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2023-07-08 00:50:58


Can we go see a movie on Sunday night?


I had a strange dream last night, and it became real today.


They still sat by the table talking about family affirs after dinner.

4.近来,MP4极受欢迎(用TAKE UP)

People took up MP4 lately.


You can tell he is irritated by looking at his face.


We were mad that our car was stuck in the mud after the rain


Don"t lose confidence in yourself.


If you know you are correct, don"t submit to his decision.


You must accept the risk of this job.


She sometimes cry, sometimes laugh



Would you like to go to the movies Sunday evening?

I had a strange dream last night, and today that dream actually came true.

They stayed at the table after dinner to talk about some family business.

MP4s have taken up a lot of popularity lately.

You can tell how troubled he is by the look on his face.

Our car was stuck in the mud after the heavy rain.

Do not lose faith/confidence in yourself.

If you think you"re right, then don"t give in to his decision.

You have to shoulder the risk this kind of job brings.

She was crying in one minute, and laughing in the next.


1)Sunday night, go to the movies, right?

2)Last night I made a Guaimeng. Today, that dream has come true

3)After dinner, they sat at the table to talk about the family

4)Suddenly,MP4 take up very popular

5)Look on his face weary expression that he had more trouble

6)After heavy rain, the mud made our car not to move

7)Do not lose faith in your own

8)If you think you are correct, do not give in to his decision

9)You have to bear the risk of this kind of work

10)She cried for a while, laugh a while


1 Shall we go to the cinema on sunday evening?

2 I dreamed yesterday The dream comes ture today.

3 After supper they continued talking about the things of family.







































2023-07-07 22:33:071


2023-07-07 22:33:141


2023-07-07 22:33:211


肯定好呀,价格也美丽。不损动态的完美消噪:美国音乐丝带 Nordost QB8 MK2。壳使用特别订制的铝合金壳,不仅具有良好的屏蔽效果,更能提供相当的机械稳定度,线路板厚度加厚,足能承载大电流。内建优质的保险丝,以作为过载保护。内部设计不同,声音表现更进步。QB8 MK2一共有8组电源输出,可最多同时供8部器材使用。
2023-07-07 22:33:301


2023-07-07 22:33:371


美国线圣(Audio Quest)荷兰范登豪(Van Den Hul)银彩(Siltech)美国音乐丝带(NORDOST)美国第一线(Synergistic Research )美国蛇皇线(power snakes)美国金宝线(Kimber Kable)美国MIT线美国卡他斯(Cardas)美国(XLO) “至高”美国(Transparent) “天仙配”美国(Stege III) “银圣”英国(Audio Note)“音乐贵族”荷兰(Kharma)“卡玛”丹麦(Ortofon) “高度风” 都是些我喜欢的牌子,不喜欢的我也没写~~有些是器材的厂家也产线~~
2023-07-07 22:33:451


以供参考!谢谢 Das Institut der Geisteswissenschaften von der nordosten p dagogischen Universit t 我会日语。。。
2023-07-07 22:34:101

一段导游词翻译成德语 高手请帮忙!!先谢过啦!!

2023-07-07 22:34:181


2023-07-07 22:34:262


2023-07-07 22:34:454


北美洲:面积约2400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的16.2%,是世界第三大洲。共有37个国家和地区。人口4.32亿,约占世界总人口的8.1%,居世界第四位。 南美洲:面积约1800万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的12%,是世界第四大洲。共有13个国家和地区。人口3.02亿,约占世界总人口的5.6%,居世界第五位。总共约4200万平方千米。
2023-07-07 22:35:141


Bayern München
2023-07-07 22:35:312

德国梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州 州名中的“前”(vor),具体何意?

2023-07-07 22:36:061


2023-07-07 22:36:142


2023-07-07 22:36:211


2023-07-07 22:36:281


所有党卫队队员(包括党卫军)都宣读了远远比国防军严厉许多的誓言。党卫队全国领袖希姆莱希望用最纯正的德意志青年来组成这只精锐的而且绝对忠诚的组织;但是,这个计划由于对征召新队员的种种限制而始终没有实现,其中一部分原因是希姆莱选拔的条件过于苛刻,但是更多的原因是因为德国国防军为了限制党卫军的发展,而对党卫军冻结新兵兵源,但是随着纳粹德国在西线取得的惊人胜利:丹麦,挪威,荷兰,比利时,法国相继被征服;希姆莱开始走上了好运,因为随着德国的胜利,那些海外的德裔青年们开始争先恐后的加入党卫军,纳粹的领袖们虽然视之为德裔,可是纳粹德国在法律上却还没有承认他们是德国人,就凭这一点,希姆莱就可以不受任何限制的征召德裔青年,虽然这些人远远不能构成大部队,可是这毕竟使希姆莱看到了希望,所以希姆莱手下最得力的助手党卫队中央技术管理局补充处处长戈特洛勃.伯格尔(Gottlob Berger)招募“不受国防军制约的德意志族人和日尔曼人。” 因此,为了未来建立庞大的党卫军帝国而着手开始储备兵源的的希姆莱的建立了日尔曼党卫队(Germanic SS)这个组织,具体来说就是党卫队在西北欧4国建立的本土党卫队,以各国的语言来命名组织名称和宣读誓词,其主要是由比利时的“法兰德斯日尔曼党卫队(荷兰语--Germaansche-SS in Vlaanderen),荷兰的“尼德兰日尔曼党卫队”(荷兰语---Germaansche SS en Nederland),挪威的“挪威日尔曼党卫队”(挪威语---Germanske SS Norge )和丹麦的“Schalburg军”。各个国家的党卫队在制度,服装,编制上完全模仿了纳粹党卫队,而且直接听命于希姆莱本人(在1942年底日尔曼SS成立之初,希姆莱就对部下们说“必须记住,整个欧洲只有一个SS----党卫队全国领袖指挥下的日尔曼SS。” 这些日尔曼SS平时都是维持自己的固有建制,只是在兵员短缺的时期,才会从内抽调,例如,法兰德斯日尔曼党卫队很多编入了党卫军“西欧团”,“西北团”和党卫军佛莱明军团以及纳粹党的NSKK。比如1944年,法兰德斯日尔曼党卫队共有3500人,其中就有1600人在德国党卫军服役,940人在NSKK,500人在法兰德斯军团(这是一个预备组织,成员都是年龄太大或是身体不符合在一线日尔曼SS服役的党卫队员或法西斯分子),只有460人是常规服役的法兰德斯日尔曼党卫队员,这里面还有100人是试用人员。 日尔曼SS的性质和普通SS一样,是负责本土统治监管,而Freiwilligen Legion Niederland这类的组织都是属于党卫军的作战部队,但是后者经常从前者抽调人员。所以相对来说,日尔曼SS是一个在表面结构上比较独立的组织。到了大战后期各国的日尔曼SS几乎都被编入了德国党卫军,开赴前线作战 甚至在40年希姆莱所接纳的志愿者里,竟然有5个美国人。但这是极其少见的例子, 虽然这只是个小小的开端,但却是以后的党卫军涌进了大量的外籍人的开端,党卫军发展的最高峰拥有近百万人,但是外籍志愿者们却占了党卫军兵员的大部分,党卫军显然已经背离了希姆莱的初衷:一个血统纯正的精锐组织。事实上,到了1943年,希姆莱不得不把大量的非“德国人”纳入他的党卫军中,对于斯堪地纳维亚及低地各国的“日尔曼族裔”,希姆莱都能接受他们,至于非北欧地带的志愿者们,只要经过一番“自我辩解”也受到了党卫军的接纳,到后来,连穆斯林志愿者亦被允许加入党卫军了,整个二战期间,约有几十万的外籍志愿者在党卫军的编制里作战,他们构成了德意志的外籍军团。 从1940年5月后,党卫军就开始着手征召“北欧”(Nordic)和“日尔曼”(Germanic)志愿者加入党卫军,这个努力在1941年6月后大大加强,使得这些志愿者们及时加入了东线战场。最先,纳粹的人种学者们就表示能接受一定级别的志愿者们,佛兰德人(Flemish)-说荷兰语的比利时人被认定为属于雅立安谱系的,因此被允许加入党卫军。不久,瓦隆人(Walloons)——说法语的比利时人再一开始被认为并不合适加入党卫军,但是不久后亦在一番“辩解”后允许加入。 来自比利时的瓦隆人志愿者 1940年9月后党卫军筹划建立新的师团,并命名为“日尔曼尼亚” (Germania)师,因为其基干是从党卫军特别机动部队摩托化师(党卫军帝国师)的日尔曼尼亚团(Germania)完全移植过来的,该师的另外2个团:一个是主要由荷兰(Dutch),佛兰德的(Flemish)志愿者们(他们大多为18到25周岁的青年)组成的维斯特兰(Westland)掷弹兵团和主要由丹麦(Danish)和挪威(Norwegian)的志愿者们组成的“诺德兰”(Nordland)掷弹兵团,1941年2月的时候还有一个由芬兰(Finns)的志愿者组成的成的“诺德斯特”营(The Finnische Freiwilligen-batallion der Waffen-ss Nordost),大约1000人,加入其中,瑞士和瑞典亦贡献了一定的志愿者。 到了1940年12月,这些志愿兵们已经在德国军官的监督下,开始进入新师团的预备训练,为了这个师团,12月20号,希姆莱选用了“维金”(Wiking)[viking是指从8世纪到10世纪劫掠欧洲北部和西部海岸的航海的斯堪的纳维亚人,他们大多数是海盗,但是维京人同时也以出色的手艺人,海员,探险家和商人而著称]这个传奇性的名称,师长就是日尔曼尼亚团的长官菲利克斯.施坦因纳(Felix Steiner);该师编制序列在党卫军的占第5,可见从第5个党卫军师开始,就有大量的外籍志愿者们加入了党卫军。 还是很多资料和图片请看资料连接:
2023-07-07 22:36:362

halata造句 halataの例文 "halata"是什麼意思

Halata said he was not concerned that a softer economy would hurt his pany"s plans. In December 2007, Halata returned as manager of ZFC Meuselwitz, signing a contract until June 2012. On 22 March 2007, Halata took over as manager of SV Dessau 05 in the NOFV-Oberpga. In October 1988, Halata managed to score five goals in one game against 1991 92 season that ended his playing career. Halata & Spathe ( 1997 ) reported that " the glans penis contains a predominance of free nerve endings, numerous genital Ruffinian corpuscles. After a disappointing start to the 2005 06 season, Halata stepped down as manager of Meuselwitz, only to rescind his decision days later. The pany also announced that Mike Jackson, the head of Mercedes-Benz USA, has resigned and will be replaced by Paul Halata , head of Mercedes-Benz UK. S . Paul Halata , chief executive of Mercedes-Benz USA, said that each year 8, 500 individuals worldwide spent $ 250, 000 or more on a car, more than half of them in the United States. S . Paul Halata , chief executive of Mercedes-Benz USA, said the pany had several products on the way, beginning with a new version of the SL luxury roadster, on display here, which would go on sale in the spring. Halata & Munger ( 1986 ) report that the density of genital corpuscles is greatest in the corona glandis, while Yang & Bradley ( 1998 ) report that their study " showed no areas in the glans to be more densely innervated than others ." It"s difficult to see halata in a sentence. 用 halata 造句挺难的 With improved histological techniques, a second touch receptor type, Merkel cell-neurite plexes, was found in the stratum germinativum at the bottom of the epidermis, and a third, lamellated corpuscles of Vater and Pacini, was discovered in the stratum papillare of the dermis underneath the Merkel cells as pubpshed by Halata in 1975. Under coach Damian Halata the club reached the semi-finals of the 2003 Th黵ingerpokal ( Thuringia Cup ) and the following season captured the Landespga title to advance to the NOFV-Oberpga S黡 ( IV ) where they played for five seasons until winning promotion to the Regionalpga Nord in 2009 . After three seasons at this level the club moved to the Regionalpga Nordost in 2012 when this league was reformed. Among the other musicians are the Abyssinians ( Jamaica roots reggae ); Mark Halata & Texavia ( Tex-Czech polka ); the Bronx New Heaven Shout Band ( gospel brass ); Huun-Huur-Tu ( Tuvan throat singers ); J . D . Crowe & The New South ( Kentucky bluegrass ); Red Stick Ramblers ( Louisiana ); Ta Pethia ( Greek ); and Kevin Burke ( Irish fiddle ). Six miles north of Jasper along the Alapaha River an estabpshed Indian village called Halata -Micco ( Hala-at-a-Mico ) ( named for Chief Billy Bowlegs of the Seminole, who may have resided there ) once stood, Chief Bowlegs signed the Treaty of Paynes Landing ( 1832 ) as Hola-at-a-Mico, his x mark ( aka Billy Bowlegs ) estabpshing the type of Indian inhabiting the area where artifacts of pottery, fishing spear points, and arrowheads are often found.
2023-07-07 22:36:441


2023-07-07 22:37:041

德语:Beijing ist im Nordosten von China.中的im是in+dem的缩写?

是in+dem的缩写,类似的还有ins Kino=in das Kino
2023-07-07 22:37:151


Der Westsee ist die Hauptattraktion von Hangzhou.Er bedeckt eine Flaeche von 6.7qkm und hat eine Uferlaenge von 22 km. Die Wassertiefe im See ist durchschnittlich 2.2 m. Der Westsee wird durch drei Deiche, den Su-Deich, den Bai-Deich und den Yanggong-Deich in mehere Teile geteilt.Im See gibt es drei kleine kuenstlich angelegte Inseln. Drei Seiten des Westsees sind von Bergen umgeben. Ringsum des Westsee sind viele Quellen, Pagoden,Tempel, Tropfsteinhoehlen, Museen, Tee-Plantagen, Gedenkenhallen, ehemalige Wohnensitze der Persoelichkeiten zu sehen. Die Schoenheit des Westsees liegt in der Harmonie zwischen dem See und den umliegenden Bergen. Besteigt man die Berge,hat man einen schoenen Ausblick auf den See; faehrt man mit einem Boot auf dem See, kann man die gruenen Berge betrachten. Das Wasser des Sees spiegelt die Berge wider, und die Berge heben den See noch reizvoller hervor. Berge und Wasser ergaenzen sich. Der Westsee ist nicht nur durch seine wunderbare Landschaft, sondern auch durch Gedichte von beruehmenten Dichtern bekannt. Bai Juyi, bekannter Dichter der Tang-Dynastie,und Su Donpo, beruehmter Schriftsteller,Kalligraph und Maler der Noedlichen Song-Dynastie,waren in Handzhou als Bezirkspraefekten taetig. Sie baben den spaeteren Generationen viele schoene Gedichte und Artikel ueber den Westsee hinterlassen. Man kann sagen, der Westsee ist ein harmonisches Zusammensein der Natur und Kunst. Nach wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen war der Westsee bis vor 2000 Jahren noch eine seichte Bucht. Durch Versandung bildete sich im Nordosten eine Sandbank,die die Bucht vom Meer trennte. Aus der Bucht wurde dann ein See—Westsee. Der Legende zu Folge gab es einmal einen Drache und einen Phoenix.Sie fanden auf einer Insel in der "Milchstrasse"(in China "Silberfluss")einen weissen Edelstein. Der Phoenix rieb Jahr fuer Jahr seinen Schnabel an ihm, und der Drachen polierte ihn mit seinen Klauen. Endlich wurde aus dem Edelstein eine glaezende Perle. Als die Himmlische Kaiserinmutter dies erfuhr, liess sie die Perle von den Heerscharen des Himmels stehlen. Spaeter schlichen Phoenix und Drache in den Plast der Himmlichen Kaiserinmutter und sahen, dass die Perle in ihrer Hand lag. Der Drache schlang sich um sie, und der Phoenix pickte ihr in die Hand, so dass die Perle der Himmlichen Kaiserinmutter entglitten war und vom Himmel auf die Erde fiel. Im Nu wurde aus der Perle der wunderschoene Westsee. Die Sch nheit der Stadt Hangzhou liegt an dem Westsee, der wie eine Perle gl nzt. Die Sch nheit des Westsees findet bei allen Anerkennung. "Von 36 Westseen auf Erde ist der beste in Hangzhou."-wie ein chin. Sprichwort lautet. Das Landschftsgebiet Westsee hat jetzt eine Flaeche von 75 qkm. Mit ueber 60 Sehenswuerdigkeiten wurde der Westsee im Jahr 1983 als eine der zehen schoensten Landschaftsgebiete Chinas gewaehlt. Der Westsee war im 7. Jahrhundert der Tang Dynastie schon bekannt. Er hat auch den Beinamen"Xizi-See",weil er so schoen wie die beruehmente Schoenheit Xizi aus dem chinesischen Altertum. Der Westsee hat zehn Szenen. Sie sind:"Su-Damm in der Fruehlingsmorgendaemerung", "Herbstmond ueber dem stillen See", "Gebrochene Bruecke mit auftauchendem Schnee", "Leifeng-Pagode im Abendsonnenlicht", "Glockenlaeuten auf dem Nang- Berg", " Lotosblumen im Quyuan-Hof", "Fischschau an der Blumen-Bucht", " Pirolenzwitschern in den Weidenbaeumen", "Mondspieglung bei den drei Steinpagoden" und "Doppelgipfel ragen in die Wolken". Diese Bezeichnungen stammen aus den Titeln von Landschaftsmalereien der beruehmten Malern aus der Song-Dynastie(12.Jahrhundert). Heute sind alle Sehenswuerdigkeiten fuer den Touristen zugaenglich.
2023-07-07 22:37:441


2023-07-07 22:35:4112

Michael Scofield 什么意思?

2023-07-07 22:35:414


write down
2023-07-07 22:35:444


2023-07-07 22:35:471


穿越火线CF的改名方法步骤如下:1、改名的话需要用到改名道具,搜索CF道具商城。2、第二步就是登录自己的账户。3、第三步就是选择角色的区服位置。4、第四步就是点击购买修改昵称的道具,需要15QB,大约为15元RMB。5、选择数量,点击购买。6、交易完成后即可改名,输入自己想要更换的名字即可。《穿越火线》(Cross Fire,简称CF)由韩国Smile Gate开发,在韩国由Neowiz发行,在中国大陆由腾讯公司运营。《穿越火线》是一款第一人称射击游戏的网络游戏,玩家将成为一名佣兵,与其他玩家进行对决。2016年3月,腾讯游戏旗下经典枪战射击网游《穿越火线》(简称CF)举办线下特别活动。活动现场,穿越火线项目运营经理Jerryfeng正式公布《穿越火线》最高同时在线突破600万。《穿越火线》在2010年“金翎奖”上夺得“玩家最喜爱的十大网络游戏”大奖。
2023-07-07 22:35:481


2023-07-07 22:35:531


What the teacher said?He said:”Please sit down.”.意思是:老师说了什么?老师说:“请坐下。”
2023-07-07 22:35:534


2023-07-07 22:35:563


roof 英 [ruf] 美 [ruf] n.顶部;屋顶;车顶;有…顶的;洞顶;隧道顶 v.给…盖顶;盖上屋顶 第三人称单数: roofs 复数: roofs 现在分词: roofing 过去式: roofed 过去分词: roofed 扩展资料 These thatched roofs frequently catch fire. 这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。 The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs. 这些纸用来封住墙壁和屋顶的洞。 Tenants do not have to worry about leaking roofs and broken washing machines 租房者无需担心屋顶漏水和洗衣机出故障。
2023-07-07 22:36:021


2023-07-07 22:36:041

2023-07-07 22:36:049

越狱第五季michael scofield为什么被抓

2023-07-07 22:36:041


1.The plural of roof is roofs or rooves."Rooves" is an older form of the word and rarely used these days.Australian children right up to the 1980s,for example,were brought up with the word "rooves" rather than roofs,and it is still an accepted form in Australia today (though uncommon).Also,despite New Zealand English developing from UK English,it should be noted that in NZ,the plural of roof is rooves,in both its written and spoken form. 2.The accepted plural is "roofs".The Oxford English Dictionary lists "rooves" as an alternate,one of several outdated spellings used in the UK,and in New England as late as the 19th century. 语法规则如4楼所言,不再重复.但根据上面的资料看,也就是说,两种拼写在英语里都可以,只是roofs现在更常见,rooves老外也能明白,属于过时的拼法.考试时应该不会真考这种有争议的题.练习还可以接受. PS:老师也是人,而且语言是很灵活的东西.看得出你是个学习较真儿的人,但向老师指正时态度应委婉些为好.
2023-07-07 22:36:091


从第一季的结局篇看,狱医萨拉似乎丧命。这引起了部分影迷的不满,因为大家期待她能与米勒有进一步的感情发展,所以在第二季一开始就交代萨拉不过是昏迷过去,并没有死后面还在继续 我还没看
2023-07-07 22:36:121


在香港,你一定有住所的权利; 你一定与英语 (摘要 B) 的途径一起教育到 HKCEE 标准或同等物; 精通在读而且说官吏、英语而且广东话语方面是必要的; 你也一定能够通过一个医学的评估而且遇见一只最小的手臂-208cm 到达。你一定与英语和数学的途径一起教育到 GCSE 标准或同等物; 你一定有权在英国住而且工作; 你一定是 18 或者在上面而且有最小的手臂 208cm 的延伸; 你一定身体上适宜而能够通过一个医生评估;工作将会和许多不说英语而且谁只说我们的主要目的地的语言之一的人包括连续的连络。 因此, 在说一方面,你一定是流利的那下列的: 广东话语、官吏、日本语、他加禄人或韩语, 连同能够流利地说而且读英语。 流畅在其他的中国方言中也将会被考虑; 在服务业的早先的经验是较好的;控制的给予立法存取在所有的英国飞机场限制地域, 你将会成功地被需要到在基本的揭发水平完成犯罪的记录检查在雇用能得到之前。 除了叁考之外,这是我们也将会需要从早先的雇主获得。
2023-07-07 22:36:132

华硕M4A77TD PRO可以支持N卡的SLI么?我想用2个GTX260+组交火

2023-07-07 22:35:345

初中英语的各种语法比如:doing sth做某事,这类词

这样的,一般和固定的动词放在一起使用的,一般结构是动词+ doing sth或者动词+ to do sth。比如:stop to do sth. 和stop doing sth.等。
2023-07-07 22:35:344


2023-07-07 22:35:332


原料煤取样[1] (coalsampling)是指焦化厂原料煤接受工序的质量控制的重要环节。运到焦化厂的百煤,质量并不均一,因此应在一种来煤的不同部位分别取样。中文名度原料煤取样外文名coalsampling领 域工程问技术学 科冶金工程原料煤取样(coalsampling)是指焦化厂原料煤接受工序的质量控制的重要环节[1] 。运到焦化厂的煤,质量并不均一,因此应在一种答来煤的不同部位分别取样。所采的原始子样经过混匀、破碎和缩分后,供分析检验内用。取样点越多,试样越有代表性,即所采样品的质量与该批原料煤的质量越接近。容
2023-07-07 22:35:331


roof的复数是roofs。roof词义:名词: 屋顶,车顶;(洞穴、矿井等的)顶部;口腔顶部,上腭;住处,栖息处;(价格或工资的)最高限度,上限。动词:给……盖上屋顶;作为……的屋顶,遮蔽。固定搭配:flat roof [建] 平屋顶 ; 平屋面 ; 平台。例句:1、How long would the roof hold? 这屋顶还能支撑多久?2、The roof was declared unsafe. 已宣布屋顶有安全隐患。3、The roof is structurally unsound. 这屋顶结构不牢固。
2023-07-07 22:35:291


Weaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overGentle music touching beautyRising in harmonyTeach us to listen, calling for wisdomGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overSpinning a web of ribbons and colorColors of historyStories together, laughing and dancingGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overTreasure secrets, stealing momentsPhrases of poetrySetting in motion, loving foreverGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldWeaving silver and gold
2023-07-07 22:35:261


工商管理 金融 会计 电子商务 国际商务 金融保险 ……可以上这个网看看
2023-07-07 22:35:252


2023-07-07 22:35:221


交通运输 Transportation 情景常用词汇 1.arrival 到达 Flight status,arrival,and departure times are available on the airline website. 2.boarding pass 登机牌 Passengers will be issued a boarding pass at the check-in counter. 3.captain 机长 The captain and flight crew are responsible for your comfort and safety. 4.check-in counter 登机柜台 Please arrive at the check-in counter one hour prior to departure. 5.customs 海关 After passing through customs,please proceed directly to the Arrivals Hall. 6.departure 离开,出发 All departures have been postponed due to the approaching typhoon. 7.destination 目的地 Star Travel offers package tours to over 100 international destinations. 8.fare 票价 The fare of $350 does not include the airport taxes or travel insurance. 9.flight attendant 空服人员 Flight attendants are required to provide service in English on international flights. 10.itinerary 行程 Your travel itinerary includes day tours to serveral well-known tourist atttractions. 11.mechanic 技工 All tour buses are inspected once a month by a certified mechanic. 12.package tour 报价旅游,套餐 Discounted package tours are offered to all members of the Travel Club. 13.passenger 乘客 The number of passenger commuting to work by subway is increasing. 14.reservation 预定 Reservation can be made online or by calling our customer service hotline. agent 旅行社专员 Information on European Railway passes can be obtained from your travel agent. 动词 1.approach 接近 We are approaching our final destination.Please prepare for landing. 2.assist 帮助 Flight attendants will assist you if you wish to purchase duty-free items. 3.board 登机 Passengers in seats 50 to 80 are requested to board the aircraft first. 4.cancel 取消 All inbound and outbound flight have been canceled due to thick fog. 5.commute 通勤 Carpooling is an environmentally-friendly way to commute to work. 6.confirm 确认 An e-mail will be sent confirming your reservation and travel itinerary. 7.continue 继续 Local public transportation continues to offer excellent service at low cost. 8.cooperate 合作 Sky Airlines cooperates with car rental agencies in all of its destination cities. 9.dicide 决定 We have yet to decide the destination for our annual company outing. 10.encourage 鼓励 Passengers are encouraged to check their belongs before exiting the train. 11.expand 扩大 The cruise company has expanded their fleet to include five luxury ships. 12.forward 专寄;转交 Your baggage will be forwarded through to your final destiantion. 13.include 包含 The tour package includes bus tickets,accommodation,meals and entertainment. 14.locate 位于 Lavatories are located at the front and rear of the plane cabin. 15.prepare 准备 Janet is preparing the schedule for our trip to Korea next month. 短语 accessible by 可借由...容易达到 The marketing convention will be held in a small seaside resort, which is about one hour from the airport and easily accessible by car or scenic train. included in 包含于 The cost of a round-trip airline tickets is included in the seven-day cruise package. round-trip来回旅程的 3.for the duration of 在...期间 When we looked into it in detail, it was cheaper for us to get rental car for the duration of the trip. the event of 由于 In the event of severe winter weather,bus routes may be temporarily suspended until the roads are cleared and safe for travel. 5.reach one"s destination 抵达目的地 As the flight was delayed,We didn"t reach our destination until just after midnight. 商务英语常用被动语态,会使得描述的更加客观。 尽量不用cheap用low cost
2023-07-07 22:35:191

three tons of coal后面用is 还是are

2023-07-07 22:35:198


2023-07-07 22:35:187


1.When we find late at night when the cave2.In Nazuo mountains have an elevation of 3,000 meters up to the temple3.Bright flaming burning, water bottles and the water began to boil4.The store selling good quality wool pillows and quilts5.Every year tens of millions of butterflies come from all parts of fountain6.He looked like a good and reliable person may in fact he only cares about his money7.The children in the bluest of blue skies built a sand castle
2023-07-07 22:35:165


因为“f”前面的字母是双写的元音“o”(注意是双写的元音) 这种情况就是直接加“s”。 roof. n. 屋顶;最高处,顶部;最高限度 vt. 给…盖屋顶,覆盖 复数 roofs 第三人称单数 roofs 现在分词 roofing 过去式 roofed 过去分词 roofed. 扩展资料   例句:   How long would the roof hold?   这屋顶还能支撑多久?   The roof was declared unsafe.   已宣布屋顶有安全隐患。   The roof is structurally unsound.   这屋顶结构不牢固。
2023-07-07 22:35:131


南明算不算 如果算的话 下面的加上前面的16位(明英宗那个算的话 是17位)明安宗 朱由崧(弘光) 明绍宗 朱聿键(隆武)明昭宗 朱由榔(永历)
2023-07-07 22:35:1315