barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 16:34:45



(出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?想要我的一部分吗,小子?

(闲聊00) We go move! 我们走吧!

(闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders? 你是不是想给我发命令?

(闲聊02) Oh my god! He"s whacked! 我的天,他困了!

(闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander. 我建议我们干掉这个指挥官。

(闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?! 我怎么才能从这


(闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy? 想要我的一部分吗,小子?

(闲聊06) If it weren"t for these damned neural implants you"d be a

smoldering crater by now! 如果不是因为这个混账的心灵灌输,我早把你变成弹坑


(Sti00) Ahh...That"s the stuff! 啊,就是它

(Sti01) Ahh...Yea! 啊,耶!

(选择00) Commander. 老大!

(选择01) Standin" by. 待命中

(选择02) Checked up and good to go. 检查完毕,准备动身

(选择03) Give me something to shoot. 给我一个活靶子

(行动00) Go! Go! Go!

(行动01) Let"s move! 大家前进吧

(行动02) Outstanding! 非常明智!

(行动03) Rock "n roll! 一起摇滚吧!


(出场00) Need a light? 需要打火机吗?

(闲聊00) Is something burning? 有烧着了的东西吗?

(闲聊01) Haha, that"s what I thought. 哈哈,正如我想。

(闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm. 我喜欢汽油的味道!

(闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke! 没有比抽烟更好的事了。

(闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue? 你是否正在盼望


(闲聊05) Got any questions about propane? 对丙烷有什么不懂的吗?

(闲聊06) Or, propane accessories? 噢,喷火的工具!

(选择00) Fire it up! 把它点着!

(选择01) 行动? 是?

(选择02) You got my attention. 你已经引起我注意了

(选择03) Wanna turn up the heat? 想把温度升高?

(行动00) Naturally. 很自然

(行动01) Slammin! 打击!

(行动02) You"ve got it. 你已经得到它了

(行动03) Let"s burn. 让我们燃烧吧


(出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator? 有人正在找害虫终结者吗?

(闲聊00) You called down the thunder. 你把雷电招下来了

(闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind. 现在我们来获得一点旋风!

(闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya. 准备好,我要向你挑战!

(闲聊03) I"m about to overload my aggression inhibitors. 我可能要多打点镇


(选择00) Ghost reporting. 特种兵报告

(选择01) I"m here. 我在这里

(选择02) Finally! 终于!

(选择03) Call the shot. 下命令射击吧

(行动00) I hear that. 我听到它了

(行动01) I"m gone. 我已经出发了

(行动02) Never know what hit em. 从来就不知道要有多少进攻

(行动03) I"m all over it. 我已经超过它了


(出场00) All right, bring it on! 好啦,把它放下吧

(闲聊00) Something you wanted? 你想要什么吗?

(闲聊01) I don"t have time to f(BEEP)around! 我没时间瞎弄!

(闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy. 小子,你一直在推它

(闲聊03) And I"ll scrap you along with the aliens! 我想跟异形们一起把你撕


(选择00) What do YOU want? 你想干嘛?

(选择01) Yeah? 是!

(选择02) I read ya, SIR. 我知道啦,老大!

(选择03) Somethin" on your mind? 你想什么哪?

(行动00) Yeah, I"m going. 是,进发中!

(行动01) I dig. 我想挖洞

(行动02) No problem! 没问题

(行动03) Oh, is that it?哦,是这个吗?


(出场00) Goliath online. Goliath 准备完毕

(闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online. 军用 ED-209 准备完毕

(闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated. 开始协议

(闲聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic... 初级?诊断为一级

(闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA 被选择

(闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC 通过核准

(闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB. 名单准备完毕

(选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com. 正在前进,指挥部

(选择01) Com-link online. 指挥部完成连接

(选择02) Channel open. 打开这个频道

(选择03) Systems functional. 系统功能

(行动00) Acknowledged HQ. 明白,指挥部

(行动01) Nav-com locked. 锁定海军指挥部

(行动02) Confirmed. 确认

(行动03) Target designated. 选定目标

Siege Tank

(出场00) Ready to roll out! 准备出场

(闲聊01) I"m about to drop the hammer! 我可能要扔锤子了

(闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice! 然后来一次审判

(闲聊03) What is your major malfunction? 你的主要故障是什么?

(tra00) (切换为坦克)

(tra01) (切换为座地炮)

(选择00) 行动 sir! 是,长官!

(选择01) Destination? 目的地是哪?

(选择02) Identify target! 目标确定!

(选择03) Orders sir! 命令,老大?

(行动00) Move it! 前进

(行动01) Proceedin". 有进展了

(行动02) Delighted to, sir! 我很高兴,老大

(行动03) Absolutely! 绝对!


(出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV可以开工了

(Err00) I can"t build it, something"s in the way. 我没法在这建,有东西挡

(Err01) I can"t build there. 我没法在这建

(Min00) (采矿1)

(Min01) (采矿2)

(闲聊00) Come again, Captain? 队长,再来一遍!

(闲聊01) I"m not readin" you clearly. 我不能听清楚你说什么。

(闲聊02) You ain"t from around here, are you? 你没必要在这逛游,不是吗?

(闲聊03) I can"t believe they put me in one of these things! 我没法相信他


(闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too? 我现在是否要把它们收拾起来?

(闲聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here! 我告诉他们我有


(闲聊06) I"m locked in here tighter than a frog"s butt in a watermelon

seed fight. 我在这里比青蛙在西瓜子里还要挤

(Tra00) ?


(出场00) Can I take your order? 我能得到你的命令吗?

(闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful. 拿你头上


(闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation

device. 由于要在水上降落,你可能要被当作漂浮装置

(闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you. 为了减


(闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full

and complete stop. 停稳之前请不要把胳膊或腿伸到外面去。

(选择00) Go ahead, HQ. 正在前进,司令部

(选择01) I"m listenin". 我正在听

(选择02) Destination? 目的地?

(选择03) Input coordinates. 输入坐标

(行动00) In the pipe, five by five. 在机舱里五人一组

(行动01) Hang on, we"re in for some chop. 把稳,前方有气流!

(行动02) In transit, HQ. 正在运输,司令部。

(行动03) Buckle up! 系上安全带

(行动04) Strap yourselves in boys! 把你们绑紧,小子们

(行动05) I copy that. 收到!


(出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders. 幽灵战机等待起飞

(闲聊00) Last transmission breakin" up...come back... 上次起飞没成功,再


(闲聊01) I"m just curious...why am I so good? 我只是好奇我为什么这么棒?

(闲聊02) I go get me one of these. 我必须得到其中之一

(闲聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? 你知道舰队王牌


(闲聊04) Yours truly. 的确是你的

(闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red. 每个人早晚得死,是吧?

(闲聊06) I am the invincible, that"s right. 我是无敌的,太对了

(选择00) Go ahead commander. 正在前进,总部

(选择01) Transmit coordinates. 传给我坐标

(选择02) Standin" by. 待命

(选择03) Reporting in. 报告

(行动00) Coordinates received. 收到坐标

(行动01) Ack formation. 编队打击!

(行动02) Roger. 收到!

(行动03) Vector locked-in. 锁定无线电信号


(出场00) Battlecruiser operational. 大和舰准备完毕

(闲聊00) Identify yourself! 认识你自己!

(闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online! 装甲、武器,准备好!

(闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up! 没有盔甲?那好,


(闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule. 我们的进度拉得太远了

(闲聊04) I really have to go...number one. 我的确得争第一

(选择00) Battlecruiser reporting. 大和舰报告

(选择01) Receiving transmission. 收到!

(选择02) Good day, commander. 你好,指挥官!

(选择03) Hailing frequencies open. 随时敬礼

(Yam01) (大和炮1)

(Yam02) (大和炮2)

(行动00) Make it happen. 使它发生

(行动01) Set a course. 定一个路线

(行动02) Take it slow. 慢点

(行动03) Engage! 明白!

Science Vessel

(出场00) Explorer reporting. 探险船报告

(闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib! 我喜欢你胳膊上的伤口

(闲聊01) E=MC...d"oh let me get my note. E=MC...?哦,我得准备个笔记本

(闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I"ll have to remember that. 啊,融化,嗯?我得记

(闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free? 谁把实验室里的猴子放出来


(闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak! 我想我们可能漏气了!

(闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal

contraption? 你们这些笨蛋知道怎么把这个垃圾机器关掉吗?

(闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger? 啊,脱离危险了

(选择00) Ah, greetings command! 啊,老大好

(选择01) Transmit orders. 发射命令!

(选择02) Receiving headquarters! 收到,总部!

(选择03) We have you on visual. 我们得让你现形

(行动00) Let"s roll! 大家摇滚吧!

(行动01) Excellent! 非常棒!

(行动02) Commencing! 开始吧。

(行动03) Affirmative, sir. 同意,老大.


(出场00) Prepped and ready! 准备完毕

(闲聊00) I"ve already checked you out commander. 我已经把你查出来了,指挥

(闲聊01) You want another physical? 你想要另一个身体?

(闲聊02) Turn your head an cough. 咳一下

(闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath? 准备好纱布浴了吗?

(闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat! 他的心跳很弱,给我起


(闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)明白

(闲聊06) He"s dead, Jim. 吉姆,他死了!

(选择00) Need medical attention? 需要医护吗?

(选择01) Did someone page me? 有人叫我吗?

(选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency! 陈述一下你的紧急救护


(选择03) Where does it hurt? 哪疼?

(行动00) Right away! 马上!

(行动01) Stat! 立刻!

(行动02) I"m on the job! 我在工作!

(行动03) On my way. 在路上


(出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie 准备好了

(闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid. 这很好玩,就是傻了点

(闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up. 我有把东西弄炸的方法

(闲聊02) You"re being very naughty. 你越来越淘气了

(闲聊03) Who"s your mommy? 你妈妈是谁?

(闲聊04) Blucher! (德语)

(闲聊05) (horses neighing) (马叫)

(选择00) Need something destroyed? 想干掉一些东西吗?

(选择01) I am eager to help. 我渴望帮助

(选择02) Don"t keep me waiting. 别让我再等了!

(选择03) Achtung! (德语)注意

(行动00) Of course, mein heir. 当然, mein heir.(德文)

(行动01) Perfect! 完美

(行动02) It"s showtime! 现在是"秀"时间

(行动03) Jawoll! (德语)好的

(行动04) Achtung! (德语)注意


(Err00) Not enough minerals. 没有矿了

(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas. 瓦斯不够

(Err02) Additional supply depots required. 需要更多的食堂

(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted. 着陆顺序不对

(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone. 着陆点不对

(Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不够

(Upd00) Base is under ack. 基地遭受攻击

(Upd01) Your forces are under ack. 你的部队正在遭受攻击

(Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成

(Upd03) Add-on complete. 附加建筑完成

(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击

(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure. 建筑被污染

(UPD06) Upgrade complete. 升级完成

(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready. 核弹完毕!


"Fueled up and ready to go!" 能源补充完毕,随时待命。(建造时)

"We hear ya." 我们听到你的话了。

"What"s goin on?" 有事?

"Huh?" 嗯?

"SCV ready."SCV就绪。

"Aak! Ya scared me."我x,你吓死我了。

"Bringing up the rear with the gear."最后加入齿轮。

"Woo hoo!" 唔-呼~。

"Can do." 可以完成。

"(Coughs)" 咳嗽。

"Roger." 收到。

"Band-aid?" 应急援护?

"I"m going." 我已出仓。(笑)


"Armed and ready!" 武装待命。

"Go go go!" 冲冲冲(全部三声读效果更佳)

"By the numbers boys." 数量取胜,孩子们。


"Ready for some death from above?" 对来自上空的死亡邀请做好准备了么?

"Command, where"s my back up?!" 指挥官,我的援护呢?

"Weapons hot." 武器过热。

"Turbines at full throttle." 马力全开。

"Rolling thunder." 滚雷行动。 (第二次印度支那/越南战争中对北越的一个轰炸行动,滚雷行动。)

"I think we outta "regroup"" 我想我们应该再次组织进攻。(当被命令停止攻击时)

"Now you"re speakin" my language." 现在你和我论调一致了。


"Who called in the fleet?"谁召集了舰队。 (建造时)

"What is it?" 这是什么?


"This had better be an emergency!" 最好这是生死关头。

"On it!" 上来!

"Gladly!" 乐意之至。

Thor or Siege Tank

"Confirmed." 确认。

"Yuh?" 呃?

"Hit me!" 揍我啊!


"Done deal." 现成的。

"What"s our target?" 你的目标?

"Alright." 很好。

"Done." 完成。

"Now now now!" 你看你看你看!

"I... inflict... pain!"我…深感…痛苦!

"Will do." 中用。


"You ready for this?" 你准备好面对这个了?

"Transform and roll out!" 变形!(来自变形金刚).

"Not a problem!" 不是问题。

"All over that!" 一切尽在掌握之中。

"Turn and burn!"转向攻击。 (来自壮志凌云里面的 "Let"s turn and burn!")

"Looks like the big boy needs a little training." 看起来我们的大男孩需要点训练。


wuyudalamanadai。。 这个是不朽者的还有 our duty is 。。。。(应该是endless。我们的职责永无止境。。)


I long for combat我渴望战斗

for the aiur 为了艾尔


we are the light againist the darkness我们是抗拒黑暗的曙光

cold is void虚空。。。。是冰冷的

go back to the shadow让我回到暗影之中


the enemy is approching ”敌人正在接近!“

航空母舰 carrier

the carrier has arrived”航空母舰已经抵达“

Sharankanu 神族语。。。。

凤凰战机 Phoenix

where do our enemies 我们的敌人在哪里

for the sky 天空等着我们

黑暗圣堂武士 dark templar

Frok the shadow I come 我从阴影中到来!

纳斯贝鲁乌乌钠达 神族语。。。。。

高阶圣堂武士 high templar

U see the dark(还有一点 记不住了)

we are the light of the kara我们是卡拉之光


虚空舰 void ray这个兵种的语言我忘记了 中文是 ”虚空凌镜输入失调,我们需要协助“



机枪兵marine orders? 你到底要不要下命令啊(中文翻译的这。。)

oh yeah!


I can"t build here 我无法在这里建造

掠夺者 marauder

just tell me where 告诉我时间点就好了。

医疗机 ready for pick up?

ETA 1min 预计一分钟后到达

a hallelujah 啊 哈里路亚




"Fueled up and ready to go!" 能源补充完毕,随时待命。(建造时)

"We hear ya." 我们听到你的话了。

"What"s goin on?" 有事?

"Huh?" 嗯?

"SCV ready."SCV就绪。

"Aak! Ya scared me."我x,你吓死我了。

"Bringing up the rear with the gear."最后加入齿轮。

"Woo hoo!" 唔-呼~。

"Can do." 可以完成。

"(Coughs)" 咳嗽。

"Roger." 收到。

"Band-aid?" 应急援护?

"I"m going." 我已出仓。(笑)


"Armed and ready!" 武装待命。

"Go go go!" 冲冲冲(全部三声读效果更佳)

"By the numbers boys." 数量取胜,孩子们。


"Ready for some death from above?" 对来自上空的死亡邀请做好准备了么?

"Command, where"s my back up?!" 指挥官,我的援护呢?

"Weapons hot." 武器过热。

"Turbines at full throttle." 马力全开。

"Rolling thunder." 滚雷行动。 (第二次印度支那/越南战争中对北越的一个轰炸行动,滚雷行动。)

"I think we outta "regroup"" 我想我们应该再次组织进攻。(当被命令停止攻击时)

"Now you"re speakin" my language." 现在你和我论调一致了。


"Who called in the fleet?"谁召集了舰队。 (建造时)

"What is it?" 这是什么?


"This had better be an emergency!" 最好这是生死关头。

"On it!" 上来!

"Gladly!" 乐意之至。

Thor or Siege Tank

"Confirmed." 确认。

"Yuh?" 呃?

"Hit me!" 揍我啊!


"Done deal." 现成的。

"What"s our target?" 你的目标?

"Alright." 很好。

"Done." 完成。

"Now now now!" 你看你看你看!

"I... inflict... pain!"我…深感…痛苦!

"Will do." 中用。


"You ready for this?" 你准备好面对这个了?

"Transform and roll out!" 变形!(来自变形金刚).

"Not a problem!" 不是问题。

"All over that!" 一切尽在掌握之中。

"Turn and burn!"转向攻击。 (来自壮志凌云里面的 "Let"s turn and burn!")

"Looks like the big boy needs a little training." 看起来我们的大男孩需要点训练。





《潜龙轰天 Under Siege》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:7nkb美国历史上著名的密苏里号战列舰即将退役,盛大的庆典连总统也莅临。而老舰长的生日亦在这一天,舰上的厨师——雷白下士(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)正在全力筹备宴席,讨人嫌的副舰长奎尔与雷白发生冲突并将其关入冷藏室。一支劳军演艺队伍来到舰上,正当表演掀起高潮之际,劳军艺人们突然与奎尔同时行动,袭击船员并控制了密苏里号。“艺人”中的史崔尼(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)原是中情局特工,精通舰只,他与奎尔合作,获得了舰上多枚携带核弹头的战斧导弹发射密码。军方被这一恐怖袭击彻底震惊,却又应对无法,此时从冷藏室逃出的雷白成为了他们唯一的希望……
2023-07-14 11:30:451


《诸神的黄昏》-正 文|最新章节·异侠小说网合格的人被带到一个电影放映室里休息,幕上放映着一些...我把子弹推上了膛,当然这是个模拟动作,实际上是给激光...而那些反政府的恐怖份子在其主子的授意下四处叫嚣,什么
2023-07-14 11:30:595


2023-07-14 11:31:142

找电影 海军请来了一个脱衣女郎到船上庆祝什么的

2023-07-14 11:31:233


姓名:史蒂文·西格尔 性别:男 英文名:Steven Seagal 出生年:1951年 生日:4月10日 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 身高:193cm 斯蒂芬·西格尔1951年4月出生在密执根州首府兰辛,却在加州的奥兰治县长大成人。童年时他开始学习功夫和合气道,17岁他远赴日本研究禅宗,并拿到了合气道、空手道等的黑腰带,在日本开设了功夫学校,在亚洲生活了15年后,西格尔回到美国,继续教授武术。 1988年斯蒂芬受人推荐出演了银幕处女作《法律之上》(Above the Law),影片的成功让首次触电的他迅速蹿红为动作明星。此后他又接拍了《死亡标记》(Marked For Death)、《七年风暴》(Hard to Kill)等影片,1991年,他自编自演并亲自制作了《为了正义》(Out for Justice)一片。1992年的《潜龙轰天》(Under Siege)让他在好莱坞扬名立万,这也是他自称最好的影片。1994年他首执导棒,执导了《极地雄风》(Deadly Ground),此后又陆续出演了《暴走潜龙》(Under Siege 2: Dark Territory)、《绝命出路》(Exit Wounds)、《不死潜龙》(Half Past Dead)、《潜龙轰天3野兽之腹》(Belly of the Beast)、《克莱蒙泰》(Clementine)、《深入虎穴》(Out of Reach)、《向往太阳》(Into the Sun)和《深海潜龙》(Submerged)等影片,著名动作电影明星的地位因此更加稳固。除了演戏,他还尝试进军歌坛,曾在达拉斯星球好莱坞召开演唱会,并以不菲的价格与Outwest娱乐公司签下一份长达七年、录制五张专辑的合约。
2023-07-14 11:31:311


有一款游戏,是几只虫子,像是蚯蚓之类的互相打仗,里面的武器有枪,炮,炸弹,好多好多,是:百战天虫。百战天虫(Worms)是一个回合制策略游戏系列,由Team17 Software设计,于1994年起发行。在游戏中,玩家控制一组蠕虫,与其他玩家的虫以不同的武器战斗,控制时类似动作游戏。后来添加的绳索和回合时间给游戏增加了挑战性,适合对战。因幽默搞笑的风格和富含挑战/乐趣的游戏过程受到玩家欢迎。历史上,百战天虫是以2D版本出名的。从2003年起,Team17推出了Worms 3D,之后有Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)、Worms 4: Mayhem (2005)。然后一直没有3D作品问世。而转向2D。
2023-07-14 11:31:381


从1994年的“Worms”到2015年的“Worms World Party Remastered(百战天虫:世界派对重制版)”一共有十三代: Worms World Party Remastered(2015)Worms Reloaded(2010)Worms 4 Mayhem (2005)Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)Worms 3D (2003)Worms Blast (2002)Worms World Party (2000)Worms Armageddon (1999)Worms 2 (1997)World Rally Fever (1996)Worms United (1996)Worms Reinforcements (1995)Worms (1994)而“百战天虫Online”是韩国公司向该公司购买虫虫的使用权后开发的一款网络游戏,与Team 17小组无直接的关系。
2023-07-14 11:31:461


2023-07-14 11:32:113


For your IT only
2023-07-14 11:32:194


2023-07-14 11:32:274

motion movie是什么意思?

2023-07-14 11:33:062

【急 】求网名带‘兵’好听的

2023-07-14 11:33:143

XBOX360 游戏推荐

2023-07-14 11:33:443

史蒂文·西格尔 教授

  应该是其中一部  被迫杀人  Guitar Man ------- (2008)  Prince of Pistols ------- (2008)  杀戮时刻Kill Switch------- (2008)  重振威严Pistol Whipped------- (2008)  Sasha - Die Show ------- (2007)  A Tribute to Les Paul ------- (2007)  Once Upon a Time in the Hood ------- (2007)  The Untitled Onion Movie -------(2007)  都市正义Urban Justice------- (2007)  怒火飞行 Flight of Fury ------- (2007)  司法雇佣兵/正义佣兵 Mercenary for Justice ------- (2006)  特攻无间 Attack Force ------- (2006)  Making "Mercenary for Justice" ------- (2006)  Shadow Man ------- (2006)  在劫难逃 Today You Die ------- (2005)  "Biography" Steven Seagal ------- (2005)  深海潜龙 Submerged ------- (2005)  黑暗坠落 Black Dawn ------- (2005)  烈日血战/向望太阳/日本攻略 Into the Sun ------- (2005)  Out of Reach ------- (2004)  克莱蒙泰 Clementine ------- (2004)  Words of My Perfect Teacher ------- (2003)  狙击速递 The Foreigner ------- (2003)  潜龙轰天3之野兽之腹 Belly of the Beast ------- (2003)  破茧杀机 Out for a Kill ------- (2003)  Who Is Alan Smithee? ------- (2002)  "E! True Hollywood Story" Steven Seagal ------- (2002)  功夫片岁月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture ------- (2002)  不死潜龙 Half Past Dead ------- (2002)  绝命出路 Exit Wounds ------- (2001)  即时引爆 Ticker ------- (2001)  The Path Beyond Thought ------- (2001)  美国影史百部佳片 AFI"s 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America"s Most Heart-Pounding Movies ------- (2001)  The Unbeatable Bruce Lee ------- (2001)  2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2000)  Get Bruce ------- (1999)  VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards ------- (1999)  火线战将 The Patriot ------- (1998)  Femmes Fatales: Sharon Stone ------- (1998)  我的巨人 My Giant ------- (1998)  枪口朝下 Fire Down Below ------- (1997)  飞虎狂龙 The Glimmer Man ------- (1996)  最高危机 Executive Decision ------- (1996)  暴走潜龙 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory ------- (1995)  第67届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1995)  非常地带/极地雄风 On Deadly Ground ------- (1994)  The Celebrity Guide to Entertaining ------- (1993)  Universal Cops ------- (1992)  潜龙轰天/魔鬼战将 Under Siege ------- (1992)  为了正义 Out for Justice ------- (1991)  Celebrity Guide to Wine ------- (1990)  死亡标记 Marked for Death ------- (1990)  七年风暴 Hard to Kill ------- (1990)  法律之上 Above the Law ------- (1988)  作为编剧史蒂文·西格尔 Steven Seagal的电影作品(数量:7) Prince of Pistols ------- (2008)  怒火飞行 Flight of Fury ------- (2007)  特攻无间 Attack Force ------- (2006)  Shadow Man ------- (2006)  烈日血战/向望太阳/日本攻略 Into the Sun ------- (2005)  潜龙轰天3之野兽之腹 Belly of the Beast ------- (2003)  法律之上 Above the Law ------- (1988)
2023-07-14 11:34:031


2023-07-14 11:34:212


2023-07-14 11:34:325


2023-07-14 11:35:052


刚上映新电影: 未来警察 【已更新DVD国语版本】[03月30日上映] 火龙对决 【已更新DVD国语版本】 [04月02日上映] 月满轩尼诗 【已更新TS抢先版本】 [04月02日上映] 四个丘比特 【已更新DVD本】 [04月09日上映] 杜拉拉升职记【已更新DVD本】 [04月15日上映] 诸神之战[2010新片]【已更新TS抢先版本】[04月16日上映] 东风雨 【已更新TS抢先版本】 [04月21日上映] 驯龙记 【已更新TC抢先版本】 [04月23日上映] 已有片源在线观看。本站更新最快! 梅州电影
2023-07-14 11:35:122


It explain what is the greatness love and discuss the human nature.
2023-07-14 11:35:216


Bright Paradise :光明天堂。Dark Kingdom:暗之国度。Brothers team:兄弟战队。Empire Union Army:帝国联盟军。Firing squads:火线敢死队。Terminator team:终结者战队。CF Alliance Forces:CF同盟部队。707 Special Forces:707特种部队。Thunder Group:雷霆小组。Doom Guard:末日警卫队。Army funeral:送葬军团。Under siege:兵临城下。Heaven and earth:天上人间。Immortal undead:不灭亡灵军团。Tactical Team:战术小组。Nether group:幽冥群。Machine gun party:机枪党。God spy group:神狙小组。God destroy :灭神。以上纯手打,都是些过去玩游戏见过的战队名字,我把他们翻译成了英文,并适当调整了一下,你也可以在英文名中添加你喜欢的符号(键盘按V5会出符号),是名字更炫!如果还有问题,请联系我
2023-07-14 11:35:389


  很多朋友都喜欢找一些来看,下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :三位工匠   Three craft *** en   A siege of the city of the enemy, the city residents to get together to discuss mon fight against the enemy"s approach.   A build Carpenter to e forward to advocate the use of bricks as a resist material; a carpenter decided to propose to the enemy using wood is the best method; a cobbler, stood up and said: "Gentlemen, I do not agree with your views and I think that as resist material, as no better than what Paper. "   It is said that people are accustomed to from their own point of view, the view that they are familiar with what is the best.   三个工匠   一座大城被敌军围困了,城中的居民们聚在一起,共同商议对抗敌人的办法。   一个砌匠挺身而出,主张用砖块作为抵御材料;一个木匠毅然提议用木头来抗敌是最佳的方法;一个皮匠站起来说:“先生们,我不同意你们的意见。我认为作为抵御材料,没有一样东西比皮更好。”   这是说,人们都习惯于从自身角度考虑问题,总认为自己所熟悉的东西是最好的。   :狼和狗   The Wolf and the Dog   There is a wolf. He is very hungry and has no strength to find food. As he lies under a large tree, a dog sees him. The dog sees the wolf is so thin and hungry, and he feels sorry for him and says, “You are so terrible! Are you hungry?”   “Yes,” says the wolf, “I"m hungry because you are guarding the sheep. Now I am so weak that I can"t find food. I think I will do.”   “Why not help me?” Asks the dog, “I work regularly and I eat regularly. You could do the same. You can help me guard the sleep. In that way, I will not worry about your stealing the sleep, and you will not worry about going hungry. It"s good for us.   The wolf thinks it over and thinks the dog is right. So they walk to the dog"s house. As they are walking, the wolf sees that only the hair of the dog"s neck is very thin. He is curious about this. So he asks the dog about it.   “Oh, don"t worry about that,” says the dog, “It"s the place where the collar ties on the neck. My master chains me up at night,”   “Chained up!” shouts the wolf, “Do you mean that you are chained up at night? If I e to live with you, will I be chained up at night, too?”   “That"s night,” says the dog, “But, you"ll get used to it.”   “But, if I am chained up, I won"t be free.” After saying this, the wolf turns round and runs away.   The dog shouts, “Wait! e back! I"m not free, but I"m healthy. I have good food, and a warm place to sleep. I like enjoying life. In fact, I"m freer than you are.”   狼和狗   有一只狼,他非常饿,而且饿得没有力气去找吃的了。当他躺在一棵大树下时,一只狗看见了他。看到狼又饿又瘦,狗挺可怜他的:“你看上去真可怕。你很饿啊?“   “是的。”狼说,“我饿是因为你和你的伙伴看守着羊群。现在我弱得没法去找食物。我想我就快要死了。”   “为什么不帮我呢?”狗说,“我们按时工作,准时吃饭。你也行的。你可以帮我看羊群。那样我就不用担心你会来偷羊,你也不用担心挨饿了。这对我们都有好处。”   狼考虑了一下,觉得狗说的对,他们就一起朝狗的屋子走去了。正走着,狼看见口脖子上的毛很少。他觉得好奇,就问狗怎么回事。   “啊,别担心,”狗说,“这是系狗项圈的地方,晚上主人会把我拴起来。”   “拴起来?”狼叫起来,“你是说晚上你会拴起来?如果我去和你住,晚上也会被拴起来?”   “没错,”狗说,“但是你会习惯的。”   “但是,如果被拴起来,我就不自由了。”说完,狼转身跑了。   狗大声喊道:“等等!回来!我是不自由,可是我很健康,我有好的食物,有个温暖的地方睡觉。你太喜欢享受生活了。我其实比你还自由些。”   :聪明的乌龟   A Smart Tortoise   A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog in front of him.   “Ha ha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the frog.   Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger"s tail.   “Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks back. The frog hears the voice and jumps into water.   “Thank you, little tortoise.” says the frog.   But the tiger is very angry. “Bother it! I"ll throw you to the sky!”   “Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the tortoise.   The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the river.”   “Oh,no! I can"t swim; I will die if you throw me into the water.” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly.   “Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye-bye.” The tortoise and the frog swim away together.   聪明的乌龟   一只老虎很饥饿,他正在寻找食物。他看到一只青蛙在他前面。   “哈哈!一只青蛙,我有晚餐啦!”于是,他补向青蛙。   在老虎的后边,有一只乌龟。小乌龟看见了,他猛咬一下啊老虎的尾巴。   “哎呦!”老虎疼得叫起来并回头看看。此时青蛙听见了老虎的声音,他迅速跳进水里。   “谢谢你,小乌龟。”青蛙说。   大事老虎十分愤怒:“讨厌!我要把你扔到天上去。”   “谢谢你,我喜欢在天空飞翔。”乌龟说。   老虎停下来:“那我就把你扔到到水里。”   “哦,不!我不会游泳,如果你把我扔井水里我会死的。”老虎很快就把乌龟仍进水了。   “谢谢你,老虎先生,再见!”乌龟和青蛙一起游走了。
2023-07-14 11:36:271

罗马全面战争 自创兵种方法 详细 谢谢

2023-07-14 11:36:474


mama said(还是 declan的)不过偶只知道这个
2023-07-14 11:36:567


What a disaster(灾难)!So far,it"s reported that more than 60,000 people died in the SiChuan earthquake.What"s more, millions of people there have become homeless.And they are still in the danger of illness and other difficulties. Anyway, thanks to all the kind people, in and abroad,the situation has been changing well.But we still work hard at it,especially to build houses for those homeless people and cure the injured people. What can we do now? Besides doing our own job well,we can donate money to them.We firmly believe that with the party and the government"s strong leadership, and with the people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid,this earthquake relief will be a victory!
2023-07-14 11:37:223

谁有天堂1 主题曲、背景音乐的下载地址 Original Sound Track/17%20Under%20Siege.mp3 下载地址
2023-07-14 11:37:313


Years the footsteps of great haste,no time to last year,waved and went to the front of the New Year.New Year always gives a lot of vision,too many of the Imagination.I do not want north wind Yanqu the past,do not want to cover all the winter snows.Over the past number of memories,how many stories,even the pain is a setback,are worth pondering and reflection.But do not want to wallow in the past,under the shackles of old,even if successful,is glory.Because in the past,after all,the past,is in a life time period.New Year is the new starting point,a new beginning.Out of the dull loneliness of siege,the stroll in the fresh nature of space,bathed in the New Year sun and breeze.Look at the mountains after the winter solstice the beginning Fan Qing,thawing river mischievously forward flow into the fields emitting little green head,is New Year"s good news in the report.You will sincerely feel what a happy New Year to all,life is so beautiful.When I stand here today the threshold of the New Year,a solemn,sacred feeling of the heart is for us.The new year will be an unusual year,is worth a lifetime memory for one year.This year there will be a historical event for the number of excited and proud of you,everyone"s life will be opened during the year a new chapter will redouble their efforts to forge ahead.Many of life will be missing in the year to shake up the cause of the failure will be successful in the past year,the family is more healthy and happy during the year,love to live in even more variety this year brilliant.In short,everything,everything,the New Year is a show in front of the Cotai Strip,so you go in life with pride glory.New Year,there are many of the Imagination,everyone will be interpreted with action,so that Imagination into reality.Regardless of turnover year after year,regardless of the cycle of seasons,the New Year will bring you your new beautiful!
2023-07-14 11:37:551


【 #英语资源# 导语】最冷的夜,最热的血。最可爱的人们,最坚毅的军魂。时间回拨70余年,那场冰天雪地里的血泪之战,依旧让人不忍回忆。这是永远的伤痛,也是永恒的荣耀。历史不容忘却,英雄必须铭记。即将上映的《长津湖》,复刻了这惊心动魄的一战。但,再高明的电影叙事,终究也说不尽这段史诗的波澜壮阔与沉雄悲壮。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.《长津湖》英语作文观后感   After watching the film Changjin lake on national day, I have many feelings in my heart.   The battle of Changjin Lake took place on November 27, 1951. At that time, the first Marine Division advanced to the west of Changjin lake, where there were continuous mountains. They did not know that they had been surrounded by 100000 troops.   A battlefield situation map in the film shows the battlefield situation of both sides. Blue is the position and breakthrough route of the first marine division. On the east side of the lake are the 1st and 5th regiments of the 1st Marine Division, with a total of 8000 people. On the south end of the lake are the headquarters of the 1st Marine Division and some engineers, with 3000 people. On the east side of the lake is the 31st regiment of the 7th Army division, serving as right-wing cover, with 4000 people. The total military strength is about 18000.   In addition, the first Marine Division also received air support from the first aviation wing. Red is the other side"s army, forming an encirclement circle. There are three armies of 20j, 27j and 26j of the 9th corps, with a total of 150000 troops finally invested. The light blue in the middle is Changjin lake, which is the reservoir that intercepts the Changjin River, which flows into the Yalu River.   The film "Changjin Lake" reviews the tragic battle from the perspective of veterans, regardless of victory or defeat. The severe cold of minus 40 degrees made the battle more tragic. The living veterans are full of emotion when telling this story. When they left the battlefield, they were no longer hostile. They showed sympathy and respect for the enemy soldiers. 6、 Seventy years later, the young people who loved ice cream are old, but they are still cute.   The commander of the first marine division, as the protagonist, passed by in the film. General Smith is an experienced and cautious commander. The first Marine Division was trapped in a tight encirclement and was not annihilated, largely thanks to his command. The first marine division finally broke through the siege, withdrew all the way to Xingnan port and left by boat. At the same time, more than 90000 North Korean refugees were taken away. The US military suffered 5000 casualties, of which the 31st regiment of the 7th Division accounted for more than 3000. There were tens of thousands of casualties on both sides of the campaign. The first Marine Division was established on February 1, 1941. In the Pacific War, it participated in the battle of gwadanar Island, Gloucester point, beliliu island and Okinawa Island, and made many remarkable achievements in fighting against Japan. After World War II, he participated in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the "reconstruction hope" humanitarian relief operation in Somalia.   Except for a few historians, the other explanations in the film are the language of veterans, even if they don"t appear in the picture. They have no hatred in their hearts and will embrace their former opponents. Veterans have their own interpretation of victory and defeat. They feel that although there is no victory, South Korea is still there and worth fighting.   No regrets in this life, not at all! 2.《长津湖》英语作文观后感   I made an appointment with my friend Changjin lake. As a result, she was not free on duty today, so I went by myself.   Before going, I only fished a few napkins in my bag. As a result, I drank a latte before the opening. The whole movie can only wipe tears with sleeves and suck snot silently.   I was most impressed by three scenes: when the train passed the great wall and the morning light shone on the train; The scene of Lei Gong driving; And the scene of the soldiers frozen in the snow at the end of the film.   I have always been a perceptual person. I shed tears when watching the Red Sea and when watching war wolves. I even refused war movies or bitter TV dramas in the cinema for a time. These scenes can"t stop tears.   "Changjin Lake" highlights the group portrait play. Lei Gong"s play is one of the few single plays, and it was also well shot. Many small details have been given to the camera, which is worth watching for the second time. The big scene was very beautiful, especially the ambush. The lens conversion is natural, and the overall completion of the film is very high.   Of course, it is not to say that the film has no shortcomings, because the group image is also a film, so it lacks the fullness of the characters. Some scenes are too dazzling to see clearly, and several dead soldiers did not remember their names. There are many scenes of American soldiers being shot and killed, but few of them are given to our soldiers alone. In fact, we should take more pictures. After all, Chinese soldiers are not made of iron. They will die if they are hit by bullets and artillery fire······   Another feature of the film is that it filmed the daily life of American lower class soldiers, such as posters, songs and food... This probably means that everyone doesn"t want to fight, just want to live a safe and stable life.   Aside from this film, it is really not easy to win the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Not all soldiers are the protagonists. They have a flash of inspiration and outstanding throwing skills to survive. They are just flesh and blood. The victory of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea should not be said. It should be said that all the victories in China for independence and peace are paved by the blood donation of people"s heroes. 3.《长津湖》英语作文观后感   "Changjin Lake" focuses on the brothers of wuqianli and wuwanli. It truly restores the passionate history of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea and defending the country more than 70 years ago, which still makes our blood boil.   New China has just been established. Just after a family reunion dinner, a military order once again put on military uniforms and went to the battlefield. When Thanksgiving comes and the US military enjoys delicious food in the camp, the Chinese soldiers can only eat hard potatoes under the cliff; Lei Gong transported the marker bomb for the safety of his comrades in arms, but he sacrificed himself; In order to defend the camp, Yang Gensi picked up the explosive bag and died with the enemy; The unwavering faith of the soldiers of the ice sculpture company made an American officer pay tribute. These soldiers, many of whose names are unknown to us, are heroes.   What is a hero? This is what Wu Wanli, a 19-year-old recruit, once wondered. He felt a little out of reach when he heard that fighting 20 enemies was a hero. Mao anying"s sentence "on the battlefield is a hero" touched me. Countless Chinese volunteers who bravely took the lead on the Korean battlefield fought with the enemy with the light of ideals and beliefs and with the national integrity of protecting the country. They all have such a belief in their hearts: "they don"t believe that there are tasks that can"t be completed, difficulties that can"t be overcome, and enemies that can"t be overcome." every Chinese volunteer who resists US aggression and AIDS Korea, Showing their heroic qualities. Ordinary makes great.   The final victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is inseparable from these ordinary heroes. They traded their lives for this era without gunsmoke. The 176 minute long "Changjin Lake" is still meaningful after reading.   The great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea has been renewed for a long time. The great martyrs of the Chinese people"s Volunteer Army will live forever.   Pay tribute to the volunteers who fought for our happiness to resist US aggression and aid Korea. 4.《长津湖》英语作文观后感   The whole film is very shocking. It is based on the historical reality. When bombs fly from the head, they seem to be on the battlefield. In the film, there are brotherhood, friendship and the reluctance of family. The sacrifice of teachers is particularly wonderful every moment. They have exchanged their bodies for our beautiful life now.   Patriotic. These two great but very ordinary words have taken root in the hearts of these soldiers. When the many nameless martyrs died with the enemy with explosive bags in their arms, and when the many nameless heroes froze in the snow, it was the moment when these two simple words developed and expanded in the softest place in their hearts. Patriotism supported their dying bodies, defeated the American ace Legion again and again, and won almost unattainable victories again and again.   They are invincible, they are not afraid; Embellish the blood of life on the great motherland; They always put the motherland first; Overcome the difficulty called "paper tiger". 5.《长津湖》英语作文观后感   After watching the film "Changjin Lake", tears filled my eyes. Tears kept rolling in my eyes, but they didn"t fall. Changjin Lake tells the story of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Most of the soldiers in it are young people.   The war was full of difficulties. Those young volunteers had to climb high snow mountains. The temperature there was as low as minus 30 or 40 degrees. They wore thin clothes and walked dozens of kilometers every day. They don"t have sophisticated weapons, but they want to fight with American planes, artillery and tanks. They can only eat one potato a day and have a few left for the wounded. However, the American soldiers spend Christmas and eat roast chicken in their comfortable and warm position.   I was impressed by a scene in the film:   When the U.S. military charged with dozens of tanks and more than a dozen aircraft, a Chinese soldier Yang Gensi picked up a burning explosive package and rushed to our enemies and died with some of them. He did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in order to complete the task.   Finally, our volunteers defeated the US Army. I want to learn from them the spirit of loving the motherland, not afraid of sacrifice and moving forward bravely. We should also cherish the happy life now, because it is bought with their sacrifice.
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a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
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罗马全面战争 自定义战争里面如何修改兵力

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贝多芬,作为世界音乐史上最伟大的作曲家,被人们冠以“乐圣”的头衔,并不为过。人们敬仰贝多芬,这不单单是因为他短暂的生命为人类留下了极为丰厚的音乐财富,更多的是他那坚忍不拔,敢于同命运相抗衡的非凡品格所给予我们的十分珍贵的精神财富。Beethoven, world music history as the greatest composer, was dubbed "le holy" people of the title, and much. People look up to Beethoven, and it"s not only because his short life for human left an extremely rich music wealth, more is he that perseverance, dare to compete with the fate of the special character for our very precious spiritual wealth. 贝多芬的命运极其坎坷,甚至可以说“一开始,人生对于他就只是一场悲惨而残暴的战争”。当他还是孩童时,就被父亲剥夺了原本可以尽享欢娱的童年时光,在严酷体罚的压迫下,苦学提琴。然而,痛苦似乎无时无刻不在叩门。在他30岁时耳聋又无情地对他施以酷刑,这对贝多芬内心深处无疑是一个惊天霹雳,造成了难以愈合的创伤,也带来了一个沉重的打击,绝望之际,他几乎好几次寻求自杀。于是,他从内心深处发出惨痛的哀号:“我躲避一切交际,我不能对别人说‘我是聋子"!倘若我干别的职业尚可,但在我的行当里,这是可怕的遭遇。”Beethoven"s fate very bumpy, even "from the beginning, the life he"s just for a miserable and the brutality of war". When he was a child, it was father deprived originally can enjoy all the pleasure of my childhood, in the harsh corporal punishment under the oppression of, laboured at fiddle. However, the pain seems ever-present and knock on the door. In his 30 years old when his deafness and relentless torture, the heart of Beethoven is undoubtedly a blockbuster bang, caused the difficult to heal wounds, but also brings a heavy blow, the despair, he almost several times for suicide. He, then, from inside a bitter wailing: "I evading all communication, I can"t say to others" I was deaf "! If I do nothing, but in my career fair in the business, this is terrible experience." 但与此同时,他又发出另一个坚定有力的声音:“我要扼住命运的喉咙,它决不能让我完全屈服!”这斩钉截铁的不屈誓言,怎能不令人惊服、振作、讴歌呢?究竟是什么力量拯救了这颗趋于毁灭的心?还是让贝多芬自己来回答吧:“在患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾自杀的,除了艺术以外还是道德!”可见,贝多芬强忍着肉体和精神上的折磨摧残,完全是出于对自己神圣使命的执着追求。他把对音乐的追求,对人类的奉献视为比生命更可贵的灵魂。这是一种力量,一种抗拒生命的不竭动力,永不干涸的生命之泉!But at the same time, he gave another strong voice: "I will take fate by the throat, it can never let me completely yield!" It firmly and unyielding vow, can not a JingFu, cheer up, praise? What is the power to save the planet tend to destroy heart? Or let Beethoven himself to answer it: "in trouble I support the moral, that I never is the suicide, in addition to other than art or moral!" Visible, Beethoven brimming with physical and emotional torture trample upon, is totally out of his holy mission of persist to pursue. He put the music to pursue, to human life as more valuable than dedication of the soul. This is a kind of strength, a resist an inexhaustible source of life, never dry up of the deep springs of life. 贝多芬的耳疾和他创作的大量音乐作品恐怕在许多人眼中仍是一个谜。最难以置信的是,一个聋子是如何创作出如此气势磅礴的《英雄交响乐》?又何以能谱写出豪放宏伟的《命运交响曲》?更是怎样去神话般地弹奏柔和明澈的《月光曲》的?翻阅他大量音乐作品,更令我惊奇的是,他的大部分音乐巨作都是在耳疾之后以靠咬着木杆来感觉音符所完成的。贝多芬从何而来如此非同凡响的灵感,如此丰富的情感和激昂的性格?这一连串的问题在我脑海久久翻腾,无不让人感奋不已,并使我油然想起奥里森·马登的一句名言:“纵观人类历史上的伟大、杰出人物,他们当中一大部分人曾经有过艰辛的童年,甚至备受命运的虐待,但强者总是善于找到生命的支点,及时调整心态,并承受艰难困苦,用恒久的努力去打破重重围困,铸就卓越与伟大。”Beethoven"s ear and a large number of music he creation works in many people"s eyes, I"m afraid is still a mystery. The most incredible is a deaf man is how to create a so ever-roaring "hero symphony"? Why write bold and unconstrained energy spectrum and grand "destiny symphony"? But how to play the downy limpid as myth "moonlight music"? Paging through his great music work, more to my surprise, most of his music masterpiece is in the ear in the woods by bite after feeling in the notes has done. Beethoven come from so outstanding and brilliant inspiration, so rich emotions and feelings of the personality? This a series of problems in my mind tossing long, without exception, let a person feel exerts, and make me think of Mr Queen allison · madden maxim: "throughout human history, the great outstanding people, among them a most people had hard childhood, even the fate of abuse, but has the strong always are good at finding the fulcrum of the life, adjust mentality, and bear hardships, with constant was to break the siege, mold excellent and great." 1827年3月26日下午5时40分,在狂风暴雨中,贝多芬结束了他57年的人生旅程,孤独地死去了。死时拳头紧握,或许在最后的时刻,他仍然要扼住命运的喉咙。
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分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 >> 小说 解析: 《石壕吏》原文 暮投石壕村,有吏夜捉人。老翁逾墙走,老妇出门看。 史呼一何怒! 妇啼一何苦! 听妇前致词:三男邺城戍。一男附书至,二男新战死。存者且偷生,死者长已矣! 室中更无人,惟有乳下孙。有孙母未去,出入无完裙。老妪力虽衰.请从吏夜归。急应河阳役,犹得备晨炊。夜久语声绝,如闻泣幽咽。天明登前途,独与老翁别。 《石壕吏》译文 傍晚投宿于石壕村,在夜里有官吏来捉人。老翁翻墙逃走,老妇走出去应对。 官吏喊叫的声音是那样凶,老妇啼哭的情形是那样凄苦。 我听到老妇上前说:“我三个儿子都服役去参加围困邺城之战。其中一个儿子托人捎了信回来,其中两个最近刚战死了。活着的人暂且偷生,死的人永远逝去。家中再也没有什么人丁了,只有个吃乳的小孙子。因为有小孙子,所以儿媳妇没有离开这个家,但进进出出没有一条完好的裙子。老妇我虽然身体衰弱,请允许我跟丛您夜归。 赶紧应付河阳需要的劳役,现在还赶得上做早炊。” 入夜说话的声音也已经消失了,但好像听到低声哭泣抽咽。 天亮后我继续赶前面的路程,只能与逃走回来的老翁告别。 "Shi Hao Government official" original text The evening throws Shi Haocun, has the government official night to seize the human. The old man exceed wall walks, the old woman goes out looked. The history shouts a He Nu! Why bother does the woman cry one! Listens to in front of the woman to deliver a speech: Three male Ye Chengshu. One male attaches the book to, o male died in battle newly. Saving also drags out an ignoble existence, the dead long are over! In the room nobody, only has under the breast the grandson. Has the grandson mother not to go, the difference does not have the skirt. The old woman strength although fades. please turns over to from the government official night. Should the Heyang service, still prepare the early morning anxiously to cook a meal. The night of long sound of talking certainly, like heard sobs sobs. The day Minden future, alone leaves with the old man. "Shi Hao Government official" translation Evening seeks lodging for the night Yu Shihao the village, has the government official in the night to seize the human. The old man turns the wall to run away, the old woman goes out should be right. The government official yells the sound is such ominous, the old woman cries aloud the situation is such 凄苦. I hear the old woman to go forward to say that, □my three sons all serve participate siege war of the Ye city. Son asked the human to bring a letter, o just died in battle recently. Is living the human drags out an ignoble existence for the time being, the human which dies forever passes. In the family also did not have what person again, only then ate the breast little grandson. Because has the little grandson, therefore the daughter-in-law has not left this family, but does not pass in and out a plete skirt. Old woman I although the body is feeble, please allow me to turn over to with the clump of your night. Hurries service which deals with Heyang to need, now also catches up with on does early cooks a meal. □ At nightfall speaks the sound already has also vanished, but resembles hears sobs in a low voice sobs. Front the dawn I continue to catch up with the distance, only can with the old man farewell which runs away.
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中文: 1. 因为对入侵者的憎恶,素来能够教三五个胆大的人格外坚强起来,使他们为了一个信念而不顾性命。 2. 这个世界上,只有女人才懂得爱情啊! 3. 人生可怕的苦难,人间的伶仃孤独,万物的虚无缥缈,内心的寂寞空虚,都一涌而来,呈现在你眼前,打破了一直到死都以梦想来自我陶醉,自我欺骗的虚幻心境。 4. 踏进门槛就意味着回到了一潭死水之中,穿过寂静的大厅,登上暗洞洞的楼梯,寻找我那孤寂的小房间,然后去见心如古井的费尔法克斯太太。 5. 生活不可能像你想象的那么好,但也不会像你想象的那么糟。人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。 6. 无论是地震覆灭了整个民族,江河决口冲走落水的农民连带着牛的尸体和倒塌的梁柱,还是打了胜战的军队**。俘虏那些自卫的人,又用刀神的名义实行抢劫并且用炮声向神灵表示谢意,都同样是让人恐惧的大灾难,同样破坏了我们对于永恒公理的信仰,破坏了我们对上帝的保佑和人类理性的依赖。 7. ”她唯一肯用的装饰品,是她经常在家里戴的那些便帽上缀着的一大堆杂色的缎带,虽然已经很旧,但在她看起来这是太美了“。 8. 一个在自己认为可以谴责的行为,每每由于使它感受的思想而变成值得称赞的。 9. 鹅毛大雪像大帷幕一样从天而降,世间万物的轮廓都看不太清了。 10. 到末了,人都可以相信妇女们在人间的惟一任务,就是一种个人的永久牺牲,一种对于强横的武人的暴戾脾气不断委身的义务。 11. 我觉得她像那种半仙半人的小精灵,恰如贝茵在夜晚的故事中所描绘的那样,从沼泽地带山蕨丛生的荒谷中冒出来,现身于迟归的旅行者眼前。 12. 吃东西的欲望一步一步增加,使得每一个饿了的人都是心慌的。 13. 倘若有人在一个害过他的人身上寻报复,那是错的,因为法律惩罚寻报复的人。 14. “在门前的大理石台阶右侧,摆放着一个镀金女铜像,头上装饰着各种花,手里拿着一个用来做钟摆的环球。” 15. 鹅毛大雪组成一幅绵延不断的大帷幕从天上放下来,一面放,一面闪闪发光:万物的形象都看不清楚了,一切事物都蒙上了一层薄冰。在这座严冬笼罩着的安静的城市的沉寂中,只听见雪片下降时那种模糊的、无以名之的、捉摸不住的窸窣之声,但这种窸窣之声又不能真正算作一种声响,只好说是我们感觉到有这种声响,因为那不过是一些轻飘飘的微屑掺混在一起,充塞了空间,盖满了世界。 16. 这是一个晴朗温和却并不明亮灿烂的夏夜,干草工们沿路忙碌着。天空虽然有云,却仍有好天气的兆头。天上的蓝色——在看得见蓝色的地方——柔和而稳定,云层又高又薄。西边也很暖和,没有湿润的微光来造就凉意——看上去仿佛点起了火,好似一个祭坛在大理石般雾气的屏障后面燃烧着,从缝隙中射出金色的红光。 17. 没有一个人看她,没有一个人惦记她。她觉得自己被这些顾爱名誉的混账东西的轻视淹没了,当初,他们牺牲了她,以后又把她当做一件肮脏的废物似的扔掉。 18. 寒气一天比一天来得重了,像针刺一样严酷地扎着鼻子和耳朵,人的脚变成很痛苦的了,每走一步就要疼一下,后来走到了镇外,田野简直是一片白茫茫的,在他们眼里真凄惨得非常怕人,全体立刻转来了,心灵是冰凉的而心房是紧缩的。 19. 每幅画都是一个故事、由于我理解力不足,欣赏水平有限,它们往往显得神秘莫测,但无不趣味盎然,就像某些冬夜,贝茜碰巧心情不错时讲述的故事一样。 20. 路上的雪冻成比较坚硬的,车子走得比较快了,经过旅行中的好些惨淡的钟点,在傍晚的时候颠簸晃动个不停,再后些时,车子里变成了黑暗世界,一直走到吉艾卜为止,戈尔弩兑始终用一种猛烈的不屈不挠态度吹着他这种复仇意味的单调口哨,强迫那些疲倦而且生气的头脑从头到尾地倾听他的歌唱,去记忆每一句被他们注意节奏的歌词。 21. 对于一个不能拥有真珠宝的人而言,落落大方和漂亮迷人便是她的财富,而且是世界上最珍贵的珠宝。 22. 有了这个信条,我能够清楚地分辨罪犯和他的罪孽,我可以真诚地宽恕前者,而对后者无比憎恶,有了这个条,复仇永不会使我操心,坠落不会让我感到过份深恶痛绝,不公平不会把我完全压倒,我平静地生活,期待着末日。 23. 于是我出了门,心情像过节一样,却不知去哪里。 24. 因为凡是对外敌的仇恨皆有无穷的感召力,总能激起一些英勇的义士,他们全都出于信念而视死如归。 25. 暴风雨中的平静永远是暂时的,不知什么时候,狂风就会突然降临,将树木吹得哗哗作响,转而却消失在天地。 26. 比之刚才萦回脑际的念头,贝茜的到来似乎是令人愉快的,尽管她照例又有些生气。其实,同里德太太发生冲突。并占了上风之后,我并不太在乎保姆一时的火气,倒是希望分享她那充满活力、轻松愉快的心情。我只是用胳膊抱住了她,说:“得啦,贝茜别骂我了。” 27. 没有一个人望她,没有一个人惦记她。她觉得自己被这些顾爱名誉的混帐东西的轻视淹没了,当初,他们牺牲了她,以后又把她当作一件肮脏的废物似的扔掉。 28. 第六天,冬天的明亮太阳把积雪照成教人目眩的了。那辆终于套好了的长途马车在旅馆门外等着,一大群白的鸽子从它们的厚而密的羽毛里伸着脑袋,亮出它们那种瞳孔乌黑的玫瑰色眼睛,稳重地在六匹牲口的脚底下散步,向着牲口撒下的热气腾腾的粪里边寻觅它们的营养物。 29. 笑话尽管都很低俗,大家却不觉得难听,反而挺有趣。因为愤怒这个东西也必须应景而生,而现在,他们周围慢慢形成的气氛已经放荡不堪了。 30. 在芳香的空气中似乎飘浮着某种甜蜜,美妙,神圣的东西。 英文: 1. Because of the hatred of invaders, I have always been able to teach three or five daring people to be extra strong, making them risk their lives for a belief. 2. In this world, only women know love! 3. The terrible sufferings of life, the loneliness in the world, the emptiness of all things, the loneliness and emptiness of the heart, all come and appear in front of your eyes, breaking the illusory state of mind that you are intoxicated with your dreams and self-deception until you die. 4. To step on the threshold means to be back in a pool of stagnant water, through the silent hall, up the dark stairway, to find my lonely little room, and to meet Mrs Fairfax, who has a heart like an ancient well. 5. Life can"t be as good as you think, but it"s also not as bad as you think. The fragility and strength of people are beyond their imagination. 6. Whether it was an earthquake that wiped out an entire nation, a river burst and washed away the drowning peasants with their cows and collapsed beams, or a victorious army. Capturing those in self-defense, carrying out robbery in the name of the God of Swords, and expressing gratitude to the gods with the sound of cannons are equally terrifying disasters, destroying our faith in eternal justice and destroying our blessings to God and human rationality. 7. "The only ornament she was willing to use was a huge pile of mottled ribbons on the caps she used to wear at home. Although it was very old, it looked too beautiful to her." 8. An act that one considers to be condemnable is often made laudable by the thought that makes it feel. 9. The goose feather snow fell from the sky like a big curtain, and the outline of everything in the world could not be seen clearly. 10. In the end, one can believe that the only task of women on earth is a personal eternal sacrifice, a constant commitment to the violent temper of the tyrannical warrior. 11. I think she looks like one of those half-fairy, half-human elfs, as Bain describes in the night tales, emerging from the fern-infested valleys of the swampy land to the late traveler. in front of you. 12. The desire to eat increases step by step, making every hungry person panic. 13. If anyone seeks revenge on a man who has done him wrong, it is wrong, because the law punishes those who seek revenge. 14. "On the right side of the marble steps in front of the door, there is a gilded bronze statue of a woman with various flowers on her head, holding a globe used to make a pendulum in her hand." 15. The goose-feather snow forms a large, continuous curtain down from the sky, one side is laying down, the other side is shining: the image of everything is blurred, and everything is covered with a thin layer of ice. In the stillness of this quiet city shrouded in the harsh winter, only the vague, nameless, incomprehensible rustling of the snowflakes is heard, but this rustling cannot really be counted. To make a sound, it can only be said that we feel this sound, because it is just a mixture of light and fluffy particles, filling the space and covering the world. 16. It was a sunny and mild but not bright summer night, and the haymen were busy along the way. Although the sky was cloudy, there was still an omen of good weather. The blue of the sky—where blue is visible—was soft and steady, and the clouds were tall and thin. It was warm to the west, too, without the moist shimmer to create the coolness—it looked as if a fire had been lit, as if an altar was burning behind a barrier of marble-like mist, emitting golden red light from the crevices. 17. No one looked at her, no one thought about her. She felt like she was overwhelmed by the contempt of these reputation-loving bastards who sacrificed her in the first place and then threw her away like a filthy piece of trash. 18. The cold is getting heavier every day. It pierces the nose and ears like needles. People"s feet become very painful. It hurts every step. The whiteness was so miserable in their eyes that they were very terrifying, and they all turned around immediately, their hearts were cold and their hearts were constricted. 19. Each painting is a story, and because of my lack of understanding and limited appreciation, they tend to appear mysterious, but they are all interesting, like some winter nights when Bessie happens to be in a good mood. 20. The snow on the road freezes hard, and the car moves faster. After some bleak hours in the trip, it bumps and shakes in the evening. Later, the car turns into a dark world. All the way to Ji"ab, Gornudui blows his vengeful monotonous whistle with a fierce unrelenting attitude, forcing the tired and angry minds to listen to his singing from beginning to end, to remember each time. A lyric that caught their attention to the rhythm. 21. For a person who cannot own real jewelry, being generous and beautiful is her wealth, and it is the most precious jewelry in the world. 22. With this creed, I can clearly distinguish the criminal and his sin, I can sincerely forgive the former, and hate the latter, with this article, vengeance will never worry me, fall will not let me Feeling overly abhorred that injustice won"t completely overwhelm me, I live peacefully and look forward to the end. 23. So I went out, feeling like a festival, but I didn"t know where to go. 24. Because all hatred against foreign enemies has infinite appeal, and can always inspire some heroic righteous people, all of them are dead out of faith. 25. Calm in a storm is always temporary. I don"t know when, a gust of wind will suddenly come, blowing the trees, and then disappear into the sky and the earth. 26. Bessie"s presence seemed pleasant compared to the thoughts that had just lingered in her mind, though she was, as usual, somewhat angry. Actually, there was a conflict with Mrs. Reed. And after gaining the upper hand, I didn"t care too much about the babysitter"s momentary anger, but wanted to share her energetic, lighthearted mood. I just put my arm around her and said, "Come on, Bessie, stop calling me." 27. No one looks at her, no one misses her. She felt overwhelmed by the contempt of these reputation-loving bastards who sacrificed her in the first place and then threw her away like a filthy piece of trash. 28. On the sixth day, the bright winter sun dazzled the snow. The coach, finally set up, was waiting outside the hotel, and a large flock of white doves stuck their heads out of their thick feathers, flashing their rosy eyes with black pupils, poised at six The animals walked under their feet, looking for their nourishment in the steaming dung that the animals shed. 29. Although the jokes are very vulgar, people don"t find them ugly, but they are quite funny. Because anger must also be born in response to the situation, and now, the atmosphere that is slowly forming around them has been debauchery. 30. There seems to be something sweet, wonderful, divine floating in the fragrant air.
2023-07-14 11:37:491


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lg是以10为底的对数。ln是以e为底,自然对数。log再加个数在下面,就是以那个数为底的对数。如log0.2(10),即为以0.2为底的对数。具体来说:如果a(a>0,且a≠1)的b次幂等于N,即ab=N,那么数b叫做以a为底N的对数,记作:logaN=b,其中a叫做对数的底数,N叫做真数。以10为底的对数叫常用对数,记作log10N,简记为lgN;以无理数e(e=2.718 28…)为底的对数叫做自然对数,记作logeN,简记为lnN。
2023-07-14 11:37:552


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2023-07-14 11:37:563


动物园里禁止给动物喂食 Feeding animals is forbidden in the zoo; 重点词汇: 动物园 zoo ; zoological garden; 禁止 prohibit ; ban ; forbid; 动物 animal ; zoon ; beast 扩展资料   His research work was attacked by animal rights activists.   他的研究受到了动物权益维护者的"抨击。   A reward was offered for the animal"s safe return.   悬赏要求将动物安全送还。   most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct   在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。   The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.   昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。
2023-07-14 11:37:581


Type A — Competitive, driven, stressed, workaholicA型——具竞争性,好强,压力大,工作狂Type B — Relaxed, patient, friendlyB型——放松自如,有耐心,友好Type C — Reticent, unassertive, nice to a faultC型——寡言,谦逊,过分仁慈Type D — Anxious, insecure, gloomy, depressedD型——急躁、缺乏信心,悲观,忧虑Type E — High-achieving, perfectionist, everything to everybodyE型——易有大成就,完美主义者,凡事凡人都要操心Type F — Prone to forwarding e-mail messagesF型——喜欢转发邮件信息Type H — Hostile, hatefulH型——对人有敌意,令人生厌Type I — EgocentricI型——自我为中心Type J — Orderly, neatJ型——有秩序,整洁Type M — MelodramaticM型——感情脆弱Type O — Prone to making spelling mistakesO型——易犯拼写错误Type P — PersistentP型——坚持不懈Type R — ResponsiveR型——反应灵敏Type S — Doesn"t get enough sleepS型——睡眠不足Type T — Thrill-seekingT型——寻求刺激Type V — Plain, simpleV型——平凡,简单Type W — WackoW型——性格古怪Type X — Domineering, tyrannicalX型——盛气凌人,专横Type Z — Extremely laid back (the opposite of a Type A)Z型——极度心平气和(与A型相反)
2023-07-14 11:37:591


戾 = li 四声没有你说的尸字下面加个犬这个字。
2023-07-14 11:37:434


2023-07-14 11:37:411


MTT全称为3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide,汉语化学名为 3-(4,5-二甲基噻唑-2)-2,5-二苯基四氮唑溴盐,商品名:噻唑蓝,是一种黄颜色的染料。望医会圈的回答帮助到你!
2023-07-14 11:37:361


logaN的N的范围为N>0设 loga[N]=x则 N=a^x>0N大于0.不可以等于.x=logaN 即 a的x次方=N.a的X次方不可能为0所以N不可能等于0
2023-07-14 11:37:341


2023-07-14 11:37:341


苛 kē 也读hē
2023-07-14 11:37:321


2023-07-14 11:37:271


logann. 摇(摆)石(指受到轻微触动就会摇摆的大石)
2023-07-14 11:37:197