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2023-07-21 09:24:22
TAG: 历史


起初科学家以为这只是一颗普通的类地行星,但是经过研究发现,这颗行星和地球惊人地相似,简直就像地球的翻版。据科学家推测,这颗行星整体结构颇似地球,“内心”也是和地球一样的岩石核心,外层则包裹着岩石和其他成分。不过它的地表温度稍低,上面没有液态水只有冻结的冰。因此这颗行星又被称为“超级地球”。 瑞士日内瓦天文台的科学家们2008年6月16日在法国举行的一次学术会议上宣布,他们发现了5颗新“超级地球”。在这次发现的5颗“超级地球”中,有3颗位于距离地球42光年外的绘架座及南剑鱼座方向,质量分别为地球的4.2倍、6.7倍及9.4倍。这3颗“超级地球”环绕一颗体积比太阳略小的恒星公转,公转周期分别为4天,10天和20天。第4颗“超级地球”围绕恒星HD181433公转,周期为9.5天。恒星HD181433还吸引了一颗类似木星、公转周期为3年的行星。第5颗“超级地球”的质量是地球的22倍,每4天公转一周。

自1995年发现第一颗“超级地球”后,天文学家又陆续探测到270多颗,大多如木星及土星般巨大,与地球大小类似的行星较少。由于多数“超级地球”距离我们太远,天文学家无法直接通过普通天文望远镜用肉眼观察,而只能依靠无线电波或者光谱分析等探测方式“间接测算”出“超级地球”的存在。 2009年12月16日,据美国媒体报道,一个由美国和澳大利亚科学家组成的国际研究小组近日通过对“凯克”望远镜和英澳电波望远镜的观测数据进行研究后发现,在邻近两个类日恒星系统中存在四颗类地行星,其中两颗被称为“超级地球”。研究人员认为,这一发现将为人类寻找可居住行星提供重要线索,人类在未来几年内发现可居住行星的希望将大大增加。



在这四颗新发现的类地行星中,其中有三颗位于恒星“61 Virginis”周围。“61 Virginis”恒星事实上相当于太阳的双胞胎兄弟,距离地球28光年,位于处女座中。在每年的这个时候,人们可以在太阳升起前的数小时内在夜空中观测到处女座。研究人员分别对这三颗行星可能的最小质量进行了估测。研究小组成员、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学天文学家克里斯-汀尼认为,“61 Vir b”的最小质量大约为地球质量的5.1倍,“61 Vir c”的质量大约为地球的18倍,而“61 Vir d”的质量大约为地球的23倍。汀尼认为,“其中最小行星的质量恰好处于超级地球的质量范围之内。这是在类日恒星周围第一次发现这样大小的行星。”此前,科学家们也曾在其他恒星周围发现过“超级地球”,但那些恒星却比太阳冷得多。

2009年12月22日天文学家发现一颗绕昏暗恒星运转的类地行星,距地球仅40光年。它是一个热气腾腾的“水世界”。 天文学家认为这颗行星与此前在太阳系外发现的任何系外行星相比更接近地球。




科学家认为除了GJ1214b地表之外,一些东西一定阻隔来自母星的光线,它的周围可能是一个由氢和氦构成的大气层。借助于哈勃太空望远镜,天文学家可能确定这颗行星的成分。MEarth Project负责人大卫.查博内欧表示:“由于这颗行星与地球非常接近,‘哈勃"应该可以对大气层进行探测并确定其构成。幸运的话,它将成为第一个拥有已证实大气层的超级地球,虽然这个大气层可能对我们已知的生命并不友好。”

16日出版的《自然》杂志报道了这一发现。在刊登于《自然》的一篇文章中,著名行星猎人、美国加利福尼亚州大学杰弗里.马西教授对这个水世界可能呈现的景象进行了猜测。他写道:“它可能拥有深度极高的海洋,应该呈液态。由于母星赋予的热量,其表面温度达到190摄氏度左右。此外,一个类似桑拿浴的蒸汽大气层也可能存在。” 开普勒空间望远镜于去年3月升空,其设计旨在帮助寻找太阳系外行星。其工作原理是“掩星观测法”——当一颗或几颗行星通过其母恒星面前时,恒星的光被局部阻挡,其亮度会出现相应的轻微下降。通过开普勒望远镜前所未有的精确测光,它能检测出这种亮度变化并反推出掩星体,即行星的存在。





但研究人员还不能就此庆祝,因为这样微弱的信号存在许多干扰因素。背景恒星或双星系统中的伴星都会产生类似的信号效果。 “到目前为止,我们只能说,我们找到了一个非常有意思的信号,我们很希望我们不久就能取得更多的资料,”马特·赫蒙(Matt Holman)说。他是这项研究的首席科学家。


这颗名叫Gliese 581g的行星位于天枰座星群,环绕比太阳小许多的红色恒星Gliese 581运行。该恒星距离地球20光年,天文学家目前已经找到6颗绕Gliese 581运行的行星。另外5颗(Gliese 581b到Gliese 581f)都不位于“Goldilocks zone”(可居住区)内,然而这颗正好在可居住区内,它的温度不会太热或太冷,这样液态水就可以形成海洋、湖泊和河流。

Gliese 581g很可能是一颗岩石星球,表面或许有水和大气层,它的直径大约是地球的1.2到1.4倍,质量大概是地球的3.1到4.3倍,引力与地球相近,其表面平均温度在零下31度到零下12度之间。它所围绕运行的这颗红矮星的温度只有太阳的1/50,体积是太阳的1/3。Gliese 581g绕其“太阳”运行一圈只要37天,而且它的一面是永远对着“阳光”,另外一面则永远处于黑暗之中。所以它朝阳的这面可能很热,温度可达100多度,背光的一面的温度则可在零下几十度。

对于生命或未来的人类移民而言,最合适的位置是“灰色”地带——Gliese 581g的黑暗与光明的过度带。根据其经度的不同,许多生命都可以找到适合它们出现和进化的稳定的气候环境。



相对而言,发现这颗行星所用的时间不长,难度也不大,天文学家们认为还有数百万个这样的类地行星等待我们去探索。Gliese 581g的发现是基于夏威夷W. M. Keck天文台11年观测的结果,现代先进的科学技术与传统的地面望远镜的结合继续在系外行星探索方面发挥着重要作用。 2011年5月初由麻省理工、哥伦比亚大学、哈佛、加州圣克鲁斯分校组成的国际天文学家小组正式公布了发现成果:通过加拿大MOST空间望远镜发现距地球40光年处的55 Cancri A行星系统中的一颗“超级地球”,比地球大60%,质量是地球八倍,密度是地球两倍的固态行星,形似真实版的潘多拉星球。


该行星编号为:55 Cancri e,环绕着编号为55 Cancri A的恒星,公转一周仅需18个小时。也就是说,在该行星上生活,根本不需要日历,记得带一块手表即可。而且看到的太阳比地球上看到的大60倍,亮度大3600倍。行星表面温度2700摄氏度,麻省理工的天文学家认为如此高的温度不可能存在大气结构,但也有一些科学家相信足够强的引力能留住部分大气。由于主恒星有着较高的亮度,所以能进行许多较为敏感的测量,对科学家来说,该行星是个完美的实验室,可以对行星形成、演化以及整个生命周期进行充分研究。

但是,这颗行星是不能被直接观测到的,即使是功能强大的望远镜。而该行星系统中的恒星,即55 Cancri A ,在未来的两个月内,如果在一个天气较好的夜晚,是能被肉眼观测到。

由55 Cancri A恒星构成的行星系统,第一颗行星于1997年由加州的一个研究小组发现,命名为55 Cancri b。在其后的五年内,该小组又发现了另外两颗行星,也就是55 Cancri c和55 Cancri d,到了2004年,德州的研究小组发现了55 Cancri e,最近发现的一颗在2008年,也是该行星系统第五颗行星:-55 Cancri f。

这五颗行星的发现过程都是基于多普勒技术,恒星由于附近行星的引力作用,会产生摇摆现象,进而通过测量星光波长的变化确定行星的参数。去年,哈佛的天文学博士研究生Rebekah和加州圣克鲁斯分校的系外天体专家Daniel,重新分析了2004年的数据,认为55 Cancri e 的轨道周期要比原先认为的要小,之后麻省理工学院的Winn和史密森天体物理中心的Matt Holman天文学家申请动用MOST空间望远镜进行观测,发现凌日现象发生周期只有17小时41分,符合前者的分析,而恒星光线在每次凌日时只变暗1/5000,这些数据还得出了结论:这颗行星的直径大约在21万公里,比地球大60%左右。

这个发现使得哥伦比亚大学天文学家Matthews教授十分兴奋:就如同《星际迷航》中Kirk船长所做的事情一样,我们(科学)最终将赶超科幻。 2013年8月,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)研究人员发现一颗有着极短轨道周期的系外行星,[1]正围绕天鹅座中一颗名为Kepler-78的恒星飞快地旋转,经过测算发现,其大小和质量甚至组成成分都和地球非常相似,这也是首次发现与地球如此相似的行星,故天文学家称这颗行星为“地球兄弟”2014-04-18日美国科学家在太阳系外发现了类地行星Kepler-186f,其类地程度是目前发现的类地行星中最高的。


来自哈佛大学的系外行星研究专家大卫·沙博诺(David Charbonneau)指出,Kepler-186f距离地球500光年,是开普勒太空望远镜“最重要的发现之一”。尽管已知它比地球大10%,但它的组成成分仍有待进一步探究。而来自美国国家航空航天局艾姆斯研究中心( NASA Ames Research Centre)的首席研究员Elisa Quintana进一步指出,“Kepler-186f位于恒星辐射强度及频率均适中的宜居带,这暗示着它很可能像地球一样有大气层,其地表也可能存在水,并且可能存在液态水。 截止到2009年,人类已经发现了270多个与地球一样围绕着恒星旋转的行星。在这些行星当中,有相当一部分的重量都在地球的5倍到15倍之间,而且在这些“超级地球”当中也有许多是和地球一样由岩石构成的,而且还拥有大气层,拥有岩石地表而不像木星是气体行星。它们当中的一部分年龄并不是很大,而且它们表面的温度变化很大。科学家认为这些“超级地球”形成于宇宙中的“暴风雪”,只有这些暴风雪才能在过去的几十万年里为这些行星穿上厚厚的冰衣,从而使这些行星得以生存至现在。





翻译如下金发姑娘Goldilocks例句金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.
2023-07-21 03:13:462


金发姑娘 金凤花
2023-07-21 03:14:053


是复数goldilocks 英["gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks] 美["gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ks] n. 金发姑娘,金凤花; [例句]Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.
2023-07-21 03:14:292


goldilocks英 ["gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks] 美 ["gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ks] n. 金发姑娘,金凤花;Goldilocks(用作单)(民间故事中的)金发姑娘;
2023-07-21 03:15:012


goldilocks /gouldiloks/1. 金凤花2. 金发女孩
2023-07-21 03:15:271


2023-07-21 03:15:431

Goldilocks【金凤花姑娘】的这个单词怎么读 翻译有读音的
2023-07-21 03:16:052


2023-07-21 03:16:321


名词 金发的人(尤指姑娘)
2023-07-21 03:16:414


2023-07-21 03:16:551

金发歌蒂 是什么意思

金发歌蒂的宇宙——Goldilocks universe,这是最近在做的是一本物理科普书《你不可不知的50个物理知识》中“大爆炸”(The big bang)一节提到的知识点,这个概念很年轻,是近几年才刚刚提出的,因此网上基本查不到中文资料。偶见有人将其译成“黄金宇宙”,但感觉还是不太合适。最后,看到一篇介绍经济学的文章,说Goldilocks economy指的是不冷不热的经济。原来Goldilocks(歌蒂)是《格林童话》中的“金发歌蒂与三只小熊的故事”的主人公,故事讲的是歌蒂误闯入三只小熊的家,看到桌上三碗麦片粥,冷的不喝,热的不喝,要喝不冷不热的。(小时候俺也看过格林童话,为什么想不起来了呢?)那么,据此推断,Goldilocks universe应该就是不冷不热的宇宙了。再回头看看上下文,这里在说对宇宙未来归宿的推测,共有三种理论:大爆炸逆过程的大坍缩,膨胀占上风的大寒冷,以及引力和排斥力达到平衡,宇宙虽然仍在继续膨胀,但膨胀速度逐渐减慢的Goldilocks universe。在网上搜到的英文资料,也是类似的意思。那么,在此将Goldilocks universe理解为不冷不热的宇宙,应该就没错了。西方人很有意思,对某个概念或理论起名字时非常喜欢引用典故,这是因为他们喜欢附庸风雅呢,还是因为命名的人太喜欢《格林童话》,以至于在自己提出的理论中对其致敬?
2023-07-21 03:17:021


goldilocks英 ["gəʊldɪlɒks]     美 ["goʊldɪˌlɒks]    n.(单复同)金发姑娘;金凤花的一种
2023-07-21 03:17:131

goldilocks and three bears课文

2023-07-21 03:17:392

goldilocks effect 请解释一下这个效应

Goldilocks Effect (金发女孩效应)The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes. When the effects of the principle are observed, it is known as the Goldilocks effect.“金发姑娘原则”指出,凡事都必须有度,而不能超越极限。按照这一原则行事产生的效应就称为“金发姑娘效应”。The Goldilocks principle is derived from a children"s story "The Three Bears" in which a little girl named Goldilocks finds a house owned by three bears. Each bear has their own preference of food and beds. After testing all three examples of both items, Goldilocks determines that one of them is always too much in one extreme (too hot or too large), one is too much in the opposite extreme (too cold or too small), and one is "just right".“金发姑娘原则”源自童话《金发姑娘和三只熊》的故事。金发姑娘发现了三只熊的房子,每只熊都有自己喜欢的食物和床。在挨个尝试过三只熊的食物和床后,金发姑娘发现有一个要么太大/太热,一个要么太小/太凉,只有一个是“刚刚好”。In astrobiology, the Goldilocks zone refers to the habitable zone around a star. In economics, a Goldilocks economy sustains moderate economic growth and low inflation.在天文学里,“金发姑娘地带”指的是一个星球周围的宜居地带。在经济学里,“金发姑娘经济”指的是维持适度增长和低通胀的经济。
2023-07-21 03:17:581


金凤花姑娘(Goldilocks):美国传统的童话角色,金凤花姑娘在森林中闯入三只熊的家,来到一个房间里,桌子上有三个碗里面有食物,有三把椅子。她喝完小熊的粥,坐坏了它的椅子,最后在小熊的床上恬然入睡。后来三个熊回来了,发现曾经有人来过。最后他们发现了床上的金凤花姑娘,金凤花姑娘被惊醒后求得原谅,并且再不敢擅自进入别人家。 GoldilocksandtheThreeBearsPapaBear,MamaBear,andBabyBearlivedintheforest.“Ring,”wentthetelephone.“Cometomyhouseforlunch.”saidAuntieBear.“Yes,wewillcome.”saidMamaBear.Shesetoutbowlsofstewtocoolforsupper.Then,theBearswenttoAuntieBear"shouse.AlittlegirlnamedGoldilockslivedinthevillage.ShediscoveredtheBears"houseandwentinsidewithoutasking.Shesatinachair.“Thischairistoohard!”shecomplained.Thenextchairwassmaller,buttoosoft.Thethirdchairwasjustright.Shesatdownwithaflop,andthechairlegsgaveway.Goldilockssawthethreebowlsofstew.Thebigbowlwasmuchtoohot!“Maybethisbowlwillbecooler,”shesaid.Goldilockswasright,butitwastoocold.Shegrabbedthethirdbowlandgobbleditdown.Itwasjustright.Thenwithayawn,sheheadedupstairstothebedroom.Goldilockstriedthefirstbed,butitwastoohard.Thenextwastoosoft.Goldilockssighedandfellasleepasshewaslyinginthethirdbed.WhentheBearsarrivedhome,PapaBearshouted,“Somebody"sbeensittingonmychair!”MamaBearcried,“Somebody"sbeensittingonmychair!”ThenBabyBearcried,“Somebody"sbeensittingonmychairandnowit"sallbroken!”Inthekitchen,PapaBearlookedintohisbowlofstew.Hesaid,“Somebody"sbeeneatingmystew!”MamaBearcried,“Somebody"sbeeneatingmystew!”BabyBearcried,“Somebody"sbeeneatingmystew,andtheyateitallup!”Thethreebearsgrowledastheyclimbedthebedroomstairs.PapaBeargrowled,”Somebody"sbeensleepinginmybed!”MamaBeargrowled,”Somebody"sbeensleepinginmybed!”BabyBearcried,”Somebody"sbeensleepinginmybed,andtheresheis!”Goldilockswokeupandwantedtorunaway,butnoonecouldmove.Theyallfrozeintheirtracks.“Please,forgiveme,”Goldilockscried.TheBearsforgaveher.Goldilocksquitsneakingintopeople"shomes.
2023-07-21 03:18:061


金发姑娘与三只熊的故事The story of goldilocks and the three bears双语例句1.中立方法(EJB 倡导者想起了《金发姑娘与三只熊》的故事)就是对 DTO 结构进行定制,使其准确返回您所需要的数据。The middle-ground (the EJB Advocate is reminded ofGoldilocks and the Three Bears) is to tailor the DTO structure toreturn exactly what you need.
2023-07-21 03:18:281


金发姑娘很想坐下来, 因为她已经很累了. 那两把大大的椅子子不是特别舒服,小姑娘不喜欢它们, 她试了试最小的那把椅子:真是太合适了. 但是金发姑娘(对于椅子来说)太重了, 她弄坏了它. 小姑娘不开心了,也累了, 她走到卧室, (看见)里面有三张床.
2023-07-21 03:18:473

蓝色字体里为什么look around后面还要加一个her,不是已经有主语goldilocks了吗

de would emphasize sharply t
2023-07-21 03:18:563

where is Goldilocks要加the吗?

2023-07-21 03:19:032

unit 1 goldilocks and the three bears教案单词怎么讲

集体备课记录年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 1 课时 总 1 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hard,soft,afraid,in front of 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is …. There are ….3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。教学重、难点 1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。2. 掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子。教具准备 多媒体课件,板书,小奖品。 教学过程 Step 1. Preparation1. Warming-upT: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello,Gao sirT: First, let"s sing a song.<Two little black birds>T: You all sing very well. Look at the picture, there is a lovely girl and two little birds,right?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, and today we are going to learn a new lesson about a girl and three bears, the girl named Mary.(呈现课题Mary and three bears) Step 2. Presentation & Practice(一)T:You all did a good preparation. Now,boys and girls, look at the picture,what"s that?Ss: It"s a clock. 呈现There is a clock in the picture.图片由clock变成watch,再由book变成bag。1.T:What"sin my bag? (包里放了一个娃娃,一本故事书。)引导学生猜测出There is a storybook.There is a doll. T: Look, I have two dolls in my bag. So I can say:呈现There are two dolls.2.T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”?Learning tip:There be 句型:分单数There is …和复数There are… 两种,不可数名词统一用There is…它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。如:There is a teacher.There are some teachers.3. T: What"s in the box? What"s on the box? 引出 What"s in front of the box?Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型There is … in/on/in front of…There are … in/on/in front of… 教学过程 3. T: What"s in the box? What"s on the box? 引出 What"s in front of the box?Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型There is … in/on/in front of…There are … in/on/in front of…(二)Text learning 1.T:I like reading storybooks. Do you like it? Let"s read it together.Look, it happened in the forest. (教forest)Task 1: Watch and answer1) What"sin the forest?2) What"s the matter with Mary?3) Why does Mary run away (逃跑)? (T教授run away)Ss:She is afraid. (在引出回答的时候教授afraid)Task 2 :Read and judge1)Mary is not hungry, but she is afraid. ( )2)The three bowls of soup are for the bears. ( )教授a bowl of soup,a cup of coffee, a glass of milk 等。3)There are three hard beds in the room. ( )通过图片选择软床和硬床,同时教授hard 和soft。4) She wakes up.There are three bears in front of her. ( ) 通过图片教授wake up,领读,小组读,请学生做动作Task 3:Let"s read !Read after the tape.Play in roles. (小组活动,选择一幅图表演。)Step 4. ProductionT:Boys and girls, do you know the story about“ Snow white and the Seven dwarfs”Do you like it ? Let"s try to finish the story. (给出提示的图片,让学生小组活动完成句子,并表演。)Step5Homework: 1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 2 课时 总 2 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1、复习上节课所学的词汇。2、能听懂、会说、会运用句型There is …There are…. 3、能看图描述物品的所在位置。 4、通过练习加强巩固There be句型。5、学习词汇:beside, between, in front of 教学重、难点 1、进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇。2、使学生能正确运用There be 句型3、帮助学生掌握可数名词与不可数名词在There be句型中的运用。教具准备 PPT, 头饰教学过程 Step1. Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song “There is a way”3.Free talk What"s in the house?(教师出示图片) Ss: There is …. There are…. 4.Read and act A: 模仿朗读Story time B:组织表演Step 2 Presentation 1.教学beside, between T: (PPT展示课文图4)Where are the bears? Ss: They are in front of Goldilocks. (复习in front of)(并造句) T:(PPT)look! Where is Goldilocks now? Ss: She is near a house. T: Yes, she is beside the house. (教学beside) T: (PPT)Look! Where is she now? S:???? T: Ah, She"s between the houses. (教学between,强调between后面跟复数) 2.复习所学过的方位词快速反应(quick respond)T: 出示图片 Ss:说出词组(in the forest, beside the house, behind the door, between the boxes…..)3.Think and say T : (PPT展示书中内容) Ss: There is …There are….. 教学过程 4.Summary(Grammar time) T: 出示表格There is 可数名词单数/不可数名词…. There are 可数名词复数….. 5.Do some exercise Step 3 Practice 1.Draw and say 2.完成课内练习纸。Step4Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 3 课时 总 3 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired. 3、能正确使用句型 This … is too…4、能够模仿表演cartoon time 5、文化熏陶,了解coffee 和tea在不同国家的应用。教学重、难点 1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired. 3、能正确使用句型:This … is too…;能够将形容词正确的运用于日常交际中。教具准备 PPT 头饰 教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1.Greeting 2.sing a song “three bears”3.look and say Step 2 Presentation 1.Look and say T: (出示课外三碗汤的图片) Ss: This soup is too …T: (出示三张床的图片) Ss: This bed is too…T: (PPT 小女孩做饥饿状态) S: this girl is hungry. T: PPT (happy, hungry, tired, thirsty, ) Do you remember these words? Ss: Yes, we do. (Read the words) (make sentences) 2.Cartoon timeT: Good! Look!who is he ?(出示Bobby) Ss: He"s Bobby. T: What"s the matter with bobby? A hungry B thirsty C tired D happy Listen and choose Ss: Bobby is hungry T: Where are the cakes? Watch and answer 个性意见 教学过程 Ss: They are in the fridge. T: But Bobby can"t find the cakes, why? Ss: Bobby"s cousin eat the cakes. (教学find, cousin) Listen and imitate Act the dialogue 3.Culture time T: (PPT cake and coffee)Look! When we eat cakes, we often drink some coffee or tea. T:(出示图片跟句型coffee is popular in western countries. Tea is popular in Cina.) (教学popular, western countries)帮助学生感受中西方的文化差异。Step 3 Practice 1.Summary 2.Do some exercise Step5Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. 个性意见年级学科组 五年级 备课人 第 1 单元 4 课时 总 4 课时课 例 内 容 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 活动时间 20140830 课型 新授课课时目标 1.能灵活运用There be句型2.能根据图片,写一段小短文。3.了解字母C在单词中的发音。4.通过学习,使学生接近大自然,热爱大自然。教学重、难点 1、能灵活运用There be句型2、能根据图片,写一段小短文。教学难点: 能够进行看图写话教具准备 PPT 教学过程 Step 1 warm up 1.Greeting 2.sing songs 3.Imitation 模仿表演cartoon time Step 2 Revision 1.Review the story time 模仿表演,完成第一项ticking time 2.Look and say T: (出示P14页的图片) Ss: (对图片进行描述) There is …There are…. (work in groups) 3.Look and write (完成P15页中的内容) Ss: work in pairs ,完成Ticking time第二项内容Step 3 Sound time T: (出示类似上面的,两件coats)Ss: There are two coats near the sofa. T: Whose coats are these? (PPT展示sound time部分中的人物跟句型) Ss: They are uncle and cousin"s coats. T: (播放动画)(PPT显示单词cold, cousin, doctor, comes, coats)Ss: (找出C的读音/k/) Listen and repeat 个性意见 教学过程 Exercise : Read and find 将下列单词按读音归类:Nice, cold, rice, come, doctor, cup, policeman./k/ _____________/s/_______________Step 4 Consolidation 1.默写本单元的词汇跟句型2.看图写话,完成一篇小作文。Step5Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents..2. Use “there"s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom.
2023-07-21 03:19:121

the story of Goldilocks and three bears复述

A girl named Goldilocks walked in the forest and found a houses.She walked in the house and found three bowls of porridge on the table in the kitchen.She tasted all the porridge and ate the right one up.After that, she walked into the living room and found a right chair from three chairs, however,the chair broken up.In the end,she fell asleep in the right bed in the bed room. When the bears family came back,they were amazed by the difference.Goldilocks was waken up by the sound and ran out of the room with screaming.She will never come back.
2023-07-21 03:19:201


2023-07-21 03:19:482


2023-07-21 03:20:076

金凤花姑娘顾不上提篮子就匆忙走出房子了goldilocks________________the house without her basket

jumped out of bed and hurried Out of the house
2023-07-21 03:20:212

缩写goldilocks and three bears?

goldilocks and three bears,金发姑娘和三只熊。
2023-07-21 03:20:291

Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers。Soon she was lost. She looked around her.

2023-07-21 03:20:362

goldilocks and the three bears 续写

Goldilocks And The Three BearsOnce upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage where the Teddy Bear family lived. They were not really proper Teddy Bears, for Father Bear was very big, Mother Bear was middling in size, and only Baby Bear could be described as a Teddy Bear. Each bear had its own size of bed. Father Bear"s was large and nice and comfy. Mother Bear"s bed was middling in size, while Baby Bear had a fine little cherrywood bed that Father Bear had ordered from a couple of beaver friends. Beside the fireplace, around which the family sat in the evenings, stood a large carved chair for the head of the house, a delightful blue velvet armchair for Mother Bear, and a very little chair for Baby Bear. Neatly laid out on the kitchen table stood three china bowls. A large one for Father Bear, a smaller one for Mother Bear, and a little bowl for Baby Bear.请采纳答案,支持我一下。
2023-07-21 03:20:441

goldilocks and the three bears中为什么要加上the?

金发女孩与三只熊 Goldilocks应该是女主角的名字。。。 小时候我看过。。。三只熊喜欢吃麦片粥吧 呵呵
2023-07-21 03:21:011


2023-07-21 03:21:212


Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she complained. The next chair was smaller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes.
2023-07-21 03:21:281


2023-07-21 03:22:011


goldilocks[英]["gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks][美]["gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ks]n.金发姑娘,金凤花; She calls it the goldilocks effect. 她称之为金发女郎效应
2023-07-21 03:22:542


goldilocks["goldu026a,lɑks] 中文谐音:购滴辣课丝意思:1. n. 金凤花2. n.金发姑娘3. adj.金发的4. n.金发女孩
2023-07-21 03:23:011

goldilocks什么意思 英语goldilocks什么意思

1、goldilocks,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“金发女孩;金凤花的一种”。 2、短语搭配 Goldilocks Lite经济成长温和适中 Goldilocks market温和市场 Goldilocks Costume金发姑娘服装
2023-07-21 03:23:081


2023-07-21 03:23:281

金凤花姑娘和三只熊的故事续写 英语

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.“Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear.“Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear.She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house.A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair.“This chair is too hard!”she complained.The next chair was smaller,but too soft.The third chair was just right.She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.The big bowl was much too hot!“Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said.Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down.It was just right.Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom.Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard.The next was too soft.Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted,“Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried,“Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried,“Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said,“Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried,“Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried,“Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs.Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed,and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away,but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks.“Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried.The Bears forgave her.Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes.金凤花姑娘和三只熊 熊爸爸,熊**和熊宝宝居住在森林里面.“铃,”电话来了.“来我的住处吃午餐,” 熊姑姑说.“好的,我们会来的,”熊**说.她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭.然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处.一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面.她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就 走了进去.她坐在一张椅子上.“这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨.旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了.第三张椅子正合适.她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了.金凤花看到了三碗炖菜.大碗是太烫了!“大概这碗会更凉,”她说.金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了.她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去.正合适.然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室.金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了.下一张太软.金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她 躺在第三张床上.当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊**喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道,“有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!” 在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗.他说,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊**喊道,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到,“有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!” 当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了.熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊**咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!” 金凤花醒了,想要逃跑,但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了 它们的位置上.“请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说.熊一家原谅了她.金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了.
2023-07-21 03:23:351

Gold dilocks and three bears故事简介英文

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl."This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl."This porridge is too cold," she saidSo, she tasted the last bowl of porridge."Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.After she"d eaten the three bears" breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet. "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.So she sat in the second chair."This chair is too big, too!" she whined.So she tried the last and smallest chair."Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.As she was sleeping, the three bears came home."Someone"s been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear."Someone"s been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear."Someone"s been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear."Someone"s been sitting in my chair and they"ve broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone"s been sleeping in my bed,""Someone"s been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear"Someone"s been sleeping in my bed and she"s still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.THE END
2023-07-21 03:23:421

Goldilocks and the three bears英语课文翻译。

金凤花姑娘和三只熊  熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝居住在森林里面。  “铃,”电话来了。“来我的住处吃午餐,”  熊姑姑说。  “好的,我们会来的,”熊妈妈说。  她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。  然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处。  一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面。  她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就走了进去。她坐在一张椅子上。  “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨。  旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了。  第三张椅子正合适。  她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了。  金凤花看到了三碗炖菜。  大碗是太烫了!  “大概这碗会更凉,”她说。  金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了。  她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去。  正合适。  然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室。  金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了。  下一张太软。  金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她躺在第三张床上。  当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊妈妈喊道,“有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道,“有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!”  在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗。他说,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊妈妈喊道,“有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到,“有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!”  当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了。  熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!”  熊妈妈咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!”  熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!”  金凤花醒了,想要逃跑,但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了它们的位置上。  “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说。  熊一家原谅了她。  金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了。
2023-07-21 03:23:531


Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bearu2019s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bearsu2019 house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she complained. The next chair was smaller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebodyu2019s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebodyu2019s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebodyu2019s been sitting on my chair and now itu2019s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebodyu2019s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebodyu2019s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebodyu2019s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebodyu2019s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebodyu2019s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebodyu2019s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into peopleu2019s homes.
2023-07-21 03:24:011


金发姑娘在森林里。goldilocks [英]"gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks[美]"gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ksn. 金发姑娘,金凤花
2023-07-21 03:24:081

goldilocks is cold and hungry 对cold hungry提问

goldilocks is cold and hungry 对cold hungry提问? What state is Goldilocks in? 金发女孩怎麼样了? / 金发女孩的情况(状态)怎麼样了? 回答: 金发女孩又冷又饥饿. Goldilocks is cold and hungry. 很希望会对你有帮助.
2023-07-21 03:24:151


2023-07-21 03:24:252


Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she complained. The next chair was smaller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes. 金凤花姑娘和三只熊 熊爸爸,熊**和熊宝宝居住在森林里面。 “铃,”电话来了。“来我的住处吃午餐,” 熊姑姑说。 “好的,我们会来的,”熊**说。 她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。 然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处。 一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面。 她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就 走了进去。她坐在一张椅子上。 “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨。 旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了。 第三张椅子正合适。 她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了。 金凤花看到了三碗炖菜。 大碗是太烫了! “大概这碗会更凉,”她说。 金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了。 她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去。 正合适。 然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室。 金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了。 下一张太软。 金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她 躺在第三张床上。 当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”熊**喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道, “有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!” 在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗。他说, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊**喊道, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到, “有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!” 当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了。 熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊**咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!” 金凤花醒了,想要逃跑, 但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了 它们的位置上。 “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说。 熊一家原谅了她。 金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了。
2023-07-21 03:24:431


您好!很高兴回答您的问题! 否定句:Goldilocks was not hungry.您的采纳是对我最大的支持!祝您好运!谢谢!
2023-07-21 03:24:512


Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she complained. The next chair was smaller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes. 金凤花姑娘和三只熊 熊爸爸,熊**和熊宝宝居住在森林里面。 “铃,”电话来了。“来我的住处吃午餐,” 熊姑姑说。 “好的,我们会来的,”熊**说。 她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。 然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处。 一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面。 她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就 走了进去。她坐在一张椅子上。 “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨。 旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了。 第三张椅子正合适。 她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了。 金凤花看到了三碗炖菜。 大碗是太烫了! “大概这碗会更凉,”她说。 金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了。 她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去。 正合适。 然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室。 金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了。 下一张太软。 金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她 躺在第三张床上。 当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”熊**喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道, “有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!” 在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗。他说, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊**喊道, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到, “有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!” 当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了。 熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊**咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!” 金凤花醒了,想要逃跑, 但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了 它们的位置上。 “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说。 熊一家原谅了她。 金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了。
2023-07-21 03:25:001


金凤花[医] Caesalpinia pulcherrima;kingcup双语例句The fields were golden with buttercups.田里是一片金黄色的金凤花.Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers.金凤花姑娘走进森林,采了些花.
2023-07-21 03:25:331

《goldilocks and the three bears》续写100词

Goldilocks And The Three BearsOnce upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage where the Teddy Bear family lived. They were not really proper Teddy Bears, for Father Bear was very big, Mother Bear was middling in size, and only Baby Bear could be described as a Teddy Bear. Each bear had its own size of bed. Father Bear"s was large and nice and comfy. Mother Bear"s bed was middling in size, while Baby Bear had a fine little cherrywood bed that Father Bear had ordered from a couple of beaver friends. Beside the fireplace, around which the family sat in the evenings, stood a large carved chair for the head of the house, a delightful blue velvet armchair for Mother Bear, and a very little chair for Baby Bear. Neatly laid out on the kitchen table stood three china bowls. A large one for Father Bear, a smaller one for Mother Bear, and a little bowl for Baby Bear.
2023-07-21 03:25:411

Goldilocks looked around her,怎么变一般疑问句?

一般疑问句:Did Goldilocks look around her?
2023-07-21 03:26:011


2023-07-21 03:26:071

英语 翻译

2023-07-21 03:26:171