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银色直筒型不锈钢保温杯 英语翻译

Silver Colored Straight Stainless Steel Insulated Mug

插针的英语翻译 插针用英语怎么说



We are going to go boating this Sunday. =We will go boating this Sunday. 我们打算这个星期天去划船. 解析:be going to do sth.打算做某事


Do you want to go boating?


be doubtful about sth.


我的翻译是这样的1.Responsible for the development of new products testing program, and participate in the development of part of the product specifications and technical standards.2.With the quality department to solve the problem of after-sales products and provide technical support.3.Request made by the project team , the design of some products and the workpiece, and with the test.


建议楼主不要来这里找翻译高手,一般情况下,像你这样的文章连我这样有一些翻译经验,词汇量达到一万五的的人做这篇都需要20分钟,何况其他人。你给的分数太少了,另外这里也没有很优秀的翻译, 建议你去 翻译中国或者译网情深上去看看,他们可以帮到你。记住了,天下没有免费的午餐。


hello!welcome to our website!

英语翻译 1.中文:欢迎光临XX店 2.中文:请出示你的会员卡 会员 一词,如何翻译?

1.Welcome to ** store/shop 2.Please show your membership card


问题一:“你好,欢迎光临”用英语怎么说? Hello,Wele to e. 欢迎光临的英文: wele 参考例句: Wele to my humble abode. 欢迎光临寒舍。 Wele to our humble abode ! 欢迎光临寒舍! Good evening, everyone, and wele to Washington. 各位晚上好,欢迎光临华盛顿。 How are you, Mr. Smith? I"m glad you"ve e. 史密斯先生,你好?欢迎光临。 Wele to 弗he senior social studies area. 欢迎光临中等社会学习中心。 问题二:你好英语怎么说 首先明确告诉你,两个放在一起时可以的。 hello是向对方打招呼,类似于汉语的嗨 how are you是很正式的问候,顾名思义是你怎么样的意思,想想你和朋友见到,中文也会说,最近怎么样,对吧,英语是一个意思。 所以两个是可以一起用的,只不过这么用,hello就是纯粹的打招呼,而how are you则是纯粹的问对方最近如何了。 耽实英语中问候的方式很多,远远不止这两个: hey, Jo!这个是最不正式的美式用法,只能用在非常熟悉,能称兄道弟的人之间; what"s up!这个也是美式英语中非正式的问候方式,意思和how are you 一样。 问题三:你好在英语里怎么说 hello! how are you? how do you do? 用于不是很熟的人 以上都可以用在打招呼上,“你好”, Nice to meet you ! It"s a plasure meeting you! It"s pleased to meet you! 一般用于初次见面时打招呼或告别时用,“很高兴见到你”。 问题四:嗨,你好 ,英语怎么说 10分 “嗨”可以用: Hi Hey Hello Heli ”你好“可以说 1. Hola 2. Nice to meet you 3. How do you do 4. How are you doing 5. What"s up 上面任意组合都可以。不过一般”你好“和”嗨“的意思基本都是一样的,所以打招呼时只说其中的一句也可以哦。 问题五:你好怎么说你好英语怎么读 hello[英][h?"l??] [美][h??lo, h?-] 问题六:(您好) 英语怎么说呢? 30分 How are you 是您好的意思,因为hello 是你好的意思,却不够谦恭 How do you do 是一个非常古老的问法,钉思跟上面的一样,不过只有80岁英国绅士才how do you do,而且你要很清楚,这句话的正确回答方法是“how do you do” 正规方法如下 初次见面:good morning/afternoon/evening 就行,I am xxx 介绍后要说 nice to meet you!/glad to see you 很熟悉了,就hello 问题七:你好英语怎么说,一元钱英语怎么说 How do you do? Hey. Hi , Hello 都可是 你好 one yuan 一元钱 问题八:你好的英文怎么写 hello 你好 (比较正式) hi 你好(比场随意) how do you do? 你好 (初次见面) how are you? 你好 (一般问候) how are you doing? how have you been? ... 问题九:“小朋友,你好”的英语怎么说 Hi,kid.


How can I spell rigil?

英语翻译 1再见. 2欢迎光临. 3这边请. 4慢走.

再见:до свидания 欢迎光临:добро пожаловать 这边请:Сюда, пожалуйста 慢走:Спасибо, что пришли




现在的有些概念车装备了防撞系统。这些系统有激光或者红外传感器,当遇到危险的时候会提醒司机或者直接替代司机驾驶以避免事故。 冲撞的结果是:司机会由于车的突然停止而被迫立即失去动能。但是司机所承受的来自车突然停止和慢慢停止的推力是一样的。在这两种情况下,推力都是1500牛。现在许多汽车安全装置(如惯性卷筒安全带、安全气囊、缓冲带)的设计理念都不是减少司机所承受的推理,而是为了减少让司机停下来的力的作用范围。汽车工程师通过延长司机失去从制动到失去动能的时间来勉强达到这一目的。一种在汽车司机中很时兴的错误观点是他们认为汽车越坚固也就越安全。司机们抱怨说汽车在从冲撞中太容易散架了。如果汽车被构造成得像军用坦克那样坚固就好了。事实上,汽车被设计成容易蜷成某种形状。这样可以避免事故中的严重伤害,使得其更加安全。 军用坦克被设计成极其坚固的车辆。它们可以经受住强烈的碰撞,并使构造不会发生很大的改变。假如坦克以50公里每小时的速度撞上一个坚固的障碍物。坦克相对来说损害不大,但是坦克手很可能就死了。这是因为不变型的构造使得坦克和乘坐人员会在极短的时间内停止。乘坐人员身体会在瞬间失去动能,这意味着他们所承受的撞击力极大。即使他们系着安全带,这个强大的力仍然会使坦克手承受巨大的伤害。


做一个聪明的消费者我们需要照顾好我们的星球。现在的人们知道这些,因此我们采用回收的方案,也有很多人买可循环材料制造的商品。这样很棒,但是仍然有很长的路要走。为什么我们还有如此多的浪费?我们以前乱扔垃圾。如果我们用完一些东西,例如罐头,瓶子,报纸等,我们把它放进垃圾箱。而现在我们经常把他们带到回收站。看一下下面的数字:在2009年,我们的城市产生了136380顿的垃圾,相比2008增长了1.2%其中,生活垃圾排第一位,它占120000顿,比去年多8%。塑料在总垃圾量里占8%——9%,玻璃占3%-5%,而纸占2%-3%即使人们在回收垃圾,为什么这些数字在涨而不是降?一些科学家说问题出在产品包装上。如果我们少用一些包装,并且再利用一些东西,垃圾会更少。如果你买的一些用塑料包装的东西可以回收。你应该买环保包装的产品。我们必须先思考而后购买。如果我们这样做并试图回收垃圾,我们就可以让地球保持绿色,保持美丽 ----Garden City Evening


Dear Mr,Good day! Glad to contact you again. Wish everything goes well there.Summer comes and it is extremely hot here. Wish you enjoy a cool summer day in Taiwan.It was my great honor to show you our products- sand beach bags. As you mentioned before, our products are made from recycle material with great practicability. Sand beach bags made from recycle material are the first optional bags for fashionable people during vacation trip in summer. It also complies with the leading idea of “Green Life”, and we promise you that we will provide the competitive bottom price among similar products. We appreciate if you can consider all the advantages we supply you. Our products have enjoyed great popularity in the European, Korean and Japanese market, and we hope their successful experience can for your reference.If you have any advice or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will improve our products according to your request.Awaiting your reply, and hope we can be good friends. Thank you!


An excellent effort has been made


By introducing and analyzing the woods and some relevant alternative new materials about interior design, this article states the existing problems in applying and promoting new environmental-friendly materials in modern interior design, and it also offers some corresponding solutions.


亲 这样一篇翻译的好要给很多钱的哦 你觉得会有人花几个小时给你翻吗==


荣氏新材料(湖北)股份有限公司是荣氏集团下属的一家...计算机翻译:Rong new material ( Hubei ) Group Limited is proud of a research and development, production, processing and sales of new fireproof environmental protection building material companies. The company is located in the birthplace and bamboo slips of Chu culture -- Jingmen shayang mountain in Guodian Industrial Park Ji, the company covers an area of 250,000 square meters, the registered capital of 20 million, with the top level in automatic production lines at home and abroad. Rong sheet is based on the black diamonds as raw materials, after high temperature roasting process to suppress and it belongs to a new energy - saving, environment - friendly materials, and high performance insulation. To the user in different areas around the world provide high quality, high quality, specifications, multi-purpose decoration plate, as well as high-end products deep processing of fire proof doors series. The company adheres to the " efforts of innovation, scientific management, unique business " principle, with quality products, first-class service, affordable prices to win customers and markets. " The human environment - friendly, eco - friendly building material " is the company"s corporate mission. Rong new material limited company goals are : to be able to provide a new integrated manufacturers of fire protection products. To apply the new generation fire protection, energy saving, environment - friendly materials spread to all areas of the world. With the constant promotion products on the market, Rong"s new fire prevention repair material is recognized by our clients. Our dedicated business negotiation friends new and old customers to companies to discuss cooperation and development, we will continue towards the business objectives, to act, with the times, China"s new material research and development. production and market promotion, and friends Association heart with the ability to create a harmonious environment, creating a pattern of parties win - win.


关于PVC环保材料的安全法规方面,我们兹证明材料均完全符合下列规定,这些原料的恰当性已被证实与我们的供应商认证。产品;PVC环保材料符合REACH标准(84 SYHC)姓名/ 职位日期

英语翻译 急急急急急

Environmentally friendly materials, green manufacturing, dynamic water-saving, on-demand modulation, water decontamination, water-saving significantly. Rinse with fresh water, detergency strong.Including water for cooking, washing Levin, washing dishes, etc. (2) per person per month for a bath 12 times, 20 min, (3) the price of water at 3yuan/ m3Water per person per day


因为我以后想要环球旅行的英语翻译 because I want to travel all around the world in the future 因为我想来一个环球旅行的英文 Because I wanted to travel around the world. 因为我想来一个环球旅行 我妹妹喜欢环球旅行的英语 我妹妹喜欢环球旅行 My sister likes to travel around the world. 我妹妹喜欢环球旅行 My sister likes to travel around the world. 用英语写一篇环球旅行的作文100词六年级带翻译 In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family. First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos. They all like our culture and beautiful senery. Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third, we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food. In a word, we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour. 我认为你应该去做环球旅行。英语翻译 我认为你应该去做环球旅行 I think you should go to travel around the world 环球旅行的花销? 楼上完全乱讲。没看过3000美元环游世界吗? 其实只要你节约一点,二三十万也可以环游世界。主要就是省钱问题了。基本上,飞机你可以坐廉价航班,而旅馆可以住青年旅馆,吃饭不要吃那么豪华,那么你至少可以省大约3分之2的钱。 环游世界并不代表所有国家都要去一遍,而只是从各个大洲中挑几个有代表性的国家去一下。如亚洲的印度、日本、韩国,南美洲的巴西、阿根廷等,这样大约半年就可以环游世界,每天按照200美元(住宿50美元,吃饭50美元,其他一百美元)的花销,(其实这都算奢侈)半年也就3万美元,约合20多万人民币。 对了,现在有条和平之船正在环游世界,还去20多个国家登岸游览,还去南极,只要15万,网址在这,peaceboat. 希望对你有帮助! 如何实现环球旅行的梦想英语作文 How to make your dream e true?Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream e true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams e true.first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream e true.second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong.finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties.Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now . 环球旅行的梦想怎么实现? 1、首先,你现在还是一个学生还很年轻,若是自己真正的想周游世界,那么以后的路和时间还很多,所以有此定向和决心的话,那么你一定能实现这个夙愿的。 2、其次,真正的旅行者不单一的是游玩旅游,是有一定文化底蕴的知识后,再去更深刻的了解当地的文化民俗和风情,而把理论和实际结合起来,为后人和社会的某些片面认识增添新内容。 3、你现在厌倦大学的生活,可能是你现在的专业很枯燥。既然你的志向是做旅行者,那么就可以专修地理旅游课程,把乏味的学习变成有兴趣和动力的活动。 4、记得在中央电视专题看过一个去欧洲看自己女朋友的中国小伙子,周游了许多的国家而花费的钱才几百美金(都是搭乘过路车),所以对你会有所帮助的。 或许有一天我会去环球旅行英语翻译 你好! 或许有一天我会去环球旅行 Maybe one day I will go to travel around the world . 请问,去环球旅行社怎么走?请这边走.英语翻译 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 请问,去环球旅行社怎么走? Excuse me, how can I get to the global travel agency? 请这边走。 Please go this way. 希望我的回答对你有帮助。


杰克和朋友商量一起去环球旅行用英语翻译 Jack and his freinds were discussing about travelling arould the world. 用英语翻译和朋友一起吃 have dinner with friends 望采纳 今年暑假我和父母一起去英格兰旅行用英浯翻译 I will have a journey of England with my parents in this summer vocation. 珍妮和迈克一起去上学 用英语翻译 Jenny goes to school with Mike . Jenny and Mike go to school together . 望采纳!谢谢! 我和朋友在一起用英语翻译 I 作主语,mine是名词性物主代词,相当于 my加物体,即“我的东西”,my是形容词性物主代词,意思是我的。 写 我和他 时,我在后,如:He and I are friends. 徒步旅行的英语翻译 徒步旅行用英语怎么说 徒步旅行 [词典] hiking; hike; pedestriani *** ; wayfaring; walkabout; [例句]复活节假期他们通常都会去徒步旅行。 They usually have a walking holiday at Easter 杰克和别人去玩了吗?是的,他和汤姆一起去玩了的英语翻译 Did Jack play with others outside? Yes, he had went out to play with Tom. 望采纳,谢谢。 我很乐意和你一起去徒步旅行用英语怎么说 I"ll be delighted to go hiking with you. I"ll be glad to go hiking with you. I"ll go hiking with you with pleasure. I"d be glad to go on a hike with you. 我周末与朋友一起去购物。英语翻译 I go shopping with my friends on weekends. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:) 我和我的朋友一起去广场玩。用英语翻译,过去式 My friend and I went to the square to play togethe 希望我的回答能够帮到您,望采纳

排序的英语翻译 排序用英语怎么说


环球旅行用英语怎么说 英语翻译

travel around the world


Riding bicycles to school after eating breakfast will help you to work out and ease traffic pressure.吃了早饭过后-after eating breakfast骑自行车-riding biscycles 上学-to school既有助于-will help锻炼身体-work out和-and缓解-ease交通压力-traffic pressure.


运动可以缓解心情exercise can unwind your mindexercise can relax your emotional status working out is an ease for your mental status working out is a comfort for your mental well-beingaerobics are a comfort for your mood


Will alleviate the symptoms.


spread all over the countryfinance report underwriteroyaltyfocus oncongratulation sb on sthin alltake picture of sbtake offin the course of his flightwish china will still be high up in picturesSmith includedgive me a hintpoliticiansuccess nreplace vtcongratulate vtNow that you have had the chance ,you had better take full advantage of it .China Daily is more than a newspaper ,it can help us learn English.Wish our explanation can give some help more or less.Wide trousers are the latest fashions .I believe his words but I do not trust him.

英语翻译 用英语翻译:白日依山尽,黄河入海流.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼.

The sun sets beyond the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea. To explore a thousand miles further, climb another level of the tower.


我的家乡位于中国西北地区东部的黄河中游My hometown is located in the northwest region in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in the eastern part of China


May 12, and Sichuan in eight strong earthquake. 60,000 people were killed. More than 20 million people were injured. Displaced. 1.3 billion people have been affect the heart. Therefore we should unite and do something for Sichuan. We may hold a charity event for the people of disaster areas contribute money and materials. Or application to become volunteers, to contribute to the disaster areas. The Government should promptly added the disaster areas of materials.

英语翻译 1 黄河是中国第二条最长的河流,对吧 2 青藏铁路全长1963公里 3 奴隶主逼迫奴隶在农场干繁重的活

1. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, isn"t it?2. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is 1963 kilometers long.3. Slave owners force the slaves do heavy works on their farms.4. Is that polite if you make noise while eating noodles in Japan?5. I have some problems to use computer.6. His arm is injured when he plays basketball7. This is the first time I get to the Yangtze River8. I made a big progress with the help of the teachers.


1. Huang River is the chief river of china. 2. The second longest river in china is Huang River.


Yellow river/Huanghe river





用过“爱词霸在线翻译英语翻译”吗? 怎么把词语的解释弄出来?


我必须取得好成绩回报我的妈妈 用英语翻译

I have to get good grades my mother returns

英语翻译 努力你就会得到回报.这句话翻译成英文是什么?

You will be rewarded If you strive for your goals. 如果你为你的目标而努力,你就会得到回报. 希望可以帮到你 望采纳 谢谢




Little investment gives huge profits in return.

木材的英语翻译 木材用英语怎么说

木材wood;[木] timber;[木] lumber;[木] timbering;lignum更多释义>>[网络短语]木材 wood;timber;lumber木材厂 Timber Mill;Lumber Mill;woodworking factory强化木材 Densified wood;reinforced wood


not all the sinceres will be seen not all the pay will be repaid not all the tears have weight not all the wishes will fly if I left,can"t meet forever except -------you

爱国的的英语翻译 爱国的用英语怎么说

翻译如下:爱国根据语境love one"s country; be patriotic都可以例句:爱国信念更加坚定了志愿者们的信心。The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief


对!Veteran可以解作:老将老兵老手 adept老资格退伍军人

回答 的英语翻译是什么?



翻译中“形合”是相对比较浅显的,是什么就翻译什么,所以翻译是很直接的。Apple就是苹果,pear就是梨。“意合”是相对深一些,需要结合文化的,有些是约定俗成的,有些是翻译者本身对这句话意思有一个延伸或者更独到的理解。比如"rain dogs, rain cats."如果翻译只是形合,那么你就翻译成"天空下了好多猫猫狗狗",但是大家约定俗成的,应该是翻译成滂沱大雨,倾盆大雨。比如"love me, love my dog"你要是翻译成爱我的话,也要爱我的狗。如果当时是女主人公抱着狗说这句话,字幕组可以这么翻译,但是翻译者本身也可以延伸到成语"爱屋及乌"。


希望可以帮到你!一箭双雕 to kill two birds with one stone 趁热打铁 to strike while the iron is hot 火上加油 to pour oil on the flame 晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue 浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water 轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather ring in the new 大事化小,小事化了try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 大开眼界open one"s eyes; broaden one"s horizon; be an eye-opener 国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits.

爱屋及乌的英语翻译 爱屋及乌用英语怎么说

原文:Love me,love my dog.译文:爱屋及乌。辨析:许多词典和翻译教材都提供这样的译文,实在有点误人子弟。英语和汉语有不少说法粗看似乎是“巧合”,实际上具体含义很不一样。The New Oxford Dictionary of English对“Love me,love my dog.”的解释是:If you love someone,you must accept every thing about them,even their faults or weakness.也就是说:“要是你喜欢我,就要喜欢我的(一切,包括我的)狗。”Love my dog是love me的条件;而“爱屋及乌”讲的是:“爱人者,兼其屋上之鸟”,即“爱一个人爱得很深,连他房屋上的乌鸦也觉得可爱”。显然,“爱乌”是“爱(某个人)”的结果,所以原译完全是本末倒置。

英语翻译:我会回复你邮件 请给出多个表达!

I"ll reply to your email. I"ll write back to you. I"ll answer your email. I"ll respond to your email. I"ll send you my reply.


今晚有安排吗Are there any arrangements for tonight arrangement 英[u0259u02c8reu026andu0292mu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8rendu0292mu0259nt] n. 安排; 排列; 约定; 改编;

为....安排 设计 英语翻译

arrange sth for sb


Cash accounting Bank deposits, accounting Current figures

英语翻译 岗位编制人数 岗位缺编人数 拟到任日期 实际到任日期

The preparation of the number of posts岗位编制人数 The number of job vacancies岗位缺编人数 Proposed date of Posting 拟到任日期 The actual arrival date 实际到任日期


手工翻译: 在21世纪,成功的制造商都将是全面电脑化的。在电脑化的过程中,至关重要的一个步骤就是材料需求规划(ERP)系统。早期的ERP系统可以进行销售预测,并且计算一个公司的产品生产需要多少原材料,库存,人工,机器设备。 现在的ERP系统把公司的生产资源和财务管理联系在了一起。这一新的功能创造了一个强大的系统,它能控制整个营销计划和商业运作过程。通过ERP,管理者可以用准确的事实去做决策,而不是靠预测和直觉。 直接人工预算 像直接材料预算一样,直接人工预算包括数量(工作时间),而且直接人工成本必须服从于生产成本。在Hayes公司,一个单位的完成品需要两个小时的直接人工。预期的每小时的工资标准为10美元,这些数据在图表6-8中说明。直接人工预算对于保持完成生产计划需要的员工人数非常重要。 制造上限预算 制造上限预算显示了预算期内制造成本的最高上限。像图表6-9中显示的那样,该预算与变动和固定成本上限不同。Hayes公司预计变动成本将随生产量的变动而变化:对于每小时的直接人工:间接原料1美元,间接人工1.4美元,费用0.4美元,维护费用0.2美元,那么对于6200小时的直接人工,预算的间接原料为6200美元(6200*1),预算的间接人工为8680(6200*1.4)。Hayes公司发现有些维护费用是固定的。假设固定成本的数量已知。 在Hayes公司,以直接人工为基础的上限分析被应用于生产当中。应此,正如图表6-9所示,这年度的价格为8美元每小时(246400/30800)


成功制造了21世纪将全面电脑化. 就这样一个关键步骤就是物质需求规划(MRP)的系统. 早期的MRP系统接受了多少销售预测与计算材料、库存、人 机械制造公司所需的产品. 当前的MRP系统连接该公司的制造资源规划与财务管理. 这个新功能产生了强大的系统规划和控制整个业务运作的过程. 同MRP的, 管理才能作出决定的事实,而不是"预感"和"本能"一样直接材料直接劳动力预算预算 预算包含直接劳动量(小时)、直接劳动成本满足生产所需预算. 海斯公司在两个小时的直接劳动力需出示每一组成品. 预计每小时工资率为10元. 这些数据显示插图6-8. 直接劳动力预算是关键保持劳动力达到预期生产水平. 生产制造架空架空预算列预算,预计预算期制造费用开销. 插图6-9所示,这个预算区分可变成本和固定开销. 海斯公司预期可变成本随生产量的基础下,直接劳动率每 时间:1.00美元,间接物资,间接劳动力1.40元、0.40元,水电费、维修0.20.thus美元,为6200直接劳动时间 预算间接物料达6200(6200*1元),完成预算的间接劳动是8680元(6200*1.40). 海斯也承认有些是固定维修. 报数额为固定成本任. 海斯在公司间接应用于生产的基础上,直接劳动时间. 因此,正如图6-9所示,年增长率为每小时800(246400÷30800元).



为....安排 设计 英语翻译



苹果三年财务的历史操作 FY 2007 FY 2006 FY 2005 的结果当做重新叙述 (1)网络售卖: Domestic $14128 $11486$8,334国际的 9,8787,8295,597完全的净余售卖 24,00619,31513,931费用和费用: 售卖 15,85213,7179,889 的费用研究和发展 (R&D)782712535我只会一小段

会计英语翻译 请不要机翻 谢谢``````



The tax base of an asset is the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes against any taxable economic benefits that will flow to the entity when it recovers the carrying value of the asset. Where those economic benefits are not taxable, the tax base of the asset is the same as its carrying amount.一项资产的计税基础是当企业收回该资产的帐面金额时,就计税而言可以从流入企业的任何应税经济利益中可以抵扣的金额.如果这些经济利益是不纳税的,那么该资产的计税基础即为帐面金额.到这去看看:http://cache.baidu.com/c?m=9d78d513d99014fc03b1d5381a16a635451f97634d91835f2c84cd1f84642a16163bbfe678794113d3b42c305df81d07acb12235775d2feddd8eca5ddcc88f357fd86623706bd1004e8042b8cb31749c7f8d1cb3ef4eb4ece732e5aed2d1d85558cc44050c83e78b2c0303ca18aa526ebd&p=8b2a9329958408f619bd9b780f0d&user=baidu&fm=sc&query=against+any+taxable+economic+benefits&qid=fa723b9c02254110&p1=4


(1)audited report"s year-end date 审计报告的年终日期 2)scope paragraph 2)范围段 3)opinion paragraph 3)意见段 4)explanation paragraph 4)解释段 5)recommendation paragraph 5)推荐段

英语翻译 成为焦点 或者是 成为热议的话题 要大概三种

become the focus of attention/the hot issue/topic catch public attention cause public concern being under discussion among the public 暂时就想到这些啦


Summer is in the best of the Beijing Olympic Games


迎奥运,讲文明,树新风Towards the Olympic Games, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices



北极星的英语翻译 北极星用英语怎么说

北极星 [词典] polestar; Polaris; North Star; Pole Star; cynosure; [例句]我欣喜地发现了北极星,并顺着它的方向找到了像勺子形状一样的北斗七星。I was glad to find the North Star, which pointed out for me the Big Dipper.


According to the International Olympic Committee, Olympic Games is the: major (SPORT), sub-items (DISCIPINES) and the lesser (EVENT). And the Athens Olympic Games, Beijing Olympic Games is the largest of 28, 28 which are: track and field, rowing, badminton, softball, basketball, football, boxing, canoeing, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, handball, Hockey, judo, wrestling, water projects, modern pentathlon, baseball, equestrian, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, shooting, archery, triathlon, sailing and volleyball. Of these,There is no breakdown of sub-items are the most water projects, including swimming, synchronized swimming, diving and water polo sub-4. Although there is no breakdown of the track and field, there are the lesser of 46, in which the lesser of 24 men, 22 women, the lesser is the Olympic gold medal in the most. This was followed by swimming, although there is no breakdown, but there were 32 small, the 16 men and women. On the occasion of the Olympic Committee to conduct a more in-depth consultations.


When will the exhibition be held.

英语翻译:(一个人吃饭很无聊) 你是中泰混血儿吗?(英语翻译) 会说中文吗?(英语翻译)

Are u half-blooded of China and Thailand?

混血儿的英语翻译 混血儿用英语怎么说



This AugustThe August of this year




1.The senior game is now mainly professional and is largely confinedto the English and Welsh (Wells) countysides (village) which play inthe county championships. What meaning in the sentence The senior does game also have thecounty the championships? 2.package tours (contracting cost swims) and the mass charter 3.sponsorship schemes


Hot pot has a history of over 2000 years.


火锅已有2000多年的历史英语翻译为:Hot pot has a history of more than 2000 years.火锅,古称“古董羹”,因食物投入沸水时发出的“咕咚”声而得名,是中国独创的美食之一,也是一种老少皆宜的食物。火锅一般是指以锅为器具,以热源烧锅,以水或汤烧开来涮煮各类食物的烹调方式,同时亦可指这种烹调方式所用的锅具。其特色为边煮边吃,或是锅本身具有保温效果,吃的时候食物仍热气腾腾,汤物合一。世界各地均有类似的料理,但主要在东亚地方特别盛行。火锅现吃现烫,辣咸鲜,油而不腻,解郁除湿,适于山川之气候,今发展为鸳鸯锅,麻辣、清淡各别,各取所需,根据个人的喜欢加不同的汤料、食物,老少皆宜,至冬之佳品。起源:关于火锅的起源,有两种说法:一种说战国时期即有火锅,史人以陶罐为锅。另一种说是火锅始于汉代,“斗”就是指火锅。西汉海昏侯墓文物中出土了火锅实物。可见火锅在中国已有2000多年的历史了。《魏书》也记载,三国时期用铜所制的火锅,人们使用火锅煮用来涮猪、牛、羊、鸡、鱼等各种肉食,但当时并不流行,后来随着烹调技术进一步的发展,各式的火锅也相继闪亮登场。到北宋时代,火锅的吃法在民间已十分常见,汴京开封的酒馆,冬天已有火锅应市。南宋林洪的《山家清供》食谱中,便有同友人吃火锅的介绍。元代,火锅流传到蒙古一带,到了明清时期,火锅不仅在民间流行,而且成了一道著名的“宫廷菜”,用料是山鸡等野味。到了清朝末期民国初期,在全国已形成了几十种不同的火锅而且各具特色。日本室町时代,火锅从中国传入日本是在一三三八年。日本称火锅为“寿喜烧(すきやき)”又称“锄烧”。如今火锅还传到美国、法国、英国等国家。




1、一位外国宇航员 a foreign astronaut 2、最新消息 the latest news 3、中国国旗 Chinese national flag 4、安全着陆 land safely 5、参加空军 join the air army 6、一位38岁的宇航员 a thirty-eight years old astronauts 7、 神州5号飞船 the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft8、一个国家英雄 a national hero 9、一个爱国故事a patriotic story 10、期待着到中国来look forward to coming to China 11、在机场接我 come and meet me at the airport
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