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2023-07-15 09:40:19
TAG: 英语 语法

look up 抬头向上看

look up to sb尊敬某人 look down on 轻视

a well-dressed lady 一位穿着讲究的女士

glance at 瞥一眼

greet sb with a smile 用微笑打招呼

a senior employee资深的员工

be senior to 比…年长的,资深的

prefer sth to sth 喜欢….不喜欢…..

prefer doing a to doing b喜欢做a不喜欢做b

prefer to do a rather than do b宁愿做a而不愿做b

the way +that 做….的方式,方法

+in which

+ /

more than 超过,不只是,经常

more than speaking and listening 不只是

gesture 手势

expression 表情

expression on your face 你的脸部表情

appearance 外貌,外表

appear 出现,似乎 disappear消失

It appears that….. 似乎,好像

communicate with sb 交流

communicate sth to sb 把(信息,消息)传递给某人

keep up/lose communication with sb 与某人保持/失去联系

leave/make/ give sb a good impression leave/make /give a good impression on sb 给某人留下很好的印象

make sb feel+ adj. 是某人觉得….

decide to do sth 决定做某事

decide on sth= choose 选择

for assistance 为了得到帮助

improve 提高

smile at sb 像某人微笑

enter the classroom 走进教室

enter for 报名参加

it seems to work 这好像起作用了

without hesitation 毫不犹豫

hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事,不愿意做某事

remark 评论 downwards 向下的

sigh for sth 为…..叹气

remind sb to do sth /remind sb of sth /remind sb +从句 提醒某人(做)某事

throughout the history of mankind 在人类历史上

in many situation 在许多情况下

the key to sth ….的关键

signal (n)信号 ,(v)示意,表示

hostility 敌意

confusion 困惑

in western culture 在西方文化里

maintain eye contact 保持眼神交流

contact v. & n. 交往,联系

keep contact with sb 与某人取得联系

lose contact with sb 与某人失去联系

avoid doing 避免做某事

in authority 掌权

as a matter of fact =in fact 事实上

for instance =for example 比如

concentration 专心

concentrate(v.) on sth 集中时间做某事

subtle 微妙的,细微的

consider sth as sth 把…看作…

be considered (as) sth 认为,看作

consider doing sth 考虑做某事

stare at 盯着

be rude to sb = be impolite to sb 不礼貌

boredom 无聊

lack(n.) of sth缺少

lack(v.) sth

respect v.& n. 尊敬

lead to =result in=give rise to导致

lead to this road 通向这条路

unit 2

call on sb =drop in on sb 拜访某人

call at some place =drop in at some place拜访某地

care for your hair 照料你的头发

hairstyle 发型

suit sb 适合某人

guarantee to do sth 保证做某事

guarantee sth to sb 向某人保证

be /feel on top of the world 觉得兴高采烈

get advice from expert 从专家那得到建议

curl 卷发

angle 棱角

keep healthy 保持健康

eat a balanced diet 吃均衡的饮食

plenty of 许多,大量

in addition 另外

look after = take care of 照顾

shampoo 洗发剂

it is adj. for sb to do sth

it is adj. of sb to do sth

effective 有效的

conditioner 护发素

apply 使用

apply to 使用,申请,涂

apply to the company for the position 向公司申请某个职位

squeeze out 挤出

damage(v) sth 损害某物

do damage(n) to sth

loosen 使松

dirt 灰尘

comb n.& v. 梳子 梳头发

hairdryer 吹风机

wash out 洗掉

at least 至少

remember to do sth 记得要去做某事(没做)

remember doing sth 记得做过某事(做了)

overuse 过度使用

suggest doing sth 建议做某事

make / put forward a suggestion 提出建议

normal 正常的

wet (v)把….弄湿 Some people…..while others……一些人….然而另一些人…..

bald 秃顶

as a result of 由于

a result of …..的结果

ensure 确保,保证

pay attention to sth/to doing sth 注意

protein 蛋白质

adequate 足够的

eight to ten glasses of water 喝8-10 杯水

keep sth from doing sthe 避免

rob sb of sth 抢了某人的东西

steal sth from sb 偷了某人的东西

shiny 闪亮的

remedy for …..的疗法

rinse your hair 冲洗掉你的头发

help sb/sth do 帮助做某事

regularly 经常的

be sure to 务必,确保

the key to sth …..的关键

dairy product 乳制品

stress 精神压力

rub your hair 搓你的头发

Unit 3

places of interests = tourist attraction旅游景点

the Great Wall 长城

be interested in 对….有兴趣

show interest in

interests 利益

twist and turn 蜿蜒曲折(v.)

twist the truth 扭曲事实

turn down 拒绝

turn up 出现

turn out 结果是

turn to 求助于

turn over移交

mountain chains 山脉

construction of sth ….的建造

be under construction 在建设中

take shape 成型

be designed by 被谁设计

complete 完成



from a distance 从远处看

structure 建筑物

base 底座

include 包含---exclude 不包含

gallery (艺术品)展览馆

bronze ware 青铜器

sculpture 雕塑

calligraphy 书法

seal 印章

furniture 家具

it takes+一段时间for sb to do sth 做什么事情花费某人多少时间

historical 有关历史的

historic 历史性的

preserve the buildings 保存,保护这些大楼

preservation 保护区

be admitted to some places被允许进入

admit to doing sth 承认做某事

scenery 风景


landscape painting 山水画 odd 古怪的,奇数

reflection 倒影,反思

the remains of sth ….的遗迹

ancient temple 古老的庙宇

be the pride of sth 是…..的骄傲

be proud of =take pride in 对…..感到骄傲

abandon v.& n. 放弃

access(n) to sth 到达,有….的权利

access(v) some places

fall of the roman empire 罗马帝国的衰落

stadium 竞技场

fall into ruin 成为废墟

hold more than 5000 people 容纳超过五千人

wonder 奇迹

tomb 坟墓

overlook 俯瞰

sit in the stands 坐在看台上

civilization 文明

be made of 有…..制成(看得到材料)

be made from 有…..制成(看不见材料)

be attracted by 被…吸引


surprise n. & vt.惊奇,吃惊

to one"s surprise令人惊讶的

be surprised to do sth吃惊的做某事

studio studios演播室

film v.& n.拍摄,电影



contest v.& n.竞争,比赛

contest with=compete with竞争

a speech contest 演讲比赛

whisper 低语

whisper to sb向某人低语

on the stage在舞台上

faint adj &v. & n. 微弱的,晕倒,昏厥

a faint hope 渺茫的希望

faint with 因…..而晕倒

in a dead faint 不省人事

gasp 喘着气说

gasp out 气喘吁吁地说出

off the stage 下舞台

raise one"s hand 举起某人的手

rush forward 冲向

powder one"s face 在脸上抹粉

comb one"s hair 梳头发

make-up artist 化妆师

cue sb 给某人提示


boom 低沉地说

terrific 极好的

be ahead of 领先

tense 紧张的

sit on the edge of one"s seat 坐在座位的边缘

chew one"s fingernails 要手指甲

keep still 静止不动

make sb up 化妆

make up one"s mind 下定决心做某事

make up sth 编造

make up for 弥补

a bag of nerves 一个神经紧张的人

cameraman 摄影师

seat v. 使坐下

quiz 智力竞赛

trend 趋势

entertainment technology 娱乐科技

feel like + n/adj. 感觉就像

feel like sth /doing 想要什么,想要做什么

imax dome theatre 3D电影院

the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum


surround 环绕

surroundings 环境

audience 观众

achieve a similar effect 达到相似的效果


be suspended on the wall被悬挂在墙上

digital technology 数字科技

be arranged round the viewers被安排围绕着观众


be introduced in 被引进

high- quality music 高质量音乐

no longer 不再

record v & n 记录



beat sb 战胜某人

Unit 5

vegetarian 素食者

vegetable 素食

mixed grill 烤什锦

pork chops 猪排

steak 牛排

sausage 香肠

sound good to sb 听起来很好

sound +adj.听起来….

nor more 不再

the program on tv 电视节目

be influenced by 被…..影响

have an influence on = have an effect on


on space 在太空

become an astronaut 成为宇航员

industry 工业

industrialization 工业化

spend time on sth 在……花时间

spend time in doing sth

in tiny spaces 在狭窄的空间里

get sick 生病

by the way 顺便说一下

ought to 应该

instead of= in place of 替代

it contains vitamins and minerals 它包含维生素和矿物质

pesticide 农药

be healthy for sb 有助于健康

the best source of energy 能量做好的来源

be full of energy = energetic

the importance of sth …..的重要性.

a variety of sth.多种多样的

advise doing 建议做某事=suggest doing

advise sb (not ) to do 建议(不)要做某事

advise on sth 建议某事

a balanced diet 营养均衡的食物

warn sb of sth警告某人某事

warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事

warn sb that从句

lack of (v.)缺少

a lack of (n.)

especially 尤其是,特别是 risk doing (v.) 冒险做某事

run the risk of doing sth

at the risk (n.)of= at the cost of 以 ….为代价

decide on 选定=choose

decide to do sth 决定做某事

tell from 区别

on one hand / on the other hand


Crowd 聚集=gather together

Crowded 拥挤的

Pepper 胡椒粉






Heart attack心脏病

Intelligent 聪明的

Unit 6

agriculture 农业


farm v. 务农,饲养

natural 自然的

grow plants in soil 在土里种植植物

sources of …..的来源

zone 地区

nourish v. 滋养

nourishment n.滋养


make the best use of 充分利用

experimental research on 关于..的实验性实验

facility 场所

involve 包含




prove to 证明

used to do过去常常

get/be used to doing习惯于

economic benefits经济利益

appear amazed to do 看似很惊讶做某事

It appears that 好似

appear to do 好像要做某事

backward 落后的


many forms of 许多形式


health problems健康问题

as common as像…..一样平常

account for 解释,说明

in moderation 适中

in contrast to 相比之下

stay healthy保持健康

in comparison 与…..相比

be aware of 意识到

experience (v)经受

fortunately 幸运的

weight 重量




boom clap的歌词

歌名:Boom Clap演唱:Charli XCX词:Charli XCX曲:Charli XCXBoom Boom Boom Clap我的心跳像雷动的掌声You"re picture perfect blue你是画面里最完美的蓝色Sunbathing on the moon如同在月球上晒日光浴Stars shining as your bones illuminate群星闪耀就像你的耀眼的身影First kiss just like a drug初吻就像毒药Under your influence就无法自拔You take me over you"re the magic in my veins血液里灌透着你的魔力,颠覆我的生命This must be love那一定是爱Boom Clap震耳欲聋The sound of my heart是我的心跳声The beat goes on and on and on and on and这节奏跟上跟上跟上Boom Clap震耳欲聋You make me feel good这感觉真好Come on to me come on to me now爱上我,爱上我Boom Clap震耳欲聋The sound of my heart是我的心跳声The beat goes on and on and on and on and这节奏跟上跟上跟上Boom Clap震耳欲聋You make me feel good这感觉真好Come on to me come on to me now到我的身边来扩展资料《Boom Clap》是英国女歌手查莉XCX演唱的一首歌曲,是电影《星运里的错》的插曲,收录在电影原声带中。《Boom Clap》该首歌曲由查莉XCX、弗雷德里克·伯杰、帕特里克·博克和斯特凡·格拉斯兰德创作,于2014年8月19日由大西洋唱片发行,之后该单曲被收录在查莉XCX第二张录音室专辑《Sucker》中。查莉XCX(Charli XCX),原名夏洛特·艾玛·艾奇逊(Charlotte Emma Aitchison),1992年8月2日出生于英国剑桥,英国创作型女歌手。
2023-07-14 23:59:311

求一首英文歌,歌词有一句make me feel good,come on to me come to me女歌手唱的,节奏挺快

歌名 Boom clap
2023-07-14 23:59:454

boom clap是一首英文歌,哪位知道怎么翻译?

Boom Boom Boom Clap   掌声雷动   You"re picture perfect blue   你就像画中完美的蓝   Sunbathing on the moon   就像月球上的日光浴   Stars shining as your bones illuminate   你像星光般闪耀   First kiss just like a drug   你的魅力   Under your influence   你的吻就像上瘾的毒药,我无法自拔   You take me over you"re the magic in my veins   你将你的魔法放置于我的血液中   This must be love   那一定是爱   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   No silver or no gold   无需穿金戴银   Could dress me up so good   就可以给我好好打扮一下   You"re the glitter in the darkness of my world   你是照亮我黑暗的光芒   Just tell me what to do   告诉我该做什么   I"ll fall right into you   我正陷入你的爱河   Going under cast a spell just say the word   你对我施下爱的魔法   I feel your love   我感受到你的爱   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   You are the light and I will follow   你是我将跟随的光   You let me lose my shadow   你让我失去我的影子   You are the sun the glowing halo   你是太阳照耀的光环   And you keep burning me up with all of your love   你用你所有的爱将我燃烧   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   The sound of my heart   那是我的心跳声   The beat goes on and on and on and on and   不停歇的激烈跳动   Boom Clap   如掌声雷动   You make me feel good   你让我感觉很好   Come on to me come on to me now   来吧,就来到我身边
2023-07-15 00:00:051

英文歌中有歌词有boom,ciap,the sound my heart the beat goes on and on and on

歌手 Charli xcx歌名 boom clap歌词Boom! Boom! Boom! Clap!You"re picture perfect blueSunbathing on the moonStars shining as your bones illuminateFirst kiss just like a drugUnder your influenceYou take me over you"re the magic in my veinsThis must be loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowNo silver or no goldCould dress me up so goodYou"re the glitter in the darkness of my worldJust tell me what to doI"ll fall right into youGoing under cast a spell just say the wordI feel your loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowYou are the light and I will followYou let me lose my shadowYou are the sun, the glowing haloAnd you keep burning me up with all your love, uhBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me now
2023-07-15 00:01:051

boom clap中文谐音是什么?

2023-07-15 00:02:116


boom boom boom
2023-07-15 00:04:145

boom clap中文谐音怎么唱

boom clap.the sound of my heart u270e﹏﹏ 泡沫恋冰茶带您背单词:[四级]intensive/in"tensiv/a.加强的;精耕细作的
2023-07-15 00:04:431

求Boom Clap百度云MP3资源,谢谢

2023-07-15 00:04:581

一首英文歌,女的唱的 有节奏感 高潮部分是boom boom的歌词 还有to me什么的

《Boom Boom Boom》歌词:歌名:Boom Boom Boom歌手:Rare Blend制作:袁菠萝 27133130Ohhhh (oh ya)Everytime we touchI can"t get enoughMy feelings jump on and onI want you so muchBaby I confessI"m a total messWhen you"re around the only sound I hearis my heart goingChorus:Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boomEverybody in love knows the way you make my heart goBoom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boomIt only beats this way for youSomething in your eyestells me that you"re minecan"t you see you and meget better all the timegirl with every kissI can promise thisYou"ll always be, what I needalways make my heart goChorusBoom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boomEverybody in love knows the way you make my heart goBoom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boomIt only beats this way for youWhat you do, (makes me crazy) crazy for youChorusboom, boom, boom, boom, boom,boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,everybody in love knows, the way you make my heart goeverybody in love knows, the way you make my heart goboom, boom, boom, boom, boom,boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,everybody in love knows, the way you make my heart goboom, boom, boom, boom, boom,boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,It only beats this way for youfading until end
2023-07-15 00:05:135

Boom Clap的中文

2023-07-15 00:05:281


2023-07-15 00:05:352


月の照らすベッド シルエットが揺れてるせつない笑颜で 仆を呼んだ声记忆の中に消えてく仆の胸の中で 抱きしめられた君はいつもと违った 表情を见せてたにキスする二人出逢う时が少し 遅かったと君の涙谁かを伤つけてまでも 未来(あした)が见えなくてもう一度 もう一度 君の笑颜が见たくて何度でも 何度でも 抱き寄せるから 想いの彼方でI loved you more than twenty-four sevenもう一度谁かを想うのに ○と×があって仆らの答えは 涙の迹だよ夜空を见上げてた仆の知らない谁かと 过ごすだろう君の日々がそれも爱しく思えるように 大人になるからもう一度 もう一度 君の背中を抱きしめて离さないよ 离さないよ 言叶にすれば何かが変わるの?I miss you more than twenty-four seven君だからもう一度 もう一度 君の笑颜が见たくて何度でも 何度でも 二人过ごした 时间は夺えやしない夜を越えて 仆は悲しみを ポケットの奥に握ってここからまた 二人歩きだそう 想いの彼方でI loved you more than twenty-four sevenもう一度
2023-07-15 00:05:432


boom clap boom de clap de clap....try it with me here we go.boom boom clap....that"s right.boom...123 everybody come your seats,I"m ganna tell you about a beat,that"s ganna make you move your feet.I"ll give the bar-b-q,show and tell you how to move,if you 5or82 this something you can do...
2023-07-15 00:05:514

有哪些类似〔Boom Clap〕这种节奏感强的英文歌。

2023-07-15 00:06:014

boom clap是哪个电影或电视剧的主题曲或插曲或宣传曲?

有的哇,我有你要的电影电视剧哦,感兴趣的可以看我有哒 看我简戒了解一下哦怪物岛
2023-07-15 00:06:204

求B.A.P《no mercy》的中文歌词

是啊,听起来不错,我们在这飞 leggo !boom clap !boom boom clap !x 3 yeah、let it go something like。ub290uadf8,这些孩子阿依达件心理的音乐吗?而他的《阿依达》的卡卡尼我,我卡那凯?奥巴马”,并马赫,ub290uadf8uaec0低息牙齿撒拉摇摇头说他们嘴里心疼不是真的趋势制定、行政先生们正在看样牛、害怕uc790uc2a5坏多不是他们的思考,公司内部的吗?连续耶的rap,就是如此,味道的吗?框架所束缚的模式,减少we so fly舍根据像傻子一样,不会进行比较,你和我显现,不要露出利(danny迪宫月租?《let me work out假打破这些传单、we are world wide no,no,no,no mercy !yeah、we are the b。a。p baby wussup !我们来了!现在是宽容地看待,no,不会mercy,no,no no !yeah、we are the b。a。p现在知道吗?自费没有啊!我们准备了感受到put ya hands up !更大的声音会get ya hands up去吧!boom clap !boom boom clap !x 3 yeah、let it go something like。只知道的人看,we are the main会跟着和认识、音乐是欢快的游戏不同风格,we makin感受到“classic正常,你们现在减少可怕的话we"ll be back音乐响起,大幅的喊声,月租宫迪(danny里扭伤吗?《let me work out假打破这些传单、we are world wide no,no,no,no mercy !yeah、we are the b。a。p baby wussup !我们来了!现在是宽容地看待,no,不会mercy,no,no no !yeah、we are the b。a。p现在知道吗?自费没有啊!我们准备了感受到put ya hands up !更大的声音会get ya hands up去吧!no,no,no,no mercy !yeah、we are the b。a。p baby wussup !我们来了!现在是宽容地看待,no,不会mercy,no,no no !yeah、we are the b。a。p现在知道吗?自费没有啊!我们准备了感受到put ya hands up !更大的声音会get ya hands up去吧!
2023-07-15 00:06:272

有哪些类似〔Boom Clap〕这种节奏感强的英文歌。

2023-07-15 00:06:361


we can"t stop
2023-07-15 00:06:564

求2yoon 24/7 中文歌词

《24/7》中文歌词每天早上都在重复着的生活今天我失去力量(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)在这地狱般的隧道中无法移动我怜悯我自己(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday 当我睁开眼都一样如机器般的人一样忘记了怎么笑Tonight 我的邪恶只为今天不要介意别人Can you feel it?24/7 忘了一切 Get it Get it Get up 舞蹈我的身体热起来Right 我该怎么办让自己在爆炸的节拍中Wanna get down 如竞技者一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down如竞技者一样疯狂看电影 吃饭重复着说过的话(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)每个周末重复吹嘘着妈妈朋友的女儿今天我失去了力量(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday 当我见到你都一样甚至当我看到你很久以后还是讨厌 真的沉闷Tonight 我的邪恶只为今天不用介意别人Can you feel it?24/7 忘了一切Get it Get it Get up舞蹈我的身体热起来 Right 我该怎么办让自己在爆炸的节拍中Wanna get down 如竞技者一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down 如竞技者一样疯狂摆脱刻板的印象我生活的主角是我我要抛弃别人眼光Can you feel it?24/7 忘了一切Get it Get it Get up舞蹈我的身体热起来 Right 我该怎么办让自己在爆炸的节拍中Wanna get down 如竞技者一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down 如竞技者一样疯狂
2023-07-15 00:07:341


歌词如下:My name is ChickyChicky,Chicky,ChickyMy name is Cha-ChaClap,Clap, Cha-Cha-ChaChicky,Chicky,ChickyClap,Clap,Cha-Cha-ChaChicky, Chicky, ChickyClap, Clap,Cha-Cha-ChaMy name is Boom-BoomBoom,Boom,BoomMy name is ChickyMy name is Cha-ChaChicky,Cha-Cha,Boom-BoomChicky,Cha-Cha,Boom-BoomChicky, Cha-Cha,Boom-BoomClap,Clap,Cha-Cha-ChaMy name is Lya-LyaLya,Lya,Lya, Lya,LyaMy name is ...Chicky,Chicky,ChickyMy name is ...Clap,Clap,Cha-Cha-ChaMy name is ...Boom, Boom, BoomChicky,Cha-Cha, Boom-BoomLya lya lya lya lyaChicky,Cha-Cha, Boom-BoomLya lya lya lya lyaChicky,,Cha-Cha, Boom-BoomChicky, Cha-Cha, Boom-BoomLya lya lya lya lya小鸡恰恰舞出处小鸡恰恰舞是D Billions的一首英文启蒙儿歌,节奏十分欢快,很受英语老师们的欢迎。而它现在是广场舞新宠,十分魔性。这个舞出自某视频平台上一个英语学习频道一首英文启蒙歌,原本并无特别之处,但是因为这首歌节奏过于欢快,表情和动作过于魔性被博主“俄罗斯郊外F4”翻跳之后开始火遍全网。视频的主角一共有四个,分别是:琪琪、恰恰、蹦蹦、啦啦。在这四个人中,琪琪和恰恰负责带节奏,拉拉负责扫尾,分工非常明确。视频中,琪琪和恰恰仿佛用尽了全身的力气去跳舞,然后啦啦站在后面,面对搞笑得离谱的二人组,优雅地哼唱啦啦啦啦啦啦。
2023-07-15 00:07:411

这是一首英文歌,女歌手唱的,我只记得高潮部分有几个连续的my boom ,my boom

Boom Clap - Charli XCXBoom Boom Boom ClapYou"re picture perfect blueSunbathing on the moonStars shining as your bones illuminateFirst kiss just like a drugUnder your influenceYou take me over you"re the magic in my veinsThis must be loveBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowNo silver or no goldCould dress me up so goodYou"re the glitter in the darkness of my worldJust tell me what to doI"ll fall right into youGoing under cast a spell just say the wordI feel your loveBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowYou are the light and I will followYou let me lose my shadowYou are the sun the glowing haloAnd you keep burning me up with all of your loveBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me nowBoom ClapThe sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom ClapYou make me feel goodCome on to me come on to me now是这个吗? 望采纳哟~~~
2023-07-15 00:07:561

找一首街舞音乐,英文歌曲女孩唱的,我只记得高潮部分是女孩唱boom boom pa,然后鼓点也是咚咚啪

黑眼豆豆 boom boom pow
2023-07-15 00:08:0514


2023-07-15 00:08:412

2yoon的24/7 的韩语歌词

ub9e4uc77c ub9e4uc77c uc544uce68ub9c8ub2e4 ubc18ubcf5ub418ub294 uc77cuc0c1 uc18duc5d0ud798uc774 ube60uc838 uc624ub298ub3c4(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)uc9c0uc625uac19uc740 uc9c0ud558ucca0uc5d0 uaf3cuc9ddub2ecuc2f9 ud560 uc218uc5c6ub294uc774ub7f0 ub0b4uac00 ubd88uc30dud574(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday ub208ub9cc ub728uba74 ub2e4 ub611uac19uc544ub85cubd07uac19uc740 uc0acub78cub4e4 uc6c3uc74cuc870ucc28 uc78auc740 ub098ub0a0ub4e4Tonight uc624ub298ub9ccuc740 uc090ub6a4uc5b4uc9c8ub798ub208uce58ubcf4uc9c0ub9d0uace0 uc640Can you feel it?24/7 ubaa8ub450uc78auace0 Get it Get it Get up ucda4uc744 ucdb0ubab8uc774 ud6c4ub048 ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c Right uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub178(ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc)ud130uc9c8ub4efud55c ube44ud2b8uc704uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8ubd10Wanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624uc601ud654 ubcf4uace0 ubc25uc744 uba39uace0 ud558ub358 uc598uae30 ub610 ud558uace0ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub370uc774ud2b8 (To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)uc8fcub9d0ub9c8ub2e4 ubc18ubcf5ub418ub294 uc5c4ub9c8 uce5cuad6c ub538 uc790ub791uc5d0ud798uc774 ube60uc838 uc624ub298ub3c4(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday ub110 ub9ccub098ub3c4 ub2e4 ub611uac19uc544uc624ub79cub9ccuc5d0 ub9ccub098ub3c4 uc7acubbf8uc5c6uc5b4 uc815ub9d0 ub530ubd84ud574Tonight uc624ub298ub9cc uc740uc090ub6a4uc5b4uc9c8ub798ub208uce58ubcf4uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc640Can you feel it?24/7 ubaa8ub450 uc78auace0 Get it Get it Get up ucda4uc744 ucdb0ubab8uc774 ud6c4ub048 ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c Right uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub178(ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc)ud130uc9c8ub4efud55c ube44ud2b8 uc704uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8ubd10Wanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624ud2c0uc5d0 ubc15ud78c uc0dduac01ub4e4 uc774uc81cub294 ubc97uc5b4ubc84ub824ub0b4 uc778uc0dduc758 uc8fcuc778uacf5uc740 ub098uc57cuc8fcuc704 uc2dcuc120ub530uc708 ub358uc838 ubc84ub9b4ub798Can you feel it?24/7 ubaa8ub450 uc78auace0Get it Get it Get up ucda4uc744 ucdb0ubab8uc774 ud6c4ub048 ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c Right uc5b4ub5a1ud558ub178(ub108ubb34 ub354uc6cc)ud130uc9c8ub4efud55c ube44ud2b8 uc704uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8ubd10Wanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down ubbf8uce5c ub10c ub85cub370uc624
2023-07-15 00:08:481


2023-07-15 00:08:567

求一首女生唱的英文歌开头 蹦蹦蹦哈 高潮有呐呐呐呐呐那 歌名叫什么

boom clap-Charli XCX
2023-07-15 00:09:112

英文歌女生 中间 bow ka 什么什么so heart

听听看是不是 Rihanna - “Take a Bow”
2023-07-15 00:09:182

Miley Cyrus - Hoedown Throwdown 的中文歌词 拜托啦

嘿你也喜欢MILEY么?我很喜欢她哦,I MISS YOU和BUTTERFLY FLY AWAY都很好听,还有STAY,EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THRON。嘿嘿,MILEY 很可爱。对了,这首歌可以在土豆上搜到教舞视频哦很容易但是很好看,我都学会咯!哈哈。歌词付上:潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 试着跟我来吧 潮潮潮德拍德鼓掌拍手(哇,天啊)。 没错繁荣德拍德鼓掌 潮潮潮德拍德鼓掌拍手(哇,天啊)。 1,2,3 大家加油,脱下你的座位, 我Ganna告诉你关于一个节拍, 这Ganna使你移动你的脚 生病的烤鸡, 节目,告诉你如何移动 如果你的5 - 82 这是一些你可以做的(天啊,天啊)。 它锁,它, Poka-Dot-It,Country-fy,然后嘻哈它, 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边, 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒的CrossThe地板, 在斜洗牌 当DrumHits、手在你的臀部吗 One-footed 1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次, 醒醒吧,从头到脚 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何转动 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起, 那我们怎样转动 我们到达4、5、6个 和你的感觉破灭了 但它不是一次辞职。 哇,你PracticeMakes完美(哇)。 它锁,它,Poka-Dot-It(哇,天啊)。 Country-fy,然后嘻哈它(耶,耶)。 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边(嘿、嘿)。 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒穿过地板, 在斜洗牌 当鼓支安打,在你的臀部吗 1英尺,长1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次 摇出来,从头到脚把它们结合在一起, 那我们怎样转动 德·拍掌。繁荣 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 潮潮拍,来吧,我们走吧 潮潮拍,繁荣德拍德鼓掌 潮潮拍,繁荣德拍德 它锁,它,Poka-Dot-It(哇,天啊)。 Country-fy,然后嘻哈它(耶,耶)。 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边(嘿、嘿)。 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒的交叉地板, 在斜洗牌 当鼓支安打,在你的臀部吗 One-Footed 1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次 醒醒吧,从头到脚 把它们结合在一起,我们卷你们好 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何作用 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何转动 德拍,潮潮潮德拍拍一拍, 德拍,潮潮潮拍拍拍掌。德 德拍,潮潮德拍德鼓掌 把它们结合在一起,我们卷你们好
2023-07-15 00:09:262

tara 天空大地星星 中文歌词

? 找不到
2023-07-15 00:09:332


walking in the sun
2023-07-15 00:09:424

求一首英文歌前面是蹦 蹦蹦 蹦蹦蹦蹦蹦 中间拍手

Papi-Jennifer Lopez
2023-07-15 00:09:505


Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show 2008 音乐列表 Part 1: Usher: What"s Your Name, Yeah Part 2: Jorge Moreno: Babalu Part 3: The Killers: Human Part 4: The Ting Tings: That"s Not My Name Performance Usher: This Ain"t sex Part 5: Chris Brown: With You Part 6: Kanye West: Love Lockdown Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show 2009Music ListSegment 1: Star TrooperBlack Eyed Peas: Boom Boom PowSegment 2: All AboardKings of Leon - Sex on FireSegment 3: PINK PlanetKings of Leon - Use SomebodyPerformance: Black Eyed Peas: Meet Me HalfwaySegment 4: Enchanted ForestThe Script: The Man Who Can"t Be MovedSegment 5: Romantic JourneyLeona Lewis: HappyFinaleThe Veronicas: Untouched
2023-07-15 00:10:041

boom clap中文谐音歌词

Boom Boom Boom Clap  掌声雷动  You"re picture perfect blue  你就像画中完美的蓝  Sunbathing on the moon  就像月球上的日光浴  Stars shining as your bones illuminate  你像星光般闪耀  First kiss just like a drug  你的魅力  Under your influence  你的吻就像上瘾的毒药,我无法自拔  You take me over you"re the magic in my veins  你将你的魔法放置于我的血液中  This must be love  那一定是爱  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sound of my heart  那是我的心跳声  The beat goes on and on and on and on and  不停歇的激烈跳动  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  You make me feel good  你让我感觉很好  Come on to me come on to me now  来吧,就来到我身边  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sound of my heart  那是我的心跳声  The beat goes on and on and on and on and  不停歇的激烈跳动  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  You make me feel good  你让我感觉很好  Come on to me come on to me now  来吧,就来到我身边  No silver or no gold  无需穿金戴银  Could dress me up so good  就可以给我好好打扮一下  You"re the glitter in the darkness of my world  你是照亮我黑暗的光芒  Just tell me what to do  告诉我该做什么  I"ll fall right into you  我正陷入你的爱河  Going under cast a spell just say the word  你对我施下爱的魔法  I feel your love  我感受到你的爱  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sound of my heart  那是我的心跳声  The beat goes on and on and on and on and  不停歇的激烈跳动  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  You make me feel good  你让我感觉很好  Come on to me come on to me now  来吧,就来到我身边  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sound of my heart  那是我的心跳声  The beat goes on and on and on and on and  不停歇的激烈跳动  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  You make me feel good  你让我感觉很好  Come on to me come on to me now  来吧,就来到我身边  You are the light and I will follow  你是我将跟随的光  You let me lose my shadow  你让我失去我的影子  You are the sun the glowing halo  你是太阳照耀的光环  And you keep burning me up with all of your love  你用你所有的爱将我燃烧  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sound of my heart  那是我的心跳声  The beat goes on and on and on and on and  不停歇的激烈跳动  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  You make me feel good  你让我感觉很好  Come on to me come on to me now  来吧,就来到我身边  Boom Clap  如掌声雷动  The sou
2023-07-15 00:11:041


2023-07-15 00:11:111

you be my boom boom boom. 带有这句歌词的英文歌 一个女生唱

2023-07-15 00:11:203

《Hoedown Throwdown》 的歌词及翻译

boom boom clap boom de clap de clapboom boom clap boom de clap de clapboom boom clap boom de clap de clapboom boom clap boom de clap de clap以上是节奏音,没具体意思try it with me试着和我一起here we go我们走吧boom boom clap boom de clap de clapthat"s right !!!(哼节奏)就是这样boom de clap de clapboom boom clapboom de clap de clap1,2,3 everybody come on, off your seats123,每个人都站起来来,离开你的座位i am gonna tell you, about a beat,我要告诉你,关于(打)节奏that"s gonna make you move your feet那会让你挪动你的双脚i"ll give the bar-b-q,我会给你看 bar-b-q,show and tell you how to move示范给你看怎么舞动if your 5 or 82如果你5岁或80岁this is something you can do你也可以做得到pop it, lock it, polka-dot-it,让它流行(爆它),锁起它,波尔卡(一种舞蹈)打点它(这句节奏而已没真实意义)country-fy it,"hip-hop it乡村-它,"hip-hop 它(指音乐类型)put yoyour hawk in the sky把你的鹰放飞天空move side to side从这边舞动到那边jump to the left, stick it, and glide跳到左,站住,滑过来zig zag(声音)cross the floor,跨过地面shuffle in diagonal从斜对角慢滑过来when the drum hits当鼓点响起hands on your hips,把手放在屁股上one footed 1-80 twist单脚180度扭转and then a,然后zig zag, step n"slide踏脚滑动lean in left偏向左and clap 3x击掌3次shake it out, head to toe摇起来,你的头和脚趾throw it all together把他们统统甩开thats how we roll这就是我们摇滚的样子do the hoedown跳起土风舞(throwdown)甩下来do the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)throw it all together thats how we roll把他们统统甩开,这就是我们摇滚的样子we get to 4,5,6我们来456and yoyour feeling busted让你的感觉狂欢起来but its not time to quit没时间推却practice makes it perfect熟能生巧(以下重复)pop it, lock it, polka-dot-it,country-fy it,"hip-hop itput yoyour hawk in the skymove side to sidejump to the leftstick it and glidezig zagcross the floorshuffle in diaginolwhen the drum hitshands on yoyour hipsone footed,1-80 twistand then a,zig zagstep n"slidelean in leftand clap 3xshake it outhead to toethrow it all together thats how we rolldo the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)throw it all together thats how we rollboom de clap de clap boom boom clap,come on here we goboom boom clapboom de clap de clapboom boom clapboom de clappop it, lock it, polka-dot-it,country-fy it,"hip-hop itput yoyour hawk in the skyand move side to sidejump to the leftstick it and glidezig zag, cross the floorshuffle in diagonalwhen the drum hits, hands on your hipsone footed1-80 twistand then azig zagstep and slide,lean in left, and clap 3xshake it out, head to toethrow it all together thats how we rolldo the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)throw it all together thats how we rolldo the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)do the hoedown(throwdown)throw it all together that how we rollboom da clap, boom boom da clap clap clapboom da clap, boom boom da clap clap clapbom da clap, boom da clap clapthrow it all togethe
2023-07-15 00:11:351


歌名:24/7作词:2YOON歌手:CagnetGet down get down get get get downGet down get down get get get down매일 매일 아침마다 반복되는 일상 속에每天的生活从早上开始又重复着힘이 빠져 오늘도我今天又没了干劲(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)지옥같은 지하철에 꼼짝달싹 할 수없는挤在这地狱般的地铁中 不得动弹이런 내가 불쌍해我都可怜我自己(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday 눈만 뜨면 다 똑같아Everyday从我睁开眼又是单调的一天로봇같은 사람들 웃음조차 잊은 나날들像机器人般的人类 都忘记了如何笑的人类的日子Tonight 오늘만은 삐뚤어질래 눈치 보지말고 와Tonight就限今天 稍微放纵一把 不要在意别人 来吧Can you feel it?Can you feel it?24/7 모두잊고 Get it Get it Get up 춤을 춰24/7忘记一切 Get it Get it Get up 尽情舞动몸이 후끈 달아올라 Right 어떡하노(너무 더워)我的身体变得好热 Right 我该怎么做(好热)터질듯한 비트위에 너를 맡겨봐让你的身体沦陷于这快爆炸的节奏中吧Wanna get down 미친 넌 로데오 /Wanna get downWanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down 미친 넌 로데오Wanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂영화 보고 밥을 먹고 하던 얘기 또 하고 매일 같은 데이트看电影 吃东西 说你以前就说过的话 每天都一样的日子(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)주말마다 반복되는 엄마 친구 딸 자랑에每个周末妈妈总是吹嘘她的朋友的女儿怎么怎么行힘이 빠져 오늘도我今天又没了干劲(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)(To the left To the right To the left To the left To the right)Everyday 널 만나도 다 똑같아Everyday一样都能遇到你오랜만에 만나도 재미없어 정말 따분해见面了一段时间后 你也很无聊 真的很无聊Tonight 오늘만 은삐뚤어질래 눈치 보지 말고 와Tonight就限今天 稍微放纵一把 不要在意别人 来吧Can you feel it?Can you feel it?24/7 모두잊고 Get it Get it Get up 춤을 춰24/7忘记一切 Get it Get it Get up 尽情舞动몸이 후끈 달아올라 Right 어떡하노(너무 더워)我的身体变得好热 Right 我该怎么做(好热)터질듯한 비트위에 너를 맡겨봐让你的身体沦陷于这快爆炸的节奏中吧Wanna get down 미친 넌 로데오Wanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down 미친 넌 로데오Wanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂틀에 박힌 생각들 이제는 벗어버려突破陈旧的自己내 인생의 주인공은 나야我才是自己生活的主人公주위 시선따윈 던져 버릴래我想要摆脱别人的看法Can you feel it?Can you feel it?24/7 모두잊고 Get it Get it Get up 춤을 춰24/7忘记一切 Get it Get it Get up 尽情舞动몸이 후끈 달아올라 Right 어떡하노(너무 더워)我的身体变得好热 Right 我该怎么做(好热)터질듯한 비트위에 너를 맡겨봐让你的身体沦陷于这快爆炸的节奏中吧Wanna get down 미친 넌 로데오Wanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂Boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom boom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapBoom clap Boom boomboom clapWanna get down 미친 넌 로데오Wanna get down你像个牧马人一样疯狂
2023-07-15 00:11:421

求Boom Clap和Hands to myself 的百度云资源

Boom Clap和Hands to mysel
2023-07-15 00:11:491

推荐几首英文歌!类似于BOOM CLAP这类歌曲的!

2023-07-15 00:11:573


boom clap
2023-07-15 00:12:041

Hoedown Throwdown 歌词

2023-07-15 00:12:101


2023-07-15 00:12:309


是MILEY CYRUS的 hoedown throwdown? 那首歌节奏感很强烈的 开头就是类似boom clap boom de clap de clap.. 是hannah montana the movie原声带里的一首歌
2023-07-15 00:12:531


2023-07-15 00:13:001


是这首 boom boom pow 吗? 黑眼豆豆的
2023-07-15 00:13:264

有一首英文歌 前面开头是像说的 什么 tikup tikup 是个女生的

Hoedown Throwdown麦莉赛勒斯的第一句是:Boom Boom Clap Boom DE Clap De Clap
2023-07-15 00:13:332


2023-07-15 00:13:402

求一首英文歌 节奏是这样的:啦~啦啦啦啦,然后来句英文.然后又是啦啦啦啦啦~然后是英文一句,啦~啦

boom clap
2023-07-15 00:14:0010

歌词里有4个boom(可能不是这个单词 但发音差不多)的英文歌

Boom clap 一部电影的主题曲吧,,,
2023-07-15 00:14:231

求super junior m-太完美歌词

Super Junior-M-太完美歌词 全员 :她迷住我视线 她迷住我视线 始源 :在爱情里的宝藏被我发现 你就是我寻找的稀世宝贝 圭贤 :你就不断地在正反我世界 连冰块遇见你都燃起火焰 Henry:太过心急不对 银赫 :用力爱会碎 Henry:太过缓慢不对 银赫 :我随你进或退 东海 :Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh 周觅:你的眉眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 圭贤 :我的心变成了口袋的一面 Just for you 不停地给 不停地给 厉旭 :这样子爱你到底是对不对 我一边迷惑一边更加迷恋 晟敏 :太过心急不对 银赫 :用力爱会碎 晟敏 :太过缓慢不对 银赫 :我随你进或退 圭贤 :Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh Henry:你的眉眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 圭贤 :Oh 太完美 Oh 不让谁 Oh 太完美 周觅:每次见面是脉搏就当机了 她在我全身狂跳不由己 全员 :一直跳一直跳 想见你 一直跳一直跳 喜欢你 一直跳一直跳 都是你 一直跳一直跳 我爱你 一直跳一直跳一直跳一直跳 晟敏 :太过心急不对 厉旭 :用力爱会碎 晟敏 :太过缓慢不对 厉旭 :我随你进或退 始源 :Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh 圭贤 :你的眉眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 银赫 :Bounce to the music let your feet go round To the floor and I"ma break it down Let me in let me show you all my bling bling And all my kicks kicks baby dance with me 全员 :Boom Boom Boom Henry:Can I get another clap clap clap lets go Shake your body move your body Pick your feet up I"ma move to the groove baby I"ma go all out 东海 :给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说 你想我 说你想我 给我说 你爱我 圭贤 :Yeah~ 东海 :给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说 你想我 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 她迷住我视线 她迷住我视线 (始源) 在爱情里的宝藏被我发现 你就是我寻找的稀世宝贝 (圭贤) 你就不断地在正反我世界 连冰块遇见你都燃起火焰 (Herny) 太过心急不对 (银赫) 用力爱会碎 (Herny) 太过缓慢不对 (银赫) 我随你进或退 (东海) Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 Woo Wo u O (周觅) 你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈间你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷 (圭贤) 我的心变成了口袋的一面 Just For You不停地给 不停地给 (厉旭) 这样子爱你到底是对不对 我一边疑惑 一边更加迷恋 (晟敏) 太过心急不对 (银赫) 用力爱会碎 (晟敏) 太过缓慢不对 (银赫) 我随你进或退 (圭贤) Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 Woo Wo u O (Herny) 你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈间你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷 ( Oh太完美 Oh不让谁) (周觅) 每次见面是脉搏就当机了 他在我全身狂跳不由己 一直跳 一直跳 想见你 一直跳 一直跳 喜欢你 一直跳 一直跳 都是你 一直跳 一直跳 我爱你 一直跳 一直跳 一直跳 一直跳 (晟敏) 太过心急不对 (厉旭) 用力爱会碎 (晟敏) 太过缓慢不对 (厉旭) 我随你进或退 (始源) Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 Woo Wo u O (圭贤) 你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈间你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷 Rap> (银赫) Bounce to the music let your feet go round to the floor and I"ma break it down let me in let me show you all my bling bling and all my kicks kicks baby dance with me (Herny) Boom Boom Boom Can I get another clap clap clap lets go shake your body move your body pick your feet up I"ma move to the groove baby I"ma go all out 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说你想我说你想我给我说你爱我 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说你想我给我说你想我给我说你爱我 参考: Me 她迷住我视线 她迷住我视线 在爱情里的宝藏被我发现 你就是我寻找的稀世宝贝 你就不断地在正反我世界 连冰块遇见你都燃起火焰 太过心急不对 用力爱会碎 太过缓慢不对 我随你进或退 Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh 你的媚眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 我的心变成了口袋的一面 Just for you 不停地给 不停地给 这样子爱你到底是对不对 我一边迷惑一边更加迷恋 太过心急不对 用力爱会碎 太过缓慢不对 我随你进或退 Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh 你的媚眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 Oh 太完美 Oh 不让谁 Oh 太完美 每次见面是脉搏就当机了 她在我全身狂跳不由己 一直跳一直跳 想见你 一直跳一直跳 喜欢你 一直跳一直跳 都是你 一直跳一直跳 我爱你 一直跳一直跳一直跳一直跳 太过心急不对 用力爱会碎 太过缓慢不对 我随你进或退 Oh太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh不让谁 替我在你身边 woo oh woo oh 你的媚眼 你的侧脸 你的颈肩 你的妩媚 你的一切 从头到尾 我已沦陷 Bounce to the music let your feet go round To the floor and I"ma break it down Let me in let me show you all my bling bling And all my kicks kicks baby dance with me Boom Boom Boom Henry:Can I get another clap clap clap lets go Shake your body move your body Pick your feet up I"ma move to the groove baby I"ma go all out 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说 你想我 说你想我 给我说 你爱我 Yeah~ 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 给我说 你想我 给我说 你想我 给我说 你爱我 Yeah~ 参考: 自己
2023-07-15 00:14:361