barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 12:19:51


如:The price includes postage charges.



如:Seven, including a goalkeeper.









include, involve









My job includes writing and teaching.

我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.


2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.



The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。

Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)




including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。
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including的用法:including用作介词。在英语中,including不仅具有上述意思,还有更详尽的用法,including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including的具体用法:including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including用作介词,有包括的含义,including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候,其也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。例句。There are 10 people including you(包括你有10个人。);We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.(我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒);Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate(包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制)。To do so is to change everything, including yourself(这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己);To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying(去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试);This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, includingguestshoppers, in one contract。
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1.contain指某物容纳在比它范围更大的东西之内,侧重所含的量与成分。如:The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。How much will this bottle contain? 这个瓶子的容量是多少?2.include侧重于对比整体与部分,指某整体包含或容纳某部分,常用于解释或补充说明。如:The money I gave you included Xiao Zhang"s. 我给你的钱里包括了小张的钱。The money I gave you included all my salaries. 我给你的钱含了我所有的工资。注:include常以including(名词/代词前)或included(名词/代词后)的形式出现在短语中,用来举例,解释或补充说明。如:There are ten of us here, including three girls. (=There are ten of us here, three girls included.)Everybody has something to say, me included. (=Everybody has something to say, including me.)再来看看以下高考题:The new book ______ 7 modules, ______ one main revision.A.contains;including B.includes;containing C.contains;containing D.includes;including本题第一空侧重包含的成分,第二空侧重于“7 modules”这个整体中的部分,所以应选A。
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included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。I bought five books yesterday, this one included.I bought five books yesterday, including this one.事实上,这两个词都是由include变成的分词,一个是过去分词,一个是现在分词。
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included是动词include的过去式及过去分词,意为“包括;(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动”,作形容词有“包括在内的”意思。including是include的现在分词形式,作介词有“包括……在内”的意思。 included的用法 1、The freight is included in the account. 运费包括在账内。 2、Food is included in the price. 饮食包含在该价格内。 3、His works are included in this anthology of stories. 这本小说集收录了他的作品。 4、Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence. 她的资料包括未发表的文章和信件。 5、The catch included one fish over 18 pounds. 捕获的鱼里有一条重逾18磅。 including的用法 1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins 有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。 2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism. 她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。 3、There are ten people in this office including me. 这个办公室连我共有10人。 4、There were ten people, including you. 带你,一共十个人。 5、The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organizers. 这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。
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including后面接动名词,也就是动词加ing形式。 including: prep.包括…在内 v.包括;包含;使成为…的一部分 include的现在分词 扩展资料   例句:   There are 10 people including you.   包括你有10个人。   We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.   我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒。   Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.   包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。   To do so is to change everything, including yourself.   这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己。   Not everyone, including me, is an expert on everything.   现在每个人(包括我)都是各个方面的专家。   But we need to be reminded that every member of the Body of Christ is needed -- including you!   但是我们必须提醒自己,基督的身体需要在其中的`每一个成员---包括你!   To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying.   去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试。   This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, including guestshoppers, in one contract.   这允许您在一个契约中应用适用于商店中所有客户(包括来宾购物者)的任何条款。   Now however, investors from all over the world, including China and France have come flocking.   然而,如今来自全世界的投资者——包括中国和法国——已经蜂拥而至。   In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger   在这种情况中,你把文档添加到模型的每一个元素中,包括每个列,每个表,每个约束和每个触发器。
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应该是三个人。There are three people,including two woman.:有三个人,包括两名妇女。
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它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.
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expect,besides,including,in addition to,except for区别

except:除了except for:除了,但是是从整体中除去部分。如:The article is good,except for some spelling mistakes(这篇文章很好,除了一些拼写错误)besides:除了……,还有……in addition to:以上的情况下都可以用in addition to.including:包括 (一楼说的完全正确,但有些长篇累牍且文不对题。二楼的纯属扯淡,不要信。)
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included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。 included和including的区别 1、词义上的区别: Included:adj. 包括的;[植] 内藏的 v. 包括(include的过去式和过去分词) Including:prep. 包含,包括 2、用法上的区别: included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。 including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。 included的用法 included 是过去分词形式的形容词,在表示“包括……在内”时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,起着补充说明的作用。 例句:They will send you the book for $15, postage included. 他们将会把此书寄给你,单价15美元,包括邮资在内。 including的用法 而including除了是include的现在分词/动名词之外,在日常运用中一般被当做介词使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括...在内”。 例句:there are many different kinds of mooncakes including fruit,coffee and ice。 有许多不同种类的月饼,包括水果,咖啡和冰
2023-07-20 10:05:511

include(v)动词与 including介词的差异?

2023-07-20 10:06:064


nclude:包括,包含,及物动词 include sth.包括某事在内 include前面要有主语的.如:The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句.
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它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.
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including后面如果接了好几个动名词短语,那么最后一个和倒二个之间要用and连接吗,或者最后面要and so on

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2023-07-20 10:06:523


including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。例句:There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。扩展资料近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。例句:The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。
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1、词义上的区别:Included:adj.包括的;[植]内藏的v.包括(include的过去式和过去分词)。Including:prep.包含,包括。2、用法上的区别:included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。included的用法:1、The freight is included in the account.运费包括在账内。2、Food is included in the price.饮食包含在该价格内。3、His works are included in this anthology of stories.这本小说集收录了他的作品。including的用法:1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。
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include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。
2023-07-20 10:10:381


Including是一个常用的介词,表示包括、包含在内。它可以用来连接一个列表或一组事物,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。下面是一些including的用法和例子:1.连接一个列表Including可以用来连接一个列表,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。例如:The package includes a book, a CD, and a DVD.(这个包裹包括一本书、一张CD和一张DVD。)The menu includes appetizers, entrees, and desserts.(菜单包括开胃菜、主菜和甜点。)The price includes taxes and fees.(价格包括税费。)2.表示所有元素都被包括在内Including还可以用来表示所有元素都被包括在内,没有遗漏。例如:The list of attendees includes everyone who RSVP"d.(参加者名单包括所有回复的人。)The survey includes responses from over 1,000 people.(调查包括来自1000多人的回复。)The package deal includes airfare, hotel, and meals.(套餐包括机票、酒店和餐食。)3.表示举例Including还可以用来表示举例,列出一些例子来说明。例如:The museum has a collection of art from around the world, including works by Picasso,Monet, and Van Gogh.(博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的艺术品,包括毕加索、莫奈和梵高的作品。)The conference will feature speakers from a variety of fields, including business, science, and technology.(会议将邀请来自各个领域的演讲者,包括商业、科学和技术。)The company offers a range of benefits to its employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.(公司为员工提供一系列福利,包括健康保险、退休计划和带薪休假。)
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2023-07-20 10:11:306

inlude 和 including 的用法

including [in"klu:diu014b] prep.包含,包括 include in.clude [In`klud; inˋklu:d] 《源自拉丁文“关在里面”的意思》 及物动词 包括,包含 (为全体中的一部分) ( ←→ exclude) ( → contain【同义字】) a.包含,包括,把…考虑[计算]在内 This price s service charges. 这个价钱包括服务费在内 b.包括[…] His duties guarding against accidents. 他的任务包括防范意外事故的发生 c.包含…在内 All on the plane were lost,including the pilot. 所有飞机上的人,包括驾驶员在内,全部丧生 Price 1,postage d [including postage]. 包括邮资在内,价款一英镑 d.把…包括 [在…之内] ,把…算在 […之内] [in,among] He s me among his supporters. 他把我列为他的支持者之一 (他把我算作他的支持者)
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因include有不可用作进行时之说,故有的词典为避开繁杂的解释起见,干脆列以“介词”。including作为include的派生词,为介词,比如,有的词典将that之类的列为“指示代词”,有点则列以”限定词”,大概是语法也随着语言的应用的发展而不断更新吧。把它当成现在分词的非谓语理解也是能说通的。这样的词用得多了就变成了习惯,像interesting/interested等等的很多形容词其实是分词,用得多了就带上了形容词词性。including的短语搭配:1、including loading 包括装货在内。2、including mastoidectomy 包括乳突凿开术。3、including BEYOND 新艺宝群星。
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include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。including用作介词,有包括的含义。 扩展资料   1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。   The price includes postage charges.   价格包括邮费在内。   I include eggs on the list of things to buy.   我在要买的"货单上包括了鸡蛋。   The university includes ten colleges.   该大学有10个学院。   2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。   Seven, including a goalkeeper.   7名,包括一位守门员。   trademarks (including service marks);   商标(包括服务商标)
2023-07-20 10:13:012


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。
2023-07-20 10:13:161

included 和including的用法区别.

include,包含,包括,用法:There are many kinds of fruits that includes apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 在句子中作谓语动词使用.此句在定语从句中作谓语 included 用法:There are many kinds of fruits ——apples,bananas,oranges,and peaches included. 用于列举事物末尾. including 用法:There are many kinds of fruits,including apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 用于列举事物前. 如果有帮到您
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including则用作介词,理解为"包括" ,其实是现在分词做状语的形式. Countless animals,including us,bear external structures without blood supply or nerves -- for example,our hair and fingernails,or the scales,claws,and horns of other animals. 包括人在内的无数动物都有一些没有血液供应和神经的体外构造,例如,我们的头发和指甲,或者鳞片、爪子和其它一些动物的角. 上个例句好难噢,我写一个好啦,简单 We,including Tom,all believe her.
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2023-07-20 10:13:521

辨析includ included including 的区别与用法

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including the young,在句子中做状语,including是include的现在分词形式,现在人们更多地是把它看成是介词,后面接名词或代词做宾语.
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2023-07-20 10:15:001

include和including的用法后面接什么,最好有例子 last和keep的区别

include前面要有主语的.如: The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内. I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋. The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院. including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的. Seven,including a goalkeeper. 7名,包括一位守门员. trademarks (including service marks); 商标(包括服务商标); an arthropod family including:chalcidflies. 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂. keep保持,动作的延续,如借一本书,用keep last持续,表示时间上的
2023-07-20 10:15:081

including 是介词吗?应该怎么用?

2023-07-20 10:15:285


He can speak five foreign languages ,including English and French.
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2023-07-20 10:16:404


EXCEL数据处理中,经常会用到对多条件数据进行统计的情况,比如:多条件划分等级、多条件计数、多条件求和、多条件求平均值、多条件求最大值、多条件求最小值等。今天韩老师就把这几个多条件函数列出来,一一举例说明用法。示例数据:要求统计:1、每位员工的业绩等级;2、市场1部业绩分高于10的女高级工程师人数;3、市场1部女高级工程师平均业绩分;4、市场1部女高级工程师业绩总分;5、市场1部女高级工程师最高业绩得分;6、市场1部女高级工程师最低业绩得分;1、IFS:返回一个或多个条件对应值功能:IFS 函数检查是否满足一个或多个条件,且是否返回与第一个 TRUE 条件对应的值。IFS 可以取代多个嵌套 IF 语句,并且可通过多个条件更轻松地读取。语法:IFS([Something is True1, Value if True1, [Something is True2, Value if True2],u2026[Something is True127, Value if True127])通俗的中文语法:如果(A1 等于 1,则显示 1,如果 A1 等于 2,则显示 2,或如果 A1 等于 3,则显示 3)注释: IFS 函数允许测试最多 127 个不同的条件。 =IFS(A1=1,1,A1=2,2,A1=3,3) 本示例中: 填写每位员工的业绩等级 在F2输入公式:“=IFS(E2>=12,"优秀",E2>=8,"良好",E2>=5,"合格",E2<=5,"不合格")”,公式往下填充,即得所有员工的业绩等级,如下图:其中业绩等级划分标准如下图:(注:传统的IF嵌套公式为:“=IF(E2>=12,"优秀",IF(E2>=8,"良好",IF(E2>=5,"合格","不合格")))”,IFS是不是比这个嵌套更清晰明了?)2、COUNTIFS:多条件计数语法:COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2],u2026)中文语法:COUNTIFS(条件区域1, 条件1, [条件区域2, 条件2],u2026)COUNTIFS 函数语法具有以下参数: 条件区域1必需。 在其中计算关联条件的第一个区域。 条件1必需。 条件的形式为数字、表达式、单元格引用或文本,它定义了要计数的单元格范围。 例如,条件可以表示为 32、">32"、B4、"apples"或 "32"。 条件区域2, 条件2, ...可选。 附加的区域及其关联条件。 最多允许 127 个区域/条件对。本示例中:统计市场1部业绩分高于10的女高级工程师人数有四个条件对: 条件区域1:市场部,条件1:市场1部; 条件区域2:业绩分,条件2:高于10; 条件区域3:性别,条件3:女; 条件区域4:职称,条件4:高级工程师。 所以公式为:=COUNTIFS(A2:A21,"市场1部",E2:E21,">=10",C2:C21,"女",D2:D21,"高级工程师")如下图:3、AVERAGEIFS:多条件求平均值语法:AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)中文语法:AVERAGEIFS(求平均值区域, 条件区域1, 条件1, [条件区域2, 条件2],u2026)AVERAGEIFS 函数语法具有以下参数: 求平均值区域必需。要计算平均值的一个或多个单元格,其中包含数字或包含数字的名称、数组或引用。 条件区域1、条件区域2 等条件区域1 是必需的,后续条件区域 是可选的。在其中计算关联条件的 1 至 127 个区域。 条件1、条件2 等条件1 是必需的,后续 criteria 是可选的。 形式为数字、表达式、单元格引用或文本的 1 至 127 个条件,用来定义将计算平均值的单元格。 例如,条件可以表示为 32、"32"、">32"、"苹果" 或 B4。本示例中:统计市场1部女高级工程师平均业绩分有三个条件对: 求平均值区域:业绩分; 条件区域1:市场部,条件1:市场1部; 条件区域2:性别,条件2:女; 条件区域3:职称,条件3:高级工程师。所以公式为:=AVERAGEIFS(E2:E21,A2:A21,"市场1部",C2:C21,"女",D2:D21,"高级工程师")如下图:4、SUMIFS:多条件求和语法:SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)中文语法:SUMIFS(求和的数值区域, 条件区域1, 条件1, [条件区域2, 条件2],u2026)SUMIFS 函数语法具有以下参数: 求和的数值区域必需。要计算和的一个或多个单元格,其中包含数字或包含数字的名称、数组或引用。 条件区域1、条件区域2 等条件区域1 是必需的,后续 条件区域 是可选的。在其中计算关联条件的 1 至 127 个区域。 条件1、条件2 等条件1 是必需的,后续条件是可选的。 形式为数字、表达式、单元格引用或文本的 1 至 127 个条件,用来定义将求和的单元格。 例如,条件可以表示为 32、"32"、">32"、"苹果" 或 B4。本示例中:统计市场1部女高级工程师业绩总分有三个条件对: 求和区域:业绩分; 条件区域1:市场部,条件1:市场1部; 条件区域2:性别,条件2:女; 条件区域3:职称,条件3:高级工程师。所以公式为:=SUMIFS(E2:E21,A2:A21,"市场1部",C2:C21,"女",D2:D21,"高级工程师")如下图:5、MAXIFS:多条件统计最大值语法:MAXIFS (max_range,criteria_range1,criteria1,[criteria_range2,criteria2],...)中文语法:MAXIFS (取最大值的单元格区域, 条件区域1, 条件1, [条件区域2, 条件2],u2026)MAXIFS 函数语法具有以下参数: 取最大值的单元格区域必需。要取最大值的一个或多个单元格,其中包含数字或包含数字的名称、数组或引用。 条件区域1、条件区域2 等条件区域1 是必需的,后续 条件区域 是可选的。在其中计算关联条件的 1 至 126个区域。 条件1、条件2 等条件1 是必需的,后续条件是可选的。 形式为数字、表达式、单元格引用或文本的 1 至 126个条件,用来定义取最大值的单元格。 例如,条件可以表示为 32、"32"、">32"、"苹果" 或 B4。本示例中:统计市场1部女高级工程师最高业绩得分有三个条件对: 取最大值区域:业绩分; 条件区域1:市场部,条件1:市场1部; 条件区域2:性别,条件2:女; 条件区域3:职称,条件3:高级工程师。所以公式为:=MAXIFS(E2:E21,A2:A21,"市场1部",C2:C21,"女",D2:D21,"高级工程师")如下图:6、MINIFS:多条件统计最小值语法:MINIFS(min_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)中文语法:MINIFS (取最小值的单元格区域, 条件区域1, 条件1, [条件区域2, 条件2],u2026)MINIFS 函数语法具有以下参数: 取最小值的单元格区域必需。要取最小值的一个或多个单元格,其中包含数字或包含数字的名称、数组或引用。 条件区域1、条件区域2 等条件区域1 是必需的,后续 条件区域 是可选的。在其中计算关联条件的 1 至 126个区域。 条件1、条件2 等条件1 是必需的,后续条件是可选的。 形式为数字、表达式、单元格引用或文本的 1 至 126个条件,用来定义取最小值的单元格。 例如,条件可以表示为 32、"32"、">32"、"苹果" 或 B4。本示例中:统计市场1部女高级工程师最低业绩得分有三个条件对: 取最小值区域:业绩分; 条件区域1:市场部,条件1:市场1部; 条件区域2:性别,条件2:女; 条件区域3:职称,条件3:高级工程师。所以公式为:=MINIFS(E2:E21,A2:A21,"市场1部",C2:C21,"女",D2:D21,"高级工程师")如下图:备注IFS、MAXIFS、MINIFS三个函数是EXCEL2016特有的,而且,并不是每一个2016版本都有。
2023-07-20 10:09:181


都被封了 75kkc 只有这个了
2023-07-20 10:09:205


2023-07-20 10:09:272


实在记不住 75kkc 、没事你可以直接去就行了
2023-07-20 10:09:122

有一句歌词是when i just a little girl!歌名是什么?这首歌为什么我在电视上

歌词是出自QUE SERA SERA (古西班牙语,其解释就是Whatever will be, will be之意),它是为《擒凶记》(The Man Who Knew Too Much)中多丽丝·戴所演唱的插曲。轻盈的三步舞曲,歌者温婉的嗓音,完美地演绎了主题 —— 一切不可知,不必苛求,顺其自然。此曲传唱甚广,流行一时,曾获最佳电影插曲金像奖。影片讲述一对美国的医生麦昆夫妇带着一个年幼的儿子在摩洛哥阿拉伯人聚居区观光时,目睹了一个法国人遭到谋 杀。法国人在弥留之际将内情告诉了这位麦昆医生,于是麦昆医生成了一项间 谍阴 谋的知情人。间谍组织绑架了他的儿子作为人质,要挟他保持沉默,麦昆夫妇为营救儿子,毅然投入一场揭露间 谍的搏斗…… 演唱者多丽丝·戴(Doris Day)也是影片中女主角麦昆夫人的扮演者,她就是唱着这首“Whatever will be, will be ”给囚禁中的小儿子发信号,而最终将其带出险境。这首歌在当年一举荣获奥斯卡最佳电影插曲金像奖,随着时间的流逝,它的生命已经超越了电影本身,在半个多世纪之后依然给人无穷的力量。歌词为:中英文歌词对照:When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩,I asked my mother, 我问妈妈,"What will I be? “将来我会变成什么样子呢?Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" 我是否会变得美丽、富有?”Here"s what she said to me: 她对我说:"Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。”When I grew up and fell in love. 当我长大并恋爱了,I asked my sweetheart, 我问我的心上人,"What lies ahead? “我们将来会怎么样呢?Will we have rainbows day after day?" 生活每天都会美好吗?”Here"s what my sweetheart said: 我的爱人对我说:"Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。”Now I have Children of my own. 现在我有了自己的孩子,They ask their mother, 他们问我,"What will I be?" “将来我会变成什么样子呢?Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?" 我们是否会变得英俊富有?”I tell them tenderly: 我轻声地回答:"Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,What will be, will be. 顺其自然吧。Que Sera, Sera!" 顺其自然吧。”
2023-07-20 10:09:118


CULTURE:The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values. Aside from the now small Native American and Native Hawaiian populations, nearly all Americans or their ancestors immigrated within the past five centuries.The culture held in common by most Americans—mainstream American culture—is a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of European immigrants with influences from many other sources, such as traditions brought by slaves from Africa. More recent immigration from Asia and especially Latin America has added to a cultural mix that has been described as both a homogenizing melting pot and a heterogeneous salad bowl in which immigrants and their descendants retain distinctive cultural characteristics.According to Geert Hofstede"s cultural dimensions analysis, the United States has the highest individualism score of any country studied.While the mainstream culture holds that the United States is a classless society , scholars identify significant differences between the country"s social classes, affecting socialization, language, and values.The American middle and professional class has initiated many contemporary social trends such as modern feminism, environmentalism, and multiculturalism. Americans" self-images, social viewpoints, and cultural expectations are associated with their occupations to an unusually close degree . While Americans tend greatly to value socioeconomic achievement, being ordinary or average is generally seen as a positive attribute. Though the American Dream, or the perception that Americans enjoy high social mobility, plays a key role in attracting immigrants, some analysts find that the United States has less social mobility than Western Europe and Canada .Women now mostly work outside the home and receive a majority of bachelor"s degrees. In 2007, 58% of Americans age 18 and over were married, 6% were widowed, 10% were divorced, and 25% had never been married . Same-sex marriage is contentious. Some states permit civil unions in lieu of marriage. Since 2003, several states have permitted gay marriage as the result of judicial or legislative action, while voters in more than a dozen states have barred the practice via referendum.FOOD:Mainstream American culinary arts are similar to those in other Western countries. Wheat is the primary cereal grain. Traditional American cuisine uses ingredients such as turkey, white-tailed deer venison, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, squash, and maple syrup, indigenous foods employed by Native Americans and early European settlers. Slow-cooked pork and beef barbecue, crab cakes, potato chips, and chocolate chip cookies are distinctively American styles. Soul food, developed by African slaves, is popular around the South and among many African Americans elsewhere. Syncretic cuisines such as Louisiana creole, Cajun, and Tex-Mex are regionally important.Characteristic dishes such as apple pie, fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs derive from the recipes of various immigrants. French fries, Mexican dishes such as burritos and tacos, and pasta dishes freely adapted from Italian sources are widely consumed. Americans generally prefer coffee to tea. Marketing by U.S. industries is largely responsible for making orange juice and milk ubiquitous breakfast beverages.During the 1980s and 1990s, Americans" caloric intake rose 24%;[202] frequent dining at fast food outlets is associated with what health officials call the American "obesity epidemic." Highly sweetened soft drinks are widely popular; sugared beverages account for 9% of the average American"s caloric intake.[204]SportsMain article: Sports in the United StatesA college football quarterback looking to pass the ballSince the late 19th century, baseball has been regarded as the national sport; American football, basketball, and ice hockey are the country"s three other leading professional team sports. College football and basketball attract large audiences. Football is now by several measures the most popular spectator sport.Boxing and horse racing were once the most watched individual sports, but they have been eclipsed by golf and auto racing, particularly NASCAR. Soccer is played widely at the youth and amateur levels. Tennis and many outdoor sports are popular as well.While most major U.S. sports have evolved out of European practices, basketball, volleyball, skateboarding, snowboarding, and cheerleading are American inventions. Lacrosse and surfing arose from Native American and Native Hawaiian activities that predate Western contact. Eight Olympic Games have taken place in the United States. The United States has won 2,301 medals at the Summer Olympic Games, more than any other country,and 253 in the Winter Olympic Games, the second most.
2023-07-20 10:09:111