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"keep up with the joneses"是什么意思

2023-07-10 21:28:57


jone是英语国家中很普通的姓,所以就被用来指普通人.如:I am just a regular Jones



I understand this phrase to mean keeping up at least the appearance of wealth or class to the roughly equivalent degree that one"s neighbors exhibit same,particularly in terms of the display of physical possessions.



keep up with the joneses





1. 赶上琼斯家

2. 赶时髦,与他人攀比



Have you bought consumer goods or invested in a stock or fund justto keep up with the joneses?



"keep up with the joneses"是攀比




keep up with什么意思

keep up with跟上;赶上
2023-07-10 13:41:431

keep up with是什么意思

2023-07-10 13:41:534

keep up with是什么意思?

2023-07-10 13:42:285

keep up with什么意思

2023-07-10 13:42:456

keep up with是个什么意思?

牛津高阶字典:keep up (with sb/sth), to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as sth/sb.(与……)齐步前进,并驾齐驱;跟上。keep up with sb ,to continue to be in contact with sb 与某人保持联系keep up with stn,1. to learn about or be aware of the news, current events,etc.熟悉,了解(消息,形势等)。2. to continue to pay or do sth regularly.继续支付,继续做。
2023-07-10 13:43:101

keep up with是什么意思

2023-07-10 13:43:251

keep up with的意义及用法

keepupwith动词词组,跟得上,不落后的意思。Youarewalkingtoofast.Icannotkeepupwithyou.你走得太快了,我跟不上你。We havetoworkhardtokeepupwiththepaceoftheage.我们必须努力,才能跟上时代的脚步。
2023-07-10 13:43:321

keep up与with搭配吗?是必须得还是可以不

这是两个词组:1、keep up 的意思是:保持;继续;不低落;不落后Keep up the struggle till you succeed. 继续战斗直到你们取得胜利。2、keep up with 赶得上;和…保持联系You try to keep up with the latest and make the smartest choices—but are they as healthy as you think? 尝试去保持最新的营养观念和做出最精明选择,但是你觉得它们带来的是你所认为的健康吗?
2023-07-10 13:43:404


见下文:Keepingup with the Joneses是一个有一百多岁的美国英语成语,意思是“赶时髦,比阔气”。1913年,在纽约市有一个23岁的年轻人叫亚瑟·毛蒙德(Arthur Momand)。当时,毛蒙德一周能赚125美元。那可是一大笔钱。于是,他和妻子就搬出纽约的单元房,来到纽约的富人街生活。他看到邻居们每天都在骑马,他也要骑马。他看到一些富人家有佣人,他也请了佣人。不仅如此,他还在家开派对,请邻居们来吃,来喝,来玩。实际上他是在炫富。他在进行一场无休无止的竞争。那场竞争持续到他钱财耗尽,再也支付不起富人的生活开支为止。结果,不久后,毛蒙德就退出了富人街,又重新拾起了他原来的创作行业。他以Arthur R. "Pop" Momand的署名,在报纸上发表系列连环漫画,漫画中的主人翁是琼斯(Jones)。在当时的纽约,琼斯是一个常见的人名。这一组连环画一发便是五年一直到1918才结束。他的连环画的其中一个主题就是Keeping up with the Joneses。由于他的漫画深受大家的喜爱,而且Keeping up with the Joneses一语道破了多数纽约富人的心机,于是这一表示“赶时髦,比阔气”的成语便很快地流传开来。这便是Keeping up with the Joneses这一成语的起源。
2023-07-10 13:43:591

fall behind,keep on with,keep up with,catch up的区别

fall behind: 落后、退后、逾期(付款等) keep on with: 继续(做某事) keep up with: 跟上 catch up: 追上、吹起等
2023-07-10 13:44:061

catch/put/keep/come/up with 这四个词组的用法和意思

catch up with为“赶上(某人或某事)”,有追上并可能超过的含义。如: We"ll do out best to catch up with the advanced industrial countries. 我们将尽力赶超先进的工业国家。 keep up with作“不落后于(某人或某对手)”解,有与之并驾齐驱的含义。如: The girls had to run to keep up with the boys. 这些女孩子不得不加快脚步以赶上男孩子们。put up with1. 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)2. 容忍,承受,忍受 3. 忍受,忍耐come up with 想出(计划、回答);作出(反应);产生 He couldn"t come up with an answer. 他答不上来。 He couldn"t come up with an appropriate answer just at the time. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案。
2023-07-10 13:44:141

come up with 与keep up with 有何不同

ing of a severe headache. A change had come
2023-07-10 13:44:223

keep up with造句

2023-07-10 13:44:301

fall behind,keep on with,keep up with,catch up的区别

fall behind: 落后、退后、逾期(付款等) keep on with: 继续(做某事) keep up with: 跟上 catch up: 追上、吹起等
2023-07-10 13:44:461

keep up with 与 come up with 有什么不同

keep up with 是跟上的意思ex: It"s really hard to keep up with this class.come up with 是想出, 提出的意思ex: Can you come up with a good idea?
2023-07-10 13:45:052

keep up with 和catch up with 有区别吗

keep up with 和catch up with 的区别:keep up with sb------与某人保持一致。catch up with sb -----强调赶上或超过。
2023-07-10 13:45:131

keep in touch with和keep up with有什么区别?

keep in touch with 与某人保持联系联络keep up with 与。。。保持着同样的速度、跟上。。。、 表示不落在后面。
2023-07-10 13:45:231

keep up with 和 keep up on 什么区别?

keep up with 与什么保持联系,keep up on 多指跟上。
2023-07-10 13:45:382

keep up with与catch up with

2023-07-10 13:45:463

come up with 等于keep up with和catch up with吗

come up with是想出。如:I come up with a good idea.keep up with sb------与某人保持一致catch up with sb -----强调赶上或超过
2023-07-10 13:45:542


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2023-07-10 13:46:451

keep up with是什么意思

2023-07-10 13:46:531


2023-07-10 13:47:011


2023-07-10 13:47:081

keep up with什么意思

keep up with的意思是跟上,不落人之后; 齐肩并进; 紧跟。This reform effort is failing to keep up with its recovery.而美国政府这次的改革措施也未能跟上复苏的步伐。Who can keep up with that?谁与赶得上这变化呢?He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.他迈大步追上她。The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.那两名女售货员正忙着接待顾客。She did not bother to keep up with the news.她不愿花时间去了解最新消息。She was skipping to keep up with him.她连蹦带跳地走着,好跟上他的步伐。She is struggling to keep up with her schoolwork.她在努力完成作业。
2023-07-10 13:47:151


2023-07-10 13:47:521

keep up with的意义及用法

1,跟上,赶上,反义词fall behind.e.g.He worked hard so that he could keep up with his classmates.2,与...保持联系.e.g.She has been keeping up with her Tom since she came to Shenzhen last year.
2023-07-10 13:47:591

keep up to与keep up with的区别

keep up (to date) 没有keep up to 这个词组吧keep up with 跟上
2023-07-10 13:48:263


2023-07-10 13:48:331

keep up与with搭配吗?谢谢了

keep up 保持,继续,维持,跟上(时代)keep up with1. 跟上,不落在…后面:还是有点差别。通常如果想要表达"跟上"的含义,要用keep up with.
2023-07-10 13:48:413

catch up with /keep up with /keep pace with 这几个词有什么区别?

catch up with 强调开始是落后的,从后面追上. v. 赶上,逮捕,处罚 keep up with 强调始终保持跟在后面,不掉队 v. 跟上 keep pace with 强调保持并列的状态 v. 并驾齐驱
2023-07-10 13:48:471

keep up with与catch up with作“跟上”讲时有什么区别?

2023-07-10 13:48:564

keep up with the joneses的由来

Keepingup with the Joneses是一个有一百多岁的美国英语成语,意思是“赶时髦,比阔气”。1913年,在纽约市有一个23岁的年轻人叫亚瑟·毛蒙德(Arthur Momand)。当时,毛蒙德一周能赚125美元。那可是一大笔钱。于是,他和妻子就搬出纽约的单元房,来到纽约的富人街生活。他看到邻居们每天都在骑马,他也要骑马。他看到一些富人家有佣人,他也请了佣人。不仅如此,他还在家开派对,请邻居们来吃,来喝,来玩。实际上他是在炫富。他在进行一场无休无止的竞争。那场竞争持续到他钱财耗尽,再也支付不起富人的生活开支为止。结果,不久后,毛蒙德就退出了富人街,又重新拾起了他原来的创作行业。他以Arthur R. "Pop" Momand的署名,在报纸上发表系列连环漫画,漫画中的主人翁是琼斯(Jones)。在当时的纽约,琼斯是一个常见的人名。这一组连环画一发便是五年一直到1918才结束。他的连环画的其中一个主题就是Keeping up with the Joneses。由于他的漫画深受大家的喜爱,而且Keeping up with the Joneses一语道破了多数纽约富人的心机,于是这一表示“赶时髦,比阔气”的成语便很快地流传开来。这便是Keeping up with the Joneses这一成语的起源。
2023-07-10 13:49:041

keep up with sb造句加翻译

I"ll keep up with you。我会和你保持联络的。
2023-07-10 13:49:122


这三种用法都可以表示"继续做某事",但它们的语境和含义略有不同:1. "keep up with sth" 表示跟上某事物的步伐或进展,保持与其同步。例如:"I"m having trouble keeping up with the class because they"re moving so quickly."2. "keep sth up" 表示继续保持某个状态或行为,不间断地进行下去。例如:"You need to keep up your exercise routine if you want to lose weight."3. "keep at sth" 表示持续做某事直到完成或取得成功。例如:"If you want to get better at playing guitar, you need to keep at it and practice every day."
2023-07-10 13:49:191

翻译 人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展。(keep up with)

People find it more and more difficult to keep up with the development of modern science.
2023-07-10 13:49:261

中译英:为了跟上时事,他每天都阅读报纸或者看电视。(keep up with)

In order to keep up with the time, he reads newspaper or watches TV everyday. 时事或者翻译成current affairs.感觉还是时代好。
2023-07-10 13:49:441

keep up with sb与catch up with sb 的区别 ?

很简单keep up with sb------与某人保持一致catch up with sb -----强调赶上或超过
2023-07-10 13:49:544

keep in touch with和keep up with有什么区别

keep in touch with是保持联系keep up with是赶上
2023-07-10 13:50:042

keep up with the news

错误 He didn"t bother to keep up with the news,His only concern was study.去掉to keep up with [简明英汉词典] v.跟上
2023-07-10 13:50:131


一、~+形容词1、keep awake 不睡,保持清醒 2、keep calm 保持镇静 3、keep clean 保持清洁 4、keep clear of 躲避 5、keep close 靠近二、~+副词1、keep ahead 保持领先地位 2、keep indoors 呆在家里,不外出 3、keep well 管理得很好 4、keep ceaselessly 无休止地保持 5、keep discreetly 慎重地保留 三、~+介词1、keep after 追求,追赶,纠缠 2、keep after the criminals 追踪罪犯 3、keep along 沿…继续 4、keep at 使…继续 5、keep at one"s study 坚持学习扩展资料:一、keep的单词用法v. (动词)1、keep的基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”“遵守,维护”“庆祝”“耽搁”“记”等解。 2、keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。 3、keep还可接以形容词、副词、as短语、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)等充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但不可接含动词不定式的复合宾语。 4、keep作“保持,继续”解时还可用作系动词,后跟表语,该表语可由形容词、副词、名词、动名词或介词短语等充当,此用法keep有时可用于进行体。 5、keep后接介词from,再接名词或动名词,表示“使自己不做某事”,主要用于否定句或疑问句。 6、由keep构成的常用习语大多不用于进行体。二、短语辨析keep up with, catch up with这两个短语都可表示“赶上”。其区别是:1、catch up with表示从落后的状态迎头赶上。如:You go on,I will soon catch up with you.你先走,我很快会赶上你的。2、keep up with表示跟上某人以至不落后。如:She had to run to keep up with them.她得跑步才能跟上他们。
2023-07-10 13:50:201

"keep up with the joneses"什么意思

2023-07-10 13:50:383


2023-07-10 13:50:451

keep up with the others如何翻译呀?

2023-07-10 13:50:556


catch up with 追赶
2023-07-10 13:51:133

不学习就赶不上时代的步伐用keep up with造句

If you don,t study hard, you won,t keep up with pace of times.
2023-07-10 13:51:472

英语问题 keep up with me 和follow me Come with me有什么区别 应该在什么情况下用 谢谢

三个意思都差不多,语法中最常说的是follow me,他可以表达跟着我(走),也可以表达跟着我(做)…举个例子,英语老师教授新单词,她会自己读一遍然后让学生跟着读一遍这个时候就会用这个【Now, listen. Hello . Follow me, hello.】
2023-07-10 13:51:561

"keep up with the joneses"是什么意思

keep up with the joneses 与…攀比,比阔气;赶上别人Media supported by advertising encourage consumers to aspire to celebrity lifestyles, to keep up with theJoneses by acquiring more stuff. 那些依赖广告支持的媒体,鼓动着人们追求所谓名流的生活方式,为了攀比而购买更多的东西。
2023-07-10 13:52:051

Alexander is carefully to keep up with the latest fashions in clothes能不能解释一下语法结构

我觉得这里应该有个错误,是careful(形容词),而不是carefully(副词)因为是be careful, 而不是 be carefullybe careful to do something 就是小心的去做某事keep up with的意思是跟上,赶上keep up with the latest fashions in clothes 就是赶上服装最新的潮流类似Keep up with的词,还有一个叫做catch up with,也是赶上,当你在说跑步的时候想要赶上某人,你可以说keep up with someone, 也可以说catch up with someone.但是当你说,好久没有跟某人联系的时候,你就只能说catch up with someone.表示,好久没联系了,需要聚一聚了~
2023-07-10 13:52:132