帖梭啦,菩提萨埵哇甘比然伯拉芝泥亚巴拉密打查哩庵查拉玛诺,唯亚哇罗吉帝斯玛,般扎斯干达阿萨打斯查,梭巴哇循泥庵巴夏啼斯玛,一哈莎哩布特拉鲁伴循泥庵,循泥亚打一哇鲁伴。鲁巴呐卫打循泥亚打循泥亚打亚哪卫打洒鲁伴,雅鲁伴洒循泥亚打雅循泥亚打洒鲁伴,一哇庵一哇唯达哪,三泥亚三斯咯啦唯泥亚南。一哈沙哩布特拉洒诺哇大诺玛,循泥亚打喇迦哪,阿奴巴哪阿泥鲁达,阿玛啦阿唯玛啦阿奴哪阿巴哩不哪。他斯抹莎哩布特啦循泥亚打亚庵哪鲁伴,哪唯达,哪三泥亚哪三斯咯啦哪唯泥亚南,哪扎素斯罗特啦怒啦哪济哇,卡呀玛哪洒哪鲁伴萨布达干,达乐洒斯巴打唯亚大诺玛,哪扎朔达笃呀瓦哪,玛诺唯泥亚南达笃,哪哪唯第亚,哪哪唯第亚家哟,呀瓦哪洽啦玛啦南哪洽啦玛啦南家哟,那嘟卡洒目达亚泥罗达玛嘎,哪泥亚南,哪怕啦啼,哪比洒玛亚,他斯抹哪伯啦啼笃佳菩提萨笃哇南,伯啦之泥啊巴啦密淡阿斯哩第亚唯哈啦第亚,积打阿哇啦哪积打阿哇啦哪,哪期第笃玛,哪特啦斯都,唯吧哩亚洒阿第咯然打,泥斯打泥哇南,啼哩亚笃哇唯亚哇斯第打,洒诺哇菩达伯拉芝泥亚吧啦密淡,斯哩地亚阿奴打啦三雅三菩顶阿比三菩达,他斯抹泥亚打唯庵伯啦芝泥亚吧啦密打,玛哈曼特啦,玛哈唯第亚曼特啦,阿奴打啦曼特啦,阿洒玛洒玛啼曼特啦,洒哇嘟卡伯啦莎玛都萨依庵阿弥啼亚笃哇,伯啦芝泥亚吧啦密打姆卡曼热啦打第亚他嘎帖嘎帖,吧啦嘎帖,吧啦三嘎帖菩提梭哈。  般若波罗密多心经 "梵文注音"  Aa? ya? wa? lou` gin di shua la ` bo di san tua ` gan bie la? boshi~ nia `  ba la mi na zha niang ~cha la ma no` yi yawa rou `didi sua ` gan cha~s ga da`  Aa sabas cha` shua ba? wa shu ni yang ba~s ba`? yiha sha rui buchang ru bang shuyang`  shu ni ya da` yi wa rubang`  02:  mu ba na ya ba shu ni ya da shu?? `?? ya da ~ ya na~ ya da? sa ru bang `  ya lu bang sa shu~n ni ya da ya shu~n niya da sa lu bang`  ni wang yi wang ni nana sang~ ya sang siga la~ li lia lang`  ni ha sha rui bu changr~ Sa wa la ma `shu ni ya da ~lakejiaa~ na `  ~a lo ba na ~a li lu dia~ a ma la ~ a mi ma la ~ a lu la ~ a ba rui bu na `  03:  ta s~? ma chi~sha ya bu zhia~ shu~ ni ya da yang~` na ru bang~ na mi lang~~ `  na~sang ~nia lang sang ~siga la~na? li~nia ~lang `  na zha so ~shou zhua ba na ji wa~ da ya ma ~~ na sa na~~ lu bang ~~shapudang~~  ga~na~res sbas~ da rii~ya da ma `na zha so~? da do? ~ya wa ma~  ma do ri nia ~ lang ~ da do ` na rei li ya ~ na rei li ya ja yo~ Ya wa na~ jia la ma~lala  na jia~la ma la~la jia~ yo ` na do~ka sa o~laya~ ni wu dang~ ma gang~  04:  na ya nang ~na kuabuti~ na mi ~ sa wa ya ~tas mala~ kuabuti~ dua do li~ sangm do~lang ~  bashi~nia ba la mi~da `Aas~sui~ dia mi lala dia~? chin ta Aa wa la na ~ chin ta Aa wa lana  nas di gua~ na zhuar sdou ~ yi da yi yasa ~Aa di kun da~ ni shi da nie wa neng~`  05:  zhui~ ya da nia~wa? siding~ da sa wa ~ wu na~ bashinia~ ba la mi da ~ Asiui dia~  Aa mu da wa ~sang pia sang bodi ~ a bi sanm boda ~  tas ma ~ ya da vi ying ~ bashinia~ ba la mi da~ man ha man dar~ ma ha bi nei~man zhar~  Aa nu da la~ man zhar~ a seng ba seng~ ma li man~zhar `~  06:  Sa wa di ka~ ba sheng~ ba na ~ sa biangyang~ a mi dia~ dua ~  ~beshinia~ balami~da `wu ga man zhar ~  ga di~yi yada ~ gadi~gadi~ mala~gadi~ mala~seng ~ gadi ~ o li ~sua~a ```
2023-06-29 03:51:091


2023-06-29 03:51:292

般若波罗蜜多心经 完整歌词

阿利亚哇罗吉帖梭啦,菩提萨埵哇甘比然伯拉芝泥亚巴拉密打查哩庵查拉玛诺,唯亚哇罗吉帝斯玛,般扎斯干达阿萨打斯查,梭巴哇循泥庵巴夏啼斯玛,一哈莎哩布特拉鲁伴循泥庵,循泥亚打一哇鲁伴。鲁巴呐卫打循泥亚打循泥亚打亚哪卫打洒鲁伴,雅鲁伴洒循泥亚打雅循泥亚打洒鲁伴,一哇庵一哇唯达哪,三泥亚三斯咯啦唯泥亚南。一哈沙哩布特拉洒诺哇大诺玛,循泥亚打喇迦哪,阿奴巴哪阿泥鲁达,阿玛啦阿唯玛啦阿奴哪阿巴哩不哪。他斯抹莎哩布特啦循泥亚打亚庵哪鲁伴,哪唯达,哪三泥亚哪三斯咯啦哪唯泥亚南,哪扎素斯罗特啦怒啦哪济哇,卡呀玛哪洒哪鲁伴萨布达干,达乐洒斯巴打唯亚大诺玛,哪扎朔达笃呀瓦哪,玛诺唯泥亚南达笃,哪哪唯第亚,哪哪唯第亚家哟,呀瓦哪洽啦玛啦南哪洽啦玛啦南家哟,那嘟卡洒目达亚泥罗达玛嘎,哪泥亚南,哪怕啦啼,哪比洒玛亚,他斯抹哪伯啦啼笃佳菩提萨笃哇南,伯啦之泥啊巴啦密淡阿斯哩第亚唯哈啦第亚,积打阿哇啦哪积打阿哇啦哪,哪期第笃玛,哪特啦斯都,唯吧哩亚洒阿第咯然打,泥斯打泥哇南,啼哩亚笃哇唯亚哇斯第打,洒诺哇菩达伯拉芝泥亚吧啦密淡,斯哩地亚阿奴打啦三雅三菩顶阿比三菩达,他斯抹泥亚打唯庵伯啦芝泥亚吧啦密打,玛哈曼特啦,玛哈唯第亚曼特啦,阿奴打啦曼特啦,阿洒玛洒玛啼曼特啦,洒哇嘟卡伯啦莎玛都萨依庵阿弥啼亚笃哇,伯啦芝泥亚吧啦密打姆卡曼热啦打第亚他嘎帖嘎帖,吧啦嘎帖,吧啦三嘎帖菩提梭哈。  般若波罗密多心经 "梵文注音"  Aa? ya? wa? lou` gin di shua la ` bo di san tua ` gan bie la? boshi~ nia `  ba la mi na zha niang ~cha la ma no` yi yawa rou `didi sua ` gan cha~s ga da`  Aa sabas cha` shua ba? wa shu ni yang ba~s ba`? yiha sha rui buchang ru bang shuyang`  shu ni ya da` yi wa rubang`  02:  mu ba na ya ba shu ni ya da shu?? `?? ya da ~ ya na~ ya da? sa ru bang `  ya lu bang sa shu~n ni ya da ya shu~n niya da sa lu bang`  ni wang yi wang ni nana sang~ ya sang siga la~ li lia lang`  ni ha sha rui bu changr~ Sa wa la ma `shu ni ya da ~lakejiaa~ na `  ~a lo ba na ~a li lu dia~ a ma la ~ a mi ma la ~ a lu la ~ a ba rui bu na `  03:  ta s~? ma chi~sha ya bu zhia~ shu~ ni ya da yang~` na ru bang~ na mi lang~~ `  na~sang ~nia lang sang ~siga la~na? li~nia ~lang `  na zha so ~shou zhua ba na ji wa~ da ya ma ~~ na sa na~~ lu bang ~~shapudang~~  ga~na~res sbas~ da rii~ya da ma `na zha so~? da do? ~ya wa ma~  ma do ri nia ~ lang ~ da do ` na rei li ya ~ na rei li ya ja yo~ Ya wa na~ jia la ma~lala  na jia~la ma la~la jia~ yo ` na do~ka sa o~laya~ ni wu dang~ ma gang~  04:  na ya nang ~na kuabuti~ na mi ~ sa wa ya ~tas mala~ kuabuti~ dua do li~ sangm do~lang ~  bashi~nia ba la mi~da `Aas~sui~ dia mi lala dia~? chin ta Aa wa la na ~ chin ta Aa wa lana  nas di gua~ na zhuar sdou ~ yi da yi yasa ~Aa di kun da~ ni shi da nie wa neng~`  05:  zhui~ ya da nia~wa? siding~ da sa wa ~ wu na~ bashinia~ ba la mi da ~ Asiui dia~  Aa mu da wa ~sang pia sang bodi ~ a bi sanm boda ~  tas ma ~ ya da vi ying ~ bashinia~ ba la mi da~ man ha man dar~ ma ha bi nei~man zhar~  Aa nu da la~ man zhar~ a seng ba seng~ ma li man~zhar `~  06:  Sa wa di ka~ ba sheng~ ba na ~ sa biangyang~ a mi dia~ dua ~  ~beshinia~ balami~da `wu ga man zhar ~  ga di~yi yada ~ gadi~gadi~ mala~gadi~ mala~seng ~ gadi ~ o li ~sua~a ```
2023-06-29 03:51:361


观自在菩萨,行深般若菠罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。舍利子,色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、识,亦复如是!舍利子,是诸法空相:不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减。是故空中无色,无受、想、行、识;无眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;无色、声、香、味、触、法;无眼界,乃至无意识界;无无明,亦无无明尽;乃至无老死,亦无老死尽;无苦、集、灭、道;无智亦无得。以无所得故,菩提萨缍;以般若菠罗蜜多故,心无挂碍;无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想,究竟涅盘。三世诸佛,依般若菠罗蜜多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。故知般若菠罗蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是无上咒,是无等等咒,能除一切苦,真实不虚。故说般若菠罗蜜多咒,即说咒曰:揭谛揭谛 菠罗揭谛 菠罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃 。
2023-06-29 03:51:441


2023-06-29 03:51:544

todo mi amor eres tu

spanish version of "i just can抰 stop loving you")Como la brisaTu voz me acariciaY pregunto por tiCuando amaneceTu amor apareceY me hace felizMe conoces bienY sabes tambienQue nadie te querraComo yoTu me haces sentirDeseos de vivir,Junto a ti por siempreTu amor es mi suerteTu voz me llamaTu eres quien ganaEn mi corazonPorque me has dadoAlgo sagradoCon tu pasionMe conoces bienY sabas tambienQue no puedo vivir sin tu amorY cuando no estasNo hay felicidadMi vida no es vidaSi tu te vasTodo mi amor eres tuTodo mi amor eres tuCuando no estasNo hay quien me de loQue das tuPues todo mi amor eres tuNoche de estrellasHaz que me quieraComo a ella yoDe madrugadaVen que te esperaTodo mi amorSoy joven, lo sePero siento queTe quiero y solaViva por tiMe conoces bienY sabes tambienQue yo no puedoVivir sin tu amorTodo mi amor eres tuOohTodo mi amor eres tuCuando no estasNo hay quien me deLo que das tuPues todo mi amor eres tuCambiaremos al mundo man抋naCantaremos sobre lo que fueY diremos adios a la tristezaEs mi vida yQuiero estar junto a tiTodo mi amor eres tu(now baby, oh)Todo mi amor eres tu(if I ain抰 stop!)Cuando no estas歌词 歌词&翻译:Todo Mi Amor Eres Tú (西班牙语版“I Just Can"t Stop Loving You”)`[Michael:] Como la brisa 你的声音宛如和风般地 Tú voz me acaricia 抚摸着我, Y pregunto por ti 问起我的感受。 Cuando amanece 在那破晓十分, Tu amor aparece 你的爱升腾着, Y me hace feliz 带给我无限欢乐; Me conoces bien 遇上你我是如此幸运, Y sabes también 你明白这一切。 Que nadie te querra 没有人 Como yo 爱你如我。 Tu me haces sentir 你让我感觉到 Deseos de vivir, 我欲时刻伴你左右, Junto a ti por siempre 直到永远…… Tu amor es mi suerte 你的爱总是我的好运。 [Siedah:] Tu voz me llama 你的声音召唤着我, Tu eres quien gana 你夺走了 En mi corazón 我的芳心; Porque me has dado 你赠我一样 Algo sagrado 神圣的东西, Con tú pasión 充满你的激情; Me conoces bien 我真幸运找到你, Y sabes tambien 而且你知道, Que no puedo vivir sin tú amor 离开你的爱我无法生存 [Michael:] Y cuando no estas 生命里没有你, [Siedah:] No hay felicidad 就没有幸福; [合:] Mi vida no es vida 倘若失去你, Si tu te vas 生活再无色彩。 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Cuando no estas 倘若没有你, No hay quien me de lo 我的爱 Que das tú 将交托于谁? Pues todo mi amor eres tú 我所有的爱都已倾注于你。 [Michael:] Noche de estrellas 因为她的爱, Haz que me quiera 今夜变得 Como a ella yo 星光灿烂。 [Siedah:] De madrugada 破晓时分, Ven que te espera, 繁星祝福你 Todo mi amor 得到我所有的爱。 Soy joven, lo se 我年轻, Pero siento que, 但我感觉到, Te quiero y solo 我想得到你, Vivo por ti 成为你的唯一。 Me conoces bien 你幸运的找到了我, [Michael:] Y sabes tambien 而且你知道, Que yo no puedo 生命中 Vivir sin tú amor 不能没有你 [合:] Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Ooh 噢 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Cuando no estas 倘若不然, No hay quien me de lo 我将 Que das tú 何去何从? Pues todo mi amor eres tú 我所有的爱都已倾注于你…… Cambiaremos al mundo manana 明天我们能让世界改观, Cantaremos sobre lo que fue 我们能齐声吟唱旧日恋曲, Y diremos adios a la tristeza 我们能告别往日伤悲, Es mi vida y 这就是我的生活, Quiero estar junto a ti 愿我能常伴你身旁。 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 (Now baby, oh) (此时此刻,噢) Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 (If I ain"t stop!) (我无法自拔!) Cuando no estas 倘若没有你 No hay quien me de lo que das tú 我的爱将交托于谁? Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Todo mi amor eres tú ... 你是我所爱
2023-06-29 03:52:001


发过去了 查收哦
2023-06-29 03:52:092

todo mi amor eres tu

spanish version of "i just can抰 stop loving you")Como la brisaTu voz me acariciaY pregunto por tiCuando amaneceTu amor apareceY me hace felizMe conoces bienY sabes tambienQue nadie te querraComo yoTu me haces sentirDeseos de vivir,Junto a ti por siempreTu amor es mi suerteTu voz me llamaTu eres quien ganaEn mi corazonPorque me has dadoAlgo sagradoCon tu pasionMe conoces bienY sabas tambienQue no puedo vivir sin tu amorY cuando no estasNo hay felicidadMi vida no es vidaSi tu te vasTodo mi amor eres tuTodo mi amor eres tuCuando no estasNo hay quien me de loQue das tuPues todo mi amor eres tuNoche de estrellasHaz que me quieraComo a ella yoDe madrugadaVen que te esperaTodo mi amorSoy joven, lo sePero siento queTe quiero y solaViva por tiMe conoces bienY sabes tambienQue yo no puedoVivir sin tu amorTodo mi amor eres tuOohTodo mi amor eres tuCuando no estasNo hay quien me deLo que das tuPues todo mi amor eres tuCambiaremos al mundo man抋naCantaremos sobre lo que fueY diremos adios a la tristezaEs mi vida yQuiero estar junto a tiTodo mi amor eres tu(now baby, oh)Todo mi amor eres tu(if I ain抰 stop!)Cuando no estas歌词 歌词&翻译:Todo Mi Amor Eres Tú (西班牙语版“I Just Can"t Stop Loving You”)`[Michael:] Como la brisa 你的声音宛如和风般地 Tú voz me acaricia 抚摸着我, Y pregunto por ti 问起我的感受。 Cuando amanece 在那破晓十分, Tu amor aparece 你的爱升腾着, Y me hace feliz 带给我无限欢乐; Me conoces bien 遇上你我是如此幸运, Y sabes también 你明白这一切。 Que nadie te querra 没有人 Como yo 爱你如我。 Tu me haces sentir 你让我感觉到 Deseos de vivir, 我欲时刻伴你左右, Junto a ti por siempre 直到永远…… Tu amor es mi suerte 你的爱总是我的好运。 [Siedah:] Tu voz me llama 你的声音召唤着我, Tu eres quien gana 你夺走了 En mi corazón 我的芳心; Porque me has dado 你赠我一样 Algo sagrado 神圣的东西, Con tú pasión 充满你的激情; Me conoces bien 我真幸运找到你, Y sabes tambien 而且你知道, Que no puedo vivir sin tú amor 离开你的爱我无法生存 [Michael:] Y cuando no estas 生命里没有你, [Siedah:] No hay felicidad 就没有幸福; [合:] Mi vida no es vida 倘若失去你, Si tu te vas 生活再无色彩。 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Cuando no estas 倘若没有你, No hay quien me de lo 我的爱 Que das tú 将交托于谁? Pues todo mi amor eres tú 我所有的爱都已倾注于你。 [Michael:] Noche de estrellas 因为她的爱, Haz que me quiera 今夜变得 Como a ella yo 星光灿烂。 [Siedah:] De madrugada 破晓时分, Ven que te espera, 繁星祝福你 Todo mi amor 得到我所有的爱。 Soy joven, lo se 我年轻, Pero siento que, 但我感觉到, Te quiero y solo 我想得到你, Vivo por ti 成为你的唯一。 Me conoces bien 你幸运的找到了我, [Michael:] Y sabes tambien 而且你知道, Que yo no puedo 生命中 Vivir sin tú amor 不能没有你 [合:] Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Ooh 噢 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Cuando no estas 倘若不然, No hay quien me de lo 我将 Que das tú 何去何从? Pues todo mi amor eres tú 我所有的爱都已倾注于你…… Cambiaremos al mundo manana 明天我们能让世界改观, Cantaremos sobre lo que fue 我们能齐声吟唱旧日恋曲, Y diremos adios a la tristeza 我们能告别往日伤悲, Es mi vida y 这就是我的生活, Quiero estar junto a ti 愿我能常伴你身旁。 Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 (Now baby, oh) (此时此刻,噢) Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 (If I ain"t stop!) (我无法自拔!) Cuando no estas 倘若没有你 No hay quien me de lo que das tú 我的爱将交托于谁? Todo mi amor eres tú 你是我所爱 Todo mi amor eres tú ... 你是我所爱
2023-06-29 03:52:421

for the third year in a row 怎么进行准确翻译 尤其是third的用法,为何不用three?

for the third year in a row 意思是在接下来的第三年 如果说是for 3 year in a row 意思是连续3年的意思
2023-06-29 03:49:161

Which row are you in?回答:Row three 前面可不可以加The?速求!

不可以 但是可以说The third row
2023-06-29 03:49:231

六人 英语电影配音

哈利波特7 七个波特The Seven Potters Harry ran back upstairs to his bedroom, arriving at the window just in time to see the Dursleys" car swinging out of the drive and off up the road. Dedalus"s top hat was visible between Aunt Petunia and Dudley in the backseat. The car turned right at the end of Privet Drive, its windows burned scarlet for a moment in the now setting sun, and then it was gone. Harry picked up Hedwig"s cage, his Firebolt, and his rucksack, gave his unnaturally tidy bedroom one last sweeping look, and then made his ungainly way back downstairs to the hall, where he deposited cage, broomstick, and bag near the foot of the stairs. The light was fading rapidly, the hall full of shadows in the evening light. It felt most strange to stand here in the silence and know that he was about to leave the house for the last time. Long ago, when he had been left alone while the Dursleys went out to enjoy themselves, the hours of solitude had been a rare treat. Pausing only to sneak something tasty from the fridge, he had rushed upstairs to play on Dudley"s computer, or put on the television and flicked through the channels to his heart"s content. It gave him an odd, empty feeling remembering those times; it was like remembering a younger brother whom he had lost. “Don"t you want to take a last look at the place?” he asked Hedwig, who was still sulking with her head under her wing. “We"ll never be here again. Don"t you want to remember all the good times? I mean, look at this doormat. What memories … Dudley sobbed on it after I saved him from the dementors … Turns out he was grateful after all, can you believe it? … And last summer, Dumbledore walked through that front door … “ Harry lost the thread of his thoughts for a moment and Hedwig did nothing to help him retrieve it, but continued to sit with her head under her wing. Harry turned his back on the front door. “And under here, Hedwig” ? Harry pulled open a door under the stairs ? “is where I used to sleep! You never knew me then ? Blimey, it"s small, I"d forgotten … “ Harry looked around at the stacked shoes and umbrellas remembering how he used to wake every morning looking up at the underside of the staircase, which was more often than not adorned with a spider or two. Those had been the days before he had known anything about his true identity; before he had found out how his parents had died or why such strange things often happened around him. But Harry could still remember the dreams that had dogged him, even in those days: confused dreams involving flashes of green light and once ? Uncle Vernon had nearly crashed the car when Harry had recounted it ? a flying motorbike … There was a sudden, deafening roar from somewhere nearby. Harry straightened up with a jerk and smacked the top of his head on the low door frame. Pausing only to employ a few of Uncle Vernon"s choicest swear words, he staggered back into the kitchen, clutching his head and staring out of the window into the back garden. The darkness seemed to be rippling, the air itself quivering. Then, one by one, figures began to pop into sight as their Disillusionment Charms lifted. Dominating the scene was Hagrid, wearing a helmet and goggles and sitting astride an enormous motorbike with a black sidecar attached. All around him other people were dismounting from brooms and, in two cases, skeletal, black winged horses. Wrenching open the back door, Harry hurtled into their midst. There was a general cry of greeting as Hermione flung her arms around him, Ron clapped him on the back, and Hagrid said, “All righ", Harry? Ready fer the off?” “Definitely,” said Harry, beaming around at them all. “But I wasn"t expecting this many of you!” “Change of plan,” growled Mad-Eye, who was holding two enormous bulging sacks, and whose magical eye was spinning from darkening sky to house to garden with dizzying rapidity. “Let"s get undercover before we talk you through it.” Harry led them all back into the kitchen where, laughing and chattering, they settled on chairs, sat themselves upon Aunt Petunia"s gleaming work surfaces, or leaned up against her spotless appliances; Ron, long and lanky; Hermione, her bushy hair tied back in a long plait; Fred and George, grinning identically; Bill, badly scarred and long-haired; Mr. Weasley, kind-faced, balding, his spectacles a little awry; Mad-Eye, battle-worn, one-legged, his bright blue magical eye whizzing in its socket; Tonks, whose short hair was her favorite shade of bright pink; Lupin, grayer, more lined; Fleur, slender and beautiful, with her long silvery blonde hair; Kingsley, bald and broad-shouldered; Hagrid, with his wild hair and beard, standing hunchbacked to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling; and Mundungus Fletcher, small, dirty, and hangdog, with his droopy beady hound"s eyes and matted hair. Harry"s heart seemed to expand and glow at the sight: He felt incredibly fond of all of them, even Mundungus, whom he had tried to strangle the last time they had met. “Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the Muggle Prime Minister?” he called across the room. “He can get along without me for one night,” said Kingsley, “You"re more important.” “Harry, guess what?” said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glistened there. “You got married?” Harry yelped, looking from her to Lupin. “I"m sorry you couldn"t be there, Harry, it was very quiet.” “That"s brilliant, congrat ?“ “All right, all right, we"ll have time for a cozy catch-up later,” roared Moody over the hubbub, and silence fell in the kitchen. Moody dropped his sacks at his feet and turned to Harry. “As Dedalus probably told you, we had to abandon Plan A. Pius Thicknesse has gone over, which gives us a big problem. He"s made it an imprisonable offense to connect this house to the Floo Network, place a Portkey here, or Apparate in or out. All done in the name of your protection, to prevent You-Know-Who getting in at you. Absolutely pointless, seeing as your mother"s charm does that already. What he"s really done is to stop you getting out of here safely.” “Second problem: You"re underage, which means you"ve still got the Trace on you.” “I don"t ?“ “The Trace, the Trace!” said Mad-Eye impatiently. “The charm that detects magical activity around under-seventeens, the way the Ministry finds out about underage magic! If you, or anyone around you, casts a spell to get you out of here, Thicknesse is going to know about it, and so will the Death Eaters.” “We can"t wait for the Trace to break, because the moment you turn seventeen you"ll lose all the protection your mother gave you. In short, Pius Thicknesse thinks he"s got you cornered good and proper.” Harry could not help but agree with the unknown Thicknesse. “So what are we going to do?” “We"re going to use the only means of transport left to us, the only ones the Trace can"t detect, because we don"t need to cast spells to use them: brooms, thestrals, and Hagrid"s motorbike.” Harry could see flaws in this plan; however, he held his tongue to give Mad-Eye the chance to address them. “Now, your mother"s charm will only break under two conditions: when you come of age, or” ? Moody gestured around the pristine kitchen ? “you no longer call this place home. You and your aunt and uncle are going your separate ways tonight, in the full understanding that you"re never going to live together again, correct?” Harry nodded. “So this time, when you leave, there"ll be no going back, and the charm will break the moment you get outside its range. We"re choosing to break it early, because the alternative is waiting for You-Know-Who to come and seize you the moment you turn seventeen. “The one thing we"ve got on our side is that You-Know-Who doesn"t know we"re moving you tonight. We"ve leaked a fake trail to the Ministry: They think you"re not leaving until the thirtieth. However, this is You-Know-Who we"re dealing with, so we can"t rely on him getting the date wrong; he"s bound to have a couple of Death Eaters patrolling the skies in this general area, just in case. So, we"ve given a dozen different houses every protection we can throw at them. They all look like they could be the place we"re going to hide you, they"ve all got some connection with the Order: my house, Kingsley"s place, Molly"s Auntie Muriel"s ? you get the idea.” “Yeah,” said Harry, not entirely truthfully, because he could still spot a gaping hole in the plan. “You"ll be going to Tonks"s parents. Once you"re within the boundaries of the protective enchantments we"ve put on their house you"ll be able to use a Portkey to the Burrow. Any questions?” “Er ? yes,” said Harry. “Maybe they won"t know which of the twelve secure houses I"m heading for at first, but won"t it be sort of obvious once” ? he performed a quick headcount ? “fourteen of us fly off toward Tonks"s parents?” “Ah,” said Moody, “I forgot to mention the key point. Fourteen of us won"t be flying to Tonks"s parents. There will be seven Harry Potters moving through the skies tonight, each of them with a companion, each pair heading for a different safe house.” From inside his cloak Moody now withdrew a flask of what looked like mud. There was no need for him to say another word; Harry understood the rest of the plan immediately. “No!” he said loudly, his voice ringing through the kitchen. “No way!” “I told them you"d take it like this,” said Hermione with a hint of complacency. “If you think I"m going to let six people risk their lives -- !” “—because it"s the first time for all of us,” said Ron. “This is different, pretending to be me ?“ “Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry,” said Fred earnestly. “Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever.” Harry did not smile. “You can"t do it if I don"t cooperate, you need me to give you some hair.” “Well, that"s the plan scuppered,” said George. “Obviously there"s no chance at all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you cooperate.” “Yeah, thirteen of us against one bloke who"s not allowed to use magic; we"ve got no chance,” said Fred. “Funny,” said Harry, “really amusing.” “If it has to come to force, then it will,” growled Moody, his magical eye now quivering a little in its socket as he glared at Harry. “Everyone here"s overage, Potter, and they"re all prepared to take the risk.” Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glance at him out of the side of Moody"s head. “Let"s have no more arguments. Time"s wearing on. I want a few of your hairs, boy, now.” “But this is mad, there"s no need ?“ “No need!” snarled Moody. “With You-Know-Who out there and half the Ministry on his side? Potter, if we"re lucky he"ll have swallowed the fake bait and he"ll be planning to ambush you on the thirtieth, but he"d be mad not to have a Death Eater or two keeping an eye out, it"s what I"d do. They might not be able to get at you or this house while your mother"s charm holds, but it"s about to break and they know the rough position of the place. Our only chance is to use decoys. Even You-Know-Who can"t split himself into seven.” Harry caught Hermione"s eye and looked away at once. “So, Potter ? some of your hair, if you please.” Harry glanced at Ron, who grimaced at him in a just-do-it sort of way. “Now!” barked Moody. With all of their eyes upon him, Harry reached up to the top of his head, grabbed a hank of hair, and pulled. “Good,” said Moody, limping forward as he pulled the stopper out of the flask of potion. “Straight in here, if you please.” Harry dropped the hair into the mudlike liquid. The moment it made contact with its surface, the potion began to froth and smoke, then, all at once, it turned a clear, bright gold. “Ooh, you look much tastier than Crabbe and Goyle, Harry,” said Hermione, before catching sight of Ron"s raised eyebrows, blushing slightly, and saying, “Oh, you know what I mean ? Goyle"s potion tasted like bogies.” “Right then, fake Potters line up over here, please,” said Moody. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur lined up in front of Aunt Petunia"s gleaming sink. “We"re one short,” said Lupin. “Here,” said Hagr
2023-06-29 03:49:271


2023-06-29 03:49:305

求一首比较著名的英文抒情诗含有颜色词 white

In White by Robert Frost A dented spider like a snow drop white On a white Heal-all,holding up a moth Like a white piece of lifeless satin cloth - Saw ever curious eye so strange a sight?- Portent in little,assorted death and blight Like the ingredients of a witches" broth?- The beady spider,the flower like a froth, And the moth carried like a paper kite. What had that flower to do with being white, The blue prunella every child"s delight. What brought the kindred spider to that height? (Make we no thesis of the miller"s plight.) What but design of darkness and of night? Design,design!Do I use the word aright? Is White a Color? by John Matthew White,pristine,unblemished They say it is not a color I love white mists,clouds Lingering on blue mountains. White,no shades No off white,cream Pure as snow on shimmering peaks Is my favorite sight. Nurses,priests,politicians Are bound,chained to white White nebulous clouds evoke deep nostalgic thoughts. They swaddled my father in white As he lay in the black coffin His best shirt was white His loin cloth was white. The paper I write is white White is holy,pure They say light is white Because it combines all colors. So white is the mother of all colors The churning of all yellow,blue,green Colors sacrifice their egos To the eternal white. They say they are "white" The purest of all races I think they aren"t white But pink,beige and red. Why can"t colors of people Merge and become white Would people called "white" Allow their color to merge? Is white a color? The matriarch of all colors The fountain of all extent colors Yes,king white reigns supreme!
2023-06-29 03:49:361


问题一:旁边的英语怎么写 beside 问题二:在什么旁边用英语怎么写,紧挨着用英语怎么写 ① near 在…旁边 Eg: The pen is near the eraser. ②beside 在…旁边 Eg: The pen is beside the eraser. ③next to 在…旁边 Eg: The pen is next to the eraser. ④nearby 在…旁边 Eg: There is an eraser nearby(the pen). 满意请采纳。 问题三:在什么什么旁边怎么写 英文 by besidenext to 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】 问题四:在.....旁边的英语是什么? beside 问题五:在u30fbu30fbu30fbu30fb的旁边的英文是什么? 在u30fbu30fbu30fbu30fb的旁边 beside 问题六:在……旁边 用英语怎么说 beside/next to 问题七:在窗户旁用英语怎么写? 同学,为你解答: 在窗户旁 by the window 如果认可和满意我的回复,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~、 手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~ 问题八:在……的附近的英文怎么写? nearby 问题九:“在附近”的英文翻译? near..../....nearby/by the side of../close to...
2023-06-29 03:49:371


Handbag 女用手提包。
2023-06-29 03:49:374


2023-06-29 03:49:395

Front Row (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Front Row (Lp Version)歌手:Alanis Morissette专辑:Supposed Former Infatuation JunkieMetric - Front Rowooooh ooooh oooohI"m in the front row with a bottleDon"t know what i can"t decideI"m in the front row i"m a modelDon"t know what i can"t describeBurned out stars they shine so brightAll of usBurned out stars they shine so brightHe"s not perfect he"s my heroSmashing the pianoSpitting in the front rowChronic confrontationPsychic conversationRadical compassionLouder than the actionAll of usBurned out stars they shine so brightAll of usBurned out stars they shine so brightAll the starsI"m in the front row with a bottleDon"t know what I can"t decideI"m the front row i"m a modelDon"t know what I can"t describeBurned out stars they shine so brightAll of usBurned out stars they shine so brightAll of usHe"s not perfect he"s a victimOf his occupationSocial insulationSecret interventionCharging with possessionI just wanna watch himMake or break and beat themBurned out stars they shine so brightAll of usBurned out stars they shine so brightAll the starsooooh ooooh ooooh
2023-06-29 03:49:421


bag普通用词,指一般的口袋,可以是纸袋或塑料袋(plastic bag),有时也指手提包。sack应用范围较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。handbag指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。purse指钱包或小钱袋,在美国相当于bandbag。 多指女士钱包wallet 男士钱夹
2023-06-29 03:49:452


2023-06-29 03:49:483


2023-06-29 03:49:531


close,near,nearby 这些形容词均有“接近的”之意. close:语气强于near.指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味. near:语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无"紧接,接触"的含义. nearby:指距离上很近,近在咫尺.
2023-06-29 03:49:131

java程序设计 为每一名雇员计算一周的工作时间 数组存储7名员工的工作时间,以降序显示每个雇员的总时间

case when 行列转换
2023-06-29 03:49:092


手袋 包包 英文的单词怎么写 是手提袋还是背的包包?书包? 手提袋 英文名为SHOPPING BAG,或LOGO BAG (女用)手提包 handbag 书包 bag百站天虫单机版在哪下载 5分 汽车缓缓驶出车站,开始加速。就在这时,猛地窜出一个男孩,面对什么(形容来得非突然)的危险,司机什么(态度镇定,不慌不忙)地踩住了刹车。车上的人长嘘一口气,纷纷说:还好还好,什么(安全,没有事故发生 包的单词是什么 bundle packet pack package parcel sack 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 英语单词女士用的包用英语怎么说 handbag n.[C] 1.(女用)手提包 She carried a green leather handbag. 她拎着一只绿色皮手提包. 2.小旅行袋,旅行包 关于包的英语单词如bag 钱包 burse 钱包 皮夹子 notecase 女用小提包 钱包 purse 口袋pocket 女用手提包 坤包 handbag (放钞票、信用卡的)钱夹, 皮夹 wallet 皮夹子 billfold 背包shoulder bag 钱袋moneybag XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 在那个手提包里的票是Dave的吗用英文怎么说 Is the ticket in the handbag Dave? 在那个手提包里的票是Dave的吗?
2023-06-29 03:49:081


Olga 奥尔加:源自俄语及日耳曼语,含义"神圣的"女子名Oriana 奥里安娜:源自拉丁语,含义"上升",女子名
2023-06-29 03:49:075

near , nearby ,near by, by 区别

near by 是作为词组用,是在附近、邻近的意思.1。作形容词的情况 near, nearby都可以作形容词,都表示附近的,(时间/距离)接近的,但是near一般用于作表语,放在系动词is,are,am之后后,而不放在名词之前,而nearby则放在名词之前 另外,当near作形容词表示 差不多,几乎 这一意思的时候只能放在名词之前,如:a near disaster差不多是一场灾难 2作副词的情况 没什么区别 3.near还可以作介词和动词 do you live near here?介词 we neared the top of the hill动词(我们快到山顶了)
2023-06-29 03:49:063


问题一:手提包 用英语怎么说 handbag 问题二:女式手提包用英语怎么说 women"s handbag. 问题三:手提包用英语怎么说? handbag 问题四:包英语怎么说? backpack 背包 purse 泛指女包 handb定g 手袋 shoulder bag 挎肩包 clutch 信封包 (经常配晚礼服的) briefcase (公文包) 问题五:你的手提包是什么牌子的英文翻译 What brand is your handbag 问题六:女式手提包用英语怎么说 你好! 女式手提包 Women"s handbag 问题七:“LV的包包”这句话英文怎么说? LV handbags Louis Vuitton handbags 问题八:包包英语怎么说 bag 英 [b?g] 美 [b?] n.袋,囊,枕套;钱包,手提皮包,财富;〈英俚〉大量,很多 vt.把。。装入袋中,猎获;捕获;得分;抢占 vi.松散地垂挂;鼓胀 例句: She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她提着一个购物袋离开了酒店。 问题九:手提包英文怎么读? handbag 美 ["h?ndb?] 汉语发音:汉的拜个 n.手提包 purse 美 [p??rs] 汉语发音:破思 n.钱包;小钱袋;(获奖)奖金 问题十:手提袋的英文是什么? 英文就是hand bag
2023-06-29 03:49:021

求片一部93年的老电影《The Saint of Fort Washington》(华盛顿堡的圣徒、燃烧华盛顿、同是天涯沦落人)

2023-06-29 03:49:002


2023-06-29 03:48:584


anywhere for you
2023-06-29 03:48:572

nearby,near,beside,closed,next to的区别

close,near,nearby 它们都有一个意思就是“在空间范围上很接近的”,例如an airport close to town城镇附近的机场a nearby library附近的图书馆an inn near London靠近伦敦的酒馆其中close,near的意思更广,它们也有“...
2023-06-29 03:48:571


2023-06-29 03:48:551