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2023-07-12 16:27:46
TAG: 英语 地理

(1) at / on / in (在)

At ----时刻,年龄,正午,半夜。At noon. At night .at the age of five 在5岁时候。

On ----特定的日期,星期---月---日 on my birthday

In ----年,月,日, 期, 季节,早上, 下午,晚上。

I"ll see her in the afternoon 我下午会和她见面。
I"ll see she on the Sunday afternoon(特定) 我星期日下午会和她见面。

We went to the zoo in July. 我们7月去过动物园。
We went to the zoo on July 3. 我们7月3 日去过动物园。
They arrived in the morning .他们在早上到达。
They arrived on the morning of October10. 他们在10月10日早上到达。
例如4. She is in the age of 11. 她11岁。也可以 Eleven years old .
例如5. My English class begins at eight O"clock.. 我的英文课在8点开始,
时间名词前加Last, next this that 时不可再搭配介系词。

例如1 He"s going to leave next week .他下星期要离开。

例如2. I met him this morning . 我今天上午和他见面了。
(2) before (在~~~~之前) 在某时间之前。

by (在~~~~之前) 动作完成的期限最晚到10点

at exactly 请在10点到达。

例如1. please arrive by not later than O"clock 10. 请最晚10点到达。

Before earlier than 请在10点之前到达。

(3) in (经过~~之后) within(在~~~之内



例如1. 我过几天回来。

I"ll be back in few day .

例如2 他一个小时之内回来。

He will come back within an hour. 也可以用be back

(4) for (持续)during (在~期间)

for ----表示动作或状态持续的时间长度。

During -----表示在某段时间当中

例如1. they ‘ll stay for few days . 他们会停留几天。

例如2.I"ll take him to that place during his stay. 在他停留期间我会带他去那个地方。

(5) from 从~~ /since从~~

from -----表示动作开始的时间点,常用于现在时,过去时,未来时

since -----表示动作从过去的某时间开始。持续到现在,常用于现在完成时。

例如1. He work from Monday to Friday.他工作从星期一到星期五。

例如2. I have been busy since yesterday. 我从昨天就很忙。

(1) at/ in
at ---表示确切的地点。
例如1. The train stopped at taipei station . 火车停在台北车站。
例如2. this book is published in paris 这本书在巴黎出版。
In + 都市名,国家。
On + 街名。
At + 门牌号码。
例如1. He lives in taipei 他住在台北。
On Roosevenlt Road. 他住在罗斯福路
At 75 Roosevelt Road. 罗斯福路75号。
(2) On , above, Over (在~~~上)/ under , below(在~~下)
On 表示一样东西只接触一样东西的部分表面。
Above - - 表示不接触而高于某表面 也可用 Over
Under 为 over 的相反词, below 为above 的相反词
above Over
below Under
例如1. there is a book on the desk。 桌子上有一本书。
look at the picture on the wall, 看墙上的画。
There are several flies on the ceiling t天花板上有几只苍蝇。
例如2. She held an umberella over( =above) her daughter"s head. 她拿着把伞在她女儿头上。
例如3. He spread a cloth over the table。 他在餐桌上铺了一块桌布。
例如4. The basketball is under the chair . 篮球在椅子底下。
例如5. There is usually a supermarket below a department store. 在百货店底下通常是超市。
(3) between , among (在~之间)
Between --- 在两者之间。
例如1. Mr white sat btween his wife and daughter。怀特先生坐在他和他的女儿之间。
例如2. She failed to find his littke brother among the crowd .她未能在人群中找到他的小弟弟。
(4) near (在附近),by(在~~旁),beside(在~~旁),around(在~四周)
By –表示前后,左右的位置关系。
Beside –表示左右的位置关系,
例如1. there is a good restaurant near my house . 我家附近有一家好吃的餐厅。
例如2. He was sitting by the window. 他正坐在窗边。
例如3. Noboay want to sit beside Nancy. 没有人想坐在南西的旁边。
例如4. There are many students around the tree. 在树的周围有许多的学生。
(5) in front of , in the front of (在~~之前)/ in back of , in the back of (在~~之后)
Behind (在~~之后)也是in front of 的相反词
例如1, There is a tall tree in front of the classroom. 教室前有一棵大树。
例如2.there is a blackboard in the front of the classroom。 教室前有一个黑板。
例如3.He stood behind his master。 他站在他的主人后面。
Behind (在~~之后)---表示时间,地点。
Before (在~~之前)---表示时间
例如 A car has stopped before the store 这句话不对
In front of the store。 一辆车已经停在商店前。
(6) along (沿着),across(穿越) through(通过)



Across 穿过河流
Through通过山洞 穿过公园也用through
例如1. Let"s take a walk along the river。 我们沿着河边散步吧。
例如2. He want across the street . 他穿过马路。
例如3. Our train is running through a tunnel. 我们的火车正穿越隧道。
(7) from (从), to (到~), for (前往),toward (朝着~~)
From to
例如1. She went to the station 她去了车站。
She went toward the station .她朝着车站去了。 (并不一定到车站)
例如2. They ‘ve left for England.. 他们已经前往英国。
例如3. We started from taopei 我们从台北出发。
(8) into (向----里面), out of (在~~之外)
例如1. Mary hurried into her room。 玛丽匆忙进入她的房间。
例如2. Jumped out of the bad. 我从床上跳起来。
(8) into (向----里面), out of (在----之外)
例如1. Mary hurried into her room。 玛丽匆忙进入她的房间
例如2. Jumped out of the bad. 我从床上跳起来。
(1) in
1. 在----(地) Tom lives in News York。 汤姆住在纽约。
2. 在----(时) I have never seen snow in my life. 我一生不会看过雪。
3. 在----(时) 之后 She will get well in a week or so.大约一周之后她就会康复。
4. 用----(语言,材料) sign your name in English . 用英文签名。
5. 在----(状态中) I am always in good health . 我一直很健康。
6. 穿戴着~~ I don"t like the man in the red tie . 我不喜欢那打工的红领带的男人.
(2) On
1. 在---上面 Don"t sit on the floor 不要坐在地板上
2. 在---(时) I was born on October 3. 我出生在10 月3 日。
3. 在---(状态中) The house is on fire. 那房子在燃烧中。
4.关于---- Miss wang read a book on animal 王老师看了一本关于动物的书。
5. 依靠---- (方法,手段) Chinese live on rice 中国人以米食为生。
(3) at

1. 在---(地) I met him at the corner of the street 我在那条街的拐角处碰到他。

2. 在----(时) Our school begins at 8.20 我们从8点20 分开始上课。

3. 对准----目标 The boy threw the bone at the dog。男孩把骨头找那只狗丢去。

4. 听到, 看到。表原因 I was surprised at the news . 听到那稍息我很惊讶。

5. 以----(速度,温度,价格)I sold my car at a high price. 我高价卖掉我的车。

(4) for

1. ---之久表示时间 I have been here for three hours 我在这里等了3小时之久。

2. 以---而言 The girl is tall for her age . 就这女孩的年龄而言,她就算是高的。

3. 给----人 The present is for you 。这个礼物给你的。

4. 前往 I took the train for keelung 我搭乘了往基隆的火车。

5. 由于。为了-表示原因 The town is famous for its old castle 这城镇以其古城堡而名。

A-mei is famous for her good voice A-mei 以好桑子闻名。

As a singer A-mei 以歌手身份闻名。

(5) to

1. 到---地 All roads lead to Rome 条条马路通罗马。

2. 到---时 We stayed there to the end of may 我们在那里待到5月底。

3. 对----表动作的对象 listen to me 听我说。

4.为了---表目的 to your health 祝你健康。


1. 和---一起 Mix the sugar with the eggs . (将糖加入鸡蛋中搅拌)

2. 用----工具 He cut down the tree with an ax。 他用斧头砍下那颗树。

3. 附有---- I saw a house with a red roof。我看见一间红色屋顶的房子。

4 关于------ What"s the matter with you ? 你怎么了?

5. 在----身上/ 手上 I have little money with me 我身上只有一点点钱。
6. 随着----- languages grow and change with time. 语言随着时间成长和改善。
(7) of
1.---的 The door of the room is open 房间的门开着。
2. ---当中的 She is one of the members。他是会员之一。
3. 以----构成 She is wearing a dress of silk, 她穿着真丝的服装。
The desk is made of wood of 是没有化学变化
Wine is made from grapes. From 是有化学的变化

4.----之量 I drank a cup of coffee at breakfast .早餐时我喝了一杯咖啡。

(8) by

1. 在----旁边 The house is by the roadside. 那房子在路旁。

2. 被---- She was bitten by dog. 她被狗咬了。

3. 用---- 方式,手段 I made money by selling fruit. 我靠卖水果赚钱。

4. 不晚于----期限 I have to be home by ten O"clock.。 十点前我必须到家。

5.乘坐~~~交通工具 We go to school by bus=(on a bus ) 我们乘公交车上学。

6. 以----为准 What time is it by your watch? 你的现在几点?

7. 只差-----表程度 He is older than I by two years .

(一)in the east 与 on the east的区别 the east表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向。如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。

The Great Wall begins in the east from the Shanghaiguan Pass and ends at the Jiayuguan Pass in the west.长城东起山海关,西至嘉峪关。

2.on the east表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向。这里的方向是相对而言的。如:China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东临太平洋。

The United States faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west.美国东临大西洋,西濒太平洋。

(二)in (to,on,at)the east of

1.要表示A在B的东部,即:A在B的范围之内时就用“A is in the east of B”,如:

Japan is in the east of Asia.日本在亚洲东部。

Italy is in the south of Europe.意大利在欧洲南部。

2.如果A在B的东方,即:A在B的范围之外,且相隔有一定的距离,就用“A lies to the east of B”。口语中有时可将to the省去。如:

Japan lies(to the)east of China.日本位于中国东方。

France lies(to the)east of England.法国位于英国东方。

3.如果A在B的东边(侧),即:A与B相邻接。就用“A is on the east of B”。如:

Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.广东在湖南南边。

Shangdong is on the north of Jiangsu.山东在江苏北边。

4.如果把方位词当作一个整体看,或是看成一点,就用“A is at the east of B” 如:There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula.在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。

5.如果要表示“A位于B东面100公里处”时我们既可以说“A lies l00km to the east of B”,也可以说“A lies 100km east of B”.后者在美国口语中更为常见。如:

The plane crashed 30 miles south of the city.飞机在离城南30英里处坠毁。

Suzhou lies 50 miles to the west of Shanghai.苏州位于上海西面50英里处。

(三) 汉语里“东南西北”的先后顺序到英语里就变成了north,south,east,west;并由此有了下列中、英文表达上的差异。






The Ming Tombs are located about 50 km to the northwest of Beijing.


Tiajin is situated l20 km southeast of Beijing.


正东偏北:east by north

正南偏西:south by west

正北偏东:north by east

正南偏东:south by east

如:We are sailing in the direction of east by north.我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。

The island lies south by east from here.那个岛位于此地的正南偏东方向。


in表示在某范围之内; Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。

to表示在某范围之外;Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国东部。

on表示“邻”、“接壤”。Mongolia(蒙古国)lies on the north of China. 蒙古人民共和国位于中国北部。



东 east 南 south 西 west 北 north



Quiet inside--Andy Tubman(真的很静,大概是我听过的最悲伤的歌了,是灵幻夹克的片尾曲) Girl singing in the wreckage--Black Box Recorder(是那种淡淡的,静静的,有一点叛逆的味道) The facts of life--Black Box Recorder(黑匣子的歌总是那种初听的时候很柔软,但是有点外柔内刚的感觉) Beautifull--Christina Aguilera(这首好听的程度不用我多说了) Luttaby for Lucas--standfast(对于歌手不是很熟悉,不过第一次听就被吸引了) Blue Moutain River--Cara Dillon(听第一句就舍不得换的歌) Not going anywhere--Keren ann(K的歌大多都是安静舒缓的,她的嗓音有一点沙哑,正好唱出那种稍显庸懒的忧伤) Seventeen--Keren ann End of May--Keren ann(这首与她平时那种轻巧的舒缓有点不同,End of May显得有点压抑,但是听起来很美) Gotta have you--the weepies(他们的甜蜜小情歌啊,会让人一边听一边不知不觉咧开嘴角,看着午后落进窗户的阳光的感觉) Somebody loved--the weepies the scarler tide--Alison crauss(是听冷山原声的时候听到的,温柔却不失力度,让人想起爱人的怀抱) You will be my ain true love--Alison crauss(冷山一出现悲伤场面必放的曲子) I wish my baby was born(连那个暴躁有点残酷的警察听了都会哭的民谣) yellow--coldplay(大概是我们中国歌迷最喜欢的一首C的曲子,播世界杯的时候老放) Everything"s not lost--coldplay(很伤的,听了心里会痛) trouble--coldplay swallowed in the sea--coldplay What if--coldplay Stop crying your heart out--oasis(大概是绿洲最为忧伤的歌了) let there be love--oasis(这个也很好听,强烈推荐) Half the world away--oasis(虽然属于BSIDES,但被歌迷认为是有史以来最优秀B面歌曲之一) talk tonight--oasis In between--Linkin park(LP里面我最喜欢的是MIKE那种低沉的嗓音,很够味,这首是一个人唱的,很好听,歌词也很有意义) Valentine"s day--Linkin park My December--Linkin park hands held hign--Linkin Park where"d you go--Fort Minor(LP的前身,有MIKE 主唱,虽然是说唱,但是旋律真的很好听) Sunny came home--Shawn Colvin(现在很少有这么好听的乡村音乐了) Tonight I wanna cry--Keith Urban(人长的够帅,不帅又怎么得到妮可基得曼的芳心呢,而且更难得的是,他的歌也很好听) The hard way--Keith Urban shoot the moon--Norah Jones(个人认为是诺拉琼斯最好听的歌) These Days--Chantal Kreviazuk(看牛仔裤的夏天的时候,正是夏天,记住了那个好看的故事,也记住了里面好听的歌) Be Be your lover Black roses red Why--Avril lavigne(艾薇儿的歌是流行类摇滚,但是她也有比较安静的歌“楼主我说的是比较安静”呵呵,而且无一例外的都很好听) knocking on Heaven"s door--Avril lavigne(原唱好像不是VV,但这首真的很好听) Falling into history--Avril lavigne I"m with you--Avril lavigne Tomorrow--Avril lavigne Too much to ask--Avril lavigne How does it feel--Avril lavigne Fall to pieces--Avril lavigne 这是英文的,我很喜欢的歌,希望你也喜欢
2023-07-12 06:56:581


Alexandra Stan的《Lemonade》一首听起来让你有在度假的感觉的歌。Carly Rae Jepsen的《Call Me Maybe》这个女歌手美国公告榜上四连贯过,这首歌很火的,现在还排第一。Nicki Minaj的《Starships》至今还在排行榜上,不听很可惜哦,节奏让你有种想动的冲到。Mia Martina的《Stereo Love》这歌风靡夜店,不听就落伍了。Inna的《Endless》罗马尼亚小天后的新歌,值得一听。Taylor Swift的《Safe & Sound》中文歌名叫安然无恙,听着让你觉得很温暖,阳光普照的感觉。Cheryl Cole的《Call My Name》好听。Justin Bieber的《Boyfriend》小贾的新歌,很赞! 觉得好听就采纳我好吗亲,觉得不喜欢喜欢什么类型再跟我说我再推荐好吗亲!
2023-07-12 06:57:0715


2023-07-12 06:58:072


就是很轻柔 很浪漫得感觉是吧 试试《dying in the sun》《riverside》《end of may》《我的名字叫做伊莲娜(je m"appelle hélène) 我把这些歌和liekkas放在一个列表的 准备做个集
2023-07-12 06:58:281

搜首英文歌,是男的唱的,开头是类似于口哨音,高潮部分有:Come come(只记得这句

Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker强烈推荐 【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推! 【end of May】Keren Ann 【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。 【i remember】郭采洁 我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌 【Let"s start from here】王若琳 【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries 【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。 【Disguise】Lene marlin 【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。 【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。 【don"t know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。。适合酒吧的浪漫气氛。。 【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。 【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。电影蓝莓之夜。 (二) 很High的鼓点,很High的节奏,很High的声音。。(Dance. DJ .Hip-hop.金属…) 【Good Foot】Justin Timberlake & Timbaland他们不是第一次合作了,绝! 【always come back to your love】Samantha mumba很久前就开始听了。 【Ba Yonga Wamba】Banaroo很有特点,听几遍就可以和着一起唱了。 【Bottle Pop】The Pussycat Dolls我喜欢 【Takin" All Over The World】The Pussycat Dolls 【Whatcha Think About That】The Pussycat Dolls 【When I Grow Up】The Pussycat Dolls 【Buckle Up n Chuggeluck】Heaven在QQ音乐上听到的,推荐,一定要调大音量。 【Chain Hang Low】Jibbs有点轻快。。。 【Disturbia】Rihanna dadada~~~ 【En Dag Tilbage】Nik&Jay 丹麦 【Floorfiller】 【Say It Right】Nelly Furtado她的声音很细,好听。。 【The Magic Key】One-T+cool-T 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett这首实在是太High了~ 【I Miss You】Basshunter 【just dance】 【Lonely】这个我就不用介绍了 【upside down】很多人用过这个曲子跳舞 【Oops Jaime Pas Langlais】 【Peerless】Darin Zanyar 【Remember The Name】Fort minor 【numb】Linkin Park实在是喜欢这支乐队 【in stereo】Fort minor我喜欢那种重重的敲击声 【where"d you go】Fort minor由女声开始,带我们进入黑暗堡垒 【What I"ve Done】Linkin Park相信这首歌对喜欢林肯公园的人都不陌生了吧 【Believe me】Fort minor吐血推荐!!!!!! 【My December】Linkin Park和以往的风格不太一样哦~是我的博客背景音乐。 【Till I Collapse】有时心情不好就听这首。。太刺激了。 【saturday night】Darin 电子乐很好听,也很动感 【Me Against The Music】Britney Spears看X-man的人都知道这首歌。 【do something】Britney Spears 【beautiful liar】Beyonce and Shakira 【my first ride】Aaron Carter 【fighter】Christina Aguilera NBA季后赛主题曲 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett她的声音实在是太high了 【come into my world】Kylie Minogue 【beautiful ones】Suede反正我听完这首歌就觉得很开心。。哈哈。。 【get it out me】Janet Jackson有布兰妮Toxic的感觉。Rap却很像孙燕姿的咕叽咕叽 【cry me a river】Justin timberlake喜欢刚开始那段雨声。 【sexyback】Justin timberlake这就是贾斯汀的风格。 【what dreams are made of】Hilary Duff她叫赫拉瑞达芙 声音很精致。 【beat of my heart】Hilary Duff 【come clean】Hilary Duff这首好听 【wake up】Hilary Duff DJ~ 这些歌曲节奏比较轻快,大部分听了心情会很好哦~~~~试试吧~ 【the saltwater room】Owl City有人说,这首歌有夏天的感觉,是挺清爽,力推! 【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)这首歌有乒乓球的声音,棒! 【touch my body】Mariah Carey玛利亚凯莉,神一样的女人。。 【I"m Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。。 【Solo】Kate Havnevik一定要听,节奏不是很快。 【my lucky day】Lene marlin ‘Everything will be ok"……因为这句我喜欢上这首歌。 【Unforgivable Sinner】Lene marlin前奏是辽大澡堂之歌。O(∩_∩)o… 【Sitting Down Here】Lene marlin 【whatever it takes】Lene marlin 【7 days】Craig David这个是潘猴子介绍我的。。。。 【Beautiful Girls】Sean kingston这个还有歌女声版本 但还是喜欢这个版本。。 【Force of Nature】Lenka 【Whatcha Think About That】The 1900s 【Lose You】Linda Sundblad 【mary jane shoes】Fergie菲姬 调调轻松明快。最后的部分会给你带来惊喜哦~haha ~ 【don"t believe in love】Dido蒂朵的歌很特别,节奏也很特别。 【here with me】Dido这首更能表现出她独特的嗓音和个性的音乐风格。 【life for rent】Dido这首很好听,相信很多人都听过。。蒂朵。 【so yesterday】Hilary Duff去年的这个时候就是在听这首歌,又找出来了。很好听哦~ 【to all the girls】Aaron Carter之前亚伦这个名字写错了,有网友提醒,谢谢~ 【Sealed With A Kiss Brian Hylan】乡村音乐 【someone"s watching over me】Hilary Duff这是她在电影《劲歌飞扬》里唱的。励志哦~ 【It"s Amazing】Jem 【I"m Gonna Getcha Good】Shania Twain 【Love Is Color-Blind】Sarah Connor有网友说之前没推荐她~她的歌都慢,不在这一类里。 【Here With Me】Michelle Branch这首的风格是General Rock~但还不错~~ 【Never be the same again】Melanie C 【Nothing In The World】Atomic Kitten 【Put Your Arms Around Me】Natasha Bedingfield她的声音很有特点
2023-07-12 06:58:351

游乐场 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-12 06:58:4511


in my secret life 不错。
2023-07-12 06:59:2615

过去将来时在什么情况下用be going to的结构?在什么情况下用would shoud的结构?

一、would+不定式1.用“would+不定式”表示过去将来时间通常带有表示过去将来的时间状语,而且多见于从属分句。He said he would come back the next day.2.如果要表示在过去将来某一时间正在进行得动作,可用“would+不定式进行体”。例如:He never imagined that some day he would be living away from his motherland.这种“would+不定式进行体”结构也可能仅仅表示一般过去过去将来时间,如同“will/shall+不定式进行体”表示一般将来时间一样。、例如:He told me that Mary would be coming the next day.如果要表示在过去将来某时以前业已发生得事态,可用“would+不定式完成体”。例如:The delegation would have arrived by four o"clock that afternoon.如果要表示从过去某时开始一直延续到过去将来某时得动作或事态,可用“would+不定式完成进行体”。例如: She said that by the end of May she would have been studying medicine for three years二 was/were going to +不定式用做表示过去将来,也通常带有表示过去将来时间得状语。例如: He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired.用做表示的动作或事态,也可以是没有实现的意图。例如:Last Sunday we were going to go for a picnic but it rained .
2023-07-12 06:59:591


1.can"t leave"em alone ciara2.fight for this love cheryl cole3.raise your glass pink4.i could be the one donna me to the moon olivia ong6.about you now sugababes7.wannabe spice girls8.glamorous fergie9.big girls don"t cry fergie10.when the lights go out foxy brown11.body on me ashanti12.the rose 手嶌葵13.unwritten natasha14.the game of love michelle15.some hearts carrie underwood16.bleeding love leona lewis17.utopia ii just never konw19.if want me to the to me 注意是溏心风暴的还有哪个席琳的一首歌曲,在鱼跃在花见里是杨怡和谢天华的定情歌很好听。溏心风暴有很多英文歌很好听的。
2023-07-12 07:00:0715


2023-07-12 07:01:092


冠词(Article)是一种虚词,在句子中不重读,本身不能独立使用,只能与名词放在一起帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。英语冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词,定冠词是THE,不定冠词是A,AN。1、Be sure to bring me a dictionary. 一定要给我带本字典来。2、An ear is an organ for listening. 耳朵是听觉器官。3、This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。扩展资料:冠词的特殊用法:1、表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前一般加定冠词the; 但如果名词前有修饰语,也可能用不定冠词a,an。2、表示一日三餐的名词前面一般不用冠词,但前面如果有了定语修饰,也可能用不定冠词a,an。3、表示乐器的名词前一般用定冠词the,但前面如果出现定语修饰,也可能用不定冠词a,an。4、介词与表示交通工具的名词连用表示笼统的方式,前面一般不用冠词,但如果名词的前面出现了修饰语,前面需加冠词。_
2023-07-12 07:01:176


on the radiogo actionnever had a dream come turegenie in a bottlelalala various
2023-07-12 07:01:4114


This Is ItYou are not aloneYou"re BeautifulTears And RainWaiting In The Weeds恩雅的很多歌曲 如China Roses;Wild Child;Only Time;Anywhere IsMemoryWhen you say nothing at all
2023-07-12 07:02:075


卫兰的《大哥》;谢霆锋《爱后余生》《边走边爱》《一了百了》《活着》;杨千嬅《小城大事》《可惜我是水瓶座》《野孩子》《少女的祈祷》《假如让我说下去》;郑秀文《终生美丽》;萧正楠《恶果》《接受我》;谢安琪《钟无艳》《喜帖街》;《好心分手》;《高妹》;Beyond《海阔天空》《光辉岁月》《真的爱你》《喜欢你》;张学友《相思风雨中》《饿狼传说》《每天爱你多一些》《情系一生》;林峰《明天以后》《直到你不找我》《未完的歌》;李克勤《爱不释手》《红日》;陈奕迅《明年今日》《富士山下》《岁月如歌》;刘德华《十七岁》;Twins《恋爱大过天》《下一站天后》《女校男生》《死性不改》《朋友仔》《风筝与风》;陈小春《失恋王》《犯贱》《热血燃烧》《取消资格》:《沧海一声笑》:许志安《女人之苦》《美中不足》《男人最痛》;古巨基《爱与诚》:关心妍《以身试爱》 【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker强烈推荐 【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推! 【end of May】Keren Ann 【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。 【i remember】郭采洁 我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌 【Let"s start from here】王若琳 【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries 【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。 【Disguise】Lene marlin 【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。 【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。 【don"t know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。。适合酒吧的浪漫气氛。。 【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。 【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。电影蓝莓之夜。 (二) 很High的鼓点,很High的节奏,很High的声音。。(Dance. DJ .Hip-hop.金属…) 【Good Foot】Justin Timberlake & Timbaland他们不是第一次合作了,绝! 【always come back to your love】Samantha mumba很久前就开始听了。 【Ba Yonga Wamba】Banaroo很有特点,听几遍就可以和着一起唱了。 【Bottle Pop】The Pussycat Dolls我喜欢 【Takin" All Over The World】The Pussycat Dolls 【Whatcha Think About That】The Pussycat Dolls 【When I Grow Up】The Pussycat Dolls 【Buckle Up n Chuggeluck】Heaven在QQ音乐上听到的,推荐,一定要调大音量。 【Chain Hang Low】Jibbs有点轻快。。。 【Disturbia】Rihanna dadada~~~ 【En Dag Tilbage】Nik&Jay 丹麦 【Floorfiller】 【Say It Right】Nelly Furtado她的声音很细,好听。。 【The Magic Key】One-T+cool-T 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett这首实在是太High了~ 【I Miss You】Basshunter 【just dance】 【Lonely】这个我就不用介绍了 【upside down】很多人用过这个曲子跳舞 【Oops Jaime Pas Langlais】 【Peerless】Darin Zanyar 【Remember The Name】Fort minor 【numb】Linkin Park实在是喜欢这支乐队 【in stereo】Fort minor我喜欢那种重重的敲击声 【where"d you go】Fort minor由女声开始,带我们进入黑暗堡垒 【What I"ve Done】Linkin Park相信这首歌对喜欢林肯公园的人都不陌生了吧 【Believe me】Fort minor吐血推荐!!!!!! 【My December】Linkin Park和以往的风格不太一样哦~是我的博客背景音乐。 【Till I Collapse】有时心情不好就听这首。。太刺激了。 【saturday night】Darin 电子乐很好听,也很动感 【Me Against The Music】Britney Spears看X-man的人都知道这首歌。 【do something】Britney Spears 【beautiful liar】Beyonce and Shakira 【my first ride】Aaron Carter 【fighter】Christina Aguilera NBA季后赛主题曲 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett她的声音实在是太high了 【come into my world】Kylie Minogue 【beautiful ones】Suede反正我听完这首歌就觉得很开心。。哈哈。。 【get it out me】Janet Jackson有布兰妮Toxic的感觉。Rap却很像孙燕姿的咕叽咕叽 【cry me a river】Justin timberlake喜欢刚开始那段雨声。 【sexyback】Justin timberlake这就是贾斯汀的风格。 【what dreams are made of】Hilary Duff她叫赫拉瑞达芙 声音很精致。 【beat of my heart】Hilary Duff 【come clean】Hilary Duff这首好听 【wake up】Hilary Duff DJ~ 这些歌曲节奏比较轻快,大部分听了心情会很好哦~~~~试试吧~ 【the saltwater room】Owl City有人说,这首歌有夏天的感觉,是挺清爽,力推! 【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)这首歌有乒乓球的声音,棒! 【touch my body】Mariah Carey玛利亚凯莉,神一样的女人。。 【I"m Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。。 【Solo】Kate Havnevik一定要听,节奏不是很快。 【my lucky day】Lene marlin ‘Everything will be ok"……因为这句我喜欢上这首歌。 【Unforgivable Sinner】Lene marlin前奏是辽大澡堂之歌。O(∩_∩)o… 【Sitting Down Here】Lene marlin 【whatever it takes】Lene marlin 【7 days】Craig David这个是潘猴子介绍我的。。。。 【Beautiful Girls】Sean kingston这个还有歌女声版本 但还是喜欢这个版本。。 【Force of Nature】Lenka 【Whatcha Think About That】The 1900s 【Lose You】Linda Sundblad 【mary jane shoes】Fergie菲姬 调调轻松明快。最后的部分会给你带来惊喜哦~haha ~ 【don"t believe in love】Dido蒂朵的歌很特别,节奏也很特别。 【here with me】Dido这首更能表现出她独特的嗓音和个性的音乐风格。 【life for rent】Dido这首很好听,相信很多人都听过。。蒂朵。 【so yesterday】Hilary Duff去年的这个时候就是在听这首歌,又找出来了。很好听哦~ 【to all the girls】Aaron Carter之前亚伦这个名字写错了,有网友提醒,谢谢~ 【Sealed With A Kiss Brian Hylan】乡村音乐 【someone"s watching over me】Hilary Duff这是她在电影《劲歌飞扬》里唱的。励志哦~ 【It"s Amazing】Jem 【I"m Gonna Getcha Good】Shania Twain 【Love Is Color-Blind】Sarah Connor有网友说之前没推荐她~她的歌都慢,不在这一类里。 【Here With Me】Michelle Branch这首的风格是General Rock~但还不错~~ 【Never be the same again】Melanie C 【Nothing In The World】Atomic Kitten 【Put Your Arms Around Me】Natasha Bedingfield她的声音很有特点 【The game of love】Santana 【Too Little Too Late】JoJo这首是丫蛋同学介绍的~不错~~么么~ 【Who"s Gonna Love You】The Pussycat Dolls 【free loop】Daniel Powter看台剧和综艺的时候片头就是这个哦~ 我经常失眠,所以我睡觉前会听这些纯音乐~不是很多~像班得瑞和理查德比较常见~我就不做太多介绍了~ 【卡农】钢琴这个好听就不用介绍了 【千寻之歌】日本卖座动画‘神隐少女"主题曲 【Hatsukoi】久石让 【Heaven On Earth】钢琴 【Mother】久石让 【Season】滨崎步 小提琴钢琴 【Tears】钢琴 【The changing seasons】钢琴 【Turning】班得瑞 【Viva La Vida】 【With an orchid】雅尼 【琵琶语】琵琶 林海 这个很古典的哦~ 【菊次郎的夏天】久石让 【风筝与风】(钢琴版) 【River Flows in You】李闰珉 【If I could see you again】李闰珉 【on the way】李闰珉 【kiss the rain】 【天空之城】(小提琴钢琴版 八音盒版 木吉他版) 【down by the sally gardens】恩雅和很多人都唱过。。也有纯音乐~ 【The Dawn 魔兽世界亡灵序曲】这支曲子不太适合睡觉前听。。。 【He s a Pirate】加勒比海盗 也不适合睡觉前听。但不能不听,会想起戴普和他的小胡子~ 这是大家都喜欢的风格R&B~慢摇~爵士~Rap~~嘻哈~ 【Lubov】RossTallanma(俄罗斯慢摇);这首歌我曾介绍给好多人 【Buttons】Pussycat Dolls潘猴子给我的歌,听前奏就迷上了。 【4 Minutes】Madonna&Timbaland Justin这三个人都是我喜欢的,特别是贾斯汀。 【Magic】Justin啊哈哈哈。。有个叫李竹的哈~注意了~~~ 【Don"t cha】Pussycat Dolls这个是她们最早的歌。可以说是第一首~ 【Out Of This Club】 Pussycat Dolls这个是以前在同学的P4里听的的~偷来~ 【We Went As Far As We Felt Like Going】Pussycat Dolls节奏很是紧张~(*^__^*) …… 【Beep】Pussycat Dolls我太喜欢这六个女人。就多推荐了一些~ 【Hot Stuff】Pussycat Dolls一般,但她们的声音实在是性感~ 【Sway】Pussycat Dolls这个很早~大家都听过吧~~ 【Wait a Minute】Pussycat Dolls&Timbaland我真幸运总能淘到这样的好歌~赞一个先~ 【Hung Up】Madonna大家肯定听过。。。。。 【Promiscuous】Nelly Furtado&Timbaland这两个歌手都是我喜欢的。。 【say it right】Nelly Furtado 【Sway】Michael Buble和上面推荐的那首不一样哦~适合跳伦巴~ 【Negative Things】Audius吐血推荐 【Hollandback Girl】Gwen Stefani感觉有点像~ 【Wind It Up】Gwen Stefani怎么就那么耳熟?有《音乐之声》的调调。。。 【In The Morning】Gwen Stefani她声音不那么厚重,但是这首歌还不错。 【Mad, Sexy, Cool】Babyface跪倒推荐 【Run The Show】Kat DeLuna&Busta Rhym女声很High~~ 【Unstoppable】Kat DeLuna我喜欢这首~~~~~嘿嘿~ 【Whine Up】Kat DeLuna&Elephant Man啊哈哈哈。。。。。绝了~~ 【Feel What I Feel】Kat DeLuna这首最好听。。特别是前奏~~~ 【Tattoo】Jordin Sparks这个歌听前奏就有种心旷神怡的感觉。抛弃一切。。 【Cheater"s Dilemma】Kay B一首很清爽的R&B~ 【I Remember】Keyshia Cole 【Shy Boy】Jordin Sparks可能这一季这首最不厚重了~但是配乐很棒! 【Red Blooded Woman】Kylie Minogue 【yesterday】Leona Lewis之前有很多网友推荐这个人~其实我并没有把她落下哦~ 【whatever it takes】Leona Lewis 【Better in Time】Leona Lewis 【I Miss You】Darren Hayes之前给大家的时候好像搞错了~再来一遍~感觉好好哦~ 【Creepin" Up On You】Darren Hayes想来想去还是决定把它写在这一季~ 【insatiable】Darren Hayes之前有推荐过他的歌~ 【U make me wanna】Blue 萧亚轩也唱~多年前在电台第一次听的~ 【Time After Time】Jessica Mauboy这个可不是柯南里的那个。。。。。 【Dilemma Ft Kelly Rowland】Nelly有好听的Rap哦~~~ 【Back at One】Brian McKnight很久的歌~但是值得听,一直听。。。。 【Take A Bow】Rihanna会让你开心的歌~ 【SOS】Rihanna 【Suerte】Shakira西班牙文~不错~~还有英文版的~~ 【Dragostea Din Tei】《不怕不怕》~但是是哪国的语言我实在没查到~网上各种的说~ 【Jenny From The Block】Jennifer Lopez 【Crash】Gwen Stefani挺High的~看名字就知道了~ 【Love In This Club】Usher 【All Fall Down】Anastacia她的歌你就调大音量爽爽的听吧~~~ 【Defeated】Anastacia比上一首慢一些~ 【I Can Feel You】Anastacia这一首电子的味道比较重~ 【Naughty】Anastacia这首最High…… 【Same Song】Anastacia爵士味重~~~ 【Stay With Me】Danity Kane 【Love in December】Club 8 【Beautiful Soul】Jesse McCartney 【Liar Liar】Girlicious我很喜欢这个组合~听听吧~ 【Like Me】Girlicious这首很热闹~赞! 【My Boo】Girlicious这首调调很好听。有特点~~~ 【Stupid Shit】Girlicious 【They Don"t Care About Us】Michael Jackson或许我们都不应该遗忘这个人。。。。 【Used To Love Her】Jay Sean 【un"emergenza d"amore】Laura pausini意大利语非常非常好听。。
2023-07-12 07:02:391

有什么电影好看 有什么歌曲好听

2023-07-12 07:02:476


The blackboard is posted on the college entrance examination countdownbrand, position ten figures have little to no longer a small. Brands against the last test report card, a thin piece of paper, decided the fate of so many people......下课铃响后,梦瑾扭着纤细的腰肢来到杨雪萦桌前,挑衅地看着她,The bell rang, the dream Jin twisted her slender waist came to Yang Xueying"s desk, provocative look at her,“呦,大才女,真不好意思,我一不小心占了你第一名的位置,即将被保送英国大学,真是高兴呢!”"Yo, big woman, really feel shy, I accidentally took your first position, will berecommended to the British university, is really happy!"“恭喜你。”Congratulations!杨雪萦头都没抬地说,继续解着兀长的方程式,只有身为同桌的我,才能看清她微微颤抖的手和红了的眼眶。Yang Xue entangles the heads didn"t lift to say, to solve a long formula, onlyas table I, to see her trembling hands and red eyes.“少虚伪!你是真心恭喜我吗?心里指不定怎么嫉妒我呢!哈哈哈……”"Less hypocritical! You are sincerely congratulate me? Heart point uncertain how jealous of me! Ha ha ha.梦瑾张着猩红的嘴,像个妖精般的……不对,她就是一只妖精,一口一口地吞掉别人的自尊和理性。我才不会像杨雪萦一般隐忍,“够了吧你,梦瑾,是谁虚伪你最清楚,你的第一名是用什么卑鄙手段得来的全校人都知道。”一个平时考试永远倒数的学生,除非被外星人改造了,否则怎么会突然考到榜首?还不是因为这最后一次模拟考的第一名会被保送英国大学,还不是因为她那有钱的爹!Dream Jin Zhang scarlet mouth, like a fairy like...... No, she is a fairy, a mouthful swallow people"s self-esteem and rational. I don"t like Yang Xueying bear, "enough of you, dream of Jin, who is false you know best, firstyou is what despicable means to get the whole school knows." Students with a usually test always reciprocal, unless it has been transformed by aliens,otherwise how will suddenly admitted to the top? It is not because the first place in the last test will be recommended UK university, not because of herrich father!“李清浅……你,你……”几句话说的梦瑾的脸一阵红一阵白,最后悻悻地走了。Li Qingqian. You, you......" A few words of Jane"s dream of a red face a white, finally walk the walk.“清浅,谢谢你。”雪萦冲我笑了笑。这女孩真让人感到心疼,单亲家庭造就了她软弱的性格,却也给了她学习的动力。努力学习,就能让含辛茹苦养育她的母亲过上好日子,可谁能想到,积劳成疾的母亲,都还没来得及看女儿高考,就去世了。"Clearly, thank you." Snow entangles smiled at me. This girl is really let a person feel distressed, single parent families made her weak character, butalso gave her motivation of learning. Study hard, can let the bear bitter hardships raise her mother to live a good life, but who can think of, break down from constant overwork mother, haven"t had time to look at the daughter college entrance examination, died.回复6楼2012-02-16 13:29Reply 6 building 2012-02-16 13:29CurtainloriCurtainlori佳期如梦7Their happy date seems but a dream. 72.2五月末,早晨的空气已不再清凉,闷热得让人不想起床。At the end of May, the morning air is no longer cool hot, let a person do notwant to get up.拉高被子盖住头,在密闭的空间里大口大口喘着气,脑袋里都是昨夜奶奶在电话里关切的声音。那瞎了十几年的老太太含辛茹苦地把我养大,我必须好好学习才能报答她,可她昨晚问到我模拟考成绩时,我竟然不知该如何回答。Pulled the quilt over the head, in an enclosed space Dakoutaikou panting,head is all last night, grandma on the phone voice of concern. The blind ten years old lady bear bitter hardships to bring me up, I must Study hard to repay her, she asked I simulated exam results last night, I even don"t know how to answer.肺里积了太多的二氧化碳让我不能呼吸,拉下被子的一瞬间,一阵能穿透耳膜的尖叫声在宿舍走廊响起。The lungs accumulated too much carbon dioxide so that I can not breathe,a moment to pull down quilt, a burst eardrum can penetrate the screams were heard in the dormitory corridor.不一会,原本寂静的早晨开始变得沸腾。After a while, the originally quiet morning became boiling.走廊的声音越来越大,吵得人心烦。我跳下床要去外面看个究竟,走时扫了眼上面的床铺,空的。The corridors of the voice is more and more big, noisy heart sick. I jumped out of bed to go outside to look, the travel time to sweep an eye above the bed, empty.女生们里三层外三层地把卫生间围了个水泄不通,我好不容易挤到卫生间门前,映入眼帘的是一滩已经干涸了的血,从最里面的隔间蔓延出来。The girls in the three layer and three layer to the toilet enclosed by abursting at the seams, I managed to squeeze into the bathroom door, of greet is a beach has dried up blood, spread out from the insidecompartment.胃里不由得一阵翻腾,转身想走,却被旁边的女生叫住Could not help but burst stomach churning, turned to go, but the girl nextcall“清浅,刚才被吓晕的女生醒来后说,那里……”她指着那滩血迹的尽头,“是你室友,杨雪萦。”"Clearly, wake up just stunned girl said, there......" She pointed at the end of the pool of blood, "is your roommate, Yang Xueying."我不相信地看着她,她冲我努了努嘴,示意我去看一下就知道了。I don"t believe that looked at her, she washed me Mr. naozui, motioned meto see will know.我颤抖地迈着步子向里走去,拉开最里面的那扇门……虽然已经做好了心理准备,却还是被吓得腿一软,跌坐在地上。I trembled to walked to walk in, opened the door of the innermost......Although already prepared, but still scared legs a soft, fell to the ground.杨雪萦瞪着空洞的大眼睛,直直地望向我,她的脸上,身上都是血,以一个很扭曲的姿势,靠坐在马桶旁……Yang Xueying stared at the empty eyes, looked directly at me, her face, with blood all over, with a very twisted position, sit on the toilet next to......我被宿舍老师半拖半抱地拽出了卫生间,不由得回头看了一眼,那空洞的双眼仿佛一直跟随着我。I was a dormitory teacher half dragged and half hold to pull out of the bathroom, can"t help glancing back, eyes that empty as always with me.然后……我听到了由远及近的警笛声。Then. I hear from far and near the siren.久儿丶Long son.小吧主9Small bar 9不错不错,加油加油~~Good good, refueling ~ ~CurtainloriCurtainlori佳期如梦7Their happy date seems but a dream. 73.3“死因是利器割断脖颈上的大动脉,根据尸体僵硬程度来看,初步断定死亡时间在昨天夜里十一点至凌晨一点之间,凶器就在尸体旁的马桶里,没有指纹,是他杀,宿舍门口有监控系统,没有人出入,所以凶手还在楼内,我们正在对走廊进行血液测试,等会儿就会有结果了。”"Death is the main artery to cut off the neck of the tool, based on lividity,concluded that the initial time of death in the last night, eleven PM to a point between the murder weapon, beside the body of the toilet, no fingerprints,is killed, a monitoring system of the dormitory door, no one entry, so the murderer is still building, we are blood tests were conducted on the corridor,later there will be results."手里拿着笔记本的警员汇报完,就退出了休息室。屋里只留下警局的沈队长,梦瑾,和仍心有余悸的我。With a notebook in his hand the police report, withdrew from the lounge.The house leaving the police captain Jin Shen, dreams, and I still have a lingering fear.“之所以把你们留下,是因为你是死者的室友,”沈队长看向我,又看向梦瑾,“而死者生前的最后一条短信,是发给你的。”我瞄了一眼身边的梦瑾,她的脸色比刚才苍白了好多,双手紧紧抓着沙发坐垫,染得鲜艳的指甲像要抓破它一般深深的陷了进去,关节泛白。"Put your left, because you are the dead roommate," Shen captain looked at me, and looked to the dream Jin, "while the deceased"s last message, is sent to you." Glancing at my dream Jin, her face was more than just a lot ofpale, his hands holding the sofa cushion, dyed bright nail like to scratch it generally deep inside, joint white.“杨雪萦几点从房间出去的?”沈队长一边问,一边翻出随身的笔记本。"Yang Xueying points out from the room?" Shen captain asked, side pulls out a notebook.“九点钟左右,她说要去自习室,我没多想,就直接睡了……谁知……谁知道……”"Nine o"clock, she said she would go to the study room, I didn"t think,straight to sleep...... Who knows...... Who knows......"我有点说不下去了,我们两个都是比较安静的人,当了三年室友,同桌,每天都生活在一起,虽然没有像其他女生一样张扬的姐妹情,却也一直在关心着对方,并且有着深厚的友谊。I have little say not bottom go to, we two are quiet people, three years as aroommate, sit at the same table, all live together every day, although notlike other girls play sisters love, but also has been in the care of each other,and there is a profound friendship.沈队长又看向梦瑾,“短信的内容是什么?”Shen captain again see Xiang Mengjin, "what is the content of the message?"“也没什么,太晚了我都睡了,迷迷糊糊地看了又删了,也没在意。”梦瑾话音刚落,刚才的警员又走了进来。"Didn"t what, too late I slept, mimihuhu look and deleted, also didn"t care."Dream Jin voice just fell, the police also came in just now.“
2023-07-12 07:03:021


我来推荐歌1.ジャスミン 牧野由依 2.快乐人儿 梁小冰 3.please tell me why Free Style 4.夏祭り Whiteberry小忍龟/夏祭り.mp3 5.快乐至上 林志颖 6.valder fields tamas wells 7.月中天 殷馨梓 8.我最闪亮 许飞 9.朋友 周华健朋友.wma 10.さよならは言わないで Kokia 11.When you know Hooverphonic 12.私をたどる物语 熊木杏里 13.耿耿于怀 麦浚龙 14.又一年又三年 品冠 15.最想念的季节 16.girlfriend 冈崎律子 17.你我都是傻瓜 金正勋 18.风の记忆 熊木杏里 19.爱的初体验 张震岳张震岳--爱的初体验.mp3 20.一月迷藏 郭敬明 21.外面 周迅 22.东风破 Jay 23.明日晴れるかな 桑田佳佑 24.All over love Love Psychedelico 25.しんきろうshinkirou 熊木杏里 26.scarborough fair paul simon&art garfunkel 27.黄色枫叶 薛之谦 28.黄昏 周传雄 29.End of may Keren Ann 30.诛仙恋 任贤齐 31.Dai you 寒蝉 32.转弯 吴奇隆 33.Selenite Rurutia 34.花太香 任贤齐 35.七月七日晴 许慧欣 36.红茶 坂本真绫 37.原来爱 白吉胜影视原声/中文影视/电视原声/恋香电视原声带/原来爱.mp3 38.多情人间 沙宝亮 31.昆明湖 后弦 32.西厢 33.燕尾蝶 梁静茹燕尾蝶.mp3 34.God is a girl Groove coverage 35.显微镜下的爱情 黄义达 36.红颜 胡彦斌 37.花样 松隆子 are my love 牧野由依 39.A ha Ivy 40.好心分手 卢巧音 41.那麽爱你为什么 黄品源 莫文蔚 42.眼红馆 Boy"z眼红馆.mp3 43.Dearest 滨崎步 44.Everyheart Boa 45.Four seasons Amuro Namie 46.金鱼花火 大冢爱 47.今晚 我感觉离你很近 仓木麻衣 孙燕姿 48.星语心愿 张柏芝 49.飘摇 周迅
2023-07-12 07:03:101


Valder fieldsLike lovers doWhen you know(Shawn Colvin)I"m yoursNeed you now
2023-07-12 07:03:314

安静,伤感的英文歌 男声,流行,越安静越好

lemon tree
2023-07-12 07:03:382


【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker强烈推荐 【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推! 【end of May】Keren Ann 【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。 【i remember】郭采洁 我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌 【Let"s start from here】王若琳 【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries 【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。 【Disguise】Lene marlin 【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。 【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。 【don"t know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。。适合酒吧的浪漫气氛。。 【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。 【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。电影蓝莓之夜。 【the saltwater room】Owl City有人说,这首歌有夏天的感觉,是挺清爽,力推! 【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)这首歌有乒乓球的声音,棒! 【touch my body】Mariah Carey玛利亚凯莉,神一样的女人。。 【I"m Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。。 【Solo】Kate Havnevik一定要听,节奏不是很快。 【my lucky day】Lene marlin ‘Everything will be ok"……因为这句我喜欢上这首歌。 【Unforgivable Sinner】Lene marlin前奏是辽大澡堂之歌。O(∩_∩)o… 【Sitting Down Here】Lene marlin 【whatever it takes】Lene marlin 【7 days】Craig David这个是潘猴子介绍我的。。。。 【Beautiful Girls】Sean kingston这个还有歌女声版本 但还是喜欢这个版本。。 【Force of Nature】Lenka 【Whatcha Think About That】The 1900s 【Lose You】Linda Sundblad 【mary jane shoes】Fergie菲姬 调调轻松明快。最后的部分会给你带来惊喜哦~haha ~ 【don"t believe in love】Dido蒂朵的歌很特别,节奏也很特别。 【here with me】Dido这首更能表现出她独特的嗓音和个性的音乐风格。 【life for rent】Dido这首很好听,相信很多人都听过。。蒂朵。 【so yesterday】Hilary Duff去年的这个时候就是在听这首歌,又找出来了。很好听哦~ 【to all the girls】Aaron Carter之前亚伦这个名字写错了,有网友提醒,谢谢~ 【Sealed With A Kiss Brian Hylan】乡村音乐 【someone"s watching over me】Hilary Duff这是她在电影《劲歌飞扬》里唱的。励志哦~ 【It"s Amazing】Jem 【I"m Gonna Getcha Good】Shania Twain 【Love Is Color-Blind】Sarah Connor有网友说之前没推荐她~她的歌都慢,不在这一类里。 【Here With Me】Michelle Branch这首的风格是General Rock~但还不错~~ 【Never be the same again】Melanie C 【Nothing In The World】Atomic Kitten 【Put Your Arms Around Me】Natasha Bedingfield她的声音很有特点 【The game of love】Santana 【Too Little Too Late】JoJo这首是丫蛋同学介绍的~不错~~么么~ 【Who"s Gonna Love You】The Pussycat Dolls 【free loop】Daniel Powter看台剧和综艺的时候片头就是这个哦~ 【卡农】钢琴这个好听就不用介绍了 【千寻之歌】日本卖座动画‘神隐少女"主题曲 【Hatsukoi】久石让 【Heaven On Earth】钢琴 【Mother】久石让 【Season】滨崎步 小提琴钢琴 【Tears】钢琴 【The changing seasons】钢琴 【Turning】班得瑞 【Viva La Vida】 【With an orchid】雅尼 【琵琶语】琵琶 林海 这个很古典的哦~ 【菊次郎的夏天】久石让 【风筝与风】(钢琴版) 【River Flows in You】李闰珉 【If I could see you again】李闰珉 【on the way】李闰珉 【kiss the rain】 【天空之城】(小提琴钢琴版 八音盒版 木吉他版) 【down by the sally gardens】恩雅和很多人都唱过。。也有纯音乐~ 【The Dawn 魔兽世界亡灵序曲】这支曲子不太适合睡觉前听。。。 【He s a Pirate】加勒比海盗 也不适合睡觉前听。但不能不听,会想起戴普和他的小胡子~
2023-07-12 07:03:451

2023-07-12 07:04:067


Little Boots-RemedyGwen Stefani-Hollaback girlBritney-UnusualDemi Lovato-This Is MeSweetbox-More Than LoveStyling-Supernova SkyKylie Minogue-Giving you upNatashaBedingfield-UnwrittenAll 4 On-I Can Love You Like ThatSeal-Kiss from a Rose The Saturdays-If This Is LoveBlack Eyed Peas-I Gotta FeelingActiv-VisezA Teens-Upside DownGroove Coverage-On the radioElena-Before i sleepAQUA-Bumble bees前歌手后曲名 自己去试听
2023-07-12 07:04:329


At the end of July At the beginning of May Mid-February Temperature above zero degree/below
2023-07-12 07:04:575


This novel not only has the characteristics of vivid characters, but also hit offdescribes typical environment during the early period of Soviet revolution and construction tension blazing, a deep analysis of the psychological features ofcharacters, and the calm careful objective narration with passionaterevolutionary fervor com., which makes the whole novel artistic descriptionboth real nature and poetic. In addition, this works the language is simple andbeautiful, expressive, has enduring charm.Paul"s experience has given me a lot of touch. I think his spirit is our most modern do not have. This is a successful, was also a man of the meaning of life. I admire him so perseverance, believe the faith and the desire for life.People only happiness is when to do meaningful things, Paul is such a person,regardless of himself in the war, was the most difficult time of the motherland,he is so full of hope, as a fighting force. In some people it seems that he is likely to be another way, poor boy and mixture silly boy. Hard so long andhard. In the end, in addition to an incomplete body gets nothing. Oh, and theexperience of pain and some not too happy memories. Alive for what, to thehell around all of a sudden? Here, a lot of people may with the end of hissummary of a sigh. They then book {perhaps with not only the book, but theyare the life experience} is suffering, to the world the charges.To think that the words Paul why......Want to understand life is the process rather than results!!!But the process is not the money and material beautiful form. For theirspiritual satisfaction, and sublimation.When you die will be relieved, in you before the so long a period of time, you will know the sky is blue, the grass is green, the flowers are colorful, peopleface is smiling.....
2023-07-12 07:05:261

We shall go on to the end,we shall never surrender是谁说的

2023-07-12 07:05:331


2023-07-12 07:05:435


  62. Thank you for your letter of October 20, _________ for Oilseeds.   A. inviting B. expecting C. enquiring D. asking   ANSWER:C   63. There is a _________ for Chinese cotton in our market.   A. great need B. increasing need C. steady demand D. risen demand   answer:C   64. _________, we are interested in building suitable and lasting trade relations throughout the world.   A. As you informed B. For your confirmation   C. You informed D. For your information   ANSWER: D   65. We shall appreciate it if you send us a catalogue _________ the details of your product.   A. asking B. being asked C. stating D. being stated   ANSWER: C   66. _________ your order of August 10, we are working on it.   A. As to B. So as to C. As D. To   ANSWER:A   67. In our quotation dated June 15, we _________ the favorable prices of our products.   68. A. gave you information on B. gave you information about   69. C. informed you for D. informed you with   ANSWER: B   70. We will appreciate it very much, if you will ________ shipment before June 25.   A. effect B. provide   C. give D. bring   ANSWER: A   71. Because of their excellent quality and low prices, you can be sure that our products will no doubt help you _________ you market.   A. expand B. expanding C. extended D. extending   ANSWER: A   72. As the matter is _________, we should like to have the information by the end of this week.   A. urgently B. urgent C. promptly D. prompt   ANSWER: B   73. It is the newest product made by our company, and we recommend _________ a small quantity for trial.   A. being bought B. buy C. buying D. bought   ANSWER: C   74. When _________, please let us have your price on CIF 3%, stating the earliest shipment since the season is coming soon.   A. being quoted B. quoted C. is quoting D. quoting   ANSWER: D   75. When Americans offer a firm handshake,how long would they last upon greeting and leaving?   A. 1-2 seconds B.3-5 seconds C.5-8 seconds D.10-15 seconds   Answer:B   76. Handshaking is very common in Russia.It is a firm grip with several quick shakes between________.   A.two men B. a man and a woman C.two women D.two men or two women   Answer:A   77. The firm handshake with eye contact and smiling is an important first gesture of communication for any person.Which countries would be most happenned?   A.Russia B. America C.Sweden D.South Africa   Answer:D   78. As to _____of payment,we often require a confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.   A.conditions B. terms C.offer D.catalogue   Answer :B   79. Therefore,we have____to decide to announce a 10% increase in all CIF rate as of April 1.   A.reluctantly B. quickly C.well D.been   Answer :A   80. In _____,when arriving and leaving,take the time to shake hands with everyone individually in a group.   A.Germany B. China C.Japan D.Britain   Answer :A   81. When meeting Austrians for the first time, it is expected that you shake hands and introduce yourself with your___name.   A.first B. second C.last D.full   Answer :D   82. When does an American offer a firm handshake to others?   A. Only upon greeting B. Only upon leaving C. upon greeting and leaving D. anytime when he wants   answer :C   83. When an American meet several people at once, he will maintain eye contact with____.   A. just the person he is shaking hands with   B. All the people there   C. the one he will meet next   D. nobody   anwser A   84. In__, firm handshakes are the norm as part of a formal introduction but may not be expected at subsequent meetings or on social occasins.   A. Germany B. Britain C. Italy D.Sweden   Answer: B   85. In_____ , handshakes are commom for both sexes, and may include grasping the arm with the other hand.   A. Germany B. Britain C. Italy D.Sweden   Answer: C   86. When meeting Austrians for the first time, it is expected that _________.   A. you only shake hands.   B. you only introduce youself with your family name. shake hands and introduce youself with your family name.   D. you shake hands and introduce youself with your full name.   Answer D   87. The Dutch will shake hands with ___ at business and social meetings.
2023-07-12 07:06:201

Come What May 歌词

歌曲名:Come What May歌手:Tenors Un Limited专辑:Brand New DayCome What MayEwan:Never knew I could feel like thisLike I"ve never seen the sky beforeI want to vanish inside your kissEveryday I love you more and moreListen to my heart, can you hear it singsTelling me to give you everythingSeasons may change, winter to springBut I love you until the end of timeCome what mayCome what mayI will love you until my dying dayNicole:Suddenly the world seems such a perfect placeSuddenly it moves whit such a perfect graceEwan and Nicole:Suddenly my life doesn"t seem such a wasteBut our world revolves around youAnd there"s no mountain too highNo river too wideSing out this song I"ll be there by your sideStorm clouds may gatherAnd stars may collideBut I love you (I love you)Until the end of timeCome what mayCome what mayI will love you until my dying dayCome what mayCome what mayI will love you until my dying daySuddenly the world seems such a perfect placeCome what mayCome what mayI will love you until my dying day
2023-07-12 07:06:271

求一篇题为Memory of the Spring Festival的英语作文

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.(英语作文) To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.
2023-07-12 07:06:371

请教各位投稿中"Conflict of Interest"如何来写

有些杂志是要求提交"Conflict of Interest"的,举个例子来说明这个问题吧。下面的内容节选自Food and Chemical Toxicology Guide for Authors.Conflict of Interest and Source of Funding.A conflict of interest exists when an author or the author"s institution has a financial or other relationship with other people or organizations that may inappropriately influence the author"s actions. All submissions to Food and Chemical Toxicology must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. Food and Chemical Toxicology may use such information as a basis for editorial decisions and may publish such disclosures if they are believed to be important to readers in judging the article.Conflict of Interest Statements for Authors.At the end of the text, under a subheading "Conflict of Interest Statement," all authors must disclose any financial, personal, or their relationships with other people or organizations within 3 years of beginning the work submitted that could inappropriately influence the work submitted. Examples of conflicts include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should state that there are none. Investigators should disclose potential conflicts to participants in clinical trials and other studies and should state in the manuscript whether they have done so. Food and Chemical Toxicology may decide not to publish on the basis of a declared conflict, such as the financial interest of an author in a company (or its competitors) that makes a product discussed in the paper.由上述两段话可见,该期刊需要作者阐明"Conflict of Interest",即其他单位或个人与作者之间可能存在经济、雇佣关系、专利等各方面的利益冲突,作者应当如实说明这些关系,以免日后引起不必要的纠纷,同时也为编辑作出决定提供参考。如果没有这些问题,作者可以说“There are no conflicts of interest”。不过该期刊是要求作者在稿件正文的最后来说明,而你投的杂志要求单独上传,至于具体内容应该是一样的。
2023-07-12 07:06:561

有没有be something of这样的用法

be terrified of 害怕 ..., 恐惧 ... 或者是:be terrified of doing sth.The child would be terrified of being left alone in the big house. 这孩子一个人留在那座大房子里会感到害怕的。
2023-07-12 07:07:282

Secret of my heart是什么意思?

Secret of my heart   我心底的秘密Starlit night above the roof tops 屋顶上繁星点点的夜晚,   I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel? 我冥思苦想,用什么语言来表达我对你的感觉.   Our happy times were they real? So I wonder 于是我想知道:我们共度的幸福时刻它们是真的存在么?   Shooting star, falls as if to tell   A happy end will come because you"re by my side   Always a smile but all the while   闪烁的星光划过,似乎告诉我这幸福的结局将要来到,而幸福就是因为有你在我的身边时而不时的一个微笑.   There"s still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you 一直有一件在我内心深处不能向你诉说的事, Secret of my heart, when can I ever start? 我心底的秘密,何时才能把它道出?   Never any doubt, knowing how someday I"ll say I love you   我一直坚信着并知道有一天我将会对你说出我爱你.   It will shine on through, my love will shine out true 我的爱将超越一切   Give a little time, I"m looking for a sign 请给我一点时间,我正在寻找我的方向   You know I"m waiting for my chance   你要知道,我正在等待属于我的机会   So quiet now, winds whisper true to me   微风真切的对我耳语:安静些吧   I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel   我感觉到一种需要,要大声的吼出我所感觉到的这些事   Celebrate this love I can"t reveal I can"t show you   庆祝这份爱,我不能揭示也不能展示给你 So here we are, together once again   那么就让我们再一次的在一起   You seem to walk this little distance from my side   在我的身边看似走出了一些距离   Your face it seems so sad   你的面容看似那么的忧伤   I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you   我想知道你到底隐瞒了什么,我想要接近你   Secret of my heart can you understand those parts   你能否明白我心底的这些秘密   Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn"t everyone   深深的隐瞒的地方,只有我去奔向   In my heart I know I must let our love grow   在我心里,我知道必须让我们的爱生长   I can"t say why   我不能说为什么   I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance   我知道我必须找到呼唤出/(制造出)我的机会的方法   Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind   我能否述出我的真实么?思想中一片空白   They escape from my lips to the clouds above   逃出我的嘴唇,躲进天空的云中   Feeling in my heart, I can"t hide   我不能掩饰我心中的感受   I can"t hide anymore, "cause I love you   因为我爱你,我任何都不能掩饰   I will be with you (with you, with you)   我将与你同在   Wherever you are? (you are, you are )   无论你在哪里?   Can you feel my heart?   你能感到我的心么?   Can you feel my heart?   你能感到我的心吗?   Can"t you see you"re in my heart   你能否看见你在我的心中   But things may break apart   但事情也许会离散   Maybe one day   也许有一天   It"s difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one   很难去说心心相印会有多久   But I know now all the same   但我知道两颗心现在是在一起的   No change will come unless I play the game   不变的真心将来到除非只把这份爱当作儿戏   I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby我只想说,我想我准备好了,baby   (I just wanna say forever)   我只想说永远相爱/(在一起)   Can"t you see you"re in my dreams   你能否看见,你在我的梦境里   I can"t lose you, baby see?   我不能失去你,baby明白么?   Every time we meet   每次我们相遇   Every time we"re near boy gives all meaning to my life   每次相近你都给我所有的人生意义   Baby don"t get down, someday I will come around   baby不要离开,总有一天我将回来   Secret of my heart, our future is forever   我心底的秘密,我们的未来是永远
2023-07-12 07:07:441

winxp出现的问题:you may be a victim of software counterfeiting

此问题是盗版软件的受害者吧先在注册表找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software / microsoft / windows NT / winlogon / notify 找到winlogon删掉 重启机器再把C:windowssystem 32中的wgatray.exe删除,然后重起。如果找不到,那就去网上下一个类式的免疫补丁,收索什么不用多说了吧,祝你成功
2023-07-12 07:07:522

May I have a word with you __________ of the lesson?

2023-07-12 07:07:594

为什么开机显示“You may be a victim of software counterfeiting"要按F1启动?

你可能是盗版软件的受害者...你的XP系统是是盗版的才会出现此提示。将下面文字保存成vbs文件可以将XP变成正版软件。ON ERROR RESUME NEXTDim VOL_PROD_KEY if Wscript.arguments.count<1 then VOL_PROD_KEY=InputBox("本程序将自动替换你当前 Windows 的序列号,通过微软验证完全正版。"&vbCr&vbCr&"序列号(OEM版无效,默认版本为 XP VLK):","Windows XP序列号自动更换器","MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY") if VOL_PROD_KEY="" then Wscript.quit end if else VOL_PROD_KEY = Wscript.arguments.Item(0) end ifVOL_PROD_KEY = Replace(VOL_PROD_KEY,"-","") "remove hyphens if anyfor each Obj in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("win32_WindowsProductActivation")result = Obj.SetProductKey (VOL_PROD_KEY)if err = 0 then Wscript.echo "OK!去微软验证吧!" end ifif err <> 0 then Wscript.echo "替换失败!输入的 CD-KEY 与当前的版本不匹配。" Err.Clear end ifNext
2023-07-12 07:08:081

---THe building was ______completed by the end of that year at last.

C thusthusad.1. 如此,这样,以此方式They told her to water the flowers every morning, and she did it thus.他们吩咐她每天早晨浇花,于是她照办了。2. 到如此程度3. 因此,从而He didn"t work hard. Thus he was fired.他工作不努力,因此被解雇。
2023-07-12 07:08:152

At least one END is missing: the statement may begin here.matlab为什么我的程序会出现这个。跪求解答

2023-07-12 07:08:341

For example,if a word ends -- the letters "er",that the word may be the name of ...

end in是以......结束,为固定搭配。
2023-07-12 07:08:411

How to Deal with the Exam Stress Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can b

2023-07-12 07:08:481


2023-07-12 07:08:584


《北京青年》歌曲目录 汪峰 - 存在 - 勇敢的心 - 怒放的生命。 轻音乐 - 梦中的婚礼。北京青年第一集 41分20秒 背景英文歌曲 Taylor Swift-Our Song 北京青年第二集 31分11秒 丁香何西第一次相亲北京音乐 We Are One - Kelly Sweet (推荐)以前一直听。北京青年第四集 07分11秒 何东在KTV自己的歌曲 北京 北京 - 汪峰 北京青年第五集 36分01秒 Pink-Fingers (推荐) 北京青年第六集 01分00秒 权筝和丁香在酒吧的北京音乐Lady GaGa - Bad Romance 混音版的 Mika -Relax Take It Easy 唐娇喝多时候无趣。北京青年第七集 00分00秒 丁香、权铮、唐娇在酒吧的背景音乐 End of may - Keren Ann (还有法国版)后青春期的诗北京青年第十一 00分00秒 唐娇唱的歌曲 范玮琪 - 最初的梦想北京青年第十四 36分00秒 涵格佩吉-彩云家乡 北京青年第十六 00分00秒 何东手机的铃声 没有你的日子我真的好孤单 北京青年第十八 00分00秒 唐娇离开迪厅的背景音乐 GrooveCoverage-Runaway 北京青年第二十 00分00秒 深圳唐娇工作的酒吧里的歌 groove coverage——runaway北京青年第二十一 00分00秒 叶坦在酒吧喝酒时的背景音乐 hey oh 是一首法国慢摇北京青年第二十七 00分00秒 酒吧开业放的歌 Adele的《Rolling in the deep》北京青年第二十九 26分00秒 权筝酒吧背景音乐叫什么 Queensberry-Sorry 北京青年第三十 00分00秒 任知了跳那段舞的舞曲 I Got you - Leona Lewis 北京青年第三十一 00分00秒 在丽江酒吧里的歌曲 Sorry Queensberry -Patricia 北京青年第三十五 00分00秒 任知了在咖啡厅见何西时放的歌 我不配做你男朋友—张提
2023-07-12 07:09:063

求一首英文歌,歌词最后一句是to be a better man。求歌名和全部歌词。

better man - Send someone to love me   派一个人来爱我   I need to rest in arms   我需要一个臂弯休息   Keep me safe from harm   找一个远离伤害的地方   In pouring rain   当倾盆大雨时   Give me endless summer   给我无尽夏日   Lord I fear the cold   上帝我惧怕严寒   Feel I"m getting old   我觉得自己   正在变老 Better man - Robbie Williams 歌谱Before my time   虽值年少   As my soul heals the shame   灵魂治愈悔恨   I will grow through this pain   痛苦让我成长   Lord I"m doing all I can   上帝,我会尽一切的努力   To be a better man   成为一个更完美的人   Go easy on my conscience   别再苛责我的良知   "Cause it"s not my fault   因为错不在我   I know I"ve been taught   别人教我的是   To take the blame   把过错揽在身上   Rest assured my angels Will catch my tears   放心吧 我的天使会接住我的眼泪   Walk me out of here   陪我离开这里   I"m in pain   我好痛苦   As my soul heals the shame   灵魂治愈悔恨   I will grow through this pain   痛苦让我成长   Lord I"m doing all I can   上帝,我会尽一切的努力   To be a better man   成为一个更完美的人   Once you"ve found that lover   一旦你找到真爱   You"re homeward bound   就有了避风港   Love is all around   爱在四周   Love is all around   爱无所不在   I know some have fallen   即使有人堕落   On stony ground   在一片荒芜   But Love is all around   但有爱在四周
2023-07-12 07:00:361


华为hisuite可以关闭,具体操作方法如下: 1、华为手机如何撤销HiSuite通过HDB连接授权功能,点开手机设置 2、手机设置先点开之后,继续点安全和隐私。 3、继续点安全和隐私之后,在安全和隐私界面,下拉最下方,点更多安全设置右侧的下拉图标。 4、点更多安全设置右侧的下拉图标之后,撤销HiSuite通过HDB连接授权点下。 5、撤销HiSuite通过HDB连接授权点下后,下方有弹窗,我们点确定。 6、当然了,我们也要将允许HiSuite通过HDB连接设备关闭掉。
2023-07-12 07:00:391


2023-07-12 07:00:402


n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集
2023-07-12 07:00:424

Be careful 的同义句

look outtake care
2023-07-12 07:00:452


2023-07-12 07:00:3411


依照叶子数目的不同,可以将叶子的结构分成二大类,一类是单叶,另一类是复叶。 l 单叶 每一叶柄上,只长一枚叶片,我们称为“单叶”,例如:榕树、枫香、桃子…等。虽然有的叶片边缘平整光滑,有的却有缺刻或分裂得很深,例如:我们常见的构树,乍看之下,每每让人误以为那不是单纯的一片叶子,其实它们的小叶脉都相互连接,所以我们还是只能把它们看成是一种单叶。 l 复叶 每一叶柄上长出两枚或两枚以上的叶片,称做“复叶”,这些叶片叫做小叶,也就是复叶上具有总柄和小柄,总柄上分出多数的小柄,每一小柄上连著一枚小叶。复叶又可分成三种: (一)单身复叶 看过柚子特殊的叶片吗?它的叶身分成两节,一节短小可爱;另一节像鸡蛋的外形,油绿芳香。它原本是单一的叶片,但叶片上具有显著的关节,使得叶身像被分裂成有趣的二段,就称为“单身复叶”,郊野山林里的柚叶藤,它的叶子也有同样的构造。 (二)三出复叶 茄苳是乡间常见的老树,它的总叶柄上共有三片叶子,一片在顶端,两侧各有一片,我们称作“三出复叶”。开出的花朵红艳似火的刺桐、在野外到处蔓爬的葛藤及我们常吃的红豆、绿豆、豇豆、四季豆…等,都有明显的三出复叶,值得我们详加分辨。 非常罕见的十字叶蒲瓜树,它的叶子结构也是一种三出复叶,只不过在总叶柄两侧有叶片状的翼,所以整片树叶看起来像十字形,如果经过台大校园,不妨找一找这种特殊的三出复叶。 (三)掌状复叶 如果所有小叶的基部,集合生长在叶柄的顶端,像手掌展开的形状,称为“掌状复叶”。校园里的鹅掌藤、人行道上的木棉树、庭园里的马拉巴栗…等都是掌状复叶。由於小叶柄的长短不同,构成的掌状也大异其趣。马拉巴栗的小叶柄很短,小叶集生在总柄上,样子像把绿色的风车也像个绿色海星;而江某或木棉的小叶柄则较长,掌状复叶的外形就具有下垂的柔美姿态! (四)羽状复叶 有些植物的小叶排列在总叶柄的两侧,而使整个复叶看起来像一片羽毛,称为“羽状复叶”。例如肾蕨、凤凰木、阿勃勒…等。羽状复叶要是有一次或二次以上的分枝,则分别称之为二回或三回羽状复叶等。 如果小叶的数目是奇数,也就是在顶端有一枚单独的的小叶片,则称为“奇数羽状复叶”,我们熟悉的玫瑰花就是典型的奇数羽状复叶;另外请数数看:公园里的水黄皮,油油亮亮的绿色小叶是不是奇数?到郊外爬山时常见的悬勾子,除了寻找它甜美的果实外,也请别忘了观察它奇数的羽状复叶。 如果小叶的数目是偶数,则称为“偶数羽状复叶”。初夏时节悬垂著满树金黄花串的阿勃勒、公园里丰姿绰约的黄槐或果实甜美的龙眼、荔枝…等的小叶数目都是偶数,小叶的排列可真整齐呢!难怪看起来像一片大羽毛! 有什麼方法可以分辨单叶和复叶呢?仔细看看:单叶与茎相连的交接处,会有小小的腋芽;而复叶的小叶与总柄的交接处,并没有腋芽;另外你也会发现,通常单叶的各枚叶片,不会生长在同一平面上,以便每片叶子都能获得足够的阳光;而复叶的所有小叶片,会生长在同一平面上,从同一角度一起吸收阳光;从这两点,就可以判断一棵植物的叶片是单叶或复叶了!
2023-07-12 07:00:324


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2023-07-12 07:00:281