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recommended action是什么意思

2023-07-21 10:23:31

recommended action





v.托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 推荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人;



My recommended mailing list solution is aweber.



How much seafood is recommended?



I"ve recommended a few in the next section.




The immediate manager shall recommend action.


The "Recommended Action" and contact info is the same as the G86 PCN, and the Revision history has an Initial Release date of 06/13/08.

“推荐行动”和联系人信息是一样的G86个人通信网,并修订历史有一个初步的发布日期06/13/08 。



recommended英[reku0259"mendu026ad]美[reku0259"mendu026ad]adj.被推荐的v.推荐; 托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 劝告; 使显得吸引人双语例句 In security conscious companies this practice is not recommended, and the default approach is to create closed packages for deployment.在有安全意识的公司里,这项实践是不被推荐的,默认的方法是为开发创建一个关闭的包。
2023-07-21 05:40:021

introduced recommended区别

introduced 、recommended的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、introduced:把…介绍(给)。2、recommended:推荐;举荐。二、语法不同1、introduced:introduce的基本含义是“引导到里面”,常用于第一次正式使某人认识或了解某人或某事物,可以自我介绍,也可以介绍别人。2、recommended:recommend的基本意思是“推荐,介绍”,指有意识地向某人介绍某人或某物的详细情况,其优点,侧重“使…感到可取”,即某种性质、特征等看来可爱、令人满意或受欢迎。三、侧重点不同1、introduced:commend表示“称赞”,多指有节制地赞许,其目的在于要人们注意某人或某事的优点和长处。2、recommended:recommend表示“使受欢迎”,不仅有赞扬的意思,还有将受到欢迎的事或人向别人推荐的意思。
2023-07-21 05:40:311


Recommended指的是入学推荐信。PS,CV,和个人陈述(Personal Statement)一样,推荐信(Reference letter)申请英国大学的必备申请材料之一。如果申请人还是在读学生可以请求学校老师写推荐信;如果已经在职可以请求公司领导写一封推荐信。申请英国大学所需要提交的材料包括成绩单、简历、PS等等,这些材料可以直观地反映出申请人在学业或者其他方面的能力,而推荐信则是从第三方的角度来对申请人进行评价,可以当作是对申请人提供的材料的补充与重新解释。
2023-07-21 05:41:031

亚马逊上的recommended browse node 是什么意思

recommended browse node推荐浏览节点recommended 英[reku0259"mendu026ad]美[reku0259"mendu026ad]adj. 被推荐的;v. 推荐; 托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 劝告; 使显得吸引人;[网络] 荐; 推荐饮用; 建议;[例句]Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.会对每家旅馆都进行检查,如果它达到了一定的标准,就获得推荐。[其他] 形近词: recommences recommender recommenced
2023-07-21 05:41:331

recommended retest date是什么意思

recommended retest date词典结果recommended retest date推荐复测日期
2023-07-21 05:41:413


RCD 就可以了,像as soon as possible可缩写成asap
2023-07-21 05:42:022

音响后面recommended 是什么意思

recommended 是推荐的意思你是在什么位置的 ,一般是 recommended power 推荐功率
2023-07-21 05:42:122


2023-07-21 05:42:222

it is recommended that是什么意思

建议双语对照例句:1.It is recommended that you shower the night before or morning of the operation. 建议你在手术前一天的夜晚或者手术当天的清晨洗个淋浴。
2023-07-21 05:42:422

赛博朋克2077配置要求的SSD recommended是什么意思?

recommend 英文就是推荐的意思SSD就是固态硬盘这里推荐你把游戏安装在固态硬盘里运行,加载读取快一些
2023-07-21 05:42:521

pharmacist recommended什么意思

pharmacist recommended推荐的药剂师 recommended[英][reku0259"mendu026ad][美][reku0259"mendu026ad]adj.被推荐的; v.托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 推荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人; 例句:1.My recommended mailing list solution is aweber. 我推荐aweber邮寄名单解决方案。2.How much seafood is recommended? 推荐的海鲜量是多少呢?
2023-07-21 05:43:121

论文 recommended publication 什么意思

recommended publication推荐发表双语对照例句:1.The probability will have been sufficiently low that a reviewer for the journal was impressedand therefore recommended publication. 相当低的概率足以引起杂志审稿人的重视,因此会推荐发表。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-21 05:43:201


recommended 英[reku0259"mendu026ad] 美[reku0259"mendu026ad] adj. 被推荐的; v. 推荐; 托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 劝告; 使显得吸引人; [例句]Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。[其他] 原型: recommend
2023-07-21 05:43:421

recommended to do和recommend doing的区别是什么?

recommend to do与recommend doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、recommend to do:推荐做。2、recommend doing:建议做。二、搭配用法不同1、recommend to do:可以扩展为recommend sb to do sth,就是建议某人去做什么事情。2、recommend doing:可以扩展为recommend doing sth,就是建议做什么事情。三、引证用法不同1、recommend to do:recommend的基本意思是“推荐,介绍”,指有意识地向某人介绍某人或某物的详细情况,其优点,侧重“使…感到可取”,即某种性质、特征等看来可爱、令人满意或受欢迎。2、recommend doing:recommend还可作“劝告”解,指劝告或建议某人做某事,作此解时,常用动名词或that从句作宾语。
2023-07-21 05:46:231


recommend短语有:recommend sb as……、recommend sb for……、recommend to……、recommend sb to……等等。一、单词含义recommend的含义为:推荐;劝告;使显得吸引人;托付;推荐;建议。二、单词变形过去式:recommended;过去分词:recommended;现在分词:recommending;第三人称单数:recommends。三、双语释义1、推荐:speak to sb in favour of; praise as being good for a purpose。2、建议;劝告:suggest as wise or suitable;advise。四、双语例句1、Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗?2、I should recommend it as a useful reference book.我愿意推荐它作为一本有用的参考书。3、I recommend you to buy this dictionary and that tape.我建议你买这本字典和那盒磁带。
2023-07-21 05:46:401


推荐; What course of action would you recommend? 你想推荐什么办法呢? 扩展资料   Can you recommend a good hotel?   你能推荐一家好的.饭店吗?   She recommended that I should take some time off.   她建议我应该休息一段时间。   This system has much to recommend it.   这套系统有很多可取之处。   The report recommended a 10% pay increase.   报告提议工资增加10%。   The hotel"s new restaurant comes highly recommended.   这家酒店的新餐厅得到了人们的普遍赞扬。   We"d recommend you to book your flight early.   我们建议你早点儿预订航班。   It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.   建议每年一定把机器检修一次。
2023-07-21 05:48:581

请分别说出essential 与 recommend 两个词的所有用法。

2023-07-21 05:49:072

请分别说出essential 与 recommend 两个词的所有用法。

2023-07-21 05:49:142

it is recommended that是什么意思

2023-07-21 05:49:242


2023-07-21 05:49:441

recommended for 是什么意思?

18.动词recommend的用法recommend意为“推荐”“介绍”,后面跟介词as,for,to。如:(1)They recommended him as a good manager.他们把他作为一个好经理来推荐。(2)The teacher recommended the book for spare-time reading.老师推荐这本书作为业余时间的读物。(3)You can recommend some books to the students.你可以向学生们推荐一些书。(4)Can you recommend me a good hotel?你能否给我推荐一家好的旅馆。▲recommend可作“建议”“劝告”解释,后面通常接名词,代词或动名词作宾语,可以接不定式作宾语补足语,但不能接不定式作宾语,也可以接宾语从句。如:(5)He recommended Spain for our next holiday.他建议我们下次度假去西班牙。(6)The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.医生可能会建议限制你饮食中的脂肪量。(7)I recommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.我劝你在做出任何蠢事之前先仔细地思考一下。(8)I recommend that everyone (should) buy the dictionary.我建议大家都买这本词典。(9)The doctor recommended that I (should) stay a few more days in hospital.医生建议我在医院再呆几天。【注】recommend后接宾语从句时,常用虚拟语气,即用should+动词原形,或直接用动词原形,如例句(8)(9)。recommend亦可用于被动语态。如:(10)I have been recommended this magazine.有人向我推荐这本杂志。(11)It is highly recommended for liver trouble.人们都说这药治肝炎很好。
2023-07-21 05:49:524

惠普probook4431s有电池养护 因为我一直用电源偶尔用电池怎么办?还有hp optimized(recommended)是什么

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。 建议您参考下列信息: 1.电池保养小贴士:如果长时间不使用电池,应该将电池保留50%左右的电量,取出来放置在干燥阴凉处保存,防止暴晒、防止受潮、防止化学液体侵蚀、避免电池触点与金属物接触发生短路等情况的发生,最好1-2周进行一次电池的充放电操作。2.hp optimized(recommended)指的是hp 最佳的(推荐的)。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。
2023-07-21 05:50:081


They recommended that I (should) have a short rest. They recommended that the patient (should) be sent to the hospital at once. 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thanks!
2023-07-21 05:50:151


If is recommended the personnel in goes to work in the date three months probation period, leaves job on own initiative or because cannot be competent the party of the first part work requirement to resign, the second party should continue according to this contract third first section standard corresponding to need the personnel to the the party of the first part free recommendation (each position to continue successfully to recommend one)
2023-07-21 05:50:263

电脑开不了机,还显示Launch startup Repair(recommended)这样的英文,到底是怎的了???

你用的是Vista系统吧 开机进不了桌面 弹出个界面上面英文有两个选项 一个是launch startup repair(recommended) 还有个是start windows normally 但是无论按什么进去都是一个蓝色的界面 有很多英文`还有一些数字和字母的编号 然后 它又重启`进到一个界面 对吧好像是进到了恢复界面 要是能进去 照着提示操作 恢复系统就行了 你要是以前备份过的话 就从备份恢复 要25分钟到半小时 若没有 就恢复原厂出厂设置就行了 大概要四小时 中途千万不要断电至于你说的英文 前一个是恢复系统界面 后一个是正常启动 按道理来说 开机时只要你不按蓝色的ThinkVantage键和Enter键是不会进入恢复界面的
2023-07-21 05:50:472

recommended practice是什么意思及反义词

recommended practice[词典]操作规程建议(工业标准);[例句]Although this seems to work with some tubes, it is not a recommended practice.虽然这似乎与一些管,这不是一个推荐的做法。
2023-07-21 05:51:031

打开软件一直出现headphones recommended怎么办

考虑是软件不兼容或者是系统问题导致的如果是这样那么就首先卸载软件如果不行就需要系统重装如果还不行就考虑是硬件问题或者其他的设置问题如果是设置问题就考虑进入电脑的控制面板查找对应的功能设置并进行调回如果不知道该怎么找就可以利用杀毒软件来进行修复一般杀毒软件对于一些设置都有修复功能你所描述的问题解决方法差不多就是以上方法 最后所有方法都没用记得只能请专业人员维修
2023-07-21 05:51:121

Recommend sb. 后面跟to do 还是doing

Recommend sb to do指的是需要有时间段的事情Doing sth主要是现在正在指导的事情。。
2023-07-21 05:51:222

用 recommended 造句

This is a very well written article which deserves to be recommended to the reader as the first piece in this book. 这篇文章写得很好,值得作为本书的第一篇向读者们推荐
2023-07-21 05:51:291

launch startup repair(recommended) 什么意思

2023-07-21 05:51:373

Linux 开机自检失败,无法启动,显示器无响应。

2023-07-21 05:50:024

Being Single is better than being in an unfaithfu

2023-07-21 05:50:033


hell英 [hel] 美 [hu025bl] n.地狱,阴间; 训斥; 胡闹,见鬼; 苦境,罪恶之地; vi.过放荡生活; (车辆) 急驰,飞驰; int.该死; 见鬼(表示惊奇、烦恼、厌恶、恼怒、失望等); [例句]Bullies can make your life hell.恃强欺弱者能让你的日子像活地狱。[其他]第三人称单数:hells 复数:hells 现在分词:helling 过去式:helled 过去分词:helled
2023-07-21 05:50:041


hard to make ithard to get down to ithard to carry out
2023-07-21 05:50:056

PCB电镀镀铜层厚的计算方法: 镀层厚度(um)= 电流密度(ASF)×电镀时间(min)×电镀效率×0.0202

电量、当量、摩尔质量、密度构成0.0202系数。铜的摩尔质量=63.5,1摩尔铜离子需要2摩尔电子变成单质铜,一摩尔电子的电量等于96485库仑(法拉第常数)。铜的密度是8.9如在10平方分米的线路板上电镀铜,电流密度(Dk)(安培/平方分米),电镀时间t(分钟),镀层厚度δ(微米)。列等式如下: A)单位面积通电量(摩尔)=电流密度X时间X60/法拉第常数。 B)电沉积的铜的当量数=[单位面积X(厚度/100000)X8.9]/(铜分子量/2)在不考虑电流效率的情况下,上述两式相等。换算可得: Dk·t·60X100000X2 厚度(δ)=----------------------------------- =0.22·Dk·t 8.9X63.5X96485 考虑到电流效率η,可得:厚度(μm)=电流密度X时间X电流效率X0.22 上述是以电流密度ASD计算,换算成ASF,其结果是: 厚度(μm)=电流密度X时间X电流效率X0.023 再考虑到,在挂具上/屏蔽等地方会有铜沉积,做修正后,使用你的经验公式比较合适。
2023-07-21 05:50:072


2023-07-21 05:50:091


1、我无法呆在家里。我觉得我的房间太小,容纳不下我的幸福,我需要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。 I can"t stay at home. I think my room is too small to hold my happiness. I need to pour out my heart to the whole nature. 2、我无福消受握一握你那双手的幸运。 I am blessed and blessed by the power of your hands. 3、坟墓里蛆虫啃着我心爱的人儿,如今她早已不在人世,如今她早已消亡。 In the grave, maggots gnaw at my beloved, and now she is no longer alive, and now she has long been dead. 4、随后,她对我露出微笑,不过很勉强,因为她不由自主地泪水盈眶。 Then she smiled at me, but reluctantly, because she could not help crying. 5、这些灵魂在等待着一只友谊的手来包扎他们的伤口,治愈他们心头的创伤。 These souls are waiting for the hand of a friendship to bind their wounds and heal their wounds. 6、娇媚、温柔、多情,玛格丽塔什么都不缺,我不得不时时提醒自己,我没有权力再向她要求什么了。 I had to remind myself from time to time that I had no more right to ask her for anything. 7、我不愿意你因为跟我在一起而有一分钟的遗憾。 I don"t want you to have a minute of regret because you are with me. 8、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。 My heart is not used to happiness. Perhaps, living in your heart better, in your heart, the world will not see me. 9、你对女人不忠,她们有时不会追究。但如果你伤她们的自尊,她们绝不答应。 You are unfaithful to women, and sometimes they will not pursue it. But if you hurt their self-esteem, they will never agree. 10、但是你并不知道,别人对我这样姑娘的爱情,在心中是由多么纤细的线维系着。 But you don"t know how thin a thread holds the love of a girl like me in your heart. 11、上帝对她还相当仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的惩罚,而让她在年轻貌美和奢华生活中香消玉殒,须知年老色衰,是交际花的第一次死亡。 God was kind enough not to punish her as usual, but to let her perish in beauty and luxury, knowing that old age was the first death of a communicative flower. 12、像一个好朋友那样爱我吧,但是不能超过这个程度。 Love me like a good friend, but not to that extent. 13、我环顾着四周,见到旁人并没有关心着我的不幸,他们依旧照常地生活,我真是奇怪透顶了。 I looked around, and it was strange to see that the others were not concerned about my misfortune. They were still living as usual. 14、真正的爱情总是使人变得美好。 True love always makes people beautiful. 15、我感到需要迷恋上某种东西,以便消磨时间,让时间过得飞快,一直察觉不到韶光流逝。 I felt the need to be obsessed with something to kill time, to make time go by so fast that I couldn"t detect the passage of time. 16、我活得时间再短,也总比您爱我的时间要长些啊。 I live longer than you love me. 17、如果做女人的还有一点点自尊心的话,她就应该忍受所有可能的牺牲,也绝不像她的情人要钱,否则她的爱情就跟**无异。 If a woman has a little self-esteem, she should endure all possible sacrifices and never ask for money like her lover, otherwise her love will be like prostitution. 18、太阳就像照耀着一个最纯洁的未婚妻那样照耀着我的情妇。 The sun shines like a pure fiancee to shine on my mistress. 19、我的要求就是你爱我,而且没有马匹,没有开司米披肩,没有钻石首饰,你也同样爱我。 My demand is that you love me, and that you love me without horses, without cashmere shawls, without diamonds. 20、我们就像沉没在爱河之中的两个顽强的潜水员,只是在换气的时候才浮出水面。 We are like two stubborn divers in love, only surfacing when we breathe. 21、因为我怕我的自尊心会再一次激起我的倔脾气,而我身边又不宽裕,我请他们记下我的姓名,把书留在一边,就下了楼。 Because I was afraid my self-esteem would stir up my stubborn temper again, and I was not well off, I asked them to write down my name, leave the book aside, and went downstairs. 22、所有聪明睿智的人,都朝着同一目标努力,一切伟大的意志,也都遵从同一原则:我们要善良,要保持青春,要真诚! All wise and wise people strive towards the same goal, and all great will abide by the same principle: we must be kind, we must maintain youth, we must be sincere! 23、你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。 The pain you want to make me is your proof of my love. 24、如果你的回来不能将我挽救,这世界再没有能够挽救我的事情了。 If your return can not save me, the world can no longer save me. 25、如果男人懂得眼泪的价值,那么他会更可爱。 If a man knows the value of tears, he will be more lovable. 26、我认为只有深刻地研究过人,才能创造出人物,如同只有认真地学习了一种语言才能讲它一样。 I think that only by studying people deeply can we create characters, just as only by learning a language carefully can we speak it. 27、人生只不过是反复完成持续不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶贞女。 Life is but the repeated fulfillment of a constant desire, and the soul is but the chaste who keeps the flame of love alive. 28、这些残疾逼得那个不幸的受苦的女人发疯,使她无可奈何地看不到善良,听不到天主的声音,也讲不出爱情、信仰的纯洁的语言。 These disabilities drove the unfortunate suffering woman mad, leaving her hopelessly unable to see kindness, hear the voice of God, and speak the pure language of love and faith. 29、只有她们在日常生活中满足她们情人的各种微小的虚荣心,才能巩固情人对她们的爱情。 Only by satisfying their lover"s small vanities in daily life can they consolidate their love for them. 30、不了解别人的痛苦,又要去安慰,那总是很困难的事。 It is always difficult to understand the pain of others and comfort them. 31、她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。 She was slightly taller and slimmer, but she had a remarkable ability to conceal this artificial negligence with a little effort in her dress. 32、赢得一颗没有谈过恋爱的心,这就等于进入一个没有设防的城市。 To win a heart that has never been in love is to enter an undefended city. 33、人毫无爱情的时候,只好满足于虚荣,一旦有了爱,虚荣就变得一文不值了。 When a man has no love, he has to be content with vanity. Once he has love, vanity becomes worthless. 34、她可能把她的青春年华给了你,而你却把她遗忘了。 She may have given you her youth, but you have forgotten her. 35、别人有多贪婪,她就有多无私。 How greedy others are, how selfless she is. 36、由于我们无忧无虑,尤其我们一往情深,我们看到前景光灿灿。 Because we are carefree, especially when we love each other, we see bright prospects. 37、我望着飘过的云彩,任由神思在荒野上驰骋。 I look at the clouds that float across, and allow my mind to ride in the wilderness. 38、像这样各色人等混杂,环境喧闹不堪的集会倒是从未见过。 Such a mixture of all kinds of people, the noisy noisy assembly never seen. 39、什么都猜测到了,真情却除外。 Everything has been guessed, except the truth. 40、你是我唯一可以推诚相见的人,在你面前我可以自由思想,自由交谈。 You are the only person I can trust. I can freely think and talk freely before you. 41、我不可能再在家里待下去了。我的房间似乎太小,容纳不下我的幸福。我要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。 I can"t stay at home any longer. My room seems too small to accommodate my happiness. I want to pour out my heart to the whole nature. 42、我喜爱一路上遇到的每一个行人。爱情会给予人们一种与人为善之感! I love every passers-by on the way. Love will give people a sense of kindness. 43、已经是四月份了,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,坟墓不再像冬天时那样显得阴森凄凉了。 It was April, and the weather was clear and sunny, and the grave was no longer as gloomy and desolate as it was in winter. 44、不错,有时候一分钟发生的事,比一年的追求还起作用。 Yes, sometimes what happens in one minute is more effective than the pursuit of the year. 45、一个人的**和心灵都像这样地爱上一个月的话,就只能剩下一具驱壳了。 If one"s body and mind are in love with one month like this, there will be only one shell left. 46、这种男人们第二次,也是最后一次的爱情,成了你一切事业的累赘,它不容于家庭,也使你丧失了雄心壮志。 This man"s second and last love has become a burden on all your career. It is not conducive to your family, but also makes you lose your ambition. 47、我面对威胁比面对祈求更加坚不可摧。 I am more invulnerable than facing a prayer. 48、没有悔罪,哪儿来的赎罪。 No redemption, where is the atonement. 49、当爱情成了生活中的一种习惯,再要想改变这种习惯而不同时损害生活中其他所有方面的联系,似乎是不可能的。 When love becomes a habit in life, it seems impossible to change it without compromising all other aspects of life.
2023-07-21 05:50:101


unhearing 听不见【属性】母义:un- = not不/否定【其他】使用un- 时应注意以下几点:①它可以加在含介词的过去分词词组上,如:uncared-for 无人照顾的、unlooked-for 没有预料到的、unhoped-for 意外的/没想到的、unwished-for 不希望的;②凡原来带in- 的词,前面加un- 而不再用in-,如:uninformed;③与带有前缀un- 的形容词相对应的名词,不一定都具有相同的前缀,如:unjust 不公正的→ injustice 不公正、unequal 不相等的→ inequality不相等;④“un- + 名词 + ful”形式的形容词常和“名词 + less”形式的形容词表达相同的意思,如:unthankful = thankless 不感激的、untruthful = truthful 虚伪的/不真实的、unfruitful = fruitless 无结果的、unfaithful = faithless 不诚实的。当然,有时这样的词只能有一种形式,如:hopeless无望的、thoughtless轻率的、useless无用的等,这些词没有相应的unhopeful、unthoughtful、unuseful。而undutiful不顺从的、unskilful笨拙的等词,也没有相应的dutiless、skilless反义词是hearing hearing_百度翻译[英] [u02c8hu026au0259ru026au014b][美] [u02c8hu026aru026au014b]n.听力,听觉; 审问; 听力所及的距离,听得见的范围; 听证会,〈美〉意见听取会;v.听到,听见( hear的现在分词);[例句]His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.他的头脑似乎还清楚,听觉也很好。[原型]hear[复数]hearings百度翻译
2023-07-21 05:50:171

ltll be hard ( ) you to carry

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...It"ll be hard (for)you to carry.
2023-07-21 05:50:191


2023-07-21 05:50:274


  可以播放asf格式的播放器  ASF是Advanced Streaming Format的简称,由微软公司开发。ASF格式用于播放网上全动态影像,让用户可以在下载的同时同步播放影像,无需等候下载完毕。 用Windows MediaPlayer 可以打开. Microsoft公司的Windows Media的核心是ASF(Advanced Stream Format)。微软将ASF 定义为同步媒体的统一容器文件格式。ASF是一种数据格式,音频、视频、图像以及控制命令脚本等多媒体信息通过这种格式,以网络数据包的形式传输,实现流式多媒体内容发布。 ASF最大优点就是体积小,因此适合网络传输,使用微软公司的最新媒体播放器(Microsoft Windows Media Player)可以直接播放该格式的文件。用户可以将图形、声音和动画数据组合成一个ASF格式的文件,当然也可以将其他格式的视频和音频转换为ASF格式,而且用户还可以通过声卡和视频捕获卡将诸如麦克风、录像机等等外设的数据保存为ASF格式。另外,ASF格式的视频中可以带有命令代码,用户指定在到达视频或音频的某个时间后触发某个事件或操作。 ASF的特征 可扩展的媒体类型- ASF文件允许制作者很容易地定义新的媒体类型。ASF格式提供了非常有效的灵活地定义符合ASF文件格式定义的新的媒体流类型。任一存储的媒体流逻辑上都是独立于其他媒体流的,除非在文件头部分明显地定义了其与另一媒体流的关系。 部件下载-特定的有关播放部件的信息(如,解压缩算法和播放器)能够存储在ASF 文件头部分,这些信息能够为客户机用来找到合适的所需的播放部件的版本---如果它们没有在客户机上安装。 可伸缩的媒体类型- ASF是设计用来表示可伸缩的媒体类型的"带宽"之间的依赖关系。ASF存储各个带宽就像一个单独的媒体流。媒体流之间的依赖关系存储在文件头部分,为客户机以一个独立于压缩的方式解释可伸缩的选项提供了丰富的信息流的优先级化- 现代的多媒体传输系统能够动态地调整以适应网络资源紧张的情况(如,带宽不足)。多媒体内容的制作者要能够根据流的优先级表达他们的参考信息,如最低保证音频流的传输。随着可伸缩媒体类型的出现,流的优先级的安排变得复杂起来,因为在制作的时候很难决定各媒体流的顺序。ASF允许内容制作者有效地表达他们的意见(有关媒体的优先级),甚至在可伸缩的媒体类型出现的情况下也可以。 多语言- ASF设计为支持多语言。媒体流能够可选地指示所含媒体的语言。这个功能常用于音频和文本流。一个多语言ASF文件指的是包含不同语言版本的同一内容的一系列媒体流,其允许客户机在播放的过程中选择最合适的版本。 目录信息- ASF提供可继续扩展的目录信息的功能,该功能的扩展性和灵活性都非常好。所有的目录信息都以无格式编码的形式存储在文件头部分,并且支持多语言,如果需要,目录信息既可预先定义(如,作者和标题),也可以是制作者自定义。目录信息功能既可以用于整个文件也可以用于单个媒体流。 ASF文件格式 ASF 对象定义 ASF文件基本的组织单元叫做ASF 对象,它是由一个128位的全球唯一的对象标识符(Object ID),一个64位整数的对象大小(Object Size)和一个可变长的对象数据(Object Data)组成。对象大小域的值是由对象数据的大小加上24比特之和。 这个文件组织单元有点类似于RIFF(Resource Interchange File Format)字节片。RIFF字节片时AVI和WAV文件的基本单位。ASF对象在两个方面改进了RIFF的设计。首先,无需一个权威机构来管理对象标识符系统,因为计算机网卡能够产生一个有效的唯一的GUID。其次,对象大小字段已定义得足够处理高带宽多媒体内容的大文件。 高层文件结构 ASF文件逻辑上是由三个高层对象组成:头对象(Header Object)、数据对象(Data Object)和索引对象(Index Object).。头对象是必需的并且必须放在每一个ASF文件的开头部分,数据对象也是必需的,且一般情况下紧跟在头对象之后。索引对象是可选的,但是一般推荐使用。 高层ASF文件结构 在具体实现过程中可能会出现一些文件包含无序的(Out-Of-Order)的对象,ASF也支持,但在特定情况下,将导致ASF 文件不能使用,如从特定的文件源如HTTP服务器读取该类ASF文件。同样地,额外的高层对象也可能被运用并加入到ASF文件中。一般推荐这些另加的对象跟在索引对象之后。 ASF数据对象能够被解释的一个前提条件是头对象已被客户机接收到。ASF没有声明头对象信息是如何到达客户端的,"到达机制"是一个"本地实现问题",显然已超过了ASF 的定义范围。头对象先于数据对象到达有三种方式: 包含头对象的信息作为"会话声明"的一部分。 利用一个与数据对象不同的"通道"发送头对象。 在发送ASF 数据对象之前发送头对象。 ASF 头对象 在ASF的三个高层对象中,头对象是唯一包含其他ASF 对象的对象。头对象可能包含一下对象: 文件属性对象(File Properties Object)----全局文件属性。 流属性对象(Stream Properties Object)----定义一个媒体流和其属性。 内容描述对象(Content Description Object)----包含所有目录信息。 部件下载对象(Component Download Object)----提供播放部件信息。 流组织对象(Stream Groups Object)----逻辑上把多个媒体流组织在一起。 可伸缩对象(Scalable Object)----定义媒体流之间的可伸缩的关系。 优先级对象(Prioritization Object)----定义相关流的优先级。 相互排斥对象(Mutual Exclusion Object)----定义排斥关系如语言选择。 媒体相互依赖对象(Inter-Media Dependency Object)----定义混合媒体流之间的相互依赖关系。 级别对象(Rating Object)----根据W3C PICS定义文件的级别。 索引参数对象(Index Parameters Object)----提供必要的信息以重建ASF文件的索引。 ASF 头对象 头对象的作用是在ASF文件的开始部分提供一个众所周知的比特序列,并且包含所有其它头对象信息。头对象提供了存储在数据对象中的多媒体数据的全局的信息。 ASF数据对象 数据对象包含一个ASF 文件的所有多媒体数据。多媒体数据以ASF数据单元的形式存储,每一个ASF数据单元都是可变长的,且包含的数据必须是同一种媒体流。数据单元在当它们开始传输的时候在数据对象中自动地排序,这种排序来自于交叉存储的文件格式。 ASF索引对象 ASF索引对象包含一个嵌入ASF文件的多媒体数据的基于时间的索引。每以索引进入表现的时间间隔是在制作时设置的,并且存储在索引对象中。由于没有必要为一个文件的每一个媒体流建立一个索引,因此,通常利用一个时间间隔列表来索引一系列的媒体流
2023-07-21 05:49:591

That box is too heavy to carry.本句话中没有用it在carry 后,为什么?什么时候it 不能省略.请举例

你省略句的知识了解么? 我给你讲讲吧1. 省略句的定义 省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。省略在语言中,尤其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。2. 小品词的省略(1)省略介词He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功课。I"ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years.我已学五年英语了。(2)省略连词thatI believe (that) you will succeed. 我相信你们会成功的。It"s a pity (that) he"s leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。I"m sure (that) she will help you. 我肯定她会帮你的。(3)省略关系代词I"ll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。3. 句子成分的省略(1)省略主语Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(Beg前省略了主语I)Take care! 当心!(Take前省略了主语you)Looks as if it will rain. 看起来象要下雨。(Looks前省略了主语it)(2)省略谓语Who next? 该谁了?(Who后面省略了谓语comes)The river was deep and the ice thin. (ice后面省略了was)We"ll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。(can后面省略了动词do)(3)省略表语Are you ready? Yes, I am. 你准备好了吗? 我准备好了。(am后面省略了ready)He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他还是象年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been后面省略了a lover of sports)(4)省略宾语Let"s do the dishes. I"ll wash and you"ll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了宾语dishes)(5)省略定语He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 那钱他花了部分,其余的他都存了起来。(the rest后面省略了定语of the money)(6)省略状语He was not hurt. Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!(Strange前面省略了状语how) 1. 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份What exciting news! (= What exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动的消息啊!Pity he"s failed. (= It is a pity that he"s failed.) 很遗憾,他失败了。I like him more than her. (= I like him more than I like her.) 我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她。2. 英语中有一些固定的省略结构:a) 在以if, when, though, as if(好象)等连词引导的从句中,如从句中的主要动词是be ,常将主语和动词be 省略。If necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 如有必要,我们就往家里打电报。Whenever possible, he will come to my help. 他一有可能就来帮助我。While cycling, don"t forget the traffic lights. 骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。b) 由固定词组引导的疑问句:What about having a game of chess? 下盘棋怎么样?How come they left you alone here? 他们怎么会把你一人留在这里呢?What if it"s raining? 如果天下雨怎么办?Why not try again? 为什么不再试试呢?c) 在口语中,为了避免重复,不定式可以省去和句子前部重复的动词原形而只留下不定式符号to。He may leave if he wishes to. 他可以走,如果他愿意的话。Don"t go till I tell you to. 等我叫你走你再走。3. 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中补上,但有时省略结构已经定型,如果把省略部分补上,反而不合乎习惯。He is taller than I am. 他比我高。(am之后省略tall,补上不合习惯)No parking. 禁止停车。(告示用语 = No parking is allowed here.)有一些习惯表达很难补上所省略的部分:Not at all. 不用谢。No matter. 不要紧。Thanks. 谢谢。 I. 改写句子 使用省略手段避免下面各句重复与冗赘:1. Someone has used my mobile phone, but I don"t know who has used it.2. John worked hard but his brother did not work hard.3. I have lazy students and hardworking students in my class.4. --- Has he ever been abroad? --- No, he has never been abroad.5. If it is necessary, we will finish it ahead of time.6. You must not be late and you must not be absent.7. Give me your name and address, please.8. It is well done.9. Mother can take a rest, Mother should take a rest but Mother won"t take a rest after long hours of work.10.He could answer the questions very well if he would answer the questions but he didn"t answer the questions.省略(ellipsis)是一种为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的语法手段。1.简单句中的省略。(1)省略主语(多数属于语境省略)有时,主语和助动词一起省略。(It) Doesn"t matter. 没关系。(I)Beg your pardon. 请原谅。(You)Had a good time?你玩的痛快吗?(I"m)Sorry. 对不起。(Have you)Got any idea?你有什么注意吗?What a beautiful view!多美的景色啊!(2)省略谓语 Who (comes) next? 谁下一个来?(3)省略表语 ---Are you ready? —你准备好了吗?---- Yes, I am —是的,我准备好了。(4)省略宾语 ---Let"s do the dishes. —让我们刷盘子吧。---OK. I"ll wash (dishes). You"ll dry (dishes). —好的。我刷盘子,你把盘子擦干。(5)主(宾)语补足语中的to be常常可省略。We found the situation (to be) serious. 我发觉形势严重。He was thought (to be) the person responsible for the matter. 他被认为是对这件事负责的那个人。(6)在复合宾语结构中省略不定式符号to。不定式作动词make/let/have以及感官动词的宾语补足语时要省略to,但变成被动语态时不能省略。The boss made the workers work all day and all night.老板让工人整日整夜工作。(7)省略介词He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四小时来复习功课。I"ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years. 我学英语五年了。We can stop them (from) moving in. 我们能够阻止他们搬进来。(8)所有格之后的名词如为住宅、商店、工矿、教堂等可以省略。She is going to her uncle"s (house).她要去她的叔叔家。Today I met her at the tailor"s (shop).今天我在裁缝店遇见了她。2.并列句中的省略(通常为承前省略)。通常并列句中后面的分句只要与前边的分句有相同的词语,不管它在句子中作何种成分,都可以省略,反之亦然。His father is a doctor, and his mother (is) a nurse.他的父亲是个医生,母亲是个护士。3.复合句(状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句)中的省略(1)状语从句由(al)though, as if, until, once, unless, when, whether, where, while等引导,且同时具备下列两个条件:1)主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;2)从句中的主要动词是be的某种形式,则从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。If(you are)in doubt,don"t hesitate to ask me.如果你有疑问,请立刻问我。I did not notice it until (it was) very late.直到很晚,我才注意到它。He won"t come unless (he is) invited.除非他被邀请,否则他不会来。If (it is) possible, I"ll go outing.如果可能的话,我将去郊游。He opened his mouth as if (he were) to say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。【提醒】比较状语从句中的省略than和as引导的比较状语从句,如果意义明确,than和as后面的任何部分都可省略。I"m taller than he (is tall).我比他高。I know you better than (I know) him.我了解你胜过了解他。This coat is better than that one, but it costs twice as much (as that one). 这件上衣比那件好,但这件是那件价格的两倍。(2)名词性从句1)名词性wh-从句中的省略现象。如果从句谓语与主句谓语相同,从句可省略全部谓语,甚至主语也可省略,只保留一个wh-词。She will go to Beijing, but I don"t know when (she will go to Beijing).她要去北京,但我不知道是什么时候。She can"t come, but I don"t know why (she can"t come).她不能来,但我不知为什么。wh-从句若是被动结构,主谓语也可全部省略,只保留by+wh词。The cup was broken by someone, but I wonder (the cup was broken) by whom.这个杯子被某人打碎了,但我纳闷是被谁打碎的。如果从句相同而wh-词不同,则可省略第一个从句而把两个wh-词连接起来。I don"t know when (to meet him) and where to meet him.我不清楚什么时间、什么地点见他。2)在与表示命令、愿意、建议等相关的名词性从句中,常用should型虚拟,而从句谓语部分中的should常省略。We require that he (should) tell us the truth.我们要求他告诉我们真相。3)在句型“It is necessary/surprising/suggested/natural /strange…+ that从句”中,从句通常用should型虚拟,而should常常可以省略。Everyone thinks it is necessary that our research group(should)begin the experiment at once.每个人都认为我们的研究小组立刻开始实验是必要的。4)在宾语从句中,连词that常可省略。但如果有两个宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的that不能省;如果宾语从句和主句谓语之间有插入语时,that也不能省略。I believe (that) you will succeed.我认为你会成功
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贬义词asinine 愚蠢至极的 bookish 书呆子的,迂腐的 childish 幼稚的 clumsy 笨手笨脚的 crude 粗鲁的, 粗俗的 cunning 狡猾的, 奸诈的 disagreeable 脾气坏的,不友好的 foolish 愚蠢的 greedy 贪婪的 hesitant 犹豫不决的 hysterical 歇斯底里的 incompetent 无能的, 不称职的, 不胜任的 incredulous 疑心重的 indulgent 放纵的,溺爱的 insignificant 微不足道的 masterful 专横的 partial 偏心的 possessive 占有欲强的 self-abandoned 自暴自弃的;放纵的 self-centered 自我为中心的 self-conscious 洋洋自得的 self-interested 自私自利的 self-righteous 自以为是的 shrewed 精明诡诈的 skittish 轻浮的,轻佻的 slow 迟钝的 terrible 可怕的 superficial 肤浅的 uneducated 没教养的 unfaithful 不忠诚的 ungrateful 忘恩负义的 unimaginative 无想象力的 unreasonable 不讲理的 unsociable 不善交际的 unpleasant 令人讨厌的 vulgar 俗气的 wayward反复无常的;任性的
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如下:n.地狱;苦难的经历;悲惨的境况;(有人认为含冒犯意)该死,见鬼;地狱中的人;恣意的玩闹。v.过放荡生活,欢闹,花天酒地;(车辆)急驰,飞驰;<口>(用于诅咒或表示恼怒、惊讶、厌恶、不耐烦、失望等)见鬼,该死。读音:英 [hel]、美 [hel]。短语搭配:From Hell 来自地狱 ; 开膛手 ; 屠出地狱 ; 来自天堂。HELL CAT 地狱猫。like hell 拼命地 ; 像地狱 ; 拚命地 ; 极猛地。Raising Hell 上升的地狱 ; 冲出地狱。Hell Week 地狱周 ; 返校奇遇 ; 天堂周 ; 地狱之周。Project Hell 地狱计划。HELL RIDER 地狱骑士。Dll Hell 消除 ; 动态库地狱 ; 引起的配置问题 ; 动态连结地狱。hell song 地狱之歌。
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 1、The mountain turns around, but towards the peak extension.  山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。  2、Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one.  懦弱的人只会裹足不前, 莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。  3、You can"t force myself like to do something, but you can make yourself do doesn"t like!  你无法强迫自己喜欢做某事,但你可以强迫自己做不喜欢的事!  4、The horse is running out, therefore is to fight out.  骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。  5、To struggle in sweat pooled rivers, will cause the boat to the other side of the ideal sail.  奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。  6、At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way.  志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。  7、Usually not run hair health meters, accounting for it is hard to carry on one hundred meters sprint.  平时没有跑发卫千米,占时就难以进行一百米的冲刺。  8、Often and violates, what the people.  事常与人违,事总在人为。  9、If you want to climb the peak, not the rainbow as a ladder.  如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。  10、Keeping in mind the rain seed dedicated told, enhances the outstanding courage.  种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。
2023-07-21 05:49:471

急需 好听的英文歌和中文歌+歌词

先给你介绍一首英文歌吧,westlife 的 my love 吧,真的很好听的My Love歌词 歌手:Westlife(西城男孩) an empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart, i"m all alone and the rooms are getting smaller. (bridge) i wonder how, i wonder why, i wonder where they are, the days we"ve had, the songs we"ve sang together(oh yeah). (mountain) and oh my love, i"m holding on forever, reaching for a love that seems so far, (chorus) so i say a little prayer, and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love. i try to read, i go to work, i"m laughing with my friends, but i can"t stop to keep myself from thinking(so long). (bridge). i wonder how.. i wonder why i wonder where they r the days we had, the songs we sang together[oh yeah] and oh my love..... i m holding on forever, reachign for the love that seems so far..... so i say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, to hold u in my arms, to promise u my love, to tell u from my heart..... what i m thinking offfff [music] reaching for the love that seems so far.. [chorus starts] so i say a little prayer.... and hope my dreams will take me there... where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love. 还有我喜欢的歌手五月天的一首,阿信和陈绮贞合唱的 私奔到月球吧私奔到月球 词:阿信 曲:阿信 演唱:五月天+陈绮贞 其实你 是个心狠又手辣 的小偷 我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走 你才是 绑架我的凶手 机车后座的我 吹着风 逃离了平庸 这星球 天天有五十亿人 在错过 多幸运 有你一起看星星 在争宠这一刻 不再问为什么 不再去猜测人和人 心和心 有什么不同 @ 一二三 牵着手 四五六 抬起头 七八九 我们私奔到月球 让双脚 去腾空 让我们 去感受 那无忧的真空 那月色纯真的感动 当你说 太聪明往往还是 会寂寞 我笑着 倾听孤单终结后 的寂寞看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔 静静凝视你我 和我们闹嚷的星球 靠近你 怎么突然两个人 都词穷 让心跳 像是野火燎原般 的汹涌 这一刻 让命运也沉默 让脚尖划过天和天 地和地 缘分的宇宙 个人英文歌比较喜欢西城男孩的,你可以去听他们别的歌;中文的话比较喜欢五月天的,他们很多歌都超好听的,比如,突然好想你,你不是真正的快乐,倔强,天使,知足,温柔啊 等等 ,他们的歌也都满励志的,希望你会喜欢吧
2023-07-21 05:49:468这个SP里面的歌曲叫什么名字 乐队的名字知道的也打出来

歌名:Nights Of Arabia 乐队名:KamelotCame acrossThe watersA kingdom in the sandsUnfaithful to the sultanA killing was at handChallenged to survivalA legacy of fearEternal mystic legendsOne for every tearNights of ArabiaThe queen has lost her right to lifeNights of ArabiaHer destiny in story linesNights of ArabiaA thousand tales and one for lifeThese are nights of ArabiaWhispers in the moonlightA gathering of vales Circled round the fireTo hear this evenings taleStanding on the thresholdThe crest of darkened nightsSeduction of the hunterThe slave regains her might"lost inside a shadowErase the sins I"ve madeHeavenly reward meWith mercy on my fate"Nights of ArabiaThe queen has lost her right to lifeNights of ArabiaHer destiny in story linesNights of ArabiaA thousand tales and one for lifeThese are nights of Arabia Sheherazade will never dieThe sultan relents his feeble heartHis love for the queen is greater than he"ll ever know"it"s easy to let you feed my nightsSomeone to touch, someone to hold,Someone to feel, someone to love""here I am to die aloneVoices from heaven aboveHear my call awaken my soulForgive me for what I have done"Challenged to survivalA legacy of fearEternal mystic legendsOne for every tear
2023-07-21 05:49:441


Hell!找死啊hell英 [hel] 美 [hɛl]n.地狱,阴间; 训斥; 胡闹,见鬼; 苦境,罪恶之地;vi.过放荡生活; (车辆) 急驰,飞驰;int.该死; 见鬼(表示惊奇、烦恼、厌恶、恼怒、失望等)[例句]School is a living hell for some children.对于有些孩子来说,学校简直就是活地狱。[其他]第三人称单数:hells 复数:hells 现在分词:helling 过去式:helled 过去分词:helled
2023-07-21 05:49:431


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