barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 12:22:55



Seven, including a goalkeeper.


trademarks (including service marks);


an arthropod family including: chalcidflies.




例如there are different kind of friuts in the box ,including apple and pear

there are many people in the hall,including students and parents




-------I including two students am going shopping now(随便编的句子,你理解就好)





including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。
2023-07-20 10:00:261


2023-07-20 10:00:571


including的用法:including用作介词。在英语中,including不仅具有上述意思,还有更详尽的用法,including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including的具体用法:including作介词 prep. 时具有包括等意思,including作动词 v. 时具有动词 include 的现在分词等意思。including用作介词,有包括的含义,including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候,其也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。例句。There are 10 people including you(包括你有10个人。);We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.(我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒);Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate(包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制)。To do so is to change everything, including yourself(这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己);To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying(去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试);This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, includingguestshoppers, in one contract。
2023-07-20 10:01:051


2023-07-20 10:02:262


1.contain指某物容纳在比它范围更大的东西之内,侧重所含的量与成分。如:The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。How much will this bottle contain? 这个瓶子的容量是多少?2.include侧重于对比整体与部分,指某整体包含或容纳某部分,常用于解释或补充说明。如:The money I gave you included Xiao Zhang"s. 我给你的钱里包括了小张的钱。The money I gave you included all my salaries. 我给你的钱含了我所有的工资。注:include常以including(名词/代词前)或included(名词/代词后)的形式出现在短语中,用来举例,解释或补充说明。如:There are ten of us here, including three girls. (=There are ten of us here, three girls included.)Everybody has something to say, me included. (=Everybody has something to say, including me.)再来看看以下高考题:The new book ______ 7 modules, ______ one main revision.A.contains;including B.includes;containing C.contains;containing D.includes;including本题第一空侧重包含的成分,第二空侧重于“7 modules”这个整体中的部分,所以应选A。
2023-07-20 10:03:142


included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。I bought five books yesterday, this one included.I bought five books yesterday, including this one.事实上,这两个词都是由include变成的分词,一个是过去分词,一个是现在分词。
2023-07-20 10:03:342

2023-07-20 10:04:081


included是动词include的过去式及过去分词,意为“包括;(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动”,作形容词有“包括在内的”意思。including是include的现在分词形式,作介词有“包括……在内”的意思。 included的用法 1、The freight is included in the account. 运费包括在账内。 2、Food is included in the price. 饮食包含在该价格内。 3、His works are included in this anthology of stories. 这本小说集收录了他的作品。 4、Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence. 她的资料包括未发表的文章和信件。 5、The catch included one fish over 18 pounds. 捕获的鱼里有一条重逾18磅。 including的用法 1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins 有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。 2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism. 她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。 3、There are ten people in this office including me. 这个办公室连我共有10人。 4、There were ten people, including you. 带你,一共十个人。 5、The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organizers. 这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。
2023-07-20 10:04:171


including后面接动名词,也就是动词加ing形式。 including: prep.包括…在内 v.包括;包含;使成为…的一部分 include的现在分词 扩展资料   例句:   There are 10 people including you.   包括你有10个人。   We"ll never be intimidated by war threats, including nuclear war threats.   我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒。   Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.   包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。   To do so is to change everything, including yourself.   这么做就是改变这一切,包括你自己。   Not everyone, including me, is an expert on everything.   现在每个人(包括我)都是各个方面的专家。   But we need to be reminded that every member of the Body of Christ is needed -- including you!   但是我们必须提醒自己,基督的身体需要在其中的`每一个成员---包括你!   To try and then just go through all that happens, including not trying.   去尝试,然后经历一切所发生的事,包括不去尝试。   This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, including guestshoppers, in one contract.   这允许您在一个契约中应用适用于商店中所有客户(包括来宾购物者)的任何条款。   Now however, investors from all over the world, including China and France have come flocking.   然而,如今来自全世界的投资者——包括中国和法国——已经蜂拥而至。   In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger   在这种情况中,你把文档添加到模型的每一个元素中,包括每个列,每个表,每个约束和每个触发器。
2023-07-20 10:04:241


应该是三个人。There are three people,including two woman.:有三个人,包括两名妇女。
2023-07-20 10:04:341


它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.
2023-07-20 10:04:431

expect,besides,including,in addition to,except for区别

except:除了except for:除了,但是是从整体中除去部分。如:The article is good,except for some spelling mistakes(这篇文章很好,除了一些拼写错误)besides:除了……,还有……in addition to:以上的情况下都可以用in addition to.including:包括 (一楼说的完全正确,但有些长篇累牍且文不对题。二楼的纯属扯淡,不要信。)
2023-07-20 10:05:173


2023-07-20 10:05:292


included通常作形容词,表示包括在内的,通常用于修饰词的后面;including通常作介词,包括……,后接名词或代词。 included和including的区别 1、词义上的区别: Included:adj. 包括的;[植] 内藏的 v. 包括(include的过去式和过去分词) Including:prep. 包含,包括 2、用法上的区别: included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。 including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。 included的用法 included 是过去分词形式的形容词,在表示“包括……在内”时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,起着补充说明的作用。 例句:They will send you the book for $15, postage included. 他们将会把此书寄给你,单价15美元,包括邮资在内。 including的用法 而including除了是include的现在分词/动名词之外,在日常运用中一般被当做介词使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括...在内”。 例句:there are many different kinds of mooncakes including fruit,coffee and ice。 有许多不同种类的月饼,包括水果,咖啡和冰
2023-07-20 10:05:511

include(v)动词与 including介词的差异?

2023-07-20 10:06:064


nclude:包括,包含,及物动词 include sth.包括某事在内 include前面要有主语的.如:The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋。The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句.
2023-07-20 10:06:142


它是介词,是从前一致原则,因为是不看它后面的跟什么名词的。如:Tom, including Mary and John, is here.
2023-07-20 10:06:311

including后面如果接了好几个动名词短语,那么最后一个和倒二个之间要用and连接吗,或者最后面要and so on

2023-07-20 10:06:424


2023-07-20 10:06:523


including意思:包含;包括。英 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]     美 [u026an"kluu02d0du026au014b]    prep. 包含;包括。v. 包括,包含(动词include的现在分词)。例句:There are three storeys including the ground floor.包括底层共有三层。I need a pakeage deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。扩展资料近义词:through 基本词汇 英 [θruu02d0]     美 [θruu02d0]    adv. 通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全。prep. 穿过;凭借;一直到。adj. 直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的。例句:The crowd fell back to let the players through.人群后退让运动员们通过。Put the coffee in the filter and let the water through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。
2023-07-20 10:08:021


2023-07-20 10:08:293


2023-07-20 10:08:565


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。
2023-07-20 10:09:182


2023-07-20 10:09:431


1、词义上的区别:Included:adj.包括的;[植]内藏的v.包括(include的过去式和过去分词)。Including:prep.包含,包括。2、用法上的区别:included过去分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表被动意义。including是现在分词,是种非谓语形式,可作状语,定语,表主动意义。included的用法:1、The freight is included in the account.运费包括在账内。2、Food is included in the price.饮食包含在该价格内。3、His works are included in this anthology of stories.这本小说集收录了他的作品。including的用法:1、There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。2、She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。
2023-07-20 10:10:041


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。
2023-07-20 10:10:381


Including是一个常用的介词,表示包括、包含在内。它可以用来连接一个列表或一组事物,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。下面是一些including的用法和例子:1.连接一个列表Including可以用来连接一个列表,表示其中的所有元素都被包括在内。例如:The package includes a book, a CD, and a DVD.(这个包裹包括一本书、一张CD和一张DVD。)The menu includes appetizers, entrees, and desserts.(菜单包括开胃菜、主菜和甜点。)The price includes taxes and fees.(价格包括税费。)2.表示所有元素都被包括在内Including还可以用来表示所有元素都被包括在内,没有遗漏。例如:The list of attendees includes everyone who RSVP"d.(参加者名单包括所有回复的人。)The survey includes responses from over 1,000 people.(调查包括来自1000多人的回复。)The package deal includes airfare, hotel, and meals.(套餐包括机票、酒店和餐食。)3.表示举例Including还可以用来表示举例,列出一些例子来说明。例如:The museum has a collection of art from around the world, including works by Picasso,Monet, and Van Gogh.(博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的艺术品,包括毕加索、莫奈和梵高的作品。)The conference will feature speakers from a variety of fields, including business, science, and technology.(会议将邀请来自各个领域的演讲者,包括商业、科学和技术。)The company offers a range of benefits to its employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.(公司为员工提供一系列福利,包括健康保险、退休计划和带薪休假。)
2023-07-20 10:10:561


2023-07-20 10:11:306

inlude 和 including 的用法

including [in"klu:diu014b] prep.包含,包括 include in.clude [In`klud; inˋklu:d] 《源自拉丁文“关在里面”的意思》 及物动词 包括,包含 (为全体中的一部分) ( ←→ exclude) ( → contain【同义字】) a.包含,包括,把…考虑[计算]在内 This price s service charges. 这个价钱包括服务费在内 b.包括[…] His duties guarding against accidents. 他的任务包括防范意外事故的发生 c.包含…在内 All on the plane were lost,including the pilot. 所有飞机上的人,包括驾驶员在内,全部丧生 Price 1,postage d [including postage]. 包括邮资在内,价款一英镑 d.把…包括 [在…之内] ,把…算在 […之内] [in,among] He s me among his supporters. 他把我列为他的支持者之一 (他把我算作他的支持者)
2023-07-20 10:11:531


2023-07-20 10:12:045


2023-07-20 10:12:223


因include有不可用作进行时之说,故有的词典为避开繁杂的解释起见,干脆列以“介词”。including作为include的派生词,为介词,比如,有的词典将that之类的列为“指示代词”,有点则列以”限定词”,大概是语法也随着语言的应用的发展而不断更新吧。把它当成现在分词的非谓语理解也是能说通的。这样的词用得多了就变成了习惯,像interesting/interested等等的很多形容词其实是分词,用得多了就带上了形容词词性。including的短语搭配:1、including loading 包括装货在内。2、including mastoidectomy 包括乳突凿开术。3、including BEYOND 新艺宝群星。
2023-07-20 10:12:361


include的基本意思是“包含”“包括”,其宾语经常是构成整体的一部分,有时也可以指构成整体的全部。including用作介词,有包括的含义。 扩展资料   1、include是动词,前面要有主语。在句子中作谓语。   The price includes postage charges.   价格包括邮费在内。   I include eggs on the list of things to buy.   我在要买的"货单上包括了鸡蛋。   The university includes ten colleges.   该大学有10个学院。   2、including是介词,一般用在逗号后面,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的。可做状语或定语。   Seven, including a goalkeeper.   7名,包括一位守门员。   trademarks (including service marks);   商标(包括服务商标)
2023-07-20 10:13:012


include和including的区别解析如下:include和including都可表示“包括”,但用法有所不同,具体有以下几点。1、include和其他普通动词一样,直接接在主语后,有时态和数的变化,而including则不是如此。My job includes writing and teaching.我的工作包括写作和授课。(include有数的变化,主语三单时,采用了第三人称单数形式) The price included the meals.这个价格包括了餐费。2、include也可用于被动语态,而including不可,因为including不是过去分词。 The meals are included in the price.餐费包含在了价格里面。(be动词+过去分词included,构成被动语态)3、including,是动词-ing形式,经常用在句末,引出要补充的内容,相当于介词的作用。注意including但不可用构成进行时态。The bag costs me 300 yuan including tax.这个包含税在内花了我300元。Many people were on the list including your son.很多人都在名单上面,包括你的儿子。 The book is including 10 chapters. (x) The book includes 10 chapters.(N)注意include表示“包括”,一般不说“正在包括”,所以不能用including构成进行时态。
2023-07-20 10:13:161

included 和including的用法区别.

include,包含,包括,用法:There are many kinds of fruits that includes apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 在句子中作谓语动词使用.此句在定语从句中作谓语 included 用法:There are many kinds of fruits ——apples,bananas,oranges,and peaches included. 用于列举事物末尾. including 用法:There are many kinds of fruits,including apples,bananas,oranges and peaches. 用于列举事物前. 如果有帮到您
2023-07-20 10:13:331


including则用作介词,理解为"包括" ,其实是现在分词做状语的形式. Countless animals,including us,bear external structures without blood supply or nerves -- for example,our hair and fingernails,or the scales,claws,and horns of other animals. 包括人在内的无数动物都有一些没有血液供应和神经的体外构造,例如,我们的头发和指甲,或者鳞片、爪子和其它一些动物的角. 上个例句好难噢,我写一个好啦,简单 We,including Tom,all believe her.
2023-07-20 10:13:421


2023-07-20 10:13:521

辨析includ included including 的区别与用法

2023-07-20 10:14:363


including the young,在句子中做状语,including是include的现在分词形式,现在人们更多地是把它看成是介词,后面接名词或代词做宾语.
2023-07-20 10:14:431


2023-07-20 10:14:522


2023-07-20 10:15:001

include和including的用法后面接什么,最好有例子 last和keep的区别

include前面要有主语的.如: The price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内. I include eggs on the list of things to buy. 我在要买的货单上包括了鸡蛋. The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院. including一般用在逗号后面,这个是标志哦,或者是冒号的前面,总之,是用标点隔开用的,但是有的时候它也是可以放在句子中的. Seven,including a goalkeeper. 7名,包括一位守门员. trademarks (including service marks); 商标(包括服务商标); an arthropod family including:chalcidflies. 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂. keep保持,动作的延续,如借一本书,用keep last持续,表示时间上的
2023-07-20 10:15:081

including 是介词吗?应该怎么用?

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He can speak five foreign languages ,including English and French.
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联想thinkvision l2250pwd怎样拆机

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一天,我带着两个孩子到操场去。当我们到达的时候,我的女儿跑向秋千并要我推她。在我帮助女儿的时候,我发现另一个小女孩在独自努力使自己的秋千荡得更高。她的祖母坐在附近的长椅,微笑着向我示意。 我大力推了女儿一把之后,走向这个小女孩,询问她是否需要我帮助她一下,她微笑着说是的。在接下来的2个小时里,我推着秋千,和两个女儿及小女孩一起玩耍。当我们回到家,我非常的疲倦,但是我的心情像秋千一样飞得更高。 两年后的一天,经过一天的工作,我有点累了,但是我需要在放学之前去接两个孩子。当我在校门口等着的时候,一个小女孩微笑着朝我跑过来,在她上校车之前给我一个大大的拥抱。随着我看到她离开,我一点也不觉得累了。 在生活中,我们给予别人的爱也会汇报给我们自己。爱会像植物一样可能开花结果,也可能在相互之前传递。我们分享爱,就感到幸福,而且幸福就总是会像意外的惊喜回报给我们自己。
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  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我收集整理的初二英语作文10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 初二英语作文 篇1   On Monday I usually get up at ten past six in the morning. And then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have a quick breakfast at around twenty-five past six. And at about twenty to seven I leave home for school. I usually go to school by bus. And the bus ride usually takes about half an hour. I arrive at school at around ten past seven.   I have seven classes every day. Four of them are in the morning. And three of them are in the afternoon. I always have lunch at school at about twelve o"clock.   All my classes finish at around five o"clock p.m. And at around six o"clock I get home. I eat supper at about ten to seven p.m. And then I do my homework. At around fifteen past ten in the evening, I do some washing. And I go to sleep at around half past ten at night.   在星期一,我通常在早上六点十分起床。然后我刷牙洗脸。我在六点二十五分左右搞定一个快速的早餐。在六点四十分我离开家去上学。我通常乘公共汽车去上学。乘公共汽车通常花大约半个小时。我到七点十分左右在学校。   我每天有七节课。四是在早上。他们中的三都是在下午。我总是在十二点在学校吃午饭。   大约在下午五点和六点左右我回家我所有的课都结束了。我吃晚饭在十点到下午七点,然后我做我的家庭作业。晚上十点十五分,我洗衣服。我晚上十点半左右去睡觉。 初二英语作文 篇2   I get up at seven o"clock in the morning every day. After I brush my teeth and wash face, I eat my breakfast. My mother makes the breakfast for me. I go to school at 7:30am, and come back from school at 6 pm. Before I go to bed I will do some homework. I usually go to sleep at 10 pm. On the weekend, I will go to play football with my friends, in the summer we like to go swimming. These are my daily life.   我每天早上7点起床。刷牙洗脸之后我就吃早餐,早餐是我妈妈做的。我7:30去学校,下午6点放学。在我上床睡觉之前我会做一些作业。我平时是10点睡觉。周末的时候,我会跟朋友去踢足球,夏天时去游泳。这些就是我的日常生活。 初二英语作文 篇3   My dream home is not very large.It"s a wooden is near the sea.I"d like to have 5 rooms in my home.I have a kitchen,a bathroom,a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom.I like living near the sea because it is very quiet there.I can watch the sea and can always play on the beach.   The furniture in my house is all made of wooden.   It is good for our health.I like having a rest in my bedroom.I like listening to music of JJ while I"m reading books in my room.I always ask my friends to come here.   初二英语作文:My sister   My sister likes swimming.She always goes swimming in summer.But last summer she was very unlucky.   She put her clothes in an old locker.It was hard to lock it.Then she went to swimming.And she Played happily in the swimming pool.Two hours later,she went out the water and took out the key to the locker.But soon she found she can"t open it at all.She spent about half an hour to open it but nothing happened.Of course she couldn"t wear a swimming suit and go out.She was worry about it.   At last she was angry.She kicked the locker.And it opened! 初二英语作文 篇4   my hobbyMy hobby is reading.   I was interested in reading when I was five rears old. At that time my mother always me to read some storybooks.Gradually I found reading very interesting.It cann"t only let me know a lot of knowledgebut also make me happy. I like reading all kinds of articles such as stories news reports magazines and so on.And I usually do some reading in the evening.   Reading makes my life colourful and wonderful. 初二英语作文 篇5   The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.   At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas.   People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas" Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas" Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. .   Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.   Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like! 初二英语作文 篇6   When the orientation of the bell, the whole world is boiling, people Shouting: "in the New Year New Year arrived." Continuous firecrackers resounded through the whole of the sky, boundless fireworks exploded flower, like a meteor shower began to fall. Dark night suddenly become colorful, is permeated with thick beaming.   Flow, the crowd in the street like a sea of pentium, moving forward. Everyone"s a sweet smile on her face, the little children with hands tightly grabbed a wide variety of helium balloons, chasing behind their parents. Ubiquitous lanterns, matches the eye red, like a small sun, radiation. The ground filled with flowers and blooming, red red, yellow, yellow, white, white, purple, purple is mind-boggling. The peach blossom, traditional auspicious cuckoo, represents the elegant tulips, symbol of health chrysanthemum. Trying to outshine each other. To faint scent in the wind, is invigorating, eliminate the fatigue problems as well. All kinds of flowers, auspicious name, bright color, pure and fresh fragrance, let us so love. Lily together gently up to, and how small it is lovely, tender and white petals, like the baby"s face, it feels soft and slippery. The leaf is also very nice lily, green, they picked out with white. It filled up with orange trees, attracted many people"s attention, every little oranges, against the night sky, seemed so bright. Cheerful with carefully selected orange tree home, prosperous, who do not love? !   Look at that, zhongshan road, a chrysanthemum cut into the fish alive, wide mouth looked up at the sky, as if in the day. On both sides of the fin, waving gently in the wind, like is going to move. Looked at the lifelike fish, can not help but think of it: the moral of every year. It"s there, really adds a lot of Chinese New Year atmosphere!   On the way home, everywhere is decorated, with the Spring Festival couplets on both sides of the door of every household, always let I can"t help but want to read. The door is put on the orange trees and flowers, just stay quietly, but still let a person feel beaming. Reference great poet wang anshi"s poems "find Tong Tong, always put the new peach in old operator" to represent the scene again.   The end of last year, means the beginning of a new, gently shut down 20xx of the world, is opening 20xx slowly. The New Year, carrying our dream too much, let us fly wings, freedom of flying, I am looking forward to the sunrise that a brand new day!   当迎新的钟声敲响时,整个世界都沸腾了,人们高喊着:“新年到了,新年到了。”连续不断的爆竹声响彻了整个天空,漫天的焰火炸开了花,就像下起了流星雨一样。昏暗的夜晚顿时变得五光十色,洋溢着浓浓的喜气。   街上的人群川流不息,像一片奔腾的大海,涌动着。每个人的脸上都露出了甜蜜的笑容,小孩子们用小手紧紧地拽住各式各样的氢气球,追赶在父母的身后。随处可见的灯笼,红的直逼眼球,就像一个个小太阳,放射着光芒。地上堆满的花朵,尽情的绽放,红的红,黄的黄,白的白,紫的紫,令人眼花缭乱。传统的桃花,寓意吉祥的杜鹃,代表高雅的郁金香,象征健康的菊花。争奇斗艳。随风飘来的淡淡清香,令人心旷神怡,消除了疲劳也带走了烦恼。各种各样的花,吉祥的名字,鲜艳的颜色,清新的香味,让我们如此喜爱。轻轻地凑上去,百合花是多么的小巧可爱,嫩白的花瓣就像小宝宝的脸一样,摸起来嫩嫩的、滑滑的。百合的叶子也特别好看,绿油油的,衬托着那朵朵洁白。那摆满的桔子树,吸引了众多人的眼球,每一个小桔子,在夜空的映衬下,都显得那么明亮。兴高采烈的端着精心挑选的桔子树回家,大吉大利,有谁不爱?!   看那,兴中道上,一条用菊花切成的鱼儿活灵活现,张大的嘴巴仰望着天空,仿佛在对天长啸。两旁的鱼鳍,在风中轻轻舞动,就像快要游动起来了一样。望着那惟妙惟肖的鱼儿,不禁会想到它的寓意:年年有余。它的存在,还真增添了不少过年的气氛啊!   回家的路上,到处是张灯结彩,家家户户的门两侧都贴上了春联,总让我忍不住想要去读出。门口摆放上的桔子树和花,只是静静的待着,但还是让人感觉喜气洋洋的。引用大诗人王安石的一句诗“千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符”来表现这一场景再合适不过了。   旧年的结束,意味着崭新的开始,轻轻的关闭20xx的世界,慢慢地敞开20xx的大门。新的一年,承载着我们太多的`梦想,让我们放飞翅膀,自由的翱翔,我期待着日出那崭新的一天! 初二英语作文 篇7   I will be in the third grade in the next term。Since the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies。   From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary。   Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again。   From March to April, review all I have learned a second time。   Beginning from April, models tests should be the all。Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam。   我下学期将进入三年级了。自从高中入学考试快到了,我需要为学习做一个精确的计划。   从9月到11月,我将遵循教师的新课程学习,下课后,练习是必要的。   在第一学期结束之前,我将从头开始复习所有的课程。   从3月到4月,第二轮复习所有我学过的内容。   从4月开始,应该是所有模拟测试。在考试前几天,我要复习所有在考试中犯的错误且好好休息一下。 初二英语作文 篇8   Everyone has their own dreams, and of course I am no exception. Some people want to be scientists, some want to be inventors, others want to be writers, and I want to be a teacher.   If I was a teacher, I would be a good teacher, and I would be happy to play with them whenever I had time.   If, I really became a teacher, I go back to do a good teacher as classmates friends, as long as a have time, will talk with them, let them know their interesting things together.   If I was a teacher, I would be a good teacher, a good teacher, I would praise him and reward him with some stationery. If anyone has learned to step back, I will encourage him not to lose heart.   If, one day, I became a teacher, I would like I said: do a and students into a mix, become a bosom friend of the student, rewards and punishment points a good teacher.   每个人都有自己的梦想,当然我也不例外,有的人想当科学家,有的人想当发明家,还有的人想当作家,而我却想当一名教师。   如果,我真当上了一名教师,我会做一个和学生打成一片的好老师,只要一有时间我就要和他们一起快乐的玩耍。   如果,我真当上了一名教师,我回做一个成为同学门朋友们的好老师,只要一有时间,就和他们一起谈心,让他们把他们知道有趣的事一起说出来。   如果,我真当上了一名老师,我会做一个奖罚分明的好老师,有同学进步了,我会表扬他并奖励他一些文具,让他再接再励。如果,有谁学习退步了,我会激励让他不要灰心。   如果,有一天,我真当上了一名教师,我一定会像我说的那样:做一个和学生打成一个打成一片的,成为学生的知心朋友,奖罚分名的好老师。 初二英语作文 篇9   The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.   Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.   The News Report contains a large amount of information from the international political situation to the latest football game. Because of its fast pace,which is the most important character of the news programs can contain much information in a short time. In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and underst and world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of atching the news.   新闻报道一直是我最喜欢的电视节目。   几乎每天下午六点半我打开电视,等待新闻节目。这已经成为我生活的一部分。   新闻报道包含大量的信息从国际政治局势到最新的足球比赛。因为它的快节奏,这是最重要的。新闻节目在很短的时间内可以包含很多信息。在我看来,新闻报道不仅仅是一个电视节目。它是一种通讯的方式。从这一节目,人们可以知道和能听懂世界上的事情。世界因此变得越来越小。我特别欣赏这个抓住新闻的好处。 初二英语作文 篇10   初中英语作文:初二英语作文 My Illusions   When I was just a little girl, my relatives all said to me,"You are not a beautiful girl. If you want to be paid attention to, you must work harder than others."These words hurt me. So I wanted to be a beautiful girl, just like the Snow White. That was my illusion when I was five years old.   I grew up. When I was ten years old, I wanted to be a scientist. I believed that if I was a world-famous scientist, I would be noticed by people all over the world. I could do many good things for them.   Now I"m fifteen, I have my third illusion: I want to be a singer. Because I love singing. I love music. I even want to produce music myself. I also want to let the entire world hear my voice and my songs, though I"m not the best singer.   I know all these are just my illusions. Maybe they will never come true. But I"m still very happy because of my illusions.
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如何解决the desired vendor daemon is down

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