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2023-07-21 10:47:28
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The Cast

In alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:

Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best with
comebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.
(Cheech Marin)

Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.
Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at the
right time.
(Jim Cummings)

Kiara : Simba"s and Nala"s cub. She completes the Circle.

Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.
Brown eyes. Biiig kitty. Father of Simba. Elder brother of Scar.
(James Earl Jones)

Nala : Friend and companion of Simba. She can pin Simba in a fight. As
an adult she and Simba fall in love, prolonging a tradition they
had refused as cubs.
(Niketa Calame / Moira Kelly)
(Singing: Laura Williams / Kristle Edwards)

Pumbaa [Simpleton] : A well-padded warthog and friend of Timon. A
little slow, but when he catches on, it"s surprising what he
can do. Has a flatulence problem.
(Ernie Sabella)

Rafiki [Friend] : A mandrill whose role is of a mystical shaman.
Outwardly he appears to be crazy, but in reality he is very wise.
(Robert Guillaume)

Sarabi [Mirage] : Mother of Simba. Wife of Mufasa. Leader of the
(Madge Sinclair)

Sarafina : Nala"s mother. Friend of Sarabi.
(Zoe Leader)

Scar : Younger brother of Mufasa. Uncle of Simba. Well-chiseled,
bony features. Flat black matted mane. Aspires to be King of
Pride Rock by deceit, due to his thin size and weak stature.
His claws are always partly extended. Has a vertical scar across
his right eye that presumably accounts for his name.
(Jeremy Irons)

Shenzi [Uncouth] : Female of the Hyena trio. Major attitude. Probably
the smartest and deals the best with Scar. Most even temper.
(Whoopi Goldberg)

Simba [Lion] : The cub of Mufasa. Soon to be King of Pride Rock.
Initially a cub, later an adult. Brown eyes. As an adult, he"s
not as well-built as his father was, presumably from growing up
on a diet of insects... Friend of Pumbaa and Timon.
(Jonathan Taylor Thomas / Matthew Broderick)
(Singing: Jason Weaver / Joseph Williams)

Timon : An outcast meerkat; a friend of Pumbaa. Very self-reliant,
quite a fast talker (like a used car salesman). Stands about 6" tall.
(Nathan Lane)

Zazu : The King"s loyal servant. A hornbill, which is a large-beaked bird.
(Rowan Atkinson)


The Script

{Open, black screen}

{Start nature sound effects}

{Cue Castle screen}

{Fade to black}

{Cue lion roar in the background, calling the animals to gather
to Pride Rock for the Ceremony.}


[ MS: Male Singer
BS: Background Singer
FS: Female Singer (lead) ]

{Sunrise on African grassland (lightly treed), in time with
opening chant to The Circle of Life}

MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]

BS: Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it"s a lion]

{Various shots of animals raising their heads at the sunrise:
rhinos, antelope, a cheetah, meerkats, storks...}

MS: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father]

BS: Sithi uhhmm ingonyama [Oh yes, it"s a lion]


MS: Siyo Nqoba [We"re going to conquer]

BS: Ingonyama
Ingonyama nengw" enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]
{repeats 5}

Ingonyama nengw" enamabala (Se-to-kwa!)
Ingonyama nengw" enamabala (Asana)
{repeats 1}

{The Circle of Life ground forms in the BS"s and holds its
pattern for eight bars. It is a non-chordal BS part. The
progressions are in the medium ranges of the strings.
Various pans and camera views of African animals, all
moving. Coinciding with the FS pickup in the eighth bar,
we first view the giraffes, panning to a long shot of all
the animals in their procession}

[The Circle of life text]

FS: From the day we arrive on the planet
And, blinking, step into the sun
There"s more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

{Camera is panning and jumping to elephants, zebras, ants,
birds, storks, etc... }

There"s far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

{When the "The Circle of Life" is mentioned the long-
distance pan centers on Pride Rock where all the animals
are gathering. Mufasa is on Pride Rock. Long camera arc to
Mufasa and Zazu.}

It"s the Circle of Life
And it moves us all

{Zazu bows to Mufasa, who smiles and nods at him}

Through despair and hope
Through faith and love

{Appearance of Rafiki, the mandrill. He passes between
ranks of animals, who bow to him; he then climbs Pride Rock
to where Mufasa is standing.}

Till we find our place
On the path unwinding

{Rafiki and Mufasa embrace.}

In the Circle
The Circle of Life

{Decrescendo in BS. FS drops out. Pan Flute takes simple

{Mufasa leads Rafiki over to Sarabi, who is holding Simba}

{Rafiki puts the juice and sand he collects on Simba"s
brow-- a ceremonial crown. He then picks Simba up and
ascends to the point of Pride Rock. Mufasa and Sarabi
follow. With a crescendo in the music and a restatement of
the refrain, Rafiki holds Simba up for the crowd to view.}

FS: It"s The Circle of Life

{The crowd starts howling, stamping, etc... }

And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love

{The clouds part and a sunbeam highlights Rafiki and Simba
on Pride Rock.}

Till we find our place

{The crowd bows down, one by one.}

On the path unwinding

{Camera slowly zooms out to a striking panoramic view
of the Presentation.}

In the Circle
The Circle of Life

{Bass drum hit (fff) and immediate switch to black screen
with title "The Lion King" in blood-red caps.}

[Mouse / Challenge Scene]

{Cue mouse sounds}

{Visual fade into mouse in cave}

{Mouse comes out and starts preening in the light. Begins
sniffing. Becomes frightened. Suddenly a large lion paw
swoops down and catches him.}

{Cue the Scar theme (dissonant, slow, reed theme). Fade in
slowly and up full during speech}

{Camera switch to Scar holding the squeaking and
struggling mouse in his paw. He talks to it while playing
with it}

Scar: Life"s not fair, is it? You see I -- well, I... shall
never be King. {exhale lightly} And you... shall never
see the light of another day. {closed-mouth laughter.
Starts to place the mouse on his extended tongue} ...
Adieu... {quiet laugh}

Zazu : {Interrupting} Didn"t your mother ever tell you not
to play with your food?

Scar: {Light sigh. The mouse is under his paw.} What do you want?

Zazu: I"m here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. {bows}
...So you"d better have a good excuse for missing the
ceremony this morning.

{The mouse runs away from Scar}

Scar: Oh now look, Zazu; you"ve made me lose my lunch.

Zazu: Hah! You"ll lose more than that when the King gets
through with you. He"s as mad as a hippo with a

Scar: Oooh... I quiver with FEAR.

{On "FEAR" Scar crouches down and is baring his teeth at

Zazu: {Very concerned} Now Scar, don"t look at me that
way... HELP!

{Scar quickly pounces on the bird, catching him in his mouth.}

Mufasa: {Almost immediately and off-camera} Scar! ...

Scar: {Mouth full} Mm-hmm?

Mufasa: Drop him.

Zazu: {Speaking from Scar"s mouth} Impeccable timing, your

{Scar spits the bird out, covered with saliva}

Zazu: {Slimed} Eyyccch.

Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn"t my big
brother descending from on high to mingle with the

Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn"t see you at the presentation of

Scar: {Faking astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feel
simply awful.

{He turns and start scraping his claws on the rock wall.
Zazu cringes at the sound.}

Scar: {Admiring his claws} ...Must have slipped my mind.

Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king"s
brother, you should have been first in line!

{Scar clicks his teeth at Zazu, who has flown near his
face. Zazu takes cover behind Mufasa"s foreleg. Scar bends
down to speak to him.}

Scar: Well, I was first in line... until the little hairball
was born.

Mufasa: {Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye}
That "hairball" is my son... and your future king.

Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy.

{Scar turns away and starts to exit}

Mufasa: {Warning} Don"t turn your back on me, Scar.

Scar: {Looking back} Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps YOU shouldn"t
turn YOUR back on me.

Mufasa: {Roars and literally jumps in front of Scar, baring
his teeth for the first time} Is that a challenge?

Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn"t dream of challenging you.

Zazu: Pity! Why not?

Scar: {Looking at Zazu} Well, as far as brains go, I got
the lion"s share. But, when it comes to brute strength
{looking at Mufasa} ...I"m afraid I"m at the shallow end
of the gene pool.

{Exit Scar}

Zazu: {Deep sigh} There"s one in every family, sire... Two
in mine, actually. {perches on Mufasa"s shoulder} And
they always manage to ruin special occasions.

Mufasa: What am I going to do with him?

Zazu: He"d make a very handsome throw rug.

Mufasa: {Chiding} Zazu!

Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could
take him out and BEAT him.

{They exit, chuckling. Pan out into open savannah.}

gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture



those books that the old man collected involve many kinds of themes
2023-07-21 06:45:544


  始人发展出的图示和表意符号是如今现代字母的原型,比如楔形文字和象形文字。最早的字母,是东闪米特人使用的一种早期的象形文字的组合。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来字母的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   字母的英语说法:   letter   字母相关英语表达:   Arabic alphabet;    *** 字母   a capital letter;   大写字母   Sanskrit alphabet;   梵文字母   the Chinese phonetic alphabet;   汉语拼音字母   字母的英语例句:   1. An A to Z of careers gives helpful rmation about courses.   按字母顺序排列的职业大全提供了有助于课程选择的资讯。   2. Their herbs and spices are arranged in alphabetical order.   他们的香草和调味料按字母顺序摆放。   3. The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first.   如果把所有的母音列在前面,字母表可能会更为合理一些。   4. In African languages there is a close corre-spondence between sounds and letters.   非洲语言中的发音与字母关系密切。   5. Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.   瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个专案上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。   6. Where would it be?" — "Filed under C, second drawer down."   “它会在哪儿?”——“归放在C字母下,往下数第二个抽屉。”   7. We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals.   我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写。   8. Researchers flash two groups of different letters onto a puter screen.   研究者在计算机萤幕上显示出两组不同的字母。   9. "Ecu" was printed in lower case rather than capital letters.   ecu是用小写字母而不是大写字母印刷的。   10. Would you mind initialing this voucher?   请在凭单上用首字母签名。   11. The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.   这个目录按标签名的字母顺序排列而成。   12. They saw some large letters in white paint.   他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。   13. Schrader initialled the chit for the barman.   施拉德在收条上用首字母签了字,交给了酒吧招待。   14. The modern Russian alphabet has 31 letters.   现代俄语字母表有31个字母。   15. The first word begins with an F.   第一个词的首字母为F。
2023-07-21 06:46:031

Put these words in alphabetical order.Then compelte the rule.是神马意思,急用,快

2023-07-21 06:46:123

The historical events of that period are arranged () alphabetical order Bin an alphabetical

51.The historical events of that period are arranged () alphabetical order 52.They like to take a vacation ()C.once a year 53.”What is Todger?” “He is () .”A.a poet and novelist 54.”How did you pay the workers ?” “As a rule , they are paid () “ the hour 55.”The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers ()A.from east to west
2023-07-21 06:46:301

谁知道有关形容奥运项目的英文单词?急!急!急!这个网站里很多奥运体育项目中英对照 acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动 athletics/track & field---田径 beach---海滩 boat race---赛艇 bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇 boxing---拳击 canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe---赛艇 chess---象棋 cricket---板球 cycling---自行车 diving---跳水 downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dressage---盛装舞步 equestrian---骑马 fencing---击剑 figure skating---花样滑冰 football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 freestyle----自由式 gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动 golf----高尔夫球 Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastics----体操 handball-----手球 hockey----曲棍球 hold, lock-----揪钮 horizontal bar-----单杠 hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛 huttlecock kicking---踢毽子 ice skating---滑冰 indoor---室内 item Archery---箭术 judo---柔道 jumping----障碍 kayak----皮划艇 mat exercises---垫上运动 modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 mountain bike---山地车 parallel bars---双杠 polo---马球 relative work---造型跳伞 relay race; relay---接力 rings----吊环 roller skating----滑旱冰
2023-07-21 06:46:502


仁爱英语八年级上单词表Unit1Topic1 Are you going to play basketball?话题1 你要去打篮球吗?almostadv.几乎,差不多againstprep.对着,反对termn.学期;术语;条款;项cheerv.加油,欢呼;喝彩;n.欢呼声,喝彩声cheer...onteamn.队,组winv.获胜,赢得preferv.更喜欢,宁愿(选择)cyclev.骑自行车rowv.划船;n.(一)排,(一)行quiteadv.相当,很,十分bitn.一点,一些,少量quite a bit/a lot许多,大量joinv.加入,参加;连接;会合clubn.俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花skatev.溜冰,滑冰skiv.滑雪;n.滑雪;滑雪板volleyballn.排球tennisn.网球table tennis乒乓球playern.比赛者,选手Houston Rockets休斯敦火箭队NBA(美国)国家篮球协会dreamn.梦,梦想;v.做梦growv.成长,生长;发育;种植;变成grow up长大成人,成长dancern.跳舞者,舞蹈演员futuren.将来in the future今后jobn.(一份)工作activeadj.精力旺盛的;积极的;主动的runnern.赛跑者;操作者;滑行装置breakv.打破(断,碎);损坏;撕开;n.小憩,间歇;课间休息Olympicadj.奥林匹克运动会的recordn.记录;唱片goldn.黄金;adj.金黄色的,金的medaln.奖牌,勋章give up放弃shamen.遗憾的事;羞愧athleten.运动员singleadj.单一的,单个的take part in参加,加入both...and...两个都,既……又……mountainn.山,山脉spend(过去式spent)v.度过;花费(金钱、时间等)spend...(in) doing花费(时间)……做……hourn.小时exercisen.锻炼,做操;练习,习题;v.锻炼do exercise做运动baseballn.棒球prettyadv.颇,相当;十分,非常;adj.漂亮的,俊俏的pretty well相当好jumpv.跳跃;n.跳跃;猛扑weekendn.周末the high jump跳高the long jump跳远p.m.下午,午后a.m.上午,午前popularadj.流行的,大众的,受欢迎的all over到处,遍及be good for对……有益heartn.心脏,心;纸牌中的红桃1ungn.肺;肺脏the day after tomorrow后天healthyadj.健康的,健壮的fitadj.健康的;适合的;v.(使)适合;安装keep fit保持健康relaxv.(使)放松,轻松famousadj.著名的arrivev.到达,达到arrive in/at到达某地teammaten.队友play against同……比赛excitedadj.激动的,兴奋的leavev.离开;把……留下,剩下;n.假期,休假1eave for动身去某地Unit 2Topic1 You"d better go to see a doctor.话题1 你最好去看看医生。toothachen.牙痛dentistn.牙科医生have a cold患感冒coughn.&v.咳嗽soreadj.(发炎)疼痛的,酸痛的backachen.背痛take a rest休息fevern.发烧;发热flun.流行性感冒stomachachen.胃疼headachen.头疼at night在夜晚coffeen.咖啡tean.茶;茶叶plentypron.大量,众多,充足;n.充足,大量plenty of大量,充足,丰富boilv.沸腾;烧开;煮……boiled water开水liftv.举起,抬起;(云、烟等)消散;n.(英)电梯heyin.terj.嘿paleadj.苍白的,灰白的terribleadj.糟糕的;可怕的beenv.be的过去分词day and night日日夜夜feel like doing想要……,感觉要……throatn.喉咙lie down躺下candyn.糖果brushv.刷;擦;n.刷子toothn.(pl.teeth)牙齿Internetn.互联网,因特网caren.照顾,护理;小心;v.介意……,在乎;关心take care of关心,照顾stilladv.还,还是,仍然,依旧X-rayn.X光照片;x射线;x光seriousadj.严重的;严肃的;认真的check over给……做体检,给……做健康检查;核对,检查pilln.药丸,药片Dr.(=Doctor)n.医生,大夫;博士worry about担心,烦恼advicen.忠告,劝告,建议taxin.出租车sincerelyadv.真诚地sickadj.有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐的icen.冰ice creamn.冰淇淋cold pill感冒药Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.我必须要求他戒烟。causev.促使,引起,使发生;n.原因,起因,卫生tonightadv.&n.今晚,今夜sleepyadj.想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的medicinen.药fingernailn.指甲mealn.一餐(饭)withoutprep.没有articlen.文章;东西,物品;冠词smokev.吸烟;冒烟;n.烟cancern.癌littern.废弃物,垃圾;v.乱丢杂物dustbinn.垃圾箱lawnn.草坪;草地energyn.能量,精力necessaryadj.必需的,必要的enoughadj.足够的,充分的;adv.足够地,充分地;n.足够,充足painn.疼痛,疼diseasen.病,疾病itselfpron.它自己mightv.aux.(may的过去式,助动词)可能,也许,或许emptyadj.空的stomachn.胃,胃部germn.细菌,病菌get into进入,达到humanadj.人的,人类的bodyn.身体throughprep.穿(通)过;从始至终;adv.穿(通)过;自始至终,全部skinn.皮,皮肤;兽皮hain.terj.(惊奇,高兴或有所表现时用)哈illnessn.疾病airn.空气;大气souradj.馊(味)的,酸臭的;酸的,有酸味的tidyv.弄整洁,弄干净;adj.整洁的,干净的sweepv.扫除,扫spitv.吐唾沫;吐痰in public当众;公开thanprep.&con.j.比wealthn.财产,财富lessadj.&adv.较少的;少于,小于choose选择sausagen.香肠,腊肠strawberryn.草莓beefn.牛肉cabbagen.卷心菜,洋白菜tomaton.西红柿,番茄potaton.土豆,马铃薯potato chips薯条sandwichn.三明治(夹心面包片)eggplantn.茄子watermelonn.西瓜Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?话题3 我们一定要做一些运动预发流感吗?hurryv.赶快;急忙hurry up赶快,快点journalistn.记者,新闻工作者questionn.问题;v.询问go ahead(尤指经某人允许)开始,开始做,着手,干吧,干下去;走在前面,领先spreadv.传播;延伸;展开amongprep.在……中间,在(三个以上)之间preventv.防止,预防all the time一直finallyadv.最后;最终,终于crowdedadj.拥挤的keep away (from)远离……extensionn.分机号码just a moment稍等一会儿,请稍等examinev.检查;诊察patientn.病人;adj.有耐心的,能忍耐的ring...up给……打电话messagen.消息,音信bicyclen.自行车roller skatingn.滑旱冰unhealthyadj.不健康的;会致病的first aid急救happinessn.愉快,幸福on the other hand另一方面unhappyadj.不高兴的,伤心的avoidv.防止,避免helpfuladj.有帮助的,有益的dangerousadj.危险的SARSabbr.非典型性肺炎themselvespron.他/她/它们自己herselfpron.她自己a kind of一种,一类break out(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发severalpron.几个,数个,一些battlen.战斗;战役braveadj.勇敢的care for照顾(病人);照料;喜欢reportern.记者,新闻通讯员answern.回答,答复;回信;(作出)答案;n.回答,答复;回信;答案dutyn.责任,义务savev.救,挽救;节省Chinese medicine中药Unit 3Topic1 What hobbies did you use to have?话题1 你过去有什么爱好呢?spareadj.空闲的,多余的,剩余的in one"s spare time在某人空闲时间hobbyn.业余爱好,嗜好comicn.连环画杂志VCDn.影碟,光盘interestedadj.感兴趣的be interested in对……感兴趣fondadj.喜爱的,爱好的be fond of喜欢actv.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事;n.法令,条例collectv.收集,搜集plantv.种植,播种;n.植物noveln.小说paintn.绘画;油漆,粉刷;n.油漆pleasedadj. 高兴的valuen.价值,益处used to do sth.过去常常做某事rockn.摇滚乐;岩石,大石块paintingn.油画,水彩画stonen.石头,石料dolln.玩偶,玩具娃娃coinn.硬币sharev.分享,共同使用e-mailn.电子邮件addressn.地址hatev.&n.讨厌;恨pop(=popular)adj.(口语)(音乐、艺术等)大众的,通俗的vacationn.假期,休假pondn.池塘nobodypron.没有人,谁也不;n.渺小人物secretn.秘密,内情chatv.&n.聊天,闲谈netn.网the Net因特网etc.abbr.等等;以及诸如此类;以及其他relaxingadj.有助休息的;令人放松的friendshipn.友谊,友情knowledgen.知识,学问dailyadj.日常的;每日的;adv.每天;n.日报and so on………等等bathn.洗澡;浴室;澡盆whethercon.j.是否unfriendlyadj.不友好的,有敌意的uglyadj.丑陋的;难看的lazyadj.懒惰的stupidadj.愚蠢的,笨的Topic 2 What sweet music!话题2 多么动听的音乐啊!concertn.音乐会;演奏会go on继续languagen.语言Ren"ai English Training School仁爱英语培训学校lendv.借(出),把……借给tapen.磁带;录音带hip hop嬉蹦乐(节奏强烈,说唱形式的一种流行伴舞音乐)singern.歌手,歌唱家violinn.小提琴drumn.鼓musicaladj.音乐的,爱好音乐的;n.音乐片instrumentn.乐器;工具,器械artistn.艺术家musiciann.音乐家,乐师pricen.价格,价钱folkadj.民间的drawingn.绘画;图画,素描(画)ad/advertisementn.广告payv.付钱,给……报酬;n.工资classicaladj.古典的;传统的jazzn.爵士音乐,爵士舞曲Beatlesn.甲壳虫乐队quicklyadv.迅速地,很快地everydayadj.日常的;每日的simpleadj.简单的,简易的be famous for...以……而闻名folk song民歌bandn.乐队,乐团Irelandn.爱尔兰at last最后,终于set up建立,创立Grammyn.格莱美音乐大奖membern.成员,会员continuev.继续birthn.出生,诞生Hong Kongn.香港nationalityn.国籍occupationn.职业,工作MTV / music televisionabbr.(music television的缩写)音乐电视频道directorn.导演weightn.重,重量kg / kilogramabbr.(kilogram的缩写)千克,公斤heightn.高,高度lovelyadj.可爱的;美好的carefullyadv.认真地,仔细地,小心地everybodypron.每人,人人Topic 3 What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?话题3 昨天七点到九点你一直在做什么?showern.淋浴;阵雨radion.收音机,无线电roastadj.烤的;v.烤(肉)duckn.鸭子agreev.同意;应允scenery风景,景色,自然景观so-soadj.一般,不怎么样,凑合pleasantadj.令人愉快的,舒适的agree with sb.同意某人的看法,与某人看法一致handsomeadj.英俊的usefuladj.有用的,有益的sadadj.难过的;(使人)悲伤的make faces做鬼脸,做苦脸laughv.&n.笑,大笑;嘲笑holyadj.神圣的prayv.祈祷;祈求solvev.解决(问题)stop doing sth停止做某事closedadj.关闭的factoryn.工厂too...to太……而不能……,太……以至于不……dishn.盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物happilyadv.快乐地,高兴地,幸福地Unit4Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.话题1 植物和动物对我们很重要。countrysiden.农村,乡下skyn.天,天空clearadj.清澈的;清晰的;明亮的;清楚的beautyn.美丽,美人naturen.自然;性质;种类cown.母牛,奶牛horsen.马henn.母鸡sheepn.(pl.sheep)(绵)羊;羊皮;驯服者goose/geesen.(pl.geese)鹅thinadj.瘦的;薄的;稀的aboveadv.在……之上;adj.上面的;prep.在……上面joyn.欢乐,高兴,乐趣rosen.玫瑰花share...with...与……共有,与……分享snaken.蛇foxn.狐狸insectn.昆虫frogn.青蛙livingadj.活着的;n.生计feedv.喂(养);饲养feed on以……为食rainforestn.(热带)雨林coverv.覆盖,遮盖;掩盖;n.盖子;罩earthn.地球;土,泥;大地surfacen.表面thousands of成千上万,几千darkadj.黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的;n.黑暗;暗处;日暮forestn.森林controlv.&n.控制climaten.气候woodn.木头,木材;(pl.)树木,森林rubbern.橡胶;合成橡胶protectv.保护mainadj.主要的factn.事实,现实in fact实际上,事实上make up组成;化妆;和解1aken.湖sean.海,海洋oceann.海洋dropn.滴;v.掉下,落下;投递;放弃on earth在地球上,在世界上;(加强疑问句的语气)到底,究竟holen.洞,坑fillv.使充满,装满;填空fill...with...用……填满……digv.挖(洞、沟等);掘deepadj.深的;厚的;宽的everythingpron.每件事,事事wildadj.野生的,野的;未开发的,荒凉的in danger处在危险状态bearn.熊;v.承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍wolfn.狼southwestn.西南bamboon.竹landn.陆地;土地;v.登岸(陆);降落whalen.鲸killv.杀死,弄死Chinese tiger华南虎southn.南部;南方;南风;南;adj.南(方)的;向南的;从南来的;adv.在南方;向南方;自南方furn.毛皮;皮子bone/bonesn.骨头,骨质(pl.bones骨骼;骨骸)Topic 2 Are you sure there are UFOs?话题2 你确定有不明飞行物吗?robotn.机器人scientistn.科学家appearv.出现take the place of取代,代替situationn.情况,形势repairv.&n.修理,修补machinen.机器,机械,装置truckn.卡车,运货车;车皮;v.装车;用货车运mendn.修理,修补UFO/unidentified flying objectabbr.(unidentified flying object)不明飞行物toward(s)prep.向,朝,对于platen.盘子;板;片;牌;盆子planetn.行星informationn.信息mistake...for...把……错当成……man-madeadj.人造的,人工的objectn.物,物体;宾语balloonn.气球call for寻求,需要,号召,提倡alienn.外星人waken.醒,醒来,叫醒wake up醒来realadj.真实的,确实的examplen.例子;榜样for example例如spend...on在……花费downloadv.&n.下载(计算机用语)dictionaryn.词典,字典in alphabetical order按字母(表)顺序排列look up查找pay attention to注意begin with以……开始write to写信给……pressv.按,压;n.新闻界,出版社buttonn.(电铃等的)按钮;纽扣;v.扣(纽扣)plugv.(用塞子)把……塞住;n.塞子plug in接通(电源),把(插头)插进(插座)uselessadj.无用的Topic 3 The workers used live models, didn"t they?话题3 工作者使用了真人来做模特,对吧?railwayn.铁路;铁道remainv.余下,留下;保持,仍是pullv.拉,拖;n.拉力,引力pull down拆毁(建筑物)governmentn.政府emperorn.皇帝Emperor Qin"s Terracotta Warrior秦始皇陵兵马俑wondern.奇迹;惊讶,惊叹;v.对……疑惑,感到惊奇;想知道liveadj.活的,活着的;实况的,现场(直播)的treasuren.极贵重的物品;金银财宝;财富undergroundadj.地下的;n.地铁palacen.宫,宫殿the Summer Palace颐和园westadj.(在)西的;向西的;从西来的;adv.在西方;向西方;n.西部;西方weighv.重(若干),称……的重量tonn.(重量单位)吨queenn.皇后,女王exhibitionn.展览会;展览Parisn.巴黎best-protectedadj. 保护最完整的Forbidden City紫禁城Grand Buddha in Leshan乐山大佛pyramidn.金字塔;角锥形Egyptn.埃及world-famousadj.世界闻名的kingn.国王tombn.坟墓ancientadj.古代的,古老的be made up of由……组成millionnum.百万;n.百万个(人或物)Egyptiann.埃及人;adj.埃及的;埃及人的;埃及语的TRUEadj.真的,真实的;忠诚的according to按照from then on从那时起regardv.把……看作把……看作……nationn.民族,国家sectionn.部分;部门;段recentlyadv.不久前,最近
2023-07-21 06:47:111


1. A "heads up". For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.2. A “heads up(提醒)”。比如,在商业会议上说,Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. 我至今还不知道是什么意思。2. Train station. My teeth are on edge every time I hear it. Who started it? Have they been punished?2. Train station(火车站)。每次听到它,我就很恼火。谁开始用这个词的?他们没有被罚吗?3. To put a list into alphabetical order is to "alphabetize it" - horrid!3. 把一张表按照字母顺序排列就是去“alphabetize it”——非常不爽!4. People that say "my bad" after a mistake. I don"t know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that.4. 那些在犯错后说“my bad(我的错)”的人,我真不知道事情怎么可以变得如此让人恼火、将惰性体现得淋漓尽致的。5. "Normalcy" instead of "normality" really irritates me.5. 用“normalcy(正常状态)”而不是“normality”真的会激怒我。
2023-07-21 06:47:202


linux启动时第一个进程是/sbin/init,其主要功能就是软件执行环境,包括系统的主机名、网络设置、语系处理、文件系统格式及其他服务的启动等。其配置文件就是/etc/inittab,但在我的ubuntu10.10却没有找到此文件。原来ubuntu中使用/etc/event.d这个目录,完成相似的功能。ubuntu9.10版本的upstart不再用/etc/event.d这个目录了。而是改用/etc/init目录。在/etc/init/下发现一个文件rc-sysinit.conf,与rc.sysinit文件名相似,于是打开发现其中有如下内容:[html] view plaincopyprint?# rc-sysinit - System V initialisation compatibility # # This task runs the old System V-style system initialisation scripts, # and enters the default runlevel when finished. # Check for default runlevel in /etc/inittab if [ -r /etc/inittab ] then eval "$(sed -nre "s/^[^#][^:]*:([0-6sS]):initdefault:.*/DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL="1";/p" /etc/inittab || true)" fi # Run the system initialisation scripts [ -n "${FROM_SINGLE_USER_MODE}" ] || /etc/init.d/rcS很明显,在ubuntu还是支持/etc/initab文件的。脚本的最后会执行/etc/init.d/rcS,rcS的内容为:[html] view plaincopyprint?#! /bin/sh # # rcS # # Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in numerical/alphabetical order #文件中所有的语句竟然都被注释掉了,看来此文件的存在只是为了兼容而已,没有实现用处。不过还是看一看srS.d目录:[html] view plaincopyprint?gavin@ubuntu:/etc/rcS.d$ ll 总计 20 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 447 2009-09-07 11:58 README lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2010-12-07 05:27 S01apparmor -> ../init.d/apparmor* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2010-12-07 05:27 S01brltty -> ../init.d/brltty* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2010-12-07 05:27 S01lm-sensors -> ../init.d/lm-sensors* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2010-12-07 05:27 S01x11-common -> ../init.d/x11-common* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2010-12-07 05:27 S02pcmciautils -> ../init.d/pcmciautils* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-12-07 05:27 S02urandom -> ../init.d/urandom*所有文件都是符号链接,都指向../init.d目录中的文件。
2023-07-21 06:48:311

A-M ORDER是什么意思?

2023-07-21 06:48:392

verbal phrases什么意思

  verbal phrases  口头短语  双语例句  1  This paper attempts to tell the difference between English Verbal phrases and phrasalverbs.  本文试图对英语动词短语和短语动词加以区分.  2  Translate the following into English using the verbal phrases in brackets.  用括号里的动词短语把下列句子译成英语。
2023-07-21 06:48:473


surname音标:[ "sə:neim ]名词复数: surnames n.姓,氏;别号,别名,绰号。vt.加上姓[别号],用姓[别号]称呼。The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author"s surnames .著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列的著录。
2023-07-21 06:48:551

用 order 造句

O(∩_∩)O顺序,次序[U]The names are in alphabetical order. 名字按字母顺序排列。 2.整齐,有条理[U]3.状况;良好的状况[U]Things were in terrible order. 情况一团糟。 4.秩序,治安;规律[U]The young teacher can"t keep order in her classroom. 那位年轻教师无法维持课堂秩序。 5.命令,指示[P1][+to-v][+(that)]He gave orders that the job be done in three days. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。 6.订购;订货[C][(+for)]The company received a large order for computers. 这家公司接到一份要求大量供应电脑的订单。
2023-07-21 06:49:071

which of the following is in alphabetical order?

2023-07-21 06:50:033

write each set of words in alphabetical order是什么意思

2023-07-21 06:50:115

number the words in alphabetical order

2023-07-21 06:50:271


  video shop,music shop  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-21 06:50:352

Put the following words in alphabetical order 是何意

把下列词语按字母表顺序排列 是指把每个词语以第一个字母为准,按26个英文字母的顺序排列
2023-07-21 06:50:411

We arrange non-fiction books inalphabetical order by( )

这肯定不是一个单独的一句话,应该有个语境什么的。 D整句话的意思是将书按字母表的顺序排列。A主体,太模糊B书的标题C应该是authers"D书名,按照书名的字母先后顺序。这样答案看起来很合适
2023-07-21 06:50:491

中文翻译put these letters in alphabetical order

2023-07-21 06:50:561


2023-07-21 06:51:041


The Hill system (or Hill notation ) is a system of writing chemical formulas such that the number of carbon atoms in a molecule is indicated first, the number of hydrogen atoms next, and then the number of all other chemical elements subsequently, in alphabetical order .
2023-07-21 06:51:251


因为debian 系衍生出来的linux 一向是没有使用/etc/inittab 作为登入状态文档来使用的。但是虽然没有系统默认没有这个文件,但是你可以自己建一个inittab文件。 因为从/etc/event.d/中的rc-default文件中代码可以看出: script runlevel --reboot || true if grep -q -w -- "-s|single|S" /proc/cmdline; then telinit S elif [ -r /etc/inittab ]; then RL="$(sed -n -e "/^id:[0-9]*:initdefault:/{s/^id://;s/:.*//;p}" /etc/inittab || true)" if [ -n "$RL" ]; then telinit $RL else telinit 2 fi else telinit 2 fi end script 系统会首先搜寻inittab文件,如果不存在,那么将运行在2级别上。所以你可以自己建个inittab文件,或者把相应的telinit 2 改为 telinit X(你想要运行的级别)
2023-07-21 06:51:341


2023-07-21 06:51:423


二者都作词典解时:牛津高阶的解释是:lexicon-a list of words on a particular subject or in a language in alphabeical order按照某一特定主题而列出的词汇(分类词典)dictionary-a book that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explians what they mean or gives a word for them in a foreign language可以理解为词典的统称,按照字母顺序排列,
2023-07-21 06:51:491

put the characters c ,d, m, l,x in the right order--but not alphabetical

把字母 c ,d, m, l,x 按正确顺序排好。但不是按字母表的顺序。
2023-07-21 06:52:092

I Wish You Would 歌词

《I Wish You Would》歌手:DJ Khaled所属专辑:《I Wish You Would》发行时间:2012-07-23 歌词:One, two them boys coming for youThree, four, better lock your doorFive, six, hide your bitch(Ayo Yeezy, pop your shit)They said, thou shall not be illThou shall not feelThou should not be trill, not be drill, not be realNiggas selling packs, niggas flipping pillsThey got heroin and cracks, man these niggas high for realEvery year gon be our yearEvery year gon be my yearThese niggas really is out hereThese niggas really is out hereThe block is at warPost traumatic stressRan up outta pillsRob that CVSNiggas getting bust over In God"s We TrustWe believe in God but do God believe in usIf we believe enough, will we ever get to know imThat lean got us dozing, we forget that we the chosenI"ve been poppin shit for too longBut still reppin" where I came fromI guess it"s how I came upI wish you would try to play usI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI guess it"s how I came upI wish you would try to play usMy money on a another levelIn the streets I hear em hotter than the fucking devilI wonder how I got a hundred in my fucking bezelG5, make it rain, I can change the weatherWe fly, them niggas lame, where your fucking cheddar?Aim at your brain, AK be the fucking lettersFuck niggas fall in alphabetical orderFrank Lucas fur, the cap run more than the quarterI"m at the fight, ringside, right next to promotersAll my niggas still hustle consider em roguishI remember catching buses just bought me a LotusAll your codes get decoded, know the niggas you quotingHunh, my corner will scorch yaSomehow my flow is the coldestMoney, power, respect, the only thing"s truly importantFamily first, Khaled we gotta stay focusedGod Forgives and I don"tPussy niggas unnoticedI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI guess it"s how I came upI wish you would try to play usI wish you would nigga, I wish you would niggaYou see you got a couple cases, still look good niggaYou see these niggas"ll try to play yaKnow how ya feel niggaEh yup, that"d be the day you wanna kill a niggaBut you gon chill niggaJust for your kids niggaCause now there"s kids doing grown man biz niggaYou just got home niggaYou tryna live niggaMe I don"t wanna do another 5 years niggaThe boss is testing yo assThe feds"ll question yo assThey be drug testin" yo assAnd then they pray you don"t passAnd then you look in the skyYou got some questions to askWith no response make you wanna grab the tech and the macCause they"ve been poppin" shit for too longStill reppin" where I came fromI guess it"s how I came upI wish you would try to play usI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI wish you would niggaI guess it"s how I came upI wish you would try to play us
2023-07-21 06:52:171


小鼠属于啮齿目,鼠科,小鼠属(Mus)动物。小鼠是由小家鼠演变而来。它广泛分布于世界各地,经长期人工饲养选择培育,已育成1000多个近交系和独立的远交群。早在17世纪就有人用小鼠做实验,现已成为使用量最大、研究最详尽的哺乳类实验动物。 在哺乳类实验动物中,由于小鼠体小,饲养管理方便,易于控制,生产繁殖快,研究最深,有明确的质量控制标准,已拥有大量的近交系、突变系和封闭群,因此在各种实验研究中,用量最大,用途最多。 大鼠属于哺乳钢,啮齿目,鼠科,大鼠属Rattusnorregicus动物。 大鼠2月龄时性成熟,性周期4天左右,妊娠期20(19~22),哺乳期21天,每天产仔平均8只,为全年、多发情性动物。喜啃咬、夜间活动、肉食,白天喜欢挤在一起休息,晚上活动大,吃食多,因此白天除实验必须抓取外,一般不要抓弄它。食性广泛,喜吃各种煮熟的动物肉。对光照较敏感。 性情较凶猛、抗病力强。大鼠门齿较长,激恕、袭击抓捕时易咬手,尤其是哺乳期的母鼠更凶些,常会主动咬工作人员喂饲时伸入鼠笼的手。对外环境适应性强,成年鼠很少患病。一般情况下侵袭性不强,可在一笼内大批饲养,也不会咬人 。
2023-07-21 06:49:444

怎么辨别莫代尔面料 莫代尔面料的优缺点

2023-07-21 06:49:462

miss u什么意思

想你 MISS YOU的简写
2023-07-21 06:49:466


2023-07-21 06:49:471


‘映射"这个概念貌似一个很艰深的专门的数学概念,其实不然,它的英文是‘mapping",除了翻译成数学术语‘映射"外,还可以翻译得更自然些,叫做‘匹配"。‘映射"讲的就是集合与集合之间的‘匹配关系",我们叫做‘对应",‘对应"的英文是‘correspondence"。‘函数"的定义可以从运动的角度、数集的角度等进行定义,而从数集的角度进行定义,我们可以发现‘函数"反映了数集与数集之间的‘匹配关系"或者叫做‘对应"。在英文里,函数叫做‘function",‘mapping"一词虽然不可以和‘function"等价互换,但通常并不强调两者的区别,在研究数的集合之间的对应关系的时候,可以认为两者是一样的。正如提问者所讲,‘映射"是集合之间的对应,‘函数"是数集即数的集合之间的对应,‘映射"的概念比‘函数"的概念更普通更一般,‘函数"是一种特殊的‘映射",是数的集合之间的‘匹配",‘映射"则可以是各种集合之间的‘匹配"。我们研究数的集合之间的‘匹配"时,完全可以不用咬文嚼字地去区分‘映射"和‘函数"的区别,完全可以认为在这种情况下两者是一样的概念。如果你的英文还不错的话,下面给出‘函数"的英文解释,‘映射"的概念和‘函数"的概念在英文里的解释是一样的:Function(函数):correspondence between members of different sets(不同集合的元素之间的对应关系): a relationship between two mathematical sets, in which each member of one set corresponds uniquely to a member of the other set(两个数学集合之间的关系,其中一个集合的每一个元素都只对应另一个集合中的一个元素。). Symbol f(符号 f)
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2023-07-21 06:49:515


heitui是网络用语,hei是嘿,tui是唾或啐的意思,网络上跟人打招呼先嘿一声在唾你一脸的意思,包含不太文明的意思。在网络上使用通常也不是很生气的词,是一个很可爱的语气词,表示为了某件事生气或者故意装作不爽和鄙视。hei tui就和平时经常会说的“哼”很像。网络语言(internet slang)是指从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。20世纪90年代诞生初,网民们为了提高网上聊天的效率或诙谐、逗乐等特定需要而采取的方式,久而久之就形成特定语言了。进入21世纪的十多年来,随着互联网技术的革新,这种语言形式在互联网媒介的传播中有了极快的发展。网络语言越来越成为人们网络生活中必不可少的一部分。但是要注意的是,部分网络语言并不符合我们现代汉语的语法规定,因此并不具备教学意义,不能引进教学领域。
2023-07-21 06:49:521


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2023-07-21 06:49:561

transfer correspondence为什么翻译成中转处

correspond 作为 vi. 指1. 相符合, 相一致2. 相当, 相类似 还有“通信”的意思。相应地,correspondence 作为 n. 也有“通信, 通信联系”的意思。所以transfer correspondence 译成“中转处;中转柜台”的意思。
2023-07-21 06:49:561


2023-07-21 06:49:401


2023-07-21 06:49:401

有一首歌叫 “伤感说唱rnb舞曲”,NIK&JAY唱的,谁有歌词啊,能发给我吗,谢了

u3000u3000En Dag Tilbageu3000u3000by Nik & Jayu3000u3000Okay, hvis du fik at vide du havde en dag tilbage at leve iu3000u3000hvad ville du s?ge?u3000u3000Hvad jeg ville ge?u3000u3000Jeg tror jeg villeu3000u3000he lidt penge p?min firma kontou3000u3000l ned og shop den bil jeg altid havde tkt pu3000u3000vink n jeg s?min nabo, hallou3000u3000yo, bilen er ny og tommer allou3000u3000Jeg ville ha den pige jeg elsker ved min sideu3000u3000Ke ud mod vandetu3000u3000Og ik ta noget forgivetu3000u3000Jeg ville ringe til gamle venner og kesteru3000u3000fortle dem at de har gjort mig til den jeg eru3000u3000kig mig i bakspejletu3000u3000og sig "hey det" godt nok"u3000u3000sdet tilbage, vinduet ned og volumen opu3000u3000jeg ville gi en ****u3000u3000hvorfor jeg var heru3000u3000bare smile og nyde, at det var jegu3000u3000jeg ville samle mine venner og familie opu3000u3000og ke videre ud mod vandet i en samlet floku3000u3000s?ville jeg tkte p?om jeg havde givet nok igenu3000u3000til dem der har givet mig s?meget af demu3000u3000jeg ville pakere bilen midt ude p?vejenu3000u3000og der sku ve musik, yo, min egenu3000u3000og alle ville smile og bounce med hinandenu3000u3000barbarque og kpe b p?strandenu3000u3000jeg ville sige til mine brre at jeg er stolt af demu3000u3000at de sku forst?hvor meget jeg virkelig holder af demu3000u3000jeg ville sige til min mor og far at jeg elsker demu3000u3000og spge dem om de ik sku pre at finde sammen igenu3000u3000fortle mine venner at jeg tror pu3000u3000vores klighed er stre end man kan ste ord pu3000u3000og jeg ville finde min kvinde og sige til hendeu3000u3000at jeg havde lyst til at leve videre i hendeu3000u3000og solen ville g?ned over vandetu3000u3000mens jeg r en sidste bl?kingsu3000u3000drak et sidste glas rvinu3000u3000vind i hetu3000u3000rockstar briller pu3000u3000vi ses mit dannebrogu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Jeg ville egentlig ik vide hva jeg sku ge af mig selvu3000u3000mke kig mig lidt i spejlet, sl?tiden lidt ihjelu3000u3000forlade mit hjem med mit ynglings gear pu3000u3000de hvideste snicks og cap"en lidt p?skru3000u3000jeg ville la bilen stu3000u3000og bare slentre gennem kbhu3000u3000tke over om jeg havde nt lidt af alt det jeg ville nu3000u3000om jeg havde sat pris p?det jeg fiku3000u3000om jeg havde givet for lidtu3000u3000og ske jeg ku n?at takke dem der fer vores shitu3000u3000videre uden de helt store stopu3000u3000I don"t know, mke et sidste mtid p?tacco shopu3000u3000ge ting jeg normalt ik gu3000u3000stop den smukkeste pigeu3000u3000og forfe hende som jeg aldrig havde gjort det fu3000u3000ta ud forbi mit barndomshjemu3000u3000fort min mor, min far, mine tre brreu3000u3000at jeg virkelig elsker demu3000u3000jeg ville samle mit team, mine venneru3000u3000og sige at jeg et eller andet sted ved vi ses igen alle sammenu3000u3000jeg ville hit foran en clubu3000u3000se godt udu3000u3000spille lidt smartu3000u3000intet andet end loveu3000u3000og et dankort i pendul fartu3000u3000og jeg ville pop den dyreste champagneu3000u3000sige til mig selv "vi gjorde det fandme"u3000u3000forlade stedetu3000u3000uden at sige det til nogenu3000u3000med et enkelt glas i hdenu3000u3000og en slukket telefonu3000u3000grine lidt for mig selv over en joke vi havde engangu3000u3000inderst inde nok ogs?ve en lille smule bangeu3000u3000dedikere en sidste tanke til min familie og mit crewu3000u3000og til pigen i mit liv jeg ik har fundet endnuu3000u3000velvidende om at hun er derude et stedu3000u3000men **** nu detu3000u3000jeg har ft s?meget medu3000u3000og jeg fer det hele, mer" end nogensindeu3000u3000med nexus p?brystetu3000u3000og oprejst pandeu3000u3000og jeg er alene med mig selvu3000u3000jeg har det sq godtu3000u3000og forlader dette sted inden solen st opu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000En dag tilbageu3000u3000Lev mens du g detu3000u3000elsk mens du t detu3000u3000En dag tilbage
2023-07-21 06:49:391

人类基因组计划为什么是DOE 和NIH提出?

人类基因组计划(human genome project, HGP)是由美国科学家于1985年率先提出,于1990年正式启动的.美国、英国、法兰西共和国、德意志联邦共和国、日本和我国科学家共同参与了这一预算达30亿美元的人类基因组计划.按照这个计划的设想,在2005年,要把人体内约10万个基因的密码全部解开,同时绘制出人类基因的谱图.换句话说,就是要揭开组成人体4万个基因的30亿个碱基对的秘密.人类基因组计划与曼哈顿原子弹计划和阿波罗计划并称为三大科学计划.
2023-07-21 06:49:341

correspondence address是什么意思

correspondence address通讯地址
2023-07-21 06:49:332


2023-07-21 06:49:333


超女04年-09年举办的届数是2004届、2005届、2006届,这三届的前三甲具体如下:一、2004届:1、冠军:安又琪(南京唱区冠军)安又琪(Angela),1982年10月14日出生于黑龙江省鸡西市,中国内地流行乐女歌手、影视演员,毕业于北京电影学院。2004年9月25日,获得首届“超级女声”电视选秀比赛冠军。2、亚军:王媞(成都唱区冠军)王媞,1983年6月14日出生于辽宁省沈阳市,中国内地女歌手、演员。1997年,14岁的王媞参加了“飞图杯全国青年歌手大赛”,最终取得了北京赛区的第三名。2004年,报名参加湖南卫视《超级女声》成都唱区的比赛,获得成都唱区冠军;全国总决赛时,因短信票数206票的微小差距惜败安又琪而无缘总冠军,最终获得全国总决赛亚军。3、季军:张含韵(成都唱区亚军)张含韵,1989年4月9日出生于四川省德阳市旌阳区,中国内地流行乐女歌手、影视演员。2004年,参加湖南卫视选秀娱乐节目《超级女声》的比赛,获得成都唱区亚军、全国总决赛季军,从而正式进入演艺圈。二、2005届:1、冠军:李宇春(成都唱区冠军)李宇春(Chris Lee),1984年3月10日出生于成都,中国流行女歌手、演员、词曲创作人、演唱会导演。2005年,李宇春获得”超级女声“全国总冠军,登上美国《时代周刊》封面。2、亚军:周笔畅(广州唱区冠军)周笔畅,1985年7月26日出生于湖南长沙,华语女歌手、词曲创作人、演员、Begins品牌主理人兼设计总监。2005年获超级女声全国亚军出道。3、季军:张靓颖(成都唱区亚军)张靓颖,1984年10月11日出生于四川成都,中国流行女歌手。2005年,参加娱乐选秀节目《超级女声》,凭借135万短信票数获得该节目全国季军。三、2006届:1、冠军:尚雯婕(广州唱区亚军)尚雯婕(Laure Shang)1982年12月22日出生于上海,复旦大学法语系毕业,华语电子唱作人。2006年,获得湖南卫视选秀节目《超级女声》全国总冠军。2、亚军:谭维维(成都唱区冠军)谭维维,1982年10月8日出生于四川自贡,中国内地女歌手。2002年参加全国歌手大奖赛获优秀奖。3、季军:刘力扬(广州唱区冠军)刘力扬(Jeno Liu),1982年10月24日出生于北京市,中国内地流行乐女歌手、影视演员。2006年,刘力扬因获得超级女声全国总决赛季军而踏入歌坛。
2023-07-21 06:49:251

one-to-one correspondence

one-to-one就是一对一 one-to-one correspondence 一一对应 matching each other exactly彼此/互相恰好匹配/对应 between only two people只在两个人之间
2023-07-21 06:49:251


2023-07-21 06:49:241

NIH Public Access影响因子多少?

2023-07-21 06:49:232


2023-07-21 06:49:191

miss u什么意思?

miss u是想念你的意思,有时也表达错过你的意思。其中u字母代表的是单词you,正规表示方法为miss you。miss是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“女士,小姐,年轻未婚女子”,作动词时意思是“想念、未出席、未出现”作及物动词时意思是“错过,未击中、未投中”。例句:1、Whether you miss me or not.不论你是否想念我。2、I can't believe my wife missed our wedding!难以置信,我老婆居然没出席我们的婚礼。3、There was none of the country bumpkin about this young miss.这傻姑娘身上毫无乡巴佬的土气。4、He missed the target on every try.他每一发都脱靶。miss的短语搭配:1、miss out:错过;错失;漏掉。2、miss the boat:错失良机。3、miss the bus:错失机会。4、miss out on:将....遗漏;错过;错失。5、Miss Universe:环球小姐;环球小姐大赛;宇宙小姐;举世蜜斯。6、Miss Congeniality:特工佳丽;选美俏卧底;麻辣女王;选美小姐。
2023-07-21 06:49:171