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do yave a library是什么意思

2023-07-13 09:26:08

do yave a library

我想你这句话应该是:do you have a library




请问“keep calm and do a barrel roll”的引申意思是什么啊 直译是“

2023-07-13 04:16:042

求一首英文歌 mv是个男的小时候想买一架很旧的钢琴 有句歌词好像是 so we can do it。。。 是个男歌手

Daniel Powter - Free Loop试听
2023-07-13 04:16:123

do a kickflip什么意思

do a kickflip是做踢腿翻转的意思。知识拓展:英语是世界上最广泛、最重要的语言之一,从全世界来看,说英语的人数将近二十亿,45个国家的官方语言就是英语。英语是国际网络语言,是金融界语言,是空中交通管制语言,是流行音乐的语言,涵盖了人类生活的方方面面,学好英语就如同打开了一扇世界之窗,我国是经济大国普及英语更是国情需要。我国近几十年日新月异的变化,各方面都发展比较快。但是我们在很多技术方面还是和发达国家有一定差距,要学习先进技术就必须掌握英语,才能进行技术交流。不懂英语,便无法与世界接轨。我们发展经济走向世界更需要综合性人才,这都少不了英语学习。从我们小学开始就开设英语。英语已经成为一门学生必学的学科,中考、高考的英语分数非常高,如果英语成绩不高很难考上理想的高中和名牌大学。我们身处于国际化进程不断加快的时代,英语作为国际通用语言是学生走向世界的基础技能。学习英语不仅可以丰富自己的知识面,可以拓宽视野、可以提高个人的优势。在学习英语的过程中,我们可以了解到其他国家居民的生活方式,风俗习惯,这是我们拓宽视野的最基础最简单的方法,也是为我们将来走出国门提前打好基础,而不至于对新环境一无所知。在将来选择就业时,英语类专业使得我们的成功几率大为增加,比如说英语类专业之外有相关的,有国际经济法学,国际贸易类商务专业,医学专业,国际政治专业,历史专业,考古专业都离不开英语的学习,没有良好的基础,这些专业领域是不会取得重大建树的。
2023-07-13 04:16:181

【Make 用法】英文”Make”和”Do”到底差在哪里?

“Do”和”Make”这两个单字都有「做」的意思,都可以拿来代替很多动词。像是” Do I need to do my hair?”(我需要整理一下头发吗?)以及”Onions make your eyes water.”(洋葱让我流眼泪)这类进阶的句子都可以像这样简单地表达。但是它们使用的场合与方式还是略有不同!为了让大家更清楚它们两个之间的差异,Let"s talk的Ceema老师整理出了它们的一些常见用法,一起来看看吧。 1. Do 通常在讨论工作、任务、打理自己和一般的日常行事时使用。 Do the Dishes – 做菜 Do the laundry – 洗衣服 Do a report – 做报告 Do a course – 做疗程 Do your hair – 上发廊 Do your makeup – 化妆 Do well – 做得好 Do everything/nothing – 做完所有事/什么也不做 2. Make “make”通常与食物、金钱、和他人之间的关系与沟通……等事物有关。 Make breakfast – 做早餐 Make a reservation – 预约 Make a fortune – 赚大钱 Make100$ an hour – 一小时赚100元 Make friends – 交朋友 Make up – 化妆 Make a pass – 挑逗 Make a point – 提出观点 Make a confession – 自首 Make an excuse – 找一个借口 图片来源:Kaboompics do, do 中文, do 意思, do 用法, do 翻译, make, Make a fortune, make 中文, make 意思, make 文法, make 用法, make 翻译, make 英文文法, 使役动词 make, 做 英文, 英文 make
2023-07-13 04:16:431

do make 两个英语单词怎么用?

do/make两词均有“做”之意,用法与含义相近,不易掌握。现将其宾语作一比较:1.说起某种活动而又不确指什么活动时,用do。如:Do somehing! 做点什么吧!I don"t know what to do. 我不知道该做什么好。2.做出以前没有的东西时,常用make,有“创造;建造”之意;而进行某种活动时用do。如:Please tell the cook to make a fire. 请告诉厨师生个火。Let us make a model plane. 我们来做个飞机模型吧。He has not done his homework. 他没做完家庭作业。In the afternoon she did her lessons. 下午她做功课。3.谈及工作时一般用do。如:I"m not going to do any work. 我将什么工作也不做。I dislike doing houswork. I hate doing the cooking and shopping and cleaning and washing up. Let"s get a maid to do all. 我不喜欢做家务事。我讨厌做饭呀,买东西呀,刷锅洗碗呀。咱们雇个女佣来做所有这些烦人的工作吧。4.make侧重于“制造”,而do侧重于“完成,做到”。如:Study well and make progress every day. 好好学习,天天向上。Will you do me a favor? 帮我一把好吗?We do not do much business with them? 我们不常跟他们做生意。5.有些名词能作两者的宾语且语义相同,但make 比do显得具体、形象,动作性也强。如:I"ll do / make a translation for you. 我来替你当翻译。She did some pretty sketches. 她画了几张漂亮的素描。He made some sketches of the dancing children.他画了几张儿童跳舞的素描。6.比较下列句子:Have you done the chairs? 你把椅子擦好了吗?Have you made the chairs? 你把椅子做好了吗?They are doing the dishes. 他们在洗盘子。The workers are making the dishes. 工人们在造盘子。7.除上述2、3、4各条固定表达法外,下列搭配中也不可将do和make换用。make a speech 发言;make money 赚钱;make war 开战;make peace讲和;make coffe 煮咖啡; make tea 沏茶;make a road 筑路; make a poem 作诗;make a promise 许愿;make a decision 作决定;make a sentence 造句;make friends 交朋友;make enemies 树敌;make the bed 铺床;make a face 扮鬼脸;make a mistake 犯错误 ;do good 做好事;do evil 作恶:do one"s bit 出一份力;do one"s best 尽力;do a good job 搞好工作;do sb. harm 害人;do a room 收拾房间; do a movie 拍摄影片;do fish 煮鱼;do a puzzle 解谜; do morning exercises 做早操。“做实验”可说:do/make / try / carry out / perform an experiment 。
2023-07-13 04:16:531

you donot entertain in anything approaching the middle-class sense.这句话什么意思?

2023-07-13 04:17:002


你们有一个图书馆吗?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-13 04:17:085


2023-07-13 04:17:572


一般现在时:主语+do/does(动词原形或单三形式)一般过去时:主语 + did(动词过去式)一般将来时:主语 + will + do(动词原形)现在进行时:主语 + is/am/are +doing(动词进行时)过去进行时:主语 + was/were+doing(动词进行时)现在完成时:主语 + has/have + done(动词现在分词)过去完成时:主语 + had+ done(动词现在分词)例一般现在时:He goes to school 一般过去时:He went to school 一般将来时:He will go to school 现在进行时:He is going to school 过去进行时:He was going to school 现在完成时:He has gone to school 过去完成时:He had gone to school 一般现在时:I do my homework 一般过去时:I did my homework 一般将来时:I will do my homework现在进行时:I am doing my homework过去进行时:I were doing my homework现在完成时:I have done my homework 过去完成时:I had done my homework
2023-07-13 04:18:232

飞机(barrel roll)桶滚和副翼横滚(aileron roll)有什么不同

2023-07-13 04:18:331

see sb. do和see sb. doing有什么区别?

2023-07-13 04:18:401

our party _(do) a lot of improve the life of the farmers in the past few years.

第三人称用单数,in the past few years用完成时,故has done
2023-07-13 04:19:133

“Could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor?” “_______.” A.With pleasur

选 A。 with pleasure 的意思是“高兴地”、“乐意地”。注意不宜选B,my pleasure 主要用于回答感谢,意为“这是我乐意做的事”、“不用客气”,也可说成 It"s my pleasure 或 It"s a pleasure等。
2023-07-13 04:19:201


2023-07-13 04:19:271


2023-07-13 04:19:343

求Do You Want to Build a Snowman 日文歌词+罗马音

雪だるまつくろう[アナ]エルサ!e ru sa 雪(ゆき)だるま作(つく)ろうyu ki da ru ma tsu ku ro u ドアを开(あ)けてdo a wo a ke te 一绪(いっしょ)に游(あそ)ぼうi ssho ni a so bo u どうして出(で)てこないの?do u shi te de te ko na i no 前(まえ)は仲良(なかよ)くしてたのにma e ha na ka yo ku shi te ta no ni なぜ会(あ)えないの?na ze a e na i no 雪(ゆき)だるま作(つく)ろうyu ki da ru ma tsu ku ro u 大(おお)きな雪(ゆき)だるまo o ki na yu ki da ru ma[エルサ:]あっちいって!アナ…a cchi i tte a na[アナ]わかったよ…wa ka tta yo[アナ]雪(ゆき)だるま作(つく)ろうyu ki da ru ma tsu ku ro u 自転车(じてんしゃ)に乗(の)ろうji te n sha ni no ro u ずっと一人(ひとり)でいるとzu tto hi to ri de i ru to 壁(かべ)の絵(え)とおしゃべりしちゃうka be no e to o sha be ri shi cha u (顽张(がんば)れジャンヌ! )(ga n ba re jya n nu) 寂(さび)しい部屋(へや)で柱时计(はしらどけい)sa bi shi i he ya de ha shi ra do ke i 见(み)てたりするのmi te ta ri su ru no (チクタクチクタクチクタクチクタク)(chi ku ta ku chi ku ta ku chi ku ta ku chi ku ta ku)[アナ]エルサ?e ru sa ねえ、ドアを开(あ)けてnee do a wo a ke te 心配(しんぱい)してるのshi n pa i shi te ru no 会(あ)いたいわa i ta i wa そばにいればso ba ni i re ba 支(ささ)え合(あ)える二人(ふたり)でsa sa e a e ru fu ta ri de あたしたちだけでa ta shi ta chi da ke de これからko re ka ra どうしていくの?do u shi te i ku no 雪(ゆき)だるま作(つく)ろうyu ki da ru ma tsu ku ro u求采纳
2023-07-13 04:19:521

英文歌曲do, a deer , mi, a name.是什么歌名呀

是《音乐之声》的do re mi吧
2023-07-13 04:20:185

求any dream will do的歌词翻译

any dream will do 梦想将会实现Jason Donovan杰森唐纳i close my eyes 我闭上双眼drew back the curtain睁开眼帘to see for certain为了看的明白what i thought i knew我所想的鱼所知道的是 什么far far away太遥远someone was weeping有些人还在流泪but the world was sleeping但是世界已经沉睡any dream will do梦想将会实现i wore my coat我穿上外套with golden lining以及金黄色的衬衣bright colors shining鲜艳的颜色在闪耀wonderful and new美好与崭新的and in the eastthe dawn was breaking东方黎明正在被打破and the world was waking世界已经苏醒any dream will do梦想将会实现a crash of drums(这句不知道:crash是坠落,drum是鼓)a flash of light清新的阳光4my golden coat我黄色的外套flew out of sight飘出了视线the color"s fading into darkness颜色衰落变得暗淡i was left alone我孤独的离去may i return可能我会回来to the begining回到当初the light is dearingand the dream is toothe world and iwe are still waiting我们仍然在等待still hesitating仍然在疑惑any dream will do梦想将会实现a crash of drumsa flash of lightmy golden coatflew out of sightthe color"s fading into darknessi was left alonemay i returnto the beginingthe light is dearingand the dream is toothe world and iwe are still waitingstill hesitatingany dream will doany dream will doany dream will do
2023-07-13 04:22:081


2023-07-13 04:22:282

suggest to do的这种用法对吗?

没有suggest to do 这种形式。的确,suggest 后面 可以跟to,但to 这时是介词,后面要跟宾语,具体用法是:suggest + 名词/代词+to +人。如:We suggest the plan to him。另外就是suggest doing sth。表示“建议做某事”,如:He suggests going out for a walk。Suggest用法小结1、Suggest表示建议,用法如下:Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+人,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语eg:We suggest him the plan (Χ)但We suggest the plan to him(√)2、suggest+doing sth eg He suggested going out for a walk。注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:He suggested to go out for a walk。(Χ)3、suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow。=He suggested you go there tomorrow。注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow。也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构。4、it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth eg:It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once。
2023-07-13 04:22:351

give/do/hand in a dictation 什么意思?

give a dictaton(老师对学生)进行听写do a dictaton (学生)进行听写训练hand in a dictaton (学生)上交听写作业谢谢
2023-07-13 04:23:011

Do you k_____robots? There are a l_______of robot

2023-07-13 04:23:102

Hello,make a living 与 do for a living 有什么区别

区别就在与具体与否。make a living 是“过日子” (PS: make a living by doing sth 的话 意思就跟下面这句一样了)do ... for a living 是“做...以过日子”
2023-07-13 04:23:351

what should we do at a yellow light?(英译汉).(英译 )

答案:看到黄灯我们该做什么? 核心短语/词汇:what should we do: 我们该做什么 句子译文:看到黄灯我们该做什么? 解析:at 是指在某个地点等, at a yellow light 翻译过来,就是:在黄灯下(当然,理解成在‘黄灯旁边"也可以). 故答案为:看到黄灯我们该做什么?
2023-07-13 04:23:411

i do see a one i do a 未 英文歌男声求歌名

Don"t Love You No More (I"m Sorry) - Craig DavidFor all the years that I ve known you baby我认识你这么多年,宝贝 I can"t figure out the reason why lately我却不能找出为什么 You"ve been acting so cold最近你变得如此冷漠的理由 (Didn"t you say)(你没有说) If there"s a problem we should work it out如果我们间存在问题,我们应该把它解决 So why you giving me the cold shoulder now所以为什么现在你给我如此冰冷的肩膀 Like you don"t want to talk to me girl (tell me)好象你不想再跟我说话了,女孩(告诉我) Okay I know I was late again好,是我再次迟到了 I made you mad and dinners thrown in (the bin)我使你变得疯狂还把晚餐扔进了(垃圾桶) But why you making this thing drag on so long但为什么你让这件事拖延了那么久 (I wanna know)(我想知道) I"m sick and tired of this silly game silly game我已经累了,对这个愚蠢的游戏感到厌烦 Don"t think that I"m the only one here to blame我不认为我是这里唯一一个要被责备的人 It"s not me who s been going round slamming doors并不是我一直在摔门 That"s when you turned and said to me那是当你转身时对我说的 I don"t care babe who s right or wrong宝贝我并不介意谁对谁错 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些 Rain outside my window pouring down窗外的雨倾盆而下 What now you"re gone my fault I"m sorry现在,你已经走了,是我的错,我很抱歉 Feeling like a fool cos I let you down感觉像一个傻瓜,因为我让你走了 Now it"s too late to turn it around现在,一切都已经太迟无法挽回了 I"m sorry for the tears I"ve made you cry我为那些让你流的泪而抱歉 I guess this time it really is goodbye我猜想这一次真的要说再见了 You made it clear when you said当你说时你将它说得很明白了 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些 I know that I"ve made a few mistakes我知道我已经犯了一些错误 But never thought things would turn out this way但从没想到事情会变成这样 Doesn"t make sense to me now that you"re gone一直没有理解在意直到现在你走了 (I see it all so clearly)(我也把一切看得很清楚) Me at the door with you in a state我和你站在同一个地方的门口 Giving my reasons but as you look away给你我的理由 I can see a tear roll down your face但你却看向别处That"s when you turned and said to me那是当你转身时对我说的 I don"t care babe who"s right or wrong宝贝我并不介意谁对谁错 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些 Rain outside my window pouring down窗外的雨倾盆而下 What now you"re gone my fault I"m sorry现在,你已经走了,是我的错,我很抱歉 Feeling like a fool cos I let you down感觉像一个傻瓜,因为我让你走了 Now it"s too late to turn it around现在,一切都已经太迟无法挽回了 I"m sorry for the tears I"ve made you cry我为那些让你流的泪而抱歉 I guess this time it really is goodbye我猜想这一次真的要说再见了 You made it clear when you said当你说时你将它说得很明白了 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些Those simple words hit so hard这些简单的语句却伤你如此之深 They turned my whole world upside down他们是我的整个世界都颠覆了 Girl you caught me completely off guard女孩,你让我完全丧失了警惕 On that night you said to me在那天晚上你这么对我说 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些 Rain outside my window pouring down窗外的雨倾盆而下 What now you"re gone my fault I"m sorry现在,你已经走了,是我的错,我很抱歉 Feeling like a fool cos I let you down感觉像一个傻瓜,因为我让你走了 Now it"s too late to turn it around现在,一切都已经太迟无法挽回了 I"m sorry for the tears I"ve made you cry我为那些让你流的泪而抱歉 I guess this time it really is goodbye我猜想这一次真的要说再见了 You made it clear when you said当你说时你将它说得很明白了 I just don"t love you no more我只是不能再多爱你一些Rain outside my window pouring down窗外的雨倾盆而下 What now you"re gone my fault I"m sorry现在,你已经走了,是我的错,我很抱歉 Feeling like a fool cos I let you down感觉像一个傻瓜,因为我让你走了 Now it"s too late to turn it around现在,一切都已经太迟无法挽回了 I"m for the tears I made you cry我的眼泪为了你而流
2023-07-13 04:23:491

Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.为什么后面要倒装?

2023-07-13 04:24:003

请问“Would you do me a favor by giving me a lift" 是什么意思

Would you do me a favour by giving me a lift? 你可不可以帮我一个忙, 送我一程吗?
2023-07-13 04:24:205

找一首以lalalala.... do lalalala....do开头的英文歌??

这首歌是(Loving you) is easy "cause you"re beautifull, and making love with you is all I wanna do. Loving you is more then just a dream come true, and everything that I do, is out of loving you. la la la la la, la la la la la.... No-one else can make me feel the colors that you bring . Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in springtime. "Cause loving you has made my life so beautifull, and everyday of my life is filled with loving you. Loving you, I see your soul come shining through, and everytime that we, oohh.. I"m more in love with you. la la la la la, la la la la la... do do do do a ~~~~~```` No-one else can make me feel the colors that you bring, Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in springtime. "Cause loving you is easy "cause you"re beautifull, and every day of my life is filled with loving you. Loving you, I see your soul come shining through, and everytime that we, oohh.. I"m more in love with you. la la la la la, la la la la la...
2023-07-13 04:24:341

Juvenile的《i did that》 歌词

歌曲名:i did that歌手:Juvenile专辑:solja ragsThem Hot Boys out here, ya heard me?The B.G., headbussin" Moe, fa shoBout to make it happen,Magnolia bout that gafflin"Valence & Magnolia:]I"m in the jungle, of niggas that"s lookin" for static,Two niggas stuck and jackin" just to support his habit,Them people rollin", so I gotta do what I can,I gotta pound of that sand I picked up from the man,The luxuries I gotta have it, black savage,He"s in the streets holdin" up traffic,With the plastic, Desert Eagle .45 automatic,My glass is, filled with J.D. and coca-cola classic,And niggas that playa-hate I got somethin" for yo assesI"ma act a donkey, boy you best not run up on me,You niggas phony, that"s why I did that to your homie,For instance, when the Mac-9 will erase your existenceSo distance, yourself from me cuz my conscience be clickin",Niggas be paranoid when they see I be dippin",Sayin", man let me go, he bout to stomp on that trigger,Somebodies wig get split in the middle of the street,I got your brains to show you bitches, stop playin" with me,And ain"t no thing I got my ruger and I aint" scared to die,Cross that line and I"ma shoot"cha and tell your Mommy bye-bye,Hungry for money, like vampires hungry for blood,Better get to runnin", solja reeboks is in the mud:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"JuvenileThat iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Juvenile you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Juvenile you did that?Man, Juvenile you did that...:]Don"t get caught up fools, in the wrong way,Cuz them niggas out that Lio stay totin" them A.K."sThe baddest trigga happy niggas I ever saw,Calliope niggas play the muthafuckin" game raw,So don"t get"cha self in a jam,Cuz these niggas I hang with really don"t give a damn,With the quickness, nigga they put them K"s to use,Niggas like Wango, Wine, Spig, and my boy Deuce,So any nigga want some drama get strapped,So I can put your bitch ass in my Rest In Peace wrapCuz dead, yeah, is what"cha gonna be,If you fuck with this nigga from that C-P 3,So don"t be fuckin" with me,Cuz you"ll be lookin" down the barrel of a nine double M, homieAnd with a nigga like me, holdin" the gat,I"ma pull the fuckin" trigger and bust ya head to the fat,Then watch your brain run down the city drain,And after that, leave the spot cuz Frank Mignon"s comin" to get the remains,So all you gangsta ass niggas tilt your hat,And plus that bullshit y"all niggas out here are tryin" to do?I fuckin" been there and done that:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Big Moe you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say Big Moe you did that?Don"t make me pull my pistol nigga, cuz fa-shiggidy I"ma use itThis life you strugglin" through you gone lose it,I come through actin" foolish, with semi-automatics,Shit get hectic, blast, or get blasted,I"ma a Baby Gangsta bout drama, bout buckin",Full of that dustin", you bust, I"m bustin",You shoot, I shootYou miss, I hit,Hot Boy representin" that gangsta shit,Stop playin" with the young soldier, believe,You jeopardizin" what"s on your shoulder, you shoot at meTake it to the streets, you ain"t bout that action,Packin" two twenty-three"s, sweepers knock you off your feet,St. Thomas still got them bags for twenty-five,Before I go on the pride, I"m full of that Worldwide,Goin" for crime I"ll spank them, can"t swim with the sharks,Through this water, muthafucka I"ll spank"em,Get"cha mind right, nigga, fuckin" with me,Think twice I tote iron I"ma a true B.G.,Fuckin" right, I split hats, and I tote Mac"s,I be fuckin" with silver packs, now what you know about that?Got the all black fit, ready to put in work,But niggas actin" like jerks, I put dicks in the dirt,I run with Juvenile, cuz he"s a gangsta ass nigga,Niggas huntin" like they bout it, but I"ll spank that ass nigga,So who wants some beef? Let me show you I don"t play,Told ya I"m that type that"ll hit"cha block everyday,If you"re real, you"ll bust back,But if you fake, I got"cha warning in all-black,It"s no escape, I did that:]Phase, a blast of foolishness went through his head,With a strap hollerin" "Nigga what you said?"That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say B.G. you did that?That iron again is mine right? Snatchin" for a kidnap,People out that project say B.G. you did that?Man, Juvenile you did that...
2023-07-13 04:24:411


1. 英语六年级假期计划作文 提供一些套句,在写作文的时候可以把自己的真实情况套用进去 1.After this vacation I will be a xx years old student and I know it will be the last year for me to stay in the primary school so I want to make full use of this vacation and try my best to study hard. 2.To achieve this goal, I made a plan: 3.First in this vacation,I will finish my homework and also try to get myself more text books to look so that I could get more knowledges. 4.Second ,I will do some exercise because for us students ,healthy condition is as important as scores.So I decided to run after waking and walk after dinner. 5.Third,I will try to gain more chances to join my friends" activities so I can build a better and closer relationship with them. 6.These are my plans for my summer vacation and I believe I will manage to make them e true! 2. 假期计划的英语作文 六年级水平 这个假期我必看的xx岁的学生,我知道这将是最后的一年对我呆在小学里,所以我想充分利用这个假期,尽我最大的努力用功。 2。为了实现这个目标,我做了一个计划。 3。在度假时,我将完成我的作业,也试图让自己看起来更教科书,这样我就能得到更多的知识。 4。其次,我要做一些锻炼,因为对于我们学生来说,健康状况是一样重要的分数所以我决定开晚饭后散步后醒着。 5。第三,我会试着去获得更多的机会去参加我的朋友的活动,所以我可以建立一个更好、更紧密的联系。 6。这些是我的计划,我的暑假,我相信我将设法使他们成真! 再加些自己的真情实感。. 3. 小学六年级的:我的暑假计划英语作文带翻译带翻译的 愉快的暑假到了,为了使自己的假期生活过的健康充实,欢乐而有意义,我特别为自己的暑假生活制定了具体的计划。 我的计划大概分为两个方面:学习计划、生活计划。(Happy summer vacation to, to make their life full of holiday health, happiness and meaningful, I especially for their summer vacation life has formulated specific plans. My plan probably falls into o aspects: learning plan, life plan. ) 第一,学习计划,具体如下:1.争取7月1日至7月20日完成语、数、外三门暑假作业。 计划大概每天完成6面暑假作业。 2.预习语文六年级上册的古诗词,文言文,日积月累等等。 并有重点的选择背诵。 3.预习六年级上册数学相关内容。 4.预习六年级上册英语的课程,默写有关单词,听磁带。5.每天看课外书,报纸,还可以看看动画片,但时间不能太长。 6.写暑假日记一本,作文10篇,练好钢笔字。(First, the study program, specific as follows:1. Fight for July 1 to July 20 plete language, number, the three summer homework assignments. Plan to plete six face every day about summer homework assignments. 2. Preview Chinese grade six ancient census, the classical style, accumulate over a long period, and so on. And a key choice recite. 3. Preview sixth grade math related contents of man.4. Preview grade six English courses taken, write the words, listen to the tape.5. Watch kinds of extra readings, newspapers, still can see cartoons, but time can"t be too long.6. Write diary a summer vacation, 10 pieces position, practice an hour.than play games.)第二,生活计划具体如下:( Second, life plan specific as follows:) 1.培养个人的生活能力,比如:做饭、洗衣服。 帮父母干一些力所能及的家务活,扫扫地,给父母捶捶背,帮父母买点东西等等。 2. 要注意个人安全等方面问题,不私自下河游泳,不能私自外出 ,不做危险违法的事。 3.要每天锻炼身体,坚持跑步,每个星期天去爬一次山。每个星期六去游泳馆游泳一次。 每天还要早起,不睡懒觉。如果父母不在家,不能给陌生人开门,不跟陌生人讲话.。 见人要有礼貌。(1. Develop the personal life skills, such as: cooking, washing clothes. Help parents do something the housework, sweep the floor, to the parents ChuiChui back, for parents to buy something, and so on. 2. About personal security problems, not the river without swim, can"t goes out secretly, don"t do dangerous illegal.3. To taking exercise every day, insist on running, every Sunday to climb a mountain. Every Saturday to a swimming pool. Have to be up early every day, not to sleep late. If parents are not at home, not to open the door to the stranger, don"t talk to strangers.. See a person be polite.) 这就是我的暑假计划,我相信只要认真执行这些计划我就一定能过一个美好,愉快的暑假!(This is my summer vacation plan, I believe that as long as enforcing these plans I can certainly have a good, happy summer vacation!)累死了!~(告诉你,5分钟是不可能滴)。 4. 小学6年级英语作文现在时假期计划~~~~~~急 我的假期计划(My Hoilday Plan) Summer holiday is from July to August . It"s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money . Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work . When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there . I have a good summer holiday。 5. 小学六年级英语作文写一写你及你家长的假期计划 Happy holidayDuring the holidays, there was a lot of fun, happy to catch fish in the creek is only one interest in.One evening, my father and I happy to hometown streamshade, one to the brook, I am unable to hold oneself backwith the cool spring water to wash your face, oh! The water here is really cool! When I turned around, very surprised, the mountains are green, the mountain is the merging. The breeze blowing, golden rice sway constantly, even Bi greengrass and autumn dance, as if to like our father and o people say hello, golden corn rod by the wind, "Wow, wow,wow" sound, as if to wele our arrival, "the scenery here isreally charming! Beautiful like picture scroll, "I kept exclaimed.Across the stream of several crops are carrying a basket ofcorn cob, home happily, indistinct to hear them say "is a season of harvest."I sat on the brook at the crystal clear spring water, suddenly,a few fish in water is alive and kicking, so, I consulted, andmy father said: "Dad, you saw how beautiful the fish, I want to catch it." Dad said: "the fish need method, do not speak loudly, scare the fish away." Then, my father and I rolled up my sleeves, roll up trouser legs, each carrying a bucket,began to fish into the water, I caught a while, did not see,even the fish shadow thought: ah! Don"t worry, I"ll catch the fish. I try again several times, finally caught, but the fish bodynaked, like a *** all loach, and ran away from my little hands.I was standing in the water, feel very disappointed. At this time, I saw in the distance a group of fish in the water play, I advance the bucket on the water, quietly standing theremotionless, let them fall into a snare, hey, did not expect thefive fish into my trap design, so, I quickly put the barrel up, Ishouted: "the lord! The lord! The lord! I finally caught fish."I would have sat on the lawn, watching the bucket of fish,heart, because this is the first time I caught so many fish, thisis the one thing I most happy holiday.快乐的假期在假期时,发生了许许多多有趣的事,快快乐乐地在小溪里捉鱼仅仅是趣中之一。 一天傍晚,我和爸爸开开心心地来到家乡的小溪边乘凉,一到小溪边,我迫不及待地用清凉的泉水洗了一下脸,哇!这里的水真凉啊!当我转过身,感到非常惊讶,山上是绿树成荫,山下是庄稼连片。微风吹来,金黄的稻谷不停地摇摆着,连碧绿地小草都跳起了秋之舞,仿佛在像我们父女二人问好,金黄地玉米杆被风吹的“哗、哗、哗”地响,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来,“这里的风景真迷人啊!美的像一幅幅画卷,”我不停的赞叹道。 小溪对面几位庄稼人正背着一筐玉米棒,高高兴兴地回家,隐隐约约地听见他们在说“又是一个丰收的季节。” 我坐在小溪旁看着清澈见底的泉水,突然,几只鱼儿在水中活蹦乱跳,于是,我和爸爸商量,说:“爸爸,你看见那鱼多漂亮,我想去捉它。” 爸爸说:“捉鱼要有方法,不要大声喧闹,把鱼儿吓跑了。”然后,我和爸爸卷起袖子,挽起裤腿,每人各提着一只桶,开始下水捉鱼,我抓了一会儿,连鱼的影子都没看见,心想:哎!别灰心,我一定会捉到鱼的。 我再试了几次,终于抓到了,可是鱼混身光溜溜地,像条小泥鳅,又从我幼小的手中逃走了。 我在站在水中,觉得很失望。 这时,我看见远处有一群鱼儿在水中嬉戏,我提前把桶放在水中,静静地站在那儿不动,让鱼儿们自投罗网,嘿,没想到有五条鱼儿进入了我设计的陷阱,于是,我迅速把桶提起来,我大声喊着:“耶!耶!耶!我终于捉到鱼了。” 我坐在草坪上,欣赏着桶里的鱼儿,心里美滋滋的,因为这是我第一次捉这么多的鱼,这是我假期里最开心的一件事。 【好像有些太难了】。 6. 六年级英语暑假计划作文 My summer holiday from July to August is ing. Here are somethings I list which maybe most people do First I will have a good rest to sleep for more than 10 hours everyday. Second I will relax myself to visit some places of interest. Such as Zhang Jia jie in Hunan provence. Third I will study with my daughter in order to improve my knowledge levels in science. Fourth I will read some Chinese and English novels and chat with my inter friends. Please share my brilliant idea about holiday plan with me. 7. 我的暑假计划的英语文章怎么写 要写你在不同的时段都做些什么事,例如: This morning, I ate a soon after breakfast to write my homework, I only look at in the morning, for a short time, and then the TV in the afternoon, I go to cram school and this evening, I enjoyed playing puter games 由于是六年级,我也没写太复杂的句子 8. 小学六年级英语作文写一写你及你家长的假期计划 Happy holidayDuring the holidays, there was a lot of fun, happy to catch fish in the creek is only one interest in.One evening, my father and I happy to hometown streamshade, one to the brook, I am unable to hold oneself backwith the cool spring water to wash your face, oh! The water here is really cool! When I turned around, very surprised, the mountains are green, the mountain is the merging. The breeze blowing, golden rice sway constantly, even Bi greengrass and autumn dance, as if to like our father and o people say hello, golden corn rod by the wind, "Wow, wow,wow" sound, as if to wele our arrival, "the scenery here isreally charming! Beautiful like picture scroll, "I kept exclaimed.Across the stream of several crops are carrying a basket ofcorn cob, home happily, indistinct to hear them say "is a season of harvest."I sat on the brook at the crystal clear spring water, suddenly,a few fish in water is alive and kicking, so, I consulted, andmy father said: "Dad, you saw how beautiful the fish, I want to catch it." Dad said: "the fish need method, do not speak loudly, scare the fish away." Then, my father and I rolled up my sleeves, roll up trouser legs, each carrying a bucket,began to fish into the water, I caught a while, did not see,even the fish shadow thought: ah! Don"t worry, I"ll catch the fish. I try again several times, finally caught, but the fish bodynaked, like a *** all loach, and ran away from my little hands.I was standing in the water, feel very disappointed. At this time, I saw in the distance a group of fish in the water play, I advance the bucket on the water, quietly standing theremotionless, let them fall into a snare, hey, did not expect thefive fish into my trap design, so, I quickly put the barrel up, Ishouted: "the lord! The lord! The lord! I finally caught fish."I would have sat on the lawn, watching the bucket of fish,heart, because this is the first time I caught so many fish, thisis the one thing I most happy holiday.快乐的假期在假期时,发生了许许多多有趣的事,快快乐乐地在小溪里捉鱼仅仅是趣中之一。 一天傍晚,我和爸爸开开心心地来到家乡的小溪边乘凉,一到小溪边,我迫不及待地用清凉的泉水洗了一下脸,哇!这里的水真凉啊!当我转过身,感到非常惊讶,山上是绿树成荫,山下是庄稼连片。微风吹来,金黄的稻谷不停地摇摆着,连碧绿地小草都跳起了秋之舞,仿佛在像我们父女二人问好,金黄地玉米杆被风吹的“哗、哗、哗”地响,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来,“这里的风景真迷人啊!美的像一幅幅画卷,”我不停的赞叹道。 小溪对面几位庄稼人正背着一筐玉米棒,高高兴兴地回家,隐隐约约地听见他们在说“又是一个丰收的季节。” 我坐在小溪旁看着清澈见底的泉水,突然,几只鱼儿在水中活蹦乱跳,于是,我和爸爸商量,说:“爸爸,你看见那鱼多漂亮,我想去捉它。” 爸爸说:“捉鱼要有方法,不要大声喧闹,把鱼儿吓跑了。”然后,我和爸爸卷起袖子,挽起裤腿,每人各提着一只桶,开始下水捉鱼,我抓了一会儿,连鱼的影子都没看见,心想:哎!别灰心,我一定会捉到鱼的。 我再试了几次,终于抓到了,可是鱼混身光溜溜地,像条小泥鳅,又从我幼小的手中逃走了。 我在站在水中,觉得很失望。 这时,我看见远处有一群鱼儿在水中嬉戏,我提前把桶放在水中,静静地站在那儿不动,让鱼儿们自投罗网,嘿,没想到有五条鱼儿进入了我设计的陷阱,于是,我迅速把桶提起来,我大声喊着:“耶!耶!耶!我终于捉到鱼了。” 我坐在草坪上,欣赏着桶里的鱼儿,心里美滋滋的,因为这是我第一次捉这么多的鱼,这是我假期里最开心的一件事。 【好像有些太难了】。 9. 6年级上册英语作文写一个假期的计划(6句话) Holiday is ing. I"m going to with mother and father to go to shenzhen visit the Windows of the world. I prepare and sisters to baiyun mountain. I plan to go to yuexiu park see five-goat statue. We will go to the famous guangzhou restaurant to eat dessert. 假期就要来了。我打算和爸爸妈妈一起去深圳参观世界之窗。我准备和姐妹们去白云山。我打算去越秀公园看五羊雕塑。我们还会去著名的广州酒家吃点心。
2023-07-13 04:24:501


Happy holidayDuring the holidays, there was a lot of fun, happy to catch fish in the creek is only one interest in.One evening, my father and I happy to hometown streamshade, one to the brook, I am unable to hold oneself backwith the cool spring water to wash your face, oh! The water here is really cool! When I turned around, very surprised, the mountains are green, the mountain is the merging. The breeze blowing, golden rice sway constantly, even Bi greengrass and autumn dance, as if to like our father and two people say hello, golden corn rod by the wind, "Wow, wow,wow" sound, as if to welcome our arrival, "the scenery here isreally charming! Beautiful like picture scroll, "I kept exclaimed.Across the stream of several crops are carrying a basket ofcorn cob, home happily, indistinct to hear them say "is a season of harvest."I sat on the brook at the crystal clear spring water, suddenly,a few fish in water is alive and kicking, so, I consulted, andmy father said: "Dad, you saw how beautiful the fish, I want to catch it." Dad said: "the fish need method, do not speak loudly, scare the fish away." Then, my father and I rolled up my sleeves, roll up trouser legs, each carrying a bucket,began to fish into the water, I caught a while, did not see,even the fish shadow thought: ah! Don"t worry, I"ll catch the fish. I try again several times, finally caught, but the fish bodynaked, like a small loach, and ran away from my little hands.I was standing in the water, feel very disappointed. At this time, I saw in the distance a group of fish in the water play, I advance the bucket on the water, quietly standing theremotionless, let them fall into a snare, hey, did not expect thefive fish into my trap design, so, I quickly put the barrel up, Ishouted: "the lord! The lord! The lord! I finally caught fish."I would have sat on the lawn, watching the bucket of fish,heart, because this is the first time I caught so many fish, thisis the one thing I most happy holiday.快乐的假期在假期时,发生了许许多多有趣的事,快快乐乐地在小溪里捉鱼仅仅是趣中之一。    一天傍晚,我和爸爸开开心心地来到家乡的小溪边乘凉,一到小溪边,我迫不及待地用清凉的泉水洗了一下脸,哇!这里的水真凉啊!当我转过身,感到非常惊讶,山上是绿树成荫,山下是庄稼连片。微风吹来,金黄的稻谷不停地摇摆着,连碧绿地小草都跳起了秋之舞,仿佛在像我们父女二人问好,金黄地玉米杆被风吹的“哗、哗、哗”地响,仿佛在欢迎我们的到来,“这里的风景真迷人啊!美的像一幅幅画卷,”我不停的赞叹道。小溪对面几位庄稼人正背着一筐玉米棒,高高兴兴地回家,隐隐约约地听见他们在说“又是一个丰收的季节。”    我坐在小溪旁看着清澈见底的泉水,突然,几只鱼儿在水中活蹦乱跳,于是,我和爸爸商量,说:“爸爸,你看见那鱼多漂亮,我想去捉它。”爸爸说:“捉鱼要有方法,不要大声喧闹,把鱼儿吓跑了。”然后,我和爸爸卷起袖子,挽起裤腿,每人各提着一只桶,开始下水捉鱼,我抓了一会儿,连鱼的影子都没看见,心想:哎!别灰心,我一定会捉到鱼的。我再试了几次,终于抓到了,可是鱼混身光溜溜地,像条小泥鳅,又从我幼小的手中逃走了。    我在站在水中,觉得很失望。这时,我看见远处有一群鱼儿在水中嬉戏,我提前把桶放在水中,静静地站在那儿不动,让鱼儿们自投罗网,嘿,没想到有五条鱼儿进入了我设计的陷阱,于是,我迅速把桶提起来,我大声喊着:“耶!耶!耶!我终于捉到鱼了。”    我坐在草坪上,欣赏着桶里的鱼儿,心里美滋滋的,因为这是我第一次捉这么多的鱼,这是我假期里最开心的一件事。【好像有些太难了】
2023-07-13 04:24:581

All I Want To Do (Is Rock And Roll) 歌词

歌曲名:All I Want To Do (Is Rock And Roll)歌手:FBS专辑:They Hate YouSugarland - All I Want To DoI don"t wantTo get up babyLet"s turn off the phoneI don"t want to goTo work todayOr even put my makeup onI"ve got better things to doThan my todo list anywayHide under the coversAnd waste away the dayLet"s just lay hereAnd be lazyBaby drive me crazyAll I want to doWoooAll I want to doWooWooo is love youI got my whole lifeTo change the worldAnd climb the laddersLooking at youLooking at meIs the only thingThat mattersCome a little closer babyWe can talkWithout the wordsHang a sign on the doorPlease do not disturbLet"s just lay hereAnd be lazyBaby drive me crazyAll I want to doWoooAll I want to doWooWooo is love youGive me a kissFrom that Elvis lipYou don"t wantTo miss thisAll I want to doWoooAll I want to doWooWooo is love youAll I really want to do isAll I really want to do isAll I really want to do isIs love youLove you, love youCome a little closer babyWe can talkWithout the wordsHang a sign on the doorPlease do notPlease do notPlease do notPlease do not disturbWhen I lay downIn the eveningAll I really want to do isWhen I wake upWhen I wake upIn the morning babyAll I really want to do
2023-07-13 04:25:051

歌词woke up by a gril l do not even know her name

informationalmolecules, the events
2023-07-13 04:25:132

模版: some people like a, others like b。which one do you prefer?

给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生支持一方并进行说明。 具体表述如下: topic: some people like a, others like b. which one do you prefer—a or b? give specific reasons t to illustrate your answer. 在这个命题形式的摸版中有些大写字母的含义如下: a和b表示选择的两种观点; choose a和choose b表示对a,b的选择; do c指题目中提及的某件事情,如:some people prefer a in order to do c. 请考生在实际写作中根据题目天如他们各自所代表的内容。 model (1) some people hold the opinion that a is superior to b in many ways. others, however, contradict a. personally, i would prefer①because i think a has more advantages. there are numerous reasons why②, and i would like in here explain a few of the most important ones. the main reason is that③. it can be given a concrete example④. another reason why i advocate the attitude of a is that⑤. take the case of a thing that⑥. one very strong argument for a is that⑦. this demonstrate the undeniable fact that⑧. of course, choosing b also has advantages to some extent, ⑨. but if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of a carry more weight than hose of b. from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that⊙. ①表明自己的观点;赞同 ②填入赞同a的句子 ③赞同a的第一个原因 ④举例说明原因一 ⑤赞同a的第二个原因 ⑥举例说明原因二 ⑦说明赞叹a的第三个原因 ⑧表明a的优势 ⑨列出b的1-2个优势 ⊙总结观点 model (2)Some people believe A. These people point out the fact that①. However, other people believe B. They point out that②. They say that③. As far as I am concerned, my preference is for A.The main reason why I prefer A is that④. We can see that⑤.A more personal reason why I like A is⑥. As I member, ⑦.A is superior in another way, that is ⑧ because that⑨.As a matter of fact, there are also some disadvantages in A, such as⊙. But these can be compensated by its advantages. So, in comparison with B, A is surely a clever choice.①支持A的理由②支持B的理由③进一步阐述支持B的原因④支持A的第一个原因⑤举例说明原因一⑥支持A的第二个原因⑦举例说明原因二 ⑧支持A的第三个原因⑨举例说明原因三⊙列举出A的劣势MODEL (3)It is often difficult for people to decide whether to choose A or choose B. But for us students, the advantages of A always outweigh the disadvantages. Those who object A claim that①.Although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a careful consideration. ②In addition, ③. As a result, ④.Finally, the incomparable advantages of A is that ⑤.From the above, I think A has a lot of advantages compared with B. So⑥.①反对A的理由②支持A的第一个原因并举例说明③支持A的第二个原因并举例说明④A的优势⑤支持A的第三个原因并举例说明⑥重申观点2. 比较不同观点的优劣给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由。具体表述如下:TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.MODEL (1)A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused heated debate over a long period of time. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we don"t see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.Some people believe B because①. These people point out the fact that②. They also argue that ③.However, other people stand on a very different ground. They believe that④. They firmly point out that⑤. An example can give the details of this argument: ⑥. In addition, ⑦.In a word, A is too tempting not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has ⑧. ⑨.①人们支持B的第一个原因②进一步阐述支持B的第一个原因③支持B的第二个原因④支持A的第一个原因⑤进一步阐述支持A的第一个原因⑥举例说明支持A的第一个原因⑦支持A的第二个原因 ⑧选择A的第一个好处⑨选择A的第二个好处MODEL (2)Some people believe that①. Other people take the view that②. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it.For A, ③But this also demonstrates that④Moreover, ⑤B, on the other hand, ⑥. For example, ⑦.In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways; First⑧. Second, ⑨.①人们的第一种观点 ②人们的第二种观点③A的一个优势④A所隐含的劣势⑤A的一个大缺点⑥B的一个明显优势⑦举例说明B的优势 ⑧对我来讲,B的第一个优势⑨对我来讲,B的第二个优势以下是短文写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用。 1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious. 4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that... 6)We have good reason to believe that... 例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people"s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 2.表示好处 1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us. 5)It is of great benefit to us. 例如: Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 3.表示坏处 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us. 例如: However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. 4.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for do sth. 2)We think it necessary to do sth. 3)It plays an important role in our life. 例如: Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon, computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age. 雅思弄来的 ,很多思路和框架,希望对你有用~~~~~~~
2023-07-13 04:25:301

see sb. doing和see sb. do区别是什么?

一、语境区别:1、see 看见某人做某事,它的语句环境是“主语对象”完整的目睹了某人做某事的全过程,强调了“主语对象”对该事件的完整了解性;例句:I see Wang qian Hua play football.我看见王倩踢球了。2、see do 看见某人去做某事,它的的语句环境是某人正在准备做某事,是处于实施“某事”前,但“某事”尚未发生的这一阶段;例句:I see Wang qian to play football. 我看见王倩去踢球了。3、see sb.doing 看见某人正在做某事,它的语句环境是“主语对象”恰巧看到了某人正在实施某事,强调的是看见的这么一个动作,是一个瞬间发生的事情。例句:I see Wang qian playing football.我看见王倩正在踢球。二、时态区别:1、see sb. do时态:完成时(现在,过去)2、see sb. doing时态:进行时(现在,过去)扩展资料:一般现在时:1、概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为某种状况。2、时间状语:always,usually,often,sometimes,every week (day,year,month…),once a week,on Sundays。3、基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)4、例句:It seldom snows here。He is always ready to help others。Action speaks louder than words。5、用法:表示经常性的动作或状态,常与often,always,usually,sometimes,every day等时间状语连用:如:The shop opens at nine every day. 这家商店每天九点开门。表示客观存在或普遍真理:Light travels are faster than sound. 光速比声速快。表示主语的特征或状态:The picture looks very beautiful. 这幅画看起来很美。在时间和条件状语从句中表示将来的动作或状态:I"ll tell her about it as soon as I see her.用于图片说明或剧本中的动作提示和背景说明:INSIDE THE SHELTER:Stockton slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.防空洞中:斯道克顿慢慢转过身,面对他的妻子。那群人正在离去,而他们愤怒的尖叫声却还回响在他们的耳边。电视节目直播解说:It"s Carter to serve- he needs just one more point. He serves. And Smith misses.What a great serve!So the championshipgoes to 19-year-old Harry Carter.该卡特发球了,他只需再得一分就赢了。他发球了,史密斯接球失误。多漂亮的发球。冠军属于了19岁的哈利-卡特。
2023-07-13 04:25:371

So do I等于Me too吗?

具体来说是不等同的。 so do i和me too虽然都是有“我也是”的意思,但用法是不同的。 给你举些例子吧: 1.---I"m 7 years old.(这个句子的谓语是am) ---Me too.(So am i)(所以这里是am不是do) 2.---I usually walk to school.(这个句子的谓语是walk) ---Me too.(So do i) Me too.表示的是和别人一样的意思,通常不含有动作的意味在里面。比如一个例子:两个人去水吧,A说“I would like a cup of coffee”B说"Me too"表示和A一样的。 So do i一般表示,一个人说他做了什么,另外一个表示自己也做了同样的动作的时候就用So do i。So do I的使用范围要比Me too小 如果他说“I like apple”那么我建议你说Me,too. 呵呵,希望能够帮到你。
2023-07-13 04:25:441

be to do sth和do sth的区别

应该选择A项。“i will count three hundred and not one of you__move a muscle?”这句话意思是:我数到三百你们就谁也不能再动了be to do sth是固定搭配,表示按计划或安排要做的事。主语是one,所以用单数,move是原型,所以只能选择A项。扩展资料be to do sth的用法:1、表示按计划或安排要做的事。这种结构也可用于过去。was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但并说明计划是否被执行了,所以也可表示曾经计划但未有实现的事。2、表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want。例句:If we are to be there before ten, we"ll have to go now.译文:如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走。3、表示“可以,可能”,相当于may, can。例句:The news is to be found in the evening paper.译文:这条消息可以在晚报上见到。4、表示“应该”,相当于should, ought to。5、在虚拟语气中,不论什么人称都用were to do sth. 表示对未来的假设。
2023-07-13 04:26:141

nothing is more important than to do.句型是什么意思?

nothing is more+adj.+than to+v. 没有比...更重要的了这是一个用比较级形式表示最高级含义的句型。Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。Nothing is more urgent than to work out releveant rules or laws. 没有比制定相关的法规更紧迫的事情. Nothing is more necessary than to a rest after a whole day"s work. 工作一整天之后,没有比休息更有必要的事了. After hospital life for week It"struck me that nothing is more important than health. 住院一个星期后我突然了解没有比健康更重要的东西了.
2023-07-13 04:26:321


在英语中do是非常常见的动词,用于多种不同的语境中,下面是一些常见的用法:1. 做某事(表示行为):I do my homework every day.(我每天都做作业。)2. 表达肯定或否定:She doesn"t like coffee, but she does like tea.(她不喜欢咖啡,但她喜欢茶。)3. 强调:I do like chocolate!(我确实喜欢巧克力!)4. 替代动词:I can"t swim, but he can do it.(我不会游泳,但他会。)5. 作为助动词:Do you like pizza?(你喜欢披萨吗?)6. 表示重复动作:I do the laundry twice a week.(我一周洗两次衣服。)7. 用于疑问句:Do you have any questions?(你有什么问题吗?)
2023-07-13 04:26:391

suggest to do的这种表达形式存在吗?

没有suggest to do 这种形式。的确,suggest 后面 可以跟to,但to 这时是介词,后面要跟宾语,具体用法是:suggest + 名词/代词+to +人。如:We suggest the plan to him。另外就是suggest doing sth。表示“建议做某事”,如:He suggests going out for a walk。Suggest用法小结1、Suggest表示建议,用法如下:Suggest+ 名词/代词或suggest+名词/代词to+人,但不能说suggest sb sth ,即不能加双宾做宾语eg:We suggest him the plan (Χ)但We suggest the plan to him(√)2、suggest+doing sth eg He suggested going out for a walk。注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:He suggested to go out for a walk。(Χ)3、suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略eg:He suggested that you should go there tomorrow。=He suggested you go there tomorrow。注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow。也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构。4、it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth eg:It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once。
2023-07-13 04:26:531

How do you like it?

写作思路:主要写出新疆的美食有什么。正文:The mutton made by Xinjiang people is famous for its delicious taste. It tastes smooth and tender, and has no smell of mutton. It"s refreshing and you don"t have to worry about getting hot.新疆人制作的羊肉好吃是出了名的,口感滑嫩并且没有膻味,食之爽口也不用担心上火。Roasted mutton kebab can be said to be a popular traditional snack in Xinjiang. The authentic roasted mutton kebab is roasted in a special barbecue tank, using anthracite as fuel.烤羊肉串可以说是风靡全国的一种新疆传统小吃,正宗的烤羊肉串是在特制的烤肉槽上烤炙,用无烟煤作燃料。The barbecue is very atmospheric. First of all, remove the clean meat, wear it on the thin iron bar with fat and thin, and place them evenly on the trough shaped iron sheet barbecue stove burning anthracite.烤肉很大气,首先将净肉剔下来,肥瘦搭配地穿在细铁钎上,将它们疏密均匀地排放在燃着的无烟煤的槽形铁皮烤肉炉子上。The Uygur man, holding the iron bar in his left hand, kept turning and baking on the coal fire. He skillfully sprinkled refined salt, hot pepper noodles, cumin powder and other seasonings on his right hand, and cooked them in a few minutes.维族汉子左手握着铁钎不停地在煤火上翻烤,右手娴熟地撒上精盐、辣椒面、孜然粉等佐料,数分钟即熟。Its color is burnt yellow and bright. The lean meat is tender in the mouth, the fat meat is crisp and scorched outside, the taste is slightly spicy with fresh fragrance, not greasy and not smelly, fresh and delicious.其色焦黄、油亮。瘦肉入口香嫩,肥肉外脆而焦,味道微辣中带着鲜香,不腻不膻,鲜嫩可口。
2023-07-13 04:27:401

would you do缩写是什么意思

I"d一般是I would的缩写,I had,I could也可以缩写成I"d,但是非常的少见。would的用法1) 用于提出提议或邀请例:Would you like to change a seat? It"s warmer here.您要不要换一下座位?这里暖和些.Would you prefer a hardback edition?您要不要买一本精装本?2) 用于提出客气的要求或请求:例:I would like you to fetch that document for me now.我想请你现在就帮我把那份文件取来.I would like to know more about your plan.我想更多地了解一下你的计划.3) would you mind + doing句型通常用于表示请求对方做一件有一定麻烦的事情,语气一般都非常客气.注意回答时通常是肯定的,以表示愿意做所要求的事情.例:Would you mind filling in this form?请您填一下这张表.Would you mind repeating what you just said?请把刚才的话重复一遍好吗?4) 用于委婉地表示自己的意见:例:I would think the journey will take something like two weeks.依我看,这次旅程大约需要两个星期.I would look at the problem a little differently.我对这个问题的看法略有不同.5) 用于表示过去经常性的行为或动作:例:The retired captain would sit hours on end watching ships sailing past.退休的船长经常坐在海边观望过往的行船,一坐就是几个小时.He would go to bed strictly at 9, and on Sundays would not have lunch anywhere except in that restaurant.他总是严格地9点上床睡觉.星期日总在那家饭店吃午饭.
2023-07-13 04:27:551

nothing is more than to do还是nothing is more than to do

nothing is more+adj.+than to+v. 没有比...更重要的了这是一个用比较级形式表示最高级含义的句型。Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。Nothing is more urgent than to work out releveant rules or laws. 没有比制定相关的法规更紧迫的事情. Nothing is more necessary than to a rest after a whole day"s work. 工作一整天之后,没有比休息更有必要的事了. After hospital life for week It"struck me that nothing is more important than health. 住院一个星期后我突然了解没有比健康更重要的东西了.
2023-07-13 04:28:021

to do做主语

to do可以作为主语,表示一个动作或任务。语法用法:1、动词原形To do可以作为动词使用,表示进行、执行或完成某个动作。例如:I need to do my homework tonight.2、表示情态动词To do作为情态动词,可以用于否定形式、疑问形式和强调句式中。例如:They do not like spicy food.3、使用于变位动词To do也可以用于变位动词中,用来表示各种时态和语态的变化。它的形式根据各种时态和语态的不同而变化。例如:He did his homework do的双语例句:1、The first thing I do in the morning is to make a cup of coffee.我早上做的第一件事就是泡杯咖啡。2、Do you want me to do anything for you?你需要我帮你做什么吗?3、He always finds excuses not to do his homework.他总是找借口不做作业。4、We have a list of chores to do this weekend.这个周末我们有一份待办事项清单要完成。
2023-07-13 04:28:091


台湾积体电路制造公司(简称为台积电(TSMC))最近宣布了其第四个28nm工艺进入了量产 - 28HPC Plus(即28HPC +)。台积电(TSMC)的前两项28nm工艺(聚氮氧化硅28LP和高K 金属闸28HP / 28HPL / 28HPM)已生产了数百万个生产晶片。台积电(TSMC)已利用28HPC优化了移动和消费设备在性能和成本之间的平衡需求,然后开发了28HPC +,从而进一步提高性能和降低泄漏。设计人员通过结合这些新工艺技术和专为这些工艺而设计的高质量标准单元逻辑库,可实现其性能、功耗和面积目标,同时减小设计进度风险。
2023-07-13 04:17:382


a decisive snatch 这是名词to snatch sth at crucial moment这是动词词组。
2023-07-13 04:17:411


●原文 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 注释 ①爱莲说:选自《周元公集》。著有《太极图说》《通书》等“说”,是古代论说文的一种体裁,可以说明事物,也可以论述道理。 ②蕃(fán):多。 ③晋陶渊明独爱菊:陶渊明(365-427),一名潜,字元亮,东晋浔阳(现在江西省九江县)人,东晋著名诗人。他独爱菊花,常在诗里咏菊,如《饮酒》诗里的“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,向来称为名句。 ④自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹:唐朝以来,人们很爱牡丹。李唐,指唐朝。唐朝的皇帝姓李,所以称为“李唐”。世人,社会上的一般人。唐人爱牡丹,古书里有不少记载,如唐朝李肇的《唐国史补》里说:“京城贵游,尚牡丹……每春暮,车马若狂……种以求利,一本(一株)有直(同“值”)数万(指钱)者。” ⑤予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染:我单单喜欢莲花,喜欢它从污泥里生出却不被沾染。予,我。淤泥,池塘里积存的污泥。 ⑥濯(zhuó)清涟而不妖:经过水播的。濯,洗涤。清涟,水清而有微波的样子,这里指清水。妖,美丽而不端庄。 ⑦不蔓不枝:不牵牵连连的,不枝枝节节的。 ⑧香远益清:香气越远越清。益,更,越。 ⑨亭亭:耸立的样子。亭亭净植,笔直的洁净的立在那里。 ⑩亵(xiè)玩:近前把玩。亵,亵渎不尊重. ①①隐逸者:隐居的人。封建社会里,有些人不愿意跟统治者同流合污,便隐居避世。 ①②牡丹,花之富贵者也:牡丹是花中的“富人”。 ①③君子:道德高尚的人。 ①④噫(yī):叹词,相当于“唉”。 ①⑤菊之爱:对于菊花的爱好。 ①⑥鲜(xiǎn)有闻:很少听到。鲜,少。 ①⑦宜乎:宜,应当,这里和“乎”连用,有“当然”的意思。 ●背景简介 周敦颐(1017~1073)是我国理学的开山祖,他的理学思想在中国哲学史上起到了承前启后的作用。周敦颐从小喜爱读书,在家乡颇有名气,人们都说他“志趣高远,博学力行,有古人之风”。他的学问、气度,也感动过许多人来追随他学习,其中最著名的,就是程颐、程颢两兄弟,他们后来都成了南宋一代著名的理学家。 公元1072年,周敦颐来到江西,创办了濂溪书院,从此开始设堂讲学,收徒育人。他将书院门前的溪水命名“濂溪”,并自号“濂溪先生”。因他一生酷爱莲花,便在书院内建造了一座爱莲堂,堂前凿一池,名“莲池”,以莲之高洁,寄托自己毕生的心志。先生讲学研读之余,常漫步赏莲于堂前。后造就一篇《爱莲说》,其佳句“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉”成为千古绝唱,至今仍脍炙人口。 翻译 水上,陆上各种草和木的花,可爱的非常多。晋朝陶渊明唯独喜爱菊花。从唐朝以来世人的人们非常喜爱牡丹。我唯独喜爱莲花,它从污泥中长出来,却不受到污染,在清水里洗涤过但是不显得妖媚,它的茎中间贯通,外形挺直,不牵牵连连,不枝枝节节的,香气远播,更加清香,笔直地洁净地立在那里,可以远远地观赏但是不能贴近去轻慢地玩弄啊。 我认为,菊花是花中的隐士;牡丹,是花中的宝贵者;莲花,是花中的君子。唉!对于菊花的爱好,陶渊明以后很少听到了。对于莲花的爱好,像我一样的人还有什么人呢?对于牡丹的爱好,人数当然就很多了。赏析 莲花,是古往今来文人笔下高歌咏叹的对象,但大多数文人都是惊叹于它的清姿素容,并将其形诸笔端;而这笔散文精品却独辟蹊径,通过对莲的形象和品质的描写,歌颂了莲花坚贞的品格,从而也表现了作者洁身自爱的高洁人格和洒落的胸襟。 从内容上看,这篇文章可明显分为二部分:前一部分对莲花高洁的形象极尽铺排描绘之能事;第二部分则揭示了莲花的比喻义,分评三花,并以莲自况,抒发了作者内心深沉的慨叹。 文章的前一部分,写出了莲花之美就在于其一个“洁”字。首先,“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”写出了莲花身处污泥之中,却纤尘不染,不随世俗、洁身自爱和天真自然不显媚态的可贵精神;其次,“中通外直,不蔓不枝”,写出了它里外贯通、外表挺直、表里如一、不牵扯攀附的高尚品质;再次“可远观而不可亵玩”,写出了莲如傲然不群的君子一样,决不被俗人们轻慢玩弄。 前文所说的一切,事实上是作者人格的写照,是作者心志的自明,关于这一点,我们可以从文章的第二部分得到明证。正如作者所说:“莲之爱,同予者何人?”其间的潜台词就是感慨于象他一样具有莲花之洁的人实在太少了。 在写法上,《爱莲说》具有“说”这一文体的共同特点,即托物言志。文章从“出淤泥而不染”起,以浓墨重彩描绘了莲的气度、莲的风节,寄予了作者对理想人格的肯定和追求,也反射出作者鄙弃贪图富贵、追名逐利的世态的心理和自己追求洁身自好的美好情操。同时,文章还运用了对比,反衬的手法,在文中几次以菊、牡丹反衬莲之美;还把菊花的隐逸,牡丹的富贵和莲花的高洁相对比,使“爱莲”之一主题得以加深,没有空洞的说教,而是通过三种形象的对比,起到了突出中心,加深立意的作用,手法可谓高明之极。而且,文章以一个“爱”字贯通全文,使得文章结构谨严。 在文章结尾,作者一叹真正隐逸的高士极少,二叹品格高尚的君子罕见,三叹贪慕富贵的俗人很多,耐人寻味,发人深省。 这首诗在语言上也同样富有特色,那就是优美简练,的确是如莲之美——“不枝不蔓”,没有多余的无用之语 其重点是“出淤泥而不染,濯清莲而不妖”,这是全文的中心题意。 古人写文一般都是借物抒怀,同样的一句话,都有二层意思,一层喻物,一层抒怀。同样,“出淤泥而染,濯清莲而不妖”也有第二层抒怀意思。隐喻作者本身具有“出淤泥而不染,濯清莲而不妖”的高尚品格。实际上,他说的意思就是:官场黑暗,要在官场上保持自已高洁的品格,就如同莲花出淤泥而不染那么难。这也是他为官的经验总结,因为他不想同流合污。而“濯清莲而不妖”,不过是作者的一种良好愿望罢了。常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋的道理?所以百花之中独莲而能为,弥足可贵也。这也是作者的感叹吧,因为在大环境中他是不可能做到独善其身的,除了逃避与远离。或者如他那样兢兢业业的守着自已的一份志节。 周敦颐的《爱莲说》从“水陆草木之花,可爱者甚众”。开篇深沉大气,既点明了《爱莲说》之莲也属水陆草木之花,也点明了莲的可爱,只是“甚蕃”者里的之一罢了。这为他下文的“予独爱莲”埋下了顺理成章的伏笔。如此开篇,出笔皆成不凡,吸人眼球也。接下去周敦颐并没在甚蕃里纠缠,只是直接缩景,一句“晋陶渊明独爱菊”,更加明确了题意,陶渊明可以爱菊抒怀,我怎不可独爱莲呢? 接下句“自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹”,像是重复,但实为加深语意也,而且此句入文,让对比感更为强烈,为其求莲之高洁铺下了引子。大意是周敦颐本人独爱莲与晋陶渊明的爱菊避世不同,为保持一份高洁,宁愿终老南山。他要在尘世中当个出淤泥而不染的君子。这种在污世保持清白与独自避世求真的心态,与众人皆羡富贵(牡丹)的从众心态是有着思想境界上本质的区别的。这为爱莲说所要表达的“出淤泥而不染”作了最好的铺垫。 下句周敦颐就直接进入了正题“予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清莲而不妖,中通外直,可远观而不可亵玩焉”,写莲之语,爱莲之心,喻莲之志,可谓一气呵成,看似是对莲的直观描写,其实字字句句皆是借莲之表像倾诉心衷也。此运笔之老到,实让人叹为观止。可说通篇读者都无一丝喘息之机。语言超凡脱俗,而回味却是隽永绵长,越品越有滋味。 收篇,周敦颐先用花进行比喻,让花的特性喻人,虽平淡,但比喻帖切,让人读来也别有一番滋味。“予谓菊,花之隐者逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也”。此平淡之句接上节“晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹;予独爱莲……”可谓浑然一体,不着丝毫痕迹。而更重要的是,借花喻人,将陶渊明的避世,世人皆追求荣华富贵的心态描写的淋漓尽致,而无一言直接指责。 周敦颐通过这样的对比,将自已比喻为君子。君子难为,犹胜于避世也。从这一点来看,周敦颐有些孤芳自赏的意思。不过周敦颐也有些自知之明,接下去他发出了深沉的感叹“菊之爱,陶之后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人?牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣”。是的,滚滚红尘,又有多少人能避世以求一份真呢?晋有陶渊明,可现在却听都没听到还有人会这样做的。或是像我一样的,在尘世中能相守一份纯净的,有着我这样追求君子风范的,又有几人?大多数的人,皆在红尘世事中从众罢了。从这里可以看出,周敦颐是高傲的,他那种不从众只求纯净的心态,在碌碌尘世中是难能可贵的。他感叹,是因为世风日下,大多数人皆被世事玷染也。 此文高风亮节,清雅脱俗,精短,锒锒上口,实为古文中难得的精品短篇。而且一文双解,内容厚实而意境深远。加上其文近似白话,易读易解,所以成了流传后世脍炙人口的传世佳品。在赏析此文的时候,如果能感动于文中的志节,这也就是读此文的最佳所得吧。
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2023-07-13 04:17:364


  在我国北方的大部分地区,饺子是人们最为喜爱的节庆吉祥食品与家常食品的典型代表。下面是我带来的做饺子的简单英语短文,欢迎阅读!   做饺子的简单英语短文篇一   Chinese boiled dumplings are not only delicious to eat but also easy to make.   First,make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, say pork, beef, or mutton, chop it up and mix it with chopped yellow scallions or cabbage. Meanwhile you had better put in seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onion and ginger to get your favorite flavor. Stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed.   Second,make the dough. You should measure your wheat flour to go with the filling, put it in a container, pour water hit by bit, stir it strenuously to make it sticky,then let it rest for about 20 minutes. After that you can cut part of the dough and put it on pastry hoard, knead it and cut it into small pieces. You press each piece with the pahn of your hand slightly and then roll it with a rolling pin into a round piece.   Finally comes the stage of folding the dough to make dumplings. You should hold a dough piece horizontally in your left hand, put a suitable amount of filling onto the central part, fold the side around the filling, press the upper-central part of it firmly and make firm and nice lace from left to right around the fold edge to make your finished product better-looking and free from leakage.   The Chinese make dumplings when family or friends are together on holidays. You just imagine the heartening talk and intimate atmosphere created while people are sitting together to make dumplings.   做饺子的简单英语短文篇二   dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year" s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process. The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done, it" s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don" t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.   饺子是一种传统的中国食品。在农历新年的一天,大多数家庭做很多好吃的饺子。让他们,遵循这个简单的过程。 第一步是把面粉和水混合在一起。面团发好后,我们可以开始做饺子皮。我们用一个滚动杆把面团卷到小的,薄的和圆形的块,这样他们就容易做饭。当包装完成,它的时间来准备填补。通常,我们用肉类,如牛肉或羊肉,一些蔬菜,如卷心菜或胡萝卜等,你可以选择任何你喜欢的。我们必须把这些东西切成小块,然后放一些盐,油和其他调料搅拌均匀。当所有这些准备工作完成后,我们可以开始制作饺子。首先放一勺馅在饺子皮的中心。然后把两边的两边粘在一起,然后休息。不只是支付填补与包装。饺子最好的形状是一艘船,因为当它们在锅里沸腾时,它们看起来像在海上航行的船只。   做饺子的简单英语短文篇三   Today, I feel very happy because we have to make dumplings. Teacher brought a bowl of water and delicious stuffing, as well as round and thin dumpling skin. Teacher taught the first time, we like to do in accordance with the teacher, left hand holding the dumpling skin, right hand with a piece of stuffing chopsticks into the middle of the dumpling skin, dip your finger in water, the water stick around in the dumpling skin, then fold pinch, the pinch all around, a chubby dumpling to do a good job, and I do it in accordance with previous methods, then we put together a good package dumplings. The dumplings on the plate, and some neat row of the team, and some take the shape of the emission imaging. Some dumplings disk bulging like a big round general heads held high, triumphantly. Some dumplings are flat like a thin dry old man, pulling his head, listless.   now to eat dumplings it! Some children have jumped with joy, cried out. Now I know only their own bag to pack out the most delicious dumplings.
2023-07-13 04:17:341


杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham   男,生于1972年9月12日,英国伦敦   星座:处女座   身高:1.80 m   杰森·斯坦森1972年出生于英国伦敦。早年曾接触街头表演艺术。热衷体育,曾为中学足球队效力。尤其擅长跳水,曾在英国国家跳水队中效力12年,并在1992年夺得世界跳水冠军赛的第12名。  杰森最初是因为在水晶宫国家体育中心训练时,被某猎头相中,拍摄了Tommy Hilfiger这一品牌服装的广告。后来又相继出演了几部广告片,为平面媒体拍照,由此认识了麦当娜的丈夫、导演盖伊·里奇(Guy Ritchie),继尔获得《两杆大烟枪》(Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)中贝肯一角,紧接着他出演了里奇的《贪得无厌》(Snatch)和《左轮手枪》(Revolver),有机会与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和贝尼西奥·德尔托罗(Benicio Del Toro)等大明星合作。在吕克·贝松(Luc Besson)为他量身打造的《非常人贩》(Transporter)系列中,斯坦森确立起年轻一代动作英雄的形象。 艾伦·福特 Alan Ford   英国演员 出生于1945年   作品年表:  NightDragon ------- (2008)   Passer By ------- (2004)   驱魔人前传/大法师: 吸魂首部曲/驱魔人前传:启示录 Exorcist: The Beginning ------- (2004)   电影终结之战 Ultimate Fights from the Movies ------- (2002)   The Great Dome Robbery ------- (2002)   "The Armando Iannucci Shows" ------- (2001)   "Hero to Zero" ------- (2000)   偷拐抢骗/掠夺/贪得无厌/夺取/偷骗拐抢 Snatch. ------- (2000)   Mosley ------- (1998)   两杆大烟枪/两杆老烟枪/两根枪管/够僵四小强/魔高一丈 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels ------- (1998)   卓别林/卓别灵传 Chaplin ------- (1992)   Buddy"s Song ------- (1990)   魔鬼访客 Venom ------- (1981)   美国狼人在伦敦 An American Werewolf in London ------- (1981)   漫长美好的星期五/美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday ------- (1980)   The Squeeze ------- (1977)   最为著名的是《SNATCH》中的猪理论····布拉德·皮特,美国电影演员及制片人,曾经获得奥斯卡最佳男配角奖提名、金球奖最佳男配角奖,并于2007年凭《神枪手之死》一片一举拿下威尼斯电影节影帝。2009年凭《本杰明巴顿》一片首次提名奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。前妻为《六人行》中的演员詹妮弗安妮斯顿,现任伴侣为被称为性感女神的安吉丽娜朱莉,皮特和妻子朱莉均为目前好莱坞最为著名的影星。
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