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回锅肉、夫妻肺片、水煮肉片、酸菜鱼、宫保鸡丁、开水白菜、鱼香肉丝、糖醋排骨、麻婆豆腐。Twice-cooked pork, pork lungs in chili sauce, boiled meat, pickled fish, kung pao chicken, Chinese cabbage in soup, Yu-Shiang shredded pork, sweet and sour spare ribs, Mapo tofu.对吗?





单片机 中英文翻译





1。They based their decision on the latest news they had got.2.Words and expressions are the base of any language.3.The plane has circled over the airport for a few minutes before landing .4.The teacher drew a big circle on the ground and asked the students to stand in it.5.All the work needs to be done carefully.6.Teachers are in great need in the mountian areas.7.You needn"t finish your homework before next Sunday.1。They根据他们的决定最新的新闻。2.Words和表示是所有语言基地。3.The飞机几分钟盘旋了在机场在登陆之前。4.The老师在它画了在地面上的一个大圈子并且要求学生站立工作需要小心地被完成的6.在巨大需要在区域。7.你不需要在下星期天之前完成您的家庭作业。1.我们都把爱迪生称为美国的发明之父。2.他既不知道这件事,也不关心这件事。3.现在,人们可以通过使用电脑来制作动画片。4.正如人需要空气和水,一切有生命的东西都需要空气和水。5.这就是为什么他被解雇的原因。

求英语达人 中英文翻译

这是我翻译的,虽然和楼上众位区别不大,不过我认为还是较为准确的,希望对您有帮助~There are many things that you have to defend,your country,your family and your dignity.Once somebody tramples on your dignity or hurts your family or even your country,you would never do nothing about it.




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make a deep breathmake a mistakeGet low scoretry western foodDreams Come Truego on a business tripFrom time to timespace stationdrop outPlaying electronic musicexceptRecording for the ......be proud of......Bend in the .......in the ticket officeIntroduced ...to ...Shake hands with ......Endangered Animalsnature reserveIn-depth study ....Green Livingmagic showLanguage Masterdepend on一一对应。 希望采纳哦 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


以下是 无 为大家整理的关于《英语谚语及中英文翻译》文章,供大家学习参考! 某些英语谚语和汉语成语、俗语在表现形式和含义方面是一致的或基本一致的。汉译这些英语时,可惜用与其喻义相同或相近的成语或谚语及俗语直接对译。这样不但可以比较好地保持原文的神韵和形式,又使译文易于为读者或听者接受。如: Pride comes before a fall.骄兵必败。 A miss is as good as a mile,差之毫厘,失之千里。 Two is company, but three is none。两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。 Walls have ears。隔墙有耳。 Enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。 有些英语谚语虽然在语言习惯和文化背景方面和其相对的汉语谚语之间存在着某些差异,而且所比喻的事物并不一样,但他们的喻义却相互吻合,而且表达方式也很相似,汉译这些英语谚语时,常常需要“易其形式,存其精神”,即采用形象近似的汉语成语意译。这样可使译文既喻义明显,又含而不露,且可再现原文所具有的语言效果,容易达意。如: Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣。 New broom sweeps clean。新官上任三把火。 Speak of the devil, and he appears。说曹操,曹操到。 The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.这山望着那山高。 Putting the cart before the horse。本未倒置。 有些英语谚语意在言外,语言含蓄,寓意深刻。如果仅从字面意义直译成汉语,而不领会原文的具体含义及其效果,译文势必平淡无味。这样既不能表达意思,又有损于原文的语言形象和丰富内涵。因此,在翻译时,应在汉语中寻找那些与原文喻义相同或效果相似的成语、谚语或俗语来表达,则会使译文形象生动,准确达意。试比较下列各译例。 People who live in glass houses should not throw stones。如译成“住在玻璃房子里的人,不应扔石头”不如译成“己有过,勿正人""或“责人必先责己”。 In fair weather prepare for the foul.如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。 Murder will out.如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。 Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.如译成“愚者敢闯天使不敢去的地方”,不如译成“初生牛犊不怕虎” One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs。如译成“想吃煎蛋卷,就得打鸡蛋”,不如译成工“有得必有失”。或甚至可以引申为“不破不立”。 如果所要翻译的谚语喻义清新,形象逼真,按其字面直译其意,就能表达出原文的喻义来,则可直译。这样做既能较完整地保存原文的表达方式,且又可丰富我们自己的语言文化,一举两得,请看下面的译例。 God helps those who help themselves。上帝帮助那些自己帮助自己的人。或,自助者天助之。 Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。 An empty sack cannot stand upright.空袋立不直。 DO as you would be done by。以你所期望的别人待你的方式待人。 这与另一谚语: Don"t do unto others what you don"t want others do unto you。“己所不欲勿施于人”很相似。 Money talks。钱能通神。 有些英语谚语常常采用对称的修辞手段。使用这一修辞手段的目的在于加强语势,宜于说理,读后有心悦诚眼之感。汉译这些谚语时,应适当注意保持其修辞色彩,以便体现原文的表达方式。如: You may take a horse to the water, but you can"t make it drink. 如果按字面译成,“你可以把马牵到河边去,但不能叫它饮水”至少是没有充分体现这句谚语本身所具有的强烈对比色彩。从语法分析的观点看,在这个句子里,情态动词may和can虽然都表示“可能”的,但在含义上有所不同。这里may表示“事实上的可能性”,而can则表示“逻辑上的可能性”。并列连词but使前后两个分句意义相反,对比色彩强烈。在这种情况下,译文也必须力求对偶整齐,前后呼应,形成对照。如将此句译作“牵马河边易,逼它饮水难”或“老牛不喝水,不能强按头”会更好些。 总之,即使像谚语这样孤立的语句,翻译时也需尽一番揣摩切磋之功,否则译文就可能与原文“貌合神离”,文不达意。译事艰辛也许正在于此。


I sometimes go to the movies with my friends, my favorite actor was Stephen Chow, he has a new funny movie, "Seven" because it is a very funny movie. My friend, Angel favorite movie is it. But she believes it is very moving, and an angel"s favorite actor is Jackie Chan, and she really liked his movie, "who I am." It is a very successful action chapter. Our families like comedy and action articles.




1. One of my family portrait. 2. Take a look. 3 on weekends. 4. Football. 5 to play basketball. 6 museum. 7. Walking down the street. 8. Like swimming. 9. To visit their friends. 10. By the way. 11. An art class. 12. Looking for. 13. Listen to music. 14. Come to my party. 15. Go with me. 16. And we play together. 17. A blue jeans. 18 of her friends. 19. Some of her friends. 20. Many of her friends. 21. All of her friends. 22. In the playground. 23. Many. 24. For two hours. 25. How many classrooms. 26. Poured tree. 27. A glass of water. 28. Walk. 29 by car. 30. Cycling.






1. Afford such a big house2. Is to play basketball3. Is made by the silk4. The world"s richest team5. Give me a bottle of mineral water, please6. Because their daughter, a business trip1。天气真的很好,所以我们外面。2。他们没有露面,直到今天上午11:30。3。一周我偶尔会做体操。4。我去跑步,每天早上上班前,我每星期三踢足球。5。足球是最危险的蹦极,登山等等。6。他有红色裤子。他们的棉花。7。这家现代酒店同时提供豪华和便利。8。婚礼是在一个教堂的地方,而不是在办公室登记。9。一个在沙漠帐篷野营度假会很浪漫。








中国农历年的岁首称为春节。是中国人民最隆重的传统节日,也象征团结、兴旺,对未来寄托新的希望的佳节。据记载,中国人民过春节已有4千多年的历史,它是由虞舜兴起的。公元前两千多年的一天,舜即天子位,带领着部下人员,祭拜天地。从此,人们就把这一天当作岁首,算是正月初一。据说这就是农历新年的由来,后来叫春节。春节过去也叫元旦。春节所在的这一月叫元月。   但是,中国历代元旦的日期并不一致:夏朝用孟春的元月为正月,商朝用腊月(十二月)为正月,秦始皇统一六国后以十月为正月,汉朝初期沿用秦历。流武帝刘彻感到历纪太乱,就命令大臣公孙卿和司马迁造“太阳历”,规定以农历正月为一岁之首,以正月初一为一年的第一天,就是元旦。此后中国一直沿用夏历(阴历,又称农历)纪年,直到清朝未年,长达2080年。   1912年孙中山在南京就任中华民国临时大总统时,宣布中国改用世界通用公历,也叫阳历、新历。并决定以公元1912年1月1日为民国元年1月1日。一月一日叫新年,但不称元旦。   1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议决定在建立中华人民共和国的同时,采用世界通用的公元纪年。为了区分阳历和阴历两个“年”,又因一年24节气的“立春”恰在农历年的前后,故把阳历一月一日称为“元旦”,农历正月初一正式改称“春节”。   地球绕太阳一周,历法上叫一年,循环往复,永无止境。但是,人们根据春、夏、秋、冬四季节气的不同,就以夏历正月初一为一年的岁首。每年农历十二月三十日(小月二十九)半夜子时(十二点)过后,春节就算正式来到了。   临近春节,人们采办年货,除夕时,全家团聚在一起吃年夜饭。贴年画、春联;迎接新的一年来临。   随着新中国的建立,春节庆祝活动更为丰富多彩。不仅保留了过去民间习俗,剔除了一些带有封建迷信的活动,而且增加了不少新的内容。使春节具有新的时代气息。1949年12月23日,中华人民共和国人民政府规定每年春节放假三天。   中国是个多民族的国家,各民族过新年的形式各有不同。汉族、满族和朝鲜族过春节的风俗习惯差不多,全家团圆,人们吃年糕、水饺以及各种丰盛的饭菜、张灯结彩,燃放鞭炮,并互相祝福。春节期间的庆祝活动极为丰富多样,有舞狮、耍龙的,也有踩高跷、跑旱船的。在有些地区人们沿袭过去祭祖敬神活动,祈求新的一年风调雨顺,平安、丰收。古代的蒙古族,把春节叫做“白节”,正月叫白月,是吉祥如意的意思。藏族是过藏历年。回族、维吾尔族、哈萨克族等,是过“古尔邦节”。春节也是苗族、僮族、瑶族等的盛大节日。 




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求一个51单片机5000字左右的中英文翻译 毕业设计用 谢谢

  Design of the Temperature Control System Based on AT89S51  Huang Wentian, Li Jinping  College of Information, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China  woshihwt@yahoo.com.cn, xxtjinping@buu.edu.cn  ABSTRACT: The principle and functions of the temperature control system based on microcontroller AT89S51 are studied, and the temperature measurement unit consists of the 1-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20. The system can be expected to detect the preset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature which can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temperature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range. Basing on principle of the system, it is easy to make a variety of other non-linear control systems so long as the software design is reasonably changed. The system has been proved to be accurate, reliable and satisfied through field practice.  KEYWORDS: AT89S51; microcontroller; DS18B20; temperature  中文译文  基于单片机AT89S51设计的温度控制系统  黄温甜,李金平  信息学院,北京联合大学,北京100101,中国  woshihwt@yahoo.com.cn, xxtjinping@buu.edu.cn  摘要:原理和单片机AT89S51单片机温度控制系统功能的基础研究,温度测量单位的1- Wire总线数字温度传感器DS18B20组成。该系统可将检测到设定温度,显示时间和保存监测数据。报警系统会给予如果温度超过了可动任意设置,然后实现自动化控制,从而达到监控的温度在一定范围内智能温度上限和下限值。在系统原则的基础上,很容易使其他非非线性控制系统,以便在合理长改变了软件设计等。该系统已被证明是准确,可靠,并通过野外实习至满意。  关键词:AT89S51单片机,微控制器,传感器DS18B20,温度。

中英文翻译 高手帮忙 急!!!!!

邮政企业属于服务行业,具有百年悠久历史,官商经营作风根深蒂固,一味追求大而全、小而全、万事不求人,不讲究专业化分工协作。看不到生产要素在整个社会的分布及相互关系,满足于一得之功或一孔之见,满足于“进步不大年年有、收入不多有饭吃”。这种封闭式经营与市场竞争的新体制格格不入,不冲破它,邮政企业随时都有退步的危险。当务之急是使企业领导者树立开放式经营观念,眼光从大而全、小而全的自身转移,投射到金融市场、人才市场、生产资料市场、技术市场、商品市场、代销市场的经济海洋之上,运用借鸡生蛋、借船出海、借人唱戏、借钱发财等开放经营手段,取得市场竞争的主动权,这是搞活邮政企业、振兴邮政企业重要的一环。Postal enterprises belong to the service sector, with years history, arked management style, seeks blindly ingrained big and all-round, don"t ask, don"t exquisite specialization. See the whole social factors of production, the distribution and the relationship between the mark in the text or "little progress every year income, eat." The enclosed operation and market competition, the new system are not break it, postal enterprises are always regress. Leaders establish urgent to open management idea, from the big and all-round view of oneself, projected to financial markets, talent market, production material market, technology, market, commodity market sale market economy, lend chicken unripe egg, above sea sail through people borrow money, use, rich business means such open market competition, the initiative, which is invigorated, postal enterprises is an important part of the postal enterprises.主题 邮政企业组织文化的变革 求实创新 组织文化 延伸与整合 Theme of postal enterprises organization culture change innovation and integration of organizational culture extensions


、快乐是第一个冲刺时的微笑;快乐是为祖国赢得荣誉时的泪珠;快乐是于灯火阑珊处发现那人的呼喊。 Happiness is the *** ile of the first sprint; the tear of the motherland when it wins honor; and the cry of the man when the lights go out. 、快乐是一首诗,优美自然;快乐是一曲歌,澎湃激昂;快乐是一片海,无拘无束。 Happiness is a poem, beautiful and natural; Happiness is a song, surging; Happiness is a sea, unrestrained. 、快乐是一阵风,让你感到舒适;快乐是一团火,让你感到温暖;快乐是一杯茶,让你回味无穷;快乐是一颗糖,让你心中甜蜜蜜的。 Happiness is a gust of wind that makes you feel comfortable; Happiness is a fire that makes you feel warm; Happiness is a cup of tea that makes you feel endless aftertaste; Happiness is a sugar that makes your heart sweet. 、快乐是什么?有人说:笑容满面那是快乐的象征;有人说:家和万事兴是快乐;有人说:有了亲人朋友就快乐;也有人说:有了钱就快乐?到底何才是快乐呢?快乐是什么?快乐是什么?快乐是每一位母亲忙碌的身影。快乐是什么?快乐是每一位父亲斥责的声音。快乐是什么?快乐是每一位老师真心的称赞。快乐是我们生活中每件小事。快乐是人与人相处中的点点滴滴。你快乐,我快乐,他也快乐。快乐是一种心理感受。要不要快乐由你自己决定。懂得快乐、善于快乐实在是一种智慧、一种气度、一种气魄。 What is happiness? Some people say: a *** iling face is a symbol of happiness; some people say: family and everything is happy; some people say: happy with family and friends; others say: happy with money? What is happiness? What is happiness? What is happiness? Happiness is the busy figure of every mother. What is happiness? Happiness is the voice of every father"s rebuke. What is happiness? Happiness is every teacher"s sincere praise. Happiness is every little thing in our life. Happiness is the drip and drip in the process of getting along with others. You are happy, I am happy, he is happy. Happiness is a psychological feeling. It"s up to you to be happy. Knowing happiness and being good at it is a kind of wisdom, a kind of demeanor and a kind of boldness. 、快乐是心的放大;快乐是动的 *** ;快乐是静的惬意;快乐是情的真实;快乐是爱的疯狂。 Happiness is the enlargement of the heart; Happiness is the dynamic pleasure; Happiness is the quiet pleasure; Happiness is the truth of love; Happiness is the madness of love. 、快乐是每一位母亲忙碌的身影;快乐是每一位父亲斥责的声音;快乐是每一位老师真心的称赞。 Happiness is every mother"s busy figure; Happiness is every father"s voice of reproach; Happiness is every teacher"s sincere praise. 、快乐是一种分享,是对幸福的另一种诠释,快乐是一种甜蜜,是对生命的一种点缀,快乐是一种体验,是对自己的丰富。 Happiness is a kind of sharing, another interpretation of happiness. Happiness is a kind of sweetness, an embellishment of life, happiness is an experience, and enrichment of oneself. 、如果你是一首歌,快乐就是源自那起伏的音符;如果你是一只鸟,快乐就是源自那蔚蓝的天空;如果你是一条鱼,快乐就是源自那清澈的流水。 If you are a song, happiness comes from the undulating notes; if you are a bird, happiness comes from the blue sky; if you are a fish, happiness comes from the clear water. 、快乐是会有越来越少的作业;快乐就是每天回家有香喷喷的饭菜;快乐就是每天能和家人在一起。 Happiness is to have less and less homework; Happiness is to go home every day with delicious meals; Happiness is to be with family everyday. 、快乐是什么?快乐是在帮助他人之后的喜悦;快乐是在成功后的自豪;快乐是是在取得好成绩后的激动。 What is happiness? Happiness is the joy of helping others; happiness is the pride of success; happiness is the excitement of achieving good results. 、快乐是大饱眼福后的一份满足;快乐是独立自理生活后的一份成就感;快乐是绞尽脑汁后做完一道数学题的喜悦;快乐是走上领奖台上掌声响起时的一份骄傲。 Happiness is a satisfaction after full eyes; happiness is a sense of achievement after living independently; happiness is the joy of finishing a math problem after racking one"s brains; happiness is a pride when applause rings on the podium. 、快乐是什么?快乐就是“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在风火阑珊处”的释然;快乐是什么?快乐就是“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适;快乐是什么?快乐就是“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”的潇洒;快乐是什么?快乐就是“不恨古人吾不见,恨古人不见吾狂耳”的壮志凌云。 What is happiness? Happiness is the relief of "searching for him in the crowd, suddenly looking back, but the person is in the flames of death". What is happiness? Happiness is the leisure of "gathering Chrysanthemum under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely". What is happiness? Happiness is "walking to the poorest place, sitting and watching the clouds rise." What is happiness? Happiness is the ambition of "not hating the ancients but not seeing me, hating the ancients and not seeing my crazy ears". 、快乐是一本书,蕴涵着深刻的哲理;快乐是一首歌,奏着高低不一的音符。快乐是一首诗,充满着“大江东去浪淘尽”的豪情。 Happiness is a book, which contains profound philosophy; Happiness is a song, playing different notes. Happiness is a poem, full of the pride of "going to the waves in the east of the Yangtze River to wash out". 、快乐就像小孩子的棒棒糖一样甜蜜;快乐就像喜欢上一样东西一样简单;快乐就像苍鹰翱翔于天空一样自由。 Happiness is as sweet as a child"s lollipop; it"s as simple as liking something; it"s as free as an eagle soaring in the sky. 、有人说,快乐是拥有许多金银珠宝;有人说,快乐是有没好的前途未来;还有人说,快乐是能健康一生……我说:快乐就是有朋友在陪在身边。 Some people say that happiness is the possession of a lot of gold and silver jewelry; some people say that happiness has a good future; others say that happiness is a healthy life... I said: Happiness is having friends around. 、快乐的起点就是和谐;快乐的过程就是幸福;快乐的终点就是美满。 The beginning of happiness is harmony; the process of happiness is happiness; the end of happiness is happiness. 、快乐是花儿能够尽情绽放,快乐是鸟儿在天空自由飞翔,快乐是孩子们能够茁壮成长。 Happiness is that flowers can blossom heartily, birds can fly freely in the sky, and children can thrive and grow happily. 、如果你是鱼儿,那快乐就是一汪清凉清凉的水,如果你是鸟儿,那幸福(快乐)就是一方湛蓝湛蓝的天,如果你是绿叶,那快乐就是一缕灿烂温暖的阳光,如果你是风筝,那快乐就是一丝温暖醉人的春风。如果你是鸟儿,那快乐就是一片广阔的蓝天,如果你是花儿,那快乐就是一方肥沃的土壤。 If you are a fish, then happiness is a pool of water. If you are a bird, happiness is a blue sky. If you are a green leaf, happiness is a ray of bright and warm sunshine. If you are a kite, happiness is a warm and intoxicating spring breeze. If you are a bird, happiness is a vast blue sky. If you are a flower, happiness is a fertile soil.




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求 古诗游子吟 中英文翻译。 在线等!

游子吟Zi yin慈母手中线,Mother hands of the line,游子身上衣,Wandering body clothing,临行密密缝,Departure thick seam,意恐迟迟归。Italy fear the delay in return.谁言寸草心,Who made grass-inch heart,报得三春晖。Reported were three Chunhui.


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we are the world 歌曲中英文翻译

We are the world-Michael Jackson天下一家There is a time When we should hear a certain calls  此刻我们听到了恳切的呼唤bcause the world it seems it"s written in these lines  因为看样子世界已被安排到这条路上bcause there"s a chance for taking因为那里需要一个决择in leading our own lives  引导我们的生命  it seems we need nothing at all  看样子我们要做的事微乎其微  I used to feel  我曾经以为  That I should give away my heart  我应该付出心来  And it shows that we are needed in there  并且那里需要我们  Then I read the headlines  然后我看了新闻  And it said they are dying there  报道称他们在那里不断死去  And it showed that we must head instead  它表明我们必须要前往  We are the world  我们天下一家  We are the children  我们都是孩子  We are the ones to make a brighter day  我们是创造美好明天的人  So let"s start giving  所以让我们开始奉献  There"s a chance we"re taking We"re taking all our lives  这是我们的选择,我们将付出一生  It"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me  事实是:美好明天 你我共建  Given your heart  付出你的真心  And you will see that someone cares  你会看到有人关心  Cause you know that they can"t feed them all  因为你知道养不活他们所有人  Then I read the papers  然后我读了报纸  And it said that you and I  那说的是你和我  And it shows there"s soon can when we work hard  那里证明我们一直在努力  We are the world  我们天下一家  We are the children  我们都是孩子  We are the one to make a brighter day  我们是创造美好明天的人So let"s start giving  所以让我们开始奉献  There"s a chance we"re taking We"re taking all our lives  这是我们的选择,我们将付出一生It"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me  事实是:美好明天 你我共建Now there"s a time when we must love at all  是付出你的爱的时候了  And it seem the life and don"t make love at all  那种生活看样子没人能给爱了  But if love leaving  但是如果留下爱  And I love you more and more  我会越来越爱你们  It seem you and I will make a new day  看样子我们是创造美好明天的人We are the world我们天下一家   the world  在这世上  We are the children  我们都是孩子  Are the children!  都是孩子  We are the one to make a brighter day  我们是创造美好明天的人So let"s start giving  所以让我们开始奉献  let"s start giving  让我们开始奉献  There"s a chance we"re taking We"re taking all our lives  这是我们的选择,我们将付出一生It"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me  事实是:美好明天 你我共建[4]

No love中英文翻译歌词

The Blowers Daughter 这习於吹嘘的女孩 Damien Rice And so it is 嗯...就是这样了吧 Just like you said it would be就如你所说的会那麼发生... Life goes easy on me 人生对我来说就是这样简单了 Most of the time 在很多时候 And so it is 就是这样了吧 The shorter story 在这小小的故事中 No love, no glory 没有爱 也没有荣耀 No hero in her sky 也不会有英雄在她的天空 I can"t take my eyes off of you我无法让目光不注意著你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes off of you我无法让目光不注意著你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes... 我无法让目光… And so it is 而就是这样了 Just like you said it should be就像你说的只应该这样 We"ll both forget the breeze我俩会忘记微风般的过去 Most of the time 在很多的时刻 And so it is 而所以就这样 The colder water这冷了些的水 The blower"s daughter 这习於吹嘘的女孩 The pupil in denial那否认的瞳孔 I can"t take my eyes off of you我无法让目光不注意著你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes off of you我无法让目光不注意著你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes off you我无法将视线离开你 I can"t take my eyes... 我不法让目光…… Did I say that I loathe you?我有说我厌恶你吗? Did I say that I want to我有说我要这样 Leave it all behind?把它通通留在过去吗? I can"t take my mind off of you我无法让思绪不放在你身上 I can"t take my mind off you我无法将你抽离我心神 I can"t take my mind off of you我无法让思绪不放在你身上 I can"t take my mind off you我无法将你抽离我心神 I can"t take my mind off you我无法将你抽离我心神 I can"t take my mind... 我无法让我的思绪…. My mind...my mind... 我的思绪…我的思绪… "Till I find somebody new 直到我找到新的某人



谁能把If you come to me这首中英文翻译都给我?



亲爱的,难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 我无路可退 我不想空等 我需要你 让我拥有你 你诗歌危险情人 让我深深痴迷 内心澎湃 情绪起伏不安 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 你的舌间 是有毒的蜜糖 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 让我不能自拔 难道你不知道 你是致命的毒 但我却深深为你着迷 难道你不知道 你是致命的毒 现在要放弃你 已经太迟 我已经啜饮魔鬼的毒怀 渐渐的 你的毒侵入我的身体 内心澎湃 情绪起伏不安 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 2 你让我如痴如醉 因为哟扑了你的爱 我想我已经准备好了 我想我已经准备好了 你让我如痴如醉 因为哟扑了你的爱 我想我已经准备好了 我想我已经准备好了

求孤星泪插曲on my own的中英文翻译 帮帮忙啊

On My Own Artist(Band):Whitney Houston I"m wiser now 我现在聪明了许多 I"m not the foolish girl you used to know So long ago 我已不再是你很久以前认识的那个笨女生 I"m stronger now 我现在坚强了许多 I"ve learned from my mistakes which way to go 我已从昔日错误中学会很多 And I should know 当然我是应该知道的 I put myself aside to do it your way 以前总什么都指望你 But now I need to do it all alone 但现在我要学会自己独立 And I am not afraid to try it on my own 我不怕自己一个人扛 I don"t care if I"m right or wrong 我不在乎错对与否 I"ll live my life the way I feel 我要自己引领生活 No matter what I"ll keep it real you know 不管这些是不是真的 Time for me to do it on my own 现在是我独立的时候 Yeah yeah, mmm, yeah yeah It"s over now 已经结束了 I can"t go back to living through your eyes 你的眼里再也没有我 Too many lines And if you don"t know by now 太多的,,如果你现在还不明白 I can"t go back to being someone else 我不可能再是谁的人了 Not anymore 再也不可能 I never had a chance to do things my way 我从来没有机会用自己的方式处事 So now it"s time for me to take control 所以现在是时候论到我掌手一切了 I don"t care if I"m right or wrong 我不在乎错对与否 I"ll live my life the way I feel 我要自己引领生活 No matter what I"ll keep it real you know 不管这些是不是真的 Time for me to do it on my own 现在是我独立的时候 Oh I start again go back to one 哦, 我现在又回到了一个人身边 I"m running things in my way 我自己独立处事 Can"t stop me now, I"ve just begun 已经不能阻止我了,我一切开始不能收手 Don"t even think about it 想都别想 There ain"t no way about it 已经没有其他出路 I"m taking names, the ones of mine 我以我自己的名字发誓 Yes I"m gonna take my turn 是的.现在论到我了 It"s time for me to finally stand alone, stand alone 现在的时候独自承受,独自承受 I don"t care if I"m right or wrong 我不在乎错对与否 I"ll live my life the way I feel 我要自己引领生活 No matter what I"ll keep it real you know 不管这些是不是真的 Time for me to do it on my own 现在是我独立的时候 See I"m not afraid 看,我不再害怕了 应该是这个吧


一,76. Living out in the country, she felt very cut off from her city friends.住在乡下,她觉得很切断从她的城市的朋友。77. That child is the apple of his father"s eye.那个孩子是他父亲的掌上明珠的眼睛。78. He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superior on a number of important matters.他辞职了,因为他没有亲眼看见他的顶头上司眼睛在许多重要的事情。79.I have gradually become a faithful spectator, for what I think I see in sports is the process by which young people become mature men and women.我已逐渐成为一个忠实的观众,我想我看到运动是指年轻人成为成熟的男人和女人。80. I can"t find the file I need because they‘re all out of order.我找不到文件我需要因为他们都是坏的。二,76. It is impossible to identify and isolate an “English” culture that is common to all the speakers of English.那是不可能的鉴别和隔离一个“英语”的文化,所有的演讲者是常见的英语。77. A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.一位总统应该充满对国家的责任感。78. Parents can help teens focus by making education relevant to their lives and by understanding how they learn best.父母可以帮助青少年的关注使教育有关他们了解他们的生活和学习得最好。79. Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors.科学也尚未研制出治疗嫉妒,因此我们的财富让我们幸福的时候,我们只有片刻我们的邻居。80. At first they refused but I managed to bring them around to my way of thinking.起初,他们拒绝了,但我还是带他们来我的思维方式。三,76. It"s not for nothing that scientists are in such a footrace to get the human genome mapped. 这是奇迹,科学家们在这样的赛跑获得人类基因组绘制出来。77. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a thief—in fact, he is the greatest scoundrel I ever know.他是一个伪君子、一个骗子,一个thief-in事实,他是历史上最伟大的歹徒我一直都知道。78. Some organisms are beyond saving because they can no longer reproduce in the wild.在一些生物,因为他们不再能节省复制在荒野上。79. Her mother waited on him as long as she lived at home.她的母亲一直在等待他只要她住在家里。80. She never took her eyes off the stage for a moment.她从未将目光从舞台上一会儿。


1].NYQUIST, H., "Regeneration theory," Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 11, 1932, pp.126-147 [2].BLACK, H.S., "Stabilized feedback amplifiers," Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 14, 1934, pp.1-18 [3].BODE, H.W., "Relations between attenuation and phase in feedback amplifier design," Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 19, pp. 421-454, 1940 [4].WIENER, N., "The linear filter for a single time series - Chapter III", from: Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, pp. 81-103, 1949 [5].EVANS, W. R., "Control system synthesis by root locus method," Trans. Amer. Institute of Electrical Engineers, 69, pp. 66-69, 1950 [6].BELLMAN, R., "The structure of dynamic programming processes," Chapter 3 of "Dynamic Programming,“Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ 1957, pp. 81-89 [7].PONTRYAGIN, L.S., "Optimal control processes," Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, USSR, Vol. 14, 1959, pp. 3-20.(English translation: Amer. Math. Society Trans., Series 2, vol. 18, 1961, pp. 321-329.)[8].KALMAN, R.E. "Contributions to the theory of optimal control," Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana, vol. 5, 1960,pp. 102-119 [9].KALMAN, R.E. "A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems," Trans. ASME (J. Basic Engineering), vol. 82D, no.1, March 1960, pp. 35-45 [10].FELDBAUM, A.A., "Dual control theory, Parts I and II", Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 21, No. 9,April 1961, pp. 874-880 and Vol. 21, No. 11, May 1961, pp. 1033-1039. (Russian originals dated September1960, 1240-1249 and November 1960, pp. 1453-1464) [11].POPOV, V.M., "Absolute stability of nonlinear systems of automatic control," Auto. Remote Control, vol. 22,No. 8, February 1962, pp. 857-875. (Russian original dated August 1961, pp. 961-979) [12].BRYSON, A.E. and DENHAM, W.F., "A steepest-ascent method for solving optimum programming problems," Trans. ASME. J. Appl. Mechanics, June 1962, pp. 247-257 [13].YAKUBOVICH, V.A., "Solution of certain matrix equations appearing in automatic control," DAN (DokladyAkademii Nauk SSSR), vol.143, No.6, 1962, pp. 1304-1307 [14].KALMAN, R.E., "Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems," SIAM J. Control, vol. 1, 1963,pp. 152-192 [15].ZAMES, G., "On the input-output stability of time-varying nonlinear feedback systems--Part I: Conditions derived using concepts of loop gain, conicity, and positivity; Part II: Conditions involving circles in the frequency plane and sector nonlinearities," IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, AC-11, April 1966 pp. 228-238, July 1966, pp. 465-476 [16].LaSALLE, J.P., "An invariance principle in the theory of stability," in Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems," J. Hale & J.P. LaSalle, Eds., Academic Press, 1967, pp. 277-286 [17].WONHAM, W.M. and MORSE, A.S., "Decoupling and pole assignment in linear multivariable systems:A geometric approach," SIAM J. Control, vol. 8, pp. 1-18, 1970 [18].BROCKETT, R.W., "System theory on group manifolds and coset spaces," SIAM J. Contr., vol. 10, 1972, pp. 265-284 [19].SUSSMANN, H.J. and JURDJEVIC, V., "Controllability of nonlinear systems," J. Diff. Eqns., vol. 12, 1972,pp 95-116 [20].WILLEMS, J.C., "Dissipative dynamical systems - Part I: General theory," Arch. Ratl. Mech. and Analysis, vol.45, pp 321-351, 1972 [21].ASTROM, K.J. and WITTENMARK, B. "On self-tuning regulators," Automatica, vol. 9, pp. 185-199, 1973 [22].HERMANN, R. and KRENER, A.J., "Nonlinear controllability and observability," IEEE Trans. on AutomaticControl, AC-22, pp. 728-740, 1977 [23].LJUNG, L., "Analysis of recursive stochastic algorithms," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 22, 1977, pp. 551-575 [24].GOODWIN, G.C., RAMAGE, P.J. and CAINES P.E., "Discrete time multivariable adaptive control," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 25, 1980, pp. 449-456 [25].ZAMES, G., "Feedback and optimal sensitivity: model reference transformations, multiplicative seminorms, and approximate inverses," IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, AC-26, 1981, pp. 301-320

《Almost Lover》的中英文翻译

Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine Frenzy   Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤   The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞   Images 这一幕   You sang me Spanish ...


in a messy condition


1、只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。 Find ways to succeed, not reasons to fail. 2、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Don"t underestimate yourself. There are infinite possibilities. 3、品质是生产出来的,不是靠检验出来的。 Quality is produced, not tested. 4、塑造人的品质,建立管理根基。 Shaping people"s quality and establishing management foundation. 5、安全是企业的生命,质量是效益的源泉。 Safety is the life of an enterprise, and quality is the source of benefit. 6、市场是海,质量是船,品牌是帆。 The market is the sea, the quality is the ship, and the brand is the sail. 7、革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 Remove carelessness and improve product quality. 8、严格工艺纪律,确保工程优质。 Strict process discipline to ensure the quality of the project. 9、人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。 Everyone loves their jobs and their pany is thriving. 10、产品质量连万家,厉害关系你我他。 The quality of products is even more than ten thousand, which has a great impact on you, me and him. 11、正常的加以保持,异常的予以纠正。 Maintain normal and correct abnormal. 12、五湖四海聚一厂,情同手足友谊长。 Five lakes and four seas gather in one factory and have long friendship with brothers and feet. 13、质量存在于人类生存的一切地方。 Quality exists everywhere in human existence. 14、只有不完美的产品,没有不挑剔的客户。 Only imperfect products, no non-critical customers. 15、优质产品,是打开市场大门的金钥匙。 Quality products are the golden key to open the door of the market. 16、人无我有,人有我优,人优我奇。 No one has me, no one has me, no one is better than me, no one is better than me. 17、安全责任重于泰山,安全警钟时刻长鸣。 Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. Safety alarm bells are ringing all the time. 18、控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品。 Control each process, do a good job in each product. 19、隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。 Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire, and prevention is better than disaster relief. 20、卓越的产品和服务是员工的成就和自豪。 Excellent products and services are the achievements and pride of employees. 21、设计合理的品质,为品保之第一步。 Design reasonable quality is the first step of quality assurance. 22、品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。 Quality you and I do well, customer retention can not run. 23、以科技为动力,以质量求生存。 Take science and technology as the driving force, and strive for survival by quality. 24、质量就是资源,质量就是金钱。 Quality is resources, quality is money. 25、日常记录好习惯,追溯分析利改善。 Daily record good habits, retrospective *** ysis to improve. 26、深化质量管理,提高产品质量。 Deepen quality management and improve product quality. 27、创建精品工程,加速与国际接轨。 Create high-quality projects to speed up international integration. 28、品质管制人人做,优良品质有把握。 Quality control is done by everyone, and good quality is assured. 29、效率成就品牌,诚信铸就未来。 Efficiency achieves brand, and honesty fes the future. 30、企业以人为本,员工以厂为荣。 Enterprises are people-oriented, and employees are proud of the factory. 31、重视产品质量,加强企业管理。 Pay attention to product quality and strengthen enterprise management. 32、人的能力是有限的,人的努力是无限的。 Man"s ability is limited and his efforts are unlimited. 33、建中国最好电厂,创世界一流品牌。 Build the best power plant in China and create the world"s first-class brand. 34、从管理中创卓越,在施工中树形象。 Create excellence from management and build image in construction. 35、只要有正确的方法,成功是很简单的事。 Success is very simple as long as there is the right way. 36、推动全员品质活动,提高全员工作士气。 Promote the quality activities of the whole staff and improve the morale of the whole staff. 37、帆落船停帆鼓船进企业以人为本。 Sailing, landing, stopping and drumming into the enterprise people-oriented. 38、你思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒。 You think, I think, quality improvement is difficult. 39、科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源。 Science and technology is the first productive force, and talent is the first resource. 40、创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。 Innovation breaks through and stabilizes quality, implements management and improves efficiency. 41、适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨。 Adapt to the pany"s daily changes without plaining. 42、组织架构落实好,增员举绩不得了。 With the implementation of the anizational structure, it is impossible to increase staff and raise achievements. 43、才有公司的辉煌力求一次做好。 Only then has the pany"s brilliance strived to do a good job at one time. 44、产业竞争靠产品,产品竞争靠品质。 Industry petition depends on products, and product petition depends on quality. 45、质量赢得顾客,信誉创造效益。 Quality wins customers and reputation creates benefits. 46、推行品管,始于教育,终于教育。 Quality control begins with education and ends with education. 47、不绷紧质量的弦,弹不了市场的调。 Without tightening the strings of quality, we can"t play the tune of the market. 48、信誉来源于质量,质量来源于素质。 Credit es from quality, quality es from quality.


  摘 要 本文主要在德国功能派翻译理论的视角下提出了菜式翻译应遵从的基本原则,将直译和意译的翻译策略运用到菜谱翻译中并详细提出了具体的方法,以及这个具体方法对菜名翻译的理论意义和学术价值。   关键词 中式菜名英译 功能派翻译理论 翻译目的与原则   一、导言   饮食文化在一定程度上体现了主体文化,构成了主体文化的一个重要的方面。菜名就是在这个意义上,反映着主体文化,对菜名的研究也因而成为研究一种文体文化的重要方面。   2008年背景奥运会后,中国菜越来越为全世界各国人民所了解。中国的饮食文化成为传播中国文化的一个重要的使者。这种文化交流所遇到的第一个问题,就是翻译问题。 而这些中国菜的英文译名从令人啼笑皆非到规范化、正规化,走过了一段艰难的历程。   二、目前中餐英译中所存在的问题   根据目前中式菜名英译的现状,我们主要存在以下几个问题:   (一)望文生义的翻译: 四喜丸子—— four happy meat ball   这些都是望文生义的想当然的翻译,过分的按照字面意思来翻译,难免会引起歧义,费解甚至令人可笑的翻译。   (二)恶俗的翻译:   臭豆腐——smelly bean curd   口水鸡——slobbering chicken (流着口水的鸡)   (三)白开水式翻译:只是主配料的简单堆积。比如广东名菜“佛跳墙”在很多菜馆都被翻译成“Abalone shark"s fin and fish maw”, 像“佛跳墙”这类具有深厚民间历史典故的名菜,直接按照材料翻译出来就觉得索然无味了,未免可惜。   三、功能派翻译理论基础   弗米尔于20世纪70年代创立了功能派的奠基理论-目的论,(scopo-theory), 进一步打破了对等理论的局限,摆脱了以原语为中心的等值理论的束缚提出以文本目的为翻译活动的第一准则,目的论的核心概念是:翻译方法和翻译策略必须由译文的预期目的或功能决定,弗米尔认为单靠语言学解决不了问题,根据行为学的理论,他提出翻译是一种人类的行为活动,而且还是一种有目的的行为活动。因此,翻译是在目的语情景中为某种目的及目的受众而产生语篇。   总之,功能翻译理论提出了译文功能论,指出翻译过程是由翻译目的决定的,译者在整个翻译过程中的参照系不应该是对等理论要求的原文及功能,而应该是译文在译语文化环境中所预期达到的交际功能。   四、中式菜名英译的策略   (一)中餐英译文本的两个功能   1.让广大的外国朋友在餐厅或酒店就餐时,能够看懂菜单上的一道道菜名,了解这些美味佳肴是用什么材料制作的,可以随心所欲享用菜肴。   2.让更多的海外人士在品尝中餐的美味佳肴时增加对中餐的了解,让中餐成为我国对外文化交流的使者。   (二) 翻译策略   根据中餐英译文本的两个功能,对于主要目的是方便客人点餐一类的中餐,如果是写实性命名的菜肴,即菜肴是以原料或附带加工形状命名和烹饪手段而命名,这类菜名主要是展现菜肴所用的原料,刀工或烹饪手法,同时也兼容菜肴的口味。由于中英文中关于描写原料,刀工和烹饪手段的词基本存在对等语,这种情况下采用直译的方法,将菜肴的原料,味道,制作方法等翻译出来即可。   由于中国饮食文化博大精深,很多美食具有丰富的文化内涵和文化韵味,有的菜名还蕴含历史和典故,这些菜肴的命名往往利用写意型命名,往往不出现原料及烹饪方法,初次品尝的食客面对食谱往往感到莫名其妙。这种情况下,一般采用意译的翻译方法, 虽然这些写意的菜肴被意译后往往会失去他们原名的象征,吉祥和文化意译,但是这样翻译后的菜单简洁明了,体现了菜单传递信息的文本功能,方便外国食客快速点菜用餐。   1.方便客人点餐   即了解菜的内容,选择自己喜欢的食品,翻译时应该注重菜的原料,味道,烹制方法等等。   直译(写实性命名的菜肴,主料加配料加调料)   烤乳猪 roast suckling pig   黄焖大虾 braised prawns in rice wine   脆皮鸡 crispy chicken   意译 (对于写意性命名的菜肴,用避虚就实的方法,翻译出实质)   霸王别姬 broiled chicken cutlets with turtle   蚂蚁上树 sautéed bean vermicelli with spicy meat sauce   糖醋里脊 fried sweet and sour tenderloin   2.文化翻译   此外,如果菜名翻译还要肩负起弘扬中华文化和促进中西饮食文化交流的重任,那么翻译所采用的策略就必须与此目的相适应。尤其是写意型命名的菜肴具有极高的文化内涵和文化底蕴,属于中华文化宝库的重要组成部分。为了尽量传达文化信息,多采用直译+释义法和音译加注的方法。   直译加释义   在中式菜肴中,有些菜含有历史典故,是由某人创始或与某人有关,因而以其姓名命名,如东坡肉,宋嫂鱼羹等。有一部分则与某个历史事件或传说有关而直接以该事件或传说命名,如佛跳墙,叫花鸡等。这类菜名一般比较复杂,我们再翻译的时候应当灵活处理,在最大程度上保留这些深具中国文化特色的典故,此类菜名的英译一般采用直译+释义法翻译,即先直接按中文菜名翻译出其含义,然后补充说明其内在含义。   佛跳墙 Fotiaoqiang —— steamed abalone with shark"s fin and fish maw in broth (lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dishes)   音译或音译加注释   对中国特有的食品的翻译,多采用音译,或者音译加注释的方法。如豆腐,粽子,饺子,馄饨等等。   Jiaozi— won ton   粽子翻译为Zongzi —— glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves .   五、总结   文章主要简介了论文研究背景,研究目的。本文对德国功能派理论作了介绍,提出了这一理论可以作为中式菜名的英译一个范式。就菜名翻译而言,菜名翻译不仅是语言的转换,而更多的是文化内涵的传递。文中笔者分析了中国饮食文化的特点,菜名命名的原则以及目前菜名翻译存在的问题及原因。因为翻译是一种跨文化交流,笔者提出了菜谱翻译中应遵循的一些原则,将直译和意译的翻译策略运用到菜谱翻译中并详细提出了具体的方法,以及这个具体方法对菜名翻译的理论意义和学术价值。   参考文献:   [1]Monday Jeremy.Introducing Translation studies:Theories and Application[M].London and New York:Routledge,2001:79.   [2]白薇.中文菜单英译之我见[J].外语研究考试周刊,2007(10):30-31.   [3]陈德彰.中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误[M].北京:中国书籍出版社,2008.   [4]梅德明.高级口译教程[M].上海:上海教育出版社,2006.   [5]汤立尹.中餐菜单英译的“信、达、雅”[J].湖北经济学院学报,2008(5):121-122.   [6]王逢鑫.汉英饮食文化词典[M].北京:外文出版社.   [7]翁凤祥.实用翻译[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2002:249.   [8]谭载喜.西方翻译简史[M].北京:商务印书馆,2004.   [9]于科先.浅析《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》中的翻译失真现象[J].中国青年科技,2008(8):32-35.   作者简介: 刘本香(1987.10),女,汉族,山东青岛人,西安外国语大学10级硕士研究生,专业方向:外国语言学与应用语言学商务英语方向。

Bei Maejor的Big Girl Big City歌词的中英文翻译~ 挺好听的~ 百度没有中文的 求翻译`

Chorus:Uh go girl, get it girl. Show em" whatchu got. I hope you really know that you"re worth a whole lot. With the world in your hands, you ain"t neva gon" stop. Naw you gon" make it to the top. (x2)Verse 1: Such a big girl livin" in a big city. Remember high school you was just pretty. Now you in college ya lookin" so beautiful. Ya got your nails did, I see your lil cuticles. Ya got five classes working two jobs though. Can only get a little help from ya moms though. It"s all good tell momma you don"t need it Cause you a big girl and everybody see it. I know ya pops probably really really proud of ya. He"ll do anything just to see a smile on ya. And if them dudes ever try to act foul on ya, You know that he gon" be the one to put it down for ya. Oh, you hear em" say you ain"t ready to be alone. You won"t survive out here on your own, But you don"t care what they sayin". Graduation time gon" raise your hand.Bridge: Work for the money gon" get it girl. Show em" what you got chu a big girl. People gon" hate cause they don"t know, don"t know how much you want it baby. Chorus:Go girl, get it girl. Show em" whatchu got. I hope you really know that you"re worth a whole lot. With the world in your hands, you ain"t neva gon" stop. Naw you gon" make it to the top. (x2)Verse 2: Still such a big girl livin" in a big city. You neva sleep now it seems ya too busy. You got goals so you"re steady trynna stack it up. Set your boyfriend to left he was acting up. New job so your down with the roomates. Your best friend two months from her due date. Your gonna be a god mother very soon babe. You let the use the guest room at your new place. You"ll learn the hard way not to give your heart away, to a liar. You had too many heartbreaks. There"s somebody out there who would die for ya. Don"t even know it, but they standin" in line for ya. Oh, keep your head up don"t worry. Sunshine"s comin" your way. Your whole family in the stands. Gon" celebrate gon" do your dance.Bridge: Work for the money gon" get it girl. Show em" what you got chu a big girl. People gon" hate cause they don"t know, don"t know how much you want it baby. Chorus:Go girl, get it girl. Show em" whatchu got. I hope you really know that you"re worth a whole lot. With the world in your hands, you ain"t neva gon" stop. Naw you gon" make it to the top. (x8)


什么中英文翻译软件最好用,推荐一款自己一直在使用的手机翻译软件 语音翻译器,支持中英文在线语音互译功能,翻译结果很精准,值得尝试。操作步骤:1:首先打开翻译工具,打开后根据引导标志,我们开始选择自己需要的翻译模式,总共有语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式,我们选择语音翻译模式。2:点击最下角的英文标志按钮,开始录音,录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进入英译汉在线翻译器在线翻译页面。3:翻译结果页面,翻译结果在以中英文文字呈现的同时,还会播放中文语音,而在文本框中有一个喇叭按钮,点击后可以重复播放语音。4:文本翻译模式,点击文本翻译模式,将自己需要翻译的英文文本复制粘贴到文本框中,点击翻译按钮,开始进入翻译页面。






adqgydkujdghdhtgggfhhgfhhnhhgfgghghmj bmvbjcngkhgjfjkfgfmngjhdkh jhfnvdshjgvghhjkloippkjjmdbhdjhhdkhuhyfgjhghiuthjgfjgxhxchccjjffffuytggfhcfsdfwashgdfsdfsdfdsdsfdsgcvvbxvdbdsabvavsacgwqvehgedjweydshgcxhcjcbsdjbcfhsdfhsrfdnbcvxzjmncxmmcmvmncbhjjghyuytrrytegghjkjjgbnkkhhjjhjhkjhhjjjjkl,ll,jmngfh hjhkknmjnbjkcvmvjvjfjjgfdfdxjfdjsxjfdgjfjkfdjjkcvjdvcnbvcvvjvjvjvjjmfgjffsdjsdkgvhdjdjghfhfhdhjfgfksnmkfhdfjkfhsnjfrfh


gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture

pretty boy中英文翻译



Hello, Chicago.您好,芝加哥。If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.如果还有人仍在怀疑美国是否是一个一切皆有可能的国度的话,如果还有人仍在疑虑我们美国的缔造者的梦想是否还存在于我们这个时代的话,如果还有人仍在质疑我们民主的力量的话,今晚你就可以得到答案。It"s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.它的答案告诉延伸线,围绕学校和教堂的人数这个民族从未见过的,等待三个小时,四个小时的人们,许多第一次在他们的生活,因为他们认为,这次一定是不同的,他们的声音可能是不同的。It"s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.不管你是年轻人还是老年人,是富人还是穷人,是民主党人还是共和党人,是黑人还是白人,也不管你是拉丁美洲人或亚洲人还是本土美国人,更无论你是否为同性变者、是否是残疾人,这是美国人共同的答案。美国人向全世界传递一个声音,那就是我们的选举从不分红州或蓝州。We are, and always will be, the United States of America.我们属于,而且永远只属于美利坚合众国。It"s the answer that led those who"ve been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.它的答案,导致这些谁一直在说这么长时间这么多的是玩世不恭和恐惧和怀疑是我们能够实现把他们手中的弧的历史和弯曲再次向希望一个更美好的一天。It"s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.虽然等待了很长时间,但在今晚的这一决定性时刻,由于我们在这次选举中的努力,美国终于迎来了变革。A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.今天傍晚稍早的时候,我接到麦凯恩参议员一个特别亲切的电话。Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he"s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.在竞选过程中,他坚持不懈,努力了很长时间,而且他还会为他所热爱的国家继续更加努力。他已经为美国奉献了太多,以到于我们许多人都无法想象。我们必须要更好地服务于我们的祖国,以补偿这位勇敢而无私的领导人。I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they"ve achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation"s promise in the months ahead.我祝贺他以及佩林此前取得的所有成绩,而且我希望能够与他们合作,重申数月前我们对国家所做的承诺


各国圣诞节习俗: 法国法国中部的色日尔斯地方,每年圣诞节前后几天必降大雪,白雪皑皑,令人清新。在西方人眼里,白色圣诞是一种吉祥。在法国,马槽是最富有特色的圣诞标志,因为相传耶稣是诞生在马槽旁的。人们大唱颂赞耶稣的圣诞歌之后,必须开怀畅饮,香槟和白兰地是法国传统的圣诞美酒。 芬兰芬兰在12月圣诞节前后,漫山遍野都是怒放的紫罗兰,掩映在白色的大地上,望去一片紫红色,紫色圣诞使人心旷神怡。 英国和德国英国人和德国人一样,圣诞节喝啤酒,吃烤鹅,他们更喜欢利用圣诞节假日外出旅游。 美国美国人过圣诞节着重家庭布置,安置圣诞树,在袜子中塞满礼物,吃以火鸡为主的圣诞大菜,举行家庭舞会。 瑞士瑞士人在圣诞节前4个星期,就将4支巨型的蜡烛点燃,放在由树枝装饰成的一个环里,每周点1支,当点燃第4支后,圣诞节就到了。 丹麦丹麦人对不合意的圣诞礼物,可去商店兑换价格相似的其他商品。 澳大利亚澳大利亚是南半球的国家之一。12月底,正当西欧各国在寒风呼啸中欢度圣诞节时,澳大利亚正是热不可耐的仲夏时节。因此在澳大利亚过圣诞节,到处可以看见光着上身汗水涔涔的小伙子和穿超短裙的姑娘,与商店橱窗里精心布置的冬日雪景、挂满雪花的圣诞树和穿红棉袄的圣诞老人,构成澳大利亚特有的节日图景。这种酷暑和严冬景象的强烈对比,恐怕在西方国家是独一无二的。父母给子女最好的圣诞礼物,莫过于一副小水划。圣诞节弄潮是澳大利亚的一大特征。节日晚上,带着饮料到森林里举行“巴别居”野餐。人们用石头垒的露天灶中用枯树枝生火、上面架一块铁板,把香肠、牛肉、鲜鱼等放上去煎。吃饱喝足后,就跳起“迪斯科”或“袋鼠舞”,一直闹到深夜才结束。喝醉了的,便往草地上一躺,在如雷的鼾声中迎接圣诞老人的莅临。 波兰在波兰每年12月25日、26日举行,家家户户都要装饰圣诞树,大街小巷都有圣诞树上的装饰品出卖。节日里亲友之间相互祝贺,互赠礼品,表示友好。晚间吃饭时桌布下边要放一些草,以示耶稣的降生。晚饭很丰富,但不能吃肉。夜间12时后,全家去教堂礼拜。圣诞节期间,一般不到别人家中做客,但主人盛情邀请者例外。 保加利亚据保加利亚的历法,圣诞节是灵魂出没、妖邪猖狂的日子。因此,人们要借助火来驱妖镇邪。圣诞节前夜,家家都燃起火堆,一直燃到天亮,不得熄灭,否则会招来横祸。由男人取圣诞木点火进屋并高声念道:“圣诞节降临,牛、羊、猪、马长满圈,麦苗出满垅,人人走好运。”在屋里等候的人则齐声回答:“阿门!”Various countries Christmas day custom: Middle the French France"s color date you the Si place, Christmas dayaround several days must fall the heavy snow every year, snow gleamswhite, are fresh. In the western person eye, the white Christmas isone kind of propitious. In France, the manger is the richestcharacteristic Christmas symbolized, because hands down Jesus is thebirth nearby the manger. After the people loudly sing 颂赞 Jesus"sChristmas song, must drink to one"s heart"s content, the champagne andthe brandy are the French tradition Christmas good wine. The Finnish Finland around December Christmas day, all is the violetall over the mountains and plains which is in full bloom, complementson the white earth, looks a piece of purple red, the purple Christmascauses the person completely relaxedly. English and the German English and the German are same, Christmas daydrinks the beer, eats roasts the goose, they like using the Christmasday holiday egressing the traveling. The American American Christmas day emphatically family arrangement,the placement Christmas tree, has crowded the gift in the sock, eatsby the turkey primarily Christmas main dish, holds the family danceparty. The Swiss Swisses in the Christmas day first 4 weeks, light 4 giantcandles, put on in a link which decorates by the branch, each weekselects 1, after lights 4th, Christmas day arrived. The Danish Danes to do not gather Italian the Christmas gift, may goto the store exchange price similar other commodities. The Australian Australia is one of southern hemisphere national. Atthe end of December, while the Western Europe various countries howlswhen the cold wind celebrates joyfully the Christmas day, Australia isprecisely the midsummer season which is hot cannot be borne. Thereforecrosses the Christmas day in Australia, the girl which everywhere maysee the light which upper body sweat to be streaminging the youngfellow and puts on the miniskirt, with the store display window in thecareful arrangement winter snowscape, the filled snowflake Christmastree and puts on the red cotton-wadded jacket Santa Claus, constitutesthe Australian unique holiday prospect. Perhaps this kind of intensesummer heat and the severe winter picture striking contrast, in thewestern nation is unique. The parents for the children the bestChristmas gift, not too urine delimit. Christmas day the sea bathingis an Australia"s big characteristic. The holiday evening, brings thedrink to hold "Pakistan to the forest in not to occupy" the picnic.People in the open-air stove which build with the stone with the drybranch lights a fire, the above puts up a sheet iron, the sausage, thebeef, the fresh fish and so on puts fries. After 吃饱喝足, jumps"the disco dancing" or "the kangaroo dance", continuously makes to thelate at night only then finished. Has gotten drunk, then as soon aslies down toward the lawn on, greets Santa Claus in like the thundersnoring sound visiting. Poland in Polish every year December 25, on 26th holds, each and everyfamily all must decorate the Christmas tree, the main street and smallalley all has on the Christmas tree the ornament to betray. In theholiday between the relatives and friends mutually congratulates, thegift, the expression is mutually friendly. In the evening eats mealwhen under the tablecloth the defensive point on the frontier putssome grasses, shows Jesus"s being born. The dinner is very rich, butcannot eat the meat. After at night 12 o"clock, entire family goes tothe church week. Christmas day period, generally do not be a guest toothers in, but master great kindness invitation exception. Bulgaria according to Bulgaria"s calendar, Christmas day is the soulappears and disappears, the monster evil wild day. Therefore, thepeople must draw support from the fire to drive the monster town to beevil. Christmas day the eve, each family all ignite the fire ofhigh-piled firewood, continuously burns the dawn, does not have toextinguish, otherwise can incur comes the unexpected calamity. Takesthe Christmas wooden ignition by the man to enter the room and loud todiscuss that, "Christmas day arrives, the cow, the sheep, the pig, thehorse are covered with the circle, the young wheat leaves the fullhillock, everybody walks the good luck." The person waits for which inthe room answers in chorus: "Amen!"


THE CALL OF THE WILD 补充: 很长。我用QQ发给你吧。但我没有中文翻译。


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" 从前,有个孩子马上就要降生了。于是有一天他问上帝:“听说明天您就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?” God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you." 上帝答道:“在众多的天使中,我特别为你挑了一位。她会在那里守候你,无微不至地照顾你。” But the child wasn"t sure he really wanted to go. "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don"t do anything else but sing and smile, that"s enough for me to be happy." 小孩还是不确定自己是否真的想去:“但是在天堂,我除了唱唱笑笑外,什么也不做,这就足以让我感到幸福了。” "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel"s love and be happy." “你的天使每天会为你唱歌,每天对你微笑。你会感受到她的爱,并且因此而幸福。” "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me," the child continued, "If I don"t know the language that men talk?" “如果我不懂人类的语言,他们跟我说话时,我怎么听得懂呢?”孩子继续问道。 God patted him on the head and said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." 上帝轻轻地拍了一下孩子的头说:“你的天使会对你说最最美丽、最最动听的话语,而这些都是你从未听过的。她会不厌其烦地教你说话。” "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" “如果我想与你说话怎么办?” But God had an answer for that question too. "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." 上帝胸有成竹地回答:“你的天使会将你的双手合拢,教你如何祈祷。” "I"ve heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?" “听说下界有很多坏人,谁来保护我呢?” "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life!" “即使冒着生命危险,你的天使也会保护你的。” "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore," the child continued warily. “但是见不到你,我会难过的。”小孩小心翼翼说道。 God smiled on the young one. "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you." 听到这儿,上帝微笑着看着孩子。“尽管我会一直陪伴你左右,你的天使仍会向你提起我,教你重返天堂之路。” At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child knew he had to start on his journey very soon. He asked God one more question, softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel"s name." 此时,天堂一片宁静,凡间的声音已可听到,小孩明白自己得赶紧上路了。他又轻声问了最后一个问题:“哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字?” God touched the child on the shoulder and answered, "Your angel"s name is not hard to remember. You will simply call her Mommy." 上帝把手放在小孩的肩上,答道:“你的天使的名字很容易记住,你就叫她--妈妈。” PS:妈妈是上帝为我们每个人精心挑选的天使,我们的生命因为有妈妈而安全、幸福。当我们长大成人时,天使妈妈变成了需要我们照顾的人。爱妈妈吧,她是我们的保护神。给女朋友买玫瑰时,记得给妈妈买一支康乃馨;给恋人打电话时,记得给妈妈报平安;生活幸福甜蜜时,也记得和妈妈分享。


1这里的作业好难做,所以我经常得到很不理想的分数。2.我是学校游泳队的一员。3.我应该离开这个游泳队吗?我真的很不想,但是爸爸妈妈认为我应该这样做。4 亲爱的朋友,你认为我是该做点事呢,还是试着去忘记这令人头疼的事呢?1.Qin thinks the film is very boring.2.We have history classes in Wensday and Friday.3.Are not your mother can swim?4.Do you often swim at these time?5.Are you willing to having dinner with me?






1、有道翻译有道翻译是网易公司开发的一款翻译软件,其最大特色在于翻译引擎是基于搜索引擎,网络释义的,也就是说它所翻译的词释义都是来自网络。有道桌面词典背靠其强大的搜索引擎(有道搜索)后台数据和“网页萃取”技术,从数十亿海量网页中提炼出传统词典无法收录的各类新兴词汇和英文缩写,如影视作品名称、品牌名称、名人姓名、地名、专业术语等。2、百度翻译:百度翻译拥有网页、APP、百度小程序等多种产品形态,此外还针对开发者提供开放云接口服务,日均响应千亿字符翻译请求。除文本、网页翻译外,结合用户多样性的翻译需求,推出了网络释义、海量例句、权威词典、离线翻译。3、金山词霸:一款经典、权威、免费的词典软件,完整收录柯林斯高阶英汉词典;整合500多万双语及权威例句,同时支持中文与英语、法语、韩语、日语、西班牙语、德语六种语言互译。词霸集合了17种情景,上千组对话,通过搜索快速匹配最合适的情景表达。4、Bing翻译:Bing翻译提供多项软件集成功能,这些软件主要是Microsoft旗下的,包括在InternetExplorer8或以上版本设立加速器,其他集成功能包括MicrosoftOffice的Plug-in和BingInstantAnswer。在WindowsLiveMessenger亦设立一个名为Tbot的翻译机器人。5、Google翻译:Google翻译是谷歌公司提供一项免费的翻译服务,可提供103 种语言之间的即时翻译,支持任意两种语言之间的字词、句子和网页翻译。可分析的人工翻译文档越多,译文的质量就会越高越好。Google 翻译通过在经过人工翻译的文档中检测各种模式,进行合理的猜测,然后得出适当的翻译。


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。




1 a:我想每个人都知道怎么样游泳 b:有没有关于这台电脑的说明? c:我认为这张图片告诉我们水果对生命的重要性2 自从 li wang 的爸爸从北京大学毕业后,他就在这里教英文 请把这本书给第一个来的人 尽管很晚了,他们仍在工作3 我是个远程教育的学生 你必须时刻记住不要在考试中作弊我们的老师一直鼓励我们要勇敢的说英文


手机下载翻译软件哪个最好用? 根据您的使用需要来决定,如果是出国使用建议选择谷歌翻译软件。 如果是在国内使用有道翻译官、百度翻译和金山词霸都是不错的选择。以下是详细介绍: 1、谷歌翻译,这是一个谷歌提供的免费软件,可以实现全球上百种的即时翻译,常用的语言都能够翻译处理,支持任意两种语言之间的字词、句子翻译。 除了简单的输入外,还支持拍照翻译、取词翻译和语音翻译等方法; 2、有道翻译官,这是一款网一大早的词典翻译工具,支持在线和离线翻译。同样支持摄像头的图像取词实时翻译,可以直接翻译路牌和餐厅菜单; 3、百度翻译,同样是支持多个国家语言之间的相互翻译。 也是能够提供语音翻译、拍照翻译和离线翻译功能。比较好的中英文翻译软件有哪些, 我用 灵格斯翻译家 灵格斯 在360软件 翻译软件中评分是最高的 灵格斯(Lingoes)是一款简明易用的免费翻译与词典软件,支持全球超过60多个国家语言的互查互译、支持多语种屏幕取词、索引提示和语音朗读功能,是新一代的词典翻译专家。 灵格斯是一个强大的词典查询和翻译工具。它能很好地在阅读和书写方面帮助用户,让对外语不熟练的您在阅读或书写英文文章时变得更简单更容易。 灵格斯 灵格斯提供了最直观的使用方法,帮助你快速查询包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、中文、日语、韩语在内的60多种语言的翻译结果。使用灵格斯创新的屏幕取词功能,您只需将鼠标移动到屏幕中的任何有单词的位置,按下Ctrl键,灵格斯就能智能地识别出该单词的内容及其所属的语言,即时显示出相应的翻译结果。并且这一切都不会干扰你当前正在进行的工作。 灵格斯拥有当前主流商业词典软件的全部功能,并创新地引入了跨语言内核设计及开放式的词典管理方案,同时还提供了大量语言词典和词汇表下载。 英语翻译软件哪个好用一点 翻译软件的好坏还是自己使用过才知道,比如我自己一直在用的手机翻译软件【语音翻译器】我就觉得很不错。 1:选择翻译模式,在翻译工具总共有语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式,那么我们该如何选择呢?建议大家使用语音翻译模式,因为语音翻译显得正式,并且更加方便。 2:选择语种和目标语种,源语种为中文,但是中文有中文繁体和中文简体的区分,小伙伴们可以根据自己的说话口音进行选择,而目标语种我们选择英语即可。 3:开始进行翻译,点击最下角的中文按钮,开始说话,录音结束后点击完成按钮,进入翻译页面。再次提醒大家,在于英国人交流时一定要事先了解对方的民族文化,比如“星期五”和“13”这两个数字是英国人非常忌讳的,数字“666”他们也很不喜欢。 4:翻译结果会在语音播放的同时也会有文字的出现,如果事先没有调大音量,对方没有听清,没有关系,我们可以点击文字中的喇叭,进行重复播放。 5:在我们的手机翻译工具“语音翻译器”中带有英语翻译中文的功能,点击下角的英文按钮,说出英文,开始进行英语对中文的翻译。 6:如果是较为喧哗的场合,你可以与外国人通过文字的形式交流,点击文本框,里面有一个文字全屏展示功能。 7:收藏夹,点击文本框中的收藏按钮后,你可以在左上角的设置按钮中找到收藏夹,在这里对你所收藏的文本进行各种编辑。 什么翻译软件好用? 现在最好用的翻译软件是: Dr.eye 译点通8.0专业版 这是一套结合中、英、日三向语言翻译的工具软件,采用最新的翻译核心技术,内含丰富的数据库,新增加时代英英/英汉双解大辞典,让您用英文的角度思考及学习英文,英文程度快速提升;再加上全新规划的书信助理功能,收录了470个英文商用书信范本,让您在职场上多了一个不可或缺的英文秘书;搭配IBM的TTS英文语音技术,计算机说给您听,还可以将英文的数据转成声音文件,让您更灵活地运用;全文翻译新增加翻译记忆引擎,除了让您快速了解外国文件的内容,更让记忆的结果贴近您个人的需求,嵌入式翻译支持的软件包涵Microsoft Office软件、Outlook软件、Acrobat软件的PDF格式档案、MSN等软件;定期的新字扩充让您的辞典内容最新最完整,全新规划的语言学习功能,让您从单词到句子跟着真人学习,效果马上可见,还能任意出题,随时检测自己的语言能力,另外提供软件工具列面板的更换,让您可随心情的不同,选择您喜欢的面板,这样一套丰富完整的工具肯定可以帮助您快速地掌握最新的致胜先机、有效地提升您的语言能力及工作效率。 一、基本功能: 即时翻译 鼠标即指即译,支持中英、英中、中日、日中等多向互译。 即时写作 英汉、汉英、日中、中日,同步辅助输入。可提高书写速度,准确拼写出不懂的词汇。 即时辞典 海量中、英、日词典词库,扩充最新英汉、汉英医学、金融辞典。 多语输入法 可随意输入 简体、繁体、英文、日文,并可随意选择输出简中、繁中、英、日文字,并具有联想及自建词组功能。 书信助理 提供全新行销、业务、招聘/应聘等17种类别,共470个常用英文商用书信范本内容,同时提供经典的商用书信例句供选择。 即时语音 无论是中、英、日三种语言的单字、句子还是整篇文章,电脑都可读给你听。 生字笔记 可随时摘录中英日的单词单字,并分别放与不同生词笔记本中,方便学习记忆。 多语浏览 对于日常办公中有其他语种需求的商务人士,帮助您在简体中文操作系统下轻松浏览简、繁、英、日(JIS、EUC)、韩五种文字内码的转换和显示。 二、翻译功能: 全文翻译 专业、智能、快速翻译引擎,支持整句、整段及全文翻译,翻译可读性强。 网页翻译 支持简体、繁体、英文、日文间的多向互译,快速准确。 文件翻译 支持中、英、日三语文件批量双向互译,并支持*.txt、*、*、*.doc、*.xls、*.ppt、*.rtf等文件格式。 选中翻译 可对任意选择的一句或一段话(1000字以内)进行中、英、日三语互译。 界面翻译 轻松快速地将英文软件的界面翻译为中文界面。 三、学习功能: 单词通 按小学、中学、大学、TOEFL、GRE分为不同等级,搭配美式真人发音,提供默写测试和听说训练,帮您随时巩固、提升单词量。 句型通 提供常用句型的人性化学习环境。提供超过三千句美式真人发音,可听、可看、可练习、可测验,搭配句型详解,在工作的空隙,让您轻松学习常用英语句型。 语音通 “真人语音复读机 ”功能。提供美式真人语音课程,强化课件复读、跟读、听写训练等功能的培训,针对内容断句,可调整语音速度,全面提升您看、听、读、写、译的能力。 下载地址:rj100/?fsid=71&id=3377 金山词霸2007和金山快译2007这两款软件我都买了正版盒装的。用着还可以,就是金山快译2007翻译效果实在不敢恭维。关于这两款软件的介绍我给你官方网站的地址你自己看看吧:cp.iciba/index.shtml 手机学英语软件哪个好? 我是一名英语过了大学六级的学生,学英语用软件是学不会的,分享一些方法你参考一下吧 英语的学习方法如下 我们来看看英语是由什么组成的。 1 字母,2读音,3单词,4语法 一一进行解释。 1. 26个字母是组成单词的基本要素之一。 2. 48个音标是单词读音的基本要素之二。 3.上面两个搞定后, 就剩下单词与语法了。 我们来假设一下,看看哪个更是句子的核心。 假设1:如果你对语法不理解,单单靠记忆单词学英语。 就会有:give you color to see see(给点颜色你看看) 完全是中式英语,外国人是看不懂的。 假设2:如果你理解语法。 就会有: Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you"re in the friend zone. (因为你拖太久才行动,现在只能待在”朋友区”) 你就会知道,英语是先做完一个动作再接着做一个动作(以动词为依据)。 上面句子 第一个动作(动词为wait):you waited too long(你等待得太久) 第二个动作(动词为make):to make your move(去行动) to是用来隔开两个动作。 第三个动作(动词为are): you"re in the friend zone(你待在”朋友区”)。 4.总结 显示,我们中国人学英语是缺少一个语感,我们的生活圈子中没有这样的英语交流环境,只能以语法去理解英语句子中的单词排版规律了(通俗地说就是单词在句子中的位置) 还有网上的东西让人眼花缭乱,我觉得“英语年华的空间”里面的日志还是不错的,让我受益非浅。我没有过英语六级之前,天天都泡在他的日志里面学习,获得了很多书本上没有见过的英语知识,确实值得英语学习者借鉴学习。“英语年华的空间”。百度一下就可以看到在页面上的第一条了。 5.关于尾声 学英语靠的是坚持,不能三天打鱼两天晒网,只要坚持就会看到希望。如果不坚持,一辈子(100年)都学不会,如果坚持,半年后的英语就已经很厉害了。加油,祝你成功! 好用的学英语软件有哪些? 好用的学英语软件有:”朗易思听、不背单词、每日英语听力、TED、Seed、DAKA、扇贝单词、百词斩、英语趣配音、英语魔方秀、网易有道词典、金山词霸等软件。“ 朗易思听的优点是:“在朗易思听的音频资料库中包含了大量的英语听力教材,当前主流英语考试范题,当红的英语演讲以及经典的口语会话材料。有益于更深层次的听力练习。相比市面上的其他软件,朗易思听做的确实是比较独到。 各种英语学习软件APP或者和英语有关的软件使用过很多,但是因为手机内存不大,就会卸载一些软件,虽然给大家推荐了这么多学习软件,但其实我自己经常使用比较高的两三个而已,具体还要看个人习惯。 每个人学习习惯不同,适合的软件也就不同。因此每人需要什么样子的软件需要长时间去学习,从而找到最适合自己的那款学习软件。





林俊杰的Always online 歌词,和歌词中英文翻译,和英文谐音。



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对土木工程的发展起关键作用的,首先是作为工程物质基础的土木建筑材料,其次是随之发展起来的设计理论和施工技术。每当出现新的优良的建筑材料时,土木工程就 会有飞跃式的发展。 人们在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料从事营造活动,后来出现了砖和瓦这种人工建筑材料,使人类第一次冲破了天然建筑材料的束缚。中国在公元前十一世纪 的西周初期制造出瓦。最早的砖出现在公元前五世纪至公元前三世纪战国时的墓室中。砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作。 砖和瓦的出现使人们开始广泛地、大量地修建房屋和城防工程等。由此土木工程技术得到了飞速的发展。直至18~19世纪,在长达两千多年时间里,砖和瓦一直是土木工程的重要建筑材料,为人类文明作出了伟大的贡献,甚至在目前还被广泛采用。 钢材的大量应用是土木工程的第二次飞跃。 十七世纪70年代开始使用生铁、十九世纪初开始使用熟铁建造桥梁和房屋,这是钢结构出现的前奏。 从十九世纪中叶开始,冶金业冶炼并轧制出抗拉和抗压强度都很高、延性好、质量均匀的建筑钢材,随后又生产出高强度钢丝、钢索 。于是适应发展需要的钢结构得到蓬勃发展。除应用原有的粱、拱结构外,新兴的桁架、框架、网架结构、悬索结构逐渐推广,出现了结构形式百花争艳的局面。 建筑物跨径从砖结构、石结构、木结构的几米、几十米发展到钢结构的百米、几百米,直到现代的千米以上。于是在大江、海峡上架起大桥,在地面上建造起摩天大楼和高耸铁塔,甚至在地面下铺设铁路,创造出前所未有的奇迹。 为适应钢结构工程发展的需要,在牛顿力学的基础上,材料力学、结构力学、工程结构设计理论等就应运而生。施工机械、施工技术和施工组织设计的理论也随之发展,土木工程从经验上升成为科学,在工程实践和基础理论方面都面貌一新,从而促成了土木工程更迅速的发展。 十九世纪20年代,波特兰水泥制成后,混凝土问世了。混凝土骨料可以就地取材,混凝土构件易于成型,但混凝土的抗拉强度很小,用途受到限制。 十九世纪中叶以后,钢铁产量激增,随之出现了钢筋混凝土这种新型的复合建筑材料,其中钢筋承担拉力,混凝土承担压力,发挥了各自的优点。 二十世纪初以来,钢筋混凝土广泛应用于土木工程的各个领域。 从三十年代开始,出现了预应力混凝土。预应力混凝土结构的抗裂性能、刚度和承载能力,大大高于钢筋混凝土结构,因而用途更为广阔。土木工程进入了钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土占统治地位的历史时期。混凝土的出现给建筑物带来了新的经济、美观的工程结构形式,使土木工程产生了新的施工技术和工程结构设计理论。这是土木工程的又一次飞跃发展。 建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术。因而土木工程是一门范围广阔的综合性学科。随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系。 土木工程是伴随着人类社会的发展而发展起来的。它所建造的工程设施反映出各个历史时期社会经济、文化、科学、技术发展的面貌,因而土木工程也就成为社会历史发展的见证之一。 远古时代,人们就开始修筑简陋的房舍、道路、桥梁和沟澶,以满足简单的生活和生产需要。后来,人们为了适应战争、生产和生活以及宗教传播的需要,兴建了城池、运河、宫殿、寺庙以及其他各种建筑物。 许多著名的工程设施显示出人类在这个历史时期的创造力。例如,中国的长城、都江堰、大运河、赵州桥、应县木塔,埃及的金字塔,希腊的巴台农神庙,罗马的给水工程、科洛西姆圆形竞技场(罗马大斗兽场),以及其他许多著名的教堂、宫殿等。 产业革命以后,特别是到了20世纪,一方面社会向土木工程提出了新的需求;另一方面,社会各个领域为土木工程的前进创造了良好的条件。因而这个时期的土木工程得到突飞猛进的发展。在世界各地出现了现代化规模宏大的工业厂房、摩天大厦,核电站、高速公路和铁路、大跨桥梁、大直径运输管道长隧道、大运河、大堤坝、大飞机场、大海港以及海洋工程等等。现代土木工程不断地为人类社会创造崭新的物质环境,成为人类社会现代文明的重要组成部分。 土木工程是具有很强的实践性的学科。在早期,土木工程是通过工程实践,总结成功的经验,尤其是吸取失败的教训发展起来的。从17世纪开始,以伽利略和牛顿为先导的近代力学同土木工程实践结合起来,逐渐形成材料力学、结构力学、流体力学、岩体力学,作为土木工程的基础理论的学科。这样土木工程才逐渐从经验发展成为科学。 在土木工程的发展过程中,工程实践经验常先行于理论,工程事故常显示出未能预见的新因素,触发新理论的研究和发展。至今不少工程问题的处理,在很大程度上仍然依靠实践经验。 土木工程技术的发展之所以主要凭借工程实践而不是凭借科学试验和理论研究,有两个原因:一是有些客观情况过于复杂,难以如实地进行室内实验或现场测试和理论分析。例如,地基基础、隧道及地下工程的受力和变形的状态及其随时间的变化,至今还需要参考工程经验进行分析判断。二是只有进行新的工程实践,才能揭示新的问题。例如,建造了高层建筑、高耸塔桅和大跨桥梁等,工程的抗风和抗震问题突出了,才能发展出这方面的新理论和技术。在土木工程的长期实践中,人们不仅对房屋建筑艺术给予很大注意,取得了卓越的成就;而且对其他工程设施,也通过选用不同的建筑材料,例如采用石料、钢材和钢筋混凝土,配合自然环境建造了许多在艺术上十分优美、功能上又十分良好的工程。古代中国的万里长城,现代世界上的许多电视塔和斜张桥,都是这方面的例子。Plays a key role in the development of civil engineering, is the first civil construction materials as the basis for engineering material, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Whenever there is a fine new building materials, civil engineering will be a leap type development.People can only rely on the early Earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. Chinese in Eleventh Century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth Century BC to the third Century BC, the tomb of the Warring States period. Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties,soil can obtain raw material locally, and easy to manufacture.Emergence of brick and tile so that people began to widely, a large number of housing construction and urban flood control engineering. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Until 18 ~ nineteenth Century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, made a great contribution to the human civilization, and was also widely used in the present.A large number of applications of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. In seventeenth Century 70 time began using pig iron, the early nineteenth Century began to usewrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel.From the beginning of the mid nineteenth Century, the metallurgical industry smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, good ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel, then produce high-strength steel wire, steel wire. And meet the needs for development of steel structure has been booming. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, frame, grid structure, and gradually promote the suspension structure,the form of the structure of a hundred flowers contend in beauty situation.From the brick building long-span structure, stone structure, wood structure of a few meters, the development of tens of meters to 100 meters of steel structures, several hundred meters, 1000 meters until modern. So the bridge in the river, channel, since the construction of skyscrapersand high-rise tower on the ground, even in the laying of underground railway, to create ahitherto unknown.To meet the development needs of the steel structure engineering, on the basis of Newton"s mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory would emerge as the times require. Theoretical design of machinery, construction technology and organization construction also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, both in engineering practice and theoretical basis for a new, which led tomore rapid development of civil engineering.In nineteenth Century 20, Portland cement concrete was made. Concrete aggregate can obtain raw material locally, easy to concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth Century, the surge in steel production,followed by a composite building material of this new type of reinforced concrete, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure, to play their respective advantages. Since the beginning of twentieth Century, each field of reinforced concrete is widely used in civilengineering.From the beginning of the thirty"s, the prestressed concrete. The crack resistance, stiffness and bearing capacity of prestressed concrete structure, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses broader. Civil engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete brings the structural form of new economic,aesthetic to the building, civil engineering so that a theory of new construction technology and engineering structure design. This is a leap in the development of civil engineering.A project to build the facilities in general to go through investigation, design and construction in three stages, need to discipline the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, engineering mechanics, engineering design,building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy, and the construction technology, construction and other fields of knowledge, as well as the computer and mechanical testing technology. Civil engineering is therefore a broad range of integrated disciplines. With the development of science and technology development and engineering practice, the civil engineering disciplines have also been developed into a comprehensivesystem of broad connotation, category numerous, complicated structure.Civil engineering is accompanied by the development of human society and the development of.It works in the construction of facilities reflect the face of social and economic development,technology, science, culture in every historical period, so the civil engineering has become one of the social and historical development of the witness.In ancient times, people began to build simple houses, roads, bridges and water channel, to meet the simple life and production needs. Later, people in order to adapt to the war, productionand dissemination of religious life and the need to build the city, canals,, palaces, temples and other buildings.Many well-known works shown in this historical period of human creativity. For example, Chinathe Great Wall, Dujiangyan, the Grande Canale, the Zhaozhou Bridge, the Yingxian Wood Tower, the Pyramid of Egypt, Greece"s Parthenon, Rome"s water supply project, Kolo Sim Arena(Rome Coliseum), and many other famous churches, palaces.After the industrial revolution, especially in twentieth Century, on one hand, the society puts forward new requirements to the civil engineering; on the other hand, each field of the society to create good conditions for the advancement of civil engineering. Thus this period of civil engineering has make a spurt of progress of development.In the rest of the world in the modern large-scale industrial plants, skyscrapers, nuclear power plants, highways and railways, long-span bridge, large diameter pipelines long tunnel, the Grande Canale, big dams, big airport, port and marine engineering etc.. Modern civil engineering to create a new physical environment for the human society, has become an important part of modern civilization of human society.Civil engineering is a very practical subject. In the early days, through the civil engineering practice, summing up successful experience, especially draw lessons from the failure of developed. From the beginning of seventeenth Century, with Galileo and Newton as a combination of pilot with the mechanics of the modern civil engineering practice, gradually formed the mechanical material mechanics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mass, as the basis of the theory of civil engineering discipline. This experience in civil engineering from the gradually developed into a science.In the process of the development of civil engineering, engineering practice often first experience in theory, engineering accidents often show a new unforeseen factors, triggering a new theory of research and development. Yet many engineering problems, still rely on practical experience in the very great degree.


Dribbler 盘球手 电脑控制球员会比较粘球(对玩家无效用) Dribble-Keep 盘带控制 电脑拿球时能控好足球(玩家控制好象不容易丢球) Positioning 位置感 捕捉好位置的能力强,门前抢点强 Reaction 前插 能够突然启动跑位,直塞球接应强,但易越位 Playmaker 中场核心 该队员持球时,全员进攻意识增加 Passer 传球手 直塞威胁性、准确性更大 Striker 射手 擅长最后一击,比如直塞造成的机会 1 vs 1 Shoot 擅长单刀球 单刀球容易进球 Post Player 柱式中锋 擅长在禁区内抢头球,可以在里面策应摆渡,禁区内一脚触球也准 Line Positioning 反越位 对方造越位时可进行反越位 Middle Shoot 中距离射门 其实貌似这个叫擅长远射更好,因为远射高手都有这特技 Side Player 边路球员 擅长边路活动 Centre Player 中路 擅长中路活动 PK.Kicker 擅长点球 点球不会射出门框范围 One-Touch 一脚触球 第一时间处理球能力强 Outside 外脚背 外脚背处理球更优秀 Man-Mark 盯人 盯人战术执行强 sliding 铲球 铲球成功率高 Covering 补位 当队友被突破(或区域漏防时),会积极补防 D-Line control 后防统率 使后防线统一,方便执行造越位战术 PK Keeper 擅长扑点球 电脑控制时扑点球成功率高 1 vs 1 Keeper 擅长扑单刀 扑单刀球成功率高 Long Throw 大力界外球 界外球时抛得更远 现在已经有中文版下载了下一个就方便了




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EN: I"m running out of patience, but then you say, it"s over baby, so go on, we both need you to say this to us, you are, the only one for me.ZH: 我快没耐心,但后来你说,它是宝贝,所以走上,我们两个都需要你说这对我们来说,你是我的唯一。EN: Every night you stay with her.ZH: 每天晚上你陪伴她。EN: I pretend it doesn"t hurt cause the hardest part of this is wondering when all this is.ZH: 我假装它不伤害的最难的部分,这不知道,当这一切都是的原因。EN: It"s like it"s getting worse; she"ll always have had you first.ZH: 这就像它越来越差 ;她会始终有了你第一次。EN: You know the hardest part of this is wanting the two of us to begin.ZH: 你知道的最难的部分,这就希望我们两人要开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它正在发生。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: I"m so anxious that I"m shaken, we"re so close to being together, boy I, have almost giving up on this before, but it"s worth it, if it is forever.ZH: 我是那么急我很震撼,我们是如此接近在一起,男孩一,已几乎放弃了在这之前,但它是值得的如果它是永远的。EN: Every night you stay with her.ZH: 每天晚上你陪伴她。EN: I pretend it doesn"t hurt cause the hardest part of this is wondering when all this is.ZH: 我假装它不伤害的最难的部分,这不知道,当这一切都是的原因。EN: It"s like it"s getting worse; she"ll always have had you first.ZH: 这就像它越来越差 ;她会始终有了你第一次。EN: You know the hardest part of this is wanting the two of us to begin.ZH: 你知道的最难的部分,这就希望我们两人要开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它是发生的事情。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: Like winter turns to summer, like night turns into day, been missing you like the dessert needs the rain, the hardest part of this is wanting, the two of us to begin.ZH: 像冬天翻到夏天,像夜变成天,一直缺少你喜欢甜点需要雨中,最难的这一部分想,我们两个人开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它正在发生。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: You gonna make it happen baby.ZH: 你会让它发生,宝贝。

mine bazzi歌曲的中英文翻译

I think I"m losing my mind我感觉快要陷入疯狂Trying to stay inside the lines尽量不要做出出格的举动It"s like I"m running in place就像是原地踏步How you keep staying the same?你怎么还能保持原样Baby, I, I guess I"m something different宝贝,我觉得我有了一些变化And I"m okay with that但我觉得还好I can"t fake no more smiles我无法强颜欢笑了That shit gon" drive me mad快要让陷入疯狂I"m focused on the future我着眼于未来Don"t care "bout nothin" else不在意其他事I"m better by myself我自己来就挺好I"m better by myself我能解决这些烦恼I don"t need no one else不需要其他人来帮我I"m better by myself我自己来就好Myself就好Don"t wanna answer questions不想要回答任何问题Just want your company就想要你陪着我It"s all good on the surface表面看上去风平浪静Show me what"s underneath不要掩藏你的内心I"m not concerned with drama我不关心这些闹剧I left that shit in school毕业之后就不吃这套I"m more concerned with commas我更关心物质生活Than keeping up with you然后紧接着就是你Keep that away from me不要跟我玩套路I put the Heisman up to bad energy我拒绝一切负能量No empathy, especially when the kid off Hennessy绝不同情,特别是那些扔下酒的那些孩子Fake friends to me make my mood go south like Tennessee表面兄弟让我心情像田纳西一样暴躁Make the fool come out like, "Who is he?"让那群傻瓜问出“他谁啊”I mean, I"m trying to tell y"all我意思是,我正打算告诉你I"m better by myself我自己来就挺好I"m better by myself我能解决这些烦恼I don"t need no one else求人不如求己I"m better by myself我自己来就好Myself就好I don"t know who to trust我不知道能相信谁These days everyone"s shady这些日子每个人都很可疑Fool me once, I"m on my own骗我一次,我就靠自己There is no second time, baby绝没有第二次了,宝贝儿That"s the shit I don"t like我最讨厌背叛了Please no yes, no maybes请绝不要,断绝可能What else?还有?I"m better by myself我自己来就挺好I"m better by myself我能解决这些烦恼I don"t need no one else求人不如求己I"m better by myself我自己来就好Myself我自己


英语中英译汉技巧以下浅谈英译汉的几点技巧。 第一,翻译时注意英文的句型,英文的句型一般来说有相应的中文译法。如It的句型的翻译: (1)It is+名词十从句: It is a fact that…事实是…… It is a question that………是个问题 It is good news that………是好消息 it is common knowledge………是常识 (2) It is+过去分词十从句: It is said that…据说…… It must be pointed out that…必须指出…… It is asserted that…有人主张…… It is supposed that…据推测…… It is believed that…据信…… It must be admitted that…必须承认…… It is reported that…据报道…… It will be seen from ii that…由此可见…… It has been proved that…已证明…… It is general1y considered that…人们普遍认为…… (3)It is+形容词十从句: It is necessary that…有必要…… It is likely that…很可能…… It is clear that…很清楚…… It is important that…重要的是…… (4) It+不及物动词十从句: It follows that…由此可见…… It happens that…碰巧…… It turned out that…结果是…… 第二,注意英语被动句的翻译。英文的被动句经常用汉语主动句表达,如:You are requested to give a performance 英文的被动句译成汉语的主动句:请你给我们表演一个节目。英文中被动意义也可以用汉语中含有主动意义的句子来表达。常译成“被”、“由”、“受”、“为…所”等等。例如:What is feared as failure in American society is,above all,loneliness.(在美国社会中作为失败而为人们所恐惧的,莫过于孤独了。) 第三,注意长句的翻译。首先不要被长句吓住,即使是很长的句子,也是由最基本的成分组成。分析句子的基本成分,主语、谓语、宾语、状语。抓住主干部分,然后逐次分析各词意思以及相互间的逻辑、语法关系,再进行翻译。值得注意的是关系分句的翻译。关系分句主要功能是作名词(词组)的后置修饰语(即定语),但除作名词修饰语外,关系分句还可起其他作用,比如起状语分句和并列分句的作用,因此译成汉语时要注意,限定性关系分句翻译时因为英文置于名词后,汉语则将其置于先行项(antecedent)的前边,使其译成带有“的”字的定语句子,如:I want a wife who will work and send me to school.(我想要个既能工作又能送我上学的老婆)。有的句子过长,前置会显得累赘,或不符合汉语的习惯,这样我们翻译时将从句后置,把它翻译成跟主句平行的并列句。如:I want a wife who will not trouble me with a wife"s duties but a1ways listens to me.(我想要个老婆,她不会以妻子的义务来打搅我,而是始终听命于我。) 非限制性关系分句和它的先行项之间有比较松散的关系。就其意义上来说,在句子中有时相当于二个并列分句,有时在语义上起状语分句的作用,翻译时可将其后置译成并列句,例如: The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow.(太阳温暖了大地,这才使植物有可能生长。)也可以完全脱离主句,译成独立句。如:She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.(她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。) Exercises: Put the following into Chinese: ①It is reported that they have found another star. ②It happens that I have my check-book with me. ③It is likely that he will succeed. ④It is a question that we arrive before l0 o"clock. ⑤She was advised to take the medicine。 ⑥she told me that a big reservoir was being built in her hometown. ⑦I"ll never forget the day when l came to the University. ⑧Yesterday I saw a wonderful film, which was about World War II. Key to the exercises: ①据报道,他们又发现了一颗星。 ②碰巧我带着支票簿。 ③很可能他将成功。 ④我们必须十点钟前到达是个问题。 ⑤她被劝告吃药。 ⑤她告诉我她的家乡正在建造一个大型水库。 ⑦我将永远不会忘记我来这所大学的那一天。 ⑧昨晚我看了一部精彩的电影,是关于二次世界大战的。



求迈克尔杰克逊《forever Michael》专辑的所有歌曲的中英文翻译歌词

  <<Billie Jean>> :    She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene 她就像银幕上的绝代佳人   I Said Don"t Mind 我说“好吧,   But What Do You Mean I Am The One 但为什么偏偏选中我   Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 与你共舞?   She Said I Am The One 她却只说,   Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 要我伴她共舞 《Billie Jean》歌词  [2nd Verse]   She Told Me Her Name Was Billie Jean 她说她叫比利·金   As She Caused A Scene 美丽得   Then Every Head Turned With Eyes 令每个男人侧目   That Dreamed Of Being The One 梦想自己   Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round 能与之共舞   [Bridge]   People Always Told Me 人们总是告诫我   Be Careful Of What You Do 要小心你的所为   And Don"t Go Around 不要到处花心   Breaking Young Girls" Hearts 去伤害姑娘们的感情   And Mother Always Told Me 而且妈妈总是告诫我   Be Careful Of Who You Love 要小心你的所爱   And Be Careful Of What You Do 也要小心你的所为   "Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth 是因为谎言也可成真的   [Chorus]   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 比利·金不是我的爱人   She"s Just A Girl 她只是个小女孩   Who Claims That I Am The One 她却坚称我脱不了关系   But The kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲   She Says I Am The One 她说我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲   [3rd Verse]   For Forty Days And Forty Nights 在这四十个日日夜夜   The Law Was On Her Side 法律与她同在   But Who Can Stand 但她的美丽   When She"s In Demand 没有谁能够抗拒   Her Schemes And Plans 却只因一曲共舞   "Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round 我就落入了她的陷阱   So Take My Strong Advice 好好的接受我的劝告   Just Remember To Always Think Twice 永远记得要三思而行   (Do Think Twice) (定要三思而行) Michael Jackson  [4th Verse]   She Told My Baby We Dance ‘Till Three 跳舞到深夜时她告诉了我我的孩子   As She Looked At Me 她望着我   Then Showed A Photo 还出示了一张我孩子的照片   My Baby Cries 他在哭   His Eyes Were Like Mine 他的眼睛与我相似   ‘Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round, Baby 只因我曾和她共舞   [Bridge]   People Always Told Me 人们总是告诫我   Be Careful Of What You Do 要小心你的所为   And Don"t Go Around 不要到处花心   Breaking Young Girls" Hearts 去伤害姑娘们的感情   But She Came And Stood Right By Me 她满身香气,   Just The Smell Of Sweet Perfume 来到我跟前   This Happened Much Too Soon 一切发生得太突然   She Called Me To Her Room 她唤我入她的房间   [Chorus]   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover但是比利·金不是我的爱人   She"s Just A Girl 她只是一个小女孩   Who Claims That I Am The One 她却坚称我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover但是比利·金不是我的爱人   She"s Just A Girl 她只是一个小女孩   Who Claims That I Am The One 她却坚称我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲   She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲   She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover但是比利·金不是我的爱人   She"s Just A Girl 她只是一个小女孩   Who Claims That I Am The One 她却坚称我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 可我真不是孩子的父亲   She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了关系   But The Kid Is Not My Son 但我真不是那孩子的父亲 Michael Jackson  She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了关系   She Says He Is My Son 她说我是那孩子的父亲   She Says I Am The One, 她说我脱不了关系   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人   Billie Jean Is Not My Lover 但是比利·金不是我的爱人  <<The Way You Make Me Feel>>: Go on, girl   Hey pretty baby with the high heels on 啊,穿高跟鞋的漂亮的女孩   You give me fever like I"ve never ever known 从未有人如此撩动我的情怀   You"re just a product of loveliness 你就是美丽的化身   I like the groove of your walk 我喜欢你的言谈举止   Your talk, your dress 喜欢你的装扮  I feel your fever from miles around 远远都能感受到你的魔力   I"ll pick you up in my car 我要接你外出兜风   And we"ll paint the town 我俩将让整个城镇焕发光彩   Just kiss me, baby 亲亲我,宝贝   And tell me twice 再多告诉我一遍   That you"re the one for me 你是我的唯一爱人   The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉   (The way you make me feel)   You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐   (You really turn me on)   You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷   (You knock me off of my feet)   My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返   (My lonely days are gone)   I like this feeling you"re giving me 我喜欢你给我的感觉   Just hold me, baby 就这样抱着我   And I"m in ecstasy 我已心醉神怡   Oh, I"ll be working from 9 to 5 我要努力工作   To buy you things 给你买想要的东西   To keep you by my side 让你不肯远离   I never felt so in love before 我从未如此深陷爱河  Just promise, baby 答应我,宝贝   You"ll love me forever more 你会永远永远爱我   I swear I"m keeping you satisfied 我保证会让你幸福快乐   "Cause you"re the one for me 因为你是我的唯一爱人   The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉   (The way you make me feel)   You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐   (You really turn me on)   You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷   (You knock me off of my feet)   My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返   (My lonely days are gone)   Ain"t nobody‘s business 还不强烈   But my and my babys 除了我和我的宝贝   Come on girl 来吧 女孩   Go on girl 继续吧 女孩   Give it to me 和我欢乐   Give some time 给我些时间   Come on be my girl 来吧 做我的女孩   I wanna be with you mine 我想要你是我的   Ain"t nobody"s business 还不强烈   But my and my babys 除了我和我的宝贝   Come on girl Ooh 来吧 女孩 噢  <<black or white>>: Black Or White 是黑是白   I Took My Baby On A Saturday Bang 我带着宝贝在周末开车兜风  black or white MV截图(20张)  Boy Is That Girl With You 小伙子,这是你的姑娘?   Yes We"re One And The Same 是的,我们心心相印,合二为一   Now I Believe In Miracles 现在我相信奇迹   And A Miracle Has Happened Tonight 而今夜奇迹已经显现   But, If You"re Thinkin" About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘   It Don"t Matter If You"re Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系   They Print My Message In The Saturday Sun 他们把我的消息印在周末《太阳报》上   I Had To Tell Them I Ain"t Second To None 我不得不告诉他们我不是王   And I Told About Equality And It"s True 我坚信人人平等   Either You"re Wrong Or You"re Right 无论你是对是错都改变不了这个真理   But, If You"re Thinkin" About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘   It Don"t Matter If You"re Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系   I Am Tired Of This Devil 我厌倦了这样的谬误   I Am Tired Of This Stuff 我厌倦了这样的素材   I Am Tired Of This Business 我厌倦了这些事情   Sew When The Going Gets Rough只到亡羊才去补牢   I Ain"t Scared Of Your Brother 我不怕你的哥们   I Ain"t Scared Of No Sheets 我不怕小报绯闻   I Ain"t Scared Of Anybody 我不怕任何人   Girl When The Goin" Gets Mean 宝贝,只要一切有意义   [L. T. B.说唱]   Protection For Gangs, Clubs And Nations 帮派、社团、民族各自为政   Causing Grief In Human Relations 人际关系不断遭到创伤   It"s A Turf War On A Global Scale这是世界级别的区域大战   I"d Rather Hear Both Sides Of The Tale 我宁可兼听双方   See, It"s Not About Races 无关于种族   Just Places Faces 只关于面孔和地方   Where Your Blood Comes From 要知道你的血缘   Is Where Your Space Is 要清楚你的位置   I"ve Seen The Bright Get Duller 我看见光明正在黯淡   I"m Not Going To Spend My Life Being A Color 我这辈子不是为了某种肤色而活   [Michael]   Don"t Tell Me You Agree With Me 不要说你同意我的言论   When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye 当你还在我的面前恶意中伤   But, If You"re Thinkin" About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘   It Don"t Matter If You"re Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系   I Said If You"re Thinkin" Of Being My Baby 我说如果你想成为我的宝贝   It Don"t Matter If You"re Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系   I Said If You"re Thinkin" Of Being My Brother 我说如果你想成为我的兄弟   It Don"t Matter If You"re Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系   All right 好吧   Come on 来吧   Ooh Ooh 噢噢   All right 好吧   Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊   All right 好吧   Come on 来吧   Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊   All right 好吧   It"s Black,it"s White 这是黑,这是白   It"s Tough For you to be 这你很难决定   Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊   It"s Black,it"s White 这是黑,这是白   All right 好吧   It"s Black,it"s White 这是黑,这是白   It"s Tough For you to be 这你很难决定   Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊   It"s Black,it"s White 这是黑,这是白  <<Rock With You>>: Girl, Close Your Eyes 女孩啊,闭上眼睛   Let That Rhythm Get Into You 让节奏与你融为一体   Don"t Try To Fight It 不要试图抗拒   There Ain"t Nothin" That You Can Do 因为你无法抵挡   Relax Your Mind 放松心情   Lay Back And Groove With Mine ;跟着我轻轻起舞  You Got To Feel That Heat 快去感受那份兴奋   And We Can Ride The Boogie 这样我们才能继续摇摆   Share That Beat Of Love 分享那爱的节拍   [Chorus]  I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)   Dance You Into Day (Sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(阳光万丈)   I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)   We"re Gonna Rock The Night Away 我们将彻夜狂欢   [2nd Verse]   Out On The Floor 舞池之上   There Ain"t Nobody There But Us 只有我俩   Girl, When You Dance 女孩啊,当你起舞之时   There"s A Magic That Must Be Love 神奇的爱恋升华在我心间   Just Take It Slow 不要着急   "Cause We Got So Far To Go 我们的爱前程漫漫   When You Feel That Heat 快去感受那份兴奋   And We"re Gonna Ride The Boogie 这样我们才能继续摇摆   Share That Beat Of Love 分享那爱的节拍   [Chorus]   I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)   Dance You Into Day (Sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(阳光万丈)   I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)   We"re Gonna Rock The Night Away 我们将彻夜狂欢  [Bridge]   And When The Groove Is Dead And Gone (Yeah) 哪怕舞曲随风逝去   You Know That Love Survives 但你知道,只要爱在心中幸存   So We Can Rock Forever, On 我们就能继续摇摆,直到永远   [Refrain]   I Wanna Rock With You 我要与你共舞   I Wanna Groove With You 我要与你摇摆   I Wanna Rock With You 我要与你共舞   I Wanna Groove With You 我要与你摇摆  <<She"s Out Of My Life>>:She"s Out Of My Life 她离开了我   She"s Out Of My Life 她离开了我   And I Don"t Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry 我不知是该哭还是笑   I Don"t Know Whether To Live Or Die 该生存下去还是完结   And It Cuts Like A Knife 痛到深处仿如刀割   She"s Out Of My Life 她已离我而去  It"s Out Of My Hands 爱离开了我   It"s Out Of My Hands 爱离开了我   To Think For Two Years She Was Here 回想两年前她在我身边的时候   And I Took Her For Granted I Was So Cavalier 我满不在乎地对待她   Now The Way That It Stands 多么自以为是   She"s Out Of My Hands 她离开了我   So I"ve Learned That Love"s Not Possession 现在我已经懂得爱不是占有   And I"ve Learned That Love Won"t Wait 已经懂得爱不容久等   Now I"ve Learned That Love Needs Expression 已经懂得爱需要表达   But I Learned Too Late 但我懂得的太晚   She"s Out Of My Life 她离开了我   She"s Out Of My Life 她离开了我   Damned Indecision And Cursed Pride 该死的优柔寡断和邪恶的骄傲   Kept My Love For Her Locked Deep Inside 把我的一往情深深锁心底   And It Cuts Like A Knife 仿佛一把利刀直刺心窝   She"s Out Of My Life 她已离我而去  <<bad>>:your butt is mine 我清楚你的一切   I Gonna tell you right 我要教训你一顿   Just show your face 快在众人面前   In broad daylight 显露你的真样   I"m telling you 我要告诉你   On how I feel 我的感觉   Gonna Hurt Your Mind 这会伤害你   Don"t shoot to kill 别气得发狂   Come on 来吧   Come on 来吧   Lay it on me 都算在我头上   All right 怎么样?   I"m giving you 等我   On count of three 数到三   To show your stuff 你就得表现给我看   Or let it be 要么就滚蛋   I"m telling you 我告诉你   Just watch your mouth 说话要留神   I know your game 我了解你的把戏   What you"re about 你的为人   Well they say the sky"s the limit 他们说天空有极限   And to me that"s really true 对此我确信无疑   But my friend you have seen nothin" 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见   Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息   Because I"m bad, I"m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒   Come on   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   You know I"m bad, I"m bad   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   You know it 你清楚   You know I"m bad, I"m bad   Come on, you know 你了解   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   And the whole world 整个世界必须   Has to answer right now 马上给出答案   Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次   Who"s bad 谁才是真棒?   The word is out 话已出口   You"re doin" wrong 你正在做错事   Gonna lock you up 得治治你   Before too long 趁不太晚   Your lyin" eyes 你撒谎的眼睛   Gonna tell you right 暴露了你自己   So listen up 所以听仔细   Don"t make a fight 别气得来打一仗   Your talk is cheap 你的话语不值钱   You"re not a man 你不是一个男子汉   Your throwin" stones 做事不敢认   To hide your hands 还在装蒜   Well they say the sky"s the limit 他们说天空有极限   And to me that"s really true 对此我确信无疑   But my friend you have seen nothin" 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见   Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息   Because I"m bad, I"m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒   Come on   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   You know I"m bad, I"m bad   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   You know it 你清楚   You know I"m bad, I"m bad   Come on, you know 你了解   (Bad, bad, really, really bad)   And the whole world 整个世界必须   Has to answer right now 马上给出答案   Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次   Who"s bad 谁才是真棒?   We could change the world tomorrow 我们明天可以让世界改观   This could be a better place 一切都将会不一样   If you don"t like what I"m sayin" 但如果你不喜欢我的言谈   Then won"t you slap my face 为什么却不敢来向我挑战   Because I"m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒

sunshine in the rain中英文翻译



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