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2023-07-09 10:31:59
TAG: bo born

英 [bu0254u02d0n]美 [bu0254rn]。





He is a born leader.他天生是个领袖。

The operation on the newborn infant was a failure.关于新生儿的手术是失败了。

He was born of a peasant family.他生于一个农民家庭。

Three generations of the family have been born and brought up in this old house.这个家族的三代人都是在这栋古老的房子里出生和成长的。

I think he was born stupid.我认为他生来就愚笨。

He was born subnormal and will never learn to read.他天生智力低下,永远无法学会阅读。



bornv. 出世(bear的过去分词)adj. 天生的
2023-07-09 06:30:483


born的意思是“出生的;与生俱来的”,是动词bear的过去分词。音标:英 [bɔːn]、美 [bɔːrn]。  举例:1、The youngest is a born rider of the rails.小儿子是天生的流浪儿。2、Meg was born into a large family.梅格出生在一个大家庭。
2023-07-09 06:31:012


born 英[bɔ:n] 美[bɔrn] vt.bear的过去分词;支撑,支持;亲自携带,运输 vi.结果,生产;和…有关 adj.出生的,出身于…的;天生的,天赋的 [例句]The generation of children born since 1988 are by many accounts the unhealthiest on record. 许多报道显示,1988年以来出生的那一代,是有记录以来健康状况最差的一代.
2023-07-09 06:31:131


2023-07-09 06:31:214

born的意思 是什么

2023-07-09 06:31:446


2023-07-09 06:33:073


born英[bu0254:n]美[bu0254:rn]vt.bear的过去分词; 支撑,支持; 亲自携带,运输vi.结果,生产; 和…有关adj.出生的,出身于…的; 天生的,天赋的网络生; 生下来; 新生儿湿肺形近词:Born数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道新1He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。
2023-07-09 06:33:141


bear-born-born adj.天生的;生来的
2023-07-09 06:33:499


born 英[bu0254:n] 美[bu0254:rn] vt. bear的过去分词; 支撑,支持; 亲自携带,运输; vi. 结果,生产; 和…有关; adj. 出生的,出身于…的; 天生的,天赋的; [例句]My mother was 40 when I was born母亲生我时40岁。[其他] 原型: bear
2023-07-09 06:34:041


born的基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。 born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。 born无比较级和最高级。 短语搭配: be born before ones time in all ones born days not born yesterday 扩展资料   He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn.   他出生在布鲁克林的弗拉特布什一带,并在那儿长大成人。   She was born in the middle of a rain storm.   她出生在一场暴风雨中。   Almost 80 percent of the state"s residents were born elsewhere.   该州居民中几乎有80%出生在异地。
2023-07-09 06:34:111


2023-07-09 06:34:184


2023-07-09 06:35:002


2023-07-09 06:35:094


2023-07-09 06:35:234


Born是一个英语单词,其中文意思为“出生;诞生”。这个单词可以用来描述一个人、一种物品或一种观念的产生,通常与“to be”动词连用。在日常生活中,Born通常用来描述人的出生。例如,“John was born in 1990.”(约翰在1990年出生了。)“I was just born yesterday.”(我刚刚出生。)除此之外,Born还可以用来描述某种物品或观念的产生。例如,“The idea of democracy was born in ancient Greece.”(民主制度的概念在古希腊时期诞生。)“The legend of the Phoenix was born in ancient China.”(凤凰传说在中国古代出现。)总体来说,Born这个单词强调了产生的过程和结果,表达了不同层面上的“创造”,无论是人、物还是思想,它都涉及到生命和成长的过程,是人们对于世界产生理解的基础。
2023-07-09 06:35:301

born怎么读 英语born怎么读

1、born英[bu0254u02d0n]美[bu0254u02d0rn],vt.出生; 出世; 出现; 形成; 成立; 以…的顺序(或方式、地点等)出生的;adj.天生(有某方面才能)的。 2、[例句]The book doesnt say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。
2023-07-09 06:35:571


born的英音[b__n],美音[b__rn]。born发音时,从bo开始发音,嘴巴由紧闭到张开,嘴巴呈现吐出的状态,发音rn,最后整体连续读出,嘴巴是张开吐出状态。born的意思为结果、生产、出生的、天赋的、天生的,常用作及物动词、不及物动词和形容词。具体搭配和用法例如:Are they born smart or is it just practice ?意思为“他们是天生的聪明还是后天的勤奋?”
2023-07-09 06:36:151

born in,born on,born at 的区别

born in出生在某年或某月,born on出生在某天,born at 出生在某地,就是三者后面跟的词语的差异。 born in还表示生于某地,与born at 的区别是,born in后跟大地方,例如born in China,born at 后跟小地方born at home
2023-07-09 06:36:231

born是什么词 be born表示什么 were born呢

born是什么词:v.出世(bear的过去分词);adj.天生的;出生于 be born表示什么:出生于;出生;出世 were born呢:be born的过去式,用于主语为复数时.
2023-07-09 06:36:301


born的意思是“出生的;与生俱来的”,是动词bear的过去分词。音标:英 [bu0254u02d0n]、美 [bu0254u02d0rn]。  举例:1、The youngest is a born rider of the rails.小儿子是天生的流浪儿。2、Meg was born into a large family.梅格出生在一个大家庭。born用法1、born的基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。2、born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语。3、born可作状语修饰形容词。born(读音:英 [bu0254u02d0n],美 [bu0254u02d0rn]),具体释义如下:1、born做动词时,意思是:出生;出世;出现;形成;成立。例句:She was born into a very musical family.译文:她生于音乐之家。2、born做形容词时,意思是:天生(有某方面才能)的。例句:Jack was a born teacher.译文:杰克天生是个当老师的料。4、born无比较级和最高级。
2023-07-09 06:37:111


born英 [bɔːn] 美 [bɔrn] v. 出世(bear的过去分词)adj. 天生的n. (Born)人名;(柬)邦;(英、西、俄、捷、德、瑞典、匈)博恩
2023-07-09 06:37:391


2023-07-09 06:37:504


/bu0254:n/ 出生 v.
2023-07-09 06:38:132

born(出生)是什么词性? 是动词还是形容词?

born是bear的过去分词 出生的意思 bear的过去式是bore 所以born可以做动词.. 也可以做名词. somebody"s born.某人的出生
2023-07-09 06:39:191


大家在 学习英语 的时候,应该都遇到过born这个单词,born有出生的和与生俱来的等意思,那么你知道born的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的born的用法和 短语 _born的用法及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ born的用法 ★ ★ born的常用短 语 ★ ★ born的用法例句 ★ ▼ born的用法 born的用法1:born的基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。 born的用法2:born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。 born的用法3:born无比较级和最高级。 ▼ born的常用短语 用作形容词 (adj.) be born before one"s time born with a silver spoon in one"s mouth in all one"s born days not born yesterday <<< ▼ born的用法例句 1. He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn. 他出生在布鲁克林的弗拉特布什一带,并在那儿长大成人。 2. She was born in the middle of a rain storm. 她出生在一场暴风雨中。 3. Almost 80 percent of the state"s residents were born elsewhere. 该州居民中几乎有80%出生在异地。 4. Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families. 现在很多孩子在单亲家庭中出生或成长。 5. I think he was born to be editor of a tabloid newspaper. 我觉得他天生就是当小报编辑的料。 6. Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out? 是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运? 7. She was born in Austria on March 6, 1920. 她于1920年3月6日出生在奥地利。 8. He doesn"t think English-born players can cut it abroad. 他认为出生于英格兰的选手在国外不会取得好成绩。 9. When Michael was born I was on cloud nine. 迈克尔出生的时候,我都乐得找不着北了。 10. They attended a revivalist meeting and became born-again Christians. 他们参加了一个奋兴布道会,成为了获得重生的 11. She was born Jenny Harvey on June 11, 1946. 她在1946年6月11号出生,取名叫珍妮·哈维。 12. Congress passed the National Security Act, and the CIA was born. 国会通过了《国家安全法》,中央情报局由此而诞生。 13. Willie Smith was the second son born to Jean and Stephen. 威利·史密斯是琼和斯蒂芬生的第二个儿子。 14. A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye. 曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会 收藏 起来。 15. Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street. 斯坦·劳雷尔出生在阿盖尔街3号。 <<< born的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ born的短语最新 ★ borrow的用法和短语例句 ★ born是什么意思 ★ born的用法和短语例句 ★ abroad的用法和短语例句 ★ object的用法和短语例句 ★ luck的用法和短语例句 ★ manner的用法和短语例句 ★ state的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-09 06:40:191

be born中文是什么意思

be born 英[bi: bu0254:n] 美[bi bu0254rn] [词典] 落地; 出生于…; 诞; 下生; [例句]Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。
2023-07-09 06:41:501


born用法及固定搭配如下:born的用法born的基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。born的用法born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。born的用法born无比较级和最高级born的常用短语:用作形容词 (adj.)be born before one"s timeborn with a silver spoon in one"s mouthin all one"s born daysnot born yesterdayborn的用法例句: He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn.他出生在布鲁克林的弗拉特布什一带,并在那儿长大成人。 She was born in the middle of a rain storm.她出生在一场暴风雨中。 Almost 80 percent of the state"s residents were born elsewhere.该州居民中几乎有80%出生在异地。Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families.现在很多孩子在单亲家庭中出生或成长。 I think he was born to be editor of a tabloid newspaper.我觉得他天生就是当小报编辑的料。 Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运?
2023-07-09 06:42:041


born本身就是bear的过去分词,所以born没有过去式和过去分词。 born v.出生;出世;出现;形成;成立;以…的顺序(或方式、地点等)出生的 adj.天生(有某方面才能)的 bear的过去分词 扩展资料   You people without kids don"t know you"re born.   你们没孩子,真是身在福中不知福啊。   Oh yeah? I wasn"t born yesterday, you know.   是吗?我可不是三岁的.小孩子,你知道的。   She was born with a weak heart.   她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。
2023-07-09 06:43:321


BORN世界奢侈品排名前二十。最引以为豪的就是它的执着的全手工制作历史,每一道缝合线都代表着最严谨和优秀的做工。BORN采用Opanka设计结构。也就是将内衬,鞋面,鞋底完全采用手缝技术将其变成一个整体,这样制作方式,不但使鞋子穿起来舒服,灵活,同时可以创造一个气垫的效果。全部使用上等牛皮制成。鞋底材料及结构会分散行走的压力,同时产生气体吸震及材料吸震,鞋垫弹性材料配合大底蜂巢设计,提供最佳支撑和柔适感。穿着舒适透气不累脚。柔软,舒服,是他的代名词。 来自美国的手工鞋Born,以欧洲古老制作手工靴的Opanka手法,一针一线穿凿出坚固耐穿的鞋。尤其是鞋的上层、鞋底跟鞋垫衬皆用双倍的针线缝制而成,在鞋底前缘还加强四分之三圈的Opanka独家缝法,将皮料、中底及大底紧密的缝合,非常耐穿。同时选用意大利小羊皮、小牛皮跟水鹿皮等材质,让手工鞋更具质感。而且,Born的鞋款均使用以PU发泡材质制成的DRYZ专利除湿棉,可吸附脚上湿气。
2023-07-09 06:45:401


您好,born的用法: born in+地点。出生在某地例句,He was in born with天赋的,生而享有的例句,He was born with a good born to do sth天生能做某事。
2023-07-09 06:45:531


born的发音是英[bu0254u02d0n]、美[bu0254u02d0rn]。Born是一个英文单词,动词、形容词,作动词时意思是“出生;出现(bear的过去分词)”,作形容词时意思是“天生的;出生的;天赋的;创造的”。短语搭配:Born Free生来自由。Born Yesterday生于昨天;乳臭未干。born of源于;出生于;来源于;天生一对。be born of出身于…,出生在…家庭。be born with生来就有…,有…天赋。Born approximation玻恩近似。出生,chū shēng,泛指一切生命的产生。人是纵向降生的,以此区别于横向出生(畜生)的动物。指人是纵向降生的。以此区别于横向出生的动物。“……按禽、兽、艸、木皆天地所生,而不得为天地之心。惟人为天地之心。故天地之生此为极贵。天地之心谓之人,能与天地合德……”这是我们人与生俱来已具备灵性、具备高等意识的明显特征。此是人的性。胎儿从母体中生出来。双语例句:1、The book doesn"t say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。2、Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born.自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。3、You people without kids don"t know you"re born.你们没孩子,真是身在福中不知福啊。4、Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。
2023-07-09 06:46:001


2023-07-09 06:47:064


bear是动词。born是bear的被动,也就是说:妈妈 bear 小孩 小孩 is born至于birth 这个是名词,出生的意思
2023-07-09 06:47:152

born是什么词 be born表示什么 were born呢

v.出生be born 被生下来were born 于以前某某时间某某地点啥的出生 即过去式 举例.I were born in China, 1950.
2023-07-09 06:47:322

born是什么词 be born表示什么 were born呢

2023-07-09 06:47:391

born in 做状语的用法

be born in用法:born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。born无比较级和最高级。
2023-07-09 06:48:001


born 是动词birth是名词
2023-07-09 06:49:437


天生的、有某方面才能的。专辑born的意思是天生的、有某方面才能的,Born是一个英文单词,动词、形容词,作动词时意思是“出生、出现、作形容词时意思是“天生的、出生的、天赋的、创造的。专辑,又也称为“大碟” ,是指将一定数量以上的歌曲或乐曲集结在一起,并对外发行的一种媒体。指的是多个音频录音作品以CD、唱片。
2023-07-09 06:50:241


2023-07-09 06:50:311


2023-07-09 06:50:591


bornv. 出世(bear的过去分词)是动词。例:She was born in Milan on April 29, 1923.她1923年4月29日生于米兰。
2023-07-09 06:51:072


born into出身于;出生born criminal天生犯罪人;天性罪犯;生来犯罪人Born Rich富贵门;天生富足美国的豪门子女;天生富足;美国的豪门子女born again再生;新生;再生一次;重生born digital原生数位;位资源;原生数位型态New Born天地孩儿;新生Atrinavexilum Born旗江珧其中New Born天地孩儿;新生born into出身于;出生born again再生;新生;再生一次;重生
2023-07-09 06:51:172


大家好:谢谢你们的邮件,10月24号至11月8号期间我不在办公室。在这期间我会定期查看邮件的。我的手机可能打不通。如有任何紧急事件,请给我的助理滕,安东尼奥打电话:+86-512-81642516。对此造成的任何不便表示歉意顺祝商祺Frank Shi
2023-07-09 06:32:131


裁断组大底 ouesole鞋垫 sock tining质腹 bottom filler鞋跟垫片 heel pad皮泉硬纸 eather board心纸底板 shank board牛皮 leather仿牛皮 imitation leather裁刀 cutting dies裁断垫皮 cutting pad布料 cloth material灯心绒 corduroy帆布 canvas反毛皮 suedePU poly urethane尼龙 nylon麻布 flax特立可得 tricot毛巾布 terry cloth泡棉 foam绸面 mesh法兰绒 flannel不织布 non woven橡胶发泡 Rubber pange长毛里 boa毛暄 felt布里 backing 加温式贴合 flame 中底 insole镜面皮 putent leather小牛皮 calfskin leather小山羊皮 kidskin leather猪皮 pigskin leather磨面皮 smooth leather压花皮 embossed leather皮克龙 Picalon 鞋头开口 open toe鞋后开口 open back鞋后密口 closed back鞋后密口 open shank鞋面 upper鞋面前端 vamp鞋腰 quarter鞋舌 tongue鞋舌扣环 tongue coop后上片 mustache处包片 outside counter里包片 inside counter鞋领 collar 装饰带 ornament鞋流 shaft of boot后跟包皮 heel cover中底边 insole binding鞋口滚边 topline binding 反口领 cuff 纱绒布 acrylic 全部人造材料 All man 人造皮 artifical 装饰边缘 edging配料 accessory拉着剂 Adhesive安第石油 Antique oil硫化剂 Bridging agent棉布 Cotton flannel软皮 Casting leather硬化剂 hardener发泡剂 Blowing agent鞋扣 Buckie 培林 Bearing毛刷 Brush鞋带 Weave tape冰刀 Blade包跟 Cover neel 打腊皮 Burnished leather松紧带 Elastic band催化剂触媒 Catalyst软木片 Cork sheet生胶 Crepe打钉 clip 鞋类英语-成型成型组 外贸后踵 heel curre跟踵 crown of last鞋头翘度 toe spring处理剂 primer胶水 cement中底 insole大底 outsole鞋带 lace中底垫皮 sock lining单底 unit sole生胶底 plantation crepe射出底 injection crepe中底 midsole中插 wedge后跟 heel天皮 top life钉书针 staple钉子 nail螺丝钉 screw前帮机 lasting pincers夹子 lasting攀鞋用手头钉 Lasting tacks楦头润滑剂 Last slip根皮 Heel cover 橡胶糊 Rubber cement药水糊 Neoprene模子底 shell sole 模子底 moulded sole鞋口 topline停留时间 time dwell中底滚边 insole binding鞋后高度 back height鞋头长度 vamp length鞋眼开口部位 eyestay opening填腹 bottom filler后跟垫片 heel pad中底钉合 insole attacching前帮机 toe lating 腰帮机 side lasting后帮机 heel seat砂纸型打粗机 sand paper砂轮式打粗 stone roughing后踵整型 back part大底压着 outsole press拨楦 pull out case定型加硫箱 neat setter拨丝钉 pull last 大底车线 outsole 冷冻箱 cooling chamber放置铁心 putting on shank贴底 outsole 鞋类英语-材质拉链纹PU raffia pu沙丁布 satin麻布 linen沙绸 mesh提花布 tmaterial山东绸 gorsgrain泰国绸 Thai silk绸布 mircofabric拉菲草 raffia镜面 ratent烫金 wash gold透明PVC clear pvc透明跟 clear heel蛇纹 snakeAR-18PU truekid wet puD-3PU wet pu珍珠沙 pearl弹性 stretch皱布 micro fab编织 woven牛皮 calf羊皮 sheepskin巴西PU Brazilian pu牛巴革 nubuck植毛绒 velvet金属PU semwtauic pu/met pu金属PVC semwtauic pvc半PU(仿PU) mipu.semi柔软PVC casiling pvc毛孔蚊PVC regularpvc双包探纹PU pulgup pu
2023-07-09 06:32:151


A pulsating variable star is a star whose exterior layer periodically swells and shrinks.【英语牛人团】
2023-07-09 06:32:202

有谁知道NEW STYLE品牌的由来,详细一点

NEW STYLE品牌的由来   NEW STYLE 这个名字最开始还不是NEW STYLE,而是起源于lavender,也即薰衣草的英文名。(Lavender——薰衣草,这种花语为"等待爱情"的紫色小花)   Lavender这个名字原本只是法国的服装设计师addie-xj妻子的婚礼服。这款婚礼服是addie-xj一生最成功的一款作品,耗时5年,每一针每一线都是在他本人的亲自监督下完成的,期间被修改了无数次,因为他只想给让他的妻子在结婚时穿上世上最美丽的婚纱。在addie-xj跟他的妻子热恋时,他就下定决心已定要用自己的所学来为爱人设计一款独一无二的婚纱,在经过几经的苦思冥想后,他终于有所突破,以薰衣草的紫色为基调,并用天然的丝绸来编制,再附带薰衣草的芳香,腰带以薰衣草的花瓣边缘淡淡的紫色为存托,来烘托出一种浑然天成的感觉,但是由于时间太过于匆促,在婚礼来临是,addie-xj还为给自己的设计想好名字,婚礼来临的前一天,addie-xj侧夜未眠,一直在想婚纱的名字,一直到第二天,婚礼开始前一个小时,他还在自己的房间里抓狂,直到有人来叫他去婚礼现场,他才匆忙的打理一下自己容貌衣着,直奔婚礼现场。婚礼开始了,新娘穿上他设计的婚纱,如同天使般的缓缓走来,addie-xj欣慰的笑了,可在这笑的背后,依然隐藏着丝丝的遗憾-婚纱的名字。婚礼照常进行这,可就在相互承诺的时候,新娘突然问他,它的名字是什么,addie-xj如梦惊醒,显示一愣,然后面带笑容的回到她:lavender。从此lavender这个名字一直在普罗旺斯,这个薰衣草的故乡盛行着,随后,被多个服装生产商抢购,就这样,一度单单只是一个名字的lavender引来了一场新品牌的服装潮流。   一直到20世纪末叶,lavender的风潮依然在普罗旺斯盛行着,可有些人已经认识到,lavender已经不能仅仅局限于普罗旺斯了,addie-xj的风格应该让该让更多的人去追随,为了适应服装界的变化,将lavender更名为NEW STYLE以适应国际服装潮流的走向。
2023-07-09 06:32:261


思加图鞋垫下有个银色芯片是品牌的专利技术“Goodyear Performance Outsole”技术的一部分。Goodyear Performance Outsole技术采用了各种创新的材料和设计,包括一层由Goodyear生产的橡胶,以提高鞋底的耐用性和抓地力。这个银色芯片可以是嵌入鞋底中的一块特殊的材料,该材料有助于提高鞋子的灵活性和响应性,并提供额外的垫付和支撑。这项技术是由思加图和著名轮胎制造商Goodyear Technologies合作开发的,旨在为跑步及户外活动提供更好的灵活性、耐久性和抓地力。
2023-07-09 06:32:061


主要差异是有偏移还是无偏移,无偏移的 才可以和实际测量的位置对应起来,另外谷歌的地图更新周期和卫星覆盖都要高很多。
2023-07-09 06:32:062


#include "stdio.h"int main(){/*****************程序十六********************************************/int iMonth=0,iDay=0,iYear=0;int iDayPR=0;printf("Enter the month you want to know the days: ");printf("Please enter the year: ");printf("Year:");scanf("%d",&iYear);printf("Month:");scanf("%d",&iMonth);switch (iMonth){case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:iDay=31;break;case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11:iDay=30;break;case 2:iDay=1;break; default:iDay=-1;break;}if(iDay==1){if (iYear%4==0){if (iYear%100 !=0){iDayPR=29;}else{iDayPR=(iYear%400==0)? 29:28;}}else{iDayPR=28;}printf("%d year %d month has %d days. ",iYear,iMonth,iDayPR);}else{if(iDay==-1){printf("There is a error with you enter! ");}else{printf("%d year %d month has %d days. ",iYear,iMonth,iDay);}}return 0;
2023-07-09 06:32:063


1. Customer information, quality requirements (color fastness, fabric-torn Rally, color grading, loss rate, the short-yat rate, width, touch, packaging, shipping, acceptance criteria, etc.). 2. Order quantity (at least 100 metres from the quantities and unconventional color and five from the set of more than 500 metres). 3. Price (withdrawal or retreat version Prices vary depending on version), method of payment (usually Kuandaofahuo new customers). 4. Fabrics modes of supply and delivery RUSH largest single contract Accreditation Procurement Organization, based in charge of the system, scheduling, production manager, Indian paper, printed fabrics in charge of technology, equipment, raw materials supply, delivery firms such as accreditation New Technology Contract Review Procurement Organization, in charge of setting, scheduling, production manager, Indian paper, printed fabrics in charge of production process control technology assessment Contract 1. Determined in accordance with the supply contract fabric name, signed off for the cloth "printing contracts," if the purchase was signed cloth "products purchase and sales contracts." 2. Integrity of the contract. 3. Particular, the specific requirements of customers and in the process of improving the sample point should be described in detail. 4. If passengers should be for the cloth and fabric goods supplier delivery time together. The contract must specify: A. signing and B. price and the mode of payment C. quality requirements (color fastness, allowing Taoban error, the anti-torn fabric Rally, color grading, loss rate, the short-yat rate, width, touch) D. Other special requirements E. fabric suppliers. Such as fabrics to the United States has bought a quarter-testing standards, such as the customer for the fabrics and quality problems related to the cost of service by the customer. F. packaging requirements. Annotated customer-specific labels, Alice top G. delivery. H. delivery. I. acceptance criteria, the inspection period: 1, if not a CD quality problems, otherwise we do not take responsibility; 2, within 10 days if no quality feedback the default for all qualified. Orders 1. Seriously standardized fill out the "contact orders" of the four. 2. Operations Assistant distributed Pai single, clerk, Indian cloth, and one each in the finished product warehouse. 3. Production standards like (color samples), so the direct production of new customers or sales to be signed to confirm the territory effect. With the single management 1. Timely understanding of the progress of the production, the failure to deliver the products on time and to advance the production, customer communications reconfirmed delivery. Avoid v. passengers complained. 2. Handling of the problem of quality: ① received feedback fabric quality fabrics have problems of quality, or receiving orders from buyers contact for cloth, pending receipt of written confirmation, the quality of information to inform sector organizations; ② fabric, paper flowers, the color slightly, sales and production coordination and signed confirmation; ③ more serious quality problems at the production shutdown organized by the Department of quality control, operational personnel dealing with joint trials. 3. Change orders: orders received written confirmation, cancellation, color adjustment, or delivery pushed ahead, the increase or decrease in the volume of orders (including the abolition of single-tail), and other information at the first time (not to exceed a maximum of four hours) fill out the "contact information changes alone," the 6 (1 of retirement) sent Production Manager (single row distributed color, print, finished warehouse), quality control departments responsible persons in the retained on the receipt. 4. Production, quality control, personnel and coordinate the inspection work. Ship management 1. Again before shipping customer packaging requirements (such as a fixed-length, single, special labels). 2. Based on customer demands complete "information delivery" of the two, a reference to the vehicle scheduling, a reference to the finished product warehouse in excess of 100 km in advance of the delivery day to be unpredictable dispatcher. 3. Operational staff before 8:00 in the night-known production, complete delivery of information exchange arrangements for shipping vehicles dispatcher, or other reasons because of the quality of delivery has not requested the previous day night shift finished products as far as possible in row The next day delivery, customer demand Express can be filled at a single request / delivery. After-sales follow-up 1. Companies without inventory Decal meeting to persuade customers not only to fill. Single customers insist on meeting to be conducted under the single price of the assessment and delivery. 2. Loan recovery. Reconciliation bill, the tracking invoices signed recover Chuan, reminders account. 3. Know your customer product development trends. 4. Regularly visit and for satisfaction surveys.GOOGLE上翻译的,你自己看看..
2023-07-09 06:32:032