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clever英语单词的音标。 naughty英语单词的音标。 a bit英语单词的音标。 shy

2023-07-12 16:48:42

用音标助手音标助手有三种音标输入方式: 一、打开“音标列表”窗口,瞧,常用音标都在这里呢,用鼠标点击对应的音标按钮,就可以把该音标输入到文本输入区; 二、先按“[”键,切换到音标输入状态,然后按键盘上音标对应的键,输入音标,最后再按“]”键即可; 三、自动搜输入音标,先按“{”键,然后在文本输入区输入英语单词,最后按“}”键,稍等片刻,系统就会将该单词的音标、词性、中文含义自动显示出来 通过音标助手可以对输入的音标字体进行灵活设置。嗯 对了 我目前上的ABC天芐英语的老师和我提到,若要掌握好英语很简单的 绝对要拥有一个适宜的研习情境跟实习口语对象,外教水平很重要,欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准非常重要 持续每天口语练习 1v1个性化学习才会有.好.的学习成果;上完课仍要重复复习课程录音音频 好巩固知识点..实在是真的没有练习对象的情况 可以到听力室或大耳朵拿到课后材料学习 多问多听很快的语感会提高起来 整体效果应该可以突飞猛进的!选择音标的字形,设置字体样式、字体大小及字体颜色。的词库按照科目分,它包括经济、法律、天文、地理、医学、建筑、生物、植物、化学等词库,输入音标时,选择这些专业词库,可以加快音标的输入速度和准确程度,不过,共享版本在这里有限制哦



  clever 读 ["klevu0259],重音在第一个音节,谐音为“可乐爱我”。

  naughty ["nu0254:ti], 重音在第一个音节,谐音为“呐奥特艾”。

  a bit 读[u0259 bu026at], 谐音为“哦 不爱特”。

  shy 读 [u0283au026a],谐音为“西阿衣”。


  1. 英 [ u02c8klevu0259(r) ]

  2. 英 [ u02c8nu0254:ti ]

  3. 英 [ u0259 bit ]

  4. 英 [ u0283au026a ]

  5. 英 [ ku0254:l ]



naughty英:[ˈnɔ:ti]美:[ˈnɔti]释义:adj. 顽皮的;不听话的;淘气的;下流的变形:比较级. naughtier最高级. naughtiest短语:naughty girl淘气女孩naughty Monkey顽皮猴naughty america家庭主妇一对一
2023-07-12 07:46:462

naughty怎么读的 naughty读法

1、naughty 英[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti]美[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti] 2、adj.顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 粗俗的; 下流的; 3、[例句]They made the naughty boy go to bed early.他们强迫那顽皮的孩子早点睡觉。 4、[其他]比较级:naughtier 最高级:naughtiest。
2023-07-12 07:47:431


naughty 英 ["nu0254u02d0tu026a] 美 ["nu0254ti] 用汉语跟“诺踢”有点接近,诺发第一声,踢发第三声。
2023-07-12 07:47:514


2023-07-12 07:48:223


naughty单词的英式读音为/u02c8nu0254u02d0ti/;美式读音为/u02c8nu0254u02d0ti/。一、naughty的释义adj.顽皮的;不听话的;粗俗的。二、naughty的词态变化比较级:naughtier;最高级:naughtiest;副词:naughtily;名词:naughtiness。三、naughty的近义词1、mischievous:adj.(人、行为等)爱恶作剧的,好捣乱的,顽皮的,淘气的。2、playful:adj.闹着玩的;爱玩的;戏谑的。3、disorderly:adj.杂乱的;凌乱的;妨碍治安的;无法无天的。四、naughty的反义词1、docile:adj.温顺的;驯服的;易驾驭的;驯化。2、cute:adj.漂亮迷人的;有性吸引力的;精明的。naughty的双语例句:1、If you"re naughty, mother will spank you.你要是调皮,妈妈会打你屁股的。2、He is extraordinarily naughty, but will act like a good boy once his mother appears.他特别淘气,但是他妈一出现立时就听话了许多。3、Selling the piglets The piglets were naughty . So farmers kept them in bamboo cages.《卖猪仔》可能是小猪崽不听话,要用小竹笼装起来卖。4、The naughty children had run a mile when their teacher arrived.老师来的时候,那些顽皮的孩子都溜掉了。5、The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache.那淘气的男孩借口头疼,离开了教室。6、The naughty child was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.这个顽皮的孩子因为和老师顶嘴,受到了纪律处分。7、The teacher was too tolerant of these naughty boys.这个老师对那些顽皮的学生过于纵容。8、You naughty children, says their stepmother.“你们两个顽皮的孩子。”后母说。9、Cute ang naughty action that developed into attraction.可爱和顽皮的动作转化成吸引力。10、Naughty little children often tell on each other.顽皮的孩子们常常互相告状。
2023-07-12 07:48:291

naughty怎么读 naughty的读法

1、naughty 英[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti] 2、美[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti] 3、adj. 顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 粗俗的; 下流的; 4、[例句]Girls, you"re being very naughty 5、姑娘们,你们真是淘气。 6、[其他] 比较级:naughtier 最高级:naughtiest
2023-07-12 07:48:561

naughty怎么读英语 单词naughty怎么读

1、naughty英[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti]美[u02c8nu0254u02d0ti],adj.顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 粗俗的; 下流的。 2、[例句]Mother will say, What are you about, naughty child?妈妈要是说道:“你在做什么呀,顽皮的孩子?”
2023-07-12 07:49:031


“naughty”在英国英语中发音为/u02c8nu0254u02d0.ti/,在美国英语中发音为/u02c8nɑu02d0.ti/。“naughty”是一个形容词,意思是不守规矩或顽皮。通常用来形容孩子或者行为不端的人。“naughty”可以用于各种不同的语境,可以作为一个单独的形容词,也可以作为一个短语的一部分,例如“naughty behavior”或“naughty child”。通常在开玩笑或者逗趣的时候使用,但是当用来描述更为严重的不当行为时,也可能带有负面意义。以下是一些“naughty”在语境中的例子:That little boy is naughty and doesn"t listen to his mother.那个小男孩很顽皮,不听他的妈妈的话。(不守规矩的)The teacher scolded them because of their inappropriate behavior in class.老师因为学生在课堂上的不当行为而责骂了他们。(不良的行为)
2023-07-12 07:49:121


发音:英式/nu0254:tu026a/美式/nu0254:tu026a/,重音在第一个音节。首先要发/n/的音,n双唇微开舌尖抵住上齿龈气流从鼻孔送出来。请点击输入图片描述然后发/u0254:/,要注意这里长音,舌头往后缩,舌后部抬高点,双唇也要收的小一些,更圆一些,并向前突出最后发/ti/这个音,上下唇略微张开,并尽量咧嘴,舌尖抵住下齿,舌后部稍微抬起用法adj. 顽皮的;不听话的We just sat there giggling like naughty schoolchildren.我们只是坐在那儿像调皮的小学生一样的咯咯地傻The naughty boy devised a plan for winning the entrance tickets to the football match.这个淘气的男孩想出一种巧妙的办法去弄观看足球比赛的入场券。The old lady was displeased with the children"s naughty behaviour."孩子们太淘气了,惹得老太太生了气。"5.相关短语naughty castle 淘气堡; 供应淘气堡;Naughty Bookworms 顽皮的书呆子; 淘气的书呆子; 偷偷潜入教室的书呆子;Naughty Cupid 调皮的爱神Naughty Lionet 逗狮子Naughty desk 淘气的书桌is naughty 顽皮的
2023-07-12 07:49:461


naughty淘气的 常用释义[英] [ˈnɔːti][美] [ˈnɔdi]adj.顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 稍显粗野的; 诲淫的; 淫猥的; 邪恶的[例句]You"ve been a really naughty boy.你真是一个爱捣乱的孩子。[变形]比较级:naughtier最高级:naughtiest
2023-07-12 07:50:342


顽皮的英文可以写成 naughty
2023-07-12 07:50:454


2023-07-12 07:50:543


您好,领学网为您解答:naughty 英 [ˈnɔ:ti] 美 [ˈnɔti] adj.顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的;下流的例句:Girls, you"re being very naughty 姑娘们,你们真是淘气。望采纳!
2023-07-12 07:51:293


naughty读音:英 [u02c8nu0254u02d0ti];美 [u02c8nu0254u02d0ti]adj.顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的比较级:naughtier 最高级:naughtiest短语NaughtyDog 顽皮狗;顽皮狗工作室;淘气狗;顽皮狗公司NaughtyCafeteria 咖啡厅诱惑美女NaughtyBoy 淘气男孩;贪玩的男孩;顽皮男孩;调皮仔NaughtyHospital 性感实习护士小游戏;护士追医生;恶整性感女护士;性感小护士NaughtyMouse 顽皮鼠;顽皮鼠街机游戏
2023-07-12 07:51:361


naughty淘气的.英 [u02c8nu0254:ti]美 [u02c8nu0254ti].1. naughtyadj.顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的;下流的.mischievousadj.淘气的;恶作剧的;有害的.mischiefn.恶作剧;损害,危害;顽皮,淘气;祸根.archnessn.狡猾,2. 淘气近义词或词组mischief | archness | mischievousness | roguery |waggery.3. 句子:他有一点淘气。He"s a little mischievous.4. 句子:那淘气的男孩借口头疼,离开了教室。The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache.5. 句子:我甚至见过她在扎拉淘气的时候使劲摇晃她。I"ve even seen her shake Zara when she"s been naughty.6. 句子:姑娘们,你们真是淘气。Girls, you"re being very naughty.7.句子:“我想他有点儿淘气,”康斯坦丝说道。"I think he was a bit of a devil," Constance said.
2023-07-12 07:52:131


淘气的英语单词是:naughtynaughty读法英[u02c8nu0254:ti] ; 美[u02c8nu0254ti]作形容词的意思是:顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的;下流的。同根词:1、作副词的意思是:naughtily 顽皮地;无礼地2、作名词的意思是:naughtiness 顽皮;淘气;无礼例句:1、Theboyisverynaughty.这孩子太调皮了。2、Thesenaughty studentsareplayingfootballnow.这些调皮学生现在正在踢足球呢。
2023-07-12 07:52:211


2023-07-12 07:52:301


2023-07-12 07:52:383


act up
2023-07-12 07:52:497


2023-07-12 07:53:121


2023-07-12 07:53:207


2023-07-12 07:53:432


adj. 顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的
2023-07-12 07:53:502


英式:naughty ["nu0254u02d0tu026a]  bear[beu0259]美式:naughty ["nu0254ti]   bear[bu025br]
2023-07-12 07:54:201


淘气的英文:mischief一、词汇解析mischief英 [u02c8mu026astu0283u026af] 美 [u02c8mu026astu0283u026af] n. 淘气;恶作剧;伤害;顽皮;不和例:The little boy was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.这个小男孩真是难管教。他总是在搞恶作剧。二、关于mischief的短语1、up to mischief 打算胡闹,捣乱2、keep out of mischief 不胡闹
2023-07-12 07:54:289

naughty daughter because哪个发音不同?

because中的读音/ o /读音不同。是短音。
2023-07-12 07:55:011


英文原文:you naughty monkey英式音标:[juu02d0] [u02c8nu0254u02d0tu026a] [u02c8mu028cu014bku026a] 美式音标:[ju] [u02c8nu0254ti] [u02c8mu028cu014bki]
2023-07-12 07:55:471


naughty 英 ["nu0254u02d0tu026a] 美 ["nu0254ti] 用汉语跟“诺踢”有点接近,诺发第一声,踢发第三声。
2023-07-12 07:56:072


naughty 英["nu0254:tu026a]美[u02c8nu0254ti]adj. 顽皮的;不听话的;粗俗的;下流的最高级:naughtiest;比较级:naughtier
2023-07-12 07:57:403


参考答案:naughty[英]["nu0254:tu026a][美][u02c8nu0254ti]adj.顽皮的; 不听话的; 粗俗的; 下流的; 最高级:naughtiest比较级:naughtier例句:Another naughty boy was his partner. 另一个淘气的男孩是他的合伙人。以上答案提供参考,希望可以帮到您,谢谢!祝您生活愉快!如果对您有帮助,望采纳~谢谢!
2023-07-12 07:59:131


naughty 英 ["nɔːtɪ] 美 ["nɔti] 用汉语跟“诺踢”有点接近,诺发第一声,踢发第三声。
2023-07-12 07:59:191


naughty 英式读音:["nɔ:ti] 美式读音:["nɔti] 中文谐音:孬替 adj. 顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 下流的; [例句]Girls, you"re being very naughty姑娘们,你们真是淘气。[其他] 比较级:naughtier 最高级:naughtiest
2023-07-12 08:00:111

naughty 怎么读

/"no:ti/ 顽皮,淘气
2023-07-12 08:00:192

naughty怎么读 正确发音教程?

Naughty是一个英语单词,意思是“淘气的”、“调皮的”。很多人在发音时会有些困惑,下面为大家介绍一下Naughty的正确发音。具体来说,发音时可以按照以下步骤进行:2. 发音时,将嘴唇稍微向外突出,形成一个轻微的圆形。4. 然后,将舌头向上抬起,发出“ghty”的音,即发出[ti]的音。1. 发音时,将舌头放到口腔底部,靠近牙齿。3. 发音时,先发出“nau”的音,即先发出[ˈnɔː]的音。
2023-07-12 08:00:261


调皮的piquant ["pi:k05nt] 批肯特
2023-07-12 08:01:032

naughty怎么读 正确发音教程?

3. 发音时,先发出“nau”的音,即先发出[ˈnɔː]的音。具体来说,发音时可以按照以下步骤进行:4. 然后,将舌头向上抬起,发出“ghty”的音,即发出[ti]的音。3. 发音时,先发出“nau”的音,即先发出[ˈnɔː]的音。2. 发音时,将嘴唇稍微向外突出,形成一个轻微的圆形。
2023-07-12 08:01:112


naughty英 [ˈnɔːti] 美 [ˈnɔːti] adj.顽皮的;淘气的;
2023-07-12 08:01:571


naughty英 [ˈnɔ:ti] 美 [ˈnɔti] adj.顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 下流的网络调皮; 调皮的; 顽皮比较级: naughtier 最高级: naughtiest 双语例句 Girls, you"re being very naughty. 姑娘们,你们真是淘气。
2023-07-12 08:02:161


顽皮naughty; mischievous ;
2023-07-12 08:02:322


2023-07-12 08:02:426


2023-07-12 08:03:071


2023-07-12 08:03:155


2023-07-12 08:03:291


问题一:淘气的用英语怎么说 naughty [英][?n?:ti][美][?n?ti] adj.顽皮的; 不听话的; 淘气的; 下流的; 问题二:淘气的英文是什么 淘气: [ táo qì ] 1. naughty 2. bad 近义词或词组 mischief | archness | mischievousness | roguery | waggery 例句与用法 1. 我侄子是一个淘气的孩子。 My nephew is a naughty boy. 2. 尽管我的小姑娘很淘气,我还是很爱她。 Notwithstanding her naughtiness, I love my little girl. 3. 这个淘气的小男孩玩了一个巧妙的花招。 The naughty boy played a neat trick. 4. 这个淘气的男孩子真是惹人烦。 This naughty boy is really troublesome. 5. 他少年时非常淘气。 He was very naughty in his boyhood. 6. 这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。 The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeyb. 7. 这个淘气的孩子把书藏在了灌木丛里。 The naughty boy hid the books in the shrub. 8. 活泼的孩子有时是会淘气的。 One expects active children to be mischievous at times. 问题三:淘气的用英语怎么读? naughty 问题四:淘气用英语怎么说 naughty 问题五:调皮用英文怎么说? 30分 调皮 naughty mischievous (顽皮) naughty; mischievous a naughty child 调皮的孩子 Tell the children to keep out of mischief! 告诉这些孩子不要调皮! 问题六:淘气英语怎么说 淘气[táo qì] 词典 naughty; mischievous; mischief; archness 问题七:"淘气的"adj.用英语怎么说??? 淘气的: 1. elvish [5elviF] adj. 小精灵的, 淘气的 2. hoydenish [`hRIdEnIF] adj. 淘气的 3. mischievous [5mistFivEs] adj. 有害的, 恶作剧的, 淘气的, 为害 4. naughty [5nC:ti] adj. 顽皮的, 淘气的, 不听话的, 没规矩的, 不适当的, 下流的 5. piquant [5pi:kEnt] adj. 开胃的, 辛辣的, 泼辣的, 兴奋的, 顽皮的, 淘气的 6. sly [slai] adj. 狡猾的 7. wicked [5wikid] adj. 坏的, 邪恶的, 缺德的, 不道德的, 恶劣的, 刻毒的, 淘气的
2023-07-12 08:03:361


不同dry 中的 y 读[ai]naughty 中的 y 读[i]
2023-07-12 08:04:202

naughty是什么意思啊 naughty英文解释

1、naughty,淘气的,读音:美/u02c8nu0254u02d0ti/;英/u02c8nu0254u02d0ti/。 2、释义:adj.顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的。 3、例句:These ducks are very naughty.这些鸭子很淘气。
2023-07-12 08:04:571


2023-07-12 08:06:053


2023-07-12 07:54:581

bizzy bone的《never grow》 歌词

歌曲名:never grow歌手:bizzy bone专辑:the giftYou better be careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growYou better be careful where you goThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growThe army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never grow(bizzy)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?What? telling me ya"ll feeling meBeen livin" up in a material worldYa"ll killing me, ya"ll killing meReally, really, act so sillyTil he hit "em in the middle of the kidneysAnd he fall, all over a sinLetting it feel that way, feel that wayGet yourself killed that wayVictorious-ous-ous-ousAnd put him in cuffs, fucked him up, up, up, upAnd wake up, wake up, wake upBy the caffeine and green and nicotine and a yute ferrari, ayeCome around our way (yeah)You always wanna partyYou gotta handle your businessCan i get a witness?Mmm hmm, what part of the game is this?If we were in the islands, i would fry your whole tribeSicilian style while add enough break wideAs i come back with the vibeAnd i throw up near sideGrimy niggas i can feel yaI"ve been here the whole timeBizzy Bone(chorus)The army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never grow, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never grow(bizzy)Where your friends ain"t your friendsAnd your foes ain"t your foesWhere these niggas turning us bitchesAnd these bitches turn into hoesWhere the women at?Baby i"ma getcha back, getcha backSit cha back, lick ya back, split ya back, picture thatIf you don"t know my story that"s a more the reason to get the seasonsI"m stressed but i"m still breathingCleveland, the city we come from redrumAnd murda mo i can feel someDumb idiots, hideous, fiesty, insideousSome say i"m the prettiest thingNo need me rapping?Fuck that!Wind up just like a muskratHut one! hut two! and bust back!Cuz that"s just how we do in factHow do i feel me?Fuck that touch molest twoAnd what"s that little lesion on me?Jesus, why did i do that?(x2)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful who you chooseWhat am i supposed to do?(chorus)x4Ahh, you"ll never grow!The army"s on way(bizzy)See, we can ride and fuck a copOh no, let"s walk and fuck "em allWe can pull out all our gunsOr we can talk and help the causeSilent weapons watch your step, stepSquad hit your set yet?Ain"t nobody snitchingBut i see one of your niggas is itchingSoon as pinched "em i connect he gonna tell "emI"m gonna tell you, you gon" get that ass wet, wet, wetWe talking about non-profit organizationsTravel with the lord all over the nationUnmasked situ-, love and trust have some patienceKeep the faithEven if satan is face to face then keep hittinRemember joe before value of gold broke, but i knowWhatever you facing keep on chasing, chasingCan"t runaway you gotta face "em, erase "emGet to the finish get to the spinach, and keep blazingYou better be careful where you goYou better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you chooseYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?(chorus til fade)Ahh, you"ll never growAhh,you"ll never growThe army"s on wayYou"ll never growAhh,you"ll never grow
2023-07-12 07:54:591

we never really grow up.we only learn how to act in public.是什么意

我们永远不可能真正的成熟,我们只是学会了在别人面前演戏 。
2023-07-12 07:54:521