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write sentence s using the following words这句语法

2023-07-19 23:16:35

什么是非谓语状语啊!是非谓语动词做状语。这句话挺有问题的,怎么能说write a sentence呢,应该是make sentences ......, 用using和with 都可以。比如:you can kill him using a gun or with a gun......, you should write it down with your pencil or using your pencil. using 这样的用法是有些生硬,不过老外能听懂。


打印有误,应该就是 sentences。 (sentence的复数形式)



Sally ran out of the house shouting. 莎莉大叫着跑出房子。

I got home, feeling very tired. 我回到家,感觉累极了。


sentences是什么意思 解释sentences的含义和用法?

2023-07-19 20:10:222


2023-07-19 20:10:464


sentencesn.[律]判决,宣判; 句子( sentence的名词复数 ); v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 ); 例句They always finish your sentences for you?他们总是帮你完成句子吗?You"re even finishing my sentences.你甚至可以接我的话,完成我的句子。
2023-07-19 20:11:081


several sentenses 或者 a few sentenses
2023-07-19 20:11:182

make no sentences 这是什么意思

SMELTING-REDUCTION METHOD 冶炼减贫方法 make negative sentences 作出不利判决 Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities 生活是如此艰难的人已经没有时间或钱享受休闲.Make these sentences negative, then interrogative.
2023-07-19 20:11:251

sentences(at least 10)&grammar focus 是什么意思

2023-07-19 20:11:462

write the sentences什么意思

2023-07-19 20:11:554

words 和sentences的区别

words是有多过一个字但是不代表能变成句子 sentences是句子
2023-07-19 20:12:031

Write Sentences是什么意思

Write Sentences写句子sentencesn.[律]判决,宣判; 句子( sentence的名词复数 ); v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 ); 双语例句 They always finish your sentences for you?他们总是帮你完成句子吗?
2023-07-19 20:12:101什么意思

2023-07-19 20:12:172


Please use the words to make some sentences.请用这些词造一些句子。
2023-07-19 20:12:262

make new sentences是什么意

make new sentences造出一些新的句子、激发新的兴趣。双语例句1.Study new words and use new words make sentences. 通过观察图片学习新单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。2.Let students make sentences. Study new words and use new words make sentences. 通过观察图片学习新单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。3.She can imitate the example sentences to make new sentences and asked the new questions quite well totally by herself. 她能够完全独自模仿例句造出一些新的句子来,并且能够回答这些新的问题。
2023-07-19 20:12:355

sentences是什么意思 解释sentences的含义和用法?

2023-07-19 20:13:203


2023-07-19 20:13:451

make sentences with sth什么意思

2023-07-19 20:14:104

到底什么叫loose sentences和periodic sentences?

1. Loose sentence:(松散句) main idea is presented at the beginning and the elements of the sentences are placed in a natural order like this: subject-verb-complement. The in formation is orderly presentation. It is often simpler, natural, and direct.E.g. my roommate told me to buy a ticket for him when I went to train station yesterday.2. Periodic sentence:(圆周句)Main idea is presented at the end. You can"t understand the writer until you read thoroughly. Such sentence can emphasize the element placed at the beginning. It is more complex, emphatic, formal or literary.E.g. having considered both sides of the argument, I have come to the conclusion that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that you may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.
2023-07-19 20:14:301

sentence 可不可数

可数 a sentence some sentences
2023-07-19 20:14:371

words sentences是什么意思

word 单词 words 很多个单词或者说过的话的意思 sentence 句子的意思 sentences 很多个句子
2023-07-19 20:14:441

到底什么叫loose sentences和periodic sentences?

2023-07-19 20:14:511

be sentenced to do还是doing

be sentenced to doing
2023-07-19 20:15:064

telling sentence什么意思

telling sentence 宣判sentence 英[u02c8sentu0259ns] 美[u02c8su025bntu0259ns] n. 句子; 宣判; vt. 宣判,判决; [例句]They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination他们因参与这起刺杀已经开始在监狱服刑了。[其他] 第三人称单数:sentences 复数:sentences 现在分词:sentencing过去式:sentenced 过去分词:sentenced
2023-07-19 20:16:121

learn words and sentences怎么翻译

2023-07-19 20:16:211

topic sentences是什么意思

topic sentences 主题句 中心句 分论点 关键句
2023-07-19 20:16:393


make sentences意思是造句;替换练习;造句子;组句子。例句:1、Make Sentences with each phrase. 用每个短语造一个句子。2、You can make sentences, using the new words in this unit. 你可以用本单元的生词造句。3、To make sentences based on the38 sentence patterns we have learned this semester. 能运用本学期所学的38个句型来造句。4、Can you use these words to make sentences? 你可以用这个词造句吗?5、She told us to make sentences with these phrases. 她告诉我们用这些词组造句。
2023-07-19 20:16:551

make sentences是什么意思

2023-07-19 20:17:053

makethesentences 的意思

make the sentences造句双语例句1Review some words and make the sentences. 复习曾经学过的单词,并能见词造句。
2023-07-19 20:17:141

sentence 可不可数

2023-07-19 20:17:236

make no sentences 这是什么意思

SMELTING-REDUCTION METHOD 冶炼减贫方法 make negative sentences 作出不利判决 Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities 生活是如此艰难的人已经没有时间或钱享受休闲.Make these sentences negative, then interrogative.
2023-07-19 20:17:392

make no sentences 这是什么意思

SMELTING-REDUCTION METHOD 冶炼减贫方法 make negative sentences 作出不利判决 Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities 生活是如此艰难的人已经没有时间或钱享受休闲.Make these sentences negative, then interrogative.
2023-07-19 20:17:451

in special sentences和with special sentences的区别?

in special sentences意思是在特定句子中。with special sentences意思是用特定句子,或和特定句子在一起,要看语境。
2023-07-19 20:18:051

follow sentences

2023-07-19 20:18:121

your sentence

your sentence你的句子。
2023-07-19 20:18:192


英语祈使句(Imperative Sentence) 定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。 祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。例: Go and wash your hands. (去洗你的手。——命令) Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet.) (请安静。——请求) Be kind to our sister. (对姊妹要和善。——劝告) Watch your steps. (走路小心。——警告) Look out!Danger! (小心!危险!——强烈警告,已如感叹句) Keep off the grass. (勿践草坪。——禁止) No parking. (禁止停车。——禁止) 祈使句也常把主语“You”表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些,例如: You go and tell him, Chris. (克立斯你去告诉他。) 二、相关口令 祈使句无主语, 主语you常省去; 动词原形谓语当, 句首加don"t否定变; 朗读应当用降调, 句末常标感叹号。 三、表现形式 ●肯定结构: 1. Do型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分)。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走。 2. Be型(即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分)。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! 3. Let型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 ●否定结构: 1. Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加don"t构成。如:Don"t forget me! 不要忘记我! Don"t be late for school! 上学不要迟到! 2. Let型的否定式有两种:“Don"t + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。如:Don"t let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。 3. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No fishing! 禁止钓鱼! 练习: 将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 ___________________. 2. 让我们去学校吧! ___________________! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿! ___________________! 4. 不要把书放这儿。 ___________________. 5. 不要让猫进来。 ___________________. Key: 1. Please look after your bag 2. Let"s go to school 3. Be glad, dear 4. Don"t put the book here 5. Don"t let the cat come in / Let the cat not come in "let"带头的祈使句 由"let"带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences)是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种: 1.表示“建议”。 这个句型里的"let"后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如: (1) Let me try. (2) Let"s do it. (3) Let me go and look for it. 这个句型语气委婉,比直接的祈使句客气。试比较(4)a和(4)b: (4) a. Don"t disturb him. b. Let"s not disturb him. (a)是直接命令,语气强烈,不如(b)温柔悦耳。 2.表示“间接命令”或“愿望”。 这句型里的动词宾语是第三人称名词或代词,如: (5) Let Robert take charge of the marketing department. (6) Let her join our choir. 3.表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。 这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,如: (7) Let him try and he will expose his inability to work on his own. (8) Let the invaders come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time. 用"let"的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点: 一、"let" 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用"Don"t let....."(见例(9));如果宾语是第一人称,则用"Let......not" (见例(10)): (9) Don"t let this type of things happen again. (10) It"s raining now. Let"s not go out until after the rain. 二、"Let"只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 (the passive voice),如: (11) Let the recalcitrant criminals be sent to prison. (12) Let all the dedicated capable staff be promoted. 三、"Let"后头除了是不带"to"的不定式动词 (The infinitive without"to")之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone等: (13) Let the puppy out. (14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in. (15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down. (16) Let me alone, please. 四、用"Let"s"时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用"Let us"时,并不包括对方,如: (17) Let"s try it, shall we? (18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you? 从(17)里的"shall we"和(18)里的"will you",不难知道前者包括听话人,后者并没有。祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等。谓语动词一律用原形。句子中通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或者句号,用降调。 1含有第二人称主语的祈使句 Be careful!小心! Don""t make such a noise.不要这么吵。 1.肯定的祈使句 a.句型:动词原形~.(省略主语) Stand up.起立。 Be quiet,please.请安静。 b.有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do Do sit down. 务必请坐。 Do study hard. 一定要努力学习。 比较 祈使句和陈述句陈述句: You sit down. 你坐下来。 祈使句: Sit down.坐下 (省略主语you) c.用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号“,”。 Go this way,please. 请这边走。 d.祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”隔开,放在句首或句尾。 Li Ming,come here. 李明,过来。 Come here,Li Ming. 过来,李明。 2.否定的祈使句 句型:Don""t +动词原形~ Don""t swim in the river. 别在河里游泳。 Don""t be late.别迟到。 Please don""t be noisy. 请不要大声喧哗。 注意 表示禁止时,尤其是标语等也可用“No+名词/动名词”来表示。 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking! 禁止停车! No entry! 不准入内! No litter! 不准乱扔杂物![编辑本段]英语祈使句句型转换 祈使句与陈述句的改写 1.祈使句=You must …(陈述句) Come here .过来。 =You must come here . 你必须过来。 Don""t do that again. 你一定不可以再那样做了。 2.Please +祈使句=Will you (please) ~?(陈述句) Please help me .请帮帮我。 =Will you (please) help me? 你愿意帮我的忙吗? Come here on time ,please .请准时到这儿。 =Will you (please) come here on time ? 请你准时到好吗? 3.含有第一、第三人称主语的祈使句 Let""s say good-by here. 我们在此道别吧。 Don""t let him do that again. 别让他再那么做了。. 1.肯定的祈使句 句型:·Let+第一人称(me,us)~. ·Let+第三人称代词(宾格:him,her,it,them)或名词~. Let""s go at once. 咱们马上动身吧。 Let me try again. 让我再试试。 Let Tom go there himself. 让汤姆自己去那儿。 注意 Let""s包括对方,Let us不包括对方。反意疑问句时最明显。 Let""s go,shall we? 咱们去吧,怎么样? Let us go,will you? 让我们去吧,行吗? (征求对方的意见) 2.否定的祈使句 句型:·Let""s(us,me)+not +动词原形~. ·Don""t let +第三人称代词的宾格或名词+动词原形. Let""s not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也不要说。 Don""t let them play with fire. 别让他们玩火。 句型转换 祈使句有时相当一个“if”引导的条件状语从句。 祈使句:Use your head and you""ll find a way. 条件句:If you use your head,you""ll find a way. 注意 回答Let""s~的反意疑问句句型时,肯定时用Yes,let""s.否定时用NO,let""s not. 祈使句变反意疑问句的方法: 祈使句后的反意疑问句形式 a,Let"s表示说话人向对方提出建议,简短问句的主语用 we表示,问句用 shall we或 shan"t we 如: Let"s have a cup of tea ,shall we (shan"t we) b,Let me或 Let us表示听话人提出请求,问句用 will you或 won"t you . Let me have a rest , will you (won"t you ) c,其它的祈使句后可以加一个简短问句,使语气变得客气一些. 如:Have a rest , will you . Stand up , will (won"t) you .
2023-07-19 20:18:271


topic sentence 主题句,一般是一段话或一篇文章的中心句;而simple sentences简单句是一种语法现象,是按句子结构划分的,简单句有5种基本句型。
2023-07-19 20:18:353

英语compound setences怎么翻译?

2023-07-19 20:18:448

英语造句 5个Compound-Complex Sentences

2023-07-19 20:19:023

synonymous sentences是什么意思

2023-07-19 20:19:162

translate the sentences 什么意思?

2023-07-19 20:19:325


意思是酒吧里专门搀扶喝醉的人的人。网络流行梗:1.每个人身上都有毛毛这个梗出自于《毛毛哥》,是人称“急智歌王”张帝的一首代表作,他非常擅长用现有的歌曲即兴填词,一次他在海外商演时遭到一名观众的挑衅,让他用身上的毛来现场创作一首歌,于是这首《毛毛歌》诞生了。整首歌都在阐述每个人的身上都有毛,讲述了毛毛的重要性,后来被人传到了抖音上,便火了起来。2.年轻人不讲武德,耗子喂汁/耗子尾汁年轻人不讲武德,耗子喂汁/耗子尾汁,网络流行语,出自人物马保国,被用来形容年轻人很“猛”。在一次和年轻人王庆民的比试中,马保国被王庆民3次打倒在地,直接KO。事后,网上流传出马保国控诉视频:“年轻人不讲武德,偷袭我这个69岁的老人家,年轻人不讲武德,好自为之。”“耗子尾汁”或“耗子喂汁”的真正含义是“好自为之”的谐音。3.奇怪的知识增加了其实这个猫猫头最早的原型并不是这只猫,而是来自于日本GV的《迫真空手部》的人物MUR,因为原作人物表情实在是太过智障,所以,后续有人用一只表情很相似的猫咪,然后PS完成了这个魔性的表情包。后续这个表情包用来表达一个人获得了一些奇奇怪怪的知识,了解到了一些对于自己来说可能是没有任何用处的东西。4.塞班塞班是因为一个泰国妹子的视频火了,视频中泰国妹子哭着喊塞班,说塞班不见了,声音很萌,他朋友让他大声喊塞班,结果女子声音很粗款的喊了句“塞班”,因为前后反差太大了,所以被很多人模仿迅速走红。5.淡黄的长裙,蓬松的头发网络流行语,出自综艺节目《青春有你2》。几位训练生将一首原本曲风正常的Rap《Melody》,唱出了幼儿园朗诵班的感觉,因此而得名。6.黑人抬棺黑人抬棺,网络流行词,几个黑人抬着棺材跳很嗨的舞蹈,被人配了音乐发布到网上。该词出自原版视频“加纳黑人棺葬舞蹈”视频中一支黑人棺葬舞蹈团队向我们展示了在加纳的特有喜丧习俗。随后这个视频被添加了带感的BGM(《Astronomia》),然后走红。7.你在叫我做事出自香港电影里软饭硬吃的重案组之虎曹达华之口,这是一种对别人给自己指手画脚表达不满。8.一起爬山一起爬山,网络流行语,出自秦昊电视剧《隐秘的角落》。剧中张东升约着爬山却把岳父岳母推下山,现在,“一起爬山吗”就成为了一种死亡邀约梗,被网友用来打趣。9.小脑袋瓜热昏头其实是出自一个动画片少年骇客Ben ten。其实这句话的完整台词是“我看你的小脑袋瓜一定是热昏头了”。10.凡尔赛文学凡尔赛文学,网络热词,一种“以低调的方式进行炫耀”的话语模式,也称凡学。这种话语模式先抑后扬,明贬暗褒,自说自话,假装用苦恼、不开心的口吻炫耀自己。深谙凡尔赛文学的人,被称为“凡尔赛人”。
2023-07-19 20:16:051

Stay away from Juliet but youwere my everything to me 这句话什么意思

远离朱丽叶但是你曾经是我的全部.Love story- Taylor swift
2023-07-19 20:16:093


《水手怕水》大海真可怕 叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey我喜欢你胜过Money船舱它是我的家 大海是我嘘嘘的地方我对海鲜会过敏 吃素已很久想当那歌手 结果变成水手Oh oh~ 怎么有点东北腔 No no~ 去到太远的地方人家Popeye最爱吃菠菜 我却爱清粥小菜 再来点海带铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃铃不铃不铃 我的闹钟怎么叫不醒我铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 林老师 铃不铃叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey我喜欢你胜过Money 这些海鲜 捕吃可吃知不可吃 捕吃可吃 知不可吃可不吃不吃不吃 克制不吃土司 跟我学一遍 来我去海产店买鱼虾来放生 去水族馆把鱼通通捞走只有一种鱼捞不走 姓大名叫白鲨 大白鲨船长说 为了节能减碳尽量用手划 有空就去甲板吸收太阳能抹抹防晒 等着美人鱼上钩 Go铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃我的闹钟怎么叫不醒我铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃 铃不铃不铃林老师 铃不铃叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey我喜欢你胜过Money嘘 叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙Oh喊我 水手 Oh oh come on come on honey我喜欢你胜过Money叫我 水手 Oh oh come on come on baby美人鱼勾引我这招 卑鄙 大白鲨 Oh喊我 水手Oh oh come on come on honey我喜欢你胜过Money
2023-07-19 20:16:101

In The Flesh 歌词

歌曲名:In The Flesh歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Under ConstructionSo ya thought ya might like to go to the show.To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow.I got me some bad news for you, Sunshine.Pink isn"t well, he stayed back at the hotel,And he sent us along as a surrugate band.We"re gonna find out where your fans really stand.Are there any queers in the theatre tonight ?Get"em up against the wall.-"Gainst the wall !And that one in the spotlight, he don"t look right to me.Get him up against the wall.-"Gainst the wall !And that one look Jewish, and that one"s coon.Who let all this riffraff into the room ?There"s one smoking a joint, and another with spots !If I had my way I"d have all of ya shot.
2023-07-19 20:16:152

谁知道 ??? you are my everything 歌手名ad开头的

you are my everything you are the one that i want the one that i need the one that i gotta have just to succeed when i first saw you i knew it was real i am sorry about the pain i made you feel that wasn"t me let me show you the way i looked for the sun, but it"s raining today i remember when i first looked into your eyes it was like GOD was there, heaven in the skies i wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurt but i didn"t know i made everything worse you told me we were crazy in love but you didn"t care when push came to shove if you loved me as much as you said you did then you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t * now you pushed me away like you never even knew me i loved you with my heart, really and truly i guess you forgot about the times that we shared when i would run my fingers through your hair late nights, just holding you in my arms i don"t know how i could do you so wrong i really wanna show you i really need to hold you i really wanna know you like no one could else know you you"re number one, always in my heart and now i can"t believe that our love is torn apart i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man and then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand the thought of that just shatters my heart it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart at times we was off i was scared to show you now i wanna hold you until i can"t hold you without you, everything seems strange your name is forever planted in my brain * it, i"m insane take away the pain take away the hurt baby, we can make it work what about when you looked into my eyes told me you loved me as you would hugged me i guess everything you said was a lie i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes now i"m not even a thought in your mind i can see clearly, my love is not blind i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you our first day, it seemed so magical i remember all the time that i had wiht you remember when you first came to my house you looked like an angel wearing that blouse we hit it off, i knew it was real but now i can"t take all the pain that i feel reach in your heart, i know i"m still there i don"t wanna hear that you no longer care remember the times? remember when we kissed? i didn"t think you would ever do me like this i didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed i thought you"d be there for me, this i confess you said you were my best friend, was that a lie? now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy i tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m trying now on the inside it feels like i"m dying i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you "cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you
2023-07-19 20:16:172


2023-07-19 20:16:222


2023-07-19 20:16:031


bobby生日1995年12月21日。金知元,艺名bobby,1995年12月21日出生于韩国首尔,小学4年级时因经济原因随家人移居美国弗吉尼亚州。之后为减轻家人的负担,壮大自己的家族,实现成为明星的梦想,金知元独自一人回到韩国。2011年1月,参加YG Entertainment的面试,成为YG旗下的练习生。人物评价金知元表演饶舌时最是性感,只要一站上舞台,灯光一打在身上,他的歌声音就会变得粗犷,眼神变得很有杀力,连下巴曲线都充满魅力,唱歌专注到最高点时,甚至连台下的尖叫声都听不到。但是他只有在舞台上是外放的野兽,台下的他完全就是个小可爱,很难有人能抵挡他会笑的眼睛和大大的笑容。他不仅会照顾身边的人,态度还很谦虚有礼,增添了粉丝对他的好感。
2023-07-19 20:16:001

有一首歌里有句这样的歌词:you are my everything and 什么的 ,是一首中文夹杂英文的歌,貌似男女对唱的

You Mean The World To Me Written by l.a. reid, babyface, daryl simmons (1993) Performed by toni braxton If you could give me one good reason Why i should believe you Believe in all the things that you tell I would sure like to believe you My heart wants to receive you Just make me know that you are sincere You know i"d love for you to lead me And follow through completely So won"t you give me all i ask for And if you give your very best To bring me happiness I"ll show you just how much i adore you "cause you mean the world to me You are my everything I swear the only thing that matters Matters to me Oh baby, baby, baby, baby Baby, "cause you mean so much to me Now it"s gonna take some workin" But i believe you"re worth it Long as your intentions are good, so good There is just one way to show it And boy i hope you know it That no one could love you like i could Lord knows i want to trust you And always how i"d love you I"m not sure if love is enough And i will not be forsaken And i hope there"s no mistakin" So tell me that you"ll always be true Hook There"s a feeling in my heart That i know i can"t escape So please don"t let me fall Don"t let it be too late There"s a time when words are good And they just get in the way So show me how you feel Baby i"m for real Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby 或者: La La La La......You are my everything The sun that shines above you make the blue birds sing The stars that twinkle wake up in the sky Tell me I"m in love When I kiss your lips I feel the roaring thunder to my fingertips And all the while my head is in a spin Deep within I"m in love You"re my everything And nothing really matters but the love you bring You"re my everything To see you in the morning with those big brown eyes You"re my everything forever And a day I need you close to me. You"re my everything You never have to worry never fear for I am near For my everything I lived up from the land and sea The sky above I"ll swim within her ocean"s sweet and warm There"s no storm my love When I hold you tight There"s nothing that can harm you in the lonely night I"ll come to you and keep you safe and warm It"s so strong my love 或: All my everything There"s nothing that can harm you In the lonely night I"ll come to you And keep you safe and warm It"s so strong my love When I kiss your lips I feel the rolling thunder To my fingertips And all the While my head is in a spin Deep within I"m in love When I kiss your lips I live up on the land And see the sky above I swim within her ocean Sweet and warm There"s no storm my love You"re my everything And nothing really matters But the love you bring You"re my everything To see you in the morning With those big brown eyes You"re my everything Forever and a day I need you close to me You"re my everything You never have to worry never fear For I am near All my everything I live up on the land and see the sky above I swim within her ocean sweet and warm There"s no storm my love 还有: (Talking)This goes out to someone that was Once the most important person in my life I didn"t realize it at the time I can"t forgive myself for the way I treated you so I don"t really expect you to either It"s just... I don"t even know Just listen… You"re the one that I like, the one that I need The one that I gotta have just to succeed When I first saw you, I knew it was real I"m sorry about the pain I made you feel That wasn"t me; let me show you the way I looked for the sun, but it"s raining today I remember when I first looked into your eyes It was like God was there, heaven in the skies I wore a disguise "cause I didn"t want to get hurt But I didn"t know I made everything worse You told me we were crazy in love But you didn"t care when push came to shove If you loved me as much as you said you did Then you wouldn"t have hurt me like I ain"t shit Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me I loved you with my heart, really and trul I guess you forgot about the times that we shared When I would run my fingers through your hair Late nights, just holding you in my arms I don"t know how I could do you so wrong I really wanna show you I really need to hold you I really wanna know you like no one could else know you you are number one, always in my heart And now I can"t believe that our love is torn apart I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man And then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand The thought of that just shatters my heart It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart At times we was off I was scared to show you Now I wanna hold you until I can"t hold you Without you, everything seems strange Your name is forever planted in my brain Damn it, I"m insane, Take away the pain Take away the hurt Baby, we can make it work What about when you Looked into my eyes Told me you loved me As you would hugged me I guess everything you said was a lie I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes Now I"m not even a thought in your mind I can see clearly, my love is not blind I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you (Talking) I just wish everything could have turned out differently I had a special feeling about you I thought maybe you did too You would understand, but… No matter what, you"ll always be in my heart You"ll always be my baby Our first day, it seemed so magical I remember all the time that I had with you Remember when you first came to my house? You looked like an angel wearing that blouse We hit it off, I knew it was real But now I can"t take all the pain that I feel Reach in your heart, I know I"m still there I don"t wanna hear that you no longer care Remember the times? Remember when we kissed? I didn"t think you would ever do me like this I didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed I thought you"d be there for me, this I confess You said you were my best friend, was that a lie? Now I"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy I tried, I tried, I tried, and I"m trying Now on the inside it feels like I"m dying I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you (Talking) And I do miss you I just thought we were meant to be I guess now, we"ll never know The only thing I want is for you to be happy Whether it be with me, or without me I just want you to be happy 不知道哪一个是?
2023-07-19 20:15:591


罗卡定律 一条定律,道破必然 [ 凡两个物体接触,会产生转移现象。 即会带走一些东西,亦会留下一些东西。] ——法证之父罗卡 [ 凡走过必留下痕迹。] ——法证之父罗卡 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Locard exchange principle, also known as Locard"s theory, was postulated by 20th century forensic scientist Edmond Locard. Locard was the director of the very first crime laboratory in existence, located in Lyon, France. Locard"s exchange principle states that "with contact between two items, there will be an exchange" (Thornton, 1997). Essentially Locard"s principle is applied to crime scenes in which the perpetrator(s) of a crime comes into contact with the scene, so he will both bring something into the scene and leave with something from the scene. Every contact leaves a trace. “ Wherever he steps, whatever he touches, whatever he leaves, even unconsciously, will serve as a silent witness against him. Not only his fingerprints or his footprints, but his hair, the fibers from his clothes, the glass he breaks, the tool mark he leaves, the paint he scratches, the blood or semen he deposits or collects. All of these and more, bear mute witness against him. This is evidence that does not forget. It is not confused by the excitement of the moment. It is not absent because human witnesses are. It is factual evidence. Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure to find it, study and understand it, can diminish its value. ” —Professor Edmond Locard
2023-07-19 20:15:561


2023-07-19 20:15:551

有个歌cause i need U cause i miss u是什么歌?

你好,为你解答:应该是:来自Aviation的《You were my everything》下面歌词你参考下:this goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn"t realize it at the timei can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don"t really expect you to eitherit"s just... i don"t even knowjust"re the one that i wait, the one that i needthe one that i gotta have just to succeedwhen i first saw you, i knew it was reali"m sorry about the pain i made you feelthat wasn"t me; let me show you the wayi looked for the sun, but it"s raining todayi remember when i first looked into your eyesit was like god was there, heaven in the skiesi wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurtbut i didn"t know i made everything worseyou told me we were crazy in lovebut you didn"t care when push came to shoveif you loved me as much as you said you didthen you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shitnow you pushed me away like you never even knew mei loved you with my heart, really and trulyi guess you forgot about the times that we sharedwhen i would run my fingers through your hairlate nights, just holding you in my armsi don"t know how i could do you so wrongi really wanna show you i really need to hold youi really wanna know you like no one else could know youyou"re number one, always in my heartand now i can"t believe that our love is torn apartrefrain:i need you andi miss you andi want you andi love you "causei wanna hold you,i wanna kiss youyou were my everythingand i really miss you (x2)i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manand then sit and laugh as you"re holding his handthe thought of that just shatters my heartit breaks in my soul and it tears me apartat times we was off i was scared to show younow i wanna hold you until i can"t hold youwithout you, everything seems strangeyour name is forever planted in my braindamn it, i"m insane,take away the paintake away the hurtbaby, we can make it workwhat about when youlooked into my eyestold me you loved meas you would hugged mei guess everything you said was a liei think about it, it brings tears to my eyesnow i"m not even a thought in your mindi can see clearly, my love is not blindrefraini just wish everything could have turned out differentlyi had a special feeling about youi thought maybe you did tooyou would understand, matter what, you"ll always be in my heartyou"ll always be my babyour first day, it seemed so magicali remember all the time that i had with youremember when you first came to my house?you looked like an angel wearing that blousewe hit it off, i knew it was realbut now i can"t take all the pain that i feelreach in your heart, i know i"m still therei don"t wanna hear that you no longer careremember the times? remember when we kissed?i didn"t think you would ever do me like thisi didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressedi thought you"d be there for me, this i confessyou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guyi tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m tryingnow on the inside it feels like i"m dyingrefrain[talking] and i do miss youi just thought we were meant to bei guess now, we"ll never knowthe only thing i want is for you to be happywhether it be with me, or without mei just want you to be happy中文歌词曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我也没有期望过你能原谅我从来没有我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…你…你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈,就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景,在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每件事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你,你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你,没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗!你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而…不管怎样,你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置,因为我真的不想听你说,你不再在乎我。还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留,我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友!那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路,现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你,我曾经试着忘记你,或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。然而,现在我却也正在慢慢地死去,我真的想你,现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-19 20:15:512