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2023-07-07 23:42:57
TAG: 文化 艺术

查尔斯顿丰富的文化历史可追溯到来此的第一批移民。过去,查尔斯顿曾是美国的主要城市之一,同样也是一个艺术中心。具有250年历史的码头大剧院 (Dock Street Theatre) 是全美洲第一座专门建造用作剧院的建筑,如今依然在用。



Piccolo 斯伯雷托艺术节于五月末到六月初举办,届时在全城的各大剧院、教堂、公园、商店门口和街道均有活动,被人们视为关于艺术的一场盛宴。自1977年始办,该艺术节已发展成为国际知名的音乐、歌剧、戏剧和舞蹈庆典。它吸引了世界各地的表演艺术家竞相参加。艺术节日程表通常于每年一月份公布,登录网站提早预定好的座位是比较明智的做法。

吉博斯艺术博物馆(约会街135 号)选择性地收藏了一些日本木刻版画、南卡罗来纳州名人画像(如本杰明·韦斯特),还有一个陈列室用于展示20世纪20和30年代为城市文化复兴做出突出贡献的当地艺术家的作品。一个长期展览分外引人注目,其中展出的一些绘画作品重点反映低地地区的历史,从初期作为英属殖民地到美洲革命再到美国内战直至今日。

城市大厅艺术馆 (City Hall Art Gallery)(百老汇街80号)展有约翰·杜鲁贝尔所作的乔治·华盛顿总统画像以及塞缪尔·莫尔斯所作的詹姆斯·门罗总统画像。展馆二楼的艺术画廊源于艺术家受托为来参观的名人画像的风俗。您可以请导游带您参观并随时解疑释惑。

欣赏查尔斯顿交响乐团的演出(乔治街 14 号),或在北查尔斯顿公共表演艺术中心 (North Charleston Coliseum Performing Arts Center)(北查尔斯顿 Coliseum 街 5001 号)观看传统舞蹈。

码头大剧院(教堂街 135 号)会上演查尔斯顿剧团的许多作品。这里始建于 1736 年,是全美洲第一座专为戏剧表演而建的建筑。

要探究一般意义上的艺术,一个很好的可利用资源就是查尔斯顿大学(卡尔霍恩街205号)。它是美国的首批院校之一,以艺术学院、剧团和芭蕾舞剧闻名。校区位于查尔斯顿古城区的正中心,其中包括华美的 Sottile 剧院。艺术学院经常举办自己的展览,因此最好登录网站查看日程表。

查尔斯顿市中心的市场街、教堂街和国王街上坐落着许多艺术馆。卡罗来纳美术馆 (Carolina Galleries)(国王街188号)以展示查尔斯顿文艺复兴时期的艺术作品为主,Church Street Inn Gallery(教堂街177号)展出当地以及国际知名艺术家的油画和水彩画作品。

个别种植园对外开放,游客可在此大致了解查尔斯顿文化的发展历程。雷顿大厅(艾什丽河路3380号)和米德尔顿种植园(艾什丽河路4300 号)的建筑与室内陈设各具特色,更多的是美洲革命之前的原貌。





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2023-07-07 19:38:033


打底衫什么牌子的好选它准没错的   打底衫什么牌子的好选它准没错的?打底衫可是春秋冬必备的保暖神器之一,打底衫不仅仅能起到保暖的作用,还可以起到搭配服装的作用。那么,打底衫什么牌子的好?就让我来为你答疑解惑吧。   打底衫什么牌子的好选它准没错的1    打底衫什么牌子的好    1、宛汀   宛汀品牌成立于2012年,隶属于河北宛汀羊绒制品有限公司。公司是一家重发展、重质量的企业。一直以稳定可靠的产品质量和良好的经营信誉,取得了广大客户的信任,紧随市场发展趋势,不断地开发新产品,以满足广大客户最新需求。    2、红袖   红袖女装是杭州市女装开发较早的品牌之一,成立于1995年,迄今已有七百多家专卖店,红袖公司是一家集设计、生产、销售为主营业的女装公司。其中,“红袖”的英文名称”HOPESHOW”寓意着的正是一种希望与展示,象征着红袖品牌的美好将来。    3、丹慕妮尔   丹慕妮尔品牌成立于2011年4月6日,隶属于深圳市丹慕尔服饰有限公司。丹慕妮尔女装,一个国际化的服饰品牌,是丹慕尔(中国)公司全力打造的高贵经典。优雅简约的法式高级时装拥有浓烈的典雅法式风情,经典的色彩、高端的面料、简洁的线条,以及独特的剪裁是丹慕妮尔低调奢华的灵魂倾情展现。    打底衫怎么挑选   从材质上来看打底衫的材质有很多最常见的是这种毛线材质,保暖又足够简约,最适合用作打底内搭。而且在颜色上也可以有多样的选择,像这款暗红色蕾丝上衣就是一件不错的选择,搭配上黑色紧身裤,两件服装都是非常显瘦,只要选好了尺寸大小,就可以让你在视觉上一瘦再瘦,所以这就比较适合纤细一些的小仙女,如果对于自己身材不是特别满意的小仙女可以选择宽松款式的打底衫。   打底衫什么牌子的好选它准没错的2   前十名分别是:   1 、六只猫   六只猫品牌目前的办公地在山东德州,在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店六只猫旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与六只猫实体店同款的商品。六只猫品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然六只猫已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   2 、索蒂尔/SOTTILE   索蒂尔-Sottile品牌成立于2012年,隶属于杭州帕儿贸易有限公司,该公司位于浙江省杭州市。该品牌一直以来专于对女性服装的设计销售,不断创新每月都有新品服装上市出售。索蒂尔品牌采用优质原材料加以时尚元素的设计打造出时尚潮流的女性服装,主要是各式裙子以及上衣,更有服装搭配套装,多种款式,多种风格,致力于打造时尚美丽的女性服装。   3 、嘉凡茜   嘉凡茜品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店嘉凡茜旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与嘉凡茜实体店同款的商品。嘉凡茜品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然嘉凡茜已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   4 、okoj   okoj品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店okoj旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与okoj实体店同款的商品。okoj品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然okoj已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   5 、劳尼亚   劳尼亚品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店劳尼亚旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与劳尼亚实体店同款的商品。劳尼亚品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然劳尼亚已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   6 亲本佳人女装   亲本佳人女装品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店亲本佳人女装旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与亲本佳人女装实体店同款的`商品。亲本佳人女装品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然亲本佳人女装已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   7 、费纳德   费纳德品牌目前的办公地在浙江省嘉兴市,在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店费纳德旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与费纳德实体店同款的商品。费纳德品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然费纳德已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   8、 艾柯索/IKXO   ikxo品牌隶属于厦门麦斯铁贸易有限公司。公司成立于2012年12月14日,公司高度重视产品质量管理,持续提供质优物美的产品,生产的各系列产品赢得了市场和消费者的一致认可。ikxo品牌欧美时尚女装设计,魅力女人之选。   9、 伊莎帕罗   伊莎帕罗品牌目前的办公地在浙江杭州,在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店伊莎帕罗旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与伊莎帕罗实体店同款的商品。伊莎帕罗品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然伊莎帕罗已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。   10 、托尼凯森女装   托尼凯森女装品牌目前的办公地在上海,在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店托尼凯森女装旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与托尼凯森女装实体店同款的商品。托尼凯森女装品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然托尼凯森女装已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有放慢前进的步伐,仍在为成为行业中的最顶尖品牌努力。
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伊特鲁里亚陶器,生产了五个多世纪,如果没有变化,就什么都不是。像光滑的黑 *** uccero这样的土着器皿是与模仿红色和黑色的陶器一起制作的,但对希腊世界生产的陶器进行了修改。几何、花卉、人物和叙事装饰受到近东和爱奥尼亚的赞赏和改编,甚至外国陶艺家和艺术家自己也在伊特鲁里亚城市定居,这就是伊特鲁里亚人对精美陶器的需求日常使用,在特殊的宴会上,以及作为祭祀他们的神灵和死者。陶器也是人物雕塑的首选材料,最常见于大型骨灰盒的盖子,并以雕像和装饰牌匾的形式作为建筑物的装饰。除了他们自己的作品给我们留下的东西外,伊特鲁里亚人,他们曾经是精美陶器的伟大收藏家,他们为后代获得了一些有史以来最好的希腊花瓶,这些花瓶现在成为世界各地博物馆收藏的明星。 维拉诺万陶器 维拉诺万文化是意大利中部铁器时代从公元前开始更发达的伊特鲁里亚文明的先驱。1000到c。公元前 750 年。在这个时期,陶器是手工制作的,而不是在轮子上制作的,使用含有云母或石头杂质的粘土在低温下烧制产生相对原始的器皿。这种类型的陶器被称为impasto,用于制作碗、储物罐、烹饪锅、杯子和火盆。到公元前 8 世纪末,陶工通过长期的实践和技术的改进,设法提高了厚涂的质量。 维拉诺万墓地埋葬着双锥形骨灰盒中的骨灰(两个花瓶,一个较小的一个用作另一个的盖子),通常带有几何图案、漩涡和万字符的简单雕刻装饰,甚至是简单的人类“棍子”图形. 一些骨灰盒有金属条作为装饰,使用铅或锡。一种罕见的骨灰盒,而不是陶瓷盖,顶部有一个青铜头盔,上面有令人印象深刻的棱角纹饰和浮雕装饰。 另一种使用兵马俑的常见形式是制作小型房屋模型,用于存放死者的骨灰。也许是模仿真实的建筑,外墙上有几何图案的装饰,门上方有一个用于释放烟雾的孔。他们也有屋顶装饰,可能是模仿后来伊特鲁里亚建筑中非常典型的赤土陶器。白底红字 这种类型的陶器起源于腓尼基,从公元前 8 世纪末到公元前 7 世纪在伊特鲁里亚生产,特别是在Cerveteri和Veii。红色的器皿通常覆盖着白色的衬裙,然后饰有红色的几何或花卉图案。或者,白色用于在未上漆的红色背景上创建设计。带有小把手盖子的大型储物花瓶在这种类型中很常见,然后是kraters,其中也有海战和行军战士等场景。 布切罗商品 buccero 在很大程度上取代了公元前 7 世纪的厚涂瓷器,被用于日常用途以及作为葬礼和还愿物品。它之前是一种称为buccheroid impasto的中间类型。转动轮子,这种新型陶器的烧制更加均匀,并且通过减少窑内氧气供应的过程,产生了一致且独特的光泽深灰色到黑色表面(粘土的红色氧化铁变成黑色氧化亚铁)。 伊特鲁里亚人是地中海地区的贸易商,因此他们的陶器出口到意大利以外的地方,如伊比利亚、黎凡特和黑海地区。 已知最早的例子来自 Cerveteri,可追溯到 c。公元前 675 年。Buccero 是在许多伊特鲁里亚中心(特别是 Cerveteri、Tarquinia、Veii 和Vulci)生产的,并已成为伊特鲁里亚在意大利中部和北部考古遗址的标志。伊特鲁里亚人也是地中海范围内的贸易商,因此布切罗被出口到意大利以外的地方,如伊比利亚、黎凡特和黑海地区。 常见的形状包括碗、单柄和两柄杯子、双耳罐、圣杯和水壶。更精致的作品增加了人类和动物的三维图形。Buccero 的奉献和葬礼通常采用小雕像和服务托盘 ( focolare ) 的形式,配有碗、盘子、杯子和器皿。装饰类似于金属容器的装饰,在烧制之前添加了碎片和雕刻,以类似于浮雕作品。一些布切罗花瓶被金或银覆盖叶,有时还有一层薄薄的锡。器皿通常是素色的,但可以用简单的线条、螺旋线和刻在表面上的虚线扇子来装饰。这些切口有时会涂上赭红色。在使用印章烧制之前,可以将神话中的图案和简单渲染的场景应用到锅上。 奇怪的是,buccero 器皿显示出许多其他陶器类型演变中所见的精致逆向趋势。早期的器物更精细,壁更薄,制作更精细;这些被称为sottile或 Fine (675-626 BCE)。然后在最终阶段之前有一个称为transizionale或过渡(公元前 625-575 年)的中间阶段,当时商品被描述为pesante或重型(公元前 575-480 年)。较精细的商品通常与南部的伊特鲁里亚城市有关,较重的商品与北部城市有关。到公元前 5 世纪早期,buccero 被更精细的伊特鲁里亚陶器所取代,例如黑色和红色的陶器。 伊特鲁里亚希腊商品 公元前 670 至 600 年间,许多陶器从科林斯进口尤其是阿提卡、爱奥尼亚和近东。来自腓尼基的流行进口品是喙嘴壶和“朝圣瓶”,这是一个带有几何装饰的圆形扁平瓶。这些进口商品,有时是艺术家自己的移民,激发了伊特鲁里亚艺术家制作自己的版本并在自己的作品中复制新的装饰风格。植物、动物和人物现在取代了迄今为止占主导地位的相当简朴的几何设计。陶器的生产量如此之大,以至于艺术史学家已经能够根据风格和主题识别出几位不同的伊特鲁里亚陶器画家。一位这样的艺术家是 Vulci 的 Micali 画家,他拥有 200 多个幸存的花瓶。希腊神话中的场景是典型的,但有当地的补充和发明。大型 Caeretan Hydria 是一种用于盛水的双柄花瓶,是 Cerveteri 的特产。 公元前 4 世纪和 3 世纪,出现了使用柱式克拉特器皿作为骨灰盒的趋势,这些器皿通常绘有两个相对的大头,一男一女。虽然不是肖像,但它们比希腊陶器上的类似描绘更自然。开发了一种廉价模仿金属制品的创造性方法,将陶器浸入锡盆中,使其具有类似于银的薄而有光泽的涂层,因此它们的名称为Ceramica argentata。最后,法利斯坎地区独有的,模制的女神(也许是得墨忒耳)的站立头被制造出来,并作为监护人存放在坟墓中。 尽管国内生产方式多种多样,但原始的希腊花瓶仍然受到高度推崇,并经常存放在伊特鲁里亚墓葬中,这是希腊以外这些商品的最佳来源之一。例如,从公元前 550 年开始,在 Cerveteri 的适当命名的希腊花瓶墓中,有 150 多件来自阿提卡的红色和黑色陶器,经过几代人的沉淀。 兵马俑屋顶装饰品 成为伊特鲁里亚特产的一个不寻常的陶器领域是陶土屋顶装饰的创作。这个想法可以追溯到维拉诺万文化,简单小屋的顶屋顶接受了这样的装饰。伊特鲁里亚人比希腊建筑上的类似装饰更进了一步,并制作了真人大小的人物雕塑来装饰他们的寺庙屋顶。私人建筑也有植物、棕榈树和小雕像形式的兵马俑装饰。这个领域最令人印象深刻的幸存者是c . 公元前 510 年,位于 Veii 的波多纳乔神庙。这座寺庙的内部进一步装饰着描绘神话场景的兵马俑板。 兵马俑板也用于建筑物的外部,通常在山墙末端,这种格式在Acquarossa的公元前 7 世纪和 6 世纪的例子中最为明显。他们展示了客人在长凳上闲逛的晚餐或酒会的场景;音乐家和舞蹈家,包括杂技表演侧手翻的人;还有一队携带长矛和盾牌的战士,伴随着战车。这些面板目前在维泰博的国家伊特鲁里亚博物馆展出。 石棺和骨灰盒 伊特鲁里亚人将死者的火化遗体埋在由陶土制成的骨灰盒中。在公元前6世纪,也有将尸体埋在装饰性石棺中的趋势。两种类型都可以在盖子上雕刻死者的形象,在石棺的情况下,有时是一对。后一种类型最著名的例子是来自 Cerveteri 的已婚夫妇的石棺,现在在罗马的朱利亚别墅。两个人影斜靠在沙发或床上,丈夫的右臂搂着妻子的肩膀。最初,他们会拿着香水瓶或鸡蛋等物品,这些物品是再生的象征。 Chiusi提供了另一种有趣的陶器用途。那里的早期墓葬包含大型陶瓦容器,里面放置了装有死者火化遗体的“Canopic”罐子。这些罐子通常高半米,被制成类似于人形,有时附有青铜面具,穿着衣服、腰带和珠宝,坐在石头、青铜或赤土陶器的微型宝座上。 在希腊化时期,丧葬艺术真正兴起,人物虽然以与公元前 6 世纪石棺版本相似的姿势呈现,但对死者的描绘变得不那么理想化和更现实。它们通常只描绘一个人,最初被涂成鲜艳的颜色。下盒部分的侧面通常装饰有浮雕,描绘神话或建筑图案的场景,例如三字形和玫瑰花结。来自 Chiusi 的 Seianti Thanunia Tlesnasa 的石棺就是一个很好的例子,现在在伦敦的大英博物馆。
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kong sai ma li gahan ji bei yi soa ba gong a ma gong ai ji gong muma ba gong mun du du neia ma gong mun nai xi nei ai ji gong mun nuo bu ji yao aowu su wu su ca lang da以上是韩文的罗马发音~望采纳~
2023-07-07 19:38:412


英语:Clever utensils In today"s world, human consumption, the tools can be divided into three categories: Europe and North America, with a knife, fork and spoon, and a meal for three; China, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and North Korea, with chopsticks; Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia and India Fresh fingers to grasp the subcontinent. China is the birthplace of chopsticks to eat less chopsticks 3000 has been the history of the world"s fresh to chopsticks for the home country. Chopsticks can be considered an extension of human fingers, the fingers can do it almost can do, and are not afraid of heat and cold. Chopsticks only looks very simple two small thin rods, but like hands can pick allocated, folders, mix, expense. . . . . . Chopsticks in the world is a unique tableware. All used chopsticks, all admiration for the inventor of chopsticks. According to historical records, the earliest chopsticks appeared in the Neolithic period over 3,000 years ago. Chopsticks is not only the emergence of a culture of the Chinese diet revolution, it is a symbol of human civilization. After years of trying and time baptism, the history of chopsticks has not been eliminated, but the dissemination of a more-lasting bridge of life, and slowly evolved to a practical and cultural integration in the form of existence. Different chopsticks China: chopsticks are mostly approximate cube, only the head and tail slightly compared Fine. The relatively fast growth of bamboo and widespread, and the utilization of high Zhukuai. Japan: the first is the tip of the chopsticks, which are wooden, also has a bag of paint, the name China used the old saying goes, "chopsticks." Korean Peninsula: Because of war, chopsticks for more durable, and their flat chopsticks are made of two metal. Today"s chopsticks, has been not only as a tool for dining, but has become a unique cultural forms, represents a civilized atmosphere, appeared in the world, a study, use, enjoy, gift, combining art collections. Scientists who physiology from the perspective of the results of a study by chopsticks, and that eating with chopsticks, it is necessary to affect the human body more than 30 joints and more than 50 of the muscles, thus stimulating the brain system activities, people movements flexible thinking Agile.意大利语:Clever utensili Nel mondo di oggi, il consumo umano, gli strumenti possono essere suddivisi in tre categorie: l"Europa e il Nord America, con un coltello, forchetta e cucchiaio, e di un pasto per tre; Cina, Giappone, Vietnam, Corea del Sud e la Corea del Nord, con le bacchette; Africa, il Medio Oriente, in Indonesia e in India Fresh dita di afferrare il subcontinente. La Cina è il luogo di nascita di bacchette per mangiare meno bacchette 3000 è stata la storia del mondo, fresco di bacchette per il paese di origine. Bacchette può essere considerato un"estensione di umana dita, le dita possono farlo quasi in grado di fare, e non hanno paura di calore e di freddo. Bacchette solo aspetto molto semplice, sottile, due piccoli cilindri, ma, come le mani la possibilità di scegliere assegnati, cartelle, la combinazione spese. . . . . . Bacchette e il mondo è un unica tavola. Tutti i bastoncini usati, tutti ammirazione per l"inventore di bacchette. Secondo la documentazione storica, la prima apparsa in bastoncini al periodo Neolitico, oltre 3000 anni fa. Bacchette non è solo la nascita di una cultura della rivoluzione cinese dieta, è un simbolo della civiltà umana. Dopo anni di tempo e cercando il battesimo, la storia delle bacchette non è stata eliminata, ma la diffusione di una più duratura-ponte della vita, e lentamente evoluto in una pratica e l"integrazione culturale e la forma di esistenza. Diversi bastoncini Cina: bastoncini sono per la maggior parte approssimativa cubo, solo la testa e la coda leggermente rispetto Belle. La crescita relativamente rapida di bambù e diffusa, e l"utilizzo di alta Zhukuai. Giappone: il primo è la punta delle bacchette, che sono di legno, ha anche un sacco di vernice, il nome Cina utilizzato il vecchio va dicendo, "bacchette". Penisola coreana: a causa della guerra, per bacchette più durevoli, e il loro piatto bacchette sono fatte di due metallo. Bastoncini di oggi, è stato non solo come uno strumento per la sala da pranzo, ma è diventato un unico forme culturali, rappresenta un ambiente civilizzato, apparso nel mondo, uno studio, l"uso, godere, dono, che unisce collezioni d"arte. Fisiologia scienziati che dal punto di vista dei risultati di uno studio di bastoncini, e che mangiare con bacchette, è necessario incidere il corpo umano più di 30 giunture e di più di 50 dei muscoli, il cervello stimolando così l"attività di sistema, i movimenti di persone Agile pensiero flessibile.
2023-07-07 19:38:503

西班牙女郎 外文 翻译

Orecchio esternoL"orecchio esterno è formato dal padiglione auricolare e dal condotto uditivo esterno. Il padiglione auricolare è costituito da cartilagine rivestita dalla pelle strettamente adesa ad una sottostante membrana di tessuto connettivo, il pericondrio. La sua funzione è quella di raccogliere i suoni per inviarli all"interno del condotto uditivo. Il condotto uditivo è una galleria dalle pareti lisce provvista di peli e di ghiandole sebacee e ghiandole ceruminose, il cui secreto ricco di cere ha una funzione protettiva.Orecchio medioAl termine del condotto uditivo si trova la membrana del timpano, che è una sottile membrana sensibile alle onde sonore che vengono a infrangersi su di essa. Le vibrazioni così raccolte vengono trasmesse a tre ossicini, i più piccoli del corpo umano: il martello, direttamente a contatto con la membrana del timpano, l"incudine e la staffa. Questa prende contatto col labirinto. I tre ossicini dell"udito sono contenuti in una cavità, la cassa del timpano,che comunica all"esterno attraverso un piccolo canale lungo 3-4 cm, la Tromba di Eustachio, che sbocca nella faringe. In questo modo l"orecchio è collegato con la gola. Ciò permette di mantenere in equilibrio la pressione dell"aria al di là e al di quà del timpano.Orecchio internoL"orecchio interno è la parte interna dell"apparato stato-acustico, divisibile in due porzioni, definite "labirinti":Labirinto osseo (o parte ossea), la cavità interna presenta una parete ossea.Labirinto membranoso, presente internamente al labirinto osseo; in esso sono individuabili organi a parete connettivale.Tra le due porzioni di labirinto è presente un liquido, definito perilinfa, mentre internamente agli organi del labirinto membranoso è presente l"endolinfa. 我想不会有人翻译的出来的。。。。这应该是【Scienze】里的吧?我在意大利过N年 上面写的都懂不过翻译就翻译不出来了 呵呵你如果要学的话最好不要翻译成中文,因为那样的话会越来越混乱的。。。我就试过了。。======================西班牙女郎 Letra De La Spagnola
2023-07-07 19:39:181

找个好人就嫁了吧 英文翻译

I knew your I arrive today not to be able the old age to permanent me to know actually our each other falls in love is doomed to have actually to bid good-bye does not have the good fortune I to know but too many pays lets you for like being thin and pale I to know you departed let you fall down the tear to ask a good person reluctantly to marry although was not in my heart the speech because even if could not lay down only me the sentiment to deep place everybody beforehand to have the family to ask a good person to marry lets the time fade from the memory it regardless of arrived the ends of the Earth to let me come to pray for heavenly blessing me for you to know your I arrive today not to be able the old age to permanent me to know actually our each other fell in love is doomed to have actually to bid good-bye does not have the good fortune I to knowBut too many pays lets you for like being thin and pale I to know you departed let you fall down the tear to ask a good person reluctantly to marry although was not in my heart the speech because even if could not lay down only me the sentiment to deep place everybody beforehand to have the family to ask a good person to marry lets the time fade from the memory it regardless of arrived the ends of the Earth to let me come to pray for heavenly blessing her my young person friend life difficult shed her for you who my young person friend I doted on to ask a good person to marry although was not in my heart the speech because even if could not lay down only me the sentiment to deep place everybody beforehand to haveThe family has asked a good person to marry lets the time fade from the memory it regardless of arrives the ends of the Earth to let me come to pray for heavenly blessing for you regardless of arrives the ends of the Earth to let me come to pray for heavenly blessing for you
2023-07-07 19:39:286


2023-07-07 19:39:4710


Creamemollient moisturizingcorrects and prevents skin drynessDRY SKIN--------------这个都是英语和其他国家语言一起的说明..上面是英语部分..cream..面霜..emollient moisturizing..软化滋润corrects and prevents skin dryness..改善并且预防皮肤的干燥DRY SKIN..国外化妆品一般会标明适用肤质..这个是干性皮肤适用.. 所以这就是一款给干性皮肤用的滋润型面霜
2023-07-07 19:40:261


AVVERTENZA:Per evitare il pericoio di soffocamento,tenere questo sacchetto lontano dalla portala di neonati e bambini. Non utilizzare in carrozze,culle e parchi. ll film sottile di questa borsa puo aderire al naso e provocare soffocamento.Questo sacchetto non e un giocattolo.
2023-07-07 19:40:331

跪求 早一部电影

2023-07-07 19:40:585


AVVERTENZA:Per evitare il pericolo di soffocamento,tenere questo sacchetto lontano dalla portala di neonatl e bambini.Non utilizzare in carrozze,culle e parchi, ll film sottile di questa borsa puo aderire al naso e provocare soffocamento.Questo sacchetto non e un giocattolo.
2023-07-07 19:41:131


2023-07-07 19:41:217


天空 在你心中 飘着一阵微风 在你心中 有着许多梦想 你是这么的伟大 还有那些飘荡着的云 以及不让你们进入他们内心的人们 晨曦 Rosea 她正朝这来 轻盈地 安静地 披着她长长的斗篷 用着纤细的气息 抚爱着天空 熄灭了星星 如今她微笑着 太阳看见了她 也笑啊 笑啊 笑啊 然后她就走了
2023-07-07 19:41:474


2023-07-07 19:41:565


2023-07-07 19:42:103

コンピューターラブ with TOKO 罗马歌词是什么

"Love Computer con TOKO ( So"Fly ) "Testo della canzone : Giorgio 13Autori : Giorgio CancemiSong: NERDHEADVirtualizzato e Sabato sera il signorMoonlight a brillare attraverso la finestra della stanzaQuesto computer amano divampareParlo nel mondo del caldo solo conNon posso interferire anche chattare chattare chiunque fino al mattinoCon Kimi to Boku , che ha portato alla luceAmore lettera che è stata simboleggiava le paroleAmore virtuale basta compilare la solitudineE non importa se u può amarlaLa tua ragazza è digitalizzatoSono portato al tuo cuoretutto ciò che è in calcolatorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amoreHo anche incontrato con te Sabato seraLuce Computer fuoriuscita dalla finestra della cameraCome sempre ti alzeraiNecessità di cura degli occhi delle persone , tale hooDurante la metà della tastiera notte di chat videochat Kacha ~ tsu Kacha ~ tsuLa forma dell"amore di due persone nello scambio via LanEmozioni di essere spostati dalle parole digitali di realizzazioneE non importa se u lui può amareIl tuo ragazzo è digitalizzatoSono portato al tuo cuoretutto ciò che è in calcolatorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio . computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio . computer di amoreL. ... U. . V. ....Tre lettere che galleggiano sullo schermoLuci spente in salapc sciaPer spegnere il rumoremai sentirsi soliA- Kon composto da cuffiei non è sola , maHo bisogno di qualcuno con cui parlareHo bisogno di una risposta che si vuole sentire sul latoLa linea per anniStudio di sei tatami quello tra il mio mondo è l"unicoNon vi è alcun valore per lo spettatoreIo non sottile sembrerebbe essere la vitaMa la fidanzata sono anche a meMa cosa c"è di sbagliato ? U cagna solo 2DRagazza non tradireNon ha mai smettere di amarmiRagazza ossessionante momento ancheU & me per la connessione in fibra otticacon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorecon un piccolo bacio ,con due piccolo bacio ,con un tre piccolo bacio , computer di amorefine
2023-07-07 19:42:171


2023-07-07 19:42:255


2023-07-07 19:42:525

哪个AKB的so long是不是只有三夜……

2023-07-07 19:40:123


(一)See two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure,parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels-- to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don‘t know if they are getting A or C, and I don‘t care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax. They can‘t.Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation. Encouraged at commencemerit to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy-- subjects with no "practical" value.Where‘s the payoff on the humanities? It‘s not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise, after many roundabout ways.The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail. (二)A scientific career planning. According to the society and their own conditions, early to do their own career planning, enhance employment and entrepreneurship is very important for college students successful employment. For many graduates, not so much the employment difficulties, as it is the employment lost ", the lack of scientific planning for their future development, which often also become an important reason to feel helpless when they face employment pressure. Survey, 62.2 percent of the students did not plan their future development and career, 32.8% is not clear, only 4.9% have a clear design. As the saying goes, opportunities always favor those who are prepared. Students going to find the ideal career, first must plan ahead, as soon as possible a clear career goals, ahead of the career planning, and carry out the stock of knowledge and social practice; the same time, through scientific cognitive methods and means, their own interests. temperament, personality and ability to fully and correctly analyze and understand their own strengths and weaknesses of efforts to make their own "long board" longer "short board" fill long. In addition, there is a way ", as long as there is perseverance, perseverance, perseverance along the goal is bound to succeed.Have a good job mentality. Employment itself is a kind of competition. As a young university graduates, often Mentality. Once in employment setbacks, it is easy demoralized, depressed. Therefore, maintaining good employment mentality is also very important for the successful employment of university graduates. Faced with the grim employment situation for college graduates with confidence and courage to face competition, can not sell, timid, afraid to "sell"; can not be arrogant, pick and choose the unit, the ultimate "high not lower, not. " To clearly understand that the job encountered difficulties, frustration, grievance is temporary, unavoidable, blindly complaining about not solve the problem, the key is to treat setbacks have sufficient psychological preparation, belief in the "I"m Born with put the location, attitude adjustment, turn pressure into motivation, so that he can be calm, stay calm in face of the employment life is a major issue and make a correct and rational choice.Also, the spirit of entrepreneurship and prepare. At present, the developed countries, university graduates entrepreneurship rate in the 20-30%, while China is only 1-2%. Entrepreneurial, both the employment of an effective way to achieve the ideals of university graduates a shortcut. To further improve the laws and policies to encourage college graduates to entrepreneurship, to strengthen the entrepreneurial guidance and skills training for university graduates, and strive to provide more favorable conditions for university graduates entrepreneurs.
2023-07-07 19:40:121


2023-07-07 19:40:155


route:如果理解为动词的话,路由,按规定路线发送 router:路由器
2023-07-07 19:40:161


2023-07-07 19:40:202


Ghost 使用详解 一、分区备份 使用Ghost进行系统备份,有整个硬盘(Disk)和分区硬盘(Partition)两种方式。在菜单中点击 Local(本地)项,在右面弹出的菜单中有3个子项,其中 Disk表示备份整个硬盘(即克隆)、Partition 表示备份硬盘的单个分区、Check 表示检查硬盘或备份的文件,查看是否可能因分区、硬盘被破坏等造成备份或还原失败。分区备份作为个人用户来保存系统数据,特别是在恢复和复制系统分区时具有实用价值。 选 Local→Partition→To Image 菜单,弹出硬盘选择窗口,开始分区备份操作。点击该窗口中白色的硬盘信息条,选择硬盘,进入窗口,选择要操作的分区(若没有鼠标,可用键盘进行操作:TAB键进行切换,回车键进行确认,方向键进行选择)。 在弹出的窗口中选择备份储存的目录路径并输入备份文件名称,注意备份文件的名称带有 GHO 的后缀名。 接下来,程序会询问是否压缩备份数据,并给出3个选择:No 表示不压缩,Fast表示压缩比例小而执行备份速度较快,High 就是压缩比例高但执行备份速度相当慢。最后选择 Yes 按钮即开始进行分区硬盘的备份。Ghost 备份的速度相当快,不用久等就可以完成,备份的文件以 GHO 后缀名储存在设定的目录中。 二、硬盘克隆与备份 硬盘的克隆就是对整个硬盘的备份和还原。选择菜单Local→Disk→To Disk,在弹出的窗口中选择源硬盘(第一个硬盘),然后选择要复制到的目标硬盘(第二个硬盘)。注意,可以设置目标硬盘各个分区的大小,Ghost 可以自动对目标硬盘按设定的分区数值进行分区和格式化。选择 Yes 开始执行。 Ghost 能将目标硬盘复制得与源硬盘几乎完全一样,并实现分区、格式化、复制系统和文件一步完成。只是要注意目标硬盘不能太小,必须能将源硬盘的数据内容装下。 Ghost 还提供了一项硬盘备份功能,就是将整个硬盘的数据备份成一个文件保存在硬盘上(菜单 Local→Disk→To Image),然后就可以随时还原到其他硬盘或源硬盘上,这对安装多个系统很方便。使用方法与分区备份相似。 三、备份还原 如果硬盘中备份的分区数据受到损坏,用一般数据修复方法不能修复,以及系统被破坏后不能启动,都可以用备份的数据进行完全的复原而无须重新安装程序或系统。当然,也可以将备份还原到另一个硬盘上。 要恢复备份的分区,就在界面中选择菜单Local→Partition→From Image,在弹出窗口中选择还原的备份文件,再选择还原的硬盘和分区,点击 Yes 按钮即可。
2023-07-07 19:40:232

Vue Router 详解

hash本质上是改变window.location的href属性 ,你只能改变#后面的url片段。 我们可以通过直接赋值location.hash来改变href, 但是页面不发生刷新 history接口是HTML5新增的, history 它有五种模式改变URL而不刷新页面. (1)params 刷新页面参数会丢失 (2)query 刷新页面参数不丢失 全局守卫: 跳转前: router.beforeEach((to,from,next)=>{ to: Route : 即将要进入的目标 [路由对象] from: Route : 当前导航正要离开的路由 next: Function : 一定要调用该方法来 resolve 这个钩子。执行效果依赖 next 方法的调用参数。 next() : 进行管道中的下一个钩子。如果全部钩子执行完了,则导航的状态就是 confirmed (确认的)。 next(false) : 中断当前的导航。如果浏览器的 URL 改变了 (可能是用户手动或者浏览器后退按钮),那么 URL 地址会重置到 from 路由对应的地址。 next("/") 或者 next({ path: "/" }) : 跳转到一个不同的地址。当前的导航被中断,然后进行一个新的导航。你可以向 next 传递任意位置对象,且允许设置诸如 replace: true、name: "home" 之类的选项以及任何用在router-link 的 to prop 或 router.push中的选项。 next(error)导航会被终止且该错误会被传递给 router.onError()注册过的回调 }) 跳转后 : router.afterEach((to,from)=>{// ...}) beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => { } router.push(url) 导航到新url,向 history栈添加一条新访问记录,等同于window.history.pushState router.replace(url) 导航到新url,替换 history 栈中当前记录,等同于window.history.replaceState router.go(n) 在 history 记录中向前或者后退多少步,类似 window.history.go(n) router.go(1) 在浏览器记录中前进一步,等同于 history.forward() router.go(-1) 后退一步记录,等同于 history.back() router.go(0) 刷新当前页面 router.back() 导航回退一步,类似于router.go(-1) router. forward() 导航前进一步,但是不刷新前进页的表单,类似于router.go(1)
2023-07-07 19:40:231

《思想者》 英文介绍 答完后30+分

换一个加上动作描写的: Auguste Rodin"s sculpture "The Thinker" is known around the world. Head in hand, the nude figure sits in intense contemplation, twisting awkwardly to rest his right arm on his left knee. Rodin said of his work, "What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes." The Thinker was originally conceived as the central figure for the monumental "Gates of Hell," a commission Rodin never completed. The piece gained its current title when it was exhibited in Paris in 1899.等等,楼主的意思是翻译过来吗?
2023-07-07 19:40:241


2023-07-07 19:40:261


1.《头脑风暴》Brainstorm AS …… Karen Brace (1983)2. Willie and Phil AS …… Herself (1980)3. The Memory of Eva Ryker AS …… Eva/Claire Ryker (1980)4. The 51st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film (1979)5. The Cracker Factory AS …… Cassie Barrett (1979)6. Meteor AS …… Tatiana Nikolaevna Donskaya (1979)7. The 50th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Presenter: Best Costume Design (1978)8. The American Film Institute Salute to Bette Davis AS …… Herself (1977)9. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof AS …… Maggie (1976)10. James Dean: The First American Teenager AS …… The producers thank (1975)11. Peeper AS …… Ellen Prendergast (1975)12. The American Film Institute Salute to Orson Welles AS …… Herself (1975)13. James Dean Remembered AS …… Herself (1974)14. I"m a Stranger Here Myself AS …… Herself (1974)15. ABC"s Wide World of Entertainment Memories of a Gentle Giant AS …… Herself (1974)16. The 45th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Documentary,Short Subjects & Features (1973)17. The Affair AS …… Courtney Patterson (1973)18.《候选人》The Candidate AS …… Herself (1972)19. Happy Land AS …… Bit Part (uncredited) (1970)20. The 41st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration & Scientific & Technical Awards (1969)21. The 40th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Presenter: Best Special Effects (1968)22.《蓬门碧玉红颜泪》This Property Is Condemned AS …… Alva Starr (1966)23.《贼美人》Penelope AS …… Penelope Elcott (1966)24. Penelope"s Fashion Show AS …… Herself (uncredited) (1966)25.《疯狂大赛车》The Great Race AS …… Maggie DuBois (1965)26.《春花秋月奈何天》Inside Daisy Clover AS …… Daisy Clover (1965)27. Sex and the Single Girl AS …… Helen Gurley Brown (1964)28.《陌生人之恋》Love with the Proper Stranger AS …… Angie Rossini (1963)29.《玫瑰舞后》Gypsy AS …… Louise "Gypsy Rose Lee" Hovick (1962)30.《西区故事》West Side Story AS …… Maria (1961)31.《天涯何处无芳草》Splendor in the Grass AS …… Wilma Dean Loomis (1961)32.《情海波澜》All the Fine Young Cannibals AS …… Sarah "Salome" Davis (1960)33. Cash McCall AS …… Lory Austen (1960)34. The 31st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Documentary Awards (1959)35.《初恋》Marjorie Morningstar AS …… Marjorie Morgenstern (1958)36. Kings Go Forth AS …… Monique Blair (1958)37.《詹姆斯狄恩传》The James Dean Story AS …… Herself (Giant premiere) (archive footage) (uncredited) (1957)38. The Bob Hope Show Episode dated 25 January 1957 AS …… Herself (1957)39. Bombers B-52 AS …… Lois Brennan (1957)40. The Burning Hills AS …… Maria Christina Colton (1956)41.《搜索者》The Searchers AS …… Debbie Edwards (older) (1956)42.《少爷从军记》The Girl He Left Behind AS …… Susan Daniels (1956)43. A Cry in the Night AS …… Liz Taggart (1956)44. The Kaiser Aluminum Hour Carnival AS …… Kathy Jo (1956)45.《无因的反抗》Rebel Without a Cause AS …… Judy (1955)46.《圣杯》The Silver Chalice AS …… Helena,as a child (1954)47. The Pride of the Family AS …… Ann Morrison (1953-1955) (1953)48.《就是为你》Just for You AS …… Barbara Blake (1952)49.《昨日星尘》The Star AS …… Gretchen (1952)50. Dear Brat AS …… Pauline (1951)51.《青纱红泪》The Blue Veil AS …… Stephanie Rawlins (1951)52. Never a Dull Moment AS …… Nancy "Nan" Hayward (1950)53.《亲情深似海》Our Very Own AS …… Penny Macaulay (1950)54.《一朝春尽红颜老》No Sad Songs for Me AS …… Polly Scott (1950)55. The Jackpot AS …… Phyllis Lawrence (1950)56. Father Was a Fullback AS …… Ellen Cooper (1949)57. The Green Promise AS …… Susan Anastasia Matthews (1949)58. Chicken Every Sunday AS …… Ruth Hefferan (1949)59. Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! AS …… Bean McGill (1948)60.《寡妇情深结鬼缘》Ghost and Mrs. Muir,The AS …… Anna Muir as a Child (1947)61.《梦幻街奇缘》Miracle on 34th Street AS …… Susan Walker (1947)
2023-07-07 19:40:271

出现Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number 标题的框时,下边只有一个 1 然后

出现这个 是在GHOST备份文件,恢复系统的时候出现的下边是具体步骤,其中包括你说的这串英文字母-----------------------------------刚搜到GHOST使用教程:Ghost使用教程 功能一:磁盘复制到磁盘(不常用,是硬盘对硬盘之间的数据备份,也是分区+数据的克隆) 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Disk"(位置记法是1,1,1) 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择源磁盘驱动器。 3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择目标磁盘驱动器。 4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是目标磁盘的分区布局, 选择"OK". 6. 在"Question"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始克隆,选择"NO",返回主菜单。
2023-07-07 19:40:303


AP(接入点)模式在AP模式下,需要把迷你无线路由器接入到已经可以上网的路由器或者交换机上面,然后迷你无线路由器可以提供无线WiFi,一般的迷你无线路由器出厂时默认都是AP模式。Router(无线路由)模式在Router(无线路由)模式下,迷你无线路由器和普通的无线路由器一样,需要把迷你无线路由器与猫(光猫)或者宽带运营商提供的入户网线连接起来,然后需要设置“宽带帐号”和“宽带密码”来拨号上网。也就是说,在Router模式下,迷你无线路由器是直接与光猫、ADSL Modem、入户网线进行连接的,然后需要用户设置“宽带帐号”和“宽带密码”才能上网,和普通的无线路由器没有区别。
2023-07-07 19:40:321


The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take off his coat will be the stronger." So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself. Then the sun came out. He shone on the traveler. The traveler soon felt quite hot, and took off his coat. ==================================================================== 风和太阳 ●风和太阳两方为谁的能量大相互争论不休。 ●突然,他们看到一个行人走在路上,太阳说:“谁能使行人脱下衣服,谁就更强大。” ●太阳藏在乌云后面,风开始拼命地吹,风刮得越猛烈,行人越是裹紧自己的衣服。 ●太阳出来了,暖暖地晒着行人,行人感到很热,很快就把外套脱了下来。
2023-07-07 19:40:332


2023-07-07 19:40:331

Relatives 是什么意思

relative [04rel05tiv] adj. 相对的; 比较的 He retired and lived in relative isolation. 他退休后, 生活比较孤寂。 n. 亲属, 亲戚 My uncle is my nearest relative. 叔叔是我最近的亲人。
2023-07-07 19:40:361


   tplink路由器Router模式的设置   Router模式下,路由器就相当于一台无线路由器,有线口作为WAN口,无线为LAN,所有的无线客户端可以实现共享一条宽带线路上网。其典型的网络应用结构   下面介绍 路由器Router模式下的快速设置方法。    一 PC的网络参数设置   注意:路由器 只有一个有线接口,该接口网线连接前端设备并将作为WAN口。由于电脑不能通过连接WAN口登陆路由器的管理界面,所以需要无线连接到该无线路由器进行配置。   路由器默认不开启DHCP服务器,不能为电脑自动分配IP地址,所以需要配置电脑无线网络连接的IP地址,才能登陆路由器的管理界面。将电脑无线网络连接IP地址设置为192.168.1.X(1≤X≤252),子网掩码设置为:,设置完成之后,点击“确定”生效。路由器默认管理IP地址“”。   电脑有线或无线连接到路由器(以Windows XP系统无线连接到路由器为例),路由器出厂默认工作在AP模式,默认SSID是:TP-LINK_PocketAP_FFFFFE (“FFFFFE”是路由器无线MAC地址后六位),且并未设置无线安全。电脑扫描环境中的无线网络,选中路由器的"无线SSID,并点击“连接”,连接上之后,    二 路由器的设置   步骤1:在浏览器中输入“”,输入登陆帐号及密码均为admin,打开路由器的管理界面,自动弹出“设置向导”(也可以点击管理界面菜单“设置向导”),   步骤2:点击“下一步”开始设置,弹出无线工作模式设置页面,   步骤3:选择“Router”,点击下一步,弹出无线设置页面,   上图所示页面中,可以设置路由器的SSID(即无线网络名称)。为防止非法用户蹭网,建议设置无线安全,推荐选择“WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”并设置PSK密码(本例为123456789)。   步骤4:点击“下一步”,弹出上网方式选择页面。选择您的宽带上网方式(此处以PPPoE拨号为例),选择“PPPoE(ADSL虚拟拨号)”。   步骤5:点击“下一步”,弹出上网账号及上网口令输入框,   步骤6:输入宽带“上网账号”及“上网口令”。点击“下一步”,提示设备需要重新启动,   点击“重启”,路由器自动重新启动,设置完成。   步骤7:重启完成,此时路由器的无线网络已经设置了无线安全,电脑的无线网络连接会自动断开,需要重新连接路由器的无线网络(本例中SSID为TP-LINK_PocketAP_FFFFFE),连接过程中需要输入路由器的无线PSK密码(本例为123456789),连接上之后,   步骤8:设置向导设置Router模式完成后并重启路由器之后, DHCP服务器会自动开启,电脑的无线网络连接可以自动获取IP地址以及DNS服务器。所以请将无线网络连接IP地址重新设置为自动获取IP地址,点击“确定”生效,才能正常连接至Internet,   步骤9:重新无线连接到路由器,进入路由器管理界面,点击菜单“运行状态”,查看“WAN口状态”,   若在“WAN口状态”查看到路由器已经获取到的IP及DNS服务器地址,说明PPPoE拨号成功。   至此路由器的Router模式已经配置完成,并且成功连接至互联网,无线网络也已经设置WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK的无线安全。电脑已经可以无线连接路由器上网了,其他电脑只需连接上路由器即可正常上网。
2023-07-07 19:40:091

so long my friend 是什么意思?

so long,直译就是“就这么长吧”,是告别的意思。
2023-07-07 19:40:053


2023-07-07 19:40:041

till i collapse-Eminem

2023-07-07 19:40:033

router 和 route 的区别

1.router 是 VueRouter 的一个对象,通过Vue.use(VueRouter) 和 VueRouter 构造函数得到的一个实例对象,这个对象中是一个全局的对象,它包含了所有路i有包含了许多关键的对象和属性 2.route 是一个跳转路由的对象,每一个路由都会有一个route 对象,是一个局部对象,可以获取对应的name ,path ,params,query等
2023-07-07 19:40:021


relative的复数形式是直接加s,即relatives。relative可作形容词和名词,作为形容词,含义为相对的、相关联的、相比之下存在的;作为名词,是可数名词,含义为亲戚、同类事物、亲属双语例句:1、She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.她决定要多走走亲戚。2、She is very busy caring for two elderly relatives.她在忙着照顾两个年老的亲戚。3、Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.亲属需要时间痛悼他们失去的至爱。4、They weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates.他们对四名候选人各自的优点作了比较。5、Given the failure of the previous plan,this turned out to be a relative success.由于前面那个计划失败了,这个计划算是比较成功的。6、They now live in relative comfort.他们现在过得比较舒适。7、The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.医生可以征得亲属的同意后再施行此项手术。8、Having aged relatives to stay in your house can be quite stressful.年迈的亲戚住在家里有时压力相当大。9、She went to visit relatives in Wales.她去威尔士看望亲戚了。10、The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat.北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。
2023-07-07 19:39:561


2023-07-07 19:39:561

【Till I Collapse】有时心情不好就听这首。。太刺激了! 歌词翻译中文

2023-07-07 19:39:552


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2023-07-07 19:39:551


2023-07-07 19:39:491


2023-07-07 19:39:461


2023-07-07 19:39:414

求Jay-z的my president is black 的完整歌词.Remix版的

creatin murders to kill hatersAccused for every crime known through the equatorThey knew I did it (uh-huh) for havin blood on <STRONG class=tx_hit>my gators<STRONG class=tx_hit>My weedll hit yo chest like a double barrel gauge anWith a fifth in me, when I guzzle Remi I do shit on purposeYou never hear me say, "Forgive me"Im snatchin every penny - it gotta be that way nigga, face itThat weed I sold to you, Brigade laced itYou hidin, I make the <STRONG class=tx_hit>president get a faceliftNiggaz just afraid, handin me they braceletsChillin in the lab wastedIm the type thatll drink Kahlua and gin - throw up on the micYour life <STRONG class=tx_hit>is ruined, you get socked right on siteAnd even at the Million Man March, we gon fightSo you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shitCause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dickCause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shitCause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dickIm a compulsive liar, settin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my preacher on fireSlashin your tires, flyin down Fenkel and MeyersPlates expired, soon as Im hired, Im firedJackin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick off in a bed of barbed wire(Hey, <STRONG class=tx_hit>is Bizarre performing?) Bitch didnt you read the flyer?Special invited guest will be, Richard Pryor(Arent you a male dancer?) Nah bitch, Im retiredFuckin your bitch in the ass with a tire ironIm ripped, Im on an acid trip(Damn!)Im fuckin anything when Im snortinIts gonna cost 300 dollars to get <STRONG class=tx_hit>my pit bull an abortionSome bitch asked for <STRONG class=tx_hit>my autographI called her a whore, spit beer in her face and laughedI drop bombs like I was in VietnamAll bitches <STRONG class=tx_hit>is hoes, even <STRONG class=tx_hit>my stinkin ass momAiyyo flashback, two feets, two deep up in that ass cracknigga pass thatIn Amsterdam we only hang out with hash ratsAt a Stop the Violence rally, I blast gatsBe your mom on publishin, get your ASCAP-pedThe Kuniva, divide up your cash stackRun your motherfuckin pockets, ASAPI dont need a platinum chain, bitch I snatch ShaqsBorn loser, half theif and half <STRONG class=tx_hit>blackBring your boys and your guns and get laughed atBitch smacker, rich rappers get they Jag jackedand found chopped up in a trash bagWe stranglin rappers until the point they cant yellcause they crew <STRONG class=tx_hit>is full of fags and sweeter than bake salesReckless, come from behind and snatch your necklaceGruesome, and causin more violence than nine hoodlumsI grapple your adams apple until it crackleRun right past you, turn around, grab you and stab youGet executed, cuz Im a "Luni"I got a "Yukmouth" and its pollutedI cock it back then shoot itI love snatchin up players thugs and young ballersShoot up the household, even the young toddlersBrigade barricade to bring the noiseWhile the bullets break your bones up like Christmas toysIf I go solo, Im doin a song with BoloA big Chinese nigga, screamin "Kuniva yo yo.."I leave ya face leakin, run up in churchand smack the preacher while hes preachinTake a swing at the deaconI used to tell cats I sold weed and weightI was straight til I got caught sellin em shakeIm ignorant, with the intent to snatch your rentI got kicked out of summer camp for havin sex in <STRONG class=tx_hit>my tentwith the superintendents daughter, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my brains out of orderIve been a Kon Artis since I was swimmin in waterIn cahoots with this nigga named Carlisle Vonwho got fired from UPS for tryin to send you a bomb(Special delivery!) I signed to a local label for funSay I got cancer, get dropped, take the advancement and runDriveby you in the rain while you carry your sonCall your house and hang up on you for not givin me noneBorn straight up out a pussy but a son of a gunGot a reputation for havin niggaz runnin they fundsUsed to be the type of nigga that was foldin some onestil I met your fat mama, now Im rollin in doughSo you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shitCause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dickCause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shitCause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dickHaha...
2023-07-07 19:39:381