barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 21:48:41


1、complete in


2、complete with


3、complete without


4、complete for (v.+prep.)

为某目的而完成finish for

5、complete sth for sth

The ship will be completed for sea by April .


6、complete in (v.+prep.)


complete sth in sth

A work is to be completed in three volumes.


7、complete with (v.+prep.)


complete sth with sth

Please complete a sentence with the correct words.




complete作“完全的”解时,无比较级和最高级,也不可用more和very修饰。作“完整的”“全部的”解时,可用于比较级more complete和最高级most complete。





2023-07-07 14:41:483


2023-07-07 14:42:501


◇ complete 一般用作及物动词,用法较正式,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,后面可接名词或代词,不接 -ing 或不定式。例如: He"s never completed a project on time. 他从未按时完成过计划。 The bridge is not completed yet. 这座桥至今尚未完工。 ◇ finish 是普通用语,用得比较广泛,可作及物动词或不及物动词,多用来指“完成”一项任务或活动,后面可接名词、代词或 -ing,不接不定式。例如: Have you finished your work?你的工作完成了吗? He finished writing the letter last night. 这封信他是昨晚完成的。 ◇ 表示完成学业、精细的工作、吃完某物及在被动结构中表示“一切都完了;没希望了”等意时,均用finish. 例如: He finished school in 1991. 他1991年从学校毕业。 The wood-work is beautifully finished. 这件木器做得很精细。
2023-07-07 14:43:342


accomplish: 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。complete: 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。
2023-07-07 14:43:482


2023-07-07 14:44:281


简单的说:finish + doing; Complete + 名词, 意思相近都是完成的意思。
2023-07-07 14:44:593


accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词.如: Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用.complete后面只能接名词.如: Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed. finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词.在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替.如: When he finished speaking, we all applauded.
2023-07-07 14:45:093


2023-07-07 14:45:463


complete有形容词和动词词性;作为形容词它可以作表语和定语,以及补语;动词主要意思有:完好的,完美的,完全的,完成的,老练的 例如:whentheworkwillbecomplete?(表语) heisacompletestrangertome.(定语)therailwayisnotcompletedyet.thiscompletesmyhappiness.
2023-07-07 14:46:012

complete edition是什么意思

2023-07-07 14:46:303


complete不是延续性动词,它是瞬间动词。短语搭配complete graph[数]完全图;[数]完备图;完整图;完全图形complete group[数]完备群;[数]完全群complete antigen完全抗原;完整抗原;全抗原;纯粹抗原双语例句No, you–you complete me.不,你–你让我完整。If you complete this task.这项任务你要是完成。But it is complete only through the implications of that philosophy.但是它只是在这种哲学的暗示之下完成的。续性动词延续性动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度的动词。“持续性动词”表示的动作不但可以延续,而且可以产生持久的影响。常见的这类动词1.拥有have2.具备、具有possess3.保持keep4.知道know5.学习learn,study6.生活live7.阅读read8.睡觉sleep9.等待、等候wait10.工作work11.看、听、闻look、heard、smell12.喝drink13.有have14.跑run
2023-07-07 14:46:411

complete 和 completed的区别 详细一点,要好理解。

楼主你好,当complete 做形容词时,表示完全的,完整的,十足的例如complete coward. 十足的懦夫completed 做形容词时,表示被完成的例如completed goods 成品
2023-07-07 14:47:091


2023-07-07 14:47:533


  complete表完全的,完成的的意思,complete的 同义词 有很多,现在跟我一起学习下面为大家整理的complete的同义词吧,希望对你有帮助哦!   complete的同义词辨析1   complete, finish, end, close, conclude, terminate, accomplish   这些动词均含"结束,完成"之意。   complete : 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。   finish : 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。   end : 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。   close : 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。   conclude : 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。   terminate : 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。   accomplish : 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。   complete的同义词辨析2   entire, whole, complete, full, total, gross, all   这些形容词都表示"完整的,全部的,整个的"之意。   entire : 除了有whole的意思外,还强调既不能加一个也不减少一个的含义。   whole比entire更普通,强调每个组成部分都包括在内,无一漏掉或舍去。   complete : 强调事物在内容、程度、或数量方面已完整,已达标准。   full : 侧重指内容,含有能包括所有的充足内容的意味。   total与complete用法相近,但强调总量。   gross : 侧重指未打折扣,未除去成本或皮重等与净重、净数相对。   all有时可与whole, entire和total换用。    complete的词组习语   complete with   1. 备有,具有;配备有   这幢房子配有天然气集中供暖和双层玻璃窗。   the house &B{comes complete with} gas central heating and double glazing.   complete的例句   1. It"ll be two years before the process is complete.   这个过程需要两年才能完成。   2. Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.   迈克尔接受了全面体检,随后又进行了腺热治疗。   3. Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult.   要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。   4. The boy"s room is a complete contrast to the guest room.   这个男孩的房间和客房截然不同。   5. His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.   他的六年转型计划绝没有彻底失败。   6. Major"s reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.   梅杰的回答让众议院大吃一惊。   7. Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?   他们意识到我们的经济马上要彻底崩溃了吗?   8. Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian.   我们的数学老师是个坏蛋,一个彻头彻尾的野蛮人。   9. The vividness of the characterisation came as a complete surprise.   人物刻画的生动程度完全出乎意料。   10. All you do is complete and post off a form.   你所要做的就是填写并寄出表格。   11. He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans" most serious charges.   他准备全面反驳共和党人对他最严重的指控。   12. No garden is complete without a bed of rose bushes.   没有玫瑰花圃的花园是不完整的。   13. To enter, simply complete the coupon on page 150.   要想参加,只需填写第150页的参赛表格。   14. The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in completedarkness.   灯不知怎么地不亮了,我们在一片黑暗中跌跌撞撞地走着。   15. He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.   他说用占卜杖探测水源完全是胡说八道。 猜你喜欢: 1. complete的用法和短语例句 2. complete的反义词 3. complete的近义词辨析 4. 如果同义词是什么 5. end的短语 6. compliment的同义词
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complete有两种词性,形容词和动词,形容词考得较多。形容词:完全的、彻底的、全面的、完整的、结束的等等。比较级:completer或more complete;最高级:completest或most complete.活动是结束的。举例:I felt like a complete idiot.我感觉完全像个傻瓜。The trail was a complete farce.这次审判完全是一场闹剧。审判动词:使完整、使完美、完成、结束 completing completed completed (没必要举例,记住意思就行)
2023-07-07 14:48:571

"complete完成" 英语怎么读

2023-07-07 14:49:172


complete是adj和vt,finish是vt和none,end是none和vtx0dx0acomplete一般表示完成比较重大的事情,比如工程啦,项目啦。end一般用做动词的情况很少,直接用end的名词就行了,也是非常口语化的词语。finish也偏近口语,一般表示完成比较小的事情,比如作业什么的。 x0dx0afinish,complete作为动词在一起比较时,这两个词的一般含义是“做完”、“完成”,有时可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 x0dx0afinish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,或者表示对已经做完的事进行精密加工 x0dx0aAs soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. x0dx0a他一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。 x0dx0aThis machine part needs surface finishing. x0dx0a这个机械零件需要精密加工。 x0dx0aThe writer has finished (or completed) the novel. x0dx0a但是如果作为读者说“我已经看完这部小说了”,用英语说却只能是I have finished the novel. 不过,如果你是文学系的学生,老师布置了任务,要读完这部小说,那么又非用complete不可了。 x0dx0aBy the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. x0dx0a到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。 x0dx0a而complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。如果要用英语表达“这位作家已经写完那部小说了”,这两个词都可以用 x0dx0aThe house was completed five moths ago. x0dx0a这座房子是5个月前竣工的。 x0dx0aThey had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. x0dx0a他们刚游出危险区,这时快艇又完成了一圈的运动。 x0dx0a注:完成一个圆周的运动,用complete是很准确的。 x0dx0aA few cars, however, completed the race. x0dx0a有几辆车跑完了比赛的全程。 x0dx0ax0dx0ahave sth finished = finished sth 是把什么任务做完了。 一般用于工作,作业方面。 end 一般用于主动语态,表示结束,终结,终止 而且作名词用得比较多。主要用来表示会议,影片,比赛的结束。 比如: They ended the party off with a song. 他们唱支歌结束了晚会。 The debate ended in a hurry. 那场争辩匆匆收场了。 How soon will the meeting _end___ 会议还有多久才结束? A.finish B.end 选end是因为meeting(会议)是句子的主语。 finish一般是人做主语,表示完成的意思。
2023-07-07 14:49:552


complete是adj和vt,finish是vt和none,end是none和vtx0dx0acomplete一般表示完成比较重大的事情,比如工程啦,项目啦。end一般用做动词的情况很少,直接用end的名词就行了,也是非常口语化的词语。finish也偏近口语,一般表示完成比较小的事情,比如作业什么的。 x0dx0afinish,complete作为动词在一起比较时,这两个词的一般含义是“做完”、“完成”,有时可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 x0dx0afinish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,或者表示对已经做完的事进行精密加工 x0dx0aAs soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. x0dx0a他一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。 x0dx0aThis machine part needs surface finishing. x0dx0a这个机械零件需要精密加工。 x0dx0aThe writer has finished (or completed) the novel. x0dx0a但是如果作为读者说“我已经看完这部小说了”,用英语说却只能是I have finished the novel. 不过,如果你是文学系的学生,老师布置了任务,要读完这部小说,那么又非用complete不可了。 x0dx0aBy the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. x0dx0a到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。 x0dx0a而complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。如果要用英语表达“这位作家已经写完那部小说了”,这两个词都可以用 x0dx0aThe house was completed five moths ago. x0dx0a这座房子是5个月前竣工的。 x0dx0aThey had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. x0dx0a他们刚游出危险区,这时快艇又完成了一圈的运动。 x0dx0a注:完成一个圆周的运动,用complete是很准确的。 x0dx0aA few cars, however, completed the race. x0dx0a有几辆车跑完了比赛的全程。 x0dx0ax0dx0ahave sth finished = finished sth 是把什么任务做完了。 一般用于工作,作业方面。 end 一般用于主动语态,表示结束,终结,终止 而且作名词用得比较多。主要用来表示会议,影片,比赛的结束。 比如: They ended the party off with a song. 他们唱支歌结束了晚会。 The debate ended in a hurry. 那场争辩匆匆收场了。 How soon will the meeting _end___ 会议还有多久才结束? A.finish B.end 选end是因为meeting(会议)是句子的主语。 finish一般是人做主语,表示完成的意思。
2023-07-07 14:50:411


complete作形容词的意思是“完整的;完全的;彻底的”,作动词的意思是“完成”。同义词辨析:finish v. (使)完成,(使)结束〔辨析〕最普通用词,指完成某事,常后接名词或动名词,但不可后接动词不定式;也指事件、活动或时期等结束。accomplish v. 完成,实现〔辨析〕较正式用词,尤指通过努力成功地完成某事。close v. (使)结束〔辨析〕尤指(使)某事物以某种方式结束。complete v. 完成,结束〔辨析〕尤指经历较长时间后完成或做成某事物,通常用被动语态。end v. (使)结束〔辨析〕指局势、过程、活动等自然结束或被人为终止。terminate v. [正式](使)结束,(使)终止〔辨析〕指合同、协议等终止或使之终止;也作医学术语,指终止妊娠。
2023-07-07 14:50:511


complete的名词:completion n.完成;结束;(房地产等的)完成交易,完成交割 复数: completions 记忆技巧:com 加强 + ple 满的;填满 + tion 表名词 → 都填满 → 圆满 扩展资料   例句:   Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.   这座桥一年半载可望竣工。   The building is nearing completion.   这座大楼差不多快完工了。   The hydroelectric station is nearing completion.   水电站即将竣工。
2023-07-07 14:51:411

英语中Complete 和 Finish 有什么区别

2023-07-07 14:52:361


complete 有形容词和动词词性;作为形容词它可以作表语和定语,以及补语;动词主要意思有:完好的,完美的,完全的,完成的,老练的 例如:When the work will be complete?(表语) He is a complete stranger to me.(定语) The railway is not completed yet. This completes my happiness.
2023-07-07 14:53:321


complete[kem5pli:t]adj.全部的, 完全的, 完成的vt.完成, 使完善finish[finiF]n.完成, 结束, 磨光, 末道漆, 完美vt.完成, 结束, 用完, 毁掉, 使完美vi.结束, 终结, 停止, 终止
2023-07-07 14:53:414

complete是什么意思 解读单词complete的含义和用法?

1. They completed the marathon in just over three hours.(他们在三个多小时内完成了马拉松比赛。)2. The project is complete and ready for submission.(这个项目已经完成,可以提交了。)1. They completed the marathon in just over three hours.(他们在三个多小时内完成了马拉松比赛。)除此之外,complete还可以作为一个名词,表示一份完整的文件、列表或计划。例如:作为一个动词,complete通常用来表示完成某个任务或达到某个目标,例如:
2023-07-07 14:53:482

英语中Complete 和 Finish 有什么区别

finish: 完成;结束(动词,名词)complete: 完成, 使完整(动词,形容词:完整的) finish 重点是完成结束, complete 除了完成,还有完整的意思
2023-07-07 14:54:252


complete silence的中文翻译complete silence 完全沉默双语例句1After a few sentences, his voice tailed off into a complete silence.没说几句话,他的声音就开始越来越小,到后来竟没了一丝声息。2He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot, frozen into complete silence.他一直不断地咬着嘴唇内侧,陷入深深的沉默之中。3He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot, frozen into complete silence.他一直咬着他的下嘴唇内侧,整个人陷入冰冷的沉默之中。
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搭配:用作形容词 complete graph ; 完整图 ; 完全图形 complete group[数]完备群 ;[数]完全群 complete antigen完全抗原 ; 完整抗原 ; 扩展资料   complete   adj.(用以强调)完全的,彻底的;全部的;完整的`;整个的;包括,含有(额外部分或特征)   v.完成;结束;填写(表格);使完整;使完美   第三人称单数: completes现在分词: completing过去式: completed过去分词: completed   派生词: completeness n.   记忆技巧:com 加强 + plet 满的;填满 + e → 特别满 → 完全的   例句:   In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.   为掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。   She"s just completed a master"s degree in Law.   她刚读完法律硕士学位。   The project should be completed within a year.   这项工程必须在一年之内完成。
2023-07-07 14:55:171


形容词、动词作形容词的意思是“完整的;完全的;彻底的”,作动词的意思是“完成”。短语搭配complete graph[数]完全图 ;[数]完备图 ; 完整图 ; 完全图形complete group[数]完备群 ;[数]完全群complete antigen完全抗原 ; 完整抗原 ; 全抗原 ; 纯粹抗原
2023-07-07 14:55:361


2023-07-07 14:55:431

finish complete 的区别

◇ complete 一般用作及物动词,用法较正式,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,后面可接名词或代词,不接 -ing 或不定式。例如: He"s never completed a project on time. 他从未按时完成过计划。 The bridge is not completed yet. 这座桥至今尚未完工。 ◇ finish 是普通用语,用得比较广泛,可作及物动词或不及物动词,多用来指“完成”一项任务或活动,后面可接名词、代词或 -ing,不接不定式。例如: Have you finished your work?你的工作完成了吗? He finished writing the letter last night. 这封信他是昨晚完成的。 ◇ 表示完成学业、精细的工作、吃完某物及在被动结构中表示“一切都完了;没希望了”等意时,均用finish. 例如: He finished school in 1991. 他1991年从学校毕业。 The wood-work is beautifully finished. 这件木器做得很精细。
2023-07-07 14:55:5210


标准答案来了 1,complete的近义词是finish,或者end表示结束 2,knowledge,关于.的知识 小孩子没有辨别好坏的知识 3,saved,拯救 他的妻子在他有困难的时候,救了他 4,bad-worse-worst 另外,ill-worse-worst 还有,good/well-better-best 这个也要记住
2023-07-07 14:57:111


complete后能跟动词complete用法:1.adj 完整的;完全的;彻底的 : be complete 例如 His answer is complete. 2.Vt 使齐全; 完成; 使完整; 结束 :Complete+n / coplete +doing另外 这个词还经常用到被动语态里 sth be completed.希望能帮到你!~
2023-07-07 14:57:301

completed 和finished 有什么区别啊?

◇ complete 一般用作及物动词,用法较正式,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,后面可接名词或代词,不接 -ing 或不定式。例如:He"s never completed a project on time. 他从未按时完成过计划。The bridge is not completed yet. 这座桥至今尚未完工。 ◇ finish 是普通用语,用得比较广泛,可作及物动词或不及物动词,多用来指“完成”一项任务或活动,后面可接名词、代词或 -ing,不接不定式。例如:Have you finished your work?你的工作完成了吗?He finished writing the letter last night. 这封信他是昨晚完成的。 ◇ 表示完成学业、精细的工作、吃完某物及在被动结构中表示“一切都完了;没希望了”等意时,均用finish. 例如:He finished school in 1991. 他1991年从学校毕业。The wood-work is beautifully finished. 这件木器做得很精细。
2023-07-07 14:58:042


complete antigen 完全抗原,全抗原 complete description完整的叙述,圆满的描述 complete game无安打无得分获胜的比 complete in specifications规格齐全 complete inversionn.全部倒装;[电子] 全反 complete medium生物] 完全培养基 complete metamorphosis动物学】全变态 complete overhaul大修;全面检修
2023-07-07 14:58:111

complete 用法

2023-07-07 14:58:214


2023-07-07 14:58:301

洛可可建筑风格是什么 洛可可建筑风格反映了什么

1、洛可可式建筑风格(Rococo Style),于18世纪20年代产生于法国并流行于欧洲,是在巴洛克式建筑的基础上发展起来的,主要表现在室内装饰上。洛可可风格的基本特点是纤弱娇媚、华丽精巧、甜腻温柔、纷繁琐细。 2、洛可可式建筑风格(Rococo Style)以欧洲封建贵族文化的衰败为背景,表现了没落贵族阶层颓丧、浮华的审美理想和思想情绪。他们受不了古典主义的严肃理性和巴洛克的喧嚣放肆,追求华美和闲适。洛可可一词由法语ro-caille(贝壳工艺)演化而来,原意为建筑装饰中一种贝壳形图案。1699年建筑师、装饰艺术家马尔列在金氏府邸的装饰设计中大量采用这种曲线形的贝壳纹样,由此而得名。洛可可风格最初出现于建筑的室内装饰,以后扩展到绘画、雕刻、工艺品、音乐和文学领域。
2023-07-07 14:51:491


as 短语 the same as 例如(1)This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣 It is difficult to do the same things as a personsuch +an/a +adj+n 例如 So an easy question so+adj+an/a+n 例如 So easy a question
2023-07-07 14:51:493


  随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的 英文 简历 是非常重要的。以下是我整理的英语个人简历3篇,以供大家参考。   英语个人简历一:   Name: Miss Liu Nationality: China   Current residence: Maoming China: Han   Domicile: Maoming stature: 155 cm 40 kg   Marital status: Single Age: 23   Job search intention and work experience   Personnel types: ordinary job   Position: Foreign Trade / Specialist / Assistant, writer / writer:   Work Experience: 2 Job Title: No Title   Job Type: All Date Available: Anytime   Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Maoming   Educational Background   Graduated: EG University   Highest Level of Education: College   Graduation date :2011 -07-01   By Major: International Economy and Trade   Language skills   Foreign Languages: Fluent in English   Other foreign languages: Spanish   Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excel lent   Work Experience   Company Name: Garment Co., beginning and ending date :2011-02 ~ 2013-04   Company Type: Private Industry: Apparel / Textile / Leather / Footwear   Positions: foreign trade business   Job Description: Responsible for product promotion and sales, maintenance and old customers, use ali international platform, the development of new e-mail customers, orders, production follow-up. Familiar fabric market, fabric production processes, garment production processes.   Self introduction   I am familiar with the basics of foreign trade. On the ability to control a good text had regular youth literature novels published books, written several screenplays micro. Treat serious and responsible work, good team spirit, have a certain ability to communicate. I hope you could give a chance to the development and effectiveness.   英语个人简历二:   Name: Mr.   Nationality: China   The current residence: Shenzhen Nationality: Han   Household registration: Shenzhen body material: 160 cm 60 kg   Marital status: married age: 25   Work experience   Company name: Shenzhen photoelectric Co., Ltd. start-stop date: 2010-10 ~ 2013-05   Company type: private enterprise industry: Electronics / semiconductor and integrated circuit   Position: Electronic Engineer   Job search intention and work experience   The type of talent: ordinary job   Job: Electronic Engineer / technician,   Work experience: 2 job: no title   Job type: full-time date available: at any time   Salary requirements: 5000--8000 hope that the working area: Shenzhen   Education background   University one is graduated from: Shenzhen University   Degree: college graduation date: 2011-07-01   Specialty: automation of electric power systems   Self introduction   Ability to work and other specialty   I am engaged in electrical and electronic product design for many years, have rich experience in analog and digital electronics, master switching power supply, especially its excitation flyback, half-bridge and full-bridge switching power supply. Hands-on ability, can the independent design, skilled use of PROTEL DXP 2004 software to design the PCB product example of success.   英语个人简历三:   Name: Mr.   Nationality: China   The current residence: Huadu District, nationality: Han   Household registration: Jieyang body material: 170 cm 60 kg   Marital status: married age: 24   Job search intention and work experience   Job: Engineering / mechanical, mechanic, car:   Work experience: 3 level: Intermediate   Job type: full-time date available: at any time   Salary requirements: 2000--3500 hope that the working area: in Huadu District of Zengcheng Guangzhou   Work experience   Company name: Mei Xing Wholesale Department start-stop date: 2012-10 ~ 2013-03   Company type: private enterprise industry: wholesale / retail   Position: sales promotion, the driver   Job description: responsible for the drive to place an order, delivery   Education background   University one is graduated from South Shaoguan senior technical school:   Degree: technical secondary school degree: senior technical graduation date: 2006-07-01   Major: advanced NC second major: computer office software   Language ability   Language: General   Other foreign language ability: Chaozhou   Chinese: good Cantonese level: General   Self introduction
2023-07-07 14:51:521


2023-07-07 14:51:541

such as与such that的区别

区别是such as 例如,譬如 ,后面可加名词或短语such .as. 单独两个词,中间和as后组成比较,相似的两个,像…这种的,像…那样的词汇分析such as 例句1.Scientific inventions such as these have raised labour productivity by a big margin.诸如此类的科学发明,都大大提高了劳动生产率。2.Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia. 在大不相同的文化中有一些相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚之间。such .as.例句1.That includes such areas as the Internet and telecommunications& industries where Beijing sees government control as crucial. 这些行业包括互联网和电信等领域,北京方面认为政府有必要掌握对这些领域的控制。2.The capital expenditure will be spent on such areas as 3G equipment and upgrading the 2G network.
2023-07-07 14:51:571


产品生态设计(Product Ecological Design)是指将环境因素纳入产品设计之中,在设计阶段就考虑产品生命周期全过程的环境影响,从而帮助确定设计的决策方向,通过改进设计把产品的环境影响降低到最小程度的设计理念。
2023-07-07 14:52:001


2023-07-07 14:51:462

be conditioned by?

以 ……为条件
2023-07-07 14:51:458


2023-07-07 14:51:451


u3000u3000Employee confidentiality agreementu3000u3000Party:u3000u3000B: ***u3000u3000A, B both sides follow equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, under the principle of good faith on matters of confidentiality of trade secrets Party reached the following agreement:u3000u3000(A) Confidentiality contentu3000u30001. Party"s trade secrets, including commodity production, supply, sales channels, customer lists, trade intentions, traded or negotiate prices, product performance, quality, quantity, delivery date;u3000u30002. Party"s business secrets, including the operating principles, investment decision-making intention, products, services, pricing, market analysis, advertising strategy;u3000u30003. Party A"s management secrets, including financial data, personnel data, wage data, logistics data;u3000u30004. Party A"s technical secrets, including product design and development.u3000u3000(B) the scope of confidentialityu3000u30001. B Party in the labor contract before the existing trade secrets;u3000u30002. B Party in the labor contract during the period owned by the commercial secrets.u3000u3000(C) The rights and obligations of both partiesu3000u30001. Party to provide normal working conditions, and reward based on performance, contract period, the first two months of salary for 2000 yuan, respectively, followed by four months to adjust Party B according to performance pay;u3000u30002. The requirements of Party A Party B must be engaged in the design and development, weekly working hours to 40 hours, and the design and development of information delivery Party A, Party A has the right of ownership and disposal;u3000u30003. The two sides before the dissolution or termination of labor contracts, without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not use the commercial secrets of the design of new products released to a third party;u3000u3000(D) confidentiality periodu3000u3000The labor contract period, specifically for the November 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010u3000u3000(E) liability for breachu3000u30001. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, Party A minor economic losses caused by Party A to Party B to lift the labor contract, and requested compensation for the three-month salary B;u3000u30002. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, resulting in significant economic losses Party A, Party B shall be removed from the administrative penalties, and additional economic damages, constitutes a crime, the appeal court, Party B shall be held criminal responsibility;u3000u30003. A, square both sides due to implementation of this Agreement and breach of contract dispute over the implementation of laws and regulations, giving competence of both parties may apply to the Labor Party seat of the arbitration bodies for arbitration or to the people"s court of appeal;u3000u3000(6) Otheru3000u3000This Agreement in duplicate, A and B both sides armed with a through A, B and signed by both parties the date stamped.u3000u3000Party A (seal)u3000u3000Party B (Signed)u3000u3000Legal Representative Signatureu3000u3000November 1, 2009
2023-07-07 14:51:451


2023-07-07 14:51:423

such as 的用法

这里such as后面省略了代词those,指代“(印度的)素食菜单”。也就是说完整的说是这样——Many traditional vegetarian diets,such as traditional vegetarian diets common in parts of India,are made up of peas or beans and yogurt.很多传统素食菜单,比如说印度一些地区常见的菜单一样,是由豆子或豌豆拌酸乳组成的。希望对你有帮助
2023-07-07 14:51:412