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ACCA F3 IAS 8 到底是说什么呢?

2023-07-19 16:07:06
TAG: ca ac as ias ia acc

Key Definitions [IAS 8.5]

* Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.

* A change in accounting estimate is an adjustment of the carrying amount of an asset or liability, or related expense, resulting from reassessing the expected future benefits and obligations associated with that asset or liability.

* International Financial Reporting Standards are standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They comprise:

o International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs);

o International Accounting Standards (IASs); and

o Interpretations developed by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) or the former Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) and approved by the IASB.

* Materiality. Omissions or misstatements of items are material if they could, by their size or nature, individually or collectively, influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

* Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, an entity"s financial statements for one or more prior periods arising from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that was available and could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into account in preparing those statements. Such errors result from mathematical mistakes, mistakes in applying accounting policies, oversights or misinterpretations of facts, and fraud.

Selection and Application of Accounting Policies

When a Standard or an Interpretation specifically applies to a transaction, other event or condition, the accounting policy or policies applied to that item must be determined by applying the Standard or Interpretation and considering any relevant Implementation Guidance issued by the IASB for the Standard or Interpretation. [IAS 8.7]

In the absence of a Standard or an Interpretation that specifically applies to a transaction, other event or condition, management must use its judgement in developing and applying an accounting policy that results in information that is relevant and reliable. [IAS 8.10]. In making that judgement, management must refer to, and consider the applicability of, the following sources in descending order:

* the requirements and guidance in IASB standards and interpretations dealing with similar and related issues; and

* the definitions, recognition criteria and measurement concepts for assets, liabilities, income and expenses in the Framework. [IAS 8.11]

Management may also consider the most recent pronouncements of other standard-setting bodies that use a similar conceptual framework to develop accounting standards, other accounting literature and accepted industry practices, to the extent that these do not conflict with the sources in paragraph 11. [IAS 8.12]

Consistency of Accounting Policies

An entity shall select and apply its accounting policies consistently for similar transactions, other events and conditions, unless a Standard or an Interpretation specifically requires or permits categorisation of items for which different policies may be appropriate. If a Standard or an Interpretation requires or permits such categorisation, an appropriate accounting policy shall be selected and applied consistently to each category. [IAS 8.13]

Changes in Accounting Policies

An entity is permitted to change an accounting policy only if the change:

* is required by a standard or interpretation; or

* results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information about the effects of transactions, other events or conditions on the entity"s financial position, financial performance, or cash flows. [IAS 8.14]

Note that changes in accounting policies do not include applying an accounting policy to a kind of transaction or event that did not exist in the past. [IAS 8.16]

If a change in accounting policy is required by a new IASB standard or interpretation, the change is accounted for as required by that new pronouncement or, if the new pronouncement does not include specific transition provisions, then the change in accounting policy is applied retrospectively. [IAS 8.19]

Retrospective application means adjusting the opening balance of each affected component of equity for the earliest prior period presented and the other comparative amounts disclosed for each prior period presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied. [IAS 8.22]

* However, if it is impracticable to determine either the period-specific effects or the cumulative effect of the change for one or more prior periods presented, the entity shall apply the new accounting policy to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as at the beginning of the earliest period for which retrospective application is practicable, which may be the current period, and shall make a corresponding adjustment to the opening balance of each affected component of equity for that period. [IAS 8.24]

* Also, if it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect, at the beginning of the current period, of applying a new accounting policy to all prior periods, the entity shall adjust the comparative information to apply the new accounting policy prospectively from the earliest date practicable. [IAS 8.25]

Disclosures Relating to Changes in Accounting Policies

Disclosures relating to changes in accounting policy caused by a new standard or interpretation include: [IAS 8.28]

* the title of the standard or interpretation causing the change;

* the nature of the change in accounting policy;

* a description of the transitional provisions, including those that might have an effect on future periods;

* for the current period and each prior period presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of the adjustment:

o for each financial statement line item affected; and

o for basic and diluted earnings per share (only if the entity is applying IAS 33);

* the amount of the adjustment relating to periods before those presented, to the extent practicable; and

* if retrospective application is impracticable, an explanation and description of how the change in accounting policy was applied.

Financial statements of subsequent periods need not repeat these disclosures.

Disclosures relating to voluntary changes in accounting policy include: [IAS 8.29]

* the nature of the change in accounting policy;

* the reasons why applying the new accounting policy provides reliable and more relevant information;

* for the current period and each prior period presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of the adjustment:

o for each financial statement line item affected; and

o for basic and diluted earnings per share (only if the entity is applying IAS 33);

* the amount of the adjustment relating to periods before those presented, to the extent practicable; and

* if retrospective application is impracticable, an explanation and description of how the change in accounting policy was applied.

Financial statements of subsequent periods need not repeat these disclosures.

If an entity has not applied a new standard or interpretation that has been issued but is not yet effective, the entity must disclose that fact and any and known or reasonably estimable information relevant to assessing the possible impact that the new pronouncement will have in the year it is applied. [IAS 8.30]

Changes in Accounting Estimate

The effect of a change in an accounting estimate shall be recognised prospectively by including it in profit or loss in: [IAS 8.36]

* the period of the change, if the change affects that period only; or

* the period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both.

However, to the extent that a change in an accounting estimate gives rise to changes in assets and liabilities, or relates to an item of equity, it is recognised by adjusting the carrying amount of the related asset, liability, or equity item in the period of the change. [IAS 8.37]

Disclosures Relating to Changes in Accounting Estimate


* the nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has an effect in the current period or is expected to have an effect in future periods

* if the amount of the effect in future periods is not disclosed because estimating it is impracticable, an entity shall disclose that fact. [IAS 8.39-40]


The general principle in IAS 8 is that an entity must correct all material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of financial statements authorised for issue after their discovery by: [IAS 8.42]

* restating the comparative amounts for the prior period(s) presented in which the error occurred; or

* if the error occurred before the earliest prior period presented, restating the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity for the earliest prior period presented.

However, if it is impracticable to determine the period-specific effects of an error on comparative information for one or more prior periods presented, the entity must restate the opening balances of assets, liabilities, and equity for the earliest period for which retrospective restatement is practicable (which may be the current period). [IAS 8.44]

Further, if it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect, at the beginning of the current period, of an error on all prior periods, the entity must restate the comparative information to correct the error prospectively from the earliest date practicable. [IAS 8.45]

Disclosures Relating to Prior Period Errors

Disclosures relating to prior period errors include: [IAS 8.49]

* the nature of the prior period error;

* for each prior period presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of the correction:

o for each financial statement line item affected; and

o for basic and diluted earnings per share (only if the entity is applying IAS 33);

* the amount of the correction at the beginning of the earliest prior period presented; and

* if retrospective restatement is impracticable, an explanation and description of how the error has been corrected.

Financial statements of subsequent periods need not repeat these disclosures.




retroactively and prospectively

2023-07-19 03:07:324

prospective wife 是什么意思

英文:prospective wife中文:未来的妻子很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-19 03:07:392


2023-07-19 03:07:485


there is a tree beside the river
2023-07-19 03:08:025


The ICMJE defines a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns people to an intervention, with or without concurrent comparison or control groups, to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome.这里对临床试验的要求都是干预性(interventional)的。也有非干预性的规定,这里没贴下,fa你私信了。
2023-07-19 03:08:172


这些第一代的签名是特别有用的forluminal BC,因为他们将几乎所有三阴性和manyher-2-positive肿瘤高危人群[ 55 ]。这findingcan受细胞周期和增殖相关基因的优势在这些签名[ 56 ]部分的解释。然而,乳腺肿瘤 HER-2阳性肿瘤分类可以分为低,高风险组,确定一个亚组的这些肿瘤预后优良即使在没有佐剂CT和曲妥珠单抗[ 57 ]。所谓的第二代的预后signaturespromise进一步提高所有bcsubtypes预测,评估疾病的其他重要的生物特征,如肿瘤微环境和肿瘤免疫的组成部分[ 59]。这些签名都是prospectivelyvalidated。
2023-07-19 03:08:272

急急急!帮我做出有关于air pollution的总结(conclusion)

Early concerns regarding the health-related effects of air pollution originated from severe episodes in Meuse Valley, Belgium, in 1930; Donora, Pennsylvania, in 1948; and London, in 1952. Although the overall effects of these episodes continue to be debated, well-documented, episode-related increases in morbidity and mortality from cardiopulmonary causes provided dramatic evidence that extremely high concentrations of air pollution can have serious adverse effects on health. Early public-policy efforts to improve air quality in the United States, Britain, and elsewhere were largely attempts to avert such "killer" episodes of air pollution. In the United States, a series of national legislative and regulatory efforts to control air pollution were initiated (Figure 1); National Ambient Air Quality Standards were mandated and established; and dramatic, extremely severe episodes of air pollution were essentially eliminated. Figure 1. Research and Public Policies Concerning Particulate-Matter Air Pollution. PM10 and PM2.5 denote particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm and 2.5 μm, respectively. From the 1960s through the 1980s, a few scattered studies continued to suggest that air pollution had adverse effects on health.1,2 Then, during the relatively short period of 1989 through 1995, several loosely connected epidemiologic studies reported adverse effects of unexpectedly low levels of particulate-matter air pollution.3,4,5,6 Although highly controversial,7 these results prompted serious reconsideration of the particulate-matter standards and health guidelines (Figure 1). They also prompted extensive efforts to reanalyze key studies8 (which were largely confirmatory) and motivated rapid growth in epidemiologic, toxicologic, and other studies of fine particulate matter and other combustion-related air pollutants. Research has continued to suggest that a level of air pollution that is common in many urban and industrial environments is an important risk factor for various adverse health effects in humans. Although many such studies have focused on respiratory disease, substantial and growing evidence indicates that fine particulate air pollution is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.9,10 Short-term exposure exacerbates existing pulmonary and cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of symptoms, the need for medical attention, and death.1 Long-term, repeated exposure increases the cumulative risk of chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular disease and death.9,10,11,12,13 One notable research effort that began in the early 1990s in the midst of the controversies about air quality was the Children"s Health Study. This study prospectively monitored the lung function of schoolchildren from the ages of 10 to 18 years in 12 southern California communities with a relatively wide range of air pollutants. As reported by Gauderman et al. in this issue of the Journal,14 air pollution was significantly associated with deficits in lung development. Within the context of the overall literature on air pollution and human health, this article makes several important and confirmatory contributions. The Children"s Health Study evaluated the cumulative exposure to various pollutants over an eight-year period. Deficits in the growth of lung function over the eight-year period were associated with a correlated set of pollutants that included fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm, nitrogen dioxide, acid vapor, and elemental carbon. These results are consistent with those of previous epidemiologic studies that have implicated fine particulate matter and associated combustion-related air pollutants as being largely responsible for the observed health effects of air pollution.1,2,5,11,12,13 Various physiological and toxicologic findings suggest that exposure to fine particulate matter may be an important public health concern. Such matter, which can be breathed deeply into the lungs, includes sulfates, nitrates, acids, metals, and carbon particles with various chemicals adsorbed onto their surfaces. Furthermore, fine particulate matter is ubiquitous because it is largely derived from common combustion processes (such as engines in motor vehicles, manufacturing, power generation, and burning of biomass) and because it is transported over long distances and readily penetrates indoors. Understanding the shape of the exposure–response relationship and determining whether there are safe thresholds are important for the formulation of public health policies for pollution control. Mortality studies suggest that the exposure–response relationships for particulate-matter pollution in the case of both short-term15 and long-term11 exposures are nearly linear, with no discernible safe thresholds within relevant ranges of exposure. Likewise, in the Children"s Health Study, the exposure–response relationships appear to be nearly linear, without discernible safe thresholds. An issue with clinical implications concerns the identification of groups that are most at risk or that are most susceptible to the effects of pollution. One evaluation of the literature1 suggests that the proportion of a given population that is at risk for death, hospitalization, or life-threatening conditions owing to short-term exposure to air pollution is very small and limited to the elderly, infants, and persons with chronic cardiopulmonary disease, influenza, or asthma. There appears to be a much broader susceptibility to small, transient changes in lung function, low-grade pulmonary inflammation, or other subclinical physiological changes in response to short-term exposure. With regard to the cumulative effects of long-term, repeated exposure, there is little evidence of a unique, well-defined, susceptible subgroup. The Children"s Health Study reports pollution-related deficits in the development of lung function in boys and girls, children with asthma and those without asthma, and smokers and nonsmokers — results "suggesting that most children are susceptible to the chronic respiratory effects of breathing polluted air." The authors of the current study also note that reduced lung function is a risk factor for complications and death during adulthood and suggest that the effect of these pollution-related deficits in lung function may occur later in life. In fact, studies have shown that long-term, repeated exposure to air pollution is associated with an increased risk of death from cardiopulmonary causes in broad-based cohorts or samples of adults.5,6,9,11,13 Much additional research is required to understand the biologic mechanisms that link exposure to fine particulate matter with increases in morbidity and mortality from cardiopulmonary causes. However, several recent studies suggest that general mechanistic pathways probably include pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress and inflammation, enhanced initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, and altered cardiac autonomic function.9,10 Secondhand cigarette smoke has also been shown to promote inflammation and atherosclerosis and to be a risk factor for illness and death from cardiopulmonary causes — suggesting that exposure to fine particles from common outdoor sources of combustion and from tobacco smoke may invoke similar pathophysiological processes.9,10 The Children"s Health Study does not provide direct evidence regarding the mechanisms of air-pollution effects, but the authors suggest a role of airway inflammation, such as that observed in smokers and persons who have lived in polluted environments. Although there has been much interest recently in the importance of pulmonary inflammation, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease, the Children"s Health Study reminds us not to forget or ignore potentially important effects of pollution on pulmonary function. From at least one perspective, the overall results of research involving air pollution are good news — the control of air pollution represents an important opportunity to prevent disease. Air pollution is just one of many risk factors for pulmonary and cardiovascular disease, but it is one that can be modified. In the United States and elsewhere, commendable progress has been made on improving air quality and, with regard to fine particulate pollution, new standards have been implemented (Figure 1). Extremely high concentrations of air pollution remain in many areas of the world, and decreasing these concentrations offers substantial opportunities for disease prevention. As efforts to reduce air pollution progress, debates over the relative benefits and costs associated with additional marginal improvements are inevitable. Nevertheless, continued efforts to improve our air quality are likely to provide additional health benefits.
2023-07-19 03:08:363


2023-07-19 03:08:432


2023-07-19 03:08:522


2023-07-19 03:09:261


2023-07-19 03:09:344


得到全面across-dose-range治疗效果,一般的差异变化log-dose斜坡基线的脂质,求得了与每个对照分离)进行分析。这些分析使用单因子共变数分析模型,包括术语治疗- by-log-dose互动的剂量响应(指标),整个剂量范围、治疗、原木的剂量的底线,中心,treatment-by-center互动。(日志剂量是木头[10为基数的药物剂量在毫克。)然后,如果treatment-by-log-dose交互作用不显著,得出log-dose稀土-配偶降低边坡为)和对照是平行,treatment-by-log -剂量任期退出这个模型,并将其重新maining reestimated很合适。如果治疗效应显著,ef——是用来估计dis -距离的剂量,据报道称山坡上常用的均数差值。然而,如果treatment-by-log-dose互动是明显的,不能(例如,log-dose)和对比边坡不平行)之间的差异,分析了各同等用量分别为多重测试没有调整。 此外,在log-dose剂量范围内,选择比较特殊的兴趣,其中比较)之间的剂量和等效或高剂量的前瞻性研究计划和执行是比较器采用方差分析。当前临床相关的结果,将sistent欺诈和提出的标签,在最初的药品批准, 22其中比较只有10、20、)进行前瞻性研究计划(40毫克之前的数据。这些比较如下:10毫克)和阿托伐他汀10、20年,40毫克,辛伐他汀10、20年,40毫克,普10、20年,40毫克)和20毫克,阿托伐他汀20 40岁,80毫克,辛伐他汀20 40岁,80毫克,普伐他汀20至40毫克),与40毫克,80毫克,阿伐他汀40岁和80毫克,40普40毫克。不同的是sig-nificant p值(使用Bonferroni的调整,为多重比较)为0.15这些核苷酸比较被重复每脂测量。
2023-07-19 03:09:411


2023-07-19 03:09:493


2023-07-19 03:09:572


Objective: To explore the Telephone Interview of acute myocardial infarction (acute myocardial infarction, AMI) in patients with stent implantation following the doctor"s behavior. Methods: 196 cases of stent implantation in AMI patients with telephone follow observation, which in January 2007 ~ December 2007 86 patients were the control group, patients discharged from hospital for routine health education and guidance. January 2008 ~ December 2008 110 patients to observe the group, after the regular health education and discharge on the basis of guidance by nurses once a month telephone follow pairs of patients with health education and medication supervision and guidance to observe the year 2 The Compliance of patients and complications were evaluated. Results: The observation group after the intervention medical medication compliance, compliance with medical review, diet therapy, smoking cessation limit spending, emotional control, and compliance behaviors such as exercise therapy is superior to the control group (P <0.05), and can reduce stent implantation postoperative complications. Conclusion: AMI patients with stent implantation and effective telephone return visit to play the role of family and social support can enhance its compliance behaviors and reduce the incidence of complications after stent implantation for improving the nurse-patient relationship and improve nursing work Satisfaction has an extremely important significance.
2023-07-19 03:10:0615

请帮助翻译下医学文献 感谢!!

2023-07-19 03:10:281

急求英文文献翻译(需要人工翻译,求准确度)急用,非常感谢。 是医学文献,所以有好多词可能有点生僻的

新的椎体骨折经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折后的痛苦:聚类分析和关联:leakage1purpose intradiskal水泥进行聚类分析的概率断裂免费完整未治疗后椎椎体成形术(PVP)在痛苦的长期存在的骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折(OVCFs)确定风险因素的新的椎体骨折和估计多完整的未治疗椎体骨折的概率,他们的病人和无脊椎对应的协变量的状态。材料和方法:获得患者知情同意和机构审查委员会的批准。一共有115例患者行PVP 216痛苦的长期OVCFs进行前瞻性随访,在术后第一年发现新的OVCFs。一共有1031个完整的椎骨骨折的概率集群分析免费使用Cox比例风险的脆弱性模型。聚类分析聚类或以个人自由的生存概率完整椎体骨折的患者考虑提高骨折的概率和风险因素的估计相关的自由。有关病人和特定的协变量包括椎。骨水泥渗漏的intradiskal容量分析是通过使用一个接收器工作特性曲线(ROC)进行。结果:三-和12个月的椎体骨折的免费的概率为97%和94.5%,分别。强水平患者的危险因素包括低骨矿物质密度(风险比[HR],0.53每增加一个单位),高脊柱畸形指数(HR,2.23每5个单位增加),和低断裂的年龄(HR,0.52每2个月增加)。坚强的脊椎特定风险因素进行胸腰椎定位(HR,2.33),附近的治疗水平(相邻水平的人力资源,3.53),和骨水泥渗漏存在intradiskal(HR,8.21)。单个椎体骨折的自由的概率是聚集在一个病人(即,没有独立的)(P =。009)。预测骨折椎体1年个人自由的概率也可能是99.8%或基于风险因素的存在或不存在的19.9%为高,分别为。较大的intradiskal水泥渗漏量有较高的可能性,新的相邻OVCFs发生有关(ROC曲线下的面积,0.70)。结论:新的椎体骨折术后聚集在患者和严重依赖的患者是否存在特定的风险因素和脊椎。一个明显的增强intradiskal水泥渗漏的相关危险因素,为其中的一个体积的关联被发现。
2023-07-19 03:10:382


2023-07-19 03:10:572

ecce造句 ecceの例文 "ecce"是什麼意思

Methods 566 cases ( 570 eyes ) accepted *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and joe implantation 方法对5肠例( 570眼)白内障进行小切口非乳化手法白内障摘出联合人工晶状体植入术。 How to proceed the following procedures of ecce and insert a posterior chamber intraocular lens successfully 采取紧急原轮部切口缝合,再向顳侧轮部扩大,作一个新的轮部切口,以继续其后步骤。 Objective to evaluate the cpnical effects of *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and iol implantation for cataract patients 摘要目的分析小切口非超声乳化手法白内障囊外摘出人工晶状体植入术的临床效果。 Advantages include better early visual rehabiptation , less astigamti *** , less suture time over ecce , satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine 而晶核切割术则较晶体乳化术不须昂贵的仪器及所须技术转移期较短,是一种可替代晶体乳化术的小切口白内障手术。 We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmati *** , and endothepal cell loss of the alternative technique as pared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed 结果显示晶核切割术及晶体乳化术优于囊外白内障摘除术,有较佳的早期视力回复及较少的术后散光。 In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o " clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a *** all porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not depvered yet 作者利用动物模式提出在囊外白内障手术中,晶体核挤出时,因轮部切口较小,以至尚未挤出晶体核,即发生十二点钟方向品体?带断裂合并部分玻璃体膨出的情况下,如何在尽量减少玻璃体进一步伤害下顺利挤出晶体核,并植入后房人工水晶体。 It"s difficult to find ecce in a sentence. 用 ecce 造句挺难的
2023-07-19 03:11:031


目标:调查不动细菌属鲍曼不动杆菌感染在外伤病人中的发生率、危险因素和感染后果。设计和背景:对大学医院一般加护病房三年来收治的1500名外伤病人的资料做回顾分析。病人:研究共包括330名外伤病人。结果:36名(10.9%)患者感染A型鲍曼不动杆菌;其中29人随后患了肺炎。 同未感染A性鲍曼不动杆菌的294名患者相比,这36名患者的损伤严重度极高(ISS)(p=0.02),Glasgow昏迷等级较低,在加护病房的时间更长,机械通气时间更长,经常因血压过低被送进急诊部,超过3天都做了经骨骼的牵引。经多元分析发现,机械通气时间和长期的骨骼牵引是导致A型鲍曼不动杆菌感染的主要独立危险因素。感染A型鲍曼不动杆菌的病人死亡率很高(36人中有9人死亡,25.0%)。与死亡率独立相关的是损伤严重度,Glasgow昏迷等级和年老,而不是鲍曼不动杆菌感染。结论:长期的机械通气和延误的骨骼固定术,加之长时间的骨骼牵引,是导致A型鲍曼不动杆菌感染的主要危险因素。感染这种细菌不会导致死亡。我不是学医的,有些专业词汇可能有问题,lz自己衡量吧
2023-07-19 03:11:112


2023-07-19 03:11:194

mobile payment为题的英语作文

In an oversupply economy, the key to success is that the enterprise can firmly lock and capture it in when the demand has not yet been formed. Successful companies will often devote a lifetime of effort and resources to search the current industry demands, potential demands and new demands!With the growing competition in mobile payment industry, merger integration and capital operation of large mobile payment enterprises are becoming more frequent. More emphasis is focused on market research for excellent domestic mobile payment companies, especially on the overall development trends of global mobile payment industry, development and innovation of models of similar foreign and domestic companies, the industrial development environment and in-depth study of the purchasers. Because of this, a large number of outstanding domestic mobile payment brands have risen rapidly, becoming leaders in the industry!This report is based on long-term market tracking information by Forward Intelligence on mobile payment industry. It adopts international SCP scientific analysis models and analyses comprehensively and accurately the structure from the overall height of the industry for you. This report mainly analyzes background of mobile payment industry; development status and overall trends of global mobile payment industry; experience of development of mobile payment industry of representative nations; the development status quo and production and operation of Chinese mobile payment industry; the current market environment and competition of Chinese mobile payment industry; Chinese mobile payment industry"s core technology; main application areas of mobile payment; characteristics of mobile payment users" consumption behavior; operation of mobile payment market leaders; development trends of mobile payment industry and future prospects. Meanwhile, based on first-hand market data of the whole industry in the past five years, it can allow you to fully and accurately grasp market trends and development trends of mobile payment industry.The greatest feature of this report is forward-looking and timeliness. Based on the development path of the industry and years of practical experience, it makes careful analysis and prediction of the future development trends of mobile payment industry. It is a rare quality for related mobile operators, payment service providers, application and equipment providers, system integrators, merchants and investment companies to accurately understand the latest developments in mobile payment industry, grasp market opportunities, make the right business decisions and clear corporate directions. It is also a heavyweight report and the industry"s first on the comprehensive systematic analysis of upstream and downstream of the industry and key enterprises of the industry.This report will help related mobile operators, payment service providers, application and equipment providers, system integrators, merchants and investment companies accurately understand the latest developments of the mobile payment industry and early detect blank points of mobile payment industry market, opportunities, growth and profitability points ...... it will help prospectively grasp unmet market demands and trends of mobile payment industry and become a good advantage for sustainable development, effectively avoid the investment risks from mobile payment industry, more efficiently consolidate or expand appropriate strategic target markets, and firmly grasp the initiative authority in market competition.
2023-07-19 03:11:291


2023-07-19 03:09:221


2023-07-19 03:09:222


2023-07-19 03:09:2414

Mark Owen的《Clementine》 歌词

歌名:Clementine歌手:Mark Owen发行时间:2003-10-19所属专辑:《The Green Man (Repackaged)》歌词:She heard a voice from so far awayIt told her her mother had gone awayIn the next room down the corridorHer baby started to cryHer whole life had just fell apartThere was nothing then the hurting startedIn her heavy head on her knees she prayedcould somebody help herClementineIt was never meant to be this wayIt was never meant to be this wayClementineIt was never meant to be this wayit was never meant to be this wayIf only I"d told you yesterdayGot in her car and she sped awayInto the floodlit street down by your wayAs the sun rose by the morning dewWell she returned in such a stateHer baby knew not what was going onBut it could tell from her tears that something was wrong with mumDesperation let out its final screamBut our clementine didn"t hear a damn thing[REPEAT CHORUS]Into the mirror she stared at herselfAsked is that my life is that what I"m here forHer reflection chose not to respondAs she froze to the spot like a cold hard statueAnd bathed in her tears she said her time was through
2023-07-19 03:09:242

2021浙江成考录取结果什么时候出 在哪可以查?

2023-07-19 03:09:261


2023-07-19 03:09:291


无法提供任何违反法律规定的资源和内容。关于二战集中营电影,可以提供一些经典的电影推荐,供大家自行寻找观看资源:1.《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler"s List,1993年)2. 《大逃杀》(The Great Escape,1963年)3. 《希特勒的最后十二天》(Der Untergang,2004年)4. 《逃出生天》(The Shawshank Redemption,1994年)5. 《兔子洞里的女人》(The Rabbit Hole,2010年)这些电影均围绕二战集中营展开故事,充满剧情和情感,值得观看。同时,们应该提倡合法观影,遵守法律规定。
2023-07-19 03:09:292

CSS 图片半透明,文字不透明显示

2023-07-19 03:09:316


软件设计师属于软考,软考每年有两次考试,分别安排在上半年和下半年。各省软件设计师报名时间有所不同,报名方式也不一样,大部分地区可以通过中国计算机技术职业资格网报名。软件设计师属于软考的一个资格考试,软考上半年考试时间在5月下旬,报名时间通常从2月底陆续开始,大部分地区在3-4月份;下半年考试时间在11月上旬,报名时间通常从7月底陆续开始,大部分地区在8-9月份。每年各地区具体的报名时间安排,要以当地软考办或人事考试网公布的报考通知为准。考生可以通过中国计算机技术职业资格网进入软考报名系统,进行软考报名、准考证打印、成绩查询等操作。中国计算机技术职业资格网也是很多地区的软考报名入口,考生于当地规定的报名时间内进入中国计算机技术职业资格网,点击页面左下方的报名入口,进入全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试网上报名平台,选择对应地区入口点击进入,注册登录后即可报名。也有少数地区在当地软考办网站进行报名。温馨提示:因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,猎考网提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准! 下方免费复习资料内容介绍:系统集成项目管理工程师考试真题汇总PDF(2016-2018) 格式:ZIP大小:3353.47KB 希赛2023年电子商务设计师招生简章 格式:DO大小:6011.84KB资格考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费领取复习资料
2023-07-19 03:09:321


2023-07-19 03:09:361


2023-07-19 03:09:371


2023-07-19 03:09:411


2023-07-19 03:09:456

娜娜米是什么意思 娜娜米是空耳的一种吗

娜娜米并没有实质性的意思,其出处是一部动画片《元气少女缘结神》里面女主角的名字音译,但是因为在这部动画片的配音里,男主叫女主名字时非常好听,因此就有很多人模仿,把自己的网民改成娜娜米。所以娜娜米没有实质性的意思,它只是一部动画片女主角里面的名字音译。以上就是关于问题“娜娜米是什么意思”的解答,接下来是关于娜娜米的其他补充内容,有兴趣的读者可以继续观看。 关于娜娜米的补充 1、日文发音:娜娜米这个名字的日文发音为“nanami”,因为发音与中文的娜娜米极为相似,因此很多人就直接用中文的娜娜米来说这个日文名字。 2、作品憧憬:由于作品《元气少女缘结神》里边的女主角的神奇经历,所以会有很多人憧憬里面的生活,拿女主角的作为自己的网名也代表着喜欢能有类似的经历。 3、少女漫画:元气少女缘结神是日本漫画家铃木JULIETT所著的少女漫画,漫画从2008年开始连载,到2016年完结。 4、漫画讲述的故事:漫画讲述了女主角因为赌气离家出走之后遇到了一个神秘的男人,因此开始了一段被迫当土地神的故事。 娜娜米是空耳的一种吗
2023-07-19 03:09:501


直接写3个层就可以 3个层的属性中都不要设top属性和position属性。
2023-07-19 03:09:166


2023-07-19 03:09:157


七海(Nanami)是一位隶属于VirtuaReal二期的虚拟UP主,粉丝群体名为“脆脆鲨”(出自雀巢公司出品的一款巧克力威化饼干)。 原本是一位日本插画师使用日本柏青哥(一种小型赌博厅,类似于老虎机)的标语风格制作的文字表情包,其内容就是想要5000兆,也就是5000万亿日元的意思。
2023-07-19 03:09:121

2023年浙江成人本科什么时候报名 什么时候考试?

2023-07-19 03:09:121


最正常的 也就是 你能命令队员去砍移动的敌人的操作界面 ,直接对着键盘敲gonzo1982 , 不区分大小写,无空格!(其间不管你的队员掏出了什么武器,执行了什么指令也别管) 后按回车键 !!,此时按ctrl+v ,敌人看不见你,若屏幕角落显示了一个红色的大写“v”,则已进入无人之境(敌人看不见你的状态),等等……(ctrl+i, 打不死你)若不行,按 gonzoopera 同上 若还不行,则gonzoandjon 同上(盟2秘籍) 若还不行,则盟3秘籍为——(算了,这个版本应该认得出来……⊙﹏⊙b再不行?盗版游戏,重下个咯(这么小用不了你十分钟的)
2023-07-19 03:09:083


下面是一行四张的例子:<style>.box {width:1000px}.box img {float:left; width:250px; height:200px; border:0}.box br {clear:both}</style><div class=box><img src="图片1" /><img src="图片2" /><img src="图片3" /><img src="图片4" /><img src="图片5" /><img src="图片6" /><img src="图片7" /><img src="图片8" /><br /></div>
2023-07-19 03:09:061


东京 偶像 计划手游Reina蕾娜怎么样?《东京偶像计划》是一款由网易宝船代理的少女 RPG 二次元战斗手游。在这款游戏中有九个角色,其中Reina蕾娜怎么样呢?下面就和我一起来看看Reina蕾娜的角色介绍吧! Nanami七海角色介绍 1、Nanami七海的CV是佐仓绫音,佐仓大法天下第一。 2、Nanami七海是B队成员之一,假严肃类型,虽然平时也是不苟言笑不过没有Misaki凶。 3、她的卡片类型侧重于异常状态,很多卡片都有回复封印、麻痹、毒等技能。 4、人物专属技能很强,和Misaki平分秋色。虽然输出不一定是最高的,但是在新宿奈落这种高难本中Nanami的出场率却是数一数二的。 5、以前靠着一招麻痹走天下,麻痹被变相削了后她的上异常能力依旧是搭配异常状态武器的最佳搭档。
2023-07-19 03:09:051


  浙江小升初考试成绩出来后一般由学校统一负责通知,学生及学生家长也可以给班主任或学校有关部门打电话进行咨询。此外,若学校有建立网站,考生可以直接登录浙江小升初考试学校查询成绩。考生也可以通过浙江省教育考试院 (查询成绩。   2021年浙江小升初成绩查询网站入口网站为【浙江省教育考试院 】,请广大考生认准官方网站。考生可在成绩公布时直接登录浙江省教育考试院 (根据网页提示输入证件号码、验证码等相关信息后点击查询即可获取成绩信息。    温馨提示: 查分请认准指定当地教育主管部门指定的网址,谨防各类涉及查分、录取的诈骗手段。诈骗分子会通过短信发送的虚假查分网址,让考生输入姓名、考号、手机号、银行账号等信息后,要求家长、考生以支付“查询费”为由索要钱款。 2021年浙江小升初成绩查询网站入口
2023-07-19 03:09:041


1、人们总是把老师比喻为燃烧的蜡烛。Teachers are often pared to burning candles.2、他喜欢在说话中用比喻。He likes to talk in similitude.3、在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。Life is poetically pared to the morning dew.4、他是含着银汤匙出生的孩子,比喻出生豪门。He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.5、强壮的人通常被比喻为狮子。A strong man is often pared to a lion.6、他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌.He doesn"t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.7、孩子们准备过节忙得象蜜蜂一样。The Children were as busy as bees,making Preparations for the festival.
2023-07-19 03:09:031


2023-07-19 03:08:571


约翰 ----------------诚心为您解答每一个问题!
2023-07-19 03:08:577

The Water Is Wide 歌词

艺人: Hayley Westenra 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Decca 发行时间: 2007年03月13日 专辑类别: 录音室专辑 hayley westenra the water is wide, i cannot get over and neither have i wings to fly give me a boat that"ll carry two and both shall row, my love and i where love is planted oh there it grows it grows and blossoms like a rose it has a sweet and pleasant smell no flower on earth can it excel the ship there is and she sails the sea she is loaded deep as deep can be but not so deep as the love i"m in i know not if i sink or swim oh, love is gentle, love is kind the sweetest flower when first it"s new but love grows old and waxes cold and fades away like morning dew
2023-07-19 03:08:572


你要了解影响电脑性能的主要因素最主要看CPU现在一般本本都是双核的,在这里就要注意Intel从酷睿到酷睿2就有很多种,别被忽悠了.本人认为目前最好算是Core2Duo T720074007600b系列了 其主频达到2.00~2.33GHz 二级缓存一定要高,Intel的CPU一向都很依赖二级缓存,所以不能马虎...上面这三种二级缓存都达到了4兆.主板的选择也要好点,主板不像其它硬件需要时就经常升级,选择了一个好的主板能用好几年.其次就是价格了...货比三家绝对能让你省不少票票.
2023-07-19 03:08:5415


2023-07-19 03:08:527