barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 04:13:59





比较级: hungrier 最高级: hungriest



Is anyone getting hungry?



We were hungry and thirsty.



There"s a yogurt left if you"re still hungry.



Being hungry for the whole morning, I couldn"t help cramming myself.



Tom was really hungry and ate up everything served.



应该是 肚子饿



"hungry"是一个英语单词,表示“饥饿”的意思,具体中文解释如下:1、食物不足造成的生理需求这个意思通常用于描述一种身体感受,因为长时间不吃东西而产生的饿感。例如:I skipped breakfast this morning and now I feel really hungry.(今天早上我没吃早餐,现在我觉得非常饿。)After hiking all day, we were too hungry to wait for the food to cook.(整整一天徒步旅行后,我们太饿了,等不及食物煮熟了。)2、热望的渴求,对某个事物或情境的强烈渴求。这个意思则用来表示一种更加抽象的欲望,通常与非生理需求相关,但表达出了一种渴求的状态。例如:She is hungry for success and will do anything to achieve it. (她渴望成功并且会为之不择手段)Our team is hungry for victory after losing the championship last year. (去年错失冠军后,我们的团队渴望胜利)需要注意的是,“hungry”这个词的基本含义都是关于食物补给的身体反应,而使用时也常用于类比性的想象引申为对其他东西的渴求状态。
2023-07-22 17:29:311


2023-07-22 17:31:311


2023-07-22 17:31:469


hungry的副词形式是hungrily。 hungry: adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民; 比较级: hungrier最高级: hungriest 扩展资料   There"s a yogurt left if you"re still hungry.   如果你还饿的.话,还有一份酸奶。   The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.   食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。   You must be hungry after all that walking.   走了这么远的路,你一定饿了吧。   Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year"s harvest.   由于今年粮食歉收,成千上万的人在挨饿。
2023-07-22 17:32:131


hungry 为一般用语, 指“饥饿的”、“显出饥饿样子的”, 如:The boy had a hungry look.那孩子显出饥饿的样子。
2023-07-22 17:32:332


I am hungry
2023-07-22 17:33:245


他是形容词,没有进行时,只有动词才能有进行时,I am hungry 就表示现在的状态
2023-07-22 17:33:391


hungry英 [u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美 [u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]adj.饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的;[网络]饥饿; 饿的; 饿;[例句]The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors.饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。[其他]比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest 形近词: hangry
2023-07-22 17:34:021


hungry的含义是饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的;读音是:英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]。基本字义hungry英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]adj.饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest双语例句1.My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。2.Leonidas "family had been poor, he went hungry for years.利奥尼达斯家曾经很穷,他有很多年都吃不饱肚子。3.Susan was certainly hungry for a life different from the one she had made for herself.苏珊无疑一心想过一种和现在不同的生活。4.She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。5.I left Oxford in 1961 hungry to be a critic.我于1961年离开牛津,渴望成为一名评论家。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-07-22 17:34:121

hungry英语怎么读 hungry是什么意思

1、hungry读音:英[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri],美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]。 2、释义:adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民。 3、例句:Come on now. You know you must be hungry. 来吧,你肯定已经饿了。
2023-07-22 17:34:401


hungry的英语读音为【u02c8hu028cu014bɡri】。一、释义形容词:感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民;使人饥饿的;渴望得到。二、例句1、If you don"t have breakfast, you will get hungry soon.如果你不吃早饭,你将会很快就感到饿的。2、She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。3、Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry.有幸成了富人的人有义务捐助忍饥挨饿的人。4、The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。5、This is a word to use when youre feeling very hungry so hungry your stomach is growling.当你感到非常饿的时候就可以用这个词如此饿以至于你的胃开始咆哮。
2023-07-22 17:34:591


I am hungry英文发音:[aɪ əm ˈhʌŋɡri]中文释义:我饿了;我饿;半夏锺例句:I did not eat breakfast in the morning, so I am hungry now.如果我早上吃了,那么我现在就不饿了。词汇解析:hungry英文发音:["hʌŋgrɪ]中文释义:adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的例句:They brought her meat so that she never went hungry.他们给她带来了肉,这样她就再也不用挨饿了。扩展资料hungry的同根词:1、hungrily英文发音:["hʌŋgrili]中文释义:adv. 饥饿地;渴望地例句:He hungrily began eating the food.他太饿了,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。2、hunger英文发音:["hʌŋgə]中文释义:n. 饿,饥饿;渴望例句:Hunger is the body"s signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.饥饿感是体内发出的血糖浓度太低的信号。
2023-07-22 17:35:381


2023-07-22 17:36:5810

hungry 翻译成中文

2023-07-22 17:37:303


hungry 英[u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri] adj. 饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的; [例句]My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。[其他] 比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest
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2023-07-22 17:38:097


hungry的副词是hungrilyhungrily 英["hu028cu014bɡru0259lu026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡru026alu026a]adv. 饥饿地; 渴望地,贪婪地;[例句]I chomped hungrily through the large steak我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。
2023-07-22 17:38:502

i am hungry怎么回答

Would you like some food? You should find yourself something to eat.You should cook yourself a dinner/lunch/breakfast.
2023-07-22 17:39:005


hungry是饿 对应是饱 full
2023-07-22 17:39:171


hungry 是形容词,故没有ing形式。祝你学习进步!别忘了采纳,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-07-22 17:39:242


2023-07-22 17:39:321


hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物
2023-07-22 17:39:521


2023-07-22 17:40:0011


hungry和hunger的含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。hunger的基本意思是“饿,饥饿”,指由于没有食物充饥而感到腹中难受。hunger是抽象名词,不可数,一般不受数词或不定冠词a修饰,也没有复数形式,表示一个具体的欲望时,其后常接介词for。hunger还可指“欲望”,指得到或拥有某物的想法十分强烈。hunger作动词时的意思是“(使)饥饿”,指渴望食物以满足急切的营养需要,或者指要求一种特定的食物使口味得到满足。引申则可表示“渴望”。 hungry的基本意思是“饥饿的”,指由于缺乏食物而感觉腹中饥饿。hungry还可用来指“渴望的”,指某人对某物充满了向往,十分想要得到。go hungry的意思是“挨饿”,而不是“感觉饿了”。 Hunger gives relish to simple food. 肚子饿时吃什么都香。 The smell of bread beckoned the hungry boy. 面包香味吸引著那个饥饿的男孩。
2023-07-22 17:40:241

hungry 和starving 都是形容词,都有饿的意思,有什么不一样?

2023-07-22 17:40:333

hungry 对应词

2023-07-22 17:40:412


hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物
2023-07-22 17:40:482


“我饿了”英语:I am hungry.“我饿了”除了hungry,英语里有很多非常地道的表达方式。【be starving】starve作为动词,是饥饿,饿死的意思,to be starving 表示非常饿,是口语中非常实用的表达方式,如果后面再加上 to death 则表示饿得要死啦。I"m starving. I really need to grab something to eat.我快饿死了,我真的要吃点东西了。Honey, is lunch ready? I"m starving to death!亲爱的,午饭好了吗?我饿的要命啊。━━━━━【could eat a horse/ox】字面是饿的可以把整匹马/整头牛给吃下去,当然并不是真的要吃下整匹马整头牛,在此是形容特别饿,饿得不行,得要吃东西的意思。√ Oh man, I"m so hungry that I could eat a horse/ox.√ 嘿哥儿们,我饿得能吃下整匹马/整头牛了。√ You know what. I"m so hungry that I could eat a horse/ox.√ 你造吗?我饿得发慌了。━━━━━【be growling】growl的本意是咆哮,be growling形容胃在咆哮,也就是说胃早就饿得咕咕响了。√ My stomach is growling. I gotta get something to eat.√ 我肚子饿得咕咕叫,得要吃东西啦。注意,growling读作["ɡrauliu014b]━━━━━【have a wolf in my stomach】我胃里有只饿狼?不是哦,千万不要逐字翻译英文句子,这是说你胃空空荡荡的,恨不得马上就要如狼似虎地进行狼吞虎咽了。√ I haven"t had anything since this morning. I have a wolf in my stomach.√ 打从早上开始我就啥也没吃,我饿得不行了/ 我快饿坏了~
2023-07-22 17:40:581

英语iam hungry是什么意思

他的意思是 我饿了
2023-07-22 17:41:252


2个音节 HUNG /RY 你们老师分错了。看音标分音节很好分.
2023-07-22 17:41:393


2023-07-22 17:41:462


「我很饿、饥饿」英文 除了Hungry,你还可以怎么说?当你很饥饿的时候,你可能会说I"m hungry. 这是很基本、常见的说法。本篇文章要教学更多各种用英文表达你很饿的意思,下次你就能换换说法啦! 下面教学各种用英文表达「我很饿」的方式。 表达我很饿、我饿了、饥饿的英文句子 1.I need food! 我需要食物 这是很直接了当的说法,告诉别人你需要来点食物,你饿了。 2.I"m peckish. 我有点饿了 peckish 是指有点饿了的意思,而不是指那种饥肠辘辘的意思喔。 例: She was feeling a bit peckish . 她感到有点饿。 3.I"m famished! 非常饥饿的、饥肠辘辘的 famished 是指非常饥饿的意思。 例: What"s for dinner? I"m absolutely famished. 晚餐吃什么,我超饿的。 4.I"m starving! 快饿死的 starving 是指正在挨饿的意思,甚至是饿到快死了的那种状态。不知道你有没有过那种,晚餐没吃饱,然后半夜饿到睡不着的那种状态,大概就是类似那个意思。 例: Isn"t lunch ready yet? I"m starving. 午餐还没好吗?我快饿死了。 5.I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 Freaking 是用来表示加强语气的意思,类似I"m *** ing hungry! 例: I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 6.My stomach is growling. 我的胃在叫了 我们都知道,当你非常饿的时候,胃就会开始发出声音,用来表示你需要吃点东西啦。 7.I"m ravenous. 我超饿的 ravenous 一样是指超饿的意思。 例: I"m ravenous – where"s supper? 我饿坏了——晚饭在哪里? 例: Where"s dinner? I"m ravenous! 晚餐在哪,我超饿的。 好饿 英文, 我很饿 英文, 超饿 英文, 饥肠辘辘 英文, 饥饿 英文, 饿了 英文, 饿死 英文
2023-07-22 17:41:531


2023-07-22 17:42:274


hungry and thirsty
2023-07-22 17:42:352


2023-07-22 17:43:127


2023-07-22 17:36:241


2023-07-22 17:36:242


today, i went to the park with my mom. it is a very beautiful park. mom took many pictures for me. we enjoyed the time very muchI went to play basketball with my classmates today. it is very interesting. we played very well. today, i went to my grandparents" home. they were very happy to see me. we had dinner together. grandma made dumplings for me. it is yummy. today, I mad a snowman in my yard. he had a carrot nose and bottle cat. many people said he is cute. what a interesting day
2023-07-22 17:36:304

Lollipop Candy □ BAD □ girl [album version] 歌词

歌曲名:Lollipop Candy □ BAD □ girl [album version]歌手:Tommy heavenly6专辑:Heavy Starry HeavenlyLollipop Candy BAD girl(album version)Tommy heavenly6Let"s praise a beautiful night!Scary horse riding knightHe"s running around the town“Smiling!”Giving “Knock Down!”Everyone! Scream and Cry out!I heard the “Vampire"s shout”I wanna dance in the floor!Someone! please open the door!!Everlasting...蜘蛛の糸が络まる ガラスの指に长く手を伸ばしてくる悪魔のKissみたいにThe way to "Lollipop candy land"行こう riding "Pumpkin roller coaster"s"扉の向こうにあるものはいつだってすてきな景色The crystal "Lollipop candy land"歌う smiley lovely "Pumpkin monsters"お菓子を食べたなら Let"s become a“Lollipop Candy BAD girl”Get out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!なぜ邪魔するの?! これからなのに!!闭じ込めないで... 退屈なの!!!ふざけないでよHey baby Leave me aloneここから出してSomeone! please open my doorWhy do you confuse me?!重なり消えてゆく like a melty sugar cream暧昧な记忆が飞ぶ 天使の jump みたいにThe way to "Lollipop candy land"消えてしまう 明日が何もかもを饮み込む前にひとつだけ望みを闻いてThe crystal "Lollipop candy land踊りましょう Come closer...prince私が谁でも爱してたとえ天使でも悪魔でもGet out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!The way to "Lollipop candy land"この扉が闭じても 迎えにゆくわ いつかまた怖い梦で逢えますようにThe crystal "Lollipop candy land"夜が明けても すべてを忘れぬように打ち付けてその胸に埋めた十字架に...Get out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!My chocolate door closed againWhat"s the pain in my chest?!you know why?空しくなるよ... What"s my life...?so... don"t confuse me anymoreまた捕らわれたSometimes I don"t know about my self心を闭ざしてしまう Tears on my pillow...信じる自分を yeah 见失うけどIt"s not the end of the worldsomeday... my dream will come true
2023-07-22 17:36:301

Autumdivers的《Amend》 歌词

歌曲名:Amend歌手:Autumdivers专辑:AutumdiversTrey Songz - AmenYupp!I"m a give up my playa card, I"m a give up my playa card to love youIt"s over for me, it"s all you (Amenn...)Everything I ever wanted (yeah) between two people (yeah)Just a little bit like my mama, and no there"s no equal (yeah)"Are you good? "(yeah)"What you doing? " (yeah)And that"s what I"ll say girl if you call me, girl just call meAnd I"ll show you (yeah)I"d never thought I would feel ya" (yeah) quite like I doYou must be a super girl with super loveThat"s the super thruth (thruth... yeah)And now I"m in love with that candy, with that candy babyThe first time we had sex, it was better than loveThe second time we touched I knew I wasn"t giving you upThe third time I knew girl, I was feelin" something about youIt"s that candy, it"s that candyShawty it"s overAmen...OoohhhAmenAmen (Yupp!)Amen (it"s that candy, it"s that candy)Girl it"s overThe past is over, the past is over, the past is over (hoo)I used to crush a lotNow I"m sittin" back thinkin" "bout her(haha) And I"m really not knowin"Shawty got my heartYou know it ain"t stolenLong as the wind keeps blowin"I"ma keep knowin" where we goin from hereAlways used to say when I was younger(yeah)I"d find a girl (yeah)That"ll love meThat"ll think about meAnd share my world (yeah)So with every little thing we do (yeah)I knew it was youHow"d you find meHow"d I find youHow"d I find you (yeah)Forever we could last (yeah), all day (yeah)Ain"t no lyin" (no)No cheatin" (no)Woman, I want you to have my baby ay ayGirl it"s been a long timeAnd I want youSo I"ma leave it all behind (Ohhh)The first time we had sex, it was better than love (girl)The second time we touched I knew I wasn"t giving you upThe third time I knew girl, I was feelin" something about youIt"s that candy, your love suspensed meGotta say girl it"s a wrapAmen (Oohh)Amen Amen (Oohhh)Amen (I"m givin" up the game, I"m tired of playin")Amen (Wooo!)Amen Amen(listen uh) The past is over, the past is over, the past is over (hoo)I used to crush a lotNow I"m sittin" back thinkin" "bout her (Amen)The past is over, the past is over, the past is over (Amen)(hoo) I used to crush a lot (Amen)Now I"m sittin"n back thinkin" "bout her (Amen)Haha, Yupp!Changed my numbers up (Amen)You see we got the his or her bathroom, you know what I"m sayin" with the two sinks, haha (Amen)Amen, I had to kick the Pits out, know what I"m sayin (Amen)Haha, we brought the Yorkies in the house (Amen)And the Pits" is outside (Amen)Hahaa, AmenAmenAmenAmen
2023-07-22 17:36:371


1.I am not in E.B. white"s class as a writer or in my nerghbor"s lagne as a farmer but I"m getting by.1。我不束白色的阶级作为一个作家或在我的nerghbor的lagne农夫,但我要的。2.A gentle breeze swept the candian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house 2。微风掠过加拿大平原为我走出这栋两层小屋3.Peering out his door into the night , he recognizd the face of a trusted nerghbor 3。开门窥望的夜晚,他recognizd面对一个值得信赖的nerghbor4.While blacd conductors were often motiuated by their owe painful experiences, whiles were commonly driven by religious convictions 4。而黑色导线往往motiuated他们欠痛苦的经历,而往往是受宗教信仰5.Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars eleganthy built in so no one can pry the door open5。许多郊区的家庭有滑动玻璃门在他们的院子里,与钢筋eleganthy建在这样没有人能窥探把门打开6.In the letter to my grandmother, I reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell me the truth ,to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others 6。在给外祖母的信中,我提醒她,她用了种种方式教我如何告诉我真相,分享,和被宽恕和体谅别人7.A few years after George settled down in the small town, he became sick of the same old routine everyday7。几年之后,在这个小镇住了,他开始厌倦一成不变的生活可能有单词不准确...
2023-07-22 17:36:391


2023-07-22 17:36:391


Legal合法的怎么记?——《秒杀中高考单词》研习群②Brainstorm马老师在《秒杀中高考单词》研习群②中问:“legal怎么记?”记法一、leg是腿,al是后缀的。人正不怕影子歪,行得正,走得直,就是合法的。记法二、词根Leg=law ,单词legal=lawful。拓展1、legal 法律的;合法的;法定的;法律(上)的; 法定权利;依法必须登报的声明;拓展2、illegal 不合法的,违法的;违反规则的; 非法移民,非法劳工;间谍;拓展3、delegate 代表,代表团成员; 委派代表;授权给;[法律]债务转移;拓展4、relegate 使降级;使降职;转移;把…归类;拓展5、legislate 立法,制定法律;〈美〉以立法程序创立;拓展6、legislation 立法,制定法律;法律,法规;拓展7、legislature 立法机关;立法机构;立法部;(特指)州议会;拓展8、illegitimate 非婚生的,私生的;法律不容的;(指辩论等的结论)不合逻辑的; 非嫡出子;拓展9、illegitimacy 不法;私生;反常;不合逻辑;拓展10、legality 合法性;墨守法规;法律上的义务;阿晨老师评曰:脚杆(leg )扯不过大腿(thigh)。因为大腿(t+high)比较脚杆high,所以不要和 Legstrong或者Thigh 讲法律。八字衙门大打开,有理无钱莫进来。Leg是law要牢记,赢了官司输了财。
2023-07-22 17:36:141

im sure that in 2010 there will be robots in every house and office什么意思

i"m sure that in 2010 there will be robots in every house and office我相信在2010年机器人会走进每家每户以及每个每个 办公室.双语例句1I"m sure that"s what they told you. 我肯定他们是这么告诉你的。2I"m sure that John and Tom can be brought together. 我相信约翰和汤姆会言归于好。
2023-07-22 17:36:137

不好意思,请问谁有Tommy Heavenly6的Lollipop Candy■BAD■girl的歌词

  缩进去的部分是英文翻译,因为有几句不是英语。  Lollipop Candy BAD girl  Lyrics: Tommy heavenly6  Music: Lucy Hensonu30fbBrian Valetine  Romaji & English translation by: cori heavenly2  From the single Lollipop Candy BAD girl  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau266a  Really scary violet moon light  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLau266a  Are you ready to say?  “TRICK OR TREAT”  Let"s get dreamer"s high! "Baby"  Charming spider"s eyes…  …are watching you tonight  Singing for you "nau30fbnau30fbnau30fbnau266a"  Are you ready to meet?  Jumpin" "Pumpkin Monsters!"  kowai yume ga miremasu you ni  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  Let"s get dreamer"s high! "Baby"  Charming spider"s eyes…  …are watching you tonight  Singing for you "nau30fbnau30fbnau30fbnau266a"  Are you ready to meet?  Jumpin" "Pumpkin Monsters!"  So you can see a scary dream  Let"s get sugar high! "Baby"  Charming spider"s eyes…  …are watching you all night  Are you ready to say…?  “TRICK OR TREAT”  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa… ×2  It"s a magical party oh yeah  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa… ×2  It"s a magical party oh yeah  nigakute amai sore wa Delicious!  You"ll fall into "mysterious cake"  demo tabetara fushigi sugite  nakitaku naru  But you can"t stop  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa… ×2  It"s a magical party oh yeah  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa… ×2  It"s a magical party oh yeah  Bitter and sweet, it"s Delicious!  You"ll fall into "mysterious cake"  But if you eat it, it"s so mysterious  you"ll want to cry  But you can"t stop  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  My cake makes you  "Bigger" or "Smaller"  Out of control !!  dono okashi yori sore wa Delicious!  naitemo dame you can"t stop  kowakunai yo mou hitotsu ikaga?  tanoshii mysterious cake  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  It"s more delicious than any candy!  You can"t cry, you can"t stop  It"s not scary, how about another  fun, mysterious cake?  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  My cake makes you  "Good girl" or "Bad girl"  Out of control!!  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  It"s a Magical Halloween night!  "TRICK OR TREAT"  Let"s praise a beautiful night!  Scary horse riding knight  He"s running around the town  "Smiling!"  Giving "Knock Down!"  Everyone! Scream and Cry out!  I heard the "Vampire"s shout"  I wanna dance in the floor!  Someone! please open the door!!  Everlasting… kumo no ito ga  karamaru garasu no yubi ni  nagaku te wo nobashite kuru  akuma no Kiss mitai ni  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  Everlasting…  The string of the spider web  is entwined on the glass finger  Coming to me, stretching its hands out  Like a devil"s Kiss  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  yukou riding "Pumpkin roller coaster"  tobira no mukou ni aru mono wa  itsu datte suteki na keshiki  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  Let"s go riding on a "Pumpkin roller coaster"  The things on the other side of the door  are always a wonderful scene  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  utau smiley lovely "Pumpkin monsters"  okashi wo tabeta nara Let"s become a  "Lollipop Candy BAD girl"  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  The singing smiley lovely "Pumpkin monsters"  If you eat a candy, Let"s become a  "Lollipop Candy BAD girl"  * Get out of here! stay at Home  you know, It"s time to go to bed, OK?  Good girls! Hey Bad girls!  get together here! right now oh yeah!  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  It"s a magical party oh yeah  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  It"s a magical party oh yeah  sore wa kitto suteki na sekai  subete ga yume no you  hitome de ii kono 瞳(me) de mitai  demo DORESU ga nai no  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  It"s surely a wonderful world  where everything"s like a dream  A glance is fine, I want to see it with my eyes  But I don"t have a dress  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  I want to meet "Romantic Prince"  dakedo kyou mo orusuban yo  shikata nai no yeah... It"s OK  sou watashi ni aru no wa  kono misubarashii fuku dake  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  But I"m looking after the house today too  It can"t be helped, yeah... It"s OK  Yeah, the only things I have are  these shabby clothes  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  I know my dream will come true someday  Lau30fbLau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  Lau30fbLau30fbLa u266a  It"s OK, I know my dream will come true  naze jama suru no?! kore kara na noni!!  tojikomenaide... taikutsu na no!!!  fuzakenaide yo Hey baby Leave me alone  koko kara dashite  Someone! please open my door  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  Why are you bothering me?! From now on!!  Don"t shut me in... it"s boring!!!  Don"t fool around, Hey baby Leave me alone  Let me outta here  Someone! please open my door  Why do you confuse me?! kasanari  kiete yuku like a melty sugar cream  aimai na kioku ga tobu tenshi no jump mitai ni  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  Why do you confuse me?!  Overlapping and disappearing like a melty sugar cream  The vague memories fly like an angel"s jump  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  kiete shimau ashita ga  nanimokamo wo nomikomu mae ni  hitotsu dake nozomi wo kiite  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  Tomorrow will disappear  Before you drink everything up  Please listen to my only wish  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  odorimashou Come closer…prince  watashi ga dare demo ai shite  tatoe tenshi demo akuma demo  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  Come closer…prince, let"s dance  I love everyone  Angels and devils too  * repeat  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  kono tobira ga tojitemo  mukae ni yuku wa itsuka mata  kowai yume de aemasu you ni  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The way to "Lollipop candy land"  Even if you close the door  I will go and meet you someday again  so I can see you in a scary dream  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  yo ga aketemo subete wo  wasurenu you ni uchitsukete  sono mune ni umeta juujika ni...  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  The crystal "Lollipop candy land"  Even if dawn breaks  I will nail everything down on the cross I wear on my chest  so I won"t forget it  * repeat  My chocolate door closed again  What"s the pain in my chest?!  you know why?  munashiku naru yo... What"s my life...?  so… don"t confuse me anymore  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  My chocolate door closed again  What"s the pain in my chest?!  you know why?  I"m going to die... What"s my life...?  so… don"t confuse me anymore  mata torawareta Sometimes  I don"t know about my self  kokoro wo tozashite shimau Tears on my pillow…  shinjiru jibun wo yeah miushinau kedo  It"s not the end of the world  someday… my dream will come true  。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。。u30fb☆。u30fb☆u30fb。  I"m caught again. Sometimes  I don"t know about my self  My heart is closed up & there are tears on my pillow…  I"ve lost, yeah, the self I believed in,  But It"s not the end of the world  someday… my dream will come true
2023-07-22 17:36:121


2023-07-22 17:36:053

Lollipop Candy□BAD□girl 歌词

歌曲名:Lollipop Candy□BAD□girl歌手:Tommy heavenly6专辑:Gothic Melting Ice Cream"s Darkness“Nightmare”Lollipop Candy BAD girl(album version)Tommy heavenly6Let"s praise a beautiful night!Scary horse riding knightHe"s running around the town“Smiling!”Giving “Knock Down!”Everyone! Scream and Cry out!I heard the “Vampire"s shout”I wanna dance in the floor!Someone! please open the door!!Everlasting...蜘蛛の糸が络まる ガラスの指に长く手を伸ばしてくる悪魔のKissみたいにThe way to "Lollipop candy land"行こう riding "Pumpkin roller coaster"s"扉の向こうにあるものはいつだってすてきな景色The crystal "Lollipop candy land"歌う smiley lovely "Pumpkin monsters"お菓子を食べたなら Let"s become a“Lollipop Candy BAD girl”Get out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!なぜ邪魔するの?! これからなのに!!闭じ込めないで... 退屈なの!!!ふざけないでよHey baby Leave me aloneここから出してSomeone! please open my doorWhy do you confuse me?!重なり消えてゆく like a melty sugar cream暧昧な记忆が飞ぶ 天使の jump みたいにThe way to "Lollipop candy land"消えてしまう 明日が何もかもを饮み込む前にひとつだけ望みを闻いてThe crystal "Lollipop candy land踊りましょう Come closer...prince私が谁でも爱してたとえ天使でも悪魔でもGet out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!The way to "Lollipop candy land"この扉が闭じても 迎えにゆくわ いつかまた怖い梦で逢えますようにThe crystal "Lollipop candy land"夜が明けても すべてを忘れぬように打ち付けてその胸に埋めた十字架に...Get out of here! stay at Homeyou know, It"s time to go to Bed, OK?Good girls! Hey Bad girls!get together here! right now oh yeah!My chocolate door closed againWhat"s the pain in my chest?!you know why?空しくなるよ... What"s my life...?so... don"t confuse me anymoreまた捕らわれたSometimes I don"t know about my self心を闭ざしてしまう Tears on my pillow...信じる自分を yeah 见失うけどIt"s not the end of the worldsomeday... my dream will come true
2023-07-22 17:36:051

完形填空:My name is David.I live in a big house with my __1__.Our house__2_

答案:ADCAB BDBCA题目:完型填空 My name is David.I live in a big house with my 1.Our house 2 not near a city.It is twenty kilometres(公里)from the nearest city.There are 3 people in my family.I live with my parents,my two sisters and my brother.Our house has two floors.Where 4 a living room,four bedrooms,a dining room,a kitchen and:two bathrooms.I share a bedroom 5 my brother,Simon.Each of my two sisters 6 a bedroom.Our house has a big garden with lots of flowers.I like 7 in the garden with my brother and 8 .At weekends my school friends come to visit me.We play in the garden.9 it rains,we play in the room.Our house is a nice place to live in.I have 10 with my friends and family in our house.( ) B.families C.parents D.parent ( ) B.are C.has ( )3.A.four B.five C. six ( ) B.are C.has D.have ( )5.A.for B.with C.on ( )6.A.have B.has C.1ive D.with ( ) playing D.playing ( )8.A.sister B.sisters C.parent D.friend ( )9.A.But B.And C.When D.Then ( ) B.funs C.funny D.time
2023-07-22 17:36:041

大家看这个句子~有关name的用法 急~~~~!~~``

可以用被动翻译,也可以把to be省略。
2023-07-22 17:36:042