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WE MUST ...不是有百度翻译么11找下看


Matthew Henson and his friends went travlling to the North Pole. But they were confronted by the thawing ice and blizzard every time. However, they did not give up their efforts. They became closer and closer from the North Pole each time. They finally succeeded in reaching it when they tried the last time. They became the first ones who arrived in the North Pole.Omar and Kerry wanted to take part in a game of hunting for treasures. At first, what they found was only a coin made from corn. They mistakened it for a Roman coin and gave it to the teacher. Then they were laughed at by many students. But in the end, they found a Roman coin through their efforts and won the game.Snap moved from the old home with its host and left its favourite street. It came up with a goo idea: to come back by bus. By doing so, it could go back to the old street very often, playing with the kids and in charge of other dogs. Its experience was even reported in the newspaper and Snap had great fun from it.

采取的英语翻译 采取用英语怎么说

采取的英语翻译 采取用英语怎么说 adopt / u0259u02c8du0252pt ; u0259ˋdɑpt / 英 / u0259u02c8du0252pt / adopt an approach/policy/attitude etc to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way 采用某种方法/政策/态度等 1) The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders. 法庭被要求对少年犯采取更为灵活的处理方法。 2) The store recently adopted a drug testing policy for all new employees. 这家商店近来实行新雇员一律要做药检的政策。 3) California has adopted a tough stance on the issue. 加利福尼亚州对这一问题持强硬立场 采取的英文,采取的翻译,怎么用英语翻译采取,采取用 采取_百度翻译 采取 [词典] take; adopt; [例句]你必须设法采取折衷的态度。 You must try to strike a happy medium. 双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义 翻译采取,采取用英语怎么说最合适 采取 adopt the measures 采取什么政策 put in place specific measures 采取并落实什么政策 implement some measures 采取什么政策 提取的英语翻译 提取用英语怎么说 没有语境的话翻不准啊…… extract; draw; abstract; collect,这几个你挑吧 骗取的英语翻译 骗取用英语怎么说 骗取_有道词典 骗取 defraud;swindle;gain sth. by cheating;cheat *** . out of sth.更多释义>> [网络短语] 骗取 Cheat;swindle;wangle 骗取 defraudation;Unterschlagung;defrauding 骗取信任 worm one"s way into *** ."s confidence 截取的英语翻译 截取用英语怎么说 回答和翻译如下: 截取。 Intercept. 萃取的英语翻译 萃取用英语怎么说 萃取 [化学] extraction;leach;extract更多释义>> [网络短语] 萃取 Extraction;extraction;liquidliquid extraction 酸碱萃取 Acid-base extraction;acid base extraction;acid-base extraction 超临界萃取 SFE;supercritical fluid extraction;Supercritical Extraction 采取不同的路线 用英语翻译 我想可以采取两种翻译 1、take different routes 2、take another route 希望可以帮助你哈! 采取措施英语翻译 亲,你好 Take measures 祝您生活愉快 采取建议用英语怎么说? take the advice/suggestion


WE MUST ...不是有百度翻译么11找下看


WE MUST ...不是有百度翻译么11找下看




show your answer

英语翻译,速度 使之成为一种惯例(rule) 2.采取措施(take) 3.到长城(be

敲门 英语翻译

knock on the door


what"s the result?how is the result?


take measures






在大量女性进入工作岗位的影响中,女性本身的变化并不是最不重要的。massive entry是指的很对女性进入工作岗位


1 map size 7.9 + 0.3mm size volatility is relatively large, can not do this specification, can consult as the reference dimensions?2 before the feedback to your company, this spring our torque is large. Wereceived your samples and your company offers one to one in which 8PCStorque data, we use our force measuring machine for measurement, compared with your company"s data, as shown below:Customers for sample CBH3110-A/N torque measuring contrast (unit: N)Number 1 (towards the measurement of torque torsion) 1 (UNOCI measuringtorque (2) forward measurement) torsion 2 (UNOCI measurement)10.520 0.606 0.887 1.03020.484 0.570 0.888 0.96530.500 0.568 0.900 0.96640.471 0.591 0.889 0.95850.517 0.581 0.917 0.96560.497 0.583 0.921 0.99170.514 0.605 0.941 0.99680.498 0.587 0.866 0.973The average value of 0.500 0.586 0.901 0.981The maximum value of 0.520 0.606 0.941 1.030A minimum of 0.471 0.568 0.866 0.958As shown in the above data, the same spring, according to the measurementresults of Division I, two section torque than the expensive departmentmeasurement high of about 0.08 N.Analysis of the reasons may be due to error in precision and measuring force measuring machine table, but to further identify the problem, please the expensive department also help to confirm the following questions:A. because according to the parameter map surface, under ideal conditions, we calculated the spring two section torque values were: 0.53 N; 0.96 N, this data with the above we measured data are not consistent!Therefore, we guess, figure on the surface of the two section torque value of 0.4903 N and 0.8929 N is measured according to the spring force value write up?? And according to the calculation results and decide?If it is according to the measured value to write down, because every spring factory measurement data have access, for us, to be consistent with therequirement of drawings!!B. according to do spring experience, in general, as the experimental results and theoretical calculation of discrepancies, lead free angle and torsion spring torquecan not satisfy, one of which we can only guarantee, namely guarantee force value, free angle for reference, or to guarantee free angle, stress valuemeasured as the standard.But for this section of the spring, itself free angle tolerance 93o + 5O is not very big, also need to control two sections of force value, so it is difficult tomanufacture, considering a variety of reasons, our hope this spring torsion valuecan be used as a reference, ensure that the 93o + 5O Based.. please the expensive department to assess whether accept!!




Reserve the right to change the parameters without prior notice.,7,The products of our pany have parameters, such as to change without prior notice.,1,the parameters of product are subject to changes without prior notice.,0,


  请到这里去下载银行英语,比你想要的还多:  http://wenku.baidu.com/view/979899ea998fcc22bcd10dbf.html  非常全的,更多翻译.谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Counter 或者 bank bar  1.Take all ready certificate to install a password afresh to bank bar.  带齐全证件到银行柜台重新设置密码。收藏指正  2.Currently, retail investors can buy Singapore government bonds over the banking counter.  散户投资者现可通过银行柜台购买新加坡政府债券。收藏指正  3.So preparation goes to a bank bar is bought, buy on poundage and net what differs?  所以预备去银行柜台买,手续费和网上购买有什么不同吗?收藏指正  4.Above two kinds kinds of big account asks account holder kisses to fill out a form toward bank bar commonly.  以上两种大类账户一般要求账户持有人亲往银行柜台填表。收藏指正  5.If individual investor wants to buy national debt in the commercial bank, can build in workers and peasants wait for commercial bank bar to buy, but be confined to a part to be able to be planted in the certificate of business of commercial bank bar, for example 02 national debt 15, 03 national debt 01 wait, you can seek advice to each big bank bar, also can buy proof type national debt, should meet September new proof type national debt is issued.  个人投资者假如想在商业银行购买国债,可以到工农中建等商业银行柜台购买,但仅限于部分可以在商业银行柜台买卖的券种,例如02国债15、03国债01等,你可以到各大银行柜台咨询,也可以购买凭证式国债,9月份应该就会有新的凭证式国债发行。收藏指正


1) An equivalent of USD50,000 of foreign exchange is the maximum allowed to be purchased per person per year.2) An equivalent of USD50,000 of foreign exchange is the maximum allowed to be purchased per Chinese citizen per year.3) The maximum amount of foreign exchange that a Chinese citizen allowed to purchase per year is equivalent of USD 50,000.注:2) 和 3)解释了“per person”的定义。因为只有中国公民才能购买外汇,而不是任何人。.




hastily predicted 或者jump to conclusions


We finally came to the conclusion that he wasn"t telling the truth.



公司名怎么翻译成英文 谷歌 有道翻译出来的不行 有英语翻译行家吗 帮帮忙! u200bu200b




英语翻译 前人栽树,后人乘凉(generation,whose)

两个都可以: 1.One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests. 2.One sows and another reaps.


find the Word meaning


网上的都是智能翻译,做不到把任何句子都翻译的正确,绝大多数时候都是语序颠倒,完全看不懂要表达什么。学习英语最好先爱上英语, 毕竟有了兴趣,才有坚持学习下去的动力。可以多看一看美剧什么的,学校教的英语其实也是偏中国化的,真正的口语还是要多了解国外的文化,而且真正的口语也并不像学校中教的那样复杂。

七巧板的英语翻译 七巧板用英语怎么说

七巧板 [词典] tangram; seven-piece puzzle; jigsaw puzzle; [例句]在发源地中国,七巧板是妇女和儿童喜闻乐见的一种游戏。In China, its country of origin, the tangram puzzle was considered a game for women and children.

英语翻译 每天跟他朝夕相处,为什么差距就这么大呢?

I am with him everyday yet there exists a gulf between us.

饭盒的英语翻译 饭盒用英语怎么说

饭盒 [词典] canteen; lunch-box; mess tin; dinner pail; dinner bucket; [例句]我有一个星球大战的饭盒,我的同事都羡慕极了!I have a Star Wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all jealous!


There is gap between the contrast, there is a gap between the power 有对比才有差距,有差距才有动力

介绍的英语 介绍英语翻译

1、介绍的英语翻译是introduce。 2、词汇分析 音标:英[u026antru0259djuu02d0s]美[u02ccu026antru0259dus] 释义:介绍;引进;提出;采用 3、短语 ntroduceproduct商展中介绍产品;商展中先容产品;产品介绍;外墙乳胶漆产品介绍 Introduceyouself自我介绍;成员自我展示中心 clientintroduce客户介绍 IntroduceParameter采用参数将区域变量改成参数方式传递 IntroduceRefrigerators介绍冰箱


There exsist gaps among people


我们必须努力缩小贫富差距英语翻译:We must work hard to close the gap between the rich and the poor。我国当前仍旧存在贫富差距不断扩大的社会现象,这不仅直接影响了经济的可持续增长,也不利于社会公平、社会公正秩序的建立,影响到了社会主义和谐社会的建立,本文从完善收入分配制度、发挥好税收调解机制的作用等方面分析了缩小贫富差距的对策。有关贫富差距问题对策1、建立劳动力自由流动机制。消除对农民弱势群体,城市贫困群体的就业歧视和择业差别,对吸纳低保户、残疾人就业的企事业单位,政府出台相应的优惠政策,从项目建设用地、税收缴纳,技术扶持笔方面子以支持。2、大力发展教育事业。提高低收入群体就业能力,减少由于个人知识水平造成的贫富差距现象。在市场经济中,提高教育水平是改善收入分配状况的一条重要途径。例如:对农村生源和城镇贫困家庭的学生就读高等院校时实行学费优惠制度,在就业时进行就业指导,建立健全失业登记人员再就业培训;农业知识专项培训等。3、统筹东西部发展,缩小地区差异。实现东西部经济协调发展,对于东部地区,着重发展外向型、高科技型产业;对于中西部地区充分利用资源优势,发展资源加工型和劳动密集型产业。加大对西部地区的基础设施,技术,教育的财政支持,加强东西部经贸合作,在缩小东西差导的基础上逐步缩小贫富差距。


差距拉大The widening gap between the 差距 [词典] disparity; difference; (差别程度) gap; [例句]对双方合作的问题,两位各自所持的看法差距甚大。There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation.


参考如下亲爱的编辑, 我是杭州黄山中学的一名学生。我们学校附近有个化工厂。尽管公差对城市经济有益,却排除危害人体健康的毒气。这将危害我们师生的健康。而且工厂占地多,我们的游戏场地就少了。工厂的噪音也影响了我的课堂。我们建议政府拆除或搬迁该工厂。此致 敬礼王明




tidy and bright

英语翻译The Canine CruncherThe day Mr.X took delivery of his new


英语翻译 没有任何借口,只有像个勇士一样战斗 这句话怎样翻译成英文 准确的

No excuse!Just fight as a warrior! NO excuse 是西点军校的校训,就是地道的翻译“没有任何借口”的最好方法.

不要为自己的失败找借口 什么用英语翻译

Do not make excuses for one"s failure.

英语翻译:如果重要,你会找方法。如果不重要,你会找借口(不要百度直译 谢谢!!!!)

If it"s vital/crucial/important, you will find a way/method out; if it is not vital/crucial/important, you will find an excuse.

借口的英语翻译 借口用英语怎么说

借口 借口[简明汉英词典][jièkǒu]1. peg2. plead3. pretence4. pretense5. pretext6. put-off7. quillet8. subterfuge


汽车英语翻译技巧(精选)   翻译是一项非常考验语言驾驭能力的技术活儿,掌握一些翻译技巧能对考场上或者工作中的你有所帮助。下面整理了一些汽车英语翻译技巧,希望对大家有所帮助!   汽车英语单词术语的记忆方法   联想记忆法(imagination)   汽车英语中的大量单词都不是生单词,许多单词在基础英语学习阶段已经学过。在汽车英语中有些词的意思发生了变化,但都与汽车有很大的联系,这就要求发挥想象,找出这些词意之间的联系。   例如:“cylinder”,在基础英语中指“圆柱体”,那么通过联想就会知道,汽车里有一个零部件像一个圆柱体,那就是气缸,因此“cylinder”在汽车英语中就是气缸的意思。“cap”在基础英语中指“帽子”,在汽车里很容易就联想出这指的是“盖子、罩子”。“jacket”意思是“夹克衫”,夹克衫可以保暖、防风、防雨,那么在汽车英语中的意思就是“套子”。大家可以看一看以下几个单词在汽车英语中的意思:door(车门),window(车窗),light(车灯)。   组合记忆法(compound)   在汽车英语中,很多短语都是由几个单词组合而成,有以下几种情况:   (1)名词+名词。例如:spark(火花)+plug(塞子)u2192sparkplug(火花塞);combustion(燃烧)+chamber(室)u2192combustion chamber(燃烧室)。这样的例子还有很多,例如:starter relay 起动机继电器,ignitionc+oil 点火线圈,relief valve 卸压阀等。   (2)形容词+名词。例如:high(高的)+tension(电压)=high-tension(高压的);full(完全的)+load(负荷)=full-load(全负荷);idle(懒散的)+speed(速度)=idlespeed(怠速)。   (3)形容词+动词。例如:self(自己的)+diagnose(诊断)=self-diagnose(自诊断);electrical(电器的)+control(控制)=electrical-control(电器控制)。   派生法(derivation)   派生法是指在一个单词的前面加上前缀或后缀构成一个新单词的"方法。   (1)前缀构词法(prefix),加上前缀的派生词,一般不改变词性,而只改变词义。例如:re 表示“再一次”,re+move(移动)=re-move(拆除);re+place(放置)=replace(替换);re+check(检查)=recheck(复查)。   (2)后缀构词法(suffix),加上后缀 er 或 or,变成某一个汽车零部件。indicate(指示)u2192indicator(指示器);ignite(点火)u2192igniter(点火器);inject(喷射)u2192injector(喷油器)。   转化法(conversion)   转化法是指一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种词性。例如:monitor(n.监视器,监控器)u2192monitor(v.监视 ,监 控);oil(n. 机油)u2192oil(v.加机油);power(n.电能)u2192power(v.供电)。   汽车英语英语句式的翻译技巧   定语从句的翻译方法   我们知道,定语从句是用来修饰名词和代词的。如果把一个含有定语从句的英语句子翻译成汉语时,根据汉语习惯,应把定语从句放在所修饰的名词之前翻译。   Pushrods are used only on engines that have the camshaftplaced within the block.   推杆只用在凸轮位于气缸体内的发动机上使用。   解释:在这个句子中,engine 是名词先行词,that have the camshaftplaced within the block 是定语从句,翻译成汉语时应放在名词先行词 engine 之前翻译。   练习:The solenoid is an electromechanical device that switch-es electrical circuits on and off.   此句应译为:电磁开关是断开和接通电路的机电装置。   分词短语和介词短语作后置定语的翻译方法   分词短语和介词短语在句中作定语时,一般放在所修饰词   之后,叫做后置定语。在含有分词短语和介词短语作后置定语的句型中,应该把分词短语和介词短语放在所修饰的名词之前翻译。   例如:The ECM receives signals from various sensors indicat-ing changing engine operation conditions.   ECM 从各种传感器接收到有关不断变化的发动机工作情况的信号。   解释:在这个句子中,signals 是名词,from various sensors 是介词短语,indicating changing engine operation conditions 是分词短语,这两部分都作名词 sensors 的后置定语,所以翻译时要放在名词之前。   练习:The fuel pressure regulator adjusts the pressure of thefuel from the line(high pressure side)to a constant pressure higherthan the pressure inside the intake manifold.   此句应译为:燃油压力调节器是将来自油管高压侧的油压调整到比进气歧管内的压力高出一个恒压值。   被动语态译成主动语态的翻译方法   在汽车英语中,被动语态出现在大量的句型中。将带有被动语态的句子翻译成汉语时,一般要将被动语态译成主动语态。   例如:The crankcase section is used to house the crankshaft,oil pan.   曲轴箱用于安装曲轴、机油盘。   解释:在这个句子中,is used to 不能翻译成“被用来”,而应翻译成“用于”、“使用”。   练 习 :Vehicles are equipped with different combinations ofcomputer-controlled components.   此句应译为:汽车上装备有不同的电脑控制的零部件。   方式状语的翻译方法   在汽车英语句型中有很多的状语,在翻译这类句型时,许多   同学认为很困难。用一个简单的例句,通过划分句子成份的方法来翻译这种句型。   He eats dinner at the restaurant.   ① ② ③ ④   他 在饭馆 吃 饭。   ① ④ ② ③   解释:这个句子英语的表达方式是①②③④,而汉语的表达方式是①④②③。因此,翻译这类句型时,要把状语放在主语之后、谓语之前翻译。   练习:The ECM monitors the engine condition by signals fromeach sensor.   ① ② ③ ④   此句应译为:ECM 通过各个传感器的信号监测发动机的工作状况。   条件状语的翻译方法   英语中的条件句一般位于主句之后,因为在英语表达中习惯先说重点,再说次重点。而汉语恰好相反,先说次重点,再说重点。所以这类句子翻译成汉语先翻译条件从句,再翻译结果主句。汉语句式为“如果u2026就u2026”。   例句:Electromagnetic induction principle states that a voltagewill be produced if motion between a conductor and a magneticfield occurs.   电磁感应原理告诉我们,如果导体和磁场发生运动就会产生电压。   解释:在这个句型中,Electromagnetic induction principle statesthat a voltage will be produced 是主句,是重点。if motion betweena conductor and a magnetic field occurs 是条件从句,是次重点。所以把这个句子翻译成汉语时,先翻译次重点,即从句,再翻译重点,即主句。   练习:The test mode will not start if terminals TE2 and E1 are connected after the ignition switch is turned on.   此句应译为:如果点火开关接通后跨接 TE2 和 E1 端子,试验模式就不能进行。 ;



不要为自己的失败找借口 什么用英语翻译

先看一下常用的短语吧:1. make excuses for 找借口, 推诿2.offer excuses for 找借口, 推诿Don"t make excuse for your failure.或者就像是楼上所翻译的,但是excuse是可数名词,所以是:Don"t find an excuse for your failure.

英语翻译 前一句用that,后一句应是“那是你能想出最好的借口吗?”用come up with翻译

-I"m sorry.I didn"t know such a terrible situation. (过去不知道,现在知道,要一般过去式) -Is this your excuse? (借口当然是想出的,可以不必翻译) -I"m sorry.I didn"t know that the situation was(这里用过去式是为了句子的时态保持一致,不知道is 妥不妥)so terrible. -Is this your best excuse that you can come up with?


Download Pleo 操作系统软件下载最新的生活,看看有什么新。不要worry-upgrades不会改变你的个性,Pleo给他更多的方法来表达它!参考资料:翻译


1。一些特性中形成的泥炭堆积或此后不久,而其他发达的长深埋和coalifiction之后。  2。煤矿包括基本单元操作生产和处理的煤和辅助服务的操作自然至关重要但不直接导致煤炭的输出。  3。这个复杂的系统,军队]和由此产生的岩石力学问题由矿业活动在不同层次)导致显著差异元素 4。在矿井开发的几个项目是昂贵的,因为我的门户网站,因为许多将通常部署在一个相当大型煤矿为男性提供访问和物资并进行通风。  5。然而,当面临进一步进展,入口的肋骨在采空区地区产量和移动位置峰的一侧距离桥台外约等于15%的覆盖层厚度。  6。很多成功的系统在任何情况下取决于距离必要数量的反渗透


This watermelon is twice as big as that one.




无论在国内还是国外,小额信贷都是伴随着扶贫活动发展起来的。它是向穷人和中低收入群体提供信贷服务以期帮助他们摆脱贫穷的活动。 No matter at home or aboard, micro-credit develops together with the activity of supporting the poor. It is the activity to provide the poor people and low-income group with the credit service in order to help them to get rid of the poverty. 帮助中低收入阶层,或者是注重金融机构本身的特性以实现独立生存和持续发展。要么是着重强调小额信贷的扶贫功能,强调小额信贷必须服务于穷人中的最穷者。更有人把小额信贷直接等同于福利行为,要求其完全依靠外界的补贴,以低利率或无息贷款的方式开展活动。 要么是强调小额信贷的商业可持续性,要求按市场规律进行信贷服务,并认为这样才能激励机构持续投入,并最终真正地造福穷人。而我国的小额信贷正在走这两条路,我们应该偏向一方或者是可以求得两者的平衡? Micro-credit helps the low-income group, or pays attention to the characteristics of the financial institutions themselves in order to achieve independent survival and sustainable development. On one hand, micro-credit"s function of supporting the poor is emphasized and it is highlighted that micro-credit must serve the poorest of the poor. Some people even directly equate micro-credit with the welfare, and demand that it should wholly depend on the subsidy from the outside and launch the activities in a manner of low interest rate or interest-free loan. On the other hand, micro-credit"s commercial sustainability is emphasized, and it is demanded that the credit service should operate according to the market discipline, which is regarded as the only way to stimulate the continued investments from the institutions and truly benefit the poor people in the end. At present, China"s micro-credit is operating in both ways, and should we prefer one to the other, or can we possibly achieve the balance of the two?




A 比 B 多30~40%A is more than B by 30~40%记住:多出来的部分叫by.

多项式的英语翻译 多项式用英语怎么说

多项式 [词典] polynomial; multinomial; polymerization; polynome; quantic; [例句]当行列式展开后,得到一个多项式,叫它为特征多项式。When the determinant is expanded, it produces a polynomial, called the characteristic polynomial介绍了局部多项式插值方法的基本原理;The theory of the local polynomials interpolation method was introduced. 本文确定了任意格上一元多项式和二元多项式的结构,并给出了三元多项式的几个结果。The structure of unary and binary polynomials over a lattice is determined in thispaper. 给出了唯一分解整环上多项式不可约的一个判别法。We give a method of determining irreducible polynomials over a unique factorizationdomain.




XI AN is the capital of the 13th Dynasty in ancient China

英语翻译 1,你需要快乐学习,在学习时保持愉快的心情,如果你在学习时很烦躁,你的学习效率会很低 2

1、You need happy work, keep happy while studying. If you are foul while studying, you have bad effient. 2、Don"t quit doing sports because you don"t have much time.3、You need to do sports actively and listen to music when you are free.4、Communicating with your classmates more , encouraging each other.5、Good learning methods are important for a Grade Three student in high school.望采纳


读作: 丧(第四声,丧门星的丧)记得采纳


make such a little progress


I will be better next test


Dreaming of the Tang Dynasty

英语翻译 谢谢

1。这些天我专注于我母亲的善良的精力和体力。相反,她说什么。我相信,在她的外的愤怒和失望的是,我的母亲是一个女人谁不知道如何表达自己的感情either.2.when我坐下,我看他开车走了,wantinf,为我做更多的往往是现在,以保护他从世界的边缘锋利,方式他总是想保护我们。我希望我能给他安慰他的担心和关心给了me.3.these天,iifestyles有一种倾向,变化太快。它不仅仅是服装和发型是在风格上一年和过时的下一步;这是一个整个的living.4.even虽然第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它仍然成为了一种文化symbol.5.however,即使是最强烈的反对都迅速指出,有许多积极的价值观——迪士尼快乐,善良的毛皮,与传统的艺术品质,帮助解释它的成功。6。有时很难看到不同之间的时尚和潮流。时尚持续的时间很短,而且不是很重要。一个社会的趋势,然而,生存很长一段时间,真正成为现代文化的一部分,绝对不是机器翻译的 望采纳

求英语翻译!!高分 谢谢~~~!!急急急急急

English is a language class discipline, in the course of study, I met a variety of trouble, below I talk to the simple, due to various reasons, I know nothing about it to English because I don"t know what is the vocabulary, grammar, and the master of English often rarely feel headache, I used to study English hard, time passed, but my English is always not improve, I give up, and gradually lose interest in learning. Now I realize the importance of learning English, it is worth the effort to learn English well, I know, is a hard over the gradual process, so I want to have a good attitude and confidence in yourself forever, I want to study English with everything, I want something useful to climb up the progress of course, keep pace with the teacher, I want to try to improve your English!




We can expedite our manufacturing process. Generally, 10 nos. of machines could be completed within one month. For 10 nos. to 80 nos. of machines are to be completed within two months.


Could you tell me the progress of following events? 问进展而非问事件. If possible, I hope you could tell me the deadline. 没问题 注意语气


I 吵架ED with my mother today我初中而已


1.Navigation 导航2.Idea submission 意见提交3.project charter 项目章程4.business plan 商务计划5.upadte plan & AR 计划更新&拨款申请6.final check 最终检查7.initial launch review 初投产审查8.post launch review后投产审查


can we catch up the schedule?


通常用: speed up= 加快速度例如: We are running out of time, you need to speed up your work.


comers 参赛者Injuries 伤病人员substitutions 替补On Target 射门在门框范围内Off Target 没射在门框范围内blocked 射门被挡(被对方球员)completed 传球成功率intercepted 传球被截incompleted 不成功率

多么精彩的一个进球啊 英语翻译

1.What a wonderful goal!/How wonderful the goal is!2.How much is the football match score3.The competition final score is 4 more than 3 / 0 of 04.He kicked a ball in the game5.He scored a couple of goals in the game?

同时进行 英语翻译

I hope it might be conducted at the same time of the test.


I think our understanding of the word sample fee is not a misunderstanding. Because the sample is also a product, is cost, so the seller sent the sample on the premise that buyers need to pay a fee sample. This is all common practice to do a trade. Our sample fee is quoted twice, and this is our company policy. I hope you can understand.In addition, our products price is the lowest of similar products, or hope you will consider our products.In addition, we can talk to me in Chinese 不知对不对


ten ten 震 ,震ten ten,就是在震 动啊,抖动啊,


The cost of trial and error is not high, and the cost of miss is very high.

摊余成本的英语翻译 摊余成本用英语怎么说

你好!摊余成本Amortized cost


“降低成本” 可以翻译如下:〔动词短语〕cut the cost、、lower production costs、reduce production costs〔名词短语〕cost down、cost reduction
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