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求芬兰旋律黑团Alghazanth 2008年专辑Wreath Of Thevetat歌词!!最好是中英文对照的XD

2023-07-19 22:57:25
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1. Moving Mountains

As one rope loosens, another then tightens
far too long we"ve been strangled and tied
this sick circle of shame must now finally break
so that honour may again walk by our side

Roamers of the path of many paths
now the hour has come for us to act
with inhuman hatred and intensity
to ram down the monoliths of fallacy

At the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we"ll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for

The ethics and laws that we deeply abhor
have left mere rust and rot in their wake
so each such child of the holiest of lies
together with their fathers shall be slain

The storm of rebellion will never calm down
in the raging hearts of the truly devout
so hold not a moment more thy fury back
for swords are made to cut and daggers to stab

At the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we"ll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for

Enthralling is the scent of burning shrines
and the sound of crumbling hierarchies
as after this disgraceful time
the true nature in us can once again breathe

May lips wet with blood to the world now proclaim:
at last the Beast if free and, verily, so shall remain!

In the chanting winds of this glorious black night
we hold the scalps of the crushed rulers high
without swaying a hammer or piling any stones
where once their towers stood we raise our own

At the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we"ll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for

2. The Kings To Come

Like puny insects without a destination
in the mud of Malkuth these bodies crawl
but our eyes are fixed beyond the horizon
where our sidereal thrones are towering tall

Silent is the call to splendour in man
felt by billions yet indulged by few
inertia and ruin walk hand in hand
in a world that idleness has consumed

Equality is the ruthless slayer of liberty
when those are beheaded that rise above
seemingly desirable it leads to constraint
and all such deception we must renounce

Just as beasts become men so shall kings turn into gods
life by life to slowly ascend towards the sanctum of stars

Ekpyrosis, you may soon swallow us all
but we shall not atone in your fatal flames
for our fate is certain and will so strong
that from your grasp we shall escape

Like puny insects without a destination
in the mud of Malkuth these bodies crawl
but our minds are freed beyond the horizon
where sacred words sound through cosmic halls

That which we yearn with force we"re to take
for anything worthy is never handed down
it is the heart and not will that must cave
if you wish to touch the heavens unbound

Only in the abyss true godhood is forged
through sacrifice and pain our passage goes
thus the road to glory remains uncrowded
as the price for this is too great for most

Just as beasts become men so shall kings turn into gods
life by life to slowly ascend towards the sanctum of stars

3. The Phosphorescent

We who were lifted from the moral swamp of man
stand with eyes turned upwards and ashes on our wings
arose we like titans in this immense heat of power
that melted into creeks the shackles "round our limbs

The blazing light of Satan with passion we adore
as there is not an emblem of wisdom more sublime
so pure in its essence that a shadow it casts not
but penetrates the body and the spirit alike

Once marked as His own... forever we now glow

Our anthems we sing to the Sun of million forms
for it is by His rays that illusions are dissolved

Unharmed we"ll remain by the virtue of our oath
though fangs wound the flesh and venom fills the veins

In this garden where we blossom with fully opened petals
the things long forgotten are those about to dawn
and the tips of our branches that stretch ever inwards
reach through the veil of being to touch the face of Naught

On the path of Boundless Life... death means not demise

Our anthems we sing to the Sun of million forms
for it is by His rays that illusions are dissolved

How lost are they whose eyes never adapt
to the darkness that reveals the treasures of the Self
how cursed are they whose ears never adjust
to the silence that recites the words we once forgot
and how dead are they whose hearts never react
to the forces that transfix all dimensions with their call

Our anthems we sing to the Sun of million forms
for it is by His rays that illusions are dissolved

4. On Blackening Soil

Oh, old nightsky, how furious is thy ordnance
when the edge of the crescent cuts thee in half
I sense thy stare on my soul and substance
while the cape of Neptune conceals our stars

Inside a circle we form another out of flesh
awe mires with confusion as the planets align
gathered around him that bears the wreath
in the darkness that drowns s like a rising tide

from the icy peaks of Mery to the depths of the sea
all this shall be yours if you now hearken to me

Thevetat, the dragon among snakes
master crowned king with wisdom most veiled
with lips shut share us the legacy
the godly gnosis that twines about thee

Sense of power pervades each thought
as the pulse in our veins is quaking the ground
the patterns of humility are condemned to fall
by the arrows of spells shooting from our mouths

climb towards the roots of the inverted tree
for to rise above the angels is your rightful destiny

Thevetat, the dragon among snakes
master most august by foulness impaled
with lips shut share us the legacy
the godly gnosis that lives within thee

Indeed we are here to stride as giants
instead of crawling in the dirt like infants
may not our eminence be questioned by any heart
for we truly possess the means to rend such apart

5. Rain Of Stars

From the One that beyond thought is seated
cascaded forth the drops of blood aflame
and this blinding rain of stars was greeted
with the abysmal depths of existence agape

The radiant sons of the blackest light
in the mirror image of Kosmos reside
with these tongues the serpents speak
with these lungs the serpents breathe
still adapting to the poisonous essence
to the strong walls of earthly presence

The obliteration of our growing decline
storms at the behest of Lucifer himself
to kindle awake the pyres divine
smouldering within these carnal cells

Thickening matter with its relentless hands
flagellated the high powers into dormancy
but though bolted fast by the flesh of man
in time they shall restore full vitality

A call is upon the gods we hear inside
from their aeon-long slumber to arise
with these eyes the serpents see
with these minds the serpents dream
slowly surpassing the strict boundaries
set by our narrow and weak abilities

The obliteration of our growing decline
storms at the behest of Lucifer himself
to kindle awake the pyres divine
smouldering within these carnal cells

On the great day the drops are rejoining
the vast sea of fire will be all-destroying
The stellar substance and the soul of man
In world"s warm ashes as one then stand

The obliteration of our growing decline
storms at the behest of Lucifer himself
to kindle awake the pyres divine
smouldering within these carnal cells

6. Twice-Born

Solely in Thy presence freely I breathe
set apart from the choking world of fetters

Forlorn will be each vain objective
butchered all ingrained penitence
release me from all that is illusive
from humanity grant relinquishment

The shadow of Thy horns will keep me cold
sheltered from the treacherous warmth of matter

I have given Thee my thoughts
thus them Thou Will and shall conduct
I have offered Thee my flesh
thus it Thou will and shall corrupt
my mind is the temple of worship
and body the altar of sacrifice
by will and devotion is hastened
the elevation above this mortal life

Heed, Father in darkness, unto my wordless call
and from mundade veils now strip this spirit bare
as with deepest obeisance in my pounding heart
I kneel before the scorching five-armed star

Responding the the unearthly vibrations
this ego is medium for the sinister
as prism to refract the dreadful rays
streaming from the Eyes of Chaos

Madly with the thirst of a deserthound
I drink from the river of satanic might
committed I am to perfect this crown
placed on my head by the hands of Thine

Thou have set me upon this path
thus it I will and shall tread forth
Thou have opened me these realms
thus them I will and shall explore
the rock I stand on can"t be moved
for it rests upon Thy sanctity
each word of reverence I utter
shall pass my lips in awe for thee

Heed, Father in darkness, unto my wordless call
and from mundade veils now strip this spirit bare
as with deepest obeisance in my pounding heart
I kneel before the scorching five-armed star

7. Future Made Flesh

The crack in the earth
between us grows wide
there"s dread on your face
but certainty on mine

We differ in essence
like night does from day
I"m a proud servant
but you"re just a slave

At the opposite ends
of the rope we are
you with blue lips
I with sore palms

This scene is a symbol
for the fate of mankind
future made flesh
a glimpse of coming times

8. As Nothing Consumes Everything

That which from chaos surfaced
in chaos shall eventually drown
buried in the same restless womb
from whence it once crept out

Be it the most majestic mountain
or a leaf floating down a creek
both equally pulverized in naught
under the merciless cosmic feet

Prayers are but waste of breath
they fade into the roaring storm
and even if they reached a god
not one could match this force

As Nothing consumes Everything
the glasshouse of creation shall shatter and fall

Like Lamia lurking by the cradle
the Mother has nurtured Her child
and as the hor of filicide is at hand
She acts without a tear or a smile

Accept the nature of the process
its monumentum can never cease
bend your knee, bow down your head
give praise to this grand release

As Nothing consumes Everything
the weeds of existence spring up no more

From dream to reality
from frail to perfection
from extant to noumenal
from one and one to none

As Nothing consumes Everything
no matter how sacred, all life must end



“先谈养心殿”指的是先和你聊国家大事。《精卫》这首歌发布于2021年,由30年前50年后这个乐队演唱制作,火于2022年末,被很多博主用于“Adoretheall 崇敬万物,热烈且自由”为主题的视频剪辑。从视频卡点这个角度来看,这首歌的确很符合自由剪辑这个点,能够让人感受到自由且热烈的感觉。从旋律来看,这首歌有一定的跌宕起伏,用一个词语来形容,大概是“颠颠的”,倒是很符合现今社会一些人的状态,似乎越疯癫越让人着迷。歌词中几句难以理解的:“养心殿”是皇帝理朝政的地方,“先谈养心殿”指的是先和某人聊国家大事。“瀑布淋身”,有发财的意思吗,“后拜瀑淋身”,后面又聊有钱人的话题。《精卫》歌词每个身体情不自禁。是现在我所有期待所有的爱。为什么不明白说的话为什么不记得。为什么不记得愿生命绽放再盛开。你与我先谈养心殿。后拜瀑淋身闲暇闻几页。也罢至填没在大海(似我的哀)。可它为什么不记得为什么不记得。它到底用什么灌溉用什么来爱。用什么方式用什么去对待。春华是秋实模特掩饰过的。她们总是过客我猜我猜想。周围有伴侣生长无法放弃。无法兑奖可是她的对象。想给我一巴掌反正我没劝退。梦里都是假象我只是太想要份爱。我只是太想被好好对待但是呢我心中的意义。可是呢我心中的海。填满不回来回来。劝你相信一回啦啦啦啦啦啦。
2023-07-19 19:26:401


2023-07-19 19:27:135

三年级英语作文带翻译:我崇拜的人The Man I Adore

There are so many people around me, among them, I like my father the most. My father is a hero in my heart, when I have questions, he can answer me and tell me something about them. My father also takes me to many places, like Shanghai,Beijingand so on. I am so happy when I am with my father, he is the best father.   在我周围有很多人,在他们当中,我最喜欢爸爸。我的爸爸在我心中是个英雄,当我有问题的时候,他能回答我并告诉我一些关于它们的事。我的爸爸也带我去很多地方像上海,北京等等。和爸爸在一起,我很开心,他是的爸爸。   I like to watch movie, when I am small, I watch many action movie, I like Jackie Chen"s movie, I adore Jackie Chen, he is hero in my heart. My friends also like Jackie Chen, sometimes when we watch his movie, we will talk about it and share our opinion. Jackie Chen is so strong and he nevers give up, I learn a lot from him.   我喜欢看电影,当我还小的时候,我看了很多动作片,我喜欢成龙的电影,我崇拜成龙,在我心中他是个英雄。我的朋友们也喜欢成龙,有时候当我们看了他的电影的时候,我们会讨论,分享彼此的意见。成龙是那么的坚强,永不放弃,我从他身上学到了很多。   My English teacher is Miss Hou, all the students like her so much. I am one of them, Miss Hou is the one I adore, she is so patient and kind to me. When I have question about English, she is pleased to explain the question, even though I still have question, she keeps answer them until I understand. Miss Hou is a great teacher.   我的英语老师是候老师,所有的学生都很喜欢她。我是其中的一员,侯老师是我崇拜的一个人,她很有耐心,对我很友好。当我对英语有问题时,她很乐意去解释,即使我还有问题,她一直在回答,知道我弄懂。侯老师是一位好老师。
2023-07-19 19:27:311

求J adore的anonymous的歌词~~~

For a minute it was looking likeI"d end up one of those guys,spendin my whole lifelooking for a special lady who"d save memaybe i"ll never be satisfiedhad a couple ? and a couple dimes.(Now I"m looking for you,) why are you so hard to findI thought I took one step, I took two backI"m not even close this time and that"s a factAll I know is that we"d be the perfect matchSo where you at love?I just gotta find you here.Why you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushI wanna meet my miss Anonymous.Then I see you when I close my eyes we all on both times with the delay to sunlight.Everything I tried to tell you I fell to maybe I"ll tell you another time.How you keeping me so free I get tied.Gotta strung all on me and aim me, oh nevermind.I thought I took one step, I took two backI"m not even close this time and that"s a factAll I know is that we"d be the perfect matchSo where you at love?I just gotta find you here.Why you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushWhat"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushIs your name Mary Anneor Cathy LeeWanna hold my hand? come get with meWhich dime wanna rideeverything on megirl you aint gotta lieTell me what its gone beWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name 2x)Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushWhat"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rush
2023-07-19 19:27:394

I adore the business culture in company,immersed in which ,I can broaden my vision.这句子怎么有

immersed in which,是过去分词做状语,其实是后面非限制性定从中的状语。同时in which也是引导后面非限制性定从关系词并作从句中的状语修饰过去分词。。本句=I adore the business culture in company,and immersed in it,I can broaden my vision
2023-07-19 19:28:051

i adore the girl insensitive to her appearance这句话有语法错误吗

没有语法错误,主干为I主语,adore谓语动词,the girl宾语,insensitive to her appearance为the girl的后置定语,可以看做是省略了的定语从句,补全后为I adore the girl who is insensitive to her appearance.
2023-07-19 19:28:121

I want it all 歌词

有三首,不知道哪个是I want it all I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it nowAdventure seeker on an empty streetJust an alley creeper light on his feetA young fighter screaming with no time for doubtWith the pain and anger can#t see a way outIt ain#t much I#m asking I heard him sayGotta find me a future move out of my wayI want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it nowI want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it nowListen all you people come gather roundI gotta get me a game plan gotta shake you to the groundJust give me what I know is minePeople do you hear me just give me the signIt ain#t much I#m asking if you want the truthHere#s to the future for the dreams of youthI want it all (give it all) I want it all I want it all and I want it nowI want it all (yes I want it all) I want it all (hey)I want it all and I want it nowI#m a man with a one track mindSo much to do in one life time (people do you hear me)Not a man for compromise and where#s and why#s and living liesSo I#m living it all (yes I#m living it all)And I#m giving it all (and I#m giving it all)Yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeahI want it all all all allIt ain#t much I#m asking if you want the truthHere#s to the futureHear the cry of youth (hear the cry hear the cry of youth)I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it nowI want it all (yeah yeah yeah) I want it all I want it all and I want it nowI want itNowI want it I want it歌手:皇后乐队 歌曲:I Want It AllAdventure seeker on an empty streetJust an alley creeper, light on his feetA young fighter screaming, with no time for doubtWith the pain and anger can"t see a way outIt ain"t much I"m asking, I heard him sayGotta find me a future move out of my wayI want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it nowI want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it nowListen all you people, come gather roundI gotta get me a game plan, gotta shake you to the groundBut just give me, huh, what I know is minePeople do you hear me, just gimme the signIt ain"t much I"m asking, if you want the truthHere"s to the future for the dreams of youthI want it all (give it all - I want it all)I want it all (yeah)I want it all and I want it nowI want it all (yes I want it all)I want it all heyI want it all and I want it nowI"m a man with a one track mindSo much to do in one lifetime (people doyou hear me)Not a man for compromise and where"s andwhy"s and living liesSo I"m living it all, yes I"m living it allAnd I"m giving it all, and I"m giving itallOooh oh yeah yeah - ha ha ha ha haYeah yeah yeah yeaaahI want it allIt ain"t much I"m asking, if you want the truthHere"s to the futureHear the cry of youth (hear the cry of youth) (hear the cry of youth)I want it all, I want it all, I want it all and I want it nowI want it all yeah yeah yeaaaahI want it all, I want it all and I want it nowOh oh oh oh ooohAnd I want it - nowI want it, I want itOoooh ha歌曲:I Want It All专辑:The Miracle歌手:QueenTake a step back! Take a bow, To the queen, the queen, The queen! This couldnt be another exit. Another way to hide everything. I can"t find another way out. Just walk away, please just walk Away, Just walk away, please Just walk away. I couldnt, I couldnt explain the words That came out of your mouth. I remember all the good times we shared Together. Please come home, please come home Take back every word you said, the vine Of lies of you, you fed me then. I want You out, the ink is draining out. (I can"t get Over you, this seems like it"s bothering you.) The vine of lies tangled in your head, they"ll Bring you dreams. Dreams! Dreams! Why can"t you tell the truth for once?! I couldnt, I couldnt explain the words that came Out of your mouth. I remember all the good Times we shared together. Please come home, please Come home. Please come home, please come Home. I want you home. END[ti:Vine Of Lies] [ar:Calling Of Syrens] [al:Victims Of Foul Play] [by:小桀仔] [offset:500] [00:01.00]Calling Of Syrens - Vine Of Lies [00:05.00] ★ 小桀仔 制作 [00:08.24] [00:09.62]Take a step back! Take a bow, [00:18.67]To the queen, the queen, [00:30.22]The queen! [00:33.85] [00:46.86]This couldnt be another exit. [00:51.95]Another way to hide everything. [00:57.06]I can"t find another way out. [01:02.27]Just walk away, please just walk Away, [01:07.00]Just walk away, please Just walk away. [01:12.61] [01:12.82]I couldnt, I couldnt explain the words [01:17.60]That came out of your mouth. [01:22.86]I remember all the good times we shared Together. [01:28.04]Please come home, please come home [01:32.23]Take back every word you said, [01:35.39]the vine Of lies of you, you fed me then. [01:38.77]I want You out, [01:40.25]the ink is draining out. [01:42.99](I can"t get Over you, this seems like it"s bothering you.) [01:52.66] [01:58.79]The vine of lies tangled in your head, [02:01.44]they"ll Bring you dreams. [02:10.62]Dreams! [02:17.69]Dreams! [02:20.41] [02:24.62]Why can"t you tell the truth for once?! [02:32.43]I couldnt, I couldnt explain the words that came [02:39.47]Out of your mouth. [02:46.21]I remember all the good Times we shared together. [02:51.28]Please come home, please Come home. [02:56.48]Please come home, [02:57.81]please come Home. [03:01.73]I want you home. [03:06.13]END
2023-07-19 19:28:223

求we are all gay的歌词

你找的歌是这个吧Oh it seemed forever stopped today All the lonely hearts in London Caught a plane and flew away And all the best women are married All the handsome men are gay You feel deprived Yeah are you questioning your size? Is there a tumour in your humour, Are there bags under your eyes? Do you leave dents where you sit, Are you getting on a bit? Will you survive You must survive When there"s no love in town This new century keeps bringing you down All the places you have been Trying to find a love supreme A love supreme Oh what are you really looking for? Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore? Is it lovey dovey stuff, Do you need a bit of rough? Get on your knees Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear "Cause you can"t avoid the sentiment That echoes in your ear Saying love will stop the pain Saying love will kill the fear Do you believe You must believe When there"s no love in town This new century keeps bringing you down All the places you have been Trying to find a love supreme A love supreme I spy with my little eye Something beginning with (ah) Got my back up And now she"s screaming So I"ve got to turn the track up Sit back and watch the royalties stack up I know this girl she likes to switch teams And I"m a fiend but I"m living for a love supreme When there"s no love in town This new century keeps bringing you down All the places you have been Trying to find a love supreme A love supreme Come and live a love supreme Don"t let it get you down Everybody lives for love Come and live a love supreme Don"t let it get you down Everybody lives for love
2023-07-19 19:28:303

托马斯成长记插曲歌词 he is the one, he is the one。。。。

2023-07-19 19:28:504

英文歌 歌词 all the light is

<速度与激情7>感人插曲 纪念保罗的See You Again - Wiz Khalifa&Charlie Puth  It"s been a long day without you my friend  没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长  And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  We"ve come a long way from where we began  回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程  Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  When I see you again  与你重逢之时  Damn who knew all the planes we flew  谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程  Good things we"ve been through  谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好  That I"ll be standing right here  这便是我在你眼前出现的原因  Talking to you about another path  与你聊聊另一种选择的可能  I know we loved to hit the road and laugh  我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情  But something told me that it wouldn"t last  但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒  Had to switch up look at things  我们得变更视野  different see the bigger picture  转向更为辽阔的天地  Those were the days hard work forever pays  有付出的日子终有收获的时节  Now I see you in a better place  此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来  Now I see you in a better place  此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来  How could we not talk about family  当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊  when family"s all that we got?  我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情  Everything I went through  无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷  you were standing there by my side  总有你相伴陪我度过  And now you gonna be with me for the last ride  最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴  It"s been a long day without you my friend  没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长  And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  We"ve come a long way from where we began  回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程  Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  When I see you again  与你重逢之时  First you both go out your way  一开始你们总是追随你们心中的步伐  And the vibe is feeling strong and what"s  热忱累积 信念不变  Small turn to a friendship a friendship  渺小的世界见证这段深情厚谊  Turn into a bond and that bond will never  深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情  Be broke and the love will never get lost  此情不变 此爱难逝  Be broke and the love will never get lost  此情不变 此爱难逝  And when brotherhood come first then the line  莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此  Will never be crossed established it on our own  只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿  When that line had to be drawn and that line is what  这友谊让我们肝胆相照 荣辱与共  We reach so remember me when I"m gone  即便我离去 也请将我铭记  We reach so remember me when I"m gone  即便我离去 也请将我铭记  How could we not talk about family  当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊  when family"s all that we got?  我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情  Everything I went through you  无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷  were standing there by my side  总有你相伴陪我度过  And now you gonna be with me for the last ride  最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴  Let the light guide your way hold every memory  就让那光芒引导你的前路 铭记与我的曾经  As you go and every road you  无论你选哪一条路  take will always lead you home  那都会通向你的家  Hoo~  吼~~  It"s been a long day without you my friend  没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长  And I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  We"ve come a long way from where we began  回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程  Oh I"ll tell you all about it when I see you again  与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有  When I see you again  与你重逢之时  Again  重逢之时  When I see you again see you again  与你重逢之时?重逢之时  When I see you again  与你重逢之时
2023-07-19 19:28:571

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Emi Years/The Capitol Years/Through The YearsFly Me To The Moon(In Other Words)- Matt Monro (猎天使魔女/Bayonetta Ver.)Fly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youIn other wordsI love you...........
2023-07-19 19:29:061


L是为你看看我 O是为唯一一个我看到 V是非常,非常 E是更比任何人都崇拜你。 爱是一切,我可以给你 爱不仅仅是一个游戏的两个 两个在爱可以使它 我的心脏和请不要打破它 爱情是我和你 L是为你看看我 O是为唯一一个我看到 V是非常,非常非凡 E是更比任何人都崇拜你。 爱是一切,我可以给你 爱不仅仅是一个游戏的两个 两个在爱可以使它 我的心脏和请不要打破它 爱情是我和你 爱情是我和你 爱情是我和你。这个翻译不知道你满意吗?
2023-07-19 19:29:142

有一个英文歌是个慢情歌,男人唱的。歌词有个give all my~~~ and soul,有人知道

Bubbly专辑:Bubbly歌手:Colbie Caillat(will you come in)(你进来吗)i"ve been awake for a while now我已经醒了有一会儿了you"ve got me feeling like a child now你让我觉得自己现在就像个小孩一样cause every time i see your bubbly face每当我看见你阳光般甜美的脸庞I get the tingcles in a silly place我总会傻傻地一阵莫名激动It starts in my toes那种感觉从我脚尖升起and it crinkle my nose让我微微皱起鼻尖wherever it goes I always know无论怎样我一直清楚地知道that you make me smile是你让我微笑please stay for a while now再待一会儿好吗just take your time不用着急wherver you go无论你将要去哪The rain is falling on my window pane雨点淅淅沥沥落在我窗户的玻璃格子上but we are hiding in a safer place我们安稳地避在一个淋不到的地方under (the) covers staying dry and warm在遮蔽下,温暖干燥you give me feelings that i adore你带给我的感觉是那般让我迷恋It starts in my toes那种感觉从我脚尖升起make me crinkle my nose让我微微皱起鼻尖wherever it goes i always know无论怎样我一直清楚地知道that you make me smile是你让我微笑please stay for a while now再待一会儿好吗just take your time不用着急wherever you go无论你将要去哪but what am i gonna say我该说什么呢when you make me feel this way当您使我感觉这样I just um该说什么呢……It starts in my toes那种感觉从我脚尖升起make me crinkle my nose让我微微皱起鼻尖wherever it goes i always know无论怎样我一直清楚地知道that you make me smile是你让我微笑please stay for a while now再待一会儿好吗just take your time不用着急wherever you go无论你将要去哪I"ve been asleep for a while now我已经睡了有一会儿了You tucked me in just like a child now你把我轻轻拥在怀里像一个孩子一样Cause every time you hold me in your arms每一次你用你的臂膀给我拥抱I"m comfortable enough to feel your warmth我都能感觉到你的温度,舒适地将我环绕It starts in my soul那一种感觉从我灵魂深处起涌And I lose all control刹那又漫长,让我无法倔强逞强When you kiss my nose当你轻吻我鼻尖的时候The feeling shows爱满溢在四周Cause you make me smile宝贝,你让我欢笑Baby just take your time now宝贝,不要着急Holding me tight紧紧的,给我一个拥抱吧Wherever wherever where ever you go无论你要去何方,无论何方Wherever wherever where ever you go无论你要去何方,无论何方wherever you go i always know无论你要去何方我一直清楚地知道
2023-07-19 19:29:221

英语翻译 you are all long for all i worship and adore all long for短语怎么用

应该是打错了吧? 我认为原句应该是: You are all I long for,all I worship and adore. 你是我想要的一切,我崇拜和热爱的一切. 没有all long for这个短语.
2023-07-19 19:29:561

ADORE YOU Lilrain 中文歌词

楼上的兄弟真是答非所问, ADORE YOU Lilrain 中英文歌词对照如下 Every day (day), Every night (night) I wanna see you baby, stayin" by my side. (by my side) I"m going down on my,on my knees for you. (you) For your love i"d do it, for your sake, believe I do. (do) If you don"t love me, why do you raise my hopes? no matter what happens, I can"t let you go. You got it wrong, I didn"t wanna hurt you. I wanna be all the world for you. I"ve not the faintest idea, why aren"t you talkin" to me? I"m trying to be the perfect man, you always want me to be. I"m accustomed to you, you"re a part of my life. Everything I told you honey, I"ve nothing to hide. You"re my little angel, you"re my little star. I"m still waitin" every hour, you"re so close to my heart. All my life I"ve been waitin", for one monent in time. We"re together I adore your eyes, I so adore your sweet smile (girl). I don"t give a damn bout what somebody told you. I"ll ever be your man "cause baby I love you. If the worse comes to the worst, I"m gonna hold you. I feel you"re far from believin" it. We walk through a world where nobody has been before. Turn back the hands of time open every door. I swear I wouldn"t let you down and sure I love you more,to retrieve your affinity. Every day (day), Every night (night) I wanna see you baby, stayin" by my side. (by my side) I"m going down on my,on my knees for you. (you) For your love i"d do it, for your sake, believe I do. (do) If you don"t love me, why do you raise my hopes? no matter what happens, I can"t let you go. You got it wrong, I didn"t wanna hurt you. I wanna be all the world for you. You look into my eyes, You put me out of my misery. I have never told lies, I hope that you come back to me. I want to spend my time of lovin" you forever No matter what happens, we must stick together. Come on trust in my words, give me your heart back again. Kiss my lips, touch my hand, give me a second chance. My heart is pumpin", have a feeling that I"ve never felt, If i"m allowed to be with you, the luck is coming to my world. So far as I remember, you was perfectly happy to find someone like me, in a world full of traffic. I fulfill your dreams, its not only a taffy... You"re the only one for me. We walk through a world where nobody has been before. Turn back the hands of time open every door. I swear I wouldn"t let you down and sure I love you more,to retrieve your affinity. Every day (day), Every night (night) I wanna see you baby, stayin" by my side. (by my side) I"m going down on my,on my knees for you. (you) For your love i"d do it, for your sake, believe I do. (do) If you don"t love me, why do you raise my hopes? no matter what happens, I can"t let you go. You got it wrong, I didn"t wanna hurt you. I wanna be all the world for you. If you don"t love me, why do you raise my hopes? no matter what happens, I can"t let you go. You got it wrong, I didn"t wanna hurt you. I wanna be all the world for you. Every day (day), Every night (night) I wanna see you baby, stayin" by my side. (by my side) I"m going down on my,on my knees for you. (you) For your love i"d do it, for your sake, believe I do. (do) If you don"t love me, why do you raise my hopes? no matter what happens, I can"t let you go. You got it wrong, I didn"t wanna hurt you. I wanna be all the world for you. Everyday (day, day , day) Every night ( every night, every night, every night) Everyday (day, day , day) Every night ( every night, every night, every night) Every night (every night, every night, every night) I"m accustomed to you. =================================================每一天每一个夜晚我都希望你能够陪伴在我身边我会记载 躺在我膝盖上的你记在你的爱记载我们的相爱,相信我所做的如果你不爱我为什么还要给予我能够在一起的希望?不论发生了什么我不会让你离开也许你错了我不想伤害你我只是想成为你的世界我还是一点也不明白为什么你还是不理我?我正尝试着变成一个完美的男人想你希望我成为的那样我习惯了有你你是我生命中的一部分每件事情我都会告诉你我不会隐瞒你什么你是我的天使你是我的明星每个小时我都在等着你你如此亲近我的心...我的一生都在等待等待那一瞬间我们在一起我凝望着你的眼睛我是多么喜欢你甜蜜的微笑我从没有做过什么别然告诉你的那些事情我会变成能够爱护你的男人因为 亲爱的 我爱你如果现在变得更糟糕我想要告诉你我感觉你一点也不会相信我我们走过了这世界上没人走过的地方阻止时间的手打开每扇时间的大门我不会让你离开 当然我爱你会更多 挽回你的爱每一天每一个夜晚我都希望你能够陪伴在我的身边我会记载 躺在我膝盖上的你记在你的爱记载我们的相爱,相信我所做的如果你不爱我为什么还要给予我能够在一起的希望?不论发生了什么我不会让你离开也许你错了我不想伤害你我只是想成为你的世界你看着我的眼睛你是我远离伤痛我从没有欺骗过你我希望你能够回到我的身边我可以用我的一生去爱你不论发生了什么我们必须粘在一起相信我所说的话再把你的心交给我亲吻我的嘴唇,牵着我的手再给我第二次机会我的心正在跳动着呢有一种从未有过的感觉如果我还会和你在一起幸福会降临在我的世界上到目前为止你已经非常幸福的找到了像我一样的男人世界上充满了太多的十字路口我实现了你的梦想这不是哄骗你是唯一的我们走过了这世界上没人走过的地方阻止时间的手打开每扇时间的大门我不会让你离开 当然我爱你会更多 挽回你的爱每一天每一个夜晚我都希望你能够陪伴在我身边我会记载 躺在我膝盖上的你记在你的爱记载我们的相爱,相信我所做的如果你不爱我为什么还要给予我能够在一起的希望?不论发生了什么我不会让你离开也许你错了我不想伤害你我只是想成为你的世界如果你不爱我为什么还要给予我能够在一起的希望?不论发生了什么我不会让你离开也许你错了我不想伤害你我只是想成为你的世界每一天每一个夜晚我都希望你能够陪伴在我身边我会记载 躺在我膝盖上的你记在你的爱记载我们的相爱,相信我所做的如果你不爱我为什么还要给予我能够在一起的希望?不论发生了什么我不会让你离开也许你错了我不想伤害你我只是想成为你的世界每一天每一个夜晚每一天每一个夜晚每个夜晚我习惯了有你
2023-07-19 19:30:301

The Selecter的《James Bond》 歌词

歌曲名:James Bond歌手:The Selecter专辑:Selected SelectionsScouting For Girls -- James BondBY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul007; Britain"s finest secret agent, licensed to kill.Mixing business with girls and thrills.I"ve seen you walk the screen, it"s you that I adore.Since I was a boy I"ve wanted to be like Roger Moore.A girl in every port, and gadgets up my sleeve.The world is not enough for the both of us it seems.So I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.Hello Mr Bond, I"ve been expecting you.Martini in your hand, and that eyebrow that you move.Don"t take this the wrong way, I know it might sound odd.I"m the next double 0, I"m the right man for the job.So I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to thrill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to kill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to thrill.I"ve a license, I"ve a license, I"ve a license to kill.I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to be someone else.I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to be someone else.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.And I wish I was James Bond, just for the day.Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away.Roger and Shaun and Timmy and George and Danieland Pierce and maybe one day meLarry Cheng & Kevin Boulshare with you ~~~~LK~~just wanna be James Bond
2023-07-19 19:30:441


1、送你一颗糖果,预示你幸福红火。 Send you a candy, indicating your happiness. 2、相敬如宾真心处,才是满足。 Respect each other as guests, sincerity is satisfaction. 3、十斤情话,不及一个拥抱。 Ten catties of love words, less than a hug. 4、看不惯就滚,床俺都铺好了。 If you can"t stand it, I"ve made the bed. 5、不想收红包,只想收你这个小宝宝。 I don"t want to receive a red envelope. I just want to accept you as a baby. 6、我拥有全天下最好的礼物:你。 I have the best gift in the world: you. 7、你看起来很甜,我能够尝尝味道吗。 You look sweet. Can I have a taste. 8、潇潇洒洒门前站,不论贫富都好看。 Standing in front of the gate is Xiaoxiao and Sasa, which is good-looking for both rich and poor. 9、因为太喜欢你,所以看谁都像是情敌。 Because I like you so much, I think everyone looks like a rival in love. 10、我等的人是你,你等的人又是谁? I"m waiting for you. Who are you waiting for? 11、我想问一条路,到你心里的路。 I want to ask a way, the way to your heart. 12、我喜欢你,不是说说而已。 I like you, not just talk about it. 13、我爱你,我的心为你跳动。 I love you, my heart beats for you. 14、世界是一封情书,我爱你没有句号。 The world is a love letter, I love you no end. 15、红颜迟暮,素发如雪,执手依旧。 The beauty of the evening, plain hair such as snow, still holding hands. 16、也许你不是最好的,可却是我最想要的。 Maybe you"re not the best, but it"s what I want most. 17、耀眼的人有很多,可闪到我的却只有你一个。 There are many dazzling people, but you are the only one who can flash to me. 18、没什么大理想,就是想和你一直一直在一起。 No big dream, just want to be with you all the time. 19、我可以跟在你身后,像影子追着光梦游。 I can follow you like a shadow chasing light. 20、弱水三千只取一瓢饮,世界之大我只要你。 Weak water 3000 only take a scoop of drink, the world"s big I just want you. 21、虽然没有忘记你,但也没精力去想了。 Although did not forget you, but also did not have the energy to think. 22、我想牵你的手,从心动到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heart to ancient rare. 23、每次见到你的时候,你知道我有多开心吗? Do you know how happy I am every time I see you? 24、我怀里所有温暖的空气,变成风和你相遇。 All the warm air in my arms becomes the wind to meet you. 25、一生只爱你,天涯海角,永不言弃。 I love you all my life. I will never give up. 26、我喜欢你,胜于昨日,略匮今朝。 I like you more than yesterday. I love you today. 27、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛。 Don"t go, please stay, don"t make my heart ache. 28、四月一直都很温柔,愿不负春光不负你。 April has always been very gentle, may the spring not fail you. 29、健忘的我,唯有你,是我独家的记忆。 Forgetful I, only you, is my exclusive memory. 30、心痛,怎么会心痛?我以为心痛只是种形容。 Heartache, how can heartache? I thought heartache was just a description. 31、除了你,我都不会再重蹈覆辙。 I won"t do it again except for you. 32、我的真心,愿让岁月去见证。 My heart, willing to let the years to witness. 33、喜欢我就和我讲,我又不是不负责任。 Tell me if you like. I"m not irresponsible. 34、最近手头有点紧,能够借你的手来牵吗。 I"m a little short of money recently. Can I borrow your hand. 35、你的身影,令我的心魂绕梦牵。 Your figure, make my heart and soul around the dream. 36、风儿可以离去,对你的爱一直都在。 The wind can leave and love you all the time. 37、每一次遇见,都是最好的安排。 Every meeting is the best arrangement. 38、与君相向转向卿,与君双栖共一生。 Facing you and turning to Qing, you can live together for a lifetime. 39、我崇拜他像个英雄,他宠爱我像个孩子。 I adore him like a hero, he dotes on me like a child. 40、这座城市风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。 The wind is very strong in this city, and lonely people always come home late. 41、毫无征兆的想你,是我不可告人的隐疾。 Missing you without warning is my hidden disease. 42、长大了,开始在乎你关心你了。 Grow up, began to care about you, care about you. 43、某些人,只想念,不联系;只关注,不打扰。 Some people, just miss, do not contact; only pay attention to, do not disturb. 44、在有生的瞬间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气。 In the moment of life can meet you, actually spent all the luck. 45、要是你现在不忙,咱们俩睡一觉吧。 If you"re not busy now, let"s get some sleep. 46、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。 There are a hundred kinds of dream life, all of which have you. 47、今天不想迷惑众生了,想在你耳边说爱你。 I don"t want to confuse all living beings today. I want to say I love you in your ear. 48、你短短几秒的语音,我听了一年。 I"ve been listening to your voice for a year. 49、赏不尽人间美图,只因有而欢悦。 The beauty of the world can not be appreciated, only because there is joy. 50、对月形单望相互,不羡牛郎鸳鸯。 Looking at each other in the shape of the moon, I don"t envy Cowherd and mandarin duck. 51、什么都可以过期,但是对你的爱没有期限。 Anything can be expired, but there is no deadline for your love. 52、我为凤,你为凰,听我一曲凤求凰可好。 I"m the Phoenix, you"re the Phoenix. Listen to my song about the Phoenix asking for the Phoenix. 53、在时间的驿站,我许了一个心愿,叫永远。 In the station of time, I made a wish, called forever. 54、你是落日弥漫的橘,天边透亮的。 You are orange in the setting sun, and the sky is bright. 55、此后岁月再多风景,除了你,不过尔尔。 After that, there will be more scenery than you. 56、确认过眼神,我遇见对的人! Confirmed the eyes, I met the right person! 57、渴望拥有你,也渴望你愿意。 I want to have you and I want you to. 58、如果你是月亮,那我就是星星,我离不开你。 If you are the moon, then I am the star, I cannot leave you. 59、想在大风天去见你,把我吹进你怀里。 I want to see you on a windy day and blow me into your arms. 60、爱在行动里,誓要爱,爱在我心里。 Love in action, vow to love, love in my heart.
2023-07-19 19:30:511

All That I Got (The Make Up Song) 歌词

歌曲名:All That I Got (The Make Up Song)歌手:Fergie专辑:The Dutchess Deluxedo do do do dola la la laho ho ho hooowo wo wo woobaby baby when you"re lookin" deep in my eyesi know you"re seeing past my makeupinto the little girl that used to hide out and crywhen her parents fought trying to be strongyou can see the hurt in methe cover ups a secrecyand all that i inspire to beyou see you seeyou know who i really amno entourage or caravando you even give a damnabout all that now tell mewould you love me if i didn"t workoutor i didn"t change my natural hairand i could be the one you want to grow older with babyi"ll give you all that i gotso i don"t mean to scare you now or push you awaycause i"m not trying rush anythingbut when i look into your eyesi"m not scared to sayi see little youi"m in the picture toolike a happy family treewe"re together constantlythis could be eventuallywe"ll see we"ll seebut all that i have got to knowis with me baby will you growthrough sun and rain and heavy snowoh tell me so now babyit"s as simple as 1 & 2i"m in love with youand 3 & 4you"re all i adoreto the 7 & 8see i be making mistakescause when you"re on my mindi just can"t think straightback to the 5 & 6i"m all in ya mixand i"m all into youwithout the lipstickwithout the lorealyou remain the same angelthat i fell forfor real for realcould you love meno no no no oh wo wo woono no no no mmm mmmdon"t let our love end
2023-07-19 19:31:101

lil rain - adore you

(日),每天, 每天晚上(晚上)。 我想看你宝贝, stayin”在我身边。(在我身边)。 我要跪, 在我的膝盖。(你)。 对你的爱,我想做它, 因你们的缘故,相信我。(做)。 如果你不喜欢我, 你为什么养育我的期望吗? 不管发生什么事, 我不能让你走。 你错了, 我不想伤害你。 我想所有的世界。 韵文: 我没有一点也不懂, 你为什么不废话给我好吗? 我想是完美的男人, 你总是想要我。 我习惯了你, 你是我生命中的一部分。 我告诉你的一切蜂蜜, 我没有去躲起来。 你是我的小天使, 你是我的小明星。 我还waitin的每时每刻, 你太接近了我的心。 我一生中一直waitin ", 在时间为一床。 我们在一起时,我很喜欢你的眼睛, 我那么喜欢你甜蜜的微笑(女孩)。 我根本不在乎比赛什么。有人告诉你说, 我将永远是你的人因为宝宝,我爱你。 如果这个糟糕的办法, 我要抱着你。 我觉得你远离了believin”。 我们走过的世界,在那里,没有去过的地方。 让时间倒流打开每一扇门。 我发誓,我不会让你失望的,当然我更爱你, 去取回你的亲和力。 你看着我的眼睛, 你把我的痛苦。 我从来没说谎, 我希望你回到我身边。 我想花时间的lovin "你,直到永远 不管发生什么事, 我们必须团结在一起。 来投靠我的话, 要将你的心归我回来了。 亲我的嘴唇,摸着我的手, 给我一个机会。 我的心是pumpin ", 有一种感觉,我从来没有感到, 如果我可以陪着你, 我的运气来。 所以,据我所知, 你非常高兴找到一个像我这样的人, 在世界的交通。 我实现你的梦, 它不仅是一个太妃糖…… 你是我的唯一。 我们走过的世界,在那里,没有去过的地方。 让时间倒流打开每一扇门。 我发誓,我不会让你失望的,当然我更爱你, 去取回你的亲和力。 合唱: (日),每天, 每天晚上(晚上)。 我想看你宝贝, stayin”在我身边。(在我身边)。 我要跪, 在我的膝盖。(你)。 对你的爱,我想做它, 因你们的缘故,相信我。(做)。 如果你不喜欢我, 你为什么养育我的期望吗? 不管发生什么事, 我不能让你走。 你错了, 我不想伤害你。 我想所有的世界。 如果你不喜欢我, 你为什么养育我的期望吗? 不管发生什么事, 我不能让你走。 你错了, 我不想伤害你。 我想所有的世界。
2023-07-19 19:31:182

You Mean All the World to Me有谁懂得这首歌的歌词?

2023-07-19 19:31:272

I want it all歌词

这首歌词的意思挺模糊的,我翻的,凑合看吧Things are okay,情况还好now that all my problems have gone away,既然我所有的问题都没了now that everything in life"s for a day,既然生活中的一切只是一天since you"ve come to make me happy once again既然你再次来让我开心You and me,你和我share a different part of history,有不同的历史have a different kind of chemistry,有不同的默契but you"ve come to make me happy once again但你再次来让我开心And I can"t take it anymore,我不能承受I"ve been waiting all my life to adore,我一生都在等待去爱something more than a dream is real life, and I can"t stand it,生活中竟然有比梦更美的东西,我不能承受it"s all too much这太多了Things were okay,情况还好till someone told me you were going away,直到有人告诉我你走了now I know why you had nothing to say,我知道为什么你没有说一句话when you came to make me happy once again当你再次来让我开心You said it yourself...I want it all你说,我什么都要Take me away,带我走吧far away from here,远远离开If you"re going away, I don"t know if I can stay...如果你走了,我不知道我是否还能待在这里far away, far away from here,远远离开it"s my only attempt to surrender, 我仅仅是想投降forget me忘记我You said it yourself...I want it all 你说,我什么都要
2023-07-19 19:31:423

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (Album Version)歌手:Astrud Gilberto-Down With Love Soundtrack专辑:Down With Love: Music From And Inspired By The Motion PictureFLY ME TO THE MOONAya Bossa Techno VersionFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!
2023-07-19 19:32:031

急求钟嘉欣fly me to the moon歌词!

fly me to the moonlet me play among the starslet me see what spring is likeon jupiter and marsin other words hold my handin other words baby kiss mefill my heart with songlet me sing for ever moreyou are all i long forall i worship and adorein other words please be truein other words i love youfill my heart with songlet me sing for ever moreyou are all i long forall i worship and adorein other words please be truein other wordsin other words i love you
2023-07-19 19:32:112

求爱伦坡the raven的全文(追加30分) 这首诗很不错 我也很喜欢
2023-07-19 19:32:192

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blank Page》 歌词

歌曲名:Blank Page歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreSmashing PumpkinsBlank Pageblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimestop sign told me stay at hometold me you were not aloneblank page was all the ragenever meant to hurt anyonein bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restyou haven"t changedyou"re still the samemay you rise as you fallyou were easy you are forgottenyou are the ways of my mistakesI catch the rainfallthrough the leaking roofthat you had left behindyou remind meof that leak in my soulthe rain fallsmy friends callleaking rain on the phonetake a day plant some treesmay they shade you from memay your children play beneathblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimebut there I was picking pieces upyou are a ghostof my indecisionno more little girl
2023-07-19 19:32:271

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bobby Darin专辑:The Swinging Side Of Bobby DarinFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!
2023-07-19 19:32:341

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:All Time Greatest HitsFly Me To The MoonNEONGENESIS EVANGELION EDfly me to the moonand let me play among the starslet me see what spring is likeon jupiter and Marsin other wordshold my handin other wordsdarling kiss mefill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youfly me to the moonand let me play among the starslet me see what spring is likeon jupiter and Marsin other wordshold my handin other wordsdarling kiss mefill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youonly you only youfill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youin other wordsI love youおはり
2023-07-19 19:32:541

Nothing At All 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing At All歌手:Trijntje Oosterhuis专辑:Wrecks We Adorewhen you say nothing at allIt"s amazingHow you can speakRight to my heartWithout saying a word,You can light up the darkTry as I mayI could never explainWhat I hear whenYou don"t say a thingLets me knowThat you need meThere"s a truthIn your eyesSaying you"ll never leave meThe touch of your hand saysYou"ll catch meWhenever I fallYou say it bestWhen you say Nothing at allAll day longI can hear peopleTalking out loudBut when you hold me nearYou drown out the crowd(The crowd)Try as they mayThey can never defineWhat"s been saidBetween your Heart and mineThe smile on your faceLets me knowThat you need meThere"s a truthIn your eyesSaying you"ll never leave meThe touch of your hand saysYou"ll catch meWhenever I fallYou say it bestWhen you say Nothing at allThe smile on your faceThe smile on your faceLets me knowThat you need meThere"s a truthIn your eyesSaying you"ll never leave meThe touch of your hand saysYou"ll catch meWhenever I fallYou say it bestWhen you say Nothing at all(You say it bestWhen you say Nothing at allYou say it bestWhen you say Nothing at all)The smile on your faceThe truth in your eyesThe touch of your handLet"s me knowThat you need me(You say it bestWhen you say Nothing at allYou say it bestWhen you say Nothing at all)
2023-07-19 19:33:021

找首歌,男生唱的..高潮部分是"you are the only one you are the only one"(唱了2次)

Keith Urban - You"re The Only One I know its gonna take some timefor you to trust this love of mineI know he broke your heart in twoyou"ve been betrayed and your afraidthat i will do the same to youbut you will be safe here in my arms forever and a daythough you dont believe me nowi"ll never walk awayand you, you know i"ll be there when tomorrow comesyou"re the only oneI know you"ve heard this all before(you"re the only one)you"re the one that i adore(you"re the only one)you make me shine just like the sun(you"re the only one)you bring this heart of mine undone(you"re the only one)every lie you"ve ever heardyou can believe my every wordwhatever heaven holds in storethru good and bad ill be your manstand beside you through it allyou"ll be safe here in my armsforever and a daythough you dont believe me now i"ll never walk awayand you, you know that i"ll be there when tomorrow comeschoruschorusmake me shine just like the sunyes you do
2023-07-19 19:33:115


  L is for the when you look at me   O is for the only one I see   V is the very very extra ordinary   E is even more then anyone that you adore   love is all that I can give to you   love is more then just a game for two   Two and love can make it   Take my heart but please don"t break it    love was made for me and you   love was made for me and you   L is for the when you look at me   O is for the only one I see   V is the very very extra ordinary   E is even more then anyone that you adore   love is all that I can give to you   love is more then just a game for two   Two and love can make it   Take my heart but please don"t break it    love was made for me and you   love was made for me and you
2023-07-19 19:33:261

求:you are my everything的歌词

Title: Tal Bachman - You"re My Everything lyrics Artist: Tal Bachman Every time that I look in your eyesI know love never diesOh, baby... Love is blind, and I can"t seeCupid"s aimed his bow right at meI love you and adore you, you"re all that life could bringBaby, you"re my everythingCynics sneer at fairy talesThey mock love and all its detailsBut we"ve got something magical those fools will never seeBaby, you"re my everythingI can only stand for a moment or twoBeing without youOh, I know it sounds extremeBut baby you"re my dream come true Yes, we"ve got something magical those fools have never seenBaby, you"re my everything
2023-07-19 19:33:354

求BIGBANG的come be my lady英文版的歌词

Been together for a while now Gettin" closer everyday I Weak-up in the morning and smile Happy to be your side Don"t you get me wrong now Before we go on I Got a thing I need to know Think it through, baby be sure The life we live (livin") The way we lie (lyin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) The way we think (Thinkin") The choice you make (Makin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) come be my lady i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes I don"t wanna doubt you Your love is really true But you see money talks Can easy come an flip your thoughts Wanna know if you love me more than the Gucci"s and Dior Losin" you I can"t afford You"re the one I adore The life we live (livin") The way we lie (lyin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) The way we think (Thinkin") The choice you make (Makin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) come be my lady i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes To many play it dirty The rocks can make crazy I need your honesty (its all about the G"s) To many play it dirty The rocks can make crazy I need your honesty (its all about the G"s) come be my lady let me show you - i can love you don"t be so shady from the depths of my heart maybe i"m crazy i won"t ignore you - i"ll adore you this world is so cold this world--is so cold but that"s how it goes i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady and you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m only thinkin" about you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes
2023-07-19 19:33:432

歌词里有be my lady

Big Bang - Come Be My Lady Been together for a while now Gettin" closer everyday I Weak-up in the morning and smile Happy to be your side Don"t you get me wrong now Before we go on I Got a thing I need to know Think it through, baby be sure The life we live (livin") The way we lie (lyin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) The way we think (Thinkin") The choice you make (Makin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) come be my lady i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes I don"t wanna doubt you Your love is really true But you see money talks Can easy come an flip your thoughts Wanna know if you love me more than the Gucci"s and Dior Losin" you I can"t afford You"re the one I adore The life we live (livin") The way we lie (lyin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) The way we think (Thinkin") The choice you make (Makin") IT"S ALL ABOUT THE G"s (Baby) come be my lady i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m just tryna think of you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes To many play it dirty The rocks can make crazy I need your honesty (its all about the Gu2019s) To many play it dirty The rocks can make crazy I need your honesty (its all about the Gu2019s) come be my lady let me show you - i can love you don"t be so shady from the depths of my heart maybe i"m crazy i won"t ignore you - i"ll adore you this world is so cold this world--is so cold but that"s how it goes i can show you what you"ve always dreamed don"t be so shady and you can live a life of luxury maybe i"m crazy i"m only thinkin" about you and me this world is so cold so so cold but that"s how it goes
2023-07-19 19:34:025


1,Chinese atheles had a great achievements in the 2008 Olympics.2,All Chinese people are proud of their atheles"s results.3,Hope they will have a better results in 2012.4, We should make great efforts on all subjects, especially English.5,So we may have a chance to go to London during the 2012 Olympics to witness our atheles to contend for gold medals and cheer for them.Hope you like it.
2023-07-19 19:34:173

Mariah Carey的《One Child》 歌词

歌曲名:One Child歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Merry Christmas II YouMariah Carey - One ChildAn angel appearedOf the highest OneAnd Mary believedThe word she receivedOf God"s only sonThe Virgin rejoicedGave thanks to the LordAnd as Joseph dreamtThe angel was sentWith tidings of piece and joyOf the blessed baby boyThey travelled for milesTo reach BethlehemYet when they arrivedNo one could providePlace at the inn for themBut God kept them safeFrom hurt, harm and dangerIn His warm embraceAway in a mangerWaiting for Jesus" birthTo glorify the EarthThen He cameOne child can change the worldChristmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordWonderous starLed shepherds and wise menThrough valleys and mountainsAngels surrounded themAs they traveled farAs Heaven and HomeRang out for the SaviourThe sweet Prince of pieceLay majesticallyAsleep glorious and pureAnd His mercy endures for alwaysOne child can change the worldChristmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordOne child can change the worldOn Christmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship himLet us worship himLet us worshipChrist the LordThis angel appearedThe angel appearedChrist the LordOn Christmas Morn"
2023-07-19 19:34:241

Al Martino的《Till》 歌词

歌曲名:Till歌手:Al Martino专辑:I Love You Because/My CherieTill-Tom JonesYou....are my reason to live,all I own I would give,just to have you adore me.Till....The moon deserts the sky,Till all the seas run dry,Till then I"ll worship you.Till....The tropic sun grows cold,Till this young world grows old,my darling, I"ll adore you.You....are my reason to live,all I own I would give,just to have you adore me.Till....The rivers flow upstream,Till lovers cease to dream,Till then I"m yours,be mine.
2023-07-19 19:34:401

Earth Angel 歌词

歌曲名:Earth Angel歌手:The Penguins专辑:The Best Of JukeboxNew Edition - Earth AngelEarth angelEarth angelWill you be mineMy darling dearLove you all the timeI"m just a fool,A fool in love, with youEarth angelEarth angelThe one I adoreLove you foreverAnd ever moreI"m just a fool,A fool in love with youI fell for youAnd I knewThe vision of your lovelinessI hope and I pray,That someday,I"ll be the vision of yourHappinessEarth angelEarth angelPlease you be mineMy darling dearLove you all the timeI"m just a fool,A fool in love, with youI fell for youAnd I knewThe vision of your lovelinessI hope and I pray,That someday,I"ll be the vision of yourHappinessEarth angelEarth angelPlease you be mineMy darling dearLove you all the timeI"m just a fool,A fool in love, with youEarth angel, yeahEarth angelWill you be mine?Earth angel,Love you all the timeI"m just a fool,A fool in love, with youA fool in love, with youEarth angel, yeahEarth angel
2023-07-19 19:34:471


2023-07-19 19:29:302


2015沃德十佳获奖名单 发动机 搭载车型 福特Ecoboost 1.0T L3发动机(蝉联) 嘉年华 宝马B38 1.5T L3发动机 MINI COOPER 大众第三代EA888 1.8T L4发动机(蝉联) 大众Jetta(速腾) 斯巴鲁2.0DIT H4发动机 斯巴鲁WRX 沃尔沃Drive-E 2.0T T6发动机 沃尔沃S60 克莱斯勒3.0T V6柴油发动机(蝉联) 道奇Ram 1500 雪佛兰6.2L OHV V8发动机(蝉联) 科尔维特Stingray 克莱斯勒Hemi 6.2T V8 机械增压发动机 道奇挑战者SRT Hellcat 宝马127kW电动机 宝马i3 现代100kW燃料电池 现代Tucson FCV2014年评选结果1、127kW电动机 (宝马i3)2、6.2LOHVV8发动机(雪佛兰科尔维特Stingray)3、6.2L机械增压OHVV8发动机(道奇挑战者SRTHellcat)4、1.0L涡轮增压DOHC L3发动机(福特嘉年华(海外版))5、100kW燃料电池动力(现代ix35 Fuel Cell(海外版))6、1.5L涡轮增压DOHC L3发动机(MINICOOPER)7、3.0L涡轮增压柴油 DOHC V6发动机(Ram 1500 EcoDiesel)8、2.0L涡轮增压DOHC H4发动机(斯巴鲁WRX)9、1.8L涡轮增压DOHC L4发动机(大众高尔夫(海外版))10、2.0L涡轮增压DOHC L4发动机(沃尔沃S60)2013年评选结果1、奥迪 3.0L V6双顶置凸轮轴机械增压缸内直喷发动机(奥迪S4、S5)2、宝马 3.0L L6 N55双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(宝马135is)3、宝马 2.0L L4 N20双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(宝马328i)4、克莱斯勒 3.6L V6 Pentastar 双顶置凸轮轴可变气门正时自然吸气发动机(公羊1500)5、福特2.0L L4 EcoBoost双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压发动机(福特福克斯ST/金牛座)6、福特5.5L V8 Trinity双顶置凸轮轴机械增压发动机(ShelbyGT500)7、凯迪拉克2.0L L4 LTG双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(凯迪拉克XTS/ATS)8、本田 2.4L L4 Earth Dreams双顶置凸轮轴i-VTEC缸内直喷发动机(本田雅阁Sport)9、本田3.5L V6 Earth Dreams单顶置凸轮轴i-VTEC缸内直喷发动机(本田雅阁)10、斯巴鲁 2.0L H4 FA20 双顶置凸AVCS D4-S 直喷发动机(斯巴鲁BRZ)2012年评选结果奥迪 3.0L V6双顶置凸轮轴机械增压缸内直喷发动机(奥迪S4、S5)宝马3.0L L6 N55双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(宝马335i)宝马 2.0L L4 N20双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(宝马328i)克莱斯勒 3.6L V6 Pentastar 双顶置凸轮轴可变气门正时自然吸气发动机(克莱斯勒300)福特2.0L L4 EcoBoost双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压发动机 (福特福克斯ST/金牛座)福特5.0L V8 Coyote50双顶置凸轮轴Ti-VCT发动机(福特野马Boss 302)别克2.0L L4 LHU双顶置凸轮轴涡轮增压缸内直喷发动机(别克君威GS)马自达2.0L L4 Skyactiv双顶置凸轮轴缸内直喷自然吸气发动机(马自达3)现代1.6L L4 Gamma双顶置凸轮轴缸内直喷自然吸气发动机(现代雅绅特)英菲尼迪3.5L V6 VQ 3.5L HEV双顶置凸轮轴油电混合动力发动机(英菲尼迪M35h)2010年评选结果奥迪 2.0L L4 TFSI涡轮增压直喷发动机(奥迪A4、A5)奥迪 3.0L V6 TFSI机械增压直喷发动机(奥迪S4、A6)宝马 3.0L L6 涡轮增压柴油发动机(宝马335d、535d、X5 xDrive35d、X6 xDrive35di)福特 2.5L L4 双顶置凸轮轴混合动力发动机(福特Fusion Hybrid 2.5L EcoBoost)福特 3.5L V6 EcoBoost涡轮增压发动机(福特Taurus SHO)通用 2.4L L4 双凸轮轴DOHC Ecotec直喷发动机(别克新君威、新君越)现代 4.6L V8 Genesis顶置双凸轮轴发动机(美版现代劳恩斯雅科仕)斯巴鲁 2.5L H4 涡轮增压发动机(斯巴鲁力狮2.5GT)丰田 1.8L L4 双顶置凸轮轴混合动力发动机(丰田普锐斯)大众 2.0L L4 Variant涡轮增压柴油发动机(美版大众Jetta、高尔夫)
2023-07-19 19:29:341


老虎作为吉祥物的寓意 老虎作为吉祥物的寓意,老虎是一种凶猛的野兽,在风水中被人们当做凶煞之物,也被人们当做镇宅化煞之物,那么你知道老虎作为吉祥物的寓意吗,下面就跟着我一起来看看吧。 老虎作为吉祥物的寓意1 老虎是一种凶猛的野兽,在风水中被人们当做凶煞之物,也被人们当做镇宅化煞之物,所以我们在摆放的时候一定要注意好方法和禁忌,避免反而造成家中风水变差,比如普通家庭不要摆放、最好摆放在煞位。 老虎摆件的风水寓意 增强自身气场 虽然老虎本身的戾气,煞气以及爆发能力都比较强劲,我们一般人无法抵挡,但是如果是一些特殊职业或者风格的人不但能驾驭的很好,而且对于自身的气场还能有加强的作用。比如说军人之类的特殊职业的人,如果在家中装饰老虎摆件,可以改善自身磁场,增强自身的气场。 化煞镇宅 民间视“虎”为神兽,传说虎威猛勇武,能镇祟辟邪、保佑安宁,广泛应用在各种吉祥物、吉祥图案与儿童用品中。如,在中原地区,虎的形象常见于日常生活与礼仪;陕西关中地区,姑娘的陪嫁品中必有一对特大的面老虎,还有给新娘挂面虎的习俗。此外,还有虎头鞋、虎头帽、虎头枕等。虎亦为镇墓之兽,古墓前常雕有石虎。除镇祟辟邪之外,虎还有益于妇女怀孕、子孙升官。 老虎摆件的摆放方法 老虎摆件是不可随意乱摆放的,因为老虎的阳气比较旺盛,又含有杀气,一般老虎摆件都会摆放在官堂庙宇和公共场所,老虎的威武、强者风范和敏捷深受大家的青睐,下面一起看看老虎摆件如何摆放风水好。 1、假如住宅或办公室犯尖角煞、天斩煞等,可以摆放老虎饰品,用以化解煞气,摆放时虎头要朝向煞气方位。 2、自家住宅有马路冲门或者长廊冲门的情况时,在铁门上安置虎头型的门环,或者在大门对着长廊的方向安一个虎头牌,可以化解路冲煞气。 3、军警人员可在家中摆设老虎饰品,可以增强自身的气场,有虎虎生威之呼应灵动效果。 老虎摆件的摆放忌讳 1、普通家庭不宜在摆放老虎饰物,毕竞老虎归类为凶兽,犯之会不同程度地影响家人的感情、健康和事业,甚至出现官灾和血光之灾,对胎儿、小孩、老人尤为不利。 2、生肖属蛇、属猴的人因为与虎相刑冲,家中不宜摆放老虎饰品,否则身体健康容易出现问题,财运也不顺利,有官灾、血光之灾等。 3、生肖属虎的人也不宜在家中放置老虎饰物,因为有一句俗语叫做“一山不容二虎”,如果属虎的人在摆放老虎,身边便会出现很多敌人、小人,工作上也会常常阻滞不顺。 4、像是开门做生意的商家也最好不要摆设老虎的饰品,因为凶猛的老虎会使人产生惧怕之心而不敢入内,相应得也就会影响到自己的生意。 5、办公室内摆设老虎,会与人产生疏离,给周遭的人一种无形的压迫感,同事怕被你踩在脚底下,上司怕你以下犯上,所以也不合适。 老虎作为吉祥物的寓意2 老虎是想获得财运增加官运最好的风水吉祥物。作为风水吉祥物,老虎给人威势的感觉,有强者的风范。它反应敏捷,身手不凡,所以游戏人喜欢在家摆放老虎饰物,例如瓷虎、玉虎、铜虎、石虎等等,摆放最多的还是老虎的画像或玉虎。 请老虎下山越来越受到男人们的喜爱。不过老虎作为风水吉祥物,并不是所有人都适宜。比如,有些生肖的人是不宜摆放老虎饰物的。在木数里,“虎”“马”“狗”叫做刑,所以,生肖属马属狗的人就不宜摆放老虎饰物,否则身体健康容易出现问题,财运也不顺利,有官灾、血光之灾。 老虎作为风水吉祥物是很讲究的,比如,生肖属虎的人就不能摆放老虎饰物。为什么呢?他们同属啊,理应属虎的人请老虎下山是最有利的啊。有一句俗语,“一山不能容二虎”。 如果摆放了,风水格局就完全改变了,风水吉祥物反而成了克物。属虎的人摆放了,身边便会出现很多敌人、小人,工作上也会常常阻滞不顺。 如果你不是绝对的女权主义者或者是绝对的大男人主义,那么还是少请老虎下山吧。不过,只要是这几个属相之外的属相,那么老虎作为风水吉祥物是很合适的,它会用它的强势助你达成心愿。 老虎作为吉祥物的寓意3 东北虎,也叫作满洲虎。《满洲源流考》转载《魏书》勿吉国,南有徒太山,魏言“太白”,有虎豹熊狼不害人,人不得山上溲污,行迳山者,皆以物盛去。可见古代的长白山中的虎等猛兽皆被视为神物。后世闯山挖参之人尊老虎为“山神爷老把头”,或从“山参爷”或从“老伯都”等有一定关联,老虎与挖参人的故事至今流传有很多。 满语中老虎音为“tasha”,即塔斯哈。别名“bedu”即伯都,亦名“李耳”音为“lingsika”,亦名“李父”为“tarfu”,亦名“xusha”,须斯哈,亦名“於兔”即“utu”。满语中母虎为“biren”,盖伯依热恩。公虎为“muhan”盖即穆罕。三岁之虎叫作“xurgan”,须尔敢。 老虎在满语中的特别之称呼甚多,此中的“李耳”与云南黎族的语言内涵相似,据说黎语中“李耳”为母虎之意、“李聃”有“虎头”之意。故有学者认为“老子”的.称呼和老虎信仰有关系。 道教尊崇老虎,被认为是护法神,张天师手持七星宝剑,座下黑虎降妖伏魔,为民除害。道教信仰的财神赵公明也是坐骑黑虎,所以也叫作黑虎玄坛将军。道教信仰的西王母,也叫作“黑虎女神”,据说她的使者和坐骑也是老虎。在道教民间信仰中还认为老虎是土地爷的坐骑。在土地庙内,必定供奉老虎,叫做虎爷。 青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武又称四象,中国神话中的四方之神灵,白虎也代表着西方。虎常常与龙在一起,在道教中独具象征意义,如外丹家则以龙喻水,以虎喻火。内丹家则“神者是龙,气者是虎”,故而也是一种道名言的暗语,如《性命圭旨》即有“龙虎交媾”之歌。 老虎梵文发音为“vyaghra”,藏文发音为“sTag”,与满语的发音有几分相近。在佛教中有“舍身饲虎”的佛陀本生故事之外,老虎还被视作“风大”的象征,常常与火大象征的金翅鸟、地大象征的狮子、水大象征的龙,作为四方的瑞兽。 在婆罗门教中,虎皮最初是湿婆的象征。湿婆杀了“欲虎”,用其皮制作了他的禅修坐垫,这个传统后来融入了印度教和佛教,成为大瑜伽士、大成就者的坐垫,代表降伏嗔毒。一般佛教众鹿皮象征慈悲,虎皮象征忿怒,所以很多的忿怒本尊都是身着虎皮裙的形象。 比如宗喀巴大师至尊五见唐卡中,其中一幅宗喀巴大师显现为大瑜伽士形象即骑着猛虎坐骑。所谓“至尊大师骑着可怖的猛虎,示现瑜伽师的装束,身红色,眼鼻特大,右手持火焰剑举向天空,左手捧满储甘露的颅器,红色发髻上束蓝绸以骨饰而为庄严,极露笑颜,容光焕发,有八十位大成就者随从围绕”。 又如无教派运动的《利美之光:黑如噶五兄弟》中的秋吉林巴唐卡也是骑猛虎的大瑜伽士形象,代表着降伏事业的成就。 此外佛教护法祥寿五姐妹中的“慧贞佛母”,藏文名称为“米玉洛桑玛(Miyo Lozangma)”,身黄色,一面二臂,右手施敬奉宝物的手印,左手捧一装满粮食的珍宝盘,慈眉善目,饰以各种珍宝璎珞、耳环、镯钗。座下骑一猛虎,代表着南方宝生部,彰显佛功德,世间寓意衣田具足。
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plane driver什么意思

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老虎的寓意和象征 老虎的寓意和象征。人们都希望生活能够变得更美好,于是他们把这些心愿都融入到各种生活中常见的事物上,赋予它们不一样的寓意,下面和大家分享老虎的寓意和象征。 老虎的寓意和象征1 老虎的寓意 1、老虎象征着权威、寓意着吉祥。 2、人最害怕老虎也敬佩老虎,老虎也是将军的象征龙是皇帝的象征如果没了老虎保护龙的江山也作不安稳,而且老虎也是陆地第一猛兽 第一名老虎真正的亚洲霸主尤其东北虎也是第一大猫科动物号称白兽之王。 3、虎为十二生肖之一,排行第三,称为寅。清代文人舒位《黔苗竹枝词·红苗》诗:“织就班丝不赠人,调来铜鼓赛山神,两情脉脉浑无语,今夜空房是避寅。”寅为虎,谁敢违背避寅习俗,五月寅日若夫妻同房而眠,老虎就会伤害他们。 是一些地方民间流传的避寅习俗。 老虎摆件的风水寓意 增强自身气场 虽然老虎本身的戾气,煞气以及爆发能力都比较强劲,我们一般人无法抵挡,但是如果是一些特殊职业或者风格的人不但能驾驭的很好,而且对于自身的气场还能有加强的作用。比如说军人之类的特殊职业的人,如果在家中装饰老虎摆件,可以改善自身磁场,增强自身的气场。 化煞镇宅 民间视“虎”为神兽,传说虎威猛勇武,能镇祟辟邪、保佑安宁,广泛应用在各种吉祥物、吉祥图案与儿童用品中。如,在中原地区,虎的形象常见于日常生活与礼仪;陕西关中地区,姑娘的陪嫁品中必有一对特大的面老虎,还有给新娘挂面虎的习俗。此外,还有虎头鞋、虎头帽、虎头枕等。虎亦为镇墓之兽,古墓前常雕有石虎。除镇祟辟邪之外,虎还有益于妇女怀孕、子孙升官。 老虎摆件的摆放方法 老虎摆件是不可随意乱摆放的,因为老虎的阳气比较旺盛,又含有杀气,一般老虎摆件都会摆放在官堂庙宇和公共场所,老虎的威武、强者风范和敏捷深受大家的青睐,下面一起看看老虎摆件如何摆放风水好。 1、假如住宅或办公室犯尖角煞、天斩煞等,可以摆放老虎饰品,用以化解煞气,摆放时虎头要朝向煞气方位。 2、自家住宅有马路冲门或者长廊冲门的情况时,在铁门上安置虎头型的门环,或者在大门对着长廊的方向安一个虎头牌,可以化解路冲煞气。 3、军警人员可在家中摆设老虎饰品,可以增强自身的气场,有虎虎生威之呼应灵动效果。 老虎摆件的摆放忌讳 1、普通家庭不宜在摆放老虎饰物,毕竞老虎归类为凶兽,犯之会不同程度地影响家人的感情、健康和事业,甚至出现官灾和血光之灾,对胎儿、小孩、老人尤为不利。 2、生肖属蛇、属猴的人因为与虎相刑冲,家中不宜摆放老虎饰品,否则身体健康容易出现问题,财运也不顺利,有官灾、血光之灾等。 3、生肖属虎的人也不宜在家中放置老虎饰物,因为有一句俗语叫做“一山不容二虎”,如果属虎的.人在摆放老虎,身边便会出现很多敌人、小人,工作上也会常常阻滞不顺。 4、像是开门做生意的商家也最好不要摆设老虎的饰品,因为凶猛的老虎会使人产生惧怕之心而不敢入内,相应得也就会影响到自己的生意。 5、办公室内摆设老虎,会与人产生疏离,给周遭的人一种无形的压迫感,同事怕被你踩在脚底下,上司怕你以下犯上,所以也不合适。 老虎的寓意和象征2 一、老虎体型雄健,生性凶猛,虎啸震天,是勇猛、威武的象征。额头上的汉字“王”的花纹,更是“王者”的象征,尊之为“山君”、“镇山之神”、“兽中之王”。用作珠宝摆件时,寓意威猛、驱邪、平安之意。民间认为虎能驱除五毒、保佑康宁,用于首饰挂件、儿童饰品中,是希望百病不生,活泼健康,跟小老虎一样健壮、生龙活虎的,老虎吊坠又寓意吉祥、威武、勇健。 二、翡翠老虎吊坠象征着权利的至高无上和尊贵的身份地位;另外,在中国民间,老虎被奉为四方神之一,能驱妖镇宅、祛邪避灾,翡翠老虎也因此被赋予了平安吉祥的寓意; 三、老虎吊坠总是给人以不怒自威、英勇神武的感觉,所以翡翠老虎吊坠还寓意虎虎生威。纵观翡翠老虎的这些寓意,全部都体现着“工必有意,意必吉祥”雕刻原则,能给所有的佩戴者带来好运。 老虎吊坠有什么寓意 佩戴老虎吊坠代表的意义 属虎的人,内心坚强,好勇好誉,给人感觉十分大方,容人让人。常怀有慈悲心,又舍身成仁的气概。虽然好出风头,但不在乎名利,有侠肝义胆。但属虎人容易有眼高手低的特点,应该对自己有正确的认识。女性属虎者,多智慧。虎年出生的人,年轻时运势极佳,到了中年世事多变不易掌控,晚景美好,会出现德高望众者。 属虎的人个性简行,容易专断毒性,胆大心细,热爱冒险。雄心高涨,有很强的的自信心,男性富有男子气概,有领导气质。做事大胆,处事霸道。坚守承诺,说到做到,一言九鼎。喜欢出风头,具有侠义心肠,为人仗义,善于助人。属虎的人不怒自威,有天生的王者风范,对于困难从不低头。他们天生喜欢不畏艰难,喜欢接受挑战,是极限运动者相对较多的属相。 翡翠老虎适合什么人佩戴 1、领导者佩戴 领导者最大的目的就是管理好自己的下属,同时还能得到下属的尊敬并且立下自己的威望。翡翠老虎虎虎生威的寓意和老虎给人不怒而威的感觉非常贴切的表达了领导者们的追求的管理之道。 2、仕途人士佩戴 仕途人士都希望自己能扶摇直上,充分展现自己的权利与地位,然后运用自己手中的权利为人民服务,正如百兽之王在自己管辖区管理得井然有序。佩戴翡翠老虎寓意仕途路上步步高升,拥有更高的指挥权。 3、孩子佩戴 每个父母都希望自己的孩子能够平安健康的成长,像只小老虎那样活蹦乱跳、生龙活虎。孩子佩戴翡翠老虎是对其吉祥平安的祝福,同时翡翠老虎能驱邪避灾将会保佑孩子身强体壮。 老虎的寓意和象征3 东北虎,也叫作满洲虎。《满洲源流考》转载《魏书》勿吉国,南有徒太山,魏言“太白”,有虎豹熊狼不害人,人不得山上溲污,行迳山者,皆以物盛去。可见古代的长白山中的虎等猛兽皆被视为神物。后世闯山挖参之人尊老虎为“山神爷老把头”,或从“山参爷”或从“老伯都”等有一定关联,老虎与挖参人的故事至今流传有很多。 满语中老虎音为“tasha”,即塔斯哈。别名“bedu”即伯都,亦名“李耳”音为“lingsika”,亦名“李父”为“tarfu”,亦名“xusha”,须斯哈,亦名“於兔”即“utu”。满语中母虎为“biren”,盖伯依热恩。公虎为“muhan”盖即穆罕。三岁之虎叫作“xurgan”,须尔敢。 老虎在满语中的特别之称呼甚多,此中的“李耳”与云南黎族的语言内涵相似,据说黎语中“李耳”为母虎之意、“李聃”有“虎头”之意。故有学者认为“老子”的称呼和老虎信仰有关系。 道教尊崇老虎,被认为是护法神,张天师手持七星宝剑,座下黑虎降妖伏魔,为民除害。道教信仰的财神赵公明也是坐骑黑虎,所以也叫作黑虎玄坛将军。道教信仰的西王母,也叫作“黑虎女神”,据说她的使者和坐骑也是老虎。在道教民间信仰中还认为老虎是土地爷的坐骑。在土地庙内,必定供奉老虎,叫做虎爷。 青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武又称四象,中国神话中的四方之神灵,白虎也代表着西方。虎常常与龙在一起,在道教中独具象征意义,如外丹家则以龙喻水,以虎喻火。内丹家则“神者是龙,气者是虎”,故而也是一种道名言的暗语,如《性命圭旨》即有“龙虎交媾”之歌。 老虎梵文发音为“vyaghra”,藏文发音为“sTag”,与满语的发音有几分相近。在佛教中有“舍身饲虎”的佛陀本生故事之外,老虎还被视作“风大”的象征,常常与火大象征的金翅鸟、地大象征的狮子、水大象征的龙,作为四方的瑞兽。 在婆罗门教中,虎皮最初是湿婆的象征。湿婆杀了“欲虎”,用其皮制作了他的禅修坐垫,这个传统后来融入了印度教和佛教,成为大瑜伽士、大成就者的坐垫,代表降伏嗔毒。一般佛教众鹿皮象征慈悲,虎皮象征忿怒,所以很多的忿怒本尊都是身着虎皮裙的形象。 比如宗喀巴大师至尊五见唐卡中,其中一幅宗喀巴大师显现为大瑜伽士形象即骑着猛虎坐骑。所谓“至尊大师骑着可怖的猛虎,示现瑜伽师的装束,身红色,眼鼻特大,右手持火焰剑举向天空,左手捧满储甘露的颅器,红色发髻上束蓝绸以骨饰而为庄严,极露笑颜,容光焕发,有八十位大成就者随从围绕”。 又如无教派运动的《利美之光:黑如噶五兄弟》中的秋吉林巴唐卡也是骑猛虎的大瑜伽士形象,代表着降伏事业的成就。 此外佛教护法祥寿五姐妹中的“慧贞佛母”,藏文名称为“米玉洛桑玛(Miyo Lozangma)”,身黄色,一面二臂,右手施敬奉宝物的手印,左手捧一装满粮食的珍宝盘,慈眉善目,饰以各种珍宝璎珞、耳环、镯钗。座下骑一猛虎,代表着南方宝生部,彰显佛功德,世间寓意衣田具足。
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2023-07-19 19:29:523


2023-07-19 19:29:2711


intensity 强烈,强度,名词 intense强烈的,形容词
2023-07-19 19:29:261


1.要拿着说的受让人他的执行者,管理员或分配,依据wo举行同样在于此施行之时的几个条件。 并且我们说的受让人特此同意采取说的份额受同样条件支配。2.第一主任 解决下列首先被任命了作为公司主任由订户对备忘录和联盟条例与直接是的作用和的同意的这样主任被接受了,并且必要的通知归档与公司登记与公司法令符合。3.订户调动分享 注意到,以下发件人申请转交以下份额以下受让人,并且调动和对那个作用的被买卖的笔记的相关的仪器是被接受了. 解决提出的调动是批准的,并且相关的现有的份额cetificateds被取消,并且新的股票被发布在公司公用印章之下倾向于相关的受让人受必要盖印文件支配。
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2023-07-19 19:29:256

intense 和 passion的区别

intense 是紧张有火药味儿,passion是出于喜爱的热情,一反一正,完全不一样的情绪
2023-07-19 19:29:191

Chairman of the Board of Directors是什么意思

chairman of the board of directors理事长; 例句:1.According to a statement, kenneth huang will be named to the board of directors of the club effective october. 根据声明,黄健华将被任命为国际米兰的董事,任命将于今年10月生效。2.Certain members of gm"s board of directors continue to give the deal a cool reception. 通用汽车董事会的部分成员仍然对交易态度冷淡。
2023-07-19 19:29:142