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kind 是什么意思

2023-07-19 10:15:02
TAG: in kind kin ind

名词 n.


There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.



3.特定种类的人[the S]

She is not the kind to tell lies.



They differ in size but not in kind.


形容词 a.


They are very kind to me.



A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy.



It"s very kind of you to tell me the truth.



kind 英【kaInd】



复数:kinds 比较级:kinder 最高级:kindest



1、What kind of man is he?

2、The differ in size but not in kind.

3、Thank you for your kind help.

副词in kind:1、with something of the same kind


亲切的, 和蔼的, 友好的, 仁慈的









形容词 友善的


种类 和蔼的













kind的意思是种类;亲切的,慈爱的。读音:英[kau026and],美[kau026and]。释义:n.种类;性质。adj.和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的。例句:There are all kinds of candies in my store.我的店里有各种各样的糖果。变形:复数kinds,比较级kinder,最高级kindest。短语:various kinds of各式各样的cat kind猫科动物of a kind某一类的in a kind在某种程度上kinds of各种kind的用法kind用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。当kind与of连用作前置定语时,后面的名词通常用单数形式。kinds of后面如为可数名词,单数和复数均可。kind of用于口语中还可作“有些,一点儿”解,在句中用作状语。
2023-07-18 13:16:091


名词 等属色类般种畴树种种类列性质样形容词 亲切善和慈殷仁慈和蔼雍容大度和气和善厚厚道恺
2023-07-18 13:16:264


adj. 亲切的;善良的;仁慈的;宽容的;n. 种类;本质kind的用法1、读音英 [kau026and];美 [kau026and]2、例句1)用作定语~+ n.The kind old man is accompanied all the time.这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着。2)用作名词 (n.)Do you want all the same kind, or a mixture?您都要同一种的,还是要什锦的?扩展资料kind, description, nature, sort, type这组词的共同意思是“种类”。kind在多数情况下可以和sort或type互换,但当指生物学的类属或者种类时,只能用kind; type所表示的“种类”有典型性,多指那些界限非常明确,且有明显类似之处的一类。例如:There are four basic types of blood.有四种基本血型。sort表示“大体上属于同类的”,有时含有轻蔑之意。例如:How did you get this sort of ideas into your head?你的脑袋里怎么会有这种想法?description与nature也有kind的意思,但description指叙述或描述的一类。例如:He is a person of that description.他就是那种人。nature指实质和特性上相似的一类。例如:I never met things of this nature.我从未遇见过这种事情。
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kind 英[kau026and] 美[kau026and] n. 〈古〉方式,方法; 本质,天性; 同类; 某类; adj. 仁慈的,体贴的; 友善的,好心的; 温和; 宽宏大量的; [例句]The party needs a different kind of leadership该党需要一种不同的领导风格。[其他] 比较级:kinder 最高级:kindest 复数:kinds
2023-07-18 13:16:531


  kind表示方式,方法; 本质;的意思,那么你知道kind短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了kind短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   kind的短语:   something of the kind   类似所说的某事 sth like what has been said   Did you say they"re moving?I"d heard something of the kind myself.是你说他们要搬家吗?我也听过类似的话。   nothing of the kind   一点儿都不像,毫无类似处 not at all like it   People had told me she was very pleasant but she"s nothing of the kind.人家告诉我她很可爱,可她根本不是那样。   kind of   〈口〉稍微,有点儿,有几分 slightly; some extent   I"m not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.不知为什么,我有点儿为他惋惜。   a kind of   〈口〉(表示不确定) uncertainly   I had a kind of feeling this might happen.我隐约感到这事可能发生。   in a kind   有几分,在某种程度上 some extent   I like her in a kind, but she is ugly.我有点喜欢她,但她长得丑。   He is a scholar in a kind.就某种意义上说,他是个学者。   in kind   1.性质上 in nature   You can"t compare them— there is a fundamental difference in kind.你无法对它们进行比较——它们基本上是不同性质的东西。   2.以实物偿付 in goods or natural produce, not in money   When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind.那个农民没有现款时,有时会给我些东西抵账。   同义词辨析:   friendly, kind, cordial   这些形容词均含"友好的,亲切的"之意。   friendly : 指举止像朋友一样,往往怀着满腔热情,乐意助人。   kind : 指考虑周到,体谅他人,乐于助人。   cordial : 较正式用词,指亲切热诚,情意真挚。   kind, sort, type, class, classification, category, species, variety   这些名词均有"种,类,类型"之意。   kind : 指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。   sort : 普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。   type : 指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。   class : 正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示"纲"。   classification : 指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。   category : 书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。   species : 书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。   variety : 强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。   kind的短语例句:   1. There is good news of a kind for the Prime Minister.   对来说也算是有个好消息。   2. The army was ideologically opposed to the kind of economic solution proposed.   军方从意识形态角度出发反对所提议的经济方案。   3. I don"t know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.   我不明白他为何用这种烂事来烦我。   4. I also met with Pollack again to kind of shoot the bull.   我也再次和波拉克会面,两人闲聊了会儿。   5. That"s not the kind of talk one usually hears from accountants.   会计们通常不会说那样的话.   6. That is very kind of you both. I should like to come.   你们两位真是太客气了。我会来的。   7. The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun!   下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!   8. Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.   男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。   9. I"ve had it with that kind of treatment of Americans.   我再也忍受不了那样对待美国人了。   10. This kind of living was beginning to fray her nerves.   这种生活开始让她神经紧张。   11. Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.   潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。   12. There"sno need for that kind of language in this magazine.   这份杂志没必要出现那种语言。   13. That"s just one example of the kind of experiments you can do.   这只不过是你可以做的各种试验中的一例罢了。   14. The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.   草图应该是最终绘画的某种演练。   15. I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.   我爱上他,是因为他秉性善良。
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2023-07-18 13:18:278

kind是什么意思中文 kind的中文意思简单介绍

1、kind的中文意思有: (1)形容词:友善的;体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;宽容的;客气请求或命令。 (2)名词:种类;同类的人(或事物)。 2、例句: (1)Exercises of this kind are very popular.这种体育活动非常流行。 (2)The regions differ in size, but not in kind.这些地区大小各异,但类型相同。 (3)I need to buy paper and pencils, that kind of thing.我需要买纸和铅笔之类的东西。 (4)Ill never have that kind of money (= as much money as that).我永远不会有那么多的钱。
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2023-07-18 13:20:392


kind 英 [kaɪnd] 美 [kaɪnd]n. 〈古〉方式,方法;本质,天性;同类;某类adj. 仁慈的,体贴的;友善的,好心的;温和;宽宏大量的
2023-07-18 13:20:472

kind 有什么用法

一、kind的形容词用法:1、kind的基本意思是“亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,仁慈的,慈爱的”,指人的心地善良,使人感受到一种亲和力,让人看上去慈善,也可指行为上让人感觉到友好。2、kind后可接人,也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词。在句中作定语或表语。kind用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。3、kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。二、kind的名词用法:1、kind用作名词时的意思是“种类”,指一事物与其他事物相区别的属性;也可指事物本身所具有的特殊性,即“本质,性质”,此时多为不可数名词。2、当kind与of连用作前置定语时,后面的名词通常用单数形式。kindsof后面如为可数名词,单数和复数均可。kind of用于口语中还可作“有些,一点儿”解,在句中用作状语。3、kind of...用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式;而kindsof...用作主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式,与of后名词的数无关。扩展资料一、kind读法英 [kau026and] 美 [kau026and] 1、n.种类;性质2、adj.和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的短语:1、oldkind老品种2、samekind同类,同一种,同样的 3、severalkinds好几种,好几类 4、similarkind相似的种类 5、variouskindsof各式各样的二、词义辨析:friendly,cordial,kind这组词都有“友好的,亲切的”的意思,其区别是:1、friendly 指举止像朋友一样,往往怀着满腔热情,乐意助人。2、cordial 较正式用词,指亲切热诚,情意真挚。3、kind 指考虑周到,体谅他人,乐于助人。
2023-07-18 13:20:574


kind用作名词意思是“种类”,指一事物与其他事物相区别的属性; 也可指事物本身所具有的特殊性;kind用作形容词指人的心地善良,使人感受到一种亲和力。一、kind用作名词 1.意思是“种类”,指一事物与其他事物相区别的属性; 也可指事物本身所具有的特殊性,即“本质,性质”,此时多为不可数名词。 2、kind用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 3、kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。 The kind old man is accompanied all the time. 这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着。 He"s such a kind man; he"s all heart. 他是个好人,他真诚待人。 二、kind用作形容词 1、意思是“亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,仁慈的,慈爱的”,指人的心地善良,使人感受到一种亲和力,让人看上去慈善,也可指行为上让人感觉到友好。 2、kind后可接人,也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词。在句中作定语或表语。kind用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 3、kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。 Do you want all the same kind, or a mixture? 您都要同一种的,还是要什锦的? He is the kind who always arrives late. 他是那种经常迟到的人。
2023-07-18 13:21:061


kind作名词用时,表示种类。比较下面的结构:a kind of +单数名词(不加冠词) 一种this kind of +单数名词(不加冠词) 这种many kinds of +单数名词丨复数名词(不加冠词) 许多种different kinds of +单数名词丨复数名词(不加冠词) 不同种类these kinds of +单数名词丨复数名词(不加冠词) 这些种类all kinds of 单数名词丨复数名词(不加冠词) 各种This is a new kind of pen.(正)这是一种新型钢笔。This is a new kind of pens.(误)I like that kind of apple.(正)我喜欢那种苹果I like that kind of an apple.(误)He saw many kinds of machine.(正)他见到了许多种机器。He saw many kinds of machines.(正)He wants to buy different kinds of stamp.(正)他想买不同种类的邮票。He wants tobuy different kinds of stamps.(正)She lent me three kinds of book.(正)她借给我三种书。She lent me three kinds of books.(正)He has read all kinds of story-book.(正)他读过各种各样的故事书。He has read all kinds of story-books
2023-07-18 13:21:263


解释:种类美式读音:kau026and英式读音:kau026and复数:kinds比较级:kinder最高级:kindest例句:1、There are all kinds of candies in my store.我的店里有各种各样的糖果。2、This kind old man passed away peacefully yesterday.这位慈祥的老人昨天安详地去世了。3、This medicine is kind to your stomach.这种药物对您的胃部没有刺激。4、What kind of person am I?我是哪一类人。5、Tracy wants to try another kind of food.Tracy想要试试其他菜。
2023-07-18 13:22:181


kind属于考试考点,而且kind的意思有很多的,相关词组如kindof也有许多用法,为了帮助大家在以后的学习中能更好的使用清楚kind,以下就是给大家整理出的kind的用法 kind的用法: 1.种类(+of),说“一种”事物常用a kind of 作定语。a kind of animal一种动物,a kind of car一种小车。animal和car前不再有冠词。说“各种各样”用various kinds of animal,various kinds of animals,animals of various kinds均可。kind侧重指“品质、性质”。 Why does he like koala bears?Because they"re kind of interesting. They kind of laughed at me.他们有点儿嘲笑我。 I like him , kind of.我有点喜欢他。 kind的用法: 2. 特定种类人(the +) 例子:She is not the kind to tell lies. 她不是一个撒谎人 3. 性质,本质 例子:They differ in size but not in kind. 他们大小本质相同。 4. 亲切;和蔼(+to) 例子:They are very kind to me. 他们对我很好。 5. 富于同情心,宽容(+about) 例子:A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy. 有同情心的女孩会设法帮助人并使们快乐。 6. 体贴;令人感激 例子:It"s very kind of you to tell me the truth. 你真好,告诉我真相。 a kind of 表示一种; all kinds of 表示各种各样的 Kind of=a little,稍稍,用于口语 在表示种类时,单数可数名词和不可数名词前用kind of, one kind of flower,也可以用复数kinds of, many kinds of flower 记住kind的单复数取决于其前面的单词而不是后面的名词 在非正式法中复数可数名词前可以用kinds of,但不能用 kind of kind of 往往在句中,表示某人善良,好 如:it"s very kind of you
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2023-07-18 13:23:103


一、kind的形容词用法: 1、kind的基本意思是“亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,慈爱的”kind后可接人,也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词。在句中作定语或表语。 2、kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。 扩展资料   二、kind的名词用法:   1、kind用作名词时的意思是“种类”,指一事物与其他事物相区别的属性; 也可指事物本身所具有的特殊性,即“本质,性质”,此时多为不可数名词。   2、当kind与of连用作前置定语时,后面的名词通常用单数形式。kinds of后面如为可数名词,单数和复数均可。kind of用于口语中还可作“有些,一点儿”解,在句中用作状语。   3、kind of...用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式; 而kinds of...用作主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式,与of后名词的.数无关。   三、相关短语:   1、old kind 老品种   2、same kind 同类,同一种,同样的   3、several kinds 好几种,好几类   4、similar kind 相似的种类   5、various kinds of 各式各样的
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2023-07-18 13:23:284

kind用英语怎么表 达?

2023-07-18 13:23:362


虞其君kind单词讲解,仅供参考,请勿抄袭:形容词,表示善良的;名称,表示种类,一般句型为what kind of+名词复数.......某物种类的.......?固定词组:different kinds of 不同种类的kind of+形容词,表示有点,相当于a little。
2023-07-18 13:23:453


kind的意思是:adj. 亲切的;善良的;仁慈的;宽容的;n. 种类;本质。读音:英 [kau026and];美 [kau026and]2、例句1)用作定语~+ n.The kind old man is accompanied all the time.这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着。2)用作名词 (n.)Do you want all the same kind, or a mixture?您都要同一种的,还是要什锦的?扩展资料:kind, description, nature, sort, type这组词的共同意思是“种类”。kind在多数情况下可以和sort或type互换,但当指生物学的类属或者种类时,只能用kind; type所表示的“种类”有典型性,多指那些界限非常明确,且有明显类似之处的一类。例如:There are four basic types of blood.有四种基本血型。sort表示“大体上属于同类的”,有时含有轻蔑之意。例如:How did you get this sort of ideas into your head?你的脑袋里怎么会有这种想法?description与nature也有kind的意思,但description指叙述或描述的一类。例如:He is a person of that description.他就是那种人。nature指实质和特性上相似的一类。例如:I never met things of this nature.我从未遇见过这种事情。
2023-07-18 13:24:471


kind的读音是:英 [kau026and],美 [kau026and]。  adj. 亲切的,善良的,仁慈的,宽容的n. 种类,本质例句:Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act.翻译:扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。短语:kind man 和蔼的人用法1、kind后可接人,也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词。在句中作定语或表语。2、kind用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。3、kind还常用于带有形式主语结构的句子中,以动词不定式充当真正主语,动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。
2023-07-18 13:25:131


kind名词是kindness。kindness用于抽象意义时作“亲切,仁慈,好意”解,指人的品德善良,用作不可数名词; 用于具体意义作“友好的行为”解,用作可数名词。the kindness可接动词不定式短语作定语,one"s kindness后可接in+ v -ing。kind后可接人也可接心地等具体的或抽象的名词。在句中作定语或表语。kind用作表语时其后可接动词不定式,该动词不定式说明主语在哪方面kind,主语和kind及动词不定式均存在逻辑上的主谓关系。kind的基本意思是亲切的,和蔼的,指人的心地善良。使人感受到一种亲和力,让人看上去慈善,也可指行为上让人感觉到友好。善良是我们每个人都应该具备的品质,但是一个人也不能随时随地都选择善良,或者是不经思考地对别人善良。
2023-07-18 13:25:251

关于kind 的短语及解释

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2023-07-18 13:26:2210

kind 有什么用法

kind指性质相同,且有极相似之物质,在分类中可作为一类者.kind的词性:n.种类;性质adj.和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的 adj.(形容词)比较级:kinder, 最高级:kindestWhat kind of soft drinks do you have?你们有哪几种不含酒精的reatment depends on the kind of fracture.治疗方案取决于骨折的类型.What kind of drink do you prefer,beer or wine?你更喜欢哪一种饮料呢,啤酒还是葡萄酒?kind的常用短语:a kind of 一种.kinds of 很多种.the kind of 那种.a kind 一种还有一个是 kind of 有点的意思 = a little 后面加形容词in kind 以实物、货物贷款:用产品或商品而不是用钱。kind作“种类、类别” 解时,是一个普通的用法.sort作“种类、类别”解,与kind没有大的区别.但应注意:①kind常用在比较正式的场合;②当对物体进行分类时,常用kind表示大类,用sort表示大类中的小类;③表示生物时常用kind,表示自然资源等常用sort.type作“型号、典型、范例”解,是一个比较正式的用词。
2023-07-18 13:27:047


kind:英式读音 [kau026and];美式读音 [kau026and]释义:n.〈古〉方式,方法;本质,天性;同类;某类;adj.仁慈的,体贴的;友善的,好心的;温和;宽宏大量的(复数:kinds)短语:kind of体贴的;kind to对…仁慈的;kind with sb对某人亲切;of a kind某一类的of all kinds各种;in kind以同样方式相关例句:1.If you ever see George, give him my kind regards.如果你见到乔治,请代我向他致以亲切的问候。2.Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act.扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。3.She had a very kind mother.她有一位非常仁慈的母亲。
2023-07-18 13:27:401


你说的是什么 音标还是这个词怎么读?
2023-07-18 13:27:532

kind 的一些词组

2023-07-18 13:28:212


2023-07-18 13:28:305

初一英语在线解答 kind是什么意思

善良 和蔼
2023-07-18 13:29:146


kindKK: []DJ: []n.1. 种类[C][(+of)]There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.动物园里有各种各样的动物。2. (动、植物等的)类,族[C]3. 特定种类的人[the S]She is not the kind to tell lies.她不是那种撒谎的人。4. 性质,本质[U]They differ in size but not in kind.它们大小不一但本质相同。a.1. 亲切的;和蔼的[(+to)]They are very kind to me.他们对我很好。2. 富于同情心的,宽容的[(+about)]A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy.有同情心的女孩是会设法帮助人并使他们快乐的。3. 【口】体贴的;令人感激的It"s very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。
2023-07-18 13:29:301


看的。 根据这两个字就能读出来。
2023-07-18 13:30:053


名词 n. 1.种类[C][(+of)] There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物. 2.(动、植物等的)类,族[C] 3.特定种类的人[the S] She is not the kind to tell lies. 她不是那种撒谎的人. 4.性质,本质[U] They differ in size but not in kind. 它们大小不一但本质相同. 形容词 a. 1.亲切的;和蔼的[(+to)] They are very kind to me. 他们对我很好. 2.富于同情心的,宽容的[(+about)] A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy. 有同情心的女孩是会设法帮助人并使他们快乐的. 3.【口】体贴的;令人感激的 It"s very kind of you to tell me the truth. 你真好,告诉我这真相.
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kind的用法:1、种类(+of)例子:There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.动物园里有各种各样动物2、类,族3、 特定种类人(the +)例子:She is not the kind to tell lies.她不是一个撒谎人4、 性质,本质例子:They differ in size but not in kind.他们大小本质相同。5、 亲切;和蔼(+to)例子:They are very kind to me.他们对我很好。6、 富于同情心,宽容(+about)例子:A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy.有同情心的女孩会设法帮助人并使们快乐。7、 体贴;令人感激例子:It"s very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我真相。
2023-07-18 13:30:482


种类 kind 的复数
2023-07-18 13:30:575


一、详细释义: , adj. , 体贴的;慈祥的;友好的 , 例句: ,Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit.,体贴的话语会给生活带来温暖,而刻薄的言辞能使人意志消沉.。, 例句: ,Beneath his gruff exterior he"s really very kind-hearted.,他外表粗鲁,心地却十分善良。, 例句: ,They are kind and helpful.,他们友好并且乐于助人。, 【正式】(客气请求或命令) , n. , 同类的人(或事物),种类 , 例句: ,This kind of climbing will not fag out our well - trained mountaineers.,这种攀登不会累倒我们训练有素的登山队员。, 例句: ,How much do they pay you to spy on your own kind?,他们让你监视你的同类付给你多少钱?, 二、词义辨析: , kind,sort,type,class,classification,category,species,variety ,这些名词均有“种,类,类型”之意。kind指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。sort普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。type指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。 class正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。classification指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。category书面用词,特指有确切定义的羣体。species书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。variety强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。, 三、相关短语: ,in kind,以实物;以同样的方式以货代款配合款,kind of,有点儿,有几分, 四、参考例句: ,Well, kind of.,只对了一部分。,With kind regards, Yours sincerely.,谨此致意,敬上,The kind of debt matters.,债务的种类很有讲究。,They are kind and helpful.,他们友好并且乐于助人。,Some kind of vegetables bolted.,某些蔬菜过早开花结籽。,I"m kind of beat.,我有点累了。,He is kind of shy.,他有点害羞。,He was kind and pliable.,他既善良又听话。,Kind acts reap happy *** iles.,善意的行动得到幸福的微笑。,Be kind to your body.,好好对待自己的身体。
2023-07-18 13:31:341


kind意思为adj.友善的;体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;宽容的;客气请求或命令n.种类;同类的人(或事物)友善的英文解释:1.种类If you talk about a particular kind of thing, you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing.例句The party needs a different kind of leadership...该党需要一种不同的领导风格。2.同类人If you refer to someone"s kind, you are referring to all the other people that are like them or that belong to the same class or set.例句I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do...我和你一样痛恨刘易斯之流。同类的3.各种类型的;五花八门的You can use all kinds of to emphasize that there are a great number and variety of particular things or people.例句Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons...收养不成功可能有各种原因。
2023-07-18 13:32:111


2023-07-18 13:34:062

kind 的第三人称单数是什么?

a kind of是第三人称
2023-07-18 13:34:151


2023-07-18 13:17:244

Planet Earth 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Earth歌手:Prince专辑:Planet Earth我们相爱一年了拉!OH,YEAHImagine holding Planet EarthIn the palm of your handWith no regard for your place of birthOr claim to any landThe only thing between us now is the truth we understandIf Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand50 years from now what will they say about us here?Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?There are only 2 kinds of folkAnd the difference they makeThe ones that giveAnd the ones that takeJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung你永远是最可爱的Imagine you could rid the EarthOf anyone you chooseWhich ones would you need the mostAnd which ones would you lose?Do we want to judge anotherLest we be judged too?Careful now... The next one might be youJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung我爱你,让我听,你的疲惫和恐惧,我爱你,我想起,你倔强到极限的心豆豆,每天我都想你念你想看你,可是有时真的没办法,但是我会把爱好好的保留给你的,当你需要我时我一定会尽我的全力,为我们的明天而努力的,豆豆我爱你Imagine sending your first bornOff to fight a warWith no good reason how it started and what they are fighting forAnd if they"re blessed to make it homeWill they still be poor?Pray for peace right now and forever moreJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sungJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung
2023-07-18 13:17:251


2023-07-18 13:17:251

请问相册12寸的有多大?有A4纸大吗? 怎么计算的??

照片对角线为12英寸,23.5×28.5cma4纸,21×29.7cmA4 瘦长,12寸照片矮胖
2023-07-18 13:17:262


表2.4.2 中国东部不同区域硅质岩化学组成与元素丰度 Table2.4.2 Chemical composition and elemental abundance of siliceous rocks in different regions of the eastern part of China文献(Literature):鄢明才和迟清华(1997),Yan and Chi(2005)。含量单位:主成分,%;Au、Hg、Pd、Pt,10-9;其他元素,10-6。区域:C2.南秦岭造山带;D1.下扬子台褶带;D3.宜昌-神农架台褶带。Concentration units:major elements,%;Au,Hg,Pd,and Pt,10-9;other elements,10-6.Region:C2.Southern Qinling orogenic belt;D1.Lower Yangtze platformal fold belt;D3.Yichangu2043Shennongjia platformal fold belt.
2023-07-18 13:17:271


AEB自动紧急制动系统全称Autonomous Emergency Braking,是指车辆在非自适应巡航的情况下正常行驶,如车辆遇到突发危险情况或与前车及行人距离小于安全距离时主动进行刹车(但具备这种功能的车辆并不一定能够将车辆完全刹停)避免或减少追尾等碰撞事故的发生,从而提高行车安全性的一种技术。一般来说,AEB由两个系统组成,包括车辆碰撞迫近制动系统(CIB)和动态制动支持系统(DBS),其中CIB系统会在追尾以及驾驶员未采取任何行动的情况下,会紧急制动车辆,而DBS在驾驶员没有施加足够的制动行动时,会给予帮助避免碰撞。该系统在不同的厂家有着不同的名字,例如丰田的预碰撞安全系统称为Pre-Collision System,简称PCS; 本田的CMBS(Collision Mitigation Brake System)以及奔驰的pre-safe系统等,但工作原理是相同的。
2023-07-18 13:17:197


遏制全球变暖,防止人类生存环境恶化,已是全球各国共识,新能源的时代大趋势因此孕育而生,为了减轻汽车的碳排放指数,各国大力推出新能源车新政。新能源车当中核心的东西是锂电池,而锂电池的的核心又是由正极、负极、隔膜、电解液四大材料构成。下面我们要说的,正是将借力于新能源车大趋势发展起来的星源材质,其现在已是全球锂电池隔膜行业领跑者。在对星源材质进行分析前,我把这份锂电池行业龙头股名单提供给大家,还不快来打开链接领取:宝藏资料!锂电行业龙头股一栏表一、公司角度公司介绍:公司是专业从事锂离子电池隔膜研发、生产及销售的新能源、新材料和新能源汽车领域的国家级高新技术企业,是锂离子电池隔膜有关国家标准起草的牵头单位和编委会副组长单位。主要客户涵括宁德时代、LG 化学、比亚迪等国内外主流锂电龙头企业。在简单了解公司基础概况后,接下来我们说说公司吸引人的地方。亮点一:实力硬核,切入全球锂电龙头企业供应链在国外方面,公司与韩国LG化学、三星SDI、日本村田、SAFT 等国外锂离子电池龙头厂商合作;在国内市场方面,公司稳定向宁德时代、比亚迪、合肥国轩、中航锂电、亿纬锂能、天津力神、欣旺达、孚能科技等主流锂离子电池龙头厂商批量供应锂离子电池隔膜。龙头企业拥有的技术更强、 订单更多等,所以可以充分享受时代红利,身为行业巨头的星源材质,挺进国际领军锂电企业供应链,也将可以受益于行业的发展。亮点二:四重壁垒,阻隔对手,强者恒强隔膜行业非同一般,企业进入壁垒极高,一旦成为行业的主力,先发的优势就很显著,继而实现强势递增。技术专利壁垒:隔膜的生产技术涵盖了多个高难度的技术领域,例如高分子材料、纳米技术等;此外,隔膜行业格外讲究技术专利,全球只有帝人、LG、Celgard 三家具备专利产权,国内只有恩捷、星源得到授权。生产设备、工艺壁垒:隔膜生产需要按照不同生产工艺量身打造设备产线,生产技术、设备、工艺的差别会直接导致隔膜的稳定性、一致性和安全性存在差异,进而对电池的循环、充放电和安全性能产生影响,有着很高的生产难度。资金壁垒:在锂电四大材料中,隔膜资金壁垒最强,平均单位的产线投资额远超于正极、负极与电解液,属于重资产行业,后来者几乎无力追赶。客户认证壁垒:隔膜大客户在认证方面至少需要2年时间,算上设备交期、建设、产能良率爬坡,能真的形成竞争力最少4-5年。这正是隔膜行业门槛极高的原因,只要龙头格局形成后,几乎就没有对手了。由于篇幅不是很长,关于星源材质的深度报告和风险提示的信息,我撰写成了这篇研报,打开下面的链接方可查看:【深度研报】星源材质点评,建议收藏! 二、行业角度在碳达峰和碳中和的带头作用下,国内新能源市场得到了高速发展,新能源车受益于双积分政策与补贴政策,拥有较高的景气度,又因为欧洲对碳排放的严苛政策和美国斥巨资推动本国的新能源汽车发展,新能源车的时代洪流无人可挡,锂电池和锂电池材料也会一直得到收益。总体说来,公司作为行业标杆,且具备强者恒强的发展格局,在未来会充分享受到新能源趋势带来的大好机会。不过文章会有那么一些延后,要是想明白星源材质未来行情如何的话,直接点击下面这个链接,马上就会有专业的投顾帮你诊股,看下星源材质估值到底是高是低:【免费】测一测星源材质现在是高估还是低估?应答时间:2021-12-07,最新业务变化以文中链接内展示的数据为准,请点击查看
2023-07-18 13:17:181


2023-07-18 13:17:181

Tectonic outline

The Tibetan Plateau is the largest uplifted structure on the Earth.It is bounded to the north by the Altyn Tagh fault and the Tarim block and to the south by the Himalayas.Forming in response to the India-Asia collision,it consists of a series of east-west trending crustal terranes that were successively accreted to the southern margin of Eurasia since the Early Palaeozoic.From north to south,these are the Songpan-Ganze,Qiangtang,and Lhasa terranes(Fig.1).The Yulong porphyry copper ore-belt is located in the Qiangtang terrane of the eastern Tibetan Plateau(Fig.1).The Qiangtang terrane is bounded by the Jinshajiang Suture that was formed in the Permian and the Bangong-Nujiang Suture that was formed in Middle Jurassic time(Mo et al.,2001).In eastern Tibet,the Qiangtang terrane consists of a Proterozoic crystalline basement and an Early Paleozoic folded basement.The Devonian to Permian platform transitional facies carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks comprise their cover rocks.On the eastern side of the Qiangtang terrane,there exists a magmatic arc composed of Permian volcano-sedimentary sequence related to the Jinshajiang Suture,which is unconformably covered by a Late Triassic flyschoid complex and is locally overthrust onto folded crystalline basement(Mo et al.,2001).Fig.1 Simplified tectonic framework of the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen(adapted from Hou et al.,2004;the position of the Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Cenozoic alkali-rich porphyry belt is adapted from Zhang and Xie,1997)The Paleocene India-Asia continental collision formed the Indus-Yarlung-Zangbo Suture and resulted in the Jinshajiang strike-slip fault system,which is composed of a number of branches including the Ziga,Wenquan,and Tuoba faults(Fig.2).A series of Cenozoic(41~34 Ma)porphyry bodies occur in this part of orogen(Fig.2),which comprise a part of the AilaoshanJinshajiang Cenozoic alkali-rich porphyry belt(Fig.1).These porphyry bodies are all enriched in alkaline elements.They were typically emplaced into Triassic volcanic and sedimentary sequences with relatively shallow emplacement depths.This porphyry belt,i.e.the Yulong porphyry copper ore-belt,is distributed along the strike-slip faults and bordered by some strike-slip pullapart basins with the Gonjo basin on the eastern side,and the Nangqen and Lawu basins on the western side(Fig.2).Within the basins there exists a more than 4000 m thick,Tertiary gypsum-bearing red molasse formation intercalated with alkaline volcanic rocks that show K-Ar ages of 42~34 Ma(Fig.2).Fig.2 Simplified geological map of the Yulong porphyry copper ore-belt(adapted from Hou et al.,2003 and Pan et al.,2004)
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