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2023-07-20 12:04:00

Confucius in Chinese history who first raised the quality similar to the talent, personality differences are mainly due to acquired education and social environment ("nature is also similar, with much learning is also"). So that everyone may be affected by education, everyone should be educated. He advocated "education for all", founder of private schools, students in broad strokes, a slave-owning aristocracy to break the monopoly of school education, to extend education to the civilian population, conform to the prevailing social trends. He advocated "learning and talents were Shi" and "excellent learning" as a prerequisite for official position, if not superior learning or not learning, there is no official position qualifications. His education is to train the gentleman in politics, but a gentleman must have a high moral character cultivation, so Confucius emphasized moral education in schools must be the highest priority ("disciples into the filial piety, out of the Ti, would like the letter, Pan-loving public, but close. had any energy left, the text places learning "). Confucian moral education is about "ritual" and "any." The "gift" for the code of ethics, "benevolence" as the highest ethical standards. "Ceremony" is "benevolence" in the form of "benevolence" is "gift" of content, with the "benevolence" of the spirit, "li" really substantial. In ethics, he proposed to establish ambition, self-denial, Fulfillment Miyuki, introspection, courage to turn over other methods. "Learning knowledge" is the guiding philosophy of Confucius teaching ideas. In advocating help in the field, with an open mind eager to learn at the same time, he stressed that the combination of learning and thinking ("Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous"), but must also "Learning" and will apply the knowledge learned social practice. He first proposed heuristic teaching. He said: "No, anger does not start, but can not speak does not send." Means that the student teachers should seriously consider, and has reached a certain degree, just right for inspiration and guidance, he is first used in teaching practice individualized methods of education home. Through conversations and individual observations and other methods, to understand and become familiar with his personality characteristics of students, on this basis, according to the specific circumstances of each student to take a different approach to education, training out of virtue, speech, conduct of public affairs, literature and other aspects of personnel . Confucius love of education, life in educational activities. His insatiable, indefatigable. Not only lecturing, teaching by example is more important to their exemplary conduct probation students. He care to students, students respect him, teacher-student relationship is harmonious. He is a brilliant teacher of ancient Chinese classic. Confucius"s educational activities not only trained many students, and he in practice based on the theory of education, education in ancient China has laid a theoretical foundation


Confucius in Chinese history who first raised the quality similar to the talent, personality differences are mainly due to acquired education and social environment ("nature is also similar, with much learning is also"). So that everyone may be affected by education, everyone should be educated. He advocated "education for all", founder of private schools, students in broad strokes, a slave-owning aristocracy to break the monopoly of school education, to extend education to the civilian population, conform to the prevailing social trends. He advocated "learning and talents were Shi" and "excellent learning" as a prerequisite for official position, if not superior learning or not learning, there is no official position qualifications. His education is to train the gentleman in politics, but a gentleman must have a high moral character cultivation, so Confucius emphasized moral education in schools must be the highest priority ("disciples into the filial piety, out of the Ti, would like the letter, Pan-loving public, but close. had any energy left, the text places learning "). Confucian moral education is about "ritual" and "any." The "gift" for the code of ethics, "benevolence" as the highest ethical standards. "Ceremony" is "benevolence" in the form of "benevolence" is "gift" of content, with the "benevolence" of the spirit, "li" really substantial. In ethics, he proposed to establish ambition, self-denial, Fulfillment Miyuki, introspection, courage to turn over other methods. "Learning knowledge" is the guiding philosophy of Confucius teaching ideas. In advocating help in the field, with an open mind eager to learn at the same time, he stressed that the combination of learning and thinking ("Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous"), but must also "Learning" and will apply the knowledge learned social practice. He first proposed heuristic teaching. He said: "No, anger does not start, but can not speak does not send." Means that the student teachers should seriously consider, and has reached a certain degree, just right for inspiration and guidance, he is first used in teaching practice individualized methods of education home. Through conversations and individual observations and other methods, to understand and become familiar with his personality characteristics of students, on this basis, according to the specific circumstances of each student to take a different approach to education, training out of virtue, speech, conduct of public affairs, literature and other aspects of personnel . Confucius love of education, life in educational activities. His insatiable, indefatigable. Not only lecturing, teaching by example is more important to their exemplary conduct probation students. He care to students, students respect him, teacher-student relationship is harmonious. He is a brilliant teacher of ancient Chinese classic. Confucius"s educational activities not only trained many students, and he in practice based on the theory of education, education in ancient China has laid a theoretical foundation





仁慈; 善举; 捐赠
2023-07-20 09:23:366


因为无能为力所以顺其自然 因为心无所属所以随遇而安 晚安!
2023-07-20 09:24:135


慈善, 仁慈
2023-07-20 09:24:315

仁义礼智信,忠孝廉耻勇 英语怎么翻译

2023-07-20 09:24:494


Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom,loyalty
2023-07-20 09:25:072


2023-07-20 09:25:173


Benevolence righteousness
2023-07-20 09:25:403


Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, letter
2023-07-20 09:25:492


Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, the letter
2023-07-20 09:26:156


爱心形状用英语怎么说 heart-shaped 心形用英语怎么说 心形 1.heart-shaped diamond 2.heart3.shape of my heart 4.cardioid面心;形心 1.centroid 2.westbank centroid心形的 1.cordiform 2.heart心形线 1.cardioid心形线;心形的 1.cardioid “心形符号”英语怎么说 心形符号 heart-shaped symbol 爱心用英语单词怎么说 英语里没有专门表达爱心的说法,就看你表达的主要是爱还是心,如果是跟情感有关,用love就可以,如果是心形的东西或者心本身,就用heart. “爱心”用英语怎么说 yer yet." "Your employer?" "Yes, I"m Mrs. Owen"s secretary." “爱心”用英语怎么写啊 benevolence 怎样?一般都用的,看看行不? 爱心用英文怎么写 Affections love
2023-07-20 09:26:311


2023-07-20 09:26:403


2023-07-20 09:27:154


2023-07-20 09:27:402

翻译:1.夫子之不可及也,犹天之不可阶而升也 2。旷安宅而弗居,舍正路而不由,哀哉!

2023-07-20 09:28:122

乃若其情 翻译

翻译成英文“:But if the feeling, can do is good, but the so-called good also. ReFu is not good, not just the sin. The milk of human kindness, the person all has, A sense of shame, the person all has, Bow in heart, the person all has, Sense of right and wrong, the person all has. The milk of human kindness, kernel. A sense of shame, and righteousness; Respectful of heart, rite. Sense of right and wrong, wisdom also. Benevolence, not by the gravel I also, I also think the inherent, eph do ear.日文その気持ちは、乃すれば可能では善だよ、乃いわゆる善も。もしを间违えれば、非こその罪だった。そくいんだし、人にもある。羞恶之心、人にもある。恭しいの心を持って、人にもある。是非之心、人にもあるのです。恻隠、仁も;羞恶之心で义も;恭しいの心を持って、礼も;是非之心、智也も。仁义礼智、非、外砾私も、私の固有のも、迂回的に思考に耳に在り。法文:Si elle est la bonne, peut également, la soi-disant l"inconsistance. Pour que ReFu, elle n"a pas été aussi des crimes. Tous CeYinZhiXin,; Tous XiuEZhiXin,; Révérer compassion pour tous; Tous ShiFeiZhiXin,. Aussi, CeYinZhiXin halal; Aussi, XiuEZhiXin proposa; Révérer accrues; aussi, Aussi, ShiFeiZhiXin. Bienveillance et justice, non par la réflexion rites durs, moi aussi, j"ai également penser intrinsèque, les oreilles.韩语:ub108 uc758 uacbduc6b0 uc815 ud558 uba74 uc218 ub97c uc120 ubcf4 ub2c8, ub108 ub3c4 uc774ub978ubc14 uc120 ub2e4.uc5d0 ub300ud574 2 uc77c uc740 ubd80 uc2e4ub85c ube44 uc57c uc758 uc8c4 ub3c4 ud588 ub2e4.uce21 uc758 uba85 uc774 uac00ub2a5 ud569 ub2c8 ub2e4;羞恶之心 uc744 ub098ub780ud788 uc61bub0a0;uacf5uacbd ud558ub294 ub9c8uc74c uc744 ub098ub780ud788 uc61bub0a0;是非之心 uc744 ub098ub780ud788 uc61bub0a0 ubd80ud130 ub2e4.uc5b4uc5ec uc058 uc784 ub3c4;羞恶之心, uc758 ub3c4;uacf5uacbdud558ub2e4 uc758 uc2ecuc815 uc73cub85c ub840 ub3c4;是非之心, uce60 ub808 ub3c4 ud588 ub2e4.ube44 ube44 ub294 uc678 砾 ub098 ub3c4, ub098 uc758 uace0uc720 ub3c4 ud504 uc0ac uadc0 uc758ub3c4 ud588 ub2e4.可能不准 望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-20 09:28:222


2023-07-20 09:28:301


富有爱心的英文是:Caring,Lovely。一、例句1、The Croatian parents are very loving and confident they will make something of their lives and be able to provide well for their children.克罗地亚的父母则富有爱心,自信他们将从生活中有所得并将会有能力为他们的孩子提供良好的环境。2、So such, how can we hope the children to have benevolence and spirit of dedicating on business?由此下去,我们又怎样能指望孩子们富有爱心,献身事业呢?二、句子1、爱心是春风,吹醒了朵朵熟睡的鲜花;爱心是鲜花,散发着阵阵沁人的清香;爱心是清香,引来了只只美丽的蝴蝶;爱心是蝴蝶,布满了个个温暖的角落。2、爱心,如泌人心脾的甘泉。畅饮甘泉,我们的内心变得澄澈而明亮;爱心,如熏人欲醉的海风。感受海风,我们的内心变得纯洁而宽敞;爱心,如令人心折的白雪。领略白雪,我们的内心变得安静而平和。3、爱,可以创造奇迹。乔迈被摧毁的爱,一旦重新修建好,就比原来更宏伟,更美,更顽强。
2023-07-20 09:28:371


基本字义1. 好处,深厚的情谊:~爱。~赐。~宠(指帝王对臣下的优遇和宠幸)。~德。~典。~惠。~仇。感~。开~。详细字义〈名〉1. (形声。从心,因声。本义:恩惠)2. 同本义 基本字义1. 好处,深厚的情谊:~爱。~赐。~宠(指帝王对臣下的优遇和宠幸)。~德。~典。~惠。~仇。感~。开~。详细字义〈名〉1. (形声。从心,因声。本义:恩惠)2. 同本义 [美favor;benevolence]恩,惠也。——《说文》恩者,仁也。——《礼记·丧服四制》如此,则上下之恩结矣。——《韩非子·用人》夫人有恩而背之,不祥莫大焉。——明· 马中锡《中山狼传》3. 又先生之恩,生死而骨肉也。4. 又如:忘恩;报恩;恩润(恩惠德泽);恩义(恩情与道义);恩分(恩惠情分);恩惠教化。古代多指官方对人民而言;恩田(佛家田。三福之一。指父母)5. 情谊 [friendship]大丈夫处世,遇知己之主,外托君臣之义,内结骨肉之恩,言必行,计必从。——《三国演义》恩,惠也。——《说文》恩者,仁也。——《礼记·丧服四制》如此,则上下之恩结矣。——《韩非子·用人》夫人有恩而背之,不祥莫大焉。——明· 马中锡《中山狼传》3. 又先生之恩,生死而骨肉也。4. 又如:忘恩;报恩;恩润(恩惠德泽);恩义(恩情与道义);恩分(恩惠情分);恩惠教化。古代多指官方对人民而言;恩田(佛家田。三福之一。指父母)5. 情谊 [friendship]大丈夫处世,遇知己之主,外托君臣之义,内结骨肉之恩,言必行,计必从。——《三国演义》
2023-07-20 09:28:572


恩的汉语拼音:en恩的五笔字根:四大心恩的笔画顺序:竖折横撇捺横捺折捺捺86版五笔输入:ldn98版五笔输入:ldn恩的解释:恩 <名>(形声。从心,因声。本义:恩惠)同本义 [美favor;benevolence]恩,惠也。――《说文》恩者,仁也。――《礼记·丧服四制》如此,则上下之恩结矣。――《韩非子·用人》夫人有恩而背之,不祥莫大焉。――明·马中锡《中山狼传》又先生之恩,生死而骨肉也。又如:忘恩;报恩;恩润(恩惠德泽);恩义(恩情与道义);恩分(恩惠情分);恩惠教化。古代多指官方对人民而言;恩田(佛家田。三福之一。指父母)情谊 [friendship]大丈夫处世,遇知己之主,外托君臣之义,内结骨肉之恩,言必行,计必从。――《三国演义》恩 <形>恩爱,亲爱 [love 恩 ēn①恩惠。②深厚的情义。③姓。【恩赐】原指封建帝王为笼络人心而给予赏赐。现泛指因怜悯而施舍(含贬义)。【恩典】①恩惠。②给予恩惠。
2023-07-20 09:29:281

《礼记》:好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。 的翻译

Diligent, almost benevolence is acting, shame-awareness almost
2023-07-20 09:29:375


2023-07-20 09:30:203


STRONG BENEVOLENCE是武汉仁利和酒业公司生产的干红葡萄酒牌子。红酒是葡萄酒的一种,并不一定特指红葡萄酒。红酒的成分相当简单,是经自然发酵酿造出来的果酒,含有最多的是葡萄汁,葡萄酒有许多分类方式红酒的介绍红酒还是非常不错的一款红葡萄酒。红酒在合理饮用范围内,能直接对周围神经系统发生作用,从而提高肌肉的紧张度,给人以舒适、欣快的感觉。红酒的酒石酸钾和硫酸钾含量较高,可以利尿,防治水肿。红酒可以调整结肠的功能,对结肠炎有一定的疗效。红葡萄酒是用红色或紫色葡萄为原料,采用皮,汁混合发酵而成。果皮中的色素和丹宁在发酵过程中溶于酒中,因此酒色呈暗红或红色,酒液澄清透明,含糖量较多,酸度适中,口味甘美,微酸带涩,香气芬芳。白葡萄酒是用皮红汁白或皮汁皆白的葡萄为原料,将葡萄先拧压成汁,再将汁单独发酵制成。
2023-07-20 09:30:301


The cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris is a Gothic Christian church building located on the Seine River, in the center of Paris, France, and on the West Causeway island. It is the Cathedral of the Catholic parish. Its position and historical value are incomparable, and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in history.Notre Dame in Paris was founded in 1163 by the decision of Paris Archbishop Maurice de sully. The whole church was completed in 1345, lasting for more than 180 years. The front twin towers are about 69 meters high, and the back spire is about 90 meters high. It is one of the most important representative Gothic churches in the French island area. The sculpture and painting art of altars, ambulatories, doors and windows, as well as a large number of art treasures from the 13th to 17th centuries stored in the hall are famous all over the world, and they are the symbols of ancient Paris. Although it is a religious building, it reflects the wisdom of the French people and their pursuit and yearning for a better life.
2023-07-20 09:30:472


The benevolent see the benevolence and the wise see the wisdom.
2023-07-20 09:31:144


Kindness, Righteousness, Propriety, Prudence (Knowledge), Faith
2023-07-20 09:31:362


仁:love, affection, humaness义:Justice, Righteousness礼:Etiquette智:Knowledge信:Integrity恕:tolerance孝:Filial piety悌:Fraternal love顺便说下,儒家的核心思想就是仁和义,其他都是在仁和义之上的发展,服从于仁和义。当他们与这两者发生冲突时,都应该让位。比如忠于国家和孝敬父母,哪个重要?很多人会回答忠于国家。但是对原始儒家来讲,孝敬父母远比忠于国家要重要。如果你在孔子面前大谈“父叫子亡子不得不亡”这种理论时,结果肯定是被孔子开出去。因为按照孔子的观点,如果父母行为有违仁义,子女不仅不能听父母的,而且有义务去阻止。
2023-07-20 09:31:515

benefit 否定前缀是什么

2023-07-20 09:32:131


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2023-07-20 09:32:359


1.The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.2Different people have different views.
2023-07-20 09:33:073


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2023-07-20 09:33:4711


The gentleman may not not great resolute, is shoulder heavy responsibilities
2023-07-20 09:34:222


《熊猫之谷》这篇文章趣味深长,引人深思,情节美妙,易随生活。这篇文章主要讲的是“在一个重点保护熊猫的熊猫谷中,一只母熊猫“贝u41dc”,进入了发情期,想要寻找一只公熊猫。他爬山涉水,在熊猫谷中的九重山上找到了一只公熊猫“Year”。两人相互结为“露水夫妻”。可是好景不长,一对猎人来到山庄,打算交熊猫们补个精光,可是最先被发现的也就是这俩主人公“露水夫妻”。当时母熊猫已经产出了两个孩子,见到猎人后,母熊猫“贝u41dc”匆忙的抱着两个孩子,打算窜进山谷The深处,可是却突然发现因为两个孩子,所以他逃跑的速度特别慢,反而快被猎人追上了,于是他只好将一个熊猫丢下,另一个熊猫成它的主要保护人员,就这样,他顺利的逃进了山林。可谁知山林也不是个好地方,一只保护动物,东北虎窜了出来将母熊猫“贝u41dc”最后一个孩子吃掉了。也就是因为那些猎人,才毁了整整一个熊猫的传宗接代。 读完了这篇文章,我想起了一句名言“子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也;贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是。”-------孔子 -------孔子说:“富裕和显贵是人人都想要得到的,但不用正当的方法得到它,就不会去享受的;贫穷与低贱是人人都厌恶的,但不用正当的方法去摆脱它,就不会摆脱的。君子如果离开了仁德,又怎么能叫君子呢?君子没有一顿饭的时间背离仁德的,就是在最紧迫的时刻也必须按照仁德办事,就是在颠沛流离的时候,也一定会按仁德去办事的。” 端了这篇文章,我从中明白了“清正在德,廉洁在志。身有正气,不言自威。有公德乃大,无私品自高。官多一分廉,民增一分福。劲松立险处,正气显人格。名节重于泰山,利欲轻于鸿毛。多植荷花塘自清,勤反腐败政自明。莫怨清廉淡滋味,应愁贪婪铁窗泪。清丝要知廉洁早,莫待进牢愁白头。反腐莫论事大小,倡廉不在位高低。廉如清风常拂面,贪似毒药蚀灵魂。为官应立公仆志,从政最贵爱民心。挡不住今天的诱惑,将失去明天的幸福。天天洗脸净在其外,日日反省明在内心。勤政从一言一行做起,廉政从一分一厘拒之。布勤,无以成就事业;不廉,难以凝聚人心。智者不惑,勇者不惧,勤者不贫,廉者不腐。勤以为民,廉以养德,淡以明志,静以修身。” The article "valley of pandas" is interesting, thought-provoking, wonderful and easy to follow life. This article is mainly about "in a panda valley that focuses on the protection of pandas, a female panda" Beili "has entered the estrus period and wants to find a male panda. He climbed mountains and rivers and found a male panda "year" on Jiuchong mountain in Panda valley. The two became "dew husband and wife" to each other. But the good times didn"t last long. A pair of hunters came to the villa and planned to pay the pandas to make up for it, but the two protagonists "dew husband and wife" were the first to be found. At that time, the female panda had already given birth to two children. When she saw the hunter, the female panda "Bei" hurriedly held the two children and planned to flee into the deep valley, but suddenly found that because of the two children, he ran away very slowly, but was soon caught up by the hunter. So he had to leave one panda and the other panda became its main protector. That"s it, He escaped smoothly into the mountains. But who knows that the mountains and forests are not a good place. A protected animal, the Northeast Tiger rushed out and ate the last child of the female panda "Beili". It was because of those hunters that the whole panda"s inheritance was destroyed.After reading this article, I thought of a famous saying: "Confucius said:" wealth and nobility are what people want, and they will not get it if they don"t get it by their way; poverty and baseness are what people hate, and they won"t get it if they don"t get it by their way. A gentleman who goes to benevolence is evil to become famous? A gentleman who doesn"t eat at the end of his life violates benevolence, so he will create times, and so will wealth. "------- Confucius -------Confucius said: "Wealth and nobility are what everyone wants, but if they don"t get it in a proper way, they won"t enjoy it; poverty and lowliness are what everyone hates, but if they don"t get rid of it in a proper way, they won"t get rid of it. If a gentleman leaves benevolence, how can he call a prince? A gentleman doesn"t have time to deviate from benevolence, even at the most urgent moment To act in accordance with benevolence is to act in accordance with benevolence even when people are displaced. " With this article, I understand from it "Integrity lies in virtue and integrity lies in ambition. Integrity is not a matter of self-respect. Integrity is great, selflessness is a matter of self-esteem. More officials are honest, and more people are blessed. Integrity is more important than Mount Tai, and profit is less important than a feather. Plant more lotus ponds and be self-conscious in fighting corruption. Don"t complain about the weak taste of integrity. You should worry about greed and iron window tears. Qingsi should know that integrity is early, and don"t stay in sorrow White head. Fight against corruption regardless of the size of the matter, and advocate honesty is not high or low. Honesty is like the breeze, which often blows your face, and greed is like poison, which erodes your soul. As an official, you should set up your ambition as a public servant. Being in politics is the most expensive and loves the hearts of the people. If you can"t resist today"s temptation, you will lose tomorrow"s happiness. Wash your face every day, and reflect on your heart every day. Diligent government starts with every word and deed, and honest government refuses it every penny. Bu Qin can"t achieve his career; It is not cheap and difficult to unite people. The wise are not confused, the brave are not afraid, the diligent are not poor, and the honest are not corrupt. Be diligent in thinking of the people, be honest in cultivating morality, be light in expressing one"s will, and be quiet in cultivating one"s morality. "
2023-07-20 09:34:391

汉译英帮忙翻译一下一篇文章 采用加分

2023-07-20 09:34:472


give love to the old and kids as yours
2023-07-20 09:34:583


恩爱夫妻什么意思,为什么恩在前爱在后。 一日夫妻百日恩。 实际上我们说情侣是因为爱而在一起,最后却以婚姻的方式把这种爱固定下来,但是爱也是有它的新鲜度的。 夫妻之间维系的不再仅仅是爱了,婚姻实际上就是多了一个终生陪伴自己的人,两人相互扶持相互谅解的在下半生中走下去。 这个“恩爱”的“恩”字,其实可以说是加重了后面那个“爱”字的程度,意思是夫妻间的这种爱已经不再仅仅是情侣间那种只因为荷尔蒙的相互吸引而产生的爱了,夫妻间的这种爱更加的深沉。“恩”字在“爱”字的前头,也可以理解为因为夫妻之间是需要相互扶持相互谅解,所以对老伴的感恩其实更多于两人结婚时的爱情原因。 (p.s.以上是个人观点,望楼主笑纳 ~ ) 恩爱cp什么意思 就是恩爱的一对咯 恩爱是什么意思 恩爱就是双方相互理解,相互体贴! 我家邻居有一定恩爱夫妻,他们就是一个很好的表率 他们经过曲折的恋爱,最后成为一对恩爱夫妻! 女孩子家反对他们的婚姻,因为男孩很丑陋,但是女孩子看重了男孩子的善良和体贴人,所以他们俩走到了一起! 女孩子家看到男孩子坚决反对,女孩子疯了,女孩子家看到事情那个发展到这样呀傻眼了! 为了辨别女孩子是否针对疯了,给她每餐一碗鸡粪,女孩子吃的很香甜,女孩家看到孩子真的疯了。 就到男孩子家说女孩子因为想男孩爱疯了,问男孩子还娶他们的女儿不,男孩子说他是为了我疯了,我能不娶她吗! 你看这才是真正的爱情! 没有过几天他们就成亲了,过三天回娘家的时候,女孩子很正常的回娘家。他们的父母看了才知道上女儿的当了,女孩子为了和自己喜欢的人在一起,宁可吃鸡粪,你想想,换你 ,你能做到吗! 所以会有这样的爱情 也就是千里有缘来相会无缘对面不相逢!有情人终成眷属! 恩是什么意思? 网络中“恩”多表示肯定的意思,但在正规汉语中属于别字,正确汉字为“嗯” =========================================== 恩 ēn(形声。从心,因声。本义:恩惠) 同本义 [美favor;benevolence] 恩,惠也。——《说文》 恩者,仁也。——《礼记·丧服四制》 如此,则上下之恩结矣。——《韩非子·用人》 夫人有恩而背之,不祥莫大焉。——明·马中锡《中山狼传》 又 先生之恩,生死而骨肉也。 又如:忘恩;报恩;恩润(恩惠德泽);恩义(恩情与道义);恩分(恩惠情分);恩惠教化。古代多指官方对人民而言;恩田(佛家田。三福之一。指父母) 情谊 [friendship] 恩 ēn恩爱,亲爱 明主知之,故不养恩爱之心而增威严之势。——《韩非子·六反》 又如:恩客( *** 对特别亲爱的客人的称呼);恩意(恩爱的心意);恩狎(宠爱亲热);恩慈(宠爱慈惠) 恩 ēn恩赐,加恩 【en】 恩 favour; grace; kindness; 恩 ēn (1) (形声。从心,因声。本义:恩惠) (2) 同本义 [美favor;benevolence] 恩,惠也。――《说文》 恩者,仁也。――《礼记·丧服四制》 如此,则上下之恩结矣。――《韩非子·用人》 夫人有恩而背之,不祥莫大焉。――明·马中锡《中山狼传》 (3) 又 先生之恩,生死而骨肉也。 (4) 又如:忘恩;报恩;恩润(恩惠德泽);恩义(恩情与道义);恩分(恩惠情分);恩惠教化。古代多指官方对人民而言;恩田(佛家田。三福之一。指父母) (5) 情谊 [friendship] 大丈夫处世,遇知己之主,外托君臣之义,内结骨肉之恩,言必行,计必从。――《三国演义》 恩 ēn (1) 恩爱,亲爱 [love,expecially that between hu *** and and wife;benevolence] 明主知之,故不养恩爱之心而增威严之势。――《韩非子·六反》 (2) 又如:恩客( *** 对特别亲爱的客人的称呼);恩意(恩爱的心意);恩狎(宠爱亲热);恩慈(宠爱慈惠) 恩 ēn (1) 恩赐,加恩 [bestow (favors,charity,etc.)] 傅太后恩赵太后。――《汉书·外戚传》 彼不我恩(加恩,优待)也。――唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》 (2) 又如:恩赍(恩赐的财物);恩台(老百姓对地方官的尊称);恩相(对长官的尊称);恩家(奴仆尊称主人);恩主(对施恩于己者的敬称) (3) 感恩;感谢 [feel grateful;be thankful]。如:恩抚(谓抚育之恩);恩环(衔环以报恩);恩女(父女);恩养钱(亦称“恩养礼钱”。出卖儿女时买方所付钱财的婉称,也指对曾收养自己儿女的人的报酬) (4) 爱 [love]。如:恩旧(世代友好相交的亲友)...>> 夫妻恩爱是什么意思 就是夫妻关系好 秀恩爱是什么意思? 在人多的时候炫耀自己和爱人的感情并伴有亲密举动。 秀恩爱是什么意思 秀:show英语的音译。展示,表现。 秀恩爱:就是当众展示自己的恩恩爱爱。属于作秀的一种。 小恩爱的恩爱号是什么意思 亲~这是每个用户在小恩爱的账号哦~ 男女晒恩爱是什么意思哈 是晒恩爱。还是秀恩爱,这完全是两种意思哦。晒恩爱是在一起稳定下来了的,秀恩爱的意思就是耍朋友了喜欢全世界都知道的意思。
2023-07-20 09:35:251


到处是机器翻译的。。哎 。。
2023-07-20 09:35:353


Tang Yuzhi,Zen and do not pass.。Yao and Shun King,,but also benefit the world and foley.。Zen and do not pass,,San Sheng 1 also. Benefit the world and Foley。 benevolence and, It was so holy a kernel. Being poor is not corrupt,。no 2 and Foley, poor seed shall be.,Will its body。 and then are there,,preparing one word。 So Tang Yuzhi,,Zen 3。
2023-07-20 09:36:112


2023-07-20 09:36:211


一 大仪斡运。天回地游。四气鳞次。寒暑环周。星火既夕。忽焉素秋。凉风振落。熠耀宵流。 二 吉士思秋。实感物化。日与月与。荏苒代谢。逝者如斯。曾无日夜。嗟尔庶士。胡宁自舍。 三 仁道不遐。德輶如羽。求焉斯至。众鲜克举。大猷玄漠。将抽厥绪。先民有作。贻我高矩。 四 虽有淑姿。放心纵逸。出般于游。居多暇日。如彼梓材。弗勤丹漆。虽劳朴斵。终负素质。 五 养由矫矢。兽与于林。蒲芦萦缴。神感飞禽。末伎之妙。动物应心。研精躭道。安有幽深。 六 安心恬荡。栖志浮云。体之以质。彪之以文。如彼南亩。力耒既勤。藨蓘致功。必有丰殷。 七 水积成川。载澜载清。土积成山。歊蒸郁冥。山不让尘。川不辞盈。勉尔含弘。以隆德声。 八 高以下基。洪由纤起。川广自源。成人在始。累微以着。乃物之理。纆牵之长。实累千里。 九 复礼终朝。天下归仁。若金受砺。若泥在钧。进德修业。辉光日新。隰朋仰慕。予亦何人。 Tai Wan-yee turn. Days to travel back. Four sub-scale gas. Circumferential years. Xi not only spark. Hu Yan Su Qiu. Cool breeze off the vibration. Xiao Yi Yao flow. Two Jishi Si autumn. I feel materialized. And on and on. Flies metabolism. Shizherusi. Have no day and night. Seoul is cheap Shushi. Junin from homes. Three Benevolence is not ya. Deyouruyu. Yan seeking to Sri Lanka. Zhongxiankeju. Dayou mysterious desert. Jue will be drawn thread. Our ancestors have made. I Yi-high moment. Four Although Shu-Tzu. Zongyi assured. As in a travel. Xia Ri majority. Rubi Zi material. Vladimir Qin Qi Dan. Suilaopuzhuo. Quality of the negative end. Five Yangyoujiaoshi. Lin and the animal was. Puluyingjiao. God bird flu. Kabuki end of the essence. Animals should be the heart. Dan Drive Jing Institute. On a deep. Six Dang Tien peace of mind. Chi habitat clouds. Body of quality. Biao to the text. Rubi South mu. Lei Qin both Force. Ribes Gun-induced reactive. Fung Yin must have. Seven Water build-up of Sichuan. Lan Qing contained contained. Chengshan land plot. Xiaozhengyuming. Hill let dust. Chuan surplus hesitation. Mianerhanhong. Lund to the sound. Eight Following is a high base. Hung from the fiber. Chuan wide from the source. In the beginning of adults. To a micro-tired. The rationale is complex. Led by the long cord. Trinidad is tired. Nine Fuli towards the end. Qui Nhon world. Ruojinshouli. If the mud-Jun. Jinde course. New glow. Xi friends admire. Yihe to the people
2023-07-20 09:36:302


英语名言名句带翻译有:1、A gentleman is proud but not proud, and a villain is proud but not proud.君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰。2、Rich and can be sought. Although I am a whip man, I also do it. If you can"t ask, do what I want.富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之。如不可求,从吾所好。3、People with lofty ideals and benevolence do not seek survival to harm benevolence, but kill themselves to become benevolence.志士仁人无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。4、If you review the old and know the new, you can be a teacher.温故而知新,可以为师矣。5、It is better to hold and gain than to have it. You can"t keep it for a long time.持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。
2023-07-20 09:36:481


不好翻译啊,汉语言很精辟的,这样可否?the way of believeing and forgiveing
2023-07-20 09:37:232


2023-07-20 09:37:313


2023-07-20 09:37:391


2023-07-20 09:38:1210


2023-07-20 09:38:564


“三纲”即“君为臣纲”、“父为子纲”、“夫为妻纲”;“五常”是指“仁、义、礼、智、信”。出处:《论语·为政》“殷因于夏礼,所损益可知也”何晏集解:“马融曰:‘所因,谓三纲五常也。” “三纲”是指“君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲”,要求为臣、为子、为妻的必须绝对服从于君、父、夫,同时也要求君、父、夫为臣、子、妻作出表率。它反映了封建社会中君臣、父子、夫妇之间的一种特殊的道德关系。 “五常”即仁、义、礼、智、信,是用以调整、规范君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友等人伦关系的行为准则。 三纲、五常这两个词,来源于西汉董仲舒的《春秋繁露》一书。但作为一种道德原则、规范的内容,它渊源于先秦时代的孔子。孔子曾提出了君君臣臣、父父子子和仁义礼智等伦理道德观念。孟子进而提出“父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有序,朋友有信”的“五伦”道德规范。董仲舒按照他的大道“贵阳而贱阴”的阳尊阴卑理论,对五伦观念作了进一步的发挥,提出了三纲原理和五常之道。董仲舒认为,在人伦关系中,君臣、父子、求全责备三种关系是最主要的,而这三种关系存在着天定的、永恒不变的主从关系:君为主、臣为从;父为主,子为从;夫为主,妻为从。亦即所谓的“君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲”这三纲。三纲皆取于阴阳之道。具体地说,君、父、夫体现了天的“阳”面,臣、子、妻体现了天的“阴”面;阳永远处于主宰、尊贵的地位,阴永远处于服从、卑贱的地位。董仲舒以此确立了君权、父权、夫权的统治地位,把封建等级制度、政治秩序神圣化为宇宙的根本法则。董仲舒又认为,仁、义、礼、智、信五常之道则是处理君臣、父子、夫妻、上下尊卑关系的基本法则,治国者应该给予足够的重视。在他看来,人不同于其他生物的一个重要特点,在于人类具有与生俱来的五常之道。坚持五常之道,就能维持社会的稳定和人际关系的和谐。从宋代朱熹开始,三纲五常联用。 三纲五常和名教观念起到了一定的维护社会秩序、规范人际关系的作用。
2023-07-20 09:39:143

亚当·斯密在国富论(The Wealth of Nations)里很有名的一句话,原句英文在哪里?请给链接,万分感谢.

2023-07-20 09:39:293


贵州景点英语介绍:1.Fanjing Mountain 梵净山风景区Fanjing Mountain is known as "the first mountain in Guizhou and the first peak in Wuling", which is extremely rich in both natural and human landscapes. Fanjing Mountain is "the wonder of Huangshan Mountain, the beauty of Emei Mountain, the danger of Huashan Mountain, and the hero of Mount Tai". It has left behind a peculiar landscape formed 1-1.4 billion years ago, and has been eroded by wind and rain for hundreds of thousands of years, carving the high mountain stone forest peaks near Laojinding, which are lifelike and interesting. Many strange stones are a major feature of the scenic spot, and there are Buddha"s light, Zen fog, phantom and so on. Fanjing Mountain is a famous Maitreya Bodhisattva Dojo in China and one of the fifth famous Buddhist mountains in China. There are temples such as Sakyamuni Hall, Maitreya Hall and Chengen Temple, which play an important role in the history of Buddhism.梵净山被称为“贵州第一名山,武陵第一峰”,无论是自然风景还是人文景观,都极为丰富。梵净山“集黄山之奇,峨眉之秀,华山之险,泰山之雄”,这里留下了10至14亿年前形成的奇特地貌景观,亿万斯年的风雨侵蚀,雕琢了老金顶附近的高山石林峰群,鬼斧神工,惟妙惟肖,妙趣天成,众多奇石是景区内的一大特点,更有佛光、禅雾、幻影和瀑布云四大天象。梵净山是全国著名的弥勒菩萨道场和中国第五大佛教名山之一,有释迦殿、弥勒殿、承恩寺等庙宇,在佛教史上具有重要的地位。2.Zhaoxing Dong Village 肇兴侗寨景区Zhaoxing Dong Village is the core attraction of Liping Dong Township Scenic Area, the largest Dong village in the southeast of Guizhou Province, and the center of Dong folk culture. It is famous for its drum tower and songs and dances, and is known as the "first village in Dong Township". It was selected as one of the "six most beautiful rural ancient towns in China" by chinese national geography. Zhaoxing Dong Village is surrounded by mountains. The village is built in a mountain basin, and two streams converge into a small river and pass through it. The houses in the village are stilted stilts, which are row upon row and patchwork. Zhao Xing Dong Village is all Dong people with Lu surname, and it is divided into five natural villages (groups), which are called "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith" respectively. There are five Drum Towers, five Flower Bridges and five Stages. Among them, Zhizhai Drum Tower is the most beautiful.肇兴侗寨是黎平侗乡风景名胜区的核心景点,是黔东南侗族地区最大的侗族村寨,也是侗族的民俗文化中心,以鼓楼和歌舞著称,素有"侗乡第一寨"之美誉,被《中国国家地理》评选为“中国最美的六大乡村古镇”之一。肇兴侗寨四面环山,寨子建于山中盆地,两条小溪汇成一条小河穿寨而过。寨中房屋为干栏式吊脚楼,鳞次栉比,错落有致。肇兴侗寨全为陆姓侗族,分为5个自然村(团),分别称为“仁、义、礼、智、信”。共建有鼓楼五座,花桥五座、戏台五座。其中以智寨鼓楼最为美观。
2023-07-20 09:39:361