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As you so amply demonstrated for most of her life. 请解释下as的用法,顺便翻译一下


05 As is vividly demonstrated in the picture above, there are four children who are playing


as will be demonstrated by

是非限定定语从句修饰 But the Nobel Foundation"s limit of three recipients per prize,each of whom must still be living,has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research这段话。as作为从句的主语,引导从句

demonstrated knowledge是什么意思

demonstrated knowledge显示出来的知识demonstratedv.举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 示范。展示; 显示; 论证; 例句:1.The credit crisis that started this summer demonstrated its importance. 去年夏天爆发的信贷危机显示了该市场的重要性。2.And we have demonstrated that fact. 并且我们已经用事实证明这一点

as is apprently demonstrated above这什么语法啊

这是非限制性定语从句,as(正如)是关系代词,在这个句中作主语,代表前面的整个句子。这个as引导的从句可以置于句首、句尾、句中,可以作主语、宾语、表语。如:China is famous for its Great Wall, as we all know.As we all know, China ....China, as we all know, is ....

英语翻译 在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate)

At the exhibition,the sales manager of the company demonstrated the latest electronic toys to the kids,who looked forward to them.望采纳,蟹蟹!

这里的demonstrated可以用什么词代替,求最贴切的 讲解一下异同 谢谢咯


英语demonstrated the distinguished features怎么翻译?

这个短语意思是: 展示显著的特征。




demonstrate [英]u02c8demu0259nstreu026at [美]u02c8du025bmu0259nu02ccstret vt. 证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明 vi. 示威游行


demonstratedv.显示; 论证; 举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 示范。展示; 双语例句1I demonstrated a stove on television.我在电视节目上示范操作一个炉子。



demonstrated that后面用有主语吗


“demonstrate genuine commitment”怎么翻译比较恰当?

能看下上下文么 (起码上下2句)


这个单词很简单的会说就会拼,如果是意思的话,就没什么可以说的额de-mon-str-ateDefine demonstrate :["demənstreit] vt. 示范,演示,证明vi. 示威例句与用法:1. She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four. 她证明2加2等于四。2. Please demonstrate how the machine works. 请示范机器的使用方法。


demonstrate固定搭配及短语如下:1、demonstrate的常用短语是:用作动词(v)demonstrate against(v.+prep.)示威反对(某事)showpublicly one"s disapproval of (sth)demonstrate against sthThey demonstrated against thegovernment"s nuclear policy.他们示威反对政府的核政策。2、The workers marched through thestreets with flags and banners to demonstrate against the rising cost ofliving.工人们在街上游行手执旗帜示威抗议生活费用的高涨。造句1、How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?你怎样才能向我们证明你所说的属实呢?2、Realized benefits demonstrate good practice.已实现的利益证明好的实践。3、You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer.你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。


demonstrate用法搭配如下:单词音标英语音标:[u02c8demu0259nstreu026at]美语音标:[u02c8demu0259nstreu026at]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译vt.证明;演示;示范vi.示威单词例句用作及物动词 (vt.)How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true? 你怎样才能向我们证明你所说的属实呢?Realized benefits demonstrate good practice. 已实现的利益证明好的实践。You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer. 你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。Your jump posture is not right. Let me demonstrate it for you. 你跳的姿势不对,我来示范一下。In addition, the tutor will also demonstrate the basic techniques used in ink painting. 透过导师示范,长者即场学习绘画中国水墨画入门基础技巧。用作不及物动词 (vi.)The workers marched through the streets with flags and banners to demonstrate against the rising cost of living . 工人们在街上游行,手执旗帜示威抗议生活费用的高涨。They demonstrated for lower taxes. 他们游行示威要求减税。


demonstrate的英语读音是[u02c8demu0259nstreu026at]。一、释义动词:证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;表露;表现;显露;示范;演示;集会示威。二、例句1、These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。2、It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.这药已证实是有效的。3、According to the analysis, the necessity of the study is demonstrated.通过理论分析,论证了研究的必要性。4、The experimental results fully demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel method.实验结果充分说明了此方法的有效性。


这个单词有三个音节,分别是de-mon-strate. 主要是看元音。单词中有三个元音,分别是e-o-a,最后的一个e不发音。


demonstration,n.演示,展示;游行,示威;证实;表达,表露。短语:demonstration lesson 演示课 ; 公开课 ; 表演课 ; 示范课interactive demonstration 互动演示 ; 示范互动demonstration method 示范法 ; 演示法 ; 示例方法 ; 论证方法demonstration car 展览汽车 ; 博览会专用车 ; 表演汽车demonstration commercial 展示广告 ; 展示宣传Demonstration Project 示范工程 ; 示范项目 ; 示范计划 ; 示范工程设计




demonstrate名词是demonstration读音:英[demu0259nu02c8streu026au0283n],美[demu0259nu02c8streu026au0283(u0259)n]。双语例句1、Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations.讲课中将不时插入实际示范。2、She walked me through a demonstration of the software.她一步步地给我演示软件。3、We were given a brief demonstration of the computer"s functions.有人向我们简短演示了这种计算机的各种功能。4、The police were much in evidence at today"s demonstration.在今天的集会上警察随处可见。5、Wait a moment, let me give you a demonstration.且慢,先让我做一下示范。demonstratevt.证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明vi.游行;双语例句How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?你怎样才能向我们证明你所说的属实呢?Realized benefits demonstrate good practice.已实现的利益证明好的实践。


1、demonstrate解释:to show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence 证明;证实;论证;说明例句:Please let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. 请让我来向你们说明一下我们面临的一些困难。2、illustrate解释:to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, etc. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释例句:I"ll illustrate my point by telling you a story. 我将用一个故事来阐明我的观点。简单来讲,demonstrate侧重论证、推演,用道理证明。常用于理论、学说、定律等的证明illustrate强调给出实例,图片的说明