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问题都没有问清楚 让别人怎么帮你


Prudent promoting nuclear energy development and utilization. The nuclear many merits accepted: nuclear power will not be as fossil fuels such as coal and oil that produce atmospheric pollution, also won"t greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide; Nuclear power a stable and efficient, nuclear energy density is fossil fuel millions times; In normal operation conditions, nuclear power station on the surrounding the public to produce radiation dose not constitute a threat to people. In fact, each energy exploitation are accompanied with risk and drawbacks. In the development and utilization of nuclear energy in the process of the public"s biggest concern is that, artificial or extreme environmental factors may cause radioactive nuclear material leaked, the harm environment and human health. To further improve the ability of human safety use of nuclear energy, preventing its potential hazards. 希望对你有帮助




He infected the flu, didn"t he?译文1: 许多国家用核能来发电译文2:你可以这样来解决这个问题。


Prudent to promote development and utilization of nuclear energy. Advantages of nuclear energy are recognized the world: nuclear energy is not like coal and oil and other fossil fuels that produce air pollution, not emissions of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide; nuclear stability, efficiency, nuclear fuel, fossil fuel energy density is hundreds of times; in the normal operation, the nuclear power plant on the surrounding radiation dose produced by the public is not a threat to people.In fact, every energy development and utilization are accompanied by risks and drawbacks. In the process of development and utilization of nuclear energy, the biggest worry is that the public, artificial or extreme environmental factors may lead to leakage of radioactive material, harmful to the environment and human health. Further improve the use of nuclear energy capacity of human security to prevent potential hazards.

英语翻译 要快 在线等 不要翻译器

The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market.铀价的可能上涨加上更好的安全措施的成本可能事核能的成本过高而无人问津。 In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy may bring about the destruction of the human race. 环境工作者争论道,从长远来看,核能可能给人类带来毁灭性的伤害。Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy.因此,如果我们想存活,我们不能提供核能 In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programmers are expanding. 尽管存在上述反对核能的言论,核能项目依然正在扩张Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands.这样的扩张是以工业生产和消费需求的持续增长为假设的 However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. 但是,这种增长能不能、会不会持续是不确定的。Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.在权衡双方的争论后,可以看出,有非常好的经济和生态方面的原因去寻找不同于核能的能源。63选B64 D65 没有前面的文章,我无法判断希望对你有帮助


正如京都议定书承诺要在2010年将温室气体的排放减少8%一样,白皮书也旨在2010年内将可再生能源的市场占有率从1995年的6%增加到到12%.绿皮书同时也指出,核能在如今的情况下,不会有更大的发展。这个要归功于能源市场的自由化,还有对比其他能源(例如:天然气),其竞争性地位,公众接受能力和对可能衍生出来的核废料问题的解决方案。在当今的政治局面下,(此部门由指定成员国决定废除)核能的利用在2020年之前可能会有轻微的变动。 运输业对能源的要求增加(到2010要增加50%)和其98%对石油的依赖,这些迫使了我们对可再生能源的更深远的要求,(例如生物燃料)。这些要求具备了很特殊的重要性,因为欧盟现在76%的原油是靠进口,并且这个数据有可能在2010年增加到94%。 对于世界能源市场,欧盟也在推动促进可再生能源的发展上扮演了举足轻重的角色。因为欧盟十分依赖进口能源,在国际市场里,对供需条件的依赖将会列入考虑范围之内。因此,预测的增加65%将会超过20年实现,从2000年的93亿吨,增长到2020年的150亿吨。由于世界人口的增长、发展中国家的需求,这将造成对化石燃料价格的重大影响。因此,有必要通过国际共同的努力来提升可再生能源和可再生能源的利用。 下面就是如今一些提升可再生能源利用的方法。我翻了好久,晚饭都没吃才翻完。希望能帮的到你。


1. energy scopes are very broad, have the coal, the petroleum, the day fuel gas, the water power, nuclear power and so on 2.I thought the people the warm air temperature adjusted too the room in high, wastes the energy 3.Even if the petroleum then the amount used can drop with steady steps, the Earth can continue to elevate temperature 4.The American energy consumption is world average level six times nearly


As human activities become more frequent, the demand for energy is growing. Use of nuclear energy will undoubtedly solve the energy shortage problem, it can provide significant energy and no pollution, making it the 21st century, the most promising new energy However, nuclear energy is a blessing to human beings or disaster? Although the advantages of nuclear energy can not be underestimated, but the number of nuclear leak caused untold sufferings to the people we had to attach importance to 1984 Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine to make tens of millions of local residents were forced to move home, thousands of people because of leakage of radioactive material and infectious cancer, environmental pollution has not yet subsided; recent Japanese nuclear power plant leak, the environment and human health again faced with severe challenges, excessive radiation levels in the air, resulting in a series of food exceeded the amount of radiation; risking human lives with dangerous nuclear radiation. In my opinion, compared with the nuclear energy service brought to mankind, nuclear energy is the human disaster. More resources like solar energy, tidal energy, have greater development potential, do not worry about any pollution, and inexhaustible, do not worry about leaking, do not worry about waste storage.


在那些改变行程计划的人中有美国总统奥巴马,他比原定时间表提早一天飞到了伦敦,还有就是巴塞罗那足球队,他们将会提早到达英国首都,于周六与曼联队进行冠军杯的决赛。这个版本我是意译的,没有逐字对上号。这句话的主干是 Among those changing travel plans have been u.s. president and barcelona"s soccer team. 就是说在那些改变计划行程的人中有美国总统和巴塞罗那队。there have been 是 there be 的现在完成时态early ahead of 是“提早”的意思clash 就是比赛, 这里的组合是 final clash 就是最后的比赛against 是对抗








www.wuhu.me 去这个网站。




利比亚海岸警卫队总司令Amran al-Forjani说北约空袭的里波里港以及Al-Khums 和Sirte 的港口违反了联合国决议。他将这次行动称为“疯狂的攻击”


解释如下这里是寻求一个法院的临时禁令。让川普作废Acosta 采访通行证的命令作废。

英语翻译 高手们 来翻译一下 CNN里头的 新闻













之后and连接的两小句主语都是demonstration我的理解是peaceful unrest是demonstrationa wave of popular 是Mubarak的下台受到人们的欢迎SHIWEI是为了剥夺Mubarak的权利 进行民主改革


described as 被称为operations 这里指军事行动citing..... 一句可以翻译为,引自政府军消息


Reporters felt and heard explosions from the airstrike that rocked the hotel housing members of the international media. 记者们感觉到也听到了空袭的爆炸声,声浪摇晃了旅馆内居住的国际媒体成员。 rock 动词作谓语;the hotel housing members 是宾语,译成 旅馆内居住成员; of the international media是定语,修饰前一句housing members felt and heard 感觉到也听到 还有不懂的地方吗?可以再问

英语翻译 你可以把这只花瓶放在那只架子上面. 翻译成英文,用情态动词

you can put flower bottle on the sheet.


Long time ago.A man who was very poor saw a cake in the cakes shop.A woman bought one for him.He was very thankful to her.


Did you visit the Shanghai Museum long ago?

我正在看很久以前的照片 英语翻译

I am looking at the picture that was taken long before




a long time ago


MickeyMouseandMinnieareboththecartooncharacterscreatedbyDisney.米老鼠和明妮都是迪尼斯创作的卡通人物。  BothofMickeyMouseandMinniearethecharactersofDisneycartoon.米老鼠和明妮都是属于迪尼斯卡通的人物。  BothofMickeyMouseandMinniearethecartooncharactersinDisneyland.米老鼠和明妮都是属于迪尼斯乐园的卡通人物。


我非常诚恳的邀请你来参观上海迪斯尼乐园I am very sincere to invite you to visit the Shanghai Disneyland


here "低调平淡" is absolutely not "careless", or "absent-minded". It is an appearance of "calmness after a huge blow" or "helplessness".



英语翻译 谁能给我说一下"低调哥不再低调"的英文翻译?

Low key elder brother no longer low key或Low-key elder brother is no longer a low profile或Costa Rica is no longer a low-key low-key或Low profile is no longer a low profile




首先这是一个形容词短语,所以在英语句子里面因该是什么东西高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵,即Something is . 你看看下面这个形容词词组好不好. superior,magneficent,and of high grade,yet exquisite and extravagant in a low profile. 后半句exquisite指东西精细,细节丰富,对应有内涵,extravagant指华丽,奢华,然后in a low profile指低调不张扬,合起来就是在不张扬中尽显内涵和奢华.

“高调做事 低调做人”怎么用英语翻译

High-profile do things low-key person.

很快的英语翻译 很快用英语怎么说



翻译为:not keep a low profile any more 解析:“做人要低调”——最近很流行的一句话,低调用英语该怎么说呢?如果你查汉英词典肯定给出的翻译是low key or low-pitched,前者是指画面对比度很低(另一种意思是Having low intensity; restrained, as in style or quality; subdued,稍稍有点我们讲的“低调”的意思,但是不常用),后者是指音调低。这都不是我们要的意思。那么英文中该怎么表达低调呢?就是low profile,查词典得到的意思是“不引人注目的形象”,这就是我们常说的低调啊~~给个词组:keep a low profile,保持低调相对应的有high profile,也就是高调了,辞典给的意思是“鲜明的姿态”,也是我们所要的那个意思。具体场景:看了一个美剧,讲有几个警察找到了一个政府反对的神秘组织,这个组织的基地挂了张一面墙那么大的组织领袖的肖像。于是一个警察对另一个警察说:“They are quite high profile!”


class with English styleclass with Chinese style


我跑的很快I run fast.fast 状语,表跑得快的状态我很快地跑I quickly ran.

很快的英语翻译 很快用英语怎么说

very fast





股骨头的英语翻译 股骨头用英语怎么说

caput femoris;whirlbone

『英语翻译』(部分)国际商务英语论文 [用翻译工具不给分]

跨国公司分散已经研究了广泛应用于20世纪80年代和90年代早期,1989(several &建立;盖茨& Egelhoff,1986年,Nohria &建立,1994年6月初版。从那时起,然而,新的挑战和机遇的全球业务 环境出现了。在许多国家的经济已经取代了企业管理经济,新的 地点出现,跨国公司可能来源(Audretsch知识生产要素和Thurik,2001年)。 跨国公司现在可以充分利用全球资源,创新以及成本、开发和利用知识在一些国家如印度和中国,2005;征收法瑞尔(2005年)。在政治制度,但变化的区域经济一体化, 经济全球化的发展和强大的信息和通讯技术(Archibugi & Iammarino,2002)也促成了一个需要重新组织和控制自己多么的跨国公司。最近的学者 因此,很对,注重分权和自治权的跨国公司的重要途径 持续的学术研究,2002(帕特森和布洛克,年轻和Tavares送,2004年)。 我们建议和测试一个新的模型的基础上,一个跨国分权管理控制理论应用于一个 国际背景。我们专注于分散化作为具体作为因变量,并认为方面的 内部的企业文化和外部的民族文化,既要考虑在分析跨国公司 分散。企业文化对组织的决策问题,因为它代表了系统的理想 信仰的组织,它是“规范”的组织黏在一起(Smircich,1983年,p。344)。国家 文化也是极其相关作为管理者的解释和反应,根据其不同的战略问题 文化特色和德迈耶,施耐德(1991)。很少有研究,需要企业和国家的文化 考虑到合资公司的危险因素分析(年轻、分散、2004)。Tavares送 我们解决这个差距专门为企业建设共同价值观的指标 文化。摘要从国民文化,我们认为霍夫斯泰德的(1980年,1997)维度的民族文化在市场上 东道国角度,以及整体文化之间的距离家和东道国(Kogut和辛格,1988)。 重要的是,我们使用一个研究设计哪里有变化,在国内和主办国。这是一种新方法 有助于建立分权的重要性,通过测试文学内部和外部因素 配置的决定权利在现代跨国公司。






先要说一下啊,你的第三句的开头I"d have trouble getting back to sleep,应该是第二句话的结尾,可能排版的时候错了,我改过来了。1、 There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.任何外科病人我都能治,我和其他的外科医生一样高明,甚至高出一筹。2、 Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation,I"d have trouble getting back to sleep.常常有这种情况,在我告诉沃尔特或拉里遇到某种具体情况如何处理之后,我就很难重新入睡。3、 I"d review all the facts of the case and, not infrequently, wonder if I hadn"t made a poor decision.我会重温那位急诊病人的整个病情,常常会怀疑自己做出了错误的决定。4、 There were still situations in which I couldn"t be certain my decision had been the right one.依然有我不能确定我的决定是否正确的情形。5、 I"d sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly, of punctured lungs, of compound fractures. I had sweated over them for five years. I didn"t need to sweat any more.我出的汗流过戳伤的肺、刺穿的胃和粉碎性骨折的我的部分。我已经流汗淌过这些部位有5年了。我不需要出更多的汗。6、 I knew that when I was out in practice I would inevitably err at one time or another and operate on someone who didn"t need surgery or sit on someone who did.当我结束实习期后我知道自己不可避免地要出一次又一次错,并且为不需要做手术的人做了手术或者忽视了某人的这种情形。7、 I could accept this fact with calmness because I knew that if I wasn"t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either.我能够镇静地接受这个事实因为我知道我是不能够避免错误的,别的外科大夫也难以避免。8、 According to a recent poll, 61 percent of American high school students have admitted to cheating on exams at least once.根据最近的一次民意测验显示,61% 的美国高中生承认他们不止一次在考试中作弊。9、 Several professors say they"ve dropped the traditional term paper requirement because many students buy prewritten term papers, and they can"t track down all the cheaters anymore.一些教授说他们已经取消了传统的学期论文的要求,因为许多学生购买预先写好的学期论文,而教授们无法追查所有的作假学生。10、 Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating.全国的大学都一致决定,对于大学生的作弊行为,不能仅是说说而已。11、 Proctors asked each student to produce an ID card with an attached photo.监考人要求每个学生出示一张附有照片的ID卡。12、 The campus newspaper editorial said, "Like police arresting speeders, the intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word." 这所大学的报纸社论说,"像警察逮捕违法超速驾驶者一样,这个目的不是要抓每一个人而是能够概括这个词的人。"13、 Would a check-out person at a large supermarket return money a customer?大超市里的结帐员会返还钱给一名顾客?14、 Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?比起过去的岁月最近几年在学校、商业和政府中的不诚实现象显得更多,但这也可能是因为我们在揭露不诚实行为方面做得更好。15、 When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160.当我在军队里时我遇到一种所有士兵参加的能力测试,对应通常的100分,会给160分。16、 All my life I"ve been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I"m highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so, too.在我的一生中,我一直在登记着那样的分数,以至于我产生了自满的感觉我是高智商的,并且我期待其他人也是这样认为。


翻译:Because you can get red envelopes。红包: red envelope;convert payment;red packets。翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语;“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言的文字中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。


red packets




He"s bike is broken

退却的英语翻译 退却用英语怎么说

step back, retreat,

英语翻译 1 向前走两步 / 往后退3 步 2 向右走3步

1 向前走两步:take two steps forward 往后退3 步:take three steps backward 2 向右走3步:take three steps to/toward/towards the right 注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一.


卡了是什么名字?应该是卡尔吧?Carl is a good student/pupil.His father is a teacher,and his mother is a nurse.

英语翻译 I got your back 是什么意思

I got your back我支持你双语对照例句:1.I got your back out there tonight. 今晚我会鼎力支持你的。2.I"m gonna be close. Don"t worry. I got your back. 我会的,别担心,我罩你。


你好!网上在线学习的优势和不足The advantages and disadvantages of online learning online


between lucy and lily,2,lucy:露丝 lily:莉莉,2,between lucy and lily 例如:who is in class one between lucy and lily.,1,bettween lucy and lily,1,翻译如下: between Lucy and Lily 在Lucy和Lily的中间 例:His chair is between Lucy"s and Lily"s. 希望采纳,谢谢,0,什么意思啊 没明白啊,0,


lily的裙子是不是红色的?英语翻译Is Lily"s skirt red?Is Lily"s petticoat red ?Is Lily"s underdress red?

英语翻译 什么是homozygous,heterozygous,allele,locus,他们分别有什么作用,

homozygous 纯合基因 heterozygous 杂合的:二倍体生物在一个或多个座位上有不同的等位基因 allele 等位基因:一个座位上的基因所具有的几种不同形式之一 locus (loci) 基因座、座位:基因在遗传图上的位置,基因在染色体上的位置.



一致通过 [词典] [法] assent and consent; [例句]他们的决定是全体一致通过的。Their decision was unanimous.



pauperization indigence penury poverty destitution 哪一个词最穷?(catti,英语翻译,英语语法





We should urge people to drive less and make use of public transportation more.


appeal to donation

英语翻译:制定一个计划 (四个单词的词组)

Make a plan


你也可以写文章呼吁更多的人参加这项活动You can also write the article calls for more and more people take part in the activity




1.你做事如此粗心,怎么可能避免犯错误呢?(avoid)2.他们发现要在三个月内完成这项工作是不可能的。(impossible)3.林肯所受的全部教育加起来总共只有一年.(Lincoln,add up to)4.他不喜欢讲英语,以为他怕出错。(afraid)5.那女孩子是否已长大能给自己穿衣服了呢?(dress)6.他们把她打到在地,抢走了她的金项链。(rob)7.他在写字台前坐下,开始写文章。(seat)8.这件外衣可以保护你不受风寒。(protect)9.如果门前没人开,去敲后门试试看。(try) 翻译:1. You are such a careless act, how it possible to avoid making mistakes? (Avoid)2. They found that in three months to complete this task is impossible. (Impossible)3. Lincoln suffered combined total of all education is only a year. (Lincoln, add up to)4. He does not like to speak English, thought that he was afraid of mistakes. (Afraid)5. That girl has grown up to give their own clothes to wear out? (Dress)6. They hit her on the ground, snatched her gold necklace. (Rob)7. He sat down at his desk and began to write articles. (Seat)8. This coat can protect you from wind and cold. (Protect)9. If no one opened the door, knock on the back door give it a try. (Try)

求英语翻译 急急急!!!



R:嗨,H。好久不见了。H:嗨,R。是啊,我上个月去度假了。R:哇,你去了什么有趣的地方吗?H:是啊,我跟家里人一起去了贵州。R:哇!你有看到黄果树瀑布吗?H:有啊!太奇妙了!我们拍了很多照片。你呢?你上个月有做什么特别的事情吗?R:没什么。我大部分时间都在家阅读休息。7月15日,周一今天早上我和我的家人来到了马来西亚的Penang。天气很晴朗又很热,所以我们去了酒店附近的海滩。我和我姐姐/妹妹试了滑翔伞,我觉得我像只小鸟一样。太刺激了!午餐我们享用了非常特别的马来西亚黄面。很好吃!下午我们骑车去了乔治镇,现在那里有很多新的建筑,但也有许多老建筑依然存在。在乔治镇的一个叫WQ的老地方,我们看到了100多年前中国贸易者们的房子。我不知道以前的人是怎么生活的。我很享受在小镇里漫步的时光。7月16日 周二多么不同的一天!我和我爸打算去Penang山。我们本来想步行爬上山,结果半路开始下雨,我们决定坐火车(应该是指上山的缆车?)。因为人太多了,我们等了一个多小时。等我们上到山顶的时候,雨下得很大,我们又没有带伞,被淋得又湿又冷。太恐怖了!而且也是因为天气原因,我们根本看不到山下的任何景色。我爸没带够钱,我们只能买到一碗米饭和一点鱼。食物很好吃,因为我真的很饿!

英语翻译2051 Placentia Blvd.Costa Mesa,CA 92627?

州名:CA 加州 城市:Costa Mesa 科斯塔梅萨 街道:2051 Placentia Blvd 普拉杉西亚大道2051号 邮编:92627,4,加利福尼亚(CA)的 科斯塔梅萨(Costa Mesa) 邮编92627 2051 Placentia Blvd 应该是具体地点……我不熟悉,0,



变压器英语翻译 Po=190W; Pk=1350W; Uk=4%

貌似是? Po 空载损耗 Pk 负载损耗 Uk 阻抗电压/电抗电压 以前接触过 忘了··· 刚查了下,看来我没记错 Po ---变压器额定空载损耗 Rated No-load Loss Pk--- 变压器额定负载损耗 Rated Load Loss Uk(%)---阻抗电压 Impedance Voltage
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