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2023-07-11 20:18:05



2023-07-11 11:33:391


2023-07-11 11:34:022


电影模仿游戏歌曲大全: 01. The Imitation Game 02. Enigma 03. Alan 04. U-Boats 05. Carrots And Peas 06. Mission 07. Crosswords 08. Night Research 09. Joan 10. Alone With Numbers 11. The Machine Christopher 12. Running 13. Christopher Is Dead 14. Decrypting 15. A Different Equation 16. Becoming A Spy 17. The Apple 18. Farewell To Christopher 19. End Of War 20. Because Of You 21. Alan Turing"s Legacy 电影《模仿游戏》相关推荐:
2023-07-11 11:34:161

模仿游戏 迅雷下载 要最高清的,谢谢了,有1080P的最好

2023-07-11 11:34:272

掠蜗The Imitation Game中P ZQAE TQR 是用什么密码译的

世界上最大的掠食性鱼类 成年大白鲨世界上最大的掠食性鱼类是成年大白鲨(大白鲨)平均身长4.3-4.6米(14-15英尺)长,和一般称重520-770千克(1,150-1,700磅)。有的成年大白鲨甚至可以达10米(33英尺)长的,不过已很少见,只在历史上有过记载,但很少被正确验证。 然而,有大量的间接证据表明,一些大白鲨确实可以长到超过6米(20英尺)长。
2023-07-11 11:34:472


《模仿游戏》(The Imitation Game),是由莫腾·泰杜姆执导,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、凯拉·奈特莉等主演的传记电影。影片改编自安德鲁·霍奇斯编著的传记《艾伦·图灵传》,讲述了“计算机科学之父”艾伦·图灵的传奇人生,故事主要聚焦于图灵协助盟军破译德国密码系统“英格玛”,从而扭转二战战局的经历。二战期间,盟军苦于德国的密码系统“英格玛”无法破译,政府召集了一批数学家、逻辑学家进行秘密破解工作,艾伦·图灵(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰)就是其中之一。破解计划刚开始,图灵遭到了以休·亚历山大(马修·古迪饰)为首的组员和领导的排斥,幸而军情六局局长斯图尔特·孟席斯(马克·斯特朗饰)帮助他立项研究破译密码的机器,而图灵则变成了负责人,并招收了新的成员琼·克拉克(凯拉·奈特莉饰)开始艰难的工作。琼很快就迷上了图灵,由于她的帮助所有组员空前的团结,并于两年后成功破解了德军密码。图灵一度与琼订婚,但却隐瞒了一个秘密,因为这个秘密他最终遭受到非人的待遇……
2023-07-11 11:35:053


评价是一部很好的电影,值得观看。1、这部电影可以说是专为那些对追求真理感兴趣的人准备的大餐。孤僻,社交技能为0,同性恋,一意孤行地破解密码,最终发明了计算机的雏形。2、图灵这个历史著名人物最后却因为同性恋而被强制服用药物折磨而自杀。但他在那些辉煌的日子里却以一己之力拯救了二战无数的士兵,推动了计算机的发展,说为改变了世界一点也不过分。3、这是由数学填字游戏所引发的对密码的兴趣,“为什么面对面的人们却说不说真话呢”而密码确能真实地表述人们的内心,这也是对于图灵这个社交能力为0的最好的玩伴。4、机器是有感情的又是没有感情的,机器的感情都是一个个鲜活的人赋予的。战争是残酷的,无数的人担起了历史的重任,图灵对战争的救赎,对人类的救赎,却没有人来救赎下他。注意事项:1、电影故事本身有三条线,如果不了解图灵的大致生平,可能在开头会有些迷惑盗窃案这条线。但是一旦了解了这三条线的基本思路,就会发现这三条线的相辅相成以及交叉叙事是非常合理且恰到好处的。2、图灵的许多思想和预见都在他死后不断得到验证,也始终引导、推动着计算机科学的发展。国际计算机协会于1966 年设立“图灵奖”,以专门奖励对计算机科学研究与推动计算机技术发展有卓越贡献的杰出科学家。
2023-07-11 11:35:3211


2023-07-11 11:38:509


- -千本樱,react,初音未来的消失。。。。。
2023-07-11 11:39:1615

中国乒乓球 英语短文

2023-07-11 11:39:411


1:没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁.No one indebted for others,while many people don"t know how to cherish others.2:by reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it. 读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。3:A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you. May you seek all the best that the world has to give. May you never stop learning for as long as you live.小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。4:there"s slim hope that in the maze of dark and disordered tuins a luxury haunting love will be discovered.[在迷宫般黑暗混乱的废墟里,发掘那奢华凄美的爱情,希望渺茫.]5:life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!人生无需后悔,逝去的事就像一阵风;人生不需要遗憾,该来的终究还是要来;人生不需要懊恼,愁白的头发难以再黑;人生不需要哀叹,丧失自信就将失去一切!6:who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。7:one should love animals. they are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃.8:how should i greet, with tears, with silence. 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默9:go back to the past, can return.回到过去,只能回到。10:i"m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。11:What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?什么是勇气?是哭着要你爱我,还是是哭着让你离开。12:just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to,doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。13:to the world you may be just one person. to the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。14:Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet 2)脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!——《哈姆雷特》15:So is the will of a living daughter curb"d by the will of a dead father. (A Merchant of Venice 2)一个活生生的女人的意愿,却被过世的父亲的遗嘱所限。——《威尼斯商人》16:if the worst thing in the world is to die, then what kind of difficulty we can not overcome如果人生最坏的只是死亡,生活中怎会有面对不了的困难。17:keep trying! don"t give up the ship. 继续努力,别轻易放弃!18:onewordfreesusofalltheweightandpaininlife.thatwordislove.有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是“爱情”。19:The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! (Hamlet 5)这是一个礼崩乐坏的时代,唉!倒霉的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任。——《哈姆雷特》20:donotdelayanythingthataddslaughterandjoytoyourlife.不要延迟任何可以给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情;21:idon"t think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. conversely, i think it"s aselecting process, knowing what"s the most important and what"s theleast. and then be a simple man.我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。22:we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone.我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。23:May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happiness unfloding like the petal of a rose .Have a wonderful birthday!24:it"s the most important thing to love you.爱你,是比任何事都重要的事。25:i know it"s a lie what you keep inside 我知道那只是谎言,到底有什么藏在你的内心深处?26:To be or not to be: that is a question. (Hamlet 1)生存还是毁灭,这是个值得考虑的问题。——《哈姆雷特》27:do you love lifethen do not squander time;for that"s the stuff life is made of.你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。28:love stings like a bee but is sweet like honey when its not imitation. 爱象带刺的蜜蜂却又似蜂蜜一般甜蜜。29: We are going to treat you like a king today.我们今天要像侍侯国王一般侍侯你。30:for those things i don"t talk about,it does not mean i don"t know. 有些事不说,不代表不知道。31:tell me you are mine. i"ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。32:love is a fire which burns unseen.爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。33:if i could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well ... i would want to sleep forever. 如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。34:from majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。35:you cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。36:every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. 每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。37:your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。38:if at the outset i brave, ending is different.如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样.39:when every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it"s always beautiful.每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。40:love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。41:the world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。42:I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little more every day.(我想你,有一点点深,有一点点频繁,还一天比一天更浓。)43:a friend is a "gift" if of our heart treasures. thank you forbeing the treasure in my heart. 朋友是心里的一个宝物。44:do you understand the feeling of missing someone it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 你知道思念 一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.45:beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone. 美貌固然肤浅,丑陋却能深入骨髓46:at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。47:when there"s no expectation, losing won"t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。49:我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。I"ll think of you every step of the way.50:a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。52:to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。53:precious things are very few in this world. that is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。54:men alleged oath, but is a beautiful lies just.男人所谓的誓言,不过是个美丽的谎言而已。55:red dust, russia has been searching for a soul, land, and finally found himself, with the pure land, conversational space!56:love is a vine that grows into our hearts.如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。57:对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.58:Love is like a game of tug-of-war competition not stop to the beginning爱就像一场拔河比赛 一开始就不能停下来59:we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. when tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. this is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. it is the truth that we"ve all grown up. and we become different. 当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。
2023-07-11 11:39:501


各位老师大家好: 我讲的内容是 PEP 小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 PartA 的第一课时 Let"s Learn 部分。我主要从教材、教学方法、教学流程和板书这四个方面来展开 我的说课。 一.说教材 1 . 教材内容 我所讲的是(PEP 版)五年级上册 Unit 3 PartA 的第一课时 Let"s Learn 部分。 2 . 教学目标 新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生 的综合语言运用能力。所以,我将教学目标确定为: (1) 能力目标: 能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物; What would you 如: like for lunch ? I"d like ….. (2) 知识目标:认读 Let"s learn 的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词 tomato , potato. fish,tofu,eggplant, greenbeans. 三 会 单 词 pork 。 mutton,cabbage. (3) 情感目标:培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧 带新的方式自主学习。 3 . 教学重点和难点. (1) 本课时重点是掌握有关食物的 9 个单词:pork tofu mutton plant green beans potato fish ,要求通过四年级cabbage tomato egg上册 Unit5 所学句型”What would you like for lunch,”操练所学新单 词。 (2)难点是本课时词汇量大,要求四会掌握的单词多。要让学生在课堂上较好掌握这些单词,需巧教,趣教,努力调动学生积极性。如:教师 比较 potato 和 tomato 两个单词的异同,引导学生速记。 说教法, 二、 说教法,学法 根据以上对教材的分析,为了突破这堂课的重、难点,针对小学生好 奇、好胜、好动、模仿力强、表现欲旺盛等生理和心理特点,,我采用情景 法,直观法,多媒体辅助,实物教学等教学方法。坚持以话题为核心,以功 能,结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课,从有关食物的歌曲开始,创设英 语语言氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、 体验、实践、参与和合作、游戏感悟等多法并用的方式组织教学。彻底改 变传统的“授—受”的教学模式,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 三、说教学过程 1、Warm-up (热身) 激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。所以上课开始,我设 计了 师生自由会话 ,以此拉近师生之间的距离,使学生有亲近感,尽快 地融入到我的课程之中。然后让学生扮演同学们喜爱的 Zoom 和 Zip 走 入课堂, 与同学们一起学习, 使学生兴奋起来。 接着播放课件 Let"s sing, 活跃了课堂,激发了兴趣。 2、Preview(复习) (1) 通过 watch a moive,并给学生布置记住影片中孩子们喜欢吃什 么的任务,给学生创设了一个真实的英语语言环境,也提高了孩子的注意 力,为新课做好铺垫. (2) 利用课件做问答练习, 借此复习和引入句型 What do you like for lunch today ? I"d like …. 以旧带新使 Fellow teachers all good: I speak of the content is PEP primary school English grade five Unit 3 PartA taken the first class Let "s Learn part. I mainly from the teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching process and blackboard writing these four aspects to spread my speaking lesson. A. Said materials 1. Teaching material contents what I say is (PEP edition) taken five grade Unit 3 PartA first class Let "s Learn part. 2. Teaching goal new English course standard points out, basic education stage the overall goal of English teaching is to cultivate students" comprehensive language using ability. So, I will be teaching goal identified as: (1) ability goal: to ask and seek answers for meals eaten food; What would you like: like for lunch? I "d like... .. (2) knowledge goal: Let "s learn lesson of words and sentences, and master sihui words tomato, potato. Fish, tofu, eggplant, greenbeans. Three will single word pork. Mutton, cabbage. (3) the emotional goal: to cultivate a spirit of cooperation and innovation consciousness, guide students through the old with the new mode of autonomous learning. 3. Teaching important points and difficult. (1) the class key is master relevant food nine words: pork tofu mutton plant green beans potato fish, request through the grade fourCabbage tomato eggUnit5 w.-w learned sentence "What would you like for lunch," practice What they have learned new single word. (2) the difficulties is the vocabulary class, demand more of sihui words. Let the students in the classClass a good grasp of these words, need to qiao teach, interesting teaching, trying to arouse students" enthusiasm. Such as: the teacher potato and tomato compared the similarities and differences between the two words, guides the student to shorthand. Teaching said, the second, and said to teaching, according to the above method for teaching material analysis, in order to break through this class of heavy, difficulties, in view of the primary school students good strange, competitive, active, the imitation force strong, strong desire and physiological and psychological characteristics,, I use the scene method, direct method, multimedia auxiliary, physical teaching and teaching methods. Adhere to the topic as the core, to work can, structure as the main line, task-based activities this lesson, from the food song beginning, creating the English language atmosphere, stimulate students" interest in learning, let the students in teacher"s guidance, through the perception, experience, practice, participation and cooperation, game feeling and so on method and way of teaching organization. Thoroughly to change the traditional "crown - by" teaching mode, and promote the improvement of ability of language practical usage. Three, said the teaching process 1, Warm - up (warming up) inspire students to participate in the study interest, is the key to the new import. So when the class began, I put meter the free conversation between teachers and students, so as to close the distance between teachers and students, make students have affinity, as soon as possible into my curricula. Then let students play the classmates favorite Zoom and Zip walked into the classroom, with students study together, so that the students excited. Then play courseware Let "s sing, active classroom, arouse the interest. 2, Preview (review) (1) through the watch a moive, and give students arrangement remember the film the children like to eat assorted yao task, give students create a real English language environment, and improve the child"s attention force, for the new animals. (2) use courseware? What"s in your schoolbag, like to take this opportunity to review and introduce sentences What do you like for lunch today? I "d like... . In the old belt new make
2023-07-11 11:40:071

攀登歌词 攀登歌词介绍

1、歌词: 有时候我会问自己 到底为了什么努力 赢得什么才叫胜利 你曾否问自己 我们明白很多时候 当你醒来渴望自由 但现实总变质 并不是你想要的样子 有人在逆境中蜕变 想在机遇中兑现 说过的承诺 更多的时候 都被打磨成碎片 是因为生活要继续 想振作 获得惊喜 要更多 要心意 更精细 更尽力 让经历跟新意 更亲密 更凝聚 这就是我想要的 我想要我能被铭记 想忘记那些 华丽的浮夸的装点 滑稽的实话里 藏着谎话却又很庄严 Do what I do 是因为不想停止迈步 不是不在乎 而是我害怕心思败露 世界的面积 可能大到让人抵触 但时间的延续 就是你最大的礼物 别畏惧 像是暴露你某个意图 让阳光彻底照着你 每寸皮肤 I pray for myself I pray for my hood 真理藏在心里 Keep real for my world 我为我自己买单 不会逃脱而是负责 我自己对抗灾难 哪怕超过我的负荷 You feel me Oh 爱 oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high Oh 爱 oh 爱 oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high 我曾经如此随和 跟着世界的规则 他们说什么就什么 听着话 心却是灰色 沉睡着 多努力追上 社会太看重的荣耀 我逐一对抗 恶鬼在煽动的控告 根本都不重要 理想再崇高 每当我动摇 撑着我是一个拥抱 我的忠告 别覆辙重蹈 一切的功劳 来自我爱的 爱着我的 身边每一个珍贵的容貌 Yo shout out to 2Pac Put your hands up So just bounce If you feel me 不要放肆 学着感激 像个壮士 勇往向前去 伤势再痛不要放弃 拼死拼活地追求 到底为了什么意义 不就是为了成为你口中的 Favorite MC 他要spit game on fire 他要带你们higher 他要证明说唱文化 本身就是个爷们儿 我觉得现在可以好好入睡 因为世界都是 Hip-Hop词汇 Never thought I be in position to do this It all started When Pac nation chanted 《How do you want it》 I keep it old school With some Pac imitation West side till I die You love it no hesitation Dear mama 不要哭我永远在你身边 别在乎世界怎么看我 对我多少偏见 今天忍气吞声 为了要更好的明天 我们说的唱的 坚持的全都会实现 So I pray for my loved ones And I pray for the warriors I pray for the go-getters And I pray for the naysayers Lord please let me See another day 浴火凤凰展开双翼 We will see that day let go Oh 爱 oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high Oh 爱 oh 爱 oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high Oh 爱 oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high Oh 爱 Got me feeling drunk and high So high so high 你觉得我会在意么 你给的质疑 你觉得我会猜疑么 只相信自己 用音乐转换季节 所以不会再畏惧冬天 中文Hip-Hop有版图 我会在最中间 Yeah you feel me 2、《攀登》是2018年潘玮柏、邓紫棋、艾热演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《中国新说唱 第13期》中。
2023-07-11 11:40:131


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2023-07-11 11:40:533


我这里有百度网盘分享给你,点开就可以保存^_^,记得点个赞呀链接:h t t ps://p id u.c om/s/1eoDXz-3V9C mcpHr9Ly6t0w 删除空格即可提取码:pcvg
2023-07-11 11:41:023


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2023-07-11 11:41:531


2023-07-11 11:42:311

求电影 模仿游戏 百度云资源!

2023-07-11 11:43:001


2023-07-11 11:43:072


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2023-07-11 11:43:402


The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史 Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze. 语言点: 1. SIMOL: same old 的缩写. 美国口语. 2. Freak: 某项活动的痴迷者. 3. Serve: 发球. 4. First round: 第一局 5. be qualified to do sth: 有资格,有能力做…… 6. Come on: 口语中的意思是:少来了! 朋友之间调侃 7. kid: 这里是动词,意思是玩弄,耍弄.“don t kid me”口语翻译成“别涮我……”
2023-07-11 11:43:461


亲 能留邮箱么
2023-07-11 11:33:522

proverbs and famous sayings about money

有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。 Money talks.钱能通神。 招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful Time is money. 时间就是金钱。. A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。 It is easier to get money than to keep it. 挣钱容易攒钱难。 Money isn‘t everything. 钱不是万能的。 Wealth is nothing without health. 失去健康,钱再多也没用。 Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 智慧胜过金钱。Money is not everything--- There"s Mastercards & Visa. 金钱不是万能的, 有时你还需要万事达卡和visa卡
2023-07-11 11:33:521


  physics:英 [u02c8fu026azu026aks] 美 [u02c8fu026azu026aks]  n.物理学;物理现象;物理成分  例句:  1、I wasn"t too keen on physics and chemistry.  我对物理和化学不是太感喜爱。  2、This applies even more to physics.  这一点对物理学甚至更适用。  3、Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong,   abstracttheories.  物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。  4、This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics  这本书介绍了固态物理中一些最激动人心的发现。  5、Some subjects, such as mathematice, physics and English, are compulsory   or thestudents in this department.  有些课程,比如数学、物理和英语,本系学生都是必修的。
2023-07-11 11:33:533


1、不能。是固定搭配。2、the的问题:1,可以去掉by the arm中的the,但个中意思有所改变,理解为by arm ,即通过什么方式抓住了me。 2,the kids有强调是具体哪个孩子,根据你给的句子中的上下文理解,应该是kids作为研究对象,但没有特指比如Tom Jack等具体的某个小孩。 3,the作为冠词的用法就是指前文已经提到过了的,所以in the factories就是指具体文中已经提到过了的。这个无需深究。纯粹in industry 和in the factories拿出来,回答者也很难解释。明显您有点钻牛角尖。但是冠词的用法直到专八里面仍涉及到,所以慢慢练习语感,多练练吧。加油!
2023-07-11 11:33:531


How are you下一句是I am fine,and you?
2023-07-11 11:33:561

Te Amo-Rihanna歌词。

Te amo, te amo我爱你,我爱你She says to me, I hear the pain in her voice她对我说,我听到 ,她的声音里充满痛苦Then we danced underneath the candelabra she takes the lead然后我们在烛台下我们跳舞,她引领着我Thats when i saw it in her eyes its over当我看着她的眼睛,一切都结束了Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist然后她说,我爱你,然后她用手环住我的腰I told her no,我告诉她,不要She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away but let me go她哭着说,我爱你,我告诉她,我不会离开,但是请让我走。My soul is crying, without asking why我的灵魂在哭泣,没有问为什么I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said我说,我爱你,难道没有人告诉我她说的是什么Dont it mean I love you难道它不意味着 我爱你Think it means I love you记着它意味着我爱你Dont it mean I love you它难道不意味着我爱你?Te amo, te amo, shes scared to breathe我爱你,我爱你 ,她害怕的不敢呼吸。I hold her hand, i got no choice uhh我拉着她的手,我没有选择Pull me out on the beach, danced in the water, i start to leave拉我到海滩上,在水里跳舞,我开始离开Shes begging me and asking why its over她乞求我,又问我为什么结束Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist然后她说我爱你,然后她用手环住我的腰I told her no,我告诉她说不She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away, but let me go她哭着说,我爱你,我告诉她,我不会离开,但是请让我走。My soul is crying, without asking why我的灵魂在哭泣,没有问为什么I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said我说,我爱你,难道没有人告诉我她说的是什么Dont it mean I love you难道它不意味着 我爱你Think it means I love you记着它意味着我爱你Dont it mean I love you难道它不意味着 我爱你Listen we can dance听,我们能跳舞She gotta watch your hands她看着你的双手Watch me on night夜晚看着我I move on to the light我走向光明Because I understand因为我明白That we aren"t in love我们并未坠入爱河And I"m not afraid而且我不害怕To feel the love but I dont feel that way (no)感受爱情,但是我感觉不到Then she says te amo then she put her hand around my waist于是她说我爱你,于是她用手环住我的腰I told her no,我告诉她说不She cries Te amo i told her im not gonna run away, but let me go她哭着说,我爱你,我告诉她,我不会离开,但是请让我走。My soul is crying, without asking why我的灵魂在哭泣,没有问为什么I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said我说,我爱你,难道没有人告诉我她说的是什么Dont it mean I love you难道它不意味着 我爱你Think it means I love you记着它意味着我爱你
2023-07-11 11:33:591


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2023-07-11 11:34:014


1、physics英[?f?z?ks]美[?f?z?ks],n.物理学;v.给…吃药; 给…吃泻药; 治愈; 处罚;physic的第三人称单数。2、[例句]Physics used to be very much a male domain.物理学曾在很大程度上是男人的领域。
2023-07-11 11:34:071

动漫网站中的A站 B站 C(T)站 D站 M站 P站 K站分别是神马? 还有神马站点(请详解)?

2023-07-11 11:34:084


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D
2023-07-11 11:34:083


咎狗之血 甜池 弥赛亚 dmmd 之类的
2023-07-11 11:34:112


2023-07-11 11:34:148

ti amo是什么意思?

Ti Amo是意大利语 ,意思:我爱你。AMO:我爱TI:你(宾格)拓展材料:与Ti Amo比较接近的还有Te amo。Te amo是西班牙语也是我爱你的意思。还有Amo a te也是意大利语中我爱你的意思,不过意大利语中表白或着对爱人说Ti Amo比较好哦。意大利语(意大利文:Italiano;英文:Italian)属于印欧语系罗曼语族,是意大利、瑞士、梵蒂冈和圣马力诺的官方语言之一,广义的意大利语包括了托斯卡纳语、伦巴第语、萨丁尼亚语、那不勒斯语、西西里语、威尼斯语等语言;而狭义的意大利语,是指以托斯卡纳语为准的标准意大利语。作为伟大的文艺复兴文化的媒介,意大利语曾对西欧其它语言起过深刻的影响。意大利语是意大利的官方语言。标准意大利语是托斯卡纳的方言,发音在于意大利南半部方言之间。标准意语近来稍微加进了一些经济中心米兰的口音。在音乐作曲领域中,亦使用了为数不少的意大利文字词,但是在音乐中,意大利语一般为了流畅,将最后的一个字母或多个省去。意大利语和拉丁语一样,有长辅音。
2023-07-11 11:33:441


2023-07-11 11:33:432


  物理学是研究物质运动最一般规律和物质基本结构的学科,以实验作为检验理论正确性的唯一标准,它是当今最精密的一门自然科学学科。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来物理的英语说法,供大家参考学习。   物理的英语说法:   Physics   英 [u02c8fiziks] 美 [u02c8fu026azu026aks]   物理相关英语表达:   物理实验 Physical Experiment   物理引擎 physics engine   理论物理 Theoretical Physics   物理攻击 Physical Attack   物理英语说法例句:   他的物理学得很好。   He does well in physics.   吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚,麦克则受到责备。   Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.   爱因斯坦理论开创了物理学的新纪元。   Einstein"s theory marked a new epoch in physics.   她在大学期间主修数学和物理。   She majored in maths and physics at university.   他在物理学方面已经取得了巨大成就。   He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.   任何形式的物理活动都会证明这些结果是错误的。   Any form of physical activity will invalidate the results.   我对物理和化学不是太感喜爱。   I wasn"t too keen on physics and chemistry.   原子弹是20世纪物理学的产物。   The atom bomb is the offspring of the 20th century physics.   物理概念是物理学的重要组成部分和基础。   Physics conception is an important part and basis of physics.   物理概念不能脱离物理定律。   The concepts of physics can not be divorced from its laws.   其次从物理概念出发论述了物理概念的形成;   Then we discuss the formation of physical concept teaching.   燃烧和热力学物理定律   The physical laws of bustion and thermodynamics   低负荷执行具有能延长物理寿命的优点。   Underrating has the advantage of increasing physical life.   我们将表示那些文件的注册中心物件所构成的粗粒度模型称为物理模型。   We refer to the coarse-grained model made up from registry objects that represents those documents as the physical model.   这种环境通常需要多个应用程式例项执行在物理硬体的多个部件上。   This environment typically involves more than one application server instance running on more than one piece of physical hardware.   我们正在忙碌地建立这一世界,而且,我们正在电脑空间建立我们物理空间的复制品。   We "re busy building this world and we" re building in cyberspace replicas of our physical space.   您可以建立一个键控逻辑档案或SQL索引,它们共享物理档案的索引。   You can create a keyed logical file or an SQL index that shares the index of the physical file.   典型的J2EE应用程式可能有多个元件,这些元件在不同的JVM甚至不同的物理机器上执行。   A typical J2EE application may have multiple ponents that run on different JVMs or even on different physical machines.   蜂窝网路和最终的无线宽频无需昂贵的物理联接就可确保通讯、资讯、教育和金融实现互联。   Cellular networks and eventually wireless broadband promise munications, rmation, education and finance connectivity that bypass costly physical connections.
2023-07-11 11:33:431


2023-07-11 11:33:391

英语谚语:One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文意思: 一念之错可铸终生之恨。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience 谚语言短简,得自老经验。 Proverbs are the cream of a nation"s thought 谚语是一国的思想精华。 Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages 谚语是时代的智慧。 Prove thy friends ere thou have need 需要朋友之前,先要加以考验。 Provide for the worst the best will save itself 作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果。 Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions 天公总是佑强者。 Punctuality is the soul of business 严守时间是办事情的重要原则。 Purpose supposes foresight 深谋远虑。 Put not your hand between the bark and the tree 少管闲事。 Put (or Lay or Set) one"s shoulder to the wheel 出一把力。 英语谚语: One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret 中文意思: 一念之错可铸终生之恨。
2023-07-11 11:33:371


Right now, human beings bring bunch of damage to the earth
2023-07-11 11:33:375


问题一:我爱你葡萄牙语怎么写 Eu te amo 问题二:我想知道葡萄牙语的我爱你怎N说 葡萄牙葡语:Te amo. De A Mu 巴西葡萄牙语:Te amo. 巴西发音应该是: Qi A Mu 问题三:我爱你一生一世用葡萄牙语怎么写 Eu amo-te pra toda vida. (葡萄牙葡语) Eu te amo pra toda vida. (功西葡语) 也可以说: Eu amo-te para sempre.(葡葡) Eu te amo para sempre.(巴葡) 这个翻译过来是“我永远爱你”,跟那个意思没差。 PS:以上第一人称代词eu一般省略掉。 问题四:我爱你褚晓丹用葡萄牙语怎么说 我喜欢你- eu gosto de você! 我爱你- eu te amo! 没有葡语名字,就直接写褚小丹的拼音吧! chuxiaodan,eu te amo! 问题五:西班牙语和葡萄牙语我爱你怎么说? 西班牙语:钉e amo 逮阿莫 欧洲葡萄牙语:amo-te 阿木的 巴西葡萄牙语:te amo 起阿木 中文字标出来话不是很准。 问题六:日,德,意,法,葡语的“我爱你”和“晚安”怎么说? 爱しています/Ich liebe dich/Ti amo/Je t"aime/Eu te amo おやすみなさい/Gute Nacht/Buona notte/Bonne nuit/Boa noite
2023-07-11 11:33:371


2023-07-11 11:33:331

求关于idioms proverbs and sayings 的区别 用英文

idiom--习语,一般是短语proverb--格言,书面语,有寓意的句子saying--说法,包括idiom, proverb在类,用的最广
2023-07-11 11:33:311


2023-07-11 11:33:241


我把游戏里一共52首音乐全发送给你,上面就有名字!亲你看看 别分类到垃圾箱里去了
2023-07-11 11:33:241

how are you什么意思

您好:你好啊双语对照词典结果:how are you[英][hau ɑ: ju:][美][hau028a e(r) ju]你好; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How are you able to determine which information to pull in order to properly answer yourquestion? 你在选择数据的时候,怎样确定哪些数据才能正确回答你的问题?----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 11:33:231


谚语 = Proverb 你上网找都可看到很多的~ 以下是我筛选了一些不错的网页~~ Proverbs 英文谚语: 中英对照 Proverbs 英文谚语: 中英对照 (解译详尽些~同义会放一起~) geocities/shirleywnt/proverbs 大量Proverbs (A-Z): 全英文 theotherpages/quote-05 维基语录: Proverbs (A-Z) 全英文 (和上面有部分不一样) en.wikiquote/wiki/English_proverbs 维基语录: 英文谚语 (A-Z) 中文版 (比英文版少一些) zh.wikiquote/wiki/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD%E8%B0%9A%E8%AF%AD 有关英文谚语的小游戏 manythings/proverbs/ Hope this helps~~ =] 参考: yahoo搜寻 quotationspage/
2023-07-11 11:33:211