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求解" other " " the other " "others" "the others"和"another"的区别

2023-07-08 00:22:19


Other 表示“另一个或另一些”是泛指,当形容词或代词用

Others 表示“另一些”,是泛指。是代词,后面不能再加名词

The others 是特指

The other与other同义,是特指

Another 表示“另一个”,是泛指。如:

I have two pens. One is red and the other is green..

Some people like singing, others like dancing.

I don”t like this one. Please give me another one.

the other 是特指的另外一个

other 是除自己外的“别人”



other 表示“其他的”或者“另一些”

是形容词 后面加名词 如果是可数多用复数

some children like apples, other children like bananas.

the other


we have two hands. one is on the left, the other is on the right.

the others表示范围内的另一些(范围总数通常多于两个个)后面不能加名词

There are 40 students in our class, three are American, the others are Chinese.

another 另外的一个(有任意性)后面加可数名词单数,也可以不加名词直接使用。

I have eaten an apple, but I still want another(apple).

other后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other students 其他的学生。不可数other tea 别的/其它的茶,other information 别的/其它消息。

the other 定指其它的……,其后可接可数名词和单数,如:

the other book 另外的一本书,

the other map 另一张地图,


the other flowers 其他的花朵,the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词,如:the other water 剩下的水,the other beer 别的啤酒

others 其用法相当于复数名词,此词不能用作定语,表示的意思是“不具体的某些东西”,如:

This chemical is poisonous . Others are poisonous , too . ( others = other chemicals )

但是如果others前用了the ,则表示具体的别的东西。如:

I don"t want these books . Please give me the others .( the others = the other books

another,作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思。 another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样。another作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思,在心理上至少有三个。 another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样。 the other也是既能作形容词,又能作代词。但它一般用来表示总数为二时的“另外一个”,经常与one搭配。 other也能既作形容词又可作代词,意思是“别的,另外的”。 others只能作代词,意思是“其它的人(物或事等)”,常用来泛指。 the others也只能作代词,意思与others相近,但常用来特指。


①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics.



I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black.


②John did better than all the other players in the sport.


【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如:

We must think more of other comrades.


③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another.


【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如:

His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse.


其他习惯用法one another, from one…to another, the other day = a few days ago,every other

day/ week/year, some…, others…,如:

I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day.


While at the university, he went to the library every other day.


Some people like football, others like volleyball.


They are very different from one another.


When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them.


other指另外的人或物;other泛指别人,可与some连用;the other 指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;another则泛指另一个。

回答者:萧萧羽禺 - 魔法学徒 一级 4-15 15:41

other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。

也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。


和some对比使用时, 是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲, 如:Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor. 有的擦窗户, 有的擦地板。

the others

是“其余的”意思, 表示在一个范围内的其他全部, 如: This dictionary is better than the others. 这本字典比别[其余]的好。

the other

是其中的“另一个”, 如:Give me the other one; not this one. 给我那一个, 不是这一个。

两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another” , 如:This glass is broken. Get me another. 这个杯子坏了, 给我另拿一个来。(在许多杯子中的一个)

any other 刚指其他一切的什么、、、

another 指另一个,没有固定的范围。比如:this dress is dirty,please change another one for me.这件裙子脏了,再给我换一件吧。

another的意思是另一个(许多),比如你去买手表,售货员给你推荐一个,但是你不喜欢,这时你就可以说:“请给我另一个。”(Please give me another one)。这时就用another



the other的意思是另一个(两个),one……the other……的意思是一个……另一个,比如说一对双胞胎就可以说一个……另一个……,这时的另一个就用the other

the others是“其余的”意思, 表示在一个范围内的其他全部, 如: This dictionary is better than the others. 这本字典比别其余的好。


①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics.



I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black.


②John did better than all the other players in the sport.


【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如:

We must think more of other comrades.


③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another.


【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如:

His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse.



1 She has two sons, ___is a teacher, _____is an engineer

A one, the other Bone, another C another, another Done, other

2You have seen one of the photos of my sisters, now I"ll show you___

A another B other C others D the others

3__went to the great wall, ___visited the Miyun

A Any, other B One, other C Some others D Some the others

4 Have you any ____ novels?

A another B other C others D the other

5 Would you like to have___ cup of tea?

A another B other C others D the other

6 The t-shirt is too long, please show me___

A another B other C others D the other

7 He is able to do the work without _____help

A the other"s B others" C any others" D other

8 We can do it __time

A another B other C others D the other

9 There are four dictionaries on the bookshelf. one is French, ___are English

A another B other C others D the others

10 The children don"t like this story, please tell them___

A another B the other C others D the others

11These cups are ours,those are___

A others B others" C other"s D the others"

12 China is larger than _____countries in Europe

A other B others C any other C any others

13 If you want to change a double room, you"ll have to pay ___$15.

A another B other C others D the other



other 其他的 后面加名词 What other books do you have ?你有什么其他的书么?

" the other " 另一个 通常跟One 连用 I have two books, one is an English book , the other is a math book. 指的是 两个事物之间的另外一个怎么样

"others" 等于 other 加 名词 What others do you have? 你有什么其他的书么?跟第一句一样

"the others" 这个一般不怎么用到吧 貌似没有的

"another 再来一个 I want another book.我想要另外一本书



show you 告诉你; 做给你看; 教你; 展示你; [例句]I"ll be glad to show you everything我将很乐意向你们展示一切。进行更多翻译
2023-07-07 21:05:021

show you是什么意思在线翻译一下就OK了.
2023-07-07 21:05:254

show you是什么意思

2023-07-07 21:05:346

let me show you ,意思?

2023-07-07 21:05:577

l show you 与 l will show you 的区别?

时态不同l show you .是一般现在时态意思是"我展示给你看。"l will show you .是一般将来时态
2023-07-07 21:06:221

请问”show you care”中文是什么意思?

你好 少少意见: 「show you care」= 显示你的关心或关怀 。 例子: 1) Please show how you care your mother. = 请表示一下你对妈妈的关心。 2) Mary shows how she cares with her grandmother wholeheartly. = Mary显示她对祖母的热切关怀。 谢谢。 "Show (that)you care" Show 是「表示」或「表达」之意。是动词。 "that"是连接词。加插在这里,只表示这短短的三字,为甚么会有二个动词呢?当然这是可以「漏去」不写的。 "care"是「关心」之意。 这三字是「表示你是关心的」了。
2023-07-07 21:06:281

show you how strong i am的how引导什么句子

2023-07-07 21:06:351

i will show you中文版歌名是什么

2023-07-07 21:06:523

show you the way是什么意思

2023-07-07 21:07:204

show you the way是什么意思

show you the way给你指明方向
2023-07-07 21:07:462


翻译:show you poster展示你的海报
2023-07-07 21:07:532

I can show you是什么意思

2023-07-07 21:08:015

歌词show you are

2023-07-07 21:08:152

英语. show+介词+you 有这种形式吗? show it you 与show it to you 有什么区别?

一般不用show it you,以及show you it, 因为如果show后面的间接宾语和直接宾语均为代词时,我们采用show it to you的说法 show sth to you这是可以用的
2023-07-07 21:08:241

Ailee给你看《I will show you》中韩谐音对照歌词

以下是Ailee给你看《I will show you》中韩谐音对照歌词:中文翻译:哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜衣带嘛 苦辣苦辣 依依呀哈木给 哈录哈录 几又咕噜哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破哦妈呀 撒浪嘿 闹木西破。
2023-07-07 21:08:323

求歌:一首英文歌,男的唱的,旋律比较快歌词里有两句是 you......on you

show me
2023-07-07 21:08:392

show you it语法对不对

2023-07-07 21:08:535

有一首歌的歌词是。come me and I show you。 一直在重复这一句 开头应该是在

Fool Again 歌手:Westlife Baby I know the story I"ve seen the picture It"s written all over your face Tell me, what"s the secret That you"ve been hiding And who"s gonna take my place I should"ve seen it comin" I should"ve read the signs Anyway, I guess it"s over Can"t believe that I"m the fool again I thought this love would never end How was I to know You never told me Can"t believe that I"m the fool again And I who thought you were my friend How was I to know, you never told me Baby, you should"ve called me When you were lonely When you needed me to be there Sadly, you never gave me To many chances To show you how much I care I should"ve seen it comin" I should"ve read the signs Anyway, I guess it"s over Can"t believe that I"m the fool again I thought this love would never end How was I to know You never told me Can"t believe that I"m the fool again And I who thought you were my friend How was I to know, you never told me About the pain and the tears ohooooo, if i could I would Turn back the time oh yeah... I Should"ve seen it comin" I should"ve read the signs Anyway, I guess it"s over Can"t believe that I"m the fool again I thought this love would never end How was I to know You never told me Can"t believe that I"m the fool again And I who thought you were my friend How was I to know, you never told me Can"t believe that I"m the fool again I thought this love would never end How was I to know You never told me Can"t believe that I"m the fool again And I who thought you were my friend How was I to know, you never told me
2023-07-07 21:09:221

the books will show you

The book will show you what the best CEOs should know The book 【主语】 will show 【谓语】 you 【宾语(间接宾语)】 what the best CEOs should know【宾语从句(作直接宾语)】
2023-07-07 21:09:291

枪神纪游戏结束后播放的第一首歌曲是,是个女歌手,韩国歌,有部分歌词是love you show y

说的是Let me show you吗
2023-07-07 21:09:373

初中英语,This is my new book ,let me ______. A show you it B show it to you C show it you

2023-07-07 21:09:469

these photographs will show you

这是一个定语从句 句子结构是缺少宾语 这个句子如果要选择的话只能从意思翻译 C和D不能选 因为意思是这些照片要向你展示我们的村庄是什么样子 C和D用HOW是怎样的意思 所以从A和B里面选 B这个句子里面有两个动词 两个谓语 所以选A
2023-07-07 21:10:251


Love To Be Loved By You我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后 你让我的生命变得坚韧并且把很多事情变得美好而真实 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样 有很多问题很难回答你不会知道。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我你看起来恐惧现在 你在等待婚姻的誓言 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话你的美丽让我失明 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光我只能闭上眼睛保护自己 请你牵我的手带我离开这里。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以坚定到永远 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境我们放弃我们的爱 但是他们怎么能够理解我们的爱正是上天给予我们的 让我们一直拥有着它因为它属于我们两个 宝贝,告诉我 我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 是的 我愿意你爱我
2023-07-07 21:10:333

求Let me show you the way的中文歌词

Lacoste(鄂鱼)香水广告曲 - Let me show you the way[ti: Let me show you the way][ar: Natasha Thomas][al: Let me show you the way](Chorus)Let me show you the wayIt"s a game that we playOh whether it did so easyLet me show you the wayOr just say what you saySo easily(合唱)且听我指引是否只是一场游戏还是原本就这么简单且听我指引或者说出你心中所想就是这么简单(Verse 1)The way of your touch is always heavenlyAnd I love the way that you are lovin" meYou wrapped me up in the colour of your loveYou must be an angel high from above in the game of the heartYou know I know that you are mine(第一节)你的触摸始终如天堂般美妙我爱 你爱我的方式你将我紧紧环绕 在你梦幻般的爱情里在这个爱情游戏里你一定是一个堕落天使你我皆知 你是我的(Chorus)Let me show you the wayIt"s a game that we playOh whether it did so easyLet me show you the wayOr just say what you saySo easily(合唱)且听我指引是否只是一场游戏还是原本就这么简单且听我指引或者说出你心中所想就是这么简单(Verse 2) Are you gonna be there when I need someoneAnd will I be always just the only oneI don"t wanna have just another heartbreakSo tell me is your love true or fake in the game of the heartYou know I know that you are mine(第二节)当我需要你时 你是否会在我是否是你永远的惟一不想再一次心碎所以告诉我 在这个爱情游戏里你的爱 是真的还是假的你我皆知 你是我的(Chorus)Let me show you the wayIt"s a game that we playOh whether it did so easyLet me show you the wayOr just say what you saySo easily(合唱)且听我指引是否只是一场游戏还是原本就这么简单且听我指引或者说出你心中所想就是这么简单One kissOne loveOne wordOne vow and nothin" moreOne lifeOne dreamGonna save it save it for me一吻 一爱 一字 一誓 别无他物一生 一梦行将获救(Chorus)Let me show you the wayIt"s a game that we playOh whether it did so easyLet me show you the wayOr just say what you saySo easily(合唱)且听我指引是否只是一场游戏还是原本就这么简单且听我指引或者说出你心中所想就是这么简单(Show you the way)Show you the wayGame that we playWhether it did so easy Let me show you the wayOr just say what you saySo easily(指引你)且听我指引我们的游戏是否只是一场游戏还是原本就这么简单且听我指引或者说出你心中所想就是这么简单Let me show you the way且听我指引Translated by Xu晓华出品 绝版珍藏 ^_^
2023-07-07 21:10:413

一首女声英文歌 开头是Y O U 当啷 英文不好表介意如果有知道的给我歌名吧 谢谢

Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake&Jay-ZI be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Can I show you a few things?可以向你展示吗?A few things, a few things, little baby, cause这种独具一格的风格,宝贝I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧You ready, JT?准备好了吗?贾老板I can"t wait til I get you on the floor, good-looking我期待着征服你的美貌Going out so hot, just like an oven如此惹火,如若蒸笼And I"ll burn myself but just had to touch it即使我被蒸发,也无法拒绝触及你的美It"s so fly and it"s all mine快感齐天,充斥灵魂Hey baby, we don"t mind all the watching我们不在乎万众瞩目,宝贝Cause if they study close, real close they might learn something因为我们是他们爱的导师She ain"t nothing but a little doozy when she does it她就是一个如此艳丽的艺术品She"s so fly, tonight今夜,她如此性感And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切Stop, let me get a good look at it停,让我好好欣赏So thick now I know why they call it a fatty爱是如此的浓烈Shit so sick gotta hit and picked up a habit虽然爱的有些腻味That"s all right, cause you"re all mine但只要你是我的,一切都无所谓Go on and show "em who you call daddy继续展示给那些大叔们I guess they"re just mad cause girl, they wish they had it他们都为你而疯狂,但只有我拥有你My killer, my filler, yeah you"re a classic你偷走了我的心,你这美艳的艺术品You"re all mine, tonight.今夜,我将把你占有And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切All black at the white shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场White shoes at the black shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场Green card for the Cuban links通往古巴的绿卡Ya"ll sit back and enjoy the light show 大家都坐在后排欣赏着光影盛宴nothing exceeds like succes没什么style got from having the best of the best比制服诱惑更迷人is this what it all about?不是吗?I met the rest, .. the rant我遇见餐厅里Disturbing the guests那些乏味的顾客Years of distress, tears on the dress常年的压抑Try to hide her face with some makeup sex, ugh试图隐藏,在艳妆下寻求精神释放This is trouble season, time for tuxedos for no reason这多事之秋,燕尾服就得选“汤姆·福特”All saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too就连Alexander Wang也这么认为Ass-tight denim and some Dunks紧身的衣物和扣篮服是当下流行I"ll show you how to do this young让哥来教教你No papers, catch favors不用看报纸,即可获得支持Get high out Vegas在赌城外依然玩的highWho says these devils ain"t looking for trouble谁说这些恶棍不会来找麻烦You just got good genes so a nigga tryna cuff you别以为你出身好咱就不会揍你Tell your mother that I love her cause I love you回去告诉你妈妈我爱你所以也爱上她Tell your father we go farther as a couple告诉你爹我们比情侣会走得更远Didn"t lose a daughter, got a son他们没失去女儿,而是多了个女婿I"ll show you how to do this, hun!让哥来教你,哈And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love love love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切
2023-07-07 21:10:481

一首著名,欢快的男人唱的英文歌,歌词中有show you love baby 高潮是 wu wu

booma yee - geo da silva/jack mazzoni
2023-07-07 21:10:563

女声英文歌,开头歌词好像是 love me show you the way 是什么歌?

Let me show you the way 应该是,, 你听听看吧..
2023-07-07 21:11:153

一首外国歌歌词里有see you see me是什么歌

应该是say you say me吧歌名同
2023-07-07 21:11:2310

You Are so Bad you Are so Bad Let me know Show yo

It"s been so longbut I still want you hereLet me show you how I feelSince the night when you walked out my lifeMy heart feels so emptyNow I"m sitting here all aloneKnowing you won"t come backEveryday I gotta wake up toa room with your memoriesIt"s too late to say It"s so hard to sayI just can"t let go~Let me hold you tightLet me love you rightBaby would you give me one last chanceI won"t let you goI won"t say goodbyeBaby you were everything I needI can"t live without your loveI can"t breath without your hereYou"re the only one I needSo baby won"t you give this love another chanceThis is the end, This is goodbyeYo. Baby it"s been so longI know I gotta move onCause Love is slipping away, boyit"s clear as goneBut you"re the one I"m missingIt"s from my heart listenYou are the onebaby you"re my world for world but you had to goI want you back nowI need you right nowEverything I said to youbut now I take it back nowBeen to the rainAnd I had been to half ran backI just can"t let you go now (Let me hold you tight)Let me hold you tightLet me love you rightBaby would you give me one last chanceI won"t let you goI won"t say goodbyeBaby you were everything I needDo I have to let you goI don"t want to let you goIs there anything I can do?I can"t live without your loveI can"t breath without your hereYou"re the only one I needMaybe I"m asking alotbut I just wanna see you once againand if it filled the same love, let me know now babybefore it"s all too late, oh~I wanna hold you close, right here with meIt"s been so long, butGotta let you knowThe times that we had,Will still be in my heartI don"t wanna let goLet me hold you tightLet me love you rightBaby would you give me one last chanceI won"t let you goI won"t say goodbyeBaby you were everything I needI can"t live without your loveI can"t breath without your hereYou"re the only one I needSo baby won"t you give this love another chanceThis is the end, This is goodbyeFor you"re the one I"m missingIt"s so hard to let it goIt hurts me to never come backGuess I have to take it slowThis song is for my soulI know that I got to goBut still want youStill need youHoping you come around my wayAround my way, Around my wayAround my way...
2023-07-07 21:12:071


show可以做及物动词也可以做不及物动词。如:He showed his teeth in a humourless grin. 他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。Her teeth showed when she grinned.她咧嘴笑时,牙齿露了出来。He didn"t show up when we had a meeting. 我们开会时,他没有出现。在句子“Let me show you around the city”中,show是及物动词,you作show的宾语。
2023-07-07 21:12:153

把它给你为什么是show it to you

也可以说show you it ,show ···to···sb.是固定句型,把什么给某人看
2023-07-07 21:12:223

let me _____(show) you how____(do)it

show; to do
2023-07-07 21:12:304


在这个结构中, 当直接宾语和间接宾语都是人称代词是, 就只能用show sth to sb的结构了, 是为了避免混淆
2023-07-07 21:12:371

I can show you改一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答,改否定句

Can I show you ?Yes ,you can. No,you can"t. I can"t show you.
2023-07-07 21:12:441


2023-07-07 21:13:195

江若琳的《Show You》 歌词

歌曲名:Show You歌手:江若琳专辑:Show You-寰宇唱片江若琳 - Show You作曲:Edward Chan / Charles Lee填词:夏至编曲:Edward Chan / Randy Chow / Mica监制:Edward Chan / Charles LeeHey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火远看 人潮聚满四处在跳舞引起巨浪伴着我声音曲线像置身在浮床行前望向我 让我蒸发着你 每滴冷汗兴奋怎样对抗 来撩动你眼尾遇上了我的愿望就任你欣赏这片自信的目光越来越放 不要遮挡 挨近些对望Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火跳上 从萤幕看见我带我去跳出录像就让你高高升上让你心动磁场怀疑就缺氧 令气温也上涨 炽热发亮激素不断再上 眉来或眼去这动作每秒钟荡漾就让我率先给你耀眼的卖相尽情地唱 给你欣赏 高贵的叫嚷Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火留低 红黄蓝灯光闪烁布满了天际来环回摆出姿势让我彻底 倾出一切 超出美丽Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火
2023-07-07 21:13:331

i show you这句英语是什么意思

你是在说比伯的一首歌嘛 I"llshowyou我将展示给你 做给你看等着看吧 这之类的意思
2023-07-07 21:13:411


show you around带你四处看看(参观)。。双语对照例句:1.Come, let me show you around. 来吧,让我来带你四处看看。2.Since this is your first day on the job, I"ll show you around. 因为这是你上班的第一天,我会带你到处看看。3.I"m your guide, I"m here to show you around. 我是你的向导,我来这儿到你参观的。
2023-07-07 21:13:481

let me show you什么意思

2023-07-07 21:13:566

The porter will show you _______ your room.A. wit

选 Bshow you to your room. show to, 引领,把谁带到哪儿。意思是: 行李员将带你去你的房间。
2023-07-07 21:14:101

有一首歌词里面有 someone you ,show you

Michelle Branch - All You Wanted I wanted to be like you I wanted everything So I tried to be like you And I got swept away I didn"t know that it was so cold And you needed someone to show you the way So I took your hand and we figured out That when the time comes I"d take you away If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares I"m sinking slowly So hurry hold me Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on Please can you tell me So I can finally see Where you go when you"re gone If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares All you wanted was somebody who cares If you need me you know I"ll be there Oh, yeah [x2] If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares Please can you tell me So I can finally see Where you go when you"re gone
2023-07-07 21:14:171

求歌名 歌词只记得什么show me,what can i show you 感谢

Marc Terenzi的经典歌曲 Love To Be Loved By You
2023-07-07 21:14:252

Show You Off 是什么意思……(百度找到的答案有:你炫耀 、 告诉你了 ) 求专家或达人翻译……

两种翻译让你出席 炫耀自己
2023-07-07 21:14:347

show you off 中文歌词

歌曲:Show You Off歌手:Stevie Hoang所属专辑:UnsignedWhen you catch me staring当你撞见我的视线I can"t help it, I just can"t believe you"re mine我情不自禁,甚至无法相信你已属于我When you see me smiling当你捕捉到我的微笑I can"t hide it, want to take you out all the time我无法掩饰我的幸福,只想与你一起外出I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界炫耀我所拥有的你(Woah, woah).I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界展现你的美好How did someone like me我是如此幸运Get someone like you能够拥你入怀Damn it feels like I won the lottery这感觉就像中了头彩Don"t know if I"m awake or if I"m dreaming恍若身处梦境Sometimes I got to pinch myself to see有时我甚至想确认自己是否清醒着Damn, all the dude will be staring瞧啊,所有人都在盯着我们呢Baby twisting and next宝贝儿,来随着音乐舞动起来吧No matter what you"re wearing无论你是何穿着Girl you still look the best亲爱的你都是如此耀眼With or without make up化妆与否Don"t matter to me都无关紧要You"re the girl in the club你就是聚会中最引人注目的All them hoes want to be所有人都羡艳不已的女孩When you catch me staring当你的视线与我相遇I can"t help it, I just can"t believe you"re mine我情不自禁,不敢相信你已属于我When you see me smiling当你回应我的微笑I can"t hide it, want to take you out all the time我不想掩饰我的幸福,想带你日夜游山玩水I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界炫耀我所拥有的你(Woah, woah).I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想告知全世界你有多么可爱Want to show the whole world让全世界都知道That you"re my girl我的女孩,你是如此迷人So I"m a to take a picture and put it on facebook我保存下照片上传到FacebookFriends and families所有的亲友们Know you"re my baby都会知道你是我最珍视的人Baby telling me, I really don"t deserve it亲爱的告诉我吧,我是否有资格与你相伴Damn, all the dude will be staring瞧啊,所有人都在盯着我们呢Baby twisting and next宝贝儿,来随着节奏舞动起来吧No matter what you"re wearing无论你是何穿着Girl you still look the best亲爱的你都是如此耀眼With or without make up化妆与否Don"t matter to me都无关紧要You"re the girl in the club你就是聚会中最引人注目的All them hoes want to be所有人都羡艳不已的女孩When you catch me staring当你的视线与我相遇I can"t help it, I just can"t believe you"re mine我情不自禁,甚至无法相信你已属于我When you see me smiling当你回应我的微笑I can"t hide it, want to take you out all the time我不想掩饰我的幸福,只想让其他人都知道你的好I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界炫耀你的美好(Woah, woah).I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界炫耀我所拥有的你It"s like hitting the jackpot in Vegas简直就像在拉斯维加斯It"s like winning an award and being famous好运眷顾名利双收It"s like my whole life is like a holiday如果你好奇的话And just in case if you ever wonder我会告诉你,你让我的生活像度假一般舒适When you catch me staring当你的视线与我相遇I can"t help it, I just can"t believe you"re mine我情不自禁,甚至无法相信你已属于我When you see me smiling当你回应我的微笑I can"t hide it, want to take you out all the time我不想掩饰我的幸福,只想让其他人都知道你的好I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off我只想向全世界炫耀你的美好(Woah, woah).I just want to show you off, show you off, show you off让全世界都知道在我身边的你是如此完美
2023-07-07 21:14:481

歌词里面有 let me show you 是什么歌?歌词是?

Let me show you the way Natasha Thomas Let me show you the way It"s the game that we play Or whether it did So easy Let me show the way Or just say what you say So easily The way of your touch is always heavenly and I love the way that you are loving me You wrapped me up in the colour of your love you must be an angel high from above In the game of the heart, you know I know that you are mine Let me show you the way It"s the game that we play Or whether it did So easy Let me show you the way Or just say what you say So easily
2023-07-07 21:15:061

i "ll show you. 歌词中文贾斯汀比伯

I"ll show you我的生活就像电影My life is a movie所有人都是观众And eve youe"s wafching所以让我们直接跳入高潮so let"s get to the good part把剩下的无聊都放弃And part all the nonsense有些时候想要做正确的事情很难so me time it"s hard to do the right thing当所有压力如闪电搬袭来when the pressure"s coming dow like lightning他们期待我完美无缺it"s like they want me to de perfect不管我是否流泪受伤when they don"t even now that i"m hurting生活本就不易This life"s not easy我亦非铁骨钢筋i"m not made out of steel别忘了我只是个凡人Don"t forg that i"m human别忘了我和你们一样Don"t forever that i"m real你表现得很了解我you act like you know me但你从未有过But you never will从始至终我只确定这一件事But that"s one thing that ikonw for sure我会展示给你i"ll show you最真实的自己i"ll show you我会展示给你i"ll show you我受到了教训I gotto learn thins而且是惨烈的方式Learn them them the hard way明白了那些道理To see what it feels like不管那些耳语流言No matter what they say有些时候想要做正确的事情很难sometimes it"s hard do the right do the right thing当所有的压力如闪电般来袭when the pressure"s coming down like lighting他们期待我完美无缺it"s like they want me to de perfect不管我是否流泪受伤when they don"t even now that i"m hurting生活本就不易This life"s not easy我亦非铁骨钢筋i"m not made out of steel别忘了我只是个凡人Don"t forg that i"m human别忘了我和你们一样Don"t forever that i"m real你表现得很了解我you act like you know me但你从未有过But you never will从始至终我只确定这一件事But that"s one thing that ikonw for sure我会展示给你i"ll show you最真实的自己i"ll show you我会展示给你i"ll show you生活本就不易This life"s not easy我亦非铁骨钢筋i"m not made out of steel别忘了我只是个凡人Don"t forg that i"m human别忘了我和你们一样Don"t forever that i"m real你表现得很了解我you act like you know me但你从未有过But you never will从始至终我只确定这一件事But that"s one thing that ikonw for sure我会展示给你i"ll show you最真实的自己
2023-07-07 21:15:141

贾斯汀比伯新歌l ll show you的歌词

 One Time  我要告诉你  Justin Bieber  贾斯汀.比伯  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  One Time  我要告诉您  One Time  我要告诉您  When I met you girl my heart went knock knock  当我看到您时,我的心就砰砰直跳  Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop  直到现在我仍紧张不已  And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got  尽管为了这份爱我们要去努力  So we gonna keep keep climbin till the mountain top  我们要努力直到最后的胜利  Your world is my world  你的世界就是我的世界  And my fight is your fight  我的战斗就是您的战斗  My breath is your breath  我的呼吸就是您的呼吸  And your heart  还有我的心跳  I got my  我也得到了我想要的  Your my One love  你就是我的爱  My one heart  我的心跳  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time  让我告诉您一次  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  I"m a tell you one time  我再说一次  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  And I"m a be your one guy  我就是您的男人  You"ll be my #1 girl  您是我的唯一  always makin time for you  您是我的全部  I"m"a tell you one time  我要告诉您  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  I"m"a tell you one time  我要告诉您  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  You look so deep  您看起来如此深不可测  You know that it humbles me  这让我深受打击  Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble me  您站在我身边,让我困惑不已  Many have called but the chosen is you  很多人约我,但我的选择是您  Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you  无论您想要什么,美女,我都会给您  Your world is my world  你的世界就是我的世界  And my fight is your figh  t我的战斗就是你的战斗  My breath is your breath  我的呼吸就是你的呼吸  And your heart /I got my/  我的心跳就是你的心跳 我也得到我想要的  Your my One love  你就是我的爱  My one heart我的心跳  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  让我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  I"m a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  And I"m a be your one guy  而我是一个成为你的一个人  You"ll be my #1 girl always makin time for you  你将是我的# 1女孩总是把时间给你  I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  Shawty right there美女,就在那边  She"s got everything I need and I"m a tell her one time  她有我要的一切 我要告诉她  One Time  我要告诉她  One Time  我要告诉她  Give you everything you need down to my last dime  给你我的一切, 直至穷光  She makes me happy  她(虽然)让我开心  I know where I"ll be  但我知道会发生什么  Right by your side cuz she is the one  现在在你身边 她只是一个女孩  And girl  You"re my One love  你才是我的真爱  My one heart  我的心肝  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time  让我告诉你  girl I love girl I love you  我爱你  I"m a tell you one time  让我告诉你  /girl I love girl I love you  我爱你  And I"m a be your one guy  我要成为你的男人  You"ll be my #1 girl  你是我的全部  always makin time for you  我的一切  I"m a me tell you one time  我告诉你  one time我告诉你  love me  爱我  歌手名:justin bieber  Oh oh its jb My friends say I"m a fool to think  我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考  That you"re the one for me  而你就是我的唯一  I guess I"m just a sucker for love  我想我应该是个爱情白痴  ‘Cuz honestly the truth is that 因为事实上  You know I"m never leavin"  你知道的,我从不背叛  ‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from above  因为你是上天派遣给我的天使  Baby you can do no wrong  所以宝贝,你不能背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya 给你再多一点,是因为我爱你, With me, girl, is where you belong  而我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  只要站在这里  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧,  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我吧  Oh how you do me  哦,就这样做  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我吧  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you (love me)  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me u love me  说你爱我  People try to tell me  人们试图告诉我  But I still refuse to listen  但是我还是拒绝聆听  Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you  因为他们不值得我花时间  A minute with you is worth more than  和你在一起的一分钟都弥足珍贵  A thousand days without your love, oh your love  1000个没有你的爱的日日夜夜  Baby you can do no wrong  宝贝,你不要背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你多一点,因为我爱你  With me, girl, is where you belong  我就是你的最佳归属  Love Me  爱我吧  Just stay right here  就待在这  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证,你比我的一切都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me 说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢就这样做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  My heart is blind but I don"t care  我的心已经坏了,但是我不在乎  ‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared  因为和你在一起,所有的东西都消失了  And every time I hold you near  每当我靠近你  I never wanna let you go, oh  我就不想让你离开我,噢  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me  说你爱我
2023-07-07 21:15:211

贾斯汀比伯新歌l ll show you的歌词

 One Time  我要告诉你  Justin Bieber  贾斯汀.比伯  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/  我和你,我要告诉您  One Time  我要告诉您  One Time  我要告诉您  When I met you girl my heart went knock knock  当我看到您时,我的心就砰砰直跳  Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop  直到现在我仍紧张不已  And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got  尽管为了这份爱我们要去努力  So we gonna keep keep climbin till the mountain top  我们要努力直到最后的胜利  Your world is my world  你的世界就是我的世界  And my fight is your fight  我的战斗就是您的战斗  My breath is your breath  我的呼吸就是您的呼吸  And your heart  还有我的心跳  I got my  我也得到了我想要的  Your my One love  你就是我的爱  My one heart  我的心跳  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time  让我告诉您一次  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  I"m a tell you one time  我再说一次  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  And I"m a be your one guy  我就是您的男人  You"ll be my #1 girl  您是我的唯一  always makin time for you  您是我的全部  I"m"a tell you one time  我要告诉您  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  I"m"a tell you one time  我要告诉您  girl I love girl I love you  我爱您  You look so deep  您看起来如此深不可测  You know that it humbles me  这让我深受打击  Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble me  您站在我身边,让我困惑不已  Many have called but the chosen is you  很多人约我,但我的选择是您  Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you  无论您想要什么,美女,我都会给您  Your world is my world  你的世界就是我的世界  And my fight is your figh  t我的战斗就是你的战斗  My breath is your breath  我的呼吸就是你的呼吸  And your heart /I got my/  我的心跳就是你的心跳 我也得到我想要的  Your my One love  你就是我的爱  My one heart我的心跳  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  让我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  I"m a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  And I"m a be your one guy  而我是一个成为你的一个人  You"ll be my #1 girl always makin time for you  你将是我的# 1女孩总是把时间给你  I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/  我告诉你一个我爱的女孩时间/女孩我爱你/  Shawty right there美女,就在那边  She"s got everything I need and I"m a tell her one time  她有我要的一切 我要告诉她  One Time  我要告诉她  One Time  我要告诉她  Give you everything you need down to my last dime  给你我的一切, 直至穷光  She makes me happy  她(虽然)让我开心  I know where I"ll be  但我知道会发生什么  Right by your side cuz she is the one  现在在你身边 她只是一个女孩  And girl  You"re my One love  你才是我的真爱  My one heart  我的心肝  My one life for sure  我的生命  Let me tell you one time  让我告诉你  girl I love girl I love you  我爱你  I"m a tell you one time  让我告诉你  /girl I love girl I love you  我爱你  And I"m a be your one guy  我要成为你的男人  You"ll be my #1 girl  你是我的全部  always makin time for you  我的一切  I"m a me tell you one time  我告诉你  one time我告诉你  love me  爱我  歌手名:justin bieber  Oh oh its jb My friends say I"m a fool to think  我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考  That you"re the one for me  而你就是我的唯一  I guess I"m just a sucker for love  我想我应该是个爱情白痴  ‘Cuz honestly the truth is that 因为事实上  You know I"m never leavin"  你知道的,我从不背叛  ‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from above  因为你是上天派遣给我的天使  Baby you can do no wrong  所以宝贝,你不能背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya 给你再多一点,是因为我爱你, With me, girl, is where you belong  而我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  只要站在这里  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧,  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我吧  Oh how you do me  哦,就这样做  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我吧  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you (love me)  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me u love me  说你爱我  People try to tell me  人们试图告诉我  But I still refuse to listen  但是我还是拒绝聆听  Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you  因为他们不值得我花时间  A minute with you is worth more than  和你在一起的一分钟都弥足珍贵  A thousand days without your love, oh your love  1000个没有你的爱的日日夜夜  Baby you can do no wrong  宝贝,你不要背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你多一点,因为我爱你  With me, girl, is where you belong  我就是你的最佳归属  Love Me  爱我吧  Just stay right here  就待在这  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证,你比我的一切都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me 说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢就这样做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  My heart is blind but I don"t care  我的心已经坏了,但是我不在乎  ‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared  因为和你在一起,所有的东西都消失了  And every time I hold you near  每当我靠近你  I never wanna let you go, oh  我就不想让你离开我,噢  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me  说你爱我
2023-07-07 21:15:281

do i need to show you英文歌词

u300aDilemmau300b-NellyI, love you and I, need youNelly I, love you, I doNeed youNo matter what I do,All I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo,Boy, ya know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,even when I"m with my boo,Ya know I"m crazy over you(Nelly)Uh-uh-uh-uhI met this chick and she just moved right up the block from meAnd(uh) she got the hots for, the finest my hood done seenBut oh, no, no, she gotta man and a son thoughBut that"s o.k. cause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my position likea short stop, pick up eerthing ma be hittinAnd in no ti-ime, how could I make this for her mi-ind...And that"s for sureCause I-I never been the type to break-up a happy homeBut(uh) somethin" bout baby gurl, I just can"t leave her aloneSo tell me ma what"s it gonna be she said----(Kelly)You don"t know what you mean to meNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Boy ya know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Ya know I"m crazy over you(Nelly)I see a lot and you lookin"I never say a word,I know how niggas start actin", trippin, out here about they girlsAnd there"s no way-ay Nelly go fight over no dame-ame, (Iain"t fuckin no dame) as you can seeBut(uh) I like your steeze, your style, your whole demeanor,The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his two-seaterNow that"s gansta and I got special ways to thank yaDon"t you forget itBut(uh) it ain"t that easy for you to back up and leave himBut(uh) you and dirty got ties for different reasonsI respect thatAnd right before I turned to leaveShe said(Kelly)You don"t know what you mean to meNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Boy ya know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Ya know I"m crazy over you(Nelly)Sing it for me Kelly(Kelly)And I love you,And I need you, Nelly I love you,I do, and it"s more than you"ll ever know,Boy it"s for sure, you can always count on my love,Forever more (yeah)(Nelly)East coast, ya still shakin rightDown south, I see your bouncin rightWest Coast, I know ya walkin right(You dont know what you mean to me)Mid west, your still swingin right(Kelly)No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Boy ya know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I"m with my boo,Ya know I"m crazy over you(Nelly)(yeah, yeah)East coast, I know ya shakin" rightDown south, I know ya bouncin" rightWest coast, I know ya walkin" right(You don"t know what you mean to me)Mid west, I know ya swingin right(Nelly)East coast, ya still shakin rightDown south, I see your bouncin right (dirty, dirty now)West Coast, I know ya walkin right (coz)(You don"t know what you mean to me..)Mid west, your still swingin right
2023-07-07 21:15:351

Reynard sliva的let me love you的歌词 跪求啊

[ti:let me love you ][by:活在当下]mario - let me love you (acoustic)(japan bonus)mmmm ..... mmmmm.... yeah....mmmmm....yeah, yeah, yeah mmmm...uh...mmmm.....yeah,mmmm....yeah,yeah,[verse 1:]baby i just don"t get it do you enjoy being hurt?i know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt you don"t believe his stories you know that they"re all lies bad as you are,you stick around and i just don"t know why if i was ya man (baby you)never worry bout (what i do)i"d be coming home (back to you)every night, doin" you right you"re the type of woman (deserves good thangs)fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)baby you"re a star (i just want to show you,you are)you should let me love you let me be the one to give you everything you want and need baby good love and protection make me your selection show you the way love"s supposed to be baby you should let me love you, love you, love you [verse 2:]listen your true beauty"s description looks so good that it hurts you"re a dime plus ninety-nine and it"s a shame don"t even know what you"re worth everywhere you go they stop and stare cause you"re bad and it shows from your head to your toes, out of control, baby you know if i was ya man (baby you)never worry bout (what i do)i"d be coming home (back to you)every night doin" you right you"re the type of woman (deserves good thangs)wrist full of diamonds (hand full of rings)baby you"re a star (i just want to show you, you are)you should let me love you let me be the one to give you everything you want and need ooh baby good love and protection make me your selection show you the way love"s supposed to be baby you should let deserve better girl (you know you deserve better)we should be together girl (baby)with me and you it"s whatever girl, hey!so can we make this thing ours?you should let me love you let me be the one to give you everything you want and need baby good love and protection make me your selection show you the way love"s supposed to be baby you should let me love you, love you, love you 发现这首歌是mario的。希望满意。
2023-07-07 21:15:481