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the same and very different什么意思

2023-07-08 13:00:06

the same and very different



1.He has made me realize how and why my husband and son are the same in some ways and very different in others.


2.But even with our genes and backgrounds the same, my sister and I - are very different people.


3.Both at the same time. Very different kinds of temperaments and very different attitudes towards their own sexual behavior.


4.The answers to these questions may very well be different for different functional areas and jobs within the same company.


5.Aren"t you, in your very struggle to be different, the same as the others? And why all this struggle?


6.A: Are they different in the procedures of chat? B: Very much the same, and their procedures are simple.





  1. 表示“相同的”“同样的”等,通常与定冠词连用。如:

  Those two dresses are the same. 那两件衣服是一样的。

  You and I will work in the same office. 你和我将在同一办公室工作。

  口语中有时可省略 the。如:

  A:Happy Christmas. 祝圣诞快乐。

  B:Same to you. 也祝你圣诞快乐。

  A:I"ll have a coffee. 我要一杯咖啡。

  B:Same for me, please. 我也要一杯。

  A:I think she"s awful. 我觉得她这个人糟透了。

  B:Same here. 我看也是。

  2. 表示“与……一样”,要用 the same as,不能用 as same as或 the same with [like]。如:

  She knew he felt just the same as she did. 她知道他的感受和她一样。

  He"s angry because my marks are the same as his. 他很生气,因为我与他的分数一样。

  但是在it"s the same with…(……也一样)这一句式中可以用with。如:

  He wants to go abroad, and it is the same with me. 他想出国,我也一样。

  Butterflies come from caterpillars. It"s the same with moths. 蝴蝶由毛虫演变而来。飞蛾也是一样。

  3. 为了加强 the same 的语气,可说 much the same(大致一样)或 exactly the same(完全一样),但通常不说 quite the same。但有趣的是,在否定句中却可以说 not quite the same(不完全一样)。如:

  That"s not quite the same thing, is it? 那不完全是一回事,对吗?

  4. 用于 all the same, 主要用法有:

  (1) 用作形容词,意为“……一样”“无所谓”。如:

  A:When shall we meet again? 我们什么时候再次碰头?

  B:Make it any day you like;it"s all the same to me. 随你定在哪天,我无所谓。

  (2) 用作副词,意为“仍然”“还是”。如:

  Thank you all the same.(不管怎样)我还是要谢谢你。

  It is a hot day but I shall enjoy a walk all [just] the same. 天气很热,但我还是要出去走走。

  5. 比较 the same…as与the same…that

  (1) 一般说来,用as表示同类物,用that表示同一物。如:

  This is the same pen as I lost yesterday. 这钢笔与我昨天丢失的一模一样。

  This is the same (=the very) pen that I lost yesterday. 这正是我昨天丢失的那枝钢笔。


  Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday. 你我在昨天见面的老地方碰头。

  He uses the same book as [that] you do. 他用的书与你的一样。

  (2) 当从句没有动词(即有所省略)时,要用as。如:

  You"ve made the same mistake as (=that you made) last time. 你犯了与上次一样的错误。

  (3) 当the same之后没有名词时,要用as。如:

  My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago. 我对这问题的立场仍和4年前一样。

  根据情况,the same之后的名词有时也可用who, whom, where等引导的定语从句来修饰。如:

  He"s the same man that [who] we met yesterday. 他就是我们昨天遇见的那个人。

  Put the book back in the same place where you found it. 把书放回原处。




the same here怎么用

代表跟[地方]一样The weather is the same here. 这里的天气[跟某地方]一样的。
2023-07-08 09:31:261

same here 什么意思

2023-07-08 09:31:358

翻译same here

2023-07-08 09:31:527

same here和me too

2023-07-08 09:32:212


somewhere常用于肯定句中, anywhere常用于否定句和疑问句中。在疑问句中,可以用somewhere或anywhere,如果期望对方回答“是”,就用somewhere,如果不知道对方会回答“是”还是“不是”,用somewhere, anywhere都可以。somewhere可修饰动态动词,多位于其后,也可用作表语,在口语中,可修饰形容词。somewhere可以用作副词somewhere的基本意思是“在〔往〕任何地方,在〔往〕什么地方”,还可作“大约”解。
2023-07-08 09:32:281

same here的用法

2023-07-08 09:32:385


2023-07-08 09:32:574


same的反义词:difficult。difficult,形容词,意思是“困难的;不随和的;执拗的”。same是指相同的 ;同一的;无变化的。 same习惯用语 about the same 差不多完全一样,几乎一样;大同小异 all the same 完全一样; 毫无区别,无所谓 依然,依旧;照样 be the same with … 也一样 not quite the same 有点两样 one and the same 完全相同的,同一的,就是那个 same here [口]我也一样,彼此彼此 the same as 同(某某)一样的 difficult双语例句 I think it difficult for him to do so. 我想要他这样做是有困难的。 He interpreted the difficult poem for me. 他给我解释了那首很难的诗。 As what she said before, it was really difficult to persuade him to go with us. 正如她过去所说的,说服他和我们一块走是一件很困难的事情。
2023-07-08 09:33:161

different的反义词 different的反义词是什么有哪些用法

different的反义词是same 1、different词汇搭配 different cases 不同的情况 different plans 不同的计划 far different 非常不同的 little different 没什么不同 different from sb"s plan 与某人的计划不同 2、same的词汇搭配 all the same 仍然 one and the same同一个 same here 我也同样 the very same 正是这个(完全相同的... in the same breath 同时 be in the same boat 同舟共济 at the same time 同时 3、same的用法: same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或实际上是同一个人或同一个事物,总和the连用。 same之前可加this, that等以加强语气,表示轻蔑。
2023-07-08 09:33:221


the same as ...
2023-07-08 09:33:322


A is the same as B... a和b 相同。both A and B a和b 都怎么样。
2023-07-08 09:33:452


2023-07-08 09:33:548


2023-07-08 09:34:106


1. 在口语中,常把here或there放在句首,表示说话人的惊讶或感叹,通常译为"你瞧"、"哎呀"。例句:   (1)Oh, my God! Here we are! 唉,上帝呀!我们终于到了!   (2)Good heavens! There you are!天啊!你终于回来了!   (3)Here / There he comes!哟,他来了!   (4)Here / There comes Jack!哟,杰克来了!   (5)There goes Mr. Wang!哟,王先生终于走了!   (6)There goes the bell!哎呀!铃响了!   以上的句子其实是一种倒装句。如果主语为名词时,谓语动词应位于主语之前。如果主语是人称代词时,则谓语动词要放在主语之后。   2. there也可以单独用作感叹词,以引起对方的注意,表示安慰、加强语气等。例句:   (1)There, there, never mind!好啦,好啦,不要紧的!(表示安慰)   (2)There! The work is done. 瞧!事情干完啦。   (3)There now! What did I tell you? 你看!我怎么和你说来着?   (4)There now! You see I was right. 哎,你瞧,我刚才是对的吧。(引起注意)   (5)There now!I knew you"d burn your fingers. 瞧!我就知道你会烫坏手的。   there和there now常用来表明说话人在某方面是对的,而这一事情说话人曾经判断过、预测过。   下面是一些与here和there有关的常用句,以供读者参考。   Here!(点名时的回答)到!有!   Here it is!它在这儿呢!   Here goes!(招呼别人注意)瞧,开始了!   Here"s to you your health!(祝酒时说)祝你健康!   Here you are. 给你 / 你已到了 / 这就是你所需要的东西。   Here is mud in your eye![俚](祝酒时用语)干杯!   Same here. 彼此彼此;我也一样。   Look here!喂,注意!   See here!(引起对方注意)喂!   Here you go. 这是给你的。   Neither here nor there. 不中肯/ 与题目不相干/ 不重要。   Over there!在那儿呢!   Are you there?(电话用语)喂,你听着吗?   There you are. 这是你所要的东西。 睢,对吧。(果然如此)   There you go again. 你又来这一套了。
2023-07-08 09:34:241


be in favour ofin (complete) agreement withbe for
2023-07-08 09:34:464


不知道啊,反正老师说的,the same是固定用法,书上也这么说啊``
2023-07-08 09:34:533


2023-07-08 09:35:011

nice to meet you 翻译中文怎么回答

中文意思是:很高兴见到你。 回答: Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你。 Me,too.我也是。 Same here.彼此彼此。 扩展资料   Nice to meet you here. I also worked in an college.   我是一名高校教师,希望能在这里认识共同度过一生的"人。   Hope you enjoy your time here and nice to meet you online.   很高兴在这里和你相遇,希望你在我家玩的愉快。   Hello, my good friend, nice to meet you!   妞妞你好,很高兴遇见你。   It"s really nice to meet you here!   能在此结识您真高兴!   How do you do? Nice to meet you!   您好!见到您很高兴。
2023-07-08 09:35:191

here is/are的用法

here is 的后面是单数,here are后面的是复数.
2023-07-08 09:35:283


how do you do?
2023-07-08 09:35:511


me too望采纳
2023-07-08 09:36:418


1.all the same 同样,毫无区别,一模一样;无所谓 例句 Thank you all the same. 尽管如此,还是谢谢你. 2.feel the same to 对…持原有看法 例句 I feel the same to it. 我对此也是这样认为的. 3.just the same 依然,照旧 例句 For students,it is just the same. 对于学生来说,也是同样的道理 4.much the same 差不多一样,几乎相同 例句 Country music today remains much the same as before. 今天的乡村音乐仍然同过去的差不多. 5.same here [口语]我也一样 例句 Nice to see you,too./Same here. 见到你也很高兴!我也很高兴! 6.the same…as 同…一样的(东西、事物等) 例句 But why I hear my heartbeat ,the same as you . 但是为什么我听见的我的心跳,是和你一样 7.(The) same to you [口语](回答问候语时)也一样祝愿你 例句 Happy New Year!The same to you! 新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐!
2023-07-08 09:37:161

same here和me too 有什么区别吗 用发上面?

"same here." 是完完全全等于 "me too." 的意思,也有同上的意思(其实也是me too) 相同意思的词还有“So do I." 都是一个意思
2023-07-08 09:37:231


1.all the same 同样,毫无区别,一模一样;无所谓 例句Thank you all the same. 尽管如此,还是谢谢你。 2.feel the same to对…持原有看法例句I feel the same to it. 我对此也是这样认为的。 3.just the same 依然,照旧 例句For students, it is just the same. 对于学生来说,也是同样的道理4.much the same 差不多一样,几乎相同例句Country music today remains much the same as before. 今天的乡村音乐仍然同过去的差不多。5.same here [口语]我也一样例句Nice to see you, too. /Same here. 见到你也很高兴!我也很高兴!6.the same…as 同…一样的(东西、事物等)例句But why I hear my heartbeat , the same as you . 但是为什么我听见的我的心跳,是和你一样7.(The) same to you [口语](回答问候语时)也一样祝愿你 例句Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐!
2023-07-08 09:37:321


没有the same with me就是I"m the same at this pointsame here 就死 I"m the same here一样的
2023-07-08 09:37:401

the same的用法总结

1.the same同样的人;同样的事物His birthday and hers are the same.他和她的生日是同一天。2.表示同样的Those shirts are all the same size.那几件衬衫都一样大小。3.单独用the same,可指刚提到过的同一个人或事物。-Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!-The same to you and your family!也祝你和你的家人圣诞快乐!4.the same修饰后面的名词。I don"t like to have the same food every day.我不想每天吃同样的食物。5.the same跟在动词后。I think the same of her as you do.我对她的看法和你对她的看法一样。6.the same后跟as,用以引出所一谈及的范围,as后可以是名词、代词,也可以是句子。I am the same age as you.我和你的年龄一样大。Let"s meet at the same place as we did yesterday.我们在昨天相遇的地方见面吧。7.几个常见的固定用法all the same完全一样;(虽然这样,)还是......the same with.........也一样at the same time 同时same here我也一样,彼此彼此
2023-07-08 09:37:471


2023-07-08 09:38:292

  there是“在那里”的意思,here是“在这里”的意思,二者除了意思不同外,还有以下区别。 1.在口语中,常把here或there放在句首,表示说话人的惊讶或感叹,通常译为"你瞧"、"哎呀"。例句:  (1)Oh,myGod!Hereweare!唉,上帝呀!我们终于到了!  (2)Goodheavens!Thereyouare!天啊!你终于回来了!  (3)Here/Therehecomes!哟,他来了!  (4)Here/TherecomesJack!哟,杰克来了!  (5)TheregoesMr.Wang!哟,王先生终于走了!  (6)Theregoesthebell!哎呀!铃响了!  以上的句子其实是一种倒装句。如果主语为名词时,谓语动词应位于主语之前。如果主语是人称代词时,则谓语动词要放在主语之后。  2.there也可以单独用作感叹词,以引起对方的注意,表示安慰、加强语气等。例句:  (1)There,there,nevermind!好啦,好啦,不要紧的!(表示安慰)  (2)There!Theworkisdone.瞧!事情干完啦。  (3)Therenow!WhatdidItellyou?你看!我怎么和你说来着?  (4)Therenow!YouseeIwasright.哎,你瞧,我刚才是对的吧。(引起注意)  (5)Therenow!Iknewyou"dburnyourfingers.瞧!我就知道你会烫坏手的。  there和therenow常用来表明说话人在某方面是对的,而这一事情说话人曾经判断过、预测过。  下面是一些与here和there有关的常用句,以供参考。  Here!(点名时的回答)到!有!  Hereitis!它在这儿呢!  Heregoes!(招呼别人注意)瞧,开始了!  Here"stoyouyourhealth!(祝酒时说)祝你健康!  Hereyouare.给你/你已到了/这就是你所需要的东西。  Hereismudinyoureye![俚](祝酒时用语)干杯!  Samehere.彼此彼此;我也一样。  Lookhere!喂,注意!  Seehere!(引起对方注意)喂!  Hereyougo.这是给你的。  Neitherherenorthere.不中肯/与题目不相干/不重要。  Overthere!在那儿呢!  Areyouthere?(电话用语)喂,你听着吗?  Thereyouare.这是你所要的东西。睢,对吧。(果然如此)  Thereyougoagain.你又来这一套了。
2023-07-08 09:38:361


2023-07-08 09:38:459


  different的反义词是same   1、different词汇搭配   different cases 不同的情况   different plans 不同的计划   far different 非常不同的   little different 没什么不同   different from sb"s plan 与某人的计划不同   2、same的词汇搭配   all the same 仍然   one and the same同一个   same here 我也同样   the very same 正是这个(完全相同的...   in the same breath 同时   be in the same boat 同舟共济   at the same time 同时   3、same的用法:   same指谈论的不同人和不同事物是同样的或实际上是同一个人或同一个事物,总和the连用。   same之前可加this, that等以加强语气,表示轻蔑。
2023-07-08 09:39:011


same相同的 uniform正式的;一致的;统一的 similar 相似的;类似的。
2023-07-08 09:39:202

there 和 here 在用法上的区别。我知道前者是表“那里”后者表“这里”

比如:Here I am.我在这里。There he is.他在那里
2023-07-08 09:39:353

It is the same with me, too.有缩写吗

so am i
2023-07-08 09:39:456

final 关键字起什么作用

2023-07-08 09:40:042

有the same big这种说法吗?

没有the same big这种说法,你都说修饰形容了,在这里是形容词。一定要big,你就要说as big as.....副词:I like you all the same.A: My head hurts.B: Same here...
2023-07-08 09:40:251

在什么情况下the same as前加as 什么情况不加as?

the same as后接句子表示是同一个东西,而the same that代表是同一类东西但不是同一个。
2023-07-08 09:40:418


common ,common意思是共同的, same 意思是一样的,同一的
2023-07-08 09:40:574

(We Are) The Same 歌词

歌曲名:(We Are) The Same歌手:Headboard专辑:Nothing Is StaticDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:41:031

The Same Air (O.S.T. Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Same Air (O.S.T. Lp Version)歌手:The Sum Of All Fears (O.S.T.)专辑:The Sum Of All FearsDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:41:221

The Same (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Same (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Pop Gun专辑:Made In BelgiumDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:41:281

The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:NewSong专辑:One True GodDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:41:361


Curved around the shore of Elliott Bay, with Lake Washington behind and the snowy peak of Mount Rainier hovering faintly in the distance, SEATTLE has a magnificent setting. The insistently modern skyline of glass skyscrapers gleams across the bay, an emblem of three decades of aggressive urban renewal.Seattle"s beginnings were inauspiciously muddy. Flooded out of its first location on the flat little peninsula of Alki Point, in the 1850s the town shifted to what"s now Pioneer Square, renaming itself after the Native American Chief Sealth (hence Seattle). This was soggy ground, and the small logging community built its houses on stilts. As the surrounding forest was gradually felled and the wood shipped out, Seattle grew slowly until the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897 put it firmly on the national map. World War I boosted shipbuilding, and the city was soon a large industrial center. Trade unions, based around the shipworkers, grew strong, and the Industrial Workers of the World, or "Wobblies," coordinated the US"s first general strike here on February 6, 1919.Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the Boeing airline corporation was crucial to the city"s wellbeing, booming during World War II and employing one in five of Seattle"s workforce by the 1960s. The prosperity that Boeing and more recent success stories such as Microsoft and internet shopping site have brought the city is obvious, reflected in a restored old center, a nationally acclaimed arts scene with vibrant movie and music industries, and a flood of coffee houses and excellent seafood restaurants. No longer overshadowed by the two big California metropolises, Seattle now regularly tops magazine surveys of desirable places to live, attracting migrants across the social and economic spectrum, which has led to both exponential growth and increasingly nightmarish traffic jams. As if to round out the turbulent decade, a February 2001 earthquake shook Seattle"s foundations, and reminded its resi dents that they"re just as prone to Pacific Rim tremors as their southern counterparts in the Golden State.Despite the dizzying expansion, the city"s more established neighborhoods remain distinctive, and Seattle has a pleasantly down-to-earth ambience. However, its new-found affluence jars uncomfortably with a visible street community of teenage runaways and homeless people – as well as a growing radical scene that splashed across the world"s newspapers and TV screens with the WTO trade conference in 1999, an event that saw black-clad anarchists rioting amidst peaceful protesters in turtle outfits.
2023-07-08 09:41:454

The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:Carman Featuring Commissioned & The Christ Church Choir专辑:Shakin" The House LiveDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:41:531

Gone Too Soon 歌词

歌曲名:Gone Too Soon歌手:Simple Plan专辑:Get Your Heart On!╰ Album: Get Your Heart On! (2011) ╯Hey there nowWhere"d you go?You left me hereSo unexpectedYou changed my lifeI hope you know"Cause now I"m lostSo unprotectedIn a blink of an eyeAnd never got to say goodbye !Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonYou were always thereLike a shining lightOn my darkest daysYou were there to guide meOh I miss you nowI wish you could seeJust how much your memoryWill always mean to meIn a blink of an eyeI never got to say goodbye !Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onOnto a better placeShine on, Shine onWe"ll never be the sameShine on, Shine on...Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soon...
2023-07-08 09:41:591

Here In Your Bedroom 歌词

歌曲名:Here In Your Bedroom歌手:Goldfinger专辑:GoldfingerHere In Your BadroomGoldfingerBy LeVeLHere in your bedroom,I can turn my head offThe less that I feelIs the less that I"m on topI wonder what you thinkAs we lay here in bedI don"t know what I"m thinking,But that"s better for my headWhen I wake up tomorrowWill you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrowWill you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameHere in your bedroomI can turn my head offThe less that I feelIs the less that I"m on topI wonder what you thinkAs we lay here in bedI don"t know what I"m thinking,But that"s better for my headWhen I wake up tomorrowWill you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrowWill you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameHere we go!<----------- ----- LeVeL ----- ----------->Here in your bedroom,I feel safe from the outside.I can tell that you"re changing,But still I feel so high.I wonder what you think.Sometimes I feel so old.I don"t know if it"s worth itWhen I just do what I"m told.When I wake up tomorrow,Will you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrow,Will you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~~~I still feel the sameWon"t you?......
2023-07-08 09:42:061

The Same Way 歌词

歌曲名:The Same Way歌手:Gary Moore专辑:Blues For GreenyDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babe
2023-07-08 09:42:131

Same Mistake 歌词

歌曲名:Same Mistake歌手:James Blunt专辑:P.S. I Love You (Music from the Motion Picture)same mistakeJames Bluntby:…劼_7So while I"m turning in my sheets 在床单下我辗转难眠And once again, I cannot sleep 在一次无法入睡Walk out the door and up the street 在街上我来回彷徨Look at the stars beneath my feet 看着我脚下的星星Remember rights that I did wrong 想起曾经做过的错事So here I go 于是我再次出发Hello, helloThere is no place I cannot go 你好,你好,没有我去不了的地方My mind is muddy butMy heart is heavy, does it show 我的思想一片混沌我的心无比沉重 它表现出来了吗?I lose the track that loses me 我迷失了了丢弃的我的道路So here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And so I sent some men to fight, 于是我派出了男人去战斗And one came back at dead of night, 其中的一个在深夜回来said "Have you seen my enemy?" 说他看见了我的敌人said "he looked just like me" 说我的敌人看起来就象我一样So I set out to cut myself 于是我出发要打倒我自己And here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake again, 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And maybe someday we will meet 也许有一天我们将会见面And maybe talk and not just speak 也许我们会交谈而不只是说话Don"t buy the promises 不要对我的许诺认真Cause there are no promises I keep, 因为我从来不信守诺言and my reflection troubles me 回忆让我烦扰so here I go 于是我再次出发oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误I"m not calling for a second chance, 我并没有要求第二次机会I"m screaming at the top of my voice, 我用我最响亮的声音呼喊Give me reason, but don"t give me choice, 给我一个原因但不要给我选择Cos I"ll just make the same mistake again 因为我将会再次犯下同样的错误oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...So while I"m turning in my sheets 在床单下我辗转难眠oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And once again, I cannot sleep 在一次无法入睡oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Walk out the door and up the street 在街上我来回彷徨oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Look at the stars 看着那些星星oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...Look at the stars, falling down, 看着那些星星坠落oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...And I wonder where,oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...did I go wrong. 思考我在哪些地方出错
2023-07-08 09:42:201


as be like sb/ sth
2023-07-08 09:42:426

Same Time Same Place求此曲的歌词~

I don"t wanna be alone Yo I"ll be there Same place same time I can"t stand being without you As we lay face to face Sharing love in a temporary place I got a girl you got a man If they found out I"m sure they wouldn"t understand See I can"t keep myself from wanting you You see I wanna lay with you I wanna play with you I wanna stay with you Chorus Don"t ask me how I can"t say why Why we"re here you and I At the same place at the same time Don"t stop now don"t let it end Girl we must do it again In the same way at the same time I want my cake eat it too Making love to her I wish I"m making love to you So here we are we know it"s wrong Each moment without you Baby is too damn long There"s no time to be wasting baby So let"s slip away to our favorite place Chorus Make sure you got your pumps on When you come baby come along I swear I"m gonna keep it hot Come on give me all you got it"s our secret Keeping it a secret nobody has to know The things that we do or the places we go You know what time of evening You know just where we meet It ain"t nobody"s business We"re keeping it discreet chorus
2023-07-08 09:43:091


everything, something, anything , nothing都是指物的复合不定代词, 它们作主语时, 谓语动词常用单数形。
2023-07-08 09:43:173