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2023-07-17 21:08:12
TAG: glad ad la lad



格拉德 高兴的意思
2023-07-17 13:57:462


glad;happy;pleased 区分 三者都意为“高兴的;愉快的”。 1) glad多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。例如: I"m glad to help you with your English.我很高兴帮助你学英语。 2) happy指使人感到内心的满足、幸福和愉快,祝贺新年、生日或节日时常用到它,可用作表语和定语。例如: Happy New Year!新年好! 3)pleased意为“对……感到满意(高兴)的”,常与be动词连用,后面接with, at等介词短语,或不定式短语,pleased通常不作定语。例如: She is pleased with her new job. 她对她的新工作很满意。
2023-07-17 13:58:051

be glad的用法及例句

be glad 是一个系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴,欢喜.其用法有3种:1.后带介词短语,如 I am glad about his new job.我为他的新工作感到高兴.2.后带动词不定式,如 I"ll be glad to do you a favour.我愿意为你效劳.注意...
2023-07-17 13:58:131


2023-07-17 13:58:411

be glad 和be happy 的区别

表示高兴做某事一般用be glad to do sth ,be happy一般只表示状态,或者后面+for sth
2023-07-17 13:58:515


be glad to do sth 很荣幸做某事
2023-07-17 13:59:231


glad If you are glad about something 即 you are happy and pleased about it. If you say that you will be glad to do something 即 you mean that you are willing and eager to do it . ================================================ pleased If you are pleased 即 you are happy about something or satisfied with something. If you say you will be pleased to do something 即 you are saying in a polite way that you are willing to do it. 一般而言两字一样是替人感到高兴,但有些地道用法是有些微妙的分别可以留意: glad可以指庆幸,例如:I am glad you are not hurt in the accident. 但很少人会说:I am pleased you are not hurt in the accident. pleased则会用在一些formal少少的wirting,而glad则甚少用于formal writing. 公司信件或回复客户等正式公文都不会用glad而只用pleased表达高兴或表示欢迎。 We are pleased to invite you to our annual ball/dinner. I"m please to go to your pany"s annual ball/dinner. 所以虽然两字查字典可能中文解差不多完全相同,但单就用途已经有些分别,再深的用法不谈以免影响你的理解。 jenkini1 raised a good point! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! "glad" and "pleased" are the same! 2009-11-25 15:30:41 补充: "glad" and "pleased" are the same! 2009-11-25 15:31:09 补充: "glad" and "pleased" are the same!
2023-07-17 13:59:421


2023-07-17 13:59:501

glad 音标是 汉语是

格莱德学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-07-17 14:00:081


glad 是形容词,形容词一般都可以作表语、定语、宾补。I am glad to see you. give a glad smile; see her glad to do the job
2023-07-17 14:00:322


glad用法详细如下:一、glad可以用作形容词高兴的;乐意的;令人高兴的,使人愉快的。例句:That friendless child"s noise would make you glad.那孤苦伶仃的孩子的喧闹声会使你听了高兴的。例句:I"m just glad to help.我很乐意帮忙的。二、glad指由于某一特定的事或原因而“喜悦”,描写的是人高兴或快乐的情绪,也可用于对愉快或满意的感情的有礼貌的表达。三、glad作“高兴的,欢喜的”解时在句中一般用作表语:接about表示高兴的原因,接at表示瞬间的喜悦,接of表示高兴的心理的持续状态;其后还可接由that/wh-引导的从句,that常可省略。四、glad作“使人高兴的,令人快乐的”解时,在句中通常用作定语。五、glad用作形容词的用法例句1、I"m glad to hear he"s feeling better.听说他身体好些了,我很高兴。2、I am glad we have come together at last.很高兴我们终于取得了一致。3、I"d be glad to lend you the money.我很乐意借给你钱。
2023-07-17 14:02:431


  glad表高兴的,乐意的; 令人高兴的意思,那么你知道glad的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了glad的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   glad的同义词辨析:   happy, glad, cheerful, joyful, merry, delightful, gay, pleasant, nice, jolly, agreeable   这些形容词均含"愉快的,高兴的"之意。   happy : 侧重感到满足、幸福或高兴。   glad : 最普通用词,语气较弱,表示礼貌的惯用语。指乐于做某事或因某事而感到满足,常表愉快的心情。   cheerful : 多指因内心的愉快而表现出兴高采烈,是强调而自然的感情流露。   joyful : 语气较强,强调心情或感情上的欣喜。   merry : 指精神情绪的暂时高涨,表示欢乐、愉快的心境或情景,侧重充满欢笑声和乐趣。   delightful : 指能带来强烈的快乐,激起愉快的情感,用于非常愉快的场合。   gay : 侧重无忧无虑、精神昂扬、充满生命的快乐。   pleasant : 侧重给人以"赏心悦目"或"愉快的,宜人的"感受。   nice : 语气较温和,泛指任何愉快或满意的感觉。   jolly : 通俗用词,多指充满快乐与喜悦的神情。   agreeable : 指与感受者的愿望、情趣或受好等和谐一致而带来的心情上的快意。   glad的例句:   1. I"m so glad to see you back where you belong.   我真高兴看到你又回到了属于你自己的天地。   2. I"m so glad he had a pang of conscience.   我很高兴他会有负疚感。   3. I can"t tell you how glad I was to leave that place.   我无法形容自己离开那个地方心里有多高兴。   4. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.   她正感到有些疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。   5. I"m so glad that we"ve found you at last!   我们终于找到你了,我真是太高兴了!   6. You can"t think how glad I was to see them all go.   你都想象不到,我看到他们全都走了,心里是多么高兴。   7. We were glad to be on dry land again.   再一次踏上陆地我们很高兴。   8. She thought she"d never been so glad to see his bulky form.   她想她从来没有因看到他那肥胖的身躯而如此高兴。   9. I am so glad that you have brought this to my notice.   我很高兴你让我注意到了这件事情。   10. "He speaks well of you." — "I"m glad to hear that."   “他对你评价很高。”——“真高兴听到这个。”   11. I"m glad that you"re over the flu.   你的流感好了,我真高兴。   12. I am glad it"s all over.   我很高兴一切都结束了。   13. I"d be glad to lend a hand.   我很乐意帮忙。   14. Hello, Dolph. Glad I caught you.   喂,多尔夫,可见着你了。   15. I ought to be glad about what happened.   我对发生的事情应该感到高兴才是。
2023-07-17 14:06:071

be glad的用法及例句

be glad 是一个系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴,欢喜.其用法有3种: 1.后带介词短语,如 I am glad about his new job.我为他的新工作感到高兴. 2.后带动词不定式,如 I"ll be glad to do you a favour.我愿意为你效劳. 注意,如动词不定式不是句子主语的行为,则应在不定式之前加上逻辑主语,如 I shall be glad for you to come.你能来我将很高兴.(来的主语不是我,而是你,所以要加 for you.) 3.后带宾语从句,如 I am glad you have succeeded.你成功了我感到高兴. 以上例句不是本人自编的,均选自“金山词霸2009牛津版”,保证正确.
2023-07-17 14:06:331


glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!
2023-07-17 14:06:501


高兴的glad英语发音:发音英 [gl_d];美 [ɡl_d]。基本释义:形容词或者动词;意为高兴的,乐意的;令人高兴的,使人愉快的;(风光)明媚的,(景色)美丽的;充满欢乐的,兴高采烈的;使高兴。
2023-07-17 14:07:061


1/glad释义: adj. 高兴的;乐意的 vt. 使......高兴 2/例句: I"m glad to help you carry the bags. 我很乐意帮你拿袋子。 Your arrival for my birthday party will glad me. 生日聚会上你的到来会使我很高兴。 3/glad的短语有: glad to meet you见到你很高兴 glad to see you见到你很高兴 glad of对……感到高兴 glad eyen. [口]媚眼;秋波
2023-07-17 14:07:241


glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!
2023-07-17 14:07:481


glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!
2023-07-17 14:08:231


你好, glad是形容词, 意思是高兴的, 副词是gladly. 它没有动词, 古英语用法里glad可以做动词, 现在已经不这样用。表示使...开心,高兴, 可以用动词please比如 He bought the necklace toplease his girlfriend. 他买项链让他女朋友开心。 或者make sb happy 让某人开心,采纳哈 !
2023-07-17 14:08:391


happy, pleased, pleasant, joyful
2023-07-17 14:08:471


1) glad多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。例如: I"m glad to help you with your English.我很高兴帮助你学英语。 2) happy指使人感到内心的满足、幸福和愉快,祝贺新年、生日或节日时常用到它,可用作表语和定语。例如: Happy New Year!新年好!
2023-07-17 14:08:541


glad/pleased都有:“高兴、快乐”之意。1. glad 多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到:情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。如: I"m glad to help you with your English. 我很高兴帮你学英语。2. pleased 意为:“对……感到满意/高兴”常与be连用,后面接介词with(sb), at(sth) 等引起的短语,或不定式;pleased 通常不作定语。如:① He is pleased with his new job. 他对他的新工作很满意。② She was very much pleased at the news. 她听到这个消息非常满意。 希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-17 14:09:022


2023-07-17 14:09:101


二者为形容词但意思又不同 glad是高兴的开心的意思一般作表语 而nice是好的不错的漂亮的等意思没有高兴的这一意思 一般作表语也可作定语
2023-07-17 14:09:182


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2023-07-17 14:09:341


glad /g/
2023-07-17 14:09:533


I am glad (that) we fell down that ravine.glad 后面接的是宾语从句,不是同位语从句。宾从中,that 在这里是可以省略的,所以没有连接词 (也有一些情况不可省略)。补充一个例子:I am glad (that) that didn"t happen. 这里第一个that 是宾从的引导词,省略;第二个that 是从句中的主语(指的是没发生的那一件事)。希望帮到了你。
2023-07-17 14:10:181

be glad的用法及例句

be glad to do sth.I am glad to see you.
2023-07-17 14:10:262


glad的比较级一般用more glad,不用gladder……如有疑问,请追问!
2023-07-17 14:10:592


I"m glad to meet you.见到你很高兴。I"m so glad that you can come.你能来我太高兴了。
2023-07-17 14:11:131


珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)是一位于美国夏威夷州瓦胡岛上的海港,位于该州首府檀香山西方。东距火奴鲁鲁约10公里。面积89平方公里。由3个呈鸟足状深入陆地的海湾组成,仅一窄口与大洋相通;湾内水深10-20米,通航水域面积26平方公里。港区掩蔽条件好,水域回旋余地大,为世界著名天然良港。因水域内曾盛产珍珠而得名。1887年美国获得在此建立加煤站和修船站的特权。1898年美国吞并夏威夷后,开始兴建大型海、空军基地。1908年开始作为深水军港使用,也是美国海军太平洋舰队的总部所在地。1941年12月7日珍珠港曾遭日军突袭轰炸造成重大伤亡,史称“珍珠港事件”或“偷袭珍珠港”,此事件直接导致美国对日宣战,正式加入第二次世界大战中太平洋战场部分的战事。第二次世界大战后,进行了重点改建和扩建,港区多深水码头,可停泊巨型舰只;附近的海军造船厂建有大型干船坞,可制造和修理各类军舰。是美国舰队总部所在地,也是第七舰队军需物资供应地。东有火奴鲁鲁国际机场和一个军用机场。与火奴鲁鲁之间有高速公路相连。(英语版的没有,不好意思) 参考资料:
2023-07-17 14:08:162


white money银币;a white lie 善意的谎言;white hands 清白无辜;white pollution 噪音污染;white collar 白领;white sale 大减价;white coal 水力;white as a sheet 苍白white hope 被寄予厚望的人或事;white elephant 无用的,不需要的累赘物white crow 白乌鸦,指稀少罕见的事物;white war 没有硝烟的战争,常指经济竞争;white lie 一个没有恶意的或小的谎言。white sale 不是白色卖品,而是大削价的床上用品。white feather 不是白色羽毛,而是缺乏斗志和勇气。raise (or wave) a white flag 暗示你被打败了,你愿意放弃。white tie event/affair 不是白色领带聚会,而是男士身着礼服的聚会。white slavery 不是白奴,而是将少女拐卖到国外做娼妓的行为。
2023-07-17 14:08:191

company,companion 作名词 区别

company是陪伴,但没有说是同伴哦。可能你家的狗狗可以说成陪伴但不是同伴。Her company in Valentine"s day really relax. She, as a companion as in Valentine"s day, really make me comfortable.
2023-07-17 14:08:224


Louis Vuitton Red Cross Portable Medical Box 路易·威登“红十字会”药箱也时尚 Louis Vuitton has always been making unique, innovative and functional luggage products in more than one hundred years. In the year of the Red Cross"s 150-year anniversary, Louis Vuitton designed a special “Red Cross portable medical box” to celebrate this great event. Louis Vuitton also designed a Red Cross box which is a *** all red-gray box inside and formed a red-cross signal. At the same time, Louis Vuitton invited six masters to design six unique luggage products. The six great men include: Marc Jacobs, the brand successor Patrick-Louis Vuitton, the famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, English artist Damien Hirst, the three-star chef Ferran Adrian and the famous musician Gustavo Santaolalla. They designed several patterns of luggage boxes with delicate shape and practical functions according to their likeness and needs. Marc Jacobs will bring two dogs with his trip to Paris or New York so he designed a onogram1 canvas pet box for his dogs. There are riser vent, food and plates in this box. The most interesting point is there is a space in the box to place the owner"s picture to release the bitter of missing in the box. The famous photographer Annie Leibovitz designed a series of knapsack and shoulder bags. The inside soft cushion made several partments to hold cameras and other tools. Every work of this series had been auctioned in 17th November in London. All of the money in the auction was donated to support the Nigerian Fight Against Malnutrition Programme of Red Cross. 一百多年来,路易·威登一直致力于制作独特、新颖和实用的行李用品。适逢红十字会成立150周年之 际,路易·威登设计了一款特别的“红十字会便携式医药箱”来庆祝这一重要日子。路易·威登还设计了一个“红十字会箱子”,这个箱子里装有一套红、灰色小盒,组合成一个红十字标志。同时,路易·威登还邀请了六位大师设计出六款独特的行李用品。 这六位大师是:马克·雅各布、该品牌的继承人帕特里克-路易·威登、著名摄影师安妮·莱博维茨、英国艺术家达明安·赫斯特、三星级厨师费伦·阿德里安和著名音乐家古斯塔沃·桑塔欧拉拉。根据个人的喜好和需求,他们设计了多种不同样式、外形精巧并具有实用功能的行李箱。 马克·雅各布会带两只狗陪他去巴黎或纽约,所以他为他的两只狗设计了一款交织字母帆布宠物箱。这个箱子有透气孔、食物和盘子。最有趣的一点是箱子里有一个地方摆放着主人的照片,以解箱子中宠物的相 思之苦。 著名摄影师安妮·莱博维茨设计了一个背包和单肩包系列。里面的软垫形成多个间隔,可以放置相机和其 他工具。 这个系列的每件作品都于2009年11月17日在伦敦进行了拍卖。拍卖所得善款悉数捐给红十字会,以资助其“尼日利亚贫民抵御营养不良项目”。
2023-07-17 14:08:251


2023-07-17 14:08:261


这应该是手机的管理软件,可以卸载的。一. 基本概念1.联想集团是1984年中科院计算所投资20万元人民币,由11名科技人员创办,是一家在信息产业内多元化发展的大型企业集团,富有创新性的国际化的科技公司。从1996年开始,联想电脑销量一直位居中国国内市场首位;2004年,联想集团收购IBM PC(Personal computer,个人电脑)事业部;2013年,联想电脑销售量升居世界第一,成为全球最大的PC生产厂商。2014年10月,联想集团宣布该公司已经完成对摩托罗拉移动的收购。2.作为全球电脑市场的领导企业,联想从事开发、制造并销售可靠的、安全易用的技术产品及优质专业的服务,帮助全球客户和合作伙伴取得成功。二. 专利交易2014年3月21日,Unwired Planet(UPIP)宣布,联想已同意购买Unwired Planet的一系列专利组合,并将购买Unwired Planet专利组合的授权。这两项交易的总对价约为1亿美元,支付方式为现金。根据协议,联想将购买Unwired Planet所持有的21项专利组合,包括3G和LTE移动专利及其他重要的移动专利。
2023-07-17 14:08:311


2023-07-17 14:08:323

英语阅读短文What’s a White lieMary did not understand such sentenc?

c a d b a,5,英语阅读短文 What"s a White lie Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue today,” “ He has a green thumb,” “He has told a little white lie” and so on.And she went to her teacher for help. Mary:Mrs Smith,there is a colour in each of these sentences.What do they mean? Mrs Smith:In everyday English,Mary,blue sometimes means sad.Yellow… afraid.A person with a green thumb grows plants well.And a white lie is not a bad one. Mary:Would you give me an example for “a white lie? Mrs Smith:Certainly,now I give you some cakes.In fact you don"t like it,but you won"t say it.Instead,you say,“No,thanks,I"m not hungry.” That"s a white lie. 1.Blue sometimes means sad in ____English. A.good B.spoken C.usual D.poor 2.I don"t have a green thumb,so all my plants____. A.die off B.grow well C.look nice D.are good 3.Tom is ____to climb the tree.He is yellow. A.happy B.clever C.glad D.afraid 4.He didn"t like me to know the ____of the accident.He told me a white lie. A.reason B.true story C.meaning D.answer 5.He is ____today because his father is ill. B.yellow D.white
2023-07-17 14:08:321


2023-07-17 14:08:352


1.第一个问题用描述统计,Analyse-descriptive Statics-第一个频数分析和第二个描述分析都可以,看output的Mean很简单的2.第二个用Analyse-Correlation下面的第一个线性相关,看系数是否大于0.7,如果相关系数大于0.7说明有相关,大于0.9说明高相关3.给你的建议,你的问卷设计存在些问题,比如品牌质量的题有四道,这四道真的都是对品牌质量有效地测量吗?四个题目之间是否有相关?(好的题目是它们之间没相关)等等
2023-07-17 14:08:381

companion partner mate fellow区别,要详细!

先来看看Bing上面的各种解释:companion名词1. 伙伴,伴侣;朋友。2. (一对中的)一方。3. 最下级勋爵。4. (书籍杂志名)指南,必读,必携,手册,5. (pl.)伴生种,伴(细)胞;【天文学】伴星(=companion star)。6. 雇来照料病人[老人]的人。及物动词(与…)同行;(跟…)搭伴儿去。partner名词1. 合伙人;合作者,伙伴;配手,搭档 (with, in)。2. 配偶(夫或妻)。3. (跳舞等的)舞伴;同组伙伴。4. 【法律】(合营事业的)合股人。5. (pl.)【航海】桅孔加固板,(护持)木框。及物动词1. 同…合作[合伙];做…的伙伴。2. 使有搭档[配手]。不及物动词做搭档,当配手(with)。mate名词1. (工人间的)伙伴,同事;老兄,老弟(工人、水手间的亲密称呼)。2. 配偶(男女任何一方);动物之偶(尤指鸟类);(一对中的)一只;配对物。3. 【航海】(商船的)大副;驾驶员; 【海军】(美国)二级准尉的助手(相当于军士级别);【医学】(军医等的)助手。及物动词, 不及物动词(使)成伙伴,(使)成配偶 (with), (使)(鸟等)匹配,(使)交配 (with);(使)紧密配合。fellow名词1. 同伴,伴侣;帮手;同事,同辈;同类,酒友。2. 同等者,匹敌者,对手;同代人;一员;类似的人[物];一对中的一个。3. (口语)小伙子,家伙;某个人;男朋友。5. (英大学的)特别研究生;(英国)(由毕业生中选出的管理学校的)大学评议员;(得奖学金的)特等校友,特别研究生。6. (F-)(学会中地位较高的)特别会员。从中可以体会一些区别,比如mate更适用于工作和任务中的合作伙伴,而companion就具加亲近的私人关系,partner作“配偶”讲较常见,fellow更突出了地位平等之意。其实这些中文的解释都没办法形容出在老外心中这些词的微妙区别,也许通过体会原汁原味的英文材料对这些词的使用,才能更好的理解它们。
2023-07-17 14:08:121

歌曲white lie翻译

2023-07-17 14:08:112

高达Seed ZAFT的军衔是怎么分的?

2023-07-17 14:08:105


是这个吗? Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire
2023-07-17 14:08:092


2023-07-17 14:08:064

Larry Groupe的《White Lie》 歌词

歌曲名:White Lie歌手:Larry Groupe专辑:已婚男人的生活White Lie作词:NAOKO作曲:本间昭光编曲:本间昭光歌:水树奈々强がって 身をひこう この恋からWhite Lie 何故 迷うばかり壊れても 沈んでも 浮かび上がる孤独な 月夜の ように降りしきる雨 あなた探しのやり场のない麻痹した感覚はこのままどこか消え行くの?谁も教えてはくれない幼さ残る心の闇にあなたはどれくらい もう気付いてる?冷たすぎる朝に 强くきっと 届くあなたから 届けてよ この胸までfilled with tears 声もかれてはぐれずに 悩まずに 目をそらさずyour"s field 走ってる はるか晴れ渡る空 永远の道やっと二人进んでゆけるはずこの先がたとえ険しくても止まない雨は来ないから切なさ残る心の端をあなたは抱きしめていてくれたのに弱すぎる両手を 広げられなかった强がって 身をひこう この恋からWhite Lie 何故 迷うばかり恋こがれ 追いすがり 取り乱して震える 悲しく say good-bye幼さ残る心の闇にあなたはどれくらい もう気付いてる?冷たすぎる朝に 强くきっと 届くわたしから 届けたい その胸までfilled with tears 声もかれてはぐれずに 悩まずに 目をそらさずyour"s field 走り抜ける戻りたい 身をひけない この恋からWhite Lie 何故 罪になった壊れても 沈んでも 浮かび上がるYou&I 正直に lovin" you
2023-07-17 14:08:041

D型吉他 缺角和圆角差别大吗 差别在哪

2023-07-17 14:08:022


伊维菌素 ,阿维菌素, 按照说明使用
2023-07-17 14:07:594

a white lie是什么意思

a white lie[英][u0259 hwait lai][美][e hwau026at lai]n.无恶意的谎话; 双语例句:1.What"s the difference between a white lie and a lie? I mean, it"s all the same to me.善意的谎言和谎言之间有什么不同?我是说,对于我而言二者完全一样。2.So why not proffer a harmless “ white ” lie?这时候为什么不说一个无害的、“善意”谎言呢?
2023-07-17 14:07:573