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英语demonstrated the distinguished features怎么翻译?

2023-07-20 09:17:04

英语demonstrated the distinguished features翻译为展示了其独特的特点。






v. 展示,表现;证明,论证







demonstrate against:反对,示威

demonstrate for:支持,示威

demonstrate one"s ability:展示某人的能力

demonstrate one"s loyalty:展示某人的忠诚

demonstrate one"s love:展示某人的爱


  1. demonstrate的基本意思是“显示”,指以一种行为或外部迹象显示某种感情或性质,如“示威”等。

  2. demonstrate还可作“证明”“演示”解,指以诸如证据、理由、实验等适当的方式作出令人信服的结论。

  3. demonstrate用作及物动词时可接名词(多为抽象名词)或that从句作宾语。

  4. demonstrate还可用作不及物动词,意为“示威”


  1. The teacher demonstrated how to solve the math problem.(老师演示了如何解决这个数学问题。)

  2. The experiment demonstrated that the hypothesis was correct.(实验证明了假设是正确的。)

  3. The protesters demonstrated against the government"s new policy.(抗议者反对政府的新政策。)

  4. The company"s sales figures demonstrated a significant increase.(公司的销售数字显示出显著增长。)

  5. She demonstrated her love for him by cooking his favorite meal.(她通过做他最喜欢的饭菜来表达对他的爱。)



demonstrated the distinguished features.




这个短语意思是: 展示显著的特征。



demonstratedv.显示; 论证; 举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 示范。展示; 双语例句1I demonstrated a stove on television.我在电视节目上示范操作一个炉子。
2023-07-20 02:46:472


demonstrate [英]u02c8demu0259nstreu026at [美]u02c8du025bmu0259nu02ccstret vt. 证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明 vi. 示威游行
2023-07-20 02:46:565


2023-07-20 02:47:102

这里的demonstrated可以用什么词代替,求最贴切的 讲解一下异同 谢谢咯

2023-07-20 02:47:352


2023-07-20 02:47:432

英语翻译 在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate)

At the exhibition,the sales manager of the company demonstrated the latest electronic toys to the kids,who looked forward to them.望采纳,蟹蟹!
2023-07-20 02:47:502

it has been demonstrated that 的意思?

2023-07-20 02:47:594

有关长难句的问题……请问下面句子的谓语是什么呀……还有the shift from

No one word(主语)demonstrated (谓语)the shift (宾语)in corporations" attention(定语) in the mid-1990s (时间状语)from processes to people(方面状语) more vividly (状语)than the single word "talent"(比较状语)。
2023-07-20 02:49:101

as is apprently demonstrated above这什么语法啊

这是非限制性定语从句,as(正如)是关系代词,在这个句中作主语,代表前面的整个句子。这个as引导的从句可以置于句首、句尾、句中,可以作主语、宾语、表语。如:China is famous for its Great Wall, as we all know.As we all know, China ....China, as we all know, is ....
2023-07-20 02:49:171


1. students airborne grasp the bar in development 2. students leap in development spatially interrupt the bridge 3. school female student basketball team all member 4. student science and technology group to assemble robot 5. Beijing two branch school principals under teacher"s instruction - - XXX woman 6. The student studies the manufacture surface person in the opening activity to the senior entertaine 7.Education, teaching achievement demonstration 8.corner of school yard
2023-07-20 02:49:2715


The discussion demonstrates the space design Abstract: Demonstrated that the spacialism design, will be refers to the specific goods decorates and the demonstration design according to the specific subject and the goal. It is take the information transmission as the goal space design form, including the museum, the science and technology museum, the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, the exposition and each kind sells, the exposition and so on, but also has the market inside and outside display windows and the booth, the shelf arrangement. The modern demonstration is one has the rich content, involves the wide realm and along with the time development, but enriches its connotation unceasingly the topic. Demonstrated that the environment the space design is also one by the environmental art design discipline primarily, involves other many kinds of related discipline the design domain. In the design method and the project approach, demonstrated that the environment design has the environmental art discipline related domain, like indoor aspect and so on design, public space design, landscape design and visual transmission design characteristics; Simultaneously has at the same time own specialized characteristic. Says from the demonstration angle, demonstrated that the spacialism design the goal is not the demonstration itself, but through the design, utilization methods and so on space plan, plane layout, light control, color disposition, builds a rich artistic power and the artistic individuality demonstration environment; And through this environment, has the plan, to have the goal, to gather logic the content development which demonstrated to give the audience, and makes every effort to cause the audience to accept the designer to plan the transmission the information. The demonstration design including the thing, the location, the person and the time four essential factors, these four essential factors in fact constituted “the space”. The demonstration designs the successful key to lie in the space design the success. Therefore, designs in the research demonstration, we creative the steric factor take key, from “space” the angle obtains, to carry on the modernized demonstration design the research and the exploration. The space is demonstrated that in the design the base element, this article from the demonstration design"s spatial concept, demonstrated in the environment to function space"s processing, demonstrated the space design some basic principles and so on have discussed the space problem initially which in the demonstration design involves. How to process in the demonstration environment spatial and the spatial relations, with using the demonstration in illumination, how the color and the decoration afforests to build the comfortable spatial atmosphere, demonstrated that spatial questions and so on function have done the careful research.
2023-07-20 02:49:532

demonstrated knowledge是什么意思

demonstrated knowledge显示出来的知识demonstratedv.举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 示范。展示; 显示; 论证; 例句:1.The credit crisis that started this summer demonstrated its importance. 去年夏天爆发的信贷危机显示了该市场的重要性。2.And we have demonstrated that fact. 并且我们已经用事实证明这一点
2023-07-20 02:50:231

__________ [A] implied [B] demonstrated [C] evidenced [D] aided

2023-07-20 02:50:301

英语have demonstrated a readiness and enthusiasm翻译?

2023-07-20 02:50:502

it has been demonstrated that的同义词

2023-07-20 02:50:571


2023-07-20 02:51:052

The government’s strong action demonstrated its _____ to crush the rebellion.

D 考查名词辨析。句意“政府强硬的措施表明它的镇压叛乱的决心。”A“能量”;B“抵制”;C“勇气”;D“决心”。故选D。
2023-07-20 02:51:111


英语时态 一般现在时表示现在、经常或习惯的动作或状态和普遍现象、常识或客观真理;一般过去时用于过去某一时间内发生的或过去习惯性的动作或状态;一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,将来打算做的事情;现在完成时表示过去发生的动作造成目前的结果和对现在造成的影响或表示从过去延续至今的动作、状态和习惯等;将来完成时表示将来某时之前业已完成或发生的事情;过去完成时表示过去某时间之前已经发生的动作或状况,即过去的过去.注意每一种时态与其他时态的交叉使用情况.英语共有十六种时态,其表现形式如下(以study为例): 一般时 进行时 完成时 完成进行时 现在 study studies am studying is studying are studying have studied has studied have been studying has been studying 过去 studied was studying were studying had studied had been studying 将来 shall study will study shall be studying will be studying shall have studied will have studied shall have been studying will have been studying 过去将来 should study would study should be studying would be studying should have studied would have studied should have been studying would have been studying 但考试中出现的一般有以下几种. 第一节 一般现在时 一、表示一般性或经常发生的动作或状态 1) In general 〔A〕 , newspapers emphasize current news, whereas 〔B〕 magazines dealt 〔C〕 more with 〔D〕 background materials. 2) The adult mosquito usually lives for about 〔A〕 thirty days, although 〔B〕 the life span varied 〔C〕 widely with temperature, humidity, and other 〔D〕 factors of the environment. 3) Industrial buyers 〔A〕 are responsible 〔B〕 for supplying 〔C〕 the goods and services that an organization required 〔D〕 for its operations. 二、表示习惯性动作和状态或普遍的现象或常识 4) It is an accepted 〔A〕 custom in west countries that 〔B〕 men removed 〔C〕 their hats when a woman enters 〔D〕 the room. 5) Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names . 〔A〕which indicated their character properties 〔B〕whose characteristic properties were indicating 〔C〕what characterize their indicated properties 〔D〕that indicate their characteristic properties 三、表示客观事实、客观规律和客观真理.在宾语从句中,即使主句的谓语动词用了过去时,只要从句表示的是客观真理,从句的谓语动词也要用一般现在时 6) The teacher told them since 〔A〕 light travels faster than 〔B〕 sound, lightning appeared 〔C〕 to go before 〔D〕 thunder. 7) As 〔A〕 a child, I was told that 〔B〕 the planet earth, which has 〔C〕 its own satellite, the moon, moved 〔D〕 round the sun. 四、祈使句必须用动词原形,其否定结构用“don`t+动词原形”,如:Go and fetch some water. / Don`t do that. 五、在反义疑问句中,如果主句用肯定句,那么,反问句用否定形式;如果主句用否定形式,那么,反问句就用肯定形式.而且前后在时态上要一致.但祈使疑问句用won`t you?进行反问.如:See a film tonight, won`t you? [WT6BZ]注:① 祈使句后边可用附加疑问句,以加强语气.如果祈使句用肯定形式,附加疑问句用否定形式;如果祈使句用否定形式,附加句用肯定形式;如: Come here next Sunday, won`t you? / Don`t tell it to anyone, will you? ② 但如果祈使句的前一句有了表示强烈[ZZ(]肯定[ZZ)]的语言环境,即使祈使句用了肯定形式,其附加成分也可以用“will you”(表示肯定,如果是在口语中用降调).如:Give me the book, will you? 六、例题解析 1) C错.“in general”表示“一般”,所以主句用一般现在时,并列从句的谓语也是表示一般性,所以C处也应用一般现在时,故将其改为deal,而不是过去时dealt. 2) C错.本句的主从句中的“usually”表示“经常”,用一般现在时;而让步状语从句的谓语也是表示同一情况,所以也应当用一般现在时.故把C处的 varied改为varies. 3) D错.本句表述的是一般状况,前面的主句用的是现在时,后面的定语从句也应用现在时,应将required改为 requires. 4) C错.这里“it”是形式主语,代表主语从句“that…”,既然主句表示习惯(“an accepted custom”),那么谓语就应当用一般现在时,而不能用过去时.所以将C处的removed改为remove. 5) D为正确答案.本句表述的也是自然现象,主句和从句都应用一般现在时,故A和B都不对;C不合语法,以“what”引导的从句不能作定语,只有D正确,这里“that”引导定语从句,修饰前边的名词“names”. 6) C错.本句宾语从句所表述的是客观事实,即“…light travels faster than sound,”虽然主句谓语动词用的是过去式“told”,从句也要用一般现在时,所以把C处的appeared改为appears. 7) D错.虽然主句的主语用了过去时“was told”,其宾语从句表示的是“地球绕着太阳转”这一客观规律,所以将D处的moved改为moves.注意:不能将C处的has改为had,因为这也是表示客观事实,也得用一般现在时. 第二节 一般过去时 一、一般过去时主要表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或情况,句中通常有表示过去某一时刻的状语 a day ago, last week, in 1996, during the night, in anceint times等,表示“过多少时间之后”用after, 但在现在完成时中用in, 如in the past few years等 1) How many people remember 〔A〕 listening 〔B〕 to Orson Welles` 1938 radio broadcast 〔C〕 , “ The War of the Worlds”, which convince 〔D〕 thousands that space aliens(外星人) had invaded the Earth? 2) The instructor had gone over 〔A〕 the problems many times 〔B〕 before 〔C〕 the students will take 〔D〕 the final examination. 3) Anthropologists agree 〔A〕 that our primitive ancestors 〔B〕 who inhabit 〔C〕 the tropics probably have natural protection against 〔D〕 the Sun. 二、例题解析 1) D错,改用过去时 convinced,因此处表述的是过去(1938年)所发生的情况,而现在则不是这样.“which”引导的从句修饰“…1938 radio breadcast”. 2) D错.由于主句使用的是过去完成时,表示在 过去 的某一动作发生之前,本句中的“before…”从句引导一个表示过去的时间状语.所以状语从句的谓语应用过去时态,应把将来时“will take”改为一般过去时took,以便和主句的过去完成时呼应. 3) C错,改为inhabited,既然是“我们的祖先 居住 的热带地区”,“居住”这一动作发生在过去,所以要用过去时.这里也要提醒大家:做语法题不仅要看特定的提示词如时间状语等,关键还在于读懂句子的意思.如,虽然本句的主语还是同一表示过去的名词主语“primitive ancestors”,其谓语动词就用现在时“have”.“我们的祖先有……”,这里的“有”,是现在我们看来的一种事实,所以用一般现在时. 第三节 一般将来时 一、一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或状况 1) But the weather experts 〔A〕 are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected 〔B〕 by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that would 〔C〕 possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning 〔D〕 of fuels.(92年阅读理解题) 2) If traffic problems are not solved soon 〔A〕 , driving 〔B〕 in 〔C〕 cities becomes 〔D〕 impossible. 二、在表示时间和条件的状语从句中,一般现在时代替一般将来时.这些时间副词有when, as soon as等,表示条件的连词有if,as long as等(参见“第十四章第二节”). 3 ) A desert area that has been 〔A〕 without water 〔B〕 for six years will still 〔C〕 bloom when rain will come 〔D〕 . 4) Come and see me whenever .(84年考题) 〔A〕 you are convenient 〔B〕 you will be convenient 〔C〕 it is convenient to you〔D〕 it will be convenient to you 5) The task is extremely difficult. If no one able to do it, we will have to find somebody else. 〔A〕 were 〔B〕 was 〔C〕 is 〔D〕 would 注意:如果这些副词或连词引导的是名词从句作宾语而不是状语从句时,这些名词从句的谓语动词则用该用的时态:I don`t know when he will come.而且表示将来的助动词will还可以用以条件从句中,译为“愿意、肯”等. 三、一些表示方向及变化的瞬间动词可用进行时或现在时表示将要发生的动作 We leave (are leaving) for California the day after tomorrow.我们(计划)后天动身去加利福尼亚州. May I have your attention please. The plane for Wuhan is about to take off.请注意,飞往武汉的飞机就要起飞了. 四、另外,“be +to +动词原形”也可表示打算做的事,还可表示责任、意向和可能性 You are to follow the doctor"s advice.你应遵从医嘱. No shelter was to be seen.找不到避难处. 五、例题解析 1) C错,改为will.本题有表示将来的时间状语“in the next fifty years…”,所以谓语用一般将来时. 2) D错.由于从句中有表示时间的状语“soon”(不久,不远的将来),主句的谓语也是在这一时间发生,所以要用将来时,那么D改为will become. 3) D错.本句主语是A desert area…will still bloom,状语从句是由when引导,表示“雨季到来时”,从句的谓语应用一般现在时表示将来,所以将C处的will come改为comes. 4) 正确答案为C.本题除了时态上的问题(即不用一般将来时)之外还涉及到主语和它的表语的逻辑问题.根据上述语法特点,首先排除B和D;题中“convenient”是“方便的”之意.虽然汉语“在你方便的时候”,似乎“方便”的主语是“你”,但在英语中就不是那么回事儿,“convenient”的英文的解释是“(sth) suited to personal ease or comfort or to easy performance of some act or function”(某事或物对某人来说感到舒适或容易作),其主语应是“物”而不是“人”.本题应选C.所以学英语时,不仅要懂英语单词的汉语译文,更重要的是掌握英语单词的内涵与用法.建议身边备一个“英英”字典,如Longman Dictionary of Comtempory English. 5) C为正确答案.理由同上. 第四节 现在完成时 一、现在完成时的构成式是have(has)+动词的?ED分词 1) Research 〔A〕 in molecular(分子的) biology has demonstrate 〔B〕 phenomenal similarities 〔C〕 between 〔D〕 humans and apes(类人猿). 2) Gore Vidal has steadily pursue 〔A〕 a literary career 〔B〕 remarkable 〔C〕 for its productivity, versatility(多样性) and unpredictability 〔D〕 (多变性). 3) For centuries large communities of people have living 〔A〕 on houseboats in parts 〔B〕 of the world where 〔C〕 the climate is warm and the waters are calm 〔D〕 . 二、现在完成时表示到现在为止的一段时间内发生的情况或动作,强调的是对现在的影响,可能是已完成的动作,也可表示多次动作的总和,或习惯性的行为和持续的动作 4) Ninety?eight percent of all animal species 〔A〕 in 〔B〕 history had 〔C〕 died out 〔D〕 . 5) The domestic 〔A〕 dog, considered to be the first tamed animal, is coexisting 〔B〕 with human beings since 〔C〕 the days of the cave dwellers 〔D〕 (居住者). 三、如果句中有表示到现在为止这段时间的状语时,用现在完成时,这些时间状语有 now, today, this week, this month, this year,现在完成时不和表示具体的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year等,但可以和always, before, just, in/during the past(few weeks, years, fifty years)连用,这时in表示“过去多少时间”,不能用after 6) Industrial 〔A〕 management is the aspect 〔B〕 of business 〔C〕 management that was 〔D〕 most prominent in the United States in the past eight years. 7) Learning a foreign language is especially 〔A〕 difficult for those 〔B〕 who had 〔C〕 never learned one before 〔D〕 . 四、在有already, as yet, yet, ever, just, never 这类副词作状语的情况下,用现在完成时 8) In just 〔A〕 the last 〔B〕 few years, football is become 〔C〕 more popular than baseball in that country 〔D〕 . 9) Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has been possible before. 〔A〕 ever 〔B〕 everest 〔C〕 more 〔D〕 most 10) President Andrew Jackson was a controversial 〔A〕 figure in his own 〔B〕 day and is one 〔C〕 ever since 〔D〕 . 五、有“since+时间点,for+一段时间”引导的状语时,主句谓语用现在完成时态 11) Jekyll Island has been one 〔A〕 of Georgia"s state 〔B〕 parks 〔C〕 in 〔D〕 1954. 12) He is 〔A〕 in this country now 〔B〕 for five years, but he makes 〔C〕 no attempt to speak 〔D〕 our language. 13) The Browns 〔A〕 are living a hard 〔B〕 life because Mr. Brown has been unemployed 〔C〕 since 〔D〕 half a year. 六、现在完成时用于将来的情况,即主语为一般将来时,时间和条件从句中的谓语用现在完成时(而不能用将来完成时)表示将来某时完成的动作 14) Smith is to study medicine as soon as he military service. 〔A〕 will finish 〔B〕 has finished 〔C〕 finish 〔D〕 would finish 15) Once you that brand of whisky, you will never want to drink any other. 〔A〕 drunk 〔B〕 have drunk 〔C〕 will drink 〔D〕 drank 七、例题解析 1) B错,改为has demonstrated. 2) A错,改为pursued. 3) A错,改为have lived. 4) C错.本句的汉语意思是“历史上90%的动物种类已经灭绝”,表示到现在为止“已经”发生的事,而且还在延继下去.所以时态应该用现在完成时.表示在过去的某一时间之前已经完成的动作才用过去完成时,所以本题应把C处的had改为have. 5) B错.应改为现在完成时has coexisted,因为本句表示到现在为止这段时间内发生的情况(持续性的),最关键的是抓住句中的状语“since…dwellers”(自从…到现在). 6) D错,改为has been. 7) C错,改为have. 8) C错,改为has become. 9) A为正确答案. 10) C错.since在本句中是副词,意思是“从那时到现在”, ever亦为副词修饰 since,起强调作用,因此本句应用现在完成时,将“is one”改为“ has been one”. 11) D错.in 1954表示的是确定的某个时刻(过去),但由于句中的谓语动词所使用的是现在完成时,所以应将介词in改为 “since”.“ since 1954”表示“从1954年以来”,本句的谓语动词用现在完成时. 12) A错,改为has been. 13) D错,改为for. 14) 正确答案是B.主句用的是将来时“…be about to”,时间状语从句由as soon as引导,四个选项中,用现在完成时表示将来要完成的动作最合适.所以B为正确答案. 15) 正确答案是B.由于主句用的是一般将来时,“Once…”引导的时间状语从句中应该用现在完成时,所以B为正确答案. 第五节 将来完成时和过去完成时 一、将来完成时表示将来某时业已发生的动作和情况,或已经存在的状态 1) By the end of this month, the generating set for a whole year. 〔A〕 will run 〔B〕 has run 〔C〕 runs 〔D〕 will have run 二、过去完成时表示在过去某一时刻之前业已发生了的动作或现象,句中通常会出现有表示过去某一时刻的时间状语 2) Although she law for only a little over eight years, Florence Allen became in 1922 the first woman to sit on a state supreme court. 〔A〕 will practice 〔B〕 practices 〔C〕 had practiced 〔D〕 has been practicing 3) Before 1970 many 〔A〕 technological advances have been made 〔B〕 in the field of computer science, which 〔C〕 resulted in more efficient 〔D〕 computers. 三、例题解析 1) 正确答案 是D.“By the end of this month”表示将来的某一时间,到那时业已完成的动作应用将来完成时,所以选D为正确答案. 2) C为正确答案.本句的主句有表示过去某刻的时间状语in 1922,用的是过去时,而空白处应填入在1922年前已发生的动作(从事律师业8年多),故应使用过去完成时. 3) B错,改为had been made,因为本句明显表示过去某刻之前( before 1970)业已发生的情况. 第六节 进 行 时 态 一、现在进行时表示现在或现阶段进行的动作,但也和always, constantly, forever等频度副词连用表示一个经常进行的动作或现在存在的状态 1) Because of 〔A〕 the effects of tidal friction(摩擦力), the earth"s rotation, which forms 〔B〕 the basis for time units, is 〔C〕 gradually slow down 〔D〕 . 2) All things 〔A〕 consist of 〔B〕 atoms or molecules,which be 〔C〕 constantly moving 〔D〕 . 二、瞬间动词和一些表示状态及感觉的动词一般不用进行时,而用一般现在时或一般过去时代替.这些动词包括:appear(显然), arrive, be, come, desire, go, find, hate, hope, join, know, leave, like, love, join, possess, start, sail, see, suggest, taste, think(认为), understand等,类似的动词还有belong to, consist of,seem(似乎)等 3) He was seeing 〔A〕 somebody creeping 〔B〕 into the house through 〔C〕 the open 〔D〕 window last night. 4) Among 〔A〕 the most important 〔B〕 jazz innovators 〔C〕 in the twentieth century are being 〔D〕 Louis Armstrong, Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, and Dizzy Gillespie. 三、过去完成进行时 过去完成进行时表示到过去的某一时间点或某一时间段里一直在进行的动作或行为 5) They received the parcel that they for a long time. 〔A〕 expected 〔B〕 have expected 〔C〕 had been expecting 〔D〕 had expected There is a well?known incident in one of Moliere′s plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.(93年翻译) 四、例题解析 1) D错.slow只有作为不及物动词用时才与up或down连用,表示“慢慢向上”或“慢慢向下”.所以我们说,这里的slow是动词而不是形容词,应将动词slow后边加上“ing”,改为(is) slowing down,构成现在进行时. 2) C错,改为are. 3) A错,改为saw. 4) D错,改为are. 5) C为正确答案.
2023-07-20 02:51:211

02 As is apparently demonstrated in the picture above, a young American girl is smiling and wearing

2023-07-20 02:52:032

04 As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, a man is running toward the end of a race

第一句中,toward应该是towards第二段第六句中people应该是people"s可以写为What"s more, the progress of the society is based on everybody"s/everyone"s unceasing effort.其它很好
2023-07-20 02:52:211

as will be demonstrated by

是非限定定语从句修饰 But the Nobel Foundation"s limit of three recipients per prize,each of whom must still be living,has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research这段话。as作为从句的主语,引导从句
2023-07-20 02:52:282

As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, two handicapped young men are heading towards thei

here your english is better than most of us, who can really help you?this seems a tofel writing exam, and i can"t find any problem in your article. good job.
2023-07-20 02:52:361

05 As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, there are four children who are playing

2023-07-20 02:52:432


2023-07-20 02:52:511


我不知道在别人看来,我是什么样的人;但在我自己看来,我不过就象是一个在海滨玩耍的小孩,为不时发现比寻常更为光滑的一块卵石或比寻常更为美丽的一片贝壳而沾沾自喜,而对于展现在我面前的浩瀚的真理的海洋,却全然没有发现。 ——牛顿
2023-07-20 02:53:005


200个左右选址:2010年上海世博会场址设在上海的母亲河--黄浦江沿岸,卢浦大桥与南浦大桥之间的滨水区域。 参展国家和国际组织预测:200个左右。 The Chinese hall height 63 meters, the most crown assumes the 138*138 rice square shape, by the national hall, the local hall and the Hong Kong hall · Australia Family school · Taiwan hall three parts is composed. The Chinese hall had demonstrated the Chinese nation struggle together magnificent feat and grand epic poem, as well as urban vicissitude and development. The Chinese hall may hold 7000 people approximately. The design inspiration was ancient times wooden makes China the construction and the dougong unifies, took the main body “crown of by the Eastern”. The national hall"s dead center is China"s essence concentration, symbolizes the Chinese spirit “the East “the crown”. At the same time, this kind of design introduction advanced high technology and new technology, environmental protection energy conservation. East “crown” besides implication remarkable China tradition construction essential factor, but also contains the local design with the Chinese tradition essential factor in which. In the local hall, the use were massive “China ancient times the Chinese character” to carry on the decoration, transmitted China"s humanities historical geography and history appearance. And “the link porch base” used “the ancient times Chinese character” in the most flank, engraved into China"s 34 character tradition dynasty name, “China"s history was well-established” the symbol by this achievement. “surrounds the porch base” to be equipped with the place which rests for the tourist, 34 province · city · area"s name is also engraved into, has demonstrated China “bounteous” and “the national unity”. In human and urban and in Earth"s coexistence and prosperity this subject, by “harmonious” the traditional idea is the basic point, writes down the history the Chinese. The national hall"s building has integrated China ancient times in the philosophy “the day” and “” the idea, specially “the beauty unites”, “the harmonious paragenesis”, “to imitate the nature” and so on thought. The Chinese hall"s semblance is China"s symbolic color “red” “Chinese red” the outer wall, manifests passionate, the unity advances boldly national moral character. This is “Chinese red” traditional classical understanding. The place hall starts from the both sides to expand, courses the national hall, becomes one open, is liked the urban square by the people. 参观人次预测:7000万人次以上
2023-07-20 02:53:413


资格你的资历和经验每个开发 (高级) 软件工程作用、 计算机科学荣誉学位或研究生课程 (申请人相关学科学位者表现出强烈的接地,计算机科学和丰富的经验,在软件工程亦会考虑) 中的数年的经验。基本技能:u2022 表现出很强的编码能力,在 Buby,红宝石的滑轨、 Javascript 和 Perl· 基础知识、 程序设计语言,嵌入式软件。u2022 高级编码技能 (例如并发性、 性能分析和多任务)u2022 熟悉 Oracle· 知识 Git、 协同、 哈德逊,Apache 是加· 知识的 VBA,XML HTML 是加· 很强的分析和优秀问题解决能力u2022 很强的书面和口头英语沟通能力u2022 候选人将会非常务实-做-呃,以及一位思想家 ;我们使用技术来解决实际问题。个人素质:· 结果导向具有强大的客户和业务焦点· 高度创新的、 灵活的、 自主的但也合作的团队精神· 交流和与技术和业务的观众讨论技术问题的能力· 能够处理好含糊不清和未定义的问题u2022 能够在充满挑战和动态环境中茁壮成长· 强烈的所有权和激情的书写世界一流的软件诺基亚有杰出的贡献,多样性和平等机会,因此我们创建一个环境,承认和尊重每一个人和促进一种开放的态度。诺基亚值及其雇员和一些诺基亚的好处:u2022 竞争的入职薪酬u2022 业绩奖金u2022 现场食堂u2022 先进的设施u2022 领先技术的使用u2022 免费健身房u2022 现场的卫生保健设施· 穿梭巴士服务
2023-07-20 02:53:481


洗衣机 。。。。。。。。。
2023-07-20 02:54:085


Abstract: Since the formation of Design Exhibition,it has been an important part of the social life,along with the continued integration of world economy,both developed and developing countries reflect the international, diversified trend are in the commercial intent of the show. Economic development promotes the development of culture field, history of world civilization in the 20th century developed by leaps,in the information age more and more people value self-expression and promotion, various large-scale exposition, exhibition halls and so provide people the sites with cultural and commercial exchanges, while it also reflects the spirit of the times its performance in form. The features of the exhibition infuse their products the updated vitality, and provide a highly efficient contact media, so that the "viewer" and "Show" both sides can benefit much. Exhibition has become one of the important contents of company planning market. Exhibition provides an opportunity for talks to display new product, welcome and meet with the new and old customers. And, through the exhibition we can also see the marketing strategy of competitive opponents and how they move, the business will become an important way to promote their products. Key words: display design ; product sales
2023-07-20 02:54:2313

As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, the Internet is a spider web of thousands of netwo

1.As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above. As 后加It2.businesses 是不可数名词3.millions of individuals 没见过这种表达,用 people 保险一点 4.Internet has a great influence on our lives. influence 是可数名词,前面是很多的意思,故加s5.Internet since the early 90"s, 改成英文格式是90"s,还有一处也是6.the communication between us becomes more and more frequent. No matter where they live, it is always very easy to express feeling to them if you would like·· between 改 among,前面是 us 后面宾格又成了 them, feeling 是可数名词7.the meeting between friends are fewer and fewer meeting 很容易理解为会议 meet 有集会的意思,between 改 among,前者一般是表两者之间8.we must learn to balance the fictitious and real life 后半句改下 balance the life between the fictious and the real one.
2023-07-20 02:54:451


Petroleum resource distribution and international petroleum marketplace supply-demand relations Petroleum resource and water resource occupy extremely important location in nation"s economy and people"s livelihood , are social development and essential human being survival resource. Petroleum , gas etc. is important energy resources. Depend on modern civilized society, if not having had the sources of energy, all modern material civilization also be that up to disappear. Since cold war is over, the whole world is confronted with economic growth and short-supplied double the sources of energy pressure. With the fact that the industry promptness developing , the population increase composing in reply an improvement of the people"s livelihood,the energy shortage already has become the world problem , the sources of energy safety is regarded highly by the more and more many country. That world petroleum resource area scatters is unbalanced , a lot of international contradiction and conflict initiate from this. Judging from petroleum resource, to the oil deposit distribution that the whole world all localities already ascertains at the end of 2003, Middle East area demonstrated reserves accounts for 57.4% of demonstrated reserves the whole world is general 99,580,000,000 tons. Be in countries such as Saudi Arabia , Iran , Kuwait , Iraq , Oman , Qatar and Syria mainly all together, these country"s reserves amount to 84,930,000,000 tons. Be area petroleum output"s turn to account for 30.4% of gross product the world. Area ascertains that oil deposit is 29,760,000,000.000004 tons in accumulative total in the north part , account for 17.2% of demonstrated reserves the world is general , among them, Canadian reserves are 24,500,000,000 tons , are next only to Saudi Arabia, occupy second worlds. The country ascertains that oil deposit is 10,600,000,000 tons in accumulative total in the former Soviet Union area , Community of Independent States , account for 6.11% of demonstrated reserves the world is general, whose petroleum output is to account for 14.5% of gross product the world 490 million tons. Russia petroleum output among them already occupies the world second, is next only to Saudi Arabia. Besides, the Asian-Pacific region ascertains 5,240,000,000 tons of oil deposit , accounts for 1.5% of gross product the world; Africa area is that Asia-Pacific three area petroleum ascertains that reserves do not exceed world all quantity 22%, but whose petroleum consumes but accounts for almost 80% of petroleum consumption all quantity the world , thereupon, maximal world petroleum consumption country USA says two-part"s petroleum consumption being dependent on entrance , 60% comes from Middle East among them; 70%"s petroleum of European Union consumption is dependent on entrance, except east entrance petroleum is out of external, European Union draws support from a lot of Africa country "advantage" having been an UK-France colony , already keep one step ahead in Africa petroleum exploitation. West Great Power controlling to petroleum resource and the marketplace composes in reply a dispute and aggravates unceasingly, resource strategy becomes Great Power geopolitics economy strategy importance being composed of 11 billion tons of headquarter , account for 6.6% of reserves the world is general; South America area ascertains 13,400,000,000 tons of oil deposit , accounts for 7.7% of demonstrated reserves the world is general. (Consult http: // June 2 , 2004). World petroleum area amount of consumption and petroleum resource own the phenomenon there existing the grave unbalance in amounts , petroleum resource has have peculiar strategy meaning but in developing in the country , the whole world encompassment oil and gas resources contending for is therefore always very fierce. If North America , Western Europe, mark. Have been to strengthen crisis treatment ability , had experienced the oil crisis west Great Power successively legislation , the strategic reserves in order to ensuring petroleum. Japan has "petroleum stores law " , Germany has if "the sources of energy policy and protection bill " USA works out, "petroleum and petroleum products store the law " 58-1106 that law " , France work out "about that industry petroleum stores stock structure, all clear stipulation reserve target and scale. Government reserve adds popular reserve, American-Japan-Germany-France petroleum reserve amounts are equal to homeland 158 day respectively , 169 day , 117 day and petroleum for 96 points consume. China is accelerating the legislation that strategy petroleum stores , argues strongly Chinese petroleum stores the safe amount of consumption being able to reach 180 day after several years
2023-07-20 02:54:566


2023-07-20 02:55:142


1 这种植物只有在培育它的土壤才能很好地成长。 The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. 研究结果表明,无论我们白天做什么,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。 Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. 3. 有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。 Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4. 我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。 We remain tree to our commitment Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. 5. 连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成世界上最伟大的音乐家。爱迪生也同样如此,他的老师觉得他似乎过于迟钝。 Even Beethoven"s father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. 当局控告他们威胁国家安全。 They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. 1. If you move into any place other than your own private home, make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one. 出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。 2. Some women could have made a good salary in job instead of staying at home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. 一些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。但是为了家庭,她们放弃了工作。 3. How can you justify such rudeness? You will pay heavily for that because they have sued you for damaging their good name. 你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护?你将会为此付出沉重的代价,因为他们己经以低毁名誉的罪名起诉你了。 4. Criticism can be of great use we may not like it at the time, but it can spur us on to greater things. 批评有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜欢它,但是它能激励我们去做更伟大的事情。 5. His uncompromising behavior, to which the public objected, left him bankrupt emotionally and financially. 他毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得他陷人了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。 6. Even if you fail, don"t let failure harm you, don"t let failure take over. Remember failure is a necessary in learning; it is not the end of your learning, but the beginning. 即使你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。记住:失败是学习过程中必要的一步;它不是学习、的结束,而是学习的开始。 1. 要使这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。 If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience. 2. 她从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此她有可能成为一名成功的演员。 She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress. 3. 我从未受过正式培训,我只是边干边学。 I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along. 4. 随着产品进入国际市场,他们的品牌知名度越来越高了。 As their products find their way into the international market, their pand is gaining in popularity. 5. 她可以编造一个故事,说自己被窃贼大昏,所有的钱都没了,但她怀疑自己是否能让这故事听起来可信。 She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable. 6. 谁都不清楚他是否故意推迟了这次访问,可是这引起了对他更多的批评。 No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this pought more criticism of him. 1. If there had been no Charlie Chaplin, the history of world cinema would have been different. 如果没有查理卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。 2. It was a relief that his hard work eventually gave his the result that he had long desired: He successfully discovered the cause of the disease. 令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果—他成功地发现了这种疾病的原因。 3. Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and most widely loved movie stars. From The Tramp to Modern Times, he made many of the funniest and most popular films of his time. He was best known for his character, the youthful and lovable Little Tramp. 查理卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从《流浪汉》到《摩登时代》,他拍摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物—年轻可爱的小流浪汉。 4. Chaplin was an immensely talented: Within only two years of his first appearance in motion pictures in 1914, he because one of the best-known personalities in the nation. 卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他1914年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成了这个国家最有名的人物之一。 5. Chaplin had an impact on everyone"s life in the early 20thcentury. He made more people laugh than any other man who ever lived and changed the way people looked at the world. 查理卓别林对20世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比,他让更多的人欢笑,改变了人们看待这个世界的方式。 6. On Christmas Day in 1977 Charlie Chaplin passed away. He left behind family and friends saddened by his death, and millions of fans worldwide. 1977年,查理卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数以百万计的影迷。 Unit3 1. 据报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自出马调查这件事。 Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken pibes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in person. 2. 这些工人后悔当时接受管理部门的意见重新回去工作。现在他们再次面临失业的危险了。 These workers regret yielding to the management"s advice and going back to work. Now they are again faced with the threat of losing their jobs. 3. 你只需填写一张表格就可去的会员资格,他可以是你在卖东西时享受打折的优惠。 You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods. 4. 不知为什么他们的汽车在半路坏掉了,结果他们比原计划晚到了三个小时。 Their car poke down halfway for no reason. As a result they arrived three hours later than they had planned. 5. 那位官员卷入一场丑闻,数周后被迫辞职。 The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later. 6. 这个靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢地建立起自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving. 1. The man is reported to have said in private that “we are being made fools of by many of our clients, so we are entitled to have them how to us as compensations.” 据报道这个男子曾在私下说:“许多救济对象在欺骗我们,因此,作为补偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头哈腰。 2. After considering your background and experience, we regret to inform you that we don "t have an appropriate job opportunity for at current stage. 我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们目前没有适合你的工作机会。 3. I failed to take my cue from Oscar. Instead, I talked back to the woman, who turned out to be our new manager. 我没能按奥斯卡的暗示去做,相反,我反驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。 4. There needs to be someone who can act as a champion for the rights of the poor because the system so easily lends itself to abuse. 需要有人来充当穷人权利的捍卫者,因为这一体制太容易被滥用。 5. I called the police for help after my car poke down on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue. 我的车子在高速公路上抛锚后,我打电话向警察求助,20分钟后他们赶来帮我。 6. He was passionate for art , but he went through tremendous pain-pain of poverty and misunderstanding. 他热爱艺术,却经受了巨大的痛苦—贫穷与误解。 unit4 1. 我父母不是对我的教育投资,而是把钱花在了买新竹放了。 Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house. 2. 如今,人们用于休闲娱乐的开支是过去的两倍。 Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past. 3. 一家公司要成功,他必须跟上市场的发展。 In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace. 4. 与申请这个职位的其他女孩相比,他流利的英语是个优势。. Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job. 5. 对于学生而言,没有任何地方比图书更好了,在哪里所有的图书都任由他们使用。 For students, nowhere is better than the lipary, where all the books are at their disposal. 6. 我们要充分利用好这平台,加强交流,拓展合作领域,共谋发展大业。 We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in more areas and seek further development through joint efforts. 1. The developing countries see information technologies as a means to accelerate their economy, but some lack experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies. 发展中国家认为信息技术是促进经济发展的途径,但一些国家在估算成本与选择技术方面缺乏经验。 2. The developing countries see information technologies as a means to accelerate their economy, but some lack experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies. 发展中国家认为信息技术是促进经济发展的途径,但一些国家在估算成本与选择技术方面缺乏经验。 3. Anyone can take good photos- it"s just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. 任何人都能照出好照片—问题只是你是否在合适的时间和地点。 4. By installing computers in their schools and liparies, the community leaders demonstrated that they were determined not to lag behind in technology. 通过在他们的学校和图书馆安装计算机,这些社区的领导们表明他们决心不在技术上落后。 5. When he started the company, he thought he"d be able to cruise alongside the top businesses in the market, but he is disappointed because he hasn"t yet succeeded. 当他开始创办这家公司时,他想他将能在市场上与那些顶级公司并驾齐驱,可是他现在失望了,因为他没有成功。 6. A Florida couple is building what say will be the home of the future, one strong enough to withstand hurricanes, yet gentle enough to blend in with the environment. 佛罗里达的一对夫妇在建造一座他们称之为未来之家的房子,它既能抵御咫风,又与周围环境十分协调。 unit5 1. 这个小个子男人并不如他看上去那么单纯。 This little man is not so innocent as he appears. 2. 对于这问题我已经束手无策了,所以你不妨去求助与王教授。 There"s nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Professor Wang for help. 3. 双方高度评价了在不同领域合作取得的成果。并希望合作进一步加深。 Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, and hope that the cooperation can be furthered. 4. 一方面,亲民形象能使新政策更易于被民众接受,另一方面,他也能“广直言之路,启进善之门”。 On the one hand, an image of being close to the people can get a new policy more easily accepted. On the other hand, it will encourage people to speak their minds and come up with constructive suggestions. 5. 他孤独的感觉时起时落 ,他有时会对自己,对宠物,对电视机唠叨不休。 His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his pets and the television. 6. 毕竟,金钱不是万能的,最富有的人不是最幸福的。 After all, money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily the happiest. 1. The new mechanism is not so effective as they had expected, for months passed and there has been no big improvement in management efficiency. 新的机制并不像他们预期的那样有效,因为数月过去了,但管理效率并没有明显改进。 2. I don"t want to scare you unnecessarily, but you might as well face facts and look at a few numbers. 3. 我不想不必要地吓唬你,可你最好还是面对事实,看看一些数字吧。 3. Loneliness is marked by a sense of isolation. Solitude, on the other hand, is a state of being alone without being lonely and can lead to self-awareness. 孤独的特点是一种与世隔绝感,而独居则是独自一人却不感到寂寞的状态,它能引发自我意识。 4. Loneliness is a negative state. One feels that something is missing. It is possible to be with people and still feel lonely- perhaps the bitterest form of loneliness. 孤独是一种消极的状态,你会感到失去了某种东西。你可能与别人在一起仍然感到孤独—这也许是孤独最痛苦的形式。 5. Solitude is a positive state of engagement with oneself. Solitude is desirable, a state of being alone where you provide yourself wonderful and sufficient company. 独居是一种与自我相约的积极的状态。独居是值得向往的,是独自一人、享受自我愉快而又充实的陪伴的一种状态。 6. Thoreau says that loneliness can occur even amid companions if one"s heart is not open to them. 梭罗说,一个人即使身处同伴之中,如果不对他们敞开心扉,仍会感到孤独。 Unit6 1. 假设你发现自己的同事受贿,你会不会无动于衷呢? .Suppose you found out that your colleague takes pibes, would you just ignore it 2. 他如此固执,我们对他已失望。跟他争论一点意义都没有。 We"ve given up on him because he is so stubborn. It is pointless to argue with him. 3. 他突然想到加速进程的好办法,但组里的成员对此却意见不一。 He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it. 4. 今天我能够使自己的职业与兴趣相符,之前我是做不到的。 Today I"m able to square my profession with my interest, which I wasn"t able to do before. 5. 要成为一名驾驶员,视觉上分辨红色与绿色的能力是必不可少的。 The ability to visually distinguish between red and green is essential to becoming a driver. 6. 这个组有七个人组成,他们经常见面,分享彼此的信息。 The team consisted of seven people who met on a regular basis to share their information with each other. 1. Suppose you were offered a pibe in exchange for a promise, what would you do—receive it or stand by your principles. 假设有人向你行贿,要换取一种承诺,你会怎么做?是接受呢,还是坚持自己的原则? 2. Nowadays, people wouldn, t put up with those terrible circumstances, but in those days it was accepted as a fact of life. 现在人们不会忍受那些糟糕的境况,可是在那些日子里却只能接受那样的现实。 3. Cheating in various forms is on the increase in colleges and universities, and I have lost count of the number of students who were caught cheating this semester. 大学校园里形形色色的作弊现象越来越多,我已不记得这学期有多少学生因作弊而被捉住过。 4. Mr. Aichi had to withdraw himself from the competition for the position of state governor when it was revealed that he had been on the take. 当艾奇先生被披露曾受贿时,他不得不退出州长职位的竞争。 5. While originally he had been fully in support of the reform policies, later he began to attack the reform movement. 虽然他原先完全支持改革政策,可后来却开始抨击这场改革运动了。 6. The professor definitely will not agree with the point that translation amounted to little more than looking up words in dictionaries. 这位教授肯定不会同意翻译基本是在词典里查生词的观点。
2023-07-20 02:55:211

英语语法达人请进,左边是正确答案,横线上的是我错选的答案,请给出具体原因,以题号为准 ,不胜感激流涕

苦涩蓝山有一些说的不对。ta对17题的解释太不负责任了。achieve表示通过一定的努力后获得,在这里意思最准确。18题,确实是发生了悲伤的事,但这样并没有解答出为什么是A。关键在于,occur是一个瞬间动词i,所以不能用occuring。20题,苦涩蓝山没说清楚。word在这里是不可数名词,表示言论、消息。至于ta没有解答的25题和27题:25:“尽管在旧金山长大”,A选项是被动语态,被抚养大。B不能选,是因为grow up才是长大,grow不是,而且grow是主动语态。27题,我强烈怀疑你抄错题了。不管按照你的答案还是参考答案都解释不通。麻烦你再看看。
2023-07-20 02:55:292

英语写作中举例子除了常用的for example还有什么?

Such as...或者like, 都有例如,比如的意思I like a bunch of fruits, such as apple, pineapple, peach.I think you have a lot of friends, like Tom, Sara...
2023-07-20 02:55:522


字面翻译:Pig eight ring
2023-07-20 02:56:073

As you so amply demonstrated for most of her life. 请解释下as的用法,顺便翻译一下

2023-07-20 02:56:214

such thing as sth的正确意义和用法

such asfor example例如wild flowers such as mountain pansy and wild thyme.野花,比如说圆三色堇花和野生百里香。of a kind that; like那种的;像…的an event such as we"ve shared.
2023-07-20 02:56:292


2023-07-20 02:56:393

请问“what patterns of settlement and immigration has the UK demonstrated in history?”是啥意思?

汗 我怎么进来了 英文我不懂啊 不好意思 帮不 了 顺便祝你高考顺利
2023-07-20 02:57:015


Qin Liang-Zhong Zhou Ming, the late Ming dynasty Qingbingruguan national peril, Qin Emperor Qinwang Increased 10,000, wai -- world.
2023-07-20 02:57:275

如何用正确的时态写 “结果部分”

一般来说,有两种方式: 时态是由语义来定的。 一般实义动词就用过去时,非实义动词用一般时态。 如果为结论性描述,用一般时态。 如果某些描述至今依然有效,用一般时态。 最后的总结,可以用一般时,或者过去时。 the result indicates that ..... the result demonstrated that ..... 这个很复杂。 We analysed that ..... XX exhibited ... XX were .... the result indicates that ..... 这种时态比较简单。
2023-07-20 02:57:421

The science teacher demonstrated theprocess of turning solid gold into liquid.

【答案】:A【题 干】科学老师展示了将固体金子变成液体的过程。 A.展示,显示B.详述C.设置 D.简化 【解 析】本题考查动词。划线单词demonstrate是“展示”的意思,与show同义故本题选A。
2023-07-20 02:57:501


医疗文书的字母缩写基本都是拉丁文!St.;Stat. Statim 立即、急速还有:处方常用拉丁文缩写拉丁文缩写 拉丁全文 中文意义aa aa Ana 各a.c. Aate cibum 饭前p.c. Post Cibum 饭后a.m. Ante meridiem 上午p.m. Post meridiem 下午p.o. Per os 口服ad us.ut. Ad usum internum 内服an us.xt Ad usum externum 外用s.o.s. Si opus sit 需要时p.r.n. Pro re nata 必要时Cit Cito 急速sig.;S. Signa 用法、指示q.n. Quaqua nocto 每晚h.s. Hora somni 睡前q.h. Quapua hora 每小时q.d. Quapua die 每日1次B.i.d. Eis in die 每日2次T.i.d. Ter in die 每日3次Q.i.d. Quater in die 每日4次q.4h. Quartus in die 每4小时1次Rp. Recipe 取、请取s.s. Semis 一半q.s. Quantum sufficit 适量Ad. Adde 加至Dil. Dilutus 稀释et. Et 及、和Ft. Fiat 配成M.D.S. Misce da signa 混合后给予Co.;Comp. Compositus 复方的No.;N. Numero 数目、个μg. Microgramma(mcg) 微克mg. Milligramma 毫克g. Gramma 克kg. Kilogramma 千克(公斤)ml. Millilitra 毫升L. Litrum 升Inj. Injectio 注射剂H. Injectio hypodermaticus 皮下注射im.;M. Injectio intramuscularis 肌肉注射iv.;V. Injectio intravenosus 静脉注射iv gtt.* Injectio intiavenosus gutta 静脉注射O.D. Oculus dexter 右眼O.L. Oculus laevus 左眼O.S. Oculus sinister 左眼O.U. Oculus uter 双眼Inhal. Inhalatio 吸入Tab. Tabellae 片剂Pil. Pilula 丸剂Caps. Capsule 胶囊剂Pulv. Pulvis 散剂Amp. Ampullae 安瓿剂Aq. Aqua 水Aq.dest. Aqua destillata 蒸馏水Mist. Mistura 合剂Emul. Emulsio 乳剂Syr. Syrupus 糖浆剂Tr. Tinctura 酊剂Neb. Nebula 喷雾剂Garg. Gargarisma 含漱剂Gtt.tgutt. Gutta;Guttae 滴、滴眼剂Collyr. Collyrium 洗眼剂Ocul. Oculentnm 眼膏Liq. Liquor 溶液剂Sol. Solutio 溶液Lot. Lotio 洗剂Linim Linimentum 擦剂Crem. Cremor 乳膏剂(冷霜)Ung. Umguentum 软膏剂Past. Pasa 糊剂Ol. Oleum 油剂Enem. Enema 灌肠剂Sipp. Suppositorium 栓剂
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  许许多多的留学生们孤身在外,离开父母的保护,经历一个暑假的放羊般的生活。现在突然要面临开学就要紧张的开始准备个科目的考试,大大小小的paper和无数的quiz,难免会有心理上的反应。加之国外可能没有朋友,对父母也不能什么都说,更是雪上加霜。孤独是正常的,但是由孤独衍生的一系列心理“疾病”却会导致不良的后果。的我为大家盘点一些出国留学党们可能会“感染”上的“病症”,希望能为大家打个预防针,避免遇到同样的情况!   1. 拖延症(Procrastination)   大概所有人都听过“拖延症”这个词了吧。不过现在大多数人只把它当作朋友间打趣的玩笑。在这么个“人人都有病”,没病都不好意思跟别人说话的年代,人们喜欢用一些似是而非的心理学概念来表达自己。在大众看来,拖延症无关痛痒,轻重刚好,于是广为传播,成为“喜闻乐见”的心理病。其实严重的拖延症也是会对身心健康带来消极影响,而且会伴有焦虑症,抑郁症等心理疾病,大家要重视。   留过学的同学都知道,老美都是在考试前两到三天才临时抱佛脚,俗称Cram。从学期一开始教授就强调,不建议学生考试前几天才开始复习,但是基本上都没有人真的有计划地复习。   究竟我们为什么会有拖延症呢?   第一是因为现在的环境充满了诱惑,电子产品,书籍,高科技,等等都会不断地吸引大众的眼球,转移注意力。   有些人因为意志力薄弱,最后不得不向诱惑屈服。有时候在图书馆看到有学生面前放一台电脑和一摞书,但是电脑屏幕上竟然是Facebook的首页,而眼睛也不是在书上,反而时刻瞄着手机,时不时也拿起来看一下。   很多人纵容自己:“我就看五分钟”,“就几分钟,马上回来”,“看完这个我就去复习”......但是通常情况下都是几十分钟过去了我们都还没回来。男生关注的是球赛,而女生则是各种购物的网站。网络不仅消耗着我们的时间,还分散着我们的注意力,让我们很难专注地做事。   还有另一个原因,就是过大的压力引起的拖延,这是一种对高压工作的逃避。其实压力和动力之间是一个倒U型曲线。当压力强度在曲线转折点的那个最佳值上,人的潜能最容易被激发,此时的压力可以创造最多的动力。但是一旦过了这个值之后,压力就会对人体产生负影响,比如焦虑,抑郁等等。所以有些人会觉得,压力越大,我们越需要时间来放松,这样的一个恶性循环。   身边的同学也有这样的情况。认识一个黑姐姐Rita,学建筑学的,一本教科书有800多页,一学期要学2-3本这么厚的内容,还有2个考试和一篇final paper,而两个考试也都是要写essay的那种。所以每到期末,Rita虽然每天都跟我说她要复习,但是她一个字都没动,一天拖一天。这就是压力导致的拖延。   所以想要摆脱拖延症,其中一个办法就是断绝干扰源。诱惑太多,如果我们要专心的做一件事,比如写paper,准备考试,这类重要的事情的时候,必须尽可能地减少干扰源;一旦我们被干扰,就很难再回到原先的状态,相信大家都有过这样的感受。如此拖延症可以有所减轻,原本可能要很久的任务,居然一下子就做完了,留下来更多的时间休息。   手机,网页是看得见的干扰源,有些干扰源却不太明显。比如,有些人习惯打paper的时候听歌,虽然有人认为因人而异,但是事实却是单线程工作可以让我们的效率保证在最高,同时也有高度的注意力,从而可以更快的完成任务。   还有一个解决方法是我自己的一个办法。有时候我也会拖延,累的时候,任务繁重的时候反而更不想动。我个人的方法就是每天先从最困难的开始做,当你感觉到任务越做越简单的时候,效率也会更高,晚上不但有好心情,还有空出来很多时间休息。相反,有些人从简到难,做到最后知难而退,导致任务一直放在那里没有完成,久而久之就形成了拖延的习惯。   另外,我也习惯每周有一天(通常在周日),坐在书桌前,静静的翻看以前的计划,以及对下一周,一个月,甚至一个学期做一个大规划。突发情况总是有,但是会把相对固定的事情先写在list上,后面有的再加。这样会对未来要做的事情有一个认识,就不会每天抓耳挠腮忘了要做什么,直到最后几天才想起来,拼命赶工这样的悲剧了。   2. 玻璃心   这也是一个广为人知的词,以前只是中性的意思,但是现在普遍用玻璃心形容人心里承受能力低,容易受伤,通常指女生,也有指男生的。留学生群体里不乏玻璃心患者,他们敏感,还有些许自卑,可能觉得世界充满着敌意,觉得活着很累,别人也觉得跟这种人相处很累,因为不知道什么时候他们就突然敏感度爆发,与你绝交了。   这些人通常会陷入“说者无心,听者有意”的情况。身边虽然多少有这类人,但是毕竟还是少数,如果是玻璃心,又如何能出国留学呢?我我只认识一个玻璃心的,是个女生,真的是把玻璃心演绎到了极致,她特别在意别人的对自己的看法,却丝毫不在意别人的感受;伤害了别人自己浑然不知,被伤害了就四处解释哭。和这种人在一起连说话都要小心翼翼的,不知道哪一个词就伤害了他她。   如果遇到这类人,解决办法似乎只有敬而远之了,既然惹不起,还躲不起嘛。另一方面,那些有玻璃心的同学,有一点点的也算,这里也有小忠告给诸位:已经选择了留学,离开温暖的家,就不要再躲在自己小小的自尊心后面了,也不要整天抱着“世界离了我就停止转动”的中二思想。每个人都不是世界的中心,每个人其实都有自己的敏感点,如果能换角度想事情,多替他人着想,自己也能好受很多。   所以,请摒弃玻璃心,勇敢上阵,体验应该体验的,多交友,在离家十万八千里的美帝,活出精彩。   3. 孤独症(Autism)   孤独症,又称自闭症,相比大家也都听过了。其主要症状有社交障碍,交流障碍,兴趣狭隘,刻板重复的方式等。   然而今天我们并不是要讨论真正的自闭,而是在留学路上的“孤独症”,这也是留学生中的一个经典“疾病”。“孤独症”是指那些留学生常年在外不和人交往,每天三点一线,生活非常单调,上完课就回家,要不就去打工,基本上杜绝一切社交活动。   这样的生活,不用说,是对身心发展非常不好的。在申请的时候,大家都是兴致勃勃,立志非要和老美们交朋友,可是来到这里之后,却发现并不是那么容易,很多时候是因为语言不过关。因为我们的“国情”,导致我们过于内向,甚至没有完全准备好就出国了。出国之后就傻眼了,因为和想象中的生活完全不一样。这时候,就会引起留学生,尤其是刚出国的,陷入自我封闭的状态。   这样看起来,好像也没什么影响——既然自我封闭,就不交往好像也没什么所谓嘛。可是问题会在日后,尤其是找工作的时候,逐渐显露出来。因为早期不经常与人沟通交流,渐渐的也缺乏了交往的技能,不能融入到群体中去,甚至出现出国三四年了,口语还是不流畅的状况。如此就白瞎了父母辛苦四年交的学费,也浪费了这四年的时光。   我也没有什么好的解决办法。只能说大家既然已经出国了,肯定要做好在外面像个“异类”一样的情况,毕竟相对于美国人,我们才是外国人。如果已经有这样的思想准备,那我们的英语有口音,文化和他们的不一样都是情理之中的事情。他们如果嫌弃我们,我们也不必太放在心上,毕竟不是人人都如此。   留学圈就像一个小社会,我们还年轻,就应该勇敢,有冲劲。多多走出社会,参与各类社团,多和课上邻座的同学说话,抓住一切能认识人的机会,意识到自己的优势和劣势,然后做好一切思想准备,在四年后走进真正的社会。这样就能适应的更好,更快。   4. 厌食症   本来出国前吃东西也只是看量,出国后发现除了量,还有热量和脂肪;以前只知道喝牛奶,现在知道牛奶还分脱脂,低脂,半脱脂和全脂;以前以为吃的少就能瘦,现在知道了要瘦只能控制热量。魔咒一般的freshman 15不知道有多少同学真的经历过这样的大起大落,看着饭堂里拿也拿不尽的pizza,炸鸡,汉堡觉得好像走近了天堂,各类的cheese还可以拉丝吃的高兴,却没有注意到自己的体重也随之上升。   多少女生在明显感觉自己胖了之后,不是选择去健身房,而是选择节食。毕竟在国外好像选择还多一点,因为有较多的素食者的存在,牛奶只喝non-fat的,正餐只吃一盘沙拉,不碰一点肉,杜绝一切有可能会发胖的东西。这样看起来生活还挺健康的,其实不然。   我的室友就因为这样而得了厌食症。其实她一点也不胖,可是她跟我说她觉得每吃一口都会有罪恶感,觉得自己就重了许多。她每餐只吃沙拉,连鸡蛋也不吃;她不爱喝奶;她甚至不吃水果因为觉得水果糖分大也会造成体重增加。这样下来,她体重的确下降,甚至可以说是下降得很明显,但是却因为严重缺乏蛋白质而营养不良,最终造成贫血,身体彻底垮了。   我就静静地看着这样的“悲剧”发生也很无语,无数次劝她多吃点她还觉得我在害她(不得不说又是一个玻璃心的妹子......)。虽然女生很追求苗条的身材,因为现在的主流审美的确是这样导向的,可是在追求的过程中,希望大家是理性的。多运动永远比节食来的健康。   虽然我不是什么专家,可是我也知道如果每天摄入量低于消耗量,人就能瘦。这就只有两条路:一是减少摄入量,也就是我们常说的节食;二是增加消耗量,也就是运动。两者相比,必然是后者更健康,更长久。   现在我们都还在青春期,二十多岁的年纪丰腴点才好看,瘦得跟皮包骨一样真的很可怕。正在长身体的时候却断绝了所需营养,强制身体停止发育,这是违逆自然的。   爱美之心人皆有,可是爱美也要理智得来,不要做一个病美人,而是做一个穿衣显瘦,脱衣有肉的现充妹子。   5. 考试综合症   这个名词好像第一次见,但其实说白了,就是因为学生心理素质差,对考试有恐惧。症状主要是面对考试身体上的不适。相比大家也觉得很正常,因为我们从小到大都是考出来的嘛,学校里总是三天一小考五天一大考,平时作业都是试卷,本来以为我们已经有铁布衫防身,去到国外发现每次考试都是一样重要,想要高GPA必须保证每次都考好。这样的压力和在国内学校的压力还是不一样的。   通常有考试综合症的都是些好学生,他们成长过程中父母总在灌输要考好的观念,他们也立志要成为人上人,所以很努力地学习,考试,拿高分。可是他们的心理素质却无法承受他们的野心,所以经常会出现考试前压力过大造成的非常紧张,出现短暂性“失忆”的情况。   其实病情不算严重,大家平常心对待考试就行。远在他乡,家长只能做到让我们衣食无忧,却无法帮我们缓解身上的压力负担。   这时候只有我们才能帮自己了,及时纠正自己不良的备考心理,锻炼自己的心理承受能力,平衡每一次考试才是硬道理。还有保证充足的睡眠,笔者在每次考试前都是十点半就关灯睡觉了,第二天早起的记忆效果会更好。   6. 学习逃避症   和上面的很像,学习逃避症也是因为过大的压力造成的。学生因为自己给自己的压力,家庭方面带来的压力,以及种种其他方面的压力,造成的对考试,学习产生恐惧感,从而选择逃避考试。这个案例并不常见,可是我同学的同学那个学校就有过一个男生换上了学习逃避症。   这是一个听起来很不靠谱的故事。有一个男生,在邻近final的时候跟家人失联了,父母怎么找也找不到他,问同学也说不知道,学校也不了解。因为当时正在final week,大家都没有留意到他的失踪,学校那么大,找一个人还是很难的。男生的父母非常担心,立刻买了一张机票飞到学校,去到男生住的公寓去找他。结果在公寓里竟发现男生在打游戏,手机关机,电脑也扔在一边。   后来问男生,他说不想去考试,只想逃避一切,所以没有和任何人联系,关掉所有的联络方式,只希望能逃开一切的询问。显而易见,男生给自己的压力过多导致他无法用正确的方式直面考试。这就是所谓的学习逃避症。   言而总之,在我们身心还没发育完全的时候,就选择出国,是一种勇气。出国后,能继续在正路上行走,是一种能力。可是这一路上,我们多少都会经历这些“病”,它们可大可小,每一个都像是成长路上必经的一道坎,迈过去,自己也变的更好。   希望大家都能正确地识别身边的人和事,理性的给自己压力,多站在别人的角度看事情而不是以自我为中心。   的我愿每一个人都能成长为一个更好的自己,住大家的留学生活丰富精彩,学习顺利。
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