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”不屑一顾“ : beneath attention /contempt/notice scorn be contemptuous of (英语中很多意思 的翻译并不是靠一个个单词的意思拼凑起来的,而是我们根据全文来推测出来的,了解整体,才能让我们更好的翻译。)


Jianzhi, or paper cutting, is a unique form of Chinese folk art. It involves using scissors or a knife to cut intricate designs out of paper, resulting in beautiful and delicate creations.Jianzhi has a long history in China, with the earliest known examples dating back to the 6th century. Originally, paper cutting was used for decorative purposes during festivals and ceremonies, as well as for religious and superstitious reasons.Today, paper cutting remains an important part of Chinese culture and is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is often used to decorate homes and public spaces during holidays and special occasions.One popular technique used in Jianzhi is the "positive-negative" method, where a design is created by cutting both the positive and negative spaces out of the paper. Another common technique is the "window flower" method, where a design is cut into a square or rectangular piece of paper, creating a delicate and intricate window decoration.Overall, Jianzhi is a unique and beautiful art form that continues to be cherished and celebrated in Chinese culture.


剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式英语翻译:Paper cutting is a unigue form of folk arts in China.一、Paper1、含义:n. 纸;文件;报纸;论文;票据;壁纸。2、用法:paper的基本意思是“纸”,通常用作物质名词,不可数。如表示可数性,则须借助于单位词。“一小张纸”是a piece of paper; “一大张标准尺寸的纸”是a sheet of paper。paper作“写过字的纸”解时,是可数名词,有复数形式。She papered the walls of her room.她用纸裱糊她房间四周的墙壁。二、form1、含义:n. 形式;形状;表格;良好的健康状态;表现状态;常规。2、用法:form表示“形式”“形状”时,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。表示“表格”,是可数名词。作“情绪”“状态”解时,是不可数名词。Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。三、of1、含义:prep. 关于;... 的(表所属);出身于;由于。2、用法:直接源自古英语的of;最初源自原始日耳曼语的af,意为离开,分开。This is a photograph of my dog.这是一张我的狗的照片。四、folk1、含义:n. 人们;(某类或来自某个地方的)人;双亲;<口>大伙儿;民间音乐。2、用法:folk用作名词的基本意思是“人们”,指某一种族、民族或具有某种共同生活方式的普通村民; 是集合名词,美式英语中常在词尾加-s,而英式英语多不加,常与复数谓语动词连用。This is no place for young folk.这可不是年轻人该去的地方。五、China1、含义:n. 中国。2、用法:china的意思是“瓷器”,指瓷器、瓷盘、瓷碗的总称或瓷料。a piece of china表示“一件瓷器”, a set of china表示“一套瓷器”。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。


Paper-cut good wishes and blessings of the people"s life


1. that patients the more and more became weak 2. enemies not to be able to have the good fate 3. to want to continue to do are not the impossible 4. your new bicycle to spend how much money 5. Xiao Li on the way, you also had to wait for a his meeting


1927年国民革命军正处于北伐中,当时的国民党两大集团——武汉的汪精卫集团和南京的蒋介石集团并不团结,4月,蒋介石在上海发动“四一二”政变,大批逮捕、处决共产党人,三个月后,武汉的汪精卫集团也发动“七一五”政变,大肆清党,政府、军队中的共产党人遭到驱逐。在这种情况下,中国共产党为了表明革命到底的立场,唤醒广大民众,反抗国民党反动派的屠杀,决定在南京和武汉之间的江西南昌发动武装起义,打响了武装反抗国民党反动统治的第一枪。1933年7月11日,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府根据中央革命军事委员会的建议,决定8月1日为中国工农红军成立纪念日。从此,8月1日成为中国工农红军和后来的中国人民解放军的建军节。The national revolutionary army is in the northern expedition in 1927, when the kuomintang two groups - wuhan wang ching-wei group and nanjing, Chiang kai-shek is not unity, in April, Chiang kai-shek launched "412" coup in Shanghai, a large number of arrests, executed by the communists, after three months, wuhan wang ching-wei group also launched "715" coup, by the party, the communist party of the government, the army expelled.In this case, the communist party of China in order to show that revolution to the end position, awaken the public, against the kuomintang reactionaries slaughter, decided in jiangxi nanchang between nanjing and wuhan armed uprising, started armed rebellion against the kuomintang reactionary rule of the first shot.On July 11, 1933, the Chinese Soviet republic temporary central government, according to the advice of the revolutionary military commission of the central decision for the Chinese red army of workers and peasants was founded on August 1, anniversary.From then on, the red army of workers and peasants in China on August 1, and then the Chinese people"s liberation army (PLA) army day.


手眼协调 [词典] [体] hand eye coordination; [例句]要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.


Army day happy bayi!!!!!


梅花位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方英语翻译如下:Plum blossom is the first of the top ten famous flowers in China, originating from southern China.梅,蔷薇科李属木本植物,小枝绿色,无毛;叶片为卵形或椭圆形,有细小的锯齿;花的香味浓,花萼常红褐色,花瓣为倒卵形,白或粉红色;果实近球形,熟时黄或绿白色,味酸;花期冬春;果期5到6月。梅古字作“骒”、“躲”或“某”,原字为木上有果的象形。梅原产中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培历史,世界范围广泛栽培。梅是阳性树种,性喜温暖、阳光充足、通风良好、湿润的气候,耐寒性不强,较耐干旱和瘠薄、不耐涝,对土壤要求不严,生长于海拔500到2500米的山坡、山谷或疏林。梅的繁殖方式主要有扦插、嫁接和播种繁殖。《本草纲目》记载其具有清血强肝、消除疲劳、抗衰老、抗癌、改善心血管功能、促进消化等药用价值。梅的应用在日本、东南亚等地区都非常普及,被作为止渴剂、消食剂和防腐剂,已被开发为梅精、梅醋、梅酒及梅丹等保健品。梅未成熟的果实味道酸甜可口,现代研究发现其含有人体所需要的维生素、矿物营养等。梅花色白雅洁,在冬末春初开花,枝干苍古,植为盆景、庭木尤富观赏价值。


The reciprocal crow

温哥华位于加拿大西部,是一个海港城市。 用英语翻译一下。

Vancouver is located in western Canada, is a seaport.


Could you give me some advice?


We need a healthy diet

david有健康的饮食习惯 (用英语翻译)

David has healthy eating habits.


I want to find all colors.Let me have a look at all colors.

一个健康的饮食习惯(英语翻译 )

A healthy diet


grade 7

想,愿意做 的英语翻译

want to would like to be willing to

愿意的 英语翻译

1.willing adj.乐意的,愿意的; 自愿的,心甘情愿的; 2.volitient adj.行使意志的,愿意的; 3.disposed adj.有意于,有…倾向的; 愿意的,想干的;

我有两位加拿大的笔友 用英语翻译

I have two canadian pen pals


一切顺利吗 [网络] How is everything going; Is everything OK; [例句]你一切顺利吗?Are things all right with you?




long tail

蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜; 所谓伊人,在水一方 英语翻译

the reeds and bushes are deeply green and the white dews are turned into hoarfrost ,the man who ilook forward to is somewhere about the water


to decrease the efficincacy of learning /learning efficiency





right?your name 对吧?你的名字...eh? 恩?huh?name。your name。啊?名字,你的名字 whoooooaaa.that surprised me.哇啊 啊 啊 吓死我了 waht? 什么?i didn"t get it wrong. did i? 我没弄错,对吧?no.no.you weren"t wrong.对啊 你没错 en? what? 恩?什么?what kind of qustion is that? 那是什么问题?no,no。you weren"t wrong 不 你没错this is the report on that case you were involeved in.这是你参与的案子的报告。 all throughout your name is written as"danna". 整片文章你的名字都写的是“danna”i have to fix it. 我得改一改。oh,i see... 哦,我知道了。。that"s what it was。 (我想说的)就是那个。i thought he was calling my name normally.我还以为他很平常的在叫我名字呢。 i guess not. 我觉得不是哦。it"s not like i"m used to being called by my name 我并不像是常常被叫到名字的人啊so why? 哦?为什么呢?you"re toushirou,right? 你是 toushirou 对吧?toushi-rou-kun toushi-rou-kun ol,cut that cut 从那边断。it"s too weird 这太奇怪了~and it"s not funny 而且还不好笑eeh but just before you called my name,i was just calling you name in return 额。。不过,在你叫我名字以前,我正想回叫你名字that"s a completely different things,idiot。那根本就是两回事好吧~笨蛋~ anyway,i don"t want you saying my name 哎呀,不管怎样,我不想你叫我的名字creak (拟声词。。。估计是咳嗽声?)what"s the problem? 怎么了?it"s not big deal。这没什么大不了的 once in a while。 总会有那么几次的。right? 对吧?toushilou ...gh 。。。i told you to cut it out我告诉你要断句了! smile (笑)well,it"s true it doesn"t suit you 那个,这名字确实不适合你哦~that"s not what ! meant!我不是这个意思! 。。。i wonder why it is。 为什么不是呢。。。it"s only being called by your name but depending on who says it,the way you hear it differs greatly 只不过是被不同的人叫你的名字的时候,听的感觉会有很大的区别。。。hey 喂how did it feel when i called your name?我叫你名字的时候你觉得怎么样呢? 。。。are you stupid like i could tell you someting like that。 你是傻瓜吗?我怎么可能告诉你那种事~end (完)theme主题 what if gin-san was a babysitter要是gin-san是个保姆pen name nagisa 笔名是nagisa(纳吉萨?)circle plug look way up high high hun not agaaaaain oi ,you!stop pulling popular with kids stooooop!let goooooo it probably looks like cotton candy(--!后面究竟是什么)

降低价格的英语翻译 降低价格用英语怎么说

lower the price of sth.

下降的英语翻译 下降用英语怎么说

你好!下降falling 英["fu0254:lu026au014b] 美["fu0254:lu026au014b] n. 下降; 坠落; 落下; 陷落; adj. 落下的,下降的; v. 降低( fall的现在分词 ); 来临; 成为; 降落;




weather that always rainy will end lately


1. He was an (indecisive) sort of person and always capricious.他是一个犹豫不决的人,并且变化无常。 2. (It) is only shallow people who judge by appearance.只有肤浅的人才以貌取人。 (不定指称)3. A good play serves to educate and inspire (the people).一场好的喜戏剧是来教育和启发人的。4. To them, he (personified) the absolute power.对他们来说,他是绝对权力的典型5. Each had (his) own business to handle.每人都有自己的事务要处理。(泛指)6. He is no (smoker), but his father is a chain-smoker.他不吸烟,但他父亲烟不离嘴。7. Most of the questions (have been settled )satisfactorily, only a few questions of secondary importance remain to be discussed.大多数问题已经满意地解决了,只有少数次要的问题还待讨论。8. We will (live up to )our Party"s expectation.我们要不辜负党的期望。9. Independent thinking is an absolute (necessity) in study.独立思考在学习中是完全有必要的。10. We won"t retreat, we never (have )and never( will). 我么不会退缩,我们绝没有过也绝不会。(省略)


Chop and change


Stock price and volume is the stock market the most fundamental of two variables. Stock prices and that the stock market, it is to point to the stock in the stock market trading price. Stock in circulation market prices, is completely in the sense of the price of stock market, commonly known as the stock market price or the stock market.


The two variables are of the same order of magnitude



相交的的英语翻译 相交的用英语怎么说



1She is an experienced doctor, so I think you can learn a lot from her.2The teachers look forward to see their new classroom.3This football team is made up of twenty members.4I think it is not safe to tell a stranger about the family.5The doctor advised him to take the medicine every two days.

危险的的英语翻译 危险的用英语怎么说



Toiling Farmers Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Thanks to their toiling day? 全文http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/26948771.html


you want to buy me a cup of coffee? Please don"t。真的很难找对应的英文


Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends? First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don"t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend"s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends. 如何交朋友人人都需要、朋友。朋友可以给我们以帮助,与我们共事困难和快乐。但是,怎样交朋友呢?交朋友首先要对别人友善。你对别人微笑;肯定别人也会报以微笑。要使陌生人感到亲切,关心别人要比:关心自己为重,决不以貌取人。其次,朋友之间应该商量而不是争吵。当与别人有分歧时,要和他一起讨论。最后,不要相信那些在危急关头背离你的人,也不要在朋友危难时离开他。记住:患难之中见真情。朋友应该以诚相待。只要你把朋友的利益置于你的利益之上,你就会拥有好多好朋友。


make friend with……

求介绍 学士、硕士、博士学位的英语翻译,还需要大写吗??

a bachelor"s degree 学士学位 a master"sdegree 硕士学位 Doctor of philosophy.博士学位(简称Ph.D),5,bachelor degree,master degree,doctor degree.首字母大写,2,bachelor degree master"s (degree),1,


make friends with sb


make friends with sb


Life without you I began to write novels A lot of pictures you can have a lot of inspiration I want to send the payment Lane that accidentally after your car is still in the red to help you pay the tickets You call I don"t mind I just think we have to separate Think of that it"s not a summer that isn"t that is winter I think of you angry face alas alas alas every day is like winter You said it was love love love Who is who should strong the moon or the sun covered the will depend on who is who Why did you say has separate carries an umbrella for you Cuz baby you are mine mine, mine...). Mine Mine (Mine...). Too fast to admit that I really miss you Manhood would not You say Bye - Bye Bye...). Oh bye - bye bye...). Open my heart with you see is full of love My eyelids jump in think I on your behalf My ears itch in speak ill I on your behalf I"m not so bad it don"t have to tell a friend If later and see your friend is not very embarrassed Think of that it"s not a summer that isn"t that is winter I think of you angry face alas alas alas every day is like winter You said it was love love love Who cheat I said angry words back I write novels is blank night Now that you say has been separated from why carries an umbrella for you Label label label you put label snuck out (don"t don"t don"t secretly you left) Label label label you put label snuck out (don"t don"t don"t secretly you left) Ma jing I won"t let you a man that you think 祙 someone by someone hurts (don"t be afraid I won"t let you alone in that you want someone to rely on someone hurts) Label your umbrella umbrella hurriedly open Don"t shout your umbrella (umbrella hurriedly open) Label your umbrella umbrella hurriedly open Don"t shout your umbrella (umbrella hurriedly open) Label falls heavy rain you get wet in the rain I will hard hard fall heavy rain I don"t have you (don"t make the heavy rain you get wet in the rain I sorry I don"t have the heavy rain you will be sad) Cuz baby you are mine mine, mine...). Mine Mine (Mine...). Too fast to admit that I really miss you Manhood would not You say Label your umbrella umbrella hurriedly open Don"t shout your umbrella (umbrella hurriedly open) Label your umbrella umbrella hurriedly open Don"t shout your umbrella (umbrella hurriedly open) Label falls heavy rain you get wet in the rain I will hard hard fall heavy rain I don"t have you (don"t make the heavy rain you get wet in the rain I sorry I don"t have the heavy rain you"ll be sorry 不知对不对,满意请采纳


求介绍学士,硕士,博士学位的英语翻译,还需要大写吗bachelor"s degree 学士学位a master"sdegree 硕士学位Doctor of philosophy.博士学位(简称Ph.D)求介绍学士,硕士,博士学位的英语翻译,还需要大写吗bachelor"s degree 学士学位a master"sdegree 硕士学位Doctor of philosophy.博士学位(简称Ph.D)

蹲着的英语翻译 蹲着用英语怎么说




英语翻译 一定要准确 希望可以尽快给我

Chinese as a foreign language teachers have encountered difficulties in the process of teaching Chinese language, is different from other Chinese teacher a lot. However, only directly in the face of such difficulties, can do the job. First difficulty is Chinese teaching Chinese language is very difficult, for foreigners, the lack of rules of grammar, Chinese characters, like painting, pronunciation intonation more nerve-racking, and strange ancient Chinese. Chinese itself is also constantly changing at the same time, because Chinese society is experiencing unprecedented changes, new words emerge in endlessly. Dialect of today, tomorrow may has become a popular word in mandarin. Chinese as a foreign language teacher"s eyes should not be short. Another difficulty producing factors, is, of course, the students all kinds of background. Is not only the difference of nationality, before the students accept the education about Chinese difference is very big also. Oral English is very fluent, but have difficulty in reading Chinese characters Chinese and can read Chinese characters say to goofs off of the Japanese people in the same class, this is a common situation. Want to meet the needs of the two extremes students, its difficulty cans be imagined. Differences also cannot look down on other languages, such as the difference of culture, ideas and requirements for teaching and students are completely different, this will also increase the teacher"s trouble. This needs us to improve our professional quality at the same time, also constantly supplement extracurricular knowledge.



有一场交通事故,交通非常拥挤. 怎么用英语翻译?

答案是:accident ,heavy 手工翻译尊重劳动欢迎提问感谢采纳


Because it always has jam here


the traffic is heavy


traffic is crowded

英语翻译 1.那些玻璃杯在哪里? 它们在架子上. 2.你要哪几只杯子? 架子上的那几只.

where are those glasses. they are on the shelf. which one do you want? those on the shelf.


now you must have some power and status in the group too - drive a bigger car, become captain ofthe golf club perhaps.现在你必须在团队中拥有一些权力和地位——开一辆更大的车,或者成为高尔夫俱乐部的队长。


这个你要是能够解决一些翻译难题 就厉害了


我们认为这是不言而喻的真理,一切人生来都是平等的----(托·杰弗逊)We think this to is an obvious truth, the whole lifes coming is all equal----(Give ·hero 弗 is lousy)


本科生:undergraduate (student);seeking education;colleague student。研究生:postgraduate;graduate student;postgraduate education。硕士生:postgraduate;master student。博士:doctor;learned scholar。




14.Mass production15.sale16.Trading partners17.Telephone interview18.brand19.Trade groups20.Diplomatic offensive

英语翻译 另外每节课可以收一定的课时费给你做一些补贴.

Furthermore,you could get Course-Fee out of every courses as your allowance.

英语翻译 在写一个话费的补贴方案,感觉翻译上有点问题,另外"补贴的最高标准"怎么表述

subsidising scheme/plan for cell phone bills subsidising scheme/plan for mobile commmunications charge/fee the high standard of subsidy






不客气英语翻译是You"re welcome。You"re welcome是英语中表示回答“谢谢”的礼貌用语,意思是“不用谢,不客气”。在日常生活和交际中,当别人对你表示感谢时,你可以用这个语气温和、友好地回应对方,表示自己愿意提供帮助和服务。在正式场合下,比如商务会议、面试、演讲等,这个用语可以营造良好的氛围和形象。此外,如果你希望对方多次道谢,你可以回答“my pleasure”来表达你乐于助人,乐于为别人提供服务的态度。You"re welcome的用法:1、You"re welcome是英语中表示回答“谢谢”的常见礼貌用语。通常作为对方向你表示感谢后的回应,表示你非常乐意提供帮助或者服务,并且感觉到自己所做的事情在对方看来是有价值的。这个短语常出现在英语听说读写的各种场合中,比如社交、商务、学术等领域中,形式相应不同的回应可能会有所变化。2、除了作为回答“谢谢”的礼貌用语,"You"re welcome"还可以用来对别人表示欢迎,比如当你的朋友、客人或者同事到你家来时,你可以说“We hope you had a safe and comfortable trip,You"re welcome to our home。”(希望你的旅途顺利,感谢你来到我们家)。在这个例子中,“You"re welcome”表示欢迎来到我家,并且表达了你对别人的关心。3、在职场中,“You"re welcome”也可以用在向同事、上司或者客户提供服务后的回答中。比如,当你的老板向你表示感谢你完成了一个工作任务时,你可以回答“You"re welcome, I"m happy to help。”(不用谢,我很高兴能为您提供帮助)。在这个例子中,“You"re welcome”表示自己很高兴能够为别人提供服务以及愿意继续提供帮助。You"re welcome的由来You"re welcome是从“you are welcome to my (help, service, home, etc。)”演变而来。这句话意为“欢迎你使用我的帮助、服务、住处等”。在英语中,这个表达方式经过时间的演变变得比较简洁,最后形成了“you"re welcome”这个常用回答语。在早期的英语用法中,与 “you"re welcome” 等同的回答是 "welcome",后来这个句子演变成了现在所用的形式。虽然,这个短语的精确时间、来源和使用情况都没有明确的记载,但可以肯定的是,这个短语在英语中的使用是非常广泛和受欢迎的。


怀特先生向窗外望去。街上有一个有一个正在吃着面包的男孩,还有一只狗。他说:“到这里来,我给你面包吃。”狗走了过去。男孩踢了狗一脚。狗马上跑开。 怀特先生走出家门,对男孩说:”到这里来,我给你些钱。“男孩高兴地走向怀特先生。但怀特先生没有给他一分钱。只是踢了那男孩一脚。男孩大哭起来,说”为什么踢我?我没跟你要钱呀“


给你脸你不要脸用英语 I give you face you don"t wanna face in English

打成平局的英语翻译 打成平局用英语怎么说

打成平局 [词典] (比赛中) draw; break [come out] even; fight to a standoff; result [end] in a draw [tie]; [例句]两支羽毛球队打成平局。Two badminton teams ended in a draw.

英语翻译朗文国际英语教程16课reading 154页是整篇文章

Late for work 上班迟到 Victor usually gets up at 7 A.M. 维克多总是在早上七点起床. He does his morning exercises for twenty minutes, 他做二十分钟的晨练(或者说“早操”) he takes a long shower, he has a big breakfast, 洗个很久的澡,吃一顿很丰盛的早餐 and he leaves for work at 8:00. 然后八点出门上班 He usually drives his car to work and gets there at 8:30. 他一般开车去上班,8:30到达. This morning, however, he didn"t get up at 7 A.M. 然而这天早上,他没有七点起床.He got up at 6:30. 他六点起了床 He didn"t do his morning exercises for twenty minutes. 他没有做他那二十分钟的晨练 He did them for only five minutes. He didn"t take a long shower. 他只做了五分钟.他没有洗很久的澡. He took a very quick shower. He didn"t have a big breakfast.他洗了个很迅速的澡.他没有吃丰盛的早餐. He had a very *** all breakfast. He didn"t leave for work at 8:00. 他吃了顿很简单的早餐.他没有八点出门上班. He left for work at 7:00.Victor didn"t drive his car to work this morning. 他七点出门上班.维克多这天早上没有开车去上班. He drove it to the repair shop. 他把它开到了维修店. Then he walked a mile to the train station, and he waited for the train for fifteen minutes. 然后他走了一英里去火车站,等了15分钟的火车 After he got off the train, he walked half a mile to his office.他下火车后,走了半英里到了办公室. Even though Victor got up early and rushed out of the house this morning, he didn"t get to work on time.尽管这天早上维克多早早地起床并很快地出门,他却没有按时上班. He got there forty-five minutes late. 他迟到了45分钟. When his supervisor saw him, she got angry and she shouted at him for five minutes. 当他的管理者看到他时,她很生气,朝他咆哮了5分钟. Poor Victor! He really tried to get to work on time this morning. 可怜的维克多~他这天早上真的尽力按时上班了. 全手打哦,英文文章还是去查到的. 我大二翻译专业,按最基础却准确的风格给你翻译了. 没有太多的技巧和润饰,应该比较符合学这本教材的人的水平. 请一定采纳哦~




Jason shepherd (Fran"s this confit act the 14) is a middle school student, he is smart, study hard. Horror film a day Jason suddenly finds himself on class assignments that was Hollywood studios to theft and wolff"s according to take it into a blockbuster big super big liar, and Jason and good friends kelly came to Los Angeles for a horse to ask for his theory, get a claim.


we need to take three kind of measurements and use 3 methodsor (in three ways)


Measures should be taken in order to prevent such accidents from happening again in this city.


Suggest the relevant departments to take measures and strict management market


I think we should take some action. 手工翻译 ~~


这句话的英语翻译是:Measures must be taken to prevent such accidents from happening again.
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