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办公室(含董事会办公室) 英语翻译 名片上用

Board Office (这个已经包含了董事会办公室的意思了)



英语翻译 ever been 怎么翻译 一般怎么理解啊 anyway呢?

ever been适用于现在完成时的问句的.一般表述为have you ever been to ... 意思是“曾到过.”回答时用I"ve been to ... anyway是“无所谓,随便”的意思.


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Looking for the flag-raising ceremony officially started! First of all, let us salute teachers for their hard work say helloSecond: to raise the national flag, national anthem is played, the salutePlease Wang Teacher lecture, please value this week, the teachers arranged weeks weeks weeks subscript value, please LEE Teacher speech, speech, Health Teacher, please Battalion counselors speech, the flag-raising ceremony endedCourtesy completion Raised his right handI swear, love school, love the teachers, in order to learn how to learn and hard


英国海滨的商店出售一种叫做Peppermint Rock的糖果。每个糖块上都带有当地度假村的名字;糖块一碎开,这名字就显现出来了。好的企业认同实践应该运用同样的方法:一旦人们见到一个公司或者与这个公司打交道,这个公司的特质就立刻显现出来。想要达到这一点只能依靠所有公司员工天赋的能力和心性。绝大多数人都希望能够归属于他们能够了解和信任的实体,而这种忠诚的归属感应该是任何一个高效组织赖以生存的血液。

英语翻译(急用!!!) 最好是通顺的直译 少一些修饰 能看懂就行 拒绝在线翻译 帮帮忙 谢谢啦O(∩_∩)O~

南京的一所学校计划定一种韩版的校服给学生,但是家长们不同意这个改变,家长们相信这种看起来太好的校服将会助长学生们早恋的风气。 家长们一个妈妈说:我的女儿对于韩版的校服是如此的兴奋,她的梦想就是每天穿着迷你裙去学校。我的女儿也在和她的同学讨论男生们穿上韩版的校服有多么的帅。如果学生们穿上如此漂亮的校服,怎么能把注意力集中在学习上呢? 学校我们不得不停止这个计划,因为有太多的家长反对它。一些父母认为它是学校赚钱的一种方法,另一些家长认为新校服将会使学生的注意力从学习上移开转到校服上。 学生学生们对学校最后的决定很失望,学生们认为运动款的校服,使他们兼具两性,他们说韩版的校服有很多好处,例如可以提升学生在课堂上的兴趣和自信。 教育部门我们并不缺少校服的标准,。有一些是学款校可以选择他们自己的运动款的或者一些别的样式这都行。在南京大多是中小学都是选择运动款的。 专家时尚款式的校服能够增加学生在学习上的兴趣。父母们太过于担心早恋问题。现在的中小学生有足够强的个性和对美的欣赏能力是快速增长的。一件时尚的校服能培养他们对学校的归属感和减少对学校设置的抗拒。但是我不是一定要跟从日本或韩国的校服款式。我们应该设计属于中国的款式的校服。


学校制服的益处 你可能会讨厌在任何时候都穿着学校的制服,你也希望自己是有个性的唯一的。不管你相不相信穿学校的制服也会给你带来很多好处。 学校的制服可以让学校的保安更容易认出本校的学生。这样一来小小偷就很难进入学校,穿学校的制服也可以让你节省时间,你不会为穿什么和怎么摆酷而花费时间,你可以有更多的时间来对待学习。同时你也可以帮父母剩下很多买衣服的钱,学校制服还能给你一种认同感。穿统一款式的衣服甚至可以减轻同学之间的攀比心理。它还可能减少偷盗时事件的发生。

归用英语怎么说 归的英语翻译?

归的英语是”go back to”,还经常被译作 vested in,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到71个与归相关的短语释义和例句。 merge sort Merging Sort O MegerSort ( 归并排序 计 ) inductive inference induction ( 归纳推理 ) sense of belonging loyalty Belonging belongingness ( 归属感 ) Tropic of Cancer Tropic Sans mobile apparent Der Wendekreis des Krebses ( 北回归线 地理 ) Superman Returns Superman The Art of Superman Returns Supermgood Returns ( 超人归来 ) return to innocence No More Drama Back to Basics ( 反璞归真 )1. Swords are part of the infinite!2. Mama, i am like small bird and can"t return the nestcannot come back the nest3. Plastics with plastics, glass with glass4. Earth to earth. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.5. “Dust to dust, ashes to ashes6. – in a box, Franco. – That"s right.7. Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.8. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”9. Fong, dust to dust ashes to ashes…10. Dust to dust, amen. How was that?11. Schnaps is schnaps and beer is beer.12. Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return.13. When i am laid am laid in earth14. Every spike of wheat for the front!15. Fun is fun and done is done.自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/


水灾之后的大雨 溢满了沿海平原的干旱流床。洪峰有几英尺高,洪水在昨天上午袭击了Khemis Nagua的村庄,当时附近的农民和城镇的居民正在赶集。咆哮的水流席卷了村民的房屋、市场、商店、牲畜和农具,将他们横穿平原,冲出好几英里。报道说,洪水刚刚开始就迅速结束了。随着洪峰冲进大海,救援人员迅速该地区的人转移到往南大约25英里的安全地带



跪求翻译下文关于 社会冲突理论的英语翻译!求高手

Social harmony is "normal" or "abnormal", the existence of differences in understanding. Such differences are reflected in the social sciences, the gradual evolution of structure and function for and with the traditional clash of two different paradigms, and ultimately the formation of the modern theory of social conflict results. Society is composed of norms, values and public morality will be members of society join together to form social consensus, that is, the value of corporate social cohesion, making a balanced society. All the social problems, can be balanced by the social model to explain. The traditional school of thought is precisely the conflict to see the side of social disharmony, many social problems can not be explained is not got a balanced model of the. It said that the community is dynamic, ever-changing. Society as a whole is definitely not a balanced system, in the social systems of each and every part of the conflict and do not include the factors and is a source of social change. Functioning in the community in maintaining order, in addition to members of the social values of society and recognition of the authority, power also plays a very important role in the maintenance. Emphasis on modern conflict theory of social conflict "is" functions, features and more than constructive. It is not only that the conflict has led to social disharmony, it also has the role of social integration, and its interest in the conflict is through the mechanism of how to promote change, to prevent the rigid social system. Clash of the modern social conflict in the recognition of the universality of the At the same time, the study of social harmony as the end-result, and constructive social conflict that has the function of social integration is a driving force for social change. Stability in itself is a neutral term, could mean that the order of a benign, but also may mean that the conservative, lagging behind, not fair, the order of the crisis brewing. The function of the conservative and strong, from the ideological point of view origin, it absorbed the functions of ideology, "society is a balanced system" theory of social systems. "Safety valve" theory of modern conflict theory of the important results. It said that the community should remain open, flexible, inclusive, and can be controlled through the legitimate and institutionalize a mechanism for a variety of social tensions can be released, the demands of society to respond to social conflict resolution. Therefore, the release of the conflict itself is a hostile relationship and maintain the mechanism, you can use a "safety valve" to describe the concept of social discontent as the legitimate way to provide the release mechanism of conflict. In addition, the "safety valve" mechanism to some extent, can also shift the focus of conflicts, to avoid the accumulation of contradictions. In other words, the social tensions not only to vent their dissatisfaction with the original object can be an alternative target to vent, to avoid the impact of the system and the overall harmony.


问题是放大了的事实,ruled-based顺序取决于使用的制裁。这就意味着社会秩序”不仅需要一个指定的权威  对那些管理,但是也需要给他们有权使用强迫。”因此,作为社会动物,人类不得不“接受强制比如使用的工具允许有序的社会关系邪恶。”无处不在的强制手段,在最后的统计结果,在人类社会秩序和组织“依靠一种浮士德出卖自我的地方使用的工具,也就是说,邪恶的制裁,包括那些  有组织的力量,成为必要条件,获得了相应的优势的社会化组织”(V。1982年,p》,第92期。2)。那无疑是引入一个悲剧性的元素在人类的情形。v Ostrom什么所谓的“浮士德出卖自我”是不可避免的  随后从“紧张关系的努力而产生的,给生效并在构建人类话语和思想的关系。”


这些天,没有人想要一起为免费帮助建一所房子。但在作物暴民一些志愿者离开他们花全天免费工作的农场上每月一次的城市。他们尽一切从堆肥到收集鸡蛋到拔除杂草。从工作,他们知道如何生产他们的食物。农民的工作是很难的。他们要花几个月做同样的事情。作物暴徒正在为他们的好运气。他们都非常高兴。发现有很多人谁想要帮助的一个农场是快乐,"克里斯 Wimmer 说他是来自密苏里州的一个农民。从作物的暴徒,他得到了帮助。"人们总是正在努力。我很高兴我得到他们的帮助。你会发现整个美国,从西雅图到纽约城向北卡罗莱纳州的作物暴民。你想成为作物暴民的一部分和农夫为工作一天吗?

《致水鸟》英语翻译 用现代英语把它翻译出来,

To a Waterfowl by William Cullen Bryant (1974-1878) Whither,"midst falling dew, While glow the heavens with the last steps of day, Far,through their rosy depths,dost thou pursue Thy solitary way? Vainly the fowler"s eye Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong, As,darkly painted on the crimson sky, Thy figure floats along. Seek"st thou the plashy brink Of weedy lake,or marge of river wide, Or where the rocking billows rise and sink On the chafed ocean side? There is a Power whose care Teaches thy way along that pathless coast,-- The desert and illimitable air,-- Lone wandering,but not lost. All day thy wings have fann"d At that far height,the cold thin atmosphere: Yet stoop not,weary,to the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. And soon that toil shall end, Soon shalt thou find a summer home,and rest, And scream among thy fellows; reed shall bend Soon o"er thy sheltered nest. Thou"rt gone,the abyss of heaven Hath swallowed up thy form; yet,on my heart Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou hast given, And shall not soon depart. He,who,from zone to zone, Guides through the boundless sky thy certain flight, In the long way that I must tread alone, Will lead my steps aright. 《 致 水 鸟 》 披着滴落的露珠, 天空灿烂,白日的行程就要结束; 穿过玫瑰色的遥远空际, 你往何方把孤单的前程追逐? 看你远远飞翔而无计可施, 捕鸟人的眼光徒劳眷顾; 满天红霞把你映衬, 暗黑的身影飘飘飞舞. 你是在寻找开阔的大河之滨, 还是波浪拍岸的水草之湖? 或者潮水冲刷的海滩, 那里的巨浪奔腾起伏? 有上苍把你关照, 在无路的海岸为你指路, 在荒漠和无边的空际, 你孤单的飘荡不致迷途. 你成天翕动翅膀, 任空气稀薄暴风寒冷,飞在高处, 疲乏中你不肯降落舒适的大地, 即使黑夜即将紧闭它的帷幕. 你很快就会结束这样的劳苦, 你即将找到你夏天的住处; 休息中呼唤自己的伙伴, 芦苇也会躬身把你的窝巢遮护. 你的身躯全被吞没, 天堂深渊里,你踪影全无; 然而你的启迪深深留在我的心底, 我将久久地久久地把它记住. 谁,从一个地方到另一个地方, 指引你穿越无限的天空作必然的飞翔, 也会在我必须独自跋涉的长途上, 正确地引导我的脚步.


1, why do you now to USA tourism? Answer: my work is project quality inspection, Qian"an only in winter construction quality inspection will be substantially reduced, during the Spring Festival business to stop, I have plenty of time to travel. 2, why didn"t you go with your family?

滞留的英语翻译 滞留用英语怎么说

delay,火车,飞机都是这个单词detain I have been detained in the office by a friend who called.

救世主的英语翻译 救世主用英语怎么说

你好!救世主savior 英["seu026avju0259] 美["seu026avju0259] n. 救星; 救助者; (S-) 救世主; 上帝; [例句]Eventually, I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.渐渐地,我接爱了主作为我的救主,和我生命的主。

来自美国的一群中学生要来你们学校访问,为了增进了解,你们将举行一场研讨会 求英语翻译

A group of american students will come to visit to your school, for the reason of enhancing bilaterial understanding, a seminar will be held on time.


62操作 确保适当的手术,中断处理程序应当根据下面的指导方针。 所有的寄存器•推所使用的常规上使用前、流行乐堆叠栈之前把他们从ISR)。 保持ISR短•,尽可能地快跑。使用汇编代码是强烈recom -修补。 如果ISR将•已经有一段时间,降低了中断优先尽快ISR允许其他内出现。中断 有许多种特别的规则•申请中断运行时系统/用户模式。 请参阅适当章为更多的细节。 63中断的桌子 桌子6-1显示结构的内部中断矢量表。第一列向量地址在餐桌。抵消第二栏显示了矢量第一名 256个字节的桌子,第三栏显示了矢量在第二个256个字节。6-1表。内部中断矢量表结构 0x0000 + 0x0100抵消 0x00周期性中断- 0x10中等- 0x20 RST 10 - 0x30 RST 18 - 0x40 RST20 - 0x50 RST 28 - 0x60 Syscall指令- 0x70 RST 38 PWM 0x80奴隶口岸系统/用户态的侵害 0x90写保护违背正交解码 0xA0定时器一个输入捕获 0xB0定时器B叠加限制侵犯 0xC0串行一个串行端口 0xD0串行B串行F 0xE0串行端口B / C C网路 0xF0串行D定时器

指示的英语翻译 指示用英语怎么说


指示灯的英语翻译 指示灯用英语怎么说


收 刘亦菲的《泡芙女孩》 里面所有的英语翻译

blueberry,blackberry,raspberry,strawberry, blueberry,blackberry,raspberry,strawberry. merry- merry -go -round,funky funny playground, merry- merry -go -round,funky funny playground. 译文:蓝莓,黑莓,树莓,草莓蓝莓,黑莓,树莓,草莓快乐的旋转木马,刺激有趣的操场快乐的旋转木马,刺激有趣的操场lollipop, candy shop, mint drop, chocolate chip lollipop ,candy shop ,mint drop ,chocolate chip lovely lonely baby girl, shiny skinny boogie boy lovely lonely baby girl, shiny skinny boogie boy译文:棒棒糖,糖果店,薄荷糖,巧克力碎棒棒糖,糖果店,薄荷糖,巧克力碎可爱孤单小女孩,闪耀俏皮摇摆男孩可爱孤单小女孩,闪耀俏皮摇摆男孩


garbage bagrubbish bagrefuse bag



忍耐力的英语翻译 忍耐力用英语怎么说

忍耐力 [词典] endurance; [例句]对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.


I love my old school.


My logic is undeniable



英语翻译 我看中了一双靴子 请问英语怎样表达?

看中:take a fancy to sb./sth. I took a fancy to a pair of boots. 或: A pair of boots happened to strike my fancy.


连个小孩子来到了一座大城市。他们的名字分别是迈克和鲍勃。他们和他们的父母一起生活。他们的家庭非常富有。他们有车和许多的仆人。这天,迈克和鲍勃将要去上学了,他们的爸爸对他们说:“迈克、鲍勃、不要在学校说我们很富有。”然后他们去了学校,他们的老师说:“嗨,孩子们!今天我们来写一篇关于你们家的作文。这是迈克的作文。”“我的名字叫迈克,我的家非常穷,我的父母非常穷,我的司机和仆人都很穷。” 呵呵,很搞笑嘛!


在英译汉中,需要根据原文语境,正确运用词语重复方法,将英文避免重复的词语再现于汉语之中。这种反复使用某些词语的翻译方法就叫重译法。 一般说来,重译法有如下三个功能:一是为了明确;二是为了强调;三是为了生动。一、 为了明确(一)名词的重译 在英文中名词第二次出现时,经常会以代词来代替,甚至有时还会出现省略的情况。这种情况汉译时必须进行必要的重复,否则会影响句子意思的表达。 1.重复作宾语的名词 (1)Let us first begin to revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 让我们首先来修改一下我们的安全规则和卫生规则吧。 (2) We should learn how to analyze and solve problem. 我们应学会如何分析问题和解决问题。 2.重复作表语的名词 (1) Peter is your friend as much as he is mine. 彼得既是你的朋友,也是我的朋友。 (2) She became a millionaire-all by herself. 她成为一个百万富翁--一个白手起家的百万富翁。 3.重复英语介词短语前所省略的名词 英语中常重复使用介词短语,共同做某一名词的后置定语,并将第二个、第三个介词短语前的名词省略,译成汉语时则往往要将此名词重译。 (1)This man often got into argument with his colleagues or with the boss. 这个人经常和他的同事们争吵,或者同老板争吵。 (2) Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。 4.重复英语中作先行词的名词英语定语从句常用关系词引导,它一方面代表定语从句所修饰的那个先行词(名词或代词),另一方面在从句中担任一个成分。汉语中没有关系词,在英译汉时,往往需要重复翻译这个作先行词的名词。 (1)My uncle was born in Beijing, which is the capital of China. 我叔叔出生于北京,北京是中国的首都。 翻译英语中的同位语时,在译文中有时也可以重复其先行词。 (1)All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess" ultimate prize. 所有这些安排都是这次舞会的序曲,舞会才是女主人的最终目的。 (2) Water can be decomposed by energy, a current of electricity. 水可由能量来分解,所谓能量也就是电流。(二)动词的重译 1.英语句子常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语,在汉语译文中往往要重复这个动词。 (1) Is this man an American or an English? 这人是一个美国人呢,还是一个英国人? (2) People forget your face first, then your name. 人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘记你的名字。 2.英语句子中动词后的介词多次重复使用而省略动词,在汉语译文中则要重复动词以代替英语中重复的介词。 He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength. 他不再梦见风涛,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦见大鱼、搏斗和角力。 (三)代词的重译 1.英语用代词替代前文所属的人或物,因此代词在英文句子里出现频繁。翻译时往往按汉语习惯重复其所代替的名词。 (1) Ignoring a problem does not solve it. 对一个问题置之不理,并不能解决问题。 (2) Ann opened her eyes. They were filled with tears. 安娜睁开眼睛,眼里充满了泪水。 (3) Each country had its own customs. 各国有各国的风俗。 2.英语中强势关系代词或强势关系副词whoever, whenever, wherever等等,翻译成汉语时往往使用重译法处理。 (1) Whoever works hard will be praised. 谁努力工作,谁就会受到表扬。 (2) Wherever severe oppression existed, there would be revolution. 哪里有残酷的压迫,哪里就有革命。3.英语中some...and others...(some..., others...)连用的句子,译成汉语时主语往往是谓语重复形式的“的”字结构,有时也可用“有的……,有的……”句式。 Some are playing football, others are playing volleyball. 踢足球的在踢足球,打排球的在打排球。(或:有的在踢足球,有的在打排球。) 二、为了强调英语句子中往往重复关键性的词,以给读者留下深刻的印象,英译汉时往往可以采用同样的重复手段。1.英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语时可以保持同样的词的重复。 (1) Work while you work, play while you play. 该工作时就工作,该玩时就玩。 (2) Blood must atone for blood. 血债要用血来还。 (3) Year after year and century after century the moon goes through its cycle. 一年又一年,一个世纪又一个世纪,月亮盈亏变化,周而复始。 此外,英语对仗句的前后两部分中往往有词的重复,译成汉语时对仗句可以保持同样的重复。 (1) Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 (2) Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 2.英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语时有时可以用同义词重复之。 (1) No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。三、 为了生动出于译文行文上的考虑,有时虽然英文原文中没有词的重复,翻译时为了使译文生动,有时也可以采用一些重译手段。 (1) He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。 1.运用两个四字词组 汉语中有大量四字词组,这是汉语的一大特点。为了使译文符合忠实、通顺的标准,译者有时可酌情运用两个同义或近义的四字词组,这也可以说是一种重复。 2.运用词的重叠词的重叠是汉语中常用的一种修辞手段。英译汉时,我们可适当采用这种手段,特别是字重叠词组,使译文生动活泼,通顺达意。 (1) His speech was flat. 他的讲演平平淡淡。 (2) I had been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing. 我的回答完全是坦坦荡荡,直言不讳。3.运用四字对偶词组 汉语中有不少四字对偶词组,在这四字中前后两对字形成对偶,往往具有相同或类似的含义,所以也是一种重复。英译汉时我们可酌情采用此类四字对偶词组,使译文显得生动活泼。(1) The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair. 据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理的。 (2) But at that time, he was the only man there. 但是当时他是那里独一无二的男人。




首先我必须感谢您您对我的电子邮件的快的反应, 亲切的笔记, 我的提案对您是真正和100% 法律, 并且如果您仍然使用itn 瓷, 它是好。 上午希望, 这将带来信誉给所有人类。在我们继续进行我的这个项目之前。我的与您联系的原因是, 我由他们未执行所有指示我给他们的我家成员很大地失望了当我分享了所有我的财产对他们。因为我写您这邮件他们全部摒弃了我在医院。最痛苦的方面是我的妻子, 我失去了她六个月前。 我愉快, 我的愿望将由您执行, 因为我的直系亲属决定邪恶行动对我。我发誓, 他们不会知道关於这金钱并且我并且会希望您保持这个项目非常机要对你自己。它必须去慈善以便我能得到和平以我的灵魂。 我需要您再保险我, 您能处理这个项目并且您许诺分布金钱对慈善组织特别是对飓风受害者和海啸受害者并且癌症协会和并且对教会。 我是非常粗鲁的人民是原因的所有我的生活为什麼我想要做一点好以便我能有和平以我的灵魂并且当我至少死它并且将是在我帮助改变某人的生活永远的纪录。 当我收到你的来信, 我将寄发到您我的律师联络细节在将帮助您绑documents/ownership 的变动从我自己到您自己的名字上通过高等法院的伦敦, 以便您能直接地有联络以证券公司作为我的单一密友。我会愿意与您讲话, 但这癌症不幸地使它几乎不可能使我讲话。我感觉严肃的痛苦每次我想要讲话。我们能总通信通过电子邮件。所有同样我更将喜欢有您的电话号码。 请注意我不打算造成您任何问题, 这金钱属於我并且我有全部证明甚而显示对您, 所有您需要做将帮助我分布它因为我指示。在这个状况下在我的生活中我无法做什麼将投入任何人在麻烦。医生通知了我, 我有非常少量星期居住, 因此您能看为什麼我是绝望的结束这个项目在我逝世之前。亲切地送到我你的任一合法的证明, 因此我的儿子能能认识您今后。


吃什么除去湿气用英语这样说:What to eat to remove moisture.湿气有单独的单词为dehumidification。主要用作名词,作名词时译为“除去湿气,[建] 除湿;空气减湿”。短语搭配:dehumidification system 去湿系统 ; 干燥系统 ; 去湿装置;dehumidification drying 除湿干燥 ; 太阳能除湿干燥 ; 除石料破碎湿干燥;Cooling dehumidification 冷却除湿。Dehumidification Module 除湿模块;dehumidification dryer 除湿干燥机;sorption dehumidification 吸附式除湿;chemical dehumidification 化学除湿;freezing dehumidification 冷冻除湿。双语例句:1.Humidity controller produced at home and abroad for more than the humidification and dehumidification machine production enterprises.公司生产的湿度控制器已经为多家国内外的加湿机和除湿机的生产企业配套。2.Faults: with large area refrigeration effect is not very good, no dehumidification function, high temperature of the place with bad, the humidity in the air.缺点:对于大面积制冷效果不是很好,没有除湿功能,温度高的地方不好用,使用时还增加空气中的湿度。3.In order to avoid the astronaut"s exhaled humid air caused by the spacesuits fog glass condensate, haveabsorption dehumidification device.为了避免航天员呼出的湿润空气造成宇航服的玻璃罩雾凝,宇航服内还得有相应的除湿装置和二氧化碳吸附装置。

英语翻译 政府将更严厉地处罚违反限排规定的行为

毛病在于 “违反限排规定的行为”的翻译,在这句里处罚的是“人”的行为,所以英文的表达应该是处罚“人”而不是 “行为“。另外,”限排规定“翻译为 emission regulations 比较好。违反限排规定的行为应译为:people who violated the emission regulations (违反限排规定的人)或anyone who violated the emission regulations (任何违反限排规定的人)全句可译为:The government will punish anyone who violated the emission regulations more severely.

英语翻译: As can be probably perceived,a manned trip



名词表达有lagal provisons on..., the provisions of the statute/law 动词表达有the law stipulates...,the law provides that...


safety rules...


遵照规定_有道翻译翻译结果:Comply with the provisions ofprovisions英 [pru0259"viu0292n]美 [pru0259"viu0292n]n. 规定(provision的复数);食品;预备v. 供应补给品;供应粮食(provision的三单形式)provisions 条款,规定,给养appropriation provisions 拨款条例implementary provisions 施行细则


给我来 follow me

英语翻译:我们以米饭为主食 We_________________.

We have rice as a staple food.

英语翻译猪 狗牛羊马鸡鸭鹅鱼鸟 英语怎么说

鸡应该是 chickens吧,如果是chicken就是鸡肉了。

有活力的的英语翻译 有活力的用英语怎么说

有活力的great-hearted;viable更多释义>>[网络短语]有活力的 dynamic;Conbrio;Vivian有活力的人 alivewire敏捷有活力的 B&Abriskandactive



英语翻译 以原定东西向为轴顺时针方向转10-15度 就是这句话,

With original thing to for stalk clockwise turn 10-15 degrees


I have the enthusiastic character,I"m friendly to everybody,honest,modest. I work with cares , diligences,responsibilities and patience. I have kindness for people and good at communications.




At present, about the definition of neural network are not unified, according to the neural network at Hecht, Nielsen"s point of view, the neural network is defined as: "the neural network is made up of a number of very simple processing units to each other in some way connected to form a computer system, the system depends on its status, the dynamic response of the external input information to process information." The sources and characteristics of integrated neural network and a variety of interpretation, it can be expressed as: simple neural network is a designed to mimic the human brain structure and function of information processing system.From the perspective of the theory model of neural network, it can be divided into two main categories; Namely layered feedforward neural network, neural network and Internet feedback for layered feedforward neural network, its characteristic is through appropriate BP algorithm for sample training and learning of the neural network input and output can approximate arbitrary input and output the corresponding nonlinear mapping, that after learning to implementing a map is a kind of adaptive control function. Due to the layered feedforward neural network has "self learning" and "training" function, and can imitate the intelligence of the human brain, thus has strong classification and recognition. Therefore, layered feedforward neural network is widely used in network communication channel equalization, the global network management, information flow prediction as well as other adaptive control, etc. And the characteristics of the feedback neural network is through design to study the associative memory content or optimization answer set to minimum point of the system energy function, the dynamic equilibrium process of neural network can realize the automatic rapid processing optimization problems, so it can be widely used for the field of network communication, including the selection of packet scheduling and optimal routing, exchange of information and control. High speed Internet, nonlinear neural network also has the chaotic behavior, it is a very complex NP problem, can produce unpredictable sequence trajectory, fast password algorithm can be designed to be safe and reliable. It is because of the neural network learning mapping, lenovo optimization function and the characteristics of chaotic behavior can in theory to resolve the broadband network communication technology is facing some problems, which has been widely used in network communication.3 neural network application in network communicationThe following according to the "self learning" function of neural network, lenovo optimization function and chaotic behavior of the three functional features from three aspects: introduces the application of neural network in network communication instance求采纳


水管接头Water pipe joint


亲爱的凯文,我们很抱歉听到您在我们网站上经验了购物订单的问题。这可能是我们网站的一个暂时毛病。 我们在这里劝您一会重试一下,我们会很快解决问题。为了您有一个美好的订货经验,我们建议你用internet explorer 8+.如果尼斯湖第一次跟FootLocker订货,请在您点货之前创建一个客户账号。当前,我们的网站不支持safari游览器,您不可以在手机或平板上订货。但是,我们一直在我们的网站上进步。如果在这之后您还有同样的问题,我们建议您用别的信用卡或别的电脑购物,这是您的选择。你还可以在我们的店面里找到您想要的。Sneaker Finder system可以帮您看在欧洲的店里有没有货,然后帮你订购。 拿那个产品的SKU号就可以了。请注意,我们的Sneaker Finder System 跟 我们的网站提供的选择不一样。很遗憾的是,您不可以打电话订购。我们对您造成的一切不适道歉。 如果你需要我们来帮助你,请不要犹豫。谢谢Fiona------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Fionathanks for your reply.i am still not clear of something, i am using internet explorer 8 right now,and i also use many different visa cards and mastercards and can still not pay. could it be that your website only accept european credit cards? if so, i can let my friend in england help me buy for me. have there been foreigners buying from your website? do you support shipping internationally?


1. 以《超市》为题,写一篇英语作文 Supermarket Supermarket is very importment for us! We need them!We can buy anything when we must use it! Sometimes Supermarket is more expensive than shop!But it is butter than shop.We can look for to the happiness from it.Supermarket has lots of toys,foods,drinks,clothes,shoes and other things.But it doesn"t have many other things such as gold fish,tables,sofa and ice.You can see many books in the supermarket.Because of this,you don"t go to the bookshops. 注意:1.前几个文章有许多问题!!!比如第二篇将supermarket写成surpermarket.第三篇也有错,比如说 I like looking 他却写成了Ilike to looking . 2.shop是小卖部。supermarket是指超市。 2. 以超市为题写英语作文 There is a supermarket called RT-Mart S upermarket near my school. It"s a big su permarket. On the first floor, there is so me food for cooking, such as pork, beef, chicken, fruit and so on. There are some snacks, CDs, books and every day items . There are always many children on this floor because they like sweet snacks ve ry much. There are some clothes on the top floor. There are always many people in the supermarket at the weekend. Th e workers in it are friendly. They are ha ppy to answer your questions. They hel p you to find what you want. They alw ays *** ile. There are some discounts on some things. Things over there are very nice and cheap, so people all want to b uy things there。 3. 以超市为题写英语作文 There is a supermarket called RT-Mart S upermarket near my school. It"s a big su permarket. On the first floor, there is so me food for cooking, such as pork, beef, chicken, fruit and so on. There are some snacks, CDs, books and every day items . There are always many children on this floor because they like sweet snacks ve ry much. There are some clothes on the top floor. There are always many people in the supermarket at the weekend. Th e workers in it are friendly. They are ha ppy to answer your questions. They hel p you to find what you want. They alw ays *** ile. There are some discounts on some things. Things over there are very nice and cheap, so people all want to b uy things there.。 4. 在超市购物英语作文加翻译 My View on Shopping OnlineWhen it es to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because they feel online shopping is so convenient.Some just don"t believe that they can buy good quality modities from Inter.As far as I"m concerned, I think online shopping creates lots of benefits to people.Firstly, buying things online is a way of saving time.Compared with the traditional way of shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from store to store.Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just wait for the goods to be delivered to us.To this extent, not only we can save the time of finding things from store to store but we don"t need to spend time on transportation.Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun.Secondly, buying things online can save our money.People buy modities by Inter not only because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money.It is often seen that some people just go to the physical store to check out the modities they want to buy and then they would search for their favorite modities online and take the order.People do this just because they know that online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop window because online shop have no need to pay the rent.So, people are more inclined to buying things from online store.Thirdly, convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online.Since we can buy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want to buy.What we need to do is to simply sit before our puter, search for things we want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bank card.And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to your home.In conclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving way of buying things.Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online.That"s the reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recent years.关于网上购物说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法。 有些人似乎非常喜欢网上购物这样的购物方式,因为他们觉得网上购物很方便。有的则不相信他们能从网上买到质量好的商品。 就我而言,我觉得网上购物给人们带来了很多好处。先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。 与传统的购物方式相比,我们没有必要出去一家一家店地挑选我们喜欢的商品。只需一击,我们就可以在我们喜欢的商品就会在购物车中,之后就只是等着把货物邮递到我们手上。 从某种程度上说,我们不仅可以节省在商店找东西的时间,我们也不需要在运输上花时间。因此,我们可以节省大量的时间,享受乐趣。 其次,网上购物可以省钱。人们通过互联网购买商品不仅是因为它可以节省时间,而且因为可以为我们节省很多钱。 我们经常看到有些人只是去实体店看看他们想买的商品,然后在网上搜索并下订单。人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。 所以,人们更倾向于从网上商店买东西。第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便。 既然我们可以在网上买东西,那就没有必要出去寻找我们想买的东西了。我们需要做的是坐在我们的电脑前,搜索我们想买的东西,点击我们最喜欢的东西事,然后用银行卡付钱。 之后你只需要等待您的货物送到你家。总之,网上购物方便,省时和省钱。 因此,我们可以从网上购物获益很多。这就是为什么在近些年网上购物发展得越来越快的原因。 5. 一篇写超市地点的英文作文 Supermarket Supermarket is very importment for us! We need them!We can buy anything when we must use it! Sometimes Supermarket is more expensive than shop!But it is butter than shop.We can look for to the happiness from it.Supermarket has lots of toys,foods,drinks,clothes,shoes and other things.But it doesn"t have many other things such as gold fish,tables,sofa and ice.You can see many books in the supermarket.Because of this,you don"t go to the bookshops. 注:.shop是小卖部。supermarket是指超市。 望采纳,有问题可追问 注:此答案已过验证 你好, 晓心99为你解答, 如对你有所帮助, 请采纳或给予好评, 如有其他疑问, 可以向我求助, O(∩_∩)O谢谢 6. 在超市购物英语作文加翻译 My View on Shopping Online When it es to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because they feel online shopping is so convenient.Some just don"t believe that they can buy good quality modities from Inter.As far as I"m concerned, I think online shopping creates lots of benefits to people.Firstly, buying things online is a way of saving time.Compared with the traditional way of shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from store to store.Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just wait for the goods to be delivered to us.To this extent, not only we can save the time of finding things from store to store but we don"t need to spend time on transportation.Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun.Secondly, buying things online can save our money.People buy modities by Inter not only because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money.It is often seen that some people just go to the physical store to check out the modities they want to buy and then they would search for their favorite modities online and take the order.People do this just because they know that online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop window because online shop have no need to pay the rent.So, people are more inclined to buying things from online store.Thirdly, convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online.Since we can buy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want to buy.What we need to do is to simply sit before our puter, search for things we want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bank card.And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to your home.In conclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving way of buying things.Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online.That"s the reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recent years.关于网上购物 说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法。 有些人似乎非常喜欢网上购物这样的购物方式,因为他们觉得网上购物很方便。有的则不相信他们能从网上买到质量好的商品。 就我而言,我觉得网上购物给人们带来了很多好处。先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。 与传统的购物方式相比,我们没有必要出去一家一家店地挑选我们喜欢的商品。只需一击,我们就可以在我们喜欢的商品就会在购物车中,之后就只是等着把货物邮递到我们手上。 从某种程度上说,我们不仅可以节省在商店找东西的时间,我们也不需要在运输上花时间。因此,我们可以节省大量的时间,享受乐趣。 其次,网上购物可以省钱。人们通过互联网购买商品不仅是因为它可以节省时间,而且因为可以为我们节省很多钱。 我们经常看到有些人只是去实体店看看他们想买的商品,然后在网上搜索并下订单。人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。 所以,人们更倾向于从网上商店买东西。第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便。 既然我们可以在网上买东西,那就没有必要出去寻找我们想买的东西了。我们需要做的是坐在我们的电脑前,搜索我们想买的东西,点击我们最喜欢的东西事,然后用银行卡付钱。 之后你只需要等待您的货物送到你家。总之,网上购物方便,省时和省钱。 因此,我们可以从网上购物获益很多。这就是为什么在近些年网上购物发展得越来越快的原因。 7. 关于描写逛超市的英语作文,有翻译 Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. There were so many people that we could hardly make our way out of the crowds. There were all kinds of vegetables, fish and fruit everywhere. People were talking about the goods and the prices. The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.I remembered that the day before I had asked Mother to buy some fresh fish.Most of the fish there was frozen, but we had not much trouble in finding some fresh fish at the other part of the market. My mother bought something else as well. 昨天我和我妈妈一起去了那个市场。那里有许多人以至于我们在人群里举步维艰。那里到处都是各式各样的蔬菜,鱼和水果。人们讨价还价着。。我想起了之前的一天我叫妈妈去买一些新鲜的鱼. My mother bought something else as well. People were talking about the goods and the prices.Most of the fish there was frozen. The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then. There were so many people that we could hardly make our way out of the crowds。无时无刻都能听到商人的叫卖声。那里有许多人以至于我们在人群里举步维艰, but we had not much trouble in finding some fresh fish at the other part of the market.I remembered that the day before I had asked Mother to buy some fresh fish。人们讨价还价着。那里到处都是各式各样的蔬菜,鱼和水果. 昨天我和我妈妈一起去了那个市场,但是我们还还是很容易的在市场别的地方找到了新鲜的鱼. There were all kinds of vegetablesYesterday I went to the market with my mother, fish and fruit everywhere。我妈妈也买了一些其它的东西。那里大部分的鱼都冻僵了 8. 初二最好的超市英语作文带翻译 The best supermarket -- In my munity, there is a best supermarket. Why I say it is a best supermarket? Because of the supermarket is pretty clean and has freshest foods and vegetables. it has best service in the city. and politest service person in the supermarket. And has best price in the city. One day, I bought some bananas, apples, vegetables at the best supermarket. There was a service man asked, "Sir, do you need help?" before leaving. I was really happy for it. So I say it is the best supermarket in the city. 最好的超市——在我的社区有个最好的超市。为什么我说这是一个最好的超市?由于超市很干净,有新鲜的水果和蔬菜。它有最好的服务。和有最礼貌的服务人员在超市。在本市最好的价格。有一天,我在最好的超市买了一些香蕉,苹果,蔬菜。在离开之前有一个服务的人问,“先生,你需要帮忙吗?”。我真的很开心吧。所以我说这是本市最好的超市。 9. 以最好的超市为题,写一篇英语作文,词数不少于80字 There is a supermarket in the east of the school.a wide range of goods there, everything. One is selling food, there are Coke, bread, ham, vegetables, and fruits. Floor is selling clothing, there are T-shirt, pants, shoes. Three are selling household appliances, color TV, refrigerator, freezer, puters, water heaters and the like。

住宿的英语翻译 住宿用英语怎么说



钨钢的英文,钨钢的翻译,怎么用英语翻译钨钢,钨钢用[材] tungsten steelwolfram steel


Happy Hollow才是“欢乐谷”真英语!


I"ve heard that.....(sth.)

求助,帮忙用英语翻译一首诗《working on the railroad》



我心里难受,却说不出口 I feel painful more than I can say in my heart,I feel sick but I couldn"t say it.不管遇到什么事,我都会坚持住. no matter what happens, I will never give up.

懂事的英语翻译 懂事用英语怎么说

懂事 英文翻译sensible; intelligent;

sue来自哪里?她来自日本。她是日本人。 英语翻译

Where does Sue come from?


It is difficult to extract certain protein spots, so we chose five of the easiest protein spots for extraction.Photos of two other groups are shown below. They were not included in my attachment as I had previously published them in other journals.


magic conjuring sleight of hand a sleight of hand


【中文】每周至少去体育馆锻炼一次【英文】work out in gym at least once per week.【或者】go to gym for exercise at least once per week.【锻炼】老外常用work out,更生活化。


The movie "the boat of love" will be released on Tuesday at a price of 60 yuan


come out

上映的英语翻译 上映用英语怎么说

be onThe film is on show.

睡不着,失眠 用英语翻译

Can"t sleep insomnia

钢尺的英语翻译 钢尺用英语怎么说

steel rulerruler made of steel

沙眼的英语翻译 沙眼用英语怎么说

trachoma [tru0259"ku0259u028amu0259] 沙眼


sweat[英][swet][美][swu025bt]vi.流汗,渗出; 发酵; 做苦工; 〈非〉烦恼,焦急; vt.使出汗; 使流出,使排出; 使过度工作; 逼问; n.汗水; 湿气; 繁重、耗力的劳动; 担心,焦虑


sweat 英[swet] 美[swu025bt] vi. 流汗,渗出; 发酵; 做苦工; 〈非〉烦恼,焦急; vt. 使出汗; 使流出,使排出; 使过度工作; 逼问; n. 汗水; 湿气; 繁重、耗力的劳动; 担心,焦虑; [例句]Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes没过五分钟,马和骑手都大汗淋漓。[其他] 第三人称单数:sweats 复数:sweats 现在分词:sweating过去式:sweated 过去分词:sweated


你好!应该...,而不是...。It should be..., not...


you`re welcome


当然是 what i should do 因为你前面有 i don"t know 转化的时候要把后面的疑问语气改为陈述语气





英语翻译:贱人就是矫情 怎么说

bitch is always bitch
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